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The local media is billing it as the “2025 great recall era” (2025大罷免時代) or the “2025 great recall wave” (2025大罷免潮), with many now just shortening it to “great recall.” As of this writing the number of campaigns that have submitted the requisite one perc</p> <h6>By Courtney Donovan Smith 石東文</h6> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <script> if ( /Android|webOS|iPhone|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) { } else { var test=document.getElementsByClassName('bigbox'); for(var i=0 ;i<test.length;i++) { var p=test[i].parentNode; if(p.getElementsByTagName('h2').length==0) { $('.fsp').addClass("sp8"); } } } </script> <div class="bigbox2 boxTitle boxText" data-desc="左右欄區塊"> <ul> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:1:An island nation sells passports to beat climate change"> <div> <h1 class="bf2">An island nation sells passports to beat climate change</h1> <div class="date_list hidden">2025-02-20</div> <div class="bnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> </p> <p>To help meet the cost of moving about 10,000 residents from low-lying homes menaced by rising sea levels and floods, the remote Pacific Ocean nation of Nauru aims to sell citizenships for the climate-threatened island.President David Adeang is seeking to raise an initial US$65 million for work to tr</p> <h6></h6> </div> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" data-desc="P:2:How mystical beliefs are devastating big cat populations"> <div> <h1 class="bf2">How mystical beliefs are devastating big cat populations</h1> <div class="date_list hidden">2025-02-20</div> <div class="bnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <p> <font class="red hidden"></font> </p> <p>The morning sun slants through the canopy of Senegal’s Niokolo-Koba National Park as Sergeant Abdou Diouf and his brigade of rangers march in single file, guns at the ready. They scan the brush for signs of poachers, but today, it seems, the only hunters are the lions themselves, their fresh tracks </p> <h6>By ANNIKA HAMMERSCHLAG</h6> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="plistbox boxTitle boxText" data-desc="一般列表區塊"> <ul class="dlistbox2" data-page="1"> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:3:Book review: The crises of Christianity and democracy"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Book review: The crises of Christianity and democracy</h2> <div class="date_list hidden">2025-02-20</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">“What happens to our liberal democracy if American Christianity is no longer able, or no longer willing, to perform the functions on which our constitutional order depends?” Jonathan Rauch asks in the opening pages of Cross Purposes. “The alarming answer is that the crisis for Christianity has turne</p> <h6 class="byline">By Lloyd Green</h6> </div> </a> </li> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:4:South Korean blockbuster ‘JSA’ strikes a chord 25 years on"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">South Korean blockbuster ‘JSA’ strikes a chord 25 years on</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-19</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">Twenty-five years ago, director Park Chan-wook risked jail to make a movie about friendship between North and South Korean soldiers, striking box office gold and beginning his actors’ ascent to global stardom.Relations between the two Koreas have since plunged, with Pyongyang renouncing its long-hel</p> <h6 class="byline">By Claire Lee</h6> </div> </a> </li> <!-- /21202031/TT-mobile-sub-B2 --> <div id="ad-B2" class="boxTitle ad m mob ad_pd_b ad_bd_b ad_mg_b" data-desc="廣告ad-B2" style="text-align: center; display:none;"> <script> displayDFP('ad-B2', 'm'); </script> </div> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:5:She said no: marriages in China plummet to record low"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">She said no: marriages in China plummet to record low</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-19</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">Marriages in China last year plunged 20 percent to a record low as young people resisted government efforts to convince them to settle down and have more babies.Marriages in China dropped from 7.7 million in 2023 to 6.1m last year, data from China’s civil affairs ministry showed. The figure was less</p> <h6 class="byline"> By Helen Davidson </h6> </div> </a> </li> <!-- /21202031/TT-sub-Native1 --> <div id="ad-Native1" class="boxTitle ad pc web ad_mg_b ad_bd_b ad_pd_b" data-desc="廣告ad-Native1" style="text-align: center; display:none;"> <script> displayDFP('ad-Native1', 'pc'); </script> </div> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:6:Donovan’s Deep Dives: Risks to Taiwan’s democracy"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Donovan’s Deep Dives: Risks to Taiwan’s democracy</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-18</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">Could Taiwan’s democracy be at risk? There is a lot of apocalyptic commentary right now suggesting that this is the case, but it is always a conspiracy by the other guys — our side is firmly on the side of protecting democracy and always has been, unlike them!The situation is nowhere near that bleak</p> <h6 class="byline">By Courtney Donovan Smith 石東文 </h6> </div> </a> </li> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:7:Taiwan bounty hunters kill invading iguanas as numbers soar"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Taiwan bounty hunters kill invading iguanas as numbers soar</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-18</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">Armed with a slingshot, Taiwanese bounty hunter Wu Cheng-hua bends sideways and aims his lethal weapon up at a green iguana, one of tens of thousands in the crosshairs of a government cull.Taiwan’s iguana population has exploded since the spikey-backed giant lizards were introduced from Central and </p> <h6 class="byline">By Allison Jackson, I-Hwa Cheng and Akio Wang</h6> </div> </a> </li> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:8:Notes from Central Taiwan: Taiwan will not benefit from Chinese tourists"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Notes from Central Taiwan: Taiwan will not benefit from Chinese tourists</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-17</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">On Jan. 17, Beijing announced that it would allow residents of Shanghai and Fujian Province to visit Taiwan. The two sides are still working out the details. President William Lai (賴清德) has been promoting cross-strait tourism, perhaps to soften the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) attitudes, perha</p> <h6 class="byline">By Michael Turton</h6> </div> </a> </li> <!-- /21202031/TT-sub-Native2 --> <div id="ad-Native2" class="boxTitle ad pc web ad_mg_b ad_bd_b ad_pd_b" data-desc="廣告ad-Native2" style="text-align: center; display:none;"> <script> displayDFP('ad-Native2', 'pc'); </script> </div> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:9:Taiwan in Time: When the Soviets bombed Taiwan for China"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src=" plane with chinese insignia.jpg" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Taiwan in Time: When the Soviets bombed Taiwan for China</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-16</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">Feb. 17 to Feb. 23“Japanese city is bombed,” screamed the banner in bold capital letters spanning the front page of the US daily New Castle News on Feb. 24, 1938. This was big news across the globe, as Japan had not been bombarded since Western forces attacked Shimonoseki in 1864. “Numerous Japa</p> <h6 class="byline">By Han Cheung</h6> </div> </a> </li> <!-- /21202031/TT-mobile-sub-B3 --> <div id="ad-B3" class="boxTitle ad m mob ad_pd_b ad_bd_b ad_mg_b" data-desc="廣告ad-B3" style="text-align: center; display:none;"> <script> displayDFP('ad-B3', 'm'); </script> </div> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:10:China opens recruitment for ‘planetary defense force’ amid fears of asteroid hitting Earth"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">China opens recruitment for ‘planetary defense force’ amid fears of asteroid hitting Earth</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-15</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">China has begun recruiting for a planetary defense force after risk assessments determined that an asteroid could conceivably hit Earth in 2032.Job ads posted online by China’s State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence (SASTIND) this week, sought young loyal gradu</p> <h6 class="byline">By Helen Davidson</h6> </div> </a> </li> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:11:Spanish food without tomatoes and chilli? 14th-century cookbook shows you how"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Spanish food without tomatoes and chilli? 14th-century cookbook shows you how</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-15</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">Forget gazpacho, patatas bravas or the tang of paprika in your chorizo. Such dishes may be considered staples of the Mediterranean diet but a new exhibition celebrating Spain’s oldest surviving cookbook suggests medieval Spanish cuisine was nothing like its modern successor.Dating from 1324, almost </p> <h6 class="byline">By Stephen Burgen </h6> </div> </a> </li> <!-- /21202031/TT-sub-Native3 --> <div id="ad-Native3" class="boxTitle ad pc web ad_mg_b ad_bd_b ad_pd_b" data-desc="廣告ad-Native3" style="text-align: center; display:none;"> <script> displayDFP('ad-Native3', 'pc'); </script> </div> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:12:Take a step back in time at the Taipei Railway Workshop"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Take a step back in time at the Taipei Railway Workshop</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-14</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">For decades, Taiwan Railway trains were built and serviced at the Taipei Railway Workshop, originally built on a flat piece of land far from the city center. As the city grew up around it, however, space became limited, flooding became more commonplace and the noise and air pollution from the worksh</p> <h6 class="byline">By Tyler Cottenie</h6> </div> </a> </li> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:13:Saudi art biennale seeks to modernise Islamic tradition"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Saudi art biennale seeks to modernise Islamic tradition</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-14</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">Under a vast canopy of tents in the Saudi city of Jeddah, religious artifacts are on display alongside contemporary art pieces, part of the kingdom’s bid to transform its ultraconservative image.The second edition of the Islamic Arts Biennale, titled “And All That Is In Between,” features as its cen</p> <h6 class="byline"></h6> </div> </a> </li> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:14:Bridget Jones is middle-aged now. And we still love her, just as she is"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Bridget Jones is middle-aged now. And we still love her, just as she is</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-14</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">It is a truth universally acknowledged, as Bridget Jones herself might write in her diary, that at the end of any Bridget Jones movie, our heroine has triumphed over all doubts and obstacles and is finally happy.With a man. Well, so far, with one particular man: Mark Darcy, the stuffy-yet-dashing ma</p> <h6 class="byline">By Jocelyn Noveck</h6> </div> </a> </li> <!-- /21202031/TT-mobile-sub-B4 --> <div id="ad-B4" class="boxTitle ad m mob ad_pd_b ad_bd_b ad_mg_b" data-desc="廣告ad-B4" style="text-align: center; display:none;"> <script> displayDFP('ad-B4', 'm'); </script> </div> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:15:‘Saturday Night Live’s’ 50th anniversary is so big, it’s not even on Saturday"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">‘Saturday Night Live’s’ 50th anniversary is so big, it’s not even on Saturday</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-14</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">The 50th anniversary celebration of Saturday Night Live is so big, it’s not even on Saturday.Airing Sunday and spanning three hours, the, yes, live SNL50: The Anniversary Celebration will assemble a dream team of stars who have helped the show become an enduring pop culture force, including alumni l</p> <h6 class="byline"></h6> </div> </a> </li> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:16:China tops list of countries trying to silence exiled dissidents: study"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">China tops list of countries trying to silence exiled dissidents: study</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-13</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">A quarter of the world’s countries have engaged in transnational repression — targeting political exiles abroad to silence dissent — in the past decade, new research reveals.The Washington DC-based non-profit organization Freedom House has documented 1,219 incidents carried out by 48 governments acr</p> <h6 class="byline">By Katie McQue</h6> </div> </a> </li> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:17:How to make your dog pay attention"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">How to make your dog pay attention</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-13</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">Struggling to get your dog to fetch your slippers? Scientists who strapped eye-tracking helmets to a bunch of dogs have found the perfect tactic to get them to pay attention.Both pointing and staring at an object is the best way for dog owners to get their pets to follow directions, according to a n</p> <h6 class="byline"></h6> </div> </a> </li> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:18:Book review: A majestic travesty about Taiwan’s presidents"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src=" book.jpg" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">Book review: A majestic travesty about Taiwan’s presidents</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-13</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">When I bought a copy of John Copper’s best-known book in 2003, it was in its fourth edition since the initial 1990 printing. My relative ignorance of Taiwan’s history made me undiscerning when I read Taiwan: Nation State or Province? The title was a giveaway. The title of Copper’s latest offering is</p> <h6 class="byline">By James Baron</h6> </div> </a> </li> <li data-page="1"> <a class="tit" href="" data-desc="P:19:How to lower risk of breathing bad air"> <div class="dbox1ss3"> <div class="dnewsimg"><img src="" width="100%"></div> <h2 class="bf6">How to lower risk of breathing bad air</h2> <div class="date_list ">2025-02-13</div> <p class="sbhd"> <font class="red hidden"></font> <span class="sbhdbody hidden"></span> </p> <p class="desc">Everyone loves a breath of fresh air. Unfortunately, too often our air is anything but fresh.While air quality varies dramatically from place to place and day to day, nearly the entire world — about 99 percent of the global population — is exposed to air at some point that doesn’t meet the strict st</p> <h6 class="byline"> By Aniruddha Ghosal</h6> </div> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="waitAjax"><img src=""></div> <div class="listEnd">No more data.</div> <script src="assets/js/photoResize.js"></script> <script> var date = new Date(); var year = date.getFullYear(); var month = (date.getMonth() + 1 < 10) ? '0' + (date.getMonth() + 1) : date.getMonth() + 1; var day = (date.getDate() < 10) ? 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