Reviews - PillPack

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Nothing runs out — and I’m healthier for that.</p> <p class="hero-quote-label">Bryce, 69</p> </blockquote> </div> <div class="rv-hero-art-mod"> </div> </section> <section class="pp-section pp-section--charts"> <div class="section-inner pp-inner--split"> <div class="pp-split-mod pp-txt-mod"> <p class="section-subh">Customer Recommended</p> <h2 class="hero-h">People love PillPack</h2> <p class="large section-p">Our customers rate our service higher than the average pharmacy.</p> <p class="list-p">Based on Net Promoter Score</p> </div> <div class="pp-txt-mod--secondary"> <div class="inline-central-mod inline-items-mod no-break pp-rec-chart"> <div class="inline-item"> <p class="hero-h pp-chart-bar pp-bar--pillpack"><span class="amt">80</span></p> <p class="section-subh pp-chart-label">PillPack</p> </div> <div class="inline-item"> <p class="hero-h pp-chart-bar pp-bar--avg"><span class="amt">26</span></p> <p class="section-subh">Average</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="pp-section--testimonials pp-section--wavy pp-section--wavy-top"> <div class="section-inner"> <div class="pp-split--header"> <h2 class="section-h">What our customers say</h2> </div> <div class="pp-quotewrapper"> <div class="pp-quote--grid"> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Marguerite</span> <span class="card-meta">Cleveland, OH</span> <p>If I need something in a hurry, they make sure i receive it in the next morning shipment!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Joy</span> <span class="card-meta">Gardnerville, NV</span> <p>AMAZING....especially not going to pick the meds up, and not having to worry about the snow....I love the service so much as well. THANK YOU</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">James</span> <span class="card-meta">Tallahassee, FL</span> <p>I love PillPack, they contact my doctor for refills and include pertinent information about my medications</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Vera</span> <span class="card-meta">Burlington, NJ</span> <p>My meds always come in on time. If need something changed, I'll have it next day. It's so very very easy. Please don't ever change.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Lei</span> <span class="card-meta">Philadelphia, PA</span> <p>I no longer have to be taken several times a month to pharmacy where I must stand in long lines to get my medication</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Patricia</span> <span class="card-meta">Lake Wales, FL</span> <p>It is hard for me to go out and PillPack has made life easier.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Patricia</span> <span class="card-meta">Elgin, SC</span> <p>I'm glad all 7 of my RX come at one time, that means I don't have worry about missing one. I don't have to keep up with that. Takes the worry out of getting all 7 Rx's in that month!! Thank you for that,I have told a few friends about PillPack and they still thank me for doing so!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Robert</span> <span class="card-meta">North Port, FL</span> <p>Everything is always taken care of. No more hassles.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Cathy</span> <span class="card-meta">Bullhead City, AZ</span> <p>Your service is the best thing there is</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Roberta</span> <span class="card-meta">Winchester, VA</span> <p>I don’t have to find a ride to get my pills as they come to my house.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Robert</span> <span class="card-meta">Fort Myers, FL</span> <p>Keeps me up to date. Don't have to open bottles. Wonderful service!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Joseph</span> <span class="card-meta">Helmetta, NJ</span> <p>No more stacks of pill bottles, having endless messages for refills from the pharmacy, no doctor calls confirming medications, no more standing in the 'hostage' pharmacy line with people coughing and sneezing, no waiting at the drive-thru.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Sandra</span> <span class="card-meta">Graniteville, SC</span> <p>It is so convenient that I can't understand why everyone doesn't get PillPack!!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Suzanne</span> <span class="card-meta">Keeling, VA</span> <p>No more standing in time consuming lines. PillPack's customer service is incredible!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Mickie</span> <span class="card-meta">Edgerton, OH</span> <p>It makes it easier to get my pills for the next day. Not having to deal with pill bottles is a godsend</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Edward</span> <span class="card-meta">San Diego, CA</span> <p>I no longer have to wait at the pharmacy — I have more time for breakfast on Sunday morning!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Diane</span> <span class="card-meta">Syracuse, IN</span> <p>I don't have to worry about how I'm going to get my meds. The people are so helpful and help get things done.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Gary</span> <span class="card-meta">Davenport, FL</span> <p>Pills are always available at the correct time. Do not have to go through many pill bottles every week to sort weekly medications. Best idea ever for a patient who takes a lot of meds!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Myrtle</span> <span class="card-meta">Sarasota, FL</span> <p>I don't have to open 6 different pill bottles every morning...all my pills are in one small pak..the packs are all dated so I don't have to worry whether or not I've taken my medicine</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Vicki</span> <span class="card-meta">Forney, TX</span> <p>I don’t need to prepare a weeks worth of pills. I can just do them daily - It's great</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Rhonda</span> <span class="card-meta">Sandwich, IL</span> <p>I love PillPack! I have alarms set on my phone that matches the times on my packets to take my meds. If I am going to be gone for the day I just tear off the packets for the time I will be out. I don't have to carry all my individual bottles with me or worry about forgetting any of my medicine.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Doreen</span> <span class="card-meta">Haxtun, CO</span> <p>I'm a registered nurse. It just takes the stress off to know my orders are going to be delivered on time or I don't have to run somewhere to pick them up.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Michael</span> <span class="card-meta">Umatilla, FL</span> <p>I dont have to think about my medication ever.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Lanie</span> <span class="card-meta">Santa Fe, TX</span> <p>I don't have to deal with pill bottles for most of my prescriptions anymore. With them packaged, it's easier to take them and to remember to take them. Also, I don't have to go to a pharmacy every month to pick them up since they're shipped to me.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Wannetta</span> <span class="card-meta">Beggs, OK</span> <p>At one time I had a problem with my bank account and PillPack worked with me on getting my bill payed and was very patient and kind!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Harry</span> <span class="card-meta">Houston, TX</span> <p>Awesome - love how easy it is to open pills</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Terry</span> <span class="card-meta">Tumwater, WA</span> <p>I don't have to stand in line at the Rx all the time!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Gail</span> <span class="card-meta">Plattsburg, NY</span> <p>PillPack saves a lot of time and frustration.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Charlena</span> <span class="card-meta">Portland, OR</span> <p>I love it - so much easier to remember to take my meds. I have so much more time with my son.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Denise</span> <span class="card-meta">Fremont, NH</span> <p>I used a mail order pharmacy before, but I got individual bottles of pills and had to fill pill cases weekly. I'm disabled with use of only one hand. I'd get the case all filled, then have a tremor and dump them on the floor, or need to have someone check them for me. With PillPack I've never had a mistake. Plus they call in refills to my doctor, only contacting me if my doctor's office isn't responsive in a timely fashion.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Michael</span> <span class="card-meta">Oakdale, PA</span> <p>I get my pills every month on time all the time.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Keith</span> <span class="card-meta">Cincinnati, OH</span> <p>I don’t have to find a ride to go get my meds - it comes right to me</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Paul</span> <span class="card-meta">Arcadia, FL</span> <p>No drive to pickup. Individually wrapped, no confusion with instructions. PillPack handles everything.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Cheryl</span> <span class="card-meta">Chattanooga, TN</span> <p>I love the home delivery of my meds in daily packets already sorted for me. No more sorting pills for day time and night time doses with those little pill boxes. I can focus on other things and don't have to worry about refilling my medications.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Anne</span> <span class="card-meta">Phoenix, AZ</span> <p>I receive all my medicine in one order with PillPack and with my old pharmacy I had to wait for some to be filled.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Wendy</span> <span class="card-meta">Bristow, VA</span> <p>I can travel easier with PillPack because I can just take what I need. It's also easier to start and stop a prescription than at a pharmacy.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Rita</span> <span class="card-meta">Benson, AZ</span> <p>I have more time to relax a bit more with PillPack. I have less stress and more time with grandkids & family. PillPack is a lifesaver!!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Connie</span> <span class="card-meta">Jeffersonville, IN</span> <p>I wished I knew about this product years ago. Taking care of my mother-in-law and father-in-law it took a good half hour just to load their little pill box for the week. This is a God Send. Thank you for creating it and sharing with me.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Joyce</span> <span class="card-meta">Toms River, KY</span> <p>PillPack went the extra mile to check on my insurance being changed and they always send my meds on time.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Veronica</span> <span class="card-meta">Jacksonville, FL</span> <p>l have trouble opening bottles due to atherosclerotic pain and the packets are easy to tear open. l have my mother using it and she also loves it</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Judith</span> <span class="card-meta">Bismarck, ND</span> <p>I have recommended PillPack two doctors, nurses family and friends.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Sarah</span> <span class="card-meta">Morganton, NC</span> <p>Love home delivery, convenient and less waste of packaging</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Mary</span> <span class="card-meta">Spring, TX</span> <p>I do not wait forever to pick up my medicine. I do not wonder if I have taken my pills. I showed my PillPack to my doctor and she was so pleased to learn about it!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Elizabeth</span> <span class="card-meta">Pittsboro, IN</span> <p>I've always been bad about remembering to take my meds. Now no problem! Thank you so much for the convenience for not happening to go to the pharmacy constantly.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Clinton</span> <span class="card-meta">New York, NY</span> <p>Your customer service personnel are invariably polite, articulate and helpful - what all customer service ought to be.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Anita</span> <span class="card-meta">Fayetteville, NC</span> <p>I love the PillPack service and always recommend it to people I know who have to take several medications. I no longer have to waste time sorting and organizing my medications every day or every week. It is all done for me by PillPack! My medications come presorted and labeled for the times and days that I need to take them. I just put the packets of medications that I need for the day in my purse, and I am ready to go!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Linda</span> <span class="card-meta">Clarksville, TN</span> <p>No waiting in long lines at pharmacy. Having my medication delivered to my home. I love it!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Marylou</span> <span class="card-meta">Venice, FL</span> <p>My husband and I just returned from a cruise and it was so wonderful to to be able to just take the required packets with me. So very convenient and already sorted properly. I couldn’t be happier.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Nancy</span> <span class="card-meta">Athens, TN</span> <p>I never have to worry about whether I have taken my meds anymore. all I have to do it look at the date and time and know. and it comes right to my door. no going out ...using gas....waiting in line... I love this service</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Jon</span> <span class="card-meta">Tallahassee, FL</span> <p>I've always like the convenience or having my meds delivered to my door and how I can easily communicate with PillPack over the phone app and if I have to over the phone. Always very professional help.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Sarah</span> <span class="card-meta">Norridge, IL</span> <p>The whole experience has made life so much easier taking care of my mother in law !</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Carol</span> <span class="card-meta">North Wilkesboro, NC</span> <p>The PillPacks are the best. It is much easier to keep all my meds straight and not make mistakes. You always have your meds on time. The staff is very friendly and helpful.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Shirley</span> <span class="card-meta">Gotha, FL</span> <p>It is liberating to spend literally no/zero time sorting, counting and organizing pills.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Katherine</span> <span class="card-meta">Topsham, VT</span> <p>I live in a rural area, quite a distance away from pharmacy. Getting mail delivery of my medications saves me time, energy and money.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Carroll</span> <span class="card-meta">Auburn, NY</span> <p>I save a lot of time now. I've started to do my hair again — I love PillPack!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Diane</span> <span class="card-meta">Deming, NM</span> <p>Being a full time RVer, no matter where we are or what time of year, I will receive my medication. Because we travel all over the United States, PillPack allows me to do so. They send me an email to let me know my next shipment will be sent soon, that’s when I call to let them know where we are.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Cynthia</span> <span class="card-meta">Largo, FL</span> <p>Prescriptions are available on a regular basis with no delays for counting and sorting pills. Your customer service personnel are always polite and helpful and accommodating.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Kathleen</span> <span class="card-meta">Perrysburg, OH</span> <p>I don't have to figure out when i need to take my medication it is already and marked. Everyone is always courteous and helpful. It's nice to talk to friendly and accommodating, as well as professional people.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Suzanne</span> <span class="card-meta">Keeling, VA</span> <p>It had simplified my prescription needs in a fantastic box with dosing packets, loving this experience!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Laurie</span> <span class="card-meta">Parker, CO</span> <p>I can keep track of my meds easier and don't forget them. Life is so easy with PillPack and my meds are organized and easily accessible.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Keith</span> <span class="card-meta">Toms River, NJ</span> <p>I no longer have to go bottle to bottle for my medications, especially when i have to take so much medicine twice a day. I was forgetting to take my meds when they were in the bottles. You get your meds in clear packages. For me, I open three packets in the AM then two at night. With PillPack, I don't forget to take my medications and it makes it things easier.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Constance</span> <span class="card-meta">Allentown, PA</span> <p>If need to call they are always so nice and helpful</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Lou Ann</span> <span class="card-meta">De Leon, TX</span> <p>Everybody is so helpful.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Harold</span> <span class="card-meta">Phoenix, AZ</span> <p>It has made my life so much easier. One less thing to do on Sunday night as I get ready for the week. This is by far and away the easiest and best way to keep up with my meds.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">David</span> <span class="card-meta">Palm Springs, CA</span> <p>I know that I'm taking the correct medication at the correct time.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">George</span> <span class="card-meta">Saint Petersburg, FL</span> <p>There is always so much to do that PillPack relieves the pressure which is a great thing. Also, they have the nicest and most understanding, helpful people working for them. Thanks to all of them for brightening my life a little.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Patrick</span> <span class="card-meta">Bellingham, WA</span> <p>Incredibly convenient</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Glenda</span> <span class="card-meta">Tallahassee, FL</span> <p>I love not having to drive to drugstore. I can go straight home from work without having to go and stand in lines for my prescriptions.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Nancy</span> <span class="card-meta">Pontiac, MI</span> <p>I'm so glad I decided to try PillPack. It has helped make my life easier and I can stay in my home with very little assistance. Plus PillPack addresses all questions and needs promptly. They are also very understanding and take more time with me than the drug store staff ever did in the past.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Judy</span> <span class="card-meta">Palm Springs, CA</span> <p>Everyone is so pleasant & you're so accessible!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Sherry</span> <span class="card-meta">Mount Vernon, MO</span> <p>Traveling is a breeze - no more bottles. I love PillPack</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">David</span> <span class="card-meta">Palm Springs, CA</span> <p>I know that I’m taking the correct medication at the correct time. Amazing customer service!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Nadine</span> <span class="card-meta">Saint Petersburg, FL</span> <p>As caregiver for my husband I appreciate the timely renewals of his nine RX's, not to mention standing in line to pick them up or the time spent every week getting the next weeks pills ready for his daily routine.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Patricia</span> <span class="card-meta">Headland, AL</span> <p>I would recommend PillPack to anyone, you will not regret using them. There's always a friendly helpful staff if you need to speak to someone.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Jane</span> <span class="card-meta">Selbyville, DE</span> <p>My daughter and I take so many meds, and my hands don't work as well as before. Sorting pills had become a hard job. Thanks to Pillpack, that job is now easy. The staff is wonderful, so sweet. The packaging is beautiful !!!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Ellen</span> <span class="card-meta">Holland, PA</span> <p>I don't have to remember to renew, it just shows up on my doorstep once a month</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Lisa</span> <span class="card-meta">Tulsa, OK</span> <p>I have more time with my granddaughter instead of going and standing in line at the pharmacy</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Sandra</span> <span class="card-meta">Brainerd, MN</span> <p>When I was filling my own weekly pill containers I took frequent "drug holidays" because I hated that pesky task. Since I started PillPack my compliance with my drug regime is close to 100% and Sunday evenings are free of the division game. I have recommended it to several people. Thank you for this service.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Arleen</span> <span class="card-meta">Ypsilanti, MI</span> <p>I no longer have to spend time sorting and putting pills in containers to use for the following weeks at a time. I take quite a few medications, so it saves a chunk of time. Also, it is easier on my arthritic hands not having to handle small and sometimes slippery pills, tablets and capsules!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Patsy</span> <span class="card-meta">Coal City, IL</span> <p>My meds are delivered right to my door. I am notified when to expect them and what is inside. They are on time. When I call there, the staff is always very polite and helpful.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Heather</span> <span class="card-meta">Bruce, WI</span> <p>I think PillPack is a life changer because you don't have to worry about forgetting to take all your medicine and you don't have to worry about forgetting to reorder your medicine. All my medication is mailed to me every month. I don't have to drive all over town to pick up my medication.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Marsha</span> <span class="card-meta">Berea, KY</span> <p>If you are thinking about giving PillPack a try, I promise you won't regret it. I just love, love, love this service, plus it costs me less than it did at my local pharmacy. If you are looking for a recommendation you definitely have mine.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Betty</span> <span class="card-meta">No Mankato, MN</span> <p>It's so nice not to have to go to town to get my pills.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Virginia</span> <span class="card-meta">Atlanta, GA</span> <p>My pills are all together in one envelope. I do not to worry about whether I took a pill or not. This avoids overdosage or underdosage. I love PillPack!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Sacajuwea</span> <span class="card-meta">Petersburg, VA</span> <p>I wanted to thank every person I have spoken with on the phone. The people are really kind and professional. I am used to being rushed or pharmacists complaining that I wasn't speaking loud enough. You don't know how much this means to me. I will refer your pharmacy to anyone I meet or know because you really make it easy. I enjoy PillPack so much! Again thank you from the bottom of my heart and please, please, please keep up the good work!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Jack</span> <span class="card-meta">Sumner, WA</span> <p>No brainer - cut off packet and take pills without extra work . If you're on a trip, just take the amount of pills required for the days you are on the road from home, it's that easy.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Cindy</span> <span class="card-meta">Akron, OH</span> <p>PillPack is so awesome. I love my meds coming straight to my doorstep and always on time. I cannot go out in the cold so I dont have to worry about how I am going to get my meds. I tell all my family and friends about PillPack.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">George</span> <span class="card-meta">Rosamond, CA</span> <p>Don't have to drive 24 miles round trip too the drug store</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Brooke</span> <span class="card-meta">Port Angeles, WA</span> <p>My meds are all together in one little packet and I don't have to worry about putting them together in a pill container. It is also easy to pack what you need when traveling.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Jennifer</span> <span class="card-meta">Cedartown, GA</span> <p>Not having to open pill bottles at all, is THE major reason that PillPack has made my life easier. I have been a voice for PillPack everywhere I go. I have carried PillPack brochures to all my doctor's offices, other pharmacies, and to friends/family. This company is AWESOME! Thank you, PillPack for changing how meds are handled, forever!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Joseph</span> <span class="card-meta">Chicago, IL</span> <p>Very convenient!! Almost never forget to take medications. Pills in handy tiny pouch make transporting while traveling a breeze.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Barbara</span> <span class="card-meta">Brooklyn, MD</span> <p>I don't drive anymore so it is so much easier with PillPack to have my pills delivered rather than to have to find someone to go to the pharmacy to pick them up. I have recommended to my Doctors as well as other people to at least give this a try, I know they will love this service as much as I do.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Sylvia</span> <span class="card-meta">Pinehurst, TX</span> <p>I like the idea that my medicine is in little indivial packages. It makes it so easy to tear off each day</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Ronda</span> <span class="card-meta">Mobile, AL</span> <p>I travel a lot and when my meds are in PillPacks I get through TSA and customs very quickly without any hassle. Foreign customs agents used to search each bottle and make sure that each pill in the bottle were the same; now they just look at the PillPack and I am cleared to go through almost immediately. I love it!!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Jann</span> <span class="card-meta">Vero Beach, FL</span> <p>PillPack is a God send!! I love the ability to easily manage both my husband's medications and my own. The on-line process is so timely and very easy. I can print off lists to take to the Doctor's office. I can quickly see how much we are spending. They have consistently arrived on time. I don't think I can say enough how much PillPack has helped me out. Thank you,thank you. I tell everyone I know about you. If ever you start using the service, you will never want to go back to the old way. No waiting in lines, no leaving the house in the rain etc. Thank you.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Narendra</span> <span class="card-meta">Atlantic City, NJ</span> <p>It is really more convenient than previous pharmacy. I love this service.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Brooks</span> <span class="card-meta">Gillette, WY</span> <p>Don't get confused about my medication.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Dorothy</span> <span class="card-meta">Monroe, WA</span> <p>I know if I forgot to take my medicine because each day is printed on the package. I don't have to worry about calling in my refills or going to the pharmacy.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Graham</span> <span class="card-meta">North Richland Hills, TX</span> <p>Quite simply convenience is the best part of PillPack. It saves me a trip to the pharmacy and I don't have to fiddle with bottles or pill containers! It’s easy!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Wendy</span> <span class="card-meta">Mount Pleasant, WI</span> <p>The associates at PillPack are easy to communicate with using the app. I can "chat" and get answers right away.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote class="pp-card"> <span class="card-attr">Diane</span> <span class="card-meta">Gurnee, IL</span> <p>When you have chronic migraines, anytime you don't have to do more stuff when you are feeling lousy is a good thing. I don't have to keep on top of all my bottle of meds and go running to the pharmacy to get more.</p> </blockquote> </div> </div> <div class="inline-central-mod inline-items-mod"> <div class="inline-item"> <button aria-hidden="true" class="read-more-button" data-showmore=".pp-quotewrapper">+ Read more</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="pp-section--cta"> <div class="pp-cta-txt-mod"> <h1 class="section-h">Switch to a simpler pharmacy today</h1> <a href="" class="fill large pp-cta-button">Get Started</a> <p class="pp-cta-phone-label"><strong>Prefer to sign up over the phone?</strong> Speak to a PillPack advisor today.</p> <a href="tel:18557455725" class="outline-dark pp-cta-button"> 855–745–5725 </a> </div> </section> </main> <footer class="footer--primary"> <div class="footer-inner"> <div class="footer-branding-mod"> <div class="footer-logo-mod"> <a href="/"> <img alt="PillPack Logo" src="/images/pp-az-logo-c037f2bac1.png"> </a> </div> <div class="footer-contact-mod"> <a 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