Recovery 2.0 - Battery Energy Storage
<html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <meta name="Battery Storage" content="energy intense recovery of resources, waste as a resource"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""> <title>Recovery 2.0 - Battery Energy Storage</title> </head> <body> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#660066" text="#000000" vlink="#660066"> <div class="box"> <center> <a href=""> <img border="0" alt="" src="" width="200"></a> </center> </div> <a name="top"></a> <div class="box"> <center> <B>Recovery 2.0</B> <br> <font size="6"> <b>Battery Energy Storage</b> </font> <br> <br> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="recovery2.0" border="0"></a> </center> </div> <div class="box"> <center> <a href="">Battery Banks</a> <br> <a href="">Chemical Battery</a> <a href="">Flow Battery</a> <br> <a href="">Capacitor Banks</a> <br> <br> <a href="">Energy Storage</a> </center> </div> <a name="default"></a> <div class="box"> <center> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="default" border="0"></a> </center> </div> <a name="battery_power"></a> <div class="box"> <center> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="default" border="0"></a> </center> </div> <a name="battery"></a> <div class="box"> <p> <B>Battery Banks</B> <br> The concept of a Battery Bank as a form of Energy storage that saves energy within a "battery system" for release at a later time to be converted into electricity. <br> Common forms of battery storage include the Traditional <a href="">Chemical Battery</a>, and a newer approach of the <a href="">Flow Battery</a> along with the development of <a href="">Capacitor Banks</a>. Additional forms of <a href="">energy storage</a> may also be commonly referred to as batteries while others use a different name to classify the types of storage. <br> <br> A typical Recovery 2.0 Waste Recovery system has the flexibility to designate modular vaults to house the individual battery types or combination of batteries of desired choice. The modular battery banks may be expanded to meet the desired capacity of storage required. </p> </div> <a name="bess"></a> <div class="box"> <center> <a href=""> <img src="" border="0" alt="electrolytic_cell" width="200"></a> </center> </div> <div class="box"> <p> <B>Chemical Battery</B> <br> Traditional <a href="">Chemical Batteries</a> come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and flavors, from the common consumer based alkaline household batteries to the familiar lead/acid automotive battery on to the more exotic species of electronics batteries that contain lithium, nickel, cadmium or a wide variety of elements. <br> <br> No matter what type of chemical battery used in a Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) the function is the same, to store an electrical charge for retrieval at a later time. <br> Chemical Batteries tend to be compact in nature and therefore are ideal for portable or vehicle transportation use cases. Lithium Ion Battery, Lithium Ferrophosphate LFP Battery, Lead/Acid Battery, a variety of other combinations of content materials such as Sodium, Nickel, Zinc, Iron. </p> </div> <a name="biobattery"></a> <div class="box"> <p> <B>Bio-Battery</B> <br> An Organic Bio-Battery may be constructed to extract energy from waste materials such as glucose based materials. One additional alternative option is the configuration of an <a href="">electrolysis</a> system in the form of Microbial Fuel Cells to harvest energy from waste water. </p> </div> <a name="flow"></a> <div class="box"> <center> <a href=""> <img src="" border="0" alt="electrolytic_cell" width="200"></a> <br> <a href=""><i>click to expand</i></a> </center> </div> <div class="box"> <p> <B>Flow Battery</B> <br> Exploring the field of <a href="">Redox flow</a> battery systems which are better suited for stationary storage applications, where modular <a href="">electrolysis</a> units or electrolytic cells are located in proximity to storage tanks for electrolyte medium that may be pumped threw the power conversion cell stacks. <br> <br> These types of systems may be charged, discharged or recharged on a reversible cycle basis and may be easily expanded by increasing the electrolyte storage capacity. Most Flow battery systems rely on a ion exchange membrane. <br> <br> Flow Battery systems may be developed using a wide range of elements. Current ventures are pursuing applications based on such materials as vanadium, zinc, manganese, carbon or iron electrolyte & electrolytic material combinations. </p> </div> <a name="capacitor"></a> <div class="box"> <p> <B>Capacitor Banks</B> <br> As a part of a smart energy management system the use of a capacitor bank is one method to achieve an interim dispatch or routing terminal. <br> Options for variable charge and discharge, with any combination of shallow or deep and slow or rapid cycles maintains a longevity of infinite cycling with little or no degradation. <br> <br> A Capacitor Bank provides an efficient method for the consolidation and interim storage of the energy accumulated from any quantity of arrays of <a href="">Energy Harvesting Modules</a>. </p> </div> <a name="ultimate_capacitors"></a> <div class="box"> <p> <B>Ultimate Capacitors</B> <br> Exploring the potential use of Capacitors as a storage buffer between generation and consumption presents some exciting options. Storage of energy in the form of an electric charge may be extremely desirable, if a storage media or device can be devised. Charge storage would eliminate the need for energy conversion and related conversion losses associated with other forms of storage. Losses may be reduced or limited to the charge/discharge dispatch cycle which appear to be quite efficient. <br> If capacitors can hold or maintain a charge for a long duration of time without self discharge losses this would be ideal. <br> <br> As an example, if a capacitor device could hold 100 kw hours of storage and if that energy could be distributed, let's say at a rate of 1 kw per hour than you would have a storage device capable of storing 100 hours of dispatchable storage. <br> If this system could be scaled up to a megawatt or gigawatt scale then this would be an <B>Ultimate Capacitor</B> energy storage system. <br> <br> If energy can be scavenged or <a href="">harvested</a> at any <a href="">scale</a> and accumulated or <a href="">consolidated</a> into a storage <a href="">bank</a> then an effective solution may be developed as a part of our energy management future. </p> </div> <a name="storage"></a> <div class="box"> <center> <a href=""> <img border="0" alt="" src=""></a> </center> </div> <a name="path"></a> <div class="box"> <p> <b>Energy Storage</b> <br> <a name="sidestream"></a> - <a href="">Battery Banks</a> <br> - <a href="">Thermal Energy Storage</a> <br> - <a href="">Compressed Air Storage</a> <br> - <a href="">Exothermic Element Storage</a> <br> <a name="regeneration"></a> <br> <b>Short Cycle Regeneration</b> <br> <a name="hydro"></a> - <a href="">Hydro Energy</a> <br> <a name="wind"></a> - <a href="">Wind Energy</a> <br> <a name="gravity"></a> - <a href="">Gravity Energy</a> <br> <a name="gradient"></a> - <a href="">Gradient Energy</a> <br> <a name="energy_sources"></a> <br> <b>Energy Sources</b> <a name="solar"></a> <br> - <a href="">Solar</a> <br> <a name="electricity"></a> - <a href="">Electricity</a> <br> <a name="waste_heat"></a> - <a href="">Waste Heat</a> <br>   - <a href="">Optional Sidestreams</a> <br> <br> <b>Understanding Energy & Recovery</b> <br> - <a href="">Energy as a Commodity</a> <br> - <a href="">Recovered Energy</a> </p> </div> <div class="box"> <hr width="50%" color="#cccccc"> </div> <div class="box"> <center> <a href="">Desalination</a> <a href="">Brine</a> <a href="">Water Purification</a> <br> <a href="">Resource Recovery</a> <br> <br> <a href="">Bio-Refining</a> <a href="">High Temperature Refining</a> <br> <a href="">Hot Gas Refining</a> <br> </center> </div> <div class="box"> <br> <center> <a href=""> <IMG width"300" SRC=""></a> <br> Ask Your Recycling Questions </center> </div> <div class="box"> <center> <a href="">The 4 R's</a> <a href="">Events</a> <a href="">Markets</a> <br> <font color="#FFFFFF" size="-3"> Monday, 23-Dec-2024 14:28:00 EST - 395 </font> <br> <a href="">WebMaster FeedBack</a> <a href="">Privacy Policy</a> <a href="">Home</a> </center> </div> <div class="box"> <hr width="50%" color="#cccccc"> </div> <div class="box"> <center> <a href=""> <IMG SRC="" width="300"></a> <br> is part of the Cooksmill NetSystem <a href="">network</a> of websites </center> </div> </body> </html>