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pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>A Test for Trump Is On Its Way </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137572" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137572 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Sweden, Once an Ethnic Nation, Now a Tower of Babel, Combats Rape with Lectures on “Liberal Values”" rel="bookmark">Sweden, Once an Ethnic Nation, Now a Tower of Babel, Combats Rape with Lectures on “Liberal Values”</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Sweden, Once an Ethnic Nation, Now a Tower of Babel, Combats Rape with Lectures on “Liberal Values” It would be racist to arrest a black rapist, so Sweden has come up with an excuse for them: “They grow up in patriarchal structures.” </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137509" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137509 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="More Americans Died Due to Covid 19 Injections Than in WWI, WWII, and the Vietnam War Combined" rel="bookmark">More Americans Died Due to Covid 19 Injections Than in WWI, WWII, and the Vietnam War Combined</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>More Americans Died Due to Covid 19 Injections Than in WWI, WWII, and the Vietnam War Combined The truth about the Covid vax is suppressed because Big Pharma accounts for about 75% of TV advertising. (Big Pharma research grants also account for about 70% of the articles published in the prestigious medical journals. )</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137568" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137568 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="As I Said, Evil Never Quits" rel="bookmark">As I Said, Evil Never Quits</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>As I Said, Evil Never Quits Soros-Backed District Attorney Larry Krasner Exploring State Charges Against January 6ers Pardoned by Trump The question before us is: Is the extermination of the Establishment necessary if America is to survive? Can America survive a Democrat Party that is opposed to every American principle? </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137561" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137561 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="On Pardons:" rel="bookmark">On Pardons:</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>On Pardons: The Confession Clause: Accepting A Pardon Is An Admission Of Guilt No Such Thing as Preemptive Pardons </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137574" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137574 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="US Intelligence Agencies’ Mass Surveillance of Its Citizens" rel="bookmark">US Intelligence Agencies’ Mass Surveillance of Its Citizens</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>US Intelligence Agencies’ Mass Surveillance of Its Citizens–us-intelligence-agencies-mass-surveillance-of-its-citizens-1121479363.html </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137563" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137563 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <div class="pk_one_thirdbk"> </div> <div class="pk_two_thirdbk pk_last"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Democrats Are America’s Worst Enemies" rel="bookmark">Democrats Are America’s Worst Enemies</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137511" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137511 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Why Trump forced Israel to accept Gaza ceasefire" rel="bookmark">Why Trump forced Israel to accept Gaza ceasefire</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Why Trump forced Israel to accept Gaza ceasefire This is good analysis, and hopeful. It suggests that Trump is not so completely in Israel’s pocket. </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137531" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137531 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Trump Picks His Bodyguard to Head Secret Service" rel="bookmark">Trump Picks His Bodyguard to Head Secret Service</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">20</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Trump Picks His Bodyguard to Head Secret Service CNN, an anti-Trump propaganda organization, could not care less whether Trump is protected and is criticizing the appointment on the grounds that Trump’s pick lacks the experience to run a large organization. Trump is especially vulnerable to assassination as the Deep State sees him as an existential threat. Trump also suffers…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137529" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137529 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="We Never Had a Biden Administration" rel="bookmark">We Never Had a Biden Administration</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">20</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>We Never Had a Biden Administration Watch this 3 minute description from the Speaker of the House of his meeting with Joe Biden a year ago in the White House, and you will realize that we have not had 4 years of the Biden administration. Someone else has been running the show. </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137508" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137508 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Bad News that Trump Is Teaming Up with Bill Gates" rel="bookmark">Bad News that Trump Is Teaming Up with Bill Gates</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">20</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Bad News that Trump Is Teaming Up with Bill Gates </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137488" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137488 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Mike Whitney Explains Why Washington Arranged Syria’s Destruction:" rel="bookmark">Mike Whitney Explains Why Washington Arranged Syria’s Destruction:</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">17</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Mike Whitney Explains Why Washington Arranged Syria’s Destruction: In order for Washington’s proxies to disrupt the Turkstream pipeline from Russia to Turkey. And Lavrov pretends US not at war with Russia. </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137491" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137491 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Kremlin Continues to Enhance the War Capability of Russia’s Enemy" rel="bookmark">The Kremlin Continues to Enhance the War Capability of Russia’s Enemy</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">17</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The Kremlin Continues to Enhance the War Capability of Russia’s Enemy 20% of America’s enriched uranium comes from Russia No sanctions on uranium for Washington’s nukes. </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137498" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137498 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Corrupt and Despicable FBI Is Trying to Hide Its Race and Gender Discrimination Against White Men" rel="bookmark">The Corrupt and Despicable FBI Is Trying to Hide Its Race and Gender Discrimination Against White Men</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">17</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The Corrupt and Despicable FBI Is Trying to Hide Its Race and Gender Discrimination Against White Men FBI shuts down diversity office Heads need to roll. Every supervisory position needs to be refilled. </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137485" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137485 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Immigrant-invader Advocates Run the Biden Justice (sic) Department" rel="bookmark">Immigrant-invader Advocates Run the Biden Justice (sic) Department</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">17</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Immigrant-invader Advocates Run the Biden Justice (sic) Department Biden Gestapo fines American restaurant for “requiring more documents than necessary” to verify non-citizens work permits. How did caution get to be a crime? Because the open borders DOJ say it is “racist” to treat a non-citizen different from a citizen. Listen to Kristen Clarke speaking for the DOJ Immigrant and…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137470" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137470 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="You will never regret using 22 minutes of your time to listen to this" rel="bookmark">You will never regret using 22 minutes of your time to listen to this</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">16</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The entire 22 minutes is interesting. The interview with Dr. William Makis about Ivermectin and Fenbendazole curing stage 4 cancers begins at 7:08 You will never regret using 22 minutes of your time to listen to this</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137468" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137468 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Canadian Government Admits Deaths Surged Among ‘Boosted’ Citizens" rel="bookmark">Canadian Government Admits Deaths Surged Among ‘Boosted’ Citizens</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">16</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Canadian Government Admits Deaths Surged Among ‘Boosted’ Citizens The evidence is so overwhelming that the Covid vax is a killer that governments can no longer cover up the fact. The question remains. Why did governments participate in the deaths and injuries of their own citizens? Did they do it for Big Pharma’s profits? Did they do it as co-conspirators with…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137472" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137472 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="It Looks Like Trump Will Complete the American Sellout of the Palestinians" rel="bookmark">It Looks Like Trump Will Complete the American Sellout of the Palestinians</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">16</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>It Looks Like Trump Will Complete the American Sellout of the Palestinians The shame that Trump is bringing to America by serving as Israel’s agent offsets any good he might do. Israeli Settler Leaders Will Attend Trump’s Inauguration Solidarity between often-shunned movement, new administration Delegation invited to Jan. 20 event by Republican officials Dan Williams January 12, 2025 at…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137464" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137464 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The corrupt Biden regime in its last evil act is punishing Elon Musk for telling the truth " rel="bookmark">The corrupt Biden regime in its last evil act is punishing Elon Musk for telling the truth </a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">16</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The corrupt Biden regime in its last evil act is punishing Elon Musk for telling the truth The greatest failure of the American people was to sit on their butts and allow the utterly corrupt American establishment to steal the 2020 presidential election. The official narrative from Bloomberg: “Elon Musk cheated Twitter shareholders out of over $150 million by waiting…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137443" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137443 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Biden Economy" rel="bookmark">The Biden Economy</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">14</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The Biden Economy Store closings, non-financial US companies with record debt of $8,45 trillion, Macy’s closing 150 stores, 7-11 closing 444 stores, Party City closing 700 stores and filing for bankruptcy, Kohl’s share prices fall 51%. Into this suffering economy the despicable Democrats dumped millions of poor, uneducated immigrant-invaders. Why? </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137447" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137447 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Musk Has Corrupt British Elites Facing Accountability for Their 30 years of Protecting Mass Gang Rape of English Children" rel="bookmark">Musk Has Corrupt British Elites Facing Accountability for Their 30 years of Protecting Mass Gang Rape of English Children</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">14</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Musk Has Corrupt British Elites Facing Accountability for Their 30 years of Protecting Mass Gang Rape of English Children The British Elite were too afraid of being called racists to protect children from immigrant-invaders. </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137451" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137451 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The indoctrination of American children continues" rel="bookmark">The indoctrination of American children continues</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">14</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The indoctrination of American children continues</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137449" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137449 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="French Green Party Demands More Suppression of Free Speech" rel="bookmark">French Green Party Demands More Suppression of Free Speech</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">14</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>French Green Party Demands More Suppression of Free Speech Every self-serving interest group wants every voice suppressed but its own. </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137432" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137432 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Every Western Government Places Protection of Immigrant-invaders Above Protection of Its Own Ethnic Citizens" rel="bookmark">Every Western Government Places Protection of Immigrant-invaders Above Protection of Its Own Ethnic Citizens</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">13</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Every Western Government Places Protection of Immigrant-invaders Above Protection of Its Own Ethnic Citizens For more than thirty years British authorities have protected immigrant-invaders from accountability for their mass gang rapes of underaged English girls. The British authorities are so scared of being called “racists” that they refuse to protect children and enforce the law. The British are living The…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137435" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137435 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Trump Regime Already Backing Off on Pardons for January 6 Supporters of Trump" rel="bookmark">Trump Regime Already Backing Off on Pardons for January 6 Supporters of Trump</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">13</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Trump Regime Already Backing Off on Pardons for January 6 Supporters of Trump JD Vance says violent protesters should remain in jail. This means that JD Vance believes Biden DOJ’s prosecutions were based on evidence. It is like I wrote yesterday. Gaining respectability with the establishment always takes priority. The Trump regime will be tamed before it takes office. </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137423" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137423 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Insouciant Americans Are an Easy Mark for Israel" rel="bookmark">Insouciant Americans Are an Easy Mark for Israel</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">12</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Insouciant Americans Are an Easy Mark for Israel Jeffrey Sachs explains that Washington’s “war on terror” consisted of Americans dying in order to clear the way for Greater Israel. Netanyahu, Sachs said, is “a deep, dark son of a bitch.” He could say the same thing about every neoconservative. They deceived Americans about “terrorists” in order to manipulate Americans into…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137425" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137425 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Collapse of American Military Morale" rel="bookmark">Collapse of American Military Morale</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">12</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Collapse of American Military Morale American Immigrant-invaders in Okinawa are raping women. </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137402" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137402 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="In England the Police and British Government Aid and Abet the Gang Rape of English Girls by Immigrant-Invaders" rel="bookmark">In England the Police and British Government Aid and Abet the Gang Rape of English Girls by Immigrant-Invaders</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">10</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>In England the Police and British Government Aid and Abet the Gang Rape of English Girls by Immigrant-Invaders And the British government votes down an inquiry. As I have explained numerous times, not a single Western Country supports its citizens who are forced to accept the use of their daughters for the sexual gratification of Immigrant-Invaders. This is the de…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137411" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137411 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Camp of the Saints" rel="bookmark">The Camp of the Saints</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">10</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The Camp of the Saints</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137407" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137407 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <div class="pk_one_thirdbk"> </div> <div class="pk_two_thirdbk pk_last"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Washington’s Mindless Sanctions Are Destroying the Dollar’s Reserve Currency Role that Is the Basis of American Power" rel="bookmark">Washington’s Mindless Sanctions Are Destroying the Dollar’s Reserve Currency Role that Is the Basis of American Power</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">10</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Washington’s Mindless Sanctions Are Destroying the Dollar’s Reserve Currency Role that Is the Basis of American Power </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137415" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137415 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Ultimate Stupidity–Open Borders and No Jobs" rel="bookmark">The Ultimate Stupidity–Open Borders and No Jobs</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">10</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>How Is Trump Going to Bring Jobs Back When AI Is Eliminating Jobs? Something is wrong when science is focused on human replacement.</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137413" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137413 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Monster’ Fauci should be jailed" rel="bookmark">Monster’ Fauci should be jailed</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">10</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Monster’ Fauci should be jailed</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137397" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137397 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Why Does the British PM Protect Pakistani Rape Gangs?" rel="bookmark">Why Does the British PM Protect Pakistani Rape Gangs?</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">09</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Why Does the British PM Protect Pakistani Rape Gangs? The English are living The Camp of the Saints. </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137389" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137389 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Renowned Oncologist: ‘Evil’ COVID ‘Vaccines’ Caused ‘Turbo Cancer’ ‘Explosion’" rel="bookmark">Renowned Oncologist: ‘Evil’ COVID ‘Vaccines’ Caused ‘Turbo Cancer’ ‘Explosion’</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">08</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Renowned Oncologist: ‘Evil’ COVID ‘Vaccines’ Caused ‘Turbo Cancer’ ‘Explosion’ </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137387" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137387 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Is there any government not in the hands of Big Pharma?" rel="bookmark">Is there any government not in the hands of Big Pharma?</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">08</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Is there any government not in the hands of Big Pharma? </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137378" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137378 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Who Is the Empire Builder? Putin in Donbas or Trump in Canada, Greenland, Panama (and Mexico)?" rel="bookmark">Who Is the Empire Builder? Putin in Donbas or Trump in Canada, Greenland, Panama (and Mexico)?</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">07</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Who Is the Empire Builder? Putin in Donbas or Trump in Canada, Greenland, Panama (and Mexico)? </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137380" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137380 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Biden Regime Using DEI and Open Borders Did Its Best to Replace White Americans" rel="bookmark">The Biden Regime Using DEI and Open Borders Did Its Best to Replace White Americans</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">07</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The Biden Regime Using DEI and Open Borders Did Its Best to Replace White Americans The anti-white Biden Regime “kicked off a fundamental transformation of the US military, sparking a series of bizarre scandals and leading to an unprecedented drop in readiness and morale.” White Males Singled Out for Reduction in US Air Force Program—reports-1120215264.html </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137385" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137385 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Normalization of Sex Change Operations Smells of Apocalypse" rel="bookmark">The Normalization of Sex Change Operations Smells of Apocalypse</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">07</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The Normalization of Sex Change Operations Smells of Apocalypse</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137374" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137374 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Why Did Canadians Keep The despicable Tyrant Prime Minister for 11 years?" rel="bookmark">Why Did Canadians Keep The despicable Tyrant Prime Minister for 11 years?</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">07</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Why Did Canadians Keep The despicable Tyrant Prime Minister for 11 years? </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137362" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137362 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="US Deep State: Its Roots, Tools and Enablers" rel="bookmark">US Deep State: Its Roots, Tools and Enablers</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">06</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>US Deep State: Its Roots, Tools and Enablers </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137360" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137360 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="How US Dollar Will Be Dethroned by BRICS National Currencies" rel="bookmark">How US Dollar Will Be Dethroned by BRICS National Currencies</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">06</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>How US Dollar Will Be Dethroned by BRICS National Currencies </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137369" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137369 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <div class="pk_one_thirdbk"> </div> <div class="pk_two_thirdbk pk_last"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Biden’s Complete Corruption Revealed" rel="bookmark">Biden’s Complete Corruption Revealed</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">06</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- 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meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137367" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137367 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Another $8 billion of US taxpayer’s income sent to Israel to support the genocide of Palestine" rel="bookmark">Another $8 billion of US taxpayer’s income sent to Israel to support the genocide of Palestine</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">06</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Another $8 billion of US taxpayer’s income sent to Israel to support the genocide of Palestine </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137357" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137357 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Red Alert Issued as Excess Deaths Still Skyrocketing in Covid-Vaxxed Children" rel="bookmark">Red Alert Issued as Excess Deaths Still Skyrocketing in Covid-Vaxxed Children</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">05</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Red Alert Issued as Excess Deaths Still Skyrocketing in Covid-Vaxxed Children Fauci, Big Pharma, and corrupt doctors got away with it. Red Alert Issued as Excess Deaths Still Skyrocketing in Covid-Vaxxed Children </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137347" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137347 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Chuck Baldwin Tells It Like It Is" rel="bookmark">Chuck Baldwin Tells It Like It Is</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">05</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Chuck Baldwin Tells It Like It Is </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137342" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137342 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Study finds DNA contamination in Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines" rel="bookmark">Study finds DNA contamination in Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">03</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Study finds DNA contamination in Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines Students had to reveal the truth because scientists dominated by Big Pharma money refused to reveal it. This was also reported by Maryanne Demasi: </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137337" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137337 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <div class="pk_one_thirdbk"> </div> <div class="pk_two_thirdbk pk_last"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="400,000 Immigrant-invaders legalized themselves and their relatives in 2024 by entering the US to give birth" rel="bookmark">400,000 Immigrant-invaders legalized themselves and their relatives in 2024 by entering the US to give birth</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">03</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p> </p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137326" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137326 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Bank Employees Sell Your Financial Data to Scammers" rel="bookmark">Bank Employees Sell Your Financial Data to Scammers</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">02</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The Digital Revolution Was a Massive Mistake As sophisticated scams increasingly target the life savings of Americans, a more mundane effort is underway to steal from you. It’s part of a little-noticed pattern popping up all across US banking—from towers in Manhattan to hubs in Florida and even suburban Louisiana. It seems the financial industry’s lowest-paid employees keep getting caught selling…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-137324" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-137324 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="CIA Deceived Trump About Origin of Covid Says Newly Appointed FBI Director Kash Patel" rel="bookmark">CIA Deceived Trump About Origin of Covid Says Newly Appointed FBI Director Kash Patel</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">02</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2025</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>CIA Deceived Trump About Origin of Covid Says Newly Appointed FBI Director Kash Patel New Director of The FBI Kash Patel exposes The CIA was behind the COVID 19 coverup working with Anthony Fauci “Gina Haspel as Director of The CIA — authorized 6 case officers and intelligence analysts to be paid off so that they would change their assessment…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk start pagination --> <div class="pk_pagination pk_pagination_sidebar"> <a>«</a><a class="pk_current_page">1</a><a href="">2</a><a 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