Tech Stuff - LAN
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title="Yet another audio glossary" href="" class="t-da">glossary</a></li> </ul> <li class="n-t2-e"><a href="" class="t-da">regex stuff</a></li> <li class="n-t2-es t-da">cable stuff <ul class="n-t3"> <li class="n-t3-e"><a href="" class="t-da">cable stuff</a></li> <li class="n-t3-e"><a href="" class="t-da">lan wiring</a></li> <li class="n-t3-e"><a href="" class="t-da">lan & telephone</a></li> <li class="n-t3-e"><a href="" class="t-da">rs232 stuff</a></li> <li class="n-t3-e"><a href="" class="t-da">serial primer</a></li> <li class="n-t3-e"><a href="" class="t-da">usb 3.2 & firewire</a></li> <li class="n-t3-e"><a href="" class="t-da">displays</a></li> <li class="n-t3-e"><a href="" class="t-da">modular jacks</a></li> </ul> </li> <li class="n-t2-es t-da">protocol stuff <ul class="n-t3"> <li class="n-t3-e"><a href="" class="t-da">protocol stuff</a></li> <li class="n-t3-e"><a href="" class="t-da">tcp-udp-icmp</a></li> <li class="n-t3-e"><a href="" class="t-da">ipv4</a></li> <li class="n-t3-e"><a href="" class="t-da">ipv4 Calculator</a></li> <li class="n-t3-e"><a href="" class="t-da">ipv6</a></li> <li class="n-t3-e"><a href="" class="t-da">ipv6 Calculator</a></li> <li class="n-t3-e"><a href="" class="t-da">isdn-bri</a></li> <li class="n-t3-e"><a href="" class="t-da">802 lan</a></li> <li class="n-t3-e"><a href="" class="t-da">ss7 & sigtran</a></li> </ul> </li> <li class="n-t2-e"><a href="" class="t-da">pc stuff</a></li> <li class="n-t2-e"><a href="" class="t-da">wireless stuff</a></li> <li class="n-t2-es t-da">css stuff <ul class="n-t3"> <li class="n-t3-e"><a title="collection of css notes and experiences including css menus and css liquid layout" href="" class="t-da">css stuff</a></li> <li class="n-t3-e"><a title="Notes on our experience with converting to css based liquid layouts - including blow by blow css" href="" class="t-da">css liquid design</a></li> <li class="n-t3-e"><a title="we have used css menus since mid-2003 - blow-by-blow implementation notes" href="" class="t-da">css menus</a></li> <li class="n-t3-e"><a title="some practical solutions on using css" href="" class="t-da">css notes</a></li> <li class="n-t3-e"><a title="css shortforms at a glance" href="" class="t-da">css short-forms</a></li> <li class="n-t3-e"><a title="css selectors and quick overview with links to the W3C specs" href="" class="t-da">css overview</a></li> </ul> </li> <li class="n-t2-e"><a href="" class="t-da">ascii codes</a></li> <li class="n-t2-e"><a href="" class="t-da">data rate stuff</a></li> <li class="n-t2-e"><a href="" class="t-da">telephony stuff</a></li> <li class="n-t2-e"><a href="" class="t-da">mech. stuff</a></li> <li class="n-t2-e"><a href="" class="t-da">Dec>Hex>Bin</a></li> <li class="n-t2-e"><a href="" class="t-da">language stuff</a></li> <li class="n-t2-e"><a href="" class="t-da">electronic stuff</a></li> <li class="n-t2-e"><a href="" class="t-da">rfc stuff</a></li> </ul> </li> <li class="n-t1-e"><a href="" class="t-da">Security</a></li> 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You can now download for free these standards <a href="" class="t-db">in PDF format</a>.</p> <table class="p-m-s"> <tr> <td class="t-td1 w-180"><a href="802_3_frame.htm" class="t-db">802.3 Frame Format</a></td> <td class="t-td2">The generic frame format including MAC format, Standard Frame format, VLAN Extended Frame format</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="t-td1"><a href="802_types.htm" class="t-db">Type/Length Field</a></td> <td class="t-td2">Type/Length field in 802.3 Ethernet LANs</td> </tr> </table> <hr> <p class="p-m-n"><br>Problems, comments, suggestions, corrections (including broken links) or something to add? Please take the time from a busy life to 'mail us' (at top of screen), the webmaster (below) or <a href="javascript:mailus('info-support','','Support Issue')" class="t-db">info-support at zytrax</a>. You will have a warm inner glow for the rest of the day.</p> <!-- end body div l-c --> </div> <div class="l-l"> <!-- left hand navigation --> <div class="n-l"> <p class="c-g t-b t-o m-h5 t-r">Tech Stuff</p> <!-- first row of navigation CSS format --> <ul class="n-l1p"> <li class="n-l1p-e"> <a href="" class="n-l-c">tech home</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="n-l1p"> <li class="n-l1p-e"> <a title="Digital Audio - primers, calculators, equalization, frequency tables, file formats, glossary - a mere splash in the ocean" href="" class="n-l-c">audio stuff</a> <ul class="n-l2"> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">sound primer</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">digital primer</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">note frequencies</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">eq, meters & fft</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">calculators</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">files & codecs</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">glossary</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class="n-l1p"> <li class="n-l1p-e"> <a title="Browser IDs, SSIs, Apache Configuration, regular expressions" href="" class="n-l-c">web stuff</a> <ul class="n-l2"> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">browser ids</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">mobile_ids</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">apache env vars</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">apache ssi</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">css popout menus</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a title="most of those annoying HTML entity codes that we forget all the time" href="" class="n-l-f">html entities</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a title="Decimal to Hexidecimal to Binary conversion - even Octal!" href="" class="n-l-f">dec > hex > bin</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class="n-l1p"> <li class="n-l1p-e"> <a href="" class="n-l-c">dom stuff</a><br> <ul class="n-l2"> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">dom guide</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">page explorer</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">dom navigation</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class="n-l1p"> <li class="n-l1p-e"> <a title="CSS is about a lot more than STYLE. Wheezes, table-less layouts, CSS pop-ups, CSS Shortcuts" href="" class="n-l-c">css stuff</a> <ul class="n-l2"> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">css liquid design</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">css popout menus</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">css notes</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">css syntax</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">css short-forms</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class="n-l1p"> <li class="n-l1p-e"> <a title="includes PHP, Ruby and some Java stuff (all about obscure solutions to stupid problems)" href="" class="n-l-c">language stuff</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="n-l1p"> <li class="n-l1p-e"> <a title="quick overview 'cos we always forget - not that we ever knew much - now includes a nifty browser-based tester" href="" class="n-l-c">regex stuff</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="n-l1p"> <li class="n-l1p-e"> <a title="rfc ordered by subject" href="" class="n-l-c">rfc stuff</a> <ul class="n-l2"> <li title="dns rfcs" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">dns rfcs</a></li> <li title="ldap rfcs" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">ldap rfcs</a></li> <li title="ipv6 rfcs" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">ipv6 rfcs</a></li> <li title="tls/x.509 rfcs" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">tls/x.509 rfcs</a></li> <li title="some other subjects - we only update these when we are active - some lists are consequently long in the tooth" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">other rfcs</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class="n-l1p"> <li class="n-l1p-e"> <a title="TCP/IP, IPv4, IPv6, ISDN, LAN, VoIP, ITU Multi-Media" href="" class="n-l-c">protocol stuff</a> <ul class="n-l2"> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">tcp, udp, icmp</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">ipv4</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">ipv6</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">isdn</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">ssl/tls/x.509</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">ss7 &sigtran</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">802.3 lan</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class="n-l1p"> <li class="n-l1p-e"> <a title="PC Parallel Ports, LAN wiring, RS232, Centronics, DIN" href="" class="n-l-c">cable stuff</a> <ul class="n-l2"> <li title="10baseT, 100base-TX/T4, 1000baseT, 10Gbase-T, RJ45, STP" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">lan pinouts</a></li> <li title="mixing telephony and 802.3 LAN can be done on cat5/5e/6 wiring" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">lan & telephone</a></li> <li title="RS 232 pinouts on db9, db24 and T1" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">rs232 pinouts</a></li> <li class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">serial primer</a></li> <li title="USB 2.0, 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 plus Firewire (i.Link) IEE 1394" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">usb & firewire</a></li> <li title="some information about display and monitors/console interfaces inclusing VGA, HDMI, DVI and Thunderbolt" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">displays</a></li> <li title="modular jack is the term we should use for those telephone and lan connectors" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">modular jacks</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class="n-l1p"> <li class="n-l1p-e"> <a title="10baseT, 100base-TX/T4, 1000baseT, 10Gbase-T, RJ45, STP" href="" class="n-l-c">lan wiring</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="n-l1p"> <li class="n-l1p-e"> <a title="DB9, DB25 pinouts, RJ45 serial, T1 and RS standards alphabet soup" href="" class="n-l-c">rs232 wiring</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="n-l1p"> <li class="n-l1p-e"> <a title="Decimal to Hex and Binary conversion table - even a description of Octal!" href="" class="n-l-c">dec > hex > bin</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="n-l1p"> <li class="n-l1p-e"> <a title="character sets ain't as simple as they look" href="" class="n-l-c">character sets</a> <ul class="n-l2"> <li title="pretty much all the characters sets in the known universe including utf-7, 8 and 16" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">character sets</a></li> <li title="ascii variant of international reference alphabet 5 (ira5)" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">ascii codes</a></li> <li title="international reference alphabet 5 (ascii's cousin)" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">ia5 codes</a></li> <li title="all that ™ & © stuff" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">html entities</a></li> <li title="silly page containing a bunch of fonts in various sizes including your PCs defaults" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">web fonts</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class="n-l1p"> <li class="n-l1p-e"> <a title="The T series, E series and J series and then all that optical stuff (OC-12 etc.)" href="" class="n-l-c">data rate stuff</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="n-l1p"> <li class="n-l1p-e"> <a title="Even us electronic guys gotta know how to screw it together, if you get our drift" href="" class="n-l-c">mechanical stuff</a> <ul class="n-l2"> <li title="fastener (screw) head styles - surprising number of choices" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">head styles</a></li> <li title="threads for imperial (UNF, UNC) & metric sizes" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">threads</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class="n-l1p"> <li class="n-l1p-e"> <a title="A collection of howtos including Samba3 as PDC, FreeBSD firewalls" href="" class="n-l-c">howto stuff</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="n-l1p"> <li class="n-l1p-e"> <a title="A collection of survival guides - quick overviews - to popular software" href="" class="n-l-c">survival stuff</a> <ul class="n-l2"> <li title="tls and x.509 (ssl) certificates - warning: headache inducing stuff" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">ssl/tls/x.509</a></li> <li title="Abstract Syntax Notation. 1 (ASN.!) and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) - not for the faint hearted. Pass the pain medication, we feel a headache coming on." class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">ASN.1 & DER</a></li> <li title="Kerberos is great - but tough, oh my, tough stuff" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">kerberos</a></li> <li title="We've used postfix for years but always forget which of the 27 million parameters to use" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">postfix</a></li> <li title="Symetric, asymetric, MACs, hashes - eye watering stuff" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">encryption</a></li> <li title="Just what time is it in Kuala Lumpur, and what's that got to do with cron?" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="t-db">cron</a></li> <li title="Gotta love wxWidgets - free, fantastic, flexible - but hard to see the wood for the trees sometimes" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">wxWidgets</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class="n-l1p"> <li class="n-l1p-e"> <a title="Our wireless overview, Calculators, Fresnel zones, links to 'heavy' stuff, some early 802.11 stuff (mostly wi-fi related)" href="" class="n-l-c">wireless stuff</a> <ul class="n-l2"> <li title="our irreverent general intro to wirelss - purist will not like this page" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">overview</a></li> <li title="wireless calculators for system budgets, free-space loss, fresnel effects and a bunch of other stuff" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">calculators</a></li> <li title="fresnel effect explanation - well, we can understand it" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">fresnel effects</a></li> <li title="our outrageously biased description of frequency hopping versus direct sequence for spread spectrum" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">fh vs ds</a></li> <li title="some terminology covering 802 standards and modulation techniques" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">wireless soup</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class="n-l1p"> <li class="n-l1p-e"> <a title="Pinouts - USB, DIN, Firewire, VGA, DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort and Thunderbolt, I/O interface speeds, Screen sizes including HD" href="" class="n-l-c">pc stuff</a> <ul class="n-l2"> <li title="din and mini-din for older PCs" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">din & mini-din</a></li> <li title="802.3 LAN stuff" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">802.3 lan</a></li> <li title="connection of monitors has changed over the years from clunky VGA to svelte HDMI - all the pinouts you could hope for" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">monitor pinouts</a></li> <li title="serial (db9, db24) connections - slow but trusty" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">serial stuff</a></li> <li title="usb pinouts and descriptions of power levels for usb 1, 2 and 3 - also includes firewire" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">usb & firewire</a></li> <li title="pc interfaces are changing and getting faster - we can never keep up - list of interfaces and their speeds" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">pc interfaces</a></li> <li title="we get confused about most things - just what is 1080p - pc and tv screen resolution table with some explanations" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">screen resolutions</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class="n-l1p"> <li class="n-l1p-e"> <a title="Electronic glossary, some old experiments with 3.3/5V protection and early BGA designs" href="" class="n-l-c">electronic stuff</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="n-l1p"> <li class="n-l1p-e"> <a title="ragbag collection of links that we publish from time to time - maybe useful, maybe not" href="" class="n-l-c">tech links</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="n-l1p"> <li class="n-l1p-e"> <a title="Our DNS and LDAP for Rocket Scientists guides" href="" class="n-l-c">open guides</a> <ul class="n-l2"> <li title="dns for rocket scientists" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">dns guide</a></li> <li title="ldap for rocket scientists" class="n-l2-e"><a href="" class="n-l-f">ldap guide</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p class="t-r"> <a title="RSS (2.0) Feed - right click on icon, select 'Copy Link URL' or 'Copy Shortcut', paste into RSS Feed Reader, or drag and drop into RSS Feed Reader" href="" class="n-l-c"><img class="w-32 center" src="" alt="RSS Feed Icon"></a> </p> <p class="p-b-h t-r">If you are happy it's OK - but your browser is giving a less than optimal experience on our site. 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