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Its focus on innovation, reliability and insight enables clients to improve productivity and results.</p> <p>Since 1996, DoubleClick has empowered the original thinkers and leaders in the digital advertising industry to deliver on the promise of the rich possibilities of our medium. Today, the company’s DART and Performics divisions power the online advertising marketplace. Tomorrow, we will continue to enable clients to profit from opportunities across all digital advertising channels as consumers worldwide embrace them.</p> <p><a title="Click here" href="/web/20081127003322/">Click here</a> for more information about our products and services.</p> <p>DoubleClick is a member of the Network Advertising Initiative and has been reviewed for compliance with NAI principles.</p> <center><a href="" target="_blank"><img title="nai-logo" alt="nai-logo" src="/web/20081127003322im_/" border="0"/></a></center><p>DoubleClick is a licensee of the TRUSTe Privacy Program. TRUSTe is an independent, non-profit organization whose mission is to build trust and confidence in the Internet by promoting the use of fair information practices. As a TRUSTe licensee, we have agreed to disclose our information practices <strong><em>at this website</em></strong> and have our privacy practices <strong><em>at this website</em></strong> reviewed for compliance by TRUSTe. By displaying the TRUSTe trustmark, we have agreed to notify you of the following:</p> <p> </p> <ul> <li>What personally-identifiable information is collected from you through this website.</li> <li>Which organization is collecting the information.</li> <li>How the information is used.</li> <li>With whom the information may be shared.</li> <li>What choices are available to you regarding collection, use and possible distribution of the information collected through this website.</li> <li>The kind of security procedures in place to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of information from this site that is under DoubleClick's control.</li> <li>How you can correct inaccuracies in the information.</li> </ul> <p><br/> If you have questions regarding this statement about how information is collected and used at this website, you should first contact <a title="" href=""></a> by clicking on the link. If you do not receive acknowledgement of your inquiry or your inquiry has not been satisfactorily addressed, you should then contact TRUSTe by visiting <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. TRUSTe will serve as a liaison with DoubleClick to resolve your concerns.</p> <p>DoubleClick's main offices are located at:<br/> 111 Eighth Avenue<br/> New York, NY 10011</p> <h2>COLLECTION AND USE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION</h2> <p>You may be asked to provide personal information in certain fields on this website. The personal information collected on this site is used for the purpose for which it is requested:</p> <ol> <li>Resumes are requested for job applicants and are used to evaluate the candidate. Resumes are not used for any other purpose and are not shared with any entity unrelated to DoubleClick. Resumes for individuals not hired are disposed of when they are either no longer under consideration or are considered outdated (usually no longer than one year).</li> <li>Contact information for potential clients or persons seeking business information is collected in order to contact those persons to provide information about our services. This information may be stored on our servers in the United States. Such information is usually deleted as space requires or in the normal course of business, but can be amended or deleted upon request. To update your information, please contact your account manager or sales representative.</li> <li>Contact information, such as your name, address, telephone number, or email address, submitted by existing customers with questions, concerns, complaints, or technical support questions, is used only to respond to those inquiries. This contact information may be stored on our servers in the United States. Such information is usually deleted as space requires or in the normal course of business. To update your information, please contact your account manager.</li> <li>When you sign up for an email newsletter or alerts about our products and services, DoubleClick will use your email address to deliver the newsletter or alerts requested. To review or delete your information or to opt-out of any newsletter, please go to <a href="/web/20081127003322/"></a> and enter the email address at which the newsletter is received.</li> <li>In order to obtain materials for certain materials directly from our website, you have to register at this site. During the registration process, you may be asked for certain information, which may include your name, your email address, the company for which you work, and your country. This registration information is used to validate users when they visit the site. It is also used to send you additional promotional information about our services. If you were entered in a DoubleClick promotion in connection with your registration, we will also use your name and email address to contact you if you have won a prize in that promotion, and will ask you for the land address at which you would like to receive your prize.</li> </ol> <h2>COLLECTION AND USE OF NON-PERSONAL INFORMATION</h2> <p>The website uses cookies. A “cookie” is a small text file that contains a string of alphanumeric characters. There are two types of cookies that may be used at the website: a persistent cookie and a session cookie. A persistent cookie gets entered by your Web browser into the “Cookies” folder on your computer and remains in this “Cookies” folder after you close your browser. Persistent cookies may be used by your browser on subsequent visits to the site. A session cookie is held temporarily in your computer’s memory and disappears after you close your browser or shut off your computer. The website may also use Web beacons (also called “clear GIFs” or “pixel tags”) in conjunction with cookies. Web beacons are small strings of code that are placed in a Web page.</p> <p>If you have arrived at this website by clicking on a banner ad for one of our products or services, a session cookie may be used. This cookie will contain an identification number for the ad that you clicked on, or will contain an identification number for the site that you were visiting when you clicked on the banner ad. This session cookie helps DoubleClick’s Marketing Department determine which of our ads attract the most visitors. If, after you arrive at our site, you choose to request further information from us about our products and services, the personal information that you provide in that request will be linked to the information in the session cookie. This also helps DoubleClick’s Marketing Department measure the effectiveness of our advertising. This “linking” will <strong>not</strong> be used to target future advertisements to you or to send you emails about future goods and services. You will receive emails about our products only if you tell us on the product request page that you want us to send them to you. Because this is a session cookie, it will disappear once you have closed your browser. If you return to our site via another one of our ads, you will appear as a new visitor unless and until you provide further personal information.</p> <p>The website may use persistent cookies, Web beacons and information collected in our log files (such as Internet Protocol Address, referring URLs, etc.) about your activity at this site to better understand how the website is used, resolve technical problems, and enhance your experience at this site. Information from website analysis cookies or about website usage is <strong>not</strong> combined with information from any other DoubleClick cookie.  We use a third-party email technology to send emails that you have agreed to receive. Web beacons are used in those email messages to measure the effectiveness of our advertising.  If you would like to stop receiving DoubleClick email publications to which you have subscribed, please <a title="click here" href="/web/20081127003322/">click here</a>.</p> <p>In addition, DoubleClick may serve ads on this and other websites using our own DART ad-serving technology. In doing so, one of our ad servers will place or read a unique ad-serving cookie on your computer and will use non-personal information about your browser and your activity at this site to serve ads on this and other sites. The ad-serving cookie is a persistent cookie. Please <a href="/web/20081127003322/">click here</a> for more information about DoubleClick ad serving or to opt-out of the DoubleClick ad-serving cookie.</p> <h2>INFORMATION SHARING OR DISCLOSURE</h2> <p>In the event that we contract with a third party to provide some part of the information or service that you have requested, DoubleClick may provide your information to such third party, or such third party may collect information from you on our behalf. By written agreement, these third parties are required to implement similar security measures and to process your information only as authorized by DoubleClick to fulfill the service(s) that they have been contracted to provide. Other than these entities, who act on our behalf, information you provide at this site will not be transferred to unrelated third parties, unless we have your permission to do so. However, please note that personal information provided to this site may be subject to disclosure pursuant to judicial or other government subpoenas, warrants or orders.</p> <h2>CONFIDENTIALITY AND SECURITY</h2> <p>DoubleClick has implemented reasonable security measures in order to protect both personal and non-personal information from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. Our employees are made aware of and are accountable for compliance with these procedures.</p> <p>DoubleClick annually certifies itself for the <a href="" target="_blank">European Union-United States Safe Harbor</a> program, the obligations of which apply to any personal information about European visitors that is stored on our servers in the United States.</p> <h2>CHANGES TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY</h2> <p>We may amend this privacy policy from time to time as we add new products and services, as we improve our current offerings, and as technologies change. If we make any material or substantive <strong>changes in our treatment of information collected at this site</strong> (<a href="/web/20081127003322/"></a>), we will notify you by posting a clear and conspicuous notice of these changes on our website and in this privacy policy. If you would like to be notified by email if and when material changes are made to this policy, please opt in to receiving such email notifications by sending an email <strong>from the email address at which you wish to receive the notification</strong> to <a title="" href=""></a> and put “privacy policy change list” in the subject line. If you sign up to receive these notifications, DoubleClick will not use your email address for any purpose other than to send you such notifications unless DoubleClick receives your permission. Any information DoubleClick collects from the delivery of such notification emails will be used solely for the purposes of maintaining the change notification email list and creating aggregate reports.</p> <h2>CHANGES IN CORPORATE STRUCTURE</h2> <p>If all or part of the company is sold, merged or otherwise transferred to another entity, the information that you have provided at this site may be transferred as part of that transaction. However, DoubleClick will take reasonable steps to assure that such information is used in a manner consistent with the DoubleClick privacy policy under which it was collected.</p> <h2>OTHER DOUBLECLICK WEBSITES</h2> <p>DoubleClick also operates the <a href="" target="_blank"></a> website. This privacy policy does not cover information collected at that website. Please see the privacy policy at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> to learn how information is collected and used by that website.</p> </div> </p> <br/><br/> <!-- END OF HTML PROMO AREA --> </div> <hr class="hide"/> </div> <div id="ctl00_right_column"> <div id="mid-right"> <div class="UserControlPanelMain"> <div class="UserControlPanelTopRound"> </div> <div class="UserControlPanelTopHalf"> <div class="UserControlPanelTopHalfButtons"> <a class="UserControlPanelEmailButton" href="javascript:send_email_to_friend('');">EMAIL »</a> <a id="ctl00_RightSideColumnContent_visitor_tools1_btn_print" class="UserControlPanelPrintButton" href="/web/20081127003322/" target="_blank">PRINT »</a> <div class="bx_font_label"> ADJUST TEXT </div> <div class="bx_font_buttons"> <a id="ctl00_RightSideColumnContent_visitor_tools1_btn_font_small" href="javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$RightSideColumnContent$visitor_tools1$btn_font_small','')"><img src="/web/20081127003322im_/" id="ctl00_RightSideColumnContent_visitor_tools1_Img11" alt="Small Font" border="0"/></a> <a id="ctl00_RightSideColumnContent_visitor_tools1_btn_font_normal" href="javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$RightSideColumnContent$visitor_tools1$btn_font_normal','')"><img src="/web/20081127003322im_/" id="ctl00_RightSideColumnContent_visitor_tools1_Img12" alt="Normal Font" border="0"/></a> <a id="ctl00_RightSideColumnContent_visitor_tools1_btn_font_large" href="javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$RightSideColumnContent$visitor_tools1$btn_font_large','')"><img src="/web/20081127003322im_/" id="ctl00_RightSideColumnContent_visitor_tools1_Img13" alt="Large Font" border="0"/></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="UserControlPanelBottomHalf"> <div class="UserControlPanelHelpButton"> <a href="" id="ctl00_RightSideColumnContent_visitor_tools1_aSignIn" target="_blank"><b>Sign In</b> for Services and Support »</a> </div> </div> <div class="UserControlPanelBottomRound"> </div> </div> <div class="subnav"> <div class="top"></div> <div class="background"> <div class="content"> <ul class="sifr"> <li class="subnav-title"><a href="index.aspx">PRIVACY</a></li> <li><a href="opting_out.aspx">OPTING OUT</a></li><li><a href="dart_adserving.aspx">DART Ad-Serving &amp; Search Cookie Opt Out</a></li><li><a href="faq.aspx">FAQ</a></li><li><a href="canada.aspx">CANADA</a></li><li><a href="europe.aspx">EUROPE</a></li><li><a href="safeharbor.aspx">SAFE HARBOR</a></li><li><a href="leadership.aspx">PRIVACY LEADERSHIP</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="bottom"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <!-- END OF MIDDLE OF PAGE --> <!-- START OF FOOTER --> <div id="ctl00_footer"> <div id="footer" runat="server"><div id="footer-nav-int"><div name="kdk"><ul> <li><a href="">ASIA/PACIFIC</a></li> <li><a href="">DEUTSCHLAND</a></li> <li><a href="">ESPAÑA</a></li> <li><a href="">FRANCE</a></li> <li><a href="">UNITED KINGDOM</a></li> <li><a href="/web/20081127003322/">UNITED STATES</a></li> </ul> </div></div><div id="footer-copy" style="MARGIN-LEFT: 0px"><a href="#"><img title="Trust1" height="24" alt="Trust1" src="/web/20081127003322im_/" width="86" border="0"/></a><div id="footer-copy-text">© 2008 Google Inc. 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