Innovations and Stuff: What lessons learned do you have from your #mhealth experiences? #mhs10
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' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 1.06302452087 , 0.0446553006768 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.00826260447502 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 10.0271902084 , 5.17146396637 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 7.05030918121 , 0.49916189909 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 1.3582277298 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 8.18299484253 , 0.343193501234 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 1.72235703468 , 0.0 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 2.30597496033 , 0.155588701367 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 11.0755138397 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.00329450005665 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 1.69532966614 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0520465970039 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.964800179005 , 0.0255190003663 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 3.92475509644 , 3.92867898941 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 8.53571796417 , 0.711309790611 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 3.70244693756 , 0.468976587057 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 5.99008893967 , 0.702684283257 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 3.72061300278 , 0.186625495553 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 33.7842292786 , 0.218226701021 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.806685090065 , 0.0758355036378 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 9.3635931015 , 0.528374195099 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 7.57922363281 , 1.58616900444 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.410942614079 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 12.8233394623 , 4.64054584503 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0075849997811 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.787178814411 , 0.0 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 2.60436797142 , 0.0651092007756 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.181823551655 , 0.577386021614 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 2.79875302315 , 0.13917440176 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 2.13004112244 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 4.93491601944 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 10.5154495239 , 5.38858604431 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 8.77950000763 , 1.82974994183 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.00611317157745 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.523558080196 , 0.0555129013956 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 10.9229898453 , 1.96261501312 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 21.2100696564 , 2.06741595268 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1990 ,0,1) , 1.01344203949 , 0.0376087985933 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.305095493793 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.87776941061 , 0.0756698027253 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 16.2150306702 , 1.70478904247 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 7.70248603821 , 1.48146998882 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.77838999033 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 4.2798614502 , 0.188266992569 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 9.9516658783 , 0.514286100864 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 20.231716156 , 2.39389610291 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.219796597958 , 0.00432270020247 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.42803260684 , 0.00441200006753 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 12.4772701263 , 2.76578593254 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.31158101559 , 0.269291400909 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.708035230637 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0184321403503 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.4547059536 , 0.0120449997485 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 13.3901596069 , 3.4143550396 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.56890916824 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.1506216526 , 0.0777425020933 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.190365403891 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 11.3793401718 , 6.37117481232 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 7.36345100403 , 0.657450973988 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 2.81206798553 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 9.3853302002 , 0.666046917439 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.95223701 , 0.0 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 3.25618553162 , 0.151473000646 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 12.0640945435 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0134185003117 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.82165670395 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0619900971651 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.15986096859 , 0.0819344967604 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 7.77151679993 , 5.00835418701 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 10.2233800888 , 0.908744513988 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 4.57680892944 , 0.999856829643 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.10246130079 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 6.53386211395 , 1.11164999008 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 4.54358196259 , 0.383693605661 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 34.4370193481 , 0.298188596964 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.04706799984 , 0.187190100551 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 11.293589592 , 0.76397818327 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 9.63231182098 , 2.091340065 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.508242666721 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 14.5451498032 , 5.49954605103 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0256987996399 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.967599272728 , 0.0 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 3.00580191612 , 0.126243695617 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.228881299496 , 0.938331604004 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.124310086171 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.00165469944477 , 0.0896646231413 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0022539999336 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 3.29618096352 , 0.274980098009 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 2.95288276672 , 0.0315374992788 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 4.90188503265 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 12.7665996552 , 6.59453201294 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 10.9048700333 , 2.53802895546 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.408734798431 , 0.0348241999745 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.651407182217 , 0.0819882005453 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 12.6464500427 , 2.2131280899 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 22.8475494385 , 2.92648005486 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1991 ,0,1) , 1.2368619442 , 0.0821276009083 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.06520652771 , 0.610190987587 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.985226392746 , 0.139096096158 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.027433000505 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 18.5924797058 , 2.87120890617 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 8.90536785126 , 2.19393897057 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.729008674622 , 0.98340690136 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 4.64091539383 , 0.30716869235 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 11.9624900818 , 0.61267888546 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 23.3144569397 , 3.20058202744 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.243371903896 , 0.022204099223 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.615867316723 , 0.0207449998707 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 14.4445800781 , 3.61681890488 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.67563402653 , 0.47150439024 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.879677593708 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.0173664093 , 0.0931169018149 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.106433987617 , 0.00218959990889 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 2.42270588875 , 0.0450720004737 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 15.4771995544 , 4.08333015442 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 2.17993450165 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.23821878433 , 0.0981326028705 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.372468203306 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 12.9107503891 , 7.66741704941 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 10.8115596771 , 0.76151740551 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 4.26590824127 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 10.9444599152 , 1.20872795582 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 2.22325706482 , 0.0 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 4.20639610291 , 0.185298904777 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 13.0526752472 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.00474010407925 , 0.0229952000082 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.94798374176 , 0.115634396672 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0719335973263 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.93454098701 , 0.225296705961 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 11.5448102951 , 5.86899709702 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 11.5957403183 , 1.24442100525 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 5.44589996338 , 1.37552905083 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.316410005093 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 6.91461992264 , 1.3769299984 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 5.71755123138 , 0.62190258503 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 35.0898094177 , 0.289286106825 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.48371005058 , 0.356828808784 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 13.1961402893 , 1.09528005123 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 11.6854000092 , 2.85579705238 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.605542719364 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 16.266960144 , 6.602891922 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0336114987731 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.308244347572 , 0.0953651964664 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.30364894867 , 0.00572300003842 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 3.50562405586 , 0.373218685389 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.275939047337 , 1.66903495789 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.248620172342 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0216370001435 , 0.179329246283 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.213054656982 , 0.0289829000831 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 3.79084610939 , 0.455649614334 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 3.77572441101 , 0.0630749985576 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 4.86885404587 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 13.8289699554 , 7.55983686447 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 13.0186901093 , 3.11090302467 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.811356425285 , 0.10361020267 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.875692009926 , 0.103390596807 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 14.7084302902 , 2.63876199722 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 24.7121601105 , 4.22702503204 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0543720014393 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1992 ,0,1) , 1.450330019 , 0.37979310751 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.20312690735 , 0.91528648138 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.35500395298 , 0.329914093018 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.697665030757 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 20.9230899811 , 3.93890690804 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 10.0838603973 , 2.78388810158 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.55895805359 , 0.891358911991 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 5.00196933746 , 0.599677085876 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 13.9083795547 , 0.673274815083 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.197676301003 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 26.3971977234 , 5.59137010574 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.279741585255 , 0.0371915996075 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.830067873001 , 0.116209499538 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 17.0720291138 , 4.64422512054 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 2.12703490257 , 0.612140715122 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.05131995678 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 2.18188333511 , 0.136991098523 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.194435834885 , 0.00465120002627 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 2.90507388115 , 0.135986506939 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 17.9292106628 , 6.89385700226 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 2.79095983505 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.32581591606 , 0.139260202646 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.638231992722 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0300604999065 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 14.2261199951 , 9.66534614563 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 11.6219701767 , 0.992204189301 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 5.71974849701 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 12.61054039 , 2.19371294975 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 2.53482198715 , 0.459137588739 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 5.15660667419 , 0.286882787943 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 14.0412559509 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.104967400432 , 0.0313851982355 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 2.07431077957 , 0.141255006194 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0818770974874 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 2.70867705345 , 0.442210912704 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 13.3410596848 , 6.63584184647 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 13.4957799911 , 1.71790099144 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 6.13451290131 , 2.11583709717 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.173584699631 , 0.624968707561 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 7.7751698494 , 1.70842695236 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 6.90639209747 , 1.06830298901 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 35.7425994873 , 1.29333996773 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.41054058075 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.7921860218 , 0.432512611151 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 14.4174203873 , 1.41552805901 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 14.3175201416 , 4.03697919846 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.702842772007 , 0.00759069994092 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 18.940870285 , 8.62094974518 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.309641838074 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.140270233154 , 0.0739590004086 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.694934248924 , 0.157764002681 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.76836597919 , 0.0408258996904 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 4.0026140213 , 1.01366198063 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.322996795177 , 2.61720991135 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.152010917664 , 0.372930258512 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0416193008423 , 0.268993869424 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.50925779343 , 0.0586730018258 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 4.28300714493 , 0.648147284985 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 4.5985660553 , 0.0743194967508 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 4.83582305908 , 0.263458311558 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 14.8789701462 , 8.86443519592 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 17.282869339 , 3.71153998375 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.20753097534 , 0.135162994266 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.12502801418 , 0.139283403754 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 16.7562294006 , 3.95865893364 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 26.6071491241 , 6.06789302826 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.156686395407 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1993 ,0,1) , 1.8909419775 , 0.86321502924 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.34104728699 , 1.22038197517 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 3.43648195267 , 0.701143980026 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 1.36789706101 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 24.1852397919 , 6.88242292404 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 11.2527799606 , 3.47834801674 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.38890743256 , 1.18013843894 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 5.3630232811 , 1.13627195358 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 15.8396596909 , 1.26787602901 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 1.05677080154 , 0.399659901857 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 29.4799385071 , 8.38896560669 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.300734788179 , 0.0554445981979 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 1.13223397732 , 0.361062586308 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 19.6505298615 , 6.43219995499 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.6058139801 , 0.816989719868 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 1.32208001614 , 0.229526296258 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 3.34640026093 , 0.206034600735 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.282437682152 , 0.010657900013 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 4.3556599617 , 0.294529795647 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 19.2052497864 , 9.66984462738 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 3.40198516846 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 1.41341304779 , 0.277754485607 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.983214616776 , 0.16911290586 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.190234899521 , 0.0877439975739 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 15.9256601334 , 13.2824897766 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 13.4628000259 , 1.52405703068 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 7.17358875275 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 15.126999855 , 3.06291103363 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.84058690071 , 1.4486989975 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 6.10681724548 , 0.353939414024 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 15.0298366547 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.205194696784 , 0.10733730346 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.20063781738 , 0.17129920423 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.0918205976486 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 3.38633298874 , 1.38355898857 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 16.9890193939 , 8.24722385406 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 15.6355800629 , 2.45702004433 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 7.16983604431 , 3.91717910767 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.34721711278 , 1.06103801727 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 9.19111919403 , 3.46175003052 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 8.68989276886 , 2.15342998505 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 36.3953895569 , 3.23193502426 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.9459104538 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.30984997749 , 0.626135408878 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 16.9261894226 , 2.08973288536 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 17.9914798737 , 6.62086296082 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.80014282465 , 0.0499061010778 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 22.9867191315 , 13.5815095901 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.776455879211 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.304220020771 , 0.162797704339 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 1.08162415028 , 0.222877904773 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.20580792427 , 0.101057201624 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 4.29612588882 , 1.73351705074 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.370054543018 , 4.77619695663 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.61016082764 , 0.497240344683 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.061601601541 , 0.358658492565 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.80546092987 , 0.111208498478 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 4.77290391922 , 1.03479099274 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 5.42140769958 , 0.133523195982 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 4.8027920723 , 0.335702508688 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 18.2055492401 , 15.7136697769 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 22.947889328 , 4.76405286789 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 1.59823298454 , 0.207690402865 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 1.28408694267 , 0.284090489149 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 17.2237091064 , 6.8546872139 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 29.0576591492 , 9.04889965057 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 0.649231910706 , 0.213647902012 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1994 ,0,1) , 2.31264090538 , 1.47546505928 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 3.47896766663 , 1.52547746897 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 3.56539011002 , 1.16376101971 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 2.03812909126 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 27.7520999908 , 12.496720314 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 16.1560192108 , 4.76646089554 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 3.21885681152 , 1.46891796589 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 5.72407722473 , 1.76072597504 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 17.7570590973 , 2.32082796097 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 2.80403995514 , 0.722974896431 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 32.5626792908 , 10.2963199615 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.334148913622 , 0.0966224968433 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.6731120348 , 0.796607494354 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 21.8414402008 , 8.83820915222 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 3.2928249836 , 1.37071800232 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.63459599018 , 0.712450504303 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 4.51091718674 , 0.53958427906 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.370439529419 , 0.0178433991969 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 5.3239068985 , 0.473343700171 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 26.7795906067 , 15.7285003662 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 4.01301050186 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.50101017952 , 0.7296205163 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.31620597839 , 0.477168500423 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.476975917816 , 0.237712800503 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 23.4934692383 , 20.3439006805 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 14.6041402817 , 2.23786401749 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 8.62742900848 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 17.8787994385 , 4.56154298782 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 3.28409695625 , 2.56159591675 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 7.05702781677 , 0.402268797159 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 16.0184173584 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.300891608 , 0.300881594419 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 2.32696485519 , 0.169734299183 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.10176409781 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 3.87260389328 , 2.56559991837 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 20.5624408722 , 11.545999527 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 18.2883701324 , 4.37812614441 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 8.37681007385 , 6.84629678726 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.520849525928 , 1.81699502468 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 12.0345602036 , 9.33446216583 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 10.7917499542 , 3.64678192139 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 37.0481796265 , 6.62539100647 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 5.48128032684 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 2.59394192696 , 0.744151294231 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 20.0531692505 , 3.48666501045 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 21.8712997437 , 9.97878170013 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.00516200066 , 0.0982825011015 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 27.3675098419 , 22.5112094879 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.24326992035 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.468169808388 , 0.327368289232 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.46831405163 , 0.308526307344 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 2.85011005402 , 0.194325700402 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 5.48333787918 , 3.39812397957 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.417112290859 , 7.76420021057 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 5.06831073761 , 0.621550430854 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 3.33470127173 , 0.676320016384 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 4.10166406631 , 0.229599997401 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 6.01194286346 , 2.3670899868 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 6.24424934387 , 0.190302506089 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 4.76976108551 , 0.406895309687 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 24.9236698151 , 22.7485198975 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 28.558380127 , 6.38518190384 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.98519194126 , 0.504477024078 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 1.46916902065 , 0.698063075542 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 20.4611492157 , 9.94582653046 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 32.0100593567 , 12.5316400528 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 2.17513394356 , 1.23995101452 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1995 ,0,1) , 2.71651792526 , 1.82821702957 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.61688804626 , 1.83057296276 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.15416097641 , 1.89140498638 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 3.4592499733 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 29.1817893982 , 21.9689292908 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 17.3361797333 , 7.41379308701 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.04880619049 , 1.74367797375 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 6.08513116837 , 2.38955497742 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 19.169670105 , 4.70071697235 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.55130910873 , 0.994005918503 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 35.6454200745 , 12.9295701981 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.36612701416 , 0.436737209558 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 2.07545804977 , 1.52494502068 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 24.6739997864 , 11.8224897385 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 3.82432699203 , 2.18564105034 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 2.34323096275 , 1.33171200752 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 5.67543411255 , 1.30579698086 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.458441376686 , 0.0222167000175 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 6.7803440094 , 1.94029200077 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 30.4775009155 , 25.0790195465 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.62403583527 , 0.608572781086 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 1.58860731125 , 1.05986499786 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 1.50963497162 , 0.515682578087 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.763716936111 , 0.40189358592 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 27.3146190643 , 29.3047409058 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 16.0846691132 , 4.21401309967 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 10.0812692642 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 20.8747406006 , 6.72874689102 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 3.44483995438 , 4.9531211853 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 8.00723838806 , 0.570216715336 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 17.0069980621 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.490335702896 , 0.42581731081 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 2.45329189301 , 0.163389101624 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.111707597971 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0399593003094 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.36230278015 , 4.58623504639 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 25.9101905823 , 17.3246593475 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 20.8915596008 , 7.93329381943 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 9.23331928253 , 11.1879997253 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.79787671566 , 2.1797990799 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 16.2146205902 , 21.386220932 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 13.883890152 , 7.00578784943 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 37.700969696 , 10.9454402924 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 8.01665019989 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 3.0819439888 , 1.08601295948 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 23.1473197937 , 6.53268814087 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 24.3551692963 , 13.3358097076 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 1.20202898979 , 0.111460901797 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 31.7301292419 , 28.7541694641 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 1.71008396149 , 0.256865590811 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.632119596004 , 0.663363695145 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 1.85500395298 , 0.828453123569 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 3.10601091385 , 0.561411380768 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 6.66135597229 , 6.59823179245 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.4641700387 , 8.82775020599 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 7.52646064758 , 0.745860517025 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 6.60780094191 , 0.936962485313 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.64971208572 , 0.533005774021 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 7.74585485458 , 7.49010515213 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 7.06709098816 , 0.246487602592 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 4.73673009872 , 0.577907502651 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 29.3796005249 , 28.1592197418 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 34.1063194275 , 9.41779232025 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 2.76485109329 , 0.753145396709 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 1.72571599483 , 1.26501095295 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 21.9474697113 , 12.5262298584 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 35.4481697083 , 16.161939621 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 3.70103597641 , 2.42421007156 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1996 ,0,1) , 3.10367107391 , 2.57915091515 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 5.7548084259 , 1.93172705173 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 4.77743196487 , 5.62944889069 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 3.84628391266 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 33.1731300354 , 24.8961696625 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 21.0189609528 , 14.338640213 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 4.87875556946 , 2.15062689781 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 6.82399702072 , 3.03781604767 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 20.5732803345 , 9.54692268372 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 6.6546292305 , 1.12862503529 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 38.7028083801 , 16.5712509155 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.38395640254 , 1.5157699585 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 2.5255420208 , 2.73600411415 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 27.4631996155 , 14.0497703552 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 4.40392589569 , 2.7633459568 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 3.03644299507 , 3.16344404221 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 6.83995103836 , 1.76161599159 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.546443223953 , 0.0272675007582 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 8.24288654327 , 5.10417890549 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 36.0360298157 , 27.3876895905 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 5.23506116867 , 0.727901220322 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 1.67620444298 , 1.79107999802 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 1.6982640028 , 1.07419395447 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 1.05045795441 , 0.679299414158 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 31.1296195984 , 42.0750694275 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 19.2309608459 , 9.91775226593 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 11.53510952 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 23.8773994446 , 10.082110405 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 4.3467040062 , 8.67213821411 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 8.95744895935 , 0.971434175968 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 17.9955787659 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.671276628971 , 0.615598976612 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 2.57961893082 , 0.190025597811 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.121651098132 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.336498886347 , 0.242733493447 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 5.72977113724 , 6.85422420502 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 29.3127307892 , 23.9514293671 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 23.9812908173 , 14.8520498276 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 11.3070497513 , 20.4186191559 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 1.97777605057 , 2.61046695709 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 20.2153491974 , 30.3261108398 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 15.1370897293 , 15.023059845 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 38.3537597656 , 16.1105003357 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 10.5520200729 , 3.94743108749 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 3.34602999687 , 1.82025504112 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 28.1294994354 , 10.9769001007 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 26.8334693909 , 15.193110466 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 1.60553503036 , 0.161837905645 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 35.9820213318 , 37.9693603516 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 2.17689800262 , 0.844163477421 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.796069383621 , 1.65824902058 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 2.31041097641 , 1.70879602432 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 3.88033890724 , 2.10107398033 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 7.33240413666 , 14.9319295883 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.511227786541 , 9.77211284637 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 9.98461055756 , 0.510165989399 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 9.8809006121 , 1.06102895737 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 6.96228313446 , 3.71581697464 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 9.47239017487 , 10.8127202988 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 7.88993263245 , 0.303001105785 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 4.70369911194 , 0.535115480423 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 33.8644218445 , 35.7721214294 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 39.5929412842 , 14.7678699493 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 3.93268489838 , 1.34812402725 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 2.00361990929 , 2.48111200333 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 24.2837505341 , 15.2264299393 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 39.5739517212 , 20.0818901062 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 6.12202119827 , 3.03759407997 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1997 ,0,1) , 3.47520899773 , 4.65634584427 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 6.89272880554 , 2.03999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 5.30442094803 , 7.40000009537 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 6.17999982834 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 37.0617904663 , 26.2600002289 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 23.4866008759 , 28.75 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 5.70870494843 , 2.73000001907 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 7.55935001373 , 4.73000001907 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 21.481300354 , 17.3099994659 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 8.65609741211 , 1.48000001907 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 41.7348899841 , 20.1800003052 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.75192117691 , 3.0 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 2.96187901497 , 4.36000013351 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 31.2016391754 , 17.75 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 6.22811317444 , 6.40999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 3.19437098503 , 4.67999982834 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 8.00446796417 , 2.90000009537 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.63444507122 , 0.0399999991059 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 9.71190738678 , 9.39999961853 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 37.7681388855 , 36.4799995422 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 5.84608650208 , 0.949999988079 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 1.76380157471 , 2.45000004768 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 1.88225603104 , 2.02999997139 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 1.3371989727 , 2.32999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 34.9379806519 , 55.25 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 23.0387992859 , 19.1299991608 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 12.9889497757 , 2.6099998951 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 27.8619709015 , 16.9699993134 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 5.05770206451 , 18.8400001526 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 9.90765953064 , 1.39999997616 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 18.9841594696 , 3.40000009537 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.843902289867 , 1.03999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 2.70594596863 , 0.189999997616 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.131594598293 , 0.119999997318 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.819067120552 , 0.579999983311 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 6.42364692688 , 10.4200000763 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 32.6422805786 , 37.8199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 27.2545890808 , 25.5300006866 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 13.2031002045 , 35.9199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 3.92416191101 , 3.1099998951 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 23.7233295441 , 37.4599990845 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 17.9178905487 , 30.6399993896 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 38.9900398254 , 30.6599998474 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 13.087389946 , 14.5200004578 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 3.60289907455 , 3.47000002861 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 32.4259414673 , 21.2999992371 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 29.295129776 , 20.7999992371 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 1.88851594925 , 0.370000004768 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 40.488910675 , 46.7400016785 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 2.64371204376 , 3.02999997139 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.960019171238 , 4.51000022888 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 2.98513293266 , 2.95000004768 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 4.91422510147 , 5.0 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 7.99433898926 , 30.3500003815 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.558285534382 , 15.3599996567 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 12.4427604675 , 0.980000019073 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 13.1540002823 , 1.24000000954 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 8.71550178528 , 8.65999984741 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 10.6863203049 , 16.2000007629 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 8.71277427673 , 0.699999988079 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 4.67066812515 , 1.32000005245 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 39.4996109009 , 46.4399986267 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 42.2118682861 , 23.8299999237 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 4.70181512833 , 2.04999995232 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 2.57474398613 , 5.44000005722 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 27.2895793915 , 25.4200000763 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 44.5468788147 , 24.6200008392 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 9.11373806 , 4.59999990463 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1998 ,0,1) , 3.83205008507 , 8.56000041962 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 8.03064918518 , 11.2600002289 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 5.75271987915 , 10.529999733 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 13.5200004578 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 42.4491004944 , 33.3300018311 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 28.429309845 , 53.2299995422 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 6.53865432739 , 5.30000019073 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 7.91434383392 , 8.03999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 21.900390625 , 31.3500003815 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 10.5634098053 , 2.69000005722 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 44.7412986755 , 20.4500007629 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 1.227429986 , 5.15999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 3.56027698517 , 8.76000022888 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 36.5116004944 , 22.7399997711 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 7.58082723618 , 14.8400001526 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 3.38083910942 , 5.03000020981 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 10.4172897339 , 3.59999990463 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 0.992613077164 , 0.0500000007451 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 10.6992998123 , 18.9799995422 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 45.129699707 , 49.4500007629 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 6.45711183548 , 1.16999995708 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 1.85139870644 , 4.88000011444 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 2.06123495102 , 3.16000008583 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 1.623939991 , 8.64999961853 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 36.0199699402 , 63.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 26.5487308502 , 36.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 14.4427900314 , 11.3199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 29.6591205597 , 28.5799999237 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 5.85651302338 , 35.7999992371 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 10.8578701019 , 1.99000000954 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 19.9727401733 , 20.7900009155 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 1.00822401047 , 3.07999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 2.83227300644 , 0.370000004768 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 0.141538098454 , 0.289999991655 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 0.957694113255 , 1.28999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 7.31692695618 , 15.8999996185 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 35.905090332 , 61.9799995422 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 31.4730606079 , 44.7200012207 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 15.615070343 , 53.1199989319 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 4.28488397598 , 5.67000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 28.6376209259 , 44.9399986267 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 24.805639267 , 50.8400001526 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 39.6085700989 , 48.5 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 15.622759819 , 26.7000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 4.35987091064 , 7.88000011444 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 36.0464096069 , 42.6199989319 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 33.0306510925 , 36.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 2.05726099014 , 0.879999995232 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 44.6965904236 , 59.7599983215 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 3.1105260849 , 8.05000019073 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 1.12396895885 , 8.31000041962 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 3.52448606491 , 3.96000003815 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 6.20801019669 , 10.279999733 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 9.13841056824 , 45.9099998474 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 0.605343282223 , 21.4300003052 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 14.9009103775 , 1.53999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 13.7039003372 , 1.48000001907 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 0.202923059464 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 10.9317302704 , 12.3500003815 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 11.8724899292 , 37.5600013733 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 9.53561592102 , 1.32000005245 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 4.63763713837 , 3.79999995232 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 45.122051239 , 57.9300003052 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 46.2221488953 , 42.7599983215 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 5.4668970108 , 3.0 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 3.27630996704 , 12.4099998474 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 30.7869701385 , 46.3100013733 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 50.1299705505 , 30.2399997711 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 9.94972038269 , 9.64000034332 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 1999 ,0,1) , 4.17503023148 , 15.8100004196 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 9.16856956482 , 28.5200004578 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 6.93847608566 , 17.5599994659 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 0.0 , 16.5499992371 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 47.1909408569 , 44.6599998474 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 35.8190689087 , 76.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 7.36860370636 , 10.3400001526 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 8.26791000366 , 11.3100004196 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 22.3216896057 , 55.2200012207 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 12.3830795288 , 6.67999982834 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 47.7220611572 , 20.6800003052 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 1.68336999416 , 7.0 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 4.88905715942 , 13.3100004196 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 42.0345611572 , 28.4400005341 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 9.21370124817 , 22.0599994659 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 3.56125402451 , 5.67000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 15.2718496323 , 5.38000011444 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 1.21352005005 , 0.0599999986589 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 12.1746301651 , 42.5099983215 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 50.5655288696 , 63.0400009155 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 7.06813716888 , 1.75999999046 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 1.93899583817 , 7.98999977112 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 2.2347650528 , 3.92000007629 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 1.91068100929 , 12.5100002289 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 39.6018486023 , 72.0699996948 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 30.230430603 , 49.1300010681 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 15.2151403427 , 24.1200008392 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 33.5663299561 , 58.7299995422 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 6.83370304108 , 54.2200012207 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 11.8122997284 , 4.25 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 20.9465999603 , 39.5699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 1.16420900822 , 7.63000011444 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 2.95825004578 , 5.26999998093 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 0.151481598616 , 0.639999985695 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 1.08960604668 , 2.49000000954 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 8.50793552399 , 30.1200008392 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 39.1076393127 , 76.4499969482 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 35.7764816284 , 64.6999969482 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 17.8463592529 , 73.9700012207 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 4.64297389984 , 14.2899999619 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 31.4876194 , 52.7099990845 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 39.7933197021 , 57.7599983215 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 45.9532394409 , 69.4100036621 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 16.8358001709 , 42.0900001526 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 5.69499397278 , 14.1400003433 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 39.6288604736 , 67.5800018311 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 36.1426811218 , 39.8600006104 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 2.42002606392 , 1.76999998093 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 48.8653411865 , 71.9000015259 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 3.55938506126 , 13.9099998474 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 1.27967202663 , 15.3400001526 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 4.04590082169 , 4.90000009537 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 6.9082698822 , 17.5599994659 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 10.2688598633 , 65.1800003052 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 0.652401030064 , 24.2600002289 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 17.3027496338 , 2.6099998951 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 14.2444601059 , 1.59000003338 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 0.591953039169 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 13.7032003403 , 23.1200008392 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 17.191740036 , 60.2599983215 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 10.3493795395 , 2.19000005722 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 4.60460615158 , 8.78999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 50.690448761 , 71.9199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 65.573890686 , 64.5699996948 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 6.22713518143 , 12.5 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 3.66384196281 , 24.2800006866 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 34.4129714966 , 73.7600021362 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 56.6594696045 , 38.0299987793 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 10.4741001129 , 12.3699998856 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2000 ,0,1) , 4.5049161911 , 22.3199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 10.3064899445 , 31.7800006866 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 7.78013896942 , 18.0699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 0.120012760162 , 57.1500015259 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 51.8318710327 , 57.3600006104 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 41.9256591797 , 81.3700027466 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 8.19855308533 , 19.5900001526 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 9.36978816986 , 21.1299991608 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 23.2301692963 , 75.2600021362 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 13.3150396347 , 15.1899995804 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 50.6770095825 , 21.1100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 2.00277090073 , 9.18999958038 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 6.12324905396 , 16.2700004578 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 45.816280365 , 34.3600006104 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 10.5152902603 , 32.6899986267 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 3.61927604675 , 8.07999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 17.4370708466 , 8.14000034332 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 1.97109496593 , 0.0799999982119 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 14.6257801056 , 68.0699996948 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 54.1046485901 , 73.9599990845 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 7.68600082397 , 11.3500003815 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 2.02659296989 , 14.1599998474 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 2.40277194977 , 6.88999986649 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 2.18666195869 , 14.3599996567 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 42.3850097656 , 80.5199966431 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 32.7669906616 , 62.2200012207 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 15.9646196365 , 43.7799987793 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 37.9938011169 , 68.3199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 7.80743598938 , 72.5699996948 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 12.7772903442 , 6.32999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 20.7536296844 , 67.2799987793 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 1.31193399429 , 9.96000003815 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 3.08429193497 , 9.94999980927 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 0.161425098777 , 1.03999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 1.21545898914 , 3.74000000954 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 9.31260490417 , 48.7599983215 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 42.2539710999 , 87.5400009155 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 38.8292694092 , 76.7799987793 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 19.5510807037 , 89.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 4.99941301346 , 23.0900001526 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 35.8236694336 , 58.9599990845 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 47.8212013245 , 62.1899986267 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 52.1267700195 , 92.4599990845 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 18.5490493774 , 73.7399978638 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 6.79613876343 , 21.5799999237 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 43.1731185913 , 76.25 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 38.8853797913 , 58.4799995422 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 2.56953001022 , 3.18000006676 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 50.7949905396 , 79.6600036621 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 3.65881800652 , 15.8000001907 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 2.6766269207 , 21.0599994659 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 4.74192619324 , 6.80000019073 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 8.54183387756 , 26.0699996948 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 11.774310112 , 77.5599975586 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 0.699458777905 , 29.3999996185 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 19.6232299805 , 4.5 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 14.7743701935 , 1.70000004768 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 0.980983018875 , 0.0 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 14.8093595505 , 39.9099998474 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 21.8886699677 , 72.8499984741 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 11.1535301208 , 6.94000005722 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 4.57157516479 , 18.3600006104 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 56.1742897034 , 80.7799987793 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 68.6993408203 , 72.9899978638 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 6.98234701157 , 19.7000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 3.89748311043 , 29.0200004578 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 37.367641449 , 78.2600021362 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 62.0200386047 , 44.1599998474 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 10.9910898209 , 15.6300001144 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2001 ,0,1) , 5.22431516647 , 26.0300006866 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.4444103241 , 47.7400016785 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 7.96978378296 , 17.4300003052 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.08210754395 , 65.1100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 56.8881492615 , 64.4700012207 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 47.9814987183 , 83.3300018311 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 9.02850246429 , 38.8600006104 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 10.4665899277 , 38.6500015259 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 27.0366401672 , 78.9100036621 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 13.8135204315 , 19.6000003815 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 47.2999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.19365692139 , 11.8100004196 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 7.26683807373 , 19.4699993134 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 48.8638305664 , 37.9099998474 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.3834400177 , 39.5699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.67581605911 , 11.1899995804 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 19.9416999817 , 12.25 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.23362207413 , 0.159999996424 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 17.5674800873 , 84.5 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 57.630279541 , 83.3600006104 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 8.95129203796 , 17.9400005341 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.11419010162 , 18.6700000763 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.17847704887 , 12.3599996567 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.45271801949 , 14.8199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 44.1855583191 , 86.8799972534 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 34.6405982971 , 64.4899978638 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 16.6912193298 , 48.6199989319 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 43.1476898193 , 71.9000015259 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 8.14637565613 , 84.6800003052 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 13.7508296967 , 7.42999982834 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 20.5669193268 , 67.9000015259 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 1.47723805904 , 13.3699998856 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.21075797081 , 10.4600000381 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 0.171368598938 , 1.55999994278 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 1.35058104992 , 5.03000020981 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 10.8097400665 , 67.7900009155 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 45.3462486267 , 91.1699981689 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 42.0570793152 , 76.1200027466 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 22.5032901764 , 94.1200027466 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 5.3931388855 , 47.7000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 38.1886787415 , 63.8199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 49.7234687805 , 68.8899993896 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 59.2588005066 , 105.61000061 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 19.9865703583 , 76.3300018311 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 8.11400127411 , 25.4099998474 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 47.0368309021 , 75.2300033569 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 41.7857208252 , 61.8199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.90563797951 , 4.51999998093 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 52.8303604126 , 83.5199966431 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.75469088554 , 17.1700000763 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.48435091972 , 29.9200000763 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 5.23117113113 , 8.61999988556 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 10.5640001297 , 36.2599983215 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 13.493519783 , 83.75 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 0.746516525745 , 46.6599998474 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 21.8526191711 , 10.5799999237 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 15.2946100235 , 8.92000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 1.37001299858 , 1.36000001431 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 18.6951198578 , 54.3300018311 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 19.1588096619 , 81.2699966431 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.9480400085 , 9.22999954224 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 4.53854417801 , 22.5499992371 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 62.1962013245 , 89.0800018311 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 71.5675430298 , 78.7799987793 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 6.95972776413 , 20.1399993896 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 4.2687997818 , 34.0999984741 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 40.5757217407 , 82.8899993896 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 66.6008936564 , 48.2299995422 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.5010595322 , 15.4300003052 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 6.05927801132 , 25.8199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.4444103241 , 47.7400016785 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 7.96978378296 , 17.4300003052 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.08210754395 , 65.1100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 56.8881492615 , 64.4700012207 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 47.9814987183 , 83.3300018311 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 9.02850246429 , 38.8600006104 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 10.4665899277 , 38.6500015259 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 27.0366401672 , 78.9100036621 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 13.8135204315 , 19.6000003815 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 47.2999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.19365692139 , 11.8100004196 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 7.26683807373 , 19.4699993134 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 48.8638305664 , 37.9099998474 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.3834400177 , 39.5699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.67581605911 , 11.1899995804 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 19.9416999817 , 12.25 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.23362207413 , 0.159999996424 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 17.5674800873 , 84.5 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 57.630279541 , 83.3600006104 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 8.95129203796 , 17.9400005341 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.11419010162 , 18.6700000763 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.17847704887 , 12.3599996567 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.45271801949 , 14.8199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 44.1855583191 , 86.8799972534 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 34.6405982971 , 64.4899978638 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 16.6912193298 , 48.6199989319 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 43.1476898193 , 71.9000015259 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 8.14637565613 , 84.6800003052 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 13.7508296967 , 7.42999982834 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 20.5669193268 , 67.9000015259 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 1.47723805904 , 13.3699998856 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.21075797081 , 10.4600000381 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 0.171368598938 , 1.55999994278 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 1.35058104992 , 5.03000020981 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 10.8097400665 , 67.7900009155 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 45.3462486267 , 91.1699981689 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 42.0570793152 , 76.1200027466 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 22.5032901764 , 94.1200027466 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 5.3931388855 , 47.7000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 38.1886787415 , 63.8199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 49.7234687805 , 68.8899993896 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 59.2588005066 , 105.61000061 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 19.9865703583 , 76.3300018311 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 8.11400127411 , 25.4099998474 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 47.0368309021 , 75.2300033569 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 41.7857208252 , 61.8199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 2.90563797951 , 4.51999998093 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 52.8303604126 , 83.5199966431 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.75469088554 , 17.1700000763 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 3.48435091972 , 29.9200000763 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 5.23117113113 , 8.61999988556 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 10.5640001297 , 36.2599983215 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 13.493519783 , 83.75 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 0.746516525745 , 46.6599998474 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 21.8526191711 , 10.5799999237 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 15.2946100235 , 8.92000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 1.37001299858 , 1.36000001431 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 18.6951198578 , 54.3300018311 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 19.1588096619 , 81.2699966431 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.9480400085 , 9.22999954224 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 4.53854417801 , 22.5499992371 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 62.1962013245 , 89.0800018311 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 71.5675430298 , 78.7799987793 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 6.95972776413 , 20.1399993896 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 4.2687997818 , 34.0999984741 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 40.5757217407 , 82.8899993896 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 66.6008936564 , 48.2299995422 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 11.5010595322 , 15.4300003052 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2002 ,0,1) , 6.05927801132 , 25.8199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 12.5648698807 , 56.7299995422 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 8.15679073334 , 20.6200008392 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 4.04420232773 , 72.0500030518 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 60.8266601562 , 72.0800018311 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 55.2160987854 , 89.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 9.85845184326 , 38.5099983215 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 11.5583696365 , 55.5699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 31.7951793671 , 83.4499969482 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 14.2930498123 , 22.3700008392 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 62.7999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 2.26366090775 , 14.470000267 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 8.62586593628 , 25.5400009155 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 52.1075706482 , 42.0 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 12.5383796692 , 45.5600013733 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 3.76653504372 , 14.8199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 21.7892494202 , 18.6200008392 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 2.40645098686 , 0.319999992847 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 20.512550354 , 95.3700027466 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 61.4032287598 , 88.4899978638 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 12.1303396225 , 35.1100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 2.19890904427 , 22.6100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 4.20133495331 , 18.7700004578 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 3.31160902977 , 19.1100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 46.0685310364 , 91.0699996948 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 41.6610183716 , 69.2399978638 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 17.3942298889 , 49.1199989319 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 48.4362106323 , 78.7200012207 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 8.50576496124 , 81.0800018311 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 14.7168502808 , 41.5 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 20.3887004852 , 64.8700027466 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 1.66687905788 , 16.8299999237 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 3.47134590149 , 18.1299991608 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 0.180996194482 , 3.50999999046 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 1.45075595379 , 5.73000001907 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 12.5514001846 , 78.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 46.3130989075 , 97.0699996948 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 45.5241012573 , 87.0500030518 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 26.7077999115 , 98.0 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 5.82357692719 , 59.9199981689 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 40.7174606323 , 68.0899963379 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 51.0872612 , 71.2200012207 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 61.7952804565 , 118.919998169 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 20.3914604187 , 70.5999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 9.58432292938 , 29.1700000763 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 51.2568092346 , 81.6600036621 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 44.8815612793 , 64.7600021362 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 3.28397893906 , 8.77999973297 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 54.967628479 , 88.9100036621 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 3.84722399712 , 22.2000007629 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 4.54258680344 , 31.1599998474 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 6.62698698044 , 10.8000001907 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 14.2015895844 , 45.4500007629 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 13.4622001648 , 95.9899978638 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 0.793111085892 , 47.9799995422 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 23.9957809448 , 45.9399986267 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 15.804479599 , 61.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 2.00762891769 , 3.25999999046 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 23.5092391968 , 68.3499984741 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 22.1762905121 , 88.8899993896 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 12.7334499359 , 58.0800018311 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 4.5082821846 , 34.5800018311 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 68.8259124756 , 98.1200027466 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 75.1463165283 , 84.3399963379 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 7.93972015381 , 25.6900005341 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 4.67773199081 , 40.2200012207 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 44.061920166 , 90.9300003052 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 71.1817487081 , 54.0999984741 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 12.0045003891 , 14.9600000381 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2003 ,0,1) , 7.03061294556 , 27.1900005341 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 13.6615400314 , 65.5199966431 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 8.33951663971 , 35.2099990845 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 6.00629711151 , 99.2200012207 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 64.765171051 , 81.7799987793 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 57.8748283386 , 97.6299972534 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 10.666270256 , 57.8600006104 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 12.6450004578 , 79.2300033569 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 34.8759498596 , 88.1200027466 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 14.7547903061 , 33.1899986267 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 76.6299972534 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 2.33099102974 , 19.9899997711 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 13.0496797562 , 35.6800003052 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 70.0609664917 , 46.9700012207 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 13.2594804764 , 57.4300003052 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 3.91423892975 , 24.5300006866 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 21.8667297363 , 21.6900005341 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 2.66785597801 , 0.680000007153 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 23.9514007568 , 105.910003662 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 65.4389572144 , 95.6399993896 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 16.5533409119 , 61.8800010681 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 2.28105592728 , 26.9799995422 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 5.55215406418 , 27.4300003052 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 4.43626880646 , 30.3500003815 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 48.0397911072 , 95.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 49.7869110107 , 73.4700012207 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 18.0687294006 , 50.2900009155 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 54.4495582581 , 86.5699996948 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 8.88424396515 , 84.4400024414 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 15.647310257 , 42.3800010681 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 20.2217197418 , 69.75 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 2.03338098526 , 25.5599994659 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 3.59888696671 , 22.5100002289 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 0.190318897367 , 4.32000017166 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 1.56065404415 , 10.470000267 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 14.5790100098 , 86.3799972534 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 47.266910553 , 99.5500030518 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 49.2934989929 , 94.0699996948 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 31.2754592896 , 107.650001526 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 6.28972816467 , 69.3399963379 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 43.2462425232 , 71.8099975586 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 52.1719017029 , 77.2399978638 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 62.0904197693 , 102.480003357 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 20.799779892 , 74.6100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 10.6055803299 , 36.8800010681 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 68.4694595337 , 91.1299972534 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 48.2292709351 , 74.4899978638 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 3.72014093399 , 13.7100000381 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 57.1996688843 , 98.3799972534 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 4.09403181076 , 39.6800003052 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 5.91637706757 , 30.1900005341 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 8.34470462799 , 14.8900003433 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 11.7210102081 , 60.4000015259 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 13.4272699356 , 100.800003052 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 0.83927822113 , 68.8600006104 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 26.0731506348 , 59.7799987793 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 16.3044204712 , 61.7400016785 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 3.26874303818 , 5.15999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 29.4919204712 , 79.4100036621 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 25.6926803589 , 90.9100036621 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 13.5103197098 , 66.3399963379 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 4.47968482971 , 43.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 76.167137146 , 97.4100036621 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 84.3264770508 , 84.8700027466 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 8.91411495209 , 49.5699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 5.12740278244 , 49.4099998474 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 60.3402900696 , 99.5500030518 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 75.7626037598 , 61.6399993896 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 12.5019102097 , 18.0400009155 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2004 ,0,1) , 8.16142177582 , 32.0699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 14.8504495621 , 102.949996948 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 9.03292274475 , 57.2099990845 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 7.96839189529 , 102.36000061 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 68.7036819458 , 90.3199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 61.0053596497 , 105.260002136 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 12.3814897537 , 69.9800033569 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 14.839220047 , 81.4199981689 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 37.9497184753 , 92.2200012207 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 15.200050354 , 42.3499984741 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 82.1500015259 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 2.39598798752 , 26.3700008392 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 16.0939998627 , 46.3300018311 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 87.6868286133 , 52.6699981689 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 14.1146697998 , 64.8499984741 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 4.14825582504 , 50.7599983215 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 23.1094799042 , 25.4400005341 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 3.34534192085 , 1.21000003815 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 27.3983192444 , 115.510002136 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 69.4583816528 , 100.589996338 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 20.9763422012 , 77.0899963379 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 2.31392002106 , 38.0099983215 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 6.54907989502 , 47.8199996948 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 5.08650588989 , 39.8100013733 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 50.0089492798 , 100.489997864 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 57.8555107117 , 78.8199996948 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 18.7432289124 , 50.2900009155 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 60.4673805237 , 96.1900024414 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 9.1727514267 , 92.7399978638 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 16.5777702332 , 45.7200012207 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 20.0547389984 , 69.75 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 2.07951998711 , 35.4900016785 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 3.86039710045 , 36.8400001526 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 0.187622204423 , 5.32000017166 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 1.42706394196 , 18.5900001526 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 14.4190797806 , 92.4800033569 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 48.2073287964 , 95.7300033569 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 52.9906616211 , 101.980003357 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 36.9856910706 , 121.919998169 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 6.7529001236 , 74.2799987793 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 45.7750244141 , 75.6999969482 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 53.7152709961 , 80.6100006104 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 62.3784713745 , 109.910003662 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 21.2080993652 , 74.6100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 13.0805196762 , 44.7400016785 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 85.5442199707 , 97.0400009155 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 51.5591392517 , 85.8799972534 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 4.00970697403 , 20.5200004578 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 59.4120483398 , 102.569999695 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 4.56001615524 , 54.1100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 7.46964406967 , 31.9599990845 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 10.011349678 , 20.0599994659 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 13.8753995895 , 76.3600006104 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 15.3143796921 , 108.540000916 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 0.834474623203 , 85.7099990845 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 28.1505203247 , 103.790000916 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 16.8043613434 , 63.9599990845 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 3.83330202103 , 7.82999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 35.7162208557 , 84.3000030518 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 27.8653793335 , 99.1500015259 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 13.8596096039 , 64.9599990845 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 4.45198297501 , 46.5800018311 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 83.4839172363 , 100.410003662 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 88.6611480713 , 91.8499984741 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 9.88327026367 , 70.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 5.5647521019 , 61.2799987793 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 76.5219573975 , 108.650001526 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 77.2602386475 , 70.3600006104 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 12.9937696457 , 34.7299995422 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2005 ,0,1) , 9.25264263153 , 46.75 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 21.2121200562 , 130.210006714 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 9.72632884979 , 80.5800018311 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 9.93048667908 , 106.169998169 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 72.6421928406 , 95.7900009155 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 64.1358909607 , 112.199996948 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 14.0967092514 , 76.7699966431 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 17.0334396362 , 93.3899993896 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 42.1577110291 , 94.0400009155 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 15.6306800842 , 42.0099983215 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 93.3499984741 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 2.4609849453 , 30.75 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 19.1383199692 , 53.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 94.5786209106 , 57.4599990845 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 14.9698591232 , 75.6100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 5.37504386902 , 68.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 24.352230072 , 32.8400001526 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 3.54186010361 , 1.36000001431 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 30.8452377319 , 121.339996338 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 72.7466430664 , 107.300003052 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 25.3993434906 , 106.300003052 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 2.99526691437 , 47.6100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 12.7435102463 , 64.2699966431 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 5.73674297333 , 63.3300018311 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 51.9781074524 , 107.730003357 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 65.873008728 , 84.1800003052 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 19.4177284241 , 50.2900009155 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 65.2839431763 , 103.959999084 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 9.38027381897 , 99.0299987793 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 17.5082302094 , 44.9199981689 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 19.887758255 , 69.75 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 2.12565898895 , 55.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 4.12190723419 , 36.8400001526 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 2.69856054336 , 12.5500001907 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 1.64038395882 , 31.8600006104 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 18.3195590973 , 99.1200027466 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 53.8539199829 , 100.180000305 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 58.9087600708 , 109.809997559 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 42.6959228516 , 136.339996338 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 7.21607208252 , 84.7799987793 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 48.3038063049 , 78.3300018311 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 54.4393081665 , 84.1500015259 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 67.5446014404 , 151.86000061 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 21.6164188385 , 74.6100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 13.8469800949 , 52.0600013733 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 91.2207565308 , 105.529998779 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 54.1538505554 , 91.5500030518 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 4.29927301407 , 33.1300010681 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 63.1340904236 , 104.120002747 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 5.02600049973 , 66.1399993896 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 9.02291107178 , 53.7400016785 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 11.6779947281 , 31.1299991608 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 16.7694396973 , 96.2900009155 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 16.3013706207 , 115.370002747 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 0.829671025276 , 85.7099990845 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 30.2278900146 , 128.580001831 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 17.3043022156 , 86.8899993896 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 4.39786100388 , 11.8800001144 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 42.9584503174 , 90.7900009155 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 36.8843803406 , 104.86000061 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 14.208899498 , 80.4899978638 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 4.4242811203 , 63.3300018311 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 88.2038421631 , 105.419998169 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 88.3046264648 , 99.4100036621 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 17.4165496826 , 114.790000916 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 5.93192577362 , 73.0500030518 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 81.2069396973 , 115.690002441 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 79.8926086426 , 79.0999984741 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 13.4856290817 , 69.9599990845 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2006 ,0,1) , 10.3438634872 , 69.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 27.5737905502 , 131.220001221 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 10.4197349548 , 102.309997559 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 11.8925814629 , 109.029998779 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 76.5807037354 , 101.949996948 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 67.2664222717 , 119.319999695 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 15.8119287491 , 112.11000061 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 19.2276592255 , 132.0 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 46.3657035828 , 101.970001221 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 15.6414003372 , 40.1699981689 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 106.879997253 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 2.52598190308 , 34.1699981689 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 22.1826400757 , 63.6300010681 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 101.470413208 , 61.5499992371 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 15.8250484467 , 83.8799972534 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 7.60864496231 , 76.5100021362 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 25.5949802399 , 33.8300018311 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 3.73837828636 , 1.76999998093 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 34.2921562195 , 128.830001831 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 55.1257286072 , 115.849998474 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 29.82234478 , 132.759994507 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 3.5083990097 , 56.1800003052 ,' LAC '], [' Ecuador ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 18.9379405975 , 74.5 ,' LAC '], [' El Salvador ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 6.38698005676 , 100.5 ,' LAC '], [' Finland ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 53.947265625 , 115.080001831 ,' OECD '], [' France ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 73.8905067444 , 89.6999969482 ,' OECD '], [' French Guiana ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 20.0922279358 , 50.2900009155 ,' LAC '], [' Germany ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 70.1005058289 , 116.870002747 ,' OECD '], [' Greece ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 9.58779621124 , 110.650001526 ,' OECD '], [' Grenada ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 18.4386901855 , 49.7999992371 ,' LAC '], [' Guadeloupe ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 19.7207775116 , 69.75 ,' LAC '], [' Guatemala ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 2.1717979908 , 89.0999984741 ,' LAC '], [' Guyana ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 4.38341736794 , 36.8400001526 ,' LAC '], [' Haiti ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 5.20949888229 , 25.7199993134 ,' LAC '], [' Honduras ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 1.99793100357 , 58.3300018311 ,' LAC '], [' Hungary ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 25.6405792236 , 109.940002441 ,' OECD '], [' Iceland ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 59.5005111694 , 106.330001831 ,' OECD '], [' Ireland ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 64.8268585205 , 118.410003662 ,' OECD '], [' Italy ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 48.4061546326 , 151.419998169 ,' OECD '], [' Jamaica ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 7.67924404144 , 99.5699996948 ,' LAC '], [' Japan ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 50.8325881958 , 82.6500015259 ,' OECD '], [' Korea (Rep. of) ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 57.8272705078 , 90.6900024414 ,' OECD '], [' Luxembourg ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 72.7107315063 , 144.089996338 ,' OECD '], [' Martinique ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 22.0247383118 , 74.6100006104 ,' LAC '], [' Mexico ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 14.6134405136 , 61.9199981689 ,' LAC '], [' Netherlands ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 96.8972930908 , 117.160003662 ,' OECD '], [' New Zealand ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 56.7485618591 , 101.38999939 ,' OECD '], [' Nicaragua ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 4.58883905411 , 44.7200012207 ,' LAC '], [' Norway ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 66.8561325073 , 106.720001221 ,' OECD '], [' Panama ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 5.49198484421 , 90.0500030518 ,' LAC '], [' Paraguay ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 10.5761780739 , 76.6200027466 ,' LAC '], [' Peru ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 13.3446397781 , 54.0800018311 ,' LAC '], [' Poland ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 19.663479805 , 108.540000916 ,' OECD '], [' Portugal ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 17.2156391144 , 126.410003662 ,' OECD '], [' Puerto Rico ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 0.824867427349 , 85.7099990845 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Kitts and Nevis ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 32.3052597046 , 146.779998779 ,' LAC '], [' Saint Lucia ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 17.8042430878 , 91.9199981689 ,' LAC '], [' Sao Tome and Principe ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 4.96241998672 , 19.0900001526 ,' LAC '], [' Slovak Republic ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 51.5035095215 , 112.489997864 ,' OECD '], [' Spain ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 39.8381309509 , 109.919998169 ,' OECD '], [' St. Vincent and the Grenadines ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 14.5581893921 , 101.36000061 ,' LAC '], [' Suriname ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 4.39657926559 , 74.4599990845 ,' LAC '], [' Sweden ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 92.9237670898 , 111.11000061 ,' OECD '], [' Switzerland ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 92.5978927612 , 109.260002136 ,' OECD '], [' Trinidad and Tobago ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 13.1631298065 , 113.669998169 ,' LAC '], [' Turkey ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 6.29909944534 , 84.8899993896 ,' OECD '], [' United Kingdom ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 85.8919219971 , 121.239997864 ,' OECD '], [' United States ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 82.5249786377 , 85.1999969482 ,' OECD '], [' Uruguay ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 13.9774885178 , 89.9800033569 ,' LAC '], [' Venezuela ' ,new Date ( 2007 ,0,1) , 11.435084343 , 86.1299972534 ,' LAC '], [' Antigua and Barbuda ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 33.9354610443 , 157.669998169 ,' LAC '], [' Argentina ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 11.1131410599 , 116.61000061 ,' LAC '], [' Aruba ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 13.8546762466 , 114.559997559 ,' LAC '], [' Australia ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 80.5192146301 , 104.959999084 ,' OECD '], [' Austria ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 70.3969535828 , 129.729995728 ,' OECD '], [' Bahamas ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 17.5271482468 , 106.040000916 ,' LAC '], [' Barbados ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 21.4218788147 , 159.089996338 ,' LAC '], [' Belgium ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 50.5736961365 , 111.629997253 ,' OECD '], [' Belize ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 15.6521205902 , 53.2299995422 ,' LAC '], [' Bermuda ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 53.6083106995 , 122.069999695 ,' LAC '], [' Bolivia ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 2.59097886086 , 49.8199996948 ,' LAC '], [' Brazil ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 25.2269601822 , 78.4700012207 ,' LAC '], [' Canada ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 108.362205505 , 66.4199981689 ,' OECD '], [' Chile ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 16.6802377701 , 88.0500030518 ,' LAC '], [' Colombia ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 9.8422460556 , 91.9000015259 ,' LAC '], [' Costa Rica ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 26.8377304077 , 41.75 ,' LAC '], [' Cuba ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 3.93489646912 , 2.96000003815 ,' LAC '], [' Czech Republic ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 37.739074707 , 133.539993286 ,' OECD '], [' Denmark ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 37.5048141479 , 125.720001221 ,' OECD '], [' Dominica ' ,new Date ( 2008 ,0,1) , 34.2453460693 , 149.660003662 ,' LAC '], [' Dominican Rep. 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text-align: center;"><a href="" imageanchor="1" style="clear: right; float: right; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-left: 1em;"><img border="0" height="148" src="" width="200" /></a></div><ol><li><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;">"Capitalized on what others have done, what others have learned"</span></span></li> <li><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;">"Evaluate impact of mobile tech to support behavior change"</span></span></li> <li><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;">"Localize mobile solutions around content: need to use user-centric design models and involve end users all along the the prodcut development chain"</span></span></li> <li><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;">"Look @ health outcomes in terms of mobile health"</span></span></li> <li><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;">"Be realistic"</span></span></li> <li><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;">"Invest in local talent"</span></span></li> <li><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;">"Collaboration is more fun than competition - in the end we all benefit or suffer from how we collaborate"</span></span></li> <li><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;">"Recycle, repurpose - Don't reinvent the wheel""</span></span></li> <li><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;">"Public-private partnerships in ecosystem"</span></span></li> <li><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;">We must unpack the pathways to mobile mediated behavior change" #mhs10 </span></span></li> </ol><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;"></span></span><br /> <span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif;"><br /> </span></span> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'><span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn'>Fabiano Cruz <a href="" rel="nofollow">@__fabianocruz</a></span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' title='2010-11-09T08:03:00-08:00'>8:03 AM</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> </span> <span class='post-icons'> <span class='item-control blog-admin pid-1823612608'> <a href='' title='Edit Post'> <img alt='' class='icon-action' height='18' src='' width='18'/> </a> </span> </span> <div class='post-share-buttons'> <a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-email' href='' target='_blank' title='Email This'><span class='share-button-link-text'>Email This</span></a><a class='goog-inline-block share-button sb-blog' href='' onclick=', "_blank", "height=270,width=475"); 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