Customer Service | Webex CPaaS Solutions

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<h4 class="text-lg md:text-lg_lg mb-2 text-skin-bwg">CPaaS</h4> <p class="text-sm md:text-sm_lg md:max-w-10/12 text-skin-grey mb-3 font-normal">Create smarter customer interactions with Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS).</p> <a href="/products/cpaas-overview" role="button" target=_self class="leading-[1rem] inline-block " x-ref="" aria-label="Discover more"> <span class=" inline-block text-sm font-medium gap-1 border-b border-transparent text-skin-ggw hover:border-skin-ggw group-hover:border-skin-ggw fill-skin-ggw duration-200 transition-colors"> Discover more <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" class="inline "> <path d="M7 2L11.9497 6.94975L11.2426 7.65685L6.29289 2.70711L7 2Z" /> <path d="M6.29289 11.1924L11.2426 6.24264L11.9497 6.94975L7 11.8995L6.29289 11.1924Z" /> <path d="M3.00781 6.46875H11.0079V7.46875H3.00781V6.46875Z" /> </svg> </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="h-full flex-1"> <div class="md:mb-7"> <div> <h4 class="text-lg md:text-lg_lg mb-2 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45.56 85.14 44.51 84.09L43.91 83.5C43.39 82.98 42.98 82.37 42.7 81.69C42.42 81.01 42.28 80.29 42.28 79.55C42.28 78.82 42.42 78.09 42.7 77.41C42.98 76.73 43.39 76.12 43.91 75.6L43.98 75.53C44.21 75.3 44.37 75.01 44.42 74.69C44.48 74.37 44.42 74.04 44.29 73.75C43.85 72.87 43.47 71.95 43.15 71.02C43.04 70.72 42.84 70.46 42.58 70.27C42.32 70.09 42 69.99 41.68 70C40.94 70 40.21 69.87 39.52 69.6C38.83 69.32 38.21 68.92 37.68 68.4C37.15 67.88 36.73 67.26 36.44 66.58C36.15 65.9 36 65.17 36 64.43V63.59C36 62.11 36.59 60.69 37.64 59.65C38.69 58.6 40.1 58.02 41.58 58.01C41.92 58.03 42.25 57.94 42.53 57.76C42.81 57.58 43.03 57.3 43.15 56.99C43.47 56.05 43.84 55.14 44.28 54.26C44.42 53.97 44.47 53.64 44.41 53.32C44.35 53 44.2 52.71 43.97 52.48L43.9 52.41C42.86 51.36 42.27 49.94 42.27 48.47C42.27 47 42.86 45.57 43.9 44.53L44.5 43.93C45.55 42.89 46.97 42.3 48.44 42.3C49.92 42.3 51.34 42.89 52.38 43.93C52.61 44.17 52.91 44.34 53.23 44.4C53.56 44.46 53.9 44.42 54.2 44.27C55.04 43.82 55.92 43.44 56.82 43.12C57.15 43.02 57.44 42.82 57.65 42.55C57.86 42.28 57.98 41.94 57.99 41.6C57.99 40.12 58.58 38.7 59.63 37.66C60.68 36.61 62.09 36.03 63.57 36.02H64.41C65.89 36.02 67.31 36.61 68.35 37.66C69.4 38.71 69.98 40.12 69.99 41.6C69.97 41.94 70.06 42.27 70.24 42.55C70.42 42.83 70.7 43.05 71.01 43.17C71.94 43.49 72.86 43.87 73.74 44.3C74.03 44.44 74.36 44.49 74.68 44.43C75 44.37 75.29 44.22 75.52 43.99L75.6 43.91C76.65 42.87 78.06 42.29 79.54 42.29C81.02 42.29 82.43 42.88 83.48 43.92L84.08 44.51C85.12 45.56 85.71 46.98 85.71 48.45C85.71 49.93 85.12 51.35 84.08 52.4L84.01 52.47C83.78 52.7 83.62 52.99 83.57 53.31C83.51 53.63 83.57 53.96 83.7 54.25C84.14 55.13 84.52 56.05 84.83 56.98C84.94 57.28 85.14 57.55 85.4 57.73C85.66 57.91 85.98 58.01 86.3 58.01C87.04 58.01 87.77 58.14 88.46 58.41C89.15 58.69 89.77 59.09 90.3 59.61C90.83 60.13 91.25 60.75 91.54 61.43C91.83 62.11 91.98 62.84 91.98 63.58V64.42C91.98 65.9 91.39 67.32 90.34 68.36C89.29 69.41 87.88 69.99 86.4 70C86.06 69.98 85.73 70.07 85.45 70.25C85.17 70.43 84.95 70.71 84.83 71.02C84.52 71.92 84.16 72.81 83.74 73.67C83.51 74.15 83.09 74.51 82.59 74.68C82.09 74.85 81.54 74.82 81.06 74.58C80.58 74.35 80.22 73.93 80.05 73.43C79.88 72.93 79.91 72.38 80.15 71.9C80.49 71.2 80.79 70.48 81.04 69.74C81.41 68.64 82.12 67.69 83.07 67.02C84.01 66.35 85.15 65.99 86.3 65.99C86.51 65.99 86.73 65.97 86.93 65.89C87.13 65.82 87.32 65.7 87.47 65.55C87.63 65.4 87.75 65.23 87.84 65.03C87.93 64.83 87.97 64.62 87.98 64.41V63.57C87.98 63.15 87.81 62.75 87.52 62.45C87.22 62.15 86.82 61.99 86.4 61.99C85.23 62.01 84.08 61.66 83.11 60.99C82.15 60.32 81.42 59.36 81.04 58.25C80.78 57.49 80.47 56.74 80.11 56.02C79.59 54.98 79.42 53.8 79.61 52.65C79.8 51.5 80.35 50.45 81.17 49.63L81.24 49.56C81.54 49.26 81.7 48.86 81.7 48.44C81.7 48.02 81.53 47.62 81.24 47.32L80.64 46.73C80.34 46.43 79.94 46.27 79.52 46.27C79.1 46.27 78.7 46.44 78.4 46.73L78.32 46.81C77.5 47.63 76.44 48.18 75.3 48.36C74.16 48.55 72.98 48.37 71.94 47.86C71.22 47.5 70.47 47.19 69.71 46.93C68.61 46.56 67.66 45.85 66.99 44.9C66.32 43.96 65.96 42.82 65.96 41.67C65.96 41.46 65.94 41.24 65.86 41.04C65.79 40.84 65.67 40.65 65.52 40.5C65.37 40.34 65.2 40.22 65 40.13C64.8 40.04 64.59 40 64.38 39.99H63.54C63.12 39.99 62.72 40.16 62.42 40.45C62.12 40.75 61.96 41.15 61.96 41.57C61.95 42.75 61.57 43.89 60.87 44.85C60.18 45.8 59.2 46.51 58.08 46.88C57.37 47.12 56.69 47.42 56.03 47.78C54.98 48.32 53.79 48.51 52.62 48.32C51.45 48.14 50.38 47.59 49.54 46.75C49.39 46.6 49.22 46.48 49.03 46.39C48.84 46.31 48.63 46.26 48.42 46.26C48.21 46.26 48 46.3 47.8 46.37C47.6 46.45 47.43 46.56 47.28 46.71L46.68 47.31C46.38 47.61 46.22 48.01 46.22 48.43C46.22 48.85 46.39 49.25 46.68 49.55L46.75 49.62C47.57 50.44 48.12 51.5 48.31 52.64C48.5 53.79 48.33 54.96 47.81 56.01C47.45 56.73 47.14 57.48 46.88 58.24C46.51 59.34 45.8 60.29 44.85 60.96C43.91 61.63 42.77 61.99 41.61 61.99C41.4 61.99 41.18 62.01 40.98 62.09C40.78 62.16 40.59 62.28 40.44 62.43C40.28 62.58 40.16 62.75 40.07 62.95C39.98 63.15 39.94 63.36 39.93 63.57V64.41C39.93 64.83 40.1 65.23 40.39 65.53C40.69 65.83 41.09 65.99 41.51 65.99C42.68 65.97 43.83 66.32 44.8 66.99C45.77 67.66 46.49 68.62 46.87 69.73C47.13 70.49 47.44 71.24 47.8 71.96C48.32 73 48.49 74.18 48.3 75.33C48.11 76.48 47.56 77.53 46.74 78.35L46.67 78.42C46.37 78.72 46.21 79.12 46.21 79.54C46.21 79.96 46.38 80.36 46.67 80.66L47.27 81.25C47.57 81.55 47.97 81.71 48.39 81.71C48.81 81.71 49.21 81.54 49.51 81.25L49.57 81.19C50.39 80.36 51.45 79.81 52.6 79.62C53.75 79.43 54.93 79.6 55.97 80.12C56.69 80.48 57.44 80.79 58.2 81.05C59.3 81.42 60.25 82.13 60.92 83.08C61.59 84.02 61.95 85.16 61.94 86.31C61.94 86.52 61.96 86.74 62.04 86.94C62.11 87.14 62.23 87.33 62.38 87.48C62.53 87.64 62.7 87.76 62.9 87.85C63.1 87.94 63.31 87.98 63.52 87.99H64.36C64.78 87.99 65.18 87.82 65.48 87.53C65.78 87.24 65.94 86.83 65.94 86.41C65.92 85.24 66.27 84.08 66.94 83.12C67.61 82.16 68.57 81.43 69.68 81.05C70.44 80.79 71.19 80.48 71.91 80.12C72.95 79.6 74.13 79.43 75.28 79.62C76.43 79.81 77.48 80.36 78.3 81.18L78.37 81.25C78.64 81.52 79 81.68 79.38 81.71C79.76 81.74 80.14 81.62 80.44 81.39C80.65 81.23 80.89 81.11 81.14 81.05C81.39 80.98 81.66 80.97 81.92 81C82.18 81.03 82.43 81.12 82.66 81.25C82.89 81.38 83.09 81.56 83.25 81.77C83.41 81.98 83.53 82.22 83.59 82.47C83.66 82.72 83.67 82.99 83.64 83.25C83.61 83.51 83.52 83.76 83.39 83.99C83.26 84.22 83.08 84.42 82.87 84.58C81.79 85.39 80.46 85.79 79.11 85.7C77.76 85.61 76.5 85.04 75.54 84.08L75.47 84.01C75.24 83.78 74.95 83.62 74.63 83.57C74.31 83.51 73.98 83.57 73.69 83.7C72.81 84.14 71.89 84.52 70.96 84.84C70.66 84.95 70.39 85.15 70.21 85.41C70.03 85.67 69.93 85.99 69.93 86.31C69.93 87.05 69.8 87.78 69.53 88.47C69.25 89.16 68.85 89.78 68.33 90.31C67.81 90.84 67.19 91.26 66.51 91.55L66.57 91.56Z" /> </svg> <h3 class="text-skin-bwg pb-5 text-h5 font-normal">Automate interactions</h3> </div> <div class="flex flex-col justify-between"> <p class="text-skin-grey pr-2-vw font-light text-base">Use a mix of AI chatbots and self-service channels to reduce agent workload. Automate post-contact actions for faster results.</p> </div> </div> <div class="flex-col flex items-start lg:justify-start md:col-span-1"> <div class="flex flex-col justify-start relative max-w-full"> <svg class="w-16 h-16 lg:mb-10 md:mb-7 mb-5" fill="url(#passion-fruit-to-mantis)" width="128" height="128" viewBox="0 0 128 128" xmlns=""> <path d="M61.95 94.45V86.61C59.58 86.2 57.4 85.09 55.66 83.35C53.45 81.14 52.23 78.19 52.23 75.06C52.23 73.96 53.12 73.06 54.23 73.06C55.33 73.06 56.23 73.95 56.23 75.06C56.23 77.12 57.04 79.06 58.49 80.52C59.85 81.88 61.64 82.67 63.55 82.77C63.68 82.74 63.81 82.73 63.95 82.73C64.09 82.73 64.22 82.74 64.35 82.77C66.26 82.67 68.05 81.89 69.41 80.52C70.87 79.06 71.68 77.12 71.68 75.05V73.45C71.68 70.97 70.3 68.49 68.53 67.8L57.94 63.71C57.94 63.71 57.87 63.68 57.83 63.66C56.1 62.87 54.65 61.59 53.65 59.97C52.65 58.35 52.16 56.48 52.23 54.57V53.11C52.23 51.57 52.52 50.06 53.11 48.63C53.7 47.2 54.55 45.92 55.65 44.82C56.75 43.72 58.02 42.87 59.45 42.28C60.26 41.94 61.09 41.71 61.95 41.57V33.66C61.95 32.56 62.85 31.66 63.95 31.66C65.05 31.66 65.95 32.56 65.95 33.66V41.57C68.32 41.98 70.5 43.09 72.23 44.82C74.45 47.03 75.67 49.98 75.67 53.11C75.67 54.21 74.77 55.11 73.67 55.11C72.57 55.11 71.67 54.21 71.67 53.11C71.67 51.04 70.87 49.1 69.41 47.64C67.25 45.48 63.81 44.79 60.99 45.96C60.05 46.35 59.21 46.91 58.49 47.64C57.77 48.36 57.21 49.2 56.82 50.15C56.43 51.09 56.24 52.09 56.24 53.11V54.65C56.2 55.84 56.48 56.92 57.06 57.87C57.63 58.8 58.46 59.53 59.45 60L69.98 64.07C73.29 65.35 75.69 69.29 75.69 73.45V75.05C75.69 78.18 74.47 81.13 72.25 83.34C70.51 85.08 68.33 86.19 65.96 86.6V94.44C65.96 95.54 65.06 96.44 63.96 96.44C62.86 96.44 61.96 95.54 61.96 94.44L61.95 94.45ZM103.05 26.86C102.29 26.06 101.02 26.02 100.22 26.78C99.42 27.54 99.38 28.8 100.14 29.61C108.72 38.68 113.57 50.55 113.79 63.04C114.01 75.53 109.58 87.56 101.32 96.92C93.06 106.28 81.67 112.18 69.26 113.52C56.84 114.86 44.46 111.53 34.39 104.15C24.32 96.77 17.42 85.96 14.97 73.71C12.52 61.47 14.72 48.83 21.17 38.14C27.62 27.45 37.77 19.6 49.74 16.06C61.71 12.52 74.49 13.57 85.72 19.03C86.71 19.51 87.91 19.1 88.39 18.11C88.87 17.12 88.46 15.92 87.47 15.44C75.34 9.54002 61.54 8.40002 48.61 12.22C35.67 16.05 24.71 24.52 17.75 36.07C10.78 47.62 8.40996 61.27 11.06 74.49C13.71 87.72 21.16 99.39 32.04 107.37C41.34 114.19 52.47 117.81 63.88 117.81C65.81 117.81 67.76 117.71 69.7 117.5C83.11 116.05 95.41 109.68 104.33 99.57C113.25 89.45 118.04 76.46 117.8 62.97C117.56 49.48 112.33 36.66 103.06 26.87L103.05 26.86Z" /> </svg> <h3 class="text-skin-bwg pb-5 text-h5 font-normal">Reduce cost to serve</h3> </div> <div class="flex flex-col justify-between"> <p class="text-skin-grey pr-2-vw font-light text-base">Lead with cost-efficient digital and mobile messaging channels to manage customer service interactions.</p> </div> </div> <div class="flex-col flex items-start lg:justify-start md:col-span-1"> <div class="flex flex-col justify-start relative max-w-full"> <svg class="w-16 h-16 lg:mb-10 md:mb-7 mb-5" fill="url(#passion-fruit-to-mantis)" width="128" height="128" viewBox="0 0 128 128" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M69.9195 20.3553C68.2034 21.6166 66.1298 22.2981 64 22.3009C62.0654 22.3009 60.1724 21.7398 58.5504 20.6855C56.9283 19.6312 55.6469 18.1291 54.8614 16.3611C54.0759 14.5932 53.8201 12.6354 54.125 10.725C54.4298 8.81461 55.2822 7.03366 56.5789 5.598C57.8756 4.16234 59.5609 3.13363 61.4305 2.63654C63.3002 2.13945 65.2738 2.19533 67.1123 2.79741C68.9508 3.39949 70.5752 4.52191 71.7886 6.02864C73.002 7.53536 73.7523 9.3617 73.9485 11.2863C85.8879 13.4783 96.7501 19.6031 104.805 28.6847C104.978 28.8825 105.111 29.1125 105.195 29.3616C105.279 29.6107 105.313 29.874 105.296 30.1364C105.278 30.3988 105.209 30.6551 105.092 30.8907C104.976 31.1264 104.814 31.3367 104.616 31.5096C104.417 31.6826 104.187 31.8147 103.938 31.8986C103.689 31.9824 103.425 32.0163 103.163 31.9983C102.901 31.9803 102.644 31.9107 102.409 31.7936C102.174 31.6764 101.964 31.514 101.791 31.3156C94.4062 22.9969 84.4727 17.3601 73.5439 15.2868C72.9053 17.3186 71.6357 19.094 69.9195 20.3553ZM67.3334 7.3121C66.3467 6.65282 65.1867 6.30092 64 6.30092C62.4092 6.30266 60.8841 6.93536 59.7593 8.0602C58.6344 9.18504 58.0017 10.7102 58 12.3009C58 13.4876 58.3519 14.6476 59.0112 15.6343C59.6705 16.621 60.6075 17.3901 61.7039 17.8442C62.8003 18.2983 64.0067 18.4171 65.1705 18.1856C66.3344 17.9541 67.4035 17.3827 68.2426 16.5436C69.0817 15.7044 69.6532 14.6354 69.8847 13.4715C70.1162 12.3076 69.9974 11.1012 69.5433 10.0048C69.0891 8.90846 68.3201 7.97139 67.3334 7.3121ZM23.6142 43.1409C24.299 44.5185 24.656 46.0358 24.6573 47.5742V47.5742C24.6587 49.656 24.0099 51.6862 22.8015 53.3814C21.5932 55.0766 19.8856 56.3521 17.9173 57.0298C15.9489 57.7075 13.818 57.7537 11.8222 57.1617C9.82636 56.5698 8.0652 55.3694 6.78462 53.7281C5.50405 52.0868 4.768 50.0866 4.67925 48.0067C4.59051 45.9268 5.15349 43.8711 6.2896 42.1267C7.42571 40.3823 9.07822 39.0362 11.0164 38.2764C12.9545 37.5166 15.0816 37.3811 17.1005 37.8887C22.9119 27.3069 32.1122 18.9862 43.2228 14.2637C43.4648 14.1616 43.7245 14.1082 43.9871 14.1065C44.2498 14.1048 44.5102 14.1548 44.7535 14.2538C44.9968 14.3527 45.2182 14.4986 45.4051 14.6831C45.5921 14.8676 45.7408 15.0871 45.8429 15.3291C45.945 15.5711 45.9984 15.8308 46.0001 16.0935C46.0018 16.3561 45.9518 16.6165 45.8528 16.8598C45.7539 17.1031 45.608 17.3246 45.4235 17.5115C45.239 17.6984 45.0195 17.8471 44.7775 17.9492C34.5629 22.2934 26.0921 29.9251 20.7098 39.6328C21.9354 40.5627 22.9294 41.7633 23.6142 43.1409ZM9.66853 44.2408C9.00924 45.2275 8.65735 46.3875 8.65735 47.5742C8.65908 49.165 9.29178 50.6901 10.4166 51.8149C11.5415 52.9398 13.0666 53.5725 14.6573 53.5742C15.844 53.5742 17.0041 53.2223 17.9908 52.563C18.9775 51.9037 19.7465 50.9666 20.2006 49.8703C20.6547 48.7739 20.7736 47.5675 20.5421 46.4036C20.3105 45.2398 19.7391 44.1707 18.9 43.3316C18.0609 42.4924 16.9918 41.921 15.8279 41.6895C14.664 41.458 13.4576 41.5768 12.3612 42.0309C11.2649 42.485 10.3278 43.2541 9.66853 44.2408ZM33.4728 96.371C31.4567 96.3695 29.4878 96.9812 27.8275 98.1249C20.1426 90.1561 15.3819 79.8203 14.3205 68.8007C14.2684 68.2728 14.0088 67.7873 13.5987 67.4509C13.1887 67.1144 12.6618 66.9547 12.1339 67.0067C11.6061 67.0588 11.1205 67.3184 10.7841 67.7285C10.4477 68.1385 10.2879 68.6654 10.34 69.1933C11.4911 81.1594 16.6774 92.3783 25.0473 101.007C23.8587 102.88 23.3268 105.094 23.5355 107.302C23.7442 109.51 24.6815 111.585 26.1998 113.202C27.7182 114.818 29.7311 115.884 31.9216 116.23C34.1121 116.576 36.3555 116.184 38.2985 115.115C40.2415 114.046 41.7735 112.361 42.6532 110.325C43.5329 108.289 43.7102 106.019 43.1573 103.871C42.6044 101.723 41.3526 99.8206 39.5992 98.4627C37.8458 97.1049 35.6905 96.369 33.4728 96.371ZM33.4728 112.371C32.2862 112.371 31.1261 112.019 30.1394 111.36C29.1527 110.701 28.3837 109.763 27.9296 108.667C27.4754 107.571 27.3566 106.364 27.5881 105.2C27.8196 104.037 28.3911 102.967 29.2302 102.128C30.0693 101.289 31.1384 100.718 32.3023 100.486C33.4662 100.255 34.6726 100.374 35.7689 100.828C36.8653 101.282 37.8024 102.051 38.4617 103.038C39.121 104.024 39.4728 105.184 39.4728 106.371C39.4711 107.962 38.8384 109.487 37.7136 110.612C36.5887 111.737 35.0636 112.369 33.4728 112.371ZM90.1544 97.4151C91.542 96.7249 93.0714 96.3674 94.6212 96.3711C96.3086 96.3706 97.9687 96.7973 99.4468 97.6113C100.925 98.4253 102.173 99.6002 103.075 101.027C103.976 102.453 104.502 104.084 104.603 105.769C104.704 107.453 104.378 109.136 103.653 110.66C102.929 112.184 101.83 113.5 100.46 114.485C99.0904 115.47 97.4933 116.092 95.818 116.294C94.1426 116.495 92.4435 116.269 90.879 115.637C89.3145 115.005 87.9354 113.987 86.8703 112.678C79.5876 116.111 71.6383 117.898 63.587 117.912C59.532 117.915 55.4902 117.449 51.5422 116.523C51.2864 116.463 51.0451 116.353 50.8318 116.2C50.6186 116.047 50.4377 115.853 50.2994 115.629C50.1611 115.406 50.0681 115.157 50.0258 114.898C49.9836 114.639 49.9927 114.374 50.0529 114.118C50.113 113.862 50.223 113.621 50.3764 113.408C50.5298 113.195 50.7237 113.014 50.9471 112.875C51.1704 112.737 51.4188 112.644 51.6781 112.602C51.9374 112.56 52.2024 112.569 52.4582 112.629C63.397 115.138 74.8612 113.906 85.0172 109.13C84.5849 107.642 84.5052 106.073 84.7847 104.549C85.0641 103.024 85.6948 101.586 86.6269 100.348C87.559 99.1095 88.7667 98.1054 90.1544 97.4151ZM91.2878 111.36C92.2745 112.019 93.4345 112.371 94.6212 112.371C96.212 112.369 97.7371 111.737 98.8619 110.612C99.9868 109.487 100.619 107.962 100.621 106.371C100.621 105.184 100.269 104.024 99.61 103.038C98.9507 102.051 98.0137 101.282 96.9173 100.828C95.821 100.374 94.6146 100.255 93.4507 100.486C92.2868 100.718 91.2177 101.289 90.3786 102.128C89.5395 102.968 88.968 104.037 88.7365 105.201C88.505 106.364 88.6238 107.571 89.0779 108.667C89.5321 109.764 90.3011 110.701 91.2878 111.36ZM123.719 48.0002C123.721 46.0349 123.144 44.1126 122.06 42.4733C120.976 40.8341 119.433 39.5506 117.624 38.7832C115.814 38.0158 113.819 37.7985 111.887 38.1584C109.955 38.5184 108.172 39.4397 106.76 40.8072C105.349 42.1747 104.372 43.9278 103.951 45.8474C103.53 47.7671 103.684 49.7682 104.394 51.6009C105.103 53.4335 106.338 55.0163 107.942 56.1517C109.546 57.287 111.449 57.9246 113.413 57.9846C114.804 68.7438 112.646 79.6631 107.267 89.0842C107.136 89.3118 107.051 89.5631 107.017 89.8235C106.983 90.084 107 90.3486 107.069 90.6022C107.137 90.8559 107.254 91.0936 107.415 91.3018C107.575 91.51 107.774 91.6846 108.002 91.8157C108.23 91.9467 108.481 92.0317 108.741 92.0656C109.002 92.0996 109.266 92.082 109.52 92.0137C109.774 91.9454 110.011 91.8278 110.22 91.6677C110.428 91.5075 110.602 91.3079 110.733 91.0803C116.577 80.8495 118.905 68.9845 117.359 57.3042C119.231 56.5713 120.838 55.2919 121.973 53.6324C123.107 51.9729 123.715 50.0104 123.719 48.0002ZM113.719 54.0002C112.532 54.0002 111.372 53.6483 110.385 52.989C109.399 52.3297 108.63 51.3927 108.175 50.2963C107.721 49.2 107.603 47.9936 107.834 46.8297C108.066 45.6658 108.637 44.5967 109.476 43.7576C110.315 42.9185 111.384 42.347 112.548 42.1155C113.712 41.884 114.918 42.0028 116.015 42.4569C117.111 42.9111 118.048 43.6801 118.708 44.6668C119.367 45.6535 119.719 46.8135 119.719 48.0002C119.717 49.591 119.084 51.1161 117.959 52.2409C116.835 53.3658 115.31 53.9985 113.719 54.0002ZM63.982 79.1435C63.8979 79.1467 63.8164 79.1731 63.7463 79.2197L51.5803 87.2412C50.8129 87.7651 49.8989 88.0317 48.9701 88.0028C48.0413 87.9738 47.1457 87.6507 46.4123 87.0801C45.673 86.5289 45.1283 85.7568 44.857 84.8754C44.5857 83.994 44.6021 83.0492 44.9036 82.1777L49.4065 68.9805C49.4302 68.9046 49.4303 68.8233 49.407 68.7473C49.3836 68.6713 49.3378 68.6042 49.2756 68.5547L40.6536 61.8525C39.9406 61.2796 39.4235 60.4991 39.174 59.6192C38.9245 58.7392 38.9549 57.8035 39.2611 56.9416C39.5673 56.0797 40.134 55.3345 40.8827 54.8092C41.6315 54.2838 42.5251 54.0045 43.4397 54.0098H55.0071C55.095 54.0109 55.1813 53.9854 55.2545 53.9366C55.3277 53.8878 55.3844 53.818 55.4172 53.7363L59.8459 41.8652C60.1658 41.0235 60.7339 40.2988 61.4749 39.7871C62.2158 39.2754 63.0948 39.001 63.9952 39C64.8957 38.9991 65.7752 39.2717 66.5173 39.7818C67.2594 40.2919 67.829 41.0154 68.1506 41.8564L72.5871 53.7461C72.6207 53.8254 72.6773 53.8929 72.7495 53.9399C72.8217 53.9869 72.9063 54.0112 72.9924 54.0098H84.5598C85.4694 54.0045 86.3583 54.2807 87.1047 54.8006C87.8511 55.3205 88.4183 56.0586 88.7287 56.9136C89.039 57.7687 89.0772 58.6988 88.838 59.5764C88.5988 60.454 88.094 61.2361 87.3928 61.8154L78.6799 68.5908C78.6304 68.6426 78.5964 68.7071 78.5817 68.7772C78.5671 68.8473 78.5723 68.9201 78.5969 68.9873L83.0969 82.3555C83.1814 82.6046 83.2159 82.8679 83.1985 83.1304C83.1811 83.3929 83.112 83.6493 82.9953 83.8851C82.8786 84.1208 82.7166 84.3312 82.5185 84.5042C82.3203 84.6773 82.09 84.8095 81.8407 84.8934C81.5914 84.9773 81.3279 85.0111 81.0655 84.9931C80.8031 84.975 80.5468 84.9053 80.3113 84.788C80.0759 84.6707 79.8659 84.5082 79.6933 84.3096C79.5208 84.111 79.3891 83.8804 79.3059 83.6309L74.8059 70.2637C74.5256 69.4188 74.5069 68.5089 74.7522 67.6532C74.9975 66.7975 75.4955 66.0358 76.1809 65.4678L84.8918 58.6943C84.9468 58.6442 84.9842 58.5778 84.9986 58.5049C85.0131 58.4319 85.0037 58.3563 84.9719 58.2891C84.9452 58.2026 84.8898 58.1278 84.8149 58.077C84.74 58.0262 84.65 58.0025 84.5598 58.0098H72.9924C72.0935 58.008 71.216 57.7343 70.4755 57.2247C69.7349 56.715 69.1658 55.9933 68.843 55.1543L64.4065 43.2637C64.3703 43.1853 64.3123 43.1191 64.2394 43.0729C64.1664 43.0268 64.0817 43.0028 63.9954 43.0037C63.9091 43.0046 63.825 43.0305 63.753 43.0782C63.6811 43.1259 63.6245 43.1933 63.5901 43.2725L59.1614 55.1446C58.8392 55.9858 58.2699 56.7097 57.5284 57.2211C56.7868 57.7326 55.9079 58.0075 55.0071 58.0098H43.4396C43.3494 58.0027 43.2595 58.0264 43.1846 58.0772C43.1097 58.128 43.0543 58.2027 43.0275 58.2891C42.994 58.366 42.9883 58.4521 43.0115 58.5327C43.0347 58.6132 43.0853 58.6832 43.1545 58.7305L51.7756 65.4326C52.4734 65.9998 52.9827 66.7653 53.2361 67.6281C53.4894 68.4909 53.475 69.4103 53.1946 70.2646L48.6916 83.4609C48.6605 83.5391 48.6579 83.6257 48.6844 83.7055C48.7108 83.7854 48.7646 83.8533 48.8362 83.8975C48.9084 83.9605 49.0002 83.9965 49.0961 83.9994C49.1919 84.0022 49.2857 83.9717 49.3616 83.9131L61.5296 75.8906C62.2626 75.3977 63.1263 75.1353 64.0097 75.1372C64.8931 75.1391 65.7557 75.4053 66.4866 75.9014C66.5207 75.9238 66.553 75.9473 66.5852 75.9717L71.2151 79.5137C71.4237 79.6732 71.5989 79.8723 71.7306 80.0995C71.8624 80.3268 71.948 80.5777 71.9827 80.8381C72.0175 81.0984 72.0006 81.3631 71.9331 81.6169C71.8655 81.8707 71.7486 82.1087 71.5891 82.3174C71.4296 82.526 71.2305 82.7012 71.0033 82.8329C70.776 82.9647 70.5251 83.0503 70.2647 83.0851C70.0044 83.1198 69.7397 83.1029 69.4859 83.0354C69.2321 82.9678 68.994 82.8509 68.7854 82.6914L64.2229 79.2012C64.1494 79.1602 64.0661 79.1402 63.982 79.1435Z" /> </svg> <h3 class="text-skin-bwg pb-5 text-h5 font-normal">Boost customer satisfaction</h3> </div> <div class="flex flex-col justify-between"> <p class="text-skin-grey pr-2-vw font-light text-base">Improve customer service with quick resolution, channel choice, and conversational self-service.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="py-10 md:py-16 lg:py-20 theme-light bg-skin-wbg" data-id="logo-carousel" id="" style="scroll-margin-top: 6rem" x-data="logos"> <div class="px-std max-w-[1440px] w-full mx-auto"> <div class="flex justify-between relative flex-col md:gap-28 md:flex-row mb-10 md:mb-16 lg:mb-20"> <div class="flex flex-col lg:max-w-2/3"> <h2 class="text-skin-bww ">Who we work with.</h2> </div> </div> </div> <div class="animation-logos flex flex-col md:gap-[88px] gap-10 mx-auto relative max-w-[1312px] overflow-hidden"> <div class="absolute h-full w-16 left-0 top-0 z-10 bg-fade-to-light rotate-180 pointer-events-none"></div> <div class="absolute h-full w-16 right-0 top-0 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'w-[1312px]' : 'gap-24'"> <div class="flex items-center justify-around" :class="widthGapClasses"> <div class="flex justify-center"> <img loading="lazy" class="logo max-w-none" src="" alt=""> </div> <div class="flex justify-center"> <img loading="lazy" class="logo max-w-none" src="" alt=""> </div> <div class="flex justify-center"> <img loading="lazy" class="logo max-w-none" src="" alt=""> </div> <div class="flex justify-center"> <img loading="lazy" class="logo max-w-none" src="" alt=""> </div> </div> <div class="flex items-center justify-around" :class="widthGapClasses"> <div class="flex justify-center"> <img loading="lazy" class="logo max-w-none" src="" alt=""> </div> <div class="flex justify-center"> <img loading="lazy" class="logo max-w-none" src="" alt=""> </div> <div class="flex justify-center"> <img loading="lazy" class="logo max-w-none" src="" alt=""> </div> <div class="flex justify-center"> <img loading="lazy" class="logo max-w-none" src="" alt=""> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative theme-light bg-skin-wbg text-skin-bwg" data-id="side-by-side-points" id="" style="scroll-margin-top: 6rem"> <div class="mx-auto max-w-[1440px] px-std py-10 md:py-16 lg:py-20 relative"> <div class="flex flex-col relative"> <div class="flex w-full justify-center md:mb-20 mb-10 flex-wrap md:flex-nowrap gap-x-10 md:gap-0"> <div class="flex flex-1 min-w-300 mb-8 md:mb-0 w-full justify-center gap-4 md:gap-5 md:order-1"> <div class="flex-1"> <div class="aspect-h-1 aspect-w-1 w-full order-1"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" srcset="/img/asset/YXNzZXRzL3dlYnAvUGhvdG9ncmFwaHkvR2VuZXJpYy93b21hbi1idXJrYS1vdXRzaWRlLXBob25lLndlYnA=?fit=crop&w=408&h=408&s=a2a61248de8cabf28656ea715deb20d1"> <img loading="lazy" id="5Kxg9xk7" src="" class="w-full md:rounded-2vw rounded-4vw lg:rounded-30 md:rounded-20 rounded-[16px] object-cover" alt="" > </picture> </div> </div> <div class="flex-1 "> <div class="w-full"> <div class="w-full"> <div class="w-full border-device-wrapper md:border-device-wrapper-lg shadow-device"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" srcset=""> <img loading="lazy" id="5Kxg9xk7" src="" class="w-full rounded-2vw border-device md:rounded-device-lg aspect-[253/548] object-cover" alt="" > </picture> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-1 md:order-2 justify-center flex-col min-w-200 md:min-w-none w-[380px] lg:w-[535px] md:gap-x-10 "> <div class=" lg:pl-[131px] md:pl-[100px] "> <h3 class="text-h4 font-normal mb-3 md:mb-10">Put customer preferences first</h3> <div class="prose-page md:max-w-500"> <h3><strong>Innovate with new channels</strong></h3><p>Embrace new digital messaging channels like <a href="/business-messaging/whatsapp-business-api">WhatsApp Business</a>, <a href="/business-messaging/rcs-business-messaging">RCS</a>, Facebook Messenger, and <a href="/business-messaging/apple-messages-for-business">Apple Messages for Business</a> for customer service.</p><h3><strong>Proactive customer engagement</strong></h3><p>Keep customers informed by proactively contacting them via voice or messaging channels. Use two-way messaging to let customers respond, submit details, or organize a time for an agent to call.</p><h3><strong>Create end-to-end experiences</strong></h3><p>From delivery updates to refunds, orchestrate customer journeys that use data from across the business to create contextual customer service experiences.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex w-full justify-center flex-wrap md:flex-nowrap gap-x-10 md:gap-0"> <div class="flex flex-1 min-w-300 mb-8 md:mb-0 w-full justify-center gap-4 md:gap-5 md:order-3"> <div class="flex-1"> <div class="aspect-h-1 aspect-w-1 w-full order-1"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" srcset="/img/asset/YXNzZXRzL3dlYnAvUGhvdG9ncmFwaHkvU29sdXRpb25zL0N1c3RvbWVyX3NlcnZpY2Uvd29tYW4tZGVzay1jaXNjby1oZWFkc2V0LndlYnA=?fit=crop&w=408&h=408&s=dc1aab39ec0e5e98898cd27fb7fdbbc4"> <img loading="lazy" id="85JKglpr" src="" class="w-full md:rounded-2vw rounded-4vw lg:rounded-30 md:rounded-20 rounded-[16px] object-cover" alt="" > </picture> </div> </div> <div class="flex-1 order-first "> <div class="w-full"> <div class="w-full"> <div class="w-full border-device-wrapper md:border-device-wrapper-lg shadow-device"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" srcset=""> <img loading="lazy" id="85JKglpr" src="" class="w-full rounded-2vw border-device md:rounded-device-lg aspect-[253/548] object-cover" alt="" > </picture> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-1 md:order-2 justify-center flex-col min-w-200 md:min-w-none w-[380px] lg:w-[535px] md:gap-x-10 "> <div class=" lg:pr-[131px] md:pr-[100px] "> <h3 class="text-h4 font-normal mb-3 md:mb-10">Manage routine enquiries with ease</h3> <div class="prose-page md:max-w-500"> <h3><strong>Enable customers to self-serve</strong></h3><p>Create an AI chatbot frontline to the contact center that provides 24/7 assistance, quick answers to FAQs, and a knowledge base to customers.</p><h3><strong>Intelligently route customer enquiries</strong></h3><p>Direct calls and messages to agents with the right skills by using customer information, business data, or an IVR option selection.</p><h3><strong>Deflect to messaging channels</strong></h3><p>Build an IVR journey that lets customers seamlessly transfer to a messaging channel where they can self-serve and chat with agents at their convenience.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative theme-dark bg-skin-wbg text-skin-bwg" data-id="resource-link" id="" style="scroll-margin-top: 6rem"> <div class="max-w-[1440px] mx-auto px-std py-10 md:py-16 lg:py-20 "> <div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row relative justify-between gap-x-10"> <div class="flex flex-col flex-1"> <div class="md:max-w-600"> <span class="md:mb-5 mb-3 text-skin-grey">EGUIDE</span> <h2 class="md:pb-5 pb-3 md:text-h3 text-h2 text-passion-fruit-to-mandarin"> IT buyer’s guide for CPaaS.</h2> <p class="md:text-base_lg text-base text-skin-grey">CPaaS is one of the most exciting opportunities in the cloud communications space. A growing number of enterprises are using APIs, SDKs, and low-code tools within CPaaS solutions to design communications-enabled applications that enhance digital competitiveness. Discover the key features and functionality that you need to look for in an Enterprise CPaaS solution.</p> <div class="md:pt-10 pt-8 flex gap-x-3 flex-wrap gap-y-3 pb-14 md:pb-0"> <a href="/resources/eguide/it-buyers-guide-for-cpaas" role="button" target=_self class="leading-[1rem] w-full md:w-auto inline-block " x-ref="" aria-label="Discover more"> <span class="flex items-center rounded-full justify-center whitespace-nowrap border group duration-200 transition-colors font-medium text-[14px] md:text-[15px] leading-btn tracking-base border border-skin-ggg hover:border-skin-bwg bg-skin-ggw text-skin-wwb hover:bg-skin-bwb hover:text-skin-wbw fill-skin-wwb hover:fill-skin-wbw lg:p-[13px] lg:pl-[21px] md:p-[11px] md:px-[21px] p-[11px]"> Discover more <svg class="inline ml-[10px]" width="28" height="28" viewBox="0 0 56 56"> <ellipse cx="28" cy="28" rx="28" ry="28" transform="matrix(1 0 1.52877e-10 -1 0 56)" class="duration-200 transition-colors fill-skin-wwg group-hover:fill-skin-ggg" /> <path d="M38.5 39.4995L16.5 39.4995L16.5 41.4995L38.5 41.4995V39.4995Z" class="duration-200 transition-colors fill-skin-bbw group-hover:fill-skin-www" /> <path d="M38.1066 25.2074L27.5 35.814L16.8935 25.207L18.3077 23.7928L26.5 31.9851L26.5 14.4995L28.5 14.4995L28.5 31.9855L36.6924 23.7931L38.1066 25.2074Z" class="duration-200 transition-colors fill-skin-bbw group-hover:fill-skin-www" /> </svg> </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <picture> <source type="image/webp" srcset="/img/http/aHR0cHM6Ly93ZWJleC1pbWltb2JpbGUubnljMy5jZG4uZGlnaXRhbG9jZWFuc3BhY2VzLmNvbS93ZWJwL1Bob3RvZ3JhcGh5L1Jlc291cmNlcy9MZWFybmluZy9ndWlkZS1lbnRlcnByaXNlLWNwYWFzLWJ1eWVycy53ZWJw?fit=crop&w=535&h=535&s=846529d9945c8435a4e830ebd81803a1"> <img class="w-full lg:h-[535px] lg:w-[535px] md:w-[460px] md:h-[460px] h-full object-cover hidden md:block rounded-4vw md:rounded-2vw" loading="lazy" src="" alt=""> </picture> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative theme-light bg-skin-wbg text-skin-bwg" data-id="side-by-side-points" id="" style="scroll-margin-top: 6rem"> <div class="mx-auto max-w-[1440px] px-std py-10 md:py-16 lg:py-20 relative"> <div class="flex justify-between relative flex-col md:gap-28 md:flex-row mb-10 md:mb-16 lg:mb-20"> <div class="flex flex-col lg:max-w-2/3"> <h2 class="text-skin-bww ">Empower customer service agents.</h2> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-col relative"> <div class="flex w-full justify-center flex-wrap md:flex-nowrap gap-x-10 md:gap-0"> <div class="flex flex-1 min-w-300 mb-8 md:mb-0 w-full justify-center gap-4 md:gap-5 md:order-1"> <div class="max-w-700 w-full min-w-[296px]"> <div class="aspect-h-1 aspect-w-1 w-full"> <picture> <source type="image/webp" srcset="/img/asset/YXNzZXRzL3dlYnAvUGhvdG9ncmFwaHkvU29sdXRpb25zL0N1c3RvbWVyX3NlcnZpY2Uvd29tYW4tc3RhbmRpbmctZGVzay1jaXNjby1oZWFkc2V0LndlYnA=?fit=crop&w=700&h=700&s=39b79dc1c00c15156881c9e0cf019e09"> <img loading="lazy" id="f5ymSxu2" src="" class="w-full rounded-full object-cover" alt="" > </picture> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-1 md:order-2 justify-center flex-col min-w-200 md:min-w-none w-[380px] lg:w-[535px] md:gap-x-10 justify-center"> <div class=" lg:pl-[131px] md:pl-[100px] "> <div class="prose-page md:max-w-500"> <h3><strong>Create a unified agent application</strong></h3><p>Bring all the communication channels, tools and data your agents need to serve customers into one place with <a href="/resources/product-sheet/webex-engage">Webex Engage</a>.</p><h3><strong>Gain insight to improve performance</strong></h3><p>Give team leaders visibility into agent performance via real-time dashboards that provide the basis for future training requirements.</p><h3><strong>Enable secure remote working</strong></h3><p>Allow agents, team leaders, and managers to work from home with ease with a secure cloud application to manage all customer service channels.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="relative theme-light bg-skin-wbg" 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