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It’s a small powerful set of reports you can actually use to increase revenue. Get ready — you’re about to learn how Nimbus Pro can help you dramatically increase your revenue, minimize problems, and maximize your demand partnerships. </p> </div> <button class="large"> <a href="/get-nimbus-pro">get nimbus pro</a> </button> </div> <!-- Buyer Breakdown !--> <div class="buyer-breakdown buyers center-text relative"> <label class="main-label"><b>NIMBUS Pro Feature #1</b></label> <h2 class="extra-bold">Buyer Breakdown Report</h2> <p class="large-text"> Nimbus Pro shows you everything you want to know about your programmatic sales — including who the participating advertisers are. </p> <img src="" alt="nimbus pro buyer breakdown" loading="lazy" class="lazy" /> <div class="left-floated"> <p class="large bold"><b>Compare Performance</b></p> <p class="small-size-text">See how different buyers spend on static vs. video creative, and on Android vs. iOS vs. CTV.</p> </div> <div class="right-floated"> <p class="large bold"><b>Monitor IDFA</b></p> <p class="small-size-text">See who is bidding on your anonymous traffic. Work with demand to get the most out of LAT users.</p> </div> </div> <div class="separator"></div> <div class="feature-grid center-text flex-container"> <div class="feature"> <p class="large extra-bold">Demand Performance</p> <p class="small-size-text">Compare total revenue, wins, impressions, and CTR across your entire ad stack.</p> </div> <div class="feature"> <p class="large extra-bold">Advertisers</p> <p class="small-size-text">Compare total revenue, wins, impressions, and CTR across your entire ad stack.</p> </div> <div class="feature"> <p class="large extra-bold">CTR</p> <p class="small-size-text">See which demand sources and advertisers give you the highest click-through rates.</p> </div> <div class="feature"> <p class="large extra-bold">Revenue</p> <p class="small-size-text">See which demand partners and individual advertisers are spending the most on your inventory.</p> </div> </div> <div class="separator"></div> </div> <div class="navy-container flex-container"> <div class="card"> <div class="center-text"> <img src="" alt="nimbus mobile advertising" loading="lazy" class="lazy"> <label class="main-label extra-bold">REVENUE GENERATOR</label> <h2>Sign More Direct Deals</h2> </div> <h4>Without Nimbus Pro</h4> <p>“I don’t know if I’m signing the right direct deals. I might be missing opportunities to create relationships with advertisers. Right now, I pay salespeople to generate leads and close direct deals using a mostly generic sales pitch based on their experience and ability. If they don’t perform well enough, I have to hire more of them.”</p> <h4 class="green-text"><b>With Nimbus Pro</b></h4> <p> “I arm my sales team with data to tailor their outreach to advertisers that are already spending a lot in the OMP, making my sales efforts much more effective. When I know who is buying ad space, how much, and in what markets, I can not only offer more profitable direct deals, but I can outreach to similar brands to offer them deals based on what is performing well for my existing advertisers.” </p> </div> <div class="card"> <div class="center-text"> <img src="" alt="nimbus mobile advertising" loading="lazy" class="lazy"> <label class="main-label extra-bold">REVENUE DEFENDER</label> <h2>Sustain Demand Performance</h2> </div> <h4>Without Nimbus Pro</h4> <p> “I want to get the most from my demand integrations. And if spending drops, I’m never exactly sure why. I have to reach out to them, one by one (and I may not even have a dedicated account manager), to ask about auction behavior. Then, all I can do is wait for them to get back to me. It’s rare that I am able to get answers soon enough to address fluctuations in spend.” </p> <h4 class="green-text"><b>With Nimbus Pro</b></h4> <p> “My Buyer Breakdown report lets me see who exactly is buying my inventory in seconds. It’s not enough to know who my top-performing demand partners are — I need to see who is spending through those DSPs to track my high-performing campaigns, monitor PMPs, and gain depeer insight into my ad stack. Nimbus Pro gives me immediate, actionable information to take to my demand partners to avoid dips in spend.” </p> </div> </div> <!-- Benchmarks Report !--> <div class="case-study"> <div class="buyer-breakdown discrepancy center-text relative"> <label class="main-label"><b>NIMBUS Pro Feature #2</b></label> <h2 class="extra-bold">Nimbus Exchange Benchmarks</h2> <p class="large-text"> Nimbus Pro shows you exactly how you stack up against the competition and helps you see where you could be making substantially more money — across demand partners, ad units, and more. </p> <img src="" alt="nimbus pro discrepancy reports" loading="lazy" class="lazy" /> <p style="font-size: 12px"><i>For display purposes only. Does not reflect actual exchange performance.</i></p> </div> <div class="separator"></div> <div class="feature-grid center-text flex-container"> <div class="feature"> <p class="large extra-bold">Performance Benchmarks</p> <p class="small-size-text"> See how your eCPMs, Win Rate, and CTR compare against other publishers in the Nimbus Exchange. </p> </div> <div class="feature"> <p class="large extra-bold">Filtered Data</p> <p class="small-size-text"> Get the benchmarks that are most relevant to you — filter by Platform, Ad Stack, Ad Size and more. </p> </div> <div class="feature"> <p class="large extra-bold">Nimbus Leaderboard</p> <p class="small-size-text"> See which of Nimbus’ 50+ demand partners are delivering the highest eCPMs. </p> </div> <div class="feature"> <p class="large extra-bold">Share of Voice</p> <p class="small-size-text"> Nimbus is the most competitive programmatic auction there is. Find out which partners win the most. </p> </div> </div> <div class="separator"></div> </div> <div class="navy-container flex-container discrepancy-reports"> <div class="card"> <div class="center-text"> <img src="" alt="nimbus mobile advertising" loading="lazy" class="lazy"> <label class="main-label extra-bold">REVENUE GENERATOR</label> <h2>Earn Higher eCPMs</h2> </div> <h4>Without Nimbus Pro</h4> <p> “It’s my job to ensure that we are properly evaluating every option we can to increase our app’s revenue, and I always worry we’re missing out on opportunities. We proactively research new demand partners, but we have to rely on sales conversations and generic “pitches” to understand the up-side. This is a time consuming process, metrics go stale fairly quickly, and it can be a long time before we are able to see real benefit.” </p> <h4 class="green-text"><b>With Nimbus Pro</b></h4> <p> “This feels like magic. The Nimbus Exchange has over 50 demand partners, and the Benchmarks tool shows me who is spending the most money. No more sales calls. No more guess-and-check. I can get in contact immediately with the demand partners I think will move the needle on my monetization — my Nimbus team will even introduce me!” </p> </div> <div class="card"> <div class="center-text"> <img src="" alt="nimbus mobile advertising" loading="lazy" class="lazy"> <label class="main-label extra-bold">REVENUE DEFENDER</label> <h2>Analyze Performance Dips</h2> </div> <h4>Without Nimbus Pro</h4> <p> “Any downturn in revenue is hugely concerning to my team, and losses need to be accounted for. There are several reasons why eCPMs may be lower — one of which being the overall market and industry trends. Sometimes spend is simply down across the board. To rule this out, I have to make phone calls, leave messages, and wait for folks to get back to me. I have to rely on insights and anecdotes from others, I’m not in a position where I can access this data myself.” </p> <h4 class="green-text"><b>With Nimbus Pro</b></h4> <p> “The Nimbus Pro Exchange Benchmarks tool gives me access to market information instantly. I can see what eCPMs and auction win rates look like for apps like mine — down to the ad unit and traffic type. With benchmark data, I can confidently report to leadership and rule out internal issues like technical glitches or errors occuring on our side.” </p> </div> </div> <!-- Advanced Reporting !--> <div class="case-study"> <div class="buyer-breakdown advance-reports center-text relative"> <label class="main-label extra-bold">NIMBUS Pro Feature #3</label> <h2 class="extra-bold">Advanced Reporting</h2> <p class="large-text"> Nimbus Pro helps you build better monetization strategies to grow revenue — including making data-driven decisions. </p> <img src="" alt="nimbus pro discrepancy reports" loading="lazy" class="lazy" /> <div class="left-floated"> <p class="large bold"><b>Request Reports</b></p> <p class="small-size-text"> Audit all of the requests sent to the Nimbus exchange to gain insight on any inventory that has gone unmonetized. </p> <p class="large bold"><b>Bid Reports</b></p> <p class="small-size-text"> Standard revenue reporting only shows you the winning eCPM. Nimbus Bid Reports show every bidder in each individual auction. Use this to adjust floors, work with demand partners to optimize performance, make your auctions more competitive, and know the real value of your inventory. </p> </div> <div class="right-floated"> <p class="large bold"><b>Post-Auction Reports</b></p> <p class="small-size-text"> Nimbus Realtime Reporting shows performance metrics in aggregate. Post-Auction Reports give you access to our raw data. Slice, dice, segment, and explore however you want to get the exact insights you need. </p> <p class="large bold"><b>Advertiser Reports</b></p> <p class="small-size-text"> See which brands are buying your traffic the most. Unlock new advertising categories, understand spending trends to inform direct deals, and increase your direct deal competition. </p> </div> </div> <div class="separator"></div> <div class="feature-grid center-text flex-container"> <div class="feature"> <p class="large extra-bold">Log-Level Data</p> <p class="small-size-text"> Build your own insights outside of what general reporting doesn’t supply. This is the data you need to really improve the bottom line. </p> </div> <div class="feature"> <p class="large extra-bold">Scheduled Reports</p> <p class="small-size-text"> Choose your report type, set your data filters, and tell us how often you want your file. We’ll make sure they always arrive on time. </p> </div> <div class="feature"> <p class="large extra-bold">Full-Team Access</p> <p class="small-size-text"> Run one report for the whole team. Everyone with a dashboard account has access to the reports run by other team members. </p> </div> <div class="feature"> <p class="large extra-bold">S3 Delivery</p> <p class="small-size-text"> This is a lot of data. It can be tough to manage on a personal computer. Our S3 option lets you pipe these reports directly to your data team. </p> </div> </div> <div class="separator"></div> </div> <div class="navy-container ar flex-container"> <div class="card"> <div class="center-text"> <img src="" alt="nimbus mobile advertising" loading="lazy" class="lazy"> <label class="main-label extra-bold">REVENUE GENERATOR</label> <h2>Calculate LTV of Your Users</h2> </div> <h4>Without Nimbus Pro</h4> <p> “I can’t calculate OMP LTV. I don’t have detailed reporting from my programmatic exchange, so I simply can’t calculate this figure. I know in aggregate that my users in North America or APAC make me a certain amount of money, but I don’t know how to cohort my users or filter them into different campaigns to maximize my revenue.” </p> <h4 class="green-text"><b>With Nimbus Pro</b></h4> <p> I use Nimbus Pro’s Advanced Reporting to access log-level auction data. This lets me calculate the exact value of a user and leverage this information to craft user tier-based monetization strategies. I have used this to tailor push notifications targeting my most valuable users during times of peak programmatic spend. I have fine-tuned my UA efforts knowing which users to acquire, and I have given my demand partners more insight to understand the characteristics of my most valuable users.” </p> </div> <div class="card"> <div class="center-text"> <img src="" alt="nimbus mobile advertising" loading="lazy" class="lazy"> <label class="main-label extra-bold">REVENUE DEFENDER</label> <h2>Disable Bad Ads Immediately</h2> </div> <h4>Without Nimbus Pro</h4> <p> “My users are complaining about bad ads, but I can’t see the actual ad being flagged. Without the ad markup — or at least a screenshot — I don’t have any information to give my SSP to properly track down and block offensive ads. I do my best to work with my demand partners with whatever information I have, but this usually never works.” </p> <h4 class="green-text"><b>With Nimbus Pro</b></h4> <p> “Advanced Reporting lets me search by a user’s specific IP address. I run a Nimbus Pro report to find the ad they saw at the time of their complaint, get the creative ID, and block the advertiser immediately in Nimbus’ ad blocking tool. I can do in a matter of minutes what usually takes days — trying to contact a demand partner and hoping for a solution. Keeping bad content out of my user experience is a huge priority for me. And Nimbus makes it so much easier.” </p> </div> </div> <!-- 8 Reasons !--> <div class="cloud-top"> <div class="case-study" id="nine"> <div class="center-container"> <div class="title"> <span class="green-text">8</span> <h2>Eight More Compelling Reasons Why <br>You Need Nimbus Pro</h2> </div> <ul class="green"> <li> Understand how buyers are bidding over time so you can <span class="green-text"><b> identify trends and valuable patterns</b></span> in your auction data to maximize revenue. </li> <li> Adjust pricing based on buyer behavior so you can <span class="green-text"><b> more appropriately value your inventory</b></span> to offer premium or discounted deals. </li> <li> <span class="green-text"><b>Create advanced flooring segmentation</b></span> based on any inbound signal — you’ll never underestimate the value of your top segments again. </li> <li> Join log level data to user acquisition insights for <span class="green-text"><b> stronger LTV modeling </b></span> at the user level, so you can have a better understanding of what you can spend to acquire a user. </li> <li> <span class="green-text"><b>Bucket users into cohorts</b></span> and sell packaged deals. This alone can significantly increase your revenue with advertisers who know what they are looking for. </li> <li> <span class="green-text"><b>Know for certain your auction house is transparent.</b></span> See real bid responses for any given request and confirm that the highest price won the auction. </li> <li> <span class="green-text"><b>See for yourself that we are 100% agnostic.</b></span> (Shocker: This is why other companies don’t give you this data!) </li> <li> <span class="green-text"><b>Get the nitty-gritty details on any given impression</b></span> (creative ID, ad category, advertiser, etc.) so you can troubleshoot issues or weed out bad ads immediately. </li> <li> And much, <span class="green-text"><b>much more.</b> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cloud-bottom"> <div class="case-study success-stories"> <div class="buyer-breakdown center-text relative"> <label class="main-label extra-bold">SUCCESS STORIES</label> <h2 class="extra-bold">All of Our Top Publishers Use Nimbus Pro <br/> (And You Probably Should Too)</h2> <div class="card center-text"> <h3 class="green-text"><i>"Knowing who my advertisers are and how they are bidding is a total game changer."</i></h3> <label class="pink"><b>MATT RAOUL — CEO, TIMEHOP</b></label> <img src="" loading="lazy" class="lazy" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="case-study top-bottom-border flex-container get-pro"> <span class="medium-size-text extra-bold"> So what are you waiting for? Contact us today to get started with Nimbus Pro. </span> <button class="large"> <a href="/get-nimbus-pro">get nimbus pro</a> </button> </div> </div></div></div></div></div></div> </section> <div class="sqs-layout sqs-grid-12 columns-12 empty" data-layout-label="Ads By Nimbus - Nimbus Pro Footer Content" data-type="block-field" id="collection-62290cdf4f24157e312c8bfc"><div class="row sqs-row"><div class="col sqs-col-12 span-12"></div></div></div> <!-- <div class="page-divider bottom-divider"></div> --> <div class="info-footer-wrapper clear"> <div class="info-footer"> <div class="sqs-layout sqs-grid-12 columns-12 empty" data-layout-label="Info Footer Content" data-type="block-field" data-updated-on="1560271403735" id="infoFooterBlock"><div class="row sqs-row"><div class="col sqs-col-12 span-12"></div></div></div> </div> </div> <footer id="footer" class="clear"> <div class="sqs-layout sqs-grid-12 columns-12" data-layout-label="Footer Content" data-type="block-field" data-updated-on="1710340682366" id="footerBlock"><div class="row sqs-row"><div class="col sqs-col-12 span-12"><div class="sqs-block code-block sqs-block-code" data-block-type="23" id="block-yui_3_17_2_1_1560533147783_83790"><div class="sqs-block-content"><div class="full-width-container" id="nimbus-footer"> <div class="footer-container"> <h2> Get Started with Nimbus </h2> <p> And watch your ad revenue grow... </p> <div id="button-footer" class="modal-btn yui3-widget yui3-block-base sqs-block-modelsync sqs-block-button sqs-block button-block sqs-block-editable yui3-dd-drop yui3-dd-draggable"><div id="yui_3_17_2_1_1560458968870_111515" class="sqs-block-button-content sqs-block-content"><div class="sqs-block-button-container--left" data-alignment="left" data-button-size="medium"> <a href="/demo" class="sqs-block-button-element--medium sqs-block-button-element">Request a demo</a> </div></div> </div> <div id="footer-navy"> <div class="follow"> follow us <span> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src=""> </a> </span> </div> <div class="stamp"> <span class="d">Copyright © <span id="year"></span> Nimbus Advertising Solutions Inc</span> <span class="d link"> <a href="" target="_blank"> Jobs </a> </span> <span class="link"> <a href=""> privacy policy </a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> // Footer - year: document.getElementById("year").innerHTML = new Date().getFullYear(); 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