How to Use Win-Loss Analysis as a Sales Leader

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25.31 89.5199C14.63 90.5899 13.69 83.7099 14.75 77.5699C16.05 70.0599 20.92 62.0699 30.06 61.8099C32.25 61.8399 34.17 62.5699 35.23 63.5799C35.47 63.8099 35.86 63.7499 36 63.4499L36.98 61.7199C37.16 61.3999 37.11 60.9999 36.85 60.7499C34.87 58.8999 32.23 58.2999 30.71 58.0699C29.29 57.8599 27.46 57.6999 25.23 57.8399C14.86 58.5299 7.25001 65.6099 4.72001 71.3699C-1.78999 86.2299 7.27001 97.5099 21.91 95.5799C27.85 94.7999 33.14 91.6499 37.46 88.6099L37.56 88.4399L38.06 85.5299C38.06 85.3399 37.99 85.2099 37.81 85.2099H37.82L37.83 85.2199Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M49.04 26.92C49.11 26.79 49.23 26.67 49.36 26.6C57.09 24.46 58.54 22.81 58.93 20.97C59.3899 18.75 58.1599 18.02 56.0999 18.48C54.0399 18.93 50.8299 20.83 49.8499 25.22C47.9399 33.71 46.12 38.7 58.18 36.7C61.93 36.08 65.6799 33.97 69.7399 31.69C69.8099 31.62 69.8699 31.62 69.93 31.62C70.1199 31.62 70.31 31.75 70.25 31.94L69.75 34.74C69.75 34.74 69.68 34.87 69.62 34.93C62.95 40.2 57.04 42.04 50.38 41.91C44.41 41.72 36.95 39.81 36.86 32.81C36.81 28.83 37.66 24.9 41.49 20.86C45.03 17.12 49.6599 14.76 55.0999 13.84C62.0899 12.66 66.21 14.9 65.9 18.79C65.16 25.58 56.9199 27.59 49.0499 29.52C48.9199 29.52 48.74 29.23 48.74 29.04C48.74 28.6 48.9099 27.43 49.0499 26.92H49.04Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M106.51 34.7399C106.51 34.7399 106.44 34.8699 106.38 34.9299C101.75 39.5099 96.5599 41.7899 91.7999 41.7899C84.9399 41.7899 85.0999 37.3999 85.6699 34.2299L87.3199 23.6799C87.6399 19.8699 83.6099 21.0799 80.0499 23.7499L77.6199 37.6899C77.4899 38.4199 76.9599 39.0199 76.2399 39.1999L66.2099 41.8899C65.5299 42.0799 64.8999 41.4899 65.0199 40.7999L71.3899 4.47989C71.5199 3.74989 72.0499 3.16989 72.7699 2.96989L82.8299 0.219888C83.5099 0.0298877 84.1399 0.619888 84.0199 1.30989L80.7399 19.7999C85.4999 16.2399 89.6299 13.8299 94.0699 13.8299C100.86 13.8299 99.6999 20.4999 99.5099 22.7199L97.8099 32.4999C97.4999 34.2999 98.4199 34.6599 99.6299 34.6599C101.22 34.6599 104.71 33.0099 106.49 31.6699C106.56 31.5999 106.62 31.5999 106.68 31.5999C106.87 31.5999 107 31.7299 107 31.9199L106.5 34.7199H106.51V34.7399Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M156.18 31.78C156.18 31.78 156.05 31.78 155.99 31.85C154.16 33.18 151.44 34.82 149.86 34.82C148.65 34.82 147.79 34.26 148.02 32.78L150.06 21.5C150.58 18.48 152.09 13.88 145.26 13.88C140.91 13.88 136.05 16.27 131.33 19.8L132.27 14.44C132.39 13.75 131.75 13.17 131.08 13.35L121.1 16.03C120.38 16.23 119.84 16.81 119.72 17.54L115.57 41.06C115.45 41.75 116.09 42.33 116.76 42.15L126.74 39.47C127.46 39.27 128 38.69 128.12 37.96L130.63 23.71C132.99 22.3 138.14 18.91 137.83 22.69L135.96 33.32C135.48 36.05 135.36 41.69 142.2 41.69C146.88 41.69 151.26 39.62 155.88 35.07C155.95 35 156 34.94 156 34.88L156.44 32.09C156.51 31.9 156.37 31.77 156.19 31.77L156.18 31.78Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M121.39 32.2C121.39 32.2 121.26 32.2 121.2 32.27C119.37 33.6 116.65 35.24 115.07 35.24C113.86 35.24 113.04 34.42 113.49 31.83L116.45 14.93C116.57 14.24 115.93 13.66 115.26 13.84L105.28 16.52C104.56 16.72 104.02 17.3 103.9 18.03L101.47 31.88C100.71 36.18 101.28 41.68 107.48 41.68C112.18 41.68 116.5 40.02 121.13 35.43L121.2 35.3L121.64 32.51C121.71 32.32 121.57 32.19 121.39 32.19V32.2Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M28.0899 21.8399C31.7099 20.2499 34.7599 17.2599 35.3899 13.8399C35.9599 10.5999 35.2599 3.92993 23.7699 3.92993C19.4299 3.92993 14.4699 4.62993 6.74994 6.73993C6.21994 6.88993 5.80994 7.33993 5.69994 7.87993L0.0199434 40.2199C-0.110057 41.0199 0.399943 41.7699 1.19994 41.8899C6.22994 42.6499 14.6499 42.6299 19.1999 42.1699C30.0699 40.9599 34.1299 36.0799 35.1999 31.8199C36.4699 26.6199 32.7199 23.1199 28.0899 21.8399ZM23.2999 31.4599C22.2799 36.7699 19.9399 38.8999 12.3299 38.7699L14.7999 24.6899C20.4499 24.3699 24.3799 25.9599 23.3199 31.4599H23.3099H23.2999ZM24.8799 13.8399C24.1099 18.1599 21.3899 20.7699 15.4199 21.0799L17.7799 8.08993C23.4699 7.07993 25.7699 8.84993 24.8799 13.8299V13.8399Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M111.2 12.8699C114.43 12.8699 117.05 10.2499 117.05 7.01992C117.05 3.78992 114.43 1.16992 111.2 1.16992C107.97 1.16992 105.35 3.78992 105.35 7.01992C105.35 10.2499 107.97 12.8699 111.2 12.8699Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M171.73 19.3399C167.69 18.1399 163.91 21.4999 162.84 27.5799C161.77 33.6399 164.47 34.2499 165.4 34.4899C166.75 34.8499 168.09 34.1599 169.28 32.8599L171.73 19.3499V19.3399ZM187.41 36.0499C187.41 36.0499 187.34 36.1799 187.29 36.2399C184.81 39.5999 179.43 41.9399 175.36 41.9399C171.29 41.9399 169.61 40.2099 168.84 37.7999C168.12 39.6699 165.44 42.8899 159.59 42.0299C151.77 40.8899 150.46 33.7399 151.78 27.4699C153.95 18.1199 161.62 13.4299 172.3 16.0199L174.28 4.23995C174.41 3.50995 174.94 2.90995 175.67 2.70995L185.64 0.0299463C186.32 -0.160054 186.95 0.429946 186.83 1.11995L181.48 31.4199C181.04 34.0099 181.86 34.8299 183.06 34.8299C184.64 34.8299 185.59 34.32 187.42 32.9899C187.49 32.9199 187.55 32.9199 187.61 32.9199C187.8 32.9199 187.93 33.0499 187.86 33.2399L187.42 36.0299H187.39L187.41 36.0499Z" fill="black"/> 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144.83C102.63 145.09 101.71 144.26 101.89 143.26L105.68 121.71C105.81 120.98 106.34 120.38 107.06 120.2L117.04 117.52C117.72 117.33 118.35 117.92 118.23 118.61L117.61 122.19C120.4 119.6 124.47 116.86 128.08 117.18C128.33 117.18 128.26 117.3 128.26 117.5H128.25L128.24 117.49Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M63.98 119.62C68.52 122.82 71.44 124.65 76.09 121.85L73.5 125.55C71.75 125.98 68.26 126.72 67.84 125.17L63.98 119.62Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M93.76 125.96C99.25 125.24 104.06 127.39 105.59 122.18L106.19 126.65C105.19 128.15 101.72 128.27 100.35 127.42L93.76 125.95V125.96Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M25.89 106.42C25.17 106.39 24.21 106.38 23.66 106.42C18.71 106.71 14.53 107.1 6.99996 109.14C6.27996 109.34 5.73996 109.92 5.61996 110.65L0.259956 141.36C0.129956 142.05 0.0699558 142.57 0.329956 142.87C1.14996 144.13 2.76996 144.45 6.40996 144.52H8.01996C15.42 144.53 33.74 145.78 36.72 126.21C39.04 110.95 34.23 106.5 25.92 106.4H25.91L25.89 106.42ZM24.68 125.59C22.72 138.34 17.46 141.22 12.28 141.09L17.72 110.55C18.91 110.46 20.11 110.29 21.2 110.34C21.43 110.37 21.66 110.38 21.86 110.41C21.89 110.41 21.93 110.41 21.95 110.42C22.29 110.49 22.6 110.58 22.88 110.7C25.12 111.71 26.3 115.14 24.68 125.59Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M125.55 140.65C125.3 140.42 125.26 140.18 125.42 139.87L127.25 137.24C127.43 136.95 127.68 136.88 128.07 137.11C128.97 137.69 131.14 139.36 134.22 139.8C135.63 140 137.17 139.43 137.17 137.75C137.17 133.95 127.61 132.45 127.61 125.28C127.61 120.25 132.22 116.59 139.51 117.15C143.25 117.44 145.88 118.31 148.01 120.05C148.31 120.27 148.41 120.62 148.14 121.01L146.86 122.9C146.62 123.17 146.27 123.26 145.87 123.01C144.18 122.28 142.96 121.9 141.77 121.73C139.08 121.35 137.81 122.38 137.81 123.89C137.81 127.52 148.54 130.05 148.54 137.07C148.54 141.61 144.49 145.81 136.56 145.15C130.69 144.66 126.67 141.94 125.54 140.63L125.55 140.65Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M174.02 76.24V138.04H164.88C164.07 138.04 163.42 137.39 163.42 136.58V77.7C163.42 76.89 164.07 76.24 164.88 76.24H174.02ZM176.02 74.24H164.88C162.97 74.24 161.42 75.79 161.42 77.7V136.58C161.42 138.49 162.97 140.04 164.88 140.04H176.02V74.24Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M202.37 75.9699L175.81 69.2799C174.9 69.0499 174.03 69.7399 174.03 70.6699V143.46C174.03 144.39 174.9 145.07 175.81 144.85L202.37 138.32C203.01 138.16 203.46 137.59 203.46 136.93V77.3699C203.46 76.7099 203.01 76.1399 202.38 75.9799L202.37 75.9699ZM180.29 112.84C179.27 112.84 178.44 111.69 178.44 110.26C178.44 108.83 179.27 107.68 180.29 107.68C181.31 107.68 182.14 108.83 182.14 110.26C182.14 111.69 181.31 112.84 180.29 112.84Z" fill="white"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_11837_4962"> <rect width="203.45" height="145.23" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg></div><div class="behind-clozd-hover w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="204" height="146" viewBox="0 0 204 146" fill="none"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_11837_4934)"> <path d="M146 89.7699C146 89.7699 145.93 89.8999 145.88 89.9599C143.4 93.3199 138.02 95.6599 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69.0101 72.3203C66.0801 72.3203 65.1201 74.2003 63.7601 82.1803C62.5401 89.3703 62.6901 92.1003 65.4701 92.1003C68.2501 92.1003 69.3801 90.2203 70.7801 82.1803H70.7701Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M55.3699 85.4195C55.2399 85.4195 55.1799 85.4195 55.1199 85.4895C53.3599 86.8195 50.5699 88.4595 48.9899 88.4595C47.8799 88.4595 46.9699 87.7395 47.2299 86.1395L52.7399 54.8995C52.8599 54.2095 52.2199 53.6295 51.5499 53.8095L41.5699 56.4895C40.8499 56.6895 40.3099 57.2695 40.1899 57.9995L35.0999 87.1495C34.6499 91.1995 35.5399 95.6495 41.1799 95.6495C45.9199 95.6495 50.3999 93.2495 55.0199 88.6995C55.0899 88.6295 55.1499 88.5695 55.1499 88.5095L55.6499 85.7195C55.6499 85.5295 55.5199 85.3995 55.3999 85.3995H55.3899L55.3699 85.4195Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M107.67 89.3895C109.32 90.9695 108.68 94.1895 108.61 95.1495C108.61 95.6495 108.23 96.0895 107.54 95.8395C105.52 95.0195 101.98 94.9495 99.45 95.0795L89.14 95.6495H88.32C85.67 95.6495 83.45 95.2095 81.99 94.3195C81.23 93.8795 80.98 92.4895 80.98 91.0295L95.77 75.0995H84.64C84.45 75.0995 84.26 74.9695 84.26 74.7195L85.02 69.6695C85.02 69.4195 85.21 69.2295 85.4 69.2295H108.67C108.86 69.2295 109.06 69.4195 109.06 69.6695C109.06 73.2095 106.73 77.1295 104.76 79.2795L96.48 88.4495C97.05 88.3795 97.55 88.3195 97.99 88.2595C104 87.4995 106.27 88.0095 107.66 89.3995H107.67V89.3895Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M79.72 79.7802C79.75 79.6602 79.77 79.5902 79.84 79.5502C81.58 78.1702 84.27 74.7302 84.99 70.0102L91.2 69.7402C89.99 74.3302 88.57 76.9302 83 80.2502C82.92 80.2902 82.84 80.3402 82.79 80.3302L79.98 80.1202C79.79 80.0702 79.7 79.9202 79.74 79.8002V79.7702L79.72 79.7802Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M37.83 85.2199C37.83 85.2199 37.64 85.2899 37.58 85.2899C34.74 87.0499 29.93 89.0799 25.31 89.5199C14.63 90.5899 13.69 83.7099 14.75 77.5699C16.05 70.0599 20.92 62.0699 30.06 61.8099C32.25 61.8399 34.17 62.5699 35.23 63.5799C35.47 63.8099 35.86 63.7499 36 63.4499L36.98 61.7199C37.16 61.3999 37.11 60.9999 36.85 60.7499C34.87 58.8999 32.23 58.2999 30.71 58.0699C29.29 57.8599 27.46 57.6999 25.23 57.8399C14.86 58.5299 7.25001 65.6099 4.72001 71.3699C-1.78999 86.2299 7.27001 97.5099 21.91 95.5799C27.85 94.7999 33.14 91.6499 37.46 88.6099L37.56 88.4399L38.06 85.5299C38.06 85.3399 37.99 85.2099 37.81 85.2099H37.82L37.83 85.2199Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M49.04 26.9205C49.11 26.7905 49.23 26.6705 49.36 26.6005C57.09 24.4605 58.54 22.8105 58.93 20.9705C59.3899 18.7505 58.1599 18.0205 56.0999 18.4805C54.0399 18.9305 50.8299 20.8305 49.8499 25.2205C47.9399 33.7105 46.12 38.7005 58.18 36.7005C61.93 36.0805 65.6799 33.9705 69.7399 31.6905C69.8099 31.6205 69.8699 31.6205 69.93 31.6205C70.1199 31.6205 70.31 31.7505 70.25 31.9405L69.75 34.7405C69.75 34.7405 69.68 34.8705 69.62 34.9305C62.95 40.2005 57.04 42.0405 50.38 41.9105C44.41 41.7205 36.95 39.8105 36.86 32.8105C36.81 28.8305 37.66 24.9005 41.49 20.8605C45.03 17.1205 49.6599 14.7605 55.0999 13.8405C62.0899 12.6605 66.21 14.9005 65.9 18.7905C65.16 25.5805 56.9199 27.5905 49.0499 29.5205C48.9199 29.5205 48.74 29.2305 48.74 29.0405C48.74 28.6005 48.9099 27.4305 49.0499 26.9205H49.04Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M106.51 34.7406C106.51 34.7406 106.44 34.8706 106.38 34.9306C101.75 39.5106 96.5599 41.7906 91.7999 41.7906C84.9399 41.7906 85.0999 37.4006 85.6699 34.2306L87.3199 23.6806C87.6399 19.8706 83.6099 21.0806 80.0499 23.7506L77.6199 37.6906C77.4899 38.4206 76.9599 39.0206 76.2399 39.2006L66.2099 41.8906C65.5299 42.0806 64.8999 41.4906 65.0199 40.8006L71.3899 4.48062C71.5199 3.75062 72.0499 3.17062 72.7699 2.97062L82.8299 0.22062C83.5099 0.0306201 84.1399 0.62062 84.0199 1.31062L80.7399 19.8006C85.4999 16.2406 89.6299 13.8306 94.0699 13.8306C100.86 13.8306 99.6999 20.5006 99.5099 22.7206L97.8099 32.5006C97.4999 34.3006 98.4199 34.6606 99.6299 34.6606C101.22 34.6606 104.71 33.0106 106.49 31.6706C106.56 31.6006 106.62 31.6006 106.68 31.6006C106.87 31.6006 107 31.7306 107 31.9206L106.5 34.7206H106.51V34.7406Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M156.18 31.7805C156.18 31.7805 156.05 31.7805 155.99 31.8505C154.16 33.1805 151.44 34.8205 149.86 34.8205C148.65 34.8205 147.79 34.2605 148.02 32.7805L150.06 21.5005C150.58 18.4805 152.09 13.8805 145.26 13.8805C140.91 13.8805 136.05 16.2705 131.33 19.8005L132.27 14.4405C132.39 13.7505 131.75 13.1705 131.08 13.3505L121.1 16.0305C120.38 16.2305 119.84 16.8105 119.72 17.5405L115.57 41.0605C115.45 41.7505 116.09 42.3305 116.76 42.1505L126.74 39.4705C127.46 39.2705 128 38.6905 128.12 37.9605L130.63 23.7105C132.99 22.3005 138.14 18.9105 137.83 22.6905L135.96 33.3205C135.48 36.0505 135.36 41.6905 142.2 41.6905C146.88 41.6905 151.26 39.6205 155.88 35.0705C155.95 35.0005 156 34.9405 156 34.8805L156.44 32.0905C156.51 31.9005 156.37 31.7705 156.19 31.7705L156.18 31.7805Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M121.39 32.1998C121.39 32.1998 121.26 32.1998 121.2 32.2698C119.37 33.5998 116.65 35.2398 115.07 35.2398C113.86 35.2398 113.04 34.4198 113.49 31.8298L116.45 14.9298C116.57 14.2398 115.93 13.6598 115.26 13.8398L105.28 16.5198C104.56 16.7198 104.02 17.2998 103.9 18.0298L101.47 31.8798C100.71 36.1798 101.28 41.6798 107.48 41.6798C112.18 41.6798 116.5 40.0198 121.13 35.4298L121.2 35.2998L121.64 32.5098C121.71 32.3198 121.57 32.1898 121.39 32.1898V32.1998Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M28.0899 21.8407C31.7099 20.2507 34.7599 17.2607 35.3899 13.8407C35.9599 10.6007 35.2599 3.93066 23.7699 3.93066C19.4299 3.93066 14.4699 4.63066 6.74994 6.74066C6.21994 6.89066 5.80994 7.34066 5.69994 7.88066L0.0199434 40.2207C-0.110057 41.0207 0.399943 41.7707 1.19994 41.8907C6.22994 42.6507 14.6499 42.6307 19.1999 42.1707C30.0699 40.9607 34.1299 36.0807 35.1999 31.8207C36.4699 26.6207 32.7199 23.1207 28.0899 21.8407ZM23.2999 31.4607C22.2799 36.7707 19.9399 38.9007 12.3299 38.7707L14.7999 24.6907C20.4499 24.3707 24.3799 25.9607 23.3199 31.4607H23.3099H23.2999ZM24.8799 13.8407C24.1099 18.1607 21.3899 20.7707 15.4199 21.0807L17.7799 8.09066C23.4699 7.08066 25.7699 8.85066 24.8799 13.8307V13.8407Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M111.2 12.8699C114.43 12.8699 117.05 10.2499 117.05 7.01992C117.05 3.78992 114.43 1.16992 111.2 1.16992C107.97 1.16992 105.35 3.78992 105.35 7.01992C105.35 10.2499 107.97 12.8699 111.2 12.8699Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M171.73 19.3402C167.69 18.1402 163.91 21.5002 162.84 27.5802C161.77 33.6402 164.47 34.2502 165.4 34.4902C166.75 34.8502 168.09 34.1602 169.28 32.8602L171.73 19.3502V19.3402ZM187.41 36.0502C187.41 36.0502 187.34 36.1802 187.29 36.2402C184.81 39.6002 179.43 41.9402 175.36 41.9402C171.29 41.9402 169.61 40.2102 168.84 37.8002C168.12 39.6702 165.44 42.8902 159.59 42.0302C151.77 40.8902 150.46 33.7402 151.78 27.4702C153.95 18.1202 161.62 13.4302 172.3 16.0202L174.28 4.24019C174.41 3.51019 174.94 2.91019 175.67 2.71019L185.64 0.0301904C186.32 -0.15981 186.95 0.430191 186.83 1.12019L181.48 31.4202C181.04 34.0102 181.86 34.8302 183.06 34.8302C184.64 34.8302 185.59 34.3202 187.42 32.9902C187.49 32.9202 187.55 32.9202 187.61 32.9202C187.8 32.9202 187.93 33.0502 187.86 33.2402L187.42 36.0302H187.39L187.41 36.0502Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M101.87 130.8C100.54 138.32 93.98 144.45 84.78 144.45C73.4 144.45 69.55 138.32 70.88 130.8C72.21 123.28 77.37 117.15 88.75 117.15C100.13 117.15 103.2 123.28 101.87 130.8ZM89.88 130.8C91.11 123.73 91.05 120.94 88.12 120.94C85.19 120.94 84.23 122.82 82.87 130.8C81.65 137.99 81.8 140.72 84.58 140.72C87.36 140.72 88.49 138.84 89.89 130.8H89.88Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M69.3099 130.8C67.9799 138.32 61.42 144.45 52.22 144.45C40.84 144.45 36.99 138.32 38.32 130.8C39.65 123.28 44.81 117.15 56.19 117.15C67.57 117.15 70.6399 123.28 69.3099 130.8ZM57.32 130.8C58.55 123.73 58.49 120.94 55.56 120.94C52.63 120.94 51.67 122.82 50.31 130.8C49.09 137.99 49.24 140.72 52.02 140.72C54.8 140.72 55.93 138.84 57.33 130.8H57.32Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M128.24 117.49C127.55 119.45 125.27 124.63 125.08 125.08C124.83 125.46 124.7 125.65 124.32 125.52C121.6 124.7 118.07 125.9 117.57 126.22C117.07 126.54 116.75 127.16 116.56 127.98L114.36 140.5C114.2 141.42 113.52 142.15 112.64 142.4L103.61 144.83C102.63 145.09 101.71 144.26 101.89 143.26L105.68 121.71C105.81 120.98 106.34 120.38 107.06 120.2L117.04 117.52C117.72 117.33 118.35 117.92 118.23 118.61L117.61 122.19C120.4 119.6 124.47 116.86 128.08 117.18C128.33 117.18 128.26 117.3 128.26 117.5H128.25L128.24 117.49Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M63.98 119.62C68.52 122.82 71.44 124.65 76.09 121.85L73.5 125.55C71.75 125.98 68.26 126.72 67.84 125.17L63.98 119.62Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M93.76 125.96C99.25 125.24 104.06 127.39 105.59 122.18L106.19 126.65C105.19 128.15 101.72 128.27 100.35 127.42L93.76 125.95V125.96Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M25.89 106.42C25.17 106.39 24.21 106.38 23.66 106.42C18.71 106.71 14.53 107.1 6.99996 109.14C6.27996 109.34 5.73996 109.92 5.61996 110.65L0.259956 141.36C0.129956 142.05 0.0699558 142.57 0.329956 142.87C1.14996 144.13 2.76996 144.45 6.40996 144.52H8.01996C15.42 144.53 33.74 145.78 36.72 126.21C39.04 110.95 34.23 106.5 25.92 106.4H25.91L25.89 106.42ZM24.68 125.59C22.72 138.34 17.46 141.22 12.28 141.09L17.72 110.55C18.91 110.46 20.11 110.29 21.2 110.34C21.43 110.37 21.66 110.38 21.86 110.41C21.89 110.41 21.93 110.41 21.95 110.42C22.29 110.49 22.6 110.58 22.88 110.7C25.12 111.71 26.3 115.14 24.68 125.59Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M125.55 140.65C125.3 140.42 125.26 140.18 125.42 139.87L127.25 137.24C127.43 136.95 127.68 136.88 128.07 137.11C128.97 137.69 131.14 139.36 134.22 139.8C135.63 140 137.17 139.43 137.17 137.75C137.17 133.95 127.61 132.45 127.61 125.28C127.61 120.25 132.22 116.59 139.51 117.15C143.25 117.44 145.88 118.31 148.01 120.05C148.31 120.27 148.41 120.62 148.14 121.01L146.86 122.9C146.62 123.17 146.27 123.26 145.87 123.01C144.18 122.28 142.96 121.9 141.77 121.73C139.08 121.35 137.81 122.38 137.81 123.89C137.81 127.52 148.54 130.05 148.54 137.07C148.54 141.61 144.49 145.81 136.56 145.15C130.69 144.66 126.67 141.94 125.54 140.63L125.55 140.65Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M174.02 76.2402V138.04H164.88C164.07 138.04 163.42 137.39 163.42 136.58V77.7002C163.42 76.8902 164.07 76.2402 164.88 76.2402H174.02ZM176.02 74.2402H164.88C162.97 74.2402 161.42 75.7902 161.42 77.7002V136.58C161.42 138.49 162.97 140.04 164.88 140.04H176.02V74.2402Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M202.37 75.9699L175.81 69.2799C174.9 69.0499 174.03 69.7399 174.03 70.6699V143.46C174.03 144.39 174.9 145.07 175.81 144.85L202.37 138.32C203.01 138.16 203.46 137.59 203.46 136.93V77.3699C203.46 76.7099 203.01 76.1399 202.38 75.9799L202.37 75.9699ZM180.29 112.84C179.27 112.84 178.44 111.69 178.44 110.26C178.44 108.83 179.27 107.68 180.29 107.68C181.31 107.68 182.14 108.83 182.14 110.26C182.14 111.69 181.31 112.84 180.29 112.84Z" fill="white"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_11837_4934"> <rect width="203.45" height="145.23" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg></div></div><div class="clozd-door-arrow"><div class="webinar-watch-now">Watch now</div><div class="behind-arrow arrow-hover-2"><div class="code-embed-5 blue-demo w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="14" 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12.0962 8.75736 11.8033L13.5303 7.03033ZM1 7.25H13V5.75H1V7.25Z" fill="#fff"/> </svg></div></div></div></div><div class="db-resource-wrap"><div class="demo-head-wrap"><h1 class="right-head-title">Learn more about our innovative platform</h1></div><div class="db-wrap"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-453645"/><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="db-window-nav"/></div><div class="demo-nav"><div class="nav-txt"><div class="wla nav-txt-wrapper"><h1 class="demo-arrow-link">Book a demo</h1><div class="demo-arrow"><div class="code-embed-5 blue-demo resource-sec-arrow w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="14" height="13" viewBox="0 0 14 13" fill="none"> <path d="M1 5.75C0.585786 5.75 0.25 6.08579 0.25 6.5C0.25 6.91421 0.585786 7.25 1 7.25V5.75ZM13.5303 7.03033C13.8232 6.73744 13.8232 6.26256 13.5303 5.96967L8.75736 1.1967C8.46447 0.903806 7.98959 0.903806 7.6967 1.1967C7.40381 1.48959 7.40381 1.96447 7.6967 2.25736L11.9393 6.5L7.6967 10.7426C7.40381 11.0355 7.40381 11.5104 7.6967 11.8033C7.98959 12.0962 8.46447 12.0962 8.75736 11.8033L13.5303 7.03033ZM1 7.25H13V5.75H1V7.25Z" fill="#14A6F8"/> </svg></div><div class="code-embed-5 white-demo w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="14" height="13" viewBox="0 0 14 13" fill="none"> <path d="M1 5.75C0.585786 5.75 0.25 6.08579 0.25 6.5C0.25 6.91421 0.585786 7.25 1 7.25V5.75ZM13.5303 7.03033C13.8232 6.73744 13.8232 6.26256 13.5303 5.96967L8.75736 1.1967C8.46447 0.903806 7.98959 0.903806 7.6967 1.1967C7.40381 1.48959 7.40381 1.96447 7.6967 2.25736L11.9393 6.5L7.6967 10.7426C7.40381 11.0355 7.40381 11.5104 7.6967 11.8033C7.98959 12.0962 8.46447 12.0962 8.75736 11.8033L13.5303 7.03033ZM1 7.25H13V5.75H1V7.25Z" fill="#fff"/> </svg></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></a></div><a href="" class="link-block-52 w-inline-block"><div class="nav-item-bottom resources-center"><div class="wlw-row-lft"><div class="code-embed-6 nohover w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="225" height="35" viewBox="0 0 225 35" fill="none"> <path d="M16.1831 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d="M53.1898 17.2659C53.1898 14.4787 50.9303 12.2192 48.1431 12.2192C45.3559 12.2192 43.0964 14.4787 43.0964 17.2659C43.0964 20.0531 45.3559 22.3126 48.1431 22.3126C50.9303 22.3126 53.1898 20.0531 53.1898 17.2659Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M77.3204 22.9975C74.5332 22.9975 72.2737 25.2569 72.2737 28.0441C72.2737 30.8313 74.5332 33.0908 77.3204 33.0908C80.1076 33.0908 82.367 30.8313 82.367 28.0441C82.367 25.2569 80.1076 22.9975 77.3204 22.9975Z" fill="#00A57E"/> <path d="M100.156 23.8535L97.4292 14.2007H99.7484L101.446 20.9888H101.535L103.269 14.2007H105.564L107.298 20.9495H107.392L109.062 14.2007H111.386L108.652 23.8535H106.284L104.473 17.3307H104.34L102.53 23.8535H100.154H100.156Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M115.012 12.8299C114.651 12.8299 114.342 12.7095 114.081 12.4663C113.821 12.2231 113.691 11.9307 113.691 11.5917C113.691 11.2527 113.821 10.9628 114.081 10.722C114.342 10.4812 114.651 10.3608 115.012 10.3608C115.374 10.3608 115.688 10.4837 115.946 10.7244C116.204 10.9677 116.332 11.2576 116.332 11.5991C116.332 11.9406 116.204 12.228 115.946 12.4688C115.688 12.7095 115.378 12.8299 115.012 12.8299ZM113.868 23.8536V14.2008H116.143V23.8536H113.868Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M121.642 18.1977V23.8533H119.367V14.2005H121.541V15.8416H121.654C121.875 15.3011 122.232 14.8712 122.718 14.5543C123.207 14.2349 123.811 14.0752 124.531 14.0752C125.197 14.0752 125.779 14.2177 126.275 14.5027C126.772 14.7877 127.157 15.2004 127.433 15.7409C127.708 16.2814 127.843 16.9374 127.838 17.7088V23.8557H125.563V18.0601C125.563 17.414 125.396 16.9103 125.064 16.5467C124.73 16.1831 124.271 15.9989 123.684 15.9989C123.286 15.9989 122.932 16.0849 122.625 16.2593C122.318 16.4337 122.077 16.6843 121.902 17.0111C121.728 17.3378 121.642 17.7334 121.642 18.2002V18.1977Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M136.893 17.5566V19.4287H131.097V17.5566H136.893Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M142.448 10.9824V23.8536H140.173V10.9824H142.448Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M149.882 24.0429C148.939 24.0429 148.123 23.8366 147.43 23.4214C146.737 23.0062 146.204 22.4264 145.823 21.6795C145.445 20.9351 145.256 20.0629 145.256 19.0654C145.256 18.068 145.445 17.1958 145.823 16.444C146.202 15.6947 146.737 15.1125 147.43 14.6973C148.123 14.2821 148.939 14.0757 149.882 14.0757C150.825 14.0757 151.641 14.2821 152.334 14.6973C153.024 15.1125 153.56 15.6947 153.941 16.444C154.319 17.1934 154.511 18.068 154.511 19.0654C154.511 20.0629 154.321 20.9351 153.941 21.6795C153.562 22.4264 153.027 23.0062 152.334 23.4214C151.641 23.8366 150.825 24.0429 149.882 24.0429ZM149.894 22.22C150.405 22.22 150.833 22.0775 151.177 21.795C151.521 21.5124 151.776 21.1316 151.946 20.655C152.115 20.1784 152.201 19.6453 152.201 19.0581C152.201 18.4709 152.115 17.9329 151.946 17.4513C151.776 16.9723 151.518 16.589 151.177 16.304C150.833 16.019 150.405 15.8765 149.894 15.8765C149.383 15.8765 148.936 16.019 148.59 16.304C148.243 16.589 147.985 16.9723 147.816 17.4513C147.646 17.9304 147.56 18.466 147.56 19.0581C147.56 19.6502 147.646 20.1759 147.816 20.655C147.985 21.1316 148.243 21.5124 148.59 21.795C148.936 22.0775 149.371 22.22 149.894 22.22Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M164.945 16.7531L162.871 16.9791C162.813 16.7703 162.712 16.5738 162.567 16.3895C162.422 16.2052 162.228 16.0554 161.985 15.9424C161.741 15.8294 161.444 15.7728 161.093 15.7728C160.619 15.7728 160.223 15.876 159.901 16.0799C159.582 16.2863 159.422 16.5517 159.427 16.8784C159.422 17.1585 159.528 17.387 159.739 17.5639C159.95 17.7407 160.302 17.8832 160.793 17.9987L162.439 18.35C163.353 18.5466 164.034 18.8586 164.478 19.2861C164.923 19.7136 165.149 20.2737 165.154 20.9641C165.149 21.5709 164.972 22.1065 164.623 22.5708C164.274 23.0352 163.788 23.3963 163.169 23.6543C162.55 23.9147 161.837 24.0449 161.031 24.0449C159.85 24.0449 158.899 23.7968 158.179 23.3005C157.459 22.8042 157.029 22.1114 156.892 21.222L159.11 21.0083C159.211 21.4431 159.425 21.7724 159.751 21.9959C160.078 22.2195 160.503 22.3301 161.026 22.3301C161.55 22.3301 162.002 22.2195 162.331 21.9959C162.66 21.7724 162.825 21.4997 162.825 21.1729C162.825 20.8953 162.719 20.6693 162.508 20.4875C162.297 20.3081 161.97 20.1681 161.525 20.0723L159.879 19.7258C158.953 19.5342 158.267 19.2075 157.825 18.748C157.381 18.2886 157.162 17.7088 157.164 17.0037C157.159 16.4092 157.322 15.8932 157.651 15.4535C157.98 15.0137 158.439 14.6771 159.027 14.4363C159.614 14.1956 160.294 14.0752 161.066 14.0752C162.196 14.0752 163.088 14.316 163.739 14.7975C164.39 15.279 164.793 15.9301 164.947 16.7531H164.945Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M175.546 16.7536L173.472 16.9796C173.413 16.7708 173.312 16.5743 173.167 16.39C173.022 16.2057 172.828 16.0559 172.585 15.9429C172.342 15.8298 172.045 15.7733 171.693 15.7733C171.219 15.7733 170.824 15.8765 170.502 16.0804C170.182 16.2868 170.023 16.5521 170.028 16.8789C170.023 17.159 170.128 17.3875 170.34 17.5643C170.551 17.7412 170.902 17.8837 171.394 17.9992L173.04 18.3505C173.954 18.5471 174.632 18.8591 175.079 19.2866C175.526 19.714 175.75 20.2742 175.754 20.9646C175.75 21.5714 175.573 22.107 175.224 22.5713C174.875 23.0332 174.388 23.3968 173.769 23.6548C173.15 23.9152 172.438 24.0454 171.632 24.0454C170.45 24.0454 169.499 23.7973 168.78 23.301C168.06 22.8047 167.63 22.1119 167.492 21.2225L169.711 21.0088C169.811 21.4436 170.025 21.7728 170.352 21.9964C170.679 22.2175 171.104 22.3305 171.627 22.3305C172.15 22.3305 172.602 22.22 172.932 21.9964C173.261 21.7753 173.425 21.5001 173.425 21.1734C173.425 20.8958 173.32 20.6697 173.108 20.4879C172.897 20.3061 172.568 20.1686 172.126 20.0727L170.48 19.7263C169.553 19.5347 168.868 19.2079 168.426 18.7485C167.981 18.2891 167.762 17.7093 167.765 17.0042C167.76 16.4096 167.922 15.8937 168.251 15.454C168.581 15.0166 169.038 14.6776 169.627 14.4368C170.217 14.1961 170.895 14.0757 171.666 14.0757C172.799 14.0757 173.688 14.3164 174.339 14.798C174.99 15.2795 175.393 15.9306 175.548 16.7536H175.546Z" fill="black"/> <path d="M186.19 24.0401L183.482 14.1392H184.701L186.769 22.2024H186.865L188.973 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leaders don’t focus solely on generating more pipeline—they also prioritize boosting their win rate with the pipeline they already have. Buyer-centric win-loss analysis gives successful sales leaders the playbook to winning more of the deals in their pipeline.</p><a href="/toolkit" class="btn-gradient-home-pipeline ready toolkit w-button">Win-Loss Toolkit</a></div><div class="persona-pipe-bottom"><div class="pipe-item sale-persona"><div class="pipe-item-left"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-355"/></div><div class="pipe-item-right"><h1 class="heading-142">Identify landmines</h1><p class="pipe-item-para">Whether it’s a lack of product knowledge, traps set by competitors, or misaligned messaging, Clozd helps you identify exactly why you’re losing deals—so you can avoid those landmines in the future.</p></div></div><div class="pipe-item sale-persona"><div class="pipe-item-left"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-355"/></div><div class="pipe-item-right"><h1 class="heading-142">Duplicate winning strategies</h1><p class="pipe-item-para">Direct buyer feedback helps you understand exactly which strategies contributed to closed-won deals and which didn&#x27;t, so you can reinforce the winning strategies with your whole team.</p></div></div><div class="pipe-item sale-persona"><div class="pipe-item-left"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-355"/></div><div class="pipe-item-right"><h1 class="heading-142">Qualify your buyers better</h1><p class="pipe-item-para">With Clozd, you can “open up the hood” on who your best buyers are and what motivates them to buy. 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Buyer feedback uncovers these and other hidden sources of revenue.</p><a href="/revenue-calculator" target="_blank" class="case-container-roi w-inline-block"><div class="text-block-168">ROI Calculator</div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="arrow right "/></a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="clozd-win-head"><div class="persona-review-wrapper"><div class="clozd-win-container"><div class="win-top"><div class="voted-head-p"><h1 class="h-person-voted"><span class="text-span-106">Voted #1 </span>by your peers</h1><p class="persona-voted-p">The reviews are in—with more coming every day—and according to nearly 200 reviews, Clozd is the best in our category. 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id="w-node-b0fcf6af-5854-50be-d5f3-921922681f0c-89d98c9d" class="win-item-container"><div id="w-node-b40fabb7-9e69-90dd-f02b-c7f10e8d9636-89d98c9d" class="win-item white-bg"><div class="absolute-img tl-img"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-356"/><p class="win-item-para">[It&#x27;s] very <span class="text-span-144">easy to see patterns</span> of where the components throughout the sales cycle have led to wins and losses.”</p><p class="card-title"><span class="text-span-141">Dan Fiore</span><br/>Senior Product Solutions<br/>Partner, Workhuman</p></div></div><div id="w-node-dfb32997-1e22-3556-2a44-2d8e7d150b8f-89d98c9d" class="win-item-container"><div class="win-item-middle win-item white-bg"><div class="absolute-img tm-img"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-357"/></div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-356"/><p class="win-item-para">Clozd helps us get <span class="text-span-145">unprecedented visibility</span> on what works and what doesn’t within a sales cycle.”</p><p class="card-title"><span class="text-span-141">Abel Gonzalez<br/></span>VP of Product Marketing, Kentik</p></div></div><div id="w-node-ea45e6e5-3c3f-f68d-6f55-97bb9e608796-89d98c9d" class="win-item-container"><div class="win-item-short win-item white-bg"><div class="absolute-img-small hauto rgsp"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-358"/></div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-356"/><p class="win-item-para">It only takes us winning <span class="text-span-146">one deal</span> to make Clozd worth it.”</p><p class="card-title"><span class="text-span-141">Rex Galbraith<br/></span>CRO, Consensus</p></div></div><div id="w-node-_3e152910-3d5e-cabf-f4fe-a2bcf66a35d9-89d98c9d" class="win-item-container"><div class="win-item-bottom-left win-item white-bg"><div class="absolute-img-small hauto jbsp"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-356"/><p class="win-item-para"><span class="text-span-147">60% of sales reps</span> don&#x27;t understand how they won or lost a deal.”</p><p class="card-title"><span class="text-span-141">Jordan Barsness<br/></span>Competitive Intelligence, PitchBook Data</p></div></div><div id="w-node-_97f5d051-2902-2e99-dee9-5beb344784fc-89d98c9d" class="win-item-container"><div class="win-item-middle-bottom win-item white-bg"><div class="absolute-img bm-img"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-356"/><p class="win-item-para">This service helps us as salespeople understand the <span class="text-span-148">less &#x27;tangible&#x27; reasons</span> through intelligent interviewing.”</p><p class="card-title"><span class="text-span-142">Jeff Lee</span><br/>Enterprise Account Executive, Diligent</p></div></div><div id="w-node-_61c1cfb5-bdca-0c8f-7c86-e83915a80b83-89d98c9d" class="win-item-container-bottom"><div class="win-item-tall win-item white-bg"><div class="absolute-img br-img"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-359"/></div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-356"/><p class="win-item-para">The feedback provided by Clozd is <span class="text-span-149">much more informative</span> than what we receive from our sales representatives and those involved in the deal.”</p><p class="card-title"><span class="text-span-141">James Erickson<br/></span>Head of Market Intelligence, AppFolio</p></div></div></div><div class="swiper-section-wrapper"><div class="swiper"><div class="swiper-wrapper"><div id="w-node-f69efa52-8de3-428d-a60c-be8372a4b537-89d98c9d" class="swiper-slide"><div class="mobile-g2-slider-head"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div><div id="w-node-f69efa52-8de3-428d-a60c-be8372a4b538-89d98c9d" class="win-item white-bg slider-item"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-356"/><p class="win-item-para">[It&#x27;s] very <span class="text-span-144">easy to see patterns</span> of where the components throughout the sales cycle have led to wins and losses.”</p><p class="card-title"><span class="text-span-141">Dan Fiore</span><br/>Senior Product Solutions<br/>Partner, Workhuman</p></div></div><div class="swiper-slide"><div class="mobile-g2-slider-head"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-357"/></div><div class="win-item white-bg slider-item"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-356"/><p class="win-item-para">Clozd helps us get <span class="text-span-145">unprecedented visibility</span> on what works and what doesn’t within a sales cycle.”</p><p class="card-title"><span class="text-span-141">Abel Gonzalez<br/></span>VP of Product Marketing, Kentik</p></div></div><div class="swiper-slide"><div class="mobile-g2-slider-head"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-358"/></div><div class="win-item white-bg slider-item"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-356"/><p class="win-item-para">It only takes us winning <span class="text-span-146">one deal</span> to make Clozd worth it.”</p><p class="card-title"><span class="text-span-141">Rex Galbraith<br/></span>CRO, Consensus</p></div></div><div class="swiper-slide"><div class="mobile-g2-slider-head"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div><div class="win-item white-bg slider-item"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-356"/><p class="win-item-para"><span class="text-span-147">60% of sales reps</span> don&#x27;t understand how they won or lost a deal.”</p><p class="card-title"><span class="text-span-141">Jordan Barsness<br/></span>Competitive Intelligence, PitchBook Data</p></div></div><div class="swiper-slide"><div class="mobile-g2-slider-head"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div><div class="win-item white-bg slider-item"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-356"/><p class="win-item-para">This service helps us as salespeople understand the <span class="text-span-148">less &#x27;tangible&#x27; reasons</span> through intelligent interviewing.”</p><p class="card-title"><span class="text-span-142">Jeff Lee</span><br/>Enterprise Account Executive, Diligent</p></div></div><div class="swiper-slide"><div class="mobile-g2-slider-head"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-359"/></div><div class="win-item white-bg slider-item"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-356"/><p class="win-item-para">The feedback provided by Clozd is <span class="text-span-149">much more informative</span> than what we receive from our sales representatives and those involved in the deal.”</p><p class="card-title"><span class="text-span-141">James Erickson<br/></span>Head of Market Intelligence, AppFolio</p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="w-embed w-script"><link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <script src=""></script> <script> const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { // Optional parameters slidesPerView: "1", spaceBetween: "35", direction: 'horizontal', loop: true, // If we need pagination pagination: { el: '.swiper-pagination', }, // 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w-dyn-bind-empty"></div><div class="text-block-172">Find out how other revenue leaders are using win-loss data to truly understand their buyers’ behaviors and intentions—so they can create messaging that resonates more deeply with prospects.</div><div class="w-dyn-bind-empty w-richtext"></div><div class="fascination-link"><div class="w-richtext"><div class="w-embed"><a id="marketModal6">See the data</a></div></div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="right arrow " class="image-364"/></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><div class="bg_image"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-365 w-dyn-bind-empty"/><div class="text-block-171">Who NOT to sell to</div><div class="text-block-172">Are you tired of wasting time selling to the wrong prospects? Improve your sales team’s efficiency by accurately identifying who NOT to sell to.</div><div class="w-dyn-bind-empty w-richtext"></div><div class="fascination-link"><div class="w-richtext"><div class="w-embed"><a id="marketModal5">Learn more</a></div></div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="right arrow " class="image-364"/></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><div class="bg_image"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-365"/><div class="text-block-171 w-dyn-bind-empty"></div><div class="text-block-172">Identify and beat new, disruptive competitors before they gain a foothold in your marketplace</div><div class="w-dyn-bind-empty w-richtext"></div><div class="fascination-link"><div class="w-richtext"><div class="w-embed"><a id="marketModal4">Learn how</a></div></div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="right arrow " class="image-364"/></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><div class="bg_image"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-365 w-dyn-bind-empty"/><div class="text-block-171">$500K opportunity</div><div class="text-block-172">Find out how other revenue leaders are using win-loss data to identify and win back a $500K deal that had been marked “closed-lost.”</div><div class="w-dyn-bind-empty w-richtext"></div><div class="fascination-link"><div class="w-richtext"><div class="w-embed"><a id="marketModal3">Read the quote</a></div></div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="right arrow " class="image-364"/></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><div class="bg_image"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-365"/><div class="text-block-171 w-dyn-bind-empty"></div><div class="text-block-172">Generating more pipeline isn’t the only way to consistently hit your revenue goals. Increasing your win rate by just a few percentage points can make a huge difference to your bottom line.</div><div class="w-dyn-bind-empty w-richtext"></div><div class="fascination-link"><div class="w-richtext"><div class="w-embed"><a id="marketModal2">Find out how</a></div></div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="right arrow " class="image-364"/></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><div class="bg_image"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-365 w-dyn-bind-empty"/><div class="text-block-171">8,500%</div><div class="text-block-172">Learn why our customers attribute an ROI of 8,500% to their partnership with Clozd.</div><div class="w-dyn-bind-empty w-richtext"></div><div class="fascination-link"><div class="w-richtext"><div class="w-embed"><a id="marketModal1">Read the full report</a></div></div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="right arrow " class="image-364"/></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="beyond-helping w-embed"><div id="myModal" class="modal"> <!-- Modal content --> <div class="modal-content"> <span class="close">&times;</span> <div class='vid-container'> <p class='modal-top-text'></p> <p>Beyond helping our customers improve their win rates, Clozd also surfaces a number of other avenues for them to increase their revenue—win-back opportunities, churn reduction, expansion opportunities, and more. On average, our customers attribute a $3.7M increase in revenue thanks to their partnership with Clozd, which equates to an ROI of 8,500%.</p> <div class="title-name"> </div> <div class='modal-bottom-1'> <div class="read-more"><a class='modal-a' href="">Read the full report</a><svg xmlns="" width="14" height="13" viewBox="0 0 14 13" fill="none"> <path d="M1 5.75C0.585786 5.75 0.25 6.08579 0.25 6.5C0.25 6.91421 0.585786 7.25 1 7.25L1 5.75ZM13.5303 7.03033C13.8232 6.73744 13.8232 6.26256 13.5303 5.96967L8.75736 1.1967C8.46447 0.903806 7.98959 0.903806 7.6967 1.1967C7.40381 1.48959 7.40381 1.96447 7.6967 2.25736L11.9393 6.5L7.6967 10.7426C7.40381 11.0355 7.40381 11.5104 7.6967 11.8033C7.98959 12.0962 8.46447 12.0962 8.75736 11.8033L13.5303 7.03033ZM1 7.25L13 7.25L13 5.75L1 5.75L1 7.25Z" fill="#14A6F8"/> </svg></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <style> svg { margin-left: 15px; } .read-more:hover svg path { fill: #000; margin-left: 15px; } /* The Modal (background) */ .modal { display: none; /* Hidden by default */ position: fixed; /* Stay in place */ z-index: 10; /* Sit on top */ left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; /* Full width */ height: 100%; /* Full height */ overflow: auto; /* Enable scroll if needed */ background-color: rgb(0,0,0); /* Fallback color */ background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4); /* Black w/ opacity */ } /* Modal Content/Box */ .modal-content { background-color: #fefefe; margin: 15% auto; /* 15% from the top and centered */ padding: 20px; border: 1px solid #888; width: 50%; /* Could be more or less, depending on screen size */ height: auto; border-radius: 10px; } /* The Close Button */ .close { color: #aaa; float: right; font-weight: bold; font-size: 28px; } .close:hover, .close:focus { color: black; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; } .modal-top-text { font-family: 'Inter'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 600 !important; font-size: 34px; line-height: 41px; color: #000000 !important; } .vid-container { width: 100%; display: flex; align-items: baseline; justify-content: center; height: 100%; flex-direction: column; } .vid-container p { font-family: 'Inter'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 300; font-size: 28px; line-height: 34px; color: #565F66; margin-top: 10px; } .title-name { display: flex; align-items: center; font-family: 'Inter'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; font-size: 16px !important; line-height: 19px; /* Gray/Black 15 */ color: #000000; } .title-name { display: flex; align-items: center; font-family: 'Inter'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; font-size: 16px !important; line-height: 19px; /* Gray/Black 15 */ color: #000000; } .title-name p { font-size: 16px; font-weight: 700; color: black; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 0; } .title-name span { font-weight: 300; margin-left: 5px; } .modal-bottom-1 { width: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; justify-content: end; } .read-more { display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; text-decoration: none; font-size: 14px; } .read-more img { height: 15px; margin-left: 15px; } .read-more a { text-decoration: none; font-size: 14px; } @media screen and (max-width: 600px) { .modal-content { width: 80%; } .modal-bottom { width: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: baseline; justify-content: space-between;} .title-name { display: flex; align-items: center; font-family: 'Inter'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; font-size: 16px !important; line-height: 19px; color: #000000; flex-direction: column; align-items: baseline; margin-bottom: 15px; } .bot-img { margin-top: 10px; } } </style></div><div class="packaging-changes w-embed"><div id="myModal2" class="modal2"> <!-- Modal content --> <div class="modal-content2"> <span class="close2">&times;</span> <div class='vid-container2'> <img src=""> <p>"We’ve made packaging changes, pricing changes, GTM messaging changes, positioning changes, and churn-reduction changes. Anecdotally, we’re sporting a 50+% win rate, up from the 30% range in the pre-Clozd era.”</p> <div class="title-name"> <p>Craig Clark </p> <span>| CMO</span> </div> <div class='modal-bottom'> <img src=""> <div class="read-more"><a class='modal-a' href="">Read more reviews</a><svg xmlns="" width="14" height="13" viewBox="0 0 14 13" fill="none"> <path d="M1 5.75C0.585786 5.75 0.25 6.08579 0.25 6.5C0.25 6.91421 0.585786 7.25 1 7.25L1 5.75ZM13.5303 7.03033C13.8232 6.73744 13.8232 6.26256 13.5303 5.96967L8.75736 1.1967C8.46447 0.903806 7.98959 0.903806 7.6967 1.1967C7.40381 1.48959 7.40381 1.96447 7.6967 2.25736L11.9393 6.5L7.6967 10.7426C7.40381 11.0355 7.40381 11.5104 7.6967 11.8033C7.98959 12.0962 8.46447 12.0962 8.75736 11.8033L13.5303 7.03033ZM1 7.25L13 7.25L13 5.75L1 5.75L1 7.25Z" fill="#14A6F8"/> </svg></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <style> svg { margin-left: 15px; } .read-more:hover svg path { fill: #000; margin-left: 15px; } /* The Modal (background) */ .modal2 { display: none; /* Hidden by default */ position: fixed; /* Stay in place */ z-index: 10; /* Sit on top */ left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; /* Full width */ height: 100%; /* Full height */ overflow: auto; /* Enable scroll if needed */ background-color: rgb(0,0,0); /* Fallback color */ background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4); /* Black w/ opacity */ } /* Modal Content/Box */ .modal-content2 { background-color: #fefefe; margin: 15% auto; /* 15% from the top and centered */ padding: 20px; border: 1px solid #888; width: 50%; /* Could be more or less, depending on screen size */ height: auto; border-radius: 10px; } /* The Close Button */ .close2 { color: #aaa; float: right; font-weight: bold; font-size: 28px; } .close2:hover, .close2:focus { color: black; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; } .vid-container2 { width: 100%; display: flex; align-items: baseline; justify-content: center; height: 100%; flex-direction: column; } .vid-container2 p { font-family: 'Inter'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 300; font-size: 28px; line-height: 34px; color: #565F66; margin-top: 10px; } .title-name { display: flex; align-items: center; font-family: 'Inter'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; font-size: 16px !important; line-height: 19px; /* Gray/Black 15 */ color: #000000; } .title-name { display: flex; align-items: center; font-family: 'Inter'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; font-size: 16px !important; line-height: 19px; /* Gray/Black 15 */ color: #000000; } .title-name p { font-size: 16px; font-weight: 700; color: black; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 0; } .title-name span { font-weight: 300; margin-left: 5px; } .modal-bottom { width: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; } .read-more { display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; text-decoration: none; font-size: 14p; } .read-more img { height: 15px; margin-left: 15px; } .read-more a { text-decoration: none; font-size: 14px; } @media screen and (max-width: 600px) { .modal-content2 { width: 80%; } .modal-bottom { width: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: baseline; justify-content: space-between;} } </style></div><div class="hello-heart w-embed"><div id="myModal3" class="modal3"> <!-- Modal content --> <div class="modal-content3"> <span class="close3">&times;</span> <div class='vid-container3'> <img src=""> <p>We were actually able to resurface and re-open a few opportunities, which is huge. One of them was worth half a million bucks, where the sales rep heard a 'no' but the Clozd interviewer heard 'not now.' And by time we went over the interview, the 'not now' had become 'now we're actually ready.' So if that Clozd interview hadn't happened, we probably would've just put that deal to the side and not pursued it. Instead, we've got a late-stage $500K opportunity in our hands. It's not done yet, but that's one example—and we've had a few others like that."</p> <div class="title-name"> <p>Tom Kahl </p> <span> | CRO</span> </div> <div class='modal-bottom'> <img class='bot-img' src=""> <div class="read-more"><a class='modal-a' href="">Read more reviews</a><svg xmlns="" width="14" height="13" viewBox="0 0 14 13" fill="none"> <path d="M1 5.75C0.585786 5.75 0.25 6.08579 0.25 6.5C0.25 6.91421 0.585786 7.25 1 7.25L1 5.75ZM13.5303 7.03033C13.8232 6.73744 13.8232 6.26256 13.5303 5.96967L8.75736 1.1967C8.46447 0.903806 7.98959 0.903806 7.6967 1.1967C7.40381 1.48959 7.40381 1.96447 7.6967 2.25736L11.9393 6.5L7.6967 10.7426C7.40381 11.0355 7.40381 11.5104 7.6967 11.8033C7.98959 12.0962 8.46447 12.0962 8.75736 11.8033L13.5303 7.03033ZM1 7.25L13 7.25L13 5.75L1 5.75L1 7.25Z" fill="#14A6F8"/> </svg></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <style> svg { margin-left: 15px; } .read-more:hover svg path { fill: #000; margin-left: 15px; } /* The Modal (background) */ .modal3 { display: none; 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font-family: 'Inter'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; font-size: 16px !important; line-height: 19px; /* Gray/Black 15 */ color: #000000; } .title-name { display: flex; align-items: center; font-family: 'Inter'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; font-size: 16px !important; line-height: 19px; /* Gray/Black 15 */ color: #000000; } .title-name p { font-size: 16px; font-weight: 700; color: black; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 0; } .title-name span { font-weight: 300; margin-left: 5px; } .modal-bottom { width: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; } .read-more { display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; text-decoration: none; font-size: 14p; } .read-more img { height: 15px; margin-left: 15px; } .read-more a { text-decoration: none; font-size: 14px; } @media screen and (max-width: 600px) { .modal-content4 { width: 80%; } .modal-bottom { width: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: baseline; justify-content: space-between;} .title-name { display: flex; align-items: center; font-family: 'Inter'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; font-size: 16px !important; line-height: 19px; color: #000000; flex-direction: column; align-items: baseline; margin-bottom: 15px; } .bot-img { margin-top: 10px; } iframe { width: 95% !important; } } </style></div><div class="because-ofnotes w-embed"><div id="myModal5" class="modal5"> <!-- Modal content --> <div class="modal-content5"> <span class="close5">&times;</span> <div class='vid-container5'> <img src=""> <p>Because of the information Clozd uncovered, Consensus CRO Rex Galbraith refined and was more confident in his ICP because he eliminated what he called 'UCPs,' or unideal customer profiles. 'We now know exactly what a bad prospect looks like,' Galbraith said. 'Clozd validated a lot of what we previously hypothesized.'"</p> <div class="title-name"> </div> <div class='modal-bottom'> <img src=""> <div class="read-more"><a class='modal-a' href="">Read the full case study</a><svg xmlns="" width="14" height="13" viewBox="0 0 14 13" fill="none"> <path d="M1 5.75C0.585786 5.75 0.25 6.08579 0.25 6.5C0.25 6.91421 0.585786 7.25 1 7.25L1 5.75ZM13.5303 7.03033C13.8232 6.73744 13.8232 6.26256 13.5303 5.96967L8.75736 1.1967C8.46447 0.903806 7.98959 0.903806 7.6967 1.1967C7.40381 1.48959 7.40381 1.96447 7.6967 2.25736L11.9393 6.5L7.6967 10.7426C7.40381 11.0355 7.40381 11.5104 7.6967 11.8033C7.98959 12.0962 8.46447 12.0962 8.75736 11.8033L13.5303 7.03033ZM1 7.25L13 7.25L13 5.75L1 5.75L1 7.25Z" fill="#14A6F8"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <style> svg { margin-left: 15px; } .read-more:hover svg path { fill: #000; margin-left: 15px; } /* The Modal (background) */ .modal5 { display: none; /* Hidden by default */ position: fixed; /* Stay in place */ z-index: 10; /* Sit on top */ left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; /* Full width */ height: 100%; /* Full height */ overflow: auto; /* Enable scroll if needed */ background-color: rgb(0,0,0); /* Fallback color */ background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4); /* Black w/ opacity */ } /* Modal Content/Box */ .modal-content5 { background-color: #fefefe; margin: 15% auto; /* 15% from the top and centered */ padding: 20px; border: 1px solid #888; width: 50%; /* Could be more or less, depending on screen size */ height: auto; border-radius: 10px; } /* The Close Button */ .close5 { color: #aaa; float: right; font-weight: bold; font-size: 28px; } .close5:hover, .close5:focus { color: black; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; } .vid-container5 { width: 100%; display: flex; align-items: baseline; justify-content: center; height: 100%; flex-direction: column; } .vid-container5 p { font-family: 'Inter'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 300; font-size: 28px; line-height: 34px; color: #565F66; margin-top: 10px; } .title-name { display: flex; align-items: center; font-family: 'Inter'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; font-size: 16px !important; line-height: 19px; /* Gray/Black 15 */ color: #000000; } .title-name { display: flex; align-items: center; font-family: 'Inter'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; font-size: 16px !important; line-height: 19px; /* Gray/Black 15 */ color: #000000; } .title-name p { font-size: 16px; font-weight: 700; color: black; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 0; } .title-name span { font-weight: 300; margin-left: 5px; } .modal-bottom { width: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; } .read-more { display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; text-decoration: none; font-size: 14p; } .read-more img { height: 15px; margin-left: 15px; } .read-more a { text-decoration: none; font-size: 14px; } @media screen and (max-width: 600px) { .modal-content5 { width: 80%; } .modal-bottom { width: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: baseline; justify-content: space-between;} .title-name { display: flex; align-items: center; font-family: 'Inter'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; font-size: 16px !important; line-height: 19px; color: #000000; flex-direction: column; align-items: baseline; margin-bottom: 15px; } .bot-img { margin-top: 10px; } } </style></div><div class="_98p w-embed"><div id="myModal6" class="modal6"> <!-- Modal content --> <div class="modal-content6"> <span class="close6">&times;</span> <div class='vid-container6'> <p class='modal-top-text'>Understand your buyers</p> <p>Within our customer base, 98% report that they understand their buyers better by partnering with Clozd. And once you understand exactly what your buyers need, you can tailor your sales process, marketing activities, and product roadmap to get the best results.</p> <div class="title-name"> </div> <div class='modal-bottom-1'> <div class="read-more"><a class='modal-a' href="">Read the full report</a><svg xmlns="" width="14" height="13" viewBox="0 0 14 13" fill="none"> <path d="M1 5.75C0.585786 5.75 0.25 6.08579 0.25 6.5C0.25 6.91421 0.585786 7.25 1 7.25L1 5.75ZM13.5303 7.03033C13.8232 6.73744 13.8232 6.26256 13.5303 5.96967L8.75736 1.1967C8.46447 0.903806 7.98959 0.903806 7.6967 1.1967C7.40381 1.48959 7.40381 1.96447 7.6967 2.25736L11.9393 6.5L7.6967 10.7426C7.40381 11.0355 7.40381 11.5104 7.6967 11.8033C7.98959 12.0962 8.46447 12.0962 8.75736 11.8033L13.5303 7.03033ZM1 7.25L13 7.25L13 5.75L1 5.75L1 7.25Z" fill="#14A6F8"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <style> svg { margin-left: 15px; } .read-more:hover svg path { fill: #000; margin-left: 15px; } /* The Modal (background) */ .modal6 { display: none; 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margin-bottom: 15px; } @media screen and (max-width: 600px) { iframe { width: 95% !important; } } </style></div><div class="clozd-m w-embed"><div id="myModal8" class="modal8"> <!-- Modal content --> <div class="modal-content8"> <span class="close8">&times;</span> <div class='vid-container8'> <img src=""> <p>That's usually a cop-out answer that really means, 'I don't see the ROI in this or couldn't convince my CFO that there was an ROI.’ CFOs aren't dumb. If their money can make them more money, they'll spend it.”</p> <div class="title-name"> <p>Brady Tengberg </p> <span> | Director of Revenue Strategy</span> </div> <div class='modal-bottom'> <img src=""> <div class="read-more"><a class='modal-a' href="">Read the full pricing & strategy post</a><svg xmlns="" width="14" height="13" viewBox="0 0 14 13" fill="none"> <path d="M1 5.75C0.585786 5.75 0.25 6.08579 0.25 6.5C0.25 6.91421 0.585786 7.25 1 7.25L1 5.75ZM13.5303 7.03033C13.8232 6.73744 13.8232 6.26256 13.5303 5.96967L8.75736 1.1967C8.46447 0.903806 7.98959 0.903806 7.6967 1.1967C7.40381 1.48959 7.40381 1.96447 7.6967 2.25736L11.9393 6.5L7.6967 10.7426C7.40381 11.0355 7.40381 11.5104 7.6967 11.8033C7.98959 12.0962 8.46447 12.0962 8.75736 11.8033L13.5303 7.03033ZM1 7.25L13 7.25L13 5.75L1 5.75L1 7.25Z" fill="#14A6F8"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <style> svg { margin-left: 15px; } .read-more:hover svg path { fill: #000; margin-left: 15px; } /* The Modal (background) */ .modal8 { display: none; /* Hidden by default */ position: fixed; /* Stay in place */ z-index: 10; /* Sit on top */ left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; /* Full width */ height: 100%; /* Full height */ overflow: auto; /* Enable scroll if needed */ background-color: rgb(0,0,0); /* Fallback color */ background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4); /* Black w/ opacity */ } /* Modal Content/Box */ .modal-content8 { background-color: #fefefe; margin: 15% auto; /* 15% from the top and centered */ padding: 20px; border: 1px solid #888; width: 50%; /* Could be more or less, depending on screen size */ height: auto; border-radius: 10px; } /* The Close Button */ .close8 { color: #aaa; float: right; font-weight: bold; font-size: 28px; } .close8:hover, .close8:focus { color: black; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; } .vid-container8 { width: 100%; display: flex; align-items: baseline; justify-content: center; height: 100%; flex-direction: column; } .vid-container8 p { font-family: 'Inter'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 300; font-size: 28px; line-height: 34px; color: #565F66; margin-top: 10px; } .title-name { display: flex; align-items: center; font-family: 'Inter'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; font-size: 16px !important; line-height: 19px; /* Gray/Black 15 */ color: #000000; } .title-name { display: flex; align-items: center; font-family: 'Inter'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; font-size: 16px !important; line-height: 19px; /* Gray/Black 15 */ color: #000000; } .title-name p { font-size: 16px; font-weight: 700; color: black; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 0; } .title-name span { font-weight: 300; margin-left: 5px; } .modal-bottom { width: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; } .read-more { display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; text-decoration: none; font-size: 14p; } .read-more img { height: 15px; margin-left: 15px; } .read-more a { text-decoration: none; font-size: 14px; } @media screen and (max-width: 600px) { .modal-content8 { width: 80%; } .modal-bottom { width: 100%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: baseline; justify-content: space-between;} .title-name { display: flex; align-items: center; font-family: 'Inter'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; font-size: 16px !important; line-height: 19px; color: #000000; flex-direction: column; align-items: baseline; margin-bottom: 15px; } .bot-img { margin-top: 10px; } } </style></div></div><section class="button-section personas"><div class="button-head"><div class="div-block-326"><a href="/talk-with-us-modal" target="_blank" class="button-16 w-button">Talk With Us</a></div></div></section><div class="quote-head-2 persona-quote"><div class="quote-section-container"><div class="review-window pers-sales w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="600" height="423" viewBox="0 0 600 423" fill="none"> <path opacity="0.33" d="M0 20C0 8.95431 8.95431 0 20 0H580C591.046 0 600 8.95431 600 20V403C600 414.046 591.046 423 580 423H20C8.95432 423 0 414.046 0 403V20Z" fill="white"/> </svg> <style> @media (max-width: 1280px){ .review-window svg{ /*height: 463px;*/ } } @media (max-width: 991px){ } </style></div><div class="review-box-container pers-sales"><div class="review-stuff"><div class="review-top-3"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="quote " class="image-230"/><h1 class="quote-body">Every professional sports team reviews their footage to understand where they need to improve. Even amateur golfers record their swings to try and improve their terrible handicaps. <span class="text-span-150">Winning deals is our sport, and Clozd is our video review.</span> Everybody needs to be making every effort to get clients sharing feedback with this program.&quot;</h1></div><div class="reviewer-cred"><div class="reviewer-left-consultant"><h1 class="heading-31-consulting-2"><span class="text-span-98">Ravi Kumaraswami</span> |<strong class="bold-text-14"> President of Worldwide Field Operations</strong></h1><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="image-266"/></div><div class="read-more-container"><a data-w-id="02acea77-87dd-f19e-6e98-78d1f9f99675" href="/customer-stories" target="_blank" class="link-block-12 w-inline-block"><div class="text-block-106">Read more reviews</div><div class="html-embed-13 w-embed"><svg width="14" height="13" viewBox="0 0 14 13" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill="CurrentColor" d="M1 5.75C0.585786 5.75 0.25 6.08579 0.25 6.5C0.25 6.91421 0.585786 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