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See <a href="?node=tye">tye</a>. <hr /> <h3>The following is not implemented.</h3> <p> &#91; This is where I've been testing things. I haven't had a chance to work on it in a while and <a href="?node=ar0n">ar0n</a>'s disappeared again. &#93; </p> <p>Several shortcuts are available for linking to other documents. To link to: </p><ul> <li><p>Outside Sites:</p></li> <ul> <li>Use &#091;<b>http</b>://; or with <b>https</b>:// or <b>ftp</b>:// (<a href=""></a> or <a href=""></a>)</li> <li>You can also use standard &lt;a href=....&gt; HTML tags.<small><sup>1</sup></small><br />&nbsp;</li> </ul> <li><p>Nodes:</p></li> <ul> <li>By Title: &#091;NODE_TITLE&#093; (<a href="?node=Code%20Catacombs">Code Catacombs</a>)</li> <li>By Title: &#091;<b>title</b>://NODE_TITLE&#093; (<a href="/">Newest Nodes</a>)</li> <li>By Node ID: &#091;<b>id</b>://NODE_ID&#93; <small><sup>2</sup></small> (<a href="">17316</a>)</li> <li>By Monk Name: &#091;<b>user</b>://MONK_NAME&#093; (<a href="/;type=user">grep</a>)</li> <li>A Monk's <a href="">Scratch Pad</a>: &#091;<b>pad</b>://MONK_NAME&#093; (<a href="/;user=MySQL%20on%20FreeBSD">MySQL on FreeBSD</a>)</li> <li>Simple Search results: &#091;SEARCH TERMS&#093;<small><sup>3</sup></small> (<a href="?node=grep">grep</a> or <a href="?node=code%20review%20section">code review section</a>)</li> <li>Advanced PM links: &#091;<b>pm</b>://PATH&#093; (<a href="/images/monk1sm.gif">images/monk1sm.gif</a> or <a href="/;message=/me%20read%20&#91;id%3A//43037&#93;">?op=message;message=/me read &amp;lsb;id://43037&amp;rsb;</a>)<br />&nbsp;</li> </ul> <li><p>CPAN Modules:</p></li> <ul> <li>Module searches at <a href=""></a>: &#091;<b>cpan</b>://XML::Parser&#093; (<a href=";mode=module">XML::Parser</a>)</li> <li>Module searches on an <a href="">alternate server</a>: &#091;<b>kobes</b>://XML::Parser&#093;<small><sup>4</sup></small> (<a href=";filetype=+distribution+name+or+des&#x200E;crip&#x200E;tion;j;case=clike">XML::Parser</a>)<br />&nbsp;</li> </ul> <li><p>Searches of the latest <a href="">Perl documentation</a>: &#091;<b>perldoc</b>://SEARCH TERMS&#093; (<a href="">grep</a>)</p></li> <li><p><a href="">Google</a> web searches:</p></li> <ul> <li>Full search results: &#091;<b>google</b>://SEARCH TERMS&#093; (<a href="">HTML quick reference</a>)</li> <li>Link directly to first matching site: &#091;<b>lucky</b>://SEARCH TERMS&#093; (<a href="">HTML quick reference</a>)<br />&nbsp;</li> </ul> <li><p>Books by ISBN number: &#091;<b>isbn</b>://1565922840&#093; <small><sup>5</sup></small> (<a href="">1565922840</a>)</p></li> <li><p><a href="">Jargon File</a> entries: &#091;<b>jargon</b>://SEARCH TERMS&#093; (<a href="">foo</a>)</p></li> <li><p>English dictionary entries: &#091;<b>dict</b>://TERM&#093; (<a href="">pedant</a> or <a href="">omphaloskepsis</a>)</p></li> <li><p><a href=""></a> searches: &#091;<b>e2</b>://SEARCH TERMS&#093; (<a href="">bovine</a>)</p></li> <li><p><a href="">Internet Movie Database</a> searches: &#091;<b>imdb</b>://SEARCH TERMS&#093; (<a href=";select=All;Go=Go">rustlers&#39; rhapsody</a>)</p></li> </ul> <p>For best results, be sure to test your links <i>before</i> posting them. Use Preview for links in nodes or /msg yourself for links to be posted in the Chatterbox.</p> <br /> <h4>Specifying Link Des&#x200E;crip&#x200E;tion</h4> <p>To specify the text shown for your link, enter the text (actually HTML) after a | (pipe) character in your &#091;&#093;'s. For example, <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;|The &lt;em&gt;Perl&lt;/em&gt; Monastery&#93;</tt> is displayed as <a href="">The <em>Perl</em> Monastery</a>.</p> <p>If you do not specify a des&#x200E;crip&#x200E;tion, your link's criteria is used. For example, <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;perldoc://perlfaq&#93;</tt> is rendered as <a href="">perlfaq</a> and <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;;</tt> as <a href=""></a>. Some link types (http://, https://, ftp://, and isbn://) include the link type in the default des&#x200E;crip&#x200E;tion. Exceptions include:</p><ul> <li><p>The &#091;id://&#93; tag display the node's title if you do not provide a des&#x200E;crip&#x200E;tion. For example, <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;id://42269&#93;</tt> is displayed as <a href="">42269</a>.</p> <li><p>The &#091;pad://&#093; tag constructs a des&#x200E;crip&#x200E;tion if you do not provide one. For example: <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;pad://vroom&#93;</tt> returns <a href="/;user=vroom">vroom</a>.</p></li> </ul> <h4>Footnotes:</h4> <p><small><sup>1</sup></small> - While you can use <tt class='inlinecode'>&lt;a href=...&gt;</tt> tags to link to pages within the Monastery, it's best to use different approaches for internal links. If you must use an <tt class='inlinecode'>&lt;a href=...&gt;</tt> tag, then be sure to use <i>relative</i> URL's (e.g. do <i>not</i> include the "http://www.permonks.(org|com)/". Otherwise, your link may appear to <a href="">log people out</a>. Instead start the URL simply with a question mark: <tt class='inlinecode'>&lt;a href=&quot;?node_id=...&quot;&gt;</tt>.</p> <p><small><sup>2</sup></small> - You can locate the ID of many nodes by opening them from Search results, <a href="?node=Super%20Search">Super Search</a> results, <a href="?node=Newest%20Nodes">Newest Nodes</a>, or even the author's User Search results. Check the node's URL. If you see a <b>node_id</b> parameter, that's the value you need. If you don't see that parameter, search for the node and then open it. (It may help to include a nonsense word in your search, e.g. "plugh")</p> <p><small><sup>3</sup></small> - This is the same as entering your search terms into the Search box at the top of most nodes.</p> <p><small><sup>4</sup></small> - You can also use &#091;<b>kobe</b>://XML::Parser&#093; (no "s"). This was the original method and there are no plans to stop supporting it.</p> <p><small><sup>5</sup></small> - For best results, verify the ISBN number using FatBrain's search facility, as ISBN number change in new editions. And, yes, the Monastery receives a small kickback if the book is purchased from the link. (If you like, you can provide kickbacks to the Monastery for books ordered from <a href="">your own web pages</a>).</p> <br /> <h4>Advanced options</h4> <p> These link shortcuts come in two forms: <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;TITLE|DESC&#93;</tt> and <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;WORD://DATA;PARAMS|DESC&#93;</tt>. Some special rules and processing apply to each part of a shortcut. </p><ul><li><p> You can not have a literal &#91; nor &#93; in any of the parts. </p></li><li><p> |DESC and ;PARAMS are optional. </p></li><li><p> TITLE is interpretted as text except it cannot contain &#91;, &#93;, nor | and must not match <tt class='inlinecode'>m&#91;^\w+://&#93;</tt>. To link to a node that contains &#91;, &#93;, or | in the title, use <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;title://...&#93;</tt> or <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;id://...&#93;</tt>. </p></li><li><p> DESC is interpretted as HTML except that &amp;lsb; and &amp;rsb; become &#91; and &#93; (respectively). </p></li><li><p> WORD must be one of the supported link types or else the entire <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;WORD://...&#93;</tt> construct is simply displayed as a literal string. Upper- vs. lower-case is ignored in WORD. </p></li><li><p> DATA is a string that is processed to produce a URL based on WORD. There are several character sequences that you can use in DATA to represent metacharacters (see below). </p></li><li><p> PARAMS adds characters on the end of the URL generated from WORD://DATA. </p></li><li><p> <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;pm://...&#93;</tt> is unusual in that it takes no DATA so you can do <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;pm://images/usermonkpics/ovidmonk.gif&#93;</tt> or <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;pm://?op=message;...&#93;</tt>. </p></li></ul><p> In DATA;PARAMS, the following special sequences are processed: </p><table border="1"><tr><th> String</th><th>Result </th></tr><tr><td>;</td><td> In DATA, it ends DATA and starts PARAMS. In PARAMS, separates parameters. </td></tr><tr><td>&amp;amp;<br /><tt class='inlinecode'>m&#91;&amp;amp\b;?&#93;i</tt></td><td> In DATA, it ends DATA and starts PARAMS. In PARAMS, separates parameters. </td></tr><tr><td>?</td><td> In DATA, it ends DATA and starts PARAMS (and is changed to ; if needed). In PARAMS, adds "?" to the string. </td></tr><tr><td>/</td><td> In DATA, it ends DATA and starts PARAMS. In PARAMS, adds "/" to the string. </td></tr><tr><td>#</td><td> Indicates that an anchor name is next which tells where in the linked-to page to jump to. </td></tr><tr><td>|</td><td> Ends DATA and PARAMS, starts DESC. </td></tr><tr><td>=</td><td> In DATA, adds "=" to DATA (same as \= would). In PARAM, separates param name from value. </td></tr><tr><td>%XX<br /><tt class='inlinecode'>m&#91;%(&#91;\da-f&#93;{2})&#93;i</tt></td><td> Adds <tt class='inlinecode'>pack(&quot;C&quot;,hex($1))</tt> to the string. </td></tr><tr><td>\\ \; \& \? \/ \# \| \= \%</td><td> Adds the second (escaped) character to the string. </td></tr><tr><td>\*<br /><tt class='inlinecode'>m&#91;\\(\W)&#93;</tt></td><td> Adds <tt class='inlinecode'>&quot;\\$1&quot;</tt> to the string. </td></tr><tr><td>\A<br /><tt class='inlinecode'>m&#91;\\(\w)&#93;</tt></td><td> Adds <tt class='inlinecode'>$1</tt> to the string. </td></tr><tr><td>%</td><td> Is treated like \% if it isn't follow by two valid hex characters (it adds a "%" to the string). </td></tr><tr><td>&amp;lt;<br /><tt class='inlinecode'>m&#91;&amp;lt\b;?&#93;i</tt></td><td> Adds '&lt;' to the string. </td></tr><tr><td>&amp;gt;<br /><tt class='inlinecode'>m&#91;&amp;gt\b;?&#93;i</tt></td><td> Adds '&gt;' to the string. </td></tr><tr><td>&amp;quot;<br /><tt class='inlinecode'>m&#91;&amp;quot\b;?&#93;i</tt></td><td> Adds '"' to the string. </td></tr><tr><td>&amp;lsb;<br /><tt class='inlinecode'>m&#91;&amp;lsb\b;?&#93;i</tt></td><td> Adds '&#91;' to the string. </td></tr><tr><td>&amp;rsb;<br /><tt class='inlinecode'>m&#91;&amp;rsb\b;?&#93;i</tt></td><td> Adds '&#93;' to the string. </td></tr><tr><td>&amp;#91;<br /><tt class='inlinecode'>m&#91;&amp;#(\d+);?&#93;</tt></td><td> Adds pack("C",$1) to the string. </td></tr><tr><td>&amp;</td><td> Is treated like <tt class='inlinecode'>&amp;amp;</tt> if it doesn't start one of the above HTML escapes (ends DATA or separates parameters). </td></tr></table> <br /> <h4>Examples</h4> <p> Here are some examples showing how the above (rather complex) rules are designed to be do-what-I-mean when constructing links: </p><ul><li><p> <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;user://turnstep#Cplusplus|Chatterbox FAQ++&#93;</tt> becomes <a href="/;type=user">Chatterbox FAQ++</a>. Note how it jump down to the <tt class='inlinecode'>&lt;a name=&quot;Cplusplus&quot;&gt;Chatterbox FAQ++&lt;/a&gt;</tt> point of <a href="?node=turnstep">turnstep</a>'s home node. </p></li><li><p> Note that <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;turnstep#Cplusplus&#93;</tt> doesn't start with WORD:// and so # is not recognized as being special and so this tries to search for nodes having "turnstep#Cplusplus" in their title and so probably finds nothing: <a href="?node=turnstep%23Cplusplus">turnstep#Cplusplus</a>. </p></li><li><p> <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;title://turnstep#Cplusplus&#93;</tt> (probably) also works since we don't (shouldn't) have any nodes titled "<a href="?node=turnstep">turnstep</a>" except for the user: <a href="/">turnstep#Cplusplus</a>. </p></li><li><p> If you want to find a node with # in the title, you can use <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;Using # inside qw()&#93;</tt> (<a href="?node=Using%20%23%20inside%20of%20qw%28%29">Using # inside of qw()</a>) or <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;title://Using \# inside qw()&#93;</tt> (<a href="/">Using \# inside qw()</a>). Note how the # has to be escaped as \# when using WORD:// links. </p></li><li><p> This is useful if you want to specify extra options in the link. For example <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;title://Using \# inside qw();displaytype=xml&#93;</tt> (<a href="/;displaytype=xml">Using \# inside qw();displaytype=xml</a>) will give you the XML version of that node. </p></li><li><p> Even better would be to not rely on the title of the node never changing and link to it via the node ID instead: <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;id://94698;displaytype=xml&#93;</tt> (<a href=";displaytype=xml">94698;displaytype=xml</a>). </p></li><li><p> Similarly, you can't use <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;P(erl|ython)&#93;</tt> to link to the node with that titles since it becomes <a href="?node=P%28erl">ython)</a> and there is no way to escape | if you aren't using the WORD:// type of link. </p></li><li><p> To link to that node use <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;title://P(erl\|ython)&#93;</tt> (<a href="/">P(erl\|ython)</a>), <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;title://P(erl\|ython)|cool obfu&#93;</tt> (<a href="/">cool obfu</a>), or <tt class='inlinecode'>&#91;id://31015&#93;</tt> (<a href="">31015</a>), etc. </p></li></ul> <p> last major update by <a href="?node=tye">tye</a> - 2003-01-08<br /> </p> <hr /> <ul> <li><a href=";user=ar0n">my scratchpad</a> <li><a href="/;user=some%7Cstupid%7Cuser">ar0n</a> <li><a href="/images/">Image directory</a> <li><a href=";me=ar0n%27s%20home%3B%20welcome">My home node</a> <li><a href=";filetype=+distribution+name+or+des&#x200E;crip&#x200E;tion;j;case=clike">Hello, there ;)</a> <li><a href="/">pr0n</a> <li><a href="/">More pr0n</a> <li><a href="/">baz</a> <li><a href="">Oh, SURE. You're not really here, are you?</a> <li>&#91;id://Oh, no isn&#39;t this nice|Yep&#93; <li><a href="">300000</a> <li><a href="/this/?if=or&that=why;who=%26%7Ctext">this/?if=or&amp;that=why;who=\&amp;\|text</a> </ul> </p> <!-- END general container --> <!--/contained stuff--> </td> <!--nodelet handling code (monktainer)--> <td width="20%" valign="top" align="right" class="nodelets"> <!-- Begin nodelets --> <table class='nodelet_container' id='nodelet_container'> <!-- Nodelet Break --> <tbody class="nodelet" id="Log_In"> <tr><th class="nodelet_head"> <span class="title">Log In</span><a href="?node=About the Log In" class="nodelethead-annot"><sup>?</sup></a> </th></tr> <tr><td class="nodelet_body"> <form method="post" action="?" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="login"> <span><input type="hidden" name="node_id" value="142755" ></input></span> <input type="hidden" name="op" value="login" /> <input type="hidden" name="lastnode_id" value="142755" /> <table border="0"><tr><td> Username:</td><td> <input type="text" name="user" size="10" maxlength="34" /> </td></tr><tr><td> Password:</td><td> <input type="password" name="passwd" size="10" maxlength="10" /> </td></tr></table> <label><input type="checkbox" name="expires" value="+10y" />remember me</label> <input type="submit" name="login" value="Login" /> <br /> <a href="?node_id=2513">What's my password?</a> <br /> <a href="?node_id=101">Create A New User</a> </form> </td></tr> </tbody> <!-- Nodelet Break --> <tbody class="nodelet" id="Domain_Nodelet"> <tr><th class="nodelet_head"> <span class="title">Domain Nodelet</span><a href="?node=About the Domain Nodelet" class="nodelethead-annot"><sup>?</sup></a> </th></tr> <tr><td class="nodelet_body"> <p class='domain_link' align='center'><a class='wwwdomainlink' href="">www</a>.<a class='domainlink' href="">com</a> | <a class='wwwdomainlink' href="">www</a>.<a class='domainlink' href="">net</a> | <span class='currentdomain'>www</span>.<a class='domainlink' href="">org</a></p> </td></tr> </tbody> <!-- Nodelet Break --> <tbody class="nodelet" id="Chatterbox"> <tr><th class="nodelet_head"> <span class="title">Chatterbox</span><a href="?node=About the Chatterbox" class="nodelethead-annot"><sup>?</sup></a> </th></tr> <tr><td class="nodelet_body"> <form method="get" action="?" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <span><input type="hidden" name="node_id" value="142755" ></input></span><i class="cb_quiet">and all is quiet...</i><br /> <input type="submit" name="foo" value="Refresh" /> </form> <i><br /> <a href="?node=ChatterBox%20FAQ">How do I use this?</a> &bull; <a href="?node=last%20hour%20of%20cb">Last hour</a> &bull; <a href="?node_id=20842">Other CB clients</a></i> </td></tr> </tbody> <!-- Nodelet Break --> <tbody class="nodelet" id="Other_Users"> <tr><th class="nodelet_head"> <span class="title">Other Users</span><a href="?node=About the Other Users" class="nodelethead-annot"><sup>?</sup></a> </th></tr> <tr><td class="nodelet_body"> <span class="other-users-text">Others <span class="other-users-blurb">musing on</span> the Monastery:</span> (4)<br /><ul class="spacey-list"><li><span class='even-row'><span class='item-000'><span class='user-level-26'><span class='user-461912'><a href="?node_id=461912" title="GrandFather's home node. 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It updates <a href="">596792</a> and helps me join a discussion </label><br /><label><input type="radio" name="vote" value="1" />The! Worst! Thing! Ever! It always ignores my self-upvotes for <a href="">11155739</a>!!?! </label><br /><label><input type="radio" name="vote" value="2" />Somewhat useful in settling debates with coin flips and dice rolls </label><br /><label><input type="radio" name="vote" value="3" /><a href="?node=Chatterbot">Chatterbot</a>? Nobody told me about it! </label><br /><label><input type="radio" name="vote" value="4" />Not my cup of tea. I do not do that live chat thingie...</label><br /><input type="submit" value="Vote" /></p></form><p><a href="?node_id=11162559">Results (53 votes)</a>. Check out <a href="?node=past%20polls">past polls</a>.</p></div> </td></tr> </tbody> </table> <!-- End nodelets --> </td> <!--/nodelet handling code (monktainer)--> </tr> </table> </center> <!-- End main (monktainer)--> <br /> <br /> <div id="footer"> PerlMonks parthenogenetically spawned by <a href="?node=vroom">Tim Vroom</a>.<br/> PerlMonks is a proud member of the <a href="">The Perl Foundation</a>. <a href="?node=Offering%20Plate">Donate</a> to TPF!<br /> Wonderful Web Servers and Bandwidth Generously Provided by <a href=""> pair Networks</a> <br/>Built with the <a href="">Perl programming language</a>. </div> <!-- /monktainer --> </body> </html>

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