Nimbus: Maximize your Programmatic Ad Revenue
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This is the bleeding edge of yield optimization. Don’t settle for anything less for your mobile or CTV advertising. </p> <div id="hero-button" class="modal-btn yui3-widget yui3-block-base sqs-block-modelsync sqs-block-button sqs-block button-block sqs-block-editable yui3-dd-drop yui3-dd-draggable"> <div id="yui_3_17_2_1_1560458968870_111515" class="sqs-block-button-content sqs-block-content"> <div class="sqs-block-button-container--left" data-alignment="left" data-button-size="medium"> <a href="/demo" class="sqs-block-button-element--medium sqs-block-button-element">Request a mobile demo</a> </div> </div> </div> <div id="hero-button" class="modal-btn yui3-widget yui3-block-base sqs-block-modelsync sqs-block-button sqs-block button-block sqs-block-editable yui3-dd-drop yui3-dd-draggable"> <div id="yui_3_17_2_1_1560458968870_111515" class="sqs-block-button-content sqs-block-content"> <div class="sqs-block-button-container--left" data-alignment="left" data-button-size="medium"> <a href="/demo" class="sqs-block-button-element--medium sqs-block-button-element">Request a ctv demo</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="hero-img"> <img src="" alt="nimbus mobile advertising" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- case studies --> <div class="side-padding"> <div class="center-text"> <div class="navy-container case-studies"> <label class="main-label">CASE STUDIES</label> <h2>Successful Publishers Use Nimbus To Optimize Billions Of Auctions Daily</h2> </div> <div class="flex-container"> <div class="card"> <div class="round-container blue"> <span class="data">17%</span> Increase in eCPMs </div> <h4>Weatherbug Increased eCPMs 17% By Adding Nimbus</h4> <p> <i>“We can attribute a 17% boost in eCPMs to adding Nimbus to our stack. We already had two headers in place, which makes the 17% bump that much more impressive.”</i> </p> <button><a href="/weatherbug-case-study">read more</a></button> <img src="" loading="lazy" class="lazy" /> </div> <div class="card"> <div class="round-container green"> <span class="data">20%</span> Increase in Revenue </div> <h4>Imgur Increased Revenue <br/> 20% By Switching To Nimbus</h4> <p> <i>“This interstitial unit — which went from basically un-monetizable to a 20% incremental increase in our overall revenue — was an immediate plus. It made sense to expand Nimbus to our other existing ad placements.”</i> </p> <button><a href="/imgur-case-study">read more</a></button> <img src="" loading="lazy" class="lazy" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="white-background"> <div class="logos-container"> <img src="" loading="lazy" class="lazy" /> <img src="" loading="lazy" class="lazy" /> <img src="" loading="lazy" class="lazy" /> <img src="" loading="lazy" class="lazy" /> <img src="" loading="lazy" class="lazy" /> <img src="" loading="lazy" class="lazy" /> <img src="" loading="lazy" class="lazy" /> <img src="" loading="lazy" class="lazy" /> </div> </div> </div> <!-- 9 reasons --> <div class="full-width-container" id="nine"> <div class="center-container"> <div class="title"> <span>9</span> <h2>Nine Reasons You Should Use Nimbus <br> To Deliver Your In-App Programmatic Advertising</h2> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="reason"> <div class="reason-title"> <span>1.</span> We Are A “Publisher First” Platform </div> <p> Nimbus was built by Timehop with one goal: to generate the maximum amount of revenue per impression. We don’t have conflicting priorities like most other popular solutions. We don’t skim premium inventory like other solutions. Nimbus immediately delivers your inventory to a network of demand partners to maximize your revenue with no conflicting priorities. </p> </div> <div class="reason"> <div class="reason-title"> <span>2.</span> Nimbus Agnostic Auctions = Maximized CPMs </div> <p> This is actually a repeat of #1, but we’re going to say it again because it’s that important. Some well-known platforms take a “first look” at your impression to see if they want to buy it or resell it, before putting it into their marketplace. This means you don’t get the highest possible bid, or even close to it. With Nimbus, your impressions go straight to the publisher exchange and are sold to the highest bidder. Your bottom line will thank you. </p> </div> <div class="reason"> <div class="reason-title"> <span>3.</span> Nimbus SDK: 50+ Demand Partners, 1 Integration </div> <p> Tired of complex, client-side attempts at revenue optimization? In fact, if you’re running multiple client-side SDKs, you’re probably doing more harm than good. When you run on Nimbus, you can tear out your old SDKs and third-party adapters, replacing them with one single connection to our publisher exchange. We’ve done the heavy lifting to connect to more than 50 partners, so you don’t have to. </p> </div> <div class="reason"> <div class="reason-title"> <span>4.</span> Low-Latency Cloud Architecture </div> <p> Nimbus is built for speed. Our extremely low-latency cloud platform connects you with all of your demand partners with just one call. Stop running client-side waterfall auctions that are just slowing down your app. With Nimbus, you get a fast, elegant server-to-server solution that delivers your inventory to a competitive publisher exchange in milliseconds. </p> </div> <div class="reason"> <div class="reason-title"> <span>5.</span> Nimbus Brain™ Unmatched Render Technology </div> <p> Don't let non-rendering ads eat into your profits. Nimbus validates the renderability of ad creative within milliseconds with Nimbus Brain™ and our patented VAST rendering technology, ensuring you never lose money on ads that won’t render. Say goodbye to the technical challenges of programmatic advertising and hello to higher impressions and successful monetization with Nimbus. </p> </div> <div class="reason"> <div class="reason-title"> <span>6.</span> Real-Time Reporting </div> <p> No more sitting around and wondering what’s happening with your mobile advertising revenue. See exactly how much money you’re making, every day, in real-time. Other solutions can take hours or days to get you the numbers you need. When you have real-time reporting, you can optimize on the fly, turn partners on or off, and more. With Nimbus, you can focus on the work that actually increases your revenue, instead of sitting around waiting for numbers. </p> </div> <div class="reason"> <div class="reason-title"> <span>7.</span> IDFA Anonymous Traffic Monitoring </div> <p> Don’t let limited ad tracking tank your revenue. The landscape of user privacy is rapidly changing, and it is more important than ever to optimize anonymous traffic performance. Nimbus lets you see exactly what is happening with your LAT-enabled users in real-time. Rest assured that, with Nimbus, you are always compliant, and earning the highest possible CPMs. </p> </div> <div class="reason"> <div class="reason-title"> <span>8.</span> Unwanted Ad Blocking </div> <p> Nothing ruins a user’s experience like a bad ad. Empower your AdOps team to stop offensive and buggy ads from appearing in your app with Nimbus’ blocking tool. Nimbus gives you more direct control over unwanted ads than any other platform with category, domain, and app blocking capabilities. </p> </div> <div class="reason"> <h4 class="reason-title"> <span>9.</span> Continuous Improvement Doing OMP Right </h4> <p> Every day, our engineers work to improve the speed and performance of Nimbus. When you use Nimbus, you shift the heavy complexity from the mobile device to the cloud, where it’s faster, and more effective. Let us handle the advanced optimizations, so you can sit back and relax, knowing your revenue is maximized with each call. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Success Stories --> <div class="full-width-container center-text success-stories"> <label class="label main-label">SUCCESS STORIES</label> <h2 class="large-margin-bottom" >What Our Partners Are Saying</h2> <div class="flex-container"> <div class="card short flex-column"> <div class="pink-label">Nimbus Demand</div> <p class="green-text medium-size"> “We saw publishers increase their revenue by 23% and their fill rate by 22% as a result of our partnership with Nimbus.” </p> <img src="" loading="lazy" class="lazy" alt="chartboost-nimbus" /> </div> <div class="card short flex-column"> <div class="pink-label">Nimbus Demand</div> <p class="green-text medium-size"> “The performance we’ve seen on Nimbus is unlike any of our other exchanges. We’re consistently seeing our numbers increase, and more brands are excited to get on board.” </p> <img src="" loading="lazy" class="lazy" alt="liftoff-nimbus" /> </div> <div class="card short flex-column"> <div class="pink-label">Nimbus Demand</div> <p class="green-text medium-size"> “Integrating with Nimbus is extremely fast and easy. We encourage all of our publishers that want to get up and running quickly to access our demand through Nimbus.” </p> <img src="" loading="lazy" class="lazy" alt="triplelift-nimbus" /> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Ad Formats --> <div class="side-padding white-background "> <div class="ad-formats navy-container center-text"> <img src="" loading="lazy" class="lazy" alt="starts-nimbus" /> <h2> Deliver An Amazing Ad Experience With Nimbus </h2> <p> Serve ads that look great and render fast, so you can keep users feeling good. You control where and how the user sees the ad, in an unobtrusive and polished way. The Nimbus SDK is highly customizable, and renders the ad with full viewability within your existing user experience. Run static where you want to run static and video where you want to run video. With industry leading fill rates, and top dollar CPMs, your advertising will feel smooth, delivering a higher quality experience to your users. </p> <div class="format-group"> <div class="format-item padding"> <div class="type"> Banners </div> <img src="" loading="lazy" alt="ads by nimbus mobile advertising" class="lazy"/> </div> <div class="format-item padding"> <div class="type"> Static Display </div> <img src="" alt="ads by nimbus mobile advertising" loading="lazy" class="lazy"/> </div> <div class="format-item padding"> <div class="type"> Video (VAST) </div> <img src="" alt="ads by nimbus mobile advertising" loading="lazy" class="lazy"/> </div> <div class="format-item padding" id="pivot"> <div class="type"> Interstitial </div> <img src="" alt="ads by nimbus mobile advertising" loading="lazy" class="lazy" /> </div> <div class="format-item"> <div class="type"> Native </div> <img src="" loading="lazy" alt="ads by nimbus mobile advertising" class="lazy"/> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Nimbus PRO --> <div class="side-padding center-text nimbus-pro"> <label class="label main-label">EXCLUSIVE FEATURE</label> <h1>Nimbus Pro Reporting</h1> <p class="large">Nimbus provides the most comprehensive reporting available from any programmatic partner on the market.</p> <img src="" loading="lazy" alt="ads by nimbus pro mobile advertising" class="lazy wide-bottom-margin"/> <div class="flex nimbus-pro-content"> <div class="img-container"> <img src="" loading="lazy" alt="ads by nimbus pro mobile advertising" class="lazy wide-bottom-margin"/> <img src="" loading="lazy" alt="ads by nimbus pro mobile advertising" class="lazy"/> <p style="font-size: 12px"><i>For display purposes only. Does not reflect actual exchange performance.</i></p> </div> <div class="features-container"> <div class="pro-feature"> <h3 class="green-text">Buyer Breakdown</h3> <p>Find out who is actually buying your inventory. Identify your best (and worst) performing demand partners, see individual advertisers, and segment by IDFA anonymous and present traffic.</p> <button><a href="/nimbus-pro" >learn more</a></button> </div> <div class="pro-feature"> <h3 class="green-text">Advanced Reporting</h3> <p>See everything. Literally, everything. Build customized log-level data reports for every auction, every win, and every impression.</p> <button><a href="/nimbus-pro" >learn more</a></button> </div> <div class="pro-feature"> <h3 class="green-text">Exchange Benchmarks</h3> <p>Monitor how your app performs against the marketplace with Nimbus Benchmarks. See average eCPMs, win rates, and CTR across the exchange, follow global performance trends, and find out which demand partners offer the highest revenue opportunities.</p> <button><a href="/nimbus-pro" >learn more</a></button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Nimbus CTV --> <div class="side-padding ctv"> <div class="navy-container list-container nimbus-ctv flex"> <div class="banner"> <div class="white-container center-text"> <img src="" alt="ads by nimbus ctv advertising" loading="lazy" class="lazy"/> <img src="" alt="ads by nimbus ctv advertising" loading="lazy" class="lazy ctv-logo"/> <p class="black-color-text">Kidoodle Increased Revenue 23% By Integrating Nimbus for CTV</p> <button><a href="/kidoodle-case-study">read more</a></button> </div> </div> <div class="list"> <label class="main-label">BRAND NEW</label> <h2>Nimbus Exchange <br/> Is Now Available for CTV</h2> <div class="check-list"> <ul> <li>OTT Unified Auction</li> <li>More than 20 Unique Demand Partners</li> <li>Ad Pod Automation</li> <li>Bad Ad Blocking</li> <li>Realtime Analytics</li> <li>Lightning Fast S2S Connection</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Demand Partners --> <div class="full-width-container" id="dps"> <div class="demand-partners"> <h2> Nimbus-Integrated Demand Partners </h2> <h4> We’re 100% Agnostic and Publisher First! </h4> <p> We have no internal marketplace. We are not affiliated with any particular ad network. We’re 100% agnostic and publisher first. So you can be confident you’re earning the most money you can from each and every impression. And we’re happy to talk about integrating with your preferred demand partner. </p> </div> <div class="dps-img"> <img src="" loading="lazy" class="lazy"> </div> </div> <!--QA --> <div class="full-width-container" id="qa"> <div class="qa-width-container"> <h2> Frequently Asked Questions </h2> <div class="qa-container"> <div class="col-1"> <div class="q-item"> <h4> What is a unified auction? </h4> <p> The term “parallel bidding” or “header bidding” is often used to describe a non-sequential, real-time auction. Every demand partner has the ability to bid simultaneously in a single auction. In other words, all the networks are given the opportunity to bid at the same time, instead of in sequence. <a href="/unified-auctions-explained">This approach</a> significantly drives up competition and maximizes your CPMs and revenue. </p> </div> <div class="q-item"> <h4> Can we run Private Market-Place deals? </h4> <p> PMPs are exclusive deals with advertisers that run in an invite-only marketplace. With Nimbus, you can run PMPs directly through your preferred network partner and have it compete against bidders on the open publisher exchange to continuously deliver the highest CPMs possible. </p> </div> <div class="q-item"> <h4> Can you integrate with DSPs? </h4> <p> Yes. Nimbus integrates with networks using OpenRTB. This is how DSPs currently communicate to SSPs. Nimbus cuts out the middleman and allows you to plug in directly to your demand-side partner. If you have an existing relationship with a DSP we don’t currently integrate with, we are happy to have a conversation about how to get them up and running on Nimbus. </p> </div> <div class="q-item"> <h4> What ad units can I run? </h4> <p> Interstitials, static / display / banners, video, native. It’s important to understand that Nimbus is a solution to deliver mobile in-app advertising, and does not deliver ads for mobile web applications. </p> </div> <div class="q-item"> <h4> How do I get started with Nimbus? </h4> <p> <a href="/getting-started-with-nimbus">Getting started</a> is easy. Simply contact us and we’ll get you set up with a Nimbus account and our SDK quick start documentation. If you are a large publisher interested in Nimbus, but not willing to take a large risk to your existing revenue streams, we recommend starting with a small test to see how much more revenue you could be making running on Nimbus. </p> </div> </div> <div class="col-2"> <div class="q-item"> <h4> What is a hybrid auction? </h4> <p> In a Hybrid Auctions, static display and video ads compete against each other to fill your placement. This maximizes CPMs and ensures you get the highest fill rates possible. </p> </div> <div class="q-item"> <h4> Do you require me to use your SDK? </h4> <p> No. If you want to connect directly to Nimbus to benefit from the open publisher exchange, you can. However you will have to write your own networking and rendering functionality for the client-side. </p> </div> <div class="q-item"> <h4> Why would I want to implement another SDK? </h4> <p> Existing solutions are unlikely to perform the full suite of optimizations that Nimbus provides, such as <a href="/unified-auctions-explained">unified auctions</a> that maximize competition, hybrid static/video auctions, creative validation, fall-back fills, and more. Your existing solutions also might not be completely agnostic, and you may be losing dollars if your impressions are not being delivered to a fair and open marketplace. And because Nimbus communicates to each network <a href="/server-to-server-explained">server-to-server</a>, their respective SDKs are no longer needed in your ad stack, which allows you to focus on what’s important: improving your app. </p> </div> <div class="q-item"> <h4> Do I still have direct relationships? </h4> <p> Yup. All relationships are one-to-one between the publishers and the network. Nimbus doesn’t have any demand of its own, ensuring a fair and equal auction. Your network relationships stay the same. Billing and optimizations are still communicated between you and the SSP. For any technical questions, Nimbus has your back. </p> </div> <div class="q-item"> <h4> Can I use Nimbus alongside with other platforms? </h4> <p> Yes, you can run other platforms. However you need to implement their SDKs. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div></div></div></div></div> </section> <div class="sqs-layout sqs-grid-12 columns-12 empty" data-layout-label="Nimbus: Maximize Your Programmatic Ad Revenue Footer Content" data-type="block-field" id="collection-6216afbc8469895003320615"><div class="row sqs-row"><div class="col sqs-col-12 span-12"></div></div></div> <!-- <div class="page-divider bottom-divider"></div> --> <div class="info-footer-wrapper clear"> <div class="info-footer"> <div class="sqs-layout sqs-grid-12 columns-12 empty" data-layout-label="Info Footer Content" data-type="block-field" data-updated-on="1560271403735" id="infoFooterBlock"><div class="row sqs-row"><div class="col sqs-col-12 span-12"></div></div></div> </div> </div> <footer id="footer" class="clear"> <div class="sqs-layout sqs-grid-12 columns-12" data-layout-label="Footer Content" data-type="block-field" data-updated-on="1710340682366" id="footerBlock"><div class="row sqs-row"><div class="col sqs-col-12 span-12"><div class="sqs-block code-block sqs-block-code" data-block-type="23" id="block-yui_3_17_2_1_1560533147783_83790"><div class="sqs-block-content"><div class="full-width-container" id="nimbus-footer"> <div class="footer-container"> <h2> Get Started with Nimbus </h2> <p> And watch your ad revenue grow... </p> <div id="button-footer" class="modal-btn yui3-widget yui3-block-base sqs-block-modelsync sqs-block-button sqs-block button-block sqs-block-editable yui3-dd-drop yui3-dd-draggable"><div id="yui_3_17_2_1_1560458968870_111515" class="sqs-block-button-content sqs-block-content"><div class="sqs-block-button-container--left" data-alignment="left" data-button-size="medium"> <a href="/demo" class="sqs-block-button-element--medium sqs-block-button-element">Request a demo</a> </div></div> </div> <div id="footer-navy"> <div class="follow"> follow us <span> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=""> </a> </span> </div> <div class="stamp"> <span class="d">Copyright © <span id="year"></span> Nimbus Advertising Solutions Inc</span> <span class="d link"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Jobs </a> </span> <span class="link"> <a href=""> privacy policy </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> // Footer - year: document.getElementById("year").innerHTML = new Date().getFullYear(); 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