How (and Why) to Tell Your Brand Origin Story
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Browning</a> <p class="t-14">Director, Brand Marketing at LinkedIn; Winner of Adweek’s 2023 B2B Team of the Year and Brand of the Year</p> <p class="t-14 t-black--light" data-published-date="2023-10-27"> October 27, 2023 </p> </div> </div> <!----> </div> <div class="social-share"> <ul class="social-share__list share-list" title="Share via" data-share-list> <li class="share-list__item share-item"> <a href="#" class="share-item__link medium-round-muted-tertiary-button" role="button" data-tracking-control-name="_linkedin_share" data-share-type="linkedin" aria-label="Share on LinkedIn, New window will open"> <li-icon class="share-item__icon" type="linkedin-icon"></li-icon> </a> </li> <li class="share-list__item share-item"> <a href="#" class="share-item__link medium-round-muted-tertiary-button" role="button" data-tracking-control-name="_facebook_share" data-share-type="facebook" aria-label="Share on Facebook, New window will open"> <li-icon class="share-item__icon" 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is a story worth telling. Whether your brand’s origins lie in launching a solution that solved a new problem or its roots run generations deep, sharing this story with the world fosters trust and builds a deeper connection with your customers.<br> </p><p>Just think of the powerhouse <a rel="" href="" target="_blank">brand origin story behind Apple</a>: two guys in a garage. Those five words alone have become storytelling legend (did you notice that link goes to the Library of Congress?) because their brand made its origin story such an <a rel="" href="" target="_blank">essential part of their messaging</a> across the years.<br> </p><p>Worried that your origin story isn’t exciting enough to share? Don’t be! The best part about a brand origin story is that it is uniquely <em>yours</em>. Sharing that unique story is a power move that no other brand can make. <br> </p><h2>What Is a Brand Origin Story?</h2><p>Your brand’s origin story is the thread that weaves across the tapestry of years to link your current customers to the vision and motive that fueled your brand's inception. Through telling your brand origin story, you share not just its history, but also the values and purpose that define your brand. <br> </p><p>Origin stories can be inspired, messy, or heartfelt – as long as they are authentic. Truth is the most important element, since it is what will bring your audience on the journey with you. <br> </p><p>These examples of brand origin stories show how deeply unique – and at times, unexpected – origins can be.</p><h3><strong>Harley-Davidson</strong></h3><p>Four men coming of age at the dawn of the internal combustion engine <a rel="" href="" target="_blank">harness their passions</a> for cycles, engines and mechanical engineering to build the iconic brand we know today. </p><h3><strong>Burt’s Bees</strong></h3><p>A Maine beekeeper living in a renovated turkey barn picks up a hitch-hiking artist, and together Burt Shavitz and Roxanne Quimby start what will become a multi-million dollar health and beauty company. <br> </p><p>As for the company name? “Burt’s original beehives were labeled ‘<a rel="" href="" target="_blank">Burt’s Bees</a>’ so he could track them down if (ok, when) bee thieves carried them off.”</p><h3><strong>Mailchimp</strong></h3><p>Ben Chestnut and Dan Kurzius already had a business – a web design agency called the Rocket Science Group that catered to large corporate clients. But they saw a need for small businesses to succeed in the email marketing game. <a rel="" href="" target="_blank">Thus, Mailchimp was born!</a> And as those first clients saw their businesses expand, so, too, did Mailchimp.<br> </p><h2>Why Should I Write a Brand Origin Story?</h2><p>The human brain is hardwired for receiving – and remembering – stories. Stories <a rel="" href="" target="_blank">engage two parts of your brain</a>: the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala. While your prefrontal cortex understands the story, your amygdala links emotions to it, helping you remember it better over time.<br> </p><p>Telling your origin story is one of the most effective ways to humanize your brand and establish a genuine emotional connection with your audience. It also serves as a powerful tool for differentiation by encapsulating the unique qualities that define your business, showcasing the values and principles that guide your operations. This approach not only attracts like-minded B2B professionals and leaders but also communicates a sense of purpose that customers want to identify with.<br> </p><p>By weaving your brand's history into its present and future, you establish a consistent and enduring narrative that enhances your brand's recognition and reputation.<br> </p><h2>How to Craft Your Origin Story</h2><p>These storytelling best practices will help you craft a brand origin story that captures your journey, values and mission, while establishing a meaningful connection with your target audience.</p><h3><strong>Find your origin archetype</strong></h3><p>Archetypes are timeless narrative frameworks that tap into universal human experiences, making your origin story relatable and impactful. Here are some <a rel="" href="" target="_blank">archetypes to help inspire your brand storytelling</a>.<br> </p><ul><li><strong>Underdog Story:</strong> Highlight challenges and obstacles you faced while starting, positioning your brand as resilient and determined.</li><li><strong>Innovation Journey:</strong> Emphasize how your company introduced a groundbreaking solution to a worrying industry problem, showcasing your expertise and creativity.</li><li><strong>Founder's Vision:</strong> Share the founder’s (or founders’) personal motivations and aspirations that led to the company's creation, revealing the human side of your brand.</li><li><strong>Legacy and Heritage:</strong> Trace your brand's lineage – its history and evolution over time – creating a sense of stability and trust.</li><li><strong>Customer-centric Transformation:</strong> Illustrate how your company evolved based on customer feedback, showing your commitment to meeting client needs.</li><li><strong>Community Impact:</strong> Highlight how your brand's journey positively affected your local or global community, reflecting your company's broader social responsibility.</li><li><strong>Industry Revolution:</strong> Tell the story of how your brand disrupted the industry norms, positioning your company as a leader and change-maker.</li><li><strong>Pioneer's Journey:</strong> Narrate how your brand ventured into uncharted territory, becoming a pioneer and establishing new standards.</li><li><strong>Shared Values:</strong> Underscore the alignment of your brand's values with those of your customers, depicting a deep connection and understanding.</li><li><strong>Turning Point:</strong> Focus on a pivotal moment that shifted your company's direction or strategy, demonstrating adaptability and foresight.</li></ul><h3><strong>Identify key elements of your brand origin story</strong></h3><p>To effectively craft your brand origin story, it's crucial to identify key elements that form the foundation of your narrative. <br> </p><p><strong>Founding Moment:</strong> Highlight the ‘aha moment’ or series of events that sparked the idea for your business. This is the origin point that defines your journey. Clearly articulate the motivations, inspirations and aspirations that led to the establishment of your company. <br> </p><p><strong>Challenges Faced:</strong> Discuss the obstacles, setbacks and uncertainties that you had to navigate at the beginning. Be candid about the difficulties faced, whether they were financial, operational or market-related. Emphasize how your team's creativity and resilience enabled you to overcome these hurdles. This showcases not only your ability to adapt and evolve, but also reinforces the credibility and perceived sturdiness of your brand.</p><h3><strong>Tailor your brand’s story for impact</strong></h3><p>Including these elements will create more resonance with your audience.<br> </p><p><strong>Vision:</strong> Articulate the core beliefs that drive your B2B enterprise – the fundamental principles guide your decisions, strategies and interactions. Whether it's a dedication to innovation, sustainability, excellence or customer focus, express these values vividly and succinctly. <br> </p><p><strong>Values:</strong> Your origin story should include the long-term goals and aspirations that shape your B2B company's trajectory. Paint a vibrant picture of your vision for the future. Describe the impact you aim to create within your industry or the positive changes you intend to bring about. This forward-looking perspective demonstrates your strategic mindset, as well as your dedication to consistently delivering value to clients and partners.<br> </p><p><strong>Personal Touches: </strong>Don’t shy away from showing your battle scars – they are among your <a rel="" href="" target="_blank">greatest differentiators</a>. Incorporating personal touches into your brand origin story adds a distinct human element to your narrative. Share founder quotes or relatable anecdotes that give depth and color to your story. This will offer an authentic glimpse into the origins of your journey.<br> </p><h2>Your Story is Unique. Go Tell It.</h2><p>The archetypes and key elements outlined above are simply a framework for crafting your story – the heart behind it is all yours. If you truly dig deep and tell an authentic brand origin story, you’ll have a tale that no other brand can compete with. <br> </p><p>And when your story is ready to share, <a rel="" href="" target="_blank">LinkedIn is an excellent place to start telling it</a>. <br> </p><p><em>For more insights into brand differentiation, subscribe to the </em><em><a rel="" href="" target="_blank">LinkedIn Ads Blog</a></em><em>.</em></p> </div> </div> <div id class="component component-standaloneImage" data-component-type="standaloneImage"> <div class="standalone-image-component standalone-image-component--article-width"> <a class="standalone-image-component__link" href="" target="_blank"> <figure> <img class="standalone-image-component__image" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 480px, (max-width: 767px) 767px, (max-width: 1024px) 1024px, 1920px" data-delayed-url="" alt="LinkedIn Marketing Solutions - Grow your business - Learn more"> <!----> </figure> </a> </div> </div> <div id class="component component-banner" data-component-type="banner"> <div class="banner banner--v3 banner--full-width banner--light-background banner--center banner-height-desktop--default banner-height-tablet--default banner-height-mobile--default" data-banner> <div class="banner__image-container banner__image-container--background-amber-30" aria-hidden="true"> <img class="banner__image image-pin--middle-center"> <!----> </div> <div class="banner__headline-container"> <div class="banner__position"> <p class="banner__headline t-32"> Get the latest on B2B marketing right in your inbox </p> <!----><!----><!----> <p class="banner__subheadline t-18"> </p> <!----><!----><!----> <div class="banner__button-container"> <!----> <a class="banner__button button__mainButton button__primary" href="" target="_self"> Subscribe </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id class="component component-postList" data-component-type="postList"> <section id="postList0FocusPoint" class="component__content-container list-layout" data-post-list> <section class="simple-topic-list"> <p class="t-14 t-bold">Topics: <a class="simple-topic-list__topic" href=""> Brand building </a> </p> </section> <hr class="artdeco-divider"> <section class="list-layout__headline-container"> <p class="list-layout__headline t-32 t-sans">Related articles</p> <!----> </section> <ul class="list-layout__posts"> <li class="post-list__item list-post"> <div class="list-post__content-container"> <p class="list-post__content-container__topic"> <a class="t-14 t-bold" href=""> Research and insights </a> </p> <div class="list-post__content-container__title"> <a class="list-post__link t-20 t-black" href=""> Become an Expert in LinkedIn Advertising with These 6.5 Creati... </a> </div> <div class="list-post__content-container__byline"> <p class="list-post__content-container__author t-14 t-bold t-black"> Wensy A. </p> <p class="list-post__content-container__date t-14 t-black--light"> Nov 18, 2024 </p> </div> </div> <div class="list-post__image-container"> <figure class="post__image-figure"> <img class="post__image" alt="The path from boring to brilliant is clear in B2B advertising is clear. 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