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return false;" title="PDF" rel="nofollow" class="pdfButton"><img src="/templates/about-tunnelling/images/system/pdf_button.png"></a> <p>For hundreds of thousands of years, our natural domain has been a principally two-dimensional space : the surface of the ground.<br /> Urged by necessity, curiosity, and even by temerity, we have always tried to escape from this space, either by widening it, which is only possible in a very restrictive sense, or by searching to utilize the third dimension, upwards or downwards. In these efforts, we have always encountered great difficulties that have been overcome thanks only to an astonishing tenacity.<br /> <a class="accordion-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#readMore"><span class="clickable">Read more</span><span class="clicked">Hide</span></a></p> <div class="collapse accordion-body" id="readMore"> <p>So it has been and so it still is in the conquest of the continents, the oceans, or outerspace. So it is for the use of <span class="mytool"><abbr title="Below ground level">underground</abbr></span> space.<br /> In this field, as in the others, nature provides many challenges and we must doggedly gather our experiences, draw lessons from failures, improve techniques and use all our resources of inventiveness before succeeding.<br /> Underground works have always been difficult but this did not prevent their use at a very early stage of human development, as proved by the discovery of underground excavations that are among the first records of human activity.</p> <p>Of course, nature, and not mankind, is at the origin of the first underground works. Grottos and caves are the result of the action of the rain, the rivers and the sea, and vital necessity drove early humans to settle in these natural cavities, no doubt to find protection from the weather and from attacks. On this point, it is tempting to think that humanity perhaps owes its survival largely to these natural habitats.<br /> Cavemens' dwellings were an important landmark in the use of <span class="mytool"><abbr title="Space created or used underground">underground space</abbr></span> by mankind ; with them, the use of the underground became intentional and active.<br /> In every age, considerable use has been made of underground structures for mining and defensive purposes.</p> <p>However, the most rapid increase in the use of underground works only appeared in the 19th and particularly the 20th centuries, thanks to the impetus of economic development.<br /> During these periods, there was a dramatic increase in underground space use, in mining, in the field of transportation with the development of roads, waterways, and railways , and in the field of hydroelectric facilities.<br /> So, since the dawn of human endeavor - more intensively during the recent centuries, and above all during the last decades - numerous reasons have encouraged mankind to use and develop underground space.<br /> For a good understanding of these reasons, it is necessary to keep in mind certain fundamental characteristics of underground space.</p> <ul> <li>First, the underground medium is a space that can provide the setting for activities or <span class="mytool"><abbr title="Defined as an 'underlying foundation or basic framework'. Has come to mean a diverse collection of constructed facilities and associated services that support industry, commerce and everyday living">infrastructures</abbr></span> that are difficult, impossible, environmentally undesirable or less <span class="mytool"><abbr title="One says this of a project that yields in total more benefits than costs. It is usually applied to financial returns.">profitable</abbr></span> to install above ground.</li> <li>Another fundamental characteristic of underground space lies in the natural protection it offers to whatever is placed underground. This protection is simultaneously mechanical, thermal, and acoustic.</li> <li>On the other hand, the containment created by underground structures has the <span class="mytool"><abbr title="An issue that is considered of value. Only those issues that represent differences among alternatives may be considered in an analysis.">advantage</abbr></span> of protecting the surface <span class="mytool"><abbr title="A general term used to describe the form and quality of the surroundings for a person or place. Usually has a strong connotation for the natural aspects of the surroundings">environment</abbr></span> from the <span class="mytool"><abbr title="A combination of the probability and the degree of the possible injury or damage to health in a hazardous situation.">risks</abbr></span> and/or disturbances inherent in certain types of activities.</li> <li>Lastly, another important feature of underground space is its opacity. Thanks to the natural visual screen created by the geological medium, an underground structure is only visible at the point(s) where it connects to the surface.</li> </ul> <p>But what are the main reasons today which justify a more intensive and a better-planned use of the underground space?</p> <h2>To Know more</h2> <h3>ITA endorsed Publications</h3> <ul> <li><a href="/media/k2/attachments/public/ATTSU_78_v1_18-43.pdf" target="_blank" title="Opens document in new window" type="PDF">Guidelines presented by the ITA WG 4 on Subsurface planning : To go underground Right or Wrong. ATTSU 1978</a></li> <li><a href="/media/k2/attachments/public/ATTSU_82_v2_n2_141-152.pdf" target="_blank" title="Opens document in new window">Roundtable session on the subsurface use in developping countries. ATTSU 1982</a></li> </ul> <h3>Other Publications</h3> <ul> <li><a href="/media/k2/attachments/public/TAC2004-AA.pdf" target="_blank" title="Opens document in new window">"Development of Urban Underground Infrastructures in the world",Lecture presented by Andre Assis ITA Past-President in 18th National TAC Conference, Edmonton Canada, 2004</a></li> </ul> </div> <ul class="links"> <li><a href="/media/k2/attachments/public/WhyGoUnderground.pdf" target="_blank" title="Opens document in new window" type="pdf">Download the presentation "why go underground"</a></li> <li><a href="/media/k2/attachments/public/WGU.pdf" style="text-align: justify;" target="_blank" title="Opens document in new window" type="pdf">Download the booklet"why go underground"</a></li> </ul> <div class="bloc accordion pull-left clearL"> <div class="accordion-group clearfix first"> <h2><a class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse1">Social reasons</a></h2> <div id="collapse1" class="accordion-body collapse in"> <p>Cities that are capable of functioning both in social and hygienic terms form the prerequisite for a decent life in built-up areas. Underground space has an important role to play in this respect, i.e. in the achievement of environmentally-friendly development, whether it be in the reduction of <span class="mytool"><abbr title="Interference with a natural system that is potentially harmful or unwanted">pollution</abbr></span> or <span class="mytool"><abbr title="Unwelcome sound">noise</abbr></span> nuisance, the efficient use of space, economic development, the preservation of the living environment, public health or <span class="mytool"><abbr title="A condition without physical danger. An area of analysis for alternate designs that can have significant public or private cost implications.">safety</abbr></span>. In these fields, it offers numerous advantages.</p> <ul> <li><span class="mytool"><abbr title="A tunnel, strictly speaking, is a subterranean passage open at both ends. Often used as a synonym for adit, drift or gallery">Tunnels</abbr></span> play a vital environmental role by conveying clean water to and by conveying wastewater out from urban areas.</li> <li>Tunnels provide safe, environmentally sound, fast, and unobtrusive urban <span class="mytool"><abbr title="Provision for the movement of people in an urban area in unstructured groups, e.g. by bus, train, metro, etc">mass transit</abbr></span> systems.</li> <li>City <span class="mytool"><abbr title="Coming or going of persons or goods">traffic</abbr></span> tunnels clear vehicles from surface streets, traffic noise is reduced, air becomes less polluted and the surface street areas may partially be used for other purposes.</li> <li>Underground car parks and shopping malls in city centres leave room for recreation areas and playgrounds above ground.</li> <li>Multipurpose utility tunnels are less vulnerable to external conditions than surface <span class="mytool"><abbr title="This phase of construction covers preparation for immersion, the immersion, foundation preparation, backfilling, and completion of the interior works">installations</abbr></span> and will cause only insignificant disturbance above ground when installed equipments are repaired or maintained.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-group clearfix"> <h3><a class="accordion-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse2">Indirect benefits</a></h3> <div id="collapse2" class="accordion-body collapse"> <p>The assessment of underground structures is strongly related to the community valuation of <span class="mytool"><abbr title="See disadvantage">drawbacks</abbr></span> of surface or aerial structures in terms of environmental degradation.</p> <a class="readMore" href="/en/why-go-underground/social-reasons/indirect-benefits">Read more</a> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-group clearfix"> <h3><a class="accordion-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse3">Social balance</a></h3> <div id="collapse3" class="accordion-body collapse"> <p>More and more, in a <span class="mytool"><abbr title="The type of overall development (economic, social, energetic, environmental, etc.) which makes it possible to meet the needs of the present generation without jeopardizing those of the future generations.">sustainable development</abbr></span> aproach, the PIB is no longer the only <span class="mytool"><abbr title="Maximum price that would be paid to obtain a good. It is generally a function of the quantity of this good already possessed or already consumed">value</abbr></span> to take into account.</p> <a class="readMore" href="/en/why-go-underground/social-reasons/social-balance">Read more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bloc accordion pull-left"> <h2>Environmental reasons</h2> <div class="accordion-group clearfix"> <h3><a class="accordion-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse4">Land Use & location</a></h3> <div id="collapse4" class="accordion-body collapse"> <p>That means mainly lack of surface place which is now the case not only in mega cities but in nearly all town and cities around the world.</p> <a class="readMore" href="/en/why-go-underground/environmental-reasons/land-use-and-location">Read more</a> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-group clearfix"> <h3><a class="accordion-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse5">Isolation considerations</a></h3> <div id="collapse5" class="accordion-body collapse"> <p>The ground is <span class="mytool"><abbr title="In geology, the homogeneous structure of a rock without any planar, directional arrangement of textural or structural features .">massive</abbr></span> and opaque and provides a variety of advantages in terms of isolation, such as climate, natural disasters and earthquake, protection, containment. Isolation is an important reason for placing facilities underground.</p> <a class="readMore" href="/en/why-go-underground/environmental-reasons/isolation-considerations">Read more</a> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-group clearfix"> <h3><a class="accordion-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse6">Environmental preservation</a></h3> <div id="collapse6" class="accordion-body collapse"> <p>The ground also provides a variety of advantages in terms of protection of the environment, such as <span class="mytool"><abbr title="Relating to a visual amenity.">aesthetics</abbr></span> or ecology. These are notably important aspects in designing facilities with a low environment impact.</p> <a class="readMore" href="/en/why-go-underground/environmental-reasons/environmental-preservation">Read more</a> </div> </div> <div class="accordion-group clearfix"> <h3><a class="accordion-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse7">Topographic reasons</a></h3> <div id="collapse7" class="accordion-body collapse"> <p>In hilly or mountainous areas, the use of tunnels improves or make feasible various tranport options uch as roads, railways, canals, etc.</p> <a class="readMore" href="/en/why-go-underground/environmental-reasons/topographic-reasons">Read more</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bloc accordion pull-left"> <div class="accordion-group clearfix first"> <h2><a class="accordion-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapse8">Economical reasons</a></h2> <div id="collapse8" class="accordion-body collapse"> <p>Economical aspects wrongly remain a major barrier to the development of the use of the underground space. Since the initial <span class="mytool"><abbr title="The cost to create a facility. Depending on the specific context, this term may include land purchase, design fees and all costs necessary to put a facility into operation; or it may be limited only to the costs of physical construction work">construction cost</abbr></span> of underground structures is generally higher than those of building in the open air, underground structures are in a sense 芦 penalized 禄 when compared to open air construction on this restricted basis. Thus, the economical <span class="mytool"><abbr title="An issue that is considered of value. Often used interchangeably with advantage">benefits</abbr></span> of an underground facility should be calculated by estimating the life-cost impacts of the benefits provided by such a facility. Moreover, the assessment of the underground structures should take into account the various <span class="mytool"><abbr title="The 'indirect advantages' of underground structures are those that are observed in the following alternative options: (1) either do nothing at all, (2) or opt for another type of solution, which does not oblige to build underground, but which meets the expectations of the various concerned 'parties' in a less effective way">indirect advantages</abbr></span> they offer, notably with regard to the environment.</p> </div> </div> <div class="spaced"> <h3><a href="/en/why-go-underground/economical-reasons/costs">Costs</a></h3> </div> <div class="spaced"> <h3><a href="/en/why-go-underground/economical-reasons/financing">Financing</a></h3> </div> <div class="spaced"> <h3><a href="/en/why-go-underground/economical-reasons/risks">Risks</a></h3> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Content --> </main> </div> <!-- Insert common Sponsors --> <script src=""></script> </div> </div> <!-- Insert common footer --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" /> <script src=""></script> </body> </html>