Legal terms ⋅ RICHARD MILLE

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Concepts (RICHARD MILLE France), SAS with company capital of € 38,112,25, whose headquarter is located at “Le Chateau Monbouan, 35680 Moulins, France”, registered under RCS RENNES 422 822 130. Publication Director: Tim Malachard in his capacity as Director. Hosting provider: is hosted by company CLARANET SAS (RCS Paris B 419 632 286), 2 rue Bréguet 75011 Paris, France. Phone: +33 (0)1 85 65 32 52. website has been online since January 2017."><meta data-n-head="ssr" data-hid="description" name="description" content="WEBSITE is edited by R.D.M.M. Concepts (RICHARD MILLE France), SAS with company capital of € 38,112,25, whose headquarter is located at “Le Chateau Monbouan, 35680 Moulins, France”, registered under RCS RENNES 422 822 130. Publication Director: Tim Malachard in his capacity as Director. Hosting provider: is hosted by company CLARANET SAS (RCS Paris B 419 632 286), 2 rue Bréguet 75011 Paris, France. 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Concepts (RICHARD MILLE France), SAS with company capital of € 38,112,25, whose headquarter is located at "1 rue de la Manutention, 75116 Paris, France", registered under RCS RENNES 422 822 130.<br /> <br /> Publication Director: Tim Malachard in his capacity as Director.<br /> Hosting provider: is hosted by company CLARANET SAS (RCS Paris B 419 632 286), 2 rue Bréguet 75011 Paris, France. Phone: +33 (0)1 85 65 32 52<br /> website has been online since January 2017.<br /> <br /> Jurisdiction: These Terms and Conditions are subject to French law without, however, having the effect of depriving you of the level of protection provided by the provisions of the mandatory laws of the country of residence. Failing amicable agreement, the French courts have territorial jurisdiction to rule over any dispute relating to the website.</div></div><div class="legals__bloc" data-v-6ebb118d><h5 class="legals__title title title--h5" data-v-6ebb118d>ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT</h5> <div class="legals__content text text--body3" data-v-6ebb118d>We firmly believe that the internet should be available and accessible to anyone, and are committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of circumstance and ability.<br /> <br /> To fulfill this, we aim to adhere as strictly as possible to the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG 2.1) at the AA level. These guidelines explain how to make web content accessible to people with a wide array of disabilities. Complying with those guidelines helps us ensure that the website is accessible to all people: blind people, people with motor impairments, visual impairment, cognitive disabilities, and more.<br /> <br /> This website utilizes various technologies that are meant to make it as accessible as possible at all times. We utilize an accessibility interface that allows persons with specific disabilities to adjust the website’s UI (user interface) and design it to their personal needs.<br /> <br /> Additionally, the website utilizes an AI-based application that runs in the background and optimizes its accessibility level constantly. This application remediates the website’s HTML, adapts Its functionality and behavior for screen-readers used by the blind users, and for keyboard functions used by individuals with motor impairments.<br /> <br /> If you’ve found a malfunction or have ideas for improvement, we’ll be happy to hear from you. You can reach out to the website’s operators by using the following email<br /> <br /> COPYRIGHT RICHARD MILLE, HOROMETRIE S.A.<br /> <br /> All intellectual property rights (product trademarks, service trademarks, commercial brand names, designs, copyrights, etc.) are reserved and protected.<br /> Richard Mille reserves the right to modify the content and models presented on this website at any time without prior notice.<br /> No permission is granted to print, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, upload, download, store,perform, display in public, alter, or modify the content contained on or in this website.<br /> <br /> ALL BRAND NAMES AND TRADEMARKS ARE PROPERTY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS.<br /> RICHARD MILLE PRODUCTS ARE SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY AUTHORIZED RICHARD MILLE RETAILERS.</div></div><div class="legals__bloc" data-v-6ebb118d><h5 class="legals__title title title--h5" data-v-6ebb118d>PRIVATE DATA</h5> <div class="legals__content text text--body3" data-v-6ebb118d>We respect the confidentiality of any personal information that you may provide us with. The personal data policy applies to the website and covers the processing of personal data you provide us with in order to allow us to offer you the required services and features. The personal data processing is carried out in France at Paris by R.D.M.M. Concepts and in Switzerland at Les Breuleux by Horométrie S.A. a company of the RICHARD MILLE Group. The RICHARD MILLE’s data processing policy is described hereunder.<br /> By providing us with personal data according to that data processing policy, you express your acceptance of it and your consent to the data processing it describes.<br /> User data will be collected during user visits and according to his/her interaction with the services and features offered on the Website. At any time, the user may exercise his/her rights in compliance with the law.<br /> <br /> Data use and transfer<br /> The personal data you provide us with, for example in an order or by email (for example, your name and address or email address), are processed solely for correspondence with you and solely for the purpose for which you have provided these data, which is managing contractual relations with you and fulfil relevant legal obligations.<br /> We hereby confirm that we will not pass on your personal data to other third parties excepted for their processing in Les Breuleux Switzerland by Horométrie S.A. a company of RICHARD MILLE Group, unless we are legally required to do so or you have previously given us your express permission. To the extent that we make use of service companies to carry out and process administrative tasks, contractual relations are regulated in compliance with the provisions of EU’s Data Protection Law.<br /> R.D.M.M. Concepts is the data controller and the data processing respondent according to GDPR.<br /> <br /> Consent and revocation<br /> By providing us with personal data, you express your acceptance to their aforementioned processing.<br /> If you have provided us with personal data, you may revoke your consent, and can modify and/or delete them at any time, by writing to or by post to 1 rue de la Manutention, 75116 Paris, France.<br /> <br /> Storage period<br /> Personal data conveyed to us through our website are stored only until the purpose for which they were conveyed is fulfilled and for the length of time needed to achieve it. Data collected for contract management will be retained for the time period necessary for the performance of the contract, with legal and conventional guarantees provided for, or in accordance with obligatory legal terms regarding the retention of data. If storage periods are stipulated by trade law or tax law, a secured storage of particular data can last up to 10 years.<br /> <br /> Data security<br /> In the ordering process, your personal data are transmitted by means of SSL via the Internet. We carry out technical and organizational measures to secure our website and other storage systems to prevent loss, destruction, access, or change to your data by unauthorized persons.<br /> <br /> Use of cookies<br /> We use cookies on various pages to make a visit to our website more attractive and to enable the use of certain functions. Cookies are small text files deposited on your computer. Most of the cookies we use are deleted from your hard disk after the end of a browser session (“session cookies”). Other cookies may remain on your computer and enable us to recognize your computer when you next visit our website (“permanent cookies”). Our partner companies are not permitted to use our cookies and our website to gather, process, or use personal data.<br /> <br /> Your rights, information<br /> If you no longer agree to the storage of your personal data or if these data are no longer correct, upon receiving your corresponding request we will have your data deleted or blocked or carry out the necessary corrections (to the extent that this is permissible under valid law). Upon request and at no charge, we will inform you about all personal data about you that we have stored.<br /> <br /> If you have questions about the gathering, processing, or use of your personal data or if you want to provide information or corrections or to block or delete data, please contact us by email at<br /> <br /> Google Analytics<br /> This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”).<br /> Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies“, text files that are stored on your computer and allow an analysis to be performed of your Richard Mille’s website usage. The information generated by the cookie about your usage of this website (including your IP address), is transferred to a Google server in the US and stored there. Google uses the stored information to evaluate your usage of Richard Mille’s website, to compile reports about activities performed on this website for the website operator and in order to provide further services related to said website and internet usage.<br /> <br /> Google also transfers this information to third parties when necessary, for example if it is legally required or in the case that third parties are commissioned by Google to process this data. Google never links your IP address to other Google data. You can prevent installation of the cookies by adjusting an appropriate setting in your browser software; however, we would like to advise you that you may not be able to use all functions of this website to their full extent in this case. By using this website, you agree for the data recorded on you by Google in the aforementioned manner to be processed and agree to the aforementioned purpose.<br /> <br /> You can stop your data from being collected in future at any time by using the desactivation addon for Google Analytics browsers at You can also prevent your data being recorded by Google Universal Analytics by clicking on the following link:<br /> An opt-out cookie will be set, which prevents your data from being recorded in future when you visit Richard Mille’s website: Desactivate Google Analytics. We would like to advise you that this website uses Google Analytics with the extension “_anonymizeIp()”. This means IP addresses are only stored in an anonymous form; any direct reference to a specific person in relation to the stored data is therefore excluded. Third parties, including Google, use the stored cookies to place advertisements not related to Richard Mille’s products on the basis of your previous visits to Richard Mille’s website. If you do not wish for this to happen, you can deactivate this via the ad settings manager<br /> <br /> For more detailed information on user conditions and data protection, please visit</div></div><div class="legals__bloc" data-v-6ebb118d><h5 class="legals__title title title--h5" data-v-6ebb118d>RICHARD MILLE CERTIFICATION APP - PRIVACY POLICY</h5> <div class="legals__content text text--body3" data-v-6ebb118d>Richard Mille Certification is edited by R.D.M.M. Concepts (RICHARD MILLE France), SAS with company capital of € 38,112,25, whose headquarter is located at "1 rue de la Manutention, 75116 Paris, France", registered under RCS RENNES 422 822 130.<br /> <br /> Publication Director: Tim Malachard in his capacity as Director.<br /> <br /> There are no specific terms of use for the "Richard Mille Certification" application. However, to use all the features of the application, it is necessary to have a registered Richard Mille watch.<br /> <br /> The "Richard Mille Certification" application is free and does not require any purchase.<br /> <br /> We use cookies on various pages to make the visit to our website more attractive and to enable the use of certain functions. Cookies are small text files deposited on your computer. Most of the cookies we use are deleted from your hard drive after the end of a browsing session ("session cookies"). Other cookies may remain on your computer and allow us to recognize your computer when you next visit our website ("permanent cookies"). Our partner companies are not authorized to use our cookies and our website to collect, process, or use personal data.<br /> <br /> Jurisdiction: These Terms and Conditions are subject to French law without, however, having the effect of depriving you of the level of protection provided by the provisions of the mandatory laws of the country of residence. Failing amicable agreement, the French courts have territorial jurisdiction to rule over any dispute relating to the website.<br /> <br /> For any questions or concerns regarding the application, please contact us at the following email address:</div></div></div></div></div> <footer class="footer en" data-v-cd1cb3fc><div class="footer__breadcrumb container" data-v-cd1cb3fc><div data-fetch-key="data-v-c330efea:0" class="breadcrumb__placeholder" data-v-c330efea data-v-cd1cb3fc><script type="application/ld+json" data-v-c330efea>{ "@context": "", "@type": "BreadcrumbList", "itemListElement": [ { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 1, "name": "Richard Mille", "item": "" }, { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 2, "name": "Legals", "item": "" } ] }</script> <div class="breadcrumb" data-v-c330efea><div class="breadcrumb__item" data-v-c330efea><a href="/" class="li/man nuxt-link-active" data-v-c330efea><span data-v-c330efea> Richard Mille </span></a> <span class="text--grey sep" 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left;\"\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EWEBSITE\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E\u003C\u002Fh2\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\ is edited by R.D.M.M. Concepts (RICHARD MILLE France), SAS with company capital of € 38,112,25, whose headquarter is located at &#8220;1 rue de la Manutention, 75116 Paris, France&#8221;, registered under RCS RENNES 422 822 130.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003EPublication Director: Tim Malachard in his capacity as Director.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\nHosting provider: is hosted by company CLARANET SAS (RCS Paris B 419 632 286), 2 rue Bréguet 75011 Paris, France. Phone: +33 (0)1 85 65 32 52\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\ website has been online since January 2017.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003EJurisdiction: These Terms and Conditions are subject to French law without, however, having the effect of depriving you of the level of protection provided by the provisions of the mandatory laws of the country of residence. Failing amicable agreement, the French courts have territorial jurisdiction to rule over any dispute relating to the website.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Ch2 style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E\u003C\u002Fh2\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003EWe firmly believe that the internet should be available and accessible to anyone, and are committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of circumstance and ability.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003ETo fulfill this, we aim to adhere as strictly as possible to the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG 2.1) at the AA level. These guidelines explain how to make web content accessible to people with a wide array of disabilities. Complying with those guidelines helps us ensure that the website is accessible to all people: blind people, people with motor impairments, visual impairment, cognitive disabilities, and more.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003EThis website utilizes various technologies that are meant to make it as accessible as possible at all times. We utilize an accessibility interface that allows persons with specific disabilities to adjust the website’s UI (user interface) and design it to their personal needs.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003EAdditionally, the website utilizes an AI-based application that runs in the background and optimizes its accessibility level constantly. This application remediates the website’s HTML, adapts Its functionality and behavior for screen-readers used by the blind users, and for keyboard functions used by individuals with motor impairments.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003EIf you’ve found a malfunction or have ideas for improvement, we’ll be happy to hear from you. You can reach out to the website’s operators by using the following email\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ECOPYRIGHT RICHARD MILLE, HOROMETRIE S.A.\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003EAll intellectual property rights (product trademarks, service trademarks, commercial brand names, designs, copyrights, etc.) are reserved and protected.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\nRichard Mille reserves the right to modify the content and models presented on this website at any time without prior notice.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\nNo permission is granted to print, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, upload, download, store,perform, display in public, alter, or modify the content contained on or in this website.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003EALL BRAND NAMES AND TRADEMARKS ARE PROPERTY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\nRICHARD MILLE PRODUCTS ARE SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY AUTHORIZED RICHARD MILLE RETAILERS.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Ch2 style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EPRIVATE DATA\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E\u003C\u002Fh2\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003EWe respect the confidentiality of any personal information that you may provide us with. The personal data policy applies to the website and covers the processing of personal data you provide us with in order to allow us to offer you the required services and features. The personal data processing is carried out in France at Paris by R.D.M.M. Concepts and in Switzerland at Les Breuleux by Horométrie S.A. a company of the RICHARD MILLE Group. The RICHARD MILLE’s data processing policy is described hereunder.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\nBy providing us with personal data according to that data processing policy, you express your acceptance of it and your consent to the data processing it describes.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\nUser data will be collected during user visits and according to his\u002Fher interaction with the services and features offered on the Website. At any time, the user may exercise his\u002Fher rights in compliance with the law.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EData use and transfer\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\n\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003EThe personal data you provide us with, for example in an order or by email (for example, your name and address or email address), are processed solely for correspondence with you and solely for the purpose for which you have provided these data, which is managing contractual relations with you and fulfil relevant legal obligations.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\nWe hereby confirm that we will not pass on your personal data to other third parties excepted for their processing in Les Breuleux Switzerland by Horométrie S.A. a company of RICHARD MILLE Group, unless we are legally required to do so or you have previously given us your express permission. To the extent that we make use of service companies to carry out and process administrative tasks, contractual relations are regulated in compliance with the provisions of EU’s Data Protection Law.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\nR.D.M.M. Concepts is the data controller and the data processing respondent according to GDPR.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EConsent and revocation\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\n\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003EBy providing us with personal data, you express your acceptance to their aforementioned processing.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\nIf you have provided us with personal data, you may revoke your consent, and can modify and\u002For delete them at any time, by writing to or by post to 1 rue de la Manutention, 75116 Paris, France.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EStorage period\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\n\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003EPersonal data conveyed to us through our website are stored only until the purpose for which they were conveyed is fulfilled and for the length of time needed to achieve it. Data collected for contract management will be retained for the time period necessary for the performance of the contract, with legal and conventional guarantees provided for, or in accordance with obligatory legal terms regarding the retention of data. If storage periods are stipulated by trade law or tax law, a secured storage of particular data can last up to 10 years.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EData security\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\n\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003EIn the ordering process, your personal data are transmitted by means of SSL via the Internet. We carry out technical and organizational measures to secure our website and other storage systems to prevent loss, destruction, access, or change to your data by unauthorized persons.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EUse of cookies\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\n\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003EWe use cookies on various pages to make a visit to our website more attractive and to enable the use of certain functions. Cookies are small text files deposited on your computer. Most of the cookies we use are deleted from your hard disk after the end of a browser session (“session cookies”). Other cookies may remain on your computer and enable us to recognize your computer when you next visit our website (“permanent cookies”). Our partner companies are not permitted to use our cookies and our website to gather, process, or use personal data.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EYour rights, information\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\n\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003EIf you no longer agree to the storage of your personal data or if these data are no longer correct, upon receiving your corresponding request we will have your data deleted or blocked or carry out the necessary corrections (to the extent that this is permissible under valid law). Upon request and at no charge, we will inform you about all personal data about you that we have stored.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003EIf you have questions about the gathering, processing, or use of your personal data or if you want to provide information or corrections or to block or delete data, please contact us by email at\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EGoogle Analytics\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\n\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003EThis website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”).\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\nGoogle Analytics uses so-called “cookies“, text files that are stored on your computer and allow an analysis to be performed of your Richard Mille’s website usage. The information generated by the cookie about your usage of this website (including your IP address), is transferred to a Google server in the US and stored there. Google uses the stored information to evaluate your usage of Richard Mille’s website, to compile reports about activities performed on this website for the website operator and in order to provide further services related to said website and internet usage.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003EGoogle also transfers this information to third parties when necessary, for example if it is legally required or in the case that third parties are commissioned by Google to process this data. Google never links your IP address to other Google data. You can prevent installation of the cookies by adjusting an appropriate setting in your browser software; however, we would like to advise you that you may not be able to use all functions of this website to their full extent in this case. By using this website, you agree for the data recorded on you by Google in the aforementioned manner to be processed and agree to the aforementioned purpose.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003EYou can stop your data from being collected in future at any time by using the desactivation addon for Google Analytics browsers at http:\u002F\\u002Fdlpage\u002Fgaoptout?hl=en. You can also prevent your data being recorded by Google Universal Analytics by clicking on the following link:\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\nhttps:\u002F\\u002Fdlpage\u002Fgaoptout\u002Feula.html?hl=en. An opt-out cookie will be set, which prevents your data from being recorded in future when you visit Richard Mille’s website: Desactivate Google Analytics. We would like to advise you that this website uses Google Analytics with the extension “_anonymizeIp()”. This means IP addresses are only stored in an anonymous form; any direct reference to a specific person in relation to the stored data is therefore excluded. Third parties, including Google, use the stored cookies to place advertisements not related to Richard Mille’s products on the basis of your previous visits to Richard Mille’s website. If you do not wish for this to happen, you can deactivate this via the ad settings manager http:\u002F\\u002Fsettings\u002Fads\u002Fonweb\u002F?hl=en&amp;.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003EFor more detailed information on user conditions and data protection, please visit http:\u002F\\u002Fanalytics\u002Fterms\u002Fus.html\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003E&nbsp;\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Ch2 style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ERICHARD MILLE CERTIFICATION APP\u003C\u002Fstrong\u003E\u003C\u002Fh2\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003ERichard Mille Certification is edited by R.D.M.M. Concepts (RICHARD MILLE France), SAS with company capital of € 38,112,25, whose headquarter is located at &#8220;1 rue de la Manutention, 75116 Paris, France&#8221;, registered under RCS RENNES 422 822 130.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp style=\"text-align: left;\"\u003EPublication Director: Tim Malachard in his capacity as Director.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EThere are no specific terms of use for the &#8220;Richard Mille Certification&#8221; application. However, to use all the features of the application, it is necessary to have a registered Richard Mille watch.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EThe &#8220;Richard Mille Certification&#8221; application is free and does not require any purchase.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EWe use cookies on various pages to make the visit to our website more attractive and to enable the use of certain functions. Cookies are small text files deposited on your computer. Most of the cookies we use are deleted from your hard drive after the end of a browsing session (&#8220;session cookies&#8221;). Other cookies may remain on your computer and allow us to recognize your computer when you next visit our website (&#8220;permanent cookies&#8221;). Our partner companies are not authorized to use our cookies and our website to collect, process, or use personal data.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EJurisdiction: These Terms and Conditions are subject to French law without, however, having the effect of depriving you of the level of protection provided by the provisions of the mandatory laws of the country of residence. Failing amicable agreement, the French courts have territorial jurisdiction to rule over any dispute relating to the website.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n\u003Cp\u003EFor any questions or concerns regarding the application, please contact us at the following email address: \u003Ca target=\"_new\"\\u003C\u002Fa\u003E.\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n",protected:a};r.excerpt={rendered:"\u003Cp\u003EWEBSITE is edited by R.D.M.M. Concepts (RICHARD MILLE France), SAS with company capital of € 38,112,25, whose headquarter is located at &#8220;1 rue de la Manutention, 75116 Paris, France&#8221;, registered under RCS RENNES 422 822 130. Publication Director: Tim Malachard in his capacity as Director. Hosting provider: is hosted by company CLARANET SAS (RCS Paris B 419 632 286), 2 [&hellip;]\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\n",protected:a};;r.featured_media=l;r.parent=l;r.menu_order=l;r.comment_status=p;r.ping_status=p;r.template=b;r.meta=[];r.search_tag=[];r.acf={disable_translation:a,hero:{overlay:"dark",displayNav:c,type:s,image:{ID:t,id:t,title:"rm_backgroundCMS",filename:"rm_backgroundCMS.jpg",url:"https:\u002F\\u002Fwp-content\u002Fuploads\u002F2021\u002F09\u002F07163746\u002Frm_backgroundCMS.jpg",alt:b,author:u,description:b,caption:b,name:"rm_backgroundcms",date:"2021-09-07 12:37:45",modified:"2021-11-19 17:02:28",mime_type:"image\u002Fjpeg",type:s,icon:"https:\u002F\\u002Fwp-includes\u002Fimages\u002Fmedia\u002Fdefault.png",width:n,height:960,sizes:{thumbnail:"https:\u002F\\u002Fwp-content\u002Fuploads\u002F2021\u002F09\u002F07163746\u002Frm_backgroundCMS-150x150.jpg","thumbnail-width":m,"thumbnail-height":m,medium:"https:\u002F\\u002Fwp-content\u002Fuploads\u002F2021\u002F09\u002F07163746\u002Frm_backgroundCMS-300x171.jpg","medium-width":300,"medium-height":171,medium_large:"https:\u002F\\u002Fwp-content\u002Fuploads\u002F2021\u002F09\u002F07163746\u002Frm_backgroundCMS-768x439.jpg","medium_large-width":768,"medium_large-height":439,large:"https:\u002F\\u002Fwp-content\u002Fuploads\u002F2021\u002F09\u002F07163746\u002Frm_backgroundCMS-1024x585.jpg","large-width":1024,"large-height":585,preview_admin:"https:\u002F\\u002Fwp-content\u002Fuploads\u002F2021\u002F09\u002F07163746\u002Frm_backgroundCMS-180x103.jpg","preview_admin-width":180,"preview_admin-height":103}},image_mobile:a,video_files:a,title:d,subhead:b,content:b},flexible_content:[{acf_fc_layout:k,title:"WEBSITE",content:" is edited by R.D.M.M. Concepts (RICHARD MILLE France), SAS with company capital of € 38,112,25, whose headquarter is located at \"1 rue de la Manutention, 75116 Paris, France\", registered under RCS RENNES 422 822 130.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nPublication Director: Tim Malachard in his capacity as Director.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nHosting provider: is hosted by company CLARANET SAS (RCS Paris B 419 632 286), 2 rue Bréguet 75011 Paris, France. Phone: +33 (0)1 85 65 32 52\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\ website has been online since January 2017.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nJurisdiction: These Terms and Conditions are subject to French law without, however, having the effect of depriving you of the level of protection provided by the provisions of the mandatory laws of the country of residence. Failing amicable agreement, the French courts have territorial jurisdiction to rule over any dispute relating to the website.",text_light:b,theme_light:a,justified:a,is_anchor:c,anchor_title:j},{acf_fc_layout:k,title:"ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT",content:"We firmly believe that the internet should be available and accessible to anyone, and are committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of circumstance and ability.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nTo fulfill this, we aim to adhere as strictly as possible to the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG 2.1) at the AA level. These guidelines explain how to make web content accessible to people with a wide array of disabilities. Complying with those guidelines helps us ensure that the website is accessible to all people: blind people, people with motor impairments, visual impairment, cognitive disabilities, and more.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nThis website utilizes various technologies that are meant to make it as accessible as possible at all times. We utilize an accessibility interface that allows persons with specific disabilities to adjust the website’s UI (user interface) and design it to their personal needs.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nAdditionally, the website utilizes an AI-based application that runs in the background and optimizes its accessibility level constantly. This application remediates the website’s HTML, adapts Its functionality and behavior for screen-readers used by the blind users, and for keyboard functions used by individuals with motor impairments.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nIf you’ve found a malfunction or have ideas for improvement, we’ll be happy to hear from you. You can reach out to the website’s operators by using the following email\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nCOPYRIGHT RICHARD MILLE, HOROMETRIE S.A.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nAll intellectual property rights (product trademarks, service trademarks, commercial brand names, designs, copyrights, etc.) are reserved and protected.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nRichard Mille reserves the right to modify the content and models presented on this website at any time without prior notice.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nNo permission is granted to print, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, upload, download, store,perform, display in public, alter, or modify the content contained on or in this website.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nALL BRAND NAMES AND TRADEMARKS ARE PROPERTY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nRICHARD MILLE PRODUCTS ARE SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY AUTHORIZED RICHARD MILLE RETAILERS.",text_light:b,theme_light:a,justified:a,is_anchor:c,anchor_title:j},{acf_fc_layout:k,title:"PRIVATE DATA",content:"We respect the confidentiality of any personal information that you may provide us with. The personal data policy applies to the website and covers the processing of personal data you provide us with in order to allow us to offer you the required services and features. The personal data processing is carried out in France at Paris by R.D.M.M. Concepts and in Switzerland at Les Breuleux by Horométrie S.A. a company of the RICHARD MILLE Group. The RICHARD MILLE’s data processing policy is described hereunder.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nBy providing us with personal data according to that data processing policy, you express your acceptance of it and your consent to the data processing it describes.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nUser data will be collected during user visits and according to his\u002Fher interaction with the services and features offered on the Website. At any time, the user may exercise his\u002Fher rights in compliance with the law.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nData use and transfer\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nThe personal data you provide us with, for example in an order or by email (for example, your name and address or email address), are processed solely for correspondence with you and solely for the purpose for which you have provided these data, which is managing contractual relations with you and fulfil relevant legal obligations.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nWe hereby confirm that we will not pass on your personal data to other third parties excepted for their processing in Les Breuleux Switzerland by Horométrie S.A. a company of RICHARD MILLE Group, unless we are legally required to do so or you have previously given us your express permission. To the extent that we make use of service companies to carry out and process administrative tasks, contractual relations are regulated in compliance with the provisions of EU’s Data Protection Law.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nR.D.M.M. Concepts is the data controller and the data processing respondent according to GDPR.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nConsent and revocation\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nBy providing us with personal data, you express your acceptance to their aforementioned processing.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nIf you have provided us with personal data, you may revoke your consent, and can modify and\u002For delete them at any time, by writing to or by post to 1 rue de la Manutention, 75116 Paris, France.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nStorage period\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nPersonal data conveyed to us through our website are stored only until the purpose for which they were conveyed is fulfilled and for the length of time needed to achieve it. Data collected for contract management will be retained for the time period necessary for the performance of the contract, with legal and conventional guarantees provided for, or in accordance with obligatory legal terms regarding the retention of data. If storage periods are stipulated by trade law or tax law, a secured storage of particular data can last up to 10 years.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nData security\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nIn the ordering process, your personal data are transmitted by means of SSL via the Internet. We carry out technical and organizational measures to secure our website and other storage systems to prevent loss, destruction, access, or change to your data by unauthorized persons.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nUse of cookies\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nWe use cookies on various pages to make a visit to our website more attractive and to enable the use of certain functions. Cookies are small text files deposited on your computer. Most of the cookies we use are deleted from your hard disk after the end of a browser session (“session cookies”). Other cookies may remain on your computer and enable us to recognize your computer when you next visit our website (“permanent cookies”). Our partner companies are not permitted to use our cookies and our website to gather, process, or use personal data.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nYour rights, information\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nIf you no longer agree to the storage of your personal data or if these data are no longer correct, upon receiving your corresponding request we will have your data deleted or blocked or carry out the necessary corrections (to the extent that this is permissible under valid law). Upon request and at no charge, we will inform you about all personal data about you that we have stored.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nIf you have questions about the gathering, processing, or use of your personal data or if you want to provide information or corrections or to block or delete data, please contact us by email at\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nGoogle Analytics\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nThis website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”).\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nGoogle Analytics uses so-called “cookies“, text files that are stored on your computer and allow an analysis to be performed of your Richard Mille’s website usage. The information generated by the cookie about your usage of this website (including your IP address), is transferred to a Google server in the US and stored there. Google uses the stored information to evaluate your usage of Richard Mille’s website, to compile reports about activities performed on this website for the website operator and in order to provide further services related to said website and internet usage.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nGoogle also transfers this information to third parties when necessary, for example if it is legally required or in the case that third parties are commissioned by Google to process this data. Google never links your IP address to other Google data. You can prevent installation of the cookies by adjusting an appropriate setting in your browser software; however, we would like to advise you that you may not be able to use all functions of this website to their full extent in this case. By using this website, you agree for the data recorded on you by Google in the aforementioned manner to be processed and agree to the aforementioned purpose.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nYou can stop your data from being collected in future at any time by using the desactivation addon for Google Analytics browsers at http:\u002F\\u002Fdlpage\u002Fgaoptout?hl=en. You can also prevent your data being recorded by Google Universal Analytics by clicking on the following link:\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nhttps:\u002F\\u002Fdlpage\u002Fgaoptout\u002Feula.html?hl=en. An opt-out cookie will be set, which prevents your data from being recorded in future when you visit Richard Mille’s website: Desactivate Google Analytics. We would like to advise you that this website uses Google Analytics with the extension “_anonymizeIp()”. This means IP addresses are only stored in an anonymous form; any direct reference to a specific person in relation to the stored data is therefore excluded. Third parties, including Google, use the stored cookies to place advertisements not related to Richard Mille’s products on the basis of your previous visits to Richard Mille’s website. If you do not wish for this to happen, you can deactivate this via the ad settings manager http:\u002F\\u002Fsettings\u002Fads\u002Fonweb\u002F?hl=en&.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nFor more detailed information on user conditions and data protection, please visit http:\u002F\\u002Fanalytics\u002Fterms\u002Fus.html",text_light:b,theme_light:a,justified:a,is_anchor:c,anchor_title:j},{acf_fc_layout:k,title:"RICHARD MILLE CERTIFICATION APP - PRIVACY POLICY",content:"Richard Mille Certification is edited by R.D.M.M. Concepts (RICHARD MILLE France), SAS with company capital of € 38,112,25, whose headquarter is located at \"1 rue de la Manutention, 75116 Paris, France\", registered under RCS RENNES 422 822 130.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nPublication Director: Tim Malachard in his capacity as Director.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nThere are no specific terms of use for the \"Richard Mille Certification\" application. However, to use all the features of the application, it is necessary to have a registered Richard Mille watch.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nThe \"Richard Mille Certification\" application is free and does not require any purchase.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nWe use cookies on various pages to make the visit to our website more attractive and to enable the use of certain functions. Cookies are small text files deposited on your computer. Most of the cookies we use are deleted from your hard drive after the end of a browsing session (\"session cookies\"). Other cookies may remain on your computer and allow us to recognize your computer when you next visit our website (\"permanent cookies\"). Our partner companies are not authorized to use our cookies and our website to collect, process, or use personal data.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nJurisdiction: These Terms and Conditions are subject to French law without, however, having the effect of depriving you of the level of protection provided by the provisions of the mandatory laws of the country of residence. Failing amicable agreement, the French courts have territorial jurisdiction to rule over any dispute relating to the website.\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\n\u003Cbr \u002F\u003E\r\nFor any questions or concerns regarding the application, please contact us at the following email address:",text_light:b,theme_light:a,justified:a,is_anchor:c,anchor_title:j}],footer:[{push:a,is_prev:a,is_next:a},{push:a,is_prev:a,is_next:a}],disable_sitemap:c,seo:{title:"Legal terms",description:b,image:a}};r.translatation={ar:{translation_id:"35100",language_code:"ar",element_id:"46480",source_language_code:g,element_type:f,original:i,post_title:d,post_status:e},en:{translation_id:"31987",language_code:g,element_id:"43463",source_language_code:h,element_type:f,original:u,post_title:d,post_status:e},es:{translation_id:"38670",language_code:"es",element_id:"49360",source_language_code:g,element_type:f,original:i,post_title:d,post_status:e},fr:{translation_id:"34489",language_code:v,element_id:"45761",source_language_code:g,element_type:f,original:i,post_title:w,post_status:e},ja:{translation_id:"34491",language_code:"ja",element_id:"45775",source_language_code:g,element_type:f,original:i,post_title:d,post_status:e},ru:{translation_id:"36314",language_code:"ru",element_id:"47218",source_language_code:g,element_type:f,original:i,post_title:w,post_status:e},"zh-hans":{translation_id:"37824",language_code:"zh-hans",element_id:"48638",source_language_code:g,element_type:f,original:i,post_title:d,post_status:e}};r.terms=[];r._links={self:[{href:"https:\u002F\\u002Fwp-json\u002Fwp\u002Fv2\u002Fpages\u002F43463"}],collection:[{href:"https:\u002F\\u002Fwp-json\u002Fwp\u002Fv2\u002Fpages"}],about:[{href:"https:\u002F\\u002Fwp-json\u002Fwp\u002Fv2\u002Ftypes\u002Fpage"}],author:[{embeddable:c,href:"https:\u002F\\u002Fwp-json\u002Fwp\u002Fv2\u002Fusers\u002F1"}],replies:[{embeddable:c,href:"https:\u002F\\u002Fwp-json\u002Fwp\u002Fv2\u002Fcomments?post=43463"}],"version-history":[{count:34,href:"https:\u002F\\u002Fwp-json\u002Fwp\u002Fv2\u002Fpages\u002F43463\u002Frevisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{id:94564,href:"https:\u002F\\u002Fwp-json\u002Fwp\u002Fv2\u002Fpages\u002F43463\u002Frevisions\u002F94564"}],"wp:attachment":[{href:"https:\u002F\\u002Fwp-json\u002Fwp\u002Fv2\u002Fmedia?parent=43463"}],"wp:term":[{taxonomy:"search_tag",embeddable:c,href:"https:\u002F\\u002Fwp-json\u002Fwp\u002Fv2\u002Fsearch_tag?post=43463"}],curies:[{name:"wp",href:"https:\u002F\\u002F{rel}",templated:c}]};return {layout:"default",data:[{data:r}],fetch:{"data-v-c330efea:0":{activeRoute:x,breadcrumb:[],route:b,slug:b,child:b,name:b,tree:[{slug:y,title:z,isChild:a},{slug:o,title:d,isChild:a}],idTitle:h,baseUrl:"https:\u002F\",isClient:a,breadcrumbs:{"@context":"https:\u002F\","@type":"BreadcrumbList",itemListElement:[{"@type":A,position:q,name:z,item:"https:\u002F\\u002F"},{"@type":A,position:2,name:d,item:"https:\u002F\\u002Flegals"}]}}},error:h,state:{loading:c,lang:v,domain:"",fetchLang:h,preview:a,sidebarOpened:a,searchOpened:a,deviceType:a,scrollTopPos:void 0,windowHeight:"100vh",windowWidth:n,navOpen:a,data:{"pages{\"slug\":\"legals\"}":[r]},bestLinks:h,headerVisible:c,headerScrolled:a,i18n:{routeParams:{}}},serverRendered:c,routePath:x,config:{_app:{basePath:y,assetsPath:"\u002F_nuxt\u002F",cdnURL:h}},__i18n:{langs:{en:{"La fondation":"Foundation","Conditions générales":"General conditions of use",results:"results","Sorry, no results found":"Sorry, no results found","Back to the store list":"Back to the store list","Opening hours":"Opening hours","Send an email":"Send an email",Locate:"Locate","Country or Region":"Country or Region",All:"All",City:"City","Click to read":"Click to read","Discover more":"Discover more",Discover:"Discover",Watch:"Watch","Forthcoming / Ongoing":"Forthcoming \u002F Ongoing","No event to come":"No event to come",Archive:"Archive","No archived event":"No archived event",Filter:"SELECT","Clear all":"Clear all",Concept:"Concept",Range:"Range",Type:"Type",Loading:"Loading","Cookie Policy":"Cookie Policy","By using this website you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our":"By using this website you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our","Store locator":"Store locator","Contact us":"Contact us","Copyright Richard Mille 2019 - All rights reserved":"Copyright Richard Mille 2019 - All rights reserved",Collections:"Collections",Results:"Results",Event:"Event",Partner:"Partner","Historical model":"Historical model","Historical models":"Historical models","The brand":"The brand","Savoir-faire":"Savoir-faire","Men's collection":"Men's collection","Ladies' collection":"Ladies' collection","Friends & partners":B,"friends & partners":B,Events:"Events",Magazine:"Magazine",Servicing:"Servicing",Legals:d,Contact:"Contact",Credits:"Credits","First name":"First name","Last name":"Last name",Email:"Email",Subject:"Subject",Message:"Message","Required fields":"Required fields",Send:"Send","Back to collection":"Back to collection",Back:"Back","Sorry, this page is not available for your language":"Sorry, this page is not available for your language","Back home":"Back home","Switch language":"Switch language","Services Cost":"Services Cost","Select your model":"Select your model",Model:"Model",Sapphire:"Sapphire","Sapphire pieces, unique pieces in sapphire price":"Sapphire pieces, unique pieces in sapphire price","Back to top":"Back to top","Other models":"Other models",Movement:"Movement","Steel parts":"Steel parts",Wheels:"Wheels",Finishing:"Finishing","Follow us":"Follow us","Other features":"Other features","We can't find the page you are looking for.":"We can't find the page you are looking for.","Please fill correctly all fields":"Please fill correctly all fields","Your message has been sent":"Your message has been sent","An error occured":"An error occured",Introduction:"Introduction","Services costs":"Services costs","Friends and partners":"Friends and partners","Back to homepage":"Back to homepage",Search:"Search",Menu:"Menu",Lifestyle:"Lifestyle",Sport:"Sport","Watch culture":"Watch Culture",men:"Men",ladies:"Women","Non-Tourbillon":"Non-tourbillon",Tourbillon:"Tourbillon","Left view":"Left view","Right view":"Right view","Front view":"Top view","Back view":"Back view",Sitemap:"Sitemap",Agency:"Agency","3D by":"3D by","Savoir-faire & Haute Horlogerie":"Know-how & Fine Watchmaking","Les montres Richard Mille allient passion, créativité, précision, savoir-faire et originalité. Notre manufacture est régie par un seul maître-mot : l’innovation.":"Richard Mille watches combine passion, creativity, precision, know-how and originality. Our manufacturing is governed by a single watchword: innovation.","20 ans après, la collection Richard Mille comprend plus de 80 modèles, conçu et produit avec la même passion et les mêmes principes qui ont guidé sa première création.":"20 years later, the Richard Mille collection includes more than 80 models, designed and produced with the same passion and the same principles that guided its first creation.","Accédez rapidement à l'ensemble des pages clés du site Richard Mille. Découvrez les modèles historiques et les nouvelles collections de montres Richard Mille.":"Quickly access all the key pages of the Richard Mille site. Discover historical models and the new Richard Mille watch collections.","Visit our store in":"Visit our store in",Address:"Address",Phone:"Phone","Access Plan ⋅ Directions":"Access Plan ⋅ Directions",Accessibility:"Accessibility","SITE INTERNET est édité par R.D.M.M Concepts (RICHARD MILLE France), SAS au capital de 38 112,35€, dont le siège social est situé « Le Chateau Monbouan, 35680 Moulins, France », immatriculée sous le RCS RENNES 422 822 130. Directeur de la publication : Tim Malachard en sa qualité de Directeur. Hébergeur : est hébergé par la société CLARANET SAS (RCS Paris B 419 632 286), 2 rue Bréguet 75011 Paris, France. Tel : + 33 (0)1 85 65 32 52. La version du site est en ligne depuis Janvier 2017":"WEBSITE is edited by R.D.M.M. Concepts (RICHARD MILLE France), SAS with company capital of € 38,112,25, whose headquarter is located at “Le Chateau Monbouan, 35680 Moulins, France”, registered under RCS RENNES 422 822 130. Publication Director: Tim Malachard in his capacity as Director. Hosting provider: is hosted by company CLARANET SAS (RCS Paris B 419 632 286), 2 rue Bréguet 75011 Paris, France. Phone: +33 (0)1 85 65 32 52. website has been online since January 2017.","Pre-Owned":"Pre-Owned","Discover our authorized dealerships":"Discover our authorized dealerships","Select a zone to find your dealership":"Select a zone to find your dealership","Book an appointment":"Book an appointment",Japan:"Japan",China:"China","Rest of the world":"Rest of the world","Richard Mille Watches":"Richard Mille Watches",From:"From",to:"to",am:"am",pm:"pm",closed:"Closed",monday:"Monday",tuesday:"Tuesday",wednesday:"Wednesday",thursday:"Thursday",friday:"Friday",saturday:"Saturday",sunday:"Sunday",Filters:"Filters",Material:"Material","Reset all":"Reset all",Confirm:"Confirm",Color:"Color","Find a boutique":"Find a boutique",Date:"Date","Visit our store":"Visit our store","Back to the dealerships":"Back to the dealerships",DEALERSHIP:"DEALERSHIP",Civility:"Title",Mr:"Mr",Mrs:"Mrs",Miss:"Miss",Mx:"Mx","I'd rather not to say":"I'd rather not to say"}}}}}(false,"",true,"Legals","publish","post_page","en",null,"0","Strate","text",0,150,1680,"legals","closed",1,{},"image",72245,"1","fr","Mentions légales","\u002Flegals","\u002F","Richard Mille","ListItem","Friends & partners"));</script><script src="/_nuxt/5a50cf6.js" defer></script><script src="/_nuxt/08c2391.js" defer></script><script src="/_nuxt/ded14e5.js" defer></script><script src="/_nuxt/9418742.js" defer></script><script src="/_nuxt/7b585ee.js" defer></script><script src="/_nuxt/79b6d1b.js" defer></script><script data-n-head="ssr" src="//" data-body="true"></script></body></html>

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