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Did I miss the 2025 Taipei Lantern Festival?B: Yes, you did. But you can still go to the 2025 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taoyuan, whic</p> <h6></h6> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:2:ENGLISH DIGEST 實用美語"> <div> <h1 class="bf2">ENGLISH DIGEST 實用美語</h1> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-19</div> <div class="bnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> </p> <p>Every February, the small town of Ptuj in Slovenia comes alive with the vibrant celebration of its famous carnival. This festival, with its deep historical roots, is a cherished tradition where local residents come together to ward off the winter cold and embrace the arrival of spring. Participants </p> <h6>By 《空中美語》 編輯群 </h6> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="plistbox boxTitle boxText" data-desc="一般列表區塊"> <ul class="dlistbox2" data-page="1"> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:3:Why are autism rates rising? 自閉症罹患率為何攀升?"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Why are autism rates rising? 自閉症罹患率為何攀升?</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-18</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurological and developmental condition marked by disruptions in brain-signaling that causes people to behave, communicate, interact and learn in atypical ways.Autism diagnoses in the US have increased significantly since 2000, intensifying public concern over wh</p> <h6 class="byline"></h6> </div> </a> </li> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:4:輕鬆華語GO: EASY CHINESE GO"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">輕鬆華語GO: EASY CHINESE GO</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-18</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">對話 Dialogue清清:唉!好難決定喔!怎麼辦呢?Qīngqing: Ài ! Hǎo nán juédìng ō! Zěnmebàn ne?​華華:怎麼了?什麼事好難決定?Huáhua: Zěnmele? Shénme shì hǎo nán juédìng?清清:我在網上找到了一本我想看的書,有實體的書本,也有電子書,不知道該買哪種好。Qīngqing: Wǒ zài wǎngshàng zhǎodàole yì běn wǒ xiǎng kàn de shū, yǒu shítǐ de shūběn, yěyǒu diànzǐ shū, bù zhīdào gāi mǎi něi z</p> <h6 class="byline"></h6> </div> </a> </li> <!-- /21202031/TT-mobile-sub-B2 --> <div id="ad-B2" class="boxTitle ad m mob ad_pd_b ad_bd_b ad_mg_b" data-desc="廣告ad-B2" style="text-align: center; display:none;"> <script> displayDFP('ad-B2', 'm'); </script> </div> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:5:BOOKMAN BILINGUAL 雙語書林:Twiggy Fig, Deciduous Fig & Strangling 島榕,雀榕與纏勒"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">BOOKMAN BILINGUAL 雙語書林:Twiggy Fig, Deciduous Fig & Strangling 島榕,雀榕與纏勒</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-17</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">島榕 (Ficus virgata) 和雀榕 (Ficus subpisocarpa) 是台灣常見的榕屬植物 (Ficus spp.),它們懸垂的氣根一觸及地面,就會加速成長,成為支柱根,之後還會和本體的枝幹融而為一。運用這樣的策略,它們生長速度很快,很容易就長得比別的樹還高大粗壯。島榕、雀榕生命力很強,處處都能生長,除了泥土,連屋頂、牆上或其他樹木的枝幹上也能著生。它們的果實會吸引麻雀、白頭翁 (Chinese bulbul)、綠繡眼 (Swinhoe’s white-eye) 或紅鳩 (red collared dove) 等啄食,種子隨著鳥的排遺 (defecation) 散播,如果鳥糞</p> <h6 class="byline">By 作 者 蘇正隆</h6> </div> </a> </li> <!-- /21202031/TT-sub-Native1 --> <div id="ad-Native1" class="boxTitle ad pc web ad_mg_b ad_bd_b ad_pd_b" data-desc="廣告ad-Native1" style="text-align: center; display:none;"> <script> displayDFP('ad-Native1', 'pc'); </script> </div> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:6:ANALYTICAL ENGLISH 解析英語(常春藤)"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">ANALYTICAL ENGLISH 解析英語(常春藤)</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-16</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">In early September 2024, Time magazine released its list of the “100 Most Influential People in AI 2024,” and among the prominent figures are three Taiwanese entrepreneurs. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) Chairman and CEO C.C. Wei, Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang, and Advanced Micro Devices, I</p> <h6 class="byline">By 常春藤解析英語 Ivy English</h6> </div> </a> </li> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:7:ANALYTICAL ENGLISH 解析英語(常春藤)"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">ANALYTICAL ENGLISH 解析英語(常春藤)</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-15</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">The chimney cake is a beloved treat with a rich history in Hungary and Romania. While written references to the cake appeared as early as the late 17th century, the earliest known recipe from 1784 is __1__ a noblewoman named Maria Mikes, who wrote about dough wrapped around a spit. Legend has it, ho</p> <h6 class="byline">By 常春藤解析英語 Angus Bain</h6> </div> </a> </li> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:8:SPEAK UP: Fans celebrate 40th anniversary of singer Whitney Houston’s debut (2/2) 歌迷歡慶惠妮出道40週年(下)"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">SPEAK UP: Fans celebrate 40th anniversary of singer Whitney Houston’s debut (2/2) 歌迷歡慶惠妮出道40週年(下)</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-14</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">A: I remember that the late pop diva Whitney Houston’s 1985 debut album “Whitney Houston” is a diamond album, meaning it sold over 10 million units in the US.B: Her 1987 album “Whitney” and 1992 soundtrack “The Bodyguard” have also reached diamond status, making her the only black singer with thre</p> <h6 class="byline"></h6> </div> </a> </li> <!-- /21202031/TT-sub-Native2 --> <div id="ad-Native2" class="boxTitle ad pc web ad_mg_b ad_bd_b ad_pd_b" data-desc="廣告ad-Native2" style="text-align: center; display:none;"> <script> displayDFP('ad-Native2', 'pc'); </script> </div> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:9:SPEAK UP: Fans celebrate 40th anniversary of singer Whitney Houston’s debut (1/2) 歌迷歡慶惠妮出道40週年(上)"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">SPEAK UP: Fans celebrate 40th anniversary of singer Whitney Houston’s debut (1/2) 歌迷歡慶惠妮出道40週年(上)</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-13</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">A: Any plans for Valentine’s Day tomorrow?B: I’ll go to karaoke with a group of fans to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the late pop diva Whitney Houston’s debut.A: Sounds like fun.B: She released her eponymous album “Whitney Houston” on Feb. 14, 1985, launching a glorious career that spanned </p> <h6 class="byline"></h6> </div> </a> </li> <!-- /21202031/TT-mobile-sub-B3 --> <div id="ad-B3" class="boxTitle ad m mob ad_pd_b ad_bd_b ad_mg_b" data-desc="廣告ad-B3" style="text-align: center; display:none;"> <script> displayDFP('ad-B3', 'm'); </script> </div> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:10:ENGLISH DIGEST 實用美語"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">ENGLISH DIGEST 實用美語</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-12</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">Recently, the Iraq parliament’s preliminary approval of a controversial proposal to drastically lower the legal marriage age for girls from 18 to nine has sparked widespread concern. This move has drawn strong reactions both domestically and internationally, as many worry it will exacerbate child ma</p> <h6 class="byline">By《空中美語》編輯群 </h6> </div> </a> </li> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:11:What is DeepSeek and why is it disrupting the AI sector? 震撼AI業界的DeepSeek是什麼?"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">What is DeepSeek and why is it disrupting the AI sector? 震撼AI業界的DeepSeek是什麼?</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-11</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">Chinese startup DeepSeek’s launch of its latest AI models, which it says are on a par or better than industry-leading models in the US at a fraction of the cost, is threatening to upset the technology world order.The company has attracted attention in global AI circles after writing in a paper last </p> <h6 class="byline"></h6> </div> </a> </li> <!-- /21202031/TT-sub-Native3 --> <div id="ad-Native3" class="boxTitle ad pc web ad_mg_b ad_bd_b ad_pd_b" data-desc="廣告ad-Native3" style="text-align: center; display:none;"> <script> displayDFP('ad-Native3', 'pc'); </script> </div> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:12:輕鬆華語GO: EASY CHINESE GO"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">輕鬆華語GO: EASY CHINESE GO</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-11</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">對話 Dialogue清清:又到元宵節了,你去看燈會了嗎?Qīngqing: Yòu dào Yuánxiāo jié le, nǐ qù kàn dēnghuì le ma?華華:今年台灣燈會在桃園舉辦,週末我坐捷運去的,地方好大,走得後來都鐵腿了!你呢?打算怎麼慶祝?Huáhua: Jīnnián Táiwān dēnghuì zài Táoyuán jǔbàn, zhōumò wǒ zuò jiéyùn qù de, dìfāng hǎo dà, zǒu de hòulái dōu tiětuǐ le! Nǐ ne? Dǎsuàn zěnme qìngzhù?清清:其實我很懷念小時候那種</p> <h6 class="byline"></h6> </div> </a> </li> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:13:BOOKMAN BILINGUAL 雙語書林: White Ginger Lily 野薑花是古巴國花"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src=" Ginger Lily2.jpg" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">BOOKMAN BILINGUAL 雙語書林: White Ginger Lily 野薑花是古巴國花</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-10</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">野薑花是古巴國花,在古巴叫mariposa,意思是蝴蝶花。野薑花並非古巴原產,古巴卻對它情有獨鍾,獨立後選為國花,是有原因的。19世紀古巴對抗西班牙殖民的獨立戰爭中,往往透過女性身上或髮髻上插著野薑花,在花序的交錯的苞片縫隙裡夾藏字條,幫助革命分子傳遞作戰情報。The white ginger lily (Hedychium coronarium) is the national flower of Cuba, where it is known as mariposa (literally “butterfly”) due to its shape.Women used to adorn t</p> <h6 class="byline">By 作 者 蘇正隆</h6> </div> </a> </li> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:14:ANALYTICAL ENGLISH 解析英語(常春藤)"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">ANALYTICAL ENGLISH 解析英語(常春藤)</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-09</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">The crimson hue of theater seats is a long-standing tradition that has persisted through centuries and across continents. This seemingly universal choice is influenced by a fascinating combination of historical, visual, and practical factors. Inspired by the lavish aesthetics of Italian opera house</p> <h6 class="byline">By 常春藤解析英語</h6> </div> </a> </li> <!-- /21202031/TT-mobile-sub-B4 --> <div id="ad-B4" class="boxTitle ad m mob ad_pd_b ad_bd_b ad_mg_b" data-desc="廣告ad-B4" style="text-align: center; display:none;"> <script> displayDFP('ad-B4', 'm'); </script> </div> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:15:ANALYTICAL ENGLISH 解析英語(常春藤)"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">ANALYTICAL ENGLISH 解析英語(常春藤)</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-08</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">本文由生成式 AI 協作,本刊編輯編修。Have you ever wondered how an athlete who once performed flawlessly can unexpectedly struggle with the simplest tasks? Imagine an __1__ pitcher who suddenly can’t find the strike zone—this is the “yips” in action. This __2__ phenomenon primarily affects athletes in sports like </p> <h6 class="byline">By 常春藤解析英語 Ivy English</h6> </div> </a> </li> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:16:SPEAK UP: K-pop 2NE1, J-pop Yoasobi to rock Taiwan (2/2) 韓日天團2NE1、Yoasobi慶新春(下)"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">SPEAK UP: K-pop 2NE1, J-pop Yoasobi to rock Taiwan (2/2) 韓日天團2NE1、Yoasobi慶新春(下)</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-07</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">A: Apart from 2NE1, Rain and Maroon 5, Japanese band Yoasobi is set to hold two shows in Taipei this weekend.B: Yoasobi?A: Yoasobi is a J-pop duo formed by Ayase and Ikura in 2019, and it’s loved by young people. Haven’t you heard?B: Oops, I’m feeling a little old.A: It sings the theme songs of</p> <h6 class="byline"></h6> </div> </a> </li> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:17:SPEAK UP: K-pop 2NE1, J-pop Yoasobi to rock Taiwan (1/2) 韓日天團2NE1、Yoasobi慶新春(上)"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">SPEAK UP: K-pop 2NE1, J-pop Yoasobi to rock Taiwan (1/2) 韓日天團2NE1、Yoasobi慶新春(上)</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-06</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">A: Happy Year of the Snake! Did you do anything special during the Lunar New Year holiday?B: I went to K-pop girl group Apink’s concert. How about you?A: I just stayed at home. But I’m going to girl group 2NE1’s show on Saturday.B: Wow, I really love their megahit “I Am the Best,” better known b</p> <h6 class="byline"></h6> </div> </a> </li> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:18:ENGLISH DIGEST 實用美語"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">ENGLISH DIGEST 實用美語</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-05</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">As we bundle up in thick coats to stay warm during the winter, there is a population that has already adapted to extremely low temperatures. These people live in the remote city of Yakutsk, the coldest city on Earth.Yakutsk is situated in the heart of Siberia, which is the capital of the Sakha Repub</p> <h6 class="byline">By 《空中美語》 編輯群 </h6> </div> </a> </li> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:19:BILINGUAL STORY 雙語故事"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">BILINGUAL STORY 雙語故事</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-04</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">As the priest Antonius Hambroek stood in the dim chamber of Fort Zeelandia, his eldest daughter clung to him, her voice trembling. “Father, don’t go. They’ll kill you, and what will become of Mother and my sisters?” Outside, the sounds of Koxinga’s relentless canon siege boomed through the fortress.</p> <h6 class="byline"></h6> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="waitAjax"><img src=""></div> <div class="listEnd">No more data.</div> <script src="assets/js/photoResize.js"></script> <script> var date = new Date(); var year = date.getFullYear(); var month = (date.getMonth() + 1 < 10) ? '0' + (date.getMonth() + 1) : date.getMonth() + 1; var day = (date.getDate() < 10) ? 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