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<div class="pk_center_box"> <!-- pk start inner --> <div class="pk_inner"> <!-- pk start main --> <div id="pk_main"> <!-- pk start content --> <div id="pk_content"> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29871" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29871 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-int category-interviews"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Buzzsaw Interviews PCR — on verge of serious war" rel="bookmark">Buzzsaw Interviews PCR — on verge of serious war</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">31</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Interview archive</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Interviews</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Buzzsaw Interviews PCR</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29860" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29860 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Delusional America — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Delusional America — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">31</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Delusional America Paul Craig Roberts Robert Parry is one of my favorite columnists. He is truthful, has a sense of justice, and delivers a firm punch. He used to be a “mainstream journalist,” like me, but we were too truthful for them. They kicked us out. I can’t say Parry has always been one of my favorite journalists. During the…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29852" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29852 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-announcements"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Ukraine’s Military Commander: NO RUSSIAN TROOPS ARE IN UKRAINE" rel="bookmark">Ukraine’s Military Commander: NO RUSSIAN TROOPS ARE IN UKRAINE</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">31</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Announcements</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Ukraine’s Military Commander: NO RUSSIAN TROOPS ARE IN UKRAINE The Obama regime, its NATO puppet states, and the western presstitute media have been lying through their teeth that Russia has invaded Ukraine. Now the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine says that there are no Russian Army troops in Ukraine.</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29842" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29842 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Police State Is Upon Us — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">The Police State Is Upon Us — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">30</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The Police State Is Upon Us Paul Craig Roberts Anyone paying attention knows that 9/11 has been used to create a police/warfare state. Years ago NSA official William Binney warned Americans about the universal spying by the National Security Agency, to little effect. Recently Edward Snowden proved the all-inclusive NSA spying by releasing spy documents, enough of which have been…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29834" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29834 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-int category-interviews"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Sputnik News Service–Greece Should Turn To BRICS For Protection" rel="bookmark">Sputnik News Service–Greece Should Turn To BRICS For Protection</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">30</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Interview archive</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Interviews</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p> Greece Should Turn To BRICS For Protection A former economic advisor to the Reagan administration believes that Western banks and governments are a threat to Greek sovereignty and to its peoples’ standard of living, and that only by re-aligning itself with Russia can Greece stave off these ‘marauders.’ MOSCOW, January 30 (Sputnik) — Greece will be able to escape being dominated…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29831" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29831 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-int category-interviews category-king-world-news-interviews"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="King World News Interviews PCR — EU Intransigence Plays Into Russia’s Hands" rel="bookmark">King World News Interviews PCR — EU Intransigence Plays Into Russia’s Hands</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">30</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Interview archive</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Interviews</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">King World News</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>King World News Interviews PCR EU Intransigence Plays Into Russia’s Hands</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29812" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29812 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Spartan Resurrection in Greece — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">The Spartan Resurrection in Greece — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">30</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>King World News’ Picture Version of this Column Is Available Here: The Spartan Resurrection in Greece Paul Craig Roberts Having just written that Greece needs Spartans in order to prevail over its creditors and the EU, the new Greek government is showing signs of being Spartans. Listen to these words from Greece’s new Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras: “We should…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29799" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29799 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Is Democracy Dead In The West? — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Is Democracy Dead In The West? — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">29</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>For dramatic photo illustration of this article, go to: Is Democracy Dead In The West? Paul Craig Roberts We will find out the answer to the question posed in the title in the outcome of the contest between the new Greek government, formed by the political party Syriza, and the ECB and the private banks, with whose interests the…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29705" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29705 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Russia In The Cross Hairs — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Russia In The Cross Hairs — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">26</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Russia In The Cross Hairs Paul Craig Roberts Washington’s attack on Russia has moved beyond the boundary of the absurd into the realm of insanity. The New Chief of the US Broadcasting Board of Governors, Andrew Lack, has declared the Russian news service, RT, which broadcasts in multiple languages, to be a terrorist organization equivalent to Boko Haram and the…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29693" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29693 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-john-w-whitehead"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="John Whitehead on Punishment In The Public Schools" rel="bookmark">John Whitehead on Punishment In The Public Schools</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">26</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">John W. Whitehead</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>John Whitehead on Punishment In The Public Schools Here is a very interesting article by John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute. Mr. Whitehead not only defends our civil liberties in articles that he writes but also in court where he brings lawsuits in defense of our civil liberties. His work is extremely important and worthy of our financial support.…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29689" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29689 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="It Is Time For Iran To Tell The West ‘Goodbye’ — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">It Is Time For Iran To Tell The West ‘Goodbye’ — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">26</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>It Is Time For Iran To Tell The West ‘Goodbye’ Paul Craig Roberts From all appearances, the Obama regime’s negotiations with Iran, overseen by Russia, were on the verge of ending the contrived nuclear issue. An end to the confrontation is unacceptable to the Zionist Israeli government and to their neocon agents in America. The Republicans, a political party owned…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29676" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29676 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Freedom, Where Are You? Not in America or Europe — PCR" rel="bookmark">Freedom, Where Are You? Not in America or Europe — PCR</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">25</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Freedom, Where Are You? Not in America or Europe Paul Craig Roberts When the former Goldman Sachs executive who runs the European Central Bank (ECB) announced that he was going to print 720 billion euros annually with which to purchase bad debts from the politically connected big banks, the euro sank and the stock market and Swiss franc shot up.…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29663" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29663 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Well Known German Journalist Admits He Was A CIA-Controlled Asset" rel="bookmark">Well Known German Journalist Admits He Was A CIA-Controlled Asset</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">25</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Well Known German Journalist Admits He Was A CIA-Controlled Asset</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29660" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29660 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-int category-interviews"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="PCR Interview on Greek Economic and Political Crisis" rel="bookmark">PCR Interview on Greek Economic and Political Crisis</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">25</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Interview archive</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Interviews</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>PCR Interview on Greek Economic and Political Crisis On Pravda: On the italian site:</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29636" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29636 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Charlie Hebdo, A Free Press, And Social Security — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Charlie Hebdo, A Free Press, And Social Security — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">24</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Charlie Hebdo, A Free Press, And Social Security Paul Craig Roberts Puzzled by the title? It will all come clear. Europeans have written to me with more information that raises questions about the Charlie Hebdo affair. Some point out the strange emptiness of the street on which the professional killers depart. Others point out the film has hallmarks of orchestration…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29629" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29629 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-announcements"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Globalization of War" rel="bookmark">The Globalization of War</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">24</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Announcements</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Professor Michel Chussudovsky (Global Research) has a new book, The Globalization of War: America’s Long War Against Humanity. The “exceptional” American people, and even more importantly, the unexceptional peoples of the rest of the world, need desperately to understand that Washington is Mordor where evil does not sleep.</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29616" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29616 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Law Has Been Murdered — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Law Has Been Murdered — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">23</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Law Has Been Murdered Paul Craig Roberts Barrett Brown, Kathy Kelly, and Bonny Mahoney are the kind of people who are imprisoned in America. It is not the perjurers and liars, the torturers, war criminals and mass murderers. It is the good people who peacefully protest the crimes of those who control the US government and its policies. Since around…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29581" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29581 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Guest Column by Norman Finkelstein" rel="bookmark">Guest Column by Norman Finkelstein</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">22</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Guest Column by Norman Finkelstein Charlie Hebdo Is Sadism, Not Satire — Norman Finkelstein–norman-finkelstein-charlie-hebdo-is-sadism-not-satire</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29555" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29555 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-announcements"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Washington Rewards Evil And Punishes Good" rel="bookmark">Washington Rewards Evil And Punishes Good</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">20</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Announcements</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>In America, government criminals are rewarded and protected. Only the good people are punished. Be a Proud American. Wave the flag. Chant USA, USA.</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29524" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29524 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Trolling Russia — Israel Shamir" rel="bookmark">Trolling Russia — Israel Shamir</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">19</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Israel Shamir is a Russian-born Jew and Israeli citizen. He often has interesting things to say. Trolling Russia By Israel Shamir The edifice of world post-1991 order is collapsing right now before our eyes. President Putin’s decision to give a miss to the Auschwitz pilgrimage, right after his absence in Paris at the Charlie festival, gave it the last shove.…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29522" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29522 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Martin Luther King: An American Hero — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Martin Luther King: An American Hero — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">19</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Martin Luther King: An American Hero Where is his replacement? Paul Craig Roberts Today (January 19) is Martin Luther King Day, a national holiday. King was an American civil rights leader who was assassinated 47 years ago on April 4, 1968, at the age of 39. James Earl Ray was blamed for the murder. Initially, Ray admitted the murder, apparently…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29482" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29482 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="C.S. Lewis on Liberty by David Theroux" rel="bookmark">C.S. Lewis on Liberty by David Theroux</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">18</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>C.S. Lewis on Liberty by David Theroux Here is David Theroux speaking about C.S. Lewis, a religious person who did not share the progressive view that government power should be used for moral crusades. As I emphasize in my Christmas column, Christianity elevates the individual and gives him a voice. From the voices of individuals moral consciousness can bring reforms.…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29466" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29466 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Dmitry Orlov Explains the Stupidity of Washington and Its Punk EU Vassals" rel="bookmark">Dmitry Orlov Explains the Stupidity of Washington and Its Punk EU Vassals</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">18</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Dmitry Orlov Explains the Stupidity of Washington and Its Punk EU Vassals This is an education about Russia. If you haven’t the patience, turn to the conclusions.</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29460" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29460 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Journalist Finian Cunningham Wonders If There Is Any Limit To The Credulity of Western Populations" rel="bookmark">Journalist Finian Cunningham Wonders If There Is Any Limit To The Credulity of Western Populations</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">18</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Journalist Finian Cunningham Wonders If There Is Any Limit To The Credulity of Western Populations WesternPolitics of high-octane emotion by Finian Cunningham So America’s top diplomat John Kerry wants to give France “a big hug” to condole over the recent spate of alleged terror attacks in that country. Speaking in Paris while laying a wreath for the 17 victims of violence, Kerry said…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29444" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29444 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-guest-contributions category-other"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Jim Quinn — Inflation the Media Didn’t Report" rel="bookmark">Jim Quinn — Inflation the Media Didn’t Report</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">18</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Guest Contributions</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Other</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>From Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform NOTE: There are official inflation figures after “substitution” and “quality improvement” adjustments. The actual inflation absent these statistical manipulations is much higher. Government data reports are so funny. The blaring headlines today tells us that prices dropped in December. We are all saving billions from the drop in oil and gas. Hallelujah!!! The…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29434" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29434 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-announcements"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Kiev Renews War On Eastern Ukraine" rel="bookmark">Kiev Renews War On Eastern Ukraine</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">18</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Announcements</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Kiev Renews War On Eastern Ukraine It was obvious from the beginning that the ceasefire that the Russian government supported would be used by Washington’s Kiev vassal state to recover from defeat by the Donetsk Republic and launch a new attack. The Western media, of course, will lie about the renewal of hostilities by Washington. Russian peoples will continue to…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29403" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29403 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-int category-interviews category-king-world-news-interviews"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Charlie Hebdo Realigns Europe With Right-Wing Anti-Immigration Political Parties" rel="bookmark">Charlie Hebdo Realigns Europe With Right-Wing Anti-Immigration Political Parties</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">17</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Interview archive</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">Interviews</a> . <a href="" rel="category tag">King World News</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>King World News Interviews PCR Charlie Hebdo Realigns Europe With Right-Wing Anti-Immigration Political Parties</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29401" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29401 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-announcements"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Proof Is In–Terror Plots are a Hoax" rel="bookmark">The Proof Is In–Terror Plots are a Hoax</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">17</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Announcements</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The Proof Is In–Terror Plots are a Hoax</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29368" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29368 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Charlie Hebdo: Report from Europe" rel="bookmark">Charlie Hebdo: Report from Europe</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">17</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Charlie Hebdo: Report from Europe Paul Craig Roberts Note: The first video has the most visual information. Here is a video of the execution of Amedy Coulibaly. It is a German website with the actual live French video of the police assault on the deli. There are three videos. The first one repeatedly shows Coulibaly with tied hands containing no…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29327" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29327 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Charlie Hebdo Update — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Charlie Hebdo Update — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">16</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Charlie Hebdo Update Paul Craig Roberts Readers, with the exception of neoconservative William Kristol, appreciated the questions I raised about the Charlie Hebdo affair. Europeans sent me videos and news reports from Europe. One video compares the car in which the killers escaped with the car in which the ID of one of the accused brothers was allegedly found…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29296" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29296 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Ruin Is Our Future — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Ruin Is Our Future — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">16</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Ruin Is Our Future Paul Craig Roberts Neoconservatives arrayed in their Washington offices are congratulating themselves on their success in using the Charlie Hebdo affair to reunite Europe with Washington’s foreign policy. No more French votes with the Palestinians against the Washington-Israeli position. No more growing European sympathy with the Palestinians. No more growing European opposition to launching new wars…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29191" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29191 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-announcements"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The cost to Europe of complying with Washington’s sanctions against Russia has reached the breaking point" rel="bookmark">The cost to Europe of complying with Washington’s sanctions against Russia has reached the breaking point</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">14</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Announcements</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>This item is updated here: The cost to Europe of complying with Washington’s sanctions against Russia has reached the breaking point: If this report is correct it sounds like the Russians have had enough of the dumbshits in Washington and Washington’s dumbshit vassals in Europe. Russia says: the natural gas no longer goes through Ukraine. It goes to…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-29118" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-29118 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Charlie Hebdo — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">Charlie Hebdo — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">13</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Charlie Hebdo Paul Craig Roberts The Charlie Hebdo affair has many of the characteristics of a false flag operation. The attack on the cartoonists’ office was a disciplined professional attack of the kind associated with highly trained special forces; yet the suspects who were later corralled and killed seemed bumbling and unprofessional. It is like two different sets of people.…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-28993" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-28993 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-announcements"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Suspicions are growing that the French shootings are a false flag operation" rel="bookmark">Suspicions are growing that the French shootings are a false flag operation</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">11</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Announcements</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Suspicions are growing that the French shootings are a false flag operation I do not know these sites or their credibility. I do know the mainstream media, and it has no credibility. Considering the number of real journalists on war fronts, not cartoonists in Paris, killed by Washington funded and organized ISIS, including filmed beheadings, the uproar…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-28974" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-28974 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-announcements"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Glenn Greenwald nails the Charlie Hebdo affair" rel="bookmark">Glenn Greenwald nails the Charlie Hebdo affair</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">11</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Announcements</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Glenn Greenwald nails the Charlie Hebdo affair: Sunday morning news channels report a huge “anti-terror” rally in France with 50 “world leaders” flown in to participate, including the Chancellor of Germany and the Prime Ministers of Great Britain and Spain. This looks more and more like an orchestrated affair. Assembling “world leaders” in such a short time reminds me…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-28958" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-28958 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-announcements"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="John Williams ( on the December payroll jobs report and unemployment rate" rel="bookmark">John Williams ( on the December payroll jobs report and unemployment rate</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">11</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Announcements</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>John Williams ( on the December payroll jobs report and unemployment rate: As increasingly has become the common circumstance, the upside revisions in headline monthly numbers simply are constructs of highly unstable, inconsistent and questionable seasonal adjustments being shifted between months. The unadjusted data do not revise, but the adjusted data pick up bogus growth from gimmicked reporting . .…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-28920" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-28920 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Police Threat Is Too High" rel="bookmark">The Police Threat Is Too High</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">10</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The Police Threat Is Too High Paul Craig Roberts The hypocrisy of American police is beginning to bother even law and order conservatives. The New York Police Department is rivaling the black community in Ferguson in keeping alive the murders of their community members. We are constantly reminded of how dangerous it is to be a police officer. A total…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-28885" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-28885 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The December 2014 Payroll Jobs Report — Paul Craig Roberts" rel="bookmark">The December 2014 Payroll Jobs Report — Paul Craig Roberts</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">09</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The December 2014 Payroll Jobs Report Paul Craig Roberts January 9. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that a quarter of a million new jobs were created in December. The reported new jobs are concentrated in construction (48,000), professional and business services (52,000), health care and social assistance (43,700), and waitresses and bartenders (43,600) . The construction jobs are in…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-28850" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-28850 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-articles"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Charlie Hebdo and Tsarnaev’s Trial: Cui bono?" rel="bookmark">Charlie Hebdo and Tsarnaev’s Trial: Cui bono?</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">08</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Articles & Columns</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Charlie Hebdo and Tsarnaev’s Trial: Cui bono? Paul Craig Roberts UPDATE: Well known writers Thierry Meyssan and Kevin Barrett see the “terrorist” attach on Charlie Hebdo as a false flag attack. See and Update: According to news reports, one of the accused in the attack on Charlie Hebdo when hearing that he was being sought for the crime…</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-28821" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-28821 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-announcements"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="The Latest Russian Fighter Jet Blows America’s Away" rel="bookmark">The Latest Russian Fighter Jet Blows America’s Away</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">06</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Announcements</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>The Latest Russian Fighter Jet Blows America’s Away If the morons who reign in Washington believe their propaganda, the US Air Force will be wiped out.</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> <!-- ############# --> <!-- pk start post --> <!-- ############# --> <div id="post-28788" class="pk_entry pk_entry_full post-28788 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-announcements"> <!-- pk start post title --> <h3 class="pk_entry_title"><a href="" title="Global Offensive Strike" rel="bookmark">Global Offensive Strike</a></h3> <!-- pk end post title --> <!-- pk start post meta --> <div class="pk_entry_meta"> <div class="pk_four_fifth"> <p>By: <a href="" title="Posts by pcr3" rel="author">pcr3</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span><a href="">04</a> <a href="">January</a>, <a href="">2015</a><span class="pk_meta_divider">|</span>Categories: <a href="" rel="category tag">Announcements</a></p> </div> <div class="pk_one_fifth pk_last"> </div> </div> <!-- pk end post meta --> <!-- pk start post entry content --> <div class="pk_entry_content"> <p>Global Offensive Strike weapons are another expression of Washington’s preparation for initiating military aggression in pursuit of the goal of US world hegemony. The purpose is for Washington to be able to attack any country in less than one hour.</p> <a href="" title="Read more »" class="pk_button_small"><span>Read more »</span></a> </div> <!-- pk end post entry content --> </div> <!-- ########### --> <!-- pk end post --> <!-- ########### --> </div> <!-- pk end content --> </div> <!-- pk end main --> <!-- pk start sidebar --> <aside id="pk_sidebar"> <div id="pk_sidebar_content"> <!-- pk start pk-search widget --> <div class="pk_widget"> <form role="search" method="get" id="searchform" class="searchform" action=""> <div> <label class="screen-reader-text" for="s">Search for:</label> <input type="text" value="" name="s" id="s" /> <input type="submit" id="searchsubmit" value="Search" /> </div> </form> </div> <!-- pk end pk-search widget --> <div class="pk_widget"><h5>Timeline</h5><ul><li><a href="" class="flexo-link" title="Year 2025 archives" >2025</a><ul class="flexo-list"> <li><a href=''>January</a> (28)</li> </ul></li></ul><ul><li><a href="" 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