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I'm Sofía Celi, a <span class="important">cryptographic researcher and implementer</span> from Quito, Ecuador (Yes!, in South America). <br>I live in Lisbon, and spend time and love in Amsterdam (and Asia, when I can escape to it) ;)</p></span> <p><b>Pronouns:</b> en: she/her/hers/herself; they/them, es: ella; elles, nl: zij/ze</p> <p><b>I consider myself agender 🎩🍴👀💚🦢🛒🏴☠️ ! (but you can use the pronouns I listed anyhow)</b></p> <p>I have always loved knowledge, discovering things and art in my life. I'm interested on the unconsciousness, history of religions, mathematics, languages, design, music, literature, software, cryptography, philosophy and much more. This because I think people <span class="important">can do and learn whatever they want</span>, without the need of being specialized in one thing. I have always loved the idea of the Renaissance woman (or man, or what you feel like, if you like).</p> <p>I originally studied (since very young) <span class="important">classical music and literature</span> (with a bit of journalism and communication theory). Since very young, I got interested in video games and the Internet. I spent many hours at school designing websites and playing with MS-DOS. On the last year of my bachelor degree, I decided to <span class="important">self-learn how to program and how cryptography works</span>. And so, the journey began...</p> <p>I also love writing, composing and playing the guitar. I won some competitions on those categories. But, I think that competitions are not important. What is important is that <span class="important">you love what you do</span>. Now, I only exercise the mentioned activities in a casual way. But I still love reading Joyce, Beckett, Derrida, Blanchot, Oé, Dávila Andrade, Borges, Cortázar, Nietzsche; I still love listening to Stockhausen, Ligeti, Beethoven and much more. So, ping me up if you want to talk about them...</p> <p>For the past 7 years, I have worked on <span class="important">on design, research and implementation of cryptography and security</span>. I have also researched around the topic and travelled the world talking about it. I used to lead the version 4 of the <span class="important">Off-the-Record messaging protocol</span> (design and implementation), and that work was mostly designed by an amazing set of non-white non-male people. I'm currently working at <span class="important">amazing Brave</span>, doing some nice cryptography! And, finally, I'm also studying at the <span class="important">University of London</span> on my first Computer Science related degree. In previous times, I was part of the Research team at Cloudflare.</p> <p>I'm very much interested in <span class="important">helping humans</span>. I have worked with several organizations that help activists fighting for rights (generally, privacy and security rights, but also refugee and women rights) in Africa, South America, and Asia. On that same note, I'm also very interested in improving <span class="important">diversity in STEM</span> and introducing intersectionality. But, specially, I'm interested in helping non-male people from South America, Africa and Asia specifically. I'm a big believer of intersectional feminism.</p> <p>All of this experience and passion has allowed me to help humans in the best way I could. In my life, as we all do, I have made mistakes, but I'm a firm believer of the power of change, and I'm always self-changing and exploring. I love new experiences, so, if you want to invite me to cook mole, eat grasshoppers or climb mountains, play videogames, I'm very up for it.</p> <span class="big-font"><p>If you are interested in my academic and professional background in an organised way, get my <span class="important"><a href="/assets/short_cv_celi.pdf" target="_blank">CV here</a></span> or send me an <span class="important"><a href="" title="Contact by email">email</a></span>.</p></span> </div> <div class="interests"> <h1 class="about-subtitle">I'm interested in:</h1> <ul class="centered-list"> <li>Elliptic Curve Cryptography</li> <li>Secure Messaging</li> <li>OPRFs</li> <li>Private Information Retrieval</li> <li>Deniability</li> <li>MV Based Signatures</li> <li>Lattices</li> <li>How digital tools are used to enhance gender-based violence</li> <li>Memory Management</li> <li>Programming Language Design</li> <li>Compilers</li> <li>Contemporary Design</li> <li>Birding</li> <li>Minimalism</li> <li>Deconstruction</li> <li>Post-modern classical music (I know, the contradiction!)</li> </ul> </div> <div class="languages"> <h1 class"about-subtitle">I use my brain to "speak":</h1> <ul class="centered-list"> <li>Spanish</li> <li>English</li> <li>Italian</li> <li>Latin</li> <li>Ancient Greek</li> <li>Portuguese</li> <li>French</li> <li>German</li> <li>Dutch (learning)</li> <li>C</li> <li>Golang</li> <li>Objective C</li> <li>Rust</li> </ul> <p>I also love maps. And I specially love the Dymaxion map: it does not have any "right way up" and provides less distortions.</p> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="site-footer"> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="footer-col-wrapper"> <div class="footer-col footer-col-1"> <h1>contact me</h1> <p>Want to know more? Send me a message!</p> <br> <ul class="contact-list"> <li> <a class="footer-link" href="" title="Contact by email"> <span class="icon-footer-pixel"> <svg enable-background="new 0 0 160 80" viewBox="0 0 160 80"> <g> <rect height="8" width="7" x="45" y="13"/> <rect height="7" width="8" x="37" y="6"/> <rect height="7" width="7" x="30" y="6"/> <rect height="7" width="7" x="45" y="6"/> <rect height="7" width="8" x="52" y="6"/> <rect height="7" width="8" x="60" y="6"/> <rect height="7" width="8" x="68" y="6"/> <rect height="7" width="7" x="76" y="6"/> <rect height="7" width="7" x="30" y="21"/> <rect height="8" width="7" x="30" y="13"/> <rect height="8" width="7" x="30" y="28"/> <rect height="8" width="7" x="30" y="36"/> <rect height="7" width="7" x="30" y="44"/> <rect height="8" width="7" x="30" y="51"/> <rect height="7" width="7" x="30" y="59"/> <rect height="7" width="8" x="121" y="21"/> <rect height="8" width="8" x="121" y="13"/> <rect height="8" width="8" x="121" y="28"/> <rect 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