SF Encyclopedia Updates, I to L
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The title <I>Worlds of If</I> was revived for at least one digest-sized issue, September - November 1986, edited and published by Clifford R. Hong (? - ) (publishing as The STF Corporation, Hicksville, NY), issue #176, vol 23, no 1. This managed to include "Samurai Fugue" by Jessica Amanda Salmonson (1950- ), interior art by Vincent <span class="scaps">DI FATE</span>, and a book review column by Orson Scott <span class="scaps">CARD</span>. [JBe]</U></P> <P><U><B>ILLUSTRATION</B> (pp. 611-613): Lee Falk's dates are (1905-1999).</U></P> <P><B>IMMORTALITY</B> (pp. 615-617): <I>Outnumbering the Living</I> should be <I>Outnumbering the Dead</I>.</P> <P><B>ING, DEAN</B> (p. 618): All his rewrites of Mack <span class="scaps">REYNOLDS</span> novels were based on complete first drafts written by Reynolds.</P> <P><B>INGREY, DEREK</B> (p. 618): Born 1929.</P> <P><U><B>INNER SPACE</B> (p. 618-9): Howard Koch was (1902-1995).</U></P> <P><B>INVISIBILITY</B> (pp. 625): "The Thing from Outside" should be "The Thing from – Outside".</P> <P><U><B>INVISIBLE MAN, THE</B> (p. 626-7): This entry should also mention ... <B>6.</B> UK tv serialization (1984). BBC1. Adaptation of the original Wells novel by James Andrew Hall. Prod Barry Letts, dir Brian Lighthill. Six 30-minute instalments. Colour. Griffin, the Invisible Man, was played by Pip Donaghy.</U></P> <P><B>ISLAND OF LOST SOULS</B> (p. 628): For "young couple is shipwrecked on an island where . . ." read "young man is marooned on an island where he is found by his fiancée, but where . . ."</P> <HR> <CENTER> <H2><A NAME="j"></A><B>J</B></H2></CENTER> <P><U><B>JACOBI, CARL (RICHARD)</B> (p. 635): Died 1997.</U></P> <P><B>JAFFERY, SHELDON (RONALD)</B> (p. 636): Born 1934. Also note middle name.</P> <P><B>JAKUBOWSKI, MAXIM</B> (p. 637): <U>A former version of the addenda claimed that as Charlotte Stone, MJ wrote <I>Cheon of Weltanland: The Four Wishes</I> (<B>1983</B> US). This book was written by Charles and Dominique Nightingale; MJ merely acted as agent.</U></P> <P><U><B>JAMES, LAURENCE</B> (pp. 637-8): Died 2000.</U></P> <P><U><B>JANIFER, LAURENCE M(ARK)</B> (pp. 638-639): Died 2002.</U></P> <P><B>JAPAN</B> (pp. 639-641): <I>Chikyo Tonan</I> should be <I>Chikyu Tonan</I>. Seishinsha is misspelled Seisinsha.</P> <P><B>JARVIS, SHARON</B> (pp. 641-642): SJ published with Marcia Yvonne Howl three elf fantasies, the third of which is <I>Beloved Paradise</I> (1987).</P> <P><B>JERSILD, P(ERS) C(HRISTIAN)</B> (p. 643): First translator of <I>Efter Floden</I> is Löne Tygesen Blecher.</P> <P><B>JESCHKE, WOLFGANG</B> (p. 643): WJ was not editor of Kindlers Literaturlexikon's series of sf paperbacks, but while working as co-editor of Kinders Literaturlexikon he edited as a freelancer the <B>Science Fiction für Kenner</B> series for Lichtenberg Verlag. <I>The Last Day of Creation</I> (trans Gertrud Mander) was <B>1982 UK</B>, 1984 US.</P> <P><B>JEURY, MICHEL</B>: There should be an entry for Jeury, at least cross-referring to <span class="scaps">FRANCE</span>.</P> <P><B>JOE 90</B> (p. 645): There were two novelizations: <I>Joe 90 and the Raiders</I> * (<B>1968</B>) by Tom Sullivan and <I>Joe 90 in Revenge</I> * (<B>1969</B>) by Howard Elson.</P> <P><B>JOHANNESSON, OLOF</B> (p. 645): Died 1995.</P> <P><U><B>JOHN W. CAMPBELL AWARD</B> (pp. 646-647): Missing cross-reference to P.J. <span class="scaps">PLAUGER</span>.</U></P> <P><U><B>JONES, EDDIE</B> (p. 648): Died 1999.</U></P> <P><U><B>JONES, GWYNETH</B> (pp. 649-9): in "Brighton, where GJ lived" ... should read "lives" (though no longer in the house by the cemetery which inspired <I>King Death's Garden</I>).</U></P> <P><B>JONES, RAYMOND F.</B> (p. 650): Died 1994.</P> <P><B>JUDGE DREDD</B> (pp. 651-652): Joe Mills wrote only 19 of the 25 episodes of "The Cursed Earth." "The Apocalypse War" was by T. B. Grover (John Wagner and Alan Grant in collaboration). Colin McNeill should be Colin MacNeil. <B>The Chronicles of Judge Dredd</B> began 1981. The rumoured series of novelizations was launched in 1993, the first two titles being <I>The Savage Amusement</I> * (1993) by David Bishop and <I>Deathmasques</I> * (1993) by Dave Stone.</P> <P><U><B>JÜNGER, ERNST</B> (p. 652): Died 1998. CD-ROM did not transcribe umlaut over U in his surname.</U></P> <P><B>JUST IMAGINE</B> (p. 653): The plot summary given is misleading. Neither the observer from 1930 (who is comic relief) nor the Martian princess is involved in the love triangle, which is between two 1980 men and a 1980 woman, who like everyone in 1980 have numbers not names.</P> <HR> <CENTER> <H2><A NAME="k"></A><B>K</B></H2></CENTER> <P><B>KAGAN, JANET</B> (pp. 655-656): Born 1946. JK began publishing sf with "Faith-of-the-Month" for <I>ASF</I> in 1982. There are no natives on the planet Mirabile in JK's novel of the same name.</P> <P><B>KAVENEY, ROZ</B> (p. 658): The entry should cross-refer to <span class="scaps">BIG DUMB OBJECTS</span>, a phrase coined by RK.</P> <P><B>KAYE, MARVIN (NATHAN)</B> (p. 658): <I>Masters of Solitude</I> should be <I>The Masters of Solitude</I> and <I>Fields and Creatures</I> should be <I>Fiends and Creatures</I>. Also, Brother Theodore (Gottlieb) is not a pseudonym of MK, although Brother Theodore's first published work was written in collaboration with MK.</P> <P><B>KEATING, H(ENRY) R(EYMOND) F(ITZWALTER)</B> (p. 659): Note correct name.</P> <P><A NAME="kelly"></A><B>KELLY, HAROLD ERNEST</B> (1899-1969): <I><B>New entry:</B></I> UK writer and publisher, founder with his brother, Hector Kelly, of Everybody's Books, and later of Robin Hood Press and Hector Kelly Ltd, for which he wrote many crime novels – being best known for those as by Darcy Glinto – and westerns, along with some sf and horror. In the 1960s, he wrote crime under the house name Hank <span class="scaps">JANSON</span>. As Eugene Ascher he wrote the <B>Lucius Carolus</B> series of occult detective novels: <I>There Were No Asper Ladies</I> (<B>1944</B>; vt <I>To Kill a Corpse</I> 1959), <I>Uncanny Adventures</I> (coll <B>1944</B> chap), and <I>The Grim Caretaker</I> (<B>1944</B> chap). As Preston Yorke he wrote <I>The Astounding Crime</I> (<B>1943</B> chap), <I>The Gamma Ray Murders</I> (<B>1943</B>), which was sf, and other crime tales. <I>Space-Time Task Force</I> (<B>1953</B>), also as by Yorke, was set in the distant future, where the robot-like "syntho-selectives" who rule Earth turn to the Primitives, who are true humans, to defend against an alien invasion. [SH]</P> <P><B>KERR, KATHARINE</B>: Future editions will contain an entry on KK, best known for her fantasy series, but also author of an sf novel, <I>Polar City Blues</I> (<B>1990</B>).</P> <P><B>KESSEL, JOHN (JOSEPH VINCENT)</B> (p. 663): <I>Meetings in Infinity</I> should be <I>Meeting in Infinity.</I> His Nebula was 1982, not 1983.</P> <P><B>KEY, EUGENE G(EORGE)</B> (p. 664): Died 1976.</P> <P><B>KEYES, DANIEL</B> (p. 664): Entry should make clearer that the "long silence" mentioned in his career refers to works of sf.</P> <P><U><B>KING, VINCENT</B> (p. 667): Died 2000.</U></P> <P><B>KIPLING, RUDYARD</B> (pp. 669-670): In the discussion of "The Finest Story in the World," read "whose narrator encounters a case of reincarnation" in place of "whose protagonist reflects on previous incarnations".</P> <P><B>KIRBY, JOSH</B> (p. 670): <U>Died 2001.</U> <I>Voyage of the Ayeguy</I> is a portfolio, not a book. Also, JK's most substantial and recent book as of 1993 was <I>In the Garden of Unearthly Delights</I> (<B>1991</B>), 159 paintings by JK with intro by Brian W. <span class="scaps">ALDISS</span>.</P> <P><B>KNEBEL, FLETCHER</B> (p. 672): Died 1993.</P> <P><B>KNIGHT, DAMON (FRANCIS)</B> (pp. 672-674): <U>Died 2002.</U> <I>The Clarion Writers' Handbook</I> (<B>1978</B>) is an early version of <I>Creating Short Fiction</I> (<B>1981</B>; rev 1985). DK was responsible, rather than "largely" responsible, for founding the <span class="scaps">SCIENCE FICTION WRITERS OF AMERICA</span>. Add to <B>Other Works, nonfiction</B> <I>Charles Fort: Prophet of the Unexplained</I> (<B>1970</B>). The <B>Monad</B> titles are subtitled <I>Essays on Science Fiction</I>. In <B>About the author,</B> "Ragged Claws" shold be "Knight Piece."</P> <P><B>KOTANI, ERIC</B> (p. 678): <I>Requiem: New Collected Works by Robert A. Heinlein</I> is ed Yoji Kondo.</P> <P><U><B>KRENKEL, ROY</B> (p. 679): Burne Hogarth's dates are (1911-1996).</U></P> <P><U><B>KUBRICK, STANLEY</B>: Died 1999.</U></P> <P><B>KUBE-McDOWELL, MICHAEL P.</B> (p. 680): The name Kube-McDowell has been used by Michael McDowell since 1975, some years before his work on <I>Tales from the Darkside</I>.</P> <P><U><B>KUCZKA, PÉTER</B> (p. 681): Died 1999.</U></P> <P><U><B>KUTTNER, HENRY</B> (p. 683): <I>The Startling Worlds of Henry Kuttner</I> includes, not <I>The Time Axis</I>, but <I>Beyond Earth's Gates</I> (as "The Portal in the Picture"). [JBe]</U></P> <P><B>KYLE, DAVID A(CKERMAN)</B> (p. 683): Born 1919. Also note middle name.</P> <HR> <CENTER> <H2><A NAME="l"></A><B>L</B></H2></CENTER> <P><U><B>LACKEY, MERCEDES</B> (p. 684)</U>: should also cross-reference to Piers <span class="scaps">ANTHONY</span> and Marion Zimmer <span class="scaps">BRADLEY</span>.</P> <P><U><B>LAFFERTY, R.A.</B> (pp. 684-6): Died 2002. RAL began to write full-time in 1970 rather than 1971.</U></P> <P><B>LANCE, KATHRYN</B> (p. 687): <I>H.O.W.L. High</I> is not a <B>Phantom Valley</B> title. #1 of the series is <I>Phantom Valley: The Evil One</I> (<B>1991</B>), #2 is <I>The Dark</I> and #3 is <I>Scream of the Cat</I>.</P> <P><B>LANG, ANDREW</B> (p. 688-689): <I>Much Darker Days </I>(<B>1884</B>; rev 1885) was published as by A. Huge Longway, not A. Hugh Longway.</P> <P><U><B>LANGE, JOHN</B> (p. 690)</U>: see also John <span class="scaps">NORMAN</span>.</P> <P><B>LANGFORD, DAVID (ROWLAND)</B> (p. 690): In <B>Other works</B> add <I>Critical Assembly II</I> (coll <B>1992</B>), book reviews.</P> <P><B>LEE, GENTRY (B.)</B> (p. 700): Born 1942.</P> <P><B>LE GUIN, URSULA K(ROEBER)</B> (pp. 702-704): 3rd para should begin: "All her early published genre stories ..." On p. 703 a typographical error renders <I>The Word for World is Forest</I> as <I>The World for World is Forest</I>.</P> <P><U><B>LEHR, PAUL</B> (p. 705): Died 1998.</U></P> <P><B>LEIBER, FRITZ (REUTER Jr)</B> (pp. 705-707): "Coming Attraction" was first published in 1950, not 1951.</P> <P><B>LEIGH, STEPHEN (WALTER)</B> (p. 707): Note middle name.</P> <P><B>LEM, STANISLAW</B> (p. 710): SL has never resided in Italy, and currently lives in Cracow, Poland. The title <I>Eden</I> is correct for the Polish original, not <I>Edem.</I> <U>In <B>Other works</B>, SL's first publication <I>Czlowiek z Marsa</I> translates as "Man from Mars" and was serialized in the state-financed journal <I>Zycie Nauki</I> ed. SL. [BW]</U></P> <P><B>L'ENGLE, MADELEINE</B> (p. 712): Madeleine, thus spelled, is also her given name.</P> <P><B>LEWIN, LEONARD C(ASE)</B> (p. 715): Note middle name.</P> <P><U><B>LEWIS, ANTHONY R.</B> (p. 715): The <I>NESFA Index</I> was a communal project, with no specific editor named, so that listing all the indexes under ARL's name is to some extent misleading.</U></P> <P><B>LEWIS, (ERNEST MICHAEL) ROY</B> (p. 717): <U>Died 1996.</U> <I>What We Did to Father</I> should have the extended ascription (<B>1960</B>; vt <I>The Evolution Man</I> 1963; vt <I>Once Upon an Ice Age</I> 1979; vt <I>The Evolution Man; or, How I Ate my Father</I> 1992). <I>The Extraordinary Reign of King Ludd: An Historical Tease</I> (<B>1990</B>) is an <span class="scaps">ALTERNATE WORLD</span> story, a utopian <span class="scaps">SATIRE</span> in which Queen Victoria abdicates in 1849 and International Socialism triumphs. <I>A Walk with Mr Gladstone</I> (<B>1991</B> chap) is a gaslight romance featuring the UK prime minister and other characters, some historical, some <span class="scaps">RECURSIVE</span>.</P> <P><B>LIGHT, JOHN</B> (p. 722): Future editions will bear an entry on JL (1943- ), who has now (1993) published non-<span class="scaps">ROBERT HALE LIMITED</span> work.</P> <P><B>LINDSAY, DAVID</B> (p. 723): Born 1876.</P> <P><U><B>LINGUISTICS</B> (pp. 723-725): John Cunningham Lilly's dates are (1915-2001).</U></P> <P><U><B>LINUS</B> (p. 726): bad cross-reference to an entry that had been cut.</U></P> <P><B>LIPPINCOTT, DAVID (McCORD)</B> (p. 726): Died 1984.</P> <P><B>LIQUID SKY</B> (p. 726): There is a (<B>1987</B>) novelization by Anne Carlisle (1956- ).</P> <P><B>LIVINGSTON, BERKELEY</B> (p. 726): Died 1975.</P> <P><B>LLEWELLYN, (DAVID WILLIAM) ALUN</B> (p. 727): Died 1988.</P> <P><U><B>LONDON, JACK</B> (pp. 729-30): In <I>The Star Rover</I>, the historical "revelations" come from the narrator Darrell Standing rather than Ed Morrell, who taught Standing the dissociation technique but did not himself manage to explore past incarnations.</U></P> <P><U><B>LONGEVITY</B> (p. 730-1): Jack Williamson's <I>Demon Moon</I> (<B>1994</B>) postdates Beachhead and (going beyond the normal scope of these additions) has since been followed by other works, most recently <I>The Silicon Dagger</I> (<B>1999</B>) and <I>Terraforming Earth</I> (<B>2001</B>).</U></P> <P><U><B>LOST PLANET, THE</B> (p. 734): Angus MacVicar's dates are (1908-2001).</U></P> <P><B>LOVEJOY, JACK</B> (p. 738): <I>Black Sky</I> is incorrectly attributed to JL, being in fact a technothriller by William Lovejoy.</P> <P><B>LOWNDES, ROBERT A(UGUSTINE) W(ARD)</B> (p. 738): <U>Died 1998.</U> Wilfred Owen Morley was one of the pseudonyms he used in the early 1940s. <span class="scaps">ORIGINAL SCIENCE FICTION STORIES</span> should be <I>The</I> <span class="scaps">ORIGINAL SCIENCE FICTION STORIES</span>.</P> <P><B>LYMINGTON, JOHN</B> (pp. 742-743): <I>The Sleep Eaters</I> (<B>1963</B>) is listed twice. The second reference, which dates the book (<B>1973</B>), should be removed.</P> <p class="menupar"><A HREF="sfec_m2p.htm">Continue</A></p></BODY></HTML>