1993 SF Encyclopedia Updates

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//SQ//DTD HTML 2.0 HoTMetaL + extensions//EN"> <html> <head> <title>1993 SF Encyclopedia Updates</title> <link href="sfe.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body class="sfebody"> <center> <h1><i><font color="#0000A0">The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction</font></i></h1> </center> <center> <h2>edited by John Clute and Peter Nicholls</h2> </center> <center> <h2><b><i>New Data, Typographical Errors, Factual Corrections, and Miscellanea</i></b></h2> <p><i>Last updated September 2002</i></p> </center> <p class="menupar"><a name="skiplist"></a><i>Skip to:</i> <a href="sfec.htm">Intro</a> <a href="sfec.htm#prelims">Prelims</a> <a href="sfec_ab.htm#a">A</a> <a href="sfec_ab.htm#b">B</a> <a href="sfec_cd.htm#c">C</a> <a href="sfec_cd.htm#d">D</a> <a href="sfec_e2h.htm#e">E</a> <a href="sfec_e2h.htm#f">F</a> <a href="sfec_e2h.htm#g">G</a> <a href="sfec_e2h.htm#h">H</a> <a href="sfec_i2l.htm#i">I</a> <a href="sfec_i2l.htm#j">J</a> <a href="sfec_i2l.htm#k">K</a> <a href="sfec_i2l.htm#l">L</a> <a href="sfec_m2p.htm#m">M</a> <a href="sfec_m2p.htm#n">N</a> <a href="sfec_m2p.htm#o">O</a> <a href="sfec_m2p.htm#p">P</a> <a href="sfec_q2t.htm#q">Q</a> <a href="sfec_q2t.htm#r">R</a> <a href="sfec_q2t.htm#s">S</a> <a href="sfec_q2t.htm#t">T</a> <a href="sfec_u2z.htm#u">U</a> <a href="sfec_u2z.htm#v">V</a> <a href="sfec_u2z.htm#w">W</a> <a href="sfec_u2z.htm#x">X</a> <a href="sfec_u2z.htm#y">Y</a> <a href="sfec_u2z.htm#z">Z</a><br> <a href="fec.htm"><i>Fantasy Encyclopedia</i> Updates</a></p> <blockquote> <p>This HTML conversion of the corrections to the 1993 edition is based on the DTP version of the material which I produced for John Clute to copy and hand out, and which appears as an appendix in the August 1995 St Martin's Press (USA) and 1999 Orbit (UK) paperback editions. Updates added since the published listing are marked with <u>underlines</u> (if these don't show on your browser, the <tt>&lt;U&gt;</tt> and <tt>&lt;/U&gt;</tt> codes can still be traced in the HTML source).</p> <p>Special thanks to Bud Webster, who provided a copy of his <i>On the Ground Floor: First Stories</i> (1995), which I have ransacked as appropriate &ndash; with a [BW] credit in each case. (However, some of the points where he differs with the <i>SFE</i> are methodological rather than factual: e.g. BW prefers an earlier fanzine appearance of Pat Cadigan's to her first plausibly professional publication in her own semipro <i>Shayol</i>, while the <i>SFE</i> does not count fanzine stories as first sales.)</p> <p>Further multiple thanks to Joe Bernstein [JBe] for meticulous feedback, to Steve Holland, and to John Clute for this continuing active encouragement of this site and of my own <a href="">Windows viewer software</a> for the CD-ROM adaptation of the <i>SFE</i>.</p> <p>Except for people still working with the 1990s print editions, all information here has long been superseded by the availability of the full, corrected, hugely expanded and still regularly updated <a href=""><I>Encyclopedia of Science Fiction</I> online</a>.</p> <p>Please tell me of any coding or other errors ... <a href="" dir="LTR">David Langford</a>.</p> </blockquote> <hr> <center> <h3>Original Introduction to Update Sheet</h3> </center> <blockquote> <p><i>An encyclopedia of this sort is never completed. The date of going to press is an arbitrary (but necessary) stopping point, not the point where the collection and double-checking of data is finished. The editors and St. Martin's Press offer these modifications, accrued in the months between going to press and August 1995, as a service to reviewers and readers; this version of the <b>Addenda</b> incorporates material included in the version issued in September 1993, as well as material more recently assembled. It was prepared by St. Martin's Press, from material supplied by the editors, to be inserted at the rear of the 1995 paperback reprint of the Encyclopedia; and contains the same data as that insertion. Recent deaths are noted; otherwise, these modifications relate only to the period covered by the 1993 edition of</i> The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction.</p> <p> <i>The editors wish to thank all those who offered suggestions and corrections. We would in particular like to express our gratitude to Gordon Van Gelder and David Langford.</i></p> <p><i>John Clute and Peter Nicholls</i></p> </blockquote> <hr> <center> <h2><a name="prelims"></a>Prelims</h2> </center> <blockquote> <p><b>DUSTWRAPPER BLURB</b>: &quot;1.2 million words&quot; should read &quot;1.3 million words.&quot; <u>(1.35 million has also been quoted, referring to the 50,000 words of new and update material &ndash; much of it from these addenda &ndash; which John Clute added for the 1995 CD-ROM version of the second edition.)</u></p> <p><b>CHECKLIST OF CONTRIBUTORS</b> (p. xxiii): Patrick Nielsen Hayden should be listed alphabetically after Peter <span class="scaps">NICHOLLS</span>. Stephen <span class="scaps">HOLLAND</span> [SH] is omitted from this list.</p> <p><b>ACKNOWLEDGMENTS</b> (pp. xxvii-xxviii): Nick Austin is omitted from the list of those who helped. Caroline Mullen should be Caroline Mullan.</p> <p><b>HOW TO USE THIS BOOK</b> (p. xxxiii): The then-projected title &#171;Darkside the Long Sun&#187; should in fact be &#171;Nightside the Long Sun&#187;.</p> </blockquote> <div style="display:none;"><hr> <p align=center><a href="sfe_russ.htm"><b>Notes on Russian Entries</b></a></p></div> <p class="menupar"><a name="skiplist"></a><i>Skip to:</i> <a href="sfec.htm">Intro</a> <a href="sfec.htm#prelims">Prelims</a> <a href="sfec_ab.htm#a">A</a> <a href="sfec_ab.htm#b">B</a> <a href="sfec_cd.htm#c">C</a> <a href="sfec_cd.htm#d">D</a> <a href="sfec_e2h.htm#e">E</a> <a href="sfec_e2h.htm#f">F</a> <a href="sfec_e2h.htm#g">G</a> <a href="sfec_e2h.htm#h">H</a> <a href="sfec_i2l.htm#i">I</a> <a href="sfec_i2l.htm#j">J</a> <a href="sfec_i2l.htm#k">K</a> <a href="sfec_i2l.htm#l">L</a> <a href="sfec_m2p.htm#m">M</a> <a href="sfec_m2p.htm#n">N</a> <a href="sfec_m2p.htm#o">O</a> <a href="sfec_m2p.htm#p">P</a> <a href="sfec_q2t.htm#q">Q</a> <a href="sfec_q2t.htm#r">R</a> <a href="sfec_q2t.htm#s">S</a> <a href="sfec_q2t.htm#t">T</a> <a href="sfec_u2z.htm#u">U</a> <a href="sfec_u2z.htm#v">V</a> <a href="sfec_u2z.htm#w">W</a> <a href="sfec_u2z.htm#x">X</a> <a href="sfec_u2z.htm#y">Y</a> <a href="sfec_u2z.htm#z">Z</a><br> <a href="fec.htm"><i>Fantasy Encyclopedia</i> Updates</a></p> </body> </html>

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