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See our Compliance-page.</h3> <a href="/en/compliance/" class="btn btn-info">Go to Compliance</a> </div> <h2>Your personal information</h2> <p>As a hosting provider, one of our most important tasks is to secure your data that you entrust us and that you always live up the security demands from your customers. But we don't only just ensure the security of your customer's data, we also take good care of the personal data we have collected from you when you became a customer with us.</p> <p>In the following is given a description of's privacy policy, with information about which types of personal information we collect, when this happens, and how we process your personal information.</p> <p>When you enter into agreement with A/S or use our website, you accept that A/S processes your personal information according to applicable law on the protection of personal information and this privacy policy.</p> <p>Management and relevant personel at have access to the information about you which is registered.</p> <p>The data controller for personal information which is collected upon the sale of products, use of services, or use of the website, is:</p> <p> A/S, H酶jvangen 4, 8660 Skanderborg, Danmark, VAT-no: DK-29412006</p> <h3>What is personal information?</h3> <p>The term personal data covers all information that may be used to identify a person, including but not limited to his first and last name, age, gender, personal address or other physical address, e-mail address or other contact information.</p> <h3>What personal information do we collect?</h3> <p>If you want to buy and receive products or services from, we need to collect certain personal information to complete the transaction and to offer you our services.</p> <p>When you are being asked to provide personal data, you have the right to reject. If you choose not to supply the personal data that are necessary to be able to offer you a product or service, will you not be able to use the corresponding product or service.</p> <h4> collects and processes your personal data when, on our website, you do any of the following:</h4> <ol> <li>Completing a purchase of our products or order one of our services.</li> <li>Creating a customer account</li> <li>Subscribe to our newsletter</li> <li>Creating a support ticket</li> </ol> <p>If you begin an order at, which is not completed, we delete the information we have stored about you after 30 days.</p> <h4>When you purchase a product on, we collect the following data:</h4> <ol> <li>Name</li> <li>Address</li> <li>Country</li> <li>Phonenumber</li> <li>Email</li> <li>Company name</li> <li>VAT-number</li> <li>IP address</li> <li>Credit card type</li> <li>Credit card-token</li> </ol> <h4>You can optionally provide the following personal information in your control panel:</h4> <ol> <li>Google User ID</li> <li>GitHub User ID</li> <li>Mobile phone number</li> <li>Social security number</li> </ol> <h2>What do we use your personal information for?</h2> <h3>Legal basis</h3> <p>We may process your personal data on one or more of the following bases:</p> <ul> <li>Where we have obtained consent</li> <li>In order to prepare a contract or for the performance of a contract</li> <li>If processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation</li> <li>If processing is necessary for us to pursue a legitimate interest</li> </ul> <h3>Your ordinary contact information</h3> <p>We collect general contact information such as first and last name, email address, postal address, delivery address, telephone number and other similar contact data in order to provide the product or services that you have purchased from us. We collect your e-mail address to send you an order confirmation, as well as information and operational status relating to your product.</p> <p>When you pay for your product, we collect your card details, name, and IP address. The information collected during the payment transaction is used and stored only for the purpose of processing the payment and fulfilling the agreement entered.</p> <p>We collect your social security number in relation to domain registration if required by the domain administrator.</p> <p>We use your contact information to provide you with effective customer service and support. For example, if you have questions for us, we use your contact information to identify your customer account.</p> <p>We use collected data to communicate with you. We may contact you by email or other means to discuss the status of your products, notify you that a subscription is ending, ask you to perform an action to keep your account open, or similar.</p> <p>We have a legitimate interest in being able to develop, market and improve the products and services we offer. Therefore, we use personal data in the setup and maintenance of our products and services, in context to our marketing activities, and we may use personal data for troubleshooting and administrative purposes. Your IP address is used for tracking, troubleshooting and statistical purposes to further develop and improve the website.</p> <h3>Passwords</h3> <p>To provide optimal security, all customers' passwords are stored either encrypted, or as hash value.</p> <h3>Newsletters</h3> <p>If you during a registration process or through our web page have given you approval, we will use your email in a send out of a newsletter.</p> <p>You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. All newsletter emails also include a link to unsubscribe.</p> <p>If the use of your personal data is based on your acceptance, then you have the right to retract the acceptance at any time.</p> <h3>Logging your IP address</h3> <p>We log your IP address to check unauthorized use or abuse of our products and services or in other ways detect, investigate or prohibit activities that can violate our policies or be illegal.</p> <p>Such treatment will take place as part of our legitimate interest as data controller.</p> <p>The data is used to analyze trends, administrate or optimize offerings and to monitor the use of our webpage.</p> <p>We store your personal data on our own servers, located in physical data centers in Denmark.</p> <h3>Fraud detection</h3> <p>We use a payment verification system to detect and prevent fraud. When a purchase is made on our website, certain personal data will be analyzed via a company specialized in fraud protection. The purchase will be given a fraud score based on the automated processing of the personal data.</p> <h2>Who do we share personal information with?</h2> <h3>General</h3> <p>We will never sell your information to a third party.</p> <p>Within the group to which belongs, your data may be shared within the EU. The exchange of data within the group is particularly important for analyzing purposes and internal management activities (including marketing activities). Naturally, no more data than necessary will be shared.</p> <p>In certain cases, we transfer your personal data to's partners and suppliers, such as fraud prevention service providers, customer satisfaction survey providers, newsletter service providers, etc. These partners process personal data solely on's behalf and in accordance with our instructions.</p> <p>We may disclose personal data if we receive a binding request to do so from a relevant authority, a judicial body, or as required by law. We will protect your data by always allowing authorities and judicial bodies to prove that they have the necessary legal basis to obtain the information.</p> <h2>Payment</h2> <p> makes use of payment and payment acceptance providers when you use a credit card to pay for your service. Here we make use of:</p> <p>Nets A/S, Onpay A/S.</p> <h2>Domain registration</h2> <p>When you register a domain through, the personal data collected will be passed to the national or international domain administrator who may grant you the right to use the domain. Disclosure of information will be in accordance with the requirements of the domain administrator and will only be able to offer the customer to register a domain upon such collection and disclosure of required personal data.</p> <p>Please note that when you register a .nu and .se domain, it is a requirement from the respective domain administrators that you provide your social security number.</p> <p> uses various suppliers to register, transfer and manage the domain names you purchase through us:</p> <p>IIS, Punktum dk, KeySystems, Joker, Hexonet, Ascio.</p> <h2>Subprocessor</h2> <p>In addition, we have a number of sub-processors to whom we can transfer personal information.</p> <p>See whom we use as sub-dataprocessers on <a href="/compliance/"></a>.</p> <h2>Tacking & marketing</h2> <p>We have a legitimate interest in being able to further develop, market and improve the products and services we offer. Therefore, we use personal data in the setup and maintenance of our products and services, in connection with our marketing activities, and we can use personal data for troubleshooting and administrative purposes.</p> <h2>Security</h2> <p>We have necessary and strict security measures in place to prevent any unauthorized access to your personal data. We ensure that only the necessary people have access to your data, that access to your data is protected and that our security measures are checked regularly. As a part of our security measures, we use SSL/TLS certificates for the secure transmission of your data and your communication with us.</p> <h2>Deleting your personal information</h2> <p>We delete your personal information when it is no longer needed for the purposes that were the reason for our collection, processing, and storage of it. Even if you cancel your products with us, you must be aware that we still store some data. It is data about your customer relationship that is necessary to be able to determine important actions taken by you or us during the customer relationship. This can be, for example, data that we need to be able to determine any legal claims that may arise from the contractual relationship between you and, or data that according to mandatory legal provisions must be stored for a certain period. We regularly review our need for data storage so that we do not store more than is necessary.</p> <h2>Your rights</h2> <p>As the registered, you have a number of rights that we must ensure at all times.</p> <h3>You are entitled to request the following:</h3> <ol> <li>To access and rectify/amend your personal data</li> <li>To have personal data deleted</li> <li>You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data and to lodge a complaint with a data protection authority.</li> </ol> <p>We recommend that you use our control panel to remove the data you do not want us to keep or delete your account, which will result in the data being deleted (please note, however, that we will continue to keep data in accordance with our accounting obligations).</p> <p>If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our support.</p> <h2>Changes</h2> <p> reserves the right to change and update this policy.</p> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="mt-6 pb-6"> <div class="container border-top pt-6"> <div class="row justify-content-between"> <div class="col-md-4 pe-xxl-6"> <a href="/en/?aeac4832a7a69eeec2118e51db8e9a1684af5927"><img class="footer-logo" alt="Simply logo" src="//" loading="lazy"></a> <div class="pt-3 fs-7 opacity-75"> Founded back in 2004 - 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