Innovations and Stuff: August 2010

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google.setOnLoadCallback(drawMap); function drawMap() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addRows(27); data.addColumn('string', 'Country'); data.addColumn('number', 'MMR 2008'); data.addColumn('string', 'MMR 1990 Annual'); data.setValue(0, 0, 'Chile'); data.setValue(0, 1, 21.1); data.setValue(0, 2, 'Chile | MMR 1990: 43.7'); data.setValue(1, 0, 'Uruguay'); data.setValue(1, 1, 24.7); data.setValue(1, 2, 'Uruguay | MMR 1990: 32.8'); data.setValue(2, 0, 'Costa Rica'); data.setValue(2, 1, 25.3); data.setValue(2, 2, 'Costa Rica | MMR 1990: 32'); data.setValue(3, 0, 'Jamaica'); data.setValue(3, 1, 34.4); data.setValue(3, 2, 'Jamaica | MMR 1990: 50.2'); data.setValue(4, 0, 'El Salvador'); data.setValue(4, 1, 37.1); data.setValue(4, 2, 'El Salvador | MMR 1990: 135.3'); data.setValue(5, 0, 'Trinidad and Tobago'); data.setValue(5, 1, 39.7); data.setValue(5, 2, 'Trinidad | MMR 1990: 65.9'); data.setValue(6, 0, 'Cuba'); data.setValue(6, 1, 40.1); data.setValue(6, 2, 'Cuba | MMR 1990: 46.8'); 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Republic | MMR 1990: 96.4'); data.setValue(16, 0, 'Ecuador'); data.setValue(16, 1, 77.1); data.setValue(16, 2, 'Ecuador | MMR 1990: 181.2'); data.setValue(17, 0, 'Barbados'); data.setValue(17, 1, 78.5); data.setValue(17, 2, 'Barbados | MMR 1990: 85.5'); data.setValue(18, 0, 'Peru'); data.setValue(18, 1, 81.3); data.setValue(18, 2, 'Peru | MMR 1990: 172.1'); data.setValue(19, 0, 'Guatemala'); data.setValue(19, 1, 88.3); data.setValue(19, 2, 'Guatemala | MMR 1990: 177.7'); data.setValue(20, 0, 'Nicaragua'); data.setValue(20, 1, 102.6); data.setValue(20, 2, 'Nicaragua | MMR 1990: 100.8'); data.setValue(21, 0, 'Honduras'); data.setValue(21, 1, 105.3); data.setValue(21, 2, 'Honduras | MMR 1990: 163.7'); data.setValue(22, 0, 'Paraguay'); data.setValue(22, 1, 113.2); data.setValue(22, 2, 'Paraguay | MMR 1990: 145.9'); data.setValue(23, 0, 'Suriname'); data.setValue(23, 1, 116.4); data.setValue(23, 2, 'Suriname | MMR 1990: 105.6'); data.setValue(24, 0, 'Guyana'); data.setValue(24, 1, 143.1); data.setValue(24, 2, 'Guyana | MMR 1990: 162.3'); data.setValue(25, 0, 'Bolivia'); data.setValue(25, 1, 180.2); data.setValue(25, 2, 'Bolivia | MMR 1990: 439.3'); data.setValue(26, 0, 'Haiti'); data.setValue(26, 1, 582.5); data.setValue(26, 2, 'Haiti | MMR 1990: 898.2'); var options = {}; options['region'] = '005'; options['colors'] = [0xC00000, 0xFF0000]; //orange colors options['dataMode'] = 'markers'; options['width'] = '530px'; options['height'] = '400px'; options['zoomLevel'] = 19; options['showTip'] = 'true'; options['mapType'] = 'hybrid'; var container = document.getElementById('map_canvas'); var geomap = new google.visualization.GeoMap(container); geomap.draw(data, options); }; geomap, 'regionClick', function(e) { alert (e['region']); }); </script> <script type='text/javascript'> google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages':['motionchart']}); google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); function drawChart() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('string', 'Fruit'); data.addColumn('date', 'Date'); data.addColumn('number', 'Number of Personal Computers per 100 Inhabitants'); data.addColumn('number', 'Mobile Subscriptions per 100 Inhabitants'); data.addColumn('string', 'Region'); data.addRows([ [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.721282422543 , 0.0368314012885 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 15.1481599808 , 1.09606695175 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 6.4689450264 , 0.953496575356 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.754246115685 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 3.91880750656 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 8.78867053986 , 0.430203408003 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 17.1489753723 , 1.8596559763 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.196221292019 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.301216393709 , 0.000446499994723 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 10.4689903259 , 2.10739398003 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.933318793774 , 0.105631999671 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.536392867565 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 1.16437399387 , 0.0 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 11.4787302017 , 2.88369011879 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.957883834839 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 1.06302452087 , 0.0446553006768 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.00826260447502 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 10.0271902084 , 5.17146396637 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 7.05030918121 , 0.49916189909 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 1.3582277298 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 8.18299484253 , 0.343193501234 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 1.72235703468 , 0.0 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 2.30597496033 , 0.155588701367 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 11.0755138397 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.00329450005665 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 1.69532966614 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0520465970039 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.964800179005 , 0.0255190003663 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 3.92475509644 , 3.92867898941 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 8.53571796417 , 0.711309790611 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 3.70244693756 , 0.468976587057 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 5.99008893967 , 0.702684283257 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 3.72061300278 , 0.186625495553 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 33.7842292786 , 0.218226701021 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.806685090065 , 0.0758355036378 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 9.3635931015 , 0.528374195099 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 7.57922363281 , 1.58616900444 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.410942614079 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 12.8233394623 , 4.64054584503 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0075849997811 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.787178814411 , 0.0 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 2.60436797142 , 0.0651092007756 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.181823551655 , 0.577386021614 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 2.79875302315 , 0.13917440176 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 2.13004112244 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 4.93491601944 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 10.5154495239 , 5.38858604431 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 8.77950000763 , 1.82974994183 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.00611317157745 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.523558080196 , 0.0555129013956 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 10.9229898453 , 1.96261501312 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 21.2100696564 , 2.06741595268 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 1.01344203949 , 0.0376087985933 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.305095493793 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.87776941061 , 0.0756698027253 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 16.2150306702 , 1.70478904247 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 7.70248603821 , 1.48146998882 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.77838999033 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 4.2798614502 , 0.188266992569 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 9.9516658783 , 0.514286100864 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 20.231716156 , 2.39389610291 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.219796597958 , 0.00432270020247 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.42803260684 , 0.00441200006753 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 12.4772701263 , 2.76578593254 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.31158101559 , 0.269291400909 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.708035230637 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0184321403503 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.4547059536 , 0.0120449997485 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 13.3901596069 , 3.4143550396 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.56890916824 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.1506216526 , 0.0777425020933 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.190365403891 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 11.3793401718 , 6.37117481232 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 7.36345100403 , 0.657450973988 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 2.81206798553 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 9.3853302002 , 0.666046917439 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.95223701 , 0.0 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 3.25618553162 , 0.151473000646 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 12.0640945435 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0134185003117 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.82165670395 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0619900971651 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.15986096859 , 0.0819344967604 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 7.77151679993 , 5.00835418701 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 10.2233800888 , 0.908744513988 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 4.57680892944 , 0.999856829643 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.10246130079 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 6.53386211395 , 1.11164999008 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 4.54358196259 , 0.383693605661 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 34.4370193481 , 0.298188596964 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.04706799984 , 0.187190100551 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 11.293589592 , 0.76397818327 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 9.63231182098 , 2.091340065 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.508242666721 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 14.5451498032 , 5.49954605103 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0256987996399 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.967599272728 , 0.0 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 3.00580191612 , 0.126243695617 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.228881299496 , 0.938331604004 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.124310086171 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.00165469944477 , 0.0896646231413 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0022539999336 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 3.29618096352 , 0.274980098009 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 2.95288276672 , 0.0315374992788 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 4.90188503265 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 12.7665996552 , 6.59453201294 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 10.9048700333 , 2.53802895546 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.408734798431 , 0.0348241999745 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.651407182217 , 0.0819882005453 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 12.6464500427 , 2.2131280899 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 22.8475494385 , 2.92648005486 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.2368619442 , 0.0821276009083 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.06520652771 , 0.610190987587 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.985226392746 , 0.139096096158 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.027433000505 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 18.5924797058 , 2.87120890617 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 8.90536785126 , 2.19393897057 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.729008674622 , 0.98340690136 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 4.64091539383 , 0.30716869235 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 11.9624900818 , 0.61267888546 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 23.3144569397 , 3.20058202744 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.243371903896 , 0.022204099223 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.615867316723 , 0.0207449998707 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 14.4445800781 , 3.61681890488 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.67563402653 , 0.47150439024 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.879677593708 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.0173664093 , 0.0931169018149 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.106433987617 , 0.00218959990889 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 2.42270588875 , 0.0450720004737 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 15.4771995544 , 4.08333015442 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 2.17993450165 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.23821878433 , 0.0981326028705 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.372468203306 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 12.9107503891 , 7.66741704941 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 10.8115596771 , 0.76151740551 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 4.26590824127 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 10.9444599152 , 1.20872795582 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 2.22325706482 , 0.0 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 4.20639610291 , 0.185298904777 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 13.0526752472 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.00474010407925 , 0.0229952000082 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.94798374176 , 0.115634396672 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0719335973263 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.93454098701 , 0.225296705961 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 11.5448102951 , 5.86899709702 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 11.5957403183 , 1.24442100525 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 5.44589996338 , 1.37552905083 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.316410005093 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 6.91461992264 , 1.3769299984 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 5.71755123138 , 0.62190258503 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 35.0898094177 , 0.289286106825 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.48371005058 , 0.356828808784 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 13.1961402893 , 1.09528005123 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 11.6854000092 , 2.85579705238 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.605542719364 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 16.266960144 , 6.602891922 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0336114987731 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.308244347572 , 0.0953651964664 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.30364894867 , 0.00572300003842 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 3.50562405586 , 0.373218685389 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.275939047337 , 1.66903495789 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.248620172342 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0216370001435 , 0.179329246283 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.213054656982 , 0.0289829000831 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 3.79084610939 , 0.455649614334 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 3.77572441101 , 0.0630749985576 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 4.86885404587 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 13.8289699554 , 7.55983686447 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 13.0186901093 , 3.11090302467 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.811356425285 , 0.10361020267 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.875692009926 , 0.103390596807 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 14.7084302902 , 2.63876199722 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 24.7121601105 , 4.22702503204 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0543720014393 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.450330019 , 0.37979310751 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.20312690735 , 0.91528648138 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.35500395298 , 0.329914093018 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.697665030757 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 20.9230899811 , 3.93890690804 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 10.0838603973 , 2.78388810158 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.55895805359 , 0.891358911991 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 5.00196933746 , 0.599677085876 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 13.9083795547 , 0.673274815083 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.197676301003 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 26.3971977234 , 5.59137010574 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.279741585255 , 0.0371915996075 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.830067873001 , 0.116209499538 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 17.0720291138 , 4.64422512054 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 2.12703490257 , 0.612140715122 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.05131995678 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 2.18188333511 , 0.136991098523 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.194435834885 , 0.00465120002627 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 2.90507388115 , 0.135986506939 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 17.9292106628 , 6.89385700226 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 2.79095983505 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.32581591606 , 0.139260202646 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.638231992722 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0300604999065 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 14.2261199951 , 9.66534614563 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 11.6219701767 , 0.992204189301 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 5.71974849701 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 12.61054039 , 2.19371294975 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 2.53482198715 , 0.459137588739 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 5.15660667419 , 0.286882787943 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 14.0412559509 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.104967400432 , 0.0313851982355 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 2.07431077957 , 0.141255006194 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0818770974874 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 2.70867705345 , 0.442210912704 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 13.3410596848 , 6.63584184647 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 13.4957799911 , 1.71790099144 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 6.13451290131 , 2.11583709717 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.173584699631 , 0.624968707561 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 7.7751698494 , 1.70842695236 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 6.90639209747 , 1.06830298901 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 35.7425994873 , 1.29333996773 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.41054058075 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.7921860218 , 0.432512611151 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 14.4174203873 , 1.41552805901 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 14.3175201416 , 4.03697919846 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.702842772007 , 0.00759069994092 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 18.940870285 , 8.62094974518 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.309641838074 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.140270233154 , 0.0739590004086 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.694934248924 , 0.157764002681 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.76836597919 , 0.0408258996904 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 4.0026140213 , 1.01366198063 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.322996795177 , 2.61720991135 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.152010917664 , 0.372930258512 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0416193008423 , 0.268993869424 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.50925779343 , 0.0586730018258 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 4.28300714493 , 0.648147284985 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 4.5985660553 , 0.0743194967508 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 4.83582305908 , 0.263458311558 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 14.8789701462 , 8.86443519592 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 17.282869339 , 3.71153998375 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.20753097534 , 0.135162994266 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.12502801418 , 0.139283403754 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 16.7562294006 , 3.95865893364 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 26.6071491241 , 6.06789302826 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.156686395407 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.8909419775 , 0.86321502924 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.34104728699 , 1.22038197517 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 3.43648195267 , 0.701143980026 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 1.36789706101 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 24.1852397919 , 6.88242292404 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 11.2527799606 , 3.47834801674 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.38890743256 , 1.18013843894 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 5.3630232811 , 1.13627195358 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 15.8396596909 , 1.26787602901 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 1.05677080154 , 0.399659901857 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 29.4799385071 , 8.38896560669 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.300734788179 , 0.0554445981979 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 1.13223397732 , 0.361062586308 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 19.6505298615 , 6.43219995499 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.6058139801 , 0.816989719868 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 1.32208001614 , 0.229526296258 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 3.34640026093 , 0.206034600735 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.282437682152 , 0.010657900013 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 4.3556599617 , 0.294529795647 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 19.2052497864 , 9.66984462738 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 3.40198516846 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 1.41341304779 , 0.277754485607 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.983214616776 , 0.16911290586 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.190234899521 , 0.0877439975739 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 15.9256601334 , 13.2824897766 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 13.4628000259 , 1.52405703068 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 7.17358875275 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 15.126999855 , 3.06291103363 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.84058690071 , 1.4486989975 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 6.10681724548 , 0.353939414024 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 15.0298366547 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.205194696784 , 0.10733730346 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.20063781738 , 0.17129920423 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.0918205976486 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 3.38633298874 , 1.38355898857 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 16.9890193939 , 8.24722385406 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 15.6355800629 , 2.45702004433 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 7.16983604431 , 3.91717910767 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.34721711278 , 1.06103801727 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 9.19111919403 , 3.46175003052 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 8.68989276886 , 2.15342998505 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 36.3953895569 , 3.23193502426 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.9459104538 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.30984997749 , 0.626135408878 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 16.9261894226 , 2.08973288536 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 17.9914798737 , 6.62086296082 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.80014282465 , 0.0499061010778 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 22.9867191315 , 13.5815095901 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.776455879211 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.304220020771 , 0.162797704339 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 1.08162415028 , 0.222877904773 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.20580792427 , 0.101057201624 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 4.29612588882 , 1.73351705074 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.370054543018 , 4.77619695663 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.61016082764 , 0.497240344683 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.061601601541 , 0.358658492565 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.80546092987 , 0.111208498478 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 4.77290391922 , 1.03479099274 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 5.42140769958 , 0.133523195982 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 4.8027920723 , 0.335702508688 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 18.2055492401 , 15.7136697769 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 22.947889328 , 4.76405286789 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 1.59823298454 , 0.207690402865 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 1.28408694267 , 0.284090489149 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 17.2237091064 , 6.8546872139 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 29.0576591492 , 9.04889965057 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.649231910706 , 0.213647902012 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.31264090538 , 1.47546505928 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 3.47896766663 , 1.52547746897 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 3.56539011002 , 1.16376101971 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 2.03812909126 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 27.7520999908 , 12.496720314 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 16.1560192108 , 4.76646089554 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 3.21885681152 , 1.46891796589 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 5.72407722473 , 1.76072597504 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 17.7570590973 , 2.32082796097 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 2.80403995514 , 0.722974896431 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 32.5626792908 , 10.2963199615 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.334148913622 , 0.0966224968433 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.6731120348 , 0.796607494354 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 21.8414402008 , 8.83820915222 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 3.2928249836 , 1.37071800232 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.63459599018 , 0.712450504303 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 4.51091718674 , 0.53958427906 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.370439529419 , 0.0178433991969 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 5.3239068985 , 0.473343700171 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 26.7795906067 , 15.7285003662 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 4.01301050186 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.50101017952 , 0.7296205163 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.31620597839 , 0.477168500423 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.476975917816 , 0.237712800503 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 23.4934692383 , 20.3439006805 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 14.6041402817 , 2.23786401749 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 8.62742900848 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 17.8787994385 , 4.56154298782 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 3.28409695625 , 2.56159591675 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 7.05702781677 , 0.402268797159 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 16.0184173584 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.300891608 , 0.300881594419 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 2.32696485519 , 0.169734299183 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.10176409781 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 3.87260389328 , 2.56559991837 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 20.5624408722 , 11.545999527 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 18.2883701324 , 4.37812614441 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 8.37681007385 , 6.84629678726 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.520849525928 , 1.81699502468 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 12.0345602036 , 9.33446216583 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 10.7917499542 , 3.64678192139 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 37.0481796265 , 6.62539100647 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 5.48128032684 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 2.59394192696 , 0.744151294231 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 20.0531692505 , 3.48666501045 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 21.8712997437 , 9.97878170013 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.00516200066 , 0.0982825011015 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 27.3675098419 , 22.5112094879 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.24326992035 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.468169808388 , 0.327368289232 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.46831405163 , 0.308526307344 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 2.85011005402 , 0.194325700402 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 5.48333787918 , 3.39812397957 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.417112290859 , 7.76420021057 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 5.06831073761 , 0.621550430854 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 3.33470127173 , 0.676320016384 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 4.10166406631 , 0.229599997401 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 6.01194286346 , 2.3670899868 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 6.24424934387 , 0.190302506089 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 4.76976108551 , 0.406895309687 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 24.9236698151 , 22.7485198975 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 28.558380127 , 6.38518190384 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.98519194126 , 0.504477024078 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.46916902065 , 0.698063075542 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 20.4611492157 , 9.94582653046 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 32.0100593567 , 12.5316400528 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 2.17513394356 , 1.23995101452 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 2.71651792526 , 1.82821702957 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.61688804626 , 1.83057296276 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.15416097641 , 1.89140498638 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 3.4592499733 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 29.1817893982 , 21.9689292908 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 17.3361797333 , 7.41379308701 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.04880619049 , 1.74367797375 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 6.08513116837 , 2.38955497742 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 19.169670105 , 4.70071697235 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.55130910873 , 0.994005918503 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 35.6454200745 , 12.9295701981 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.36612701416 , 0.436737209558 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 2.07545804977 , 1.52494502068 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 24.6739997864 , 11.8224897385 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 3.82432699203 , 2.18564105034 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 2.34323096275 , 1.33171200752 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 5.67543411255 , 1.30579698086 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.458441376686 , 0.0222167000175 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 6.7803440094 , 1.94029200077 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 30.4775009155 , 25.0790195465 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.62403583527 , 0.608572781086 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 1.58860731125 , 1.05986499786 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 1.50963497162 , 0.515682578087 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.763716936111 , 0.40189358592 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 27.3146190643 , 29.3047409058 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 16.0846691132 , 4.21401309967 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 10.0812692642 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 20.8747406006 , 6.72874689102 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 3.44483995438 , 4.9531211853 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 8.00723838806 , 0.570216715336 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 17.0069980621 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.490335702896 , 0.42581731081 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 2.45329189301 , 0.163389101624 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.111707597971 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0399593003094 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.36230278015 , 4.58623504639 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 25.9101905823 , 17.3246593475 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 20.8915596008 , 7.93329381943 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 9.23331928253 , 11.1879997253 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.79787671566 , 2.1797990799 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 16.2146205902 , 21.386220932 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 13.883890152 , 7.00578784943 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 37.700969696 , 10.9454402924 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 8.01665019989 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 3.0819439888 , 1.08601295948 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 23.1473197937 , 6.53268814087 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 24.3551692963 , 13.3358097076 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 1.20202898979 , 0.111460901797 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 31.7301292419 , 28.7541694641 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 1.71008396149 , 0.256865590811 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.632119596004 , 0.663363695145 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 1.85500395298 , 0.828453123569 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 3.10601091385 , 0.561411380768 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 6.66135597229 , 6.59823179245 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.4641700387 , 8.82775020599 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 7.52646064758 , 0.745860517025 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 6.60780094191 , 0.936962485313 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.64971208572 , 0.533005774021 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 7.74585485458 , 7.49010515213 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 7.06709098816 , 0.246487602592 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.73673009872 , 0.577907502651 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 29.3796005249 , 28.1592197418 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 34.1063194275 , 9.41779232025 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 2.76485109329 , 0.753145396709 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 1.72571599483 , 1.26501095295 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 21.9474697113 , 12.5262298584 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 35.4481697083 , 16.161939621 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 3.70103597641 , 2.42421007156 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 3.10367107391 , 2.57915091515 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 5.7548084259 , 1.93172705173 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 4.77743196487 , 5.62944889069 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 3.84628391266 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 33.1731300354 , 24.8961696625 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 21.0189609528 , 14.338640213 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 4.87875556946 , 2.15062689781 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 6.82399702072 , 3.03781604767 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 20.5732803345 , 9.54692268372 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 6.6546292305 , 1.12862503529 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 38.7028083801 , 16.5712509155 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.38395640254 , 1.5157699585 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 2.5255420208 , 2.73600411415 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 27.4631996155 , 14.0497703552 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 4.40392589569 , 2.7633459568 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 3.03644299507 , 3.16344404221 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 6.83995103836 , 1.76161599159 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.546443223953 , 0.0272675007582 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 8.24288654327 , 5.10417890549 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 36.0360298157 , 27.3876895905 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 5.23506116867 , 0.727901220322 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 1.67620444298 , 1.79107999802 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 1.6982640028 , 1.07419395447 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 1.05045795441 , 0.679299414158 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 31.1296195984 , 42.0750694275 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 19.2309608459 , 9.91775226593 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 11.53510952 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 23.8773994446 , 10.082110405 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 4.3467040062 , 8.67213821411 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 8.95744895935 , 0.971434175968 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 17.9955787659 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.671276628971 , 0.615598976612 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 2.57961893082 , 0.190025597811 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.121651098132 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.336498886347 , 0.242733493447 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 5.72977113724 , 6.85422420502 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 29.3127307892 , 23.9514293671 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 23.9812908173 , 14.8520498276 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 11.3070497513 , 20.4186191559 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 1.97777605057 , 2.61046695709 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 20.2153491974 , 30.3261108398 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 15.1370897293 , 15.023059845 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 38.3537597656 , 16.1105003357 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 10.5520200729 , 3.94743108749 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 3.34602999687 , 1.82025504112 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 28.1294994354 , 10.9769001007 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 26.8334693909 , 15.193110466 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 1.60553503036 , 0.161837905645 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 35.9820213318 , 37.9693603516 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 2.17689800262 , 0.844163477421 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.796069383621 , 1.65824902058 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 2.31041097641 , 1.70879602432 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 3.88033890724 , 2.10107398033 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 7.33240413666 , 14.9319295883 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.511227786541 , 9.77211284637 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 9.98461055756 , 0.510165989399 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 9.8809006121 , 1.06102895737 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 6.96228313446 , 3.71581697464 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 9.47239017487 , 10.8127202988 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 7.88993263245 , 0.303001105785 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 4.70369911194 , 0.535115480423 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 33.8644218445 , 35.7721214294 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 39.5929412842 , 14.7678699493 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 3.93268489838 , 1.34812402725 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 2.00361990929 , 2.48111200333 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 24.2837505341 , 15.2264299393 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 39.5739517212 , 20.0818901062 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 6.12202119827 , 3.03759407997 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 3.47520899773 , 4.65634584427 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 6.89272880554 , 2.03999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 5.30442094803 , 7.40000009537 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 6.17999982834 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 37.0617904663 , 26.2600002289 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 23.4866008759 , 28.75 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 5.70870494843 , 2.73000001907 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 7.55935001373 , 4.73000001907 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 21.481300354 , 17.3099994659 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 8.65609741211 , 1.48000001907 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 41.7348899841 , 20.1800003052 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.75192117691 , 3.0 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 2.96187901497 , 4.36000013351 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 31.2016391754 , 17.75 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 6.22811317444 , 6.40999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 3.19437098503 , 4.67999982834 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 8.00446796417 , 2.90000009537 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.63444507122 , 0.0399999991059 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 9.71190738678 , 9.39999961853 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 37.7681388855 , 36.4799995422 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 5.84608650208 , 0.949999988079 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 1.76380157471 , 2.45000004768 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 1.88225603104 , 2.02999997139 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 1.3371989727 , 2.32999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 34.9379806519 , 55.25 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 23.0387992859 , 19.1299991608 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 12.9889497757 , 2.6099998951 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 27.8619709015 , 16.9699993134 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 5.05770206451 , 18.8400001526 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 9.90765953064 , 1.39999997616 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 18.9841594696 , 3.40000009537 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.843902289867 , 1.03999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 2.70594596863 , 0.189999997616 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.131594598293 , 0.119999997318 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.819067120552 , 0.579999983311 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 6.42364692688 , 10.4200000763 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 32.6422805786 , 37.8199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 27.2545890808 , 25.5300006866 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 13.2031002045 , 35.9199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 3.92416191101 , 3.1099998951 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 23.7233295441 , 37.4599990845 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 17.9178905487 , 30.6399993896 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 38.9900398254 , 30.6599998474 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 13.087389946 , 14.5200004578 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 3.60289907455 , 3.47000002861 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 32.4259414673 , 21.2999992371 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 29.295129776 , 20.7999992371 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 1.88851594925 , 0.370000004768 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 40.488910675 , 46.7400016785 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 2.64371204376 , 3.02999997139 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.960019171238 , 4.51000022888 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 2.98513293266 , 2.95000004768 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 4.91422510147 , 5.0 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 7.99433898926 , 30.3500003815 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.558285534382 , 15.3599996567 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 12.4427604675 , 0.980000019073 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 13.1540002823 , 1.24000000954 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 8.71550178528 , 8.65999984741 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 10.6863203049 , 16.2000007629 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 8.71277427673 , 0.699999988079 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 4.67066812515 , 1.32000005245 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 39.4996109009 , 46.4399986267 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 42.2118682861 , 23.8299999237 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 4.70181512833 , 2.04999995232 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 2.57474398613 , 5.44000005722 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 27.2895793915 , 25.4200000763 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 44.5468788147 , 24.6200008392 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 9.11373806 , 4.59999990463 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 3.83205008507 , 8.56000041962 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 8.03064918518 , 11.2600002289 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 5.75271987915 , 10.529999733 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 13.5200004578 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 42.4491004944 , 33.3300018311 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 28.429309845 , 53.2299995422 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 6.53865432739 , 5.30000019073 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 7.91434383392 , 8.03999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 21.900390625 , 31.3500003815 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 10.5634098053 , 2.69000005722 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 44.7412986755 , 20.4500007629 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 1.227429986 , 5.15999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 3.56027698517 , 8.76000022888 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 36.5116004944 , 22.7399997711 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 7.58082723618 , 14.8400001526 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 3.38083910942 , 5.03000020981 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 10.4172897339 , 3.59999990463 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 0.992613077164 , 0.0500000007451 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 10.6992998123 , 18.9799995422 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 45.129699707 , 49.4500007629 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 6.45711183548 , 1.16999995708 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 1.85139870644 , 4.88000011444 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 2.06123495102 , 3.16000008583 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 1.623939991 , 8.64999961853 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 36.0199699402 , 63.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 26.5487308502 , 36.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 14.4427900314 , 11.3199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 29.6591205597 , 28.5799999237 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 5.85651302338 , 35.7999992371 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 10.8578701019 , 1.99000000954 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 19.9727401733 , 20.7900009155 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 1.00822401047 , 3.07999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 2.83227300644 , 0.370000004768 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 0.141538098454 , 0.289999991655 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 0.957694113255 , 1.28999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 7.31692695618 , 15.8999996185 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 35.905090332 , 61.9799995422 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 31.4730606079 , 44.7200012207 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 15.615070343 , 53.1199989319 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 4.28488397598 , 5.67000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 28.6376209259 , 44.9399986267 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 24.805639267 , 50.8400001526 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 39.6085700989 , 48.5 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 15.622759819 , 26.7000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 4.35987091064 , 7.88000011444 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 36.0464096069 , 42.6199989319 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 33.0306510925 , 36.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 2.05726099014 , 0.879999995232 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 44.6965904236 , 59.7599983215 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 3.1105260849 , 8.05000019073 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 1.12396895885 , 8.31000041962 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 3.52448606491 , 3.96000003815 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 6.20801019669 , 10.279999733 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 9.13841056824 , 45.9099998474 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 0.605343282223 , 21.4300003052 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 14.9009103775 , 1.53999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 13.7039003372 , 1.48000001907 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 0.202923059464 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 10.9317302704 , 12.3500003815 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 11.8724899292 , 37.5600013733 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 9.53561592102 , 1.32000005245 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 4.63763713837 , 3.79999995232 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 45.122051239 , 57.9300003052 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 46.2221488953 , 42.7599983215 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 5.4668970108 , 3.0 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 3.27630996704 , 12.4099998474 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 30.7869701385 , 46.3100013733 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 50.1299705505 , 30.2399997711 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 9.94972038269 , 9.64000034332 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 4.17503023148 , 15.8100004196 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 9.16856956482 , 28.5200004578 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 6.93847608566 , 17.5599994659 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 16.5499992371 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 47.1909408569 , 44.6599998474 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 35.8190689087 , 76.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 7.36860370636 , 10.3400001526 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 8.26791000366 , 11.3100004196 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 22.3216896057 , 55.2200012207 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 12.3830795288 , 6.67999982834 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 47.7220611572 , 20.6800003052 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 1.68336999416 , 7.0 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 4.88905715942 , 13.3100004196 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 42.0345611572 , 28.4400005341 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 9.21370124817 , 22.0599994659 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 3.56125402451 , 5.67000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 15.2718496323 , 5.38000011444 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 1.21352005005 , 0.0599999986589 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 12.1746301651 , 42.5099983215 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 50.5655288696 , 63.0400009155 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 7.06813716888 , 1.75999999046 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 1.93899583817 , 7.98999977112 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 2.2347650528 , 3.92000007629 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 1.91068100929 , 12.5100002289 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 39.6018486023 , 72.0699996948 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 30.230430603 , 49.1300010681 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 15.2151403427 , 24.1200008392 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 33.5663299561 , 58.7299995422 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 6.83370304108 , 54.2200012207 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 11.8122997284 , 4.25 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 20.9465999603 , 39.5699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 1.16420900822 , 7.63000011444 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 2.95825004578 , 5.26999998093 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 0.151481598616 , 0.639999985695 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 1.08960604668 , 2.49000000954 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 8.50793552399 , 30.1200008392 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 39.1076393127 , 76.4499969482 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 35.7764816284 , 64.6999969482 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 17.8463592529 , 73.9700012207 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 4.64297389984 , 14.2899999619 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 31.4876194 , 52.7099990845 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 39.7933197021 , 57.7599983215 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 45.9532394409 , 69.4100036621 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 16.8358001709 , 42.0900001526 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 5.69499397278 , 14.1400003433 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 39.6288604736 , 67.5800018311 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 36.1426811218 , 39.8600006104 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 2.42002606392 , 1.76999998093 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 48.8653411865 , 71.9000015259 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 3.55938506126 , 13.9099998474 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 1.27967202663 , 15.3400001526 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 4.04590082169 , 4.90000009537 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 6.9082698822 , 17.5599994659 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 10.2688598633 , 65.1800003052 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 0.652401030064 , 24.2600002289 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 17.3027496338 , 2.6099998951 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 14.2444601059 , 1.59000003338 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 0.591953039169 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 13.7032003403 , 23.1200008392 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 17.191740036 , 60.2599983215 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 10.3493795395 , 2.19000005722 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 4.60460615158 , 8.78999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 50.690448761 , 71.9199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 65.573890686 , 64.5699996948 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 6.22713518143 , 12.5 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 3.66384196281 , 24.2800006866 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 34.4129714966 , 73.7600021362 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 56.6594696045 , 38.0299987793 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 10.4741001129 , 12.3699998856 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 4.5049161911 , 22.3199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 10.3064899445 , 31.7800006866 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 7.78013896942 , 18.0699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 0.120012760162 , 57.1500015259 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 51.8318710327 , 57.3600006104 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 41.9256591797 , 81.3700027466 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 8.19855308533 , 19.5900001526 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 9.36978816986 , 21.1299991608 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 23.2301692963 , 75.2600021362 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 13.3150396347 , 15.1899995804 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 50.6770095825 , 21.1100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 2.00277090073 , 9.18999958038 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 6.12324905396 , 16.2700004578 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 45.816280365 , 34.3600006104 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 10.5152902603 , 32.6899986267 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 3.61927604675 , 8.07999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 17.4370708466 , 8.14000034332 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 1.97109496593 , 0.0799999982119 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 14.6257801056 , 68.0699996948 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 54.1046485901 , 73.9599990845 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 7.68600082397 , 11.3500003815 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 2.02659296989 , 14.1599998474 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 2.40277194977 , 6.88999986649 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 2.18666195869 , 14.3599996567 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 42.3850097656 , 80.5199966431 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 32.7669906616 , 62.2200012207 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 15.9646196365 , 43.7799987793 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 37.9938011169 , 68.3199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 7.80743598938 , 72.5699996948 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 12.7772903442 , 6.32999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 20.7536296844 , 67.2799987793 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 1.31193399429 , 9.96000003815 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 3.08429193497 , 9.94999980927 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 0.161425098777 , 1.03999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 1.21545898914 , 3.74000000954 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 9.31260490417 , 48.7599983215 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 42.2539710999 , 87.5400009155 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 38.8292694092 , 76.7799987793 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 19.5510807037 , 89.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 4.99941301346 , 23.0900001526 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 35.8236694336 , 58.9599990845 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 47.8212013245 , 62.1899986267 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 52.1267700195 , 92.4599990845 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 18.5490493774 , 73.7399978638 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 6.79613876343 , 21.5799999237 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 43.1731185913 , 76.25 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 38.8853797913 , 58.4799995422 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 2.56953001022 , 3.18000006676 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 50.7949905396 , 79.6600036621 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 3.65881800652 , 15.8000001907 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 2.6766269207 , 21.0599994659 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 4.74192619324 , 6.80000019073 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 8.54183387756 , 26.0699996948 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 11.774310112 , 77.5599975586 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 0.699458777905 , 29.3999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 19.6232299805 , 4.5 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 14.7743701935 , 1.70000004768 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 0.980983018875 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 14.8093595505 , 39.9099998474 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 21.8886699677 , 72.8499984741 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 11.1535301208 , 6.94000005722 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 4.57157516479 , 18.3600006104 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 56.1742897034 , 80.7799987793 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 68.6993408203 , 72.9899978638 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 6.98234701157 , 19.7000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 3.89748311043 , 29.0200004578 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 37.367641449 , 78.2600021362 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 62.0200386047 , 44.1599998474 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 10.9910898209 , 15.6300001144 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 5.22431516647 , 26.0300006866 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.4444103241 , 47.7400016785 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 7.96978378296 , 17.4300003052 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.08210754395 , 65.1100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 56.8881492615 , 64.4700012207 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 47.9814987183 , 83.3300018311 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 9.02850246429 , 38.8600006104 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 10.4665899277 , 38.6500015259 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 27.0366401672 , 78.9100036621 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 13.8135204315 , 19.6000003815 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 47.2999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.19365692139 , 11.8100004196 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 7.26683807373 , 19.4699993134 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 48.8638305664 , 37.9099998474 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.3834400177 , 39.5699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.67581605911 , 11.1899995804 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 19.9416999817 , 12.25 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.23362207413 , 0.159999996424 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 17.5674800873 , 84.5 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 57.630279541 , 83.3600006104 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 8.95129203796 , 17.9400005341 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.11419010162 , 18.6700000763 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.17847704887 , 12.3599996567 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.45271801949 , 14.8199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 44.1855583191 , 86.8799972534 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 34.6405982971 , 64.4899978638 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 16.6912193298 , 48.6199989319 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 43.1476898193 , 71.9000015259 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 8.14637565613 , 84.6800003052 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 13.7508296967 , 7.42999982834 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 20.5669193268 , 67.9000015259 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 1.47723805904 , 13.3699998856 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.21075797081 , 10.4600000381 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 0.171368598938 , 1.55999994278 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 1.35058104992 , 5.03000020981 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 10.8097400665 , 67.7900009155 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 45.3462486267 , 91.1699981689 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 42.0570793152 , 76.1200027466 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 22.5032901764 , 94.1200027466 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 5.3931388855 , 47.7000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 38.1886787415 , 63.8199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 49.7234687805 , 68.8899993896 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 59.2588005066 , 105.61000061 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 19.9865703583 , 76.3300018311 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 8.11400127411 , 25.4099998474 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 47.0368309021 , 75.2300033569 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 41.7857208252 , 61.8199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.90563797951 , 4.51999998093 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 52.8303604126 , 83.5199966431 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.75469088554 , 17.1700000763 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.48435091972 , 29.9200000763 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 5.23117113113 , 8.61999988556 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 10.5640001297 , 36.2599983215 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 13.493519783 , 83.75 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 0.746516525745 , 46.6599998474 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 21.8526191711 , 10.5799999237 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 15.2946100235 , 8.92000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 1.37001299858 , 1.36000001431 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 18.6951198578 , 54.3300018311 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 19.1588096619 , 81.2699966431 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.9480400085 , 9.22999954224 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 4.53854417801 , 22.5499992371 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 62.1962013245 , 89.0800018311 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 71.5675430298 , 78.7799987793 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 6.95972776413 , 20.1399993896 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 4.2687997818 , 34.0999984741 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 40.5757217407 , 82.8899993896 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 66.6008936564 , 48.2299995422 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.5010595322 , 15.4300003052 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 6.05927801132 , 25.8199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.4444103241 , 47.7400016785 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 7.96978378296 , 17.4300003052 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.08210754395 , 65.1100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 56.8881492615 , 64.4700012207 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 47.9814987183 , 83.3300018311 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 9.02850246429 , 38.8600006104 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 10.4665899277 , 38.6500015259 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 27.0366401672 , 78.9100036621 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 13.8135204315 , 19.6000003815 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 47.2999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.19365692139 , 11.8100004196 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 7.26683807373 , 19.4699993134 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 48.8638305664 , 37.9099998474 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.3834400177 , 39.5699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.67581605911 , 11.1899995804 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 19.9416999817 , 12.25 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.23362207413 , 0.159999996424 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 17.5674800873 , 84.5 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 57.630279541 , 83.3600006104 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 8.95129203796 , 17.9400005341 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.11419010162 , 18.6700000763 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.17847704887 , 12.3599996567 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.45271801949 , 14.8199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 44.1855583191 , 86.8799972534 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 34.6405982971 , 64.4899978638 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 16.6912193298 , 48.6199989319 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 43.1476898193 , 71.9000015259 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 8.14637565613 , 84.6800003052 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 13.7508296967 , 7.42999982834 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 20.5669193268 , 67.9000015259 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 1.47723805904 , 13.3699998856 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.21075797081 , 10.4600000381 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 0.171368598938 , 1.55999994278 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 1.35058104992 , 5.03000020981 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 10.8097400665 , 67.7900009155 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 45.3462486267 , 91.1699981689 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 42.0570793152 , 76.1200027466 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 22.5032901764 , 94.1200027466 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 5.3931388855 , 47.7000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 38.1886787415 , 63.8199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 49.7234687805 , 68.8899993896 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 59.2588005066 , 105.61000061 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 19.9865703583 , 76.3300018311 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 8.11400127411 , 25.4099998474 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 47.0368309021 , 75.2300033569 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 41.7857208252 , 61.8199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.90563797951 , 4.51999998093 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 52.8303604126 , 83.5199966431 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.75469088554 , 17.1700000763 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.48435091972 , 29.9200000763 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 5.23117113113 , 8.61999988556 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 10.5640001297 , 36.2599983215 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 13.493519783 , 83.75 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 0.746516525745 , 46.6599998474 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 21.8526191711 , 10.5799999237 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 15.2946100235 , 8.92000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 1.37001299858 , 1.36000001431 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 18.6951198578 , 54.3300018311 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 19.1588096619 , 81.2699966431 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.9480400085 , 9.22999954224 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 4.53854417801 , 22.5499992371 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 62.1962013245 , 89.0800018311 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 71.5675430298 , 78.7799987793 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 6.95972776413 , 20.1399993896 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 4.2687997818 , 34.0999984741 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 40.5757217407 , 82.8899993896 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 66.6008936564 , 48.2299995422 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.5010595322 , 15.4300003052 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 6.05927801132 , 25.8199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 12.5648698807 , 56.7299995422 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 8.15679073334 , 20.6200008392 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 4.04420232773 , 72.0500030518 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 60.8266601562 , 72.0800018311 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 55.2160987854 , 89.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 9.85845184326 , 38.5099983215 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 11.5583696365 , 55.5699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 31.7951793671 , 83.4499969482 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 14.2930498123 , 22.3700008392 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 62.7999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 2.26366090775 , 14.470000267 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 8.62586593628 , 25.5400009155 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 52.1075706482 , 42.0 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 12.5383796692 , 45.5600013733 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 3.76653504372 , 14.8199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 21.7892494202 , 18.6200008392 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 2.40645098686 , 0.319999992847 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 20.512550354 , 95.3700027466 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 61.4032287598 , 88.4899978638 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 12.1303396225 , 35.1100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 2.19890904427 , 22.6100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 4.20133495331 , 18.7700004578 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 3.31160902977 , 19.1100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 46.0685310364 , 91.0699996948 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 41.6610183716 , 69.2399978638 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 17.3942298889 , 49.1199989319 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 48.4362106323 , 78.7200012207 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 8.50576496124 , 81.0800018311 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 14.7168502808 , 41.5 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 20.3887004852 , 64.8700027466 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 1.66687905788 , 16.8299999237 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 3.47134590149 , 18.1299991608 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 0.180996194482 , 3.50999999046 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 1.45075595379 , 5.73000001907 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 12.5514001846 , 78.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 46.3130989075 , 97.0699996948 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 45.5241012573 , 87.0500030518 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 26.7077999115 , 98.0 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 5.82357692719 , 59.9199981689 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 40.7174606323 , 68.0899963379 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 51.0872612 , 71.2200012207 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 61.7952804565 , 118.919998169 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 20.3914604187 , 70.5999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 9.58432292938 , 29.1700000763 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 51.2568092346 , 81.6600036621 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 44.8815612793 , 64.7600021362 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 3.28397893906 , 8.77999973297 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 54.967628479 , 88.9100036621 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 3.84722399712 , 22.2000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 4.54258680344 , 31.1599998474 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 6.62698698044 , 10.8000001907 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 14.2015895844 , 45.4500007629 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 13.4622001648 , 95.9899978638 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 0.793111085892 , 47.9799995422 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 23.9957809448 , 45.9399986267 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 15.804479599 , 61.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 2.00762891769 , 3.25999999046 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 23.5092391968 , 68.3499984741 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 22.1762905121 , 88.8899993896 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 12.7334499359 , 58.0800018311 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 4.5082821846 , 34.5800018311 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 68.8259124756 , 98.1200027466 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 75.1463165283 , 84.3399963379 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 7.93972015381 , 25.6900005341 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 4.67773199081 , 40.2200012207 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 44.061920166 , 90.9300003052 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 71.1817487081 , 54.0999984741 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 12.0045003891 , 14.9600000381 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 7.03061294556 , 27.1900005341 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 13.6615400314 , 65.5199966431 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 8.33951663971 , 35.2099990845 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 6.00629711151 , 99.2200012207 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 64.765171051 , 81.7799987793 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 57.8748283386 , 97.6299972534 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 10.666270256 , 57.8600006104 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 12.6450004578 , 79.2300033569 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 34.8759498596 , 88.1200027466 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 14.7547903061 , 33.1899986267 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 76.6299972534 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 2.33099102974 , 19.9899997711 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 13.0496797562 , 35.6800003052 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 70.0609664917 , 46.9700012207 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 13.2594804764 , 57.4300003052 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 3.91423892975 , 24.5300006866 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 21.8667297363 , 21.6900005341 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 2.66785597801 , 0.680000007153 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 23.9514007568 , 105.910003662 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 65.4389572144 , 95.6399993896 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 16.5533409119 , 61.8800010681 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 2.28105592728 , 26.9799995422 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 5.55215406418 , 27.4300003052 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 4.43626880646 , 30.3500003815 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 48.0397911072 , 95.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 49.7869110107 , 73.4700012207 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 18.0687294006 , 50.2900009155 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 54.4495582581 , 86.5699996948 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 8.88424396515 , 84.4400024414 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 15.647310257 , 42.3800010681 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 20.2217197418 , 69.75 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 2.03338098526 , 25.5599994659 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 3.59888696671 , 22.5100002289 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 0.190318897367 , 4.32000017166 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 1.56065404415 , 10.470000267 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 14.5790100098 , 86.3799972534 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 47.266910553 , 99.5500030518 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 49.2934989929 , 94.0699996948 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 31.2754592896 , 107.650001526 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 6.28972816467 , 69.3399963379 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 43.2462425232 , 71.8099975586 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 52.1719017029 , 77.2399978638 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 62.0904197693 , 102.480003357 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 20.799779892 , 74.6100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 10.6055803299 , 36.8800010681 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 68.4694595337 , 91.1299972534 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 48.2292709351 , 74.4899978638 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 3.72014093399 , 13.7100000381 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 57.1996688843 , 98.3799972534 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 4.09403181076 , 39.6800003052 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 5.91637706757 , 30.1900005341 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 8.34470462799 , 14.8900003433 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 11.7210102081 , 60.4000015259 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 13.4272699356 , 100.800003052 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 0.83927822113 , 68.8600006104 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 26.0731506348 , 59.7799987793 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 16.3044204712 , 61.7400016785 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 3.26874303818 , 5.15999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 29.4919204712 , 79.4100036621 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 25.6926803589 , 90.9100036621 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 13.5103197098 , 66.3399963379 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 4.47968482971 , 43.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 76.167137146 , 97.4100036621 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 84.3264770508 , 84.8700027466 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 8.91411495209 , 49.5699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 5.12740278244 , 49.4099998474 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 60.3402900696 , 99.5500030518 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 75.7626037598 , 61.6399993896 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 12.5019102097 , 18.0400009155 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 8.16142177582 , 32.0699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 14.8504495621 , 102.949996948 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 9.03292274475 , 57.2099990845 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 7.96839189529 , 102.36000061 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 68.7036819458 , 90.3199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 61.0053596497 , 105.260002136 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 12.3814897537 , 69.9800033569 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 14.839220047 , 81.4199981689 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 37.9497184753 , 92.2200012207 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 15.200050354 , 42.3499984741 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 82.1500015259 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 2.39598798752 , 26.3700008392 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 16.0939998627 , 46.3300018311 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 87.6868286133 , 52.6699981689 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 14.1146697998 , 64.8499984741 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 4.14825582504 , 50.7599983215 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 23.1094799042 , 25.4400005341 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 3.34534192085 , 1.21000003815 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 27.3983192444 , 115.510002136 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 69.4583816528 , 100.589996338 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 20.9763422012 , 77.0899963379 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 2.31392002106 , 38.0099983215 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 6.54907989502 , 47.8199996948 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 5.08650588989 , 39.8100013733 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 50.0089492798 , 100.489997864 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 57.8555107117 , 78.8199996948 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 18.7432289124 , 50.2900009155 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 60.4673805237 , 96.1900024414 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 9.1727514267 , 92.7399978638 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 16.5777702332 , 45.7200012207 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 20.0547389984 , 69.75 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 2.07951998711 , 35.4900016785 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 3.86039710045 , 36.8400001526 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 0.187622204423 , 5.32000017166 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 1.42706394196 , 18.5900001526 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 14.4190797806 , 92.4800033569 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 48.2073287964 , 95.7300033569 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 52.9906616211 , 101.980003357 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 36.9856910706 , 121.919998169 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 6.7529001236 , 74.2799987793 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 45.7750244141 , 75.6999969482 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 53.7152709961 , 80.6100006104 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 62.3784713745 , 109.910003662 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 21.2080993652 , 74.6100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 13.0805196762 , 44.7400016785 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 85.5442199707 , 97.0400009155 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 51.5591392517 , 85.8799972534 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 4.00970697403 , 20.5200004578 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 59.4120483398 , 102.569999695 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 4.56001615524 , 54.1100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 7.46964406967 , 31.9599990845 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 10.011349678 , 20.0599994659 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 13.8753995895 , 76.3600006104 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 15.3143796921 , 108.540000916 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 0.834474623203 , 85.7099990845 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 28.1505203247 , 103.790000916 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 16.8043613434 , 63.9599990845 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 3.83330202103 , 7.82999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 35.7162208557 , 84.3000030518 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 27.8653793335 , 99.1500015259 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 13.8596096039 , 64.9599990845 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 4.45198297501 , 46.5800018311 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 83.4839172363 , 100.410003662 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 88.6611480713 , 91.8499984741 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 9.88327026367 , 70.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 5.5647521019 , 61.2799987793 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 76.5219573975 , 108.650001526 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 77.2602386475 , 70.3600006104 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 12.9937696457 , 34.7299995422 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 9.25264263153 , 46.75 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 21.2121200562 , 130.210006714 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 9.72632884979 , 80.5800018311 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 9.93048667908 , 106.169998169 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 72.6421928406 , 95.7900009155 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 64.1358909607 , 112.199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 14.0967092514 , 76.7699966431 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 17.0334396362 , 93.3899993896 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 42.1577110291 , 94.0400009155 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 15.6306800842 , 42.0099983215 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 93.3499984741 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 2.4609849453 , 30.75 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 19.1383199692 , 53.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 94.5786209106 , 57.4599990845 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 14.9698591232 , 75.6100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 5.37504386902 , 68.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 24.352230072 , 32.8400001526 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 3.54186010361 , 1.36000001431 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 30.8452377319 , 121.339996338 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 72.7466430664 , 107.300003052 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 25.3993434906 , 106.300003052 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 2.99526691437 , 47.6100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 12.7435102463 , 64.2699966431 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 5.73674297333 , 63.3300018311 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 51.9781074524 , 107.730003357 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 65.873008728 , 84.1800003052 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 19.4177284241 , 50.2900009155 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 65.2839431763 , 103.959999084 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 9.38027381897 , 99.0299987793 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 17.5082302094 , 44.9199981689 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 19.887758255 , 69.75 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 2.12565898895 , 55.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 4.12190723419 , 36.8400001526 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 2.69856054336 , 12.5500001907 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 1.64038395882 , 31.8600006104 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 18.3195590973 , 99.1200027466 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 53.8539199829 , 100.180000305 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 58.9087600708 , 109.809997559 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 42.6959228516 , 136.339996338 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 7.21607208252 , 84.7799987793 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 48.3038063049 , 78.3300018311 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 54.4393081665 , 84.1500015259 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 67.5446014404 , 151.86000061 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 21.6164188385 , 74.6100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 13.8469800949 , 52.0600013733 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 91.2207565308 , 105.529998779 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 54.1538505554 , 91.5500030518 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 4.29927301407 , 33.1300010681 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 63.1340904236 , 104.120002747 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 5.02600049973 , 66.1399993896 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 9.02291107178 , 53.7400016785 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 11.6779947281 , 31.1299991608 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 16.7694396973 , 96.2900009155 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 16.3013706207 , 115.370002747 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 0.829671025276 , 85.7099990845 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 30.2278900146 , 128.580001831 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 17.3043022156 , 86.8899993896 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 4.39786100388 , 11.8800001144 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 42.9584503174 , 90.7900009155 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 36.8843803406 , 104.86000061 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 14.208899498 , 80.4899978638 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 4.4242811203 , 63.3300018311 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 88.2038421631 , 105.419998169 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 88.3046264648 , 99.4100036621 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 17.4165496826 , 114.790000916 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 5.93192577362 , 73.0500030518 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 81.2069396973 , 115.690002441 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 79.8926086426 , 79.0999984741 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 13.4856290817 , 69.9599990845 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 10.3438634872 , 69.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 27.5737905502 , 131.220001221 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 10.4197349548 , 102.309997559 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 11.8925814629 , 109.029998779 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 76.5807037354 , 101.949996948 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 67.2664222717 , 119.319999695 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 15.8119287491 , 112.11000061 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 19.2276592255 , 132.0 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 46.3657035828 , 101.970001221 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 15.6414003372 , 40.1699981689 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 106.879997253 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 2.52598190308 , 34.1699981689 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 22.1826400757 , 63.6300010681 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 101.470413208 , 61.5499992371 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 15.8250484467 , 83.8799972534 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 7.60864496231 , 76.5100021362 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 25.5949802399 , 33.8300018311 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 3.73837828636 , 1.76999998093 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 34.2921562195 , 128.830001831 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 55.1257286072 , 115.849998474 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 29.82234478 , 132.759994507 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 3.5083990097 , 56.1800003052 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 18.9379405975 , 74.5 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 6.38698005676 , 100.5 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 53.947265625 , 115.080001831 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 73.8905067444 , 89.6999969482 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 20.0922279358 , 50.2900009155 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 70.1005058289 , 116.870002747 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 9.58779621124 , 110.650001526 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 18.4386901855 , 49.7999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 19.7207775116 , 69.75 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 2.1717979908 , 89.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 4.38341736794 , 36.8400001526 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 5.20949888229 , 25.7199993134 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 1.99793100357 , 58.3300018311 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 25.6405792236 , 109.940002441 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 59.5005111694 , 106.330001831 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 64.8268585205 , 118.410003662 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 48.4061546326 , 151.419998169 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 7.67924404144 , 99.5699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 50.8325881958 , 82.6500015259 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 57.8272705078 , 90.6900024414 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 72.7107315063 , 144.089996338 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 22.0247383118 , 74.6100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 14.6134405136 , 61.9199981689 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 96.8972930908 , 117.160003662 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 56.7485618591 , 101.38999939 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 4.58883905411 , 44.7200012207 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 66.8561325073 , 106.720001221 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 5.49198484421 , 90.0500030518 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 10.5761780739 , 76.6200027466 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 13.3446397781 , 54.0800018311 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 19.663479805 , 108.540000916 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 17.2156391144 , 126.410003662 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 0.824867427349 , 85.7099990845 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 32.3052597046 , 146.779998779 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 17.8042430878 , 91.9199981689 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 4.96241998672 , 19.0900001526 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 51.5035095215 , 112.489997864 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 39.8381309509 , 109.919998169 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 14.5581893921 , 101.36000061 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 4.39657926559 , 74.4599990845 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 92.9237670898 , 111.11000061 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 92.5978927612 , 109.260002136 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 13.1631298065 , 113.669998169 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 6.29909944534 , 84.8899993896 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 85.8919219971 , 121.239997864 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 82.5249786377 , 85.1999969482 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 13.9774885178 , 89.9800033569 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 11.435084343 , 86.1299972534 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 33.9354610443 , 157.669998169 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 11.1131410599 , 116.61000061 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 13.8546762466 , 114.559997559 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 80.5192146301 , 104.959999084 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 70.3969535828 , 129.729995728 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 17.5271482468 , 106.040000916 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 21.4218788147 , 159.089996338 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 50.5736961365 , 111.629997253 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 15.6521205902 , 53.2299995422 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 122.069999695 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 2.59097886086 , 49.8199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 25.2269601822 , 78.4700012207 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 108.362205505 , 66.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 16.6802377701 , 88.0500030518 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 9.8422460556 , 91.9000015259 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 26.8377304077 , 41.75 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 3.93489646912 , 2.96000003815 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 37.739074707 , 133.539993286 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 37.5048141479 , 125.720001221 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 34.2453460693 , 149.660003662 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. 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Potential (and pitfalls) of mHealth</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content'> <span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">Americas Quarterly</span></span><br /> <br /> <span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">BY David Aylward, Beatriz Leao, Walter Curioso, and Fabiano Cruz</span></span><br /> <br /> <span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">Original Post: </span><a bitly="BITLY_PROCESSED" href=""><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"></span></a></span><br /> <br /> <span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">Mobile phone subscriptions have overtaken fixed lines as the preferred method of communication across Latin America and the Caribbean, with penetration rates of almost 90 percent. Some forecasts indicate that subscriptions in the region could grow by 8.2 percent in 2010. According to the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), mobile subscriptions globally will surpass the 5 billion mark by the end of the year&#8212;an estimated two-thirds of which are expected to be in low- and middle-income countries.</span></span><br /> <br /> <span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">That puts the mobile industry in a position to play a pivotal role in tackling health care for the underserved. Yet health policy leaders have only just begun to address the opportunities of the wireless information revolution sweeping their countries.</span></span><br /> <span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">&#8220;Even the simplest low-end mobile phone can do so much to improve health care in the developing world,&#8221; said Dr. Hamadoun Tour茅, secretary-general of the ITU during the ITU Telecom World Conference in October, 2009. For example, he added, mobile subscribers could be sent reminder messages about medical appointments or prenatal checkups.</span></span><br /> <br /> <span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">That could make a major difference in a country like Peru with a maternal mortality rate estimated at 185 cases per 100,000 births.1 Worldwide, about 10 million women each year suffer serious complications such as infection or disease following childbirth.</span></span><br /> <br /> <span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">Mobile digital technology can empower both patients and practitioners by providing them with the information they need to make informed decisions about critical health issues ranging from healthy living habits to health care provision and monitoring of diseases. For health care officials, the rapid expansion of wireless networks represents a particularly exciting opportunity to reach those who are currently isolated by distance and lack of communication by using mHealth programs. In this respect, health care is no different from other economic sectors that have gained enormous efficiencies and improved outcomes through the use of modern information and communications technologies (ICT). With their ability to reach much further into developing countries than any other technology, wireless networks today power the collection of health data, support diagnoses and treatment, and advance education and research in even the most remote and resource-poor environments&#8212;with the potential to do far more.</span></span><br /> <br /> <span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">MORE: </span><a bitly="BITLY_PROCESSED" href=""><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"></span></a></span> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'><span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn'>Fabiano Cruz <a href="" rel="nofollow">@__fabianocruz</a></span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' title='2010-08-03T06:38:00-07:00'>6:38&#8239;AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=''>0 comments</a> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-1823612608'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); 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Potential (and pitfalls) of m...</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> &#9658;&#160; </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> July </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> &#9658;&#160; </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> June </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> &#9658;&#160; </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> May </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class='clear'></div> </div> </div><div class='widget Profile' data-version='1' id='Profile1'> <h2>About Me</h2> <div class='widget-content'> <dl class='profile-datablock'> <dt class='profile-data'> <a class='profile-name-link g-profile' href='' rel='author' style='background-image: url(//;'> Fabiano Cruz <a href="">@__fabianocruz</a> </a> </dt> <dd class='profile-textblock'>I have built a solid experience over last 13 years, mainly focusing in program/project management, working on innovative products and services and successfully implemented them across the globe. For the last three years, I have been working at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), providing technology vision, leadership and strategic directions in the design and implementation of various technology-enabled development projects. Currently I am a Sr. Technology Advisor at the Social Protection and Health (SCL/SPH) division of the IDB. In the past, I worked on a couple of fun and challenging projects at companies such as IBM, SIEMENS Mobile R&amp;D, BenQ R&amp;D, Nokia Institute of Technology (INdT), and others. You can reach me at fabianoc [at] and on twitter @fabianocrave.</dd> </dl> <a class='profile-link' href='' rel='author'>View my complete profile</a> <div class='clear'></div> </div> </div></div> </div> <!-- spacer for skins that want sidebar and main to be the same height--> <div class='clear'>&#160;</div> </div> <!-- end content-wrapper --> </div></div> <!-- end outer-wrapper --> <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/> <script language='javascript' src=''></script> <script language='javascript' src=''></script> <script language='javascript' src=''></script> <script language='javascript' src=''></script> <script language='javascript' src=''></script> <script language='javascript'> dp.SyntaxHighlighter.BloggerMode(); dp.SyntaxHighlighter.HighlightAll("code"); </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type='text/javascript'> window['__wavt'] = 'AOuZoY4q6kx1T-2kouk9g-Ls1WVwZidLsA:1733194161321';_WidgetManager._Init('//\x3d7078520658429806783','//','7078520658429806783'); 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