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Please, prioritise Signal.</p> <p>You can find my contact details on the lovely footer. But, in order of preference, here they are again (and more!):</p> <ul class="centered-list"> <li>email: <span class="important">cherenkov [@] riseup [dot] net</span></li> <li>email: <span class="important">me [@] sofiaceli [dot] com</span></li> <li>email: <span class="important">contact [@] sofiaceli [dot] com</span></li> <li>twitter: <span class="important">[@] claucece</span></li> <li>wire: <span class="important">[@] claucece</span></li> <li>github: <span class="important">[@] claucece</span></li> <li>gitlab: <span class="important">[@] cherenkov_d</span></li> </ul> <br> <p>I also use:</p> <ul class="centered-list"> <li>signal (phone number only close ones, else username)</li> <li>discord</li> <li>slack</li> </ul> <br> <p>The keys:</p> <ul class="centered-list"> <p>I barely use PGP now, so <strong>choose it as a last option</strong>. If you need something more secure, please use Signal.</p> <li>PGP: <a href="/assets/sofia.asc" target="_blank">here</a></li> <li>PGP fingerprint: <div class="contact-code"> <div class="desk-code">3D0B聽D6E9聽4D51聽FBC2聽CEF7聽聽F004聽C835聽5EB9聽42BF聽A1D6</div> <div class="phone-code"> <p>3D0B聽D6E9聽4D51</p> <p>FBC2聽CEF7</p> <p>F004聽C835聽5EB9</p> <p>42BF聽A1D6</p> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <br> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="site-footer"> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="footer-col-wrapper"> <div class="footer-col footer-col-1"> <h1>contact me</h1> <p>Want to know more? 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