SF Encyclopedia Updates, M to P
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The series beginning with <I>Lens of the World</I> is set in a baroque or renaissance alternate universe, rather than a medieval fantasy world, and is only marginally fantastic.</P> <P><B>McCAFFREY, ANNE (INEZ)</B> (pp. 746-747): Two ostensibly separate series, the <B>Pegasus</B> or <B>Talents</B> books and the <B>Rowan</B> books, are in fact connected, and may be thought of as one series: the <B>Talents</B> books.</P> <P><B>McCARTHY, SHAWNA</B> (pp. 747-748): Born 1954.</P> <P><B>McCUTCHAN, PHILIP</B> (p. 750): Attended but did not graduate from Sandhurst.</P> <P><B>McDEVITT, JACK</B> (p. 750): The publication date of <I>A Talent for War</I> is (<B>1989</B>), not (<B>1988</B>).</P> <P><B>McINTYRE, VONDA N(EEL)</B> (p. 757): Her <I>Clarion</I> story was titled "Only at Night." <U>There is apparently an earlier story, "Breaking Point" (1970 <I>Venture</I>). [BW]</U></P> <P><B>McQUAY, MIKE</B> (p. 761): Died 1995.</P> <P><B>McQUINN, DONALD E(DGAR)</B> (p. 762): <I>Warrior</I> is DEM's first sf novel, his fifth overall. Also note middle name.</P> <P><U><B>MADDOX, TOM</B> (p. 762): first story title is "The Mind is Like a Strange Balloon". [BW]</U></P> <P><B>MAGAZINE OF FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION, THE</B> (pp. 763-764): The list of special issues should include the Stephen <span class="scaps">KING</span> issue (Dec 1990).</P> <P><U><B>MAGIC REALISM</B> (p. 767): John Hawkes died 1998.</U></P> <P><U><B>MALCOLM, DON</B> (p. 771): first story was in fact "Defence Mechanism" (1957 <I>NW</I>). [BW]</U></P> <P><B>MALZBERG, BARRY N(ATHANIEL)</B> (p. 772): BNM's middle name is Nathaniel, not Norman.</P> <P><B>MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E., THE</B> (pp. 773-774): The Acronym U.N.C.L.E. stands for United Network Command for Law and Enforcement, not United Network Command for Law Enforcement. Also, it has been suggested (but not proven) that the enemy organization T.H.R.U.S.H. was intended to sound like "the Russians."</P> <P><B>MARAS, KARL</B> (p. 776): This house name was used by Kenneth <span class="scaps">BULMER</span> twice, but also by Peter Hawkins (1923- ) or a novel, <I>The Plant from Infinity</I> (<B>1954</B>).</P> <P><B>MARGROFF, ROBERT E(RVIEN)</B> (p. 776): <I>Orc's Opal</I> is (<B>1990</B>).</P> <P><B>MARVEL COMICS</B> (pp. 780-781): <B>Doctor Strange</B> was introduced in <I>Strange Tales</I> #114 (Nov 1963), running to #134 in 1965, then featured in <I>Dr Strange</I> #169-#183 (June 1968-Nov 1969), but not in <I>Strange Tales</I> #169 [duplicated numbering] through #188 (1973-1976). <I>Strange Tales</I> then relaunched April 1987 and ran #1-#19 (Oct 1988 with <B>Doctor Strange</B>. <U>John Buscema's dates are (1927-2002).</U></P> <P><B>MASON, DAVID</B> (p. 782): DM wrote three erotic sf novels under his own name: <I>Degree of Pleasure</I> (1969), <I>Jellyroll</I> (<B>1969</B>) and <I>Devil's Food</I> (<B>1969</B>). We do not yet have a publication date for <I>A Bed Full</I> [or <I>Bedful</I>?] <I>of Pleasure</I> by DM as David Martell.</P> <P><B>MATHESON, RICHARD (BURTON)</B> (pp. 786-787): <I>Journal of the Gun Years</I> has no fantasy elements.</P> <P><B>MATHESON, RICHARD CHRISTIAN</B> (p. 787): Chris Matheson is not the name he sometimes uses in film and tv work but that of RCM's younger brother, who co-wrote <span class="scaps">BILL AND TED'S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE</span> (1989) and its sequel.</P> <P><U><B>MEEK, S.P.</B> (p. 795): "The Murgatroyd Experiments" should read "The Murgatroyd Experiment". "Futility" (1929 <I>AMZ</I>) is elsewhere cited as his first story. [BW] This AMZ is dated July 1929, while AMZ Quarterly with "The Murgatroyd Experiment" is "Winter 1929", preceded by "Fall 1928" and followed by "Spring 1929". </U></P> <P><B>MENDELSOHN, FELIX Jr</B> (p. 797): Died 1990.</P> <P><B>MERRIL, JUDITH</B> (p. 799): <U>Died 1997.</U> Merril is spelled incorrectly in the running head at top of page 799.</P> <P><U><B>MERWIN, SAM Jr</B> (p. 800): Died 1996.</U></P> <P><B>MESSMANN, JON</B> (p. 802): Messmann is spelled incorrectly in the running head at top of page 802.</P> <P><U><B>MÉTAL HURLANT</B> (p. 802): Jean-Claude Forest died 1998.</U></P> <P><B>MILLARD, JOSEPH (JOHN)</B> (p. 807): Died 1989.</P> <P><B>MILLER, FRANK</B> (pp. 807-808): Worked on <B>Daredevil</B> 1979-1985. <I>Child's Play</I> was (<B>1988</B>), not (<B>1986</B>). <I>Daredevil: Love and War</I> was (<B>1986</B>) not (<B>1987</B>). The magazine version of <I>Dark Knight Returns</I> was 1986. Wolverine should read (1982; graph coll <B>1987</B>), not (1985; graph coll <B>1988</B>). <I>Batman: Year One</I> should be (1987; graph coll <B>1988</B>) not (1986; graph coll <B>1986</B>). <I>Give Me Liberty</I> should be (1990-91; graph coll <B>1991</B>) not 1991-92; graph coll <B>1992</B>).</P> <P><U><B>MILLER, WALTER M.</B> (p. 809): Died (suicide) 1996.</U></P> <P><U><B>MILLIGAN, SPIKE</B> (p. 810): Died 2002. The play <I>The Bedsitting Room</I> should be dated (performed 1963; <B>1970</B>).</U></P> <P><B>MILLS, C(ARLA) J(OHNSON)</B> (p. 810): Born 1944. <I>Winter World #5: Zjhanne's Book</I> (<B>1992</B>) was omitted. Also, note name.</P> <P><B>MISHA</B> (p. 811): Misha is the working name of US writer Misha Nógha.</P> <P><B>MISTRAL, BENGO</B> (p. 812): As well as Norman <span class="scaps">LAZENBY</span>'s novel, two others were published under this house name: <I>Pirates of Cerebus</I> (fixup <B>1953</B>) based on stories in John Spencer magazines by B. Ward, and <I>Space Flight 139</I> (<B>1954</B>).</P> <P><U><B>MITCHISON, NAOMI (MARGARET)</B> (p. 813): Died 1999.</U></P> <P><B>MONEY</B> (pp. 814-815): Harry Stephen Keeler's "John Jones' Dollar" first appeared in <I>Black Cat</I> in 1915.</P> <P><B>MONTANA, RON (A.)</B> (p. 819): Entry should read "RM's engagement with Native American material ironically prefigured a controversy of the 1980s, in which he claimed that <I>Death in the Spirit House</I> (<B>1988</B>), published under Strete's name, plagiarized from a manuscript Montana had given Strete. Eventually, Montana's book was published, as part of an agreed settlement, as <I>Face in the Snow</I> (<B>1992</B>) by RM."</P> <P><U><B>MOON</B> (pp. 820-821): The sentence opening the second paragraph should read "... crops up in the 1640 appendix to John WILKINS's <I>The Discovery of a World in the Moone</I> (<B>1638</B>; exp vt <I>The Discovery of a New World</I> 1640) ..."</U></P> <P><U><B>MOON, ELIZABETH (N.)</B> (pp. 821-822): <I>Hunting Party</I> and <I>Sporting Chance</I> are the first and second volumes of a sequence with overall title <B>The Serrano Legacy</B>.</U></P> <P><B>MOORCOCK, MICHAEL (JOHN)</B> (pp. 822-825): The first actual use of the term "New Wave" to describe UK writers was in a 1961 book-review column by P. Schuyler <span class="scaps">MILLER</span>.</P> <P><U><B>MOORE, C(ATHERINE) L(UCILLE)</B> (p. 827): <I>The Startling Worlds of Henry Kuttner</I> includes, not <I>The Time Axis</I>, but <I>Beyond Earth's Gates</I> (as "The Portal in the Picture"). [JBe]</U></P> <P><B>MOORE, ALAN</B> (p. 825): With a change of scriptwriter, AM continued to draw <I>The Stars my Degradation</I> until the Mar 1983 issue. The full title of the <B>Halo Jones</B> omnibus is <I>The Complete Ballad of Halo Jones</I>; the full title of the <B>D.R. & Quinch</B> collection is <I>D.R. & Quinch's Totally Awesome Guide to Life.</I></P> <P><U><B>MOORE, BRIAN</B> (p. 826): Died 1999.</U></P> <P><B>MORRESSY, JOHN</B> (p. 831): The correct title of his 1987 novel is <I>The Questing of Kedrigern,</I> not <I>A Questing of Kedrigern.</I></P> <P><B>MORRISSEY, J(OSEPH) L(AWRENCE)</B> (p. 833): Born 1907. Died 1981. JLM was a UK-born writer who almost certainly became a US resident in his later years.</P> <P><B>MOSKOWITZ, SAM</B> (pp. 834-835): <U>Died 1997.</U> <I>The Ultimate World</I> should be <I>Ultimate World</I>.</P> <P><U><B>MULLEN, R.D.</B> (p. 837): Died 1998.</U></P> <P><U><B>MULLER, JOHN E.</B> (p. 837): The unidentified novels were also written by Glasby. <I>Space Void</I> is actually a reprint of Glasby's Dawn of the Half-Gods as by Victor La Salle.</U></P> <P><B>MULLALLY, FREDERIC</B> (p. 837): FM also wrote <I>Oh! Wicked Wanda</I> (<B>1970</B>).</P> <P><B>MURPHY, PAT</B> (p. 839): PM's middle name Ann has no "e". "Art in the War Zone" appeared in <I>Universe 14,</I> which was edited by Terry <span class="scaps">CARR</span>.</P> <HR> <CENTER> <H2><A NAME="n"></A><B>N</B></H2></CENTER> <P><U><B>NATION, TERRY</B> (p. 856): Died 1997.</U></P> <P><U><B>NEBULA SCIENCE FICTION</B> (p. 861): Walt Willis died in 1999.</U></P> <P><B>NEW VOICES</B> (p. 865): #1-2 in series were in paperback from Harcourt Brace & Jovanovich/Jove, #3-4 from <span class="scaps">BERKLEY BOOKS</span>.</P> <P><B>NEW WAVE</B> (pp. 865-867): The first actual use of the term "New Wave" to describe UK writers was in a 1961 book-review column by P. Schuyler <span class="scaps">MILLER</span>.</P> <P><B>NIGHBERT, DAVID F(RANKLIN)</B> (p. 871): Born 1948. Note middle name. Also, <I>The Clouds of Magellan</I> should be <I>Clouds of Magellan</I>.</P> <P><U><B>NIGHT THAT PANICKED AMERICA</B> (p. 872): Howard Koch was (1902-1995).</U></P> <P><B>NIVEN, LARRY</B> (pp. 873-875): <I>The Integral Trees</I> and <I>The Smoke Ring</I> are linked to <I>A World Out of Time</I>, but not to the <B>Known Space</B> series. In <I>A Gift From Earth</I> (<B>1968</B>), the inhabitants are descended from the ship's passengers. They rebel against the ruling caste, which is descended from the ship's crew.</P> <P><B>NOLAN, WILLIAM F(RANCIS)</B> (pp. 875-876): Omitted from <B>Other works</B> was <I>Blood Sky</I> (<B>1991</B> chap), and from <B>As Editor</B> was <I>The Bradbury Chronicles</I> (anth 1991) with Greenberg.</P> <P><B>NORTON, ANDRE</B> (pp. 877-878): <I>Zarthor's Bane</I> should be <I>Zarsthor's Bane.</I></P> <P><B>NORWOOD, VICTOR (GEORGE CHARLES)</B> (p. 879): Add <I>Island of the Voodoo Dolls</I> (<B>1969</B>) as by Paul Dangerfield.</P> <HR> <CENTER> <H2><A NAME="o"></A><B>O</B></H2></CENTER> <P><U><B>O'BRIEN, DAVID WRIGHT</B> (p. 884): first story was "Truth is a Plague" (1940 <I>AMZ</I>). [BW]</U></P> <P><B>O'DONNELL, KEVIN Jr</B> (p. 886): "The Hand <I>is</I> Quicker" should be "The Hand <I>Is</I> Quicker", and <I>The Electronic Money Machine</I> (1984) was written with The Haven Group.</P> <P><A NAME="offutt"></A><B>OFFUTT, ANDREW J(EFFERSON V)</B> (p. 887): According to AFO, <I>Shadowspawn</I> is not a contribution to the <B>Thieves' World</B> <span class="scaps">SHARED-WORLD</span> enterprise; it has, however, been variously listed and reviewed thus. G.C. <span class="scaps">EDMONDSON</span>'s initials were transposed here by typographical error. Add <I>Pleasure Us!</I> (<B>1971</B>; vt <I>The Pleasure Principal</I> 1975 as by Baxter Giles) as by John Cleve. Further Cleve erotic sf titles await full confirmation.</P> <P><B>O'KEEFE, CLAUDIA</B> (p. 887): Born 1958.</P> <P><U><B>OMNI</B> (p. 889): Print edition gave way to on-line (web site) only in 1995. The US editorial staff were laid off and the on-line edition at "frozen" in early 1998; later it was removed altogether.</U></P> <P><B>OLTION, JERRY B(RIAN</B> (pp. 888-889): Note middle name.</P> <P><B>OLIVER, CHAD</B> (p. 888): Died 1993.</P> <P><B>OPPENHEIM, E(DWARD) PHILLIPS</B> (p. 891): Add <I>The Spy Paramount</I> (<B>1935</B>).</P> <P><B>ORBAN</B> (pp. 892-893): Born 1896. Died 1974.</P> <P><B>ORKOW, BEN (HARRISON)</B> (p. 895): Died 1988.</P> <P><B>OUTER LIMITS, THE</B> (p. 898): In "The Galaxy Being" the alien is absorbed into a 3D radio transceiver, not a telescope. Also, in the synopsis of "Demon with a Glass Hand," the android has the entire human race coded in his internal circuitry.</P> <P><B>OWEN, DEAN</B> (p. 902). Dean Owen perhaps eventually became the legal name of US Dudley Dean McGaughy. Born 1913. Died 1985.</P> <HR> <CENTER> <H2><A NAME="p"></A><B>P</B></H2></CENTER> <P><B>PAINTER, THOMAS</B> (p. 904): Born 1885. Died 1970.</P> <P><B>PANSHIN, ALEXEI (A.)</B> (pp. 906-907): AP is working name of Alexis Adams Panshin. "Lady Sunshine and the Magon of Beatus" should be "Lady Sunshine and the Magoon of Beatus". <U>AP's first professional sale was "A Piece of Pie" (1960 <I>Seventeen</I>) [BW], but this may not have been sf.</U></P> <P><B>PASTORAL</B> (pp. 915-916): <I>Penterra</I> should be <I>Pennterra</I>.</P> <P><B>PEDLER, KIT</B> (p. 919): <I>Mutant 59: The Plastic Eater</I> should be <I>Mutant 59: The Plastic-Eater</I>.</P> <P><B>PENDLETON, DON(ALD) (EUGENE)</B> (p. 919): DP's authorship of the first 27 <B>Executioner</B> books has been confirmed, after which point "Don Pendleton" became a house name shared by various authors, including Peter <span class="scaps">LESLIE</span>. <I>Paradine's Gauntlet</I> * (1983) was by Michael Newton (1951- ).</P> <P><U><B>PERRY, STEVE</B> (p. 924): "With Clean Hands" is (1978). [BW]</U></P> <P><U><B>PESEK, LUDEK</B> (p.925): Died 1999.</U></P> <P><U><B>PETAJA, EMIL (THEODORE) </B> (pp. 925-926): Died 2000.</U></P> <P><B>PHELPS, GILBERT (HENRY Jr)</B> (p. 927): Died 1993.</P> <P><B>PIERCE, JOHN J.</B> (p. 931): Born 1941.</P> <P><U><B>PIERCE, JOHN R(OBINSON)</B> (p. 931): Died 2002.</U></P> <P><B>PILLER, EMANUEL S.</B> (p. 932): Died 1985.</P> <P><B>PINI, WENDY AND RICHARD</B>: Future editions may contain an entry on W&RP for their <B>Elfquest</B> series of 8 graphic novels (1981-1993), originally published in comic-book format from 1977, plus one graphic collection (<B>1993</B>) – all marginal sf.</P> <P><B>PLANET STORIES</B> (p. 937): Dates for Wilbur S. Peacock are (?1915-1979).</P> <P><B>POHL, FREDERIK</B> (pp. 942-944): His first published piece being a poem, "Elegy to a Dead Satellite: Luna" as by Elton V. Andrews, for <I>AMZ</I> in 1937, and his first story proper being "Before the Universe" with C. M. <span class="scaps">KORNBLUTH</span>, both writing as S.D. Gottesman, for <I>Super Science Stories</I> in 1940. FP did not return permanently to full-time writing in 1969, but in 1979. Also, FP received a second Hugo Award for short fiction in 1986 for "Fermi and Frost."</P> <P><U><B>POLLACK, RACHEL</B> (p. 947): first story date is (1971). [BW]</U></P> <P><U><B>PORGES, ARTHUR</B> (p. 949): Irwin Porges died 1998.</U></P> <P><B>PORTER, ANDREW (IAN)</B> (p. 949): Harlan Ellison is not the co-editor of <I>The Book of Ellison.</I></P> <P><B>POSITRONIC ROBOTS</B> (p. 949): Data the Android in <span class="scaps">STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION</span> is said to have a positronic brain.</P> <P><U><B>POWERS, RICHARD</B> (p. 952): Died 1996</U></P> <P><B>POYER, DAVID C(HARLES)</B> (p. 955): Note middle name. <I>The Shiloh Project</I> (<B>1981</B>) is an alternate-present novel set in a South where the Confederacy won.</P> <P><B>PREDICTION</B> (pp. 957-958): One story that, unusually, did predict the tv coverage of the first Moon landing was Arthur C. <span class="scaps">CLARKE</span>'s <I>Prelude to Space</I> (<B>1951</B> US; vt <I>Master of Space</I> 1961 US; vt <I>The Space Dreamers</I> 1969 US), Chapter XXII in the UK 1953 edition.</P> <P><U><B>PRIEST, CHRISTOPHER</B> (p. 961): see <A HREF="sfec_cd.htm#dangerous"><span class="scaps">DANGEROUS VISIONS</span></A> note. CP does not acknowledge the pseudonym Colin Wedgelock, whose one known title <I>Short Circuit</I> * (1986) is a novelization of <span class="scaps">SHORT CIRCUIT</span>.</U></P> <P><B>PRISONER, THE</B> (pp. 962-963): A comic-book series (four numbers 1988-1989), originally from DC COMICS, served as a sequel to the tv series.</P> <P><B>PROCTOR, GEO(RGE) W(YATT)</B> (pp. 963-964): Born 1946. Also note middle name.</P> <P><B>PROTO SCIENCE FICTION</B> (pp. 965-967): Mary <span class="scaps">SHELLEY</span>'s <I>Frankenstein, or The New Prometheus</I> should be <I>Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus</I>.</P> <P><B>PSI POWERS</B> (pp. 971-972): The title <I>Re-Birth</I> should be in italics.</P> <P><U><B>PSYCHOTIC</B> (pp. 975-6): <I>The Alien Critic</I> changed title owing to threats of litigation from a US magazine called <I>The Critic</I>.</U></P> <P><B>PURDOM, TOM</B> (p. 981): <I>Reduction in Arms</I> first appeared in <I>FSF</I> 1967, not <I>ASF</I>.</P> <P><B>PULP MAGAZINES</B> (pp. 978-980): Dates for Quentin James Reynolds are (1902-1965).</P> <p class="menupar"><A HREF="sfec_q2t.htm">Continue</A></p></BODY></HTML>