14th SIES - 2024
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Regitration (Publication & Presentation)</strong></span></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="row-3 odd"> <td class="column-1">Non-Student</td> <td class="column-3"><div align="center"><span class="STYLE3">¥4380 / $600</span></div></td> <td class="column-4"><div align="center"><span class="STYLE3">¥4745 / $650</span></div></td> </tr> <tr class="row-3 odd"> <td class="column-1">IEEE Member</td> <td class="column-3"><div align="center"><span class="STYLE3">¥4015 / $550</span></div></td> <td class="column-4"><div align="center"><span class="STYLE3">¥4380 / $600</span></div></td> </tr> <tr class="row-4 even"> <td class="column-1">Student</td> <td class="column-3"><div align="center"><span class="STYLE3"> ¥3650 / $500</span></div></td> <td class="column-4"><div align="center"><span class="STYLE3"> ¥4015 / $550</span></div></td> </tr> <tr class="row-3 odd"> <td height="41" colspan="4" valign="middle" bgcolor="#F3FAFA" class="column-1"><div align="center"> <div align="center" class="STYLE4"><strong>Abstract Regitration (Presentation Only) </strong></div> </tr> <tr class="row-3 odd"> <td class="column-1">Non-Student</td> <td class="column-3"><div align="center" class="STYLE3"> ¥3139 / $430</div></td> <td class="column-4"><div align="center" class="STYLE3"> ¥3358 / $460</div></td> </tr> <tr class="row-3 odd"> <td class="column-1">IEEE Member</td> <td class="column-3"><div align="center" class="STYLE3">¥2920 / $400</div></td> <td class="column-4"><div align="center" class="STYLE3">¥3139 / $430</div></td> </tr> <tr class="row-4 even"> <td class="column-1">Student</td> <td class="column-3"><div align="center" class="STYLE3"> ¥2774 / $380</div></td> <td class="column-4"><div align="center" class="STYLE3"> ¥2993 / $410</div></td> </tr> <tr class="row-3 odd"> <td height="39" colspan="4" valign="middle" bgcolor="#F3FAFA" class="column-1"><div align="center"><span class="STYLE4"><strong>Extra Fee</strong></span></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="row-4 even"> <td class="column-1">Extra Full Paper<br> <span class="STYLE4">(Same presenter with 2-3 papers)</span></td> <td class="column-3"><div align="center" class="STYLE3">¥3285 / $450</div></td> <td class="column-4"><div align="center" class="STYLE3">¥3650 / $500</div></td> </tr> <tr class="row-4 even"> <td class="column-1">Extra Abstract<br> <span class="STYLE4">(Same presenter with 2-3 papers)</span></td> <td class="column-3"><div align="center" class="STYLE3">¥2555 / $350</div></td> <td class="column-4"><div align="center" class="STYLE3">¥2920 / $400</div></td> </tr> <tr class="row-4 even"> <td class="column-1">Extra Page<br> <span class="STYLE4">(Full paper exceeds 8 pages)</span></td> <td class="column-3"><div align="center" class="STYLE3">¥510 / $70</div></td> <td class="column-4"><div align="center" class="STYLE3">¥510 / $70</div></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br><table> <tr class="row-3 odd"> <td height="39" colspan="4" valign="middle" bgcolor="#F3FAFA" class="column-1"><div align="center"><span class="STYLE4"><strong>Delegate Regitration (No Publication & Presentation)</strong></span></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="row-1 odd"> <th width="286" bgcolor="#333333" class="column-1 STYLE2"> </th> <th width="400" bgcolor="#333333" class="column-3"><div align="center"><span class="STYLE2">Early Bird (before Sep 30th, AoE) </span></div></th> <th width="381" bgcolor="#333333" class="column-4"><div align="center"><span class="STYLE2">Regular Fee</span></div></th> </tr> <tr class="row-3 odd"> <td width="284" class="column-1">Non-Student</td> <td width="401" class="column-3"><div align="center" class="STYLE3">¥2410 / $330</div></td> <td width="380" class="column-4"><div align="center" class="STYLE3">¥2736 / $380</div></td> </tr> <tr class="row-3 odd"> <td class="column-1">IEEE Member</td> <td class="column-3"><div align="center" class="STYLE3"> ¥2190 / $300</div></td> <td class="column-4"><div align="center" class="STYLE3"> ¥2520 / $350</div></td> </tr> <tr class="row-4 even"> <td class="column-1">Student</td> <td class="column-3"><div align="center" class="STYLE3">¥2040 / $280</div></td> <td class="column-4"><div align="center" class="STYLE3">¥2378 / $330</div></td> </tr></table><br> <span class="STYLE5">* Panda Base: 10 USD/person is required. </span> <hr> <p>* Full time students MUST provide valid proofs (copy of a valid student ID card or a letter from their institutions or program directors) by e-mail when submitting their registration and payment.<br> * Each paper must have at least one registration. Registrations without appropriate payment will not be honored until the full payment is received. A confirmation of registration will be sent upon full payment.<br> * The accommodation is excluded from registration fee, the delegate is subject to book accommodation by yourself.<br> * The organizing committee will not ask delegates to provide credit card information for any purpose. The registration will be completed only via conference system. Please be alert.</p> <p> <h4 class="STYLE1">Refund Policy</h4> </p> <p>If a registrant is unable to attend an event for any reason, they may substitute, by arrangement with the registrar, someone else of co-authors or from the same institute/organization. Written requests for cancellations must be sent to the Conference Secretary via e-mail.<br> In case of cancellation, partial cancellation or modification the following fees apply:<br> <table width="1100" border="0"> <tr> <td width="32" height="59" valign="top">1)</td> <td width="1058" valign="top">Conference registration may be canceled with full refund (less a $30 processing fee) provided written notification is received any time up until three (3) months prior to the conference start date.</td> </tr> <tr> <td height="65" valign="top">2)</td> <td valign="top">A 70% refund is available for conference registration provided written notification is received between three (3) months and two (2) months prior to the conference start date.</td> </tr> <tr> <td height="59" valign="top">3)</td> <td valign="top">A 50% refund is available for conference registration provided written notification is received between two (2) months and one (1) month prior to the conference start date.</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">4)</td> <td valign="top">No refunds will be granted within one (1) month of the conference start date.</td> </tr> </table> <p> <h4 class="STYLE1">No Show</h4> <p>In the event of no-show, the delegate will, in all cases, be required to pay 100% of the value (including VAT).</p> <p> <h4 class="STYLE1">Personal Reason</h4> <p>The organizer cannot refund or pay any compensation where could not attend the conference is prevented by reason of circumstances which amount to “personal reason”. Such as travel difficulties, visa problems, health issues, financial default etc.</p> <p> <h4 class="STYLE1">Force Majeure</h4> <p>The organizer cannot accept responsibility, refund or pay any compensation where the performance of the conference is prevented or affected by reason of circumstances which amount to “force majeure”. Circumstances amounting to “force majeure” include any event which we could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid. Such circumstances include the fire, flood, explosion, storm or other weather damage, break-in, criminal damage, riots or civil strife, industrial action, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions, war or threat of war, actual or threatened terrorist activity, epidemic and all similar situations beyond our control.</p> <p> <h4 class="STYLE1">Date and Place Statement </h4> <p>The organizer has the right to change the date and place of the conference under the reason of amount to “force majeure” circumstances. The participants of the conference are obliged to cooperate with the organizer's change and refund policy.</p> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-6"> <!-- Section: Timeline --> <section class="py-5"> </section> <!-- Section: Timeline --> </div> </div> </div> <footer id="footer" class="mt-0"> <div class="footer-copyright footer-copyright-style-2"> <div class="container py-2"> <div class="row py-4" style="font-size: 18px;"> <div class="col mb-8 mb-lg-0"> <p><span class="STYLE4">© Copyright 2024 IEEE 14th International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems. All Rights Reserved</span>.</p> </div> <div class="col mb-2 offset-lg-1 mb-lg-0"> <p align="right">Contact: <a href=""></a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </footer> </div> <!-- Vendor --> <script src="style/js/plugins.min.js"></script> <!-- Theme Base, Components and Settings --> <script src="style/js/theme.js"></script> <script src="style/js/header.js"></script> <!-- Theme Custom --> <script src="style/js/custom.js"></script> <!-- Theme Initialization Files --> <script src="style/js/theme.init.js"></script> </div> </body> </html>