Innovations and Stuff: July 2010

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google.setOnLoadCallback(drawMap); function drawMap() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addRows(27); data.addColumn('string', 'Country'); data.addColumn('number', 'MMR 2008'); data.addColumn('string', 'MMR 1990 Annual'); data.setValue(0, 0, 'Chile'); data.setValue(0, 1, 21.1); data.setValue(0, 2, 'Chile | MMR 1990: 43.7'); data.setValue(1, 0, 'Uruguay'); data.setValue(1, 1, 24.7); data.setValue(1, 2, 'Uruguay | MMR 1990: 32.8'); data.setValue(2, 0, 'Costa Rica'); data.setValue(2, 1, 25.3); data.setValue(2, 2, 'Costa Rica | MMR 1990: 32'); data.setValue(3, 0, 'Jamaica'); data.setValue(3, 1, 34.4); data.setValue(3, 2, 'Jamaica | MMR 1990: 50.2'); data.setValue(4, 0, 'El Salvador'); data.setValue(4, 1, 37.1); data.setValue(4, 2, 'El Salvador | MMR 1990: 135.3'); data.setValue(5, 0, 'Trinidad and Tobago'); data.setValue(5, 1, 39.7); data.setValue(5, 2, 'Trinidad | MMR 1990: 65.9'); data.setValue(6, 0, 'Cuba'); data.setValue(6, 1, 40.1); data.setValue(6, 2, 'Cuba | MMR 1990: 46.8'); 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Republic | MMR 1990: 96.4'); data.setValue(16, 0, 'Ecuador'); data.setValue(16, 1, 77.1); data.setValue(16, 2, 'Ecuador | MMR 1990: 181.2'); data.setValue(17, 0, 'Barbados'); data.setValue(17, 1, 78.5); data.setValue(17, 2, 'Barbados | MMR 1990: 85.5'); data.setValue(18, 0, 'Peru'); data.setValue(18, 1, 81.3); data.setValue(18, 2, 'Peru | MMR 1990: 172.1'); data.setValue(19, 0, 'Guatemala'); data.setValue(19, 1, 88.3); data.setValue(19, 2, 'Guatemala | MMR 1990: 177.7'); data.setValue(20, 0, 'Nicaragua'); data.setValue(20, 1, 102.6); data.setValue(20, 2, 'Nicaragua | MMR 1990: 100.8'); data.setValue(21, 0, 'Honduras'); data.setValue(21, 1, 105.3); data.setValue(21, 2, 'Honduras | MMR 1990: 163.7'); data.setValue(22, 0, 'Paraguay'); data.setValue(22, 1, 113.2); data.setValue(22, 2, 'Paraguay | MMR 1990: 145.9'); data.setValue(23, 0, 'Suriname'); data.setValue(23, 1, 116.4); data.setValue(23, 2, 'Suriname | MMR 1990: 105.6'); data.setValue(24, 0, 'Guyana'); data.setValue(24, 1, 143.1); data.setValue(24, 2, 'Guyana | MMR 1990: 162.3'); data.setValue(25, 0, 'Bolivia'); data.setValue(25, 1, 180.2); data.setValue(25, 2, 'Bolivia | MMR 1990: 439.3'); data.setValue(26, 0, 'Haiti'); data.setValue(26, 1, 582.5); data.setValue(26, 2, 'Haiti | MMR 1990: 898.2'); var options = {}; options['region'] = '005'; options['colors'] = [0xC00000, 0xFF0000]; //orange colors options['dataMode'] = 'markers'; options['width'] = '530px'; options['height'] = '400px'; options['zoomLevel'] = 19; options['showTip'] = 'true'; options['mapType'] = 'hybrid'; var container = document.getElementById('map_canvas'); var geomap = new google.visualization.GeoMap(container); geomap.draw(data, options); }; geomap, 'regionClick', function(e) { alert (e['region']); }); </script> <script type='text/javascript'> google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages':['motionchart']}); google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); function drawChart() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('string', 'Fruit'); data.addColumn('date', 'Date'); data.addColumn('number', 'Number of Personal Computers per 100 Inhabitants'); data.addColumn('number', 'Mobile Subscriptions per 100 Inhabitants'); data.addColumn('string', 'Region'); data.addRows([ [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.721282422543 , 0.0368314012885 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 15.1481599808 , 1.09606695175 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 6.4689450264 , 0.953496575356 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.754246115685 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 3.91880750656 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 8.78867053986 , 0.430203408003 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 17.1489753723 , 1.8596559763 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.196221292019 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.301216393709 , 0.000446499994723 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 10.4689903259 , 2.10739398003 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.933318793774 , 0.105631999671 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.536392867565 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 1.16437399387 , 0.0 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 11.4787302017 , 2.88369011879 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.957883834839 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 1.06302452087 , 0.0446553006768 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.00826260447502 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 10.0271902084 , 5.17146396637 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 7.05030918121 , 0.49916189909 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 1.3582277298 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 8.18299484253 , 0.343193501234 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 1.72235703468 , 0.0 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 2.30597496033 , 0.155588701367 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 11.0755138397 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.00329450005665 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 1.69532966614 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0520465970039 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.964800179005 , 0.0255190003663 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 3.92475509644 , 3.92867898941 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 8.53571796417 , 0.711309790611 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 3.70244693756 , 0.468976587057 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 5.99008893967 , 0.702684283257 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 3.72061300278 , 0.186625495553 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 33.7842292786 , 0.218226701021 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.806685090065 , 0.0758355036378 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 9.3635931015 , 0.528374195099 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 7.57922363281 , 1.58616900444 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.410942614079 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 12.8233394623 , 4.64054584503 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0075849997811 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.787178814411 , 0.0 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 2.60436797142 , 0.0651092007756 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.181823551655 , 0.577386021614 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 2.79875302315 , 0.13917440176 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 2.13004112244 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 4.93491601944 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 10.5154495239 , 5.38858604431 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 8.77950000763 , 1.82974994183 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.00611317157745 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.523558080196 , 0.0555129013956 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 10.9229898453 , 1.96261501312 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 21.2100696564 , 2.06741595268 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 1.01344203949 , 0.0376087985933 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.305095493793 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.87776941061 , 0.0756698027253 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 16.2150306702 , 1.70478904247 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 7.70248603821 , 1.48146998882 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.77838999033 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 4.2798614502 , 0.188266992569 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 9.9516658783 , 0.514286100864 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 20.231716156 , 2.39389610291 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.219796597958 , 0.00432270020247 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.42803260684 , 0.00441200006753 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 12.4772701263 , 2.76578593254 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.31158101559 , 0.269291400909 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.708035230637 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0184321403503 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.4547059536 , 0.0120449997485 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 13.3901596069 , 3.4143550396 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.56890916824 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.1506216526 , 0.0777425020933 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.190365403891 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 11.3793401718 , 6.37117481232 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 7.36345100403 , 0.657450973988 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 2.81206798553 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 9.3853302002 , 0.666046917439 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.95223701 , 0.0 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 3.25618553162 , 0.151473000646 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 12.0640945435 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0134185003117 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.82165670395 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0619900971651 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.15986096859 , 0.0819344967604 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 7.77151679993 , 5.00835418701 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 10.2233800888 , 0.908744513988 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 4.57680892944 , 0.999856829643 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.10246130079 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 6.53386211395 , 1.11164999008 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 4.54358196259 , 0.383693605661 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 34.4370193481 , 0.298188596964 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.04706799984 , 0.187190100551 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 11.293589592 , 0.76397818327 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 9.63231182098 , 2.091340065 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.508242666721 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 14.5451498032 , 5.49954605103 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0256987996399 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.967599272728 , 0.0 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 3.00580191612 , 0.126243695617 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.228881299496 , 0.938331604004 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.124310086171 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.00165469944477 , 0.0896646231413 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0022539999336 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 3.29618096352 , 0.274980098009 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 2.95288276672 , 0.0315374992788 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 4.90188503265 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 12.7665996552 , 6.59453201294 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 10.9048700333 , 2.53802895546 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.408734798431 , 0.0348241999745 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.651407182217 , 0.0819882005453 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 12.6464500427 , 2.2131280899 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 22.8475494385 , 2.92648005486 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.2368619442 , 0.0821276009083 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.06520652771 , 0.610190987587 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.985226392746 , 0.139096096158 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.027433000505 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 18.5924797058 , 2.87120890617 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 8.90536785126 , 2.19393897057 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.729008674622 , 0.98340690136 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 4.64091539383 , 0.30716869235 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 11.9624900818 , 0.61267888546 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 23.3144569397 , 3.20058202744 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.243371903896 , 0.022204099223 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.615867316723 , 0.0207449998707 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 14.4445800781 , 3.61681890488 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.67563402653 , 0.47150439024 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.879677593708 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.0173664093 , 0.0931169018149 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.106433987617 , 0.00218959990889 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 2.42270588875 , 0.0450720004737 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 15.4771995544 , 4.08333015442 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 2.17993450165 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.23821878433 , 0.0981326028705 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.372468203306 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 12.9107503891 , 7.66741704941 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 10.8115596771 , 0.76151740551 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 4.26590824127 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 10.9444599152 , 1.20872795582 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 2.22325706482 , 0.0 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 4.20639610291 , 0.185298904777 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 13.0526752472 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.00474010407925 , 0.0229952000082 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.94798374176 , 0.115634396672 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0719335973263 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.93454098701 , 0.225296705961 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 11.5448102951 , 5.86899709702 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 11.5957403183 , 1.24442100525 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 5.44589996338 , 1.37552905083 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.316410005093 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 6.91461992264 , 1.3769299984 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 5.71755123138 , 0.62190258503 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 35.0898094177 , 0.289286106825 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.48371005058 , 0.356828808784 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 13.1961402893 , 1.09528005123 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 11.6854000092 , 2.85579705238 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.605542719364 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 16.266960144 , 6.602891922 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0336114987731 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.308244347572 , 0.0953651964664 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.30364894867 , 0.00572300003842 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 3.50562405586 , 0.373218685389 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.275939047337 , 1.66903495789 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.248620172342 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0216370001435 , 0.179329246283 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.213054656982 , 0.0289829000831 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 3.79084610939 , 0.455649614334 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 3.77572441101 , 0.0630749985576 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 4.86885404587 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 13.8289699554 , 7.55983686447 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 13.0186901093 , 3.11090302467 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.811356425285 , 0.10361020267 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.875692009926 , 0.103390596807 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 14.7084302902 , 2.63876199722 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 24.7121601105 , 4.22702503204 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0543720014393 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.450330019 , 0.37979310751 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.20312690735 , 0.91528648138 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.35500395298 , 0.329914093018 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.697665030757 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 20.9230899811 , 3.93890690804 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 10.0838603973 , 2.78388810158 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.55895805359 , 0.891358911991 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 5.00196933746 , 0.599677085876 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 13.9083795547 , 0.673274815083 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.197676301003 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 26.3971977234 , 5.59137010574 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.279741585255 , 0.0371915996075 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.830067873001 , 0.116209499538 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 17.0720291138 , 4.64422512054 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 2.12703490257 , 0.612140715122 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.05131995678 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 2.18188333511 , 0.136991098523 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.194435834885 , 0.00465120002627 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 2.90507388115 , 0.135986506939 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 17.9292106628 , 6.89385700226 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 2.79095983505 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.32581591606 , 0.139260202646 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.638231992722 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0300604999065 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 14.2261199951 , 9.66534614563 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 11.6219701767 , 0.992204189301 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 5.71974849701 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 12.61054039 , 2.19371294975 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 2.53482198715 , 0.459137588739 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 5.15660667419 , 0.286882787943 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 14.0412559509 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.104967400432 , 0.0313851982355 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 2.07431077957 , 0.141255006194 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0818770974874 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 2.70867705345 , 0.442210912704 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 13.3410596848 , 6.63584184647 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 13.4957799911 , 1.71790099144 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 6.13451290131 , 2.11583709717 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.173584699631 , 0.624968707561 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 7.7751698494 , 1.70842695236 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 6.90639209747 , 1.06830298901 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 35.7425994873 , 1.29333996773 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.41054058075 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.7921860218 , 0.432512611151 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 14.4174203873 , 1.41552805901 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 14.3175201416 , 4.03697919846 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.702842772007 , 0.00759069994092 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 18.940870285 , 8.62094974518 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.309641838074 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.140270233154 , 0.0739590004086 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.694934248924 , 0.157764002681 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.76836597919 , 0.0408258996904 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 4.0026140213 , 1.01366198063 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.322996795177 , 2.61720991135 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.152010917664 , 0.372930258512 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0416193008423 , 0.268993869424 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.50925779343 , 0.0586730018258 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 4.28300714493 , 0.648147284985 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 4.5985660553 , 0.0743194967508 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 4.83582305908 , 0.263458311558 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 14.8789701462 , 8.86443519592 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 17.282869339 , 3.71153998375 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.20753097534 , 0.135162994266 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.12502801418 , 0.139283403754 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 16.7562294006 , 3.95865893364 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 26.6071491241 , 6.06789302826 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.156686395407 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.8909419775 , 0.86321502924 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.34104728699 , 1.22038197517 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 3.43648195267 , 0.701143980026 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 1.36789706101 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 24.1852397919 , 6.88242292404 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 11.2527799606 , 3.47834801674 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.38890743256 , 1.18013843894 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 5.3630232811 , 1.13627195358 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 15.8396596909 , 1.26787602901 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 1.05677080154 , 0.399659901857 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 29.4799385071 , 8.38896560669 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.300734788179 , 0.0554445981979 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 1.13223397732 , 0.361062586308 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 19.6505298615 , 6.43219995499 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.6058139801 , 0.816989719868 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 1.32208001614 , 0.229526296258 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 3.34640026093 , 0.206034600735 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.282437682152 , 0.010657900013 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 4.3556599617 , 0.294529795647 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 19.2052497864 , 9.66984462738 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 3.40198516846 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 1.41341304779 , 0.277754485607 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.983214616776 , 0.16911290586 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.190234899521 , 0.0877439975739 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 15.9256601334 , 13.2824897766 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 13.4628000259 , 1.52405703068 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 7.17358875275 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 15.126999855 , 3.06291103363 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.84058690071 , 1.4486989975 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 6.10681724548 , 0.353939414024 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 15.0298366547 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.205194696784 , 0.10733730346 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.20063781738 , 0.17129920423 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.0918205976486 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 3.38633298874 , 1.38355898857 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 16.9890193939 , 8.24722385406 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 15.6355800629 , 2.45702004433 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 7.16983604431 , 3.91717910767 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.34721711278 , 1.06103801727 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 9.19111919403 , 3.46175003052 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 8.68989276886 , 2.15342998505 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 36.3953895569 , 3.23193502426 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.9459104538 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.30984997749 , 0.626135408878 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 16.9261894226 , 2.08973288536 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 17.9914798737 , 6.62086296082 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.80014282465 , 0.0499061010778 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 22.9867191315 , 13.5815095901 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.776455879211 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.304220020771 , 0.162797704339 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 1.08162415028 , 0.222877904773 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.20580792427 , 0.101057201624 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 4.29612588882 , 1.73351705074 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.370054543018 , 4.77619695663 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.61016082764 , 0.497240344683 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.061601601541 , 0.358658492565 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.80546092987 , 0.111208498478 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 4.77290391922 , 1.03479099274 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 5.42140769958 , 0.133523195982 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 4.8027920723 , 0.335702508688 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 18.2055492401 , 15.7136697769 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 22.947889328 , 4.76405286789 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 1.59823298454 , 0.207690402865 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 1.28408694267 , 0.284090489149 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 17.2237091064 , 6.8546872139 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 29.0576591492 , 9.04889965057 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.649231910706 , 0.213647902012 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.31264090538 , 1.47546505928 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 3.47896766663 , 1.52547746897 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 3.56539011002 , 1.16376101971 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 2.03812909126 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 27.7520999908 , 12.496720314 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 16.1560192108 , 4.76646089554 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 3.21885681152 , 1.46891796589 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 5.72407722473 , 1.76072597504 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 17.7570590973 , 2.32082796097 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 2.80403995514 , 0.722974896431 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 32.5626792908 , 10.2963199615 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.334148913622 , 0.0966224968433 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.6731120348 , 0.796607494354 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 21.8414402008 , 8.83820915222 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 3.2928249836 , 1.37071800232 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.63459599018 , 0.712450504303 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 4.51091718674 , 0.53958427906 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.370439529419 , 0.0178433991969 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 5.3239068985 , 0.473343700171 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 26.7795906067 , 15.7285003662 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 4.01301050186 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.50101017952 , 0.7296205163 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.31620597839 , 0.477168500423 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.476975917816 , 0.237712800503 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 23.4934692383 , 20.3439006805 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 14.6041402817 , 2.23786401749 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 8.62742900848 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 17.8787994385 , 4.56154298782 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 3.28409695625 , 2.56159591675 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 7.05702781677 , 0.402268797159 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 16.0184173584 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.300891608 , 0.300881594419 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 2.32696485519 , 0.169734299183 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.10176409781 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 3.87260389328 , 2.56559991837 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 20.5624408722 , 11.545999527 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 18.2883701324 , 4.37812614441 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 8.37681007385 , 6.84629678726 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.520849525928 , 1.81699502468 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 12.0345602036 , 9.33446216583 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 10.7917499542 , 3.64678192139 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 37.0481796265 , 6.62539100647 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 5.48128032684 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 2.59394192696 , 0.744151294231 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 20.0531692505 , 3.48666501045 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 21.8712997437 , 9.97878170013 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.00516200066 , 0.0982825011015 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 27.3675098419 , 22.5112094879 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.24326992035 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.468169808388 , 0.327368289232 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.46831405163 , 0.308526307344 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 2.85011005402 , 0.194325700402 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 5.48333787918 , 3.39812397957 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.417112290859 , 7.76420021057 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 5.06831073761 , 0.621550430854 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 3.33470127173 , 0.676320016384 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 4.10166406631 , 0.229599997401 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 6.01194286346 , 2.3670899868 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 6.24424934387 , 0.190302506089 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 4.76976108551 , 0.406895309687 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 24.9236698151 , 22.7485198975 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 28.558380127 , 6.38518190384 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.98519194126 , 0.504477024078 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.46916902065 , 0.698063075542 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 20.4611492157 , 9.94582653046 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 32.0100593567 , 12.5316400528 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 2.17513394356 , 1.23995101452 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 2.71651792526 , 1.82821702957 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.61688804626 , 1.83057296276 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.15416097641 , 1.89140498638 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 3.4592499733 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 29.1817893982 , 21.9689292908 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 17.3361797333 , 7.41379308701 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.04880619049 , 1.74367797375 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 6.08513116837 , 2.38955497742 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 19.169670105 , 4.70071697235 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.55130910873 , 0.994005918503 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 35.6454200745 , 12.9295701981 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.36612701416 , 0.436737209558 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 2.07545804977 , 1.52494502068 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 24.6739997864 , 11.8224897385 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 3.82432699203 , 2.18564105034 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 2.34323096275 , 1.33171200752 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 5.67543411255 , 1.30579698086 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.458441376686 , 0.0222167000175 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 6.7803440094 , 1.94029200077 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 30.4775009155 , 25.0790195465 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.62403583527 , 0.608572781086 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 1.58860731125 , 1.05986499786 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 1.50963497162 , 0.515682578087 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.763716936111 , 0.40189358592 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 27.3146190643 , 29.3047409058 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 16.0846691132 , 4.21401309967 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 10.0812692642 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 20.8747406006 , 6.72874689102 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 3.44483995438 , 4.9531211853 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 8.00723838806 , 0.570216715336 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 17.0069980621 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.490335702896 , 0.42581731081 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 2.45329189301 , 0.163389101624 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.111707597971 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0399593003094 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.36230278015 , 4.58623504639 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 25.9101905823 , 17.3246593475 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 20.8915596008 , 7.93329381943 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 9.23331928253 , 11.1879997253 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.79787671566 , 2.1797990799 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 16.2146205902 , 21.386220932 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 13.883890152 , 7.00578784943 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 37.700969696 , 10.9454402924 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 8.01665019989 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 3.0819439888 , 1.08601295948 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 23.1473197937 , 6.53268814087 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 24.3551692963 , 13.3358097076 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 1.20202898979 , 0.111460901797 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 31.7301292419 , 28.7541694641 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 1.71008396149 , 0.256865590811 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.632119596004 , 0.663363695145 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 1.85500395298 , 0.828453123569 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 3.10601091385 , 0.561411380768 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 6.66135597229 , 6.59823179245 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.4641700387 , 8.82775020599 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 7.52646064758 , 0.745860517025 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 6.60780094191 , 0.936962485313 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.64971208572 , 0.533005774021 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 7.74585485458 , 7.49010515213 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 7.06709098816 , 0.246487602592 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.73673009872 , 0.577907502651 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 29.3796005249 , 28.1592197418 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 34.1063194275 , 9.41779232025 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 2.76485109329 , 0.753145396709 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 1.72571599483 , 1.26501095295 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 21.9474697113 , 12.5262298584 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 35.4481697083 , 16.161939621 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 3.70103597641 , 2.42421007156 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 3.10367107391 , 2.57915091515 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 5.7548084259 , 1.93172705173 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 4.77743196487 , 5.62944889069 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 3.84628391266 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 33.1731300354 , 24.8961696625 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 21.0189609528 , 14.338640213 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 4.87875556946 , 2.15062689781 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 6.82399702072 , 3.03781604767 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 20.5732803345 , 9.54692268372 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 6.6546292305 , 1.12862503529 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 38.7028083801 , 16.5712509155 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.38395640254 , 1.5157699585 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 2.5255420208 , 2.73600411415 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 27.4631996155 , 14.0497703552 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 4.40392589569 , 2.7633459568 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 3.03644299507 , 3.16344404221 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 6.83995103836 , 1.76161599159 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.546443223953 , 0.0272675007582 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 8.24288654327 , 5.10417890549 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 36.0360298157 , 27.3876895905 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 5.23506116867 , 0.727901220322 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 1.67620444298 , 1.79107999802 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 1.6982640028 , 1.07419395447 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 1.05045795441 , 0.679299414158 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 31.1296195984 , 42.0750694275 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 19.2309608459 , 9.91775226593 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 11.53510952 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 23.8773994446 , 10.082110405 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 4.3467040062 , 8.67213821411 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 8.95744895935 , 0.971434175968 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 17.9955787659 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.671276628971 , 0.615598976612 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 2.57961893082 , 0.190025597811 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.121651098132 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.336498886347 , 0.242733493447 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 5.72977113724 , 6.85422420502 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 29.3127307892 , 23.9514293671 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 23.9812908173 , 14.8520498276 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 11.3070497513 , 20.4186191559 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 1.97777605057 , 2.61046695709 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 20.2153491974 , 30.3261108398 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 15.1370897293 , 15.023059845 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 38.3537597656 , 16.1105003357 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 10.5520200729 , 3.94743108749 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 3.34602999687 , 1.82025504112 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 28.1294994354 , 10.9769001007 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 26.8334693909 , 15.193110466 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 1.60553503036 , 0.161837905645 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 35.9820213318 , 37.9693603516 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 2.17689800262 , 0.844163477421 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.796069383621 , 1.65824902058 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 2.31041097641 , 1.70879602432 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 3.88033890724 , 2.10107398033 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 7.33240413666 , 14.9319295883 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.511227786541 , 9.77211284637 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 9.98461055756 , 0.510165989399 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 9.8809006121 , 1.06102895737 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 6.96228313446 , 3.71581697464 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 9.47239017487 , 10.8127202988 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 7.88993263245 , 0.303001105785 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 4.70369911194 , 0.535115480423 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 33.8644218445 , 35.7721214294 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 39.5929412842 , 14.7678699493 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 3.93268489838 , 1.34812402725 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 2.00361990929 , 2.48111200333 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 24.2837505341 , 15.2264299393 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 39.5739517212 , 20.0818901062 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 6.12202119827 , 3.03759407997 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 3.47520899773 , 4.65634584427 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 6.89272880554 , 2.03999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 5.30442094803 , 7.40000009537 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 6.17999982834 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 37.0617904663 , 26.2600002289 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 23.4866008759 , 28.75 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 5.70870494843 , 2.73000001907 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 7.55935001373 , 4.73000001907 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 21.481300354 , 17.3099994659 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 8.65609741211 , 1.48000001907 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 41.7348899841 , 20.1800003052 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.75192117691 , 3.0 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 2.96187901497 , 4.36000013351 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 31.2016391754 , 17.75 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 6.22811317444 , 6.40999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 3.19437098503 , 4.67999982834 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 8.00446796417 , 2.90000009537 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.63444507122 , 0.0399999991059 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 9.71190738678 , 9.39999961853 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 37.7681388855 , 36.4799995422 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 5.84608650208 , 0.949999988079 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 1.76380157471 , 2.45000004768 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 1.88225603104 , 2.02999997139 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 1.3371989727 , 2.32999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 34.9379806519 , 55.25 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 23.0387992859 , 19.1299991608 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 12.9889497757 , 2.6099998951 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 27.8619709015 , 16.9699993134 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 5.05770206451 , 18.8400001526 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 9.90765953064 , 1.39999997616 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 18.9841594696 , 3.40000009537 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.843902289867 , 1.03999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 2.70594596863 , 0.189999997616 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.131594598293 , 0.119999997318 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.819067120552 , 0.579999983311 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 6.42364692688 , 10.4200000763 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 32.6422805786 , 37.8199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 27.2545890808 , 25.5300006866 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 13.2031002045 , 35.9199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 3.92416191101 , 3.1099998951 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 23.7233295441 , 37.4599990845 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 17.9178905487 , 30.6399993896 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 38.9900398254 , 30.6599998474 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 13.087389946 , 14.5200004578 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 3.60289907455 , 3.47000002861 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 32.4259414673 , 21.2999992371 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 29.295129776 , 20.7999992371 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 1.88851594925 , 0.370000004768 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 40.488910675 , 46.7400016785 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 2.64371204376 , 3.02999997139 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.960019171238 , 4.51000022888 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 2.98513293266 , 2.95000004768 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 4.91422510147 , 5.0 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 7.99433898926 , 30.3500003815 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.558285534382 , 15.3599996567 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 12.4427604675 , 0.980000019073 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 13.1540002823 , 1.24000000954 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 8.71550178528 , 8.65999984741 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 10.6863203049 , 16.2000007629 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 8.71277427673 , 0.699999988079 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 4.67066812515 , 1.32000005245 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 39.4996109009 , 46.4399986267 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 42.2118682861 , 23.8299999237 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 4.70181512833 , 2.04999995232 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 2.57474398613 , 5.44000005722 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 27.2895793915 , 25.4200000763 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 44.5468788147 , 24.6200008392 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 9.11373806 , 4.59999990463 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 3.83205008507 , 8.56000041962 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 8.03064918518 , 11.2600002289 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 5.75271987915 , 10.529999733 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 13.5200004578 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 42.4491004944 , 33.3300018311 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 28.429309845 , 53.2299995422 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 6.53865432739 , 5.30000019073 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 7.91434383392 , 8.03999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 21.900390625 , 31.3500003815 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 10.5634098053 , 2.69000005722 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 44.7412986755 , 20.4500007629 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 1.227429986 , 5.15999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 3.56027698517 , 8.76000022888 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 36.5116004944 , 22.7399997711 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 7.58082723618 , 14.8400001526 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 3.38083910942 , 5.03000020981 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 10.4172897339 , 3.59999990463 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 0.992613077164 , 0.0500000007451 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 10.6992998123 , 18.9799995422 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 45.129699707 , 49.4500007629 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 6.45711183548 , 1.16999995708 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 1.85139870644 , 4.88000011444 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 2.06123495102 , 3.16000008583 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 1.623939991 , 8.64999961853 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 36.0199699402 , 63.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 26.5487308502 , 36.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 14.4427900314 , 11.3199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 29.6591205597 , 28.5799999237 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 5.85651302338 , 35.7999992371 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 10.8578701019 , 1.99000000954 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 19.9727401733 , 20.7900009155 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 1.00822401047 , 3.07999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 2.83227300644 , 0.370000004768 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 0.141538098454 , 0.289999991655 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 0.957694113255 , 1.28999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 7.31692695618 , 15.8999996185 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 35.905090332 , 61.9799995422 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 31.4730606079 , 44.7200012207 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 15.615070343 , 53.1199989319 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 4.28488397598 , 5.67000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 28.6376209259 , 44.9399986267 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 24.805639267 , 50.8400001526 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 39.6085700989 , 48.5 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 15.622759819 , 26.7000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 4.35987091064 , 7.88000011444 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 36.0464096069 , 42.6199989319 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 33.0306510925 , 36.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 2.05726099014 , 0.879999995232 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 44.6965904236 , 59.7599983215 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 3.1105260849 , 8.05000019073 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 1.12396895885 , 8.31000041962 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 3.52448606491 , 3.96000003815 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 6.20801019669 , 10.279999733 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 9.13841056824 , 45.9099998474 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 0.605343282223 , 21.4300003052 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 14.9009103775 , 1.53999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 13.7039003372 , 1.48000001907 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 0.202923059464 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 10.9317302704 , 12.3500003815 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 11.8724899292 , 37.5600013733 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 9.53561592102 , 1.32000005245 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 4.63763713837 , 3.79999995232 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 45.122051239 , 57.9300003052 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 46.2221488953 , 42.7599983215 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 5.4668970108 , 3.0 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 3.27630996704 , 12.4099998474 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 30.7869701385 , 46.3100013733 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 50.1299705505 , 30.2399997711 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 9.94972038269 , 9.64000034332 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 4.17503023148 , 15.8100004196 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 9.16856956482 , 28.5200004578 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 6.93847608566 , 17.5599994659 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 16.5499992371 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 47.1909408569 , 44.6599998474 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 35.8190689087 , 76.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 7.36860370636 , 10.3400001526 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 8.26791000366 , 11.3100004196 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 22.3216896057 , 55.2200012207 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 12.3830795288 , 6.67999982834 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 47.7220611572 , 20.6800003052 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 1.68336999416 , 7.0 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 4.88905715942 , 13.3100004196 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 42.0345611572 , 28.4400005341 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 9.21370124817 , 22.0599994659 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 3.56125402451 , 5.67000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 15.2718496323 , 5.38000011444 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 1.21352005005 , 0.0599999986589 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 12.1746301651 , 42.5099983215 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 50.5655288696 , 63.0400009155 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 7.06813716888 , 1.75999999046 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 1.93899583817 , 7.98999977112 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 2.2347650528 , 3.92000007629 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 1.91068100929 , 12.5100002289 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 39.6018486023 , 72.0699996948 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 30.230430603 , 49.1300010681 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 15.2151403427 , 24.1200008392 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 33.5663299561 , 58.7299995422 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 6.83370304108 , 54.2200012207 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 11.8122997284 , 4.25 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 20.9465999603 , 39.5699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 1.16420900822 , 7.63000011444 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 2.95825004578 , 5.26999998093 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 0.151481598616 , 0.639999985695 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 1.08960604668 , 2.49000000954 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 8.50793552399 , 30.1200008392 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 39.1076393127 , 76.4499969482 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 35.7764816284 , 64.6999969482 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 17.8463592529 , 73.9700012207 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 4.64297389984 , 14.2899999619 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 31.4876194 , 52.7099990845 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 39.7933197021 , 57.7599983215 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 45.9532394409 , 69.4100036621 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 16.8358001709 , 42.0900001526 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 5.69499397278 , 14.1400003433 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 39.6288604736 , 67.5800018311 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 36.1426811218 , 39.8600006104 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 2.42002606392 , 1.76999998093 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 48.8653411865 , 71.9000015259 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 3.55938506126 , 13.9099998474 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 1.27967202663 , 15.3400001526 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 4.04590082169 , 4.90000009537 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 6.9082698822 , 17.5599994659 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 10.2688598633 , 65.1800003052 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 0.652401030064 , 24.2600002289 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 17.3027496338 , 2.6099998951 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 14.2444601059 , 1.59000003338 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 0.591953039169 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 13.7032003403 , 23.1200008392 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 17.191740036 , 60.2599983215 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 10.3493795395 , 2.19000005722 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 4.60460615158 , 8.78999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 50.690448761 , 71.9199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 65.573890686 , 64.5699996948 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 6.22713518143 , 12.5 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 3.66384196281 , 24.2800006866 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 34.4129714966 , 73.7600021362 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 56.6594696045 , 38.0299987793 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 10.4741001129 , 12.3699998856 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 4.5049161911 , 22.3199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 10.3064899445 , 31.7800006866 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 7.78013896942 , 18.0699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 0.120012760162 , 57.1500015259 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 51.8318710327 , 57.3600006104 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 41.9256591797 , 81.3700027466 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 8.19855308533 , 19.5900001526 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 9.36978816986 , 21.1299991608 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 23.2301692963 , 75.2600021362 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 13.3150396347 , 15.1899995804 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 50.6770095825 , 21.1100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 2.00277090073 , 9.18999958038 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 6.12324905396 , 16.2700004578 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 45.816280365 , 34.3600006104 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 10.5152902603 , 32.6899986267 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 3.61927604675 , 8.07999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 17.4370708466 , 8.14000034332 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 1.97109496593 , 0.0799999982119 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 14.6257801056 , 68.0699996948 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 54.1046485901 , 73.9599990845 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 7.68600082397 , 11.3500003815 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 2.02659296989 , 14.1599998474 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 2.40277194977 , 6.88999986649 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 2.18666195869 , 14.3599996567 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 42.3850097656 , 80.5199966431 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 32.7669906616 , 62.2200012207 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 15.9646196365 , 43.7799987793 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 37.9938011169 , 68.3199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 7.80743598938 , 72.5699996948 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 12.7772903442 , 6.32999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 20.7536296844 , 67.2799987793 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 1.31193399429 , 9.96000003815 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 3.08429193497 , 9.94999980927 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 0.161425098777 , 1.03999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 1.21545898914 , 3.74000000954 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 9.31260490417 , 48.7599983215 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 42.2539710999 , 87.5400009155 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 38.8292694092 , 76.7799987793 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 19.5510807037 , 89.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 4.99941301346 , 23.0900001526 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 35.8236694336 , 58.9599990845 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 47.8212013245 , 62.1899986267 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 52.1267700195 , 92.4599990845 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 18.5490493774 , 73.7399978638 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 6.79613876343 , 21.5799999237 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 43.1731185913 , 76.25 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 38.8853797913 , 58.4799995422 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 2.56953001022 , 3.18000006676 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 50.7949905396 , 79.6600036621 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 3.65881800652 , 15.8000001907 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 2.6766269207 , 21.0599994659 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 4.74192619324 , 6.80000019073 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 8.54183387756 , 26.0699996948 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 11.774310112 , 77.5599975586 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 0.699458777905 , 29.3999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 19.6232299805 , 4.5 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 14.7743701935 , 1.70000004768 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 0.980983018875 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 14.8093595505 , 39.9099998474 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 21.8886699677 , 72.8499984741 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 11.1535301208 , 6.94000005722 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 4.57157516479 , 18.3600006104 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 56.1742897034 , 80.7799987793 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 68.6993408203 , 72.9899978638 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 6.98234701157 , 19.7000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 3.89748311043 , 29.0200004578 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 37.367641449 , 78.2600021362 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 62.0200386047 , 44.1599998474 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 10.9910898209 , 15.6300001144 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 5.22431516647 , 26.0300006866 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.4444103241 , 47.7400016785 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 7.96978378296 , 17.4300003052 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.08210754395 , 65.1100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 56.8881492615 , 64.4700012207 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 47.9814987183 , 83.3300018311 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 9.02850246429 , 38.8600006104 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 10.4665899277 , 38.6500015259 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 27.0366401672 , 78.9100036621 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 13.8135204315 , 19.6000003815 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 47.2999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.19365692139 , 11.8100004196 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 7.26683807373 , 19.4699993134 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 48.8638305664 , 37.9099998474 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.3834400177 , 39.5699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.67581605911 , 11.1899995804 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 19.9416999817 , 12.25 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.23362207413 , 0.159999996424 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 17.5674800873 , 84.5 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 57.630279541 , 83.3600006104 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 8.95129203796 , 17.9400005341 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.11419010162 , 18.6700000763 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.17847704887 , 12.3599996567 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.45271801949 , 14.8199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 44.1855583191 , 86.8799972534 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 34.6405982971 , 64.4899978638 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 16.6912193298 , 48.6199989319 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 43.1476898193 , 71.9000015259 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 8.14637565613 , 84.6800003052 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 13.7508296967 , 7.42999982834 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 20.5669193268 , 67.9000015259 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 1.47723805904 , 13.3699998856 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.21075797081 , 10.4600000381 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 0.171368598938 , 1.55999994278 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 1.35058104992 , 5.03000020981 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 10.8097400665 , 67.7900009155 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 45.3462486267 , 91.1699981689 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 42.0570793152 , 76.1200027466 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 22.5032901764 , 94.1200027466 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 5.3931388855 , 47.7000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 38.1886787415 , 63.8199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 49.7234687805 , 68.8899993896 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 59.2588005066 , 105.61000061 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 19.9865703583 , 76.3300018311 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 8.11400127411 , 25.4099998474 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 47.0368309021 , 75.2300033569 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 41.7857208252 , 61.8199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.90563797951 , 4.51999998093 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 52.8303604126 , 83.5199966431 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.75469088554 , 17.1700000763 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.48435091972 , 29.9200000763 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 5.23117113113 , 8.61999988556 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 10.5640001297 , 36.2599983215 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 13.493519783 , 83.75 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 0.746516525745 , 46.6599998474 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 21.8526191711 , 10.5799999237 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 15.2946100235 , 8.92000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 1.37001299858 , 1.36000001431 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 18.6951198578 , 54.3300018311 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 19.1588096619 , 81.2699966431 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.9480400085 , 9.22999954224 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 4.53854417801 , 22.5499992371 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 62.1962013245 , 89.0800018311 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 71.5675430298 , 78.7799987793 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 6.95972776413 , 20.1399993896 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 4.2687997818 , 34.0999984741 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 40.5757217407 , 82.8899993896 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 66.6008936564 , 48.2299995422 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.5010595322 , 15.4300003052 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 6.05927801132 , 25.8199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.4444103241 , 47.7400016785 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 7.96978378296 , 17.4300003052 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.08210754395 , 65.1100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 56.8881492615 , 64.4700012207 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 47.9814987183 , 83.3300018311 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 9.02850246429 , 38.8600006104 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 10.4665899277 , 38.6500015259 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 27.0366401672 , 78.9100036621 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 13.8135204315 , 19.6000003815 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 47.2999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.19365692139 , 11.8100004196 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 7.26683807373 , 19.4699993134 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 48.8638305664 , 37.9099998474 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.3834400177 , 39.5699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.67581605911 , 11.1899995804 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 19.9416999817 , 12.25 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.23362207413 , 0.159999996424 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 17.5674800873 , 84.5 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 57.630279541 , 83.3600006104 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 8.95129203796 , 17.9400005341 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.11419010162 , 18.6700000763 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.17847704887 , 12.3599996567 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.45271801949 , 14.8199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 44.1855583191 , 86.8799972534 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 34.6405982971 , 64.4899978638 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 16.6912193298 , 48.6199989319 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 43.1476898193 , 71.9000015259 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 8.14637565613 , 84.6800003052 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 13.7508296967 , 7.42999982834 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 20.5669193268 , 67.9000015259 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 1.47723805904 , 13.3699998856 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.21075797081 , 10.4600000381 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 0.171368598938 , 1.55999994278 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 1.35058104992 , 5.03000020981 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 10.8097400665 , 67.7900009155 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 45.3462486267 , 91.1699981689 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 42.0570793152 , 76.1200027466 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 22.5032901764 , 94.1200027466 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 5.3931388855 , 47.7000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 38.1886787415 , 63.8199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 49.7234687805 , 68.8899993896 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 59.2588005066 , 105.61000061 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 19.9865703583 , 76.3300018311 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 8.11400127411 , 25.4099998474 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 47.0368309021 , 75.2300033569 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 41.7857208252 , 61.8199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.90563797951 , 4.51999998093 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 52.8303604126 , 83.5199966431 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.75469088554 , 17.1700000763 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.48435091972 , 29.9200000763 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 5.23117113113 , 8.61999988556 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 10.5640001297 , 36.2599983215 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 13.493519783 , 83.75 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 0.746516525745 , 46.6599998474 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 21.8526191711 , 10.5799999237 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 15.2946100235 , 8.92000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 1.37001299858 , 1.36000001431 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 18.6951198578 , 54.3300018311 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 19.1588096619 , 81.2699966431 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.9480400085 , 9.22999954224 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 4.53854417801 , 22.5499992371 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 62.1962013245 , 89.0800018311 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 71.5675430298 , 78.7799987793 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 6.95972776413 , 20.1399993896 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 4.2687997818 , 34.0999984741 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 40.5757217407 , 82.8899993896 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 66.6008936564 , 48.2299995422 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.5010595322 , 15.4300003052 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 6.05927801132 , 25.8199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 12.5648698807 , 56.7299995422 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 8.15679073334 , 20.6200008392 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 4.04420232773 , 72.0500030518 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 60.8266601562 , 72.0800018311 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 55.2160987854 , 89.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 9.85845184326 , 38.5099983215 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 11.5583696365 , 55.5699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 31.7951793671 , 83.4499969482 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 14.2930498123 , 22.3700008392 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 62.7999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 2.26366090775 , 14.470000267 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 8.62586593628 , 25.5400009155 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 52.1075706482 , 42.0 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 12.5383796692 , 45.5600013733 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 3.76653504372 , 14.8199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 21.7892494202 , 18.6200008392 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 2.40645098686 , 0.319999992847 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 20.512550354 , 95.3700027466 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 61.4032287598 , 88.4899978638 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 12.1303396225 , 35.1100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 2.19890904427 , 22.6100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 4.20133495331 , 18.7700004578 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 3.31160902977 , 19.1100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 46.0685310364 , 91.0699996948 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 41.6610183716 , 69.2399978638 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 17.3942298889 , 49.1199989319 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 48.4362106323 , 78.7200012207 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 8.50576496124 , 81.0800018311 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 14.7168502808 , 41.5 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 20.3887004852 , 64.8700027466 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 1.66687905788 , 16.8299999237 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 3.47134590149 , 18.1299991608 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 0.180996194482 , 3.50999999046 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 1.45075595379 , 5.73000001907 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 12.5514001846 , 78.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 46.3130989075 , 97.0699996948 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 45.5241012573 , 87.0500030518 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 26.7077999115 , 98.0 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 5.82357692719 , 59.9199981689 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 40.7174606323 , 68.0899963379 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 51.0872612 , 71.2200012207 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 61.7952804565 , 118.919998169 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 20.3914604187 , 70.5999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 9.58432292938 , 29.1700000763 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 51.2568092346 , 81.6600036621 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 44.8815612793 , 64.7600021362 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 3.28397893906 , 8.77999973297 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 54.967628479 , 88.9100036621 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 3.84722399712 , 22.2000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 4.54258680344 , 31.1599998474 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 6.62698698044 , 10.8000001907 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 14.2015895844 , 45.4500007629 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 13.4622001648 , 95.9899978638 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 0.793111085892 , 47.9799995422 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 23.9957809448 , 45.9399986267 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 15.804479599 , 61.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 2.00762891769 , 3.25999999046 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 23.5092391968 , 68.3499984741 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 22.1762905121 , 88.8899993896 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 12.7334499359 , 58.0800018311 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 4.5082821846 , 34.5800018311 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 68.8259124756 , 98.1200027466 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 75.1463165283 , 84.3399963379 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 7.93972015381 , 25.6900005341 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 4.67773199081 , 40.2200012207 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 44.061920166 , 90.9300003052 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 71.1817487081 , 54.0999984741 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 12.0045003891 , 14.9600000381 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 7.03061294556 , 27.1900005341 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 13.6615400314 , 65.5199966431 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 8.33951663971 , 35.2099990845 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 6.00629711151 , 99.2200012207 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 64.765171051 , 81.7799987793 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 57.8748283386 , 97.6299972534 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 10.666270256 , 57.8600006104 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 12.6450004578 , 79.2300033569 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 34.8759498596 , 88.1200027466 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 14.7547903061 , 33.1899986267 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 76.6299972534 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 2.33099102974 , 19.9899997711 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 13.0496797562 , 35.6800003052 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 70.0609664917 , 46.9700012207 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 13.2594804764 , 57.4300003052 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 3.91423892975 , 24.5300006866 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 21.8667297363 , 21.6900005341 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 2.66785597801 , 0.680000007153 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 23.9514007568 , 105.910003662 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 65.4389572144 , 95.6399993896 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 16.5533409119 , 61.8800010681 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 2.28105592728 , 26.9799995422 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 5.55215406418 , 27.4300003052 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 4.43626880646 , 30.3500003815 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 48.0397911072 , 95.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 49.7869110107 , 73.4700012207 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 18.0687294006 , 50.2900009155 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 54.4495582581 , 86.5699996948 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 8.88424396515 , 84.4400024414 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 15.647310257 , 42.3800010681 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 20.2217197418 , 69.75 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 2.03338098526 , 25.5599994659 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 3.59888696671 , 22.5100002289 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 0.190318897367 , 4.32000017166 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 1.56065404415 , 10.470000267 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 14.5790100098 , 86.3799972534 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 47.266910553 , 99.5500030518 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 49.2934989929 , 94.0699996948 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 31.2754592896 , 107.650001526 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 6.28972816467 , 69.3399963379 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 43.2462425232 , 71.8099975586 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 52.1719017029 , 77.2399978638 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 62.0904197693 , 102.480003357 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 20.799779892 , 74.6100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 10.6055803299 , 36.8800010681 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 68.4694595337 , 91.1299972534 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 48.2292709351 , 74.4899978638 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 3.72014093399 , 13.7100000381 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 57.1996688843 , 98.3799972534 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 4.09403181076 , 39.6800003052 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 5.91637706757 , 30.1900005341 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 8.34470462799 , 14.8900003433 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 11.7210102081 , 60.4000015259 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 13.4272699356 , 100.800003052 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 0.83927822113 , 68.8600006104 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 26.0731506348 , 59.7799987793 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 16.3044204712 , 61.7400016785 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 3.26874303818 , 5.15999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 29.4919204712 , 79.4100036621 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 25.6926803589 , 90.9100036621 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 13.5103197098 , 66.3399963379 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 4.47968482971 , 43.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 76.167137146 , 97.4100036621 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 84.3264770508 , 84.8700027466 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 8.91411495209 , 49.5699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 5.12740278244 , 49.4099998474 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 60.3402900696 , 99.5500030518 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 75.7626037598 , 61.6399993896 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 12.5019102097 , 18.0400009155 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 8.16142177582 , 32.0699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 14.8504495621 , 102.949996948 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 9.03292274475 , 57.2099990845 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 7.96839189529 , 102.36000061 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 68.7036819458 , 90.3199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 61.0053596497 , 105.260002136 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 12.3814897537 , 69.9800033569 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 14.839220047 , 81.4199981689 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 37.9497184753 , 92.2200012207 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 15.200050354 , 42.3499984741 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 82.1500015259 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 2.39598798752 , 26.3700008392 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 16.0939998627 , 46.3300018311 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 87.6868286133 , 52.6699981689 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 14.1146697998 , 64.8499984741 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 4.14825582504 , 50.7599983215 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 23.1094799042 , 25.4400005341 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 3.34534192085 , 1.21000003815 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 27.3983192444 , 115.510002136 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 69.4583816528 , 100.589996338 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 20.9763422012 , 77.0899963379 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 2.31392002106 , 38.0099983215 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 6.54907989502 , 47.8199996948 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 5.08650588989 , 39.8100013733 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 50.0089492798 , 100.489997864 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 57.8555107117 , 78.8199996948 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 18.7432289124 , 50.2900009155 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 60.4673805237 , 96.1900024414 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 9.1727514267 , 92.7399978638 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 16.5777702332 , 45.7200012207 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 20.0547389984 , 69.75 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 2.07951998711 , 35.4900016785 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 3.86039710045 , 36.8400001526 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 0.187622204423 , 5.32000017166 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 1.42706394196 , 18.5900001526 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 14.4190797806 , 92.4800033569 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 48.2073287964 , 95.7300033569 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 52.9906616211 , 101.980003357 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 36.9856910706 , 121.919998169 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 6.7529001236 , 74.2799987793 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 45.7750244141 , 75.6999969482 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 53.7152709961 , 80.6100006104 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 62.3784713745 , 109.910003662 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 21.2080993652 , 74.6100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 13.0805196762 , 44.7400016785 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 85.5442199707 , 97.0400009155 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 51.5591392517 , 85.8799972534 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 4.00970697403 , 20.5200004578 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 59.4120483398 , 102.569999695 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 4.56001615524 , 54.1100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 7.46964406967 , 31.9599990845 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 10.011349678 , 20.0599994659 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 13.8753995895 , 76.3600006104 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 15.3143796921 , 108.540000916 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 0.834474623203 , 85.7099990845 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 28.1505203247 , 103.790000916 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 16.8043613434 , 63.9599990845 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 3.83330202103 , 7.82999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 35.7162208557 , 84.3000030518 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 27.8653793335 , 99.1500015259 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 13.8596096039 , 64.9599990845 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 4.45198297501 , 46.5800018311 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 83.4839172363 , 100.410003662 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 88.6611480713 , 91.8499984741 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 9.88327026367 , 70.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 5.5647521019 , 61.2799987793 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 76.5219573975 , 108.650001526 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 77.2602386475 , 70.3600006104 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 12.9937696457 , 34.7299995422 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 9.25264263153 , 46.75 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 21.2121200562 , 130.210006714 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 9.72632884979 , 80.5800018311 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 9.93048667908 , 106.169998169 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 72.6421928406 , 95.7900009155 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 64.1358909607 , 112.199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 14.0967092514 , 76.7699966431 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 17.0334396362 , 93.3899993896 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 42.1577110291 , 94.0400009155 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 15.6306800842 , 42.0099983215 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 93.3499984741 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 2.4609849453 , 30.75 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 19.1383199692 , 53.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 94.5786209106 , 57.4599990845 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 14.9698591232 , 75.6100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 5.37504386902 , 68.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 24.352230072 , 32.8400001526 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 3.54186010361 , 1.36000001431 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 30.8452377319 , 121.339996338 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 72.7466430664 , 107.300003052 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 25.3993434906 , 106.300003052 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 2.99526691437 , 47.6100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 12.7435102463 , 64.2699966431 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 5.73674297333 , 63.3300018311 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 51.9781074524 , 107.730003357 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 65.873008728 , 84.1800003052 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 19.4177284241 , 50.2900009155 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 65.2839431763 , 103.959999084 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 9.38027381897 , 99.0299987793 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 17.5082302094 , 44.9199981689 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 19.887758255 , 69.75 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 2.12565898895 , 55.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 4.12190723419 , 36.8400001526 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 2.69856054336 , 12.5500001907 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 1.64038395882 , 31.8600006104 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 18.3195590973 , 99.1200027466 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 53.8539199829 , 100.180000305 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 58.9087600708 , 109.809997559 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 42.6959228516 , 136.339996338 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 7.21607208252 , 84.7799987793 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 48.3038063049 , 78.3300018311 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 54.4393081665 , 84.1500015259 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 67.5446014404 , 151.86000061 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 21.6164188385 , 74.6100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 13.8469800949 , 52.0600013733 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 91.2207565308 , 105.529998779 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 54.1538505554 , 91.5500030518 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 4.29927301407 , 33.1300010681 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 63.1340904236 , 104.120002747 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 5.02600049973 , 66.1399993896 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 9.02291107178 , 53.7400016785 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 11.6779947281 , 31.1299991608 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 16.7694396973 , 96.2900009155 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 16.3013706207 , 115.370002747 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 0.829671025276 , 85.7099990845 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 30.2278900146 , 128.580001831 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 17.3043022156 , 86.8899993896 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 4.39786100388 , 11.8800001144 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 42.9584503174 , 90.7900009155 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 36.8843803406 , 104.86000061 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 14.208899498 , 80.4899978638 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 4.4242811203 , 63.3300018311 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 88.2038421631 , 105.419998169 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 88.3046264648 , 99.4100036621 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 17.4165496826 , 114.790000916 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 5.93192577362 , 73.0500030518 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 81.2069396973 , 115.690002441 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 79.8926086426 , 79.0999984741 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 13.4856290817 , 69.9599990845 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 10.3438634872 , 69.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 27.5737905502 , 131.220001221 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 10.4197349548 , 102.309997559 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 11.8925814629 , 109.029998779 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 76.5807037354 , 101.949996948 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 67.2664222717 , 119.319999695 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 15.8119287491 , 112.11000061 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 19.2276592255 , 132.0 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 46.3657035828 , 101.970001221 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 15.6414003372 , 40.1699981689 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 106.879997253 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 2.52598190308 , 34.1699981689 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 22.1826400757 , 63.6300010681 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 101.470413208 , 61.5499992371 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 15.8250484467 , 83.8799972534 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 7.60864496231 , 76.5100021362 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 25.5949802399 , 33.8300018311 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 3.73837828636 , 1.76999998093 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 34.2921562195 , 128.830001831 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 55.1257286072 , 115.849998474 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 29.82234478 , 132.759994507 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 3.5083990097 , 56.1800003052 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 18.9379405975 , 74.5 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 6.38698005676 , 100.5 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 53.947265625 , 115.080001831 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 73.8905067444 , 89.6999969482 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 20.0922279358 , 50.2900009155 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 70.1005058289 , 116.870002747 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 9.58779621124 , 110.650001526 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 18.4386901855 , 49.7999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 19.7207775116 , 69.75 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 2.1717979908 , 89.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 4.38341736794 , 36.8400001526 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 5.20949888229 , 25.7199993134 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 1.99793100357 , 58.3300018311 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 25.6405792236 , 109.940002441 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 59.5005111694 , 106.330001831 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 64.8268585205 , 118.410003662 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 48.4061546326 , 151.419998169 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 7.67924404144 , 99.5699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 50.8325881958 , 82.6500015259 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 57.8272705078 , 90.6900024414 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 72.7107315063 , 144.089996338 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 22.0247383118 , 74.6100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 14.6134405136 , 61.9199981689 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 96.8972930908 , 117.160003662 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 56.7485618591 , 101.38999939 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 4.58883905411 , 44.7200012207 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 66.8561325073 , 106.720001221 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 5.49198484421 , 90.0500030518 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 10.5761780739 , 76.6200027466 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 13.3446397781 , 54.0800018311 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 19.663479805 , 108.540000916 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 17.2156391144 , 126.410003662 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 0.824867427349 , 85.7099990845 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 32.3052597046 , 146.779998779 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 17.8042430878 , 91.9199981689 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 4.96241998672 , 19.0900001526 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 51.5035095215 , 112.489997864 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 39.8381309509 , 109.919998169 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 14.5581893921 , 101.36000061 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 4.39657926559 , 74.4599990845 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 92.9237670898 , 111.11000061 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 92.5978927612 , 109.260002136 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 13.1631298065 , 113.669998169 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 6.29909944534 , 84.8899993896 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 85.8919219971 , 121.239997864 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 82.5249786377 , 85.1999969482 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 13.9774885178 , 89.9800033569 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 11.435084343 , 86.1299972534 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 33.9354610443 , 157.669998169 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 11.1131410599 , 116.61000061 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 13.8546762466 , 114.559997559 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 80.5192146301 , 104.959999084 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 70.3969535828 , 129.729995728 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 17.5271482468 , 106.040000916 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 21.4218788147 , 159.089996338 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 50.5736961365 , 111.629997253 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 15.6521205902 , 53.2299995422 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 122.069999695 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 2.59097886086 , 49.8199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 25.2269601822 , 78.4700012207 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 108.362205505 , 66.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 16.6802377701 , 88.0500030518 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 9.8422460556 , 91.9000015259 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 26.8377304077 , 41.75 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 3.93489646912 , 2.96000003815 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 37.739074707 , 133.539993286 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 37.5048141479 , 125.720001221 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 34.2453460693 , 149.660003662 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 4.02153110504 , 72.4499969482 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 25.1323709488 , 85.6100006104 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 7.0372171402 , 113.319999695 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 55.9164237976 , 128.759994507 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 81.9080047607 , 93.4499969482 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 20.7667274475 , 50.2900009155 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 74.9170684814 , 128.270004272 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 9.79531860352 , 123.900001526 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 19.3691501617 , 57.9700012207 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 19.5537967682 , 69.75 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 2.21793699265 , 109.220001221 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 4.64492750168 , 36.8400001526 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 7.72043722123 , 32.4000015259 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 2.35547804832 , 84.8600006104 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 32.96159935 , 122.089996338 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 65.147102356 , 108.63999939 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 70.7449569702 , 120.739997864 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 54.1163864136 , 151.570007324 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 8.14241600037 , 100.580001831 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 53.3613700867 , 86.7300033569 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 61.2152328491 , 94.7099990845 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 77.8768615723 , 147.11000061 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 22.433057785 , 74.6100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 15.3799009323 , 69.3700027466 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 102.573829651 , 124.800003052 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 59.3432731628 , 109.220001221 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 4.87840509415 , 54.8400001526 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 70.5781745911 , 110.160003662 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 5.95796918869 , 115.190002441 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 12.129445076 , 95.4599990845 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 15.0112848282 , 72.6600036621 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 22.5575199127 , 115.279998779 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 18.129907608 , 139.63999939 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 0.820063829422 , 85.7099990845 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 34.3826293945 , 156.660003662 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 18.30418396 , 99.5299987793 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 5.52697896957 , 30.5900001526 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 60.0485687256 , 102.230003357 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 42.7918815613 , 111.669998169 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 14.9074792862 , 119.230003357 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 4.36887741089 , 80.7600021362 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 97.6436920166 , 118.330001831 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 96.8911590576 , 117.970001221 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 8.90970993042 , 112.870002747 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 6.66627311707 , 89.0500030518 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 90.5769042969 , 126.339996338 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 85.1573486328 , 86.7900009155 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 14.4693479538 , 104.730003357 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 12.5263051987 , 96.3099975586 ,' LAC '] ]); 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May u live long and may u cont delivering on what matters most</a> </h3> <div class='post-header'> <div class='post-header-line-1'></div> </div> <div class='post-body entry-content'> <span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">The equation is fairly simple, the formula is proven and the outcome is predictable:<br /></span></span><span style="font-weight: bold;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">Number of SMSs &#247; Mobile Subscribers &gt; Number of Calls &#247; Subscribers</span></span></span><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><br /><br /></span></span><p class="zemanta-img" style="margin: 1em; float: right; display: block; width: 310px;"><a href=""><img alt="Texting on a keyboard phone" height="200" src="" style="border: medium none; display: block;" width="300" /></a><span class="zemanta-img-attribution"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">Image via </span></span><a href=""><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">Wikipedia</span></span></a></span></p><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size:small;"><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><br /></span></span></div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"> Originally developed to send control messages to phones to update configuration settings, </span><a href=""><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">Short Message Service (SMS)</span></a><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"> became available when telecommunications providers installed GSM services in the mid-1990s. And, next week </span></span><b><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">on July 23rd 2010, SMS will celebrate its 18th birthday! </span></span></b><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><br /><br /></span></span><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">SMS is a text-only message delivery system on mobile phone networks. As a compliment to voice calls, text messages travel through the wireless service provider&#8217;s network, routed and delivered much like a voice call. The messaging server for SMS or text messaging routes all messages to the appropriate mobile phone or application based on the number in the destination address (source: CTIA).<br /><br />Nowadays, SMS has gone far beyond people-to-people (aka person-to-person or human-to-human) communication. From an interactions perspective, the communication path can fall into the following categories: person-to-person (P2P), person-to-machine (P2M), application-to-person (A2P) and machine-to-machine (M2M). I will talk more about that in another post.<br /><br />Reaching the incredible mark of 4.5 Trillion SMS text messages sent in 2009 and 3.6 Billion users (source: Tomi Ahonen, 2010), out of over 5 billion mobile phone connections worldwide mobile phone, is </span></span><b><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">by far the most versatile, ubiquitous, prolific and successful DATA application in history</span></span></b><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"> (i.e., worldwide email user base is 1.4 Billion).<br /><br />North Americans got into SMS through voting on American Idol, with the Obama presidential campaign of 2008, more recently with the mGive's Red Cross text message fundraising campaign (Text HAITI to 90999) that raised over $37 million for Haiti, the Text4Baby project that provides timely and expert health information through SMS text messages to pregnant women and new moms, and the list goes on and on. Today, more than half of Americans are active users of SMS text messaging and being fast learners; the US average has reached 4 SMS text messages sent per day across the total mobile phone subscriber base. This means the USA has caught up with average European SMS text messaging usage levels.<br /><br /></span></span><b><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">SMS for development:</span></span></b><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><br /><br />There are a growing number of projects taking advantage of the widely available SMS technology to provide practical solutions to communities and to deliver social change. Here is a short list:<br /></span></span><ul><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><br /></span></span><li><b><a href=""><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">ChildCount+</span></span></a></b><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">: an mHealth platform developed by the Millennium Villages Project aimed at empowering communities to improve child survival and maternal health. ChildCount+ uses SMS text messages to facilitate and coordinate the activities of community based health care providers, usually community health care workers (CHWs). </span></span></li><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><br /></span></span><li><b><a href=""><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">Text to Change</span></span></a></b><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">: interactive SMS quizzes based on Text to Change's existing SMS platform to get employees to answer questions about HIV/AIDS, and to encourage them to get tested for HIV/AIDS. The pilot ran for four weeks in November and December of 2009, and had an overall response rate of 43%.</span></span></li><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><br /></span></span><li><b><a href=""><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">Ushahidi</span></span></a></b><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">: a platform for map and time-based visualizations of text reports that has been used most prominently in crisis mapping. The first instance of Ushahidi tracked the post-election violence in Kenya in 2007, closely followed by an instance covering outbreaks of xenophobic violence in South Africa in early 2008. Following the Haiti earthquake in early 2010.</span></span></li><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><br /></span></span><li><b><a href=""><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">Farmer's Friend (Powered by Google SMS)</span></span></a></b><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">: offers farmers an affordable and targeted way to search for agricultural tips through a SMS-based database. Keywords in the query are matched against the database and the farmer receives a reply with a tip related to his or her query terms.</span></span></li><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><br /></span></span><li><b><a href=""><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">Jokko Initiative</span></span></a><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">: </span></span><a href=""><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">Mobile Technology Amplifying Social Change</span></span></a></b><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">: makes it possible to communicate with a network of people by sending a text message. This means that a nurse, literacy leader, representative of a women&#8217;s association, or the village imam can communicate with community members about events or other important activities in the village (for example, a vaccination campaign or a literacy group meeting).</span></span></li><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><br /></span></span><li><b><a href=""><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">Happy Pill</span></span></a></b><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">: uses "flashing" - where you call a number and hang up immediately to "ping" someone. HappyPills takes this basic, essentially binary interaction and applies it to help improve adherence rates for prescription regimens. A medical center can send out flashes to their patients, and the patients are reminded to take their pills and would then flash back to signal that they took their medicine.</span></span></li></ul><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">Feel free to add to this list!</span></span><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><br /></span></span></div><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><br /><br /></span></span><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family:'trebuchet ms';"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><br /></span></span></div></div> <div style="margin-top: 10px; height: 15px;" class="zemanta-pixie"><a class="zemanta-pixie-a" href="" title="Enhanced by Zemanta"><img alt="Enhanced by Zemanta" class="zemanta-pixie-img" src="" style="border: medium none; 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</span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> July </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> <ul class='posts'> <li><a href=''>Happy b&#39;day 2 u SMS! May u live long and may u con...</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> &#9658;&#160; </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> June </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(4)</span> </li> </ul> <ul class='hierarchy'> <li class='archivedate collapsed'> <a class='toggle' href='javascript:void(0)'> <span class='zippy'> &#9658;&#160; </span> </a> <a class='post-count-link' href=''> May </a> <span class='post-count' dir='ltr'>(1)</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class='clear'></div> </div> </div><div class='widget Profile' data-version='1' id='Profile1'> <h2>About Me</h2> <div class='widget-content'> <dl class='profile-datablock'> <dt class='profile-data'> <a class='profile-name-link g-profile' href='' rel='author' style='background-image: url(//;'> Fabiano Cruz <a href="">@__fabianocruz</a> </a> </dt> <dd class='profile-textblock'>I have built a solid experience over last 13 years, mainly focusing in program/project management, working on innovative products and services and successfully implemented them across the globe. For the last three years, I have been working at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), providing technology vision, leadership and strategic directions in the design and implementation of various technology-enabled development projects. Currently I am a Sr. Technology Advisor at the Social Protection and Health (SCL/SPH) division of the IDB. In the past, I worked on a couple of fun and challenging projects at companies such as IBM, SIEMENS Mobile R&amp;D, BenQ R&amp;D, Nokia Institute of Technology (INdT), and others. 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