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class="page typography"><div class="body markup"><p><strong>Documents</strong></p><ul><li><p><a href="">Terms of Use</a></p></li><li><p><a href="">Privacy Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href="">Publisher Agreement</a></p></li><li><p><a href="">Content Guidelines</a></p></li><li><p>Copyright Dispute Policy</p></li><li><p><a href="">Copyright Repeat Infringer Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href="">CCPA Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href="">Support Chatbot Terms</a></p></li></ul><h1><strong>Copyright Dispute Policy</strong></h1><p>Last updated: December 17, 2024</p><p>This policy describes Substack’s processes for receiving and responding to copyright infringement notices, sent by rightsholders or their agents, regarding material our users have posted to the Substack platform. This policy is designed to comply with the requirements of the notice-and-takedown provisions of the United States’ Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”), meaning that we generally remove or disable content that rightsholders claim to be infringing. Undefined terms used here have the meanings given to them in our <a href="">Terms of Use</a>.</p><p><strong>Caution Advised</strong></p><p>The notices described in this policy are serious legal actions with potentially serious consequences. Note in particular:</p><ul><li><p><strong>Filing a false copyright notice can be unlawful</strong>. Aside from perjury penalties, sending false copyright notices can create legal claims under the DMCA.</p></li><li><p><strong>Dispute copyright notices with care.</strong> Copyright owners can prevent disabled content from being put back by initiating legal action.</p></li><li><p><strong>Information submitted in notices is not private</strong>. Your copyright notice will be sent to the other party. We reserve the right to publicly post and share redacted copyright notices for transparency reporting purposes.</p></li><li><p><strong>Copyright disputes are tracked for purposes of our <a href="">Repeat Infringer Policy</a>. </strong>Our policies and the DMCA both commit us to taking action against repeat infringers, and we will terminate the accounts of repeat infringers in certain cases. How you respond to copyright notices informs our repeat infringer evaluation.</p></li></ul><p>Consider seeking professional advice before proceeding with any notice described in this policy.</p><p><strong>Submitting Notices and Our Designated Agent</strong></p><p>This policy provides links to our preferred forms for submitting copyright notices. Although we respond to all copyright notices submitted under this policy expeditiously, submitting your notice through our forms will help ensure that your notice is compliant with legal requirements and receives the fastest possible response.</p><p>If you prefer to submit a non-form notice to our designated agent, you can do so by emailing <a href=""></a>. Our designated agent can also be reached by mail at Substack DMCA Processing, 731 Sansome Street, 5th floor, San Francisco, CA 94111.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Sending a Copyright Notice</strong></p><p>If you believe that something on Substack infringes a copyright that belongs to you, you can send us a copyright notice by <a href=";tf_18071015993108=report_a_copyright_violation">completing this form</a>. On receipt of a notice compliant with the requirements of the DMCA, our practice is to expeditiously remove or disable the material identified as infringing. Note that copyright notices can be disputed under the terms of this policy, and that the dispute process may result in replacement of removed or disabled content.</p><p>When sending a non-form notice to our designated agent, be sure that it includes all the information required under the DMCA. For your reference, this includes:</p><ul><li><p>A description of the work or works you claim have been infringed</p></li><li><p>A description of the content on our website you claim to be infringing and the associated URL(s)</p></li><li><p>Your contact information</p></li><li><p>Your statement confirming a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law</p></li><li><p>Your statement confirming that the information you’ve provided is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed</p></li><li><p>Your signature</p></li></ul><p><strong>Receiving a Copyright Notice</strong></p><p>If something you’ve posted to Substack is the target of a valid copyright notice, we will generally send you a copy of that notice when we remove or disable the allegedly infringing content. <strong>To replace the removed or disabled content, you must dispute the notice in accordance with the terms of this policy. </strong>We reserve the right to suspend or terminate the accounts of users who replace removed content in a manner inconsistent with this policy.</p><p><strong>Disputing a Copyright Notice</strong></p><p>You may dispute a copyright notice submitted against your Substack account by <a href=";type=dmca">completing this form</a>. After receiving a dispute notice that meets the requirements of the DMCA, we will send a complete copy of the notice to the complaining party. The rightsholder will then have 10 business days to initiate legal action and notify us. If we don’t receive timely notice of legal action from the rightsholder, we will generally replace the material that had been removed or disabled.</p><p>When sending a non-form notice to our designated agent, be sure that it includes all the information required under the DMCA. 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href=\\\"\\\">Terms of Use</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Privacy Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Publisher Agreement</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Content Guidelines</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Copyright Dispute Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Copyright Repeat Infringer Policy</a></p></li><li><p>CCPA Policy</p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Support Chatbot Terms</a></p></li></ul><h1><strong>California Privacy Notice</strong></h1><p>Last updated: December 17, 2024</p><p><strong>Changes in the Last Update</strong></p><ul><li><p>Update disclosures about how we use your personal information to provide recommendations</p></li></ul><div><hr></div><p><strong>About this California Privacy Notice</strong></p><p>This California Privacy Notice is an important part of Substack\u2019s<a href=\\\"\\\"> Privacy Policy</a>. While the framework used here is based in the provisions of the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (\u201CCCPA\u201D), we provide the rights described here to all our users. If you are a California resident, please note that the processing of certain personal data about you may be subject to the California Consumer Privacy Act (\u201CCCPA\u201D) and other applicable California state privacy laws. Any capitalized terms not defined in this California Privacy Notice have the same meaning given to them in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, and/or the CCPA.</p><div id=\\\"your-privacy-rights\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h2><a href=\\\"#your-privacy-rights\\\"><strong>Your Privacy Rights</strong></a></h2><p><strong>Individual Rights</strong></p><p>The CCPA provides California consumers with several individual rights with respect to Personal Information. Note that these rights apply to individual consumers, not to companies. This section describes those rights in detail and provides information on how to exercise them.</p><p><strong>Exercising Your Rights</strong></p><p>To exercise any of the rights described in this section, please contact us at with (i) a complete description of your request, including the specific right(s) you wish to exercise and (ii) sufficient information about you so we can confirm that your request is a verifiable customer request, including at a minimum your name and email address. Once we have received your verifiable consumer request, we will respond consistent with applicable law.</p><p>You may also make a request by mail by sending the information specified above to:</p><p>Substack CCPA Requests</p><p>731 Sansome Street, 5th Floor</p><p>San Francisco, CA, 94111</p><p>Please note that you may also designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf. In order for us to process a request from your authorized agent, we must (i) confirm that the agent is a natural person or business entity registered with the Secretary of State that you have authorized to act on your behalf, (ii) receive from you a copy of the written authorization that provides the authorized agent to act on your behalf, and (iii) verify your identity by asking you to provide us sufficient information in order to do so.</p><p><strong>Using Your Substack Account to Exercise Privacy Rights</strong></p><p>If you have an account with us, you may also access, edit, or delete much of the Personal Information we have collected about you through your account settings. Please review our<a href=\\\"\\\"> Privacy Policy</a>, in the section titled \u201C<a href=\\\"\\\">What Personal Information can I access?</a>,\u201D for more details.</p><p><strong>Your Right to Know</strong></p><p>You have a right to know what Personal Information we have collected about you, including details about the nature of the information, the purpose for which it was gathered, and how we disclose that information to others.. We provide that information here in our CCPA policy as well as in our<a href=\\\"\\\"> privacy policy</a>.</p><p><strong>Access and Data Portability Rights</strong></p><p>You have a right to request information about our collection, use, and disclosure of your Personal Information over the prior 12 months, and ask that we provide you with the following information:</p><ol><li><p>Categories of and specific pieces of Personal Information we have collected about you.</p></li><li><p>Categories of sources from which we collect Personal Information.</p></li><li><p>Purposes for collecting, using, selling, or sharing Personal Information.</p></li><li><p>Categories of third parties to which we disclose Personal Information.</p></li><li><p>Categories of Personal Information disclosed about you for a business purpose.</p></li><li><p>If applicable, categories of Personal Information sold or shared about you and the categories of third parties to which the Personal Information was sold or shared, by category or categories of Personal Information for each third party to which the Personal Information was sold or shared.</p></li></ol><p><strong>Your Deletion Rights</strong></p><p>You have the right to request that we delete the Personal Information that we have collected about you, subject to certain exceptions.</p><p><strong>Your Right to Correct Inaccurate Personal Information</strong></p><p>If we maintain Personal Information about you that is inaccurate, you have the right to see that inaccurate information corrected.</p><p><strong>Your Right to Limit Use and Disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information</strong></p><p>In some cases, you have the right to limit our use of your Sensitive Personal Information, so that we are only able to use that information as is necessary to provide our services. At this time, we only use your Sensitive Personal Information as is necessary to provide our services.</p><p><strong>Your Right to Opt Out</strong></p><p>You have the right to opt out of the sale of your Personal Information and the sharing of your Personal Information for the purpose of cross-context behavioral advertising. Were we ever to sell Personal Information or share it for cross-context behavioral advertising, we would provide information on our opt out process here.</p><p><strong>Your Non-Discrimination Rights</strong></p><p>You have the right not to receive discriminatory treatment for the exercise of your rights under the CCPA.</p><p><strong>Publicly Available and Public Interest Information</strong></p><p>The rights and disclosures in this notice do not apply to Publicly Available Information or to lawfully obtained, truthful information that is a matter of public concern. Please note that you may choose to use our services to release Personal Information to the general public, in which case it may become Publicly Available Information.</p><div id=\\\"information-collection-notice-and-disclosures\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h2><a href=\\\"#information-collection-notice-and-disclosures\\\"><strong>Information Collection Notice and Disclosures</strong></a></h2><p><strong>No Sale of Personal Information</strong></p><p>We do not sell your Personal Information, and we do not share your information with third parties for the purpose of cross-context behavioral advertising.</p><p><strong>Our Use of Sensitive Personal Information</strong></p><p>We do not use or disclose Sensitive Personal Information for any purpose other than the purpose(s) for which that information is collected.</p><p><strong>Sensitive Personal Information Collected</strong></p><p>Details on the Sensitive Personal Information that we collect, or have collected in the last 12 months, follow below:</p><div><hr></div><p></p><div class=\\\"datawrapper-wrap static\\\" data-component-name=\\\"DatawrapperToDOMStatic\\\"><div class=\\\"datawrapper-title\\\">Sensitive Personal Information</div><div><a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\"><img class=\\\"datawrapper-wrap thumbnail\\\" src=\\\",c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\" style=\\\"background-image: url(;\\\"></a></div></div><div><hr></div><p>Please note that CCPA \u201CSensitive Personal Information\u201D is different from the \u201Cspecial categories of personal data\u201D addressed under the EU\u2019s GDPR. We do not intentionally collect any of the GDPR special categories of personal data \u2014 such as government identification numbers, information on racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, genetic data, biometric data, or health data \u2014 from or about our users.</p><div><hr></div><p><strong>Other Personal Information Collected</strong></p><p>The list below describes the category of Personal Information we collect, or have collected in the last 12 months:</p><div class=\\\"datawrapper-wrap static\\\" data-component-name=\\\"DatawrapperToDOMStatic\\\"><div class=\\\"datawrapper-title\\\">Other Personal Information Collected</div><div><a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\"><img class=\\\"datawrapper-wrap thumbnail\\\" src=\\\",c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\" style=\\\"background-image: url(;\\\"></a></div></div><div><hr></div><p>Please see our<a href=\\\"\\\"> Privacy Policy</a> for more information on tracking technologies we use for automatic data collection. We will not collect additional categories of Personal Information or use the Personal Information we collected for materially different, unrelated, or incompatible purposes without providing notice.</p><p><strong>Compliance, Internal, and Extraordinary Disclosures of Personal Information</strong></p><p>We may further disclose each category of Personal Information to our affiliates, to our professional advisors, in connection with our compliance and protection activities, and in connection with business transfers as described in our Privacy Policy.</p><p>Finally, we disclose the Personal Information we collect where we have a legal obligation to do so, or where a disclosure is necessary to maintain the security or integrity of our services (in either case, an \u201CExtraordinary Disclosure\u201D). In the last 12 months, we have made the following kinds of Extraordinary Disclosures:</p><div><hr></div><p></p><div class=\\\"datawrapper-wrap static\\\" data-component-name=\\\"DatawrapperToDOMStatic\\\"><div class=\\\"datawrapper-title\\\">Compliance, Internal, and Extraordinary Disclosures of Personal Information&nbsp;</div><div><a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\"><img class=\\\"datawrapper-wrap thumbnail\\\" src=\\\",c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\" style=\\\"background-image: url(;\\\"></a></div></div><div><hr></div><div id=\\\"changes-to-this-california-privacy-notice\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h2><a href=\\\"#changes-to-this-california-privacy-notice\\\"><strong>Changes to this California Privacy Notice</strong></a></h2><p>We may amend or update this California Privacy Notice at any time. When we make changes to this California Privacy Notice, we will post the updated notice on the Website and update the California Privacy Notice effective date at the top of the page.</p><p><strong>Contact Us</strong></p><p>You may contact us with questions, concerns, or privacy requests by emailing us at</p>\",\"terms_of_service\":\"<p><strong>Documents</strong></p><ul><li><p>Terms of Use</p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Privacy Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Publisher Agreement</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Content Guidelines</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Copyright Dispute Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Copyright Repeat Infringer Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">CCPA Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Support Chatbot Terms</a></p></li></ul><h1><strong>Terms of Use</strong></h1><p>Effective date: September 25, 2024</p><p><strong>Welcome to Substack!&nbsp;</strong></p><p>These Terms of Use are a binding contract between you and Substack Inc. (\u201Cwe\u201D, \u201Cus\u201D, \u201Cour\u201D). It contains the rules and restrictions that govern your use of Substack\u2019s products and services (referred to below simply as \u201CSubstack\u201D). If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding these Terms or our products and services, please contact us at</p><p>Using Substack in any way means that you agree to all of these Terms, and these Terms will remain in effect while you use Substack. These Terms include everything in this document, as well as those in the<a href=\\\"\\\"> Privacy Policy</a>,<a href=\\\"\\\"> Publisher Agreement</a>,<a href=\\\"\\\"> Content Guidelines</a>, <a href=\\\"\\\">Support Chatbot Terms</a>, and<a href=\\\"\\\"> Copyright Dispute Policy</a>. If you don\u2019t agree to all of the following, you may not use or access Substack in any manner.&nbsp;</p><p>You represent and warrant that you are of legal age to form a binding contract. As detailed further below, you may not and must not use Substack if you are under 16 years old.<br><br>If you\u2019re agreeing to these Terms on behalf of an organization or entity, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to agree to these Terms on that organization or entity\u2019s behalf and bind them to these Terms (in which case, the references to \u201Cyou\u201D and \u201Cyour\u201D throughout this document refer to that organization or entity).</p><p><strong>Creating an Account on Substack</strong></p><p>You may be required to sign up for an account and select a password. You promise to provide us with accurate, complete, and up-to-date registration information about yourself.&nbsp;</p><p>You agree that you will only use Substack for your own personal or organizational use, and not on behalf of or for the benefit of any third party. You may not transfer your account to anyone else without our prior written permission.</p><p>You may not select as your Substack account name a name that you don\u2019t have the right to use, or another person\u2019s name with the intent to impersonate that person. Substack reserves the right to refuse registration of or cancel a Substack account name at its discretion.</p><p><strong>Creators and Readers</strong></p><p>As a Substack account holder, you are both a <strong>Creator </strong>and a <strong>Reader. </strong>As a Creator, subject to the terms of our <a href=\\\"\\\">Publisher Agreement, </a>you can use Substack to publish content to the web, directly to a list of subscribers that you control, and to our platform. As a Reader, you can use your Substack account to subscribe to or follow other Creators\u2019 Substack content.</p><p><strong>Posting Content on Substack</strong></p><p>First and foremost, you own what you create. Any original content you post, upload, share, store, or otherwise provide to Substack remains yours and is protected by copyright and any other applicable intellectual property laws.&nbsp;</p><p>That includes publications, subscriber lists, any other text or photos you upload to your subdomain on Substack, and any information that you provide to obtain a Substack username and account. It also includes any comments posted on any current or future discussion board features on Substack.&nbsp;</p><p>Anything posted, uploaded, shared, stored, or otherwise provided through Substack is referred to as a \u201CPost\u201D in these Terms. There are a few rules that apply to all Posts:</p><ul><li><p>Don\u2019t Infringe: Your Posts should not violate someone else\u2019s (including Substack\u2019s) rights. Don\u2019t copy, reproduce, modify, translate, publish, broadcast, transmit, distribute, perform, upload, display, license, sell, commercialize or otherwise exploit for any purpose any content not owned by you unless you have prior consent from the owner of that content.&nbsp;</p></li></ul><ul><li><p>Limited License to Us: In order to display your Posts on Substack, and to allow other users to enjoy them, you grant us certain rights in your Posts:</p></li></ul><ul><li><p>Operating Substack: You hereby grant Substack a license to translate, modify, reproduce, and otherwise act with respect to your Posts to enable us to provide, improve, and notify you about new features within Substack. You understand and agree that we may need to make changes to your Posts to conform and adapt those Posts to the technical requirements of networks, devices, services, or media, and this license includes the rights to do so. For example, we may need to modify your publication to make sure it is viewable on an iPhone as well as a computer.&nbsp;</p></li></ul><ul><li><p>Public Posts: If you share a Post with other users on Substack, then you grant us the license above, as well as a license to display, perform, and distribute your Post. Also, you grant all other users of Substack a license to access the Post, and to use and exercise all rights in it, as permitted by the functionality of Substack.&nbsp;</p></li></ul><ul><li><p>Term of License: You agree that the licenses you grant are royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, and worldwide. This is a license only \u2013 your ownership in Posts is not affected.</p></li></ul><p>We reserve the right to remove any content from Substack at any time, for any reason (including, but not limited to, if someone alleges you contributed that content in violation of these Terms), in our sole discretion, and without notice.</p><p><strong>Intellectual Property and Reporting Infringement</strong></p><p>We respect others\u2019 intellectual property rights, and we reserve the right to delete or disable content alleged to be infringing, and to terminate the accounts of repeat alleged infringers. You promise to abide by copyright notices, trademark rules, information, and other restrictions you may receive from us or that are posted on Substack.</p><p>To review our complete Copyright Dispute Policy and learn how to report potentially infringing content, click<a href=\\\"\\\"> here</a>. To learn more about the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which governs how we handle these reports, click<a href=\\\"\\\"> here.</a></p><p>You understand that we own Substack. These Terms don\u2019t grant you any right, title or interest in Substack, or our trademarks, logos, and other intellectual property.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Acceptable Use Policy</strong></p><p>You are responsible for all your activity in connection with Substack! Make sure that you use Substack in a manner that complies with the law. If your use of Substack is prohibited by applicable laws, then you aren\u2019t authorized to use Substack. We can\u2019t and won\u2019t be responsible for you using Substack in a way that breaks the law.</p><p>You also agree that you will not contribute any Post or otherwise use Substack in a manner that:</p><ul><li><p>Is fraudulent or threatening, or in any way violates Substack\u2019s<a href=\\\"\\\"> Content Guidelines</a>;</p></li></ul><ul><li><p>Jeopardizes the security of your Substack account or anyone else\u2019s (such as allowing someone else to log into Substack as you, or sharing your account or password with someone);</p></li></ul><ul><li><p>Attempts, in any manner, to obtain the password, account, or other security information of any other user;</p></li></ul><ul><li><p>Violates the security of any computer network, or cracks any passwords or security encryption codes;</p></li></ul><ul><li><p>Runs Maillist, Listserv, any form of auto-responder or \u201Cspam\u201D on Substack, or any processes that run or are activated while you are not logged into Substack, or that otherwise interferes with the proper working of Substack (including placing an unreasonable load on Substack\u2019s infrastructure);</p></li></ul><ul><li><p>\u201CCrawls,\u201D \u201Cscrapes,\u201D or \u201Cspiders\u201D any page, data, or portion of Substack (through use of manual or automated means);</p></li></ul><ul><li><p>Copies or stores any significant portion of the content on Substack;</p></li></ul><ul><li><p>Decompiles, reverse engineers, or otherwise attempts to obtain the source code or underlying ideas or information of or relating to Substack.</p></li></ul><p><strong>Other Users and Third-Parties</strong></p><ul><li><p>Posts: Posts posted to Substack \u2013 including Creator publications \u2013 are the sole responsibility of the person or organization from whom such content originated. You access all such content at your own risk. We aren\u2019t liable for any errors or omissions in any Post and you hereby release us from any damages or loss you might suffer in connection with a Post.</p></li><li><p>Other Users on Substack: Your interactions with organizations and individuals found on or through Substack, including payment for Creator publications, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings, are solely between you and such organizations and individuals. You agree that Substack shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings. We can\u2019t guarantee the identity of any users with access to Substack and are not responsible for which users gain access to our products and services.</p></li></ul><ul><li><p>Third-Party Content: Substack may contain links or connections to third party websites or services that are not owned or controlled by us. Substack has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, accuracy, privacy policies, or practices of or opinions expressed in any third-party websites. You release and hold us harmless from any and all liability arising from your use of any third-party website or service.</p></li></ul><p>In the event that you have a dispute with one or more other users of Substack or with a third party, you release us, our officers, employees, agents, and successors from claims, demands, and damages of every kind or nature, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, disclosed or undisclosed, arising out of or in any way related to such disputes and/or Substack.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Limitation of Liability</strong></p><p><strong>To the fullest extent allowed by applicable law, under no circumstances and under no legal theory shall Substack, its licensors, or its suppliers be liable to you or to any other person for:</strong></p><ul><li><p><strong>Any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any kind, or</strong></p></li></ul><ul><li><p><strong>Any amount, in the aggregate, in excess of the greater of (1) $100 or (2) the amounts paid and/or payable by you to us in connection with Substack in the twelve-month period preceding the applicable claim.</strong></p></li></ul><p><strong>No Warranties</strong></p><p><strong>Substack is provided to you on an \u201Cas-is\u201D basis. This means we provide it to you without any express or implied warranties of any kind. That includes any implied warranties of merchantability, warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, or any warranty that the use of Substack will be uninterrupted or error-free. Accordingly, we do not:</strong></p><ul><li><p><strong>Make any representations or warranties about any content contained in or accessed through Substack, and we will not be responsible for the accuracy, copyright compliance, legality, or decency of material contained on our products and services.&nbsp;</strong></p></li></ul><ul><li><p><strong>Make any representations or warranties regarding suggestions or recommendations of products or services (including Creator publications) offered or purchased through Substack. Products and services purchased or offered through Substack, including publications, are provided \u201Cas-is\u201D and without any warranty of any kind from Substack.&nbsp;</strong></p></li></ul><p><strong>Paid Subscriptions on Substack</strong></p><p>A Creator may offer their publications for free or for a subscription fee, to be determined in the Creator\u2019s discretion. Readers may choose to subscribe to Creator publications on Substack and agree to incur any applicable subscription fees.&nbsp;</p><p>Creators will set prices for their publications, and may change the prices at their sole discretion through their Creator account, though no price changes shall apply retroactively.&nbsp;</p><p>In the event that a Reader has a dispute with a Creator, you agree, as either/both a Reader and a Creator, that Substack is under no obligation to become involved other than to direct any inquiries regarding a Creator\u2019s publication to the appropriate Creator pursuant to the<a href=\\\"\\\"> Publisher Agreement</a>.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Terminating Your Account</strong></p><p>Substack is free to terminate (or suspend access to) your use of Substack, or your account, for any reason at our discretion. We will try to provide advance notice to you prior to our terminating your account so that you are able to retrieve any important Posts you may have uploaded to your account, but we may not do so if we determine it would be impractical, illegal, not in the interest of someone\u2019s safety or security, or otherwise harmful to the rights or property of Substack.</p><p>Substack also allows you to delete your account at any time.<strong> If you'd like to delete your account, you can do so from your<a href=\\\"\\\"> account page</a>.</strong> When you delete your account, any Posts associated with that account will also be deleted. However, any Post that you have made public may remain available.&nbsp;</p><p>You understand and agree that it may not be possible to completely delete your content from Substack\u2019s records or backups, and that your Posts may remain viewable elsewhere to the extent that they were copied or stored by other users. Please refer to our<a href=\\\"\\\"> Privacy Policy</a> to understand how we treat information you provide to us after you have stopped using Substack.&nbsp;</p><p>You agree that some of the obligations in these Terms will be in force even after you terminate your account. All of the following terms will survive termination: any obligation you have to pay us or indemnify us, any limitations on our liability, any terms regarding ownership or intellectual property rights, terms regarding disputes between us, and any other terms that, by their nature, should survive termination of these Terms.</p><p>If you have deleted your account by mistake, contact us immediately at \u2013 we will try to help, but unfortunately, we can\u2019t promise that we can recover or restore anything.</p><p><strong>Privacy on Substack</strong></p><p>Substack takes your privacy very seriously. For the current Substack Privacy Policy, please click<a href=\\\"\\\"> here</a>.</p><p>The Children\u2019s Online Privacy Protection Act (\u201CCOPPA\u201D) requires that online service providers obtain parental consent before they knowingly collect personally identifiable information online from children. We do not knowingly collect or solicit personally identifiable information from children under 16; if you are a child under 16, please do not attempt to register for Substack or send any personal information about yourself to us. If we learn we have collected personal information from a child under 16, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that a child under 16 may have provided us personal information, please contact us at</p><p><strong>SMS Messaging</strong></p><p>If you provide us your phone number, we may use an SMS message to verify your control of the phone number. Your carrier\u2019s message and data rates may apply to this SMS verification. We don\u2019t send text messages for other purposes, however, you can reply \u201CHELP\u201D for help, or \u201CSTOP\u201D to opt out of receiving text messages. You can learn more about our use of phone numbers and SMS messages in our<a href=\\\"\\\"> privacy policy</a>.</p><p><strong>Third Party Services and Integrations</strong></p><p>We may offer you functionality that allows you to integrate third-party services in Substack, or to use Substack to interact with third-party services. Where we do, you understand that your use of third-party services is subject to those services\u2019 own terms and policies. In particular, if you use your Substack account to interact with the YouTube API, you agree to be bound by the YouTube <a href=\\\"\\\">terms of service</a>.</p><p><strong>Changes to Substack</strong></p><p>We\u2019re always trying to improve Substack, so our products and services may change over time. We may suspend or discontinue any part of Substack, or we may introduce new features or impose limits on certain features or restrict access to parts or all of Substack. We\u2019ll try to give you notice when we make a material change to Substack that would adversely affect you, but this isn\u2019t always possible or practical.</p><p><strong>Changes to the Terms</strong></p><p>We are constantly trying to improve our products and services, so these Terms may need to change along with Substack. We reserve the right to change the Terms at any time, but if we do, we will bring it to your attention by placing a notice on the website, by sending you an email, and/or by some other means.&nbsp;</p><p>If you don\u2019t agree with the new Terms, you are free to reject them; unfortunately, that means you will no longer be able to use Substack. If you use Substack in any way after a change to the Terms is effective and notice has been provided, that means you agree to all of the changes.&nbsp;</p><p>Except for changes by us as described here, no other amendment or modification of these Terms will be effective unless in writing and signed by both you and us.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Violations of the Terms</strong></p><p>Failure to follow any of these Terms shall constitute a breach of these Terms, which may result in immediate termination of your account. Substack has the sole right to decide whether you are in violation of any of the restrictions set forth in these Terms.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Miscellaneous Terms</strong></p><p>The above covers most of the questions that we typically receive about Substack. We have grouped provisions that come up less frequently below:</p><ul><li><p>Indemnification: To the fullest extent allowed by applicable law, you agree to indemnify and hold Substack, its affiliates, officers, agents, employees, and partners harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages (actual and consequential), losses and expenses (including attorneys\u2019 fees) arising from or in any way related to any third party claims relating to (a) your use of Substack (including any actions taken by a third party using your account), and (b) your violation of these Terms. In the event of such a claim, suit, or action, we will attempt to provide notice to the contact information we have for your account (provided that failure to deliver such notice shall not eliminate or reduce your indemnification obligations hereunder).</p></li></ul><ul><li><p>Assignment: You may not assign, delegate or transfer these Terms or your rights or obligations hereunder, or your Substack account, in any way (by operation of law or otherwise) without our prior written consent. We may transfer, assign, or delegate these Terms and our rights and obligations without consent.</p></li></ul><ul><li><p>Choice of Law: These Terms are governed by and will be construed under applicable federal law and the laws of the State of California, without regard to the conflicts of laws provisions thereof.</p></li></ul><ul><li><p>Arbitration and Class Action Waiver: Any dispute arising from or relating to the subject matter of these Terms shall be finally settled by arbitration in San Francisco County, California, in accordance with the Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures of Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services, Inc. (\u201CJAMS\u201D) then in effect, by one commercial arbitrator with substantial experience in resolving intellectual property and commercial contract disputes, who shall be selected from the appropriate list of JAMS arbitrators in accordance with the Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures of JAMS. Judgment upon the award so rendered may be entered in a court having jurisdiction, or application may be made to such court for judicial acceptance of any award and an order of enforcement, as the case may be. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you and Substack shall have the right to institute an action in a court of proper jurisdiction for injunctive or other equitable relief pending a final decision by the arbitrator. For all purposes of these Terms, you consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the state or federal courts located in, respectively, San Francisco County, California, or the Northern District of California. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding arising out of these Terms will be entitled to an award of costs and attorneys\u2019 fees. To the fullest extent permitted by law, you and Substack Inc agree that all claims against the other can only be brought in an individual capacity, and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class, consolidated, or other representative proceeding. We agree that arbitrators may not conduct any class, consolidated, or representative proceeding, and are limited to providing relief warranted by an individual party's claim.</p></li></ul><ul><li><p>No Third-Party Beneficiaries: We agree there are no third-party beneficiaries intended under these Terms.</p></li></ul><ul><li><p>No Joint Venture: You hereby acknowledge and agree that you are not an employee, agent, partner, or joint venture of Substack Inc., and you do not have any authority of any kind to bind us in any respect whatsoever.&nbsp;</p></li></ul><ul><li><p>Waiver: The failure of either you or us to exercise, in any way, any right herein shall not be deemed a waiver of any further rights hereunder.&nbsp;</p></li></ul><ul><li><p>Severability: If any provision of these Terms is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision will be limited or eliminated, to the minimum extent necessary, so that these Terms shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable.&nbsp;</p></li></ul><ul><li><p>Entire Agreement: You agree that these Terms are the complete and exclusive statement of the mutual understanding between you and us, and that it supersedes and cancels all previous written and oral agreements, communications and other understandings relating to the subject matter of these Terms.</p></li></ul>\",\"credit_terms_of_service\":\"<h1>SUBSTACK CREDIT TERMS</h1><div id=\\\"effective-date-october\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#effective-date-october\\\"><strong>Effective Date</strong>: October 26, 2023</a></h3><p>These Substack Credit Terms (the \u201C<strong>Terms</strong>\u201D) to the Substack Terms of Use (\u201C<strong>TOU</strong>\u201D) form a binding agreement between you and Substack Inc. (\u201C<strong>we</strong>\u201D, \u201C<strong>our</strong>\u201D \u201C<strong>us</strong>\u201D). If you do not agree to these Terms or the TOU, you may not participate in any program related to Substack Credits (each a \u201C<strong>Program</strong>\u201D). By participating in a Program, you assent to these Terms and the terms of the TOU and any Program-specific terms and conditions. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given to them in the TOU. These Terms are made under the terms and conditions of the TOU, and in the event of a conflict between these Terms and the TOU, these Terms shall prevail.</p><div id=\\\"about-substack-credits\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h2><a href=\\\"#about-substack-credits\\\"><strong>About Substack Credits</strong></a></h2><p>\u201CSubstack Credits\u201D are credits that may be applied to Substack subscription purchases for participating Publisher content. From time to time you may be presented with options to earn or spend Substack Credits. Please read these terms carefully to understand how the Substack Credits and Programs work.&nbsp;</p><p>At any time we may make changes that affect Substack Credits, including the associated value of a Substack Credit, earning rate, imposing earning or spending caps, or cancelling a Program or our support of Substack Credits.&nbsp;</p><p>If your Substack account has been suspended or terminated you will lose access to your balance of Substack Credits. You may not transfer Substack Credits to any other person, redeem Substack Credits for cash or any other currency, and they are not your property and you cannot sell them. You are responsible for learning about and paying any taxes that may apply to earning or using Substack Credits.</p><p>Subject to other parts of these Terms, Substack Credits are redeemed on a first-in, first-out basis and Substack Credits will expire three (3) months after being awarded, unless in our discretion we allow them to survive for a longer period of time. Substack Credits may be redeemed only on Substack. Once redeemed, you cannot cancel a transaction or request a refund of Substack Credits.&nbsp;</p><div id=\\\"earning-substack-credits\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h2><a href=\\\"#earning-substack-credits\\\"><strong>Earning Substack Credits</strong></a></h2><p>We may offer you the ability to take certain actions to provide another user the ability to receive Substack Credits and receive Substack Credits yourself (a \u201C<strong>Referral</strong>\u201D), subject to any additional terms and conditions we may provide to you (\u201C<strong>Referral Program Terms</strong>\u201D).&nbsp; If someone is not eligible to be a Substack user you will not earn Substack Credits for Referrals to them. To make a Referral we may provide you with a referral code, unique URL or other means by which to associate you with a Referral (your \u201C<strong>Tracking Code</strong>\u201D). Subject to Referral Program Terms, you will be eligible to receive Substack Credits only for users who use your Tracking Code.&nbsp;</p><div id=\\\"referral-compensation\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h2><a href=\\\"#referral-compensation\\\"><strong>Referral Compensation</strong></a></h2><p>Your sole compensation under these Terms for our acceptance of a user referred by you will be the issuance of Substack Credits.&nbsp;</p><p>Substack Credits are not earned until they are added to your account. We reserve the right to retroactively correct errors made by us in issuing you Substack Credits.&nbsp;</p><div id=\\\"using-substack-credits\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h2><a href=\\\"#using-substack-credits\\\"><strong>Using Substack Credits</strong></a></h2><p>You may have opportunities to redeem Substack Credits for purchases on Substack.&nbsp; If you choose to apply Substack Credits to any purchase on Substack, you authorize us to deduct from your Substack Credit balance.</p><div id=\\\"prohibited-conduct\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h2><a href=\\\"#prohibited-conduct\\\"><strong>Prohibited Conduct</strong></a></h2><p>When soliciting Referrals under these Terms, you will (a)&nbsp;not engage in any deceptive, misleading, illegal, or unethical practices (including creating accounts for yourself, for the purpose of earning Substack Credits); (b) not make any representations or warranties concerning a Program; and (c)&nbsp;comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. If you engage in any prohibited conduct or any violation of the TOU, we reserve the right to not issue you any Substack Credits.</p><div id=\\\"term-and-termination\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h2><a href=\\\"#term-and-termination\\\"><strong>Term and Termination</strong></a></h2><p>These Terms will commence upon your acceptance of these Terms (e.g., participation in a Program), and continue until terminated pursuant to this Section, or the TOU is terminated, whichever is earlier.&nbsp;</p><p>Either party may terminate these Terms without cause upon prior written notice to the other party. If these Terms are terminated or we cease our support of Substack Credits, you will no longer be able to use Substack Credits. If we terminate a Program we will have no further obligation to you with respect to such Program. Any pending Referrals at the time of any such termination of these Terms or the applicable Program will not be credited toward the issuance of Substack Credits on your behalf.&nbsp;</p><p>You agree that some of the obligations in these Terms will be in force even after you terminate your account. All of the following terms will survive termination: any obligation you have to pay or indemnify us, any limitations on our liability, any terms regarding ownership or intellectual property rights, terms regarding disputes between us, and any other terms that, by their nature, should survive termination of these Terms.</p><div id=\\\"disclaimers\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h2><a href=\\\"#disclaimers\\\"><strong>Disclaimers</strong></a></h2><p>Substack Credits have no monetary value, no application outside of Substack, and are not personal property. Substack Credits can only be used to make purchases on Substack. Substack Credits may not be sold, transferred, or redeemed for cash or any other currency. You may not make available or use any technological measures, or other methods designed to encourage any collection, selling or trading of Substack Credits. You cannot purchase Substack Credits. You may only hold a maximum of $2,000 in unused Substack Credits at one time as determined by us (\u201C<strong>Limit</strong>\u201D), and Substack Credits may not be combined with other referral programs that we may offer. ANY ATTEMPT TO USE SUBSTACK CREDITS OUTSIDE OF SUBSTACK IS PROHIBITED.</p><p>Substack Credits are non-refundable, non-transferable, and not redeemable for cash or any other currency. Except as noted above, unused Substack Credits left in your Substack account upon termination will not be returned or restored (even if you create a new Substack account).</p><div id=\\\"no-warranties\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h2><a href=\\\"#no-warranties\\\"><strong>No Warranties</strong></a></h2><p>Substack, each Program and Substack Credits are provided to you on an \u201Cas-is\u201D basis. This means we provide them to you without any express or implied warranties of any kind. That includes any implied warranties of merchantability, warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, or any warranty that their use will be uninterrupted or error-free. Accordingly, we do not:</p><ul><li><p>Make any representations or warranties about whether any Referral you make will be successful or that you will be able to use Substack Credits.</p></li><li><p>Make any representations or warranties regarding suggestions or recommendations of products or services (including Publisher newsletters) offered or purchased through Substack. Products and services purchased or offered through Substack, including newsletters and each Program, are provided \u201Cas-is\u201D and without any warranty of any kind from Substack. We do not warrant that any Program or the Substack Credits will provide any benefit of any kind to you.</p></li></ul><div id=\\\"limitation-of-liability\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h2><a href=\\\"#limitation-of-liability\\\"><strong>Limitation of Liability</strong></a></h2><p>To the fullest extent allowed by applicable law, under no circumstances and under no legal theory shall Substack, its licensors, or its suppliers be liable to you or to any other person for:</p><ul><li><p>Any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any kind, or</p></li><li><p>&nbsp;Any amount, in the aggregate, in excess of the greater of (1) $100 or (2) the amounts paid and/or payable by you to us in connection with Substack in the twelve-month period preceding the applicable claim.</p></li></ul><div id=\\\"miscellaneous-terms\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h2><a href=\\\"#miscellaneous-terms\\\"><strong>Miscellaneous Terms</strong></a></h2><ul><li><p>Indemnification: To the fullest extent allowed by applicable law, you agree to indemnify and hold Substack, its affiliates, officers, agents, employees, and partners harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages (actual and consequential), losses and expenses (including attorneys\u2019 fees) arising from or in any way related to any third party claims relating to (a) your use of Substack (including any actions taken by a third party using your account), (b) your violation of these Terms, and (c) your participation in a Program or use of Substack Credits.&nbsp; In the event of such a claim, suit, or action, we will attempt to provide notice to the contact information we have for your account (provided that failure to deliver such notice shall not eliminate or reduce your indemnification obligations hereunder).</p></li><li><p>Assignment: You may not assign, delegate or transfer these Terms or your rights or obligations hereunder, or your Substack account, in any way (by operation of law or otherwise) without our prior written consent. We may transfer, assign, or delegate these Terms and our rights and obligations without consent.</p></li><li><p>Notices: If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding these Terms or a Program, please contact us at</p></li><li><p>Arbitration and Class Action Waiver: Any dispute arising from or relating to the subject matter of these Terms shall be finally settled by arbitration in San Francisco County, California, in accordance with the Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures of Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services, Inc. (\u201C<strong>JAMS</strong>\u201D) then in effect, by one commercial arbitrator with substantial experience in resolving intellectual property and commercial contract disputes, who shall be selected from the appropriate list of JAMS arbitrators in accordance with the Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures of JAMS. Judgment upon the award so rendered may be entered in a court having jurisdiction, or application may be made to such court for judicial acceptance of any award and an order of enforcement, as the case may be. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you and Substack shall have the right to institute an action in a court of proper jurisdiction for injunctive or other equitable relief pending a final decision by the arbitrator. For all purposes of these Terms, you consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the state or federal courts located in, respectively, San Francisco County, California, or the Northern District of California. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding arising out of these Terms will be entitled to an award of costs and attorneys\u2019 fees. To the fullest extent permitted by law, you and Substack agree that all claims against the other can only be brought in an individual capacity, and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class, consolidated, or other representative proceeding. We agree that arbitrators may not conduct any class, consolidated, or representative proceeding, and are limited to providing relief warranted by an individual party\u2019s claim.</p></li><li><p>Choice of Law: These Terms is governed by the laws of the State of California, without giving effect to provisions related to choice of laws or conflict of laws that would result in the application of the laws of another jurisdiction. Venue and jurisdiction of any non-arbitrable dispute involving these Terms exists exclusively in the state and federal courts in San Francisco County, California.</p></li><li><p>No Third-Party Beneficiaries: We agree there are no third-party beneficiaries intended under these Terms.</p></li><li><p>No Joint Venture: You hereby acknowledge and agree that you are not an employee, agent, partner, or joint venture of Substack, and you do not have any authority of any kind to bind us in any respect whatsoever.</p></li><li><p>Waiver: The failure of either you or us to exercise, in any way, any right herein shall not be deemed a waiver of any further rights hereunder.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p></li><li><p>Severability: If any provision of these Terms is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision will be limited or eliminated, to the minimum extent necessary, so that this Terms shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable.</p></li><li><p>Entire Agreement: You agree that these Terms is the complete and exclusive statement of the mutual understanding between you and us, and that it supersedes and cancels all previous written and oral agreements, communications and other understandings relating to the subject matter of these Terms.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p></li></ul><div id=\\\"referral-program-terms\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h2><a href=\\\"#referral-program-terms\\\"><strong>Referral Program Terms</strong></a></h2><p>Substack may from time to time provide you with an opportunity to give a user Substack Credits to use towards a subscription to a publication (the \u201C<strong>Referral Program\u201D</strong>). Any Substack Credits given or earned under the Referral Program are \u201C<strong>Referral Credits</strong>\u201D.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>You may be provided with the ability to extended Referral Credits to other users (\u201C<strong>Referees</strong>\u201D). For your first Referee, you will automatically earn a certain amount of Referral Credits, when the user redeems your gifted Referral Credit.&nbsp; For all subsequent Referees you will receive Referral Credit when the Referee has used your gifted Referral Credit for a subscription, and then subsequently pays for that subscription. Referral Credits are subject to the following limitations: 1) Referral Credits can be used only for new subscriptions for the recipient, and cannot be applied toward a publication that the recipient is currently or has been subscribed to in the past, or for publications that have opted out of receipt of Substack Credits or the Referral Program, 2)&nbsp; Referral Credits cannot be split between multiple subscriptions and must be applied in their entirety towards a single publication subscription, and 3) a user may only be gifted Substack Credits once by you. . Referral Credits expire ninety (90) days after they are issued, and are forfeited if not used, with any extensions or waivers subject to our sole discretion.&nbsp; At any time we may place a limit on the amount of Referral Credits you may earn.</p>\",\"chatbot_terms_of_service\":\"<p><strong>Documents</strong></p><ul><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Terms of Use</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Privacy Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Publisher Agreement</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Content Guidelines</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Copyright Dispute Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Copyright Repeat Infringer Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">CCPA Policy</a></p></li><li><p>Support Chatbot Terms</p></li></ul><h1><strong>Support Chatbot Terms</strong></h1><div id=\\\"relationship-to-substacks-terms-of-use\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h2><a href=\\\"#relationship-to-substacks-terms-of-use\\\"><strong>Relationship to Substack's <a href=\\\"\\\">Terms of Use</a></strong></a></h2><p>Use of our platform and services, including use of our support chatbot, is governed by our <a href=\\\"\\\">Terms of Use</a>, which are fully incorporated into these Support Chatbot Terms.</p><div id=\\\"chatbot-limitations\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h2><a href=\\\"#chatbot-limitations\\\"><strong>Chatbot limitations</strong></a></h2><p>Our support chatbot is an automated service provided as a convenience. You understand that support chats may provide inaccurate or incomplete information, and are not a substitute for reviewing Substack's terms and policies. You understand that the support chat cannot speak for Substack, modify our terms or policies, or make any binding promises to you.</p><div id=\\\"privacy-notice\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h2><a href=\\\"#privacy-notice\\\"><strong>Privacy notice</strong></a></h2><p>You understand that support chats are facilitated by and provided to a third-party service provider,, together with that vendor's subprocessors and service providers. Our privacy policy applies to all support chat data and governs how we and our service providers may access and use support chat data.</p>\",\"privacy_policy\":\"<p><strong>Documents</strong></p><ul><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Terms of Use</a></p></li><li><p>Privacy Policy</p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Publisher Agreement</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Content Guidelines</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Copyright Dispute Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Copyright Repeat Infringer Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">CCPA Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Support Chatbot Terms</a></p></li></ul><h1><strong>Privacy Policy</strong></h1><p>Last Updated: December 17, 2024</p><p><strong>Changes in the Last Update</strong></p><ul><li><p>Incorporate the Data Privacy Framework</p></li></ul><div><hr></div><p><strong>About this Privacy Policy</strong></p><p>Substack Inc. knows you care about how your personal information is used and shared, and we take your privacy seriously. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and share your personally identifiable information (\\\"Personal Information\\\") through our website (<a href=\\\"\\\"></a>) and our services. Please read it carefully.</p><p>Remember that your use of Substack is at all times subject to the<a href=\\\"\\\"> Terms of Use</a>, which incorporates this Privacy Policy. Any terms we use in this Privacy Policy without defining them have the definitions given to them in the<a href=\\\"\\\"> Terms of Use</a>.</p><p><strong>This Privacy Policy includes additional notices that may apply to you if you are a California consumer.</strong> Please see the section further below titled \\\"Additional Notices for California Residents\\\" for more details.</p><p><strong>What does this Privacy Policy cover?</strong></p><p>This Privacy Policy details how we collect, receive, use, store, share, transfer and process your Personal Information. It also describes the choices you have regarding the use of your Personal Information, as well as your rights and how you execute these rights.</p><p>This Privacy Policy only applies to the processing of your Personal Information by Substack as a data controller, meaning where we process your Personal Information for our purposes. This Privacy Policy does not apply to any processing of your Personal Information by Substack as a data processor on behalf of a Creator. Creators will have their own privacy practices governing their use of Personal Information as outlined in their own terms of use and/or privacy policies.</p><p><strong>Will Substack ever change this Privacy Policy?</strong></p><p>We\u2019re constantly trying to improve our services, so we may need to change this Privacy Policy from time to time as well, but we will alert you to changes by placing a notice on our site, by sending you an email, and/or by some other means.</p><p>Please note that if you\u2019ve opted not to receive legal notice emails from us (or you haven\u2019t provided us with your email address), those legal notices will still govern your use of Substack, and you are still responsible for reading and understanding them.</p><p><strong>What Information does Substack collect?</strong></p><p>We collect and process Personal Information about you when you interact with us and our services, as well as when you subscribe to any of our paid or unpaid services. This may include:</p><ul><li><p>your first and last name;</p></li><li><p>your email address;</p></li><li><p>your phone number;</p></li><li><p>your payment details (including billing address, credit card details, where you make a purchase from us);</p></li><li><p>your location and/or mailing address;</p></li><li><p>your photograph;</p></li><li><p>your marketing preferences, including any consents you have given us;</p></li><li><p>information related to the browser or device you use to access our website (including your IP address);</p></li><li><p>any information we collect online from you and maintain in association with your account, such as your username and password;</p></li><li><p>your subscription status with Substack publications;</p></li><li><p>public information about the social media accounts you associate with your Substack account;</p></li><li><p>your direct message contents and metadata;</p></li><li><p>information from integrated third-party services that you choose to use on Substack \u2014&nbsp;for example, if you use Substack to upload video content to YouTube, we collect&nbsp; account identifiers (including the email address associated with the account), video identifiers, and upload status information associated with the YouTube account you use to upload video content to YouTube; and</p></li><li><p>any other information you provide us when communicating with us.</p></li></ul><p>We may also collect information about you when one of our users syncs their address book information with our app for contact syncing purposes. This information collection is strictly limited to email addresses and phone numbers, and any information collected in this manner is securely stored only as hashed values.</p><p>Finally, we also collect information on the use of our website via Cookies. Please view the section \u201CCookies\u201D below for more information.</p><p><strong>How does Substack use your Personal Information?</strong></p><p>We process this Personal Information for the following purposes:</p><ul><li><p>To establish and fulfill a contract with you, for example when you subscribe to a subscription Service. This may include verifying your identity, taking payments, communicating with you, providing customer service;</p></li><li><p>As required by Substack to enable our business and pursue our legitimate interests. In particular we use your Personal Information for the following purposes:</p><ul><li><p>to provide services you have requested, and respond to any communications, comments or complaints you send us;</p></li><li><p>to monitor the use of our services and to help us monitor, improve and protect our services, content and website;</p></li><li><p>allow you to create, maintain, customize and secure your account with us;</p></li><li><p>to personalize our services for you and provide recommendations;</p></li><li><p>to monitor any user accounts to prevent, investigate and/or report fraud, misrepresentation, terrorism, security incidents or crime in accordance with applicable law;</p></li><li><p>to invite you to take part in surveys or market research;</p></li><li><p>to facilitate contact syncing between users who opt in to our app\u2019s contact syncing functionality;</p></li><li><p>Where our use of Personal Information is made pursuant to a balancing of our legitimate interests with your privacy interest, we will provide more information about our balancing analysis and process on request. Please send any such requests to</p></li></ul></li><li><p>Compliance with applicable laws and protection of Substack\u2019s legitimate business interests and legal rights, including but not limited to use in connection with legal claims, compliance, regulatory, investigative purposes (including disclosure of such information in connection with legal process or litigation).</p></li><li><p>In addition, we will send you, based on your consent (if required), direct marketing communication in relation to our relevant services, or other services provided by us, our affiliates and carefully selected partners. You can withdraw your consent at any time (\\\"opt out\\\"); see the section \\\"What are your rights?\\\" below. In case of electronic direct marketing you can opt out by following the instructions in the communication.</p></li><li><p>In certain cases, we may also share some Personal Information with third parties, but only as described in this Privacy Policy.</p></li></ul><p><strong>How will Substack share the Personal Information it receives?</strong></p><p>We may share your Personal Information with third parties as described below:</p><ul><li><p><strong>Affiliates:</strong> We may disclose your Personal Information to our subsidiaries and/or corporate affiliates for the purposes as described above.</p></li><li><p><strong>Creators:</strong> when you subscribe to a Creator\u2019s publication, we provide them the information necessary (including your name and email address) to provide you their publication(s). Please note that Creators control their own publications; accordingly, when you interact with a Creator\u2019s publication in a way that requires your personal information, including when commenting on a publication that you have not subscribed to, that personal information is provided directly to the Creator.</p></li><li><p><strong>Our Service Providers:</strong> We share your Personal Information with third-party service providers that provide services on our behalf; for example, we use Stripe (a third party payment provider) to receive and process your credit card transactions for us. Such third parties further include, but are not limited to, providers of: website hosting; maintenance services; email services; security services; content delivery networks; customer support operations and software services; traffic and usage analytics services; and cloud storage and computing services.</p></li><li><p><strong>Third-Party Data Controllers: </strong>We provide integrations with third-party services for you to use at your option. When we do, we only use the Personal Information we collect from the integrated third-party service for the purpose of providing the integration to you, and do not disclose that information except where required by law or as directed by the third-party service. Please keep in mind that you may use an integrated third-party service to send your Personal Information or content to the provider of the integrated third-party service, in which case you should refer to the privacy policy of the applicable third-party service provider to understand how your Personal Information is used. For instance, you may use Substack to upload content to YouTube, in which case the<a href=\\\"\\\"> Google privacy policy</a> governs how YouTube uses your Personal Information.</p></li><li><p><strong>Other users:</strong> If your user profile allows it, you may choose to populate certain user profile information, including, without limitation, your name, subscriptions, publications, location, and any image content. Any user profile information uploaded may be displayed to other users to facilitate user interaction within the services (including when you post comments or upload images or videos through the services). Your account privacy settings may allow you to limit the other users who can see the Personal Information in your user profile and/or what information in your user profile is visible to others. Your username and user profile may also be displayed to other users when you interact with a publication post, for instance, by \u201Cliking\u201D the post or leaving a comment. You may have the option to allow Substack to share information on what you\u2019ve read or are reading on Substack with the public, or with other accounts socially connected to your own, such as your social media followers. If you opt into contact syncing through our app, your profile information will be shared with any user who has (i) also opted into contact syncing, and who (ii) identified you as a contact.</p></li><li><p><strong>Prospective sellers or buyers:</strong> We may share and/or transfer customer information in connection with the sale or merger of our business or assets (subject to local laws). Also, if we go out of business, enter bankruptcy, or go through some other change of control.</p></li><li><p><strong>Government authorities, law enforcement officials, and court-ordered disclosures:</strong> If required for the purposes as described in this Privacy Policy, if mandated by law or if required for the legal protection of our legitimate interests in compliance with applicable laws we may share Personal Information with competent regulatory, prosecuting, tax or governmental authorities, courts or other tribunals, or with litigants entitled by law to receive personal information, in any jurisdiction or markets, domestic or foreign.</p></li></ul><p>In certain cases, we may anonymize your Personal Information in such a way that you can no longer be identified as an individual, and we reserve the right to use and share such anonymized information to trusted partners not specified here. However, we never disclose aggregated or de-identified information in a manner that could identify you as an individual.</p><p><strong>Where will we send your Personal Information?</strong></p><p>Substack is established in the US and uses service providers established both in the US and in other countries to process Personal Information as described in this Privacy Policy. As such, your Personal Information may be shared internationally.<br><br><strong>Does Substack participate in the Data Privacy Framework?</strong></p><p>To facilitate the lawful import of Personal Information from the European Union, the United Kingdom, and the Swiss Confederation, Substack participates in the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF), the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF, and the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (Swiss-U.S. DPF) (each, a \u201CDPF\u201D). To verify our participation, please consult the <a href=\\\"\\\">Data Privacy Framework List</a>.</p><p>When we receive Personal Information under a DPF, the <a href=\\\"\\\">DPF Principles</a> apply to our processing of that information. Under any DPF, we are accountable for the onward transfer of Personal Information, and only transfer Personal Information received pursuant to a DPF under agreements that provide the same protections as the DPF. Our adherence to the DPFs specified above is subject to the investigatory and enforcement powers of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission.</p><p>In the event of a dispute between you and us regarding our use of Personal Information under a DPF, we ask that you first raise the dispute with us directly at If you do not receive timely acknowledgment of your DPF Principles-related complaint from us, or if we have not addressed your DPF Principles-related complaint to your satisfaction, please visit <a href=\\\"\\\"></a> for more information or to file a complaint. These dispute resolution services are provided at no cost to you.</p><p>If you have a \u201Cresidual claim\u201D regarding our use of your Personal Information under a DPF that is unresolved after (i) direct contact with us; (ii) your use of the independent dispute resolution mechanism identified above; and (iii) your raising the issue with your data protection authority, you have the the right to seek redress through binding arbitration in accordance with the applicable DPF.</p><p><strong>Is Personal Information about you secure?</strong></p><p>Your account is protected by a password for your privacy and security. You must prevent unauthorized access to your account and Personal Information by selecting and protecting your password appropriately and limiting access to your computer or device and browser by signing off after you have finished accessing your account.</p><p>We endeavor to protect the privacy of your account and other Personal Information we hold in our records, but unfortunately, we cannot guarantee complete security. Unauthorized entry or use, failure of the services, or other factors may compromise the security of user information at any time.</p><p><strong>Privacy and your direct messages</strong></p><p>You can use Substack to send direct messages to other Substack users, and to receive direct messages from other Substack users. <strong>Please note that, at this time, direct messages are not end-to-end encrypted, and are not a substitute for secure messaging services.</strong> Direct messaging contents are disclosed to their intended recipients. Recipients of direct messages may keep those messages even if you request their deletion, and even if you delete your Substack account. Keep in mind that recipients of your direct messages do not necessarily have any obligation to keep them private.</p><p>We will only disclose direct message contents to people other than the intended recipients in very limited circumstances where allowed or required by law, for example, in response to valid court orders or in emergency situations involving danger of death or serious physical injury. While we maintain strict internal access controls on direct messaging content, keep in mind that Substack personnel may access the contents of direct messages to enforce our Terms of Use, ensure the security of our platform, to provide user support, or as otherwise necessary to provide our services. We may also use automated means to ensure the safety of direct messaging content, including scanning for spam, malicious content, and child abuse material.</p><p><strong>Privacy and SMS Services</strong></p><p>If you provide us with your phone number, we may use a third-party service provider to verify your phone number with an SMS text message. Information regarding this SMS verification is used only for verification purposes, and is not shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes.</p><p><strong>What are your rights?</strong></p><p>Depending on applicable local laws, you may be entitled to ask Substack for a copy of your Personal Information, to correct it, erase or restrict its processing, or to ask us to transfer some of this information to other organizations. You may also have rights to object to some processing activities or to request restriction of some processing activities. Where we have asked for your consent to process your Personal Information, you may also have the right to withdraw this consent. These rights may be limited in some situations or in accordance with applicable law \u2013 for example, we cannot delete your Personal Information when we can demonstrate that we have a legal obligation to retain it. In some instances, this may mean that we are able to retain data even if you withdraw your consent or you delete your account.</p><p>Where we require Personal Information to comply with legal or contractual obligations, then provision of such information is mandatory: if such information is not provided, then we will not be able to manage our contractual relationship, or to meet obligations placed on us. In all other cases, provision of requested personal data is optional. Please note we will always inform you where the provision of your Personal Information is mandatory or optional.</p><p>We hope that we can satisfy any queries you may have about the way we process your Personal Information. If you have any concerns about how we process your Personal Information, or would like to opt out of marketing, you can get in touch at</p><p>If you are a California consumer, please see the section further below titled \u201CAdditional Notices for California Residents\u201D for more notices regarding your Personal Information.</p><p><em>You can access, edit, or delete some personal information by yourself</em></p><p>Through your account settings, you may access, and, in some cases, edit or delete the following information you\u2019ve provided to us:</p><ul><li><p>name and password</p></li><li><p>email address</p></li><li><p>user profile information, including images you may have uploaded to the site</p></li></ul><p>The information you can view, update, and delete may change as the services change. If you'd like to delete your account, you can do so from your<a href=\\\"\\\"> account page</a>.</p><p>Where you have directed third-party services to provide Personal Information to us, you can direct those third-party service providers to stop providing us your Personal Information. For example, you can use your<a href=\\\"\\\"> Google security settings</a> page to revoke our access to information from your YouTube account.</p><p>If you have any questions about viewing or updating information we have on file about you, please contact us at</p><p><em>You can unsubscribe from our marketing communications</em></p><p>You may unsubscribe from our marketing communications by clicking on the \u201Cunsubscribe\u201D link located on the bottom of our e-mails, updating your communication preferences or by contacting us at</p><p>We remind you that this Privacy Policy does not apply to any processing of your Personal Information by Substack as a data processor on behalf of a Creator. A Creator\u2019s own terms and policies govern its use of Personal Information it collects on the Creator\u2019s subdomain on the services, including their own marketing emails and other communications.</p><p><em>You have the right to complain to your local data protection authority</em></p><p>In the event you have unresolved concerns, please note that you have the right to complain to a data protection authority. Contact details for data protection authorities in the EEA, Switzerland and certain non-European countries are available<a href=\\\"\\\"> here</a>.</p><p><strong>How long will Substack retain your data?</strong></p><p>We retain information about you only for as long as reasonably necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected. We may retain your Personal Information for a longer period in the event of a complaint or if we reasonably believe there is a prospect of litigation in respect to our relationship with you.</p><p><strong>Automated individual decision-making, including profiling</strong></p><p>We may use the information we collect to profile you in order to suggest content on our platform that is relevant to your interests. We also use automated systems to help flag content that may violate our<a href=\\\"\\\"> Content Guidelines</a> or our<a href=\\\"\\\"> Terms of Use</a>. At this time, no final content moderation decisions are made without human review of any automated decisions.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Cookies</strong></p><p>We use cookies on our website. Cookies are small text files sent by a web server to your web browser and saved locally on your computer. The cookie allows the server to uniquely identify the browser on each page. Cookies do not cause any harm to your computer and do not contain viruses.</p><p>We use the following categories of cookies on our website:</p><p><em>Category 1: Strictly Necessary Cookies</em></p><p>These cookies are essential in order to enable you to move around the website and use its features. Without these cookies, services you have asked for such as remembering your login details or data provided for a purchase cannot be provided.</p><div><section class=\\\"cookie\\\"><table class=\\\"cookie\\\"><tbody><tr><th>Name</th><td>_cf_clearance</td></tr><tr><th>Type</th><td>Persistent</td></tr><tr><th>Purpose</th><td>Used to grant access to Substack\u2019s servers from its CDN</td></tr><tr><th>Lifetime</th><td>30 minutes</td></tr><tr><th>Domain</th><td></td></tr><tr><th>Vendor Privacy Policy</th><td><a>Link</a></td></tr></tbody></table></section><section class=\\\"cookie\\\"><table class=\\\"cookie\\\"><tbody><tr><th>Name</th><td>_cf_bm</td></tr><tr><th>Type</th><td>Persistent</td></tr><tr><th>Purpose</th><td>Used to block bot access to the site.</td></tr><tr><th>Lifetime</th><td>30 minutes</td></tr><tr><th>Domain</th><td></td></tr><tr><th>Vendor Privacy Policy</th><td><a>Link</a></td></tr></tbody></table></section><section class=\\\"cookie\\\"><table class=\\\"cookie\\\"><tbody><tr><th>Name</th><td>substack.sid / connect.sid</td></tr><tr><th>Type</th><td>Persistent</td></tr><tr><th>Purpose</th><td>Session identifier (login, etc)</td></tr><tr><th>Lifetime</th><td>90 days max</td></tr><tr><th>Domain</th><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section><section class=\\\"cookie\\\"><table class=\\\"cookie\\\"><tbody><tr><th>Name</th><td>_substack.lli_</td></tr><tr><th>Type</th><td>Persistent</td></tr><tr><th>Purpose</th><td>Communicates login state across first party domains.</td></tr><tr><th>Lifetime</th><td>90 days max</td></tr><tr><th>Domain</th><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section><section class=\\\"cookie\\\"><table class=\\\"cookie\\\"><tbody><tr><th>Name</th><td>cookie_storage_key</td></tr><tr><th>Type</th><td>Persistent</td></tr><tr><th>Purpose</th><td>Allows storage of user cookie preferences</td></tr><tr><th>Lifetime</th><td>90 days max</td></tr><tr><th>Domain</th><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section></div><p><em>Category 2: Performance Cookies</em></p><p>These cookies collect information on how people use our website. The data stored by these cookies never shows personal details from which your individual identity can be established.</p><div><section class=\\\"cookie\\\"><table class=\\\"cookie\\\"><tbody><tr><th>Name</th><td>visit_id</td></tr><tr><th>Type</th><td>Persistent</td></tr><tr><th>Purpose</th><td>First-party analytics tracking.</td></tr><tr><th>Lifetime</th><td>30 minutes</td></tr><tr><th>Domain</th><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section><section class=\\\"cookie\\\"><table class=\\\"cookie\\\"><tbody><tr><th>Name</th><td>ajs_anonymous_id</td></tr><tr><th>Type</th><td>Persistent</td></tr><tr><th>Purpose</th><td>First-party analytics tracking.</td></tr><tr><th>Lifetime</th><td>365 days</td></tr><tr><th>Domain</th><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section><section class=\\\"cookie\\\"><table class=\\\"cookie\\\"><tbody><tr><th>Name</th><td>ab_testing_id </td></tr><tr><th>Type</th><td>Persistent</td></tr><tr><th>Purpose</th><td>First-party analytics tracking.</td></tr><tr><th>Lifetime</th><td>1 year</td></tr><tr><th>Domain</th><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section><section class=\\\"cookie\\\"><table class=\\\"cookie\\\"><tbody><tr><th>Name</th><td>ga_family</td></tr><tr><th>Type</th><td>Persistent</td></tr><tr><th>Purpose</th><td>Third-party analytics tracking.</td></tr><tr><th>Lifetime</th><td>2 years</td></tr><tr><th>Domain</th><td></td></tr><tr><th>Vendor Privacy Policy</th><td><a>Link</a></td></tr></tbody></table></section><section class=\\\"cookie\\\"><table class=\\\"cookie\\\"><tbody><tr><th>Name</th><td>muxData</td></tr><tr><th>Type</th><td>Persistent</td></tr><tr><th>Purpose</th><td>Anonymous video metric collection and aggregation.</td></tr><tr><th>Lifetime</th><td>2 years</td></tr><tr><th>Domain</th><td></td></tr><tr><th>Vendor Privacy Policy</th><td><a>Link</a></td></tr></tbody></table></section><section class=\\\"cookie\\\"><table class=\\\"cookie\\\"><tbody><tr><th>Name</th><td>dd_s</td></tr><tr><th>Type</th><td>Persistent</td></tr><tr><th>Purpose</th><td>To identify and diagnose technical problems on the site.</td></tr><tr><th>Lifetime</th><td>4 hours</td></tr><tr><th>Domain</th><td></td></tr><tr><th>Vendor Privacy Policy</th><td><a>Link</a></td></tr></tbody></table></section><section class=\\\"cookie\\\"><table class=\\\"cookie\\\"><tbody><tr><th>Name</th><td>fs_uid</td></tr><tr><th>Type</th><td>Persistent</td></tr><tr><th>Purpose</th><td>Used to track user actions across the site for debugging purposes.</td></tr><tr><th>Lifetime</th><td>1 year</td></tr><tr><th>Domain</th><td></td></tr><tr><th>Vendor Privacy Policy</th><td><a>Link</a></td></tr></tbody></table></section><section class=\\\"cookie\\\"><table class=\\\"cookie\\\"><tbody><tr><th>Name</th><td>ab_experiment_sampled</td></tr><tr><th>Type</th><td>Persistent</td></tr><tr><th>Purpose</th><td>First-party analytics tracking.</td></tr><tr><th>Lifetime</th><td>1 year</td></tr><tr><th>Domain</th><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section></div><p><em>Category 3: Functionality Cookies</em></p><p>These cookies remember choices you make such as the country you visit our website from, language and search parameters. These can then be used to provide you with an experience more appropriate to your selections and to make the visits more tailored and pleasant.</p><div><section class=\\\"cookie\\\"><table class=\\\"cookie\\\"><tbody><tr><th>Name</th><td>like_upsell_last_shown_at</td></tr><tr><th>Type</th><td>Persistent</td></tr><tr><th>Purpose</th><td>Prevents users from repeatedly being shown features.</td></tr><tr><th>Lifetime</th><td>10 years</td></tr><tr><th>Domain</th><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section><section class=\\\"cookie\\\"><table class=\\\"cookie\\\"><tbody><tr><th>Name</th><td>AWSALBTG</td></tr><tr><th>Type</th><td>Persistent</td></tr><tr><th>Purpose</th><td>Ensures a consistent user experience across network requests.</td></tr><tr><th>Lifetime</th><td>2 years</td></tr><tr><th>Domain</th><td></td></tr><tr><th>Vendor Privacy Policy</th><td><a>Link</a></td></tr></tbody></table></section><section class=\\\"cookie\\\"><table class=\\\"cookie\\\"><tbody><tr><th>Name</th><td>zlcmid</td></tr><tr><th>Type</th><td>Persistent</td></tr><tr><th>Purpose</th><td>Stores visitor\u2019s machine-id for authentication with Zendesk chat widget.</td></tr><tr><th>Lifetime</th><td>1 year</td></tr><tr><th>Domain</th><td></td></tr><tr><th>Vendor Privacy Policy</th><td><a>Link</a></td></tr></tbody></table></section><section class=\\\"cookie\\\"><table class=\\\"cookie\\\"><tbody><tr><th>Name</th><td>hideCookieBanner</td></tr><tr><th>Type</th><td>Persistent</td></tr><tr><th>Purpose</th><td>Remembers that the user dismissed cookie banner.</td></tr><tr><th>Lifetime</th><td>365 days</td></tr><tr><th>Domain</th><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section><section class=\\\"cookie\\\"><table class=\\\"cookie\\\"><tbody><tr><th>Name</th><td>intro_popup_last_hidden_at</td></tr><tr><th>Type</th><td>Persistent</td></tr><tr><th>Purpose</th><td>Prevents showing introductory information the user has already seen.</td></tr><tr><th>Lifetime</th><td>10 years</td></tr><tr><th>Domain</th><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section><section class=\\\"cookie\\\"><table class=\\\"cookie\\\"><tbody><tr><th>Name</th><td>chatbot_terms_last_accepted_at</td></tr><tr><th>Type</th><td>Persistent</td></tr><tr><th>Purpose</th><td>Prevents users from repeatedly having to accept chatbot terms</td></tr><tr><th>Lifetime</th><td>10 years</td></tr><tr><th>Domain</th><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section><section class=\\\"cookie\\\"><table class=\\\"cookie\\\"><tbody><tr><th>Name</th><td>preferred_language</td></tr><tr><th>Type</th><td>Persistent</td></tr><tr><th>Purpose</th><td>Stores the user's preferred language</td></tr><tr><th>Lifetime</th><td>Session</td></tr><tr><th>Domain</th><td></td></tr></tbody></table></section></div><p><em><strong>Creator cookies</strong></em></p><p>In addition to the cookies Substack uses, Creators on Substack may choose to set certain tracking and analytics cookies, subject to the Creator\u2019s own terms and policies. These Creator cookies may include cookies set by third parties such as Twitter, Facebook, Google, and</p><p><em><strong>Disabling and opting-out of cookies</strong></em></p><p>Substack is rolling out a detailed cookie management system for users in select jurisdictions that can be used to disable all cookies except for necessary cookies. If you do not see this system, please note that current versions of web browsers offer enhanced user controls regarding the placement and duration of both first and third party cookies. Search for \\\"cookies\\\" under your web browser's \u201CHelp menu\u201D for more information on cookie management features available to you. You can enable or disable cookies by modifying the settings in your browser. You can also find out how to do this, and find more information on cookies at However, if you choose to disable cookies in your browser, you may be unable to complete certain activities on our websites or to correctly access certain parts of it. If you would like more information about interest-based advertising, including how to opt-out of these cookies, please visit</p><p><em><strong>Information Collected From Other Websites and Do Not Track Policy</strong></em></p><p>Through cookies we place on your browser or device, we may collect information about your online activity after you leave our website. Just like any other usage information we collect, this information allows us to improve the services and customize your online experience, and otherwise as described in this Privacy Policy. Your browser may offer you a \u201CDo Not Track\u201D option, which allows you to signal to operators of websites and web applications and services (including behavioral advertising services) that you do not wish such operators to track certain of your online activities over time and across different websites. Our services do not support Do Not Track requests at this time, which means that we collect information about your online activity both while you are using the services and after you leave our services.</p><p><strong>Questions about this policy?</strong></p><p>The data controller for this processing is Substack, Inc.</p><p>If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policies, please send us a detailed message to or contact us at:</p><blockquote><p>Substack Inc.</p><p>731 Sansome Street, 5th Floor</p><p>San Francisco CA 94111</p><p>USA</p><p>T +1 (415) 592-7299</p></blockquote><p>If you are located in the EEA or the United Kingdom and have questions about your personal data or would like to request to access, update, or delete it, you may contact our local representatives at:</p><blockquote><p>Bird &amp; Bird GDPR Representative Services</p><p>Zuid-Hollandplein 22</p><p>2596 AW The Hague</p><p>The Netherlands</p><p>;</p></blockquote><p>or</p><blockquote><p>Bird &amp; Bird GDPR Representative Services UK</p><p>12 New Fetter Lane</p><p>London</p><p>EC4A 1JP</p><p>United Kingdom</p><p>;</p></blockquote><p><strong>Additional Notices for California Residents</strong></p><p>Substack has prepared additional disclosures and notices consistent with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Our CCPA Policy, the terms of which are incorporated by reference into this Privacy Policy, can be found<a href=\\\"\\\"> here</a>.</p><style>\\nsection.cookie {\\n width: 100%;\\n max-width: 600px;\\n margin: 0 0 1rem;\\n padding: 0.5rem 1rem;\\n border: 1px solid #e6e6e6;\\n border-radius: 3px;\\n}\\ntable.cookie {\\n font-size: .875rem;\\n}\\ntable.cookie tr {\\n margin: 0 0 8px;\\n vertical-align: top;\\n}\\n\\ntable.cookie th {\\n text-align: right;\\n width: 140px;\\n}\\n\\ntable.cookie td {\\n text-align: left;\\n margin-left: 1em;\\n}\\n\\ntable.cookie th:after {\\n content: \\\":\\\";\\n}<\/style>\",\"publisher_agreement\":\"<p><strong>Documents</strong></p><ul><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Terms of Use</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Privacy Policy</a></p></li><li><p>Publisher Agreement</p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Content Guidelines</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Copyright Dispute Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Copyright Repeat Infringer Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">CCPA Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Support Chatbot Terms</a></p></li></ul><h1><strong>Publisher Agreement</strong></h1><p>Effective Date: August 8, 2024</p><p><strong>Welcome Writers!</strong></p><p><strong>TO REQUEST A COPY OF THIS PUBLISHER AGREEMENT, PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO PRIVACY@SUBSTACKINC.COM</strong></p><p>Welcome to Substack! We\u2019re thrilled that you\u2019ve chosen to publish with us.&nbsp;</p><p>This Publisher Agreement (\u201CAgreement\u201D) is a binding contract between you and Substack Inc. (\u201Cwe\u201D, \u201Cus\u201D, \u201Cour\u201D). It contains the rules and restrictions that govern your use of Substack\u2019s products and services (referred to below simply as \u201CSubstack\u201D) to publish and distribute content to the web and to a list of subscribers that you control. If you use Substack for this purpose, you are a <strong>Creator</strong>. In this Agreement, we refer to people that subscribe to your publications <strong>Readers</strong>.&nbsp;</p><p>Using Substack in any way means that you agree to this Agreement, and this Agreement will remain in effect while you use Substack. This Agreement includes everything in this document, as well as those in the <a href=\\\"\\\">Terms of Use</a>, <a href=\\\"\\\">Privacy Policy</a>, <a href=\\\"\\\">Content Guidelines</a>, <a href=\\\"\\\">Copyright Dispute Policy</a>, and all other rules and procedures that may be published from time to time by us on Substack. In the event of any conflict between this Agreement and any other terms and conditions you have agreed to with Substack, this Agreement will prevail with respect to its subject matter.&nbsp;</p><p>You must be of legal age to form a binding contract to use Substack. You may not and must not use Substack if you are under 16 years old.</p><p><strong>The Children\u2019s Online Privacy Protection Act (\u201CCOPPA\u201D) requires that online service providers obtain parental consent before they knowingly collect personally identifiable information online from children.&nbsp; We do not knowingly collect or solicit personally identifiable information from children under 16; if you are a child under 16, please do not attempt to register for Substack or send any personal information about yourself to us.&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>If we learn we have collected personal information from a child under 16, we will delete that information as quickly as possible.&nbsp; If you believe that a child under 16 may have provided us personal information, please contact us at</strong></p><p>If you\u2019re agreeing to this Agreement on behalf of an organization or entity, you must be authorized to agree to this Agreement on that organization or entity\u2019s behalf and bind them to this Agreement (in which case, the references to \u201Cyou\u201D and \u201Cyour\u201D throughout this document refer to that organization or entity).</p><p>If you don\u2019t agree to all of the following, you may not use or access Substack in any manner. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the Agreement or our products and services, please contact us at</p><p><strong>Ownership</strong></p><p>First and foremost, <strong>you own what you create</strong>. Any original content you post, upload, share, store, or otherwise provide to Substack remains yours and is protected by copyright and any other applicable intellectual property laws.</p><p>However, please note that you agree to grant us a <strong>limited</strong> license to your content in order to enable us to operate Substack. <strong>This license allows us to promote your content and help you succeed on Substack.&nbsp;</strong></p><p>You agree that this limited license includes a worldwide, nonexclusive, sublicensable, royalty-free, fully paid-up, transferable right (a) to market your publications and to permit others to use, access, and download your publications through Substack, and (b) to use your tradename(s), trademark(s), and logo(s) in connection with the distribution and marketing of publications. For further details, please see \u201CPosting Content on Substack\u201D in the <a href=\\\"\\\">Terms of Use</a>, which is incorporated into this Agreement by reference.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Pricing and Payments</strong></p><p>You may offer your publications&nbsp; for free, or for a subscription fee, to be determined at your discretion. You may set and change the prices for your publication at your discretion through your Creator account, though no price changes will apply retroactively.&nbsp;</p><p>If you choose to charge a subscription fee for your publication, you agree to the following:</p><ul><li><p>No Circumvention: You agree to process payments from Readers only in the manner determined by us. This includes using the third-party payment processing platform (\u201CPayment Processor\u201D) we choose, and following any other rules we specify. You may not circumvent your payment obligations to us by soliciting payment from a Reader outside of Substack or by using any alternative method to collect subscription payments. This includes receiving payments for your publication through links to PayPal or a separate Patreon page. You agree to notify us immediately if you receive any such offer or solicitation to circumvent your payment obligations by contacting</p></li><li><p>Taxes: You agree that you shall bear and be responsible for any and all applicable federal, state, local, and foreign taxes, duties, tariffs, levies, withholdings, and similar assessments (including without limitation, sales, use, and value added taxes) related to your publication.</p></li><li><p>Revenue Share: You agree to pay us a percentage of the total amount charged by you to Readers (the \u201CRevenue Share\u201D). The remaining amount, after any fees deducted by the Payment Processor, will be retained by you. The Revenue Share percentage is set between you and Substack during registration of your account.&nbsp;</p></li><li><p>Revenue Share Payment: During the term of this Agreement, the Payment Processor will pay the Revenue Share owed to us and deduct any applicable fees on a rolling basis as you process subscription payments from Readers<strong>. You agree to these payments and further agree that all Revenue Share payments are non-refundable.</strong></p></li><li><p>Information Upon Request: You will provide us with all requested data or information about you and your publications. This includes all payment and tax identification information, and you will ensure this information is accurate and up-to-date.</p></li></ul><p><strong>Relationships with Readers</strong></p><p>You agree to the following rules around your relationships with Readers and other users of Substack:</p><ul><li><p>Sole Responsibility: You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that we have no responsibility to you or to any third party for) any publications you distribute through Substack and for the consequences of your actions by doing so. This means that you acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for ensuring distribution of your publications, our actions under this Agreement are solely to assist you in facilitating distribution.&nbsp;</p></li><li><p>Stopping Publication or Deleting a Publication: You may delete one or more of your publications from Substack at your discretion. <strong>However, please note that if you delete or stop publishing a publication before the end of a paid subscription term of a Reader, any and all obligations \u2013 including any refund obligations for the remaining portion of the subscription term \u2013 are solely your responsibility.</strong> We are under no obligation to issue any refunds to you or your Readers and we are entitled to keep any and all portions of any Revenue Share you have paid Substack.</p></li><li><p>Disputes: If there is a dispute between you and a user about payments or any other issue, you agree we are under no obligation to become involved and that we will not be held liable for any such dispute. We are not liable for your relationship with users, and we won\u2019t provide you with any legal advice regarding such matters.</p></li><li><p>Reporting a User: You can flag that a user that is violating our Terms of Use by sending an email to After you provide us with written notice of this violation, we will determine whether this user\u2019s access to some or all of your publications should be suspended or terminated. We will also decide at our sole discretion whether this user\u2019s access to the rest of Substack will be suspended or terminated.</p></li><li><p>Support: You shall provide to us a current email address to which we may direct inquiries from Readers and other Substack users regarding your publications.</p></li></ul><p><strong>Acceptable Use</strong></p><p>You are responsible for all your activity in connection with Substack!&nbsp;</p><p>Make sure that you use Substack in a manner that complies with the law and is permitted by this Agreement. If your use of Substack is prohibited by applicable laws, then you aren\u2019t authorized to use Substack. We can\u2019t and won\u2019t be responsible for you using Substack in a way that breaks the law.</p><p>You also represent and warrant that you will not publish publications or otherwise use Substack in a manner that:</p><ul><li><p>is fraudulent, deceptive, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, or in any way violates Substack\u2019s <a href=\\\"\\\">Content Guidelines</a>;</p></li><li><p>interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the devices, servers, networks, or other properties or services of Substack or any third party;</p></li><li><p>infringes, violates, or misappropriates any law, statute, ordinance or regulation or rights of any third party;</p></li><li><p>spreads a virus, trojan horse, worm, time bomb, or other harmful computer code, file, or program.</p></li></ul><p>Please review the \u201CAcceptable Use Policy\u201D detailed in the <a href=\\\"\\\">Terms of Use</a>, as those rules are also incorporated into this Agreement by reference.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Limitation of Liability</strong></p><p><strong>To the fullest extent allowed by applicable law, under no circumstances and under no legal theory shall Substack, its licensors, or its suppliers be liable to you or to any other person for:</strong></p><ul><li><p><strong>Any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any kind, or</strong></p></li><li><p><strong>Any amount, in the aggregate, in excess of the greater of (1) $100 or (2) the amounts paid and/or payable by you to us in connection with Substack in the twelve-month period preceding the applicable claim.</strong>&nbsp;</p></li></ul><p><strong>No Warranties</strong></p><p><strong>Substack is provided to you on an \u201Cas-is\u201D basis. This means we provide it to you without any express or implied warranties of any kind. That includes any implied warranties of merchantability, warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, or any warranty that the use of Substack will be uninterrupted or error-free.</strong></p><p><strong>Privacy</strong></p><p>Substack takes privacy very seriously and is committed to processing your personally identifiable information (\u201CPersonal Information\u201D) and that of other Substack users in accordance with applicable privacy and data protection legislation. For more information on how we process Personal Information please see our current Substack Privacy Policy.</p><p>Consistent with our own Privacy Policy, we may collect certain data on how Readers engage with Creator content. We will share, at our sole discretion, some of this information with you, including pageviews, open rates, Reader counts, and referral data. You agree that Substack is under no obligation to share this data with you.</p><p>Please note that our Privacy Policy only applies to the processing of Personal Information by Substack as a data controller, meaning whenever we process Personal Information for our own purposes. Where Substack processes Personal Information on behalf of you as a Creator, Substack qualifies as a data processor and you qualify as a data controller for the purposes of applicable data protection law that uses these terms.</p><p>In that case the following terms apply to such data processing:</p><ul><li><p>Each party shall comply with their respective statutory or regulatory data protection obligations.</p></li><li><p>Substack shall process Personal Information in accordance with your instructions. Substack shall have no liability whatsoever for violations of privacy and data protection laws that arise as a result of Substack following your instructions under the Agreement.</p></li><li><p>If you collect, use, store or otherwise process Personal Information provided by or collected from Substack users, you must do so securely and only for as long as it is needed and always in accordance with applicable privacy and data protection laws.&nbsp;</p></li><li><p>You are solely responsible for complying with any laws and regulations that apply to your processing of Personal Information on the Substack platform. if appropriate.&nbsp;</p></li><li><p>You shall ensure that all Personal Information that you supply or disclose to Substack has been obtained fairly and lawfully and that you have obtained all necessary consents and/or privacy notices required to permit Substack to fulfil its obligations under this Agreement.</p></li><li><p>If you are based in the European Economic Area (\u201CEEA\u201D) or the United Kingdom (\u201CUK\u201D), the processing of Personal Information by Substack on your behalf shall be governed by the terms of the data processing addendum attached to this Publisher Agreement as Annex 1.</p></li><li><p>If you are a business for the purposes of the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (\u201CCCPA\u201D), you may elect to have us act as your CCPA service provider. Contact us at to receive a copy of our service provider agreement.</p></li></ul><p>To the fullest extent allowed by applicable law, you agree to indemnify and hold Substack, its affiliates, officers, agents, employees, and partners harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages (actual and consequential), losses and expenses (including attorneys\u2019 fees) arising from or in any way related to any third party claims (including but not limited to fines or other sanctions imposed by data protection authorities) for any violations of this Publisher Agreement or applicable privacy and data protection laws attributable to you.</p><p><strong>Subprocessors</strong></p><p>Due to the nature of Substack\u2019s business and the volume of users, our business needs and sub-processors may change from time to time. For example, we may need to remove a sub-processor to consolidate and minimize our use of sub-processors. Similarly, we may add a sub-processor if we believe, at our discretion, that doing so will improve our ability to deliver our services.</p><p>We will periodically update our sub-processors, as provided under Annex III, to reflect additions and removals to our list of our sub-processors. To receive email notifications of updates, as provided under Annex III, please contact</p><p>Under the terms of our Data Processing Agreement (DPA), a Creator may reasonably object in writing to the processing of its personal data by a new sub-processor within 30 days following the update of this page. If a Creator does not object during the 30-day time period, the appointment of the new sub-processor shall be deemed accepted by the Creator</p><p><strong>Terminating Your Account</strong></p><p>Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time for any reason. Upon such termination of this Agreement, your right to use Substack will immediately cease.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>We may terminate this Agreement or terminate, suspend, or restrict your access to or use of Substack at any time, for any reason. Reasons that may lead to us terminating or restricting access to Substack include a breach of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, your offensive or unacceptable behavior, objectionable material, or any other actions in violation of guidelines we specify. We will notify Creators as soon as reasonably practicable if Creators\u2019 access to Substack is suspended or substantially limited due to technical problems with the platform.&nbsp;</p><p>You agree that this means that publications (or any content therein) may be removed from Substack at any time in our discretion. You also agree that we retain the right to immediately halt the distribution of publications at our discretion.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Changes to this Agreement</strong></p><p>We are constantly trying to improve our products and services, so this Agreement may need to change along with Substack. We reserve the right to change the Agreement at any time, but if we do, we will bring it to your attention by placing a notice on the website, by sending you an email, and/or by some other means.&nbsp;</p><p>If you don\u2019t agree with the new Agreement, you are free to reject them; unfortunately, that means you will no longer be able to use Substack. If you use Substack in any way after a change to the Agreement is effective and notice has been provided, that means you agree to all of the changes. Except for changes by us as described here, no other amendment or modification of this Agreement will be effective unless in writing and signed by both you and us.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Miscellaneous Terms</strong></p><p>The above covers most of the questions that we typically receive about Substack. We have grouped provisions that come up less frequently below:</p><ul><li><p>Indemnification: To the fullest extent allowed by applicable law, you agree to indemnify and hold Substack, its affiliates, officers, agents, employees, and partners harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages (actual and consequential), losses and expenses (including attorneys\u2019 fees) arising from or in any way related to any third party claims relating to (a) your use of Substack (including any actions taken by a third party using your account), and (b) your violation of this Agreement. In the event of such a claim, suit, or action, we will attempt to provide notice to the contact information we have for your account (provided that failure to deliver such notice shall not eliminate or reduce your indemnification obligations hereunder).</p></li><li><p>Assignment: You may not assign, delegate or transfer this Agreement or your rights or obligations hereunder, or your Substack account, in any way (by operation of law or otherwise) without our prior written consent. We may transfer, assign, or delegate this Agreement and our rights and obligations without consent.</p></li><li><p>Choice of Law: This Agreement is governed by and will be construed under applicable federal law and the laws of the State of California, without regard to the conflicts of laws provisions thereof.</p></li><li><p>Arbitration: This Agreement will be construed under the laws of the State of California, without regard to conflicts of law provisions thereof. Any dispute arising from or relating to the subject matter of this Agreement shall be finally settled by arbitration in San Francisco County, California, using the English language in accordance with the Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures of Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services, Inc. (\\\"JAMS\\\") then in effect, by one commercial arbitrator with substantial experience in resolving intellectual property and commercial contract disputes, who shall be selected from the appropriate list of JAMS arbitrators in accordance with the Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures of JAMS. Judgment upon the award so rendered may be entered in a court having jurisdiction, or application may be made to such court for judicial acceptance of any award and an order of enforcement, as the case may be. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each party shall have the right to institute an action in a court of proper jurisdiction for injunctive or other equitable relief pending a final decision by the arbitrator. For all purposes of this Agreement, the parties consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the state or federal courts located in, respectively, San Francisco County, California, or the Northern District of California. The prevailing party in any action or proceeding arising out of this Agreement will be entitled to an award of costs and attorneys\u2019 fees.</p></li><li><p>No Third-Party Beneficiaries: We agree there are no third-party beneficiaries intended under this Agreement.</p></li><li><p>No Joint Venture: You hereby acknowledge and agree that you are not an employee, agent, partner, or joint venture of Substack Inc., and you do not have any authority of any kind to bind us in any respect whatsoever.&nbsp;</p></li><li><p>Waiver: The failure of either you or us to exercise, in any way, any right herein shall not be deemed a waiver of any further rights hereunder.&nbsp;</p></li><li><p>Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision will be limited or eliminated, to the minimum extent necessary, so that this Agreement shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable.</p></li><li><p>Survival: You agree that the terms under the heading \u201CPrivacy\u201D, \u201CSole Responsibility\u201D, \u201CAcceptable Use\u201D, \u201CIndemnification\u201D, \u201CStopping Publication or Deleting a Publication\u201D, \u201CNo Warranty\u201D, \u201CLimitation of Liability\u201D, \u201CAssignment\u201D, \u201CNo Joint Venture\u201D, \u201CSeverability\u201D, \u201CArbitration\u201D, and \u201CEntire Agreement\u201D, and any payment obligations incurred shall survive termination of this Agreement.</p></li><li><p>Entire Agreement: You agree that this Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of the mutual understanding between you and us, and that it supersedes and cancels all previous written and oral agreements, communications and other understandings relating to the subject matter of this Agreement.&nbsp;</p></li></ul><div id=\\\"annex\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#annex\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">ANNEX 1</a></strong></a></h3><div id=\\\"data-processing-addendum-dpa\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#data-processing-addendum-dpa\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Data processing addendum (DPA)</a></strong></a></h4><p>This data processing addendum (\u201CDPA\u201D) forms part of the Publisher Agreement and is entered into between Substack (as data processor) and the Creator (as data controller).</p><p>The terms of this DPA only apply if the Creator is based in the European Economic Area (\u201CEEA\u2019), in the United Kingdom (\u201CUK\u201D); or where, in the course of providing services to the Creator under the Publisher Agreement, Substack processes personal data on behalf of the Creator within the meaning of Articles 4(2) and 28 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (\u201CGDPR\u201D) or its UK equivalent.</p><p><strong>Additional Definitions</strong>.&nbsp; For the purpose of this DPA the terms \u201Cpersonal data\u201D, \\\"processing\\\", \u201Cdata subject\u201D, \\\"controller\\\" and \\\"processor\\\" have the meanings given to them in the GDPR or applicable data protection laws to which the Personal Information may be subject to the extent that such concepts exist in such laws.</p><p>\u201C<strong>EU Standard Contractual Clauses</strong>\u201D or \u201C<strong>EU SCCs</strong>\u201D shall mean the standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to third countries pursuant to the GDPR, adopted by the European Commission under Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/914, including the text from module two ;&nbsp; .</p><p><strong>\u201CStandard Contractual Clauses</strong>\u201D or<strong> </strong>\u201C<strong>SCCs</strong>\u201D means the EU Standard Contractual Clauses and/or the UK Standard Contractual Clauses (as applicable and consistent with the clarifying terms agreed by the Parties and set forth herein).</p><p>\u201C<strong>UK Standard Contractual Clauses</strong>\u201D (\u201C<strong>UK SCCs</strong>\u201D) means, collectively, the EU SCCs, consistent with the clarifications set forth herein, and the UK\u2019s International Data Transfer Addendum (\u201C<strong>UK Addendum</strong>\u201D), attached as Annex 4 to the SCCs.</p><p><strong>Creator obligations</strong>. The Creator:</p><ul><li><p>acknowledges that Substack, Substack affiliates and their respective third party service providers may process personal data in connection with the provision of Substack products and services to the Creator (the \u201CServices\u201D). A description of the processing activities performed in connection with the Services in provided in Appendix 1 to this DPA;&nbsp;</p></li><li><p>is solely responsible for compliance with the applicable data protection laws, including, but not limited to, the lawfulness of disclosing personal data to Substack and the lawfulness of having personal data processed on behalf of Creator; and</p></li><li><p>ensures its instructions for processing personal data comply with the applicable data protection laws and the Creator shall have sole responsibility for the accuracy, quality and legality of the personal data and the means by which the Creator acquired the personal data.</p></li></ul><p><strong>Substack obligations</strong>. Substack agrees:</p><ul><li><p>to process the personal data for the performance of the Services only in accordance with the documented instructions from the Creator as set out in the Publisher Agreement, this DPA or through the settings in the Services, and, without any obligation to perform a legal examination, that it will notify the Creator if Substack considers any such processing of personal data to be in violation of any applicable data protection laws;</p></li><li><p>to process the personal data only to the extent, and in such manner, as it is necessary for the provision of the Services;</p></li><li><p>that if it is legally required to process personal data otherwise than as instructed by the Creator, it will notify the Creator before such processing occurs unless prohibited from doing so by law;</p></li><li><p>to ensure that access to the personal data is limited to those personnel who require such access, and such are bound by, and made aware of, their obligations of confidentiality with respect to protecting personal data; to use its commercially reasonable efforts to provide assistance to the Creator upon request and only where the Creator cannot do so without Substack\u2019s assistance (i) in fulfilling data subjects\u2019 requests for access, rectification, erasure, data portability or objection, and (ii) in fulfilling its obligations under the applicable data protection laws.</p></li><li><p>to make available information and allowing for and contributing to audits, including inspections and information requests, conducted by the Creator or an auditor mandated by the Creator upon reasonable written notice and during regular business hours, and in each case with all Substack\u2019s costs and expenses incurred being met by the Creator and only always limited to what is necessary to demonstrate compliance with applicable data protection laws;</p></li><li><p>taking into account the state of the art and the costs of implementation, to implement and maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk to personal data or data subjects, which shall include protecting personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, or unauthorized disclosure or access (\u201CPersonal Data Breach\u201D). Appendix 2 to this DPA contains a description of these measures and safeguards. Creator understands and agrees that these measures are subject to technical progress and development and Substack is therefore expressly allowed to implement adequate alternative measures; and</p></li><li><p>without undue delay notify the Creator in writing of any Personal Data Breach and keep the Creator informed of related developments. The Creator is solely responsible for complying with any notification obligations applicable to the Creator. The performance of Substack's obligation to report or respond to a Personal Data Breach under this article is not an acknowledgement by Substack of any fault or liability with regard to the Personal Data Breach.</p></li></ul><p><strong>Use of sub-processors</strong>. The Creator agrees that:</p><ul><li><p>Substack may use sub-processors to provide certain parts of the Services on Substack's behalf. The Creator hereby gives a general written authorization to Substack to engage any sub-processor for the processing of personal data.</p></li><li><p>any sub-processors that are engaged by Substack for the provision of the Services shall be subject to written sub-processor terms with Substack requiring that the sub-processor abides by terms no less protective than this DPA.</p></li><li><p>Substack currently uses the sub-processors included in Appendix 1 to this DPA. Substack may remove or appoint other suitable and reliable sub-processors at its own discretion in accordance with this article. Substack will give at least 6 weeks prior notice of any changes to the list of sub-processors. The Creator can object to a sub-processor by using its termination rights under the Agreement. If the Creator does not terminate the Agreement within this timeframe, the Creator is deemed to have accepted the respective sub-processor.</p></li><li><p>where the sub-processor fails to fulfill its data protection obligations, Substack shall remain similarly liable to the Creator for the performance of its obligations under this DPA.</p></li></ul><p><strong>Data transfers from the EEA</strong>. The Creator understands and agrees that:</p><ul><li><p>Substack is based outside of the EEA in the US and that personal data may be transferred to the US or to other countries outside of the EEA provided that the specific conditions for such data transfers in applicable laws have been fulfilled.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p></li><li><p>Where applicable data protection laws require appropriate safeguards for a transfer of personal data to a third country, and in case no adequacy decision or any other appropriate data transfer mechanism applies, Substack shall enter into SCCs as further specified in Appendix 3 to this DPA. The Creator hereby expressly authorizes Substack to enter into SCCs (also) on its behalf and commissions Substack to enforce these SCCs on the Creator\u2019s behalf where appropriate.</p></li><li><p>Nothing in this DPA will be construed to prevail over any conflicting clause of any SCCs that have been entered into by Substack and for the prevention of doubt nothing in this DPA varies or modifies the SCCs nor affects any supervisory authority\u2019s or data subject\u2019s rights under the SCCs.</p></li></ul><p><strong>Deletion or return of personal data.</strong> On termination of the Publisher Agreement Substack will cease all processing of the personal data on behalf of the Creator and will as soon as possible delete the personal data or, if reasonably practicable to do so, return the personal data unless Substack is subject to a legal requirement to store the personal data. Substack has no liability or further obligation to the Creator with respect to the deletion of personal data as described in this section.</p><p><strong>Miscellaneous</strong></p><p>This DPA shall automatically terminate upon any termination or expiration of the Publisher Agreement. If there is any conflict between any provision of this DPA and any provision of the Publisher Agreement or the Terms of Use, this DPA shall prevail. If there is a conflict between this DPA and the SCCs the SCCs shall prevail.</p><div class=\\\"captioned-image-container-static\\\"><figure><table class=\\\"image-wrapper\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" cellspacing=\\\"0\\\" cellpadding=\\\"0\\\" data-component-name=\\\"Image2ToDOMStatic\\\"><tr><td></td><td align=\\\"left\\\" class=\\\"content\\\" width=\\\"1062\\\"><a class=\\\"image-link\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\" href=\\\",q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"><img data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;src&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;srcNoWatermark&quot;:null,&quot;fullscreen&quot;:null,&quot;imageSize&quot;:null,&quot;height&quot;:1600,&quot;width&quot;:1062,&quot;resizeWidth&quot;:null,&quot;bytes&quot;:null,&quot;alt&quot;:null,&quot;title&quot;:null,&quot;type&quot;:null,&quot;href&quot;:null,&quot;belowTheFold&quot;:true,&quot;topImage&quot;:false,&quot;internalRedirect&quot;:null,&quot;isProcessing&quot;:false}\\\" alt=\\\"\\\" width=\\\"550\\\" height=\\\"828.6252354048964\\\" 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target=\\\"_blank\\\" href=\\\",q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"><img data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;src&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;srcNoWatermark&quot;:null,&quot;fullscreen&quot;:null,&quot;imageSize&quot;:null,&quot;height&quot;:1420,&quot;width&quot;:1126,&quot;resizeWidth&quot;:null,&quot;bytes&quot;:null,&quot;alt&quot;:null,&quot;title&quot;:null,&quot;type&quot;:null,&quot;href&quot;:null,&quot;belowTheFold&quot;:true,&quot;topImage&quot;:false,&quot;internalRedirect&quot;:null,&quot;isProcessing&quot;:false}\\\" alt=\\\"\\\" width=\\\"550\\\" height=\\\"693.6056838365897\\\" class=\\\"wide-image\\\" src=\\\",c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"></a></td><td></td></tr></table></figure></div><div id=\\\"appendix-to-the-dpa\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#appendix-to-the-dpa\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">APPENDIX 3 TO THE DPA</a></strong></em></a></h3><p><strong>STANDARD CONTRACTUAL CLAUSES</strong></p><p><strong>MODULE TWO: TRANSFER CONTROLLER TO PROCESSOR</strong></p><div id=\\\"section-i\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#section-i\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">SECTION I</a></strong></a></h3><div id=\\\"clause\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#clause\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Clause 1</a></strong></em></a></h3><div id=\\\"purpose-and-scope\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#purpose-and-scope\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Purpose and scope</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>(a)&nbsp; The purpose of these standard contractual clauses is to ensure compliance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation) (<sup>[1]</sup>) for the transfer of personal data to a third country.</p><p>(b)&nbsp; The Parties:</p><p>(i) &nbsp; the natural or legal person(s), public authority/ies, agency/ies or other body/ies (hereinafter \u2018entity/ies\u2019) transferring the personal data, as listed in Annex I.A (hereinafter each \u2018data exporter\u2019), and</p><p>(ii)&nbsp; the entity/ies in a third country receiving the personal data from the data exporter, directly or indirectly via another entity also Party to these Clauses, as listed in Annex I.A (hereinafter each \u2018data importer\u2019)</p><p>have agreed to these standard contractual clauses (hereinafter: \u2018Clauses\u2019).</p><p>(c) &nbsp; These Clauses apply with respect to the transfer of personal data as specified in Annex I.B.</p><p>(d)&nbsp; The Appendix to these Clauses containing the Annexes referred to therein forms an integral part of these Clauses.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"where-the-data-exporter-is-a-processor-subject-to-regulation-eu-acting-on-behalf-of-a-union-institution-or-body-as-controller-reliance-on-these-clauses-when-engaging-another-processor-sub-processing-not-subject-to-regulation-eu-also-ensures-compliance-with-article-of-regulation-eu-of-the-european-parliament-and-of-the-council-of-october-on-the-protection-of-natural-persons-with-regard-to-the-processing-of-personal-data-by-the-union-instituti\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h5><a href=\\\"#where-the-data-exporter-is-a-processor-subject-to-regulation-eu-acting-on-behalf-of-a-union-institution-or-body-as-controller-reliance-on-these-clauses-when-engaging-another-processor-sub-processing-not-subject-to-regulation-eu-also-ensures-compliance-with-article-of-regulation-eu-of-the-european-parliament-and-of-the-council-of-october-on-the-protection-of-natural-persons-with-regard-to-the-processing-of-personal-data-by-the-union-instituti\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\"><sup>[1]</sup> Where the data exporter is a processor subject to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 acting on behalf of a Union institution or body as controller, reliance on these Clauses when engaging another processor (sub-processing) not subject to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 also ensures compliance with Article 29(4) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC (OJ L 295, 21.11.2018, p. 39), to the extent these Clauses and the data protection obligations as set out in the contract or other legal act between the controller and the processor pursuant to Article 29(3) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 are aligned. This will in particular be the case where the controller and processor rely on the standard contractual clauses included in Decision 2021/915.</a></strong></a></h5><div id=\\\"clause\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#clause\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Clause 2</a></strong></em></a></h3><div id=\\\"effect-and-invariability-of-the-clauses\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#effect-and-invariability-of-the-clauses\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Effect and invariability of the Clauses</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>(a)&nbsp; These Clauses set out appropriate safeguards, including enforceable data subject rights and effective legal remedies, pursuant to Article 46(1) and Article 46(2)(c) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and, with respect to data transfers from controllers to processors and/or processors to processors, standard contractual clauses pursuant to Article 28(7) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, provided they are not modified, except to select the appropriate Module(s) or to add or update information in the Appendix. This does not prevent the Parties from including the standard contractual clauses laid down in these Clauses in a wider contract and/or to add other clauses or additional safeguards, provided that they do not contradict, directly or indirectly, these Clauses or prejudice the fundamental rights or freedoms of data subjects.</p><p>(b)&nbsp; These Clauses are without prejudice to obligations to which the data exporter is subject by virtue of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"clause\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#clause\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Clause 3</a></strong></em></a></h3><div id=\\\"third-party-beneficiaries\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#third-party-beneficiaries\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Third-party beneficiaries</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>(a)&nbsp; Data subjects may invoke and enforce these Clauses, as third-party beneficiaries, against the data exporter and/or data importer, with the following exceptions:</p><p>(i) &nbsp; Clause 1, Clause 2, Clause 3, Clause 6, Clause 7;</p><p>(ii) Clause 8.1(b), 8.9(a), (c), (d) and (e);</p><p>(iii) Clause 9(a), (c), (d) and (e);</p><p>(iv) Clause 12(a), (d) and (f);</p><p>(v) Clause 13;</p><p>(vi) Clause 15.1(c), (d) and (e);</p><p>(vii) &nbsp; Clause 16(e);</p><p>(viii) Clause 18(a) and (b).</p><p>(b)&nbsp; Paragraph (a) is without prejudice to rights of data subjects under Regulation (EU) 2016/679.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"clause\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#clause\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Clause 4</a></strong></em></a></h3><div id=\\\"interpretation\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#interpretation\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Interpretation</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>(a)&nbsp; Where these Clauses use terms that are defined in Regulation (EU) 2016/679, those terms shall have the same meaning as in that Regulation.</p><p>(b)&nbsp; These Clauses shall be read and interpreted in the light of the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.</p><p>(c)&nbsp; These Clauses shall not be interpreted in a way that conflicts with rights and obligations provided for in Regulation (EU) 2016/679.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"clause\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#clause\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Clause 5</a></strong></em></a></h3><div id=\\\"hierarchy\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#hierarchy\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Hierarchy</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>In the event of a contradiction between these Clauses and the provisions of related agreements between the Parties, existing at the time these Clauses are agreed or entered into thereafter, these Clauses shall prevail.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"clause\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#clause\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Clause 6</a></strong></em></a></h3><div id=\\\"description-of-the-transfers\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#description-of-the-transfers\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Description of the transfer(s)</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>The details of the transfer(s), and in particular the categories of personal data that are transferred and the purpose(s) for which they are transferred, are specified in Annex I.B.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"clause-optional\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#clause-optional\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Clause 7 - Optional</a></strong></em></a></h3><div id=\\\"docking-clause\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#docking-clause\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Docking clause</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>(a)&nbsp; An entity that is not a Party to these Clauses may, with the agreement of the Parties, accede to these Clauses at any time, either as a data exporter or as a data importer, by completing the Appendix and signing Annex I.A.</p><p>(b)&nbsp; Once it has completed the Appendix and signed Annex I.A, the acceding entity shall become a Party to these Clauses and have the rights and obligations of a data exporter or data importer in accordance with its designation in Annex I.A.</p><p>(c)&nbsp; The acceding entity shall have no rights or obligations arising under these Clauses from the period prior to becoming a Party.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"section-ii-obligations-of-the-parties\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#section-ii-obligations-of-the-parties\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Section II - OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES</a></strong></a></h3><div id=\\\"clause\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#clause\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Clause 8</a></strong></em></a></h3><div id=\\\"data-protection-safeguards\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#data-protection-safeguards\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Data protection safeguards</a></strong></a></h4><p>The data exporter warrants that it has used reasonable efforts to determine that the data importer is able, through the implementation of appropriate technical and organisational measures, to satisfy its obligations under these Clauses.</p><div id=\\\"instructions\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#instructions\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">8.1 Instructions</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>(a)&nbsp; The data importer shall process the personal data only on documented instructions from the data exporter. The data exporter may give such instructions throughout the duration of the contract.</p><p>(b)&nbsp; The data importer shall immediately inform the data exporter if it is unable to follow those instructions.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"purpose-limitation\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#purpose-limitation\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">8.2 Purpose limitation</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>The data importer shall process the personal data only for the specific purpose(s) of the transfer, as set out in Annex I. B, unless on further instructions from the data exporter.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"transparency\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#transparency\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">8.3 Transparency</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>On request, the data exporter shall make a copy of these Clauses, including the Appendix as completed by the Parties, available to the data subject free of charge. To the extent necessary to protect business secrets or other confidential information, including the measures described in Annex II and personal data, the data exporter may redact part of the text of the Appendix to these Clauses prior to sharing a copy, but shall provide a meaningful summary where the data subject would otherwise not be able to understand the its content or exercise his/her rights. On request, the Parties shall provide the data subject with the reasons for the redactions, to the extent possible without revealing the redacted information. This Clause is without prejudice to the obligations of the data exporter under Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"accuracy\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#accuracy\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">8.4 Accuracy</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>If the data importer becomes aware that the personal data it has received is inaccurate, or has become outdated, it shall inform the data exporter without undue delay. In this case, the data importer shall cooperate with the data exporter to erase or rectify the data.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"duration-of-processing-and-erasure-or-return-of-data\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#duration-of-processing-and-erasure-or-return-of-data\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">8.5 Duration of processing and erasure or return of data</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>Processing by the data importer shall only take place for the duration specified in Annex I.B. After the end of the provision of the processing services, the data importer shall, at the choice of the data exporter, delete all personal data processed on behalf of the data exporter and certify to the data exporter that it has done so, or return to the data exporter all personal data processed on its behalf and delete existing copies. Until the data is deleted or returned, the data importer shall continue to ensure compliance with these Clauses. In case of local laws applicable to the data importer that prohibit return or deletion of the personal data, the data importer warrants that it will continue to ensure compliance with these Clauses and will only process it to the extent and for as long as required under that local law. This is without prejudice to Clause 14, in particular the requirement for the data importer under Clause 14(e) to notify the data exporter throughout the duration of the contract if it has reason to believe that it is or has become subject to laws or practices not in line with the requirements under Clause 14(a).</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"security-of-processing\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#security-of-processing\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">8.6 Security of processing</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>(a)&nbsp; The data importer and, during transmission, also the data exporter shall implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of the data, including protection against a breach of security leading to accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access to that data (hereinafter \u2018personal data breach\u2019). In assessing the appropriate level of security, the Parties shall take due account of the state of the art, the costs of implementation, the nature, scope, context and purpose(s) of processing and the risks involved in the processing for the data subjects. The Parties shall in particular consider having recourse to encryption or pseudonymisation, including during transmission, where the purpose of processing can be fulfilled in that manner. In case of pseudonymisation, the additional information for attributing the personal data to a specific data subject shall, where possible, remain under the exclusive control of the data exporter. In complying with its obligations under this paragraph, the data importer shall at least implement the technical and organisational measures specified in Annex II. The data importer shall carry out regular checks to ensure that these measures continue to provide an appropriate level of security.</p><p>(b)&nbsp; The data importer shall grant access to the personal data to members of its personnel only to the extent strictly necessary for the implementation, management and monitoring of the contract. It shall ensure that persons authorised to process the personal data have committed themselves to confidentiality or are under an appropriate statutory obligation of confidentiality.</p><p>(c)&nbsp; In the event of a personal data breach concerning personal data processed by the data importer under these Clauses, the data importer shall take appropriate measures to address the breach, including measures to mitigate its adverse effects. The data importer shall also notify the data exporter without undue delay after having become aware of the breach. Such notification shall contain the details of a contact point where more information can be obtained, a description of the nature of the breach (including, where possible, categories and approximate number of data subjects and personal data records concerned), its likely consequences and the measures taken or proposed to address the breach including, where appropriate, measures to mitigate its possible adverse effects. Where, and in so far as, it is not possible to provide all information at the same time, the initial notification shall contain the information then available and further information shall, as it becomes available, subsequently be provided without undue delay.</p><p>(d)&nbsp; The data importer shall cooperate with and assist the data exporter to enable the data exporter to comply with its obligations under Regulation (EU) 2016/679, in particular to notify the competent supervisory authority and the affected data subjects, taking into account the nature of processing and the information available to the data importer.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"sensitive-data\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#sensitive-data\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">8.7 Sensitive data</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>Where the transfer involves personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, genetic data, or biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or a person\u2019s sex life or sexual orientation, or data relating to criminal convictions and offences (hereinafter \u2018sensitive data\u2019), the data importer shall apply the specific restrictions and/or additional safeguards described in Annex I.B.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"onward-transfers\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#onward-transfers\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">8.8 Onward transfers</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>The data importer shall only disclose the personal data to a third party on documented instructions from the data exporter. In addition, the data may only be disclosed to a third party located outside the European Union (<sup>[2]</sup>) (in the same country as the data importer or in another third country, hereinafter \u2018onward transfer\u2019) if the third party is or agrees to be bound by these Clauses, under the appropriate Module, or if:</p><p>(i)&nbsp; &nbsp; the onward transfer is to a country benefitting from an adequacy decision pursuant to Article 45 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 that covers the onward transfer;</p><p>(ii) &nbsp; the third party otherwise ensures appropriate safeguards pursuant to Articles 46 or 47 Regulation of (EU) 2016/679 with respect to the processing in question;</p><p>(iii)&nbsp; the onward transfer is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims in the context of specific administrative, regulatory or judicial proceedings; or</p><p>(iv)&nbsp; the onward transfer is necessary in order to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person.</p><p>Any onward transfer is subject to compliance by the data importer with all the other safeguards under these Clauses, in particular purpose limitation.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"documentation-and-compliance\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#documentation-and-compliance\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">8.9 Documentation and compliance</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>(a)&nbsp; The data importer shall promptly and adequately deal with enquiries from the data exporter that relate to the processing under these Clauses.</p><p>(b)&nbsp; The Parties shall be able to demonstrate compliance with these Clauses. In particular, the data importer shall keep appropriate documentation on the processing activities carried out on behalf of the data exporter.</p><p>(c)&nbsp; The data importer shall make available to the data exporter all information necessary to demonstrate compliance with the obligations set out in these Clauses and at the data exporter\u2019s request, allow for and contribute to audits of the processing activities covered by these Clauses, at reasonable intervals or if there are indications of non- compliance. In deciding on a review or audit, the data exporter may take into account relevant certifications held by the data importer.</p><p>(d)&nbsp; The data exporter may choose to conduct the audit by itself or mandate an independent auditor. Audits may include inspections at the premises or physical facilities of the data importer and shall, where appropriate, be carried out with reasonable notice.</p><p>(e)&nbsp; The Parties shall make the information referred to in paragraphs (b) and (c), including the results of any audits, available to the competent supervisory authority on request.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"the-agreement-on-the-european-economic-area-eea-agreement-provides-for-the-extension-of-the-european-unions-internal-market-to-the-three-eea-states-iceland-liechtenstein-and-norway-the-union-data-protection-legislation-including-regulation-eu-is-covered-by-the-eea-agreement-and-has-been-incorporated-into-annex-xi-thereto-therefore-any-disclosure-by-the-data-importer-to-a-third-party-located-in-the-eea-does-not-qualify-as-an-onward-transfer-for-the-purpose-of-these-clauses\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h5><a href=\\\"#the-agreement-on-the-european-economic-area-eea-agreement-provides-for-the-extension-of-the-european-unions-internal-market-to-the-three-eea-states-iceland-liechtenstein-and-norway-the-union-data-protection-legislation-including-regulation-eu-is-covered-by-the-eea-agreement-and-has-been-incorporated-into-annex-xi-thereto-therefore-any-disclosure-by-the-data-importer-to-a-third-party-located-in-the-eea-does-not-qualify-as-an-onward-transfer-for-the-purpose-of-these-clauses\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\"><sup>[2]</sup> The Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA Agreement) provides for the extension of the European Union\u2019s internal market to the three EEA States Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. The Union data protection legislation, including Regulation (EU) 2016/679, is covered by the EEA Agreement and has been incorporated into Annex XI thereto. Therefore, any disclosure by the data importer to a third party located in the EEA does not qualify as an onward transfer for the purpose of these Clauses.</a></strong></a></h5><div id=\\\"clause\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#clause\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Clause 9</a></strong></em></a></h3><div id=\\\"use-of-sub-processors\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#use-of-sub-processors\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Use of sub-processors</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>OPTION 2: GENERAL WRITTEN AUTHORISATION The data importer has the data exporter\u2019s general authorisation for the engagement of sub-processor(s) from an agreed list. The data importer shall specifically inform the data exporter in writing of any intended changes to that list through the addition or replacement of sub-processors at least 6 weeks in advance, thereby giving the data exporter sufficient time to be able to object to such changes prior to the engagement of the sub-processor(s). The data importer shall provide the data exporter with the information necessary to enable the data exporter to exercise its right to object.</p><p>(a)&nbsp; Where the data importer engages a sub-processor to carry out specific processing activities (on behalf of the data exporter), it shall do so by way of a written contract that provides for, in substance, the same data protection obligations as those binding the data importer under these Clauses, including in terms of third-party beneficiary rights for data subjects. (<sup>[3]</sup>) The Parties agree that, by complying with this Clause, the data importer fulfills its obligations under Clause 8.8. The data importer shall ensure that the sub-processor complies with the obligations to which the data importer is subject pursuant to these Clauses.</p><p>(b)&nbsp; The data importer shall provide, at the data exporter\u2019s request, a copy of such a sub-processor agreement and any subsequent amendments to the data exporter. To the extent necessary to protect business secrets or other confidential information, including personal data, the data importer may redact the text of the agreement prior to sharing a copy.</p><p>(c)&nbsp; The data importer shall remain fully responsible to the data exporter for the performance of the sub-processor\u2019s obligations under its contract with the data importer. The data importer shall notify the data exporter of any failure by the sub-processor to fulfil its obligations under that contract.</p><p>(d)&nbsp; The data importer shall agree a third-party beneficiary clause with the sub-processor whereby \u2013 in the event the data importer has factually disappeared, ceased to exist in law or has become insolvent \u2013 the data exporter shall have the right to terminate the sub-processor contract and to instruct the sub-processor to erase or return the personal data.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"clause\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#clause\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Clause 10</a></strong></em></a></h3><div id=\\\"data-subject-rights\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#data-subject-rights\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Data subject rights</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>(a)&nbsp; The data importer shall promptly notify the data exporter of any request it has received from a data subject. It shall not respond to that request itself unless it has been authorised to do so by the data exporter.</p><p>(b)&nbsp; The data importer shall assist the data exporter in fulfilling its obligations to respond to data subjects\u2019 requests for the exercise of their rights under Regulation (EU) 2016/679. In this regard, the Parties shall set out in Annex II the appropriate technical and organisational measures, taking into account the nature of the processing, by which the assistance shall be provided, as well as the scope and the extent of the assistance required.</p><p>(c)&nbsp; In fulfilling its obligations under paragraphs (a) and (b), the data importer shall comply with the instructions from the data exporter.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"clause\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#clause\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Clause 11</a></strong></em></a></h3><div id=\\\"redress\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#redress\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Redress</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>(a)&nbsp; The data importer shall inform data subjects in a transparent and easily accessible format, through individual notice or on its website, of a contact point authorised to handle complaints. It shall deal promptly with any complaints it receives from a data subject.</p><p>(b)&nbsp; In case of a dispute between a data subject and one of the Parties as regards compliance with these Clauses, that Party shall use its best efforts to resolve the issue amicably in a timely fashion. The Parties shall keep each other informed about such disputes and, where appropriate, cooperate in resolving them.</p><p>(c)&nbsp; Where the data subject invokes a third-party beneficiary right pursuant to Clause 3, the data importer shall accept the decision of the data subject to:</p><p>(i) &nbsp; lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority in the Member State of his/her habitual residence or place of work, or the competent supervisory authority pursuant to Clause 13;</p><p>(ii)&nbsp; refer the dispute to the competent courts within the meaning of Clause 18.</p><p>(d)&nbsp; The Parties accept that the data subject may be represented by a not-for-profit body, organisation or association under the conditions set out in Article 80(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.</p><p>(e)&nbsp; The data importer shall abide by a decision that is binding under the applicable EU or Member State law.</p><p>(f) &nbsp; The data importer agrees that the choice made by the data subject will not prejudice his/her substantive and procedural rights to seek remedies in accordance with applicable laws.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"clause\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#clause\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Clause 12</a></strong></em></a></h3><div id=\\\"liability\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#liability\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Liability</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>(a)&nbsp; Each Party shall be liable to the other Party/ies for any damages it causes the other Party/ies by any breach of these Clauses.</p><p>(b)&nbsp; The data importer shall be liable to the data subject, and the data subject shall be entitled to receive compensation, for any material or non-material damages the data importer or its sub-processor causes the data subject by breaching the third-party beneficiary rights under these Clauses.</p><p>(c)&nbsp; Notwithstanding paragraph (b), the data exporter shall be liable to the data subject, and the data subject shall be entitled to receive compensation, for any material or non-material damages the data exporter or the data importer (or its sub- processor) causes the data subject by breaching the third-party beneficiary rights under these Clauses. This is without prejudice to the liability of the data exporter and, where the data exporter is a processor acting on behalf of a controller, to the liability of the controller under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 or Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, as applicable.</p><p>(d)&nbsp; The Parties agree that if the data exporter is held liable under paragraph (c) for damages caused by the data importer (or its sub-processor), it shall be entitled to claim back from the data importer that part of the compensation corresponding to the data importer\u2019s responsibility for the damage.</p><p>(e)&nbsp; Where more than one Party is responsible for any damage caused to the data subject as a result of a breach of these Clauses, all responsible Parties shall be jointly and severally liable and the data subject is entitled to bring an action in court against any of these Parties.</p><p>(f) &nbsp; The Parties agree that if one Party is held liable under paragraph (e), it shall be entitled to claim back from the other Party/ies that part of the compensation corresponding to its/their responsibility for the damage.</p><p>(g)&nbsp; The data importer may not invoke the conduct of a sub-processor to avoid its own liability.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"clause\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#clause\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Clause 13</a></strong></em></a></h3><div id=\\\"supervision\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#supervision\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Supervision</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>(a)&nbsp; [Where the data exporter is established in an EU Member State:] The supervisory authority with responsibility for ensuring compliance by the data exporter with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 as regards the data transfer, as indicated in Annex I.C, shall act as competent supervisory authority.</p><p>[Where the data exporter is not established in an EU Member State, but falls within the territorial scope of application of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 in accordance with its Article 3(2) and has appointed a representative pursuant to Article 27(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679:] The supervisory authority of the Member State in which the representative within the meaning of Article 27(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 is established, as indicated in Annex I.C, shall act as competent supervisory authority.</p><p>[Where the data exporter is not established in an EU Member State, but falls within the territorial scope of application of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 in accordance with its Article 3(2) without however having to appoint a representative pursuant to Article 27(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679:] The supervisory authority of one of the Member States in which the data subjects whose personal data is transferred under these Clauses in relation to the offering of goods or services to them, or whose behaviour is monitored, are located, as indicated in Annex I.C, shall act as competent supervisory authority.</p><p>(b)&nbsp; The data importer agrees to submit itself to the jurisdiction of and cooperate with the competent supervisory authority in any procedures aimed at ensuring compliance with these Clauses. In particular, the data importer agrees to respond to enquiries, submit to audits and comply with the measures adopted by the supervisory authority, including remedial and compensatory measures. It shall provide the supervisory authority with written confirmation that the necessary actions have been taken.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"this-requirement-may-be-satisfied-by-the-sub-processor-acceding-to-these-clauses-under-the-appropriate-module-in-accordance-with-clause\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h5><a href=\\\"#this-requirement-may-be-satisfied-by-the-sub-processor-acceding-to-these-clauses-under-the-appropriate-module-in-accordance-with-clause\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\"><sup>[3]</sup> This requirement may be satisfied by the sub-processor acceding to these Clauses under the appropriate Module, in accordance with Clause 7.</a></strong></a></h5><div id=\\\"section-iii-local-laws-and-obligations-in-case-of-access-by-public-authorities\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#section-iii-local-laws-and-obligations-in-case-of-access-by-public-authorities\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">SECTION III \u2013 LOCAL LAWS AND OBLIGATIONS IN CASE OF ACCESS BY PUBLIC AUTHORITIES</a></strong></a></h3><div id=\\\"clause\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#clause\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Clause 14</a></strong></em></a></h3><div id=\\\"local-laws-and-practices-affecting-compliance-with-the-clauses\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#local-laws-and-practices-affecting-compliance-with-the-clauses\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Local laws and practices affecting compliance with the Clauses</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>(a)&nbsp; The Parties warrant that they have no reason to believe that the laws and practices in the third country of destination applicable to the processing of the personal data by the data importer, including any requirements to disclose personal data or measures authorising access by public authorities, prevent the data importer from fulfilling its obligations under these Clauses. This is based on the understanding that laws and practices that respect the essence of the fundamental rights and freedoms and do not exceed what is necessary and proportionate in a democratic society to safeguard one of the objectives listed in Article 23(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, are not in contradiction with these Clauses.</p><p>(b)&nbsp; The Parties declare that in providing the warranty in paragraph (a), they have taken due account in particular of the following elements:</p><p>(i) the specific circumstances of the transfer, including the length of the processing chain, the number of actors involved and the transmission channels used; intended onward transfers; the type of recipient; the purpose of processing; the categories and format of the transferred personal data; the economic sector in which the transfer occurs; the storage location of the data transferred;</p><p>(ii) &nbsp; the laws and practices of the third country of destination\u2013 including those requiring the disclosure of data to public authorities or authorising access by such authorities \u2013 relevant in light of the specific circumstances of the transfer, and the applicable limitations and safeguards (<sup>[4]</sup>);</p><p>(iii) any relevant contractual, technical or organisational safeguards put in place to supplement the safeguards under these Clauses, including measures applied during transmission and to the processing of the personal data in the country of destination.</p><p>(c)&nbsp; The data importer warrants that, in carrying out the assessment under paragraph (b), it has made its best efforts to provide the data exporter with relevant information and agrees that it will continue to cooperate with the data exporter in ensuring compliance with these Clauses.</p><p>(d)&nbsp; The Parties agree to document the assessment under paragraph (b) and make it available to the competent supervisory authority on request.</p><p>(e)&nbsp; The data importer agrees to notify the data exporter promptly if, after having agreed to these Clauses and for the duration of the contract, it has reason to believe that it is or has become subject to laws or practices not in line with the requirements under paragraph (a), including following a change in the laws of the third country or a measure (such as a disclosure request) indicating an application of such laws in practice that is not in line with the requirements in paragraph (a).</p><p>(f) &nbsp; Following a notification pursuant to paragraph (e), or if the data exporter otherwise has reason to believe that the data importer can no longer fulfil its obligations under these Clauses, the data exporter shall promptly identify appropriate measures (e.g. technical or organisational measures to ensure security and confidentiality) to be adopted by the data exporter and/or data importer to address the situation. The data exporter shall suspend the data transfer if it considers that no appropriate safeguards for such transfer can be ensured, or if instructed by the competent supervisory authority to do so. In this case, the data exporter shall be entitled to terminate the contract, insofar as it concerns the processing of personal data under these Clauses. If the contract involves more than two Parties, the data exporter may exercise this right to termination only with respect to the relevant Party, unless the Parties have agreed otherwise. Where the contract is terminated pursuant to this Clause, Clause 16(d) and (e) shall apply.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"as-regards-the-impact-of-such-laws-and-practices-on-compliance-with-these-clauses-different-elements-may-be-considered-as-part-of-an-overall-assessment-such-elements-may-include-relevant-and-documented-practical-experience-with-prior-instances-of-requests-for-disclosure-from-public-authorities-or-the-absence-of-such-requests-covering-a-sufficiently-representative-time-frame-this-refers-in-particular-to-internal-records-or-other-documentation-drawn-up-on-a-continuous-basis-in-accordance\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h5><a href=\\\"#as-regards-the-impact-of-such-laws-and-practices-on-compliance-with-these-clauses-different-elements-may-be-considered-as-part-of-an-overall-assessment-such-elements-may-include-relevant-and-documented-practical-experience-with-prior-instances-of-requests-for-disclosure-from-public-authorities-or-the-absence-of-such-requests-covering-a-sufficiently-representative-time-frame-this-refers-in-particular-to-internal-records-or-other-documentation-drawn-up-on-a-continuous-basis-in-accordance\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\"><sup>[5]</sup> As regards the impact of such laws and practices on compliance with these Clauses, different elements may be considered as part of an overall assessment. Such elements may include relevant and documented practical experience with prior instances of requests for disclosure from public authorities, or the absence of such requests, covering a sufficiently representative time-frame. This refers in particular to internal records or other documentation, drawn up on a continuous basis in accordance with due diligence and certified at senior management level, provided that this information can be lawfully shared with third parties. Where this practical experience is relied upon to conclude that the data importer will not be prevented from complying with these Clauses, it needs to be supported by other relevant, objective elements, and it is for the Parties to consider carefully whether these elements together carry sufficient weight, in terms of their reliability and representativeness, to support this conclusion. In particular, the Parties have to take into account whether their practical experience is corroborated and not contradicted by publicly available or otherwise accessible, reliable information on the existence or absence of requests within the same sector and/or the application of the law in practice, such as case law and reports by independent oversight bodies.</a></strong></a></h5><div id=\\\"clause\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#clause\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Clause 15</a></strong></em></a></h3><div id=\\\"obligations-of-the-data-importer-in-case-of-access-by-public-authorities\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#obligations-of-the-data-importer-in-case-of-access-by-public-authorities\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Obligations of the data importer in case of access by public authorities</a></strong></a></h4><div id=\\\"notification\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#notification\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">15.1&nbsp; Notification</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>(a)&nbsp; The data importer agrees to notify the data exporter and, where possible, the data subject promptly (if necessary with the help of the data exporter) if it:</p><p>(i) &nbsp; receives a legally binding request from a public authority, including judicial authorities, under the laws of the country of destination for the disclosure of personal data transferred pursuant to these Clauses; such notification shall include information about the personal data requested, the requesting authority, the legal basis for the request and the response provided; or</p><p>(ii)&nbsp; becomes aware of any direct access by public authorities to personal data transferred pursuant to these Clauses in accordance with the laws of the country of destination; such notification shall include all information available to the importer.</p><p>(b)&nbsp; If the data importer is prohibited from notifying the data exporter and/or the data subject under the laws of the country of destination, the data importer agrees to use its best efforts to obtain a waiver of the prohibition, with a view to communicating as much information as possible, as soon as possible. The data importer agrees to document its best efforts in order to be able to demonstrate them on request of the data exporter.</p><p>(c)&nbsp; Where permissible under the laws of the country of destination, the data importer agrees to provide the data exporter, at regular intervals for the duration of the contract, with as much relevant information as possible on the requests received (in particular, number of requests, type of data requested, requesting authority/ies, whether requests have been challenged and the outcome of such challenges, etc.).</p><p>(d)&nbsp; The data importer agrees to preserve the information pursuant to paragraphs (a) to (c) for the duration of the contract and make it available to the competent supervisory authority on request.</p><p>(e)&nbsp; Paragraphs (a) to (c) are without prejudice to the obligation of the data importer pursuant to Clause 14(e) and Clause 16 to inform the data exporter promptly where it is unable to comply with these Clauses.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"review-of-legality-and-data-minimization\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#review-of-legality-and-data-minimization\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">15.2&nbsp; Review of legality and data minimization</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>(a)&nbsp; The data importer agrees to review the legality of the request for disclosure, in particular whether it remains within the powers granted to the requesting public authority, and to challenge the request if, after careful assessment, it concludes that there are reasonable grounds to consider that the request is unlawful under the laws of the country of destination, applicable obligations under international law and principles of international comity. The data importer shall, under the same conditions, pursue possibilities of appeal. When challenging a request, the data importer shall seek interim measures with a view to suspending the effects of the request until the competent judicial authority has decided on its merits. It shall not disclose the personal data requested until required to do so under the applicable procedural rules. These requirements are without prejudice to the obligations of the data importer under Clause 14(e).</p><p>(b)&nbsp; The data importer agrees to document its legal assessment and any challenge to the request for disclosure and, to the extent permissible under the laws of the country of destination, make the documentation available to the data exporter. It shall also make it available to the competent supervisory authority on request.</p><p>(c)&nbsp; The data importer agrees to provide the minimum amount of information permissible when responding to a request for disclosure, based on a reasonable interpretation of the request.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"section-iv-final-provisions\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#section-iv-final-provisions\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">SECTION IV \u2013 FINAL PROVISIONS</a></strong></a></h3><div id=\\\"clause\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#clause\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Clause 16</a></strong></em></a></h3><div id=\\\"non-compliance-with-the-clauses-and-termination\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#non-compliance-with-the-clauses-and-termination\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Non-compliance with the Clauses and termination</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>(a)&nbsp; The data importer shall promptly inform the data exporter if it is unable to comply with these Clauses, for whatever reason.</p><p>(b)&nbsp; In the event that the data importer is in breach of these Clauses or unable to comply with these Clauses, the data exporter shall suspend the transfer of personal data to the data importer until compliance is again ensured or the contract is terminated. This is without prejudice to Clause 14(f).</p><p>(c)&nbsp; The data exporter shall be entitled to terminate the contract, insofar as it concerns the processing of personal data under these Clauses, where:</p><p>(i) the data exporter has suspended the transfer of personal data to the data importer pursuant to paragraph (b) and compliance with these Clauses is not restored within a reasonable time and in any event within one month of suspension;</p><p>(ii) &nbsp; the data importer is in substantial or persistent breach of these Clauses; or</p><p>(iii) the data importer fails to comply with a binding decision of a competent court or supervisory authority regarding its obligations under these Clauses.</p><p>In these cases, it shall inform the competent supervisory authority of such non- compliance. Where the contract involves more than two Parties, the data exporter may exercise this right to termination only with respect to the relevant Party, unless the Parties have agreed otherwise.</p><p>(d)&nbsp; Personal data that has been transferred prior to the termination of the contract pursuant to paragraph (c) shall at the choice of the data exporter immediately be returned to the data exporter or deleted in its entirety. The same shall apply to any copies of the data. The data importer shall certify the deletion of the data to the data exporter. Until the data is deleted or returned, the data importer shall continue to ensure compliance with these Clauses. In case of local laws applicable to the data importer that prohibit the return or deletion of the transferred personal data, the data importer warrants that it will continue to ensure compliance with these Clauses and will only process the data to the extent and for as long as required under that local law.</p><p>(e)&nbsp; Either Party may revoke its agreement to be bound by these Clauses where (i) the European Commission adopts a decision pursuant to Article 45(3) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 that covers the transfer of personal data to which these Clauses apply; or (ii) Regulation (EU) 2016/679 becomes part of the legal framework of the country to which the personal data is transferred. This is without prejudice to other obligations applying to the processing in question under Regulation (EU) 2016/679.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"clause\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#clause\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Clause 17</a></strong></em></a></h3><div id=\\\"governing-law\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#governing-law\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Governing law</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>These Clauses shall be governed by the law of one of the EU Member States, provided such law allows for third- party beneficiary rights. The Parties agree that this shall be the law of the Netherlands.]</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"clause\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#clause\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Clause 18</a></strong></em></a></h3><div id=\\\"choice-of-forum-and-jurisdiction\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#choice-of-forum-and-jurisdiction\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Choice of forum and jurisdiction</a></strong></a></h4><blockquote><p>(a)&nbsp; Any dispute arising from these Clauses shall be resolved by the courts of an EU Member State.</p><p>(b)&nbsp; The Parties agree that those shall be the courts of the Netherlands.</p><p>(c)&nbsp; A data subject may also bring legal proceedings against the data exporter and/or data importer before the courts of the Member State in which he/she has his/her habitual residence.</p><p>(d)&nbsp; The Parties agree to submit themselves to the jurisdiction of such courts.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"appendix\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#appendix\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">APPENDIX</a></strong></em></a></h4><div id=\\\"explanatory-note\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#explanatory-note\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">EXPLANATORY NOTE:</a></strong></a></h4><p>It must be possible to clearly distinguish the information applicable to each transfer or category of transfers and, in this regard, to determine the respective role(s) of the Parties as data exporter(s) and/or data importer(s). This does not necessarily require completing and signing separate appendices for each transfer/category of transfers and/or contractual relationship, where this transparency can achieved through one appendix. However, where necessary to ensure sufficient clarity, separate appendices should be used.</p><div id=\\\"annex-i\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#annex-i\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">ANNEX I</a></strong></em></a></h3><div id=\\\"a-list-of-parties\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#a-list-of-parties\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">A. LIST OF PARTIES</a></strong></a></h4><p>See the Parties listed in the DPA.</p><div id=\\\"b-description-of-transfer\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#b-description-of-transfer\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">B. DESCRIPTION OF TRANSFER</a></strong></a></h4><p>See Appendix 1 of the DPA.</p><div id=\\\"c-competent-supervisory-authority\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#c-competent-supervisory-authority\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">C. COMPETENT SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY</a></strong></a></h4><p>The Dutch data protection authority (<em>Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens</em>)</p><div id=\\\"annex-ii\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#annex-ii\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">ANNEX II</a></strong></em></a></h3><div id=\\\"please-see-appendix-to-the-dpa\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#please-see-appendix-to-the-dpa\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Please see Appendix 2 to the DPA</a></strong></a></h4><div id=\\\"annex-iii\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#annex-iii\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">ANNEX III</a></strong></em></a></h3><div id=\\\"list-of-sub-processors\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#list-of-sub-processors\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">LIST OF SUB-PROCESSORS</a></strong></a></h4><div id=\\\"please-see-appendix-to-the-dpa\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#please-see-appendix-to-the-dpa\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Please see Appendix 3 to the DPA</a></strong></a></h4><div id=\\\"annex-iv\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#annex-iv\\\"><em><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">ANNEX IV</a></strong></em></a></h3><div id=\\\"international-data-transfer-addendum-to-the-eu-commission-standard-contractual-clauses-uk-addendum\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#international-data-transfer-addendum-to-the-eu-commission-standard-contractual-clauses-uk-addendum\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">INTERNATIONAL DATA TRANSFER ADDENDUM TO THE EU COMMISSION STANDARD CONTRACTUAL CLAUSES (\u201CUK ADDENDUM\u201D)</a></strong></a></h4><p><strong>(VERSION B1.0, in force 21 March 2022)</strong></p><p>This Addendum is applicable if, when and to the extent a transfer of personal data as specified in Annex I.B. is, either solely or in combination with Regulation (EU) 2016/679, governed by the United Kingdom Data Protection Act 2018 (\u201C<strong>UK GDPR</strong>\u201D).</p><p>This Addendum has been issued by the Information Commissioner for Parties making Restricted Transfers. The Information Commissioner considers that it provides Appropriate Safeguards for Restricted Transfers when it is entered into as a legally binding contract.</p><div id=\\\"part-tables\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#part-tables\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Part 1: Tables</a></strong></a></h3><div id=\\\"table-parties\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#table-parties\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Table 1: Parties</a></strong></a></h4><div class=\\\"captioned-image-container-static\\\"><figure><table class=\\\"image-wrapper\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" cellspacing=\\\"0\\\" cellpadding=\\\"0\\\" data-component-name=\\\"Image2ToDOMStatic\\\"><tr><td></td><td align=\\\"left\\\" class=\\\"content\\\" width=\\\"1048\\\"><a class=\\\"image-link\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\" href=\\\",q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"><img data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;src&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;srcNoWatermark&quot;:null,&quot;fullscreen&quot;:null,&quot;imageSize&quot;:null,&quot;height&quot;:538,&quot;width&quot;:1048,&quot;resizeWidth&quot;:null,&quot;bytes&quot;:null,&quot;alt&quot;:null,&quot;title&quot;:null,&quot;type&quot;:null,&quot;href&quot;:null,&quot;belowTheFold&quot;:true,&quot;topImage&quot;:false,&quot;internalRedirect&quot;:null,&quot;isProcessing&quot;:false}\\\" alt=\\\"\\\" width=\\\"550\\\" height=\\\"282.3473282442748\\\" class=\\\"wide-image\\\" src=\\\",c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"></a></td><td></td></tr></table></figure></div><div id=\\\"table-selected-sccs-modules-and-selected-clauses\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#table-selected-sccs-modules-and-selected-clauses\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Table 2: Selected SCCs, Modules and Selected Clauses</a></strong></a></h4><div class=\\\"captioned-image-container-static\\\"><figure><table class=\\\"image-wrapper\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" cellspacing=\\\"0\\\" cellpadding=\\\"0\\\" data-component-name=\\\"Image2ToDOMStatic\\\"><tr><td></td><td align=\\\"left\\\" class=\\\"content\\\" width=\\\"538\\\"><a class=\\\"image-link\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\" href=\\\",q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"><img data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;src&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;srcNoWatermark&quot;:null,&quot;fullscreen&quot;:null,&quot;imageSize&quot;:null,&quot;height&quot;:515,&quot;width&quot;:538,&quot;resizeWidth&quot;:null,&quot;bytes&quot;:null,&quot;alt&quot;:null,&quot;title&quot;:null,&quot;type&quot;:null,&quot;href&quot;:null,&quot;belowTheFold&quot;:true,&quot;topImage&quot;:false,&quot;internalRedirect&quot;:null,&quot;isProcessing&quot;:false}\\\" alt=\\\"\\\" width=\\\"538\\\" height=\\\"515\\\" class=\\\"\\\" src=\\\",c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"></a></td><td></td></tr></table></figure></div><div id=\\\"table-appendix-information\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#table-appendix-information\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Table 3: Appendix Information</a></strong></a></h4><p>\u201C<strong>Appendix Information</strong>\u201D means the information which must be provided for the selected modules as set out in the Appendix of the Approved EU SCCs (other than the Parties), and which for this Addendum is set out in:</p><div class=\\\"captioned-image-container-static\\\"><figure><table class=\\\"image-wrapper\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" cellspacing=\\\"0\\\" cellpadding=\\\"0\\\" data-component-name=\\\"Image2ToDOMStatic\\\"><tr><td></td><td align=\\\"left\\\" class=\\\"content\\\" width=\\\"1024\\\"><a class=\\\"image-link\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\" href=\\\",q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"><img data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;src&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;srcNoWatermark&quot;:null,&quot;fullscreen&quot;:null,&quot;imageSize&quot;:null,&quot;height&quot;:292,&quot;width&quot;:1024,&quot;resizeWidth&quot;:null,&quot;bytes&quot;:null,&quot;alt&quot;:null,&quot;title&quot;:null,&quot;type&quot;:null,&quot;href&quot;:null,&quot;belowTheFold&quot;:true,&quot;topImage&quot;:false,&quot;internalRedirect&quot;:null,&quot;isProcessing&quot;:false}\\\" alt=\\\"\\\" width=\\\"550\\\" height=\\\"156.8359375\\\" class=\\\"wide-image\\\" src=\\\",c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"></a></td><td></td></tr></table></figure></div><div id=\\\"table-ending-this-addendum-when-the-approved-addendum-changes\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#table-ending-this-addendum-when-the-approved-addendum-changes\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Table 4: Ending this Addendum when the Approved Addendum Changes</a></strong></a></h4><div class=\\\"captioned-image-container-static\\\"><figure><table class=\\\"image-wrapper\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" cellspacing=\\\"0\\\" cellpadding=\\\"0\\\" data-component-name=\\\"Image2ToDOMStatic\\\"><tr><td></td><td align=\\\"left\\\" class=\\\"content\\\" width=\\\"1028\\\"><a class=\\\"image-link\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\" href=\\\",q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"><img data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;src&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;srcNoWatermark&quot;:null,&quot;fullscreen&quot;:null,&quot;imageSize&quot;:null,&quot;height&quot;:244,&quot;width&quot;:1028,&quot;resizeWidth&quot;:null,&quot;bytes&quot;:null,&quot;alt&quot;:null,&quot;title&quot;:null,&quot;type&quot;:null,&quot;href&quot;:null,&quot;belowTheFold&quot;:true,&quot;topImage&quot;:false,&quot;internalRedirect&quot;:null,&quot;isProcessing&quot;:false}\\\" alt=\\\"\\\" width=\\\"550\\\" height=\\\"130.54474708171207\\\" class=\\\"wide-image\\\" src=\\\",c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"></a></td><td></td></tr></table></figure></div><div id=\\\"part-mandatory-clauses\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#part-mandatory-clauses\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Part 2: Mandatory Clauses</a></strong></a></h3><div id=\\\"entering-into-this-addendum\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#entering-into-this-addendum\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Entering into this Addendum</a></strong></a></h4><p>1.&nbsp; &nbsp; Each Party agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions set out in this Addendum, in exchange for the other Party also agreeing to be bound by this Addendum.</p><p>2. Although Annex 1.A and Clause 7 of the Approved EU SCCs require signature by the Parties, for the purpose of making Restricted Transfers, the Parties may enter into this Addendum in any way that makes them legally binding on the Parties and allows data subjects to enforce their rights as set out in this Addendum. Entering into this Addendum will have the same effect as signing the Approved EU SCCs and any part of the Approved EU SCCs.</p><div id=\\\"interpretation-of-this-addendum\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#interpretation-of-this-addendum\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Interpretation of this Addendum</a></strong></a></h4><p>3. &nbsp; &nbsp; Where this Addendum uses terms that are defined in the Approved EU SCCs those terms shall have the same meaning as in the Approved EU SCCs. In addition, the following terms have the following meanings:</p><div class=\\\"captioned-image-container-static\\\"><figure><table class=\\\"image-wrapper\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" cellspacing=\\\"0\\\" cellpadding=\\\"0\\\" data-component-name=\\\"Image2ToDOMStatic\\\"><tr><td></td><td align=\\\"left\\\" class=\\\"content\\\" width=\\\"536\\\"><a class=\\\"image-link\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\" href=\\\",q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"><img data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;src&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;srcNoWatermark&quot;:null,&quot;fullscreen&quot;:null,&quot;imageSize&quot;:null,&quot;height&quot;:481,&quot;width&quot;:536,&quot;resizeWidth&quot;:null,&quot;bytes&quot;:null,&quot;alt&quot;:null,&quot;title&quot;:null,&quot;type&quot;:null,&quot;href&quot;:null,&quot;belowTheFold&quot;:true,&quot;topImage&quot;:false,&quot;internalRedirect&quot;:null,&quot;isProcessing&quot;:false}\\\" alt=\\\"\\\" width=\\\"536\\\" height=\\\"481\\\" class=\\\"\\\" src=\\\",c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"></a></td><td></td></tr></table></figure></div><p>1. &nbsp; &nbsp; This Addendum must always be interpreted in a manner that is consistent with UK Data Protection Laws and so that it fulfills the Parties\u2019 obligation to provide the Appropriate Safeguards.</p><p>2. If the provisions included in the Addendum EU SCCs amend the Approved SCCs in any way which is not permitted under the Approved EU SCCs or the Approved Addendum, such amendment(s) will not be incorporated in this Addendum and the equivalent provision of the Approved EU SCCs will take their place.</p><p>3. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between UK Data Protection Laws and this Addendum, UK Data Protection Laws applies.</p><p>4. If the meaning of this Addendum is unclear or there is more than one meaning, the meaning which most closely aligns with UK Data Protection Laws applies.</p><p>5. Any references to legislation (or specific provisions of legislation) means that legislation (or specific provision) as it may change over time. This includes where that legislation (or specific provision) has been consolidated, re-enacted and/or replaced after this Addendum has been entered into.</p><div id=\\\"hierarchy\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#hierarchy\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Hierarchy</a></strong></a></h4><p>6. &nbsp; &nbsp; Although Clause 5 of the Approved EU SCCs sets out that the Approved EU SCCs prevail over all related agreements between the parties, the parties agree that, for Restricted Transfers, the hierarchy in Section \u200E10 will prevail.</p><p>7. Where there is any inconsistency or conflict between the Approved Addendum and the Addendum EU SCCs (as applicable), the Approved Addendum overrides the Addendum EU SCCs, except where (and in so far as) the inconsistent or conflicting terms of the Addendum EU SCCs provides greater protection for data subjects, in which case those terms will override the Approved Addendum.</p><p>8. &nbsp; &nbsp; Where this Addendum incorporates Addendum EU SCCs which have been entered into to protect transfers subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 then the Parties acknowledge that nothing in this Addendum impacts those Addendum EU SCCs.</p><div id=\\\"incorporation-of-and-changes-to-the-eu-sccs\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#incorporation-of-and-changes-to-the-eu-sccs\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Incorporation of and changes to the EU SCCs</a></strong></a></h4><p>9. This Addendum incorporates the Addendum EU SCCs which are amended to the extent necessary so that:</p><p>a.&nbsp; &nbsp; together they operate for data transfers made by the data exporter to the data importer, to the extent that UK Data Protection Laws apply to the data exporter\u2019s processing when making that data transfer, and they provide Appropriate Safeguards for those data transfers;</p><p>b. Sections \u200E9 to \u200E11 override Clause 5 (Hierarchy) of the Addendum EU SCCs; and</p><p>c.&nbsp; &nbsp; this Addendum (including the Addendum EU SCCs incorporated into it) is (1) governed by the laws of England and Wales and (2) any dispute arising from it is resolved by the courts of England and Wales, in each case unless the laws and/or courts of Scotland or Northern Ireland have been expressly selected by the Parties.</p><p>10.&nbsp; Unless the Parties have agreed alternative amendments which meet the requirements of Section \u200E12, the provisions of Section \u200E15 will apply.</p><p>11.&nbsp; No amendments to the Approved EU SCCs other than to meet the requirements of Section \u200E12 may be made.</p><p>12.&nbsp; The following amendments to the Addendum EU SCCs (for the purpose of Section \u200E12) are made:</p><blockquote><p>a. References to the \u201CClauses\u201D means this Addendum, incorporating the Addendum EU SCCs;</p><p>b. In Clause 2, delete the words:</p><p>\u201Cand, with respect to data transfers from controllers to processors and/or processors to processors, standard contractual clauses pursuant to Article 28(7) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679\u201D;</p><p>c. Clause 6 (Description of the transfer(s)) is replaced with:</p><p>\u201CThe details of the transfers(s) and in particular the categories of personal data that are transferred and the purpose(s) for which they are transferred) are those specified in Annex I.B where UK Data Protection Laws apply to the data exporter\u2019s processing when making that transfer.\u201D;</p><p>d. Clause 8.7(i) of Module 1 is replaced with:</p><p>\u201Cit is to a country benefitting from adequacy regulations pursuant to Section 17A of the UK GDPR that covers the onward transfer\u201D;</p><p>e. Clause 8.8(i) of Modules 2 and 3 is replaced with:</p><p>\u201Cthe onward transfer is to a country benefitting from adequacy regulations pursuant to Section 17A of the UK GDPR that covers the onward transfer;\u201D</p><p>f. &nbsp; &nbsp; References to \u201CRegulation (EU) 2016/679\u201D, \u201CRegulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation)\u201D and \u201Cthat Regulation\u201D are all replaced by \u201CUK Data Protection Laws\u201D. References to specific Article(s) of \u201CRegulation (EU) 2016/679\u201D are replaced with the equivalent Article or Section of UK Data Protection Laws;</p><p>g. References to Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 are removed;</p><p>h.&nbsp; &nbsp; References to the \u201CEuropean Union\u201D, \u201CUnion\u201D, \u201CEU\u201D, \u201CEU Member State\u201D, \u201CMember State\u201D and \u201CEU or Member State\u201D are all replaced with the \u201CUK\u201D;</p><p>i. The reference to \u201CClause 12(c)(i)\u201D at Clause 10(b)(i) of Module one, is replaced with \u201CClause 11(c)(i)\u201D;</p><p>j. Clause 13(a) and Part C of Annex I are not used;</p><p>k. The \u201Ccompetent supervisory authority\u201D and \u201Csupervisory authority\u201D are both replaced with the \u201CInformation Commissioner\u201D;</p><p>l. In Clause 16(e), subsection (i) is replaced with:</p><p>\u201Cthe Secretary of State makes regulations pursuant to Section 17A of the Data Protection Act 2018 that cover the transfer of personal data to which these clauses apply;\u201D;</p><p>m.&nbsp; Clause 17 is replaced with:</p><p>\u201CThese Clauses are governed by the laws of England and Wales.\u201D;</p><p>n. Clause 18 is replaced with:</p><p>\u201CAny dispute arising from these Clauses shall be resolved by the courts of England and Wales. A data subject may also bring legal proceedings against the data exporter and/or data importer before the courts of any country in the UK. The Parties agree to submit themselves to the jurisdiction of such courts.\u201D; and</p><p>o. The footnotes to the Approved EU SCCs do not form part of the Addendum, except for footnotes 8, 9, 10 and 11.</p></blockquote><div id=\\\"amendments-to-this-addendum\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#amendments-to-this-addendum\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Amendments to this Addendum</a></strong></a></h4><p>13.&nbsp; The Parties may agree to change Clauses 17 and/or 18 of the Addendum EU SCCs to refer to the laws and/or courts of Scotland or Northern Ireland.</p><p>14.&nbsp; If the Parties wish to change the format of the information included in Part 1: Tables of the Approved Addendum, they may do so by agreeing to the change in writing, provided that the change does not reduce the Appropriate Safeguards.</p><p>15.&nbsp; From time to time, the ICO may issue a revised Approved Addendum which:</p><blockquote><p>a.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; makes reasonable and proportionate changes to the Approved Addendum, including correcting errors in the Approved Addendum; and/or</p><p>b.&nbsp; reflects changes to UK Data Protection Laws;</p><p>The revised Approved Addendum will specify the start date from which the changes to the Approved Addendum are effective and whether the Parties need to review this Addendum including the Appendix Information. This Addendum is automatically amended as set out in the revised Approved Addendum from the start date specified.</p></blockquote><p>16.&nbsp; If the ICO issues a revised Approved Addendum under Section \u200E18, if any Party selected in Table 4 \u201CEnding the Addendum when the Approved Addendum changes\u201D, will as a direct result of the changes in the Approved Addendum have a substantial, disproportionate and demonstrable increase in:</p><p>a its direct costs of performing its obligations under the Addendum; and/or</p><p>b its risk under the Addendum,</p><blockquote><p>and in either case it has first taken reasonable steps to reduce those costs or risks so that it is not substantial and disproportionate, then that Party may end this Addendum at the end of a reasonable notice period, by providing written notice for that period to the other Party before the start date of the revised Approved Addendum.</p></blockquote><p>17.&nbsp; The Parties do not need the consent of any third party to make changes to this Addendum, but any changes must be made in accordance with its terms.</p>\",\"copyright_dispute_policy\":\"<p><strong>Documents</strong></p><ul><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Terms of Use</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Privacy Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Publisher Agreement</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Content Guidelines</a></p></li><li><p>Copyright Dispute Policy</p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Copyright Repeat Infringer Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">CCPA Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Support Chatbot Terms</a></p></li></ul><h1><strong>Copyright Dispute Policy</strong></h1><p>Last updated: December 17, 2024</p><p>This policy describes Substack\u2019s processes for receiving and responding to copyright infringement notices, sent by rightsholders or their agents, regarding material our users have posted to the Substack platform. This policy is designed to comply with the requirements of the notice-and-takedown provisions of the United States\u2019 Digital Millennium Copyright Act (\u201CDMCA\u201D), meaning that we generally remove or disable content that rightsholders claim to be infringing. Undefined terms used here have the meanings given to them in our <a href=\\\"\\\">Terms of Use</a>.</p><p><strong>Caution Advised</strong></p><p>The notices described in this policy are serious legal actions with potentially serious consequences. Note in particular:</p><ul><li><p><strong>Filing a false copyright notice can be unlawful</strong>. Aside from perjury penalties, sending false copyright notices can create legal claims under the DMCA.</p></li><li><p><strong>Dispute copyright notices with care.</strong> Copyright owners can prevent disabled content from being put back by initiating legal action.</p></li><li><p><strong>Information submitted in notices is not private</strong>. Your copyright notice will be sent to the other party. We reserve the right to publicly post and share redacted copyright notices for transparency reporting purposes.</p></li><li><p><strong>Copyright disputes are tracked for purposes of our <a href=\\\"\\\">Repeat Infringer Policy</a>. </strong>Our policies and the DMCA both commit us to taking action against repeat infringers, and we will terminate the accounts of repeat infringers in certain cases. How you respond to copyright notices informs our repeat infringer evaluation.</p></li></ul><p>Consider seeking professional advice before proceeding with any notice described in this policy.</p><p><strong>Submitting Notices and Our Designated Agent</strong></p><p>This policy provides links to our preferred forms for submitting copyright notices. Although we respond to all copyright notices submitted under this policy expeditiously, submitting your notice through our forms will help ensure that your notice is compliant with legal requirements and receives the fastest possible response.</p><p>If you prefer to submit a non-form notice to our designated agent, you can do so by emailing <a href=\\\"\\\"></a>. Our designated agent can also be reached by mail at Substack DMCA Processing, 731 Sansome Street, 5th floor, San Francisco, CA 94111.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Sending a Copyright Notice</strong></p><p>If you believe that something on Substack infringes a copyright that belongs to you, you can send us a copyright notice by <a href=\\\";tf_18071015993108=report_a_copyright_violation\\\">completing this form</a>. On receipt of a notice compliant with the requirements of the DMCA, our practice is to expeditiously remove or disable the material identified as infringing. Note that copyright notices can be disputed under the terms of this policy, and that the dispute process may result in replacement of removed or disabled content.</p><p>When sending a non-form notice to our designated agent, be sure that it includes all the information required under the DMCA. For your reference, this includes:</p><ul><li><p>A description of the work or works you claim have been infringed</p></li><li><p>A description of the content on our website you claim to be infringing and the associated URL(s)</p></li><li><p>Your contact information</p></li><li><p>Your statement confirming a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law</p></li><li><p>Your statement confirming that the information you\u2019ve provided is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed</p></li><li><p>Your signature</p></li></ul><p><strong>Receiving a Copyright Notice</strong></p><p>If something you\u2019ve posted to Substack is the target of a valid copyright notice, we will generally send you a copy of that notice when we remove or disable the allegedly infringing content. <strong>To replace the removed or disabled content, you must dispute the notice in accordance with the terms of this policy. </strong>We reserve the right to suspend or terminate the accounts of users who replace removed content in a manner inconsistent with this policy.</p><p><strong>Disputing a Copyright Notice</strong></p><p>You may dispute a copyright notice submitted against your Substack account by <a href=\\\";type=dmca\\\">completing this form</a>. After receiving a dispute notice that meets the requirements of the DMCA, we will send a complete copy of the notice to the complaining party. The rightsholder will then have 10 business days to initiate legal action and notify us. If we don\u2019t receive timely notice of legal action from the rightsholder, we will generally replace the material that had been removed or disabled.</p><p>When sending a non-form notice to our designated agent, be sure that it includes all the information required under the DMCA. For your reference, this includes:</p><ul><li><p>A description of the content that\u2019s been removed and any associated URL(s)</p></li><li><p>Your full name and contact information, including your address and phone number</p></li><li><p>A statement, under penalty of perjury, that you have a good faith belief that the removed content was taken down as a result of mistake or misidentification</p></li><li><p>A statement consenting to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the judicial district in which your address is located or, if you are outside of the United States, consenting to the jurisdiction of any judicial district in which Substack can be found (for instance, the Northern District of California)</p></li><li><p>A statement that you will accept service of process from the copyright notice sender or their agent at the address you\u2019ve provided.</p></li><li><p>Your signature</p></li></ul><p><strong>Copyright at Substack</strong></p><p>This policy is incorporated into our <a href=\\\"\\\">Terms of Use</a>, and is only one component of how Substack handles copyright and copyright-adjacent issues. Other relevant terms and policies include:&nbsp;</p><ul><li><p>Our <a href=\\\"\\\">Terms of Use</a>, which provide our standard user copyright commitments;</p></li><li><p>Our <a href=\\\"\\\">Content Guidelines</a>, which set forth our plagiarism policy;</p></li><li><p>Our <a href=\\\"\\\">Publisher Agreement</a>, which outlines our handling of Creator copyrights; and</p></li><li><p>Our <a href=\\\"\\\">Copyright Repeat Infringer Policy</a>, which governs our handling of repeat copyright infringement on our platform.</p></li></ul><p>If you have any further questions on our various copyright policies, please contact us at <a href=\\\"\\\"></a>. </p>\",\"resources_page\":\"<div class=\\\"captioned-image-container-static\\\"><figure><table class=\\\"image-wrapper\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" cellspacing=\\\"0\\\" cellpadding=\\\"0\\\" data-component-name=\\\"Image2ToDOMStatic\\\"><tr><td></td><td align=\\\"left\\\" class=\\\"content\\\" width=\\\"1456\\\"><a class=\\\"image-link\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\" href=\\\",q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"><img data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;src&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;srcNoWatermark&quot;:null,&quot;fullscreen&quot;:null,&quot;imageSize&quot;:null,&quot;height&quot;:128,&quot;width&quot;:1456,&quot;resizeWidth&quot;:null,&quot;bytes&quot;:107796,&quot;alt&quot;:null,&quot;title&quot;:null,&quot;type&quot;:&quot;image/png&quot;,&quot;href&quot;:null,&quot;belowTheFold&quot;:false,&quot;topImage&quot;:true,&quot;internalRedirect&quot;:null,&quot;isProcessing&quot;:false}\\\" alt=\\\"\\\" width=\\\"550\\\" height=\\\"48.35164835164835\\\" class=\\\"wide-image\\\" src=\\\",c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"></a></td><td></td></tr></table></figure></div><div id=\\\"getting-started\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h2><a href=\\\"#getting-started\\\">Getting started</a></h2><p>New to Substack? Learn how to set up your Substack, publish a post, and get your first subscribers.</p><div id=\\\"tutorials\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#tutorials\\\">Tutorials</a></h3><ul><li><p>How to create a publication (<a href=\\\";list=PLripwV1Ak52nqQpM-GDCCFCfvvqql9sT0&amp;index=1\\\">video</a>)</p></li><li><p>How to publish a post (<a href=\\\";list=PLripwV1Ak52nqQpM-GDCCFCfvvqql9sT0&amp;index=2\\\">video</a>)</p></li><li><p>How to create a discussion thread (<a href=\\\";list=PLripwV1Ak52nqQpM-GDCCFCfvvqql9sT0&amp;index=4\\\">video</a>)</p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">How to use the Substack editor</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">A guide to your Substack metrics</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">A guide to your subscriber dashboard</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">A guide to publication sections</a></p></li></ul><div id=\\\"guides\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#guides\\\">Guides</a></h3><ul><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Setting up your Substack</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Writing your one-line description and About page</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">How to craft and style a post</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Getting your first 100 signups</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Switching to Substack from Patreon</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Getting started with local news on Substack</a></p></li></ul><blockquote><p><em>Got questions about how to use Substack? Check out our <a href=\\\"\\\">Help Center</a>.</em></p></blockquote><div id=\\\"stories\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#stories\\\">Stories</a></h3><ul><li><p>Delia Cai, Deez Links: <a href=\\\"\\\">How I grew Deez Links from zero to 2,000+ signups</a></p></li><li><p>Scott Hines, Action Cookbook: <a href=\\\"\\\">How I got my first 1,000 signups in less than five months</a></p></li><li><p>Sarah Noeckel, Femstreet: <a href=\\\"\\\">How I went from zero to 5,000 subscribers</a></p></li><li><p>Casey Newton, Platformer: <a href=\\\"\\\">What writers can do for their readers</a></p></li><li><p>Abigail Koffler, This Needs Hot Sauce: <a href=\\\"\\\">How I grew my email list from scratch</a></p></li><li><p>Lenny Rachitsky, Lenny\u2019s Newsletter: <a href=\\\"\\\">How to create a consistent writing habit</a></p></li><li><p>Petition: <a href=\\\"\\\">How I grew my financial newsletter \u2013&nbsp;anonymously</a></p></li><li><p>Thao Nguyen, For The Record: <a href=\\\"\\\">Writing as a musician</a></p></li></ul><div id=\\\"office-hours\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#office-hours\\\"><strong>Office Hours</strong></a></h3><p>Each week on Thursdays, we\u2019ll gather the writer&nbsp;community&nbsp;and members of our&nbsp;Community, Product, and Writer Development teams together in a thread&nbsp;<a href=\\\"\\\">like this</a>&nbsp;one to answer writer questions for an hour.</p><p>Time may vary so we can accommodate writers across time zones. Subscribe to&nbsp;<a href=\\\"\\\">Substack Resources</a>&nbsp;and receive the thread in your inbox each week one hour before we go live.</p><div class=\\\"captioned-image-container-static\\\"><figure><table class=\\\"image-wrapper\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" cellspacing=\\\"0\\\" cellpadding=\\\"0\\\" data-component-name=\\\"Image2ToDOMStatic\\\"><tr><td></td><td align=\\\"left\\\" class=\\\"content\\\" width=\\\"1456\\\"><a class=\\\"image-link\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\" href=\\\",q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"><img data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;src&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;srcNoWatermark&quot;:null,&quot;fullscreen&quot;:null,&quot;imageSize&quot;:null,&quot;height&quot;:128,&quot;width&quot;:1456,&quot;resizeWidth&quot;:null,&quot;bytes&quot;:133996,&quot;alt&quot;:null,&quot;title&quot;:null,&quot;type&quot;:&quot;image/png&quot;,&quot;href&quot;:null,&quot;belowTheFold&quot;:true,&quot;topImage&quot;:false,&quot;internalRedirect&quot;:null,&quot;isProcessing&quot;:false}\\\" alt=\\\"\\\" width=\\\"550\\\" height=\\\"48.35164835164835\\\" class=\\\"wide-image\\\" src=\\\",c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"></a></td><td></td></tr></table></figure></div><div id=\\\"going-paid\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h2><a href=\\\"#going-paid\\\">Going paid</a></h2><p>If you\u2019re writing and growing your email list and are ready to take the next step, check out our guide and stories from other writers about going paid.</p><div id=\\\"guides\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#guides\\\">Guides</a></h3><ul><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Your guide to going paid</a></p></li></ul><div id=\\\"stories\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#stories\\\">Stories</a></h3><ul><li><p>Emily Atkin, Heated: <a href=\\\"\\\">How I turned my climate change newsletter into a six-figure income</a></p></li><li><p>Lenny Rachitsky, Lenny\u2019s Newsletter: <a href=\\\"\\\">How I earned $65,000 in my first year of writing</a></p></li><li><p>Going Paid: <a href=\\\"\\\">Courtney Martin, The Examined Family</a></p></li><li><p>Going Paid: <a href=\\\"\\\">Christopher Curtis, The Rover</a></p></li><li><p>Going Paid: <a href=\\\"\\\">Craig Morgan, AZ Coyotes Insider</a></p></li><li><p>Going Paid: <a href=\\\"\\\">Camila Russo, The Defiant</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Illyanna Maisonet, Eat Gorda Eat: Advice on going paid</a></p></li><li><p>Gino Sorcinelli, Micro-Chop: <a href=\\\"\\\">How my newsletter helped me bounce back from a broken car</a></p></li><li><p>Judd Legum, Popular Information: <a href=\\\"\\\">A growth masterclass</a></p></li></ul><blockquote><p><em>Starting an LLC? You can use <a href=\\\"\\\">Stripe Atlas</a> to easily set one up \u2013 they\u2019ll take care of your legal paperwork. Substack writers can <a href=\\\"\\\">use this link</a> to get a discount.</em></p></blockquote><div class=\\\"captioned-image-container-static\\\"><figure><table class=\\\"image-wrapper\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" cellspacing=\\\"0\\\" cellpadding=\\\"0\\\" data-component-name=\\\"Image2ToDOMStatic\\\"><tr><td></td><td align=\\\"left\\\" class=\\\"content\\\" width=\\\"1456\\\"><a class=\\\"image-link\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\" href=\\\",q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"><img data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;src&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;srcNoWatermark&quot;:null,&quot;fullscreen&quot;:null,&quot;imageSize&quot;:null,&quot;height&quot;:128,&quot;width&quot;:1456,&quot;resizeWidth&quot;:null,&quot;bytes&quot;:47225,&quot;alt&quot;:null,&quot;title&quot;:null,&quot;type&quot;:&quot;image/png&quot;,&quot;href&quot;:null,&quot;belowTheFold&quot;:true,&quot;topImage&quot;:false,&quot;internalRedirect&quot;:null,&quot;isProcessing&quot;:false}\\\" alt=\\\"\\\" width=\\\"550\\\" height=\\\"48.35164835164835\\\" class=\\\"wide-image\\\" src=\\\",c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"></a></td><td></td></tr></table></figure></div><div id=\\\"growing-your-community\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h2><a href=\\\"#growing-your-community\\\">Growing your community</a></h2><p>As your email list grows, you might start to wonder who your readers are and how you can get to know them. Learn how other writers build communities around their newsletters.</p><div id=\\\"guides\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#guides\\\">Guides</a></h3><ul><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Building community around your publication</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Dear ____: Advice on writing an advice column</a></p></li></ul><div id=\\\"stories\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#stories\\\">Stories</a></h3><ul><li><p>Terrell Johnson, The Half Marathoner: <a href=\\\"\\\">How to use discussion threads to get closer to your readers</a></p></li><li><p>Erin Moon, The Swipe Up: <a href=\\\"\\\">How I built a thriving community around my newsletter</a></p></li><li><p>Jarrett Carter, HBCU Digest: <a href=\\\"\\\">How I built my audience around a niche topic</a></p></li><li><p>Walt Hickey, Numlock News: <a href=\\\"\\\">How I expanded to multiple newsletters</a></p></li></ul><div class=\\\"captioned-image-container-static\\\"><figure><table class=\\\"image-wrapper\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" cellspacing=\\\"0\\\" cellpadding=\\\"0\\\" data-component-name=\\\"Image2ToDOMStatic\\\"><tr><td></td><td align=\\\"left\\\" class=\\\"content\\\" width=\\\"1456\\\"><a class=\\\"image-link\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\" href=\\\",q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"><img data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;src&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;srcNoWatermark&quot;:null,&quot;fullscreen&quot;:null,&quot;imageSize&quot;:null,&quot;height&quot;:128,&quot;width&quot;:1456,&quot;resizeWidth&quot;:null,&quot;bytes&quot;:150363,&quot;alt&quot;:null,&quot;title&quot;:null,&quot;type&quot;:&quot;image/png&quot;,&quot;href&quot;:null,&quot;belowTheFold&quot;:true,&quot;topImage&quot;:false,&quot;internalRedirect&quot;:null,&quot;isProcessing&quot;:false}\\\" alt=\\\"\\\" width=\\\"550\\\" height=\\\"48.35164835164835\\\" class=\\\"wide-image\\\" src=\\\",c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"></a></td><td></td></tr></table></figure></div><div id=\\\"audio-and-podcasting\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h2><a href=\\\"#audio-and-podcasting\\\">Audio &amp; podcasting</a></h2><p>Did you know you can use Substack to send audio posts, not just written ones? Start a podcast, read your posts out loud, or record your off-the-cuff thoughts with our ideas below.</p><div id=\\\"guides\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#guides\\\">Guides</a></h3><ul><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">How to use Substack for podcasts</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Bringing more audio into your posts</a></p></li></ul><div class=\\\"captioned-image-container-static\\\"><figure><table class=\\\"image-wrapper\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" cellspacing=\\\"0\\\" cellpadding=\\\"0\\\" data-component-name=\\\"Image2ToDOMStatic\\\"><tr><td></td><td align=\\\"left\\\" class=\\\"content\\\" width=\\\"1456\\\"><a class=\\\"image-link\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\" href=\\\",q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"><img data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;src&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;srcNoWatermark&quot;:null,&quot;fullscreen&quot;:null,&quot;imageSize&quot;:null,&quot;height&quot;:128,&quot;width&quot;:1456,&quot;resizeWidth&quot;:null,&quot;bytes&quot;:81635,&quot;alt&quot;:null,&quot;title&quot;:null,&quot;type&quot;:&quot;image/png&quot;,&quot;href&quot;:null,&quot;belowTheFold&quot;:true,&quot;topImage&quot;:false,&quot;internalRedirect&quot;:null,&quot;isProcessing&quot;:false}\\\" alt=\\\"\\\" width=\\\"550\\\" height=\\\"48.35164835164835\\\" class=\\\"wide-image\\\" src=\\\",c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"></a></td><td></td></tr></table></figure></div><div id=\\\"miscellaneous\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h2><a href=\\\"#miscellaneous\\\">Miscellaneous</a></h2><p>Everything else you wanted to know about Substack but were afraid to ask.</p><div id=\\\"guides\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#guides\\\">Guides</a></h3><ul><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Group publishing tools on Substack</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Stripe\u2019s Patrick McKenzie on how to think like a business for writers</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Your tax &amp; finance questions, answered</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Your legal questions, answered</a></p></li></ul>\",\"events_page\":\"<div class=\\\"captioned-image-container-static\\\"><figure><table class=\\\"image-wrapper\\\" width=\\\"100%\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" cellspacing=\\\"0\\\" cellpadding=\\\"0\\\" data-component-name=\\\"Image2ToDOMStatic\\\"><tr><td></td><td align=\\\"left\\\" class=\\\"content\\\" width=\\\"366\\\"><a class=\\\"image-link\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\" href=\\\",q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"><img data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;src&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;srcNoWatermark&quot;:null,&quot;fullscreen&quot;:null,&quot;imageSize&quot;:null,&quot;height&quot;:744,&quot;width&quot;:676,&quot;resizeWidth&quot;:366,&quot;bytes&quot;:641339,&quot;alt&quot;:null,&quot;title&quot;:null,&quot;type&quot;:&quot;image/png&quot;,&quot;href&quot;:null,&quot;belowTheFold&quot;:false,&quot;topImage&quot;:true,&quot;internalRedirect&quot;:null,&quot;isProcessing&quot;:false}\\\" alt=\\\"\\\" width=\\\"366\\\" height=\\\"402.8165680473373\\\" class=\\\"\\\" src=\\\",c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\\\"></a></td><td></td></tr></table></figure></div><h1>Upcoming Events</h1><div id=\\\"office-hours-weekly-on-thursdays\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#office-hours-weekly-on-thursdays\\\"><strong><a href=\\\"\\\">\u23F0 Office Hours </a>- Weekly on Thursdays</strong></a></h4><p>Each week on Thursdays, we\u2019ll gather the writer&nbsp;community&nbsp;and members of our&nbsp;Community, Product, and Writer Development teams together in a thread&nbsp;<a href=\\\"\\\">like this</a>&nbsp;one to answer writer questions for an hour.</p><p>Time may vary so we can accommodate writers across time zones. Subscribe to&nbsp;<a href=\\\"\\\"></a>&nbsp;and receive the thread in your inbox each week one hour before we go live.</p><p class=\\\"button-wrapper\\\" data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;url&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;Subscribe&quot;,&quot;action&quot;:null,&quot;class&quot;:null}\\\" data-component-name=\\\"ButtonCreateButton\\\"><a class=\\\"button primary\\\" href=\\\"\\\"><span>Subscribe</span></a></p><div><hr></div><h1>Past Events</h1><p>Couldn\u2019t make it to a previous event? Don\u2019t worry, we took notes! Find recaps, recordings, and discussions from previous events below.</p><div><hr></div><div id=\\\"spotlight-on-fiction-wednesday-june\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#spotlight-on-fiction-wednesday-june\\\"><a href=\\\"\\\">\uD83D\uDD26 Spotlight On: Fiction </a>- Wednesday, June 30, 2021</a></h4><p>Nascent fiction writers are looking for new venues to publish their work, grow an audience, and get paid.&nbsp;<a href=\\\"\\\">Elle Griffin</a>&nbsp;is one of the writers leading this exploration.&nbsp;<a href=\\\"\\\">Her writing about the future of fiction</a>&nbsp;caused a stir in recent months. In response, she&nbsp;<a href=\\\"\\\">organized a community of Substack fiction writers</a>&nbsp;on Discord. Today, she\u2019s actively experimenting with making Substack the home for her next&nbsp;<a href=\\\"\\\">serial novel</a>.&nbsp;</p><p>We gathered with the greater community of fiction writers to learn best practices for fiction writing on Substack from Elle.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class=\\\"button-wrapper\\\" data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;url&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;View recap&quot;,&quot;action&quot;:null,&quot;class&quot;:null}\\\" data-component-name=\\\"ButtonCreateButton\\\"><a class=\\\"button primary\\\" href=\\\"\\\"><span>View recap</span></a></p><div id=\\\"writer-workshop-crafting-a-post-tuesday-june\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#writer-workshop-crafting-a-post-tuesday-june\\\"><a href=\\\"\\\">\u270D\uFE0F Writer Workshop: Crafting a post </a>- Tuesday, June 22, 2021</a></h4><p>How you craft a post directly impacts your readers' experience. The right format will help readers know what\u2019s most important. With time, the layout of your posts will become a style and pattern that is familiar and comfortable to the reader.</p><p>\u200BOur Writer Development team hosted an overview of the style tools, buttons, headers, and footers you can use to craft your post. </p><p class=\\\"button-wrapper\\\" data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;url&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;View recap&quot;,&quot;action&quot;:null,&quot;class&quot;:null}\\\" data-component-name=\\\"ButtonCreateButton\\\"><a class=\\\"button primary\\\" href=\\\"\\\"><span>View recap</span></a></p><div id=\\\"spotlight-on-local-news-wednesday-june\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#spotlight-on-local-news-wednesday-june\\\"><a href=\\\"\\\">\uD83D\uDD26 Spotlight On: Local News</a> - Wednesday, June 16, 2021</a></h4><p>\u200BWriters like&nbsp;<a href=\\\"\\\">Tony Mecia</a>&nbsp;of&nbsp;<a href=\\\"\\\">The Charlotte Ledger</a>&nbsp;paved the way for independent local news on Substack. In this workshop, we learned from Tony\u2019s experience and absorbed best practices for local news Substack publications.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class=\\\"button-wrapper\\\" data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;url&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;View recap&quot;,&quot;action&quot;:null,&quot;class&quot;:null}\\\" data-component-name=\\\"ButtonCreateButton\\\"><a class=\\\"button primary\\\" href=\\\"\\\"><span>View recap</span></a></p><div id=\\\"writer-workshop-describing-your-publication-tuesday-june\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#writer-workshop-describing-your-publication-tuesday-june\\\"><a href=\\\"\\\">\u270D\uFE0F Writer Workshop: Describing your publication </a>- Tuesday, June 8, 2021</a></h4><p>\u200BYour \u201CAbout\u201D page and one-line publication description act as welcoming messages to prospective readers. The Substack Writer Development team hosted a collaborative workshop for writers to craft \u201CAbout\u201D pages and one-line descriptions that will attract new readers. </p><p class=\\\"button-wrapper\\\" data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;url&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;View recap&quot;,&quot;action&quot;:null,&quot;class&quot;:null}\\\" data-component-name=\\\"ButtonCreateButton\\\"><a class=\\\"button primary\\\" href=\\\"\\\"><span>View recap</span></a></p><div id=\\\"spotlight-on-investing-and-finance-wednesday-june\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#spotlight-on-investing-and-finance-wednesday-june\\\"><a href=\\\"\\\">\uD83D\uDD26 Spotlight On: Investing &amp; Finance</a> - Wednesday, June 2, 2021</a></h4><p>Thousands of finance and investing writers are building publications on Substack.&nbsp;<a href=\\\"\\\">Linda Lebrun</a>, Substack\u2019s Partnerships lead for finance and investing writers, interviewed Mike of&nbsp;<a href=\\\"\\\">Nongaap Investing</a> about his journey publishing, growing, and going paid.&nbsp;</p><p class=\\\"button-wrapper\\\" data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;url&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;View recap&quot;,&quot;action&quot;:null,&quot;class&quot;:null}\\\" data-component-name=\\\"ButtonCreateButton\\\"><a class=\\\"button primary\\\" href=\\\"\\\"><span>View recap</span></a></p><div id=\\\"substack-on-friday-january-th\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#substack-on-friday-january-th\\\"> \uD83C\uDFDF\uFE0F <strong><a href=\\\"\\\">Substack On!</a> - Friday, January 8th, 2021</strong></a></h4><p>We hosted our first-ever conference, a one-day event aimed at bringing writers together around what\u2019s possible on Substack. Through a full day of talks, workshops, panels, and discussions, we hope to empower a new generation of writers.</p><p class=\\\"button-wrapper\\\" data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;url&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;Learn more&quot;,&quot;action&quot;:null,&quot;class&quot;:null}\\\" data-component-name=\\\"ButtonCreateButton\\\"><a class=\\\"button primary\\\" href=\\\"\\\"><span>Learn more</span></a></p><div id=\\\"workshop-building-an-audience-from-scratch-thursday-july-th\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#workshop-building-an-audience-from-scratch-thursday-july-th\\\">\uD83C\uDFA5 <a href=\\\"\\\">Workshop: Building an audience from scratch</a> - Thursday, July 9th, 2020 </a></h4><p>If you don't have an online presence already, should you start a newsletter? Of course!&nbsp;<strong>Abigail Koffler&nbsp;of&nbsp;<a href=\\\"\\\">This Needs Hot Sauce</a> </strong>shared how she grew her email list without a big platform.</p><p class=\\\"button-wrapper\\\" data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;url&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;Watch recording&quot;,&quot;action&quot;:null,&quot;class&quot;:null}\\\" data-component-name=\\\"ButtonCreateButton\\\"><a class=\\\"button primary\\\" href=\\\"\\\"><span>Watch recording</span></a></p><div id=\\\"workshop-finding-your-niche-wednesday-july-st\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#workshop-finding-your-niche-wednesday-july-st\\\">\uD83C\uDFA5 <a href=\\\"\\\">Workshop: Finding your niche</a> - Wednesday, July 1st, 2020</a></h4><p>If you're writing a newsletter, &nbsp;having a narrow audience can be a good thing.<strong>&nbsp;Jarrett Carter Sr&nbsp;of&nbsp;<a href=\\\"\\\">HBCU Digest</a></strong> talked about how he grew his subscriber audience, including paid subscriptions, by finding his niche.</p><p class=\\\"button-wrapper\\\" data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;url&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;Watch recording&quot;,&quot;action&quot;:null,&quot;class&quot;:null}\\\" data-component-name=\\\"ButtonCreateButton\\\"><a class=\\\"button primary\\\" href=\\\"\\\"><span>Watch recording</span></a></p><div id=\\\"workshop-making-friends-with-your-subscribers-thursday-june\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#workshop-making-friends-with-your-subscribers-thursday-june\\\">\uD83C\uDFA5 <a href=\\\"\\\">Workshop: Making friends with your subscribers</a> - Thursday, June 11, 2020</a></h4><p>Who are these people that signed up for your email list, and what do they want? <strong>Erin Moon of <a href=\\\"\\\">The Swipe Up</a></strong> talked about getting to know your subscribers, helping them get to know each other, and building a community around your list.</p><p class=\\\"button-wrapper\\\" data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;url&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;Watch recording&quot;,&quot;action&quot;:null,&quot;class&quot;:null}\\\" data-component-name=\\\"ButtonCreateButton\\\"><a class=\\\"button primary\\\" href=\\\"\\\"><span>Watch recording</span></a></p><div id=\\\"workshop-paid-launch-thursday-june\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#workshop-paid-launch-thursday-june\\\">\uD83C\uDFA5 <a href=\\\"\\\">Workshop: Paid launch 101</a> - Thursday, June 4, 2020</a></h4><p>Thinking about launching a paid newsletter, but haven't yet pulled the trigger? <strong>Lenny Rachitsky, who writes <a href=\\\"\\\">Lenny's Newsletter</a>, </strong>shared how he decided to launch paid subscriptions and tactics for going paid.</p><p class=\\\"button-wrapper\\\" data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;url&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;Watch recording&quot;,&quot;action&quot;:null,&quot;class&quot;:null}\\\" data-component-name=\\\"ButtonCreateButton\\\"><a class=\\\"button primary\\\" href=\\\"\\\"><span>Watch recording</span></a></p><div id=\\\"workshop-getting-your-first-email-signups-tuesday-may\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#workshop-getting-your-first-email-signups-tuesday-may\\\">\uD83C\uDFA5 <a href=\\\"\\\">Workshop: Getting your first 1,000 email signups</a> - Tuesday, May 26, 2020 </a></h4><p><strong>Scott Hines of <a href=\\\"\\\">Action Cookbook</a></strong> shared how he successfully grew his newsletter\u2019s email list on Substack in less than a year.</p><p class=\\\"button-wrapper\\\" data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;url&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;Watch recording&quot;,&quot;action&quot;:null,&quot;class&quot;:null}\\\" data-component-name=\\\"ButtonCreateButton\\\"><a class=\\\"button primary\\\" href=\\\"\\\"><span>Watch recording</span></a></p><div id=\\\"panel-writing-in-the-current-climate-thursday-april\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#panel-writing-in-the-current-climate-thursday-april\\\">\uD83C\uDFA5 <a href=\\\"\\\">Panel: Writing in the current climate</a> - Thursday, April 2, 2020</a></h4><p>We brought four Substack writers \u2014 Polina, Henry, Judy, and Clara \u2014 together for a livestreamed conversation about writing and making money during the COVID crisis.</p><ul><li><p><strong>Polina Marinova</strong>&nbsp;(<a href=\\\"\\\">The Profile</a>), who left her job last week in the midst of a pandemic to go full-time on her publication</p></li><li><p><strong>Henry Abbott and Judy Goodwin</strong>&nbsp;(<a href=\\\"\\\">TrueHoop</a>), who&nbsp;switched up their editorial and pricing&nbsp;after the NBA suspended&nbsp;basketball&nbsp;season</p></li><li><p><strong>Clara Parkes</strong>&nbsp;(<a href=\\\"\\\">The Daily Respite</a>)<strong>,&nbsp;</strong>who recently started a paid newsletter to provide \\\"a brief interval of relief\\\" to our inboxes every day</p></li></ul><p class=\\\"button-wrapper\\\" data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;url&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;Watch recording&quot;,&quot;action&quot;:null,&quot;class&quot;:null}\\\" data-component-name=\\\"ButtonCreateButton\\\"><a class=\\\"button primary\\\" href=\\\"\\\"><span>Watch recording</span></a></p><div id=\\\"writer-gathering-thursday-february-new-york-city\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#writer-gathering-thursday-february-new-york-city\\\">\uD83D\uDC6B <a href=\\\"\\\">Writer Gathering</a> - Thursday, February 20, 2020 (New York City)</a></h4><p>We hosted our first official gathering of writers in New York City and asked a few Substack writers to share insights from their experiences:</p><ul><li><p><strong>Delia Cai</strong>&nbsp;(<a href=\\\"\\\">Deez Links</a>) shared how she built her initial email list</p></li><li><p><strong>Emily Atkin</strong>&nbsp;(<a href=\\\"\\\">Heated</a>) shared how she launched paid subscriptions</p></li><li><p><strong>Terrell Johnson</strong>&nbsp;(<a href=\\\"\\\">The Half Marathoner</a>) showed us how he uses discussion threads to build community</p></li><li><p><strong>Walt Hickey</strong>&nbsp;(<a href=\\\"\\\">Numlock News</a>) helped us think about what\u2019s possible on Substack, including experiments with multiple newsletters</p></li></ul><p class=\\\"button-wrapper\\\" data-attrs=\\\"{&quot;url&quot;:&quot;;,&quot;text&quot;:&quot;Read recap&quot;,&quot;action&quot;:null,&quot;class&quot;:null}\\\" data-component-name=\\\"ButtonCreateButton\\\"><a class=\\\"button primary\\\" href=\\\"\\\"><span>Read recap</span></a></p>\",\"content_policy\":\"<p><strong>Documents</strong></p><ul><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Terms of Use</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Privacy Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Publisher Agreement</a></p></li><li><p>Content Guidelines</p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Copyright Dispute Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Copyright Repeat Infringer Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">CCPA Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Support Chatbot Terms</a></p></li></ul><h1><strong>Content Guidelines</strong></h1><p>Effective date: August 8, 2024</p><p>Substack is a place for independent writing. We host and celebrate a diverse range of thought and discussion. The following guidelines outline what is and is not acceptable on Substack. We have the exclusive right to interpret and enforce&nbsp;these guidelines, although we may consult outside experts, research, and industry best practices in doing so. If you encounter content that may be in breach of these guidelines or have any questions about them, you can email us at <a href=\\\"\\\"></a>. </p><p>If we determine that any content is in breach of these guidelines, we may remove it, hide it from public view, or impose other restrictions. This is an evolving document: we reserve the right to update these Content Guidelines at our discretion and without notice.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Legal&nbsp;</strong></p><p>Please respect people\u2019s intellectual property and don\u2019t infringe on their privacy or any other legal rights. Don\u2019t publish anything that violates laws or regulations.&nbsp;You and you alone are responsible for the content you publish on Substack, and liable for any harm caused by the content you publish.</p><p><strong>In General&nbsp;</strong></p><p>We want Substack to be a safe place for discussion and expression. At the same time, we believe that critique and discussion of controversial issues are part of robust discourse, so we work to find a reasonable balance between these two priorities. In all cases, Substack does not allow credible threats of physical harm.</p><p><strong>Hate&nbsp;</strong></p><p>Substack cannot be used to publish content or fund initiatives that incite violence based on protected classes. Offending behavior includes credible threats of physical harm to people based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability or medical condition.</p><p><strong>Private information&nbsp;</strong></p><p>You may not publish or post other people's private information without their express authorization and permission. We also prohibit threatening to expose private information or incentivizing others to do so. Publishing private information that is publicly available for journalistic purposes is not a violation of this policy; however, we don't typically consider private home addresses or phone numbers to be a valid exception. Don't publish private information to intimidate, harass, or threaten others.</p><p><strong>Plagiarism</strong></p><p>Do not publish any material that was written or created by someone else and claim it as your own.</p><p><strong>Impersonation</strong></p><p>We don\u2019t allow impersonation, which includes posing as another person, brand, or organization. This applies to Substack itself: don\u2019t use Substack\u2019s name, logo, or trademark in any way that misrepresents the company or misleads others.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>People restricted from making money on Substack</strong></p><p>Substack\u2019s payments are processed through Stripe, which excludes certain types of businesses from using their service. Please refer to the Stripe Service Agreement (<em><a href=\\\"\\\">see the US agreement here</a></em>) and Stripe\u2019s <a href=\\\"\\\">restricted businesses</a> for more information about restricted business categories and practices.</p><p><strong>Harmful and illegal activities</strong></p><p>We don\u2019t allow content that promotes harmful or illegal activities, including material that advocates, threatens, or shows you causing harm to yourself, other people, or animals.</p><p><strong>Spam and phishing</strong></p><p>We are vehemently anti-spam and anti-phishing. If you are importing a mailing list from another platform, you are required to ensure it\u2019s made up of people who explicitly opted-in to receive emails from your specific publication. We don\u2019t allow imports of email addresses that were purchased, scraped, or harvested from third party websites. Don\u2019t add people to your mailing list without their consent, and don\u2019t import your contacts list or social graphs. Similarly, you may not create publications for spamming or phishing purposes. Don\u2019t post spam when interacting with others on Substack, such as in comments, discussion threads, or email replies. </p><p><strong>Marketing and Promotion</strong></p><p>Substack is intended for high quality editorial content, not conventional email marketing. We don\u2019t permit publications whose primary purpose is to advertise external products or services, drive traffic to third party sites, distribute offers and promotions, enhance search engine optimization, or similar activities. Brands and commercial organizations publishing on Substack may be subject to additional verification. </p><p><strong>Nudity, porn, erotica</strong></p><p>We don\u2019t allow porn or sexually exploitative content on Substack, including any visual depictions of sexual acts for the sole purpose of sexual gratification. We do allow depictions of nudity for artistic, journalistic, or related purposes, as well as erotic literature, however, we have a strict no nudity policy for profile images. We may hide or remove explicit content from Substack\u2019s discovery features, including search and on <a href=\\\"\\\"></a>. </p><p><strong>Comments, Notes &amp; Community Surfaces</strong></p><p>These guidelines also apply to Substack comments, notes, and other community surfaces. We believe that writers are responsible for moderating their own communities as they see fit and readers for curating their own experiences on the platform. Don\u2019t create accounts for the sole purpose of circumventing boundaries like blocks and bans imposed by other users. We may intervene to remove accounts engaged in artificial or inauthentic activity on community surfaces.</p>\",\"repeat_infringer\":\"<p><strong>Documents</strong></p><ul><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Terms of Use</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Privacy Policy</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Publisher Agreement</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Content Guidelines</a></p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">Copyright Dispute Policy</a></p></li><li><p>Copyright Repeat Infringer Policy</p></li><li><p><a href=\\\"\\\">CCPA Policy</a></p></li></ul><h1><strong>Repeat Infringer Policy</strong></h1><p>Last updated: August 18th, 2020</p><p><strong>Background</strong></p><p>Substack has an interest in maintaining the quality, originality, and legality of the content we host. To best serve our creative community and to meet our own legal obligations to copyright holders, we have adopted the following policy toward repeat copyright infringers on our platform.</p><p><strong>Our commitment to individualized consideration</strong></p><p>Copyright claims are complex, and can often be used to silence or censor the kind of reporting and commentary we hope to support. Accordingly, we are committed to handling repeat infringers on a case-by-case basis as long as our total caseload allows. Our aim is to take remedial action seriously, not mechanically.</p><p><strong>Context is important</strong></p><p>A corollary to our commitment above, we strive to consider the greater context of copyright claims in deciding on remedial action. This includes asking:</p><ul><li><p>What is the nature of the alleged infringement? Is it plagiarism (which is also against our content guidelines)? Is it a plausible fair use?</p></li><li><p>Does the complained-about content have free speech significance? Political significance?</p></li><li><p>Who are the complainers? Are they credible?</p></li><li><p>Does the alleged infringer have a known history of infringement off our platform?</p></li></ul><p><strong>When we will consider repeat infringer claims</strong></p><p>We will consider whether remedial action is appropriate when:</p><ul><li><p>A request for remedial action against an alleged repeat infringer is brought to our attention through a credible third-party complaint sent to an appropriate channel (e.g., our agent for service of process or our DMCA designated agent)</p></li><li><p>We receive more than three compliant DMCA notices about different pieces of content from the same user in the same calendar year</p></li><li><p>A series of alleged infringements appears particularly willful or egregious</p></li></ul><p><strong>Remedial Action</strong></p><p>We will consider any appropriate remedial action currently available in our content moderation workflow, potentially including:</p><ul><li><p>Written warnings</p></li><li><p>Demonetizing newsletters</p></li><li><p>Delisting newsletters</p></li><li><p>Account termination</p></li></ul>\",\"reader_eula\":\"<h1>Substack Reader End-User License Agreement</h1><p>Substack, Inc.&nbsp;provides our Substack Reader app (the \u201CApp\u201D) to you under the terms of this End-User License Agreement (the \u201CEULA\u201D). Your use of the App is conditional on your acceptance of the EULA and your use of the App with knowledge of the EULA constitutes acceptance of the EULA. Substack reserves all rights in and to the App not expressly licensed to you in this EULA.</p><ol><li><p><strong>Incorporation of TOU.</strong> Your agreement to the Substack platform Terms of Use, available at (the \u201CTOU\u201D), is a condition of of this EULA, and the TOU are fully incorporated into this EULA. In part, under the TOU, you agree to:</p><ol><li><p>Substack\u2019s policies governing your use of the Substack platform and the content you publish on the Substack platform, including the Substack content guidelines;</p></li><li><p>providing Substack a license to the content you post to the Substack platform; and</p></li><li><p>Substack\u2019s terms for subscribing to paid subscriptions offered by third-party Publishers who publish content on the Substack platform (\u201CPublishers\u201D).</p></li></ol><p>The above summary of key terms from the TOU is provided here for your convenience, but is no substitute for reviewing the complete TOU.</p></li><li><p><strong>App License.</strong> Subject to the restrictions of this EULA, Substack grants you the personal, nontransferable, nonsublicenseable, limited license to use the App on any Apple-branded products that you own or control, consistent with the terms of this EULA and the usage rules of the Apple Media Services Terms and Conditions (the \u201CUsage Rules\u201D). Usage of the App pursuant to this license shall only extend to customary use of the App consistent with its purpose of providing personal access to the Substack platform and services.</p></li><li><p><strong>Consent to Use of Data; Privacy.</strong> You agree that Substack may collect and use technical data and related information\u2014including but not limited to technical information about your device, system and application software, and peripherals\u2014that is gathered periodically to facilitate the provision of software updates, product support, and other services to you (if any) related to the App. Substack may use this information, as long as it is in a form that does not personally identify you, to improve its products or to provide services or technologies to you. Substack\u2019s use of the personally identifiable information you provide through the App is governed by the TOU and Substack\u2019s privacy policy, available at <a href=\\\"\\\"></a>. Information on your privacy rights and how to exercise them is available in Substack\u2019s privacy policy, and privacy inquiries can be sent to Substack at</p></li><li><p><strong>NO WARRANTY.</strong> YOU EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT USE OF THE APP IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE APP AND ANY SERVICES PERFORMED OR PROVIDED BY THE APP ARE PROVIDED \u201CAS IS\u201D AND \u201CAS AVAILABLE,\u201D WITH ALL FAULTS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, AND SUBSTACK HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE APP AND ANY SERVICES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND/OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, OF SATISFACTORY QUALITY, OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OF ACCURACY, OF QUIET ENJOYMENT, AND OF NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD-PARTY RIGHTS. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY SUBSTACK OR ITS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SHALL CREATE A WARRANTY. SHOULD THE APP OR SERVICES PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR LIMITATIONS ON APPLICABLE STATUTORY RIGHTS OF A CONSUMER, SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSION AND LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.</p></li><li><p><strong>Limitation of Liability.</strong> TO THE EXTENT NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL SUBSTACK BE LIABLE FOR PERSONAL INJURY OR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF DATA, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR ANY OTHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES, ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO YOUR USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE APP, HOWEVER CAUSED, REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY (CONTRACT, TORT, OR OTHERWISE) AND EVEN IF SUBSTACK HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR PERSONAL INJURY, OR OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THIS LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. In no event shall Substack\u2019s total liability to you for all damages (other than as may be required by applicable law) exceed the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00). The foregoing limitations will apply even if the above stated remedy fails of its essential purpose.</p></li><li><p>Government Licensees. The Licensed Application and related documentation are \u201CCommercial Items\u201D, as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. \u00A72.101, consisting of \u201CCommercial Computer Software\u201D and \u201CCommercial Computer Software Documentation\u201D, as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. \u00A712.212 or 48 C.F.R. \u00A7227.7202, as applicable. Consistent with 48 C.F.R. \u00A712.212 or 48 C.F.R. \u00A7227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, as applicable, the Commercial Computer Software and Commercial Computer Software Documentation are being licensed to U.S. Government end users (a) only as Commercial Items and (b) with only those rights as are granted to all other end users pursuant to the terms and conditions herein.</p></li><li><p><strong>App Store Terms.</strong></p><ol><li><p><strong>Parties.</strong> This EULA is made only between Substack and You \u2014&nbsp;both parties acknowledge that Apple is not a party to this EULA and Apple is not responsible for the App or its contents.</p></li><li><p><strong>Support Services.</strong> Substack has no obligation under this EULA to provide maintenance and support services for the App, however, you can receive support for the App by visiting Both parties acknowledge that Apple has no obligation to provide maintenance and support services for the App.</p></li><li><p><strong>Apple\u2019s warranty obligations.</strong> Apple provides no warranties whatsoever for the App. In the event the App fails to conform to any applicable warranty, you may notify Apple, and Apple will refund the purchase price for the App to you. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Apple will have no other warranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the App.</p></li><li><p><strong>Product Claims.</strong> Apple is not responsible for any claims arising from the App or your use of the App, including any claim that the App, or your possession and use of the App, infringes any third-party intellectual property rights. You should direct any such claim to Substack or the responsible Publisher.</p></li><li><p><strong>Legal Compliance.</strong> You represent and warrant that (i) you are not located in a country that is subject to U.S. Government embargo, or that has been designated by the U.S. Government as a terrorist supporting country; and (ii) you are not listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted parties. You may not use or otherwise export or re-export the App except as authorized by United States law and the laws of the jurisdiction in which the App was obtained. You also agree that you will not use these products for any purposes prohibited by United States law, including, without limitation, the development, design, manufacture, or production of nuclear, missile, or chemical or biological weapons.</p></li><li><p><strong>Compliance with Third-Party Terms.</strong> You shall not use in the App in a manner that breaches your obligations under any applicable agreements between you and third parties.</p></li><li><p><strong>Third Party Beneficiary.</strong> Apple is intended as a third-party beneficiary of this EULA. Apple shall have the right to enforce this EULA against you.</p></li></ol></li><li><p><strong>Priority.</strong> In the event of any conflict between this EULA and the TOU, the TOU shall control except with regard to the App Store Terms. In the event of a conflict between the App Store Terms and the TOU, the App Store Terms shall control.</p></li><li><p><strong>Termination.</strong> Either Substack or you can terminate this EULA at any time. This EULA shall terminate automatically in the event you do not comply with any of its terms. Terminating this EULA shall not affect the survival of the TOU with regards to your continued use of the Substack platform outside of the App.</p></li><li><p><strong>Contacting Substack.</strong> You can contact Substack with questions, complaints, or claims regarding the App at:</p><p><br>Substack, Inc.<br>111 Sutter Street, Floor 7<br>San Francisco, CA 94104<br></p></li><li><p><strong>Governing Law; Venue.</strong> This EULA shall be governed by the federal law of the United States and the law of the state of California, without regard to conflict of law principles. In the event the arbitration provisions of the TOU are ineffective or found not to apply to this EULA, the state and federal courts located in the City and County of San Francisco, California shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute between the parties concerning this EULA. The parties agree the venue of these courts is proper and submit to their jurisdiction, waiving any claim that such a proceeding has been brought in an inconvenient forum or that the venue of that proceeding is improper.</p></li><li><p><strong>CLASS ACTION WAIVER.</strong> To the fullest extent permitted by law, you and Substack agree that all claims against the other can only be brought in an individual capacity, and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class, consolidated, or other representative proceeding. We agree that arbitrators may not conduct any class, consolidated, or representative proceeding, and are limited to providing relief warranted by an individual party\u2019s claim.</p></li></ol>\",\"dsa_transparency_report\":\"<div id=\\\"digital-services-act-transparency-report\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h3><a href=\\\"#digital-services-act-transparency-report\\\"><strong>Digital Services Act Transparency Report </strong></a></h3><div id=\\\"content-moderation-at-substack\\\" class=\\\"anchor-target\\\"></div><h4><a href=\\\"#content-moderation-at-substack\\\"><strong>Content Moderation at Substack</strong></a></h4><p><strong>We use a combination of machine learning and human review to enforce our <a href=\\\"\\\">Content Guidelines</a> and <a href=\\\"\\\">Terms of Service</a>.</strong> Our systems are able to flag content likely violating content for review by our Standards &amp; Enforcement team, which makes moderation decisions that account for the full contextual nuance of any post. We have an appeals process available to all removed or restricted users to address any errors in this process.</p><p><strong>Our Standards and Enforcement team is augmented by a robust support system to help enable effective moderation.</strong> It leverages a suite of tools to moderate effectively at scale and work closely with our engineering and product teams to continually improve these tools.</p><p><strong>We value fairness and transparency in our moderation process.</strong> Our systems are set up to notify users when an enforcement action has been taken against their account and provide users with clear instructions to appeal enforcement decisions. When we receive law enforcement or legal removal requests, we take steps to promptly notify affected users unless we are legally prohibited from doing so.</p><p>We provide our services to an average of 239,490 monthly active users in the European Union.</p><p>Data on Substack\u2019s <a href=\\\"\\\">Digital Services Act</a> notice and action mechanisms will be published on this page soon.</p>\",\"features\":{},\"showCookieBanner\":false,\"disabledCookies\":[],\"dd_env\":\"prod\",\"dd_ti\":true}")</script> <script>window._analyticsConfig = JSON.parse("{\"properties\":{\"subdomain\":null,\"has_plans\":false,\"pub_community_enabled\":false,\"is_personal_publication\":false,\"is_subscribed\":false,\"is_free_subscribed\":false,\"is_author\":false,\"is_contributor\":false,\"is_admin\":false,\"is_founding\":false},\"localGaPixelId\":\"G-TLW0DF6G5V\",\"adwordsAccountId\":\"AW-316245675\",\"adwordsEventSendTo\":\"Tf76CKqcyL4DEKuN5pYB\"}")</script> <script defer src="" charset="utf-8"></script> 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