Cairo Metro - About Tunnelling - ITA-AITES

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return false;" title="PDF" rel="nofollow" class="pdfButton"><img src="/templates/about-tunnelling/images/system/pdf_button.png"></a> <img class="imgLeft" src="/images/visuels/public/4_case/3_case/5_cairo_1.jpg" alt="Greater Cairo Metro - Egypt (src. Osman Ahmed Osman &amp; Co)" title="Greater Cairo Metro - Egypt (src. Osman Ahmed Osman &amp; Co)" /> <p>Greater Cairo <span class="mytool"><abbr title="Below ground level">underground</abbr></span> <span class="mytool"><abbr title="A rail-based urban mass transport system -- usually with a substantial portion of the route length underground">metro</abbr></span> is considered one of the most important national projects executed in the Republic during the second half of the twentieth century.</p> <p>This project is included in the plan of urban transportation in the Greater Cairo Region. The project consists of three lines linking the capital districts with the center of the city, aiming to develop a modern and efficient underground transportation system.</p> <p>The project also considers the construction of secured parking areas and multi-story garages for private parking at the main squares to encourage the use of public transport.</p> <p>Three main lines compose the Greater Cairo underground metro. Lines 1 and 2 have been already been built, line 3 is undergoing at the moment of this writing.</p> <h2 style="clear:both">Line 1</h2> <p>Line 1 forms the backbone of the Metro network in Cairo as it passes through the most important residential and business districts of the city.</p> <p>The line was formed by connecting the existing railway line from Helwan in the South to the existing railway line to Marg in the North East by means of a new underground line beneath the central business district of Cairo.</p> <p>The Total length of the line is of 44 Km including 34 stations. The length of the underground section is 4.5 Km including 5 underground stations.</p> <p>The Project started in 1982 and ended completely in 1989.</p> <p>The Line 1 was designed to carry 60,000 <span class="mytool"><abbr title="A user, but not an operator, of a transit system or vehicle">passengers</abbr></span> per hour in each direction, in electrically powered trains comprising 9 cars each, with a headway of 2.5 minutes and a maximum speed of 100 Km/hr and a <span class="mytool"><abbr title="The rail structure providing a single line of railway operation">track</abbr></span> gauge of 1.435 m.</p> <h2>Construction Method:</h2> <p><span class="mytool"><abbr title="Wall built by concreting within a deep and narrow trench the sides of which are held in place by a thixotropic slurry.">Diaphragm Walls</abbr></span> were used to support the sides of the excavation during the phases of construction and became part of the structure by being joined to the raft and <span class="mytool"><abbr title="The configuration of the upper portion of a tunnel section above the springline. The crown or back of a tunnel.">roof</abbr></span> , thus forming the cross-section of the <span class="mytool"><abbr title="A tunnel, strictly speaking, is a subterranean passage open at both ends. Often used as a synonym for adit, drift or gallery">tunnel</abbr></span> and stations.</p> <p>Precast walls were used in the tunnel section and cast in-situ walls in the stations. Trenching for the walls was done using cement/bentonite slurry for the precast walls and bentonite slurry for the cast in-situ walls.</p> <p>A grouted plug of cement/bentonite was used between the diaphragm walls at their toes. The function of the plug was to reduce the permeability of the <span class="mytool"><abbr title="Any naturally occuring loose or soft deposit resulting from weathering or breakdown of rock formations or from decay of organic matter">soil</abbr></span> to permit dewatering of the excavation with limited discharge and without affecting the level of the groundwater outside the walls to ensure the stability of the adjacent buildings.</p> <p>The precast panels in the tunnel sections were 0.45 x 2.5 m with 12 m length. The cast in-situ walls thickness varied between 0.6 to 1.0 m depending on depth.</p> <h2>Line 2</h2> <img class="imgLeft" src="/images/visuels/public/4_case/3_case/5_cairo_2.png" alt="Cairo Metro" title="Cairo Metro" /> <p> Unlike Line 1, the Line 2 was conceived as a totally new line. </p> <p> The Line extends from Shubra-El-Kheima station to Om-Elmasreen Station with a total length of 19 m and 18 stations. </p> <p> The Line is currently extended to Monib Station. Line 2 provides interchanges with Line 1 at Mubarak and Sadat stations. It also provides interchanges with the Egyptian Railways at Shubra-El-Kheima, Mubarak and Giza Stations. </p> <p> The Line includes 6 Km of <span class="mytool"><abbr title="At or close to the natural ground surface -- not elevated on an embankment or structure, or below ground level in a cutting or tunnel.">at-grade</abbr></span> and viaduct section with 6 at-<span class="mytool"><abbr title="Locally, the same as &#039;gradient&#039;, i.e., the rate of incline or decline in terms of degrees from the horizontal, percent of rise to the horizontal distance, or in feet of vertical projection per mile of horizontal projection.">grade</abbr></span> stations, <span class="mytool"><abbr title="A drilling pattern in the tunnel face which provides relief for an explosive charge.">cut</abbr></span> and <span class="mytool"><abbr title="In reinforced concrete or shotcrete, the least distance between the surface of the reinforement and the outer surface of the concrete or shotcrete">cover</abbr></span> tunnels of length 1.8 Km, bored tunnel of length 9.5 Km and 10 new underground stations besides the development of the two interchanging stations at Mubarak and Sadat Stations. Line 2 was completely finished on October 2000. </p> <p> For the bored tunnel section, a single tunnel 8.35 m in internal diameter was constructed using two bentonite slurry <span class="mytool"><abbr title="A movable steel tube, framework, or canopy shaped to fit the excavation line of a tunnel and used to provide immediate support for the tunnel and protect the men excavating and providing the long-term support. May be fitted with a cutting device for excavating the tunnel lining. See also soft-ground shield and gripper shield.">shield</abbr></span> TBMs, each 9.43 m in diameter. </p> <p> The tunnel has a bolted precast concrete segmental <span class="mytool"><abbr title="A casing of brick, concrete, shotcrete, iron, steel, or wood placed in a tunnel or shaft to provide final everlasting bearing structure of underground space and/or to finish the interior.">lining</abbr></span>, each 1.5 m wide and 0.40 m thick. It should be noted that it was the first time that the River Nile was crossed by a bored tunnel underneath the bed of its two branches. </p> <p> The underground stations are typically 150 m long, 21 m wide and 23 m depth, each having three levels. They have been built using top bottom construction between diaphragm walls 1.2 m thick and extending down to 55 m below ground level. </p> <p> The water table was about 2 m below the ground level. Soil injection was used to form a low permeability plug, 7 m in thickness, at the base of the walls. </p> <p> The trains have a <span class="mytool"><abbr title="The information required to carry out engineering works">design</abbr></span> maximum speed of 80 Km/hr with a minimum headway of 105 seconds, transporting about 1.2 million passengers per day. </p> <h2>Line 3</h2> <img class="imgLeft" src="/images/visuels/public/4_case/3_case/5_cairo_3.jpg" alt="Cairo Metro" title="Cairo Metro" /> <p> Line 3 will extend from the north west of Greater Cairo at Imbaba to the north east at Heliopolis serving also the Cairo International Airport. </p> <p> The Line shall cross under the two branches of the River Nile. </p> <p> The total length of the Line is approximately 30 km most of which is bored tunnel. </p> <p> The stations will be constructed by the cut and cover method. The basic design is currently in progress. </p> <h3 style="clear:both">More info:</h3> <ul> <li> <a target="_blank" title="Egyptian tunneling society (ETS)" href="">Egyptian tunneling society</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- End Content --> </main> </div> <!-- Insert common Sponsors --> <script src=""></script> </div> </div> <!-- Insert common footer --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" /> <script src=""></script> </body> </html>

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