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href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>  This historical chart shows that the much hyped Covid death rate is extremely low and does not justify the pandemic designation. &nbsp;</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105386" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105386 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="As I Asked Earlier, Has Flu Been Relabeled Covid?" rel="bookmark">As I Asked Earlier, Has Flu Been Relabeled Covid?</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">31</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>As I Asked Earlier, Has Flu Been Relabeled Covid?;utm_content=Zerohedge%3A+The+Durden+Dispatch&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_source=zh_newsletter </p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105384" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105384 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Stanford University Expert Hacks Dominion Voting Machines in Real Time Proving Ability to Alter Vote Count" rel="bookmark">Stanford University Expert Hacks Dominion Voting Machines in Real Time Proving Ability to Alter Vote Count</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">31</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Corrupt Voting Machine Representatives and Presstitute Liars Claim Voting Machines Cannot Be Used to Alter Votes. Not so says Stanford University expert who demonstrates to Georgia legislators his success in hacking the machines and altering the vote in real time.</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105388" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105388 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="How Do You Like Having a Two-bit Punk Gangster as President-by-Theft of the United States?" rel="bookmark">How Do You Like Having a Two-bit Punk Gangster as President-by-Theft of the United States?</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">31</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>How Do You Like Having a Two-bit Punk Gangster as President-by-Theft of the United States?;utm_content=Zerohedge%3A+The+Durden+Dispatch&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_source=zh_newsletter </p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105366" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105366 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Bill Barr—An American Traitor" rel="bookmark">Bill Barr—An American Traitor</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">30</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Bill Barr—An American Traitor;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_campaign=tipsheet&amp;utm_term=members&amp;utm_content=20201228233539 </p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105364" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105364 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Glenn Greenwald Explains that the Liberal/left Projects Its own Authoritarianism onto Trump" rel="bookmark">Glenn Greenwald Explains that the Liberal/left Projects Its own Authoritarianism onto Trump</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">30</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Glenn Greenwald Explains that the Liberal/left Projects Its own Authoritarianism onto Trump </p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105368" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105368 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Get Out of Seattle if Anyone Is Stupid Enough to Buy Your House" rel="bookmark">Get Out of Seattle if Anyone Is Stupid Enough to Buy Your House</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">30</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Get Out of Seattle if Anyone Is Stupid Enough to Buy Your House;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_campaign=tipsheet&amp;utm_term=members&amp;utm_content=20201228233539 </p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105348" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105348 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="American White People are more Demonized and under Stronger Attack than Jews were in Nazi Germany" rel="bookmark">American White People are more Demonized and under Stronger Attack than Jews were in Nazi Germany</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">30</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>American White People are more Demonized and under Stronger Attack than Jews were in Nazi Germany Will the “Great Awokening” wise-up deracinated white people, or are white people too dumbshit to survive?</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105351" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105351 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Where Did Covid Come From?" rel="bookmark">Where Did Covid Come From?</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">30</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles &amp; Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth 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Paul Craig Roberts The focus of the worldwide public’s attention on masks, lockdowns, infection rates, and vaccines serves to prevent any investigation of Covid’s origin. Did a disease of bats or some other creature mutate so that humans became susceptible? If so, why was research on how to make pathogens more infectious going on at&hellip;</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105337" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105337 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Interfax News Report on Biden’s Participation in Ukrainian Corruption" rel="bookmark">Interfax News Report on Biden’s Participation in Ukrainian Corruption</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">29</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Interfax News Report on Biden’s Participation in Ukrainian Corruption Here is a long report on Interfax News of an investigation into Ukrainian corruption that covers father and son Biden’s role in providing protection for corruption in exchange for money payments.  The report gives the larger picture of the extent of Ukrainian corruption.  It seems that it might be the case&hellip;</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105291" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105291 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="How Did a Person as Stupid as David Bernhard Be Made a Judge by the Virginia Legislature?" rel="bookmark">How Did a Person as Stupid as David Bernhard Be Made a Judge by the Virginia Legislature?</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">29</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>How Did a Person as Stupid as David Bernhard Be Made a Judge by the Virginia Legislature? Judge Bernhard rules a black person cannot get a fair trail in a room that has portraits of white people on the wall. </p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105323" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105323 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Edmund Connelly Explains How the Jews Destroyed Christmas" rel="bookmark">Edmund Connelly Explains How the Jews Destroyed Christmas</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">29</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Edmund Connelly Explains How the Jews Destroyed Christmas </p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105339" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105339 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Nashville Bombing vs. The Oklahoma City Bombing" rel="bookmark">The Nashville Bombing vs. The Oklahoma City Bombing</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">29</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles &amp; Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The Nashville Bombing vs. The Oklahoma City Bombing Paul Craig Roberts The Nashville bombing raises questions about the Oklahoma City bombing.  In 1995 the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was blown up.  Allegedly, the building was destroyed by a fertilizer bomb in a Ryder rental truck parked on the street.  The Murrah building had massive reinforced concrete columns, some&hellip;</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105298" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105298 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="A Shameful US Congress" rel="bookmark">A Shameful US Congress</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">28</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>A Shameful US Congress  Congress cannot even pony up a few bucks for Americans dispossessed of jobs, businesses, and income by lockdowns without throwing in $500,000,000 for Israel&#8211; Much less can Congress stand up to Israeli aggrandizement at the expense of the brutalized and dispossessed Palestinians. Watch the video (URL below) of how brave Israeli soldiers shoot down little children&hellip;</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105304" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105304 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Covid Vaccination Is a Control Matter, Not a Health Matter" rel="bookmark">Covid Vaccination Is a Control Matter, Not a Health Matter</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">28</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Covid Vaccination Is a Control Matter, Not a Health Matter False Tests Are Used to Create a “Covid Crisis.”  Then a vaccine is produced that even health providers distrust.  The vaccine, assuming it works, only provides short-term immunity, and idiotic governments in keeping with Bill Gates’ wishes are issuing “Freedom Passports”  on the basis of “immunity” that has&hellip;</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105306" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105306 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Flu Has Become Covid so We Can Have a Pandamic and a Lockdown" rel="bookmark">The Flu Has Become Covid so We Can Have a Pandamic and a Lockdown</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">28</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The Flu Has Become Covid so We Can Have a Pandamic and a Lockdown;feature=emb_logo </p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105309" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105309 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Revenge Is Mine, Sayeth CounterPunch" rel="bookmark">Revenge Is Mine, Sayeth CounterPunch</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">28</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Revenge Is Mine, Sayeth CounterPunch CounterPunch, formerly an occasionally  thoughtful publication, is now preoccupied with how to ruin Trump. Mean-spiritedness is now the Hallmark of the left. </p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105311" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105311 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="If you miss a real Christmas Service, here is one from 1999:" rel="bookmark">If you miss a real Christmas Service, here is one from 1999:</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">25</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Dear Friends,  If you miss a real Christmas Service, here is one from 1999: </p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105287" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105287 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Biden’s Owners" rel="bookmark">Biden’s Owners</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">24</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Biden’s Owners From Zero Hedge Top Contributors, federal election data for Joe Biden, 2020 cycle totals include subsidiaries and affiliates: 1 Bloomberg LP [Michael Bloomberg] $56,796,137 2 Future Forward USA [largely Dustin Moskowitz] $29,917,229 3 Priorities USA/Priorities USA Action [Hillary backers] $25,841,199 4 Asana  [Moskowitz &amp; Rosenstein] $21,937,902 5 Sixteen Thirty Fund [dark money] $19,874,655 6 Democracy PAC [George Soros] $19,000,000 7 Senate Majority PAC [Democratic&hellip;</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105289" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105289 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="God’s Chosen People" rel="bookmark">God’s Chosen People</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">24</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>God’s Chosen People;utm_campaign=a2bd33acf6-IAK_Daily_Updates&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_term=0_492062bf3f-a2bd33acf6-329676313 </p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105174" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105174 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Christmas Column 2020" rel="bookmark">Christmas Column 2020</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">24</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles &amp; Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Christmas Column 2020 Dear Donors, Thank you for your support in 2020. Although you have kept me working yet another year, I find it encouraging that there are still some Americans who can think independently and who want to know. As Margaret Mead said, it only takes a few determined people to change the world. Perhaps some of you will&hellip;</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105294" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105294 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Nation, Mouthpiece of the Crazed Left, Declares It Sedition to Protest Stolen Election" rel="bookmark">The Nation, Mouthpiece of the Crazed Left, Declares It Sedition to Protest Stolen Election</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The Nation, Mouthpiece of the Crazed Left, Declares It Sedition to Protest Stolen Election Regardless of whether you like Trump, he has the facts on his side that the presidential election was stolen.  Here is Trump’s brief, clear presentation of the facts.  It is worth your attention—  The problem that Trump and American democracy face is that the establishment and&hellip;</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105283" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105283 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The 2020 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset”" rel="bookmark">The 2020 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset”</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The 2020 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset” Global Research E-Book, Centre for Research on Globalization This book available free at the below URL by Professor Michel Chossudovsky provides all the information missing from the “news.” </p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105281" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105281 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Health Workers Are Learning Like the Rest of Us Not to Trust Government, Media, Health Authorities" rel="bookmark">Health Workers Are Learning Like the Rest of Us Not to Trust Government, Media, Health Authorities</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Health Workers Are Learning Like the Rest of Us Not to Trust Government, Media, Health Authorities </p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105279" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105279 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Dumbshit Georgia Election Official Who Scoffed at Election Fraud Evidence Finds that an Out-of-State Woman Used His Address to Vote in Georgia" rel="bookmark">Dumbshit Georgia Election Official Who Scoffed at Election Fraud Evidence Finds that an Out-of-State Woman Used His Address to Vote in Georgia</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Dumbshit Georgia Election Official Who Scoffed at Election Fraud Evidence Finds that an Out-of-State Woman Used His Address to Vote in Georgia </p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105263" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105263 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-interviews"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="US in Advanced Economic, Social, and Political Collapse" rel="bookmark">US in Advanced Economic, Social, and Political Collapse</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Interviews</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>US in Advanced Economic, Social, and Political Collapse PCR Interviewed on Silver Doctors</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105259" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105259 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="One Proof There Was Electoral Fraud Is the Use of Threats and Destruction of Evidence to Prevent investigation" rel="bookmark">One Proof There Was Electoral Fraud Is the Use of Threats and Destruction of Evidence to Prevent investigation</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>One Proof There Was Electoral Fraud Is the Use of Threats and Destruction of Evidence to Prevent investigation;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_campaign=breaking-2020-12-22-2</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105172" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105172 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="On Truth" rel="bookmark">On Truth</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles &amp; Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>SUPPORT YOUR WEBSITE On Truth Woke Truth Is Emotion-Based Not Evidence-Based Paul Craig Roberts The Western World’s concept of objective truth was challenged by Karl Marx, who declared truth to be class truth. The capitalists had their truth, and the workers had their truth. The workers’ truth had more validity, because they were oppressed, whereas the capitalists’ truth was self-serving. &hellip;</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105250" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105250 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Our Elites Learned from Zionists How to Control Explanations to Benefit Their Power and Wealth" rel="bookmark">Our Elites Learned from Zionists How to Control Explanations to Benefit Their Power and Wealth</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">22</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Our Elites Learned from Zionists How to Control Explanations to Benefit Their Power and Wealth&nbsp; The historian David Irving warned us 28 years ago about controlled explanations.&nbsp; We paid little attention.&nbsp; Seeing how easily the Zionists got away with it, our ruling elites adopted the same practice.&nbsp; Now everything is as controlled as the explanation of the Holocaust.</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105176" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105176 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Our Country Has Been Stolen and Republicans Did Not Prevent the Theft" rel="bookmark">Our Country Has Been Stolen and Republicans Did Not Prevent the Theft</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">22</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles &amp; Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>SUPPORT YOUR WEBSITE Our Country Has Been Stolen and Republicans Did Not Prevent the Theft Paul Craig Roberts Other than President Trump, no one cares enough about America to protect it.&nbsp; So why are we spending $1,000 billion annually to defend ourselves from alleged foreign threats when there is no defense against our country’s theft by the ruling Establishment and&hellip;</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105244" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105244 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Covid Relief Bill: Americans get $600. Israel gets $500,000,000." rel="bookmark">Covid Relief Bill: Americans get $600. Israel gets $500,000,000.</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">22</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Covid Relief Bill:&nbsp; Americans get $600.&nbsp; Israel gets $500,000,000.</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105212" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105212 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Requiem For Donald Trump" rel="bookmark">Requiem For Donald Trump</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">21</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles &amp; Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>SUPPORT YOUR WEBSITE Requiem For Donald Trump Paul Craig Roberts Attorney General Bill Barr, another of Trump’s mistakes, has sold out not only President Trump but also American democracy, thus proving that it is pointless to vote for Republicans.   Barr has again repeated in the face of conclusive evidence that the November presidential election was organized to be stolen&hellip;</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105208" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105208 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Only Achievement of Integration Is the Destruction of Schools and Learning" rel="bookmark">The Only Achievement of Integration Is the Destruction of Schools and Learning</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">21</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The Only Achievement of Integration Is the Destruction of Schools and Learning When progressive educational institutions embrace revolutionary ideologies, as New York City’s prestigeous private Dalton School has done, they fail to appreciate that the revolution comes for them first. The scaffolding is being built on East 89th street.;utm_content=Zerohedge%3A+The+Durden+Dispatch&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_source=zh_newsletter</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105188" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105188 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="In order to make it look like the vaccine is working WHO now admits that the Covid test produces high rate of false positives" rel="bookmark">In order to make it look like the vaccine is working WHO now admits that the Covid test produces high rate of false positives</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">21</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>In order to make it look like the vaccine is working WHO now admits that the Covid test produces high rate of false positives In other words, first use false positives to overstate the infections in order to create a case for vaccination, then say the vaccine is working because the infections are overstated by a defective test.;utm_content=Zerohedge%3A+The+Durden+Dispatch&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_source=zh_newsletter</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105142" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105142 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Dystopian Western World" rel="bookmark">The Dystopian Western World</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">21</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles &amp; Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>SUPPORT YOUR WEBSITE The Dystopian Western World The West is living the worst of Orwell’s 1984 and Raspail’s Camp of the Saints Paul Craig Roberts As the second decade of the 21st century comes to an end, democracy and free speech no longer exist in the Western World.&nbsp; In all its respects, Western civilization no longer exists. In the United&hellip;</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105186" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105186 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Identical Intimidation as that Currently Practiced by the American Left Brought Nazis to Power" rel="bookmark">Identical Intimidation as that Currently Practiced by the American Left Brought Nazis to Power</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">20</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Identical Intimidation as that Currently Practiced by the American Left Brought Nazis to Power;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_campaign=breaking-2020-12-20-2</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105181" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105181 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Photos that Bring the World to You" rel="bookmark">Photos that Bring the World to You</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">20</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105154" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105154 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Western Civilization R.I.P." rel="bookmark">Western Civilization R.I.P.</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">19</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Jim Quinn Tells Us What Is Really Going Down—The Complete Destruction of Our Country “In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousand-fold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply&hellip;</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105131" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105131 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Nurse Collapses on Live Television shortly after receiving COVID-19 VACCINE" rel="bookmark">Nurse Collapses on Live Television shortly after receiving COVID-19 VACCINE</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">18</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Nurse Collapses on Live Television shortly after receiving COVID-19 VACCINE Stephen Lendman Notes the Strange Death of Vaccine Safety Advocate Brazil’s Supreme Court paves way for SANCTIONS for refusing Covid-19 jab</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105114" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105114 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Wayne Dupree Reports That the Establishment Has Again Prevailed" rel="bookmark">Wayne Dupree Reports That the Establishment Has Again Prevailed</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">17</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Wayne Dupree Reports That the Establishment Has Again Prevailed C. J. Hopkins Reports that the Defeat of Trump is the Victory of Big Brother</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105096" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105096 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="AMA Says OK to Use HCQ" rel="bookmark">AMA Says OK to Use HCQ</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">16</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>AMA Says OK to Use HCQ The American Medical Association has rescinded its statement that doctors should be prevented from prescribing HCQ.&nbsp; The AMA’s new position is that doctors must be permitted to use their judgment about how to treat Covid patients. Perhaps the AMA became worried about the liability for all the needless deaths it had caused by shilling&hellip;</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105094" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105094 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Western Public Health Officials Are Intentionally Withholding Life-Saving Safe Treatments for Covid" rel="bookmark">Western Public Health Officials Are Intentionally Withholding Life-Saving Safe Treatments for Covid</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">16</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles &amp; Columns</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>SUPPORT&nbsp; YOUR&nbsp; WEBSITE Western Public Health Officials Are Intentionally Withholding Life-Saving Safe Treatments for Covid Dear Readers, I have pointed out to you in a number of postings to this website that known cures for Covid are being suppressed.&nbsp; HCQ, for example, is being intentionally kept from people who as a result needlessly die from Covid.&nbsp; In other words, it&hellip;</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105089" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105089 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Does the West Any Longer Have a Left?" rel="bookmark">Does the West Any Longer Have a Left?</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">16</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles &amp; Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>SUPPORT YOUR WEBSITE Does the West Any Longer Have a Left? Paul Craig Roberts There is no sign of one in the traditional meaning of leftwing. &nbsp; In former times, the left stood for the working class. Leftist literature was about class antagonisms.  The left attacked the capitalists.  Today the left is funded by them. The words&#8211;reform, justice, progressive&#8211;all meant&hellip;</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105070" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105070 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Is Covid a Weapon Used for an Agenda?" rel="bookmark">Is Covid a Weapon Used for an Agenda?</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">16</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Is Covid a Weapon Used for an Agenda? This is a very disturbing article.&nbsp; The author concludes that Covid was intentionally released and is continually released when infections decline. &nbsp;</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105062" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105062 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Court-ordered audit concludes Dominion voting machines were intentionally designed to ‘create systemic fraud’ in Michigan" rel="bookmark">Court-ordered audit concludes Dominion voting machines were intentionally designed to ‘create systemic fraud’ in Michigan</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">16</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Court-ordered audit concludes Dominion voting machines were intentionally designed to ‘create systemic fraud’ in Michigan&nbsp; More evidence of electoral fraud that will be ignored</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105053" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105053 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Britain’s Orwellian Police Urge Britains to Rat One Another Out for undefined “Extremist Views.”" rel="bookmark">Britain’s Orwellian Police Urge Britains to Rat One Another Out for undefined “Extremist Views.”</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">16</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Britain’s Orwellian Police Urge Britains to Rat One Another Out for undefined “Extremist Views.” An “extremist view” is one that differs from controlled explanations.   The “freedom and democracy” West looks more and more like the old Soviet Union. Holding unapproved opinions is becoming a crime.&nbsp; But “we have freedom and democracy.”</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105056" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105056 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="No Flu This Year?" rel="bookmark">No Flu This Year?</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">15</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles &amp; Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Support Your Website No Flu This Year? Paul Craig Roberts Is there no flu this year or is flu “the second wave of Covid?” &nbsp; Don’t expect any honest answer from health authorities.&nbsp; They have the fear running strong, so strong that people are submitting to needless lockdowns that are causing economic havoc to their lives and to mask mandates&hellip;</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105051" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105051 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Eton Teacher Fired for Questioning “Toxic Masculinity”" rel="bookmark">Eton Teacher Fired for Questioning “Toxic Masculinity”</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">15</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Eton Teacher Fired for Questioning “Toxic Masculinity” Eton, once a training ground for leaders of the British Empire is now a school for pussies. Eton decided that treating males equally fell foul of equality laws. No alfa males welcome on Eton’s faculty, only Beta males</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-105047" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-105047 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Electoral fraud in the US is child’s play" rel="bookmark">Electoral fraud in the US is child’s play</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">15</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Electoral fraud in the US is child’s play Why Illegal Aliens Can Vote In US Elections;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_campaign=breaking-2020-12-13-6 And It Is Almost Impossible to Overturn Electoral Fraud Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona Republican Electors Cast Votes for Trump;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_campaign=breaking-2020-12-14-5</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-104866" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-104866 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Why Was Coronavirus Patented?" rel="bookmark">Why Was Coronavirus Patented?</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">15</a> <a href="">December</a>, <a href="">2020</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>A short compelling explanation of the long disturbing history of the coronavirus. What do we make of it?</p> <a href="" title="Read more &raquo;" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more &raquo;</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk start pagination --> <div class="pk_pagination pk_pagination_sidebar"> <a>&laquo;</a><a class="pk_current_page">1</a><a href="">2</a><a href="">3</a><a href="" title="Next page">&raquo;</a> </div> <!-- pk end pagination --> </div> <!-- pk end content --> </div> <!-- pk end main --> <!-- pk start sidebar --> <aside id="pk_sidebar"> <div id="pk_sidebar_content"> <!-- pk start pk-search widget --> <div class="pk_widget"> <form role="search" method="get" id="searchform" class="searchform" action=""> <div> <label class="screen-reader-text" for="s">Search for:</label> <input type="text" value="" name="s" id="s" /> <input type="submit" id="searchsubmit" value="Search" /> </div> </form> </div> <!-- pk end pk-search widget --> <div 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