UCSF Center for Hernia Repair & Abdominal Wall Reconstruction

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Harris, M.D., M.P.H.<br /></a>Professor &amp; Chief<br />Section of Gastrointestinal Surgery</span></p></div></div><div class='bottomRounded'></div></div> <div id='sg_giftbox'><h2 class='sg_message_title' style='font-weight:700;'> Support Our Research</h2><div class='inner'><div class='make_a_gift_inner_text' style='width:168px'><p>A gift to the Center for Abdominal Wall Reconstruction &amp; Hernia Repair will help us improve surgical safety and improve the outcomes for hernia repair.</p></div><div class='link_text'><a href=',%20M.D.,%20M.P.H.,%20Department%20of%20%20Surgery,%20Project%20ID%20No.%207001656'>Donate Now</a></div></div><div class='bottomRounded'></div></div> <div id='sg_altboxBY' class='roundedClass'><h2 class='sg_message_title' style='font-weight:700;'> </h2><div class='inner'><div style='float:left;padding-top:4px;;width:203px'></div></div><div class='bottomRounded'>&nbsp;</div></div></div><div style='clear:both;display:none;'>level</div> </div> <!-- left bar menu edititable content --> <div class='freeform-Box-Bottom'></div> </div> </div> </div> </aside> <!-- start center content - if no left bar full width center section --> <div id="sg_centerContent" > <!-- beginning of center content - add class "full_width_content" if no left bar region --> <!-- child includes go here --> <div id="sg_contentHeading"> <div id="contentTitle"><h1>Experienced Surgeons, Unmatched Expertise in Complex Hernia Repair, Pioneering Research</h1></div> <p><img width="200" height="210" src="/media/14328803/hos_badge-spc_gastroenterology-2023-2024_200x210.jpg" alt="Gastroenterology &amp; GI 23-24 US News World Report" style="float: right;"/>The UCSF Center for Hernia Repair &amp; Abdominal Wall Reconstruction is a multidisciplinary program providing state-of-the-art care for all types of hernias, from the most common to the most complex and technically challenging, in the setting of a world-class academic medical center.</p> <h3>High Volume Center of Excellence</h3> <p>Research has demonstrated that hernia surgeons performing a high-volume of procedures obtain better outcomes for their patients. UCSF is the leading tertiary referral center in the region for hernia surgery, its surgeons performing nearly 700 procedures annually, 350 of those for often more complex ventral (incisional) hernias. At UCSF, hernia repairs are performed laparoscopically whenever possible using a minimally invasive approach that results in smaller incisions and less pain, shorter hospital stays, and a more rapid return to normal activities.</p> <h3>Expertise in Complex Procedures</h3> <p><span style="font-size: inherit; line-height: 1.4;">Our surgeons are highly skilled in complex abdominal wall reconstruction and utilize highly advanced procedures such as component separation and preoperative progressive pneumoperitoneum. P</span><span style="font-size: inherit; line-height: 1.4;">atient outcomes for hernia surgery at UCSF are notably better than the the national average with a  recurrence rate for ventral hernias of only 18% compared with a national rate of 30 to 40%, this despite the large number of technically challenging — so-called high acuity — hernia cases referred to UCSF by other institutions as a last resort.<br /><br /></span></p> <h3><br />Seamless Multidisciplinary Care</h3> <p>The UCSF Center for Hernia Repair &amp; Abdominal Wall Reconstruction offers patients highly personalized treatment plans and multidisciplinary care for all types of hernias including giant abdominal wall hernias, hernias arising from enterocutaneous fistulas, and management of complicated mesh-related infections related to recurrent hernias. The multidisciplinary treatment team includes gastrointestinal surgeons, plastic and reconstructive surgeons, wound care specialists, specialized anesthesiologists, hospital intensivists, and professionals in nutritional rehabilitation and physical rehabilitation.</p> <h3>On the Leading Edge of Research</h3> <p>Surgeons in the program are leaders in surgical innovation and conduct basic and clinical research aimed at reducing the incidence and recurrence of incisional hernias, refining surgical techniques, and improving the mesh materials used in hernia repair.</p> </div> <div id="sg_bottomBoxContainer" > <div id="middle_right_section"> </div> </div> <!-- end child includes go here --> <!-- hold popouts for local and systemwide programs and labs --> <div id="slideout_programs_labs_panel_surgerywide" class='display-none'> <form> <div id="findAProgramLabSystemWide" xmlns:user="urn:my-scripts"><div class="findAProgramCloseButton"><a href="#"> </a></div><div 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