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<div class="pk_center_box"> <!-- pk start inner --> <div class="pk_inner"> <!-- pk start main --> <div id="pk_main"> <!-- pk start content --> <div id="pk_content"> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20677" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20677 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles category-dave-kranzler-guest-contributions category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Federal Reserve Has No Integrity" rel="bookmark">The Federal Reserve Has No Integrity</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by algol" rel="author">algol</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">31</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Dave Kranzler</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler As we documented in previous articles, the gold price is driven down in the paper futures market by naked short selling by the Fed’s dependent bullion banks. Some people have a hard time accepting this fact even though it is known that the big banks have manipulated the LIBOR (London Interbank Overnight Rate –…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20584" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20584 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-int category-interviews"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="PCR Interviewed by Julian Charles, The Mind Renewed, March 27, 2014" rel="bookmark">PCR Interviewed by Julian Charles, The Mind Renewed, March 27, 2014</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">29</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Interview archive</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Interviews</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>PCR Interviewed by Julian Charles, The Mind Renewed, March 27, 2014 Ukraine: Obama’s Path To War And Armageddon?</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20557" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20557 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles tag-imf tag-looting tag-ukraine"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Western Looting Of Ukraine Has Begun — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Western Looting Of Ukraine Has Begun — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">29</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">IMF</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">looting</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Ukraine</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Western Looting Of Ukraine Has Begun Paul Craig Roberts It is now apparent that the “Maiden protests” in Kiev were in actuality a Washington organized coup against the elected democratic government. The purpose of the coup is to put NATO military bases on Ukraine’s border with Russia and to impose an IMF austerity program that serves as cover for Western…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20528" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20528 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles tag-barnes tag-obama tag-putin tag-ukraine"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Pushing Toward The Final War — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Pushing Toward The Final War — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">28</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">Barnes</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Obama</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Putin</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Ukraine</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Pushing Toward The Final War Paul Craig Roberts Does Obama realize that he is leading the US and its puppet states to war with Russia and China, or is Obama being manipulated into this disaster by his neoconservative speech writers and government officials? World War 1 (and World War 2) was the result of the ambitions and mistakes of a…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20516" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20516 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-int category-interviews"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="King World News Interview: Most Dangerous Crisis" rel="bookmark">King World News Interview: Most Dangerous Crisis</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">28</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Interview archive</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Interviews</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>PCR Interview With King World News The Most Dangerous Crisis In Mankind’s History</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20461" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20461 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles tag-barnes tag-myzychko tag-putin tag-tymoshenko tag-ukraine"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="How Much War Does Washington Want? — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">How Much War Does Washington Want? — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">26</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">Barnes</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Myzychko</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Putin</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Tymoshenko</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Ukraine</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>How Much War Does Washington Want? Paul Craig Roberts “America does not at the moment have a functioning democracy.” Former US President Jimmy Carter I doubt that the Ukraine crisis precipitated by Washington’s overthrow of the democratic government is over. Washington has won the propaganda war everywhere outside of Russia and Ukraine itself. Within Ukraine people are aware that the…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20445" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20445 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-int category-interviews"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Ukraine: Stefan Molyneux Interviews PCR" rel="bookmark">Ukraine: Stefan Molyneux Interviews PCR</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">25</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Interview archive</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Interviews</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Ukraine: Stefan Molyneux Interviews PCR</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20422" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20422 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Edward Snowdon Is A Hero — Chris Hedges" rel="bookmark">Edward Snowdon Is A Hero — Chris Hedges</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">24</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>“This House Would Call Edward Snowden A Hero” Chris Hedges defending the proposition at the Oxford Union Debate</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20414" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20414 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-int category-interviews"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="PCR Interviewed by Radio Slobodny Vysielac in Slovakia" rel="bookmark">PCR Interviewed by Radio Slobodny Vysielac in Slovakia</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">24</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Interview archive</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Interviews</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>On Ukraine and other matters, Dr. Roberts is interviewed by Norbert Lichtner on radio Slobodny Vysielac in Slovakia. Historically, the radio station appeared on the air when Slovakia was being oppressed by foreign powers (Germans 1944, Soviets 1968). Consistent with this history, the station reappeared in 2013 in response to US/EU imperialism. The language at the beginning of the interview…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20404" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20404 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Guest column by Diana Johnstone — Imposing NATO on the Reluctant" rel="bookmark">Guest column by Diana Johnstone — Imposing NATO on the Reluctant</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Guest column by Diana Johnstone In Ukraine as a whole, polls show that some seventy percent of the population is against joining NATO. Yet the US and its satellites keep speaking of Ukraine’s “right” to join NATO. Nobody’s right not to join NATO is ever mentioned. Read more:</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20400" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20400 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Deep State That Governs America — Mike Lofgren" rel="bookmark">The Deep State That Governs America — Mike Lofgren</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The Deep State That Governs America — Mike Lofgren Mike Lofgren, a Congressional staffer for 28 years, explains to Bill Moyer that neither Congress, the President, nor the American people govern the United States.</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20388" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20388 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles tag-cuba tag-hearst tag-lodge tag-reed tag-roosevelt tag-spanish-american-war"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Three Who Made A War – Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Three Who Made A War – Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by algol" rel="author">algol</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">Cuba</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Hearst</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Lodge</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Reed</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Roosevelt</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Spanish-American War</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Three Who Made A War Paul Craig Roberts The Spanish-American War was caused by three people: Teddy Roosevelt, Henry Cabot Lodge, and William Randolph Hearst. The war, which killed a number of Spaniards and Americans, including some prominent Harvard “Swells,” was based entirely on lies and machinations of these three men and served no purpose other than their personal needs.…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20363" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20363 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-int category-interviews"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Truthout Interviews PCR" rel="bookmark">Truthout Interviews PCR</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">21</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Interview archive</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Interviews</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Harrison Samphir of Truthout interviews PCR on Crimea, US Foreign Policy, and the Transformation of Mainstream Media into a Ministry of Propaganda</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20290" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20290 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other tag-guantanamo tag-torture"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Jeffrey St. Clair explains how Obama conducts “freedom and democracy”" rel="bookmark">Jeffrey St. Clair explains how Obama conducts “freedom and democracy”</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">18</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">Guantanamo</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">torture</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Status Quo at Gitmo Where the Torture Never Stops by JEFFREY ST. CLAIR First published, CounterPunch, Vol. 20, No. 10 (September 2013) It was shortly after five o’clock on a Saturday morning last April. The prisoners in the communal cellblock at Camp 6 in Guantanamo Bay Prison had just gathered for morning prayers. Suddenly the overhead lights went out, the…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20287" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20287 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="John Pilger Explains How Australia Became Washington’s Puppet" rel="bookmark">John Pilger Explains How Australia Became Washington’s Puppet</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">18</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Guest Column by John Pilger John Pilger explains how Australia became an American puppet state.</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20267" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20267 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles tag-crimea tag-obama tag-putin"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Two Steps Forward, One Step Back — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Two Steps Forward, One Step Back — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">17</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">Crimea</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Obama</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Putin</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Two Steps Forward, One Step Back Paul Craig Roberts Washington’s plan to seize Ukraine and to evict Russia from its Black Sea naval base has come amiss. But to turn around Lenin’s quote, “two steps forward, one step back.” Do you remember all the tough talk coming from John Kerry, the White House Fool, Hilary Clinton, and the lickspittle Merkel…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20238" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20238 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles tag-bbc"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The BBC: Washington’s Mouthpiece — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">The BBC: Washington’s Mouthpiece — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">16</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">BBC</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The BBC: Washington’s Mouthpiece Paul Craig Roberts Once upon a time the BBC was a news organization, but that was before the organization sold out to Washington. Today the BBC is a liar for Washington. Indeed, the BBC is a despicable organization that believes that “exceptional, indispensable” Washington has the right to determine the fate of all peoples. The proof…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20231" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20231 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles tag-crimea-returns-to-russia"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="95.7% of Crimeans Give The Finger To The White House Tyrant — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">95.7% of Crimeans Give The Finger To The White House Tyrant — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">16</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">Crimea returns to Russia</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>95.7% of Crimeans Give The Finger To The White House Tyrant Paul Craig Roberts Update: The latest figures released are: 83.1% voter turnout, 96.77% vote to join the Russian Federation. In an unprecedented turnout unmatched by any Western election, Crimeans voted 95.7% to join Russia. As I pointed out earlier today, under the twisted logic of Washington Crimea has never…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20227" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20227 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles tag-obamas-executive-order"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Obama Declares Self-Determination To Be A Threat To US National Security — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Obama Declares Self-Determination To Be A Threat To US National Security — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">16</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">Obama's executive order</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Obama Declares Self-Determination To Be A Threat To US National Security Paul Craig Roberts In his March 6 Executive Order, “Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine,” Obama declares that support for Crimean self-determination constitutes “an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States, and I hereby declare a…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20219" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20219 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles tag-crimea tag-john-mccain tag-rand-paul"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Washington Has Set The World On A Path To War — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Washington Has Set The World On A Path To War — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">16</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">Crimea</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">John McCain</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Rand Paul</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Washington Has Set The World On A Path To War Paul Craig Roberts Why is Washington so opposed to Crimean self-determination? The answer is that one of the main purposes of Washington’s coup in Kiev was to have the new puppet government evict Russia from its Black Sea naval base in Crimea. Washington cannot use the government Washington has installed…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20188" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20188 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles tag-war"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="World War 1 All Over Again — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">World War 1 All Over Again — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">14</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">war</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>World War 1 All Over Again The same fools play the same game Paul Craig Roberts “If you reduce the lie to a scientific system put it on thick and heavy, and with great effort and sufficient finances scatter it all over the world as the pure truth, you can deceive whole nations for a long time and drive them…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20174" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20174 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles tag-chavez tag-correa tag-kerry tag-maduro tag-morales"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Venezuela Also Is Being Overthrown By The Criminal Regime In Washington — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Venezuela Also Is Being Overthrown By The Criminal Regime In Washington — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">14</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">Chavez</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Correa</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Kerry</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Maduro</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Morales</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Dear Readers, now that US Secretary of State John Kerry has issued an ultimatum to Russia, telling Putin that he has until Monday to follow Washington’s orders or else, hopefully everyone can see the repeat of the March of Folly that produced World War 1. In my last column, “Merkel Whores For Washington,” I mistakenly attributed to Khrushchev all transfers…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20169" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20169 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-aleksandr-solzhenitsyn category-articles category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The New Russia" rel="bookmark">The New Russia</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by algol" rel="author">algol</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">14</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Dear readers: I recalled correctly from my Russian studies a half century ago that Soviet leaders had stuck Russian territories into Ukraine, but I mistakenly attributed all of the transfers to Khrushchev. The first gifts of Russian territory to Ukraine were made by Lenin. – PCR The New Russia An Interview With Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn,” by Paul Klebnikov, in the…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20141" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20141 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles tag-merkel tag-world-war-3"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="THE FAILURE OF GERMAN LEADERSHIP Merkel Whores For Washington" rel="bookmark">THE FAILURE OF GERMAN LEADERSHIP Merkel Whores For Washington</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">13</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">Merkel</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">world war 3</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>THE FAILURE OF GERMAN LEADERSHIP Merkel Whores For Washington Paul Craig Roberts Washington, enabled by its compliant but stupid NATO puppets, is pushing the Ukrainian situation closer to war. German Chancellor Merkel has failed her country, Europe, and world peace. Germany is the strength of the EU and NATO. Had Merkel said “No” to sanctions on Russia, that would have…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20136" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20136 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-announcements category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Notice To Readers" rel="bookmark">Notice To Readers</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">13</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Announcements</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Notice To Readers: The press of your emails together with rapidly developing dangerous events, such as those that Washington is creating in Ukraine and Venezuela, have forced me off my policy of personally responding to each PayPal donation. (We do not have addresses for those who donate directly to the bank account.) The backlog in emails is now very large.…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <div style="width:190px;margin-left:15px;margin-right:30px;float:left;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:hidden;height:400px;" class="video_archives_item" > <div class="pk_image_wrapper"> <a title="PCR interviewed by USA Watchdog on the rising risk of war" href=""> <img src="" style="width:178px;hight:150px"> <span class="pk_image_button_overlay"></span> </a> </div> <div class=""> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title" style='font-size:15px;line-height:19px;'><a rel="bookmark" title="PCR interviewed by USA Watchdog on the rising risk of war" href="">PCR interviewed by USA Watchdog on the rising risk of war</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="front_page_entry_meta"> <div class=""> <a href="" rel="nofollow">March 13, 2014</a> <span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span> Categories: <a href="">Greg Hunter USA Watchdog</a> <span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span> Tags: </p> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> </div> </div> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20131" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20131 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Guest Column by Israel Shamir: The Ukrainian Pendulum" rel="bookmark">Guest Column by Israel Shamir: The Ukrainian Pendulum</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">13</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Guest Column by Israel Shamir: The Ukrainian Pendulum Israel Shamir is an Israeli journalist reporting from Russia. You can read his reporting and analysis of the situation in Ukraine here: The coup government in Ukraine is a curious mixture of nazi thugs and Jewish billionaire oligarchs. The gullible Ukrainian dupes who took to the streets in protests against their…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20112" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20112 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-int category-interviews"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="PCR Interview “Outside The Box” with Jason Liosatos, UK" rel="bookmark">PCR Interview “Outside The Box” with Jason Liosatos, UK</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">12</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Interview archive</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Interviews</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>PCR Interview “Outside The Box” with Jason Liosatos, UK Part 1 Part 2</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20102" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20102 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles tag-hypocrisy tag-sanctions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Obama Regime’s Hypocrisy Sets New World Record — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Obama Regime’s Hypocrisy Sets New World Record — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">12</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">Hypocrisy</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">sanctions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Obama Regime’s Hypocrisy Sets New World Record Paul Craig Roberts From the moment that Washington launched its orchestrated coup in Kiev, Washington has been accusing Russia of “intervening in Ukraine.” This propaganda ploy succeeded. The Western presstitute media reported (nonexistent) Russian intervention to the exclusion of coverage of Washington’s obvious intervention. Having falsely accused Russia of invading Crimea, the Obama…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20073" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20073 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other tag-wimmer"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="US Abandoned International Law, Follows The Law Of The Jungle" rel="bookmark">US Abandoned International Law, Follows The Law Of The Jungle</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">11</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">Wimmer</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>US Abandoned International Law, Follows The Law Of The Jungle Willy Wimmer Willy Wimmer was state secretary at the German Defense Ministry and vice president of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). This is what this well-informed member of the European Establishment told RT: The translation is not very good, but the message comes through. Western…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20065" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20065 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Western Media Is A Lie Factory — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">The Western Media Is A Lie Factory — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">11</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The Western Media Is A Lie Factory Someone is lying to us. Is it the New York Times and the Guardian, or is it Julie Hyland? Julie Hyland describes the neo-nazi forces that Washington’s Ukrainian coup either by intention or incompetence has installed in the violent seizure of power. Washington describes this unelected government, whose words and deeds have caused…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20043" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20043 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-int category-interviews category-the-corbett-report"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Corbett Report Interviews PCR on Ukraine" rel="bookmark">Corbett Report Interviews PCR on Ukraine</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">10</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Interview archive</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Interviews</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">The Corbett Report</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Foreign Intervention Tearing Ukraine Apart Corbett Report With PCR, Michel Chossudovsky, and William Engdahl</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-20009" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-20009 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles tag-putin"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Putin Speaks" rel="bookmark">Putin Speaks</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">10</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">Putin</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Putin Speaks Paul Craig Roberts You can read an English translation of Vladimir Putin’s March 4 press conference here: Americans have not experienced political leadership or an independent media for such a long time that they will be amazed at the straightforward answers from the Russian President and by media asking real questions, some of which show the influence…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-19887" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-19887 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="No Jobs, No Economy, No Prospects For Peace Or Life — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">No Jobs, No Economy, No Prospects For Peace Or Life — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">07</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Dear Readers, Several of you have told me that you are tired of reading about the deplorable state of affairs in Ukraine produced the by idiots that comprise “our” government. In this current posting you can read instead about the deplorable state of jobs in “your” economy or, rather, the absence of jobs. “Your” same government that lies to you…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-19870" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-19870 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="If They Can Sanction Russia Over Crimea, We Can Sanction Israel Over Palestine" rel="bookmark">If They Can Sanction Russia Over Crimea, We Can Sanction Israel Over Palestine</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">07</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>If They Can Sanction Russia Over Crimea, We Can Sanction Israel Over Palestine ROBERT NAIMAN, TRUTHOUT I’m so delighted that President Obama and Congress are moving to impose sanctions on Russia over its military intervention in Crimea. Regardless of whether one thinks this is a wise or just policy in the case of Russia, this is setting a great political precedent in the United…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-19842" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-19842 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles tag-brics tag-crimea tag-obama tag-putin tag-ukraine"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Obama Comes Out Against Self-Determination — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Obama Comes Out Against Self-Determination — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">07</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">BRICS</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Crimea</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Obama</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Putin</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Ukraine</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Obama Comes Out Against Self-Determination Paul Craig Roberts The White House Fool has repeatedly declared erroneously and foolishly that it is “against international law” for Crimea to exercise self-determination. Self-determination, as used by Washington, is a propaganda term that serves Washington’s empire but is not permissible for real people to exercise. On March 6 Obama telephoned Putin to tell the…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-19800" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-19800 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-int category-interviews category-king-world-news-interviews"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Reagan Ended The Cold War and Obama Started It Up Again" rel="bookmark">Reagan Ended The Cold War and Obama Started It Up Again</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">06</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Interview archive</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Interviews</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">King World News</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>PCR Interviewed By King World News About How the Cold War Was Ended and Started Again By Washington in Ukraine</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-19796" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-19796 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-int category-interviews category-king-world-news-interviews"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="PCR Interviewed by King World News" rel="bookmark">PCR Interviewed by King World News</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">06</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Interview archive</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Interviews</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">King World News</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>PCR Interviewed by King World News The Washington Fools Will Get the Whole World Blown Up</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-19787" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-19787 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles tag-eu tag-european-union tag-russia tag-ukraine"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Looting Of Ukraine Has Begun" rel="bookmark">The Looting Of Ukraine Has Begun</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by algol" rel="author">algol</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">06</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">EU</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">European Union</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Russia</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Ukraine</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The Looting Of Ukraine Has Begun Paul Craig Roberts According to a report in Kommersant-Ukraine, the finance ministry of Washington’s stooges in Kiev who are pretending to be a government has prepared an economic austerity plan that will cut Ukrainian pensions from $160 to $80 so that Western bankers who lent money to Ukraine can be repaid at the expense…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-19722" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-19722 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-int category-interviews"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Road to World War 3: Ukraine, Russia and American Imperialism" rel="bookmark">The Road to World War 3: Ukraine, Russia and American Imperialism</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">05</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Interview archive</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Interviews</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>PCR interviewed by Stefan Molyneux Freedomain Radio, Canada The Road to World War 3: Ukraine, Russia and American Imperialism</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-19715" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-19715 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Tom Are Is Watching As Israel Commits Genocide in Gaza" rel="bookmark">Tom Are Is Watching As Israel Commits Genocide in Gaza</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">05</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p> TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 2014 Christie’s Bridge, Netanyahu’s diet Thomas Are It’s been a half a year and Chris Christie is still in the news. At least his administration is in trouble because they shut down two of three access lanes to the George Washington Bridge. Last August, a deputy chief of staff, Bridget Anne Kelly, emailed David Wildstein, the…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-19710" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-19710 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Israel Moves To Take Control Over the Federal Reserve" rel="bookmark">Israel Moves To Take Control Over the Federal Reserve</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">05</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Israel Moves To Take Control Over the Federal Reserve The totally corrupt anti-American Obama regime is trying to appoint the head or former head of the Israeli Central Bank as the Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve. The scuttlebutt is that Obama has been paid tens of millions of dollars to deliver the US Federal Reserve to Israel’s control. I…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-19671" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-19671 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-int category-interviews"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="King World News Interviews PCR on the Threat from Washington’s Reckless Meddling in Ukraine" rel="bookmark">King World News Interviews PCR on the Threat from Washington’s Reckless Meddling in Ukraine</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">05</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Interview archive</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Interviews</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>King World News Interviews PCR on the Threat from Washington’s Reckless Meddling in Ukraine</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-19661" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-19661 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles tag-abby-martin tag-catherine-ashton tag-glenn-greenwald tag-pat-buchanan tag-presstitutes tag-propaganda tag-ukraine tag-urmas-paet tag-yanukovych"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Propaganda Rules The News –Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Propaganda Rules The News –Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">05</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Tags: <a href="" rel="tag">Abby Martin</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Catherine Ashton</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Glenn Greenwald</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Pat Buchanan</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">presstitutes</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Propaganda</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Ukraine</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Urmas Paet</a> . <a href="" rel="tag">Yanukovych</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Propaganda Rules The News Paul Craig Roberts Gerald Celente calls the Western media “presstitutes,” an ingenuous term that I often use. Presstitutes sell themselves to Washington for access and government sources and to keep their jobs. Ever since the corrupt Clinton regime permitted the concentration of the US media, there has been no journalistic independence in the United States except…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-19650" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-19650 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-announcements"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="HOW AMERICA WAS LOST: Clarity Press releases PCR’s latest book in print." rel="bookmark">HOW AMERICA WAS LOST: Clarity Press releases PCR’s latest book in print.</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by algol" rel="author">algol</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">04</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Announcements</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>PCR’s new book, HOW AMERICA WAS LOST, is now available:In Print by Clarity Press</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-19585" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-19585 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The end could be nearer than you think — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">The end could be nearer than you think — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">03</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>March 3, 2014 The end could be nearer than you think Readers: We are having trouble today with the website. I do not know if it is problems caused by the typical incompetence of US business enterprises, including those who host websites and have offshored American jobs to foreign countries, or whether it is National Stasi Agency induced. Certainly, the…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-19545" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-19545 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Washington’s Arrogance, Hubris, and Evil Have Set the Stage for War" rel="bookmark">Washington’s Arrogance, Hubris, and Evil Have Set the Stage for War</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">03</a> <a href="">March</a>, <a href="">2014</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Washington’s Arrogance, Hubris, and Evil Have Set the Stage for War Paul Craig Roberts In some quarters public awareness is catching up with Stephen Lendman, Michel Chossudovsky, Rick Rozoff, myself and a few others in realizing the grave danger in the crisis that Washington has created in Ukraine. The puppet politicians who Washington intended to put in charge of Ukraine…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> </div> <!-- pk end content --> </div> <!-- pk end main --> <!-- pk start sidebar --> <aside id="pk_sidebar"> <div id="pk_sidebar_content"> <!-- pk start pk-search widget --> <div class="pk_widget"> <form role="search" method="get" id="searchform" class="searchform" action=""> <div> <label class="screen-reader-text" for="s">Search for:</label> <input type="text" value="" name="s" id="s" /> <input type="submit" id="searchsubmit" value="Search" /> </div> </form> </div> <!-- pk end pk-search widget --> <div class="pk_widget"><h5>Timeline</h5><ul><li><a href="" class="flexo-link" title="Year 2025 archives" >2025</a><ul class="flexo-list"> <li><a href=''>January</a> (114)</li> <li><a href=''>February</a> (142)</li> 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