14th SIES - 2024

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The hot-spicy cuisine, wide-spread Mahjong playing and traditional teahouse culture have become the integrated part of locals’ lifestyle.<br> From Chengdu, you can easily head for those famous must-see attractions in the neighboring areas, including Giant Panda Bases at Bigfengxia and Wolong, picturesque Jiuzhaigou/Huanglong, Taoist Qingcheng Mount and ancient Dujiangyan Irrigation Project used for more than 2,200 years (World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO), the Buddhist mountains of Emeishan and Leshan (World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO), etc.</p> <p>作为中国最宜居的特大城市之一,成都被认为是一座“慢节奏”和“悠闲”的城市。 麻将麻将、传统茶馆文化已成为当地人生活方式的一部分。<br> 从成都出发,您可以轻松前往周边地区的著名必游景点,包括大凤峡和卧龙大熊猫基地、风景如画的九寨沟/黄龙、道教青城山以及拥有 2200 多年历史的都江堰古水利工程(世界文化 联合国教科文组织遗产)、佛教名山峨眉山、乐山(联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产)等。</p> <img src="style/images/venue/chengdu.jpg" width="1100"><br><br> <p><strong>Top things to do on Chengdu tours </strong><ul> <li>See giant pandas at Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding</li> <li>Discover the mysteries of ancient cultural ruins</li> <li>Taste the authentic Sichuan cuisine along the street, possibly have a cooking class</li> <li>Cultural immersion experience in Chengdu</li> <li>Watch the face-changing show of Sichuan Opera</li> <li>Join a panda keeper program to work as a volunteer</li> <li>Chengdu trip to Leshan Giant Buddha</li> <li>Side trip to Dujiangyan Irrigation Project and Mount Qingcheng</li></ul> </p> <br> <h3>Visa Information</h3> Conference participants may need a Chinese visa to enter China. Specifically, those who are not Chinese citizens, except passport holders from Singapore, Brunei, and Japan, need a Chinese visa. Participants can apply for a visa at the Chinese embassy or consulate in the region in which they live. To avoid uncertainty, participants will be advised to apply for a visa as early as possible. It is recommended that they apply for a Chinese visa at least 1 month in advance.<br> For most attendees, it is easier to apply for a Tourist ("L") visa; an invitation letter is NOT required for obtaining a Tourist visa.<br><br> * Before applying the Chinese VISA, please check the Mutual Visa Exemption list via: <a href=""></a><br> * For more details about Chinese VISA Application, please visit: <a href=""><br></a>. <br><br> <h4>Necessary materials to apply for Chinese Visa</h4> <li>A passport which is valid for at least six months following the date of submission, with an entire blank page available for the visa</li> <li>One Visa Application Form of the People's Republic of China, which is filled clearly with true, authentic and complete information and signed by the applicant</li> <li>One recent, 2 inch full-faced and bareheaded passport photo (the daily life photo, photo copy or digital photo printed on the ordinary paper shall not be accepted)</li> <li>Other materials related to the visa application, deemed as necessary by the visa officer</li><br> For more information, please contact the local Chinese Embassy in your country. Alternatively, participants may ask their travel agents to arrange their travel to China. </div> <p align="left"> <br>温馨提示:请不要随意提供您的银行卡或身份信息,谨防上当受骗。 <br><b>*Note*</b><br>Please note that the hotel will not contact any participants for hotel booking, please be careful when anyone asks you to provide your credit card information to reserve room for you. </font></p> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-6"> <!-- Section: Timeline --> <section class="py-5"> </section> <!-- Section: Timeline --> </div> </div> </div> <footer id="footer" class="mt-0"> <div class="footer-copyright footer-copyright-style-2"> <div class="container py-2"> <div class="row py-4" style="font-size: 18px;"> <div class="col mb-8 mb-lg-0"> <p><span class="STYLE4">© Copyright 2024 IEEE 14th International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems. 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