Islamic Savings Account | Shariah Compliant Account – Standard Chartered UAE

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In the event that any of the terms contained herein conflict with the terms of use or other terms and guidelines contained within any such website, then the terms of use and other terms and guidelines for such website shall prevail. </p> <p> Thank you for visiting <a href="" title="Standard Chartered UAE"></a> </p> </div> <a class=" c-button-small is-theme-solid-green-hollow-white is-external-link-button " href="#" target="_blank" data-send="close-modal" title="Proceed" data-context="Modal Disclaimer External Links Proceed Button">Proceed to third party website</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <style> .sc-nav-drop__link{text-transform:uppercase !important;} </style> <div class="m-persistent-bar with-cta-btn"> <div class="content-wrapper"> <div class="container"> <div class="content"> <p>Islamic Savings Account</p> <div class="cta-wrapper"> <a title="Apply Now" href="" target="_blank" data-context="Product Masthead CTA" class="c-button is-theme-solid-green-hollow-white" style="padding: 5px 20px;"> <span class="only-desktop"> Apply Now </span> <span class="only-mobile"> Apply Now </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Append the json to script tag --> <script type="application/ld+json">{"@context":"http:\/\/","@type":"BreadcrumbList","itemListElement":[{"@type":"ListItem","position":1,"item":{"@id":"https:\/\/\/ae\/deposits\/","name":"Deposits"}},{"@type":"ListItem","position":2,"item":{"@id":"https:\/\/\/ae\/deposits\/saadiq-xtrasaver\/","name":"Saadiq XtraSaver"}}]}</script> <div class="m-hero is-left-align" id="sc-lb-module-product-masthead" data-post-status="publish-status" data-post-status-label="Published"> <div class="background"> <picture> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 768px)"> <source srcset="" media="(max-width: 767px)"> <img src="" class="img-bg" loading="lazy" alt="Person, Human, Sport" /> </picture> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="outer-wrapper"> <div class="hero-header"> <div class="wrapper"> <ul class="breadcrumb"> <!-- Breadcrumb NavXT 6.6.0 --> <li><a property="item" typeof="WebPage" title="Go to Deposits." href="" class="post post-page"><span property="name">Deposits</span></a></li> <li><span property="name" class="post post-page current">Saadiq XtraSaver</span></li> </ul> <h1 class="title"> Islamic Savings Account </h1> <ul class="buttons"> <li > <a href="" title="Apply Now" data-context="Product Masthead CTA" class="c-button is-theme-solid-green-hollow-white" target="_blank" > <span class="only-desktop">Apply Now</span> <span class="only-mobile">Apply Now</span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="m-centered-text" id="sc-lb-module-product-description" data-post-status="publish-status" data-post-status-label="Published"> <div class="content"> <h2 class="title">Saadiq XtraSaver Account</h2> <p class="message">Look up to a high profit rate of up to 2.00% p.a.* with our Saadiq XtraSaver account. It can help you build savings, in a Shariah- compliant account.</p> </div> </div> <div class="m-benefits" id="sc-lb-module-benefit-list" data-post-status="publish-status" data-post-status-label="Published"> <div class="content-wrapper"> <ul class="grid"> <li class="item" id="sc-lb-module-benefit-list-item-0"> <div class="cover"> <div class="background"> <picture> <!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none;"><![endif]--> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 1023px)"> <source srcset="" media="(min-width: 0px)"> <!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]--> <img class="img-bg" src="" alt="Person, Human, Sport" loading="lazy" /> </picture> </div> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="content-item-wrapper"> <h2 class="title"> Earn attractive profits, start with just AED 3,000 </h2> <div class="description"> Earn 2.00% p.a. profit rate*, calculated on your average monthly balance. Open an account with as little as AED 3,000. </div> <!-- Only display either hero text or aditional info. 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Additional info has higher priority --> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="m-tables" id="sc-lb-module-fee-and-rate" data-post-status="publish-status" data-post-status-label="Published"> <div class="content-wrapper"> <div class="header"> <h3 class="title">Details</h3> </div> <div class="content" id="table-content-20666-1"> <div class="sub-content"> <div class="sub-title">Example Savings Table 1*</div> </div> <div class="table-wrapper"> <table> <thead> <tr> <th> <div class="th-wrapper"></div> </th> <th> <div class="th-wrapper">&nbsp;MONTH 1</div> </th> <th> <div class="th-wrapper">&nbsp;MONTH 2</div> </th> <th> <div class="th-wrapper">&nbsp;MONTH 3</div> </th> <th> <div class="th-wrapper">&nbsp;MONTH 4</div> </th> <th> <div class="th-wrapper">&nbsp;MONTH 5</div> </th> <th> <div class="th-wrapper">&nbsp;MONTH 6</div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Monthly Avg. Deposit Balance (AED)</td> <td>100,000</td> <td>150,000</td> <td>185,000</td> <td>275,000</td> <td>380,000</td> <td>382,000</td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;Profit Rate (p.a.)</td> <td>0.25</td> <td>0.25</td> <td>0.50</td> <td>1.00</td> <td>2.00</td> <td>2.00</td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;Monthly Profit (AED)</td> <td>20.83</td> <td>31.25</td> <td>75.00</td> <td>229.17</td> <td>633.33</td> <td>636.67</td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;Total Avg. Balance (AED)</td> <td>100,021</td> <td>150,031</td> <td>180,000</td> <td>275,229</td> <td>380,633</td> <td>382,637</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="7">Only 3 debit transactions are allowed per month. Should there be more than 3 debit transactions in a month, the Hiba earned will be 0% for that month and only Mudarabah profit will be paid.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="content" id="table-content-20666-2"> <div class="sub-content"> <div class="description"><p>Profit is accrued based on your average balance and paid monthly<sup>1</sup> with no minimum balance Requirement<sup>2</sup></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="m-tables" id="sc-lb-module-fee-and-rate-1" data-post-status="publish-status" data-post-status-label="Published"> <div class="content-wrapper"> <div class="header"> <h3 class="title">Key Charges</h3> </div> <div class="content" id="table-content-20668-1"> <div class="sub-content"> <div class="description"><p>Fees and charges are subject to change. All fees and charges listed are inclusive of 5% Value Added Tax (VAT), where applicable.</p> </div> </div> <div class="table-wrapper"> <table> <thead> <tr> <th> <div class="th-wrapper"><strong>Service&nbsp;</strong></div> </th> <th> <div class="th-wrapper"><strong>Charges</strong></div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Minimum initial deposit</td> <td>AED 3,000 (or equivalent in foreign currency)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Minimum average monthly balance</td> <td>AED 0</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Monthly service charge</td> <td>Nil</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Fall-below fee</td> <td>Nil</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <a title="Please click here for more details on all other applicable fees and charges." data-context="Fees and Rates table additional info link" href="" class="footer" target="_blank"> <span class="additional-info">Please click here for more details on all other applicable fees and charges.</span> <span class="icon icon-arrow-small" data-grunticon-embed></span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="m-eligibility-documents" id="sc-lb-module-eligibility-document" data-post-status="publish-status" data-post-status-label="Published"> <div class="content-wrapper"> <div class="header"> <h3 class="title">Eligibility &amp; Documents</h3> </div> <div class="content-group"> <div class="content"> <h4 class="title">Eligibility</h4> <ul class="list"> <li class="item" id="sc-lb-module-eligibility-document-eligibility-item-20677-1"> <div class="item-title"> <span class="c-icon icon-tick" data-grunticon-embed></span> <div class="text">Nationality</div> </div> <div class="item-info"> <p>UAE Nationals, Residents, and Non-Resident individuals</p> </div> </li> <li class="item" id="sc-lb-module-eligibility-document-eligibility-item-20677-2"> <div class="item-title"> <span class="c-icon icon-tick" data-grunticon-embed></span> <div class="text">Age</div> </div> <div class="item-info"> <p>Minimum 18 years old</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="content"> <h4 class="title">Documents</h4> <ul class="list"> <li class="item" id="sc-lb-module-eligibility-document-eligibility-document-20677-1"> <div class="item-title"> <span class="c-icon icon-tick" data-grunticon-embed></span> <div class="text">For Residents</div> </div> <div class="item-info"> <p>Passport, Emirates ID, and Resident Visa</p> </div> </li> <li class="item" id="sc-lb-module-eligibility-document-eligibility-document-20677-2"> <div class="item-title"> <span class="c-icon icon-tick" data-grunticon-embed></span> <div class="text">For Non Residents</div> </div> <div class="item-info"> <p>Passport, Bank Statements, and Address proof</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="m-terms-conditions is-theme-gray" id="sc-lb-module-term-and-condition" data-post-status="publish-status" data-post-status-label="Published"> <div class="content-wrapper"> <div class="header"> <h3 class="title">*Terms and conditions</h3> </div> <div class="content"> <ul class="list"> <li class="item"> <input id="sc-lb-module-term-and-condition-0" name="sc-lb-module-term-and-condition-accordion" type="checkbox" /> <label for="sc-lb-module-term-and-condition-0" class="item-wrapper"> <span class="question"> <span class="c-icon icon-tick" data-grunticon-embed></span> <span class="question-text">Saadiq XtraSaver Terms &amp; Conditions Part I</span> <span class="c-icon icon-varrow" data-grunticon-embed></span> </span> </label> <div class="answer"><ul> <li>The Saadiq XtraSaver Account (the “Account”) is available in AED &amp; USD denomination only. The opening of the Account will be limited to 1 account per currency. The Bank may pay an amount over and above the Mudarabah profit amount referred hereafter as “Hiba”. Only Fresh Funds may be deposited into the Account. “Fresh Funds” are defined as funds brought in from outside Standard Chartered Bank UAE (the “Bank”) within 90 days of opening the Account.</li> <li>Profit Details:</li> </ul> <table style="width: 1000px"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 300px"><strong>AED Rates on Average Balance*</strong></td> <td style="width: 250px"><strong>PROFIT RATE (P.A.) AED MUDARABAH/ HIBA Month 1</strong></td> <td style="width: 250px"><strong>PROFIT RATE (P.A.) AED MUDARABAH/ HIBA Month 2</strong></td> <td style="width: 250px"><strong>PROFIT RATE (P.A.) AED MUDARABAH/ HIBA Month 3</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 300px">0 to 180,000</td> <td style="width: 126.49px">0.25%</td> <td style="width: 250px">0.25%</td> <td style="width: 250px">0.50%</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 300px">180,001 to 365,000</td> <td style="width: 126.49px">0.25%</td> <td style="width: 250px">0.25%</td> <td style="width: 250px">1.00%</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 300px">365,001 and above</td> <td style="width: 126.49px">0.25%</td> <td style="width: 250px">0.25%</td> <td style="width: 250px">2.00%</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table style="width: 1000px"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 300px"><strong>USD Rates on Average Balance*</strong></td> <td style="width: 250px"><strong>USD RATE (P.A.) MONTH 1</strong></td> <td style="width: 250px"><strong>USD RATE (P.A.) MONTH 2</strong></td> <td style="width: 250px"><strong>USD RATE (P.A.) MONTH 3</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 300px">0 to 50,000</td> <td style="width: 250px">0.25%</td> <td style="width: 250px">0.25%</td> <td style="width: 250px">0.50%</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 300px">50,001 to 99,999</td> <td style="width: 250px">0.25%</td> <td style="width: 250px">0.25%</td> <td style="width: 250px">1.00%</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 300px">100,000 and above</td> <td style="width: 250px">0.25%</td> <td style="width: 250px">0.25%</td> <td style="width: 250px">1.50%</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </li> <li class="item"> <input id="sc-lb-module-term-and-condition-1" name="sc-lb-module-term-and-condition-accordion" type="checkbox" /> <label for="sc-lb-module-term-and-condition-1" class="item-wrapper"> <span class="question"> <span class="c-icon icon-tick" data-grunticon-embed></span> <span class="question-text">Saadiq XtraSaver Terms &amp; Conditions Part II</span> <span class="c-icon icon-varrow" data-grunticon-embed></span> </span> </label> <div class="answer"><ul> <li>All Transactions will be considered completed on the Value Date (the date of the transaction as determined by our Banking systems). Transactions performed on public holidays will reflect on the next Bank working day.</li> <li>If the Account is closed before the end of the Calendar Month, the Bank’s client (hereinafter referred to as the “Client”) shall only earn the profit as per the terms and conditions of Saadiq Savings account.</li> <li>*The above example in Table 1 depicts profit rate applicable on AED currency. The Hiba proportion is subject to change at any time and shall be applicable as per product/ client terms. Only 3 debit transactions are allowed per month. Should there be more than 3 debit transactions in a month, the Hiba earned will be 0% for that month and only Mudarabah profit will be paid. Following which the profit rate/Hiba cycle will follow the rate grid illustrated above. The Bank may only pay Hiba if the Mudarabah pool earns a profit, otherwise no Hiba amount is to be paid to the Client. In case of losses under Mudarabah, the Hiba will not be extended. The Bank will offer Hiba at its sole discretion and not under any obligation.</li> <li>Debit transactions include all withdrawals from the Account, including, but not limited to, the Bank’s fees and charges on the transaction initiated by the Client, standing orders, financing recoveries, retail purchases and ATM withdrawals. The debit transactions in which separate Bank fees and charges are levied include the Bank’s UAE ATM withdrawals, retail purchases, 3D Secure transactions and utility bill payments. This also includes the instance where a Client initiated debit transaction is subsequently reversed and credited back to the Account.</li> <li><sup>1</sup>Mudarabah profit shall be calculated based on the monthly average balance in the Account and shall be paid on the last business day of each Calendar Month.</li> <li><sup>2</sup>If you hold other accounts under the same master number as the Account, the minimum balance requirements of AED 3,000 (or foreign currency equivalent) (the “Minimum Balance Requirements”) are applicable to those accounts. However, any balances held in the Account will apply toward satisfaction of the Minimum Balance Requirements for those accounts.</li> <li>These Saadiq XtraSaver Terms and Conditions should be read in conjunction with Saadiq Accounts and Client Terms, as amended from time to time.</li> <li>For further details on fees and charges, please refer to our Saadiq Service and Price Guide.</li> </ul></div> </li> <li class="item link"> <div class="item-wrapper"> <a title="Please click here for the Arabic version of the terms and conditions" data-context="Terms and conditions url link" href="" target="_blank"> <span class="question"> <span class="c-icon icon-tick" data-grunticon-embed></span> <span class="question-text">Please click here for the Arabic version of the terms and conditions</span> <span class="c-icon icon-varrow" data-grunticon-embed></span> </span> </a> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="m-footer has-columns" id="sc-lb-module-footer" 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