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display:none;"> <script> displayDFP('ad-B2', 'm'); </script> </div> <div class="bigbox2 boxTitle boxText" data-desc="Front Page"> <ul> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:5:UK passes UN Resolution 2758 motion"> <div> <div class="bnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h1 class="bf2">UK passes UN Resolution 2758 motion</h1> <p> <font class="red ">GLOBAL SUPPORT:</font> The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the motion highlighted the improper exclusion of Taiwan from international discussion and cooperative mechanisms Taiwan yesterday thanked the British parliament for passing a motion stating that UN Resolution 2758 does not involve Taiwan, making it the latest body to reject China’s interpretation of the resolution.The House of Commons on Thursday debated the international status of Taiwan and unanimously passe </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:6:Saber rattling ahead of Lai stopover"> <div> <div class="bnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h1 class="bf2">Saber rattling ahead of Lai stopover</h1> <p> <font class="red ">‘A GENUINE VOICE’:</font> The trip is a rare opportunity for the president to represent Taiwan abroad and bolster its claim to statehood, an academic said The Ministry of National Defense yesterday said that it had detected 41 Chinese military aircraft and ships around the nation ahead of a Hawaii stopover by President William Lai (賴清德).In the 24 hours to 6am yesterday, the ministry said that it had detected 33 Chinese aircraft and eight navy vessels </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li> <!-- /21202031/TT-home-B1 --> <div id="ad-B1" class="boxTitle ad pc web ad_mg_b" data-desc="廣告ad-B1" style="text-align: center; display:none;"> <script> displayDFP('ad-B1', 'pc'); </script> </div> <div class="popular boxTitle boxText" id="read" data-desc="Most Popular"> <a href=""><h1>Most Popular<i><img src="assets/images/right.png" width="10" class="iconimg2"></i></h1></a> <ul> <li><a href="" data-desc="T:0:Taiwan win Premier12 title"><div class="no">1</div><h5 class="bf3">Taiwan win Premier12 title</h5></a></li> <li><a href="" data-desc="T:1:TSMC starts equipment installation for 2nm fab"><div class="no">2</div><h5 class="bf3">TSMC starts equipment installation for 2nm fab</h5></a></li> <li><a href="" data-desc="T:2:TSMC to push US to No. 2 in IC production in 2027"><div class="no">3</div><h5 class="bf3">TSMC to push US to No. 2 in IC production in 2027</h5></a></li> <li><a href="" data-desc="T:3:Baseball team parade draws thousands"><div class="no">4</div><h5 class="bf3">Baseball team parade draws thousands</h5></a></li> <li><a href="" data-desc="T:4:Theaters receive threats over documentary on China"><div class="no">5</div><h5 class="bf3">Theaters receive threats over documentary on China</h5></a></li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <!-- /21202031/TT-home-K2 --> <div id="ad-K2" class="boxTitle ad pc web ad_mg_b" data-desc="廣告ad-K2" style="text-align: center; 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Although Lee was found </p> </div> </a> </li> <!-- /21202031/TT-mobile-home-B4 --> <div id="ad-B4" class="boxTitle ad m mob ad_pd_b ad_bd_b ad_mg_b" data-desc="廣告ad-B4" style="text-align: center; display:none;"> <script> displayDFP('ad-B4', 'm'); </script> </div> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:5:Social housing project breaks ground"> <div class="dbox1ss2"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf5">Social housing project breaks ground</h2> <p> <font class="red ">HOUSING JUSTICES:</font> Once completed, the government-funded project in Kaohsiung’s Fongshan District would provide living space and public services for 5,000 households The state-run National Housing and Urban Regeneration Center (NHURC) yesterday held a groundbreaking ceremony for Plot A of the nation’s biggest social housing project to date, expected to house 1,865 families with a projected completion date of 2029.Plot A involves a 14-story building aboveground w </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:6:Six probed over bullying claims"> <div class="dbox1ss2"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf5">Six probed over bullying claims</h2> <p> <font class="red ">MENTAL HEALTH:</font> Cases of suspected bullying have emerged in multiple government offices following the suicide of a Ministry of Labor employee last month Six officials from the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) are under investigation for alleged involvement in workplace bullying, with two of them already suspended, the ministry said Friday.In response to recent media reports and questions from lawmakers about allegations of workplace bullying in </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <ul class="dlistbox"> <li> <a href="" data-desc="T:7:CDC announces sixth case of locally acquired measles"> <div class="dbox1ss2"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf5">CDC announces sixth case of locally acquired measles</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on Friday afternoon reported a case of locally acquired measles from a man in northern Taiwan, and while the agency is tracing the potential source of infection, 102 close contacts are being monitored for symptoms.The patient is a man in his 30s who lives in nor </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="T:8:Railway Bureau unveils centralized cloud network"> <div class="dbox1ss2"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf5">Railway Bureau unveils centralized cloud network</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> A central cloud system developed by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications’ Railway Bureau is expected to be used nationwide by all nine railway-related companies to establish a centralized set of standards and guidelines for smart railroads in Taiwan.The bureau first developed a draft pr </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="T:9:Team Taiwan to lead parade in Tainan this week"> <div class="dbox1ss2"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf5">Team Taiwan to lead parade in Tainan this week</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> Premier12 champions Team Taiwan are to lead a parade in Tainan on Tuesday, Tainan Mayor Huang Wei-che (黃偉哲) announced in a Facebook post yesterday.As part of the events celebrating Taiwan’s win at the Premier12 baseball championship, Team Taiwan would hold more parades around Taiwan following the on </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dbox2"> <div class="dbox2s"> <ul> <li><div class="dboxss2 boxTitle boxText" data-desc="Business"> <a href=""><h1>Business<i><img src="assets/images/right.png" width="10" class="iconimg2"></i></h1></a> <ul class="dlistbox2"> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:0:‘New wave’ as start-up sweeps up Thai ocean plastic"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">‘New wave’ as start-up sweeps up Thai ocean plastic</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> As a long-tail boat arrives at a fishing village on the southern Thai island of Koh Chang, residents gather to sell their wares — not seafood, but plastic. The villagers, members of the semi-nomadic Moken people, are selling to Tide, a start-up attempting to create new value from old plastic collect </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:1:Winery taps into zero-alcohol trend"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Winery taps into zero-alcohol trend</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> Alcohol-free drinks are becoming ever more popular, especially with health-conscious younger people — a trend cheered by a small German winery based in a Rhine Valley castle. While demand for zero-alcohol beer has risen strongly, the family business is betting on similar growth in the wine sector, u </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:2:Swedish app helps plan household chores"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Swedish app helps plan household chores</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> Who is doing the housework? There is an app for that — to make “invisible work visible. Swedish engineering students have developed an app for families to organize and track chores that often fall heavily on women. Among the early adopters are Marko, 40, and Neha Sarcevic, 37, a married couple of bu </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li><div class="dboxss2 boxTitle boxText" data-desc="Editorials"> <a href=""><h1>Editorial & Opinion<i><img src="assets/images/right.png" width="10" class="iconimg2"></i></h1></a> <ul class="dlistbox2"> <li> <a href="" data-desc="T:0:EDITORIAL: US systems in region help Taiwan"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <h2 class="bf6">EDITORIAL: US systems in region help Taiwan</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> The US military is making plans for deployments in Okinawa and the Philippines in the event of a “Taiwan emergency,” Japan’s Kyodo news agency reported on Sunday last week. Those deployments would largely involve the dispatch of marines and missile systems on islands, with logistics provided by the </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="T:1:Nuclear energy not worth the risks"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <h2 class="bf6">Nuclear energy not worth the risks</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> During an interview a few days ago, Minister of Economic Affairs J.W. Kuo (郭智輝) said that polls showed support for nuclear energy reached 60 to 70 percent. Reaching a consensus on nuclear energy is not difficult, nor is achieving nuclear safety — the only issue left to address is nuclear waste, he s </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="T:2:Expats must pay fair share for healthcare"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <h2 class="bf6">Expats must pay fair share for healthcare</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> This month, the National Health Insurance (NHI) is to implement a major policy change by eliminating the suspension-and-resumption mechanism for Taiwanese residing abroad. With more than 210,000 Taiwanese living overseas — many with greater financial means than those in Taiwan — this reform, catalyz </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dbox3 boxTitle boxText" data-desc="Sports"> <div class="dbox3s"> <a href=""><h1>Sports<i><img src="assets/images/right.png" width="10" class="iconimg2"></i></h1></a> <ul> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:0:Saints denied win by video decision"> <div class="dbox1ss4"> <div class="spnewsimg "><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf7">Saints denied win by video decision</h2> <p class=""> <font class="red ">CLASH OF MANAGERS:</font> Brighton’s Fabian Hurzeler and Russell Martin of Southampton accused each other of disrespect, while both were booked Southampton on Friday were denied a priceless victory by a controversial decision as they drew with hosts Brighton & Hove Albion 1-1 in the Premier League.Kaoru Mitoma spectacularly headed Brighton into a first-half lead and Flynn Downes hammered home an equalizer an hour in.Minutes later teammate C </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <ul class="dlistbox2"> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:1:Greats attend Nantou cycling event"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Greats attend Nantou cycling event</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> About 2,500 cyclists from 32 countries yesterday joined two Grand Tour cyclists for the first-ever L’Etape du Tour de France in Taiwan.Seven-time Grand Tour champion Christopher Froome and recently retired all-time great Mark Cavendish, who in July achieved a record-breaking 35th Tour de France stag </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:2:Chiefs first to clinch playoff spot with Raiders win"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Chiefs first to clinch playoff spot with Raiders win</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> Patrick Mahomes on Friday passed for 306 yards and became Kansas City’s career leader in touchdown passes as the Chiefs clinched an American Football Conference playoff spot with a 19-17 victory over the visiting Las Vegas Raiders.Kansas City (11-1) have played in a slew of close games this season a </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:3:Huang Hsiao-wen advances at boxing finals in England"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Huang Hsiao-wen advances at boxing finals in England</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> Tokyo Olympic bronze medalist Huang Hsiao-wen on Friday secured a spot in the gold-medal bout at the World Boxing Cup Finals in Sheffield, England.Huang defeated Tatiana Chagas of Brazil 5-0 in the women’s 54kg division. Three judges called the bout at 30-27 in favor of Huang, while two had it at 29 </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dbox4"> <div class="dbox4s"> <ul> <li><div class="dboxss2 boxTitle boxText" data-desc="World News"> <a href=""><h1>World News<i><img src="assets/images/right.png" width="10" class="iconimg2"></i></h1></a> <ul class="dlistbox2"> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:0:Mauritian PM orders review of UK deal"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Mauritian PM orders review of UK deal</h2> <p> <font class="red ">CHAGOS ISLANDS: </font> Recently elected Mauritian Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam told lawmakers that the contents of negotiations are ‘unknown’ to the government Mauritius’ new prime minister ordered an independent review of a deal with the UK involving a strategically important US-UK military base in the Indian Ocean, placing the agreement under fresh scrutiny.Under a pact signed last month, the UK ceded sovereignty of the Chagos archipelago to Mauritius, w </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:1:Questions linger in Vang Vieng"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Questions linger in Vang Vieng</h2> <p> <font class="red ">LAOS:</font> The bars of bustling Vang Vieng remain open, but information on the investigation into the deaths of six backpackers from suspected methanol poisoning is scarce The music is still playing and the alcohol is still flowing at the bars along one of the party streets in Vang Vieng. Inside a popular venue, a voice over the speaker announces a special offer on beers, as disco lights flicker on the floor. Small paper flags from nations across the world — from the </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:2:Notre-Dame revealed after ‘impossible’ restoration"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Notre-Dame revealed after ‘impossible’ restoration</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> France on Friday showed off to the world the gleaming restored interior of Notre-Dame cathedral, a week before the 850-year-old medieval edifice reopens following painstaking restoration after the devastating 2019 fire.French President Emmanuel Macron conducted an inspection of the restoration, broa </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li><div class="dboxss2 boxTitle boxText" data-desc="Features"> <a href=""><h1>Features<i><img src="assets/images/right.png" width="10" class="iconimg2"></i></h1></a> <ul class="dlistbox2"> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:0:Taiwan in Time: The twin bank car heists"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Taiwan in Time: The twin bank car heists</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> Dec 2 to Dec 8 It was the biggest heist in Taiwanese history at that time. In the afternoon of Dec. 7, 1982, two masked men armed with M16 assault rifles knocked out the driver of a United World Chinese Commercial Bank (世華銀行) security van, making away with NT$14 million (worth about NT$30 mi </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:1:Feces, vomit offer clues to how dinosaurs rose to rule Earth"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Feces, vomit offer clues to how dinosaurs rose to rule Earth</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> Feces, vomit and fossilized food from inside stomachs have provided new clues into how dinosaurs rose to dominate Earth, a new study revealed on Wednesday.Scientists have discovered plenty about dinosaurs — particularly about how they vanished off the face of the planet 66 millions years ago.But “we </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:2:Swedish gangs recruiting kids as contract killers"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Swedish gangs recruiting kids as contract killers</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> “Bro, I can’t wait for my first dead body,” wrote an 11-year-old boy on Instagram in Sweden, where gangs recruit children too young to be prosecuted as contract killers on chat apps.“Stay motivated, it’ll come,” answered his 19-year-old contact. He went on to offer the child 150,000 kronor (US$13,68 </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </li> <li><div class="dboxss2 boxTitle boxText" data-desc="Bilingual Pages"> <a href=""><h1>Bilingual Pages<i><img src="assets/images/right.png" width="10" class="iconimg2"></i></h1></a> <ul class="dlistbox2"> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:0:ANALYTICAL ENGLISH 解析英語(常春藤)"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">ANALYTICAL ENGLISH 解析英語(常春藤)</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> Billy Lezra stood on the edge of a train platform, with her heart pounding and her mind clouded by despair. At 23, she faced her mother’s suicide attempt and spiraled into depression and alcohol addiction. She saw no way out, and just as she was about to take the final step, a stranger __1__ her wit </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:1:ANALYTICAL ENGLISH 解析英語(常春藤)"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">ANALYTICAL ENGLISH 解析英語(常春藤)</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> “Beep—beep—beep.” Your phone roars in the dead of night and wakes you up. Adrenaline surges as a low rumble shakes the pictures on the nightstand. Panic threatens, but you remember the earthquake drill you practiced. You drop to the ground, take cover under your desk, and hold on tight. Though the s </p> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:2:SPEAK UP: Cher & others inducted into Rock Hall of Fame (2/2) 雪兒等人入選「搖滾名人堂」(下)"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">SPEAK UP: Cher & others inducted into Rock Hall of Fame (2/2) 雪兒等人入選「搖滾名人堂」(下)</h2> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> A: Apart from singers Cher, Mary J. Blige, Ozzy Osbourne and Peter Frampton, who else was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame?B: The other inductees were Kool and the Gang, Dave Matthews, Foreigner and A Tribe Called Quest.A: All four of those bands are awesome.B: Also, Dionne Warwick receive </p> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="boxTitle boxText thematic" data-desc="Special Reports"> <h1>Special Reports</h1> <ul> <li> <div class="thematics"> <a href=""> <h2 class="bfb"> Notes <i><img src="assets/images/right.png" width="10" class="iconimg2"></i> </h2> </a> <a href="" class="onenews" data-desc="P:0:Notes from Central Taiwan: DPP: Lai-able to win?"> <div class="bnewsimg"> <img src="" width="100%"> </div> <h1 class="bfb2">Notes from Central Taiwan: DPP: Lai-able to win?</h1> <p>It’s certainly been a pleasure watching the presidential campaign launch of Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) candidate Hou You-yi (侯友宜) lurch painfully about like a wounded pachyderm in search of an elephant graveyard. Hou’s fall to third place in some polls last week appears early, and it might still be recoverable. But grumbling in his party about replacing him has already begun. Indeed, all indications are that the party that twice gave us Lien Chan (連戰), the most despised politician in Taiwan, as a presidential candidate and later offered voters Hung Hsiu-chu (洪秀柱) and Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜), is arcing along its normal descending trajectory, the North Korean missile test of electoral politics. A KIND OF POLICY PLATFORM Last week the KMT doubled down on this path with Hou’s calls for nuclear power and more death penalty executions, standard KMT fare for decades (the latter is unnecessary since so many potential criminals are likely to die in traffic accidents long before they harm anyone). Apparently KMT policy institutions are not echo chambers so much as mausoleums where dead ideas are embalmed and then periodically put on display. The lack of public policy imagination is obvious. A less obvious facet of KMT ineptitude: with years of speculation that Hou would be their man in 2024, neither Hou nor the party insisted on interesting or experimental public policies to showcase Hou’s greatness in preparation for the showdown. Of course, that is even more true of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). Hou’s slide and the media buzz surrounding it are obscuring the truly urgent problem the pro-Taiwan side faces: DPP presidential candidate William Lai (賴清德) has not expanded his voter support beyond the party base. In most polls he remains below 40 percent. Independent voters are staying away in droves, and for the moment the young are turning to</p> </a> </div> </li> <li> <div class="thematics"> <a href=""> <h2 class="bfb"> taiwan in time <i><img src="assets/images/right.png" width="10" class="iconimg2"></i> </h2> </a> <a href="" class="onenews" data-desc="P:0:Taiwan in Time: Building shrines in changing times"> <div class="bnewsimg"> <img src=" temple.jpg" width="100%"> </div> <h1 class="bfb2">Taiwan in Time: Building shrines in changing times</h1> <p>July 17 to July 23 When Yeh Ken-chuang (葉根壯) came of age, the traditional skills of architecture and carpentry that had been in his family for four generations were disappearing. After helping his uncle Yeh Teh-ling (葉得令) construct ships, residences and temples for more than a decade, Yeh struck out on his own at the age of 28 in 1960 as a damusi (大木司, chief carpenter), earning his lifelong title “Chief Chuang” (壯司). Around this time, builders in his homeland of Penghu were increasingly using reinforced concrete instead of wood, due to the humid climate. The period also saw a frenzy in temple construction as the economy improved, meaning there was plenty of work for Yeh. Adept in non-structural techniques such as doors, windows and furniture, as well as the intricate carvings and detailed decorations that adorned the structures, Yeh was able to adapt his skills, leading the reconstruction of the historic Hsiliao Daitian Temple (西寮代天宮) on Penghu’s main island in 1963. According to the book Crossing Traditions in Yeh Ken-chuang’s Large-scale Carpentry Skills (宮廟巧藝 :跨越傳統的葉根壯大木作技術), it was Penghu’s first temple that used a purely reinforced concrete structure. Before his life was cut short, Yeh created more than 70 temples and related structures across the various islands of Penghu and left behind more than 230 building plans. Although Yeh could have built temples and other structures on Taiwan proper, he only worked on a handful of projects outside of Penghu because he wanted to be close to his family. CLAN OF CARPENTERS The Yeh family’s woodworking tradition began with Yeh Ma-li (葉媽利), who learned the architecture and carpentry trade from an unknown master on Kinmen. The Yehs trace their roots to Kinmen, although this branch had been living in Penghu since the early 1600s. Yeh Ma-li was Penghu’s chief temple builder between 1860 and</p> </a> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="dbox5"> <div class="dbox5s"> <ul> <li> <div class="weather"> <h1>Weather</h1> <ul> <li><div class="tablinks3 active" onclick="openCity(event, 'mygod01')">North</div></li> <li><div class="tablinks3" onclick="openCity(event, 'mygod02')">Central</div></li> <li><div class="tablinks3" onclick="openCity(event, 'mygod03')">South</div></li> <li><div class="tablinks3" onclick="openCity(event, 'mygod04')">East</div></li> <li><div class="tablinks3" onclick="openCity(event, 'mygod05')">Outlying Islands</div></li> </ul> <div class="tabcontent3" id="mygod01"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td>New Taipei City</td> <td>14-23</td> <td>10%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Hsinchu County</td> <td>14-22</td> <td>10%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Hsinchu City</td> <td>14-22</td> <td>10%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Taipei City</td> <td>14-22</td> <td>10%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Miaoli County</td> <td>12-22</td> <td>10%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Taoyuan City</td> <td>14-22</td> <td>10%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Keelung City</td> <td>15-21</td> <td>10%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="tabcontent3" id="mygod02"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td>Yunlin County</td> <td>14-24</td> <td>0%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Taichung City</td> <td>14-24</td> <td>0%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Nantou County</td> <td>14-24</td> <td>0%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Changhua County</td> <td>14-23</td> <td>0%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="tabcontent3" id="mygod03"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td>Chiayi County</td> <td>13-24</td> <td>0%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Chiayi City</td> <td>14-25</td> <td>0%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Tainan City</td> <td>15-22</td> <td>0%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Kaohsiung City</td> <td>17-23</td> <td>0%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Pingtung County</td> <td>16-25</td> <td>0%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="tabcontent3" id="mygod04"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td>Yilan County</td> <td>14-22</td> <td>10%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Hualien County</td> <td>16-22</td> <td>10%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Taitung County</td> <td>17-23</td> <td>10%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="tabcontent3" id="mygod05"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td>Kinmen County</td> <td>11-18</td> <td>0%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Penghu County</td> <td>17-20</td> <td>0%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Lienchiang County</td> <td>10-13</td> <td>10%</td> <td><img src="assets/images/weather/wi_0002.gif" width="20"></td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </li> <li> <!-- facebook page --> <iframe src="" width="300" height="382" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe> </li> <li> <!-- /21202031/TT-home-B2 --> <div id="ad-B2" class="boxTitle ad pc web" data-desc="廣告ad-B2" style="text-align: center; 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