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57.2262 10.5064 57.2262 11.5987C57.2432 12.6574 56.9714 13.5312 56.4108 14.2034ZM84.9875 5.27678H87.9266V17.8634H84.9875V5.27678ZM40.1373 5.26335C38.4553 5.26335 37.0792 5.75068 36.0089 6.72535C35.0065 7.6496 34.4969 8.80911 34.4969 10.2039C34.4969 11.4474 34.9386 12.4725 35.822 13.2959C35.0575 13.9009 34.6837 14.6235 34.6837 15.4805C34.6837 16.0015 34.7517 16.4552 34.8706 16.8417C34.9895 17.245 35.2274 17.5811 35.6012 17.8836C34.276 18.6062 33.6304 19.7825 33.6814 21.3957C33.7153 22.7905 34.327 23.8996 35.5162 24.7398C36.7055 25.5801 38.2854 26.0002 40.2222 26.0002C42.159 26.0002 43.6031 25.6305 44.5885 24.8911C45.5738 24.1517 46.0665 23.093 46.0665 21.6982C46.0665 20.3202 45.6758 19.2448 44.8943 18.4885C44.4695 18.0852 43.9259 17.7659 43.2633 17.4803C42.5837 17.2114 41.6663 16.9761 40.4771 16.7913C39.2878 16.6064 38.4384 16.4048 37.9287 16.1527C37.6908 16.0519 37.5379 15.9343 37.47 15.8166C37.402 15.699 37.368 15.5309 37.368 15.3125C37.368 15.094 37.5209 14.7915 37.8097 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111.119 13.6152 110.864 13.4808C110.405 13.2455 109.725 13.0607 108.825 12.943C107.925 12.8086 107.194 12.6406 106.616 12.4053C106.039 12.17 105.563 11.8843 105.206 11.5651C104.544 10.9433 104.204 10.1367 104.204 9.1452C104.204 7.93528 104.68 6.97742 105.614 6.28843C106.549 5.59944 107.84 5.26335 109.488 5.26335C111.119 5.26335 112.512 5.71707 113.667 6.64132L113.667 6.64154C113.616 6.84312 113.565 7.0447 113.497 7.22948C113.31 7.75043 113.174 8.12013 113.089 8.33858L112.818 9.02757C112.801 9.09479 112.784 9.1284 112.784 9.1284C112.767 9.1284 112.699 9.04438 112.597 8.87633C112.104 8.30498 111.322 7.93528 110.286 7.75043C109.963 7.68321 109.641 7.6496 109.301 7.6496C107.874 7.6496 107.16 8.06971 107.16 8.92675C107.16 9.21242 107.296 9.44769 107.602 9.59893C108.162 9.90141 108.927 10.1199 109.895 10.2543C110.864 10.4055 111.594 10.5904 112.104 10.8257ZM76.3397 5.26335C74.6577 5.26335 73.2816 5.75068 72.2113 6.72535C71.2089 7.6496 70.6992 8.80911 70.6992 10.2039C70.6992 11.4474 71.141 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4.79726C4.76226 5.00807 4.21777 5.51708 4.21777 6.55316C4.21777 7.58918 4.97319 8.59009 5.07523 8.73064C5.17727 8.87119 6.53288 11.0649 8.67653 11.909C10.4566 12.6109 10.8202 12.4712 11.2043 12.4361C11.5885 12.4009 12.451 11.9219 12.6268 11.4351C12.8026 10.9484 12.8026 10.5216 12.7494 10.4342C12.6963 10.3468 12.5565 10.2937 12.3456 10.1883C12.1346 10.0829 11.0997 9.57297 10.9059 9.5027C10.7121 9.43248 10.5724 9.39815 10.4317 9.60897C10.2911 9.8198 9.88809 10.2945 9.7655 10.4342C9.64285 10.5739 9.51943 10.5919 9.30848 10.4865C9.09753 10.3811 8.41928 10.1592 7.61414 9.44186C7.15383 9.01657 6.75882 8.52567 6.44201 7.98509C6.31942 7.77516 6.42916 7.66029 6.53461 7.55664C6.64005 7.45293 6.74556 7.31065 6.851 7.18813C6.93709 7.08138 7.00782 6.9631 7.06111 6.83676C7.08901 6.77861 7.10209 6.71442 7.09911 6.64994C7.09612 6.58552 7.07718 6.52277 7.04397 6.46742C6.99163 6.35947 6.58264 5.31743 6.39487 4.90181Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div></div><div class="wrapper-text-link__nav-full-width"><div>WhatsApp</div><div class="subtext-link__navbar-full-width">The easiest way to add voice support to your store</div></div></a></div><div class="margin-links__navbar"><div class="heading__nav-full-width">Automate your work</div><a href="" class="wrapper-link__nav-full-width w-inline-block"><div><div class="icon__navbar-full-width w-embed"><svg xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="currentColor"><path d="M19.95 42 22 27.9h-7.3q-.55 0-.8-.5t0-.95L26.15 6h2.05l-2.05 14.05h7.2q.55 0 .825. 42Z"/></svg></div></div><div class="wrapper-text-link__nav-full-width"><div>Automation Add-on</div><div class="subtext-link__navbar-full-width">Respond faster</div></div></a><a href="" class="wrapper-link__nav-full-width w-inline-block"><div><div class="icon__navbar-full-width w-embed"><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" aria-hidden="true" role="img" class="iconify iconify--ph" width="100%" height="100%" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" viewBox="0 0 256 256"><path fill="currentColor" d="m248.49 71.51l-32-32a12 12 0 0 0-17 17L211 68h-19a77.43 77.43 0 0 0-30 7.1c-14.49 6.69-32.81 21-37.81 50.92c-2.69 16.17-10.58 27.4-23.43 33.39A49.4 49.4 0 0 1 90 162.93a44 44 0 1 0 .53 24.28a74.05 74.05 0 0 0 19.2-5.54c14.52-6.45 32.91-20.66 38.09-51.7c2.58-15.48 10.48-26.49 23.49-32.75A55.13 55.13 0 0 1 192 92h19l-11.52 11.51a12 12 0 0 0 17 17l32-32a12 12 0 0 0 .01-17ZM48 196a20 20 0 1 1 20-20a20 20 0 0 1-20 20Z"></path></svg></div></div><div class="wrapper-text-link__nav-full-width"><div>Flows</div><div class="subtext-link__navbar-full-width">Respond faster</div></div></a><a href="" class="wrapper-link__nav-full-width w-inline-block"><div><div class="icon__navbar-full-width w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M16.2166 6.6666L16.875 5.20827L18.3333 4.54993C18.6583 4.39993 18.6583 3.9416 18.3333 3.7916L16.875 3.13327L16.2166 1.6666C16.0666 1.3416 15.6083 1.3416 15.4583 1.6666L14.8 3.12493L13.3333 3.78327C13.0083 3.93327 13.0083 4.3916 13.3333 4.5416L14.7916 5.19993L15.45 6.6666C15.6 6.9916 16.0666 6.9916 16.2166 6.6666ZM9.58328 7.9166L8.25828 4.99993C7.96662 4.34993 7.03328 4.34993 6.74162 4.99993L5.41662 7.9166L2.49995 9.2416C1.84995 9.5416 1.84995 10.4666 2.49995 10.7583L5.41662 12.0833L6.74162 14.9999C7.04162 15.6499 7.96662 15.6499 8.25828 14.9999L9.58328 12.0833L12.5 10.7583C13.15 10.4583 13.15 9.53327 12.5 9.2416L9.58328 7.9166ZM15.45 13.3333L14.7916 14.7916L13.3333 15.4499C13.0083 15.5999 13.0083 16.0583 13.3333 16.2083L14.7916 16.8666L15.45 18.3333C15.6 18.6583 16.0583 18.6583 16.2083 18.3333L16.8666 16.8749L18.3333 16.2166C18.6583 16.0666 18.6583 15.6083 18.3333 15.4583L16.875 14.7999L16.2166 13.3333C16.0666 13.0083 15.6 13.0083 15.45 13.3333Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div></div><div class="wrapper-text-link__nav-full-width"><div>Rules</div><div class="subtext-link__navbar-full-width">Automate with precision</div></div></a><a href="" class="wrapper-link__nav-full-width w-inline-block"><div><div class="icon__navbar-full-width w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M15.8333 2.5H4.16667C3.25 2.5 2.5 3.25 2.5 4.16667V15.8333C2.5 16.75 3.25 17.5 4.16667 17.5H15.8333C16.75 17.5 17.5 16.75 17.5 15.8333V4.16667C17.5 3.25 16.75 2.5 15.8333 2.5ZM10.8333 14.1667H6.66667C6.20833 14.1667 5.83333 13.7917 5.83333 13.3333C5.83333 12.875 6.20833 12.5 6.66667 12.5H10.8333C11.2917 12.5 11.6667 12.875 11.6667 13.3333C11.6667 13.7917 11.2917 14.1667 10.8333 14.1667ZM13.3333 10.8333H6.66667C6.20833 10.8333 5.83333 10.4583 5.83333 10C5.83333 9.54167 6.20833 9.16667 6.66667 9.16667H13.3333C13.7917 9.16667 14.1667 9.54167 14.1667 10C14.1667 10.4583 13.7917 10.8333 13.3333 10.8333ZM13.3333 7.5H6.66667C6.20833 7.5 5.83333 7.125 5.83333 6.66667C5.83333 6.20833 6.20833 5.83333 6.66667 5.83333H13.3333C13.7917 5.83333 14.1667 6.20833 14.1667 6.66667C14.1667 7.125 13.7917 7.5 13.3333 7.5Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div></div><div class="wrapper-text-link__nav-full-width"><div>Macros</div><div class="subtext-link__navbar-full-width">Respond faster</div></div></a><a href="" class="wrapper-link__nav-full-width w-inline-block"><div><div class="icon__navbar-full-width w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M21.75 18.75H11.25L5.25 23.25V18.75H2.25C1.42157 18.75 0.75 18.0784 0.75 17.25V2.25C0.75 1.42157 1.42157 0.75 2.25 0.75H21.75C22.5784 0.75 23.25 1.42157 23.25 2.25V17.25C23.25 18.0784 22.5784 18.75 21.75 18.75Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M9 6.75011C9.00029 5.22454 10.1455 3.94212 11.6613 3.76987C13.1771 3.59762 14.5808 4.59039 14.9234 6.077C15.266 7.5636 14.4383 9.07059 13 9.57911C12.4004 9.7911 11.9997 10.3581 12 10.9941V11.2501" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M12 14.25C11.7929 14.25 11.625 14.4179 11.625 14.625C11.625 14.8321 11.7929 15 12 15C12.2071 15 12.375 14.8321 12.375 14.625C12.375 14.4179 12.2071 14.25 12 14.25V14.25" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg></div></div><div class="wrapper-text-link__nav-full-width"><div>Help Center</div><div class="subtext-link__navbar-full-width">Respond faster</div></div></a></div><div><div class="heading__nav-full-width">Empower support teams</div><a href="" class="wrapper-link__nav-full-width w-inline-block"><div><div class="icon__navbar-full-width w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M15.8333 2.5H4.16667C3.25 2.5 2.5 3.25 2.5 4.16667V10C2.5 10.9167 3.25 11.6667 4.16667 11.6667H15.8333C16.75 11.6667 17.5 10.9167 17.5 10V4.16667C17.5 3.25 16.75 2.5 15.8333 2.5ZM15.8333 7.5H13.2167C12.825 7.5 12.5167 7.775 12.4083 8.15C12.1083 9.2 11.125 10 10 10C8.875 10 7.89167 9.2 7.59167 8.15C7.48333 7.775 7.175 7.5 6.78333 7.5H4.16667V5C4.16667 4.54167 4.54167 4.16667 5 4.16667H15C15.4583 4.16667 15.8333 4.54167 15.8333 5V7.5ZM13.225 13.3333H16.6667C17.125 13.3333 17.5 13.7083 17.5 14.1667V15.8333C17.5 16.75 16.75 17.5 15.8333 17.5H4.16667C3.25 17.5 2.5 16.75 2.5 15.8333V14.1667C2.5 13.7083 2.875 13.3333 3.33333 13.3333H6.775C7.16667 13.3333 7.48333 13.6167 7.59167 14C7.88333 15.0583 8.85 15.8333 10 15.8333C11.15 15.8333 12.1167 15.0583 12.4083 14C12.5167 13.6167 12.8333 13.3333 13.225 13.3333Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div></div><div class="wrapper-text-link__nav-full-width"><div>Views</div><div class="subtext-link__navbar-full-width">Customize your workspace</div></div></a><a href="" class="wrapper-link__nav-full-width w-inline-block"><div><div class="icon__navbar-full-width w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M18.3333 7.5H14.3416L10.6833 2.025C10.3499 1.53333 9.62492 1.53333 9.29992 2.025L5.64158 7.5H1.66659C1.20825 7.5 0.833252 7.875 0.833252 8.33333C0.833252 8.40833 0.841585 8.48333 0.866585 8.55833L2.98325 16.2833C3.17492 16.9833 3.81658 17.5 4.58325 17.5H15.4166C16.1833 17.5 16.8249 16.9833 17.0249 16.2833L19.1416 8.55833L19.1666 8.33333C19.1666 7.875 18.7916 7.5 18.3333 7.5ZM9.99158 3.99167L12.3333 7.5H7.64992L9.99158 3.99167ZM9.99992 14.1667C9.08325 14.1667 8.33325 13.4167 8.33325 12.5C8.33325 11.5833 9.08325 10.8333 9.99992 10.8333C10.9166 10.8333 11.6666 11.5833 11.6666 12.5C11.6666 13.4167 10.9166 14.1667 9.99992 14.1667Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div></div><div class="wrapper-text-link__nav-full-width"><div>Order management</div><div class="subtext-link__navbar-full-width">Turn returns into opportunities for new orders</div></div></a><a href="" class="wrapper-link__nav-full-width w-inline-block"><div><div class="icon__navbar-full-width w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M5.83333 6.6665C5.375 6.6665 5 7.0415 5 7.49984V12.4998C5 13.4165 5.75 14.1665 6.66667 14.1665H13.3333C13.7917 14.1665 14.1667 13.7915 14.1667 13.3332C14.1667 12.8748 13.7917 12.4998 13.3333 12.4998H6.66667V7.49984C6.66667 7.0415 6.29167 6.6665 5.83333 6.6665Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M16.6666 2.5H9.99992C9.08325 2.5 8.33325 3.25 8.33325 4.16667V9.16667C8.33325 10.0833 9.08325 10.8333 9.99992 10.8333H16.6666C17.5833 10.8333 18.3333 10.0833 18.3333 9.16667V4.16667C18.3333 3.25 17.5833 2.5 16.6666 2.5ZM16.2499 9.16667H10.4166C10.1833 9.16667 9.99992 8.98333 9.99992 8.75V5.83333H16.6666V8.75C16.6666 8.98333 16.4833 9.16667 16.2499 9.16667Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M2.50008 10C2.04175 10 1.66675 10.375 1.66675 10.8333V15.8333C1.66675 16.75 2.41675 17.5 3.33341 17.5H10.0001C10.4584 17.5 10.8334 17.125 10.8334 16.6667C10.8334 16.2083 10.4584 15.8333 10.0001 15.8333H3.33341V10.8333C3.33341 10.375 2.95841 10 2.50008 10Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div></div><div class="wrapper-text-link__nav-full-width"><div>Customer Sidebar</div><div class="subtext-link__navbar-full-width">Rich customer data right next to tickets</div></div></a><a href="" class="wrapper-link__nav-full-width w-inline-block"><div><div class="icon__navbar-full-width w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M4.16673 5.00016H15.8334C16.2917 5.00016 16.6667 4.62516 16.6667 4.16683C16.6667 3.7085 16.2917 3.3335 15.8334 3.3335H4.16673C3.70839 3.3335 3.33339 3.7085 3.33339 4.16683C3.33339 4.62516 3.70839 5.00016 4.16673 5.00016ZM16.8001 6.50016C16.7251 6.11683 16.3834 5.8335 15.9834 5.8335H4.01673C3.61673 5.8335 3.27506 6.11683 3.20006 6.50016L2.36673 10.6668C2.26673 11.1835 2.65839 11.6668 3.18339 11.6668H3.33339V15.8335C3.33339 16.2918 3.70839 16.6668 4.16673 16.6668H10.8334C11.2917 16.6668 11.6667 16.2918 11.6667 15.8335V11.6668H15.0001V15.8335C15.0001 16.2918 15.3751 16.6668 15.8334 16.6668C16.2917 16.6668 16.6667 16.2918 16.6667 15.8335V11.6668H16.8167C17.3417 11.6668 17.7334 11.1835 17.6334 10.6668L16.8001 6.50016V6.50016ZM10.0001 15.0002H5.00006V11.6668H10.0001V15.0002Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div></div><div class="wrapper-text-link__nav-full-width"><div>Multi-Stores</div><div class="subtext-link__navbar-full-width">Unlimited brands. One helpdesk. </div></div></a></div><div><div class="heading__nav-full-width">Measure & improve</div><a href="" class="wrapper-link__nav-full-width w-inline-block"><div><div class="icon__navbar-full-width w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M5.41675 17.5H2.50008C2.04175 17.5 1.66675 17.125 1.66675 16.6667V8.33333C1.66675 7.875 2.04175 7.5 2.50008 7.5H5.41675C5.87508 7.5 6.25008 7.875 6.25008 8.33333V16.6667C6.25008 17.125 5.87508 17.5 5.41675 17.5ZM11.4584 2.5H8.54175C8.08342 2.5 7.70842 2.875 7.70842 3.33333V16.6667C7.70842 17.125 8.08342 17.5 8.54175 17.5H11.4584C11.9167 17.5 12.2917 17.125 12.2917 16.6667V3.33333C12.2917 2.875 11.9167 2.5 11.4584 2.5ZM17.5001 9.16667H14.5834C14.1251 9.16667 13.7501 9.54167 13.7501 10V16.6667C13.7501 17.125 14.1251 17.5 14.5834 17.5H17.5001C17.9584 17.5 18.3334 17.125 18.3334 16.6667V10C18.3334 9.54167 17.9584 9.16667 17.5001 9.16667Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div></div><div class="wrapper-text-link__nav-full-width"><div>Support performance</div><div class="subtext-link__navbar-full-width">Your control center</div></div></a><a href="" class="wrapper-link__nav-full-width w-inline-block"><div><div class="icon__navbar-full-width w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M9.83341 9.08333C7.94175 8.59167 7.33341 8.08333 7.33341 7.29167C7.33341 6.38333 8.17508 5.75 9.58341 5.75C10.7667 5.75 11.3584 6.2 11.5751 6.91667C11.6751 7.25 11.9501 7.5 12.3001 7.5H12.5501C13.1001 7.5 13.4917 6.95833 13.3001 6.44167C12.9501 5.45833 12.1334 4.64167 10.8334 4.325V3.75C10.8334 3.05833 10.2751 2.5 9.58341 2.5C8.89175 2.5 8.33341 3.05833 8.33341 3.75V4.3C6.71675 4.65 5.41675 5.7 5.41675 7.30833C5.41675 9.23333 7.00841 10.1917 9.33341 10.75C11.4167 11.25 11.8334 11.9833 11.8334 12.7583C11.8334 13.3333 11.4251 14.25 9.58341 14.25C8.20841 14.25 7.50008 13.7583 7.22508 13.0583C7.10008 12.7333 6.81675 12.5 6.47508 12.5H6.24175C5.68341 12.5 5.29175 13.0667 5.50008 13.5833C5.97508 14.7417 7.08341 15.425 8.33341 15.6917V16.25C8.33341 16.9417 8.89175 17.5 9.58341 17.5C10.2751 17.5 10.8334 16.9417 10.8334 16.25V15.7083C12.4584 15.4 13.7501 14.4583 13.7501 12.75C13.7501 10.3833 11.7251 9.575 9.83341 9.08333Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div></div><div class="wrapper-text-link__nav-full-width"><div>Revenue Statistics</div><div class="subtext-link__navbar-full-width">Know your bottom line</div></div></a><a href="" class="wrapper-link__nav-full-width w-inline-block"><div><div class="icon__navbar-full-width w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M17.4999 6.66667C16.2916 6.66667 15.6166 7.86667 15.8916 8.75833L12.9333 11.725C12.6833 11.65 12.3166 11.65 12.0666 11.725L9.94158 9.6C10.2249 8.70833 9.54992 7.5 8.33325 7.5C7.12492 7.5 6.44158 8.7 6.72492 9.6L2.92492 13.3917C2.03325 13.1167 0.833252 13.7917 0.833252 15C0.833252 15.9167 1.58325 16.6667 2.49992 16.6667C3.70825 16.6667 4.38325 15.4667 4.10825 14.575L7.89992 10.775C8.14992 10.85 8.51658 10.85 8.76658 10.775L10.8916 12.9C10.6083 13.7917 11.2833 15 12.4999 15C13.7083 15 14.3916 13.8 14.1083 12.9L17.0749 9.94167C17.9666 10.2167 19.1666 9.54167 19.1666 8.33333C19.1666 7.41667 18.4166 6.66667 17.4999 6.66667Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M12.4999 7.5L13.2833 5.775L14.9999 5L13.2833 4.225L12.4999 2.5L11.7333 4.225L9.99992 5L11.7333 5.775L12.4999 7.5Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M2.91659 9.16667L3.33325 7.5L4.99992 7.08333L3.33325 6.66667L2.91659 5L2.49992 6.66667L0.833252 7.08333L2.49992 7.5L2.91659 9.16667Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg></div></div><div class="wrapper-text-link__nav-full-width"><div>Live Statistics</div><div class="subtext-link__navbar-full-width">Monitor performance in real time</div></div></a><a href="" class="wrapper-link__nav-full-width w-inline-block"><div><div class="icon__navbar-full-width w-embed"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path 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href="/blog/customer-service-quality-assurance" class="blog10_link-wrapper w-inline-block"><div class="blog10_image-link"><div class="blog10_image-wrapper hide"><img src="" loading="eager" alt="" sizes="100vw" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 1920w" class="blog10_image is-radius-0"/></div><div class="blog10_thumb-wrapper"><div class="blog10_thumb-inner"><div class="blog10_thumb-holder"><img src="" loading="eager" alt="" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 93vw, (max-width: 991px) 89vw, (max-width: 1919px) 44vw, 846px" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 1920w" class="blog10_image is-radius-0"/></div></div></div></div><div class="blog10_main-title-link"><h3 class="text-style-bbmodern _48px hover-underline">Why Your Strategy Needs Customer Service Quality Assurance</h3></div><div class="text-20px mobile-20">Learn the importance of QA in CX, best practices, tools, and tips to implement QA effectively.</div></a><div class="blog10_button-wrapper _18px"><div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed"><span dev-read-time-target=customer-service-quality-assurance>0</span> min read . By Alexa Hertel</div><div dev-read-time="customer-service-quality-assurance" class="hide w-richtext"><p><strong>TL;DR:</strong></p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Manual QA is time-consuming and inconsistent.</strong> Reviewing conversations manually makes it difficult to ensure uniform quality across agents and touchpoints.</li><li><strong>Automating QA saves time and improves accuracy.</strong> Automation ensures all tickets are reviewed with the same quality, freeing up agent time to create stronger customer connections.</li><li><strong>QA helps teams continuously improve</strong>. It enables better agent training and brings forth actionable feedback to exceed customer expectations.</li><li><strong>Implement QA one step at a time.</strong> Begin by setting KPIs, introducing small changes, and investing in automation tools to streamline and measure success effectively.</li></ul><p><a href="">Forrester’s 2024 Customer Experience Index</a> reports that 39% of brands’ customer experience (CX) quality has declined over the past year.</p><p>It can be challenging to get a full understanding of how your team –– and AI, if you use it –– are truly performing.</p><p>This is true even with metrics like <a href="">CSAT</a>. </p><p>“A 5-point scale only tells you and your agents so much, and relying on consumers providing feedback further limits what you’re able to look at and learn from,” says Kayla Oberlin, Senior Manager of Customer Experience at <a href="">amika</a>. </p><p>Quality Assurance (QA) is becoming a more crucial component of a customer experience strategy, especially one that prioritizes customer happiness. </p><p>We’ll cover the importance of customer service QA, best practices, tools, and tips to implement QA effectively.</p><h3>🗺️ This article at-a-glance</h3><ul role="list"><li><a href="">What is QA (Quality Assurance) in CX?</a></li><li><a href="">Why QA is critical for customer experience</a></li><li><a href="">Best practices for implementing QA in CX</a></li><li><a href="">Challenges</a></li></ul><p>{{lead-magnet-1}}</p><h2>What is QA (Quality Assurance) in CX? </h2><p>In the CX context, QA (Quality Assurance) refers to reviewing customer conversations to improve your support team’s performance and enhance customer satisfaction. QA ensures a consistent and satisfying customer journey across touchpoints, including your website, support channels, and social media.</p><h3>Common QA pain points for CX teams </h3><p>Aside from accuracy issues, a manual quality assurance process is:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Time-consuming:</strong> Manual conversation reviews are slow and labor-intensive.</li><li><strong>Limited visibility:</strong> It’s difficult to get a clear, scalable view of team and AI performance.</li><li><strong>Inconsistent:</strong> Maintaining uniform quality across customer service teams can be tough.</li><li><strong>Resource allocation: </strong>Difficulty in ensuring the right skills, training, and resources are in place.</li><li><strong>CSAT limitations:</strong> Negative scores often reflect policies, not agent performance.</li></ul><p>The solution isn’t for CX teams to skip the QA process altogether but to automate it.</p><p>According to <a href="">research from McKinsey</a>, “A largely automated QA process could achieve more than 90 percent accuracy — compared to 70 to 80 percent accuracy through manual scoring — and savings of more than 50 percent in QA costs.”</p><p>With an automated QA process, brands can:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Save time:</strong> Automated quality checks help support agents to focus on the most critical tickets.</li><li><strong>Ensure consistency:</strong> Both human agents and AI agents are evaluated with a unified, comprehensive QA score.</li><li><strong>Boost performance:</strong> Agents receive targeted coaching to provide more consistent customer experiences.</li><li><strong>Meet </strong><a href=""><strong>customer expectations</strong></a><strong>:</strong> Customers benefit from higher-quality support with quicker resolutions and accurate responses.</li></ul><h2>Why QA is critical for customer experience</h2><p>According to <a href="">Statista</a>, 94% of customers are more likely to purchase again after receiving top-notch support. Quality assurance ensures that every customer gets the same experience, and provides agents with the feedback to learn and stay on-brand with each resolution.</p><p>At its core, QA: </p><ul role="list"><li><a href="">Prevents errors</a></li><li><a href="">Ensures consistency</a></li><li><a href="">Builds trust with customers </a></li><li><a href="">Helps with personalization</a></li><li><a href="">Aids in better coaching and training </a><a href=""></a></li><li><a href="">Offers opportunities for continuous improvement</a></li></ul><figure style="max-width:1600pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Consumer attitudes and behaviors based on their customer service experience worldwide as of May 2022, Statista" src="" loading="lazy"/></div><figcaption>Consumer attitudes and behaviors based on their customer service experience worldwide as of May 2022, Statista</figcaption></figure><h3>Prevent errors </h3><p>Addressing errors early is important, as even small mistakes can harm customer trust and create lasting negative impressions. QA tools can prevent mistakes because of better coaching and training. This can stop misinformation in its tracks –– and from escalating into bigger problems down the line. </p><h3>Ensure consistency </h3><p>QA makes sure that all customer touchpoints, like calls, emails, live chat, and even AI responses, are handled with the same level of care. This is especially helpful when training new team members, introducing new products or policies, or during high-traffic periods.</p><h3>Build trust </h3><p>Consistent and reliable experiences build customer trust and loyalty. If you were to reach out to a brand and have an amazing experience the first time but a bad experience the next, you’d probably question which experience was the norm. </p><p>Top-notch experiences that happen time and time again tell your customers that you’ll <em>always</em> be there to help. This can boost repeat sales and even referrals: According to <a href="">Statista</a>, 82% of customers recommend a brand after a great experience.</p><h3>Personalize experiences </h3><p>Aside from increasing happiness and making customers feel heard and appreciated, personalized support also affects your bottom line. <a href=",data%20and%20as%20technology%20advanced.">Statista</a> notes that 80% of businesses found that providing <a href="">personalized customer experiences</a> led to increased spending for consumers.</p><h3>Aids in better coaching and training </h3><p>With QA, teams are able to rate and review all tickets instead of spot-checking. This provides them with a:</p><ul role="list"><li>Quicker turnaround on coaching opportunities</li><li>Wider volume of tickets they can review, learn from, and use for training</li><li>Better understanding of when a <a href="">Macro</a> or a process is leading to incomplete or unhelpful conversations</li><li>Bigger opportunity for constructive feedback and flow improvements that are based on real responses and not frustrations with brand policies</li></ul><h3>Continuously improve</h3><p>Whether it’s lowering resolution times, introducing a <a href="">knowledge base</a>, or adding an AI agent to your team, making continuous improvements will help you stay ahead of the competition.</p><p>Implementing a QA program (especially if you can automate it) is one of those additions that provides you with the refinements you need on a resolution-to-resolution level.</p><h2>Best practices for implementing QA in CX</h2><p>QA best practices include: </p><ul role="list"><li><a href="">Establish a baseline for metrics and KPIs</a></li><li><a href="">Monitor and evaluate regularly</a></li><li><a href="">Implement automation tools</a></li><li><a href="">Collect customer feedback</a></li></ul><h3>Establish a baseline for metrics and KPIs </h3><p>As you set out to integrate a Quality Assurance process into your CX program, first establish benchmarks for various metrics and KPIs. These benchmarks help track and evaluate the performance of QA as you implement it. </p><p>If you don’t already track customer support metrics, <a href="">CSAT</a>, <a href="">first response time (FRT)</a>, <a href="">resolution time</a>, and <a href="">net promoter score (NPS)</a> are great ones to start with. </p><p>💡<strong>Tip: </strong>If you use Gorgias, you’ll find your current <a href="">support performance statistics</a> in the Statistics menu. Make sure that you can see back at <em>least </em>six months. Then, compare an equal time frame for post-QA implementation.</p><h3>Monitor and evaluate regularly</h3><p>While it might sound a bit “meta” to monitor your quality assurance (which is already monitoring your support responses), it’s still worth noting. </p><p>Ensure that your QA process works smoothly, helps your metrics rather than hurts them, and provides actual helpful feedback to your agents. </p><h3>Implement automation tools </h3><p>The simplest way to maintain your support quality standards is to use an automated QA tool. Automating the QA process lets CX teams get deeper insights into agent strengths and areas for improvement, and captures deeper insights than a CSAT score could.</p><h3>Collect customer feedback </h3><p>Understanding how customers feel will allow you to fine-tune your processes and ensure you’re delivering a consistent and high-quality experience. Here are a few ways to collect feedback:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Surveys and reviews</strong> - Post-interaction surveys or direct reviews provide real-time feedback on what customers think of their experience.</li><li><strong>Social listening and real-time feedback</strong> - Monitoring online reviews, social media mentions, and customer comments offers insight into how your customers are feeling that might not be captured through formal surveys. </li></ul><h2>Challenges of adding QA</h2><p>Lack of resources, ineffective training, poor communication between team members, not having the right tools, and doing everything manually are some of the challenges you can encounter when adding a QA process.</p><p>Here are a couple of solutions we recommend:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Start with phased rollouts. </strong>Rather than rolling out a QA process across your whole team, let more seasoned agents experiment with it first to give you feedback and make tweaks.</li><li><strong>Make incremental improvements.</strong> Changing an entire CX process at once to include QA can be overwhelming. We recommend making small changes (like starting to send CSAT surveys if you don’t already) one at a time. These changes will allow you to better measure what’s really working. </li><li><strong>Invest in better technology.</strong> A manual QA process can be more time-consuming than helpful. Look for an automated QA tool that’s already integrated into your <a href="">helpdesk</a>. It will allow you to measure AI <em>and</em> agent responses equally, while also measuring results from a handy dashboard. </li></ul><h2>Ensure customer experience meets quality standards</h2><p>By prioritizing QA, your team can identify potential problems early, reduce errors, and improve overall performance, leading to a smoother, more reliable experience for customers –– and your CX team. </p><p>In the long run, brands that focus on QA can gain a competitive edge, building stronger relationships with customers and driving sustainable growth. <a href="">Book a demo</a> now.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-2}}</p></div><div class="l-text-size-small w-embed">By Alexa Hertel</div></div></div><div fs-cmsnest-collection="category" fs-cmsnest-element="nest-target" class="blog10_category-list-target"></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="blog10_featured-posts"><div class="blog10_featured-list-divider-wrapper"><div class="blog10_featured-list-divider hide"></div><div id="w-node-_0af42d7b-67af-bf95-b72b-2ea7a30d57b1-28704547" class="blog10_featured-list-wrapper w-dyn-list"><div fs-cmsnest-element="list" role="list" class="blog10_featured-list is-with-hr-line w-dyn-items"><div role="listitem" class="blog10_featured-list-item w-dyn-item"><div data-w-id="ed01e8a7-a705-44aa-eed8-d8c01989f323" class="blog10_featured-item is-blog-item-readtime hover-underline_parent"><div class="blog10_featured-item-content"><a aria-label="blog-text" href="/blog/how-to-pitch-ai-agent" class="blog10_link-wrapper w-inline-block"><div class="text-20px mobile-20 hover-underline">How to Pitch AI Agent to Your Boss</div></a><div class="blog10_button-wrapper wrap no-margin-bottom"><div class="l-text-size-small w-embed"><span dev-read-time-target=how-to-pitch-ai-agent>0</span> min read . By Alexa Hertel</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed">7 min read.</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed">By Alexa Hertel</div><div dev-read-time="how-to-pitch-ai-agent" class="hide w-richtext"><p><strong>TL;DR:</strong></p><ul><li><strong>AI Agent reduces workload and prevents burnout for CX teams.</strong> It handles routine queries and allows your human agents to focus on providing a higher level of service where it's needed most.</li><li><strong>AI Agent is secure and compliant with industry standards.</strong> Gorgias uses a zero data retention policy and follows strict security regulations, including SOC 2 Type II certification.</li><li><strong>AI Agent delivers personalized, on-brand responses.</strong> Custom Guidance and data from sources like Shopify allow AI Agent to maintain brand consistency while providing tailored customer interactions.</li><li><strong>Real-world success stories show tangible results with AI Agent.</strong> Brands like Psycho Bunny and Baby Gold have seen significant improvements in response times and resolution rates by implementing AI Agent.</li></ul><p>AI changes the way CX teams operate. But we firmly believe that it’s a good thing. </p><p>It will help you improve your team’s workload, say goodbye to burnout, and create a more consistent and speedy experience for your customers. </p><p>Here’s the process we recommend for pitching Gorgias’s AI Agent to your boss, complete with an FAQ section for quick answers. </p><p><strong>Jump to a section:</strong></p><ul><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Start with the benefits</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Outline the data & security safeguards in place</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Highlight its brand accuracy and personalization</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Share success stories</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Set expectations</a></li></ul><p>{{lead-magnet-1}}</p><h2>Start with the benefits </h2><p>Gorgias views AI as an extension of CX teams, and that’s how many of our customers see AI Agent as well. Baby Gold calls theirs Michelle, Psycho Bunny calls theirs Lisa. </p><p>These autonomous agents allow your human agents to focus on more complex and nuanced issues, providing a higher level of service where your customers need it most. </p><p>Here are some other things that make AI Agent a great addition to your team: </p><ul><li><strong>⏰ 24/7 availability: </strong>AI Agent operates around the clock, ensuring that customer inquiries are addressed promptly at any time, including weekends and holidays.</li><li><strong>🏔️ Scalability:</strong> AI Agent can handle a high volume of inquiries simultaneously without any decrease in performance. This scalability is particularly valuable during peak times like <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>BFCM</u></a>. </li><li><strong>🚀 Efficiency and speed:</strong> AI Agent can process and respond to queries much faster than human agents, leading to quicker resolutions and improved customer satisfaction.</li><li><strong>🦎Adaptability:</strong> AI Agent can quickly adapt to new information, products, or changes in policies immediately – all you have to do is add them to your knowledge docs and to the Guidance you set. </li><li><strong>🦾 Full control:</strong> You stay in full control of how AI Agent behaves in specific scenarios. Give AI Agent custom Guidance to ensure that each interaction with your customers reflects your brand’s values, policies and tone.</li></ul><p><strong>📚 Further reading:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Our AI Approach: Onboard, Automate, Observe, and Coach</u></a></p><h2>Outline the data & security safeguards in place </h2><p>Rest assured that AI Agent and Gorgias operate under a zero data retention (ZDR) policy. Once data is used, it isn’t stored. </p><p>We’re <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>SOC 2 Type II Certified</u></a> and follow strict regulations in regards to data security. </p><p>You can view the terms that cover the data we collect and how we use Artificial Intelligence by reading Our <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Master Service Agreement (MSA)</u></a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Data Processing Agreement (DPA)</u></a>. </p><p><strong>🎯 Resource: </strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>How AI Agent works & gathers data</u></a></p><p></p><div><div class='quill-upload-image' data-align='center' contenteditable='false' style='max-width:100%;height:auto;margin:auto;'><div style='width:100%; white-space: nowrap;border: none !important;'><div style="display:flex;justify-content:center;border: 0px;"><figure style='max-width:96%;'><img class='lazyload' loading='lazy' src='' alt='AI Agent learns from various sources like your website, brand voice, Shopify order data, policies, Help Center and Macros.' style='width:100%;height:auto;margin:auto;padding-bottom:20px;' > </figure></div></div></div></div><h2>Highlight its brand accuracy and personalization </h2><p>AI Agent provides consistent, accurate, and on-brand responses based on the information in your Help Center, Shopify order data, Macros, handover instructions, and the actual custom Guidance you set for it. </p><p>It might just surprise you with just how specialized it can get. </p><p>“Sometimes agents forget personal details to call out when communicating with our customers, like birthdays or weddings,” says Sindi Melgar, the Customer Service Manager at Baby Gold. </p><p>“But I noticed on a few different occasions where AI Agent (ours is named Michelle) is highlighting these things and is saying, ‘Congratulations on your wedding!’ Just the tone of voice that Michelle is able to adopt is definitely on brand for us.” </p><h3>Ensure certain topics are handed over or excluded</h3><p>When you set up AI Agent, you’ll also let it know the types of topics you’d like it <em>not</em> to answer. </p><p>AI Agent automatically hands over tickets to your team whenever it lacks confidence in an answer or detects an angry customer. </p><p>But you can also use handover rules to choose how AI Agent behaves when it passes tickets to your human team, and add specific topics that it should <em>always</em> hand over to your team.</p><p><strong>🎯 Resource: </strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Customize how AI Agent behaves</u></a></p><h3>Provide feedback on responses</h3><p>Don’t like something AI Agent said? Or, did you <em>love</em> an answer it gave? </p><p>It’s easy to let AI Agent know by telling it you liked the response, saying it should have pulled from a different resource, or reporting an issue. </p><p></p><div><div class='quill-upload-image' data-align='center' contenteditable='false' style='width:100%;height:auto;margin:auto;'><div style='width:100%; white-space: nowrap;border: none !important;'><div style="display:flex;justify-content:center;border: 0px;"><figure style='max-width:100%;'><img class='lazyload' loading='lazy' src='' alt='Give AI Agent feedback' style='width:100%;height:auto;margin:auto;padding-bottom:20px;' > </figure></div></div></div></div><p><strong>🎯 Resource: </strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>How to coach AI Agent and give feedback</u></a></p><h3>Prioritize your team’s docs</h3><p>AI Agent uses your Shopify order data, Macros, your brand’s webpages, as well as your Help Center to give your customers accurate and on-brand responses. It also prioritizes any Guidance that you set. </p><p>🎯 <strong>Resource: </strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Why having a quality knowledge base is essential to using AI for CX</u></a></p><h2>Share success stories </h2><p>We wouldn’t expect you to onboard a new tool without some actual statistics and reviews. Below, browse three success stories and the fantastic metrics that AI Agent helped their teams achieve.</p><p></p><div><div class='quill-upload-image' data-align='center' contenteditable='false' style='width:70%;height:auto;margin:auto;'><div style='width:100%; white-space: nowrap;border: none !important;'><div style="display:flex;justify-content:center;border: 0px;"><figure style='max-width:100%;'><img class='lazyload' loading='lazy' src='' alt='VESSEL golf bag' style='width:100%;height:auto;margin:auto;padding-bottom:20px;' ><figcaption class="letterdrop-image-caption" style="display: flex;white-space: break-spaces;align-items: center;justify-content: center; flex-wrap: wrap; gap:3px;" > <span>Source: </span><a href="" rel="noopener noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(53, 140, 186);"><u>VESSEL</u></a> </figcaption> </figure></div></div></div></div><p>After just one month of implementing AI Agent, the team at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>VESSEL</u></a> not only increased the number of emails automated via AI Agent by 20%, but reduced first response time to 58 seconds and saw their resolution time decrease to one minute and six seconds.</p><p></p><div><div class='quill-upload-image' data-align='center' contenteditable='false' style='width:70%;height:auto;margin:auto;'><div style='width:100%; white-space: nowrap;border: none !important;'><div style="display:flex;justify-content:center;border: 0px;"><figure style='max-width:100%;'><img class='lazyload' loading='lazy' src='' alt='' style='width:100%;height:auto;margin:auto;padding-bottom:20px;' ><figcaption class="letterdrop-image-caption" style="display: flex;white-space: break-spaces;align-items: center;justify-content: center; flex-wrap: wrap; gap:3px;" > <span>Source: </span><a href="" rel="noopener noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(53, 140, 186);"><u>Baby Gold</u></a> </figcaption> </figure></div></div></div></div><p>When<em> </em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Baby Gold</u></a> implemented AI Agent, they achieved a 49-second first response time, a one-minute and four-second resolution time, and answered 1,361 tickets. They also quadrupled their email automation rate. </p><p></p><div><div class='quill-upload-image' data-align='center' contenteditable='false' style='max-width:100%;height:auto;margin:auto;'><div style='width:100%; white-space: nowrap;border: none !important;'><div style="display:flex;justify-content:center;border: 0px;"><figure style='max-width:65%;'><img class='lazyload' loading='lazy' src='' alt='' style='width:100%;height:auto;margin:auto;padding-bottom:20px;' ><figcaption class="letterdrop-image-caption" style="display: flex;white-space: break-spaces;align-items: center;justify-content: center; flex-wrap: wrap; gap:3px;" > Source: <a href="" rel="noopener noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(53, 140, 186);"><u>Psycho Bunny</u></a> </figcaption> </figure></div></div></div></div><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Psycho Bunny</u></a> saw a 99.8% faster first response time, 99.4% faster resolution time, and 26% of tickets resolved by AI Agent. </p><p>“Our customer support KPIs are already fantastic: we're already leading in the industry,” said Tosha Moyer, Senior Customer Experience Manager at Psycho Bunny. </p><p>“To improve on that, we need AI — it’s not physically or financially possible with human agents alone.” </p><h2>Set expectations </h2><p>AI Agent isn’t going to find lost packages, pick up the phone, or fix damaged products. While this might seem obvious, it’s important to understand AI Agent’s core capabilities, as we want this to be an exciting and useful addition to your team. </p><p>“AI Agent does a great job of efficiently handling returns and exchanges, and split shipment tracking info,” shares Tosha Moyer. “The overall tone is good and some of its responses are really excellent.” </p><p>Below, find the top use cases for AI Agent, as well as the specific actions you can configure for it within Gorgias. </p><h3>AI Agent use cases</h3><p>These are the top <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>AI Agent use cases</u></a> that we recommend: </p><ul><li>Where is my order? (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>WISMO</u></a>) inquiries</li><li>Product-related questions</li><li>Returns</li><li>Order issues</li><li>Cancellations</li><li>Discounts (including <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>BFCM</u></a>)</li><li>Customer feedback</li><li>Account management</li><li>Collaboration requests</li></ul><p>The specific actions you currently can configure for AI Agent include: </p><ul><li>Cancel an order in Shopify</li><li>Edit a shipping address in Shopify</li><li>Send Loop Returns portal deep link</li><li>Send return shipping status from Loop Returns</li><li>Cancel a subscription in Recharge</li></ul><p>With more to come! And to quiet any worries, it’s worth mentioning that AI Agent will not perform any actions without you configuring or activating them first.</p><h2>Enhance your brand reputation and build trust</h2><p>Offering fast, accurate, and 24/7 support can significantly enhance your brand reputation and build customer trust, which can translate into higher customer loyalty and increased revenue.</p><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Get started with AI Agent →</u></a> </p><p>{{lead-magnet-2}}</p></div></div></div><div id="w-node-ed01e8a7-a705-44aa-eed8-d8c01989f324-28704547" class="blog10_featured-image-link"><a aria-label="blog-img" data-w-id="ed01e8a7-a705-44aa-eed8-d8c01989f325" href="/blog/how-to-pitch-ai-agent" class="blog10_featured-image-wrapper no-radius-no-padding w-inline-block"><div class="blog10_thumb-wrapper"><div class="blog10_thumb-inner is-5px-radius"><div class="blog10_thumb-holder is-4px-radius"><img src="" loading="eager" alt="" class="blog10_image is-radius-0"/></div></div></div></a></div></div><div class="blog10-feautured_cat-spacing"></div><div fs-cmsnest-collection="category" fs-cmsnest-element="nest-target" class="blog10_category-list-target is-featured-right"></div></div><div role="listitem" class="blog10_featured-list-item w-dyn-item"><div data-w-id="ed01e8a7-a705-44aa-eed8-d8c01989f323" class="blog10_featured-item is-blog-item-readtime hover-underline_parent"><div class="blog10_featured-item-content"><a aria-label="blog-text" href="/blog/brand-voice-examples" class="blog10_link-wrapper w-inline-block"><div class="text-20px mobile-20 hover-underline">How to Customize AI Agent with 7 Brand Voice Examples</div></a><div class="blog10_button-wrapper wrap no-margin-bottom"><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed"><span dev-read-time-target=brand-voice-examples>0</span> min read . By Christelle Agustin</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed"> min read.</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-embed">By Christelle Agustin</div><div dev-read-time="brand-voice-examples" class="hide w-richtext"><p><strong>TL;DR:</strong></p><ul role="list"><li><strong>AI Agent adapts to your brand's unique tone of voice.</strong> Choose from three default voice options (Friendly, Professional, and Sophisticated), or create countless types of tone with the Custom option.</li><li><strong>Aligning AI with your brand voice builds consistency.</strong> A consistent tone in customer interactions helps build trust and brand loyalty.</li><li><strong>Specify what AI Agent can and can’t say.</strong> Like your human agents, tell AI Agent your brand do’s and don’ts. From going all out with fun and emoji-filled replies to avoiding certain words, use custom instructions to make AI Agent sound distinctly on-brand.</li></ul><p>People are only able to identify AI-generated content <a href="">46.9% of the time</a>. That’s less than half the time!</p><p>In the <a href="">ecommerce customer service</a> industry, this is just one reason teams are getting more comfortable with using AI.</p><p>Better language processing abilities mean AI can be a better <a href="">extension of CX teams</a>, relieving agents of repetitive questions, like <em>where is my order?</em>, while speaking in a way that’s familiar and delightful to customers.</p><p>Upholding a strong brand voice should be one of your top priorities in CX. With Gorgias’s AI Agent, you can choose AI Agent’s exact tone of voice, from sophisticated to fun. Below, check out seven AI Agent brand voice examples from real customer conversations.</p><blockquote>“We’ve had customers respond to the AI thinking they were speaking to a real person. That’s how elevated the response was from AI.”<br/><br/>—Emily McEnany, Senior CX Manager at <a href="">Dr. Bronner’s</a></blockquote><h2>What is Tone of Voice?</h2><p>Tone of Voice refers to how AI Agent communicates with your customers. In Gorgias, you can select from three pre-built tone options: </p><ul role="list"><li>Friendly</li><li>Professional</li><li>Sophisticated</li></ul><p>Or, you can create a custom tone, keeping your brand guidelines, style guide, and target audience in mind.</p><p><strong>Note:</strong> AI Agent and Tone of Voice are only available to <a href="">Gorgias Automate</a> subscribers.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-1}}</p><h2>7 Tone of Voice Examples for AI Agent to Match Your Brand's Style</h2><p>Explore how effectively AI Agent adapts to seven distinct tones in the examples below. First, we’ll show you what a preset AI Agent tone option sounds like, then we’ll move on to six examples using custom instructions.</p><p>Feel free to copy and paste our provided instructions to set up your AI Agent with the custom tone of your choice, or, even better, take some inspiration to create your own. </p><h3>1. Friendly</h3><p>A friendly AI Agent is the go-to for most CX teams. A Friendly tone of voice is outgoing and welcomes inquiries with enthusiasm. If you were to imagine the model support agent, they would speak like this.</p><p><strong>The Friendly tone of voice is available by default in AI Agent’s settings.</strong></p><h4>How it looks in action</h4><p>Here’s how an AI Agent with a Friendly tone of voice responds to a customer asking for samples and coupons:</p><figure style="max-width:1600pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Default Friendly AI Agent voice" src="" loading="lazy"/></div><figcaption>AI Agent lets a loyal customer know about the brand’s 10% discount.</figcaption></figure><h3>2. Direct and brief</h3><p>Now, we move away from AI Agent’s default Tone of Voice options and toward the vast possibilities of the Custom option.</p><p>If you prefer your AI Agent get to the point in as few words as possible, create a Custom tone of voice that breaks up text into separate lines, limits paragraphs to two to three sentences, and keeps responses short. </p><p><strong>💡 Tip:</strong> Access a custom tone of voice by going to Automate > AI Agent > Settings > Tone of Voice > Custom. A text field will appear where you can write your instructions.</p><figure style="max-width:1513pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="AI Agent Custom Tone of Voice" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><p><strong>Tone of voice instructions:</strong></p><p>Acknowledge the customer's feelings by briefly repeating their initial concern(s). Break text up, don’t send entire paragraphs, and keep responses short and easy to read. Keep interactions brief but filled with empathy. We are not long-winded. Keep an informative tone while remaining professional, clear, and easy for customers to follow. Insert links where needed. Don't use too many adjectives when expressing empathy. Never tell the customer to email support or contact our customer service team.</p><h4>How it looks in action</h4><p>Here’s how an AI Agent with a direct and brief tone of voice responds to a customer who wants to cancel their order:</p><figure style="max-width:1112pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Custom direct and brief AI Agent voice" src="" loading="lazy"/></div><figcaption>AI Agent directs a customer to their brand’s return portal without being too wordy.</figcaption></figure><h3>3. Fun (with lots of emojis! 🤗)</h3><p>Who says support agents can’t have personality? Bring some fun into your conversations by creating a custom tone of voice that allows your AI Agent to use emojis and exclamation points.</p><p><strong>Tone of voice instructions:</strong></p><p>Greet with first name only. Acknowledge the customer's feelings by repeating their initial concern(s). Be concise and provide shorter responses, try to keep your responses to a few sentences. Use a warm, positive, and engaging—like chatting with a helpful, considerate friend. Sign off with "Best Regards". Avoid jokes or comments related to sensitive topics. Make the customer feel like a friend. You can include approved emojis for a personal touch and exclamation points. Approved emojis to use: 💞🫶✨🥰💖🎀💓💘🥳💗💕💯 You should recognize and celebrate personal milestones mentioned by customers, making the interaction feel more personal. After the customer's initial message, there's no need to restate their issue in follow-up responses.</p><h4>How it looks in action</h4><p>Here’s how an AI Agent with a fun tone of voice responds to a customer asking about exchanging their damaged product:</p><figure style="max-width:1133pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Custom fun emoji AI Agent voice" src="" loading="lazy"/></div><figcaption>AI Agent replies to a customer in a bubbly manner, even using heart emojis.</figcaption></figure><h3>4. Comforting</h3><p>Customer support often gets a bad rep. Customers anticipate long response times and unpleasant interactions. Flip <a href="">customer expectations</a> by giving your AI Agent a calming and comforting voice that can instantly fix negative experiences.</p><p><strong>💡 Tip: </strong>Brands in the wellness and baby industry would do well to use a comforting tone of voice for their AI Agent.</p><p><strong>Tone of voice instructions:</strong></p><p>Our brand embodies the role of a nurturing parent, promoting happiness, growth, and well-being while creating moments of joy and inspiration. Stay genuine and reflect childlike wonder without being overly sentimental. We maintain a positive and supportive tone, offering a safe, comforting space. Avoid admitting fault or apologizing. Be shorter in replies. Do not offer replacements. Do not give out phone numbers.</p><h4>How it looks in action</h4><p>Here’s how an AI Agent with a comforting tone of voice responds to a customer asking about exchanging their damaged product:</p><figure style="max-width:1115pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Custom positive and comforting AI Agent voice" src="" loading="lazy"/></div><figcaption>AI Agent is empathetic and understanding to a customer who is asking about stock availability.</figcaption></figure><h3>5. Bro-y</h3><p>Give your AI Agent a laid-back, “we’ve got your back” vibe that feels like chatting with a buddy. This tone keeps things casual, approachable, and like you’re ready to tackle any issue together.</p><p><strong>Tone of voice instructions:</strong></p><p>Sound like a gym bro. Speak casually and friendly. Be eager to help. However, do not go overboard with puns or stereotypical phrases. You may use the following emojis: 🤙💪🏋️ End responses with "Stay awesome,"</p><h4>How it looks in action</h4><p>Here’s how an AI Agent with a bro-y tone of voice responds to a customer asking about glove sizing:</p><figure style="max-width:1428pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="AI Agent responds to a glove sizing question" src="" loading="lazy"/></div><figcaption>AI Agent embodies your average bro and answers a customer’s question about glove size.</figcaption></figure><h3>6. Punny</h3><p>If your brand isn’t afraid to lean into humor and puns, this tone will definitely connect with your audience. Let your AI Agent use wit and clever wordplay to keep conversations lighthearted and customers smiling at their screens.</p><p><strong>Tone of voice instructions:</strong></p><p>Speak in bee and honey puns and use colorful emojis. Use at least one emoji per message. Keep your messages brief. Sign off with a different pun in every conversation. If a customer is upset or needs urgent help, avoid puns. </p><h4>How it looks in action</h4><p>Here’s how an AI Agent with a punny tone of voice responds to a customer asking about suit sizes:</p><figure style="max-width:1431pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="AI Agent uses bee puns to answer a customer" src="" loading="lazy"/></div><figcaption>AI Agent uses bee and honey puns to reply to a customer asking about size availability. </figcaption></figure><h3>7. Bonus: Robotic</h3><p>In all of our examples, AI Agent responses can easily be mistaken for one of your human agents. But if, for any reason, you want to change that by making your AI Agent sound robotic — it’s possible.</p><p><strong>Tone of voice instructions:</strong></p><p>Sound like a robot. Make robot sounds and puns. Use short, direct, and easy-to-read sentences.</p><h3>How it looks in action</h3><p>Here’s how an AI Agent with a robotic tone of voice responds to a customer asking about exchanging their damaged product:</p><figure style="max-width:1427pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Custom robot AI Agent voice" src="" loading="lazy"/></div><figcaption>AI Agent speaks like a robot to a customer.</figcaption></figure><h2>Say it how you want with AI Agent</h2><p>Like a chameleon, AI Agent adapts to your brand voice. Whether it’s friendly, professional, or a custom tone, you can be sure that every interaction aligns with your brand’s identity. </p><p>With AI Agent on your side, you have the power to make each conversation feel authentic. Take it from <a href="">Psycho Bunny</a>’s Senior Customer Experience Manager Tosha Moyer who says, “The overall tone is good, and its responses are really excellent.” </p><p><strong>Ready to see AI Agent’s excellence for yourself?</strong> <a href="">Book a demo</a> and discover how AI Agent can be a permanent part of your team.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-2}}</p><p></p></div></div></div><div id="w-node-ed01e8a7-a705-44aa-eed8-d8c01989f324-28704547" class="blog10_featured-image-link"><a aria-label="blog-img" data-w-id="ed01e8a7-a705-44aa-eed8-d8c01989f325" href="/blog/brand-voice-examples" class="blog10_featured-image-wrapper no-radius-no-padding w-inline-block"><div class="blog10_thumb-wrapper"><div class="blog10_thumb-inner is-5px-radius"><div class="blog10_thumb-holder is-4px-radius"><img src="" loading="eager" alt="" sizes="136px" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 2000w, 2600w, 3200w, 3840w" class="blog10_image is-radius-0"/></div></div></div></a></div></div><div class="blog10-feautured_cat-spacing"></div><div fs-cmsnest-collection="category" fs-cmsnest-element="nest-target" class="blog10_category-list-target is-featured-right"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="blog10_featured-divider"></div><div class="login3_form-wrapper"><div class="margin-bottom16"><div class="text-align-center"><div class="margin-bottom16"><h1 class="text-style-bbmodern _32px _0-67px">Newsletter Signup</h1></div><p class="text-18px">The best in CX and ecommerce, right to your inbox</p></div></div><div class="login3_form-block w-form"><form id="wf-form-Form-12" name="wf-form-Form-12" data-name="Form 12" method="get" class="login3_form" data-wf-page-id="64fce98b1b9c5d2028704547" data-wf-element-id="4f813d2d-0760-ec15-74b3-72b0c869d3f7"><div class="form-field-wrapper"><input class="form-input-3 w-input" maxlength="256" name="blog-new-newsletter-signup" data-name="blog new newsletter signup" placeholder="Your work email" type="email" id="blog-new-newsletter-signup" required=""/></div><input type="submit" data-wait="Please wait..." class="blog10_form-button w-button" value="Subscribe"/></form><div class="success-message-2 w-form-done"><div class="success-text is-blog-seccess">Registered! Get excited, some awesome content is on the way! 📨</div></div><div class="error-message-2 w-form-fail"><div class="error-text">Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></header><header id="blog-header-5" class="section_blog10-2nd"><div class="padding-global"><div class="container-1400px"><div class="padding-section-xmedium"><div class="blog10_component"><div class="blog10_heading-wrapper"><h2 class="text-style-bbmodern _48px _36mobile">Featured articles</h2></div><div class="w-dyn-list"><div fs-cmsnest-element="list" role="list" class="layout306_list is-feaured-article w-dyn-items"><div role="listitem" class="layout306_item w-dyn-item"><div class="layout306_item is-blog-item-readtime"><a aria-label="blog-img" data-w-id="bc3d6733-71aa-b2f6-0573-a1e3999ad594" href="/blog/manage-sales-on-tiktok-shop" class="blog10_link-wrapper w-inline-block"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><div class="layout178_image-wrapper is-featured-post"><img loading="lazy" alt="" src="" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 95vw, (max-width: 991px) 45vw, (max-width: 1919px) 28vw, 464.671875px" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 2000w, 2600w, 3200w, 3840w" class="layout306_image"/></div></div><h3 class="text24px text-weight-normal text-height-120 no-margin hover-underline is-for-featurred">How to Leverage Tools to Manage a High Volume of Sales on TikTok Shop</h3></a><div class="text-20px mobile-20 is-for-blog-desciption">Handle high-volume TikTok Shop sales easily with AfterShip Feed and Gorgias to streamline inventory, customer support, and order management.</div><div class="blog10_button-wrapper _18px"><div><div class="l-text-size-small w-embed">By Sarah Kang</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed"><span dev-read-time-target=manage-sales-on-tiktok-shop>0</span> min read . By Sarah Kang</div><div dev-read-time="manage-sales-on-tiktok-shop" class="hide w-richtext"><p>TikTok Shop generated <a href="">68.1% of gross market value sales</a> across all social media platforms in 2024 and <a href="">$3.8 billion in sales in 2023</a>. Clearly, it’s becoming a massive channel with abundant opportunities for sellers. </p><p>To effectively harness TikTok Shop, however, brands with high-volume sales need to understand the specific challenges they will face when launching on the social platform. </p><p>Many of these are operational, like maintaining an accurate inventory list between platforms, supporting customers efficiently, and fulfilling a large number of orders. </p><p>When used together, AfterShip Feed and Gorgias can help you overcome these operational hurdles and start selling on TikTok Shop sooner. </p><p>{{lead-magnet-1}}</p><h2>Streamline order management & customer support on TikTok Shop</h2><p>TikTok Shop is the commerce-enabled side of TikTok, where brands and creators can list their products for sale. Shoppers then make a purchase through shoppable (in-feed) videos, live shopping, or product showcases. The app aims to provide a “frictionless checkout experience,” enabling shoppers to engage with their favorite accounts and add-to-cart in a flash. </p><figure style="max-width:1600pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div><figcaption>Source: <a href="">TikTok Shop</a></figcaption></figure><p>While setting up a TikTok Shop is relatively simple, if you already run an ecommerce store that does a high volume of sales, adding TikTok Shop as an additional channel will be a little more complex. Thankfully, tools like AfterShip Feed and Gorgias can help you solve many operational issues and provide the same best-in-class customer experience on TikTok Shop as you do on your other channels.. </p><p>Here’s a highlight reel on how you can implement both tools to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction, tackling issues like fulfillment or customer support inquiries from the same customers on different channels.</p><h3>Centralize customer support with Gorgias </h3><figure style="max-width:1600pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div></figure><p>800+ Gorgias customers currently use the TikTok Shop integration. It’s quick and easy to connect. With it, you can: </p><ul role="list"><li><a href="">Manage all customer interactions in one place</a></li><li><a href="">Automate ticket creation</a></li><li><a href="">Enhance customers’ experience</a></li></ul><h4>Manage all customer interactions in one place</h4><p>Coordinating customer support across different channels can be a pain. With Gorgias, however, you’ll be able to manage inquiries more efficiently and handle all shoppers’ messages by responding to TikTok Shop inquiries directly from Gorgias using text, images, and videos. </p><p>Additionally, you can address order-related issues and manage cancellations, returns, and refunds from TikTok Shop in the same Gorgias dashboard you use for your existing channels. </p><h4>Automate ticket creation </h4><p>Leverage Gorgias’s automated ticket creation to reduce First Response Time (FRT) and ensure that you don’t miss a single customer inquiry from TikTok Shop. Save time by handling repetitive tasks (like order status updates) with automation. </p><h4>Enhance customers’ experience</h4><p>Enabling the Gorgias TikTok Shop integration will allow you to maintain better control over communication and provide a consistent customer experience. Customers shopping via TikTok Shop will benefit from quicker responses, improving overall satisfaction and boosting brand loyalty.</p><h3>Simplify operations with AfterShip Feed</h3><p><a href="">AfterShip Feed</a> is a reliable TikTok Shop management tool with 1,800 customers. It auto-syncs products, inventory, and orders between TikTok Shop and ecommerce platforms. </p><p>Partner AfterShip Feed with TikTok Shop to: </p><ul role="list"><li><a href="">List on TikTok Shop more efficiently</a></li><li><a href="">Safeguard your revenue</a></li><li><a href="">Streamline order management</a></li></ul><figure style="max-width:610pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div><figcaption>Source: <a href="">AfterShip Feed</a></figcaption></figure><p></p><h4>List on TikTok Shop more efficiently</h4><p>AfterShip Feed makes listing high volumes of products on TikTok Shop easier through bulk uploads and editing, enabling you to update up to 10,000 SKUs at once. </p><p>It uses AI to add key product details and keep your product listings accurate and consistent. Tools like category templates and product ID generation make it even easier to list your full catalog. </p><h4>Safeguard your revenue</h4><p>AfterShip Feed has several features that will help you avoid lost revenue, especially during busy times like BFCM. </p><figure style="max-width:1600pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div><figcaption>Source: AfterShip Feed</figcaption></figure><p><strong>Inventory threshold </strong></p><p>Inventory threshold helps you determine the minimum amount of inventory you need to have on hand to avoid selling out or buying too much. You can also set a fixed amount of inventory aside for TikTok Shop. </p><p><strong>Price rules</strong> </p><p>Price rules help you set the ideal prices for each item you sell to protect your profit margins. </p><p><strong>Fulfillment hold</strong> </p><p>A fulfillment hold stops an order at the fulfillment stage to ensure sufficient funds on the customer side, sufficient stock on yours—or to solve another issue behind the scenes. TikTok Shop has a standard 1-hour fulfillment hold, which can cause issues with inventory syncing on your main ecommerce platform. </p><h4>Streamline order management </h4><p>AfterShip Feed supports multiple fulfillment methods and integrates with many returns solutions. Sync orders from TikTok Shop with your existing fulfillment systems, ensuring timely and accurate deliveries. You can sync up to 24,000 orders to Shopify per hour.</p><p>Other features include order ID, shipping method, and product-SKU mapping. </p><h2>Which are the top-grossing TikTok Shop industries?</h2><p>Two industries in particular see massive sales from TikTok Shop: beauty and personal care, and womenswear and underwear. According to a <a href="">2024 report from Statista</a>, the beauty category saw over 370 million sales and women’s fashion 284 million sales in 2023. </p><figure style="max-width:797pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div></figure><p>The beauty category alone has generated almost <a href="">$2.5 billion in GMV</a>, while the womenswear category has seen $1.39 billion. </p><p>If your brand belongs to one of these categories, including Gorgias and AfterShip Feed in your TikTok Shop toolkit could be a great fit for you. </p><h2>Gorgias and AfterShip create better experiences </h2><p>Pairing Gorgias and AfterShip Feed will help you deliver a fantastic customer experience and grow your business on TikTok Shop. </p><p><a href=""><strong>Get started →</strong></a></p></div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed"> min read.</div></div></div><div fs-cmsnest-collection="category" fs-cmsnest-element="nest-target" class="blog10_category-list-target is-featured-right"></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="layout306_item w-dyn-item"><div class="layout306_item is-blog-item-readtime"><a aria-label="blog-img" data-w-id="bc3d6733-71aa-b2f6-0573-a1e3999ad594" href="/blog/black-friday-ecommerce" class="blog10_link-wrapper w-inline-block"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><div class="layout178_image-wrapper is-featured-post"><img loading="lazy" alt="Black Friday–Cyber Monday" src="" class="layout306_image"/></div></div><h3 class="text24px text-weight-normal text-height-120 no-margin hover-underline is-for-featurred">A Complete Guide to Black Friday Ecommerce in 2024</h3></a><div class="text-20px mobile-20 is-for-blog-desciption">Prepare for Black Friday-Cyber Monday with our ultimate BFCM guide for ecommerce brands.</div><div class="blog10_button-wrapper _18px"><div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed">By Halee Sommer</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-embed"><span dev-read-time-target=black-friday-ecommerce>0</span> min read . By Halee Sommer</div><div dev-read-time="black-friday-ecommerce" class="hide w-richtext"><p>Black Friday is the strongest revenue-generating day of the year for retailers, with $9.8 billion in sales reported in 2023, according to a report by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Adobe</u></a>. For online merchants, the revenue potential is even sweeter, with the online shopping period extended into Cyber Monday.</p><p>But, it takes a coordinated effort by customer support, sales, and marketing to encourage a shopper to click “checkout.” Without a solid <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>ecommerce strategy</u></a>, many online retailers will miss out on the Black Friday - Cyber Monday rush. </p><p>Whether you’re looking to optimize your existing strategy or starting from scratch, we’ve got you covered. This guide will help you make the most out of your BFCM ecommerce strategy with a clear list of steps (in chronological order) to help you prepare.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-1}}</p><h2>What is Black Friday - Cyber Monday? </h2><p>Black Friday - Cyber Monday — also referred to as BFCM — are two back-to-back sales days that bring in a ton of revenue for both in-store and ecommerce retailers in the US. The Black Friday - Cyber Monday shopping window also kick-starts holiday shopping from Thanksgiving day through the new year. </p><h2>Why you need to prepare for BFCM now</h2><p>BFCM isn’t just about one big day of revenue generation. It’s a crucial period for online retailers to capture new customers and convince them to keep shopping through the end of the year and beyond. </p><h3>In-person BFCM experiences are out, and ecommerce is in </h3><p>Shopper sentiment is shifting away from physical experiences. Online transactions are up by 13% year-over-year, according to research from <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Criteo</u></a>. So, you probably won’t see consumers camping out in front of physical stores on Black Friday, but those same shoppers still want to find an excellent ecommerce deal. </p><h3>Consumers are eager to spend despite concerns about inflation </h3><p>After BFCM in 2023, research from Nielsen found the desire for a good deal caused 57% of shoppers to stay on budget and 18% of shoppers to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>spend more than they planned</u></a> in the year prior.</p><h3>Brand familiarity matters</h3><p>Shoppers, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Gen Z in particular</a>, are more likely to make a purchase with a brand they’re familiar with. So, ensure your marketing tactics are firing well before BFCM will help folks get to know you before the holiday sales season starts.</p><h3>Get proactive rather than reactive</h3><p>When you make a plan early, you give your business more time to craft a great marketing campaign. Plus, you give your team time to figure out how to manage <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>customer service on Black Friday</u></a> for these high-traffic days. </p><p>Considering Black Friday - Cyber Monday is the busiest ecommerce sales event of the year, prepare as early as possible to get a leg-up and stay on top of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Black Friday trends</u></a>. </p><p><strong>Related reading:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Why proactive customer service is essential for growing your business</u></a></p><h2>Pre-Black Friday preparation: What to do before the holiday</h2><p>Preparing for Black Friday — and building a strong ecommerce strategy — goes well beyond ironing out a limited-time deal. </p><p>Tactics like updating key policies, building out <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>customer self-service</u></a> options, and marketing early will help you be successful.</p><h3>1. Update key policies on your website before BFCM </h3><p>Displaying clear-cut and easy-to-find policies on your website makes a huge difference to the customer experience. It sets the customer up for success and cultivates a positive sentiment with your brand. </p><p>To prepare for the best Black Friday-Cyber Monday possible, we recommend updating these key policies (and your Help Center) with BFCM-related information. </p><p>✅ <strong>Tip: </strong>A tool like Gorgias’s <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>AI Agent</u></a> learns from your policies to know how to respond to certain topics and escalate tickets. And we know that more automated tickets leads to a lighter workload for your agents. It makes a compelling case for keeping your policies up-to-date.</p><p>“The anxiety for customers during BFCM is real,” says Lauren Reams, Customer Experience Manager at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>VESSEL</u></a>. “This year, we are planning on leveraging AI Agent to help us get ahead of the most common questions. AI Agent has been so seamless, so we’re confident that it will help us handle the busy season without needing to bring in additional agents.”</p><p></p><div><div class='quill-upload-image' data-align='center' contenteditable='false' style='width:100%;height:auto;margin:auto;'><div style='width:100%; white-space: nowrap;border: none !important;'><div style="display:flex;justify-content:center;border: 0px;"><figure style='max-width:100%;'><img class='lazyload' loading='lazy' src='' alt='AI Agent overview' style='width:100%;height:auto;margin:auto;padding-bottom:20px;' > </figure></div></div></div></div><h4>Returns and exchanges</h4><p>BCFM is a popular time for consumers to buy holiday gifts, which means you could see an influx in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>returns</u></a> or exchanges. </p><p>✅ <strong>Tips</strong>: Use return management apps like <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Loop Returns</u></a> to provide customers with a self-service return portal to process their returns. Take that idea one step further by using <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>AI Agent Actions </u></a>to send your Loop Returns link or return shipping status automatically.</p><p></p><div class="letterdrop-custom-embed" id=htmlembed_1724766934651><div style="position: relative; padding-bottom:calc(50.5859375% + 50px); height: 0;"> <iframe id="vkmv5gqi2k" src="" width="100%" height="100%" style="overflow:hidden;position:absolute;border:none" scrolling="no" allow="clipboard-read; clipboard-write" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen allowtransparency="true"></iframe> </div></div><p><em>Integrate Loop Returns with Gorgias and enable customers to initiate their own returns.</em></p><h4>Shipping and fulfillment </h4><p>Customers expect purchases, especially if they’re buying gifts for upcoming holidays, to arrive on time and quickly (you’re competing with fast shipping speeds from retail giants like Amazon).</p><p>If those gifts don’t arrive in time, you’re going to face a lot of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>angry customers.</u></a> </p><p>✅ <strong>Tip</strong>: Use your <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>shipping</u></a> and fulfillment policy to be crystal clear about when you ship orders, how long orders typically arrive, and how customers can look up their order status. AI Agent can perform <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Shopify Actions</u></a>, such as editing the order's shipping address. Having this automated means agents do not have to do manual work.</p><p></p><div><div class='quill-upload-image' data-align='center' contenteditable='false' style='width:100%;height:auto;margin:auto;'><div style='width:100%; white-space: nowrap;border: none !important;'><div style="display:flex;justify-content:center;border: 0px;"><figure style='max-width:100%;'><img class='lazyload' loading='lazy' src='' alt='' style='width:100%;height:auto;margin:auto;padding-bottom:20px;' > </figure></div></div></div></div><h4>Lost packages </h4><p>All those Black Friday - Cyber Monday sales equal a ton of packages in transit. You can expect a few to go missing. </p><p>When that happens, your customers <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>need to know what happens next</u></a>. </p><p>Make sure you’re clear with your team and customers upfront if you are willing to cover damages (either with refunds or credits). This will help your agents handle the process quickly and consistently. Plus, it gives your customers the peace of mind that accidents won’t put them out.</p><p>✅ <strong>Tip</strong>: Include a policy about damaged items in your FAQs so your customers know what to expect in case anything goes wrong with their order. </p><p><strong>Related reading: </strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong><u>FAQ Page Template & Tips (+ Free Shopify FAQ Generator)</u></strong></a></p><h4>Automate self-service options</h4><p>If you’re on Gorgias, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Automate</u></a> includes Flows, Order Management, and Article Recommendations. These different automations can help you deflect up to 30% of tickets, freeing your agents up for higher-value conversations. </p><p>Set up Flows to automatically answer common customer questions specific to Black Friday - Cyber Monday related to: </p><ul><li><strong>Shipping policy:</strong> Will my items arrive by the holidays? </li><li><strong>Get a gift recommendation: </strong>Can you help me find a gift for a friend? </li><li><strong>Return policy:</strong> Can I return a gifted item? </li><li><strong>BFCM discounts: </strong>Do you offer any holiday discounts? </li></ul><p><strong>Related reading:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Offer more self-serve options with Flows: 10 use cases & best practices</u></a></p><h3>2. Reduce strain on your customer service team </h3><p>It turns out that many customer support inquiries your team receives are repetitive. </p><p>“If you force agents to respond to every question manually — no matter how small — you're only limiting the time they can spend on tickets that actually need human attention,” says Gorgias Director of Support, Bri Christiano.</p><p>That’s why we built Automate at Gorgias: It deflects your most repetitive tickets — up to 30% of your overall ticket volume — so you can focus on the tickets that grow your business.</p><p>Tech product retailer <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Nomad</u></a> leaned into Gorgias’s automation to support customer service interactions. Not only did the online retailer gain a streamlined way to manage customer feedback, they also <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>reduced response time by 70%</u></a>. </p><p><strong>Customer story: </strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>How Nomad uses automation to reduce their response time and resolution time by over 70%</u></a></p><h3>3. Build a marketing campaign to tap into social commerce</h3><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Social commerce</u></a> is on the rise among consumers worldwide. </p><p>Deloitte estimates about <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>one-third of shoppers in the US</u></a> made a purchase through a social media app in 2021. That number is estimated to be even higher for those who were influenced to buy a product after seeing it on social media. </p><p>You don’t necessarily have to sell directly through <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Instagram</u></a>, but you can leverage your social channels to generate brand awareness. </p><p>The need for social-focused customer support is exactly why online retailer <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>MNML</u></a> turned to Gorgias. The company found that their shoppers turned more and more to social media for answers to their shopping-related questions. </p><p></p><div><div class='quill-upload-image' data-align='center' contenteditable='false' style='width:100%;height:auto;margin:auto;'><div style='width:100%; white-space: nowrap;border: none !important;'><div style="display:flex;justify-content:center;border: 0px;"><figure style='max-width:100%;'><img class='lazyload' loading='lazy' src='' alt='MNML features a musician who wore their pieces. ' style='width:100%;height:auto;margin:auto;padding-bottom:20px;' ><figcaption class="letterdrop-image-caption" style="display: flex;white-space: break-spaces;align-items: center;justify-content: center; flex-wrap: wrap; gap:3px;" > MNML features a musician who wore their pieces on their Instagram. </figcaption> </figure></div></div></div></div><p>Ultimately, the company leveled up their customer support on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>social media</u></a> to connect with potential buyers. </p><p>Get started with these ideas:</p><h4>Partner with influencers to generate brand awareness</h4><p>Don’t partner with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>influencers</u></a> for the sake of it. Instead, think about it like building a relationship with someone who fits your brand ideals and can cross-sell your products to their audience. </p><p>To do this, focus less on influencers with millions of followers on Instagram and TikTok. Instead, look for micro-influencers (or creators with less than 100,000 followers) with audiences that match your brand personas.</p><h4>Create content that focuses on your store’s Black Friday deals</h4><p>Once you’ve figured out the Black Friday sales your store will offer, you must ensure people know about them. </p><p>Craft content for your social media channels that highlight your deals. Since social media primarily focuses on visuals, start by collecting photos, videos, or illustrations of your products. Then, draft copy for captions, think through the best hashtags, and hand over creative briefs to your design team to build any assets you might need. </p><h4>Put a little money behind your most successful organic social media posts</h4><p>The weeks or months leading up to BFCM are prime time to talk about your brand’s Black Friday promotions. Use social media analytics to see which published posts are performing best across your channels. </p><p>Turn those high-performing posts into ads on social media by boosting them with a little money. Even with a small budget, you can use social ads to grab even more eyeballs — and potentially bring more people to your website. </p><p>A few other ideas to consider: </p><ul><li>Prompt your customers to sign up for an SMS reminder or push notification on their smartphones or mobile devices. </li><li>Give early sale access to email subscribers, incentivizing customers to build a deeper relationship with your brand.</li><li>Pin the sale date and deal information at the top of your social media profiles, especially Instagram.</li></ul><h2>How to maximize revenue during BFCM in 2 steps</h2><p>Imagine Black Friday - Cyber Monday is here. Even better, imagine you’ve got a ton of website traffic full of eager browsers. You need a plan to keep those browsers engaged.</p><p>One major step you can take to boost your conversion rate and potential revenue is to increase communication touchpoints and focus on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>recovering abandoned carts</u></a>.</p><h3>1. Increase customer touchpoints to keep shoppers engaged </h3><p>Throughout any customer’s journey, there are many opportunities to interact with your brand. One moment might be finding out about your BFCM sale on social media, signing up for emails to get early access, or browsing the best deals before heading to checkout. </p><p>The more you interact with customers along the way, the more you can keep them engaged — and personalized interactions increase your chances of converting a first-time shopper into a repeat customer. </p><p>Gorgias’s <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Convert</u></a> is a CRO tool that easily personalizes interactions at multiple points throughout a customer journey. Convert offers several ways to increase touchpoints and boost overall engagement: </p><ul><li>AI-powered cross-sell campaigns to offer product recommendations.</li><li>Up-sell campaigns to showcase higher-priced items.</li><li>Share timely discounts, free shipping, or valuable product insights. </li><li>Offer 1:1 support with a smooth hand-off to Gorgias Live Chat.</li><li>Leverage Shopify browsing data to offer product recommendations.</li><li>Set up onsite campaigns without any coding.</li></ul><p>Another way to build in more touch points is to use automated chat campaigns that <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>pop up</u></a> and engage with your customers at crucial moments. Chat widgets are a small addition to any homepage, landing page, or product page that immediately lets customers know where to go for help. </p><p></p><div><div class='quill-upload-image' data-align='center' contenteditable='false' style='width:100%;height:auto;margin:auto;'><div style='width:100%; white-space: nowrap;border: none !important;'><div style="display:flex;justify-content:center;border: 0px;"><figure style='max-width:100%;'><img class='lazyload' loading='lazy' src='' alt='Gorgias Convert discount campaign' style='width:100%;height:auto;margin:auto;padding-bottom:20px;' ><figcaption class="letterdrop-image-caption" style="display: flex;white-space: break-spaces;align-items: center;justify-content: center; flex-wrap: wrap; gap:3px;" > Gorgias Convert enables brands to create onsite campaigns to turn browsing shoppers into customers. </figcaption> </figure></div></div></div></div><p>2. Reduce abandoned carts </p><p>Cart abandonment is a major source of lost retail sales for any ecommerce business, considering about <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>70% of online carts are abandoned</u></a>. </p><p>You can easily target customers who have opted into an email list or receive SMS messages from your brand. Design emails or text messages designed to trigger if a cart is abandoned.</p><p>Include copy that builds a sense of urgency to drive customers back to their shopping carts to “buy now” before the deal is over. </p><p>There’s even a chance to use re-engagement to increase your average order value by upselling once that customer returns to your site. </p><h2>How to retain new customers you get during BFCM</h2><p>Repeat customers are valuable — like, really valuable. </p><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>According to Gorgias research</u></a>, returning customers make up about 21% of a brand’s customer base but generate 44% of that same brand’s revenue. </p><p>Your brand should re-engage with anyone who shops on your website during the BFCM rush. Those same people could become returning customers who give your shop a revenue boost during the rest of the holiday season. </p><h3>1. Offer a discount for next time </h3><p>The perfect moment to re-engage a customer starts at checkout. When someone makes a purchase through your online store, offer them an immediate discount that goes toward their next purchase. </p><p>At CX Connect LA 2024, Ron Shah, CEO of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Obvi</u></a>, shared his brand’s strategy for offering discounts to generate revenue. Ron knew implementing AI to support Obvi’s two-person customer support team was necessary to help the brand grow without eliminating the need for his human agents. </p><p></p><div class="letterdrop-custom-embed" id=htmlembed_1724767513581><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe></div><p>“The time saved by AI handled a lot of the redundant work our agents were doing, which meant we could turn them into part-time sales agents. We also gave them a code to help them prevent a refund from happening or upsell somebody. It created a completely new shift in their mindset. They realized, ‘Oh wow, you're not just taking something away from me (with AI) — you're actually elevating my opportunity.’”</p><p>✅ <strong>Tip</strong>: You can increase the touchpoints to re-engage with an existing customer by building a reminder email that triggers one week after their initial transaction. That way, you not only stay at the top of their inbox, you also stay top of mind. </p><h3>2. Invite customers to join a loyalty program </h3><p>Loyalty programs are a tried-and-true method to build engaged, returning customers.</p><p>In a recent survey, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Yotpo</u></a> found that over half of surveyed consumers agreed a loyalty program would encourage them to purchase more from a brand. </p><p>If you already offer a loyalty program, make sure new customers know about how to get the VIP experience with your store. Build awareness touchpoints into your loyalty program marketing strategy. You can also prompt buyers to become <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>loyal customers</u></a> after they make their first purchase.</p><p></p><div><div class='quill-upload-image' data-align='center' contenteditable='false' style='width:100%;height:auto;margin:auto;'><div style='width:100%; white-space: nowrap;border: none !important;'><div style="display:flex;justify-content:center;border: 0px;"><figure style='max-width:100%;'><img class='lazyload' loading='lazy' src='' alt='First time shoppers vs loyal customers' style='width:100%;height:auto;margin:auto;padding-bottom:20px;' ><figcaption class="letterdrop-image-caption" style="display: flex;white-space: break-spaces;align-items: center;justify-content: center; flex-wrap: wrap; gap:3px;" > It costs more to acquire new customers than it is to engage and keep your current customers. </figcaption> </figure></div></div></div></div><h3>3. Continue to improve your customer experience strategy </h3><p>A successful, positive, and repeatable customer experience doesn’t end after midnight on Cyber Monday. It’s a road rather than a destination. </p><p>Consumer habits are always changing, and your support teams must be prepared to handle customer requests.</p><p>One way to anticipate your customer’s pain points is to look at customer feedback. </p><p>Reviews and social media activity is a great place to start. You might also consider putting a more formal customer sentiment strategy in place, with a CSAT survey to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>collect direct feedback</u></a> from customers. </p><p>This feedback helps your team prioritize what needs to improve so you’re not left reaching in the dark.</p><h2>Give your ecommerce strategy a boost this holiday shopping season</h2><p>The name of the game this Black Friday - Cyber Monday isn’t just to get a ton of online sales; it’s to set up your ecommerce site for a successful holiday shopping season. </p><p>Success could look like: </p><ul><li>A reduction in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>BFCM returns</u></a> or exchanges </li><li>Having the perfect amount of inventory </li><li>Seeing higher-than-average sustained engagement on your social channels </li></ul><p>If you want to move the meter, focus on a strong <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Black Friday marketing strategy</u></a> that starts now.</p><p>Gorgias is designed with ecommerce merchants in mind. Find out how Gorgias’s time-saving automations and convenient platform can help you create successful customer experiences.</p><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>Claim your demo</u></a> today, or <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>sign up</u></a> to try Gorgias.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-2}}</p></div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed">14 min read.</div></div></div><div fs-cmsnest-collection="category" fs-cmsnest-element="nest-target" class="blog10_category-list-target is-featured-right"></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="layout306_item w-dyn-item"><div class="layout306_item is-blog-item-readtime"><a aria-label="blog-img" data-w-id="bc3d6733-71aa-b2f6-0573-a1e3999ad594" href="/blog/post-purchase-automation" class="blog10_link-wrapper w-inline-block"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><div class="layout178_image-wrapper is-featured-post"><img loading="lazy" alt="" src="" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 95vw, (max-width: 991px) 45vw, (max-width: 1919px) 28vw, 464.671875px" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 2000w, 2600w, 3200w, 3840w" class="layout306_image"/></div></div><h3 class="text24px text-weight-normal text-height-120 no-margin hover-underline is-for-featurred">Building Customer Loyalty Through Effective Post-Purchase Support and Automation in Ecommerce</h3></a><div class="text-20px mobile-20 is-for-blog-desciption w-dyn-bind-empty"></div><div class="blog10_button-wrapper _18px"><div><div class="l-text-size-small w-embed">By Rebecca Lazar</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed"><span dev-read-time-target=post-purchase-automation>0</span> min read . By Rebecca Lazar</div><div dev-read-time="post-purchase-automation" class="hide w-richtext"><p>Let's talk about something that often gets overlooked in ecommerce: what happens after someone hits that "Place Order" button. You might think the hard part's over once you've made the sale, but here's the thing the post-purchase experience can make or break your relationship with customers. </p><p>In today's competitive online marketplace, those relationships are everything — especially considering that loyal customers spend an <a href="">average of 67% more per purchase</a> than new customers.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-1}}</p><h2>The importance of post-purchase support and automation in ecommerce</h2><p>Providing an excellent post-purchase customer experience can turn one-time customers into loyal advocates who are more likely to make repeat purchases and recommend your brand to others.</p><h3>It's all about the customer experience</h3><p>When someone buys from your store, they're not just getting a product — they're starting a relationship with your brand. </p><p>A great post-purchase experience shows customers you actually care about their satisfaction beyond just making the sale. <a href="">90% of U.S. customers</a> say that an immediate customer service response is "important" or "very important.”</p><figure style="max-width:776pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="90% of US customers say that getting an immediate response is important" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><p>When you nail this part, something magical happens: one-time shoppers transform into passionate advocates who not only come back for more but can't help telling others about their amazing experience with your brand.</p><p>Having accessible support and an efficient and easy returns process may make the difference between a happy customer and an unsatisfied one.</p><h3>Building trust that lasts</h3><p>Trust is everything in online shopping. When customers feel supported after making a purchase, they're much more likely to give you the benefit of the doubt if something goes wrong down the line.</p><p>It's like building a friendship: every positive interaction adds another layer of trust. And that trust translates directly into repeat business and glowing recommendations. </p><p>The post-purchase support experience makes a huge difference in building that trust. In fact, <a href="">96% of customers</a> say excellent customer service builds trust.</p><h3>Keeping your return rates down</h3><p>Great post-purchase support can actually help <a href="">reduce your return rates</a>. By addressing concerns quickly and providing clear information upfront, you can prevent many returns before they happen.</p><p>This can save you money on shipping and restocking and create a smoother experience that keeps customers happy and your business healthy.</p><h3>Making processes more efficient</h3><p>Automation eliminates manual tasks, freeing up your team to focus on more strategic initiatives. By automating repetitive tasks, you can improve efficiency and productivity, allowing your team to focus on more value-added activities. </p><p>You can <a href="">automate everything from customer support</a> to returns and exchanges to your order tracking and more. Besides meeting customers' straightforward needs, automation allows you to focus your team's energy on solving bigger problems and strengthening customer relationships.</p><h3>Accuracy, guaranteed</h3><p>Automation helps ensure consistency across all your post-purchase processes. </p><p>When customers know they can count on a reliable experience every time they shop with you, it builds confidence in your brand. </p><p>Plus, fewer mistakes mean happier customers and less time spent fixing problems.</p><h3>Creating better customer experiences</h3><p>Speed matters in today's world, and automation helps you deliver faster, more personalized responses to customer needs. </p><p>Whether it's instant order updates or quick responses to questions, automation helps you meet and exceed customer expectations. The result? More satisfied customers who feel valued and understood.</p><h2>How to automate the post-purchase experience for better loyalty</h2><p>Here are some ways to automate the post-purchase experience:</p><h3>Automate your returns and exchanges process</h3><p>Streamline the returns process with automated return labels, tracking, and updates. Use <a href="">ReturnGO</a> to automate this process, saving time and reducing manual errors. With automated returns, you can provide a hassle-free experience for customers, encouraging them to return to your store in the future.</p><p>Automated returns can help to improve the customer experience by making the returns process easier and more convenient. <a href="">65% of customers say the speed and ease of refunds</a> affect where they choose to shop. </p><p>By automating tasks such as generating return labels and tracking packages, you can reduce the time and effort required for customers to return items. </p><p>Think about it from their perspective — if returning an item is hassle-free, they'll feel more confident buying from you in the future. It's like having a safety net that makes customers more comfortable taking chances on new products.</p><h3>Centralize customer support</h3><p>In today's fast-paced world, customers expect quick and efficient support. Using a customer experience platform like <a href="">Gorgias</a>, you can manage all your customer support tickets in one place, making it easier to provide fast, accurate help when people need it.</p><p>By centralizing your post-purchase support, you can manage support tickets more efficiently, respond to customer inquiries quickly, and provide the most up-to-date information. This centralized approach can hugely <a href="">improve response times</a>.</p><h3>Keep customers in the loop</h3><p>Nobody likes being left in the dark about their order. Automated <a href="">post-purchase notifications</a> keep your customers informed every step of the way - from order confirmation to delivery and returns. Using tools like ReturnGO, you can send personalized updates that make customers feel looked after. This is essential for building customer loyalty. </p><p>Keeping customers informed about their orders can help reduce customer anxiety. When customers know what to expect, they’re less likely to worry about their purchase and are more likely to keep buying from you again and again. </p><figure style="max-width:1040pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="ReturnGO keeps customers updated" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><h3>Create an integrated workflow</h3><p>To truly streamline your post-purchase customer service, if you connect your returns management system with your customer support system, you really bring all of the pieces of a puzzle together.</p><p>When these two systems are in sync, you can create a smooth workflow that makes things easier for both your team and your customers.</p><p>By automating tasks like creating support tickets and processing returns, you can save time and create a more reliable, efficient system that helps you serve customers better. No more jumping back and forth between systems to check on a return when a customer reaches out about it.</p><p>The ReturnGO-Gorgias integration makes this happen seamlessly, with features like:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Automatic ticket generation: </strong>When a customer requests a return, a support ticket is automatically created on Gorgias, saving you time and preventing errors.</li><li><strong>Real-time updates: </strong>Return request information is automatically updated from ReturnGO to Gorgias, so your team always has the latest details right there.</li><li><strong>Centralized system: </strong>No more digging through multiple systems. This means your support agents always have access to the most up-to-date information and respond quickly and efficiently to customers.</li><li><strong>Smart widget: </strong>The ReturnGO-Gorgias integration includes a widget embedded in your Gorgias dashboard, for managing RMAs directly from within Gorgias. This widget enables your team to:<ul role="list"><li><strong>View RMA information: </strong>See all the relevant details about a return, including the customer's information, the items being returned, and the reason for the return.</li><li><strong>Take actions on the RMA: </strong>Easily approve or reject a return request directly from Gorgias.</li></ul></li></ul><figure style="max-width:776pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="ReturnGO x Gorgias widget" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><p>The ReturnGO-Gorgias integration makes it easy for your team to manage returns and communicate with customers without having to jump between systems to hunt for information.</p><h2>The path to lasting customer loyalty</h2><p>So, there you have it! In the world of online shopping, how you handle the after-purchase experience can be just as important as making the sale in the first place.</p><p>By automating your post-purchase process, you can create a seamless and satisfying customer experience. </p><p>Tools like <a href="">ReturnGO</a> and Gorgias can help you create the kind of experience that builds customer loyalty.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-2}}</p></div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed"> min read.</div></div></div><div fs-cmsnest-collection="category" fs-cmsnest-element="nest-target" class="blog10_category-list-target is-featured-right"></div></div></div></div></div><div id="w-node-_6e0bdfa2-405d-2f6b-e2df-1332af090a12-28704547" class="blog10_list-wrapper hide w-dyn-list"><div fs-cmsnest-element="list" role="list" class="blog10_list w-dyn-items"><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><div class="blog10_item"><a aria-label="blog-img" data-w-id="f2c073e0-60d8-a948-1f2f-314bc5d47f79" href="/blog/ai-tone-of-voice" class="blog10_link-wrapper w-inline-block"><div class="blog10_image-link"><div class="blog10_image-wrapper"><img alt="" loading="lazy" src="" sizes="100vw" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 1920w" class="blog10_image"/></div></div><div class="blog10_title-link"><h3 class="text-weight-normal text-size-mobile-32px hover-underline">AI Tone of Voice: Tips for On-Brand Customer Communication</h3></div><div class="text-20px mobile-20">Learn why tone of voice matters in customer service and how to train AI to replicate your brand’s unique voice for personalized customer experiences.</div></a><div class="blog10_button-wrapper _1rem"><div class="l-text-size-small text-nobreak w-dyn-bind-empty"></div><div class="l-text-size-small text-nobreak w-condition-invisible">min read</div><div class="l-text-size-small text-weight-semibold text-inline w-condition-invisible">.</div><div class="l-text-size-small text-nobreak">By</div><div class="l-text-size-small text-nobreak">Alexa Hertel</div></div><div fs-cmsnest-collection="blog-category" fs-cmsnest-element="nest-target" class="blog10_category-list-target"></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><div class="blog10_item"><a aria-label="blog-img" data-w-id="f2c073e0-60d8-a948-1f2f-314bc5d47f79" href="/blog/customer-service-quality-assurance" class="blog10_link-wrapper w-inline-block"><div class="blog10_image-link"><div class="blog10_image-wrapper"><img alt="" loading="lazy" src="" sizes="100vw" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 1920w" class="blog10_image"/></div></div><div class="blog10_title-link"><h3 class="text-weight-normal text-size-mobile-32px hover-underline">Why Your Strategy Needs Customer Service Quality Assurance</h3></div><div class="text-20px mobile-20">Learn the importance of QA in CX, best practices, tools, and tips to implement QA effectively.</div></a><div class="blog10_button-wrapper _1rem"><div class="l-text-size-small text-nobreak w-dyn-bind-empty"></div><div class="l-text-size-small text-nobreak w-condition-invisible">min read</div><div class="l-text-size-small text-weight-semibold text-inline w-condition-invisible">.</div><div class="l-text-size-small text-nobreak">By</div><div class="l-text-size-small text-nobreak">Alexa Hertel</div></div><div fs-cmsnest-collection="blog-category" fs-cmsnest-element="nest-target" class="blog10_category-list-target"></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><div class="blog10_item"><a aria-label="blog-img" data-w-id="f2c073e0-60d8-a948-1f2f-314bc5d47f79" href="/blog/post-purchase-automation" class="blog10_link-wrapper w-inline-block"><div class="blog10_image-link"><div class="blog10_image-wrapper"><img alt="" loading="lazy" src="" sizes="100vw" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 2000w, 2600w, 3200w, 3840w" class="blog10_image"/></div></div><div class="blog10_title-link"><h3 class="text-weight-normal text-size-mobile-32px hover-underline">Building Customer Loyalty Through Effective Post-Purchase Support and Automation in Ecommerce</h3></div><div class="text-20px mobile-20 w-dyn-bind-empty"></div></a><div class="blog10_button-wrapper _1rem"><div class="l-text-size-small text-nobreak w-dyn-bind-empty"></div><div class="l-text-size-small text-nobreak w-condition-invisible">min read</div><div class="l-text-size-small text-weight-semibold text-inline w-condition-invisible">.</div><div class="l-text-size-small text-nobreak">By</div><div class="l-text-size-small text-nobreak">Rebecca Lazar</div></div><div fs-cmsnest-collection="blog-category" fs-cmsnest-element="nest-target" class="blog10_category-list-target"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="blog10_image-banner-wrapper v2 is-hidden"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" class="blog10_image-banner hide"/><div class="blog10_image-banner is-zoom w-embed"><div class="hs-cta-embed hs-cta-simple-placeholder hs-cta-embed-136826045754" data-hubspot-wrapper-cta-id="136826045754"> <a href="" 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350.061C311.53 350.951 319.57 343.451 319.57 334.061V107.701C319.57 92.4009 307.17 79.9909 291.86 79.9909V80.0009ZM292.94 292.991H26.7099V26.7509H213.07V80.0009H107.66C92.3599 80.0009 79.9498 92.4008 79.9498 107.711V212.041C79.9498 227.341 92.3499 239.751 107.66 239.751H211.99C227.29 239.751 239.7 227.341 239.7 212.041V106.631H292.95V292.991H292.94ZM213.07 106.631V213.121H106.58V106.631H213.07Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M723.6 88.2905C712.87 81.5005 700.21 78.0605 685.98 78.0605C671.75 78.0605 659.09 81.5005 648.36 88.2905C637.63 95.0805 629.16 104.731 623.17 116.981C617.2 129.191 614.18 143.651 614.18 159.981C614.18 176.311 617.2 190.531 623.18 202.681C629.17 214.861 637.64 224.481 648.37 231.271C659.1 238.061 671.76 241.501 685.99 241.501C700.22 241.501 712.88 238.061 723.61 231.271C734.34 224.481 742.81 214.871 748.8 202.681C754.77 190.541 757.8 176.171 757.8 159.981C757.8 143.791 754.77 129.191 748.81 116.981C742.82 104.731 734.34 95.0805 723.62 88.2905H723.6ZM726.18 188.401C722.98 197.011 718 204.041 711.37 209.311C704.79 214.541 696.24 217.191 685.98 217.191C675.72 217.191 667.17 214.541 660.59 209.311C653.96 204.041 648.97 197.011 645.78 188.401C642.55 179.701 640.92 170.141 640.92 159.981C640.92 149.821 642.56 140.221 645.78 131.461C648.98 122.781 653.96 115.681 660.6 110.351C667.18 105.061 675.72 102.381 685.99 102.381C696.26 102.381 704.8 105.061 711.38 110.351C718.02 115.691 723 122.791 726.2 131.461C729.43 140.221 731.06 149.821 731.06 159.981C731.06 170.141 729.42 179.701 726.2 188.401H726.18Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M851.59 102.43L851.41 79.2802C851.41 78.4302 850.71 77.7402 849.86 77.7202C847.89 77.6802 846.2 77.6602 844.79 77.6602C835.25 77.6602 826.55 80.1502 818.93 85.0702C812.21 89.4102 807.25 94.9802 804.16 101.66V81.6602C804.16 80.7902 803.46 80.0901 802.59 80.0901H779.81C778.94 80.0901 778.24 80.7902 778.24 81.6602V237.65C778.24 238.52 778.94 239.22 779.81 239.22H803.4C804.27 239.22 804.97 238.52 804.97 237.65V138.55C804.97 131.84 806.62 125.79 809.86 120.55C813.11 115.3 817.62 111.12 823.27 108.12C828.93 105.11 835.49 103.59 842.77 103.59C845.21 103.59 847.58 103.73 849.84 103.99C850.78 104.1 851.6 103.38 851.59 102.43Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M1035.27 80.1094H1058.86C1059.73 80.1094 1060.43 80.8094 1060.43 81.6794V238.279C1060.43 239.149 1059.72 239.849 1058.86 239.849H1035.27C1034.4 239.849 1033.7 239.139 1033.7 238.279V81.6794C1033.7 80.8094 1034.41 80.1094 1035.27 80.1094Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M1047.27 21.8496C1042.26 21.8496 1037.89 23.5796 1034.3 26.9996C1030.68 30.4296 1028.85 34.6296 1028.85 39.4696C1028.85 44.3096 1030.68 48.4996 1034.3 51.9396C1037.9 55.3596 1042.26 57.0896 1047.27 57.0896C1052.28 57.0896 1056.65 55.3596 1060.24 51.9396C1063.86 48.5096 1065.69 44.3096 1065.69 39.4696C1065.69 34.6296 1063.86 30.4396 1060.24 26.9996C1056.64 23.5796 1052.28 21.8496 1047.27 21.8496Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M1187.67 87.2605C1181.45 83.5505 1174.93 81.0606 1168.28 79.8506C1161.72 78.6606 1155.84 78.0605 1150.79 78.0605C1142.89 78.0605 1134.75 79.1505 1126.61 81.2905C1118.4 83.4505 1110.75 87.2806 1103.85 92.6706C1097.29 97.7906 1091.93 104.881 1087.88 113.771C1087.5 114.601 1087.92 115.601 1088.78 115.921L1111.15 124.121C1111.9 124.391 1112.7 124.061 1113.07 123.361C1115.67 118.381 1119.9 113.611 1125.68 109.161C1131.86 104.391 1140.58 101.981 1151.59 101.981C1162.6 101.981 1170.07 104.631 1175.18 109.841C1180.31 115.061 1182.91 122.551 1182.91 132.091V132.901C1182.91 136.211 1181.81 138.451 1179.54 139.741C1176.99 141.181 1172.83 142.231 1167.15 142.851C1161.27 143.491 1153.52 144.431 1144.12 145.631C1136.9 146.581 1129.63 147.861 1122.51 149.441C1115.3 151.051 1108.63 153.491 1102.68 156.711C1096.62 159.981 1091.72 164.551 1088.09 170.301C1084.45 176.071 1082.61 183.621 1082.61 192.751C1082.61 203.101 1085.07 212.061 1089.93 219.381C1094.78 226.681 1101.4 232.331 1109.63 236.171C1117.81 239.981 1127.02 241.921 1137.03 241.921C1146.22 241.921 1154.13 240.521 1160.55 237.761C1166.96 235.001 1172.18 231.601 1176.07 227.641C1178.94 224.721 1181.23 221.891 1182.91 219.191V237.811C1182.91 238.601 1183.55 239.241 1184.34 239.241H1208.21C1209 239.241 1209.64 238.601 1209.64 237.811V134.521C1209.64 122.001 1207.54 111.831 1203.4 104.301C1199.25 96.7605 1193.95 91.0305 1187.66 87.2805L1187.67 87.2605ZM1182.92 180.611C1182.92 186.801 1181.3 192.791 1178.1 198.401C1174.91 204.011 1170.12 208.661 1163.87 212.221C1157.62 215.781 1149.81 217.591 1140.67 217.591C1131.53 217.591 1123.87 215.551 1117.97 211.521C1112.16 207.561 1109.35 201.811 1109.35 193.951C1109.35 188.291 1110.87 183.771 1113.87 180.521C1116.96 177.181 1121.11 174.621 1126.21 172.921C1131.46 171.171 1137.2 169.881 1143.28 169.091C1145.84 168.751 1149.19 168.331 1153.33 167.831C1157.47 167.321 1161.81 166.711 1166.22 166.001C1170.67 165.281 1174.67 164.421 1178.12 163.431C1180.08 162.871 1181.66 162.261 1182.91 161.611V180.601L1182.92 180.611Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M1342.68 165.901C1335.71 158.831 1325.04 153.511 1310.96 150.091L1287.91 144.431C1278.99 142.201 1272.37 139.401 1268.24 136.111C1264.25 132.931 1262.31 128.701 1262.31 123.181C1262.31 116.951 1265.2 111.931 1271.14 107.831C1277.17 103.671 1284.87 101.561 1294.03 101.561C1300.71 101.561 1306.25 102.631 1310.47 104.741C1314.7 106.851 1318.09 109.561 1320.54 112.771C1322.72 115.631 1324.46 118.581 1325.73 121.571C1326.04 122.311 1326.84 122.701 1327.61 122.481L1348.78 116.311C1349.65 116.061 1350.15 115.101 1349.84 114.241C1346 103.691 1339.71 95.0208 1331.15 88.4608C1322.14 81.5508 1309.65 78.0508 1294.03 78.0508C1282.96 78.0508 1272.91 80.0308 1264.17 83.9408C1255.38 87.8708 1248.35 93.3608 1243.27 100.271C1238.16 107.231 1235.56 115.341 1235.56 124.381C1235.56 135.421 1239.04 144.751 1245.91 152.101C1252.72 159.391 1263.49 164.821 1277.92 168.241L1303.81 174.311C1311.33 176.061 1316.96 178.711 1320.52 182.181C1324.04 185.601 1325.75 189.721 1325.75 194.751C1325.75 200.991 1322.72 206.211 1316.49 210.721C1310.2 215.271 1301.55 217.581 1290.79 217.581C1281.36 217.581 1273.66 215.561 1267.9 211.571C1262.54 207.861 1258.74 202.311 1256.59 195.051C1256.35 194.241 1255.54 193.741 1254.72 193.951L1232.25 199.531C1231.41 199.741 1230.88 200.601 1231.08 201.441C1234.1 214.231 1240.81 224.151 1251.07 230.941C1261.64 237.941 1275.14 241.491 1291.2 241.491C1303.41 241.491 1314.29 239.411 1323.53 235.301C1332.82 231.171 1340.18 225.431 1345.39 218.251C1350.64 211.021 1353.3 202.711 1353.3 193.541C1353.3 182.351 1349.72 173.041 1342.68 165.891V165.901Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M563.31 206.34H503.34C490.01 206.34 484.75 202.92 484.75 194.51C484.75 184.27 498.09 179.24 498.09 179.24C506.92 182.58 517.34 184.25 528.59 184.25C566.46 184.25 593.47 164.26 593.47 132.35C593.47 125.46 591.18 113.76 581.85 102.38H610.57C611.44 102.38 612.14 101.68 612.14 100.81V81.6696C612.14 80.7996 611.44 80.0996 610.57 80.0996H528.59C491.06 80.0996 464.41 100.09 464.41 132.36C464.41 149.19 471.77 162.87 484.4 171.99C470.72 177.95 461.26 187.42 461.26 200.75C461.26 211.26 466.46 220.61 477.93 225.66C472.95 226.95 450.04 234.75 450.04 259.32C450.04 287.73 484.41 300.71 525.79 300.71C571.39 300.71 614.17 285.98 614.17 247.75C614.17 223.9 596.63 206.37 563.32 206.37L563.31 206.34ZM528.73 102.37C552.12 102.37 566.45 113.03 566.45 132.47C566.45 151.91 552.12 161.94 528.73 161.94C505.34 161.94 491.39 151.28 491.39 132.47C491.39 113.66 505.73 102.37 528.73 102.37ZM525.86 278.09C497 278.09 477.04 270.17 477.04 252.01C477.04 236.5 490.94 231.54 506.98 231.54H557.23C575.4 231.54 587.17 236.16 587.17 249.36C587.17 270.16 561.51 278.08 525.87 278.08L525.86 278.09Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M961.91 206.34H901.94C888.61 206.34 883.35 202.92 883.35 194.51C883.35 184.27 896.69 179.24 896.69 179.24C905.52 182.58 915.94 184.25 927.19 184.25C965.06 184.25 992.07 164.26 992.07 132.35C992.07 125.46 989.78 113.76 980.45 102.38H1009.17C1010.04 102.38 1010.74 101.68 1010.74 100.81V81.6696C1010.74 80.7996 1010.04 80.0996 1009.17 80.0996H927.19C889.66 80.0996 863.01 100.09 863.01 132.36C863.01 149.19 870.37 162.87 883 171.99C869.32 177.95 859.86 187.42 859.86 200.75C859.86 211.26 865.06 220.61 876.53 225.66C871.55 226.95 848.64 234.75 848.64 259.32C848.64 287.73 883.01 300.71 924.39 300.71C969.99 300.71 1012.77 285.98 1012.77 247.75C1012.77 223.9 995.23 206.37 961.92 206.37L961.91 206.34ZM927.33 102.37C950.72 102.37 965.05 113.03 965.05 132.47C965.05 151.91 950.72 161.94 927.33 161.94C903.94 161.94 889.99 151.28 889.99 132.47C889.99 113.66 904.33 102.37 927.33 102.37ZM924.46 278.09C895.6 278.09 875.64 270.17 875.64 252.01C875.64 236.5 889.54 231.54 905.58 231.54H955.83C974 231.54 985.77 236.16 985.77 249.36C985.77 270.16 960.11 278.08 924.47 278.08L924.46 278.09Z" fill="currentColor"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_251_925"> <rect width="1353" height="350" fill="currentColor"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg></div></div><div class="banner11_text-wrapper"><div class="navbar10_new-logo w-embed"><svg width=" 100%" height=" 100%" viewBox="0 0 1353 350" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_251_925)"> <path d="M291.86 80.0009H239.7V27.8409C239.7 12.5409 227.3 0.130859 211.99 0.130859H27.7999C12.4999 0.130859 0.0898438 12.5309 0.0898438 27.8409V291.901C0.0898438 307.201 12.4899 319.611 27.7999 319.611H266.33L291.64 344.921C294.43 347.711 298.03 349.691 301.96 350.061C311.53 350.951 319.57 343.451 319.57 334.061V107.701C319.57 92.4009 307.17 79.9909 291.86 79.9909V80.0009ZM292.94 292.991H26.7099V26.7509H213.07V80.0009H107.66C92.3599 80.0009 79.9498 92.4008 79.9498 107.711V212.041C79.9498 227.341 92.3499 239.751 107.66 239.751H211.99C227.29 239.751 239.7 227.341 239.7 212.041V106.631H292.95V292.991H292.94ZM213.07 106.631V213.121H106.58V106.631H213.07Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M723.6 88.2905C712.87 81.5005 700.21 78.0605 685.98 78.0605C671.75 78.0605 659.09 81.5005 648.36 88.2905C637.63 95.0805 629.16 104.731 623.17 116.981C617.2 129.191 614.18 143.651 614.18 159.981C614.18 176.311 617.2 190.531 623.18 202.681C629.17 214.861 637.64 224.481 648.37 231.271C659.1 238.061 671.76 241.501 685.99 241.501C700.22 241.501 712.88 238.061 723.61 231.271C734.34 224.481 742.81 214.871 748.8 202.681C754.77 190.541 757.8 176.171 757.8 159.981C757.8 143.791 754.77 129.191 748.81 116.981C742.82 104.731 734.34 95.0805 723.62 88.2905H723.6ZM726.18 188.401C722.98 197.011 718 204.041 711.37 209.311C704.79 214.541 696.24 217.191 685.98 217.191C675.72 217.191 667.17 214.541 660.59 209.311C653.96 204.041 648.97 197.011 645.78 188.401C642.55 179.701 640.92 170.141 640.92 159.981C640.92 149.821 642.56 140.221 645.78 131.461C648.98 122.781 653.96 115.681 660.6 110.351C667.18 105.061 675.72 102.381 685.99 102.381C696.26 102.381 704.8 105.061 711.38 110.351C718.02 115.691 723 122.791 726.2 131.461C729.43 140.221 731.06 149.821 731.06 159.981C731.06 170.141 729.42 179.701 726.2 188.401H726.18Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M851.59 102.43L851.41 79.2802C851.41 78.4302 850.71 77.7402 849.86 77.7202C847.89 77.6802 846.2 77.6602 844.79 77.6602C835.25 77.6602 826.55 80.1502 818.93 85.0702C812.21 89.4102 807.25 94.9802 804.16 101.66V81.6602C804.16 80.7902 803.46 80.0901 802.59 80.0901H779.81C778.94 80.0901 778.24 80.7902 778.24 81.6602V237.65C778.24 238.52 778.94 239.22 779.81 239.22H803.4C804.27 239.22 804.97 238.52 804.97 237.65V138.55C804.97 131.84 806.62 125.79 809.86 120.55C813.11 115.3 817.62 111.12 823.27 108.12C828.93 105.11 835.49 103.59 842.77 103.59C845.21 103.59 847.58 103.73 849.84 103.99C850.78 104.1 851.6 103.38 851.59 102.43Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M1035.27 80.1094H1058.86C1059.73 80.1094 1060.43 80.8094 1060.43 81.6794V238.279C1060.43 239.149 1059.72 239.849 1058.86 239.849H1035.27C1034.4 239.849 1033.7 239.139 1033.7 238.279V81.6794C1033.7 80.8094 1034.41 80.1094 1035.27 80.1094Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M1047.27 21.8496C1042.26 21.8496 1037.89 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139.741C1176.99 141.181 1172.83 142.231 1167.15 142.851C1161.27 143.491 1153.52 144.431 1144.12 145.631C1136.9 146.581 1129.63 147.861 1122.51 149.441C1115.3 151.051 1108.63 153.491 1102.68 156.711C1096.62 159.981 1091.72 164.551 1088.09 170.301C1084.45 176.071 1082.61 183.621 1082.61 192.751C1082.61 203.101 1085.07 212.061 1089.93 219.381C1094.78 226.681 1101.4 232.331 1109.63 236.171C1117.81 239.981 1127.02 241.921 1137.03 241.921C1146.22 241.921 1154.13 240.521 1160.55 237.761C1166.96 235.001 1172.18 231.601 1176.07 227.641C1178.94 224.721 1181.23 221.891 1182.91 219.191V237.811C1182.91 238.601 1183.55 239.241 1184.34 239.241H1208.21C1209 239.241 1209.64 238.601 1209.64 237.811V134.521C1209.64 122.001 1207.54 111.831 1203.4 104.301C1199.25 96.7605 1193.95 91.0305 1187.66 87.2805L1187.67 87.2605ZM1182.92 180.611C1182.92 186.801 1181.3 192.791 1178.1 198.401C1174.91 204.011 1170.12 208.661 1163.87 212.221C1157.62 215.781 1149.81 217.591 1140.67 217.591C1131.53 217.591 1123.87 215.551 1117.97 211.521C1112.16 207.561 1109.35 201.811 1109.35 193.951C1109.35 188.291 1110.87 183.771 1113.87 180.521C1116.96 177.181 1121.11 174.621 1126.21 172.921C1131.46 171.171 1137.2 169.881 1143.28 169.091C1145.84 168.751 1149.19 168.331 1153.33 167.831C1157.47 167.321 1161.81 166.711 1166.22 166.001C1170.67 165.281 1174.67 164.421 1178.12 163.431C1180.08 162.871 1181.66 162.261 1182.91 161.611V180.601L1182.92 180.611Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M1342.68 165.901C1335.71 158.831 1325.04 153.511 1310.96 150.091L1287.91 144.431C1278.99 142.201 1272.37 139.401 1268.24 136.111C1264.25 132.931 1262.31 128.701 1262.31 123.181C1262.31 116.951 1265.2 111.931 1271.14 107.831C1277.17 103.671 1284.87 101.561 1294.03 101.561C1300.71 101.561 1306.25 102.631 1310.47 104.741C1314.7 106.851 1318.09 109.561 1320.54 112.771C1322.72 115.631 1324.46 118.581 1325.73 121.571C1326.04 122.311 1326.84 122.701 1327.61 122.481L1348.78 116.311C1349.65 116.061 1350.15 115.101 1349.84 114.241C1346 103.691 1339.71 95.0208 1331.15 88.4608C1322.14 81.5508 1309.65 78.0508 1294.03 78.0508C1282.96 78.0508 1272.91 80.0308 1264.17 83.9408C1255.38 87.8708 1248.35 93.3608 1243.27 100.271C1238.16 107.231 1235.56 115.341 1235.56 124.381C1235.56 135.421 1239.04 144.751 1245.91 152.101C1252.72 159.391 1263.49 164.821 1277.92 168.241L1303.81 174.311C1311.33 176.061 1316.96 178.711 1320.52 182.181C1324.04 185.601 1325.75 189.721 1325.75 194.751C1325.75 200.991 1322.72 206.211 1316.49 210.721C1310.2 215.271 1301.55 217.581 1290.79 217.581C1281.36 217.581 1273.66 215.561 1267.9 211.571C1262.54 207.861 1258.74 202.311 1256.59 195.051C1256.35 194.241 1255.54 193.741 1254.72 193.951L1232.25 199.531C1231.41 199.741 1230.88 200.601 1231.08 201.441C1234.1 214.231 1240.81 224.151 1251.07 230.941C1261.64 237.941 1275.14 241.491 1291.2 241.491C1303.41 241.491 1314.29 239.411 1323.53 235.301C1332.82 231.171 1340.18 225.431 1345.39 218.251C1350.64 211.021 1353.3 202.711 1353.3 193.541C1353.3 182.351 1349.72 173.041 1342.68 165.891V165.901Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M563.31 206.34H503.34C490.01 206.34 484.75 202.92 484.75 194.51C484.75 184.27 498.09 179.24 498.09 179.24C506.92 182.58 517.34 184.25 528.59 184.25C566.46 184.25 593.47 164.26 593.47 132.35C593.47 125.46 591.18 113.76 581.85 102.38H610.57C611.44 102.38 612.14 101.68 612.14 100.81V81.6696C612.14 80.7996 611.44 80.0996 610.57 80.0996H528.59C491.06 80.0996 464.41 100.09 464.41 132.36C464.41 149.19 471.77 162.87 484.4 171.99C470.72 177.95 461.26 187.42 461.26 200.75C461.26 211.26 466.46 220.61 477.93 225.66C472.95 226.95 450.04 234.75 450.04 259.32C450.04 287.73 484.41 300.71 525.79 300.71C571.39 300.71 614.17 285.98 614.17 247.75C614.17 223.9 596.63 206.37 563.32 206.37L563.31 206.34ZM528.73 102.37C552.12 102.37 566.45 113.03 566.45 132.47C566.45 151.91 552.12 161.94 528.73 161.94C505.34 161.94 491.39 151.28 491.39 132.47C491.39 113.66 505.73 102.37 528.73 102.37ZM525.86 278.09C497 278.09 477.04 270.17 477.04 252.01C477.04 236.5 490.94 231.54 506.98 231.54H557.23C575.4 231.54 587.17 236.16 587.17 249.36C587.17 270.16 561.51 278.08 525.87 278.08L525.86 278.09Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M961.91 206.34H901.94C888.61 206.34 883.35 202.92 883.35 194.51C883.35 184.27 896.69 179.24 896.69 179.24C905.52 182.58 915.94 184.25 927.19 184.25C965.06 184.25 992.07 164.26 992.07 132.35C992.07 125.46 989.78 113.76 980.45 102.38H1009.17C1010.04 102.38 1010.74 101.68 1010.74 100.81V81.6696C1010.74 80.7996 1010.04 80.0996 1009.17 80.0996H927.19C889.66 80.0996 863.01 100.09 863.01 132.36C863.01 149.19 870.37 162.87 883 171.99C869.32 177.95 859.86 187.42 859.86 200.75C859.86 211.26 865.06 220.61 876.53 225.66C871.55 226.95 848.64 234.75 848.64 259.32C848.64 287.73 883.01 300.71 924.39 300.71C969.99 300.71 1012.77 285.98 1012.77 247.75C1012.77 223.9 995.23 206.37 961.92 206.37L961.91 206.34ZM927.33 102.37C950.72 102.37 965.05 113.03 965.05 132.47C965.05 151.91 950.72 161.94 927.33 161.94C903.94 161.94 889.99 151.28 889.99 132.47C889.99 113.66 904.33 102.37 927.33 102.37ZM924.46 278.09C895.6 278.09 875.64 270.17 875.64 252.01C875.64 236.5 889.54 231.54 905.58 231.54H955.83C974 231.54 985.77 236.16 985.77 249.36C985.77 270.16 960.11 278.08 924.47 278.08L924.46 278.09Z" fill="currentColor"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_251_925"> <rect width="1353" height="350" fill="currentColor"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg></div></div><div class="banner11_text-wrapper hide-tablet"><div class="banner11_text">Capture support-generated revenue</div></div><div class="banner11_text-wrapper hide-tablet"><div class="navbar10_new-logo w-embed"><svg width=" 100%" height=" 100%" viewBox="0 0 1353 350" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_251_925)"> <path d="M291.86 80.0009H239.7V27.8409C239.7 12.5409 227.3 0.130859 211.99 0.130859H27.7999C12.4999 0.130859 0.0898438 12.5309 0.0898438 27.8409V291.901C0.0898438 307.201 12.4899 319.611 27.7999 319.611H266.33L291.64 344.921C294.43 347.711 298.03 349.691 301.96 350.061C311.53 350.951 319.57 343.451 319.57 334.061V107.701C319.57 92.4009 307.17 79.9909 291.86 79.9909V80.0009ZM292.94 292.991H26.7099V26.7509H213.07V80.0009H107.66C92.3599 80.0009 79.9498 92.4008 79.9498 107.711V212.041C79.9498 227.341 92.3499 239.751 107.66 239.751H211.99C227.29 239.751 239.7 227.341 239.7 212.041V106.631H292.95V292.991H292.94ZM213.07 106.631V213.121H106.58V106.631H213.07Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M723.6 88.2905C712.87 81.5005 700.21 78.0605 685.98 78.0605C671.75 78.0605 659.09 81.5005 648.36 88.2905C637.63 95.0805 629.16 104.731 623.17 116.981C617.2 129.191 614.18 143.651 614.18 159.981C614.18 176.311 617.2 190.531 623.18 202.681C629.17 214.861 637.64 224.481 648.37 231.271C659.1 238.061 671.76 241.501 685.99 241.501C700.22 241.501 712.88 238.061 723.61 231.271C734.34 224.481 742.81 214.871 748.8 202.681C754.77 190.541 757.8 176.171 757.8 159.981C757.8 143.791 754.77 129.191 748.81 116.981C742.82 104.731 734.34 95.0805 723.62 88.2905H723.6ZM726.18 188.401C722.98 197.011 718 204.041 711.37 209.311C704.79 214.541 696.24 217.191 685.98 217.191C675.72 217.191 667.17 214.541 660.59 209.311C653.96 204.041 648.97 197.011 645.78 188.401C642.55 179.701 640.92 170.141 640.92 159.981C640.92 149.821 642.56 140.221 645.78 131.461C648.98 122.781 653.96 115.681 660.6 110.351C667.18 105.061 675.72 102.381 685.99 102.381C696.26 102.381 704.8 105.061 711.38 110.351C718.02 115.691 723 122.791 726.2 131.461C729.43 140.221 731.06 149.821 731.06 159.981C731.06 170.141 729.42 179.701 726.2 188.401H726.18Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M851.59 102.43L851.41 79.2802C851.41 78.4302 850.71 77.7402 849.86 77.7202C847.89 77.6802 846.2 77.6602 844.79 77.6602C835.25 77.6602 826.55 80.1502 818.93 85.0702C812.21 89.4102 807.25 94.9802 804.16 101.66V81.6602C804.16 80.7902 803.46 80.0901 802.59 80.0901H779.81C778.94 80.0901 778.24 80.7902 778.24 81.6602V237.65C778.24 238.52 778.94 239.22 779.81 239.22H803.4C804.27 239.22 804.97 238.52 804.97 237.65V138.55C804.97 131.84 806.62 125.79 809.86 120.55C813.11 115.3 817.62 111.12 823.27 108.12C828.93 105.11 835.49 103.59 842.77 103.59C845.21 103.59 847.58 103.73 849.84 103.99C850.78 104.1 851.6 103.38 851.59 102.43Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M1035.27 80.1094H1058.86C1059.73 80.1094 1060.43 80.8094 1060.43 81.6794V238.279C1060.43 239.149 1059.72 239.849 1058.86 239.849H1035.27C1034.4 239.849 1033.7 239.139 1033.7 238.279V81.6794C1033.7 80.8094 1034.41 80.1094 1035.27 80.1094Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M1047.27 21.8496C1042.26 21.8496 1037.89 23.5796 1034.3 26.9996C1030.68 30.4296 1028.85 34.6296 1028.85 39.4696C1028.85 44.3096 1030.68 48.4996 1034.3 51.9396C1037.9 55.3596 1042.26 57.0896 1047.27 57.0896C1052.28 57.0896 1056.65 55.3596 1060.24 51.9396C1063.86 48.5096 1065.69 44.3096 1065.69 39.4696C1065.69 34.6296 1063.86 30.4396 1060.24 26.9996C1056.64 23.5796 1052.28 21.8496 1047.27 21.8496Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M1187.67 87.2605C1181.45 83.5505 1174.93 81.0606 1168.28 79.8506C1161.72 78.6606 1155.84 78.0605 1150.79 78.0605C1142.89 78.0605 1134.75 79.1505 1126.61 81.2905C1118.4 83.4505 1110.75 87.2806 1103.85 92.6706C1097.29 97.7906 1091.93 104.881 1087.88 113.771C1087.5 114.601 1087.92 115.601 1088.78 115.921L1111.15 124.121C1111.9 124.391 1112.7 124.061 1113.07 123.361C1115.67 118.381 1119.9 113.611 1125.68 109.161C1131.86 104.391 1140.58 101.981 1151.59 101.981C1162.6 101.981 1170.07 104.631 1175.18 109.841C1180.31 115.061 1182.91 122.551 1182.91 132.091V132.901C1182.91 136.211 1181.81 138.451 1179.54 139.741C1176.99 141.181 1172.83 142.231 1167.15 142.851C1161.27 143.491 1153.52 144.431 1144.12 145.631C1136.9 146.581 1129.63 147.861 1122.51 149.441C1115.3 151.051 1108.63 153.491 1102.68 156.711C1096.62 159.981 1091.72 164.551 1088.09 170.301C1084.45 176.071 1082.61 183.621 1082.61 192.751C1082.61 203.101 1085.07 212.061 1089.93 219.381C1094.78 226.681 1101.4 232.331 1109.63 236.171C1117.81 239.981 1127.02 241.921 1137.03 241.921C1146.22 241.921 1154.13 240.521 1160.55 237.761C1166.96 235.001 1172.18 231.601 1176.07 227.641C1178.94 224.721 1181.23 221.891 1182.91 219.191V237.811C1182.91 238.601 1183.55 239.241 1184.34 239.241H1208.21C1209 239.241 1209.64 238.601 1209.64 237.811V134.521C1209.64 122.001 1207.54 111.831 1203.4 104.301C1199.25 96.7605 1193.95 91.0305 1187.66 87.2805L1187.67 87.2605ZM1182.92 180.611C1182.92 186.801 1181.3 192.791 1178.1 198.401C1174.91 204.011 1170.12 208.661 1163.87 212.221C1157.62 215.781 1149.81 217.591 1140.67 217.591C1131.53 217.591 1123.87 215.551 1117.97 211.521C1112.16 207.561 1109.35 201.811 1109.35 193.951C1109.35 188.291 1110.87 183.771 1113.87 180.521C1116.96 177.181 1121.11 174.621 1126.21 172.921C1131.46 171.171 1137.2 169.881 1143.28 169.091C1145.84 168.751 1149.19 168.331 1153.33 167.831C1157.47 167.321 1161.81 166.711 1166.22 166.001C1170.67 165.281 1174.67 164.421 1178.12 163.431C1180.08 162.871 1181.66 162.261 1182.91 161.611V180.601L1182.92 180.611Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M1342.68 165.901C1335.71 158.831 1325.04 153.511 1310.96 150.091L1287.91 144.431C1278.99 142.201 1272.37 139.401 1268.24 136.111C1264.25 132.931 1262.31 128.701 1262.31 123.181C1262.31 116.951 1265.2 111.931 1271.14 107.831C1277.17 103.671 1284.87 101.561 1294.03 101.561C1300.71 101.561 1306.25 102.631 1310.47 104.741C1314.7 106.851 1318.09 109.561 1320.54 112.771C1322.72 115.631 1324.46 118.581 1325.73 121.571C1326.04 122.311 1326.84 122.701 1327.61 122.481L1348.78 116.311C1349.65 116.061 1350.15 115.101 1349.84 114.241C1346 103.691 1339.71 95.0208 1331.15 88.4608C1322.14 81.5508 1309.65 78.0508 1294.03 78.0508C1282.96 78.0508 1272.91 80.0308 1264.17 83.9408C1255.38 87.8708 1248.35 93.3608 1243.27 100.271C1238.16 107.231 1235.56 115.341 1235.56 124.381C1235.56 135.421 1239.04 144.751 1245.91 152.101C1252.72 159.391 1263.49 164.821 1277.92 168.241L1303.81 174.311C1311.33 176.061 1316.96 178.711 1320.52 182.181C1324.04 185.601 1325.75 189.721 1325.75 194.751C1325.75 200.991 1322.72 206.211 1316.49 210.721C1310.2 215.271 1301.55 217.581 1290.79 217.581C1281.36 217.581 1273.66 215.561 1267.9 211.571C1262.54 207.861 1258.74 202.311 1256.59 195.051C1256.35 194.241 1255.54 193.741 1254.72 193.951L1232.25 199.531C1231.41 199.741 1230.88 200.601 1231.08 201.441C1234.1 214.231 1240.81 224.151 1251.07 230.941C1261.64 237.941 1275.14 241.491 1291.2 241.491C1303.41 241.491 1314.29 239.411 1323.53 235.301C1332.82 231.171 1340.18 225.431 1345.39 218.251C1350.64 211.021 1353.3 202.711 1353.3 193.541C1353.3 182.351 1349.72 173.041 1342.68 165.891V165.901Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M563.31 206.34H503.34C490.01 206.34 484.75 202.92 484.75 194.51C484.75 184.27 498.09 179.24 498.09 179.24C506.92 182.58 517.34 184.25 528.59 184.25C566.46 184.25 593.47 164.26 593.47 132.35C593.47 125.46 591.18 113.76 581.85 102.38H610.57C611.44 102.38 612.14 101.68 612.14 100.81V81.6696C612.14 80.7996 611.44 80.0996 610.57 80.0996H528.59C491.06 80.0996 464.41 100.09 464.41 132.36C464.41 149.19 471.77 162.87 484.4 171.99C470.72 177.95 461.26 187.42 461.26 200.75C461.26 211.26 466.46 220.61 477.93 225.66C472.95 226.95 450.04 234.75 450.04 259.32C450.04 287.73 484.41 300.71 525.79 300.71C571.39 300.71 614.17 285.98 614.17 247.75C614.17 223.9 596.63 206.37 563.32 206.37L563.31 206.34ZM528.73 102.37C552.12 102.37 566.45 113.03 566.45 132.47C566.45 151.91 552.12 161.94 528.73 161.94C505.34 161.94 491.39 151.28 491.39 132.47C491.39 113.66 505.73 102.37 528.73 102.37ZM525.86 278.09C497 278.09 477.04 270.17 477.04 252.01C477.04 236.5 490.94 231.54 506.98 231.54H557.23C575.4 231.54 587.17 236.16 587.17 249.36C587.17 270.16 561.51 278.08 525.87 278.08L525.86 278.09Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M961.91 206.34H901.94C888.61 206.34 883.35 202.92 883.35 194.51C883.35 184.27 896.69 179.24 896.69 179.24C905.52 182.58 915.94 184.25 927.19 184.25C965.06 184.25 992.07 164.26 992.07 132.35C992.07 125.46 989.78 113.76 980.45 102.38H1009.17C1010.04 102.38 1010.74 101.68 1010.74 100.81V81.6696C1010.74 80.7996 1010.04 80.0996 1009.17 80.0996H927.19C889.66 80.0996 863.01 100.09 863.01 132.36C863.01 149.19 870.37 162.87 883 171.99C869.32 177.95 859.86 187.42 859.86 200.75C859.86 211.26 865.06 220.61 876.53 225.66C871.55 226.95 848.64 234.75 848.64 259.32C848.64 287.73 883.01 300.71 924.39 300.71C969.99 300.71 1012.77 285.98 1012.77 247.75C1012.77 223.9 995.23 206.37 961.92 206.37L961.91 206.34ZM927.33 102.37C950.72 102.37 965.05 113.03 965.05 132.47C965.05 151.91 950.72 161.94 927.33 161.94C903.94 161.94 889.99 151.28 889.99 132.47C889.99 113.66 904.33 102.37 927.33 102.37ZM924.46 278.09C895.6 278.09 875.64 270.17 875.64 252.01C875.64 236.5 889.54 231.54 905.58 231.54H955.83C974 231.54 985.77 236.16 985.77 249.36C985.77 270.16 960.11 278.08 924.47 278.08L924.46 278.09Z" fill="currentColor"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_251_925"> <rect width="1353" height="350" fill="currentColor"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg></div></div><div class="banner11_text-wrapper hide-mobile-landscape"><div class="banner11_text">Automate repetitive tasks</div></div></div><div class="banner11_marquee v2"><div class="banner11_text-wrapper"><div class="banner11_text">Create powerful self-service resources</div></div><div class="banner11_text-wrapper"><div class="navbar10_new-logo w-embed"><svg width=" 100%" height=" 100%" viewBox="0 0 1353 350" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_251_925)"> <path d="M291.86 80.0009H239.7V27.8409C239.7 12.5409 227.3 0.130859 211.99 0.130859H27.7999C12.4999 0.130859 0.0898438 12.5309 0.0898438 27.8409V291.901C0.0898438 307.201 12.4899 319.611 27.7999 319.611H266.33L291.64 344.921C294.43 347.711 298.03 349.691 301.96 350.061C311.53 350.951 319.57 343.451 319.57 334.061V107.701C319.57 92.4009 307.17 79.9909 291.86 79.9909V80.0009ZM292.94 292.991H26.7099V26.7509H213.07V80.0009H107.66C92.3599 80.0009 79.9498 92.4008 79.9498 107.711V212.041C79.9498 227.341 92.3499 239.751 107.66 239.751H211.99C227.29 239.751 239.7 227.341 239.7 212.041V106.631H292.95V292.991H292.94ZM213.07 106.631V213.121H106.58V106.631H213.07Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M723.6 88.2905C712.87 81.5005 700.21 78.0605 685.98 78.0605C671.75 78.0605 659.09 81.5005 648.36 88.2905C637.63 95.0805 629.16 104.731 623.17 116.981C617.2 129.191 614.18 143.651 614.18 159.981C614.18 176.311 617.2 190.531 623.18 202.681C629.17 214.861 637.64 224.481 648.37 231.271C659.1 238.061 671.76 241.501 685.99 241.501C700.22 241.501 712.88 238.061 723.61 231.271C734.34 224.481 742.81 214.871 748.8 202.681C754.77 190.541 757.8 176.171 757.8 159.981C757.8 143.791 754.77 129.191 748.81 116.981C742.82 104.731 734.34 95.0805 723.62 88.2905H723.6ZM726.18 188.401C722.98 197.011 718 204.041 711.37 209.311C704.79 214.541 696.24 217.191 685.98 217.191C675.72 217.191 667.17 214.541 660.59 209.311C653.96 204.041 648.97 197.011 645.78 188.401C642.55 179.701 640.92 170.141 640.92 159.981C640.92 149.821 642.56 140.221 645.78 131.461C648.98 122.781 653.96 115.681 660.6 110.351C667.18 105.061 675.72 102.381 685.99 102.381C696.26 102.381 704.8 105.061 711.38 110.351C718.02 115.691 723 122.791 726.2 131.461C729.43 140.221 731.06 149.821 731.06 159.981C731.06 170.141 729.42 179.701 726.2 188.401H726.18Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M851.59 102.43L851.41 79.2802C851.41 78.4302 850.71 77.7402 849.86 77.7202C847.89 77.6802 846.2 77.6602 844.79 77.6602C835.25 77.6602 826.55 80.1502 818.93 85.0702C812.21 89.4102 807.25 94.9802 804.16 101.66V81.6602C804.16 80.7902 803.46 80.0901 802.59 80.0901H779.81C778.94 80.0901 778.24 80.7902 778.24 81.6602V237.65C778.24 238.52 778.94 239.22 779.81 239.22H803.4C804.27 239.22 804.97 238.52 804.97 237.65V138.55C804.97 131.84 806.62 125.79 809.86 120.55C813.11 115.3 817.62 111.12 823.27 108.12C828.93 105.11 835.49 103.59 842.77 103.59C845.21 103.59 847.58 103.73 849.84 103.99C850.78 104.1 851.6 103.38 851.59 102.43Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M1035.27 80.1094H1058.86C1059.73 80.1094 1060.43 80.8094 1060.43 81.6794V238.279C1060.43 239.149 1059.72 239.849 1058.86 239.849H1035.27C1034.4 239.849 1033.7 239.139 1033.7 238.279V81.6794C1033.7 80.8094 1034.41 80.1094 1035.27 80.1094Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M1047.27 21.8496C1042.26 21.8496 1037.89 23.5796 1034.3 26.9996C1030.68 30.4296 1028.85 34.6296 1028.85 39.4696C1028.85 44.3096 1030.68 48.4996 1034.3 51.9396C1037.9 55.3596 1042.26 57.0896 1047.27 57.0896C1052.28 57.0896 1056.65 55.3596 1060.24 51.9396C1063.86 48.5096 1065.69 44.3096 1065.69 39.4696C1065.69 34.6296 1063.86 30.4396 1060.24 26.9996C1056.64 23.5796 1052.28 21.8496 1047.27 21.8496Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M1187.67 87.2605C1181.45 83.5505 1174.93 81.0606 1168.28 79.8506C1161.72 78.6606 1155.84 78.0605 1150.79 78.0605C1142.89 78.0605 1134.75 79.1505 1126.61 81.2905C1118.4 83.4505 1110.75 87.2806 1103.85 92.6706C1097.29 97.7906 1091.93 104.881 1087.88 113.771C1087.5 114.601 1087.92 115.601 1088.78 115.921L1111.15 124.121C1111.9 124.391 1112.7 124.061 1113.07 123.361C1115.67 118.381 1119.9 113.611 1125.68 109.161C1131.86 104.391 1140.58 101.981 1151.59 101.981C1162.6 101.981 1170.07 104.631 1175.18 109.841C1180.31 115.061 1182.91 122.551 1182.91 132.091V132.901C1182.91 136.211 1181.81 138.451 1179.54 139.741C1176.99 141.181 1172.83 142.231 1167.15 142.851C1161.27 143.491 1153.52 144.431 1144.12 145.631C1136.9 146.581 1129.63 147.861 1122.51 149.441C1115.3 151.051 1108.63 153.491 1102.68 156.711C1096.62 159.981 1091.72 164.551 1088.09 170.301C1084.45 176.071 1082.61 183.621 1082.61 192.751C1082.61 203.101 1085.07 212.061 1089.93 219.381C1094.78 226.681 1101.4 232.331 1109.63 236.171C1117.81 239.981 1127.02 241.921 1137.03 241.921C1146.22 241.921 1154.13 240.521 1160.55 237.761C1166.96 235.001 1172.18 231.601 1176.07 227.641C1178.94 224.721 1181.23 221.891 1182.91 219.191V237.811C1182.91 238.601 1183.55 239.241 1184.34 239.241H1208.21C1209 239.241 1209.64 238.601 1209.64 237.811V134.521C1209.64 122.001 1207.54 111.831 1203.4 104.301C1199.25 96.7605 1193.95 91.0305 1187.66 87.2805L1187.67 87.2605ZM1182.92 180.611C1182.92 186.801 1181.3 192.791 1178.1 198.401C1174.91 204.011 1170.12 208.661 1163.87 212.221C1157.62 215.781 1149.81 217.591 1140.67 217.591C1131.53 217.591 1123.87 215.551 1117.97 211.521C1112.16 207.561 1109.35 201.811 1109.35 193.951C1109.35 188.291 1110.87 183.771 1113.87 180.521C1116.96 177.181 1121.11 174.621 1126.21 172.921C1131.46 171.171 1137.2 169.881 1143.28 169.091C1145.84 168.751 1149.19 168.331 1153.33 167.831C1157.47 167.321 1161.81 166.711 1166.22 166.001C1170.67 165.281 1174.67 164.421 1178.12 163.431C1180.08 162.871 1181.66 162.261 1182.91 161.611V180.601L1182.92 180.611Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M1342.68 165.901C1335.71 158.831 1325.04 153.511 1310.96 150.091L1287.91 144.431C1278.99 142.201 1272.37 139.401 1268.24 136.111C1264.25 132.931 1262.31 128.701 1262.31 123.181C1262.31 116.951 1265.2 111.931 1271.14 107.831C1277.17 103.671 1284.87 101.561 1294.03 101.561C1300.71 101.561 1306.25 102.631 1310.47 104.741C1314.7 106.851 1318.09 109.561 1320.54 112.771C1322.72 115.631 1324.46 118.581 1325.73 121.571C1326.04 122.311 1326.84 122.701 1327.61 122.481L1348.78 116.311C1349.65 116.061 1350.15 115.101 1349.84 114.241C1346 103.691 1339.71 95.0208 1331.15 88.4608C1322.14 81.5508 1309.65 78.0508 1294.03 78.0508C1282.96 78.0508 1272.91 80.0308 1264.17 83.9408C1255.38 87.8708 1248.35 93.3608 1243.27 100.271C1238.16 107.231 1235.56 115.341 1235.56 124.381C1235.56 135.421 1239.04 144.751 1245.91 152.101C1252.72 159.391 1263.49 164.821 1277.92 168.241L1303.81 174.311C1311.33 176.061 1316.96 178.711 1320.52 182.181C1324.04 185.601 1325.75 189.721 1325.75 194.751C1325.75 200.991 1322.72 206.211 1316.49 210.721C1310.2 215.271 1301.55 217.581 1290.79 217.581C1281.36 217.581 1273.66 215.561 1267.9 211.571C1262.54 207.861 1258.74 202.311 1256.59 195.051C1256.35 194.241 1255.54 193.741 1254.72 193.951L1232.25 199.531C1231.41 199.741 1230.88 200.601 1231.08 201.441C1234.1 214.231 1240.81 224.151 1251.07 230.941C1261.64 237.941 1275.14 241.491 1291.2 241.491C1303.41 241.491 1314.29 239.411 1323.53 235.301C1332.82 231.171 1340.18 225.431 1345.39 218.251C1350.64 211.021 1353.3 202.711 1353.3 193.541C1353.3 182.351 1349.72 173.041 1342.68 165.891V165.901Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M563.31 206.34H503.34C490.01 206.34 484.75 202.92 484.75 194.51C484.75 184.27 498.09 179.24 498.09 179.24C506.92 182.58 517.34 184.25 528.59 184.25C566.46 184.25 593.47 164.26 593.47 132.35C593.47 125.46 591.18 113.76 581.85 102.38H610.57C611.44 102.38 612.14 101.68 612.14 100.81V81.6696C612.14 80.7996 611.44 80.0996 610.57 80.0996H528.59C491.06 80.0996 464.41 100.09 464.41 132.36C464.41 149.19 471.77 162.87 484.4 171.99C470.72 177.95 461.26 187.42 461.26 200.75C461.26 211.26 466.46 220.61 477.93 225.66C472.95 226.95 450.04 234.75 450.04 259.32C450.04 287.73 484.41 300.71 525.79 300.71C571.39 300.71 614.17 285.98 614.17 247.75C614.17 223.9 596.63 206.37 563.32 206.37L563.31 206.34ZM528.73 102.37C552.12 102.37 566.45 113.03 566.45 132.47C566.45 151.91 552.12 161.94 528.73 161.94C505.34 161.94 491.39 151.28 491.39 132.47C491.39 113.66 505.73 102.37 528.73 102.37ZM525.86 278.09C497 278.09 477.04 270.17 477.04 252.01C477.04 236.5 490.94 231.54 506.98 231.54H557.23C575.4 231.54 587.17 236.16 587.17 249.36C587.17 270.16 561.51 278.08 525.87 278.08L525.86 278.09Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M961.91 206.34H901.94C888.61 206.34 883.35 202.92 883.35 194.51C883.35 184.27 896.69 179.24 896.69 179.24C905.52 182.58 915.94 184.25 927.19 184.25C965.06 184.25 992.07 164.26 992.07 132.35C992.07 125.46 989.78 113.76 980.45 102.38H1009.17C1010.04 102.38 1010.74 101.68 1010.74 100.81V81.6696C1010.74 80.7996 1010.04 80.0996 1009.17 80.0996H927.19C889.66 80.0996 863.01 100.09 863.01 132.36C863.01 149.19 870.37 162.87 883 171.99C869.32 177.95 859.86 187.42 859.86 200.75C859.86 211.26 865.06 220.61 876.53 225.66C871.55 226.95 848.64 234.75 848.64 259.32C848.64 287.73 883.01 300.71 924.39 300.71C969.99 300.71 1012.77 285.98 1012.77 247.75C1012.77 223.9 995.23 206.37 961.92 206.37L961.91 206.34ZM927.33 102.37C950.72 102.37 965.05 113.03 965.05 132.47C965.05 151.91 950.72 161.94 927.33 161.94C903.94 161.94 889.99 151.28 889.99 132.47C889.99 113.66 904.33 102.37 927.33 102.37ZM924.46 278.09C895.6 278.09 875.64 270.17 875.64 252.01C875.64 236.5 889.54 231.54 905.58 231.54H955.83C974 231.54 985.77 236.16 985.77 249.36C985.77 270.16 960.11 278.08 924.47 278.08L924.46 278.09Z" fill="currentColor"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_251_925"> <rect width="1353" height="350" fill="currentColor"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg></div></div><div class="banner11_text-wrapper hide-tablet"><div class="banner11_text">Capture support-generated revenue</div></div><div class="banner11_text-wrapper hide-tablet"><div class="navbar10_new-logo w-embed"><svg width=" 100%" height=" 100%" viewBox="0 0 1353 350" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_251_925)"> <path d="M291.86 80.0009H239.7V27.8409C239.7 12.5409 227.3 0.130859 211.99 0.130859H27.7999C12.4999 0.130859 0.0898438 12.5309 0.0898438 27.8409V291.901C0.0898438 307.201 12.4899 319.611 27.7999 319.611H266.33L291.64 344.921C294.43 347.711 298.03 349.691 301.96 350.061C311.53 350.951 319.57 343.451 319.57 334.061V107.701C319.57 92.4009 307.17 79.9909 291.86 79.9909V80.0009ZM292.94 292.991H26.7099V26.7509H213.07V80.0009H107.66C92.3599 80.0009 79.9498 92.4008 79.9498 107.711V212.041C79.9498 227.341 92.3499 239.751 107.66 239.751H211.99C227.29 239.751 239.7 227.341 239.7 212.041V106.631H292.95V292.991H292.94ZM213.07 106.631V213.121H106.58V106.631H213.07Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M723.6 88.2905C712.87 81.5005 700.21 78.0605 685.98 78.0605C671.75 78.0605 659.09 81.5005 648.36 88.2905C637.63 95.0805 629.16 104.731 623.17 116.981C617.2 129.191 614.18 143.651 614.18 159.981C614.18 176.311 617.2 190.531 623.18 202.681C629.17 214.861 637.64 224.481 648.37 231.271C659.1 238.061 671.76 241.501 685.99 241.501C700.22 241.501 712.88 238.061 723.61 231.271C734.34 224.481 742.81 214.871 748.8 202.681C754.77 190.541 757.8 176.171 757.8 159.981C757.8 143.791 754.77 129.191 748.81 116.981C742.82 104.731 734.34 95.0805 723.62 88.2905H723.6ZM726.18 188.401C722.98 197.011 718 204.041 711.37 209.311C704.79 214.541 696.24 217.191 685.98 217.191C675.72 217.191 667.17 214.541 660.59 209.311C653.96 204.041 648.97 197.011 645.78 188.401C642.55 179.701 640.92 170.141 640.92 159.981C640.92 149.821 642.56 140.221 645.78 131.461C648.98 122.781 653.96 115.681 660.6 110.351C667.18 105.061 675.72 102.381 685.99 102.381C696.26 102.381 704.8 105.061 711.38 110.351C718.02 115.691 723 122.791 726.2 131.461C729.43 140.221 731.06 149.821 731.06 159.981C731.06 170.141 729.42 179.701 726.2 188.401H726.18Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M851.59 102.43L851.41 79.2802C851.41 78.4302 850.71 77.7402 849.86 77.7202C847.89 77.6802 846.2 77.6602 844.79 77.6602C835.25 77.6602 826.55 80.1502 818.93 85.0702C812.21 89.4102 807.25 94.9802 804.16 101.66V81.6602C804.16 80.7902 803.46 80.0901 802.59 80.0901H779.81C778.94 80.0901 778.24 80.7902 778.24 81.6602V237.65C778.24 238.52 778.94 239.22 779.81 239.22H803.4C804.27 239.22 804.97 238.52 804.97 237.65V138.55C804.97 131.84 806.62 125.79 809.86 120.55C813.11 115.3 817.62 111.12 823.27 108.12C828.93 105.11 835.49 103.59 842.77 103.59C845.21 103.59 847.58 103.73 849.84 103.99C850.78 104.1 851.6 103.38 851.59 102.43Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M1035.27 80.1094H1058.86C1059.73 80.1094 1060.43 80.8094 1060.43 81.6794V238.279C1060.43 239.149 1059.72 239.849 1058.86 239.849H1035.27C1034.4 239.849 1033.7 239.139 1033.7 238.279V81.6794C1033.7 80.8094 1034.41 80.1094 1035.27 80.1094Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M1047.27 21.8496C1042.26 21.8496 1037.89 23.5796 1034.3 26.9996C1030.68 30.4296 1028.85 34.6296 1028.85 39.4696C1028.85 44.3096 1030.68 48.4996 1034.3 51.9396C1037.9 55.3596 1042.26 57.0896 1047.27 57.0896C1052.28 57.0896 1056.65 55.3596 1060.24 51.9396C1063.86 48.5096 1065.69 44.3096 1065.69 39.4696C1065.69 34.6296 1063.86 30.4396 1060.24 26.9996C1056.64 23.5796 1052.28 21.8496 1047.27 21.8496Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M1187.67 87.2605C1181.45 83.5505 1174.93 81.0606 1168.28 79.8506C1161.72 78.6606 1155.84 78.0605 1150.79 78.0605C1142.89 78.0605 1134.75 79.1505 1126.61 81.2905C1118.4 83.4505 1110.75 87.2806 1103.85 92.6706C1097.29 97.7906 1091.93 104.881 1087.88 113.771C1087.5 114.601 1087.92 115.601 1088.78 115.921L1111.15 124.121C1111.9 124.391 1112.7 124.061 1113.07 123.361C1115.67 118.381 1119.9 113.611 1125.68 109.161C1131.86 104.391 1140.58 101.981 1151.59 101.981C1162.6 101.981 1170.07 104.631 1175.18 109.841C1180.31 115.061 1182.91 122.551 1182.91 132.091V132.901C1182.91 136.211 1181.81 138.451 1179.54 139.741C1176.99 141.181 1172.83 142.231 1167.15 142.851C1161.27 143.491 1153.52 144.431 1144.12 145.631C1136.9 146.581 1129.63 147.861 1122.51 149.441C1115.3 151.051 1108.63 153.491 1102.68 156.711C1096.62 159.981 1091.72 164.551 1088.09 170.301C1084.45 176.071 1082.61 183.621 1082.61 192.751C1082.61 203.101 1085.07 212.061 1089.93 219.381C1094.78 226.681 1101.4 232.331 1109.63 236.171C1117.81 239.981 1127.02 241.921 1137.03 241.921C1146.22 241.921 1154.13 240.521 1160.55 237.761C1166.96 235.001 1172.18 231.601 1176.07 227.641C1178.94 224.721 1181.23 221.891 1182.91 219.191V237.811C1182.91 238.601 1183.55 239.241 1184.34 239.241H1208.21C1209 239.241 1209.64 238.601 1209.64 237.811V134.521C1209.64 122.001 1207.54 111.831 1203.4 104.301C1199.25 96.7605 1193.95 91.0305 1187.66 87.2805L1187.67 87.2605ZM1182.92 180.611C1182.92 186.801 1181.3 192.791 1178.1 198.401C1174.91 204.011 1170.12 208.661 1163.87 212.221C1157.62 215.781 1149.81 217.591 1140.67 217.591C1131.53 217.591 1123.87 215.551 1117.97 211.521C1112.16 207.561 1109.35 201.811 1109.35 193.951C1109.35 188.291 1110.87 183.771 1113.87 180.521C1116.96 177.181 1121.11 174.621 1126.21 172.921C1131.46 171.171 1137.2 169.881 1143.28 169.091C1145.84 168.751 1149.19 168.331 1153.33 167.831C1157.47 167.321 1161.81 166.711 1166.22 166.001C1170.67 165.281 1174.67 164.421 1178.12 163.431C1180.08 162.871 1181.66 162.261 1182.91 161.611V180.601L1182.92 180.611Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M1342.68 165.901C1335.71 158.831 1325.04 153.511 1310.96 150.091L1287.91 144.431C1278.99 142.201 1272.37 139.401 1268.24 136.111C1264.25 132.931 1262.31 128.701 1262.31 123.181C1262.31 116.951 1265.2 111.931 1271.14 107.831C1277.17 103.671 1284.87 101.561 1294.03 101.561C1300.71 101.561 1306.25 102.631 1310.47 104.741C1314.7 106.851 1318.09 109.561 1320.54 112.771C1322.72 115.631 1324.46 118.581 1325.73 121.571C1326.04 122.311 1326.84 122.701 1327.61 122.481L1348.78 116.311C1349.65 116.061 1350.15 115.101 1349.84 114.241C1346 103.691 1339.71 95.0208 1331.15 88.4608C1322.14 81.5508 1309.65 78.0508 1294.03 78.0508C1282.96 78.0508 1272.91 80.0308 1264.17 83.9408C1255.38 87.8708 1248.35 93.3608 1243.27 100.271C1238.16 107.231 1235.56 115.341 1235.56 124.381C1235.56 135.421 1239.04 144.751 1245.91 152.101C1252.72 159.391 1263.49 164.821 1277.92 168.241L1303.81 174.311C1311.33 176.061 1316.96 178.711 1320.52 182.181C1324.04 185.601 1325.75 189.721 1325.75 194.751C1325.75 200.991 1322.72 206.211 1316.49 210.721C1310.2 215.271 1301.55 217.581 1290.79 217.581C1281.36 217.581 1273.66 215.561 1267.9 211.571C1262.54 207.861 1258.74 202.311 1256.59 195.051C1256.35 194.241 1255.54 193.741 1254.72 193.951L1232.25 199.531C1231.41 199.741 1230.88 200.601 1231.08 201.441C1234.1 214.231 1240.81 224.151 1251.07 230.941C1261.64 237.941 1275.14 241.491 1291.2 241.491C1303.41 241.491 1314.29 239.411 1323.53 235.301C1332.82 231.171 1340.18 225.431 1345.39 218.251C1350.64 211.021 1353.3 202.711 1353.3 193.541C1353.3 182.351 1349.72 173.041 1342.68 165.891V165.901Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M563.31 206.34H503.34C490.01 206.34 484.75 202.92 484.75 194.51C484.75 184.27 498.09 179.24 498.09 179.24C506.92 182.58 517.34 184.25 528.59 184.25C566.46 184.25 593.47 164.26 593.47 132.35C593.47 125.46 591.18 113.76 581.85 102.38H610.57C611.44 102.38 612.14 101.68 612.14 100.81V81.6696C612.14 80.7996 611.44 80.0996 610.57 80.0996H528.59C491.06 80.0996 464.41 100.09 464.41 132.36C464.41 149.19 471.77 162.87 484.4 171.99C470.72 177.95 461.26 187.42 461.26 200.75C461.26 211.26 466.46 220.61 477.93 225.66C472.95 226.95 450.04 234.75 450.04 259.32C450.04 287.73 484.41 300.71 525.79 300.71C571.39 300.71 614.17 285.98 614.17 247.75C614.17 223.9 596.63 206.37 563.32 206.37L563.31 206.34ZM528.73 102.37C552.12 102.37 566.45 113.03 566.45 132.47C566.45 151.91 552.12 161.94 528.73 161.94C505.34 161.94 491.39 151.28 491.39 132.47C491.39 113.66 505.73 102.37 528.73 102.37ZM525.86 278.09C497 278.09 477.04 270.17 477.04 252.01C477.04 236.5 490.94 231.54 506.98 231.54H557.23C575.4 231.54 587.17 236.16 587.17 249.36C587.17 270.16 561.51 278.08 525.87 278.08L525.86 278.09Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M961.91 206.34H901.94C888.61 206.34 883.35 202.92 883.35 194.51C883.35 184.27 896.69 179.24 896.69 179.24C905.52 182.58 915.94 184.25 927.19 184.25C965.06 184.25 992.07 164.26 992.07 132.35C992.07 125.46 989.78 113.76 980.45 102.38H1009.17C1010.04 102.38 1010.74 101.68 1010.74 100.81V81.6696C1010.74 80.7996 1010.04 80.0996 1009.17 80.0996H927.19C889.66 80.0996 863.01 100.09 863.01 132.36C863.01 149.19 870.37 162.87 883 171.99C869.32 177.95 859.86 187.42 859.86 200.75C859.86 211.26 865.06 220.61 876.53 225.66C871.55 226.95 848.64 234.75 848.64 259.32C848.64 287.73 883.01 300.71 924.39 300.71C969.99 300.71 1012.77 285.98 1012.77 247.75C1012.77 223.9 995.23 206.37 961.92 206.37L961.91 206.34ZM927.33 102.37C950.72 102.37 965.05 113.03 965.05 132.47C965.05 151.91 950.72 161.94 927.33 161.94C903.94 161.94 889.99 151.28 889.99 132.47C889.99 113.66 904.33 102.37 927.33 102.37ZM924.46 278.09C895.6 278.09 875.64 270.17 875.64 252.01C875.64 236.5 889.54 231.54 905.58 231.54H955.83C974 231.54 985.77 236.16 985.77 249.36C985.77 270.16 960.11 278.08 924.47 278.08L924.46 278.09Z" fill="currentColor"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_251_925"> <rect width="1353" height="350" fill="currentColor"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg></div></div><div class="banner11_text-wrapper hide-mobile-landscape"><div class="banner11_text">Automate repetitive tasks</div></div><div class="banner11_text-wrapper"><div class="navbar10_new-logo w-embed"><svg width=" 100%" height=" 100%" viewBox="0 0 1353 350" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_251_925)"> <path d="M291.86 80.0009H239.7V27.8409C239.7 12.5409 227.3 0.130859 211.99 0.130859H27.7999C12.4999 0.130859 0.0898438 12.5309 0.0898438 27.8409V291.901C0.0898438 307.201 12.4899 319.611 27.7999 319.611H266.33L291.64 344.921C294.43 347.711 298.03 349.691 301.96 350.061C311.53 350.951 319.57 343.451 319.57 334.061V107.701C319.57 92.4009 307.17 79.9909 291.86 79.9909V80.0009ZM292.94 292.991H26.7099V26.7509H213.07V80.0009H107.66C92.3599 80.0009 79.9498 92.4008 79.9498 107.711V212.041C79.9498 227.341 92.3499 239.751 107.66 239.751H211.99C227.29 239.751 239.7 227.341 239.7 212.041V106.631H292.95V292.991H292.94ZM213.07 106.631V213.121H106.58V106.631H213.07Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M723.6 88.2905C712.87 81.5005 700.21 78.0605 685.98 78.0605C671.75 78.0605 659.09 81.5005 648.36 88.2905C637.63 95.0805 629.16 104.731 623.17 116.981C617.2 129.191 614.18 143.651 614.18 159.981C614.18 176.311 617.2 190.531 623.18 202.681C629.17 214.861 637.64 224.481 648.37 231.271C659.1 238.061 671.76 241.501 685.99 241.501C700.22 241.501 712.88 238.061 723.61 231.271C734.34 224.481 742.81 214.871 748.8 202.681C754.77 190.541 757.8 176.171 757.8 159.981C757.8 143.791 754.77 129.191 748.81 116.981C742.82 104.731 734.34 95.0805 723.62 88.2905H723.6ZM726.18 188.401C722.98 197.011 718 204.041 711.37 209.311C704.79 214.541 696.24 217.191 685.98 217.191C675.72 217.191 667.17 214.541 660.59 209.311C653.96 204.041 648.97 197.011 645.78 188.401C642.55 179.701 640.92 170.141 640.92 159.981C640.92 149.821 642.56 140.221 645.78 131.461C648.98 122.781 653.96 115.681 660.6 110.351C667.18 105.061 675.72 102.381 685.99 102.381C696.26 102.381 704.8 105.061 711.38 110.351C718.02 115.691 723 122.791 726.2 131.461C729.43 140.221 731.06 149.821 731.06 159.981C731.06 170.141 729.42 179.701 726.2 188.401H726.18Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M851.59 102.43L851.41 79.2802C851.41 78.4302 850.71 77.7402 849.86 77.7202C847.89 77.6802 846.2 77.6602 844.79 77.6602C835.25 77.6602 826.55 80.1502 818.93 85.0702C812.21 89.4102 807.25 94.9802 804.16 101.66V81.6602C804.16 80.7902 803.46 80.0901 802.59 80.0901H779.81C778.94 80.0901 778.24 80.7902 778.24 81.6602V237.65C778.24 238.52 778.94 239.22 779.81 239.22H803.4C804.27 239.22 804.97 238.52 804.97 237.65V138.55C804.97 131.84 806.62 125.79 809.86 120.55C813.11 115.3 817.62 111.12 823.27 108.12C828.93 105.11 835.49 103.59 842.77 103.59C845.21 103.59 847.58 103.73 849.84 103.99C850.78 104.1 851.6 103.38 851.59 102.43Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M1035.27 80.1094H1058.86C1059.73 80.1094 1060.43 80.8094 1060.43 81.6794V238.279C1060.43 239.149 1059.72 239.849 1058.86 239.849H1035.27C1034.4 239.849 1033.7 239.139 1033.7 238.279V81.6794C1033.7 80.8094 1034.41 80.1094 1035.27 80.1094Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M1047.27 21.8496C1042.26 21.8496 1037.89 23.5796 1034.3 26.9996C1030.68 30.4296 1028.85 34.6296 1028.85 39.4696C1028.85 44.3096 1030.68 48.4996 1034.3 51.9396C1037.9 55.3596 1042.26 57.0896 1047.27 57.0896C1052.28 57.0896 1056.65 55.3596 1060.24 51.9396C1063.86 48.5096 1065.69 44.3096 1065.69 39.4696C1065.69 34.6296 1063.86 30.4396 1060.24 26.9996C1056.64 23.5796 1052.28 21.8496 1047.27 21.8496Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M1187.67 87.2605C1181.45 83.5505 1174.93 81.0606 1168.28 79.8506C1161.72 78.6606 1155.84 78.0605 1150.79 78.0605C1142.89 78.0605 1134.75 79.1505 1126.61 81.2905C1118.4 83.4505 1110.75 87.2806 1103.85 92.6706C1097.29 97.7906 1091.93 104.881 1087.88 113.771C1087.5 114.601 1087.92 115.601 1088.78 115.921L1111.15 124.121C1111.9 124.391 1112.7 124.061 1113.07 123.361C1115.67 118.381 1119.9 113.611 1125.68 109.161C1131.86 104.391 1140.58 101.981 1151.59 101.981C1162.6 101.981 1170.07 104.631 1175.18 109.841C1180.31 115.061 1182.91 122.551 1182.91 132.091V132.901C1182.91 136.211 1181.81 138.451 1179.54 139.741C1176.99 141.181 1172.83 142.231 1167.15 142.851C1161.27 143.491 1153.52 144.431 1144.12 145.631C1136.9 146.581 1129.63 147.861 1122.51 149.441C1115.3 151.051 1108.63 153.491 1102.68 156.711C1096.62 159.981 1091.72 164.551 1088.09 170.301C1084.45 176.071 1082.61 183.621 1082.61 192.751C1082.61 203.101 1085.07 212.061 1089.93 219.381C1094.78 226.681 1101.4 232.331 1109.63 236.171C1117.81 239.981 1127.02 241.921 1137.03 241.921C1146.22 241.921 1154.13 240.521 1160.55 237.761C1166.96 235.001 1172.18 231.601 1176.07 227.641C1178.94 224.721 1181.23 221.891 1182.91 219.191V237.811C1182.91 238.601 1183.55 239.241 1184.34 239.241H1208.21C1209 239.241 1209.64 238.601 1209.64 237.811V134.521C1209.64 122.001 1207.54 111.831 1203.4 104.301C1199.25 96.7605 1193.95 91.0305 1187.66 87.2805L1187.67 87.2605ZM1182.92 180.611C1182.92 186.801 1181.3 192.791 1178.1 198.401C1174.91 204.011 1170.12 208.661 1163.87 212.221C1157.62 215.781 1149.81 217.591 1140.67 217.591C1131.53 217.591 1123.87 215.551 1117.97 211.521C1112.16 207.561 1109.35 201.811 1109.35 193.951C1109.35 188.291 1110.87 183.771 1113.87 180.521C1116.96 177.181 1121.11 174.621 1126.21 172.921C1131.46 171.171 1137.2 169.881 1143.28 169.091C1145.84 168.751 1149.19 168.331 1153.33 167.831C1157.47 167.321 1161.81 166.711 1166.22 166.001C1170.67 165.281 1174.67 164.421 1178.12 163.431C1180.08 162.871 1181.66 162.261 1182.91 161.611V180.601L1182.92 180.611Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M1342.68 165.901C1335.71 158.831 1325.04 153.511 1310.96 150.091L1287.91 144.431C1278.99 142.201 1272.37 139.401 1268.24 136.111C1264.25 132.931 1262.31 128.701 1262.31 123.181C1262.31 116.951 1265.2 111.931 1271.14 107.831C1277.17 103.671 1284.87 101.561 1294.03 101.561C1300.71 101.561 1306.25 102.631 1310.47 104.741C1314.7 106.851 1318.09 109.561 1320.54 112.771C1322.72 115.631 1324.46 118.581 1325.73 121.571C1326.04 122.311 1326.84 122.701 1327.61 122.481L1348.78 116.311C1349.65 116.061 1350.15 115.101 1349.84 114.241C1346 103.691 1339.71 95.0208 1331.15 88.4608C1322.14 81.5508 1309.65 78.0508 1294.03 78.0508C1282.96 78.0508 1272.91 80.0308 1264.17 83.9408C1255.38 87.8708 1248.35 93.3608 1243.27 100.271C1238.16 107.231 1235.56 115.341 1235.56 124.381C1235.56 135.421 1239.04 144.751 1245.91 152.101C1252.72 159.391 1263.49 164.821 1277.92 168.241L1303.81 174.311C1311.33 176.061 1316.96 178.711 1320.52 182.181C1324.04 185.601 1325.75 189.721 1325.75 194.751C1325.75 200.991 1322.72 206.211 1316.49 210.721C1310.2 215.271 1301.55 217.581 1290.79 217.581C1281.36 217.581 1273.66 215.561 1267.9 211.571C1262.54 207.861 1258.74 202.311 1256.59 195.051C1256.35 194.241 1255.54 193.741 1254.72 193.951L1232.25 199.531C1231.41 199.741 1230.88 200.601 1231.08 201.441C1234.1 214.231 1240.81 224.151 1251.07 230.941C1261.64 237.941 1275.14 241.491 1291.2 241.491C1303.41 241.491 1314.29 239.411 1323.53 235.301C1332.82 231.171 1340.18 225.431 1345.39 218.251C1350.64 211.021 1353.3 202.711 1353.3 193.541C1353.3 182.351 1349.72 173.041 1342.68 165.891V165.901Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M563.31 206.34H503.34C490.01 206.34 484.75 202.92 484.75 194.51C484.75 184.27 498.09 179.24 498.09 179.24C506.92 182.58 517.34 184.25 528.59 184.25C566.46 184.25 593.47 164.26 593.47 132.35C593.47 125.46 591.18 113.76 581.85 102.38H610.57C611.44 102.38 612.14 101.68 612.14 100.81V81.6696C612.14 80.7996 611.44 80.0996 610.57 80.0996H528.59C491.06 80.0996 464.41 100.09 464.41 132.36C464.41 149.19 471.77 162.87 484.4 171.99C470.72 177.95 461.26 187.42 461.26 200.75C461.26 211.26 466.46 220.61 477.93 225.66C472.95 226.95 450.04 234.75 450.04 259.32C450.04 287.73 484.41 300.71 525.79 300.71C571.39 300.71 614.17 285.98 614.17 247.75C614.17 223.9 596.63 206.37 563.32 206.37L563.31 206.34ZM528.73 102.37C552.12 102.37 566.45 113.03 566.45 132.47C566.45 151.91 552.12 161.94 528.73 161.94C505.34 161.94 491.39 151.28 491.39 132.47C491.39 113.66 505.73 102.37 528.73 102.37ZM525.86 278.09C497 278.09 477.04 270.17 477.04 252.01C477.04 236.5 490.94 231.54 506.98 231.54H557.23C575.4 231.54 587.17 236.16 587.17 249.36C587.17 270.16 561.51 278.08 525.87 278.08L525.86 278.09Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M961.91 206.34H901.94C888.61 206.34 883.35 202.92 883.35 194.51C883.35 184.27 896.69 179.24 896.69 179.24C905.52 182.58 915.94 184.25 927.19 184.25C965.06 184.25 992.07 164.26 992.07 132.35C992.07 125.46 989.78 113.76 980.45 102.38H1009.17C1010.04 102.38 1010.74 101.68 1010.74 100.81V81.6696C1010.74 80.7996 1010.04 80.0996 1009.17 80.0996H927.19C889.66 80.0996 863.01 100.09 863.01 132.36C863.01 149.19 870.37 162.87 883 171.99C869.32 177.95 859.86 187.42 859.86 200.75C859.86 211.26 865.06 220.61 876.53 225.66C871.55 226.95 848.64 234.75 848.64 259.32C848.64 287.73 883.01 300.71 924.39 300.71C969.99 300.71 1012.77 285.98 1012.77 247.75C1012.77 223.9 995.23 206.37 961.92 206.37L961.91 206.34ZM927.33 102.37C950.72 102.37 965.05 113.03 965.05 132.47C965.05 151.91 950.72 161.94 927.33 161.94C903.94 161.94 889.99 151.28 889.99 132.47C889.99 113.66 904.33 102.37 927.33 102.37ZM924.46 278.09C895.6 278.09 875.64 270.17 875.64 252.01C875.64 236.5 889.54 231.54 905.58 231.54H955.83C974 231.54 985.77 236.16 985.77 249.36C985.77 270.16 960.11 278.08 924.47 278.08L924.46 278.09Z" fill="currentColor"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_251_925"> <rect width="1353" height="350" fill="currentColor"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg></div></div></div></div></div></section><section class="section_layout306"><div class="padding-global"><div class="container-1400px"><div class="padding-section-xmedium"><div class="layout306_component"><div class="margin-bottom margin-xxlarge"><div class="max-width-large"><div><h2 class="text-style-bbmodern _48px _36mobile">Further reading</h2></div></div></div><div id="w-node-fb0e4e43-e64c-2c74-d011-f32541cb6a8b-28704547" class="w-dyn-list"><div dev-target="blog-items" fs-cmsstatic-element="list" fs-cmsload-element="list" fs-cmsload-mode="load-under" fs-cmsload-resetix="true" role="list" class="layout306_list w-dyn-items"><div role="listitem" class="layout306_item w-dyn-item"><div class="layout306_item is-blog-item-readtime"><a aria-label="blog-link" data-w-id="6a6806ce-884e-e1c2-0384-2a9db732f6ee" href="/blog/prime-website-to-automate-cx" class="blog10_link-wrapper w-inline-block"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><div class="layout178_image-wrapper is-alternate-height-photo"><img loading="lazy" alt="" src="" class="layout306_image"/></div></div><h3 class="text24px text-weight-normal text-height-120 no-margin hover-underline">How to Prime Your Website to Automate CX</h3></a><div class="blog10_button-wrapper _18px"><div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed">By Christelle Agustin</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed">10 min read.</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-embed"><span dev-read-time-target=prime-website-to-automate-cx>0</span> min read . By Christelle Agustin</div><div dev-read-time="prime-website-to-automate-cx" class="hide w-richtext"><p><strong>TL;DR:</strong></p><ul role="list"><li>Automating customer experience (CX) can save costs, reduce agent burnout, and increase customer satisfaction</li><li>A good website user experience consists of fast load times, informative product pages, mobile optimization, and guest checkout</li><li>Automate CX by using automated chat, replacing email links with contact forms, updating your help center, and deploying onsite campaigns</li><li>Do not overcomplicate the user journey by only providing automatic support — route back to human agents</li></ul><p>Nowhere is the customer experience more important than on your website. CX is so much more than post-purchase troubleshooting. CX that grows your brand makes the entire buying journey as effortless as possible, from the first ad to the 10th item purchased.</p><p>Your website isn’t only the marketing team’s domain. Your support team’s input is crucial to ensure customers can find all the answers they need without waiting around.</p><p>With a better website experience for your customers, you enable more sales and reduce the repetitive inquiries for your agents.</p><p>Here are some tips to enrich your website with CX automations that will delight your customers and your team.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-1}}</p><h2>Why automating CX is essential</h2><p>With <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">63% of consumers</a> expecting service agents to know their unique needs and preferences, your efforts should be focused on improving support speed and responsiveness — and that starts with automation. </p><p>Here are the five benefits of automating your customer experience:</p><ol role="list"><li><strong>Cost efficient: </strong>Automating routine questions cuts down the cost of human labor, redirecting resources to more impactful areas of customer service.</li><li><strong>Reduced workload for agents:</strong> Your support team can focus on more complex issues instead of spending time on questions that can be answered with automated replies.</li><li><strong>Increased customer satisfaction: </strong>Automation provides fast answers, keeping the shopping experience uninterrupted.</li><li><strong>Enhanced navigation and user experience (UX): </strong>A website optimized for automation is easier to navigate and shop from, and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">reduces cart abandonment</a> rates.</li><li><strong>Prevents support overload:</strong> Automation helps your agents from lessening their touchpoints with customers where it’s not needed, allowing customers to feel in control of their own journeys.</li></ol><h2>How website UX and CX work together</h2><p>If done correctly, your website's UX should be so intuitive and smooth that shoppers barely notice it. For ecommerce stores, a well-thought-out website UX consists of everything from a logical menu to a straightforward checkout flow. </p><p>Below, pay attention to the following website elements as they directly influence the buying journey and can impact customer satisfaction.</p><h3>Informative product pages</h3><p>Engaging and detailed product descriptions add substantial value by influencing buying decisions and simplifying the shopping experience.</p><p>Take a look at how Good Protein keeps descriptions engaging but short in three bullet points, includes social proof by displaying customer ratings, and provides flavor, size, and subscription options in one section:</p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" shake="" alt="Good Protein" all-in-one="" product="" s="" superfood="" loading="lazy"/></div><figcaption>Good Protein provides all important product information upfront.<br/> <br/></figcaption></figure><h3>Mobile optimization</h3><p>According to<strong> </strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Airship</a>’s 11,000-respondent survey, 76% of shoppers shop through retailers’ mobile websites. With a significant portion of online sales coming from smartphones, it’s best to test your website on mobile devices. If users can’t complete a purchase through mobile, you lose out on a large fraction of sales.</p><h3>Minimized distractions</h3><p>Reducing distractions like unnecessary <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">pop-ups</a> and banners keeps the shopper focused on the main goal of conversion. Streamlining content to spotlight key campaigns or product launches can dramatically improve <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">conversion rates</a>.</p><h3>Quick page load times</h3><p>Fast-loading pages are crucial for keeping potential customers engaged. Delays can significantly deter shoppers, as studies show that even a one-second delay in page loading can <a href=",a%207%25%20reduction%20in%20conversions" target="_blank" rel="noopener">reduce conversions by 7%</a>.</p><p>Check out <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google’s PageSpeed Insights</a> to assess your website's performance.</p><h3>Streamlined checkout process</h3><p>Simplifying the checkout process and providing multiple payment options, such as guest checkout, removes common barriers to conversion by offering a convenient purchasing process.</p><p>Swimwear brand TRIANGL makes shopping easy and fast by adding a Quick Buy button to every product:</p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img loading="lazy" src="" alt=""/></div><figcaption>TRIANGL makes it easy for shoppers to buy products without making an account.<br/> <br/></figcaption></figure><h3>Exceptional customer support</h3><p>Tools like <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">live chat</a> or help centers provide a portal through fast support. AI-powered support tools like <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Gorgias Automate</a> combine automated responses with the option for human interaction, ensuring customer inquiries are addressed promptly.</p><p>This integration of website UX with automated customer experience strategies creates a more efficient, enjoyable, and productive shopping environment that exceeds customer expectations.</p><p><strong>Related:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Stop Marketing, Start Converting playbook</a></p><h2>Implement these 5 strategies to prep your website for automation</h2><p>Keeping your customer support options visible is the key to prepping your website for automation. </p><p>Follow these five methods to provide easily accessible support routes, simplify communication, and help customers quickly find the information they need. </p><h3>1. Keep chat active 24/7</h3><p>When you hear “chat,” you may think about not having enough bandwidth to offer live chat all the time. Well, that’s just a common <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">chat myth</a>. </p><p>In fact, chat doesn’t require agents to operate 24/7. You can configure live chat to only be active during your busiest hours or even deactivate it altogether and replace it with automated FAQs to keep customer questions answered throughout the day. </p><p>Here’s how <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ALOHAS</a> keeps their chat running using Gorgias Automate’s Quick Responses:</p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img loading="lazy" src="" alt=""/></div><figcaption>ALOHAS uses Quick Responses to answer questions about shipping policy<br/> <br/></figcaption></figure><p>Beyond automating common questions, chat can also accomplish other support-related tasks:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Email Capture: </strong>When live agents aren’t available, automation can ask for customer emails so that their inquiries can be routed to your support inbox.</li><li><strong>Article Recommendations:</strong> Chat questions can be scanned and matched with the most relevant article, reducing the need to talk to an agent.</li><li><strong>Order Management: </strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Automate WISMO requests</a> with an order management portal right in chat. Customers can track, return, cancel, or report an issue on their own without waiting for an agent to do it for them.</li></ul><p>Don’t forget that chat is one of the most visible components on your website. Make sure the chat dialog can be minimized and hidden to avoid disrupting the shopping journey.</p><h3>2. Replace email with structured contact forms</h3><p>Leaving your <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">customer support email</a> on your contact page is the equivalent of leaving plain URLs on your website — it’s disorganized and can attract spam like no other channel.</p><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Contact forms</a> are far superior to email links because they collect all necessary information (like issue type and contact information). This helps agents provide resolutions as efficiently as possible because tickets are already structured and include the necessary details.</p><p>For example, Gorgias Chat includes Offline Capture to collect customer inquiries while agents are offline. Gorgias Helpdesk then uses the structured information to detect <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">customer intent</a>, making interactions easier to manage.</p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="CALPAK uses email capture on Gorgias"/></div><figcaption>CALPAK enables email capture so that chat inquiries can be handled even when live chat is offline.<br/> <br/></figcaption></figure><h3>3. Display your Help Center and contact form prominently</h3><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Make your Help Center visible</a> no matter which page shoppers are on. Displaying important customer support resources like this in your website's header, footer, and various emails like marketing messages and order confirmations allows customers to self-serve, without having to contact a live agent.</p><p>With Gorgias, you can use one-page Help Centers to create a seamless experience from one page to another on your online store. This setup allows customers to quickly find the answers they need, improving accessibility while reducing the demand on your team.</p><p>Here’s what clothing brand <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Princess Polly</a>’s one-page Help Center looks like:</p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img loading="lazy" src="" alt=""/></div><figcaption>Princess Polly keeps the user experience seamless by keeping the Help Center a part of their website, so customers can go back to shopping whenever.<br/> <br/></figcaption></figure><h3>4. Make sure your knowledge base is up-to-date and comprehensive</h3><p>Updating your knowledge base, whether it's a Gorgias Help Center or another FAQ page, directly impacts the customer journey. Gorgias's AI Agent uses the Help Center as its primary source to autonomously handle over 30% of customer email inquiries, drawing on articles that cover necessary topics like shipping, orders, product information, and account management. </p><p>To <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">optimize your Help Center for AI</a>, ensure your content is comprehensive and current, particularly in areas such as policies and product updates. All articles should be published, not saved as drafts, to be accessible to AI Agent. Regularly reviewing your articles encourages customer self-service and reduces reliance on agent assistance.</p><h3>5. Maintain engagement with targeted campaigns</h3><p>Targeted <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">onsite campaigns</a> on product pages educate customers and boost confidence, especially when tailored to your top-selling products. For instance, when items are out of stock, campaigns can redirect customers to similar products, as demonstrated by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Glamnetic</a> during their product launches.</p><p>Additionally, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Gorgias Convert</a> chat campaigns like those used by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Manduka</a>, which highlight product guarantees, provide valuable pre-sales information that mimics the support of a physical store.</p><p><strong>Related:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Convert Campaigns playbook</a></p><h2>The 3 don’t s of website optimization</h2><p>There are pitfalls to avoid when optimizing your website for better user experiences. Keep the user journey simple and always provide options for human assistance like live <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">email</a> or <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">voice</a>. Below are three key mistakes to steer clear of.</p><h3>1. Don't complicate the user journey</h3><p>The user journey includes all interactions from browsing to the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">post-purchase experience</a>, and automation should make this process seamless, not hinder it. Avoid adding unnecessary steps or making critical information hard to find, as this can disrupt the shopping experience and force customers to seek help when it isn't needed.</p><p>For instance, include a guest checkout option on the checkout page to simplify purchases, and ensure that links to your <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Help Center</a> or Contact page are easily accessible in the top navigation. </p><p>Watch out for these common elements that can confuse the user journey:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Complex navigation:</strong> A convoluted menu system can make it difficult for customers to find what they need.</li><li><strong>Hidden support information:</strong> Essential details like shipping costs and return policies should be visible and easy to find.</li><li><strong>Excessive pop-ups:</strong> Overloading pages with pop-ups can frustrate users.</li></ul><h3>2. Don't only provide automated support</h3><p>Automation is valuable but don’t rely on it — it's still important to provide avenues for human assistance when needed. This includes support options like live chat, email, phone, and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">social media</a>. </p><p>The key is balance: make it easy for them to reach out to human support once they realize <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">self-service</a> options are insufficient. This might involve including contact options in a Help Center or contact page rather than displaying raw email addresses everywhere.</p><h3>3. Don't forget to test regularly</h3><p>Maintaining an optimized website requires data-driven testing and optimization. You can improve your website by following customer feedback and suggestions. Once changes have been applied, monitoring performance metrics and user behavior can ensure the user journey remains solid.</p><p>Metrics to track: </p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Cart abandonment rate:</strong> A high abandonment rate may mean that your checkout process is too complex, causing shoppers to exit early.</li><li><strong>Page load time: </strong>Slow-loading webpages negatively impact the customer experience. </li><li><strong>Bounce rate:</strong> Difficult navigation, slow loading times, or an unattractive layout are all factors that contribute to a high bounce rate. </li><li><strong>Conversion rate: </strong>Conversion rate indicates which areas of your website are performing well and which are not. Pay attention to conversion rate to prioritize areas for improvement, such as optimizing landing pages or adjusting the user journey.</li></ul><h2>Automate 30% of CX for exceptional customer experiences</h2><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">July</a>, a leading luggage brand, uses the power of Gorgias Automate to deliver unbeatable user experiences. With Automate, routine tasks typically handled by level 1 agents are accomplished automatically. Agents are then able to free up valuable resources to focus on more complex inquiries.</p><p>Ready to elevate your CX game? <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Book a demo</a> today and unlock the full potential of automation for your business.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-2}}</p></div></div></div><div class="w-dyn-list"><div role="list" class="blog10_category-wrapper w-dyn-items"><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a aria-label="blog-category" href="/blog-category/automation-and-self-service" class="blog10_category-link w-inline-block"><div>Automation and Self-Service</div></a></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a aria-label="blog-category" href="/blog-category/ecommerce-customer-support" class="blog10_category-link w-inline-block"><div>Ecommerce Customer Support</div></a></div></div></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="layout306_item w-dyn-item"><div class="layout306_item is-blog-item-readtime"><a aria-label="blog-link" data-w-id="6a6806ce-884e-e1c2-0384-2a9db732f6ee" href="/blog/customer-service-techniques" class="blog10_link-wrapper w-inline-block"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><div class="layout178_image-wrapper is-alternate-height-photo"><img loading="lazy" alt="Customer Service Techniques" src="" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 96vw, (max-width: 767px) 91vw, (max-width: 991px) 45vw, (max-width: 1919px) 20vw, 343px" srcset=" 500w, 1696w" class="layout306_image"/></div></div><h3 class="text24px text-weight-normal text-height-120 no-margin hover-underline">10 Customer Service Techniques to Improve Satisfaction</h3></a><div class="blog10_button-wrapper _18px"><div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed">By Tina Donati</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed">15 min read.</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-embed"><span dev-read-time-target=customer-service-techniques>0</span> min read . By Tina Donati</div><div dev-read-time="customer-service-techniques" class="hide w-richtext"><p><strong>TL;DR:</strong></p><ul role="list"><li>Key customer service techniques for agents include understanding customer issues, using positive language, thoroughly understanding products, adapting to different communication styles, and setting clear expectations.</li><li>Key techniques for support leaders include providing agents with enriched customer data, building a library of templates, specializing agents in specific channels or issues, and training the entire organization to be customer-first.</li><li>Gorgias offers features such as automated responses, self-service options, live chat for pre-sales support, and integrations with other tools to enhance customer service.</li></ul><p>Amid the barrage of social media ads, email campaigns, and influencer endorsements that consumers navigate weekly, <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">PWC</a> highlights that 73% of people see customer experience as a pivotal factor in their buying decisions. </p><p>The techniques today’s customer service teams use are the foundation for those excellent experiences.</p><p>Below, learn five key customer service techniques for agents and four for CS leaders.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-1}}</p><h2>9 customer service techniques for agents, leads, and managers</h2><p>Here are five essential techniques for agents to provide great customer service.</p><h3>Effective techniques for agents to enhance customer service</h3><p>To deliver good customer service, agents should first aim to understand customers’ issues at the beginning of each interaction. Then, they can leverage other tactics like reframing statements and setting clear expectations.</p><h4>1) Get an understanding of the issue before you start the interaction</h4><p>Every customer service encounter is unique and should be approached with a fresh perspective. Here’s how to make sure you understand the customer’s issue before diving into problem-solving mode:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Active listening: </strong>Context is key. Start every conversation by allowing the customer to feel heard by giving them the space to fully express their concerns before making any recommendations.</li><li><strong>Review previous interactions:</strong> Skim past customer interactions to gain context. Tools like Gorgias streamline this process by integrating data across multiple channels, offering a comprehensive customer history at a glance.</li><li><strong>Ask clarifying questions: </strong>Politely ask for more details if the customer’s problem isn’t immediately clear.</li><li><strong>Avoid assumptions: </strong>Never assume you know the issue before the customer fully explains it, even if it seems familiar. </li><li><strong>Empathy: </strong>Demonstrate understanding and concern for the customer’s issue to empathize with them.</li></ul><h4>2) Maintain a positive and uplifting tone in your communication</h4><p>The words we choose in customer service can significantly impact the tone of an interaction. </p><p>Psychology professor <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Albert Mehrabian</a> conducted insightful research on communication and found a fascinating breakdown: only 7% of a message's meaning is derived from the actual words spoken, while a much larger portion, 38%, is understood through tone. Meanwhile, body language proves to be the most influential factor, accounting for 55% of how the message is interpreted.</p><p>Since all customer conversations for ecommerce brands happen via chat, email, or on the phone (not face-to-face), agents can’t rely on body language. This means tone of voice becomes even more important for agents to get right.</p><p>How can you maintain positive language? </p><p><span>1️⃣ </span><strong> First, avoid negative words:</strong> “can't,” “won't,” or “don't” can often be reframed in a positive manner. Swap them for phrases like "I understand," "I'm here to help," and "Let's see what we can do," which are much more reassuring to customers.</p><p><span>2️⃣ </span> <strong>Second, aim to be solution-oriented.</strong> Focus on potential solutions or next steps rather than dwelling on the problem.</p><h4>3) Develop a comprehensive knowledge of the products or services</h4><p>What happens when a recent customer sends an email asking about how to fix a broken part from the product they purchased from you, and your agents don’t know enough about it to help?</p><p>Or, if your skincare line recently underwent a formula change that your agents get asked about, but they aren’t sure what was changed and how it alters the performance of your products?</p><p>Knowledge of the products you’re selling is critical for accurately informing customers and managing their expectations.</p><p><span>💡 </span><strong>Our recommendation: </strong>Encourage a culture of sharing by creating feedback loops across the entire organization. The product team should communicate product details and capabilities, marketing teams should share information about customer behavior, and support teams should share the pain points they hear from customers.</p><p>Plus, when one agent learns something new about a product, such as an undocumented use case or a common customer complaint, sharing this insight with fellow agents can enrich everyone with deeper product knowledge.</p><h4>4) Adapt your communication style to suit different customers</h4><p>Every customer comes with a unique set of expectations and comfort levels, making flexibility in your communication skills a key skill for customer service agents.</p><p>Whether you’re talking on the phone or messaging the customer on Instagram, you can match a customer’s preferred style by<strong> </strong>recognizing customer profiles.</p><p>Pay attention to cues that suggest how each customer prefers to interact. Some customers are straight to the point, desiring quick, factual information with minimal fuss. </p><p>Others might appreciate a more personable and reassuring approach, especially if they're dealing with a stressful issue. </p><p>Take it from Deja Jefferson, CX and Consumer Insights Manager at <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Topicals</a>: “I ensure that customer service provided by Topicals not only exhibits empathy when issues arise but should be seamlessly integrated throughout the entire transaction process. Our priority is to ensure that our customers feel fully supported at every step.”</p><p>If you use <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Gorgias Helpdesk</a> to manage your customer support channels, you’ll easily be able to see historical conversations with customers to give you an idea of their preferred communication style. You can also leverage <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">sentiment detection</a>, a Gorgias feature that automatically detects the tone of voice the customer is using. Using sentiment detection, you can also prioritize support tickets based on customers' urgent needs.</p><h4><div><div data-align="center"><figure><img loading="lazy" src="" alt=""/><figcaption></figcaption></figure></div></div>5) Establish clear expectations with customers</h4><p>Managing customer expectations is a delicate balance. You don’t want to overpromise services, but you also don’t want customers to feel like you aren’t able to help them.</p><p>The balance? Be optimistic about solving their issues, but equally crucial not to promise more than can be delivered. Here's how to set realistic expectations:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Be transparent: </strong>When a resolution might take some time, communicate this to the customer, providing a realistic timeline. It's better for a customer to be pleasantly surprised by an early resolution than frustrated by a late one.</li><li><strong>Keep commitments achievable: </strong>Assure the customer that what you know can be delivered within the set constraints. </li><li><strong>Follow up: </strong>If you've provided a timeframe, check back in with the customer within this period. If there’s a delay, communicate it promptly—customers will appreciate the update even if it's not the news they were hoping for.</li><li><strong>Acknowledge limitations: </strong>If a request falls outside the scope of what the company can provide or if there are factors beyond your control, it’s better to be upfront about it. Honesty goes a long way in maintaining a respectful and professional relationship with customers.</li></ul><p>The truth is, you won't always have the answers customers want to hear. But being clear and honest with them can help them grasp why things are the way they are.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-2}}</p><h3>Techniques for leads and managers</h3><p>Effective leadership in customer service hinges on empowering agents with the right tools and strategies to excel in their roles. </p><p>Considering that <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">78%</a> of customers will switch to a competitor after multiple bad customer service experiences, it’s important for your team to be well-equipped for success.</p><p>Let’s talk about how to do that.</p><h4>1) Provide agents with enriched customer data</h4><p>For customer service teams to excel, they require more than just basic customer information. Leads and managers can empower their teams by providing enriched customer data, leading to more personalized and efficient service.</p><p>A helpdesk software will make this easy — if it offers a range of integrations. This is an essential feature to look for because you want your helpdesk to mesh with your existing tech stack. Here’s why: agents need access to data beyond a customer’s name. Integrations are the only way a helpdesk can pull in this additional context.</p><p>We’re talking about past orders, historical conversations, engagement info, and conversion metrics into comprehensive customer profiles. This will help agents get a holistic view of the customer, paving the way for tailored interactions. </p><p><strong>Bonus tip: </strong>Beyond your helpdesk, share any feedback you hear from customers with the rest of the team. Integrating your helpdesk with a tool like Slack can make this easy, and it’s one way the Love Wellness team actions quickly on the advice from customers:</p><p>“We have a channel in Slack dedicated to customer feedback. Dropping in feedback is part of the team’s daily and weekly responsibilities, which helps them get really familiar with all of the content. </p><blockquote>“It also allows our team to dissect them and collaborate on how we can improve. You could also schedule recurring feedback share sessions with the Product or Website teams, or even invite them directly into Gorgias (at no extra cost) and create a dedicated view for product feedback, website feedback, and so on.”<br/><br/>—Amanda Kwasniewicz, VP of CX at Love Wellness</blockquote><h4>2) Create a library of templates to streamline agent responses</h4><p>Templates are a big help for customer support teams, especially those who are strapped for time <em>(which, let’s be honest, that’s 99% of them). </em></p><p>Two types to build include:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Standard responses for common queries:</strong> Develop and include a set of pre-written answers tailored to frequently asked questions and routine issues. This ensures quick, consistent, and accurate responses to customer queries.</li><li><strong>Scenario-specific templates:</strong> Different situations call for different responses. Having templates specifically designed for complaints, product inquiries, returns, and other common scenarios can guide agents to handle each situation with the appropriate tone and information.</li></ul><p>Gorgias offers dynamic, reusable answers, so your agents can build a template of canned responses for all your FAQs. These are easily accessible for agents to swiftly locate and use when replying to customers.</p><p></p><div><div data-align="center"><figure><img loading="lazy" src="" alt=""/><figcaption></figcaption> </figure></div></div><p>If you want some tips on how to craft these templated responses, check out this article with tips for <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">responding to frustrated customers</a> for a good start. </p><h4>3) Specialize agents in specific channels or issues</h4><p>Just as every customer is unique, so too is every communication channel. Providing specialized training for agents in their chosen channels — be it phone, email, social media, or live chat — ensures they are not just familiar but highly skilled in navigating the nuances of these platforms.</p><p>But you can take this one step further by encouraging agents to become connoisseurs of specific product lines or types of issues. This deep dive into a particular area enables them to provide not just answers but insights, elevating the customer experience from good to great.</p><p>However, remember that specialization doesn’t mean working in silos. It's still crucial for specialized agents to also have a broad understanding across all areas. </p><p><strong>💡 Tip: </strong>With Gorgias, you can auto-assign tickets to an agent based on issue or channel. This way, you’re routing tickets to agents who can best help every customer. </p><h4>4) Promote a customer-first mindset across the entire organization</h4><p>A tip that we love from Amanda Kwasniewicz at <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Love Wellness</a> is the idea that to truly excel in customer service, a customer-first mentality needs to be woven into the very fabric of your organization. </p><p>This goes beyond the customer service department and includes everyone, from the C-suite to the front lines.</p><p>She suggests organizing workshops that paint the picture of the crucial role a customer-centric approach plays in every department. These sessions should highlight how each team member's contributions echo in the symphony of customer satisfaction.</p><p>“At Love Wellness, we believe that every single team member plays a vital role in creating a haven of care and understanding. That’s why we created an immersive <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">customer experience training</a> program that involves each and every one of us, including the president of the company and even our office manager!” she said.</p><p><strong>Read more:</strong> <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Why customer service is important (according to a VP of CX)</a></p><h2>Additional resources to support customer service teams</h2><p>For those who are eager to dive deeper into the world of customer service and sharpen their skills even further, Gorgias offers a treasure trove of resources. </p><p>Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to refine your expertise, these materials are designed to enhance your understanding and execution of top-tier customer service:</p><ul role="list"><li><a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Customer Service Terms</a>: A comprehensive glossary to get you fluent in the language of customer service. </li><li><a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Customer Service Phrases</a>: This collection of key phrases can help guide your communication towards more positive and impactful interactions. </li><li><a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Customer Service Skills</a>:An outline of the essential skills every customer service professional should master, for any situation. </li><li><a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Customer Service Tips</a>: A series of actionable tips that can be implemented to improve your customer service delivery immediately.</li><li><a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Customer Service Email Templates</a>: Save time and maintain consistency with a variety of templates that cover common customer service scenarios. </li></ul><p>Each of these resources is designed to instruct and inspire your customer service team to exceed expectations and create memorable customer experiences.</p><h2>Enhance agent support with Gorgias</h2><p>Exceptional customer service isn't just about the right words; the helpdesk tool you use is equally important to enhance efficiency and deliver exceptional service. </p><p>Gorgias is tailored to provide such support with innovative features that streamline your customer service processes. Let’s review a few in detail:</p><h3>Automate responses with reusable Macros </h3><p><a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Macros</a> are pre-scripted customer service templates that accelerate response times by using automation to tackle those repetitive but essential customer inquiries that come in droves. Think of them as pre-made <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">customer service scripts</a>. </p><p>Often called ‘empty-calorie tickets,’ queries like “Where is my order?” don't require personalized responses and can be time-consuming if handled manually. Automating responses to these repetitive questions frees your agents to focus on more complex issues.</p><p>Here are some other times when Macros help:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Welcome emails:</strong> A friendly and informative welcome message can set a positive tone for the customer relationship.</li><li><strong>Order status updates:</strong> For updates on transactions, shipping, and delivery, a Macro can provide customers with the information they need promptly.</li><li><strong>Refund confirmations:</strong> When processing refunds, a clear and courteous Macro can assure customers that their request has been handled.</li><li><strong>Customer loyalty messages:</strong> Keep your loyal customers engaged with updates and rewards information through efficient Macro communication.</li></ul><h3>Enable customers to find answers themselves</h3><p>A staggering <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">88%</a> of customers prefer to find answers independently, according to Statista. This tells us that the modern customer values autonomy, which is why self-service options are key.</p><p><a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Self-service options</a> are resources for customers to get the answers they need without contacting an agent. These include FAQ pages, help centers, chat widgets, and interactive quizzes.</p><p>Here’s how each self-service option can benefit you:</p><ul role="list"><li><a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">FAQ page</a>: Centralizes customers’ most commonly asked questions on one page to prevent your inbox from being filled with the same questions.</li><li><a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Help center</a>: Larger in scope than an FAQ page or contact center, a Help Center is a database of detailed resources like articles and how-to videos to help customers learn more about your brand and product.</li><li>Chat: Chat can turn into a self-service option with the implementation of <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Quick Responses</a>, or preset conversations that can answer customers without a live agent.</li><li>Interactive quiz: A fun self-service addition to online stores that carry highly specialized products, like skincare, health supplements, and apparel. </li></ul><p>Here’s a great example from BrüMate, which uses a product finder quiz in its <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">customer knowledge base</a>:</p><p></p><div><div data-align="center"><figure><img loading="lazy" src="" alt=""/><figcaption></figcaption> </figure></div></div><h3>Use live chat for pre-sales support</h3><p>Live chat has become an indispensable tool for connecting with customers in real-time. Some inquiries present a great opportunity to sell a specific product, which Olipop shows here: </p><p></p><div><div data-align="center"><figure><img loading="lazy" src="" alt=""/><figcaption></figcaption> </figure></div></div>Live chat impact on sales and customer satisfaction is notable: <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">86%</a> of live chat engagements end with a satisfied customer, and adding live chat to your website has been linked to a <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">12%</a> improvement in conversions.<p>Gorgias live chat is designed to integrate seamlessly with the leading platforms for ecommerce customer support. It allows you to manage live chat tickets alongside those from email, phone, and social media, providing a unified interface to serve your online customers more effectively.</p><p>Chat campaigns can trigger when certain conditions are met (like visiting/dwelling on a certain page or being a repeat shopper). You can hit these targeted shoppers with personalized product recommendations or provide a unique discount code. </p><p><strong>To sum it up:</strong> You're not only addressing customer needs in real-time with live chat but also creating opportunities to influence purchasing decisions positively.</p><h3>Integrates your helpdesk with the rest of your tech stack</h3><p>Gorgias boasts a suite of over <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">100 app integrations</a>, covering every facet of your store's tech stack like CRMs, loyalty tools, ERPs, and more. Some popular choices are <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Shopify (ecommerce)</a>, <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Okendo (reviews)</a>, <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Yotpo (loyalty rewards and referrals)</a>, and <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Recharge (subscriptions)</a>. </p><p>This extensive range means that Gorgias can likely connect with whatever tools you use to manage your ecommerce business, creating a streamlined workflow for your customer service agents.</p><p>The real win with these integrations? They let your agents get super personal with support. </p><p>When an agent pulls up a ticket, they’re able to see everything they need to know— past buys, loyalty points, you name it. This means they can give spot-on help that feels really tailored to each customer, cutting down on all that back-and-forth and making the whole experience smoother.</p><blockquote>“Having quick access to previous order info in the helpdesk is super convenient and helps us turn our support agents into sales people.”<br/><br/>—Ian Anderson, Operations Manager @ mnml</blockquote><h2>Boost revenue through improved customer satisfaction</h2><p>When it comes to turning satisfied customers into sales, Gorgias users are living proof of the potential.</p><p>Take <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Kirby Allison</a>, for instance, who saw a 23% uptick in conversions after automating 30% of their customer support tickets. Or consider <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener">TUSHY</a>, influencing a whopping 25% of their sales through Gorgias Convert.</p><p>These success stories highlight a clear message: customer service strategy isn’t just about problem-solving but about creating opportunities. </p><p>Ready to see the difference a proactive customer-first approach can make for your bottom line? Give Gorgias a try.</p></div></div></div><div class="w-dyn-list"><div class="hide w-dyn-empty"><div>No items found.</div></div></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="layout306_item w-dyn-item"><div class="layout306_item is-blog-item-readtime"><a aria-label="blog-link" data-w-id="6a6806ce-884e-e1c2-0384-2a9db732f6ee" href="/blog/ai-tone-of-voice" class="blog10_link-wrapper w-inline-block"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><div class="layout178_image-wrapper is-alternate-height-photo"><img loading="lazy" alt="" src="" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 96vw, (max-width: 767px) 91vw, (max-width: 991px) 45vw, (max-width: 1919px) 20vw, 343px" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 1920w" class="layout306_image"/></div></div><h3 class="text24px text-weight-normal text-height-120 no-margin hover-underline">AI Tone of Voice: Tips for On-Brand Customer Communication</h3></a><div class="blog10_button-wrapper _18px"><div><div class="l-text-size-small w-embed">By Alexa Hertel</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed"> min read.</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed"><span dev-read-time-target=ai-tone-of-voice>0</span> min read . By Alexa Hertel</div><div dev-read-time="ai-tone-of-voice" class="hide w-richtext"><p><strong>TL;DR:</strong></p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Tone of voice builds trust.</strong> A consistent tone of voice helps create personal connections with customers and builds trust in your brand, even when using AI.</li><li><strong>Analyze your brand's personality to find your tone.</strong> Review customer conversations, website copy, and marketing materials.</li><li><strong>AI can mimic brand voice by learning your data.</strong> This data includes your brand’s help docs, internal guidebooks, macros, and brand guidelines.<strong></strong></li><li><strong>Keeping AI on-brand requires regular training.</strong> Audit your brand voice, set guidance, and monitor responses to keep your AI accurate.</li></ul><p>Tone of voice — and a strong brand personality — have become essential components of exceptional customer service. </p><p>As many brands introduce AI to <a href="">automate customer service</a> interactions, the challenge of ensuring that AI is <em>helpful</em> looms. Part of that helpfulness means speaking to customers in a way that connects with them, not alienates them.</p><p>That’s why implementing AI that uses your brand’s signature tone of voice has never been so important.</p><p>This post will explore why tone of voice matters in customer service and provide insights on how AI can effectively replicate brand voice, with tips on implementing it successfully. </p><p>{{lead-magnet-1}}</p><h2>Why tone of voice matters in customer service</h2><p>Through a customer service lens, tone of voice is the style, word choice, and general vibe of how your brand speaks when it communicates with customers. Tone of voice is one of the key components of brand identity, so the tone of voice a support team uses will always align with its greater brand.</p><p>According to <a href="">Statista</a>, 64% of customers prefer making purchases from companies that create experiences tailored to their needs and wants. A consistent tone of voice does just that, building trust, creating better relationships between customers and brands, and making experiences more personal.</p><p>On the flip side, brands that don’t prioritize tone of voice — especially when it comes to AI — will see robotic tones cause a loss of customer trust. </p><h2>How AI effectively replicates brand voice</h2><p><a href="">51% of customers</a> share concerns that brands that use AI won’t connect them to a human. But if you choose the right AI tools that leverage your brand’s information and use it effectively, you can train it to mimic your unique voice — sometimes to the point where customers don’t even know that it’s the AI talking.</p><p>That’s true for the CX team at toddler carrier brand <a href="">Wildride</a>. </p><p>”An influencer emailed us saying, 'I really love you guys,' and our AI Agent replied, 'Love you too,' with heart emojis, which was really funny. It was just like an email from me and my other team members,” says Amber van den Berg, their Head of Customer Experience. </p><p>Wildride trusts <a href="">Gorgias’s AI Agent</a> to manage a high volume of tickets while still providing each customer with a great experience. </p><p>📚 <strong>Further reading: </strong><a href="">How Wildride automated 33% of email tickets with AI Agent</a> </p><p>AI Agent uses a few key components to mimic tone of voice, including LLMs (Large Language Models) to form human-like responses, guidance from you, and the internal resources you provide it. </p><p>“We’ve had customers respond to AI Agent thinking they were speaking to a real person. That’s how elevated the response was from AI,” says Emily McEnany, Senior CX Manager at <a href="">Dr. Bronner’s</a>. </p><figure style="max-width:1600pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Brand voice: Friendly" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><h2>4 tips for successfully infusing AI with your brand’s tone of voice</h2><p>You can absolutely train AI to match your brand's specific voice and style. Here are a couple of tips that will help you be successful: </p><ul role="list"><li>Audit your brand’s existing voice and tone</li><li>Set up guidance</li><li>Monitor responses and give feedback</li><li>Keep up with regular training</li></ul><h3>1. Audit your brand’s existing voice and tone </h3><p>If your brand has an established voice and tone, make sure that you either have internal documents that detail it or can describe it accurately in a couple of paragraphs. </p><p>You’ll use that information to help train the AI, so it’s essential that it’s up-to-date and accurate. </p><p>If you don’t have an established tone, now is a great time to generate your brand voice. Review customer conversations and the copy on your website. Chat with your marketing team and even your brand’s founder to get a clear picture of what it is or what you’d like it to be. </p><p>Here’s a quick-start guide for how to find your tone of voice: </p><ol role="list"><li>Think about the brands you want to be similar to and pick two. </li><li>Now, take a look at those brands’ websites. Make a list of what you love — it could be the way these brands speak to customers, leverage active verbs, write their product descriptions, or how they talk on social media. </li><li>Now that you have your list, circle the things that feel most relative to your brand. </li><li>Can you put an overarching “vibe” to this list? For example, you might choose a word like friendly, sophisticated, or fun. </li><li>Then, fill in this sentence: “We are (Your Brand) and our tone of voice is (the vibe word you chose). </li><li>Now, see if you can expand on that a little more, with some thoughts about how you might interact with your target audience or write about your products.</li></ol><h3>2. Set up guidance</h3><p>Most AI-powered tools will allow you to set up some sort of guidance around how they interact with customers. If you use Gorgias’s AI Agent, you’ll be able to set specific tone of voice parameters. Choose from three pre-built options — Friendly, Professional, Sophisticated — or Custom to give it your own instructions.</p><p>For example, jewelry brand <a href="">Baby Gold</a> uses an upbeat, friendly, warm, and personable tone. They would likely choose the Friendly option, which is the go-to option for many teams. </p><p>“Sometimes agents forget personal details to call out when communicating with our customers, like birthdays or weddings,” says Sindi Melgar, their Customer Service Manager. </p><p>“But I noticed on a few different occasions where the AI Agent is highlighting these things and is saying, congratulations on your wedding! Just the tone of voice that Michelle is able to adopt is definitely on brand for us.”</p><p>If you’re looking to provide your own specific guidelines, create custom guidance like Wildride did below: </p><figure style="max-width:1527pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Choose a custom tone of voice for Gorgias's AI Agent" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><p>📚 <strong>Recommended reading: </strong><a href="">How to customize AI Agent with 7 brand voice examples</a></p><h3>3. Monitor responses and give feedback</h3><p>In general, you should always keep an eye on how your AI tool is answering questions to ensure that it’s providing accurate responses and that your customers aren’t getting frustrated. Combing through responses manually can be overwhelming, so that’s why Gorgias offers an AI Feedback feature. </p><p>In the ticket sidebar you’ll find a summary of the response AI Agent provided, including why it responded the way it did and the resource it pulled the response from. </p><figure style="max-width:1600pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Mark a response as correct or incorrect with AI Agent" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><p>Then, give feedback by using the 👍 or 👎 icons to mark AI Agent’s response as correct or incorrect. AI Agent uses this feedback to improve responses over time.</p><p>📚 <strong>Recommended reading: </strong><a href="">How to coach AI Agent and give feedback</a></p><h3>4. Keep up with regular training</h3><p>Any time you add new policies or update existing ones, make sure you add them to your helpdocs and Macros, which are the main resources the AI is going to draw from. </p><p>The more consistently you can go in and provide the AI direct feedback on each response, the more easily AI will nail your unique tone. </p><h2>Create on-brand responses with AI </h2><p>Your brand’s tone of voice makes a huge impact on the relationships you build with customers. Combining your unique brand voice with AI means you’ll provide more personalized responses <em>and </em>resolve customer issues faster. </p><p>“We were hesitant at first, but AI Agent has really picked up on our brand’s voice,” says Lynsay Schrader, Lab and Customer Service Senior Manager at <a href="">Jonas Paul Eyewear</a>. “We’ve had feedback from customers who didn’t even realize they were talking to an AI.” </p><p>Gorgias’s AI Agent is the go-to tool for AI-driven customer support that aligns with brand tone.</p><p><a href=""><strong>Sign up →</strong></a></p><p>{{lead-magnet-2}}</p></div></div></div><div class="w-dyn-list"><div role="list" class="blog10_category-wrapper w-dyn-items"><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a aria-label="blog-category" href="/blog-category/automation-and-self-service" class="blog10_category-link w-inline-block"><div>Automation and Self-Service</div></a></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a aria-label="blog-category" href="/blog-category/customer-experience" class="blog10_category-link w-inline-block"><div>Customer Experience</div></a></div></div></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="layout306_item w-dyn-item"><div class="layout306_item is-blog-item-readtime"><a aria-label="blog-link" data-w-id="6a6806ce-884e-e1c2-0384-2a9db732f6ee" href="/blog/how-to-improve-customer-service" class="blog10_link-wrapper w-inline-block"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><div class="layout178_image-wrapper is-alternate-height-photo"><img loading="lazy" alt="How To Improve Customer Service" src="" class="layout306_image"/></div></div><h3 class="text24px text-weight-normal text-height-120 no-margin hover-underline">How To Improve Customer Service and Lift Revenue in 2024</h3></a><div class="blog10_button-wrapper _18px"><div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed">By Julien Marcialis</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed">16 min read.</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-embed"><span dev-read-time-target=how-to-improve-customer-service>0</span> min read . By Julien Marcialis</div><div dev-read-time="how-to-improve-customer-service" class="hide w-richtext"><p>As rising inflation, higher-than-ever customer acquisition costs, and the looming possibility of a global recession continue to weigh heavy on the minds of many brands, driving revenue via great customer service is now more important than ever before. In these turbulent times, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">many online businesses are doubling down on customer experience</a> to retain and grow business through upsells, repeat purchases, and referrals — all of which offer higher ROI than pursuing new customers.</p><p>It’s clear that happy customers are a great path to growth. But how can you create a customer service strategy that leads to happy customers? We’ll suggest 16 tactics below to improve customer service in 2024, including new ways to incentivize your customer support team and self-service resources you can use to reduce customer effort. </p><h2>What’s the link between customer service and revenue?</h2><p>Business leaders often view customer service as a necessary expense rather than an opportunity for business growth. However, every customer interaction along the entire customer journey presents a chance to create revenue for your business. Your customer service team’s exceptional customer service can generate revenue by:</p><ul role="list"><li>Answering pre-sales questions to improve your <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">conversion rate</a></li><li>Encourages happy customers to refer others to your brand</li><li>Create loyal customers through helpful customer support</li><li>Drive <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">upsells</a> and customer retention</li></ul><p>According to data from Emplify, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">one in six customers</a> will leave a company after just one negative customer care experience, while 86% of customers will leave a company after two negative customer service interactions. And 73% of customers will leave a brand after just a few poor interactions, according to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">a 2022 Coveo report</a>. These negative interactions catch like wildfire and are an early warning of a sinking ship.</p><p>It’s not all doom and gloom, though — better customer service can be a huge differentiator for your brand, especially when you consider the value of loyal customers. According to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">data from 10,000 Gorgias</a>, returning customers make up only 21% of a brand’s customers but generate 41% of orders and 44% of overall revenue.</p><figure class="w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img loading="lazy" src="" alt=""/></div><figcaption><br/> <br/></figcaption></figure><h2>16 tips to improve your customer service and drive more revenue</h2><p>Let’s take a look at our top 16 tips to get your team on the way to creating a better customer experience — and generating more revenue in the process.</p><h3>1) Incentivize your customer service agents to meet business goals</h3><p>We already discussed the impact your customer service representatives can have on business outcomes. To get serious about providing the best customer service possible, align your customer service team’s KPIs around demonstrated business goals.</p><p>Here are a few business-related KPIs that your team can focus on improving:</p><ul role="list"><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Customer satisfaction (CSAT)</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Conversion rate</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Total sales from support</a></li></ul><p>Consider going a step beyond setting KPIs and offering bonuses, gift cards, and other incentives for individual agents or teams that reach their goals as part of your <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">customer support team management</a> strategy. It’s common for sales — why not customer support, if they’re also driving revenue through customer interactions?</p><h3>2) Build a user-friendly customer help center</h3><p>When customers encounter a problem, they won’t reach out to you immediately. In fact, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">88% of customers</a> say that they expect companies to provide self-service support tools so that they can resolve issues on their own.</p><p>How can you help your customers help themselves? You need to build a good <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">FAQ page</a> or knowledge base, also called a help center, to help your customers answer their questions without having to contact an agent. Important considerations to keep in mind as you go about designing your help center include:</p><ul role="list"><li>Have a clearly visible search bar at the top of every page</li><li>Include a prominent CTA to contact a human agent</li><li>Organize your help center in categories like Product, Shipping, and Returns</li></ul><p>For an example of an excellent ecommerce help center that accomplishes all of these objectives, check out our post on <a href=",1)%20Brumate,-Brumate%E2%80%99s%20help%20center" target="_blank" rel="noopener">FAQ pages and help centers</a>.</p><figure class="w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img loading="lazy" src="" alt=""/></div><figcaption><br/> <br/></figcaption></figure><h3>3) Use technology to remember 100% of customer details</h3><p>Every customer has a unique conversation history, order history, and sentiment toward your brand. Whenever you talk to those customers, you should make an effort to personalize the conversation by using their names, acknowledging past interactions, using past order information instead of asking them to repeat it, and so on. Thankfully, technology makes offering this sort of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">personalized customer service</a> much easier than it used to be.</p><p>Tools such as <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Gorgias’ Customer Sidebar</a> can provide your customer support team with the data that they need to offer each customer a personalized customer service experience:</p><figure class="w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img loading="lazy" src="" alt=""/></div><figcaption><br/> <br/></figcaption></figure><h3>4) Prioritize complaints and pre-sale actions</h3><p>Customer complaints and pre-sale actions are high-priority customer service tickets since they can directly impact your company's revenue. Addressing customer complaints prevents <a href="">customer churn</a> and encourages repeat purchases. Pre-sale actions such as questions about product sizing or your shipping policy present the opportunity to drive a sale home — if your agents answer in time.</p><p>You can develop your customer service team to prioritize these tickets manually, or you can prioritize them automatically within your <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">helpdesk</a>. If you use Gorgias, a combination of automated <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Rules</a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Intents</a> can automatically identify certain ticket types — like customer complaints, pre-sales questions, or tickets from VIP customers — and flag them as high priority.</p><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Check out our Director of Support’s post on how to prioritize customer service requests for guidance.</a></p><h3>5) Only use positive/professional language</h3><p>Sometimes, it’s not about what you say — it’s about how you say it. This rings especially true for customer service. You must make sure you sound level-headed, calm, and collected whenever you contact a customer.</p><p>If you’re delivering bad news, there’s no way to sugarcoat it. You need to be direct and professional about it. At the same time, you should also try to find a way to solve the problem.</p><p>For instance, if a customer has ordered something that was out of stock, an automated email telling them that you don’t have the product right now won’t cut it. You should tell the customer when you expect it to be available or perhaps offer some other products instead.</p><p>It's best to have a written procedure ready to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">respond to frustrated customers</a> so your customer support agents know how to deal with them without having to worry too much. Of course, active listening is important to hear the customer’s response and settle on next steps.</p><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">See our post on customer support tips for more suggestions like this.</a></p><p>{{lead-magnet-1}}</p><h3>6) Introduce proactive customer support to your strategy</h3><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-video"><div><iframe src="//" width="640" height="360" scrolling="no" title="YouTube embed" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture;" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div></figure><p>The classic image of customer support is reactive. When your customers encounter a problem, they come to your customer service reps for a solution. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t approach certain problems proactively.</p><p>Case in point: shipping delays. In the past couple of months, ecommerce shipments have increased drastically. Recent reports indicate that <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">there have been 47% more shipments</a> since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. With such an increase, shipment delays are bound to happen.</p><p>To keep your customers in the loop, you can send out proactive communication about shipping setbacks. This will set customer expectations right and prepare them for any possible delays.</p><p>Another great example of proactive customer service is <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Gorgias' live chat campaigns</a>, a tool that lets your team automatically reach out proactively to visitors browsing your website to ask if they need help, offer product recommendations or discounts, and guide them through the buying process. </p><figure class="w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img loading="lazy" src="" alt=""/></div><figcaption><br/> <br/></figcaption></figure><p>Creating clear product descriptions and convenient self-help resources is another great way to be <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">proactive about customer service</a> and can help reduce ticket volume while also improving the customer experience.</p><h3>7) Be as clear as possible about your policies</h3><p>More often than not, customers are worried about the fine print. As a matter of fact, <a href=",return%20an%20item%20in%2Dstore." target="_blank" rel="noopener">67% of online shoppers</a> will check a company's return policy before making a purchase. Sloppily-written policies will turn off a lot of customers. Every policy on your website needs to be clearly articulated so users can easily find what they’re looking for.</p><p>Creating or updating your refund and return policies? Our <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">policy generator</a> can help you get started. We’re a big fan of the detail and organization of Steve Madden’s return policy:</p><figure class="w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Steve Madden"/></div><figcaption>Steve Madden<br/> <br/></figcaption></figure><h3>8) Use automation strategically to dedicate your attention to high-impact tickets</h3><p>Many tickets that a customer service rep handles throughout the day are repetitive, straightforward questions. Many of your agents are likely spending hours each day simply telling customers where their order is. Answering these common customer questions is a key part of good customer service, but these tickets are not high-impact tickets for revenue generation.</p><p>Fortunately, a customer service platform like Gorgias can help you completely automate these tickets so that your team can focus on more impactful tickets (such as escalated complaints and pre-sale discussions).</p><figure class="w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img loading="lazy" src="" alt=""/></div><figcaption><br/> <br/></figcaption></figure><p>By creating <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Macros</a> with answers to common questions and automated <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Rules</a> to trigger with zero agent effort, you can free up your support agents to go the extra mile and provide a more personalized touch to the tickets that matter most.</p><h3>9) Nurture customer relationships with community engagement</h3><p>For some, a community engagement strategy consists of asking customers to like their page on Facebook, follow their business on Twitter, and not much else. Having thousands of followers and likes is a good look for your business, sure. But you can’t let those followers go to waste.</p><p>Engage your followers and get them talking about the experience with your brand. Then, ask them for some feedback about your business, operations, and employees. You can then use that information to tweak your business.</p><p>Here are a few questions you should ask yourself before <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">building a community</a>:</p><ul role="list"><li>What do you plan on doing with the community?</li><li>Are you doing everything you can to engage the members?</li><li>What type of information can you get from the members?</li></ul><h3>10) Use post-interaction surveys to collect customer feedback in real-time</h3><p>If you’re looking to improve your customer service, you should send a customer satisfaction (CSAT) survey after every interaction. These short, simple surveys give you a snapshot of the quality of customer support you currently offer, which is a great first step toward improving customer support. </p><p>Gorgias’ <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CSAT survey feature</a> can be automatically sent out every time a customer interacts with one of your service reps. After every interaction, customers will get the following simple survey asking them to rate the interaction and, if they want, explain their answer:</p><figure class="w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img loading="lazy" src="" alt=""/></div><figcaption><br/> <br/></figcaption></figure><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Read our full guide to improving CSAT scores.</strong></a></p><h3>11) Train your employees in the areas where your customer service is weak</h3><p>Many companies don’t place as much emphasis as they should on hiring and training talented customer service reps. Instead, they view the position as an entry-level, outsourceable role that doesn't justify a comprehensive onboarding process. However, if you want your customer service agents to perform like sales associates and drive revenue, then it’s essential to teach them the right <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">customer service skills</a>.</p><p>Your customer service reps are the front lines of your company and some of the only employees your customers will directly interact with. When you train customer service reps with an emphasis on revenue generation, you can turn your customer service team into a source of revenue that more than justifies its investment. Rather than simply instructing your agents to put out fires, train them on how to convert customer interactions into sales and promote customer loyalty. </p><figure class="w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img loading="lazy" src="" alt=""/></div><figcaption><br/> <br/></figcaption></figure><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Read our complete guide to customer service training for more guidance. </strong></a></p><h3>12) Follow up with the customer after they've had a chance to use your product or service</h3><p>Following up with customers who have purchased your product/service (even if they don't contact you first) has many benefits: For one, it shows that you are committed to their satisfaction, even with their <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">post-purchase experience</a>.</p><p>It also provides you with the opportunity to collect valuable customer feedback. This feedback can be used to improve your product and overall customer experience and is something that many successful companies go to great lengths to collect.</p><p>Lastly, following up with customers can be a direct source of revenue generation. Recommending additional products to customers based on their experience with a previous purchase is an example of how following up with customers can lead to sales.</p><p>The most effective way to follow up with your customers is by setting up an <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">automated email campaign</a> that sends them an email after their purchase. What these emails include will depend on your specific goals (i.e., survey forms if you are trying to collect customer feedback or personalized product recommendations if you are trying to generate repeat sales).</p><h3>13) Create a customer loyalty program</h3><p>The more incentives you create for your customers to remain loyal to your brand, the better. While many considerations go into generating high <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ecommerce retention rates</a>, creating a customer loyalty program is one proven effective option.</p><p>Customer loyalty programs give customers a financial incentive to remain loyal to your brand. They also turn the shopping experience into somewhat of a game, where reward points are the goal and making repeat purchases is how you score them. The more creative and fun you can make your customer loyalty program, the more effective it stands to be.</p><p>Along with repeat purchases, you can use customer loyalty programs to encourage other customer actions such as referrals, reviews, and survey responses by rewarding these actions with reward points as well.</p><p>Software solutions such as <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">LoyaltyLion</a> make it incredibly easy to create and manage customer loyalty programs – and they integrate with Gorgias to pull loyalty data into your helpdesk. These tools allow you to automatically track customer actions and reward loyalty-building actions with points and discounts.</p><h3>14) Consider offering free shipping to qualifying customers</h3><p>According to Small Business Trends, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">66% of U.S. customers expect free shipping</a> on every online purchase, while 80% expect free shipping if their purchase total exceeds a certain amount. </p><p>Even if you have to raise your product pricing by a small percentage to maintain profitable margins, it’s still likely to positively impact both customer satisfaction and your conversion rates. Logical or not, a $50 subtotal plus free shipping is more appealing than a $45 plus $5 shipping.</p><p>If you can't afford to offer free shipping on every purchase, offering free shipping on purchases that exceed a certain amount can help you meet customer expectations and increase your average order value. For example, offering free shipping on orders over $100 will encourage many customers who have purchased just under that total to add an extra product or two to their cart.</p><p>Here’s what qualified free shipping looks like on apparel brand Woxer’s website:</p><figure class="w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Qualify for free shipping. "/></div><figcaption>Woxer<br/> <br/></figcaption></figure><h3>15) Provide a solution for items that are out of stock</h3><p>Create a policy for handling customer support tickets regarding out-of-stock products. Just a few ways to head off customer complaints regarding out-of-stock products include:</p><ul role="list"><li>Offering customers alternative products</li><li>Placing an emergency order from your supplier</li><li>Purchasing from an alternative supplier</li><li>Offering customers discounts for their inconvenience</li></ul><p>Along with offering one or more of these remedies, it’s also important to communicate effectively with customers trying to purchase an out-of-stock product. Follow up with them frequently to let them know the status of their order and when they can expect it to arrive.</p><p>Solutions for out-of-stock products can also be proactive and don't always require a customer to contact support. Giving customers the option to sign up for automated email alerts when a product is back in stock is one passive way to generate sales while improving customer satisfaction.</p><h3>16) Add more customer touchpoints to shift to an omnichannel approach</h3><p>According to a Salesforce report, 78% of customers prefer to choose between a variety of channels to reach a brand’s customer support. Depending on the issue, their mood, or the company, a customer may want to send a DM on social media, have a phone call, send a text message, or ask you their question on your website’s live chat. </p><p>One of the biggest <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">challenges support teams face</a> when managing multiple channels is keeping up with messages spread across platforms. That’s why a helpdesk that unifies all these channels is so valuable: Your team can spend less time looking for messages and copy/pasting information, and more time providing quality care across all channels.</p><figure class="w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img loading="lazy" src="" alt=""/></div><figcaption><br/> <br/></figcaption></figure><h2>Examples of excellent customer service</h2><p>Good customer service entails much more than being willing and able to help solve a customer's problems. If you want to transform your customer service team into a powerful source of revenue, here are some elements of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">great customer service</a> to strive for:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Your first-response time is below two minutes and your average-handle time is below one hour:</strong> Customers expect quick responses, making first-response/average-handle times two of the most important <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">customer support metrics</a> to track and lower.</li><li><strong>You have clear and lenient return and refund policies:</strong> Use <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Gorgias' refund policy generator</a> to easily create a clear and well-thought-out return/refund policy for your store. (By the way, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Gorgias data shows that offering free returns is actually cost-neutral</a> because of the boost in revenue from customer loyalty it provides.)</li><li><strong>You reduce customer effort with self-service options like an FAQ page, a help center, self-service flows, and/or chatbots: </strong>Providing customers with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">self-service options </a>can reduce the workload for your team members and improve customer satisfaction.</li><li><strong>You can clearly present the impact customer service has on revenue: </strong>Customer service teams often have to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">prove their ROI</a> to earn the budget they need for additional agents and new tools, making it important to connect the dots between customer service and revenue growth.</li></ul><h2>Examples of bad customer service</h2><p>Bad customer experience comes in many shapes and sizes. But some recurring elements leave customers feeling completely frustrated. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Research from Hotjar</a> reveals the top issues that have the most damaging effect on customer experience:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Long waits and slow response times: </strong>If your customers are left waiting for your response for too long, they’ll probably go to your competitor.</li><li><strong>Failing to understand customer needs:</strong> Answering customer questions before truly understanding them will result in a frustrating customer experience.</li><li><strong>Unresolved issues and unanswered questions:</strong> Leaving tickets unanswered won’t leave a good impression and will leave your customer dissatisfied</li><li><strong>Lack of customer service personalization:</strong> Sending out generic responses to customer inquiries only shows that you don’t really care about your customers</li></ul><p>Learn more about why customer service matters and how to measure it in this post from our Head of Success & Support: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Evaluating Your Customer Service Program: Why, Challenges, and KPIs That Matter</a></p><h2>Build a customer service engine that generates revenue</h2><p>So far, the past few years have presented plenty of challenges for online retailers and 2024 will likely be no different. Moving forward, the ecommerce stores that can leverage customer service to their full revenue-generating potential will be the ones that succeed.</p><p>Want to learn more about how you can build a customer service operation designed to maximize your company's bottom line? <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Check out our CX growth playbook</a>, a free resource that dives into 18 tactics to boost revenue by 44% by improving customer experience, based on 25+ interviews with top ecommerce brands and analysis of 10,000+ Gorgias customers.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-2}}</p></div></div></div><div class="w-dyn-list"><div role="list" class="blog10_category-wrapper w-dyn-items"><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a aria-label="blog-category" href="/blog-category/customer-service-team-management" class="blog10_category-link w-inline-block"><div>Customer Service Team Management</div></a></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a aria-label="blog-category" href="/blog-category/customer-experience" class="blog10_category-link w-inline-block"><div>Customer Experience</div></a></div></div></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="layout306_item w-dyn-item"><div class="layout306_item is-blog-item-readtime"><a aria-label="blog-link" data-w-id="6a6806ce-884e-e1c2-0384-2a9db732f6ee" href="/blog/customer-service-quality-assurance" class="blog10_link-wrapper w-inline-block"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><div class="layout178_image-wrapper is-alternate-height-photo"><img loading="lazy" alt="" src="" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 96vw, (max-width: 767px) 91vw, (max-width: 991px) 45vw, (max-width: 1919px) 20vw, 343px" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 1920w" class="layout306_image"/></div></div><h3 class="text24px text-weight-normal text-height-120 no-margin hover-underline">Why Your Strategy Needs Customer Service Quality Assurance</h3></a><div class="blog10_button-wrapper _18px"><div><div class="l-text-size-small w-embed">By Alexa Hertel</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed"> min read.</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed"><span dev-read-time-target=customer-service-quality-assurance>0</span> min read . By Alexa Hertel</div><div dev-read-time="customer-service-quality-assurance" class="hide w-richtext"><p><strong>TL;DR:</strong></p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Manual QA is time-consuming and inconsistent.</strong> Reviewing conversations manually makes it difficult to ensure uniform quality across agents and touchpoints.</li><li><strong>Automating QA saves time and improves accuracy.</strong> Automation ensures all tickets are reviewed with the same quality, freeing up agent time to create stronger customer connections.</li><li><strong>QA helps teams continuously improve</strong>. It enables better agent training and brings forth actionable feedback to exceed customer expectations.</li><li><strong>Implement QA one step at a time.</strong> Begin by setting KPIs, introducing small changes, and investing in automation tools to streamline and measure success effectively.</li></ul><p><a href="">Forrester’s 2024 Customer Experience Index</a> reports that 39% of brands’ customer experience (CX) quality has declined over the past year.</p><p>It can be challenging to get a full understanding of how your team –– and AI, if you use it –– are truly performing.</p><p>This is true even with metrics like <a href="">CSAT</a>. </p><p>“A 5-point scale only tells you and your agents so much, and relying on consumers providing feedback further limits what you’re able to look at and learn from,” says Kayla Oberlin, Senior Manager of Customer Experience at <a href="">amika</a>. </p><p>Quality Assurance (QA) is becoming a more crucial component of a customer experience strategy, especially one that prioritizes customer happiness. </p><p>We’ll cover the importance of customer service QA, best practices, tools, and tips to implement QA effectively.</p><h3>🗺️ This article at-a-glance</h3><ul role="list"><li><a href="">What is QA (Quality Assurance) in CX?</a></li><li><a href="">Why QA is critical for customer experience</a></li><li><a href="">Best practices for implementing QA in CX</a></li><li><a href="">Challenges</a></li></ul><p>{{lead-magnet-1}}</p><h2>What is QA (Quality Assurance) in CX? </h2><p>In the CX context, QA (Quality Assurance) refers to reviewing customer conversations to improve your support team’s performance and enhance customer satisfaction. QA ensures a consistent and satisfying customer journey across touchpoints, including your website, support channels, and social media.</p><h3>Common QA pain points for CX teams </h3><p>Aside from accuracy issues, a manual quality assurance process is:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Time-consuming:</strong> Manual conversation reviews are slow and labor-intensive.</li><li><strong>Limited visibility:</strong> It’s difficult to get a clear, scalable view of team and AI performance.</li><li><strong>Inconsistent:</strong> Maintaining uniform quality across customer service teams can be tough.</li><li><strong>Resource allocation: </strong>Difficulty in ensuring the right skills, training, and resources are in place.</li><li><strong>CSAT limitations:</strong> Negative scores often reflect policies, not agent performance.</li></ul><p>The solution isn’t for CX teams to skip the QA process altogether but to automate it.</p><p>According to <a href="">research from McKinsey</a>, “A largely automated QA process could achieve more than 90 percent accuracy — compared to 70 to 80 percent accuracy through manual scoring — and savings of more than 50 percent in QA costs.”</p><p>With an automated QA process, brands can:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Save time:</strong> Automated quality checks help support agents to focus on the most critical tickets.</li><li><strong>Ensure consistency:</strong> Both human agents and AI agents are evaluated with a unified, comprehensive QA score.</li><li><strong>Boost performance:</strong> Agents receive targeted coaching to provide more consistent customer experiences.</li><li><strong>Meet </strong><a href=""><strong>customer expectations</strong></a><strong>:</strong> Customers benefit from higher-quality support with quicker resolutions and accurate responses.</li></ul><h2>Why QA is critical for customer experience</h2><p>According to <a href="">Statista</a>, 94% of customers are more likely to purchase again after receiving top-notch support. Quality assurance ensures that every customer gets the same experience, and provides agents with the feedback to learn and stay on-brand with each resolution.</p><p>At its core, QA: </p><ul role="list"><li><a href="">Prevents errors</a></li><li><a href="">Ensures consistency</a></li><li><a href="">Builds trust with customers </a></li><li><a href="">Helps with personalization</a></li><li><a href="">Aids in better coaching and training </a><a href=""></a></li><li><a href="">Offers opportunities for continuous improvement</a></li></ul><figure style="max-width:1600pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Consumer attitudes and behaviors based on their customer service experience worldwide as of May 2022, Statista" src="" loading="lazy"/></div><figcaption>Consumer attitudes and behaviors based on their customer service experience worldwide as of May 2022, Statista</figcaption></figure><h3>Prevent errors </h3><p>Addressing errors early is important, as even small mistakes can harm customer trust and create lasting negative impressions. QA tools can prevent mistakes because of better coaching and training. This can stop misinformation in its tracks –– and from escalating into bigger problems down the line. </p><h3>Ensure consistency </h3><p>QA makes sure that all customer touchpoints, like calls, emails, live chat, and even AI responses, are handled with the same level of care. This is especially helpful when training new team members, introducing new products or policies, or during high-traffic periods.</p><h3>Build trust </h3><p>Consistent and reliable experiences build customer trust and loyalty. If you were to reach out to a brand and have an amazing experience the first time but a bad experience the next, you’d probably question which experience was the norm. </p><p>Top-notch experiences that happen time and time again tell your customers that you’ll <em>always</em> be there to help. This can boost repeat sales and even referrals: According to <a href="">Statista</a>, 82% of customers recommend a brand after a great experience.</p><h3>Personalize experiences </h3><p>Aside from increasing happiness and making customers feel heard and appreciated, personalized support also affects your bottom line. <a href=",data%20and%20as%20technology%20advanced.">Statista</a> notes that 80% of businesses found that providing <a href="">personalized customer experiences</a> led to increased spending for consumers.</p><h3>Aids in better coaching and training </h3><p>With QA, teams are able to rate and review all tickets instead of spot-checking. This provides them with a:</p><ul role="list"><li>Quicker turnaround on coaching opportunities</li><li>Wider volume of tickets they can review, learn from, and use for training</li><li>Better understanding of when a <a href="">Macro</a> or a process is leading to incomplete or unhelpful conversations</li><li>Bigger opportunity for constructive feedback and flow improvements that are based on real responses and not frustrations with brand policies</li></ul><h3>Continuously improve</h3><p>Whether it’s lowering resolution times, introducing a <a href="">knowledge base</a>, or adding an AI agent to your team, making continuous improvements will help you stay ahead of the competition.</p><p>Implementing a QA program (especially if you can automate it) is one of those additions that provides you with the refinements you need on a resolution-to-resolution level.</p><h2>Best practices for implementing QA in CX</h2><p>QA best practices include: </p><ul role="list"><li><a href="">Establish a baseline for metrics and KPIs</a></li><li><a href="">Monitor and evaluate regularly</a></li><li><a href="">Implement automation tools</a></li><li><a href="">Collect customer feedback</a></li></ul><h3>Establish a baseline for metrics and KPIs </h3><p>As you set out to integrate a Quality Assurance process into your CX program, first establish benchmarks for various metrics and KPIs. These benchmarks help track and evaluate the performance of QA as you implement it. </p><p>If you don’t already track customer support metrics, <a href="">CSAT</a>, <a href="">first response time (FRT)</a>, <a href="">resolution time</a>, and <a href="">net promoter score (NPS)</a> are great ones to start with. </p><p>💡<strong>Tip: </strong>If you use Gorgias, you’ll find your current <a href="">support performance statistics</a> in the Statistics menu. Make sure that you can see back at <em>least </em>six months. Then, compare an equal time frame for post-QA implementation.</p><h3>Monitor and evaluate regularly</h3><p>While it might sound a bit “meta” to monitor your quality assurance (which is already monitoring your support responses), it’s still worth noting. </p><p>Ensure that your QA process works smoothly, helps your metrics rather than hurts them, and provides actual helpful feedback to your agents. </p><h3>Implement automation tools </h3><p>The simplest way to maintain your support quality standards is to use an automated QA tool. Automating the QA process lets CX teams get deeper insights into agent strengths and areas for improvement, and captures deeper insights than a CSAT score could.</p><h3>Collect customer feedback </h3><p>Understanding how customers feel will allow you to fine-tune your processes and ensure you’re delivering a consistent and high-quality experience. Here are a few ways to collect feedback:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Surveys and reviews</strong> - Post-interaction surveys or direct reviews provide real-time feedback on what customers think of their experience.</li><li><strong>Social listening and real-time feedback</strong> - Monitoring online reviews, social media mentions, and customer comments offers insight into how your customers are feeling that might not be captured through formal surveys. </li></ul><h2>Challenges of adding QA</h2><p>Lack of resources, ineffective training, poor communication between team members, not having the right tools, and doing everything manually are some of the challenges you can encounter when adding a QA process.</p><p>Here are a couple of solutions we recommend:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Start with phased rollouts. </strong>Rather than rolling out a QA process across your whole team, let more seasoned agents experiment with it first to give you feedback and make tweaks.</li><li><strong>Make incremental improvements.</strong> Changing an entire CX process at once to include QA can be overwhelming. We recommend making small changes (like starting to send CSAT surveys if you don’t already) one at a time. These changes will allow you to better measure what’s really working. </li><li><strong>Invest in better technology.</strong> A manual QA process can be more time-consuming than helpful. Look for an automated QA tool that’s already integrated into your <a href="">helpdesk</a>. It will allow you to measure AI <em>and</em> agent responses equally, while also measuring results from a handy dashboard. </li></ul><h2>Ensure customer experience meets quality standards</h2><p>By prioritizing QA, your team can identify potential problems early, reduce errors, and improve overall performance, leading to a smoother, more reliable experience for customers –– and your CX team. </p><p>In the long run, brands that focus on QA can gain a competitive edge, building stronger relationships with customers and driving sustainable growth. <a href="">Book a demo</a> now.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-2}}</p></div></div></div><div class="w-dyn-list"><div role="list" class="blog10_category-wrapper w-dyn-items"><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a aria-label="blog-category" href="/blog-category/customer-service-measurement" class="blog10_category-link w-inline-block"><div>Customer Service Measurement</div></a></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a aria-label="blog-category" href="/blog-category/customer-experience" class="blog10_category-link w-inline-block"><div>Customer Experience</div></a></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a aria-label="blog-category" href="/blog-category/automation-and-self-service" class="blog10_category-link w-inline-block"><div>Automation and Self-Service</div></a></div></div></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="layout306_item w-dyn-item"><div class="layout306_item is-blog-item-readtime"><a aria-label="blog-link" data-w-id="6a6806ce-884e-e1c2-0384-2a9db732f6ee" href="/blog/customer-support-tips" class="blog10_link-wrapper w-inline-block"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><div class="layout178_image-wrapper is-alternate-height-photo"><img loading="lazy" alt="Customer Support Tips" src="" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 96vw, (max-width: 767px) 91vw, (max-width: 991px) 45vw, (max-width: 1919px) 20vw, 343px" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 2000w, 2600w, 3200w, 3840w" class="layout306_image"/></div></div><h3 class="text24px text-weight-normal text-height-120 no-margin hover-underline">19 Customer Support Tips Every Team Needs for Success</h3></a><div class="blog10_button-wrapper _18px"><div><div class="l-text-size-small w-embed">By Ryan Baum</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed"> min read.</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed"><span dev-read-time-target=customer-support-tips>0</span> min read . By Ryan Baum</div><div dev-read-time="customer-support-tips" class="hide w-richtext"><p><strong>TL;DR:</strong></p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Great customer service drives more than just satisfaction — it generates revenue.</strong> Retaining customers, increasing order sizes, and gaining referrals are key ways to grow your bottom line through excellent support.</li><li><strong>Customer feedback is a goldmine for improvement.</strong> Use insights from support tickets, surveys, and conversations to address common pain points and refine processes.</li><li><strong>Automation and self-service options enhance efficiency.</strong> Automate repetitive requests like WISMO and offer self-service resources so agents can focus on complex interactions.<strong></strong></li><li><strong>Train agents for deeper product knowledge.</strong> Providing agents with comprehensive training ensures they can handle inquiries confidently.</li></ul><p>Many customer service guides focus on individual actions: be patient, show empathy, and listen actively. While these customer support tips are valuable, they only scratch the surface. </p><p>The goal of <a href="">ecommerce customer service</a> isn’t just to please customers. Just like any function of a business, great customer service has to drive revenue — and having positive interactions with customers is just one part of that goal. Excellent customer service can help an online store grow its bottom line revenue through:</p><ul role="list"><li>Better customer retention (and more <a href="">loyal customers</a>)</li><li>Higher average order volume (AOV) from loyal customers</li><li>Better word-of-mouth advertising and referrals from high net promoter score</li><li>More chances to drive sales with new customers through proactive customer service</li></ul><p>With that in mind, here are 20 customer support tips for improvements on many levels, from operational changes down to individual agents’ day-to-day.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-1}}</p><h2>Tips for making high-impact changes to your customer experience</h2><p>For a top-down revamp, focus on high-impact, cost-effective changes that customer support leaders can implement. </p><p>Here are five tips to tackle major <a href="">customer service challenges</a> and elevate your service experience:</p><h3>1. Collect and use customer feedback</h3><p>Customer feedback is the single best resource to improve the overall quality of your product and customer experience. Analyzing customer feedback from support tickets, <a href="">NPS</a> and <a href="">CSAT surveys</a>, and face-to-face conversations can surface patterns harming customer satisfaction and opportunities for improvement. </p><p>Consider the following example: if customers frequently ask questions about return policies, you may need to <a href="">make the policy clearer</a>. Or, if feedback shows frustration with <a href="">response times</a>, consider implementing real-time support options, such as social media, <a href="">chat</a>, or <a href="">SMS</a>. You could also consider using <a href="">automation and templated responses</a> to resolve common questions quickly.</p><p>These direct channels provide immediate answers and reduce wait times for customers who want quick resolutions.</p><p>Your <a href="">customer service team</a> can use feedback to share insights with product, shipping, and other teams—often leading to broader improvements. For example, feedback about shipping issues can guide adjustments in fulfillment, while comments on product quality can drive updates in manufacturing. </p><p>We recommend setting up a system to pass feedback to relevant departments. With Gorgias, you can automatically tag feedback for specific teams, create custom <a href="">views</a>, and invite team members to access this feedback directly. Plus, with unlimited seats on most <a href="">Gorgias plans</a>, it’s easy to involve everyone who needs to see it.</p><figure style="max-width:1558pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Gorgias Helpdesk helps you triage tickets efficiently" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><h3>2. Automate simple ticket requests such as WISMO to let agents focus on valuable conversations</h3><p>Automating responses to frequently asked questions, such as “where is my order” (WISMO), has two major benefits. First, it reduces response times by instantly providing answers to common inquiries. Fast, accurate responses to these questions are crucial for <a href="">reducing customer effort</a>.</p><p>Second, <a href="">automation</a> lets your agents focus on more complex inquiries. Without having to handle repetitive tickets, they can prioritize high-impact conversations that involve troubleshooting or personalized assistance. In practice, this means fewer hours spent on “one-size-fits-all” tickets and more time available to resolve unique <a href="">customer issues</a> and address inquiries that require <a href="">customer service skills</a>.</p><figure style="max-width:1000pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Resolve WISMOs automatically" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><h3>3. Provide self-service options</h3><p>Most customers prefer to find answers on their own when possible––according to Heretto, customers overwhelmingly prefer <a href="">self-service solutions</a> as their first point of contact for support.</p><p>Options like <a href="">knowledge bases</a>, detailed <a href="">FAQ pages</a>, and interactive help centers help customers solve issues independently, without relying on customer service representatives.</p><p>Here’s a quick breakdown of effective self-service solutions:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>FAQ pages</strong>: Concise answers to frequently asked questions about shipping, return policies, and product details.</li><li><strong>Knowledge bases</strong>: Comprehensive guides covering product use, troubleshooting, and company policies.</li><li><strong>Automated chat</strong>: Quick responses that guide customers through standard issues, providing an “in-person” feel while freeing up your support team.</li></ul><figure style="max-width:1248pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="RipSkirt uses Gorgias Automate to send automated replies via chat" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><p>Automated <a href="">chat</a> bridge self-service and hands-on support, offering customers a personalized experience without tying up your team. With Gorgias, you can set up <a href="">flows</a> in your help center or chat, allowing customers to find answers or track and modify orders—all without waiting for an agent.</p><figure style="padding-bottom:56.206088992974244%" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-video"><div><iframe allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="" title="Gorgias AI Agent ✨"></iframe></div></figure><p><a href="">Read our complete guide to customer self-service.</a></p><h3>4. Train agents to have a strong understanding of your products and processes</h3><p>Effective customer service skills go beyond soft skills like empathy. Agents need a deep understanding of your product to give accurate advice and solve issues effectively. Similarly, they need to deeply understand <a href="">customer service techniques</a> and processes (for things like escalation and returns) to give clear, accurate instructions. </p><p>Here’s how you can set your customer service reps up for success:</p><ol role="list"><li><strong>Product knowledge</strong>: Agents should have a strong command of product details, features, and common troubleshooting steps. When they know the product inside and out, they can solve customer issues faster and with more confidence.</li><li><strong>Process knowledge</strong>: Every company has unique processes, from returns to issue escalation. Clear instructions help agents navigate these processes smoothly and give customers a streamlined experience.</li><li><strong>Customer service training</strong>: Empathy and <a href="">positive language</a> are crucial in customer service. An agent who can put themselves in the customer’s shoes, show understanding, and avoid negative language is more likely to resolve issues successfully. For example, phrases like “I understand how this must be frustrating” validate the customer’s experience and demonstrate that the agent is there to help.</li></ol><p>When guiding customers—like through checkout—agents must provide accurate information to avoid negative interactions. <a href="">Macros</a> help standardize responses and reduce human error. </p><figure style="max-width:731pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Use Macros to send quick replies without typing the same thing over and over again" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><p>In training, prioritize product knowledge and create an internal knowledge base for quick reference. It’s also key to train agents on your service tools. <a href="">Gorgias Academy</a> offers courses and <a href="">certifications</a>, along with help center documentation for setting up automation and managing accounts. </p><p>Plus, <a href="">our help center</a> has detailed documentation on how to configure your account, set up new automation, and so much more.</p><figure style="max-width:1600pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Gorgias Help Center" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><p><a href=""><strong>Explore effective ways to organize your customer service team</strong></a><strong> for a more streamlined operation.</strong></p><h3>5. Track your customer service's impact on your brand's revenue</h3><p>Exceptional customer service doesn’t just benefit the customer—it can also contribute significantly to revenue. Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat buyers, and <a href="">customer loyalty</a> directly impacts long-term revenue. </p><p>In-depth tracking is a challenge, but you can start by seeing how many customers place an order within five days of a customer service interaction and attribute that revenue to customer service.</p><p>If you want more suggestions, check out our list of <a href="">25 customer support metrics</a>, which walk through revenue-related metrics like customer churn, revenue backlog, and more. </p><p>Tracking this revenue contribution will help you understand the value of great customer service. With revenue statistics, brands can <a href="">access detailed metrics and analysis regarding how much revenue their customer service team generates</a>. By using Gorgias to analyze support ticket details and identify sales trends, you'll be able to figure out what works and what doesn't and use data to develop a customer service strategy optimized for revenue generation.</p><figure style="padding-bottom:56.206088992974244%" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-video"><div><iframe allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="" title="Introducing Gorgias Convert"></iframe></div></figure><p><a href=""><strong>Explore more about how to drive customer retention through effective customer service.</strong></a></p><h2>4 Tips for driving sales through customer service</h2><p>Customer service is more than damage control—it’s a chance to boost sales and drive revenue. By empowering your team to focus on increasing customer satisfaction, you can turn each interaction into a sales opportunity.</p><p>Here are three tips to help you get started:</p><h3>6. Enable chat at checkout</h3><p>Around <a href="">70% of all online shopping carts get abandoned</a>. While there are many reasons why shoppers abandon shopping carts, questions or issues arising during the checkout process are some of the most common reasons.</p><p>Adding Gorgias chat to your checkout page helps prevent this by allowing customers to request help instantly.</p><p>With Gorgias, you can also reach out proactively during checkout—offering assistance, reminding customers of free shipping thresholds, or sharing discounts. This approach reduces cart abandonment and boosts average order value through strategic upsells and recommendations.</p><figure style="max-width:1600pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Activate Chat to answer FAQs" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><h3>7. Proactively reach out during the shopping journey</h3><p>You can boost <a href="">conversion rates</a> by proactively assisting customers through chat at key points in their journey. For example, if a customer has placed best-selling items in their cart, reaching out with a discount or answering questions could make the difference between a completed purchase and an abandoned cart.</p><p>By offering discounts, personalized recommendations, or quick assistance, you can turn an abandoned cart into a completed sale.</p><p>With Gorgias, you can automate these interactions through <a href="">Gorgias Convert</a>. Trigger responses based on customer actions—like adding high-value items or pausing on the checkout page.</p><p>Taking proactive approach drives sales and reduces cart abandonment, even when your customer service agents are offline.</p><figure style="max-width:1462pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Discount code chat campaign with Gorgias Convert" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><h2>3 Tips for boosting agent productivity</h2><p>Boosting agent productivity speeds up response and resolution times, freeing your team to focus on delivering value. Here are three effective <a href="">customer service techniques</a> to help eliminate productivity blockers:</p><h3>8. Encourage regular breaks</h3><p>Sitting for prolonged periods takes a mental and a physical toll on a person, even if they don't notice it at first. </p><p>Taking brief breaks throughout the day helps agents stay focused and reduces burnout. Something as simple as stepping away for a few minutes or doing light stretches can reset their energy and prepare them to handle the next ticket with a clear mind.</p><h3>9. Set clear goals</h3><p>Setting daily and long-term goals provides direction for customer service reps and keeps productivity high.</p><p>Setting daily goals keeps agents focused and motivated. These short-term goals might include:</p><ul role="list"><li>Resolving unresolved tickets from the previous day</li><li>Addressing urgent requests or flagged issues</li><li>Staying updated on team changes, like new tickets or inventory updates</li></ul><p>Setting long-term goals helps reps stay committed to growing and developing their skillset, some goals might include: </p><ul role="list"><li>Building product knowledge and customer service skills</li><li>Providing feedback and support to help the team grow</li><li>Reducing response times for specific inquiries</li></ul><p>Encourage agents to discuss any roadblocks openly. By supporting them through challenges, you create a positive environment that helps them achieve their goals without added stress.</p><h3>10. Prepare your workspace</h3><p>With remote work becoming the norm––<a href=",of%20agents%20worked%20from%20home.">87% of support agents worked from home in 2021</a> maintaining a clear boundary between work and home life is essential. Creating a dedicated "work corner" helps remote agents stay productive.</p><p>Here are some tips to help you set up a workspace optimized for productivity:</p><ul role="list"><li>Use natural lighting, a nice comfy chair, and a few decorations to make your workspace more comfortable and inviting.</li><li>Write a task plan for the workday, and then cross out everything you complete. Not only is it satisfying to cross things off the list, but it can motivate you for the day ahead.</li></ul><h2>3 Tips for avoiding common customer support mistakes</h2><p>Avoiding common mistakes is just as crucial as following <a href="">best practices</a>. Here are three frequent support agent pitfalls to watch out for to protect your brand’s reputation and meet customer expectations:</p><h3>11. Never interrupt customers</h3><p>One of the most critical rules in customer service is to never interrupt a customer. Your customers may think you don’t want to listen to them and don’t respect them. </p><p>They probably aren't going to be very happy as a result — even if the rep who interrupted does eventually resolve their issue.</p><h3>12. Use inappropriate language</h3><p>Words can have a huge impact on people. A customer support team needs to understand the power of words and always use positive language while avoiding phrases that customers could interpret as rude.</p><p><a href=""><strong>Check out our guide to customer service phrases for additional phrases to avoid.</strong></a></p><h3>13. Use canned responses strategically</h3><p>Canned responses speed up replies but can fall flat if overused. The best practice? Personalize each response—adding the customer’s name or tweaking it for the situation can make a big difference.</p><p>That way, agents don’t need to recreate the wheel with every response, but it still puts a personal touch on each response; even something as small as including the customer’s name can make a big difference. </p><p>Avoid canned responses if you’re unsure what the customer needs. And if there’s no relevant template, ask a teammate instead of forcing a one-size-fits-all answer.</p><p><a href=""><strong>Check out these 16 email templates to get started.</strong></a><strong> Or, if you use phone support heavily, check out these </strong><a href=""><strong>customer service scripts</strong></a><strong>.</strong></p><h2>6 Tips for handling angry customers</h2><p>Handling unhappy customers is one of the toughest but most important parts of support. </p><p>Here are six tips to help your team turn complaints into good customer experiences.</p><h3>14. Try to always use positive language</h3><p>Customers may not always have the kindest words for support agents, but it’s essential for your agents to always use positive language themselves — no matter what the customer is saying to them.</p><p>For example:</p><ul role="list"><li>Instead of “I might be able to help,” say, “I can definitely help with that.”</li><li>Replace “Don’t get angry; I’m going to help you” with “I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this. Let me fix it for you.”</li></ul><p>Training agents to use positive language helps build better customer relationships. Creating a library of <a href="">positive response scripts</a> can also be a valuable resource for your team.</p><h3>15. Keep your composure</h3><p>Dealing with angry customers can be challenging, but staying calm is crucial to avoid negative fallout. If emotions take over, customers may share their experience online, potentially deterring future shoppers.</p><p>Here are a few tips to keep your cool:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Address requests from upset customers promptly.</strong> Reassure them by involving others if needed.</li><li><strong>Use clear explanations and soft skills.</strong> Stay composed to keep the interaction positive.</li></ul><p>For more insights, <a href="">check out our guide to handling angry customer emails</a>.</p><h3>16. Put yourself in the customer's shoes</h3><p>Attempting to fully understand a customer's problems first before you try to resolve them can go a long way. </p><p>Empathy is the ability to understand the issue from their perspective. Practicing this often leads to deeper understanding and better solutions.</p><h3>17. Be transparent about what happened</h3><p>Brands should take ownership of mistakes rather than cover them up. Be completely transparent about whatever happened, as your customers will likely get agitated if they feel like you're giving them the runaround.</p><p>Your customers need to know you’re always going the extra mile to help them resolve whatever issue they’re experiencing. If the problem was from your end, you need to communicate what you’re doing to prevent it from happening again.</p><h3>18. Practice active listening</h3><p>No matter the outcome, customers want to feel heard. If agents aren’t truly listening, frustration can grow.</p><p>Active listening means fully understanding the customer’s concerns and responding with feedback that shows you’re paying attention. Repeating details of what a customer tells you back to them is one effective way to demonstrate active listening and is sure to help calm a frustrated customer.</p><h3>19. Thank the customer for bringing this issue to your attention</h3><p>When an upset customer shares their issue, thank them. Negative feedback is valuable, as it highlights areas for improvement. Showing genuine appreciation reassures customers that you’re committed to solving their problem, which can help diffuse frustration.</p><p>With <a href="">Gorgias and Yotpo</a>, you can track customer reviews to tailor responses or even launch win-back campaigns, like offering a discount. </p><figure style="max-width:1462pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Send satisfaction surveys via Gorgias" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><h2>Better customer support experience, better customer journey — more revenue generation</h2><p>Implement a few of these customer support tips and see how much you boost revenue and productivity. Start by giving your customer service reps in-depth product training and automating simple responses that don’t require a human touch. </p><p>Find out how Gorgias' industry-leading customer service tools helped <a href="">Kirby Allison boost conversions by 23% after automating 30% of tickets</a>. </p><p>To learn more about how Gorgias' cutting-edge customer service and automation features can help you improve customer service at every level, <a href="">book a demo with Gorgias</a>.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-2}}</p></div></div></div><div class="w-dyn-list"><div role="list" class="blog10_category-wrapper w-dyn-items"><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a aria-label="blog-category" href="/blog-category/customer-experience" class="blog10_category-link w-inline-block"><div>Customer Experience</div></a></div></div></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="layout306_item w-dyn-item"><div class="layout306_item is-blog-item-readtime"><a aria-label="blog-link" data-w-id="6a6806ce-884e-e1c2-0384-2a9db732f6ee" href="/blog/track-customer-orders" class="blog10_link-wrapper w-inline-block"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><div class="layout178_image-wrapper is-alternate-height-photo"><img loading="lazy" alt="Track Customer Orders" src="" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 96vw, (max-width: 767px) 91vw, (max-width: 991px) 45vw, (max-width: 1919px) 20vw, 343px" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1696w" class="layout306_image"/></div></div><h3 class="text24px text-weight-normal text-height-120 no-margin hover-underline">How To Provide Order Tracking for Your Ecommerce Customers</h3></a><div class="blog10_button-wrapper _18px"><div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed">By Ryan Baum</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed">12 min read.</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-embed"><span dev-read-time-target=track-customer-orders>0</span> min read . By Ryan Baum</div><div dev-read-time="track-customer-orders" class="hide w-richtext"><p><strong>TL;DR:</strong></p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Improve your customer experience with real-time order tracking. </strong>This will benefit your customers and brand by increasing their sense of security, creating customer loyalty, and reducing returns. </li><li><strong>Integrate your order tracking system with your Helpdesk. </strong>Choose a solution like Aftership, ShipBb, ShipStation, or others that integrate with your CX platform. This lets you link shipping data with your customer data for faster response and resolution times. </li><li><strong>Make tracking information accessible with self-service options</strong>. Ensure your shipping information is easy for customers to find through email and SMS notifications. You can also add order management Flows in your chat or Help Center.</li><li><strong>Deflect repetitive WISMO tickets with automation</strong>. Let your AI Agent answer repetitive “Where is my order?” requests so your agents can focus on revenue-generating tickets. </li></ul><p>The competition to provide customer satisfaction in ecommerce today is fierce. Now, shoppers demand <a href="">free shipping</a> on every order and expect lightning-fast order processing and<a href=""> fulfillment</a>. What once were “nice to haves” have become necessary for growth and success. </p><p>Customers expect quick delivery times and no shipping feels, and their order tracking expectations are just as high. Shoppers want to see an order's status and location at any given time, from purchase to doorstep. Even better are real-time alerts like SMS or email notifications at each point in an order’s journey.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-1}}</p><p>Below, discover the benefits of tracking customer orders. Learn why you should consider implementing an order tracking tool for your business. </p><h2>Why your online store should track customer order status</h2><p>Huge ecommerce vendors like Amazon have trained customers to track their online orders thoroughly. From the order processing stage to when a delivery person from FedEx, UPS, or USPS leaves it at their door. In other words, expectations are high. </p><p>Offering real-time tracking data for purchases benefits both your customer and your business in five distinct ways.</p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="The benefits of providing order tracking for customers: provide a sense of security, allow customers to plan, build customer loyalty, free up your customer support from repetitive WISMO questions. " src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><h3>Gives shoppers and business owners a sense of security</h3><p>Once customers place an online order, waiting for it to arrive can be both exciting and stressful. Questions like, “Will it get here on time?” or “Is it ever coming?” become more intense if customers can’t check the delivery status themselves in real time. Plus, as a business, you can follow along to ensure that orders are getting where they need to go. </p><p>DHL's<a href=""> 2024 Delivery and Returns Report</a> shows 43% of shoppers agree that real-time tracking improves their delivery experience. 60% of global shoppers even said that delivery speed was not as important as end-to-end tracking.</p><h3>Allows customers to plan ahead</h3><p>Consumers need to know that an order is on its way and when it will arrive for reasons beyond curiosity. For example, if a product is expensive, customers won’t want it to sit on their front porch all day. If customers have to sign for a package, they might have to work from home to accept it. In these instances, status updates are crucial.</p><p>According to<a href=""> research from Verte</a>, 91% of consumers actively track their packages. 39% track them once a day and 19% track packages multiple times daily. Shoppers also want these updates to be convenient, with 38% preferring package updates via SMS over email. </p><p>Customers can maintain constant contact with their order at home and on the go via a mobile device. This gives them the transparency they need to plan ahead for a fun unboxing or an essential item they can’t live without. </p><h3>Builds customer loyalty </h3><p>The customer experience you provide on your ecommerce platform is essential to business growth. Providing shoppers tracking information, email updates, and delivery dates can help create a positive view of your brand. This builds a better customer experience and encourages loyalty and retention.</p><p>Research from<a href=""> Voxware</a> shows that 69% of customers are less likely to shop with a retailer again if their package didn’t arrive within two days of the promised date. 16% of customers even said they would stop shopping with a brand if they received an incorrect delivery once. </p><p>New customers appreciate seamless experiences and are more likely to make repeat purchases from businesses that offer them. Creating a cycle of repeat purchases will help your business grow. Encouraging loyalty through an easy-to-use order tracking tool gives you a significant advantage.</p><p><strong>Recommended reading:</strong> <a href="">9 Revenue-Driving Ecommerce Shipping Best Practices</a></p><h3>Frees up your customer service team (by deflecting WISMO tickets with automation)</h3><p>Many ecommerce companies are looking for ways to alleviate customer service workloads and reduce time handling simple requests. Providing real-time order tracking is one of those ways since customers no longer need to ask, “Where is my order (WISMO)?” This question accounts for 16% of tickets for the average ecommerce store, according to Gorgias data.</p><p>Instead of reaching out to<a href=""> check their order status</a>, tracking systems proactively send email or SMS notifications or provide access to a portal where customers can see progress in real time. This solution streamlines the process and reduces ticket volumes, increasing productivity. Your support team will have more time to handle complex issues and customers will get a better experience.</p><p>With tools like Gorgias’s AI Agent and Flows, you can automate customer order tracking through SMS, email, or chat. Or, create a<a href=""> self-service portal</a> where customers can use their purchase order number to access their order status. We’ll cover both of these more in a later section. </p><blockquote>“Chat used to be a support tool for repetitive questions and problem-solving, but now Automate takes care of that for us. Within a month of launching, our manual live chat tickets decreased 17%.” <br/><br/>—Caela Castillo, Director of Customer Experience at<a href=""> Jaxxon</a></blockquote><p><strong>Recommended reading:</strong><a href=""><strong> </strong>Offer More Self-Serve Options with Flows: 10 Use Cases & Best Practices</a></p><h3>Lowers the number of returns you can expect </h3><p>People often return items because they arrive late and the customer no longer wants or needs them. With detailed order tracking and a simple<a href=""> returns policy</a>, customers can better expect when their product will arrive. This makes it less likely that they will return the package when it finally gets to them. And, as you might expect,<a href=""> reducing returns</a> positively impacts your business’s revenue.</p><p><strong>Recommended reading:</strong><a href=""> Ecommerce Returns: 10 Best Practices for Taking Your Online Store to the Next Level</a></p><h2>Why ecommerce businesses should think twice before building a custom order tracking system </h2><p>Using a customer order tracking system has many advantages. We recommend using a pre-built solution because maintaining a manual tracking system is time-consuming. Find our recommendations below.</p><p>A custom-built tracking page may require more data entry than necessary. Manual processes open your system up to human error and eat up productivity.</p><h3>Manual systems require extensive set-up</h3><p>If you try to provide order tracking yourself, you’ll save in the short term but spend plenty of time and money building and maintaining a system to send tracking information. </p><p>Once you successfully sync your tracking components, you'll need to create different templates that collect or communicate information to your customers. For example, you might build a form that collects order information like a customer’s name, address, phone number, and credit card details. Or, write a pre-written email that you can use to send out shipment notifications for each step of the order process. </p><p>You can also create<a href=""> template responses</a> for common questions. For example, you can answer, “Where is my order?” and provide tracking information and updates on shipment and delivery. </p><h3>You need seamless integrations to avoid tab-shuffling</h3><p>For an order tracking system to work properly, all of your tools must "talk" to each other. This includes information from your manufacturers, website,<a href=""> helpdesk</a>,<a href=""> social media commerce</a>, SMS,<a href=""> inventory management</a> software, and shipping carriers. If they don't, a bottleneck occurs, or they fail to communicate information at all. The result is that your customer can't access their order status, which causes frustration and has them turning to your customer support team.</p><h2>How to set up order tracking: Let customers see the status of shipments in real time</h2><p>If you manually record and send order tracking information in an Excel document, you probably feel frustrated. </p><p>One of the most common incoming questions customer support teams get is, “Where is my order? (WISMO)”. The best way to mitigate those messages is by implementing a self-service system that automates shipping tracking notifications.</p><ol start="1" role="list"><li>Decide on an order tracking tool</li><li>Integrate your order tracking tool with your ecommerce platform</li><li>Configure your tracking app’s settings</li><li>Let automation do its thing</li><li>Integrate your order tracking software with your helpdesk</li></ol><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Gorgias dashboard showing Aftership integration for seamless customer order tracking information." src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><p>This creates a better overall customer experience by providing transparency and reducing stress or frustration. Customers see exactly where their orders are at any point in time. You’ll also be available for customers when they’re most engaged. </p><p>Here’s how to implement one. </p><h3>1) Decide on an order tracking tool </h3><p>First, you’ll choose an order tracking tool like ShipBob, ShipStation, or AfterShip — we will discuss each in more detail below. These tools take order information like tracking numbers and shipment status and automate customer notifications. Many order tracking apps integrate with different ecommerce systems like<a href=""> Shopify</a>,<a href=""> BigCommerce</a>,<a href=""> Magento</a>, 3DCart, or WooCommerce. So, you’ll need to make sure that the tool you choose integrates well with your ecommerce system. </p><p>As an example, we’ll walk through setting up order tracking with<a href=""> AfterShip</a> on a Shopify store. </p><h3>2) Integrate your order tracking tool with your ecommerce platform </h3><p>This is usually quick and easy, depending on the tool. You can add AfterShip to your Shopify store by visiting the<a href=""> Shopify App Store</a>. You can navigate here from the Apps section on the sidebar of your store’s dashboard. Then, click “Customize your store” and search for the AfterShip app. </p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Set up order tracking with Shopify. " src="" loading="lazy"/></div><figcaption>Source:<a href=""> AfterShip</a> </figcaption></figure><p>Or, you can sign up for an AfterShip account, visit the apps section, search for Shopify, and add it that way. Either way, visit the integrated app section on your Shopify/AfterShip account to make sure that the installation succeeded. </p><h3>3) Configure your tracking app’s settings</h3><p>Now, you’ll want to make sure your courier mapping, import settings, and tracking page settings are good to go. You can access these from your AfterShip account’s app page — here’s<a href=""> AfterShip’s help doc</a> to assist with setup. </p><ul role="list"><li>Courier mapping: Add all the shipping couriers you use so that AfterShip’s automation can pick them up. </li><li>Import settings: Choose your order fulfillment timeframe and select the timeframe you’d like AfterShip to pull orders from. </li><li>Tracking page settings: Choose the tracking page you’d like to use (in the case you had created multiple in AfterShip). </li></ul><h3>4) Let automation do its thing </h3><p>Now that you have AfterShip set up, it will sync every three hours. It pulls shipping information from any new orders via a shopping cart, CSV file, or marketplace. You can also opt for AfterShip to send out automatic notifications via email or SMS at each milestone in the shipping process. </p><h3>5) Integrate your order tracking software with your CX platform</h3><p>Create a seamless experience for your customers and support team by integrating your order tracking tool with your<a href=""> helpdesk</a> and<a href=""> automation tools</a>. By linking all shipping data and tracking information, you can get resolutions to customers faster and access all necessary information in one place. </p><p>Why is this helpful? Well, you give customers multiple opportunities to find their order tracking information within seconds. Whether customers take advantage of your self-service order tracking options or ask your support team about their order status, all the information is readily available. Without the integration, you’ll have to switch tabs and copy/paste order information like tracking number, shipping address, and estimated delivery date. </p><p>With an integration, that information automatically populates. Take a look at the image below.</p><p>On the left is a Macro, or template, sent by a customer service agent. It has variables that automatically pull tracking information from the integration. On the right is the personalized message the shopper receives. </p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Use Gorgias to provide personalized order tracking to customers without any copy/pasting. " src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><p>Setup is as simple as creating a connection between the two platforms so that they can talk to each other. To understand this better, check out the<a href=""> step-by-step guide</a>. It shows how to set up the integration between AfterShip and Gorgias.</p><blockquote>“With all the Gorgias integrations, my team doesn't need to jump between tools. This has helped us dramatically improve customer satisfaction.” <br/><br/>— Amanda, Director of Operations at<a href=""> Darn Good Yarn</a></blockquote><h2>Make tracking information easily accessible</h2><p>Once you have your automated order tracking system set up, you’re not quite off the hook yet. Many customers choose to receive email and SMS notifications. However, some may ignore these messages or lose the tracking link. This will lead them to still visit your website or support inbox to check the status of their order.</p><p>That’s why we recommend making customer order tracking available in the following places:</p><h3>Order confirmation emails</h3><p>Whenever a customer places an order, they should get an order confirmation message with their receipt. This should also include any additional information they need between that moment and the arrival of their new item. This includes a prominent tracking number and a link to the order tracking portal, whether that’s with a service like AfterShip or directly on your carrier’s website. </p><p>If your fulfillment process doesn’t let you send this information right away, consider adding a shipping confirmation email to your post-purchase experience flow.</p><p>If you don’t currently send order (or shipping) confirmation emails,<a href=""> this guide</a> (for Shopify users) will help you set one up.</p><h3>Embedded in the chat widget</h3><p>While the primary function of the chat widget is to connect with customer support agents in a<a href=""> conversational way</a>, some live chat apps like Gorgias allow you to embed buttons shoppers can click to track their orders. In Gorgias, this is called a<a href=""> self-service order management flow</a>.</p><p><strong>Self-service order tracking in chat is possible natively in Gorgias, no integration required. </strong></p><p>Here’s how order management Flows works for customers:</p><div class="w-embed w-iframe"><div style="position: relative; padding-bottom:calc(50.02608242044862% + 50px); height: 0;"> <iframe id="lpxoejt1pn" src="" width="100%" height="100%" style="overflow:hidden;position:absolute;border:none" scrolling="no" allow="clipboard-read; clipboard-write" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen allowtransparency="true"></iframe> </div></div><p>Self-service order management is convenient for customers. It also serves as a last layer of protection for your customer support inbox. When a customer opens the chat widget to send a question, they can see the status of their order much faster than an agent can tell them.</p><h3>Embedded in your Help Center (or FAQ)</h3><p>If you have an FAQ page or a<a href=""> larger knowledge base</a> (which we call a<a href=""> Help Center</a>), you can also embed order tracking here. </p><p><strong>Standalone self-service order tracking in the Help Center is possible natively in Gorgias, no integration required.</strong></p><p>Much like order tracking in a chat widget, this feature lets customers track their order with just a few clicks. All available right where they’d find other help content:</p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="ALOHAS Help Center with self-service order management Flows to track customer orders. " src="" loading="lazy"/></div><figcaption>Source:<a href=""> ALOHAS</a></figcaption></figure><p>Direct customers here by linking to your Help Center at the bottom of your customer support and<a href=""> automated emails</a>. Or add it in your<a href=""> email signature</a>, for easy clicking.</p><blockquote>“Since launching Automation Add-on (quick response Flows) three months ago, we have doubled the revenue from customer support. We’re on our way to triple the revenue we get from chat.”<br/><br/>— Annalisa Micalizzi, Manager of Global Customer Service at<a href=""> ALOHAS</a> </blockquote><h3>Automated responses through AI Agent </h3><p>If customers bypass all the tracking notifications in their inbox and your self-service order management options, you still have one more automation option at your disposal. Gorgias Automate users can introduce<a href=""> AI Agent to handle those WISMO requests</a> without the need for agent intervention. </p><p>You can set up one comprehensive Guidance to detect a customer’s current order status and give them an update. This gives customers nearly instant response times. Plus, your support agents have more time to handle complex tickets than rather than focusing on repetitive tickets. </p><p>Here is an example of how AI Agent assists a customer with their order tracking inquiry: </p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="A conversation between a customer and AI Agent. AI Agent lets the customer know when their order will ship. " src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><h2>The best customer order tracking app options for ecommerce stores</h2><p>There are several great choices on the market for customer order tracking systems. Depending on your needs and the ecommerce platform you use, choose from options that are both scalable and flexible.</p><p>Start with customer support software that acts as your central hub.</p><p>A powerful customer service team is the building block of a successful<a href=""> order management</a> system.<a href=""> Helpdesks</a> like Gorgias help centralize the communication of tracking requests via apps in one place. From there, customer service teams can respond/automate responses related to tracking and order statuses. These tools optimize the response time and increase the instances of a positive customer experience.</p><p>Gorgias integrates with a<a href=""> ton of popular ecommerce tools</a>, making it a great single-view hub. A few of the most popular integrations are<a href=""> NetSuite</a>,<a href=""> Reveal</a>,<a href=""> Tolstoy</a>,<a href=""> Magento</a>,<a href=""> ChannelReply</a>, and<a href=""> Shopify</a>.</p><h3>Apps that help automate customer order tracking for Shopify and BigCommerce</h3><p>Choosing the best tools to automate your customer order tracking can be overwhelming. But with so many options, you’ll end up with an order tracking system that works exactly how you need it to. Here are some of the best order tracking providers to create track customer purchases.</p><h4>ShipBob</h4><p><a href="">ShipBob</a> is a global logistics platform that provides online companies with best-in-class<a href=""> order fulfillment</a>. It powers ecommerce brands to ensure customers receive fast and affordable shipping. With reliable fulfillment services and connected technology that powers its fulfillment network, ShipBob improve transit times, shipping costs, and the customer delivery experience.</p><figure style="padding-bottom:56.206088992974244%" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-video"><div><iframe allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe></div></figure><p>Check out this app in the<a href=""> Shopify App Store</a> or the<a href=""> BigCommerce App Store</a>. And if you use Gorgias, check out our<a href=""> integration with ShipBob</a>.</p><h4>AfterShip</h4><p>With its seven notification triggers, easy-to-use email editor, and filter tracking tools,<a href=""> AfterShip</a> helps online businesses communicate transparently with customers. It also helps you monitor delivery issues so you can address them before they become problems that could damage your customer experience.</p><figure style="padding-bottom:56.206088992974244%" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-video"><div><iframe allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe></div></figure><p>Check out this app in the<a href=""> Shopify App Store</a> and the<a href=""> BigCommerce App Store</a>. And if you use Gorgias, check out our<a href=""> integration with AfterShip</a>.</p><h4>ShipStation</h4><p>ShipStation helps you save time and money and sell more, by comparing rates and delivery times for all your carriers in one place. This ensures you offer the fastest, most cost-effective shipping for your customers. The app automates almost every facet of your shipping process. ShipStation offers intuitive dashboards and seamless interfaces for an optimal workflow.</p><figure style="padding-bottom:56.206088992974244%" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-video"><div><iframe allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe></div></figure><p>Review this app's complete offerings in the<a href=""> Shopify App Store</a> and the<a href=""> BigCommerce App Store</a>. </p><h3>Extensions that help automate customer order tracking info for Magento 2</h3><p>Below, check out three recommended order tracking extensions that integrate with Magento 2. </p><h4>ShipStation</h4><p>ShipStation is highly scalable and provides everything you need for order management in one location. It integrates with Magento 2, as well as Shopify and BigCommerce. </p><p>See if ShipStation is right for your ecommerce business in the<a href=""> Magento Marketplace</a>.</p><h4>Easyship</h4><p>Whether you ship 50 or 50,000 orders a month, Easyship can help you lower shipping costs and increase conversion rates. Use this extension to manage your<a href=""> post-purchase process</a> in the most efficient way for your business.</p><figure style="padding-bottom:56.206088992974244%" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-video"><div><iframe allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe></div></figure><p>Read more about Easyship in the<a href=""> Magento Marketplace</a>.</p><p><strong>Recommended reading: </strong>Our list of the<a href=""> best shipping software for ecommerce</a>.</p><h4>Mageworx</h4><p>The Mageworx Order Editor extension lets you edit customer errors. Quickly fix any mistakes customers make during checkout like incorrect street numbers, phone numbers, names, shipping, or billing details. You can also add or remove products, change pricing, and add coupons after an order has been placed. This saves your customer support team from having to cancel the order and start it again from the beginning.</p><p>Learn more about Mageworx in the<a href=""> Magento Marketplace</a>.</p><h2>Centralize your order status tracking and customer support management with Gorgias</h2><p>Leverage automation to facilitate easy order tracking, status updates, and real-time delivery information for your customers. Committing to an end-to-end order tracking system lets you cut costs, increase productivity, and foster customer retention.</p><p>Gorgias is a robust and comprehensive ecommerce help desk and automation solution. It can help you deflect repetitive tickets so your team can spend more time on higher-value conversations. </p><p><a href="">Reach out today</a> to learn how we integrate with your order status tracking system.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-2}}</p></div></div></div><div class="w-dyn-list"><div role="list" class="blog10_category-wrapper w-dyn-items"><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a aria-label="blog-category" href="/blog-category/fulfillment-and-returns" class="blog10_category-link w-inline-block"><div>Fulfillment and Returns</div></a></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a aria-label="blog-category" href="/blog-category/customer-experience" class="blog10_category-link w-inline-block"><div>Customer Experience</div></a></div></div></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="layout306_item w-dyn-item"><div class="layout306_item is-blog-item-readtime"><a aria-label="blog-link" data-w-id="6a6806ce-884e-e1c2-0384-2a9db732f6ee" href="/blog/post-purchase-automation" class="blog10_link-wrapper w-inline-block"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><div class="layout178_image-wrapper is-alternate-height-photo"><img loading="lazy" alt="" src="" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 96vw, (max-width: 767px) 91vw, (max-width: 991px) 45vw, (max-width: 1919px) 20vw, 343px" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 2000w, 2600w, 3200w, 3840w" class="layout306_image"/></div></div><h3 class="text24px text-weight-normal text-height-120 no-margin hover-underline">Building Customer Loyalty Through Effective Post-Purchase Support and Automation in Ecommerce</h3></a><div class="blog10_button-wrapper _18px"><div><div class="l-text-size-small w-embed">By Rebecca Lazar</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed"> min read.</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed"><span dev-read-time-target=post-purchase-automation>0</span> min read . By Rebecca Lazar</div><div dev-read-time="post-purchase-automation" class="hide w-richtext"><p>Let's talk about something that often gets overlooked in ecommerce: what happens after someone hits that "Place Order" button. You might think the hard part's over once you've made the sale, but here's the thing the post-purchase experience can make or break your relationship with customers. </p><p>In today's competitive online marketplace, those relationships are everything — especially considering that loyal customers spend an <a href="">average of 67% more per purchase</a> than new customers.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-1}}</p><h2>The importance of post-purchase support and automation in ecommerce</h2><p>Providing an excellent post-purchase customer experience can turn one-time customers into loyal advocates who are more likely to make repeat purchases and recommend your brand to others.</p><h3>It's all about the customer experience</h3><p>When someone buys from your store, they're not just getting a product — they're starting a relationship with your brand. </p><p>A great post-purchase experience shows customers you actually care about their satisfaction beyond just making the sale. <a href="">90% of U.S. customers</a> say that an immediate customer service response is "important" or "very important.”</p><figure style="max-width:776pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="90% of US customers say that getting an immediate response is important" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><p>When you nail this part, something magical happens: one-time shoppers transform into passionate advocates who not only come back for more but can't help telling others about their amazing experience with your brand.</p><p>Having accessible support and an efficient and easy returns process may make the difference between a happy customer and an unsatisfied one.</p><h3>Building trust that lasts</h3><p>Trust is everything in online shopping. When customers feel supported after making a purchase, they're much more likely to give you the benefit of the doubt if something goes wrong down the line.</p><p>It's like building a friendship: every positive interaction adds another layer of trust. And that trust translates directly into repeat business and glowing recommendations. </p><p>The post-purchase support experience makes a huge difference in building that trust. In fact, <a href="">96% of customers</a> say excellent customer service builds trust.</p><h3>Keeping your return rates down</h3><p>Great post-purchase support can actually help <a href="">reduce your return rates</a>. By addressing concerns quickly and providing clear information upfront, you can prevent many returns before they happen.</p><p>This can save you money on shipping and restocking and create a smoother experience that keeps customers happy and your business healthy.</p><h3>Making processes more efficient</h3><p>Automation eliminates manual tasks, freeing up your team to focus on more strategic initiatives. By automating repetitive tasks, you can improve efficiency and productivity, allowing your team to focus on more value-added activities. </p><p>You can <a href="">automate everything from customer support</a> to returns and exchanges to your order tracking and more. Besides meeting customers' straightforward needs, automation allows you to focus your team's energy on solving bigger problems and strengthening customer relationships.</p><h3>Accuracy, guaranteed</h3><p>Automation helps ensure consistency across all your post-purchase processes. </p><p>When customers know they can count on a reliable experience every time they shop with you, it builds confidence in your brand. </p><p>Plus, fewer mistakes mean happier customers and less time spent fixing problems.</p><h3>Creating better customer experiences</h3><p>Speed matters in today's world, and automation helps you deliver faster, more personalized responses to customer needs. </p><p>Whether it's instant order updates or quick responses to questions, automation helps you meet and exceed customer expectations. The result? More satisfied customers who feel valued and understood.</p><h2>How to automate the post-purchase experience for better loyalty</h2><p>Here are some ways to automate the post-purchase experience:</p><h3>Automate your returns and exchanges process</h3><p>Streamline the returns process with automated return labels, tracking, and updates. Use <a href="">ReturnGO</a> to automate this process, saving time and reducing manual errors. With automated returns, you can provide a hassle-free experience for customers, encouraging them to return to your store in the future.</p><p>Automated returns can help to improve the customer experience by making the returns process easier and more convenient. <a href="">65% of customers say the speed and ease of refunds</a> affect where they choose to shop. </p><p>By automating tasks such as generating return labels and tracking packages, you can reduce the time and effort required for customers to return items. </p><p>Think about it from their perspective — if returning an item is hassle-free, they'll feel more confident buying from you in the future. It's like having a safety net that makes customers more comfortable taking chances on new products.</p><h3>Centralize customer support</h3><p>In today's fast-paced world, customers expect quick and efficient support. Using a customer experience platform like <a href="">Gorgias</a>, you can manage all your customer support tickets in one place, making it easier to provide fast, accurate help when people need it.</p><p>By centralizing your post-purchase support, you can manage support tickets more efficiently, respond to customer inquiries quickly, and provide the most up-to-date information. This centralized approach can hugely <a href="">improve response times</a>.</p><h3>Keep customers in the loop</h3><p>Nobody likes being left in the dark about their order. Automated <a href="">post-purchase notifications</a> keep your customers informed every step of the way - from order confirmation to delivery and returns. Using tools like ReturnGO, you can send personalized updates that make customers feel looked after. This is essential for building customer loyalty. </p><p>Keeping customers informed about their orders can help reduce customer anxiety. When customers know what to expect, they’re less likely to worry about their purchase and are more likely to keep buying from you again and again. </p><figure style="max-width:1040pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="ReturnGO keeps customers updated" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><h3>Create an integrated workflow</h3><p>To truly streamline your post-purchase customer service, if you connect your returns management system with your customer support system, you really bring all of the pieces of a puzzle together.</p><p>When these two systems are in sync, you can create a smooth workflow that makes things easier for both your team and your customers.</p><p>By automating tasks like creating support tickets and processing returns, you can save time and create a more reliable, efficient system that helps you serve customers better. No more jumping back and forth between systems to check on a return when a customer reaches out about it.</p><p>The ReturnGO-Gorgias integration makes this happen seamlessly, with features like:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Automatic ticket generation: </strong>When a customer requests a return, a support ticket is automatically created on Gorgias, saving you time and preventing errors.</li><li><strong>Real-time updates: </strong>Return request information is automatically updated from ReturnGO to Gorgias, so your team always has the latest details right there.</li><li><strong>Centralized system: </strong>No more digging through multiple systems. This means your support agents always have access to the most up-to-date information and respond quickly and efficiently to customers.</li><li><strong>Smart widget: </strong>The ReturnGO-Gorgias integration includes a widget embedded in your Gorgias dashboard, for managing RMAs directly from within Gorgias. This widget enables your team to:<ul role="list"><li><strong>View RMA information: </strong>See all the relevant details about a return, including the customer's information, the items being returned, and the reason for the return.</li><li><strong>Take actions on the RMA: </strong>Easily approve or reject a return request directly from Gorgias.</li></ul></li></ul><figure style="max-width:776pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="ReturnGO x Gorgias widget" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><p>The ReturnGO-Gorgias integration makes it easy for your team to manage returns and communicate with customers without having to jump between systems to hunt for information.</p><h2>The path to lasting customer loyalty</h2><p>So, there you have it! In the world of online shopping, how you handle the after-purchase experience can be just as important as making the sale in the first place.</p><p>By automating your post-purchase process, you can create a seamless and satisfying customer experience. </p><p>Tools like <a href="">ReturnGO</a> and Gorgias can help you create the kind of experience that builds customer loyalty.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-2}}</p></div></div></div><div class="w-dyn-list"><div role="list" class="blog10_category-wrapper w-dyn-items"><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a aria-label="blog-category" href="/blog-category/apps-and-integrations" class="blog10_category-link w-inline-block"><div>Apps and Integrations</div></a></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a aria-label="blog-category" href="/blog-category/fulfillment-and-returns" class="blog10_category-link w-inline-block"><div>Fulfillment and Returns</div></a></div></div></div></div></div></div><div role="navigation" aria-label="List" 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