Product & UX | NN/g Training Course

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<div class="eight wide"> <h1 class="article-h1">Product and UX: Building Partnerships for Better Outcomes</h1> <p class="subtitle">Understand UX and product roles (PM and PO) to better collaborate in product development</p> </div> <div class="four wide"> <p class="course-dates"> <strong> March 10 and 11, 2025 <br> </strong> <em>Virtual Course</em><br> <em>Format: </em> <em>2 Half-days</em> </p> </div> </header> <section class="padded bottom intro legacy participant-comments m-pb-6"><p style="line-height:1.44; margin-bottom:16px; margin-top:19px"><span style="color:#000000">When UX and product management roles overlap, responsibilities become unclear. This leads to tension, lower productivity, morale, and product quality. UX is more effective when partnered with product managers and vice versa.</span></p> <p style="line-height:1.44; margin-bottom:16px; margin-top:19px"><span style="color:#000000">Clarify roles and get tangible tools to build a stronger UX-product partnership to promote better outcomes for your users, team, and business.</span></p> <blockquote>&quot;The content of this course is spot on, especially for Product Managers/Owners and UX designers alike. My boss and I took this course together. We took away a lot fantastic tools, resources, and strategies that we can use to optimize our product team&#39;s process.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Justine Benoit<br /> BigBear AI, Washington, DC, USA</p></section> <section class="padded bottom collapsable-content"> <h2 class="only small large desktop">Who Should Attend</h2> <h2 class="only mobile neutral collapse-link"><span class="icon fa fa-caret-right"></span>&nbsp;Who Should Attend</h2> <div class="collapsable mobile collapsed"> <ul> <li>UX roles on Agile product teams (Scrum, SAFe, etc.)</li> <li>Managers, owners, and leadership</li> <li>Developers and engineers</li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="padded bottom collapsable-content"> <h2 class="only small large desktop">What You鈥檒l Learn</h2> <h2 class="only mobile neutral collapse-link"><span class="icon fa fa-caret-right"></span>&nbsp;What You鈥檒l Learn</h2> <div class="collapsable mobile collapsed"> <p><strong>Clarify UX and product management (PM and PO) roles</strong></p> <ul> <li>Project vs. product focus</li> <li>Outcomes vs. outputs</li> <li>Product terminology</li> <li>Product managers vs. owners</li> <li>UX and PM distinctions</li> </ul> <p><strong>Help product managers understand how to work with UX</strong></p> <ul> <li>Collaborative strategic planning</li> <li>Partnership in discovery, design, and delivery</li> <li>Engineering collaboration</li> <li>Shared ownership vs. boundaries</li> <li>Workload considerations</li> </ul> <p><strong>Resolve conflicts to realize the full potential of the partnership</strong></p> <ul> <li>Influential communication</li> <li>Politics and negotiation</li> <li>Change management</li> <li>Conflict resolution</li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="padded bottom collapsable-content"> <h2 class="only small large desktop">This Course Includes</h2> <h2 class="only mobile neutral collapse-link"><span class="icon fa fa-caret-right"></span>&nbsp;This Course Includes</h2> <div class="collapsable mobile collapsed"> <ul> <li><strong>Small group workshops </strong>to practice your new skills</li> <li><strong>Case studies </strong>from real product teams</li> <li><strong>Templates and tools</strong> for building UX and product partnerships</li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="padded bottom collapsable-content"> <h2 class="only small large desktop">Why NN/g</h2> <h2 class="only mobile neutral collapse-link"><span class="icon fa fa-caret-right"></span>&nbsp;Why NN/g</h2> <div class="collapsable mobile collapsed"> <ul> <li><strong>Expert instructor</strong> presenting their own content</li> <li><strong>Live interaction </strong>with instructor and peers (Zoom)</li> <li><strong>Discussion and Q&amp;A</strong> opportunities with instructor</li> <li><strong>Course slides</strong> in a downloadable PDF</li> <li><strong>Private network</strong> of UX professionals (Slack)</li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="padded only small large desktop" id="certificationCredit"> <div class="twelve column grid"> <div class="eight wide"> <h2>UX Certification Credit</h2> <p> Attending this course and passing the exam earns <strong>1 UX Certification credit</strong>, which also counts towards the optional <a href="/ux-certification/specialties/">UX Management Specialty</a>. </p> <p>Learn more about <a href="/ux-certification/">NN/g's UX Certification</a> Program.</p> </div> <div class="four wide"> <img loading="lazy" alt="UX Certification Badge from Nielsen Norman Group" src="" class="certification-badge aligned center"> </div> </div> </section> <div class="twelve column grid end" id="participantSection"> <div class="m-one-wide eight wide" id="commentsSection"> <section class="legacy participant-comments only small large desktop" id="participantComments"> <h2>Participant Comments</h2> <blockquote>&quot;If you&#39;re like me, sometimes confused by the tactics or approaches the Product Managers take and wondering how better to work with the product and the development side of the house, you&#39;ll want to take this course. Although this course was highly recommended to my by some colleagues, I found I was hungrier for this kind of content than I expected.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Todd Morrison, Booz Allen Hamilton, Falls Church, Virginia, USA</p> <blockquote>&quot;This course is a must! &quot;Product and UX: Building Partnerships for Better Outcomes&quot; was my first course with NNg, and I would say that I&#39;m impressed! In only one day, we were able to cover all corners in this field. It should be taken for any organization doing UX and building products. This course is detailed with a lot of information about roles, tasks and more. I highly recommend this course. I will certainly use the tools provided and help my organization to understand the role of a PM.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Josianne Deschatelets, Canada School of Public Service, Gatineau, Canada</p> <blockquote>&quot;I would HIGHLY recommend this course for multiple reasons. (1) The course content was very valuable and applicable. (2) Anna was a very knowledgeable instructor and her delivery of the material was impeccable. Her passion for UX was very apparent throughout the course. (3) Anna addressed many of the questions with authority and it was obvious she has lots of experience in the field.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Mark Dyson, Booz Allen Hamilton, Washington D.C., USA</p> <blockquote>&quot;This is the course that shed light oo my UX &lt; &gt; Product overlaps. I highly recommend it if you fit in either of these two domains.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Alecsandru Grigoriu, Leonnade Studio, Iasi, Romania</p> <div class="collapsable-content"> <p id="moreCommentsLink" class="collapse-link right aligned">More Participant Comments</p> <div class="collapsable collapsed"> <blockquote>&quot;Anyone who works with non-designers (ie, all designers) will benefit from this course!&quot;</blockquote> <p>Gina Taylor, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Austin, USA</p> <blockquote>&quot;This is a great course to understand the value of a structured UX/Design &amp; Research process and how an org could conceivably be structured to provide outcomes, not output.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Marie Davis, Evention, LLC, Chicago, IL USA</p> <blockquote>&quot;Really engaging delivery with a splattering of memes and gifs thrown in for good measure &mdash; I feel this course was specifically made for me!&quot;</blockquote> <p>Matthew Hodgkinson, Covea Insurance, Leeds, UK</p> <blockquote>&quot;I love it as I am venturing into the Product space and there were a lot of debunking of misinformation heard in organisation, and guidance to a more inclusive and collaborative mindset.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Renee Koh, Singapore</p> <blockquote>&quot;I saw opportunities to apply the course learnings directly to my daily work environment and I am excited to do so.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Sean Fugate, NWEA, Portland, OR</p> <blockquote>&quot;I would absolutely recommend this course! It was such a great learning experience where I got to dig into the work in practice!&quot;</blockquote> <p>Aine Dillane, OST, Grand Rapids, MI</p> <blockquote>&quot;This course was amazing. This is exactly the information I needed in order to enhance partnerships at work. The course has provided me with so much information, as well as resources to bring to my team. Anna Kaley is very knowledgeable, she answered all of our questions, and she explained the topics clearly and with purpose. I would highly recommend this course for anyone in, or working with, a product team.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Ali Petrizzi, Vera Bradley, Fort Wayne, IN, USA</p> <blockquote>&quot;Definitely a great course even if you&#39;re a product manager or even a technical lead in order to understand better the other disciplines you work with.&quot;</blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> <blockquote>&quot;Pratical and realistic. I recommend.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Vieux Mamadou, Orange, Dakar, Senegal</p> <blockquote>&quot;Great to understand how the product, ux and tech should collaborate, I love the emphasize of treating each other as partners, not a parts of process/hand offs.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Aga, Gda艅sk, Poland</p> <blockquote>&quot;This course helped me structure my ideas about collaboration better. The examples shown were great and applicable to different situations.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Helena Bukovac, Burra, Zagreb, Croatia</p> <blockquote>&quot;I liked this course because it really hit home in regard to the struggles we have at our company and gave me a good boost of motivation to help get things to a better level of collaboration with product managers.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Dora, Trikoder, Zagreb, Croatia</p> <blockquote>&quot;This course helped frame an understanding of how to differentiate roles to allow teammates to be empowered and shine in their roles. The tools provided to take back to the organization to help perpetuate or initiate change were a total gift that I look forward to applying!&quot;</blockquote> <p>Megan Kelly, Symetra, Seattle, USA</p> <blockquote>&quot;The information and solutions provided were a 100% match to the challenges that I&#39;m currently facing at my company. I think it&#39;s fantastic that Anna gave us so many tools for hands-on implementation. With that, I can directly introduce what I&#39;ve learned during the course in my company.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Carolin Osthoff, Berlin, Germany</p> <blockquote>&quot;Really great way of understanding product and ux roles and responsibilities, and led by a great instructor.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Katherine Joyce, Capita, Middlesbrough, UK</p> <blockquote>&quot;Great course for understanding what a healthy product development ecosystem looks like!&quot;</blockquote> <p>Michael Shaw, Makati, Philippines</p> <blockquote>&quot;It&#39;s a great way of leaning into management and it&#39;s considerations particularly if you are having discrepancies between teams, namely PM/PO and UX. It will give you tools, and information to increase your competence and lift your confidence.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Simon, End Hunt, Melbourne, Australia</p> <blockquote>&quot;Excellent and specifically catered to our needs.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Anu Kuga, Smile CDR, Toronto, Canada</p> <blockquote>&quot;Struggling with explaining and defining your role related to product management? This course will definitely help you organise your thoughs and give you concrete hands on ways to tackle this issue. I feel more prepared for my next client when this issue arise.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Caroline, Consultancy Company, Eindhoven, The Netherlands</p> <blockquote>&quot;Great if you need to better understand how to integrate Product Management and UX Design into your organisation, both at a team level and as a way of working/culture. Some really useful tools (live miro boards to use etc.) and techniques for helping get there. Highly recommended.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Chris Collis, Office for National Statistics, South Wales, United Kingdom</p> <blockquote>&quot;I enjoyed revisiting the frameworks and learning about some of the new templates as well. The fact that it is packaged allows me to access them with easy references.&quot;</blockquote> <p>SSK Ray, Amsterdam</p> <blockquote>&quot;I think is simply a must for any UX designer.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Berny Abarca Coto, UX Capital, Luxembourg</p> <blockquote>&quot;This is THE course you must have to take before you go deep in product design/management/development. Is gives you insightful tips on how to work together, how to build relationships between teams and provides definition of all (or the majority) of roles related to product and ux and also the diferences between them. It&#39;s great!&quot;</blockquote> <p>Ana Filipa Tavares, Celfocus, Lisbon | Portugal</p> <blockquote>&quot;This course provides tools and methods to help you create better relationships with your product team. The material in this course is presented in a way that you can easily transform it and apply to your own work. I think the information in this course is very valuable and I can&#39;t wait to use it with my product teams.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Lindsey Sawade, Google, Gilbert AZ, USA</p> <blockquote>&quot;An amazing overview of all the ways we can improve communication and collaboration with both PM and Dev teams. The instructor was brilliant and shared many practical examples and rich resources. This course was a game-changer for me!&quot;</blockquote> <p>Filipa Sousa, Grupo Primavera, Braga, Portugal</p> <blockquote>&quot;This is a course that every UX-er and product person needs to do. Head of products, PM, PO, UX, this course really gives a very good framework on how to work together and how to approach it as an open collaboration in defining roles, responsibilities and clarity. For me this brings me further with how to grow the maturity in my company and get people on board. I wish I knew this before I even started working as an UX designer. Great tool, great practises, great relate-able content!&quot;</blockquote> <p>Nadieh van Uden, Basecone, Utrecht, Netherlands</p> <blockquote>&quot;For anyone who is navigating the UX&lt; &gt;PM relationship and needs tips, tricks, and strategies for successful outcomes, collaboration, and best practices, this course will surely deliver key results! Enjoy!&quot;</blockquote> <p>Robbie Frank, Olo, Spring Hill, USA</p> <blockquote>&quot;Fantastic course for anyone working in product design. Great advice and frameworks for how to work effectively and collaboratively with your product and engineering partners.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Alison McKenna, IHG, Atlanta, GA USA</p> <blockquote>&quot;If you are struggling establishing a partnership among product, UX, and engineering, this course will provide you tools and resources to take on that challenge.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Michelle Earley, OPM, Vienna</p> <blockquote>&quot;Will encourage my stakeholders, across functions, to take this course up.&quot;</blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> <blockquote>&quot;The teaching is wonderful, and you&#39;ll leave with new ideas, tools, and strategies to improve the relationship between UX and Product where you work.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Kim Spann, CDK Global, Shalimar, United States</p> <blockquote>&quot;I would recommend this course for those that struggle and/or are unsure of how to work with their PMs/understand boundaries of work/work better as a team together. I benefitted from this course with a lot of topics of discussion and learning to share and try to incorporate.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Colette Dubicki, Zappos, Las Vegas, USA</p> <blockquote>&quot;Definitely recommended, all people with either UX or Product roles should listen to this perfectly structured session. Giving direct tactics and templates to use is so beneficial, but also the examples from real case studies and the questioning that I am faced as an attendee within the flow of presentation brings whole other perspective I think.<br /> Also, I want to add that Anna really changed my point of view with the chat. I generally find the chat very distracting in these kinds of online trainings but today my experience was very different. She used the chat very organically and I actually enjoyed and learned a lot from other attendees&#39; participation.<br /> So lots of likes from me, couldn&#39;t even think of a dislike moment.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Begum Akin</p> <blockquote>&quot;Anna is a very eloquent and engaging instructor. A full-day course might seem daunting, but Anna sure makes it fun and engaging. Additionally, she provides a great number of resources and tools. This is a perfect course for anyone going through a digital transformation such as implementing Product Thinking/Product Mindset throughout your organization. I highly recommend it.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Melissa Wolowicz, Union Pacific, Omaha, NE, USA</p> <blockquote>&quot;I would recommend this course to BOTH product and design participants. It helps provide clarity about roles, where roles can intersect to help each other, and tools and exercises to improve processes.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Hannah Coley, Silicon Valley Bank, Colorado Springs, Colorado - USA</p> <blockquote>&quot;Great course! Consider taking it if you really want to leverage a took kit to form stronger partnerships and foster collaboration.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Sushma Bezawada, Dallas, Texas, USA</p> <blockquote>&quot;This content of this course will immediately change the way I work. I learned how to address the topics that are hard to talk about in a way that is collaborative and meaningful for everyone involved. As a practitioner that supports the product team, I didn&#39;t expect so much of what I learned to apply to me.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Steven Walters, Anthem, Inc, Fort Worth</p> <blockquote>&quot;I really enjoyed this course and would recommend it to everyone on our product team! It not only helped provide ways to start crucial conversations on the team, but also gave insight into what structure and processes work well for other teams - an ideal state for my organization to keep working towards.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Taylor Gehrls, UFG Insurance, Cedar Rapids</p> <blockquote>&quot;I really enjoyed the course - I would recommend people from both UX and PM attending from respective teams.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Cai Reaich, Cambridge University Press and Assessment, Cambridge UK</p> <blockquote>&quot;This is the prefect course for anyone who is having issues with getting UX at the table.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Joshua Bock, Reston, USA</p> <blockquote>&quot;This course was full of excellent practical tools and techniques to help strengthen relationships between UX and Product. The definitions of responsibilities helped provide a ton of clarity to how to better collaborate and respect each others&#39; contributions. Thanks for an excellent course!&quot;</blockquote> <p>Lauren Swainston, USANA Health Sciences, Salt Lake City, USA</p> <blockquote>&quot;My 2nd course held by Anna Kaley, she is one of the best! She knows to communicate and spark ideas in her presentation like no other!&quot;</blockquote> <p>Matan Rosen, XM Cyber, Ramat Gan, Israel</p> <blockquote>&quot;It was nice being able to talk to other UX practitioners from other organizations who also experience similar issues as yourself and being able to brainstorm together how we could tackle those issues. Also got lots of great advice and tips from Anna.&quot;</blockquote> <p>Nancy Chang, Los Angeles</p> </div> </div> </section> <script> var comments = document.getElementById('participantComments'); comments.addEventListener('click', function() { var moreLink = document.getElementById('moreCommentsLink'); if (moreLink.classList.contains('collapse')) { moreLink.textContent = 'Hide Participant Comments'; } else { moreLink.textContent = 'More Participant Comments'; } }); </script> <section class="padded clearfix collapsable-content" id="instructors"> <h2 class="only small large desktop">Instructor</h2> <h2 class="only mobile neutral collapse-link"><span class="icon fa fa-caret-right"></span>&nbsp;Instructor</h2> <div class="collapsable mobile collapsed"> <div class="instructor"> <h3 class="name m-mt-2">Sara Paul</h3> <a href="/people/sara-ramaswamy/"><img loading="lazy" class="portrait" src="" srcset=", 2x" alt=""></a> <p><a href="">Sara Paul</a>&nbsp;is a User Experience Specialist with Nielsen Norman Group. 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