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<div class="pk_center_box"> <!-- pk start inner --> <div class="pk_inner"> <!-- pk start main --> <div id="pk_main"> <!-- pk start content --> <div id="pk_content"> <div style="width:190px;margin-left:15px;margin-right:30px;float:left;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:hidden;height:400px;" class="video_archives_item" > <div class="pk_image_wrapper"> <a title="PCR Interviewed on USA Watchdog" href=""> <img src="" style="width:178px;hight:150px"> <span class="pk_image_button_overlay"></span> </a> </div> <div class=""> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title" style='font-size:15px;line-height:19px;'><a rel="bookmark" title="PCR Interviewed on USA Watchdog" href="">PCR Interviewed on USA Watchdog</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="front_page_entry_meta"> <div class=""> <a href="" rel="nofollow">December 30, 2015</a> <span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span> Categories: <a href="">Greg Hunter USA Watchdog</a> <span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span> Tags: </p> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> </div> </div> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37594" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37594 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="America Is Being Destroyed By Problems That Are Unaddressed — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">America Is Being Destroyed By Problems That Are Unaddressed — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">30</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>America Is Being Destroyed By Problems That Are Unaddressed Paul Craig Roberts One hundred years ago European civilization, as it had been known, was ending its life in the Great War, later renamed World War I. Millions of soldiers ordered by mindless generals into the hostile arms of barbed wire and machine gun fire had left the armies stalemated in…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37525" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37525 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-int category-interviews"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Everything Is Disintegrating — Interview With PCR" rel="bookmark">Everything Is Disintegrating — Interview With PCR</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">28</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Interview archive</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Interviews</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Everything Is Disintegrating — Interview With PCR</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37523" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37523 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Why WWIII Is On The Horizon — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Why WWIII Is On The Horizon — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">28</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Why WWIII Is On The Horizon Paul Craig Roberts The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 gave birth to a dangerous American ideology called neoconservativism. The Soviet Union had served as a constraint on US unilateral action. With the removal of this constraint on Washington, neoconservatives declared their agenda of US world hegemony. America was now the “sole superpower,”…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37406" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37406 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="False Flag Attacks Are Important Instruments Of Government Policy" rel="bookmark">False Flag Attacks Are Important Instruments Of Government Policy</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>False Flag Attacks Are Important Instruments Of Government Policy All of these false flag attacks were once called “conspiracy theories,” but every one of them has been proven to be a real false flag attack that served the purpose of undeclared agendas.</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37397" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37397 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-announcements category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Presstitute Ranks Expand" rel="bookmark">Presstitute Ranks Expand</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Announcements</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Presstitute Ranks Expand Now the ranks of Washington’s presstitute propagandists include Sybil Edmonds, whom I supported to the hilt during her persecution by Washington, and Cobett, whose Corbett report I gave many hours on interviews. Now the two are carrying on Washington’s propaganda against RT and Putin, and are accusing me of “Putin worship” because I report the facts. We…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37393" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37393 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Washington Has Added Ukraine To The Long List Of Countries Destroyed By Washington" rel="bookmark">Washington Has Added Ukraine To The Long List Of Countries Destroyed By Washington</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Washington Has Added Ukraine To The Long List Of Countries Destroyed By Washington The criminal thugs who comprise the government of the United States have now destroyed Ukraine, adding another scalp to their 21st century collection of scalps from Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Palestine, Lebanon, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and large parts of Syria and Pakistan. The American military/security complex…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37388" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37388 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-announcements"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="“Newsletter” Subscribers" rel="bookmark">“Newsletter” Subscribers</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Announcements</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Dear subscribers to the automatic notice of new postings to the website: A few of you were deleted from the subscription service list due to a malfunction. If you do not receive the notices of new postings, please re-subscribe. It is a free service. PCR</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37386" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37386 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Amnesty International is just another purveyor of Washington propaganda" rel="bookmark">Amnesty International is just another purveyor of Washington propaganda</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Most people don’t realize that Amnesty International is just another purveyor of Washington propaganda. The organization then uses the propaganda is spreads in order to fund raise.</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37382" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37382 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Christmas Column, 2015" rel="bookmark">Christmas Column, 2015</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Christmas Column, 2015 Dear Donors, thank you for your support in 2015. Although you have kept me working yet another year, I find it encouraging that there are some Americans who can think independently and who want to know. As Margaret Mead said, it only takes a few determined people to change the world. Perhaps some of you will be…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37375" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37375 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="This Is What Washington’s “Syrian Rebels” Have Done to Damascus" rel="bookmark">This Is What Washington’s “Syrian Rebels” Have Done to Damascus</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span 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rel="bookmark">The US Economy Works for the Mega-Banks that Financial Deregulation Permitted and for the One Percent but for No One Else</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The US Economy Works for the Mega-Banks that Financial Deregulation Permitted and for the One Percent but for No One Else</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37371" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37371 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Fourteen Incredible Facts About 9/11" rel="bookmark">Fourteen Incredible Facts About 9/11</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Fourteen Incredible Facts About 9/11</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37368" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37368 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="American Police Murder Far More Americans Than Do Alleged Terrorists" rel="bookmark">American Police Murder Far More Americans Than Do Alleged Terrorists</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>American Police Murder Far More Americans Than Do Alleged Terrorists Try to imagine any American not protected by a police badge getting away with any of these killings.</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37358" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37358 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-int category-interviews category-russia-today"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="PCR Tells RT International About Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders" rel="bookmark">PCR Tells RT International About Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">22</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Interview archive</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Interviews</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Russia Today</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>PCR Tells RT International About Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37318" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37318 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Donald Trump: An Evaluation — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Donald Trump: An Evaluation — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">21</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Donald Trump: An Evaluation Paul Craig Roberts Donald Trump, judging by polls as of December 21, 2015, is the most likely candidate to be the next president of the US. Trump is popular not so much for his stance on issues as for the fact that he is not another Washington politican, and he is respected for not backing down…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37288" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37288 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The One Percent Rallies Behind IMF Director Christine Lagarde — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">The One Percent Rallies Behind IMF Director Christine Lagarde — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">20</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The One Percent Rallies Behind IMF Director Christine LaGarde Paul Craig Roberts Washington removed Dominique Strauss-Kahn as the leading contender for the French presidency and as director of the IMF by framing him on phony charges of raping a New York hotel maid. The obviously false charge was proven to be totally fabricated and had to be dropped. In the…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37252" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37252 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="This Is A Powerful Message And It Is Accurate" rel="bookmark">This Is A Powerful Message And It Is Accurate</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">18</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>This Is A Powerful Message And It Is Accurate Click on The Lie We Live</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37239" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37239 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Weapon Used in November 13 Paris Attacks Came From CIA-linked Arms Dealer" rel="bookmark">Weapon Used in November 13 Paris Attacks Came From CIA-linked Arms Dealer</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">18</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Weapon Used in November 13 Paris Attacks Came From CIA-linked Arms Dealer The manufacturer of one of the weapons used in the alleged ISIS Paris attack reports that the weapon was sold by the factory to a US arms dealer. The American arms dealer has close connection to the CIA.</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37231" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37231 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="US Military/Security Complex Drives World To War" rel="bookmark">US Military/Security Complex Drives World To War</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">18</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>US Military/Security Complex Drives World To War Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, explains that US foreign policy is driven by the desire for war profits. Vast numbers of people die and debts multiply for no other reason except the profits of a few armaments manufacturers. Washington and its presstitutes call this “freedom and…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37210" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37210 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="San Barnardino Killings Clearly A US Black Ops operation" rel="bookmark">San Barnardino Killings Clearly A US Black Ops operation</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">17</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>San Barnardino Killings Clearly A US Black Ops operation</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37200" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37200 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Readers Express Their Heartfelt Thanks To The Donors To This Site" rel="bookmark">Readers Express Their Heartfelt Thanks To The Donors To This Site</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">17</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Dear Donors: Letters such as these are arriving from many countries, including our own. Below I share with you examples of the appreciation that people express for those of you who keep this site up. Of course, I will keep access open. The majority of donors themselves have requested this decision. Dear Dr Roberts, I live in the UK and…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37177" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37177 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-announcements"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The majority says: “keep the site open.”" rel="bookmark">The majority says: “keep the site open.”</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">17</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Announcements</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Dear Donors: Thank you for such a quick and massive response to my question about closing the site to non-donors. Some favor this approach. However, the large majority say I should keep the site open and that they are willing to bear the cost of spreading the word. I appreciate your agreement that I keep the site ad-free. PCR</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37160" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37160 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-announcements"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Attention Donors" rel="bookmark">Attention Donors</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">17</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Announcements</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Dear Donors: When you make a donation, please make a note of it. Many credit card companies do not provide adequate identification of charges on your statement. This failure of credit card companies together with the failure of donors’ memories results in “fraud charges” to IPE that can be as much as 250% of the amount of the intended donation.…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37153" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37153 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="You Want War With Russia?" rel="bookmark">You Want War With Russia?</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">16</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>You Want War With Russia? In this article, Pepe Escobar spells out the across-the-board military superiority of Russia over the combined forces of the West: The reckless arrogance of the American neoconservaives has blinded the White House Fool and the dumbshits that sit in the House and Senate to the disastrous consequences for the West of war with Russia.…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37147" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37147 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="What Does Today’s “Rate Hike” Mean? — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">What Does Today’s “Rate Hike” Mean? — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">16</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Support This Website What Does Today’s “Rate Hike” Mean? Paul Craig Roberts The Federal Reserve raised the interbank borrowing rate today by one quarter of one percent or 25 basis points. Readers are asking, “what does that mean?” It means that the Fed has had time to figure out that the effect of the small “rate hike” would essentially be…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37132" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37132 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Has Kerry Gained An Upper Hand Over Neocon Nuland?" rel="bookmark">Has Kerry Gained An Upper Hand Over Neocon Nuland?</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">16</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Has Kerry Gained An Upper Hand Over Neocon Nuland? Eric Zuesse offers his take on US Secretary of State Kerry’s concession of neocon positions toward Russia in his meeting yesterday with Russian leaders. Kerry was very agreeable and complimentary toward the Russian government in the recent meeting in Moscow. The puzzle is why Kerry allowed neocon Assistant Secretary Victoria “rhymes…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37103" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37103 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Kerry’s Moscow Meeting: A Hopeful Sign?" rel="bookmark">Kerry’s Moscow Meeting: A Hopeful Sign?</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">16</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Kerry’s Moscow Meeting: A Hopeful Sign? Paul Craig Roberts As those of you who support this website know, the deal we made is that this is your site, and it will remain up as long as you support it. Many of you have kept our bargain. Today this website alone has hundreds of thousands of readers, and millions more from…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37055" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37055 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="War With Russia" rel="bookmark">War With Russia</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">13</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>War With Russia: Alastair Crooke agrees with PCR Here is Alastair Crooke’s full article: Alastair Crooke, a British diplomat, was a senior person in British intelligence. Crooke has come to the same conclusions as I have: Compare Crooke: “we should perhaps contemplate the paradox that Russia’s determination to try to avoid war is leading to war” “Russia’s low-key and…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37051" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37051 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Fear On Demand" rel="bookmark">Fear On Demand</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">13</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Fear on Demand Guest Column by Stephen Lendman The San Bernardino Shootings Were A Black Op US Government Operation Three separate eyewitnesses saw three tall male caucasians carry out the executions. Syed Rizwan and Tashfeen Malik were chosen to be the patsies and murdered so that they could not contradict the concocted accusation against them. As long as insoucient, gullible…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37024" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37024 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="How Many Millions of Dollars Were the Members of the Corrupt Government in Montenegro Paid by US Taxpayers in Exchange for joining NATO?" rel="bookmark">How Many Millions of Dollars Were the Members of the Corrupt Government in Montenegro Paid by US Taxpayers in Exchange for joining NATO?</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">13</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>How Many Millions of Dollars Were the Members of the Corrupt Government in Montenegro Paid by US Taxpayers in Exchange for joining NATO?</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37021" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37021 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="British Diplomat Alastair Crooke Supports PCR’s Position" rel="bookmark">British Diplomat Alastair Crooke Supports PCR’s Position</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">13</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>British Diplomat Alastair Crooke Supports PCR’s Position “Moscow seems to be offered a choice between backing the ‘hegemon’ or preparing for war” Read more:</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-37017" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-37017 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Obama State Dept Continues to Lie to the World" rel="bookmark">Obama State Dept Continues to Lie to the World</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">13</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Obama State Dept Continues to Lie to the World Watch State Dept liar John Kirby be taken apart by a female RT reporter. Notice his claim that the US has great relations with the Iraq government and is there with Iraq’s blessing: Then read this report on Zero Hedge: It is difficultl to imagine a government more shameful,…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-36974" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-36974 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Quarterly Call For Donations and New Column" rel="bookmark">Quarterly Call For Donations and New Column</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">12</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Quarterly Call For Donations Paul Craig Roberts Dear friends, readers often ask me what they can do as individuals. My answer is that there are three things you can do that are effective. First, be aware that solutions are pointless until there is awareness. You can help to build awareness by recommending this site. If we could get as little…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-36958" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-36958 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Would Turkey Dare Without Washington’s Approval?" rel="bookmark">Would Turkey Dare Without Washington’s Approval?</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">11</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Would Turkey Dare Without Washington’s Approval?</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-36898" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-36898 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Reasons Why President John F. Kennedy Was Assassinated" rel="bookmark">The Reasons Why President John F. Kennedy Was Assassinated</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">08</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The Reasons Why President John F. Kennedy Was Assassinated</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-36885" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-36885 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Another False Flag Attack" rel="bookmark">Another False Flag Attack</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">07</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Another false flag attack that dumbshit Americans will fall for hook, line, and sinker:</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-36877" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-36877 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="War Is On The Horizon: Is It Too Late To Stop It? — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">War Is On The Horizon: Is It Too Late To Stop It? — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">07</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>War Is On The Horizon: Is It Too Late To Stop It? Paul Craig Roberts One lesson from military history is that once mobilization for war begins, it takes on a momentum of its own and is uncontrollable. This might be what is occuring unrecognized before our eyes. In his September 28 speech at the 70th Anniversity of the United…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-36821" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-36821 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Former US Secretary of Defense Joins PCR In Warning Of Nuclear Armageddon Risk" rel="bookmark">Former US Secretary of Defense Joins PCR In Warning Of Nuclear Armageddon Risk</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">03</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Former US Secretary of Defense Joins PCR In Warning Of Nuclear Armageddon Risk i have been warning that the crazed neocons and their two-bit puppet, president obama, are leading, with the assistance of the presstitute media, the world back to the prospect of nuclear armageddon. A former Secretary of Defense agrees with me. Wake up! Constrain the insane US government,…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-36807" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-36807 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Greek People Face Dispossession Of Personal Assets" rel="bookmark">Greek People Face Dispossession Of Personal Assets</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">03</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Greek “Left-wing” Government Serves As Tax Farmer For The Banksters Greek People Face Dispossession Of Personal Assets</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-36766" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-36766 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Democracy Sold Out To Greed" rel="bookmark">Democracy Sold Out To Greed</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">01</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>While the “free Western media” cheers, the Western “democratic” governments sell out the peoples of the Western world to corporate tyranny Paul Craig Roberts John Massaria has turned my interview with Julian Charles into a video. The video helps me to bring home that “Western democracy” is a sham, a total lie. Every Western government and Washington’s Asian vassal states…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-36753" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-36753 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="An Experienced Pilot Explains “Stall Speed”" rel="bookmark">An Experienced Pilot Explains “Stall Speed”</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">01</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>This explanation is provided by a pilot who wishes to remain anonymous. The Airplane Aerodynamic Stall Explained In the aftermath of the downing by Turkish F-16 fighter jets of the Russian Sukhoi tactical bomber Su-24 over Syria, some have pointed out that Turkish claims the Russian jet was in Turkish airspace for 17 seconds, but covered a distance of only…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-36745" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-36745 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Good-Bye To Western Living Standards — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Good-Bye To Western Living Standards — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">01</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Good-Bye To Western Living Standards Paul Craig Roberts My column, “Capitalism At Work,” about Greek women being forced into prostitution by banksters and the IMF produced a number of responses from women, who report that austerity is having the same effect all over Europe. This is from a letter from Portugal: “Your article ‘Capitalism At Work’ shows absolutely what’s happened…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-36734" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-36734 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Russia Wakes Up About Western-Financed NGOs Operating Against Russia — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Russia Wakes Up About Western-Financed NGOs Operating Against Russia — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">30</a> <a href="">November</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Russia Wakes Up About Western-Financed NGOs Operating Against Russia Paul Craig Roberts It took the Russians too long to defend themselves from Washington’s Fifth Column NGOs, but finally they understood that these US-financed operatives were a dagger at Russia’s heart. Russian prosecutors have banned them. No one will give me credit for this, so I will claim it for…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-36701" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-36701 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-announcements"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Oregon Ranching Family Persecuted By Feds On Bogus Charges" rel="bookmark">Oregon Ranching Family Persecuted By Feds On Bogus Charges</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">29</a> <a href="">November</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Announcements</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Oregon Ranching Family Persecuted By Feds On Bogus Charges</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-36657" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-36657 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Capitalism At Work — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Capitalism At Work — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">28</a> <a href="">November</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Capitalism At Work Paul Craig Roberts Zero Hedge reports a story from “Keep Talking Greece” that first appeared in The Times According to the story, the plummeting living standards forced on the Greek people by German chancellor Merkel and the European banks have forced large numbers of young Greek women into prostitution. The large increase in the supply of…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-36634" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-36634 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-int category-interviews category-king-world-news-interviews"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="King World News Interviews PCR — Russia Rises As The West Destroys Itself" rel="bookmark">King World News Interviews PCR — Russia Rises As The West Destroys Itself</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">28</a> <a href="">November</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Interview archive</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Interviews</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">King World News</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>King World News Interviews PCR Russia Rises As The West Destroys Itself</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-36585" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-36585 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Stall Speed of SU-24" rel="bookmark">Stall Speed of SU-24</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">26</a> <a href="">November</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Stall Speed of SU-24 A few readers have taken issue with the 243mph stall speed of the SU-24 reported by Zero Hedge, which I cited in this article: First let me say that nothing in the article depends on the stall speed of the SU-24. The point is that 17 seconds is not sufficiently long for a pilot to…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-36569" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-36569 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Guest Column From George Abert, Formerly Of Air Force Intelligence" rel="bookmark">Guest Column From George Abert, Formerly Of Air Force Intelligence</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">26</a> <a href="">November</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Guest Column From George Abert, Formerly Of Air Force Intelligence Why did Turkey shoot down a Russian Air Force jet? Turkey is so militarily inferior to Russia that it is unlikely Turkey would commit an act of war against Russia without encouragement from Washington. We might think that Turkey would feel shielded by NATO, but it is doubtful that many…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-36537" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-36537 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-int category-interviews"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="PCR Debates the Intelligent and Gracious Stefan Molyneux about Private vs. Government Power" rel="bookmark">PCR Debates the Intelligent and Gracious Stefan Molyneux about Private vs. Government Power</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">25</a> <a href="">November</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Interview archive</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Interviews</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>PCR Debates the Intelligent and Gracious Stefan Molyneux about Private vs. Government Power</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk start pagination --> <div class="pk_pagination pk_pagination_sidebar"> <a>«</a><a class="pk_current_page">1</a><a href="">2</a><a href="">3</a><a href="" title="Next page">»</a> </div> <!-- pk end pagination --> </div> <!-- pk end content --> </div> <!-- pk end main --> <!-- pk start sidebar --> <aside id="pk_sidebar"> <div 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