How to Build Customer Loyalty Through Effective Post-Purchase Automation
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class="text-size-14">December 10, 2024</div><div class="text-size-14">-</div><div class="text-size-14">Created on</div><div class="text-size-14 w-condition-invisible w-dyn-bind-empty"></div><div class="text-size-14">November 19, 2024</div></div></div><div class="blog10_category-wrapper hide-tablet"><div class="w-dyn-list"><div class="hidden w-dyn-empty"><div>No items found.</div></div></div></div></div><div class="blog-post-header2_image-wrapper v2"><img alt="" loading="eager" src="" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 95vw, 100vw" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1080w, 1600w, 2000w, 2600w, 3200w, 3840w" class="blog-post-header2_image"/></div><div class="blog10_category-wrapper show-tablet"><div class="w-dyn-list"><div class="hidden w-dyn-empty"><div>No items found.</div></div></div></div><div class="blog10_atricle-divider hide"></div></div></div><div class="blog_sidebar"><div data-w-id="d1965415-94b1-689b-5aec-7b0c92af6c32" class="content27_slider-wrapper"><div 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class="border-radius-10"><div class="background-color-coral"><div class="padding-horizontal-small"><div class="padding-top-medium"><div class="padding-bottom-medium"><div class="padding-bottom-small"><div class="text-align-center"><h3 class="alt-heading-style-h5">Want to provide Best-in-class CX to your Shoppers?</h3></div></div><div class="button-small is-dark is-hover-peach"><div class="text-block-137">Try Gorgias Free Now</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></a><link rel="prerender" href="/signup-2?ref=sticky-sidebar-blog"/></div></div><div id="body-content" class="blog_rte"><div dev-read-time="post-purchase-automation" fs-toc-element="contents" fs-toc-offsettop="6rem" fs-richtext-element="rich-text" fs-richtext-resetix="true" fs-readtime-element="contents" class="blog10_text-rich-text-v2 blog-post-readtime is-full-width w-richtext"><p>Let's talk about something that often gets overlooked in ecommerce: what happens after someone hits that "Place Order" button. You might think the hard part's over once you've made the sale, but here's the thing the post-purchase experience can make or break your relationship with customers. </p><p>In today's competitive online marketplace, those relationships are everything — especially considering that loyal customers spend an <a href="">average of 67% more per purchase</a> than new customers.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-1}}</p><h2>The importance of post-purchase support and automation in ecommerce</h2><p>Providing an excellent post-purchase customer experience can turn one-time customers into loyal advocates who are more likely to make repeat purchases and recommend your brand to others.</p><h3>It's all about the customer experience</h3><p>When someone buys from your store, they're not just getting a product — they're starting a relationship with your brand. </p><p>A great post-purchase experience shows customers you actually care about their satisfaction beyond just making the sale. <a href="">90% of U.S. customers</a> say that an immediate customer service response is "important" or "very important.”</p><figure style="max-width:776pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="90% of US customers say that getting an immediate response is important" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><p>When you nail this part, something magical happens: one-time shoppers transform into passionate advocates who not only come back for more but can't help telling others about their amazing experience with your brand.</p><p>Having accessible support and an efficient and easy returns process may make the difference between a happy customer and an unsatisfied one.</p><h3>Building trust that lasts</h3><p>Trust is everything in online shopping. When customers feel supported after making a purchase, they're much more likely to give you the benefit of the doubt if something goes wrong down the line.</p><p>It's like building a friendship: every positive interaction adds another layer of trust. And that trust translates directly into repeat business and glowing recommendations. </p><p>The post-purchase support experience makes a huge difference in building that trust. In fact, <a href="">96% of customers</a> say excellent customer service builds trust.</p><h3>Keeping your return rates down</h3><p>Great post-purchase support can actually help <a href="">reduce your return rates</a>. By addressing concerns quickly and providing clear information upfront, you can prevent many returns before they happen.</p><p>This can save you money on shipping and restocking and create a smoother experience that keeps customers happy and your business healthy.</p><h3>Making processes more efficient</h3><p>Automation eliminates manual tasks, freeing up your team to focus on more strategic initiatives. By automating repetitive tasks, you can improve efficiency and productivity, allowing your team to focus on more value-added activities. </p><p>You can <a href="">automate everything from customer support</a> to returns and exchanges to your order tracking and more. Besides meeting customers' straightforward needs, automation allows you to focus your team's energy on solving bigger problems and strengthening customer relationships.</p><h3>Accuracy, guaranteed</h3><p>Automation helps ensure consistency across all your post-purchase processes. </p><p>When customers know they can count on a reliable experience every time they shop with you, it builds confidence in your brand. </p><p>Plus, fewer mistakes mean happier customers and less time spent fixing problems.</p><h3>Creating better customer experiences</h3><p>Speed matters in today's world, and automation helps you deliver faster, more personalized responses to customer needs. </p><p>Whether it's instant order updates or quick responses to questions, automation helps you meet and exceed customer expectations. The result? More satisfied customers who feel valued and understood.</p><h2>How to automate the post-purchase experience for better loyalty</h2><p>Here are some ways to automate the post-purchase experience:</p><h3>Automate your returns and exchanges process</h3><p>Streamline the returns process with automated return labels, tracking, and updates. Use <a href="">ReturnGO</a> to automate this process, saving time and reducing manual errors. With automated returns, you can provide a hassle-free experience for customers, encouraging them to return to your store in the future.</p><p>Automated returns can help to improve the customer experience by making the returns process easier and more convenient. <a href="">65% of customers say the speed and ease of refunds</a> affect where they choose to shop. </p><p>By automating tasks such as generating return labels and tracking packages, you can reduce the time and effort required for customers to return items. </p><p>Think about it from their perspective — if returning an item is hassle-free, they'll feel more confident buying from you in the future. It's like having a safety net that makes customers more comfortable taking chances on new products.</p><h3>Centralize customer support</h3><p>In today's fast-paced world, customers expect quick and efficient support. Using a customer experience platform like <a href="">Gorgias</a>, you can manage all your customer support tickets in one place, making it easier to provide fast, accurate help when people need it.</p><p>By centralizing your post-purchase support, you can manage support tickets more efficiently, respond to customer inquiries quickly, and provide the most up-to-date information. This centralized approach can hugely <a href="">improve response times</a>.</p><h3>Keep customers in the loop</h3><p>Nobody likes being left in the dark about their order. Automated <a href="">post-purchase notifications</a> keep your customers informed every step of the way - from order confirmation to delivery and returns. Using tools like ReturnGO, you can send personalized updates that make customers feel looked after. This is essential for building customer loyalty. </p><p>Keeping customers informed about their orders can help reduce customer anxiety. When customers know what to expect, they’re less likely to worry about their purchase and are more likely to keep buying from you again and again. </p><figure style="max-width:1040pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="ReturnGO keeps customers updated" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><h3>Create an integrated workflow</h3><p>To truly streamline your post-purchase customer service, if you connect your returns management system with your customer support system, you really bring all of the pieces of a puzzle together.</p><p>When these two systems are in sync, you can create a smooth workflow that makes things easier for both your team and your customers.</p><p>By automating tasks like creating support tickets and processing returns, you can save time and create a more reliable, efficient system that helps you serve customers better. No more jumping back and forth between systems to check on a return when a customer reaches out about it.</p><p>The ReturnGO-Gorgias integration makes this happen seamlessly, with features like:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Automatic ticket generation: </strong>When a customer requests a return, a support ticket is automatically created on Gorgias, saving you time and preventing errors.</li><li><strong>Real-time updates: </strong>Return request information is automatically updated from ReturnGO to Gorgias, so your team always has the latest details right there.</li><li><strong>Centralized system: </strong>No more digging through multiple systems. This means your support agents always have access to the most up-to-date information and respond quickly and efficiently to customers.</li><li><strong>Smart widget: </strong>The ReturnGO-Gorgias integration includes a widget embedded in your Gorgias dashboard, for managing RMAs directly from within Gorgias. This widget enables your team to:<ul role="list"><li><strong>View RMA information: </strong>See all the relevant details about a return, including the customer's information, the items being returned, and the reason for the return.</li><li><strong>Take actions on the RMA: </strong>Easily approve or reject a return request directly from Gorgias.</li></ul></li></ul><figure style="max-width:776pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="ReturnGO x Gorgias widget" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><p>The ReturnGO-Gorgias integration makes it easy for your team to manage returns and communicate with customers without having to jump between systems to hunt for information.</p><h2>The path to lasting customer loyalty</h2><p>So, there you have it! In the world of online shopping, how you handle the after-purchase experience can be just as important as making the sale in the first place.</p><p>By automating your post-purchase process, you can create a seamless and satisfying customer experience. </p><p>Tools like <a href="">ReturnGO</a> and Gorgias can help you create the kind of experience that builds customer loyalty.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-2}}</p></div><div class="faq2_component w-condition-invisible"><h2 class="blog10-post_h2">FAQ’s</h2><div class="faq2_accordion w-condition-invisible"><div class="faq2_question-blogpost"><div class="text-18px text-weight-medium line-height-150percent w-dyn-bind-empty"></div><div class="faq2_icon-wrapper"><div class="icon-embed-small w-embed"><svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M16.5303 20.8839C16.2374 21.1768 15.7626 21.1768 15.4697 20.8839L7.82318 13.2374C7.53029 12.9445 7.53029 12.4697 7.82318 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class="section_layout306 bg-color-peach"><div class="padding-global _24px-mobile"><div class="container-1400px"><div class="padding-section-xmedium _93"><div class="layout306_component"><div class="margin-bottom margin-bottom8"><h2 class="text-style-bbmodern _48px _36mobile">Recommended Articles</h2></div><div class="w-dyn-list"><div fs-cmsload-mode="load-under" fs-cmsstatic-element="list" fs-cmsload-element="list" role="list" class="layout306_list w-dyn-items"><div role="listitem" class="layout306_item w-dyn-item"><div class="layout306_item is-blog-item-readtime"><a aria-label="blog-img" data-w-id="5deeed65-61bd-44e8-5ed6-5e6d1a49075e" href="/blog/improve-your-customer-service-response-times" class="blog10_link-wrapper w-inline-block"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><div class="layout178_image-wrapper is-alternate-height-photo"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="" class="layout306_image"/></div></div><h3 class="text24px text-weight-normal text-height-120 no-margin hover-underline">7 Ways to Improve Your Customer Service Response Times</h3></a><div class="blog10_button-wrapper _18px"><div class="l-text-size-small w-embed"><span dev-read-time-target=improve-your-customer-service-response-times>0</span> min read . By Astaeka Pramuditya</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed">By Astaeka Pramuditya</div><div dev-read-time="improve-your-customer-service-response-times" class="hide w-richtext"><p>Modern customers have high expectations when it comes to customer service. One survey showed that <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">nearly half of customers</a> expected an email response from businesses in less than four hours. If your average response time is much higher than this, you could be losing out on a lot of business. </p><p>Of course, meeting customer expectations regarding response time is often easier said than done. If your customer support team is struggling to keep up, the good news is that there are some effective ways to shorten your response times without having to hire a team of new employees.</p><p>In this blog, we'll discuss why a fast response time is such a vital component of great customer service and go over seven proven methods you can use to achieve a faster response to <a href="" target="_self" rel="noopener">customer service emails</a> and messages. </p><h2>What is a good customer service response time?</h2><p>When a customer reaches out to you, you should aim for a first response time of one hour for emails, 15 minutes for social media messages, 40 seconds for SMS messages, and even less than that for live chat messages.</p><h2>Why response times are important for customer service teams </h2><p>No matter what product or service you happen to be selling, creating a positive customer experience is an essential ingredient in the recipe for long-term success. While there is a lot that goes into creating a great experience for your customers, prompt customer service goes a long way. </p><p>Here are a few of the reasons why achieving fast response times is such an important goal for your customer service department: </p><h3>1) Customers continue to demand faster responses </h3><p>More and more customers have come to expect near real-time access to companies across multiple channels. One Hubspot survey showed that <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">90% of customers rate an “immediate” response as important or very important</a> when they have a customer service question. </p><p>Furthermore, 60% of people who needed support defined "immediate" as 10 minutes or less. If your company isn’t responding to customer queries at least this fast, you risk falling short of expectations your competitors may be meeting. </p><h3>2) Poor response times reflect negatively on your company </h3><p>Fair or not, poor response times can hurt your brand image. Encouraging brand loyalty and return customers is a vital goal for any business, and poor response times can make this goal all the more difficult to reach. </p><p>Keep in mind that customers expect fast response times since so many companies today can meet those expectations. If your company isn't keeping up with the customer service offered by the competition, it could damage your brand reputation among existing customers. </p><h3>3) Faster responses that lead to quicker resolutions can increase revenue</h3><p>There are plenty of scenarios where responding to a customer query within a short time frame can lead to your business making more money. If a customer has a question about your product, for example, responding quickly before they move on to another product could lead to a sale you might not otherwise make. </p><p>If a customer needs to return a product, prompt customer service could encourage them to exchange the product for another product or store credit rather than becoming frustrated and demanding a cash return. In instances such as these, fast response times that lead to quick resolutions can directly translate to more or retained revenue. </p><h3>4) Quick responses can boost customer satisfaction</h3><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Good customer service</a> doesn't mean that you always have to solve a customer's issue on the first response. In many cases, simply acknowledging their email and letting them know that you’re working on a solution is enough to keep customers temporarily satisfied and buy your customer service team some time. </p><p>Unless the issue is immediately resolvable, your goal in an initial response should be to acknowledge the customer's problem, let them know that you’ve assigned their ticket to a representative, and provide them with a time frame for when they can expect a resolution. </p><p>Sending out an initial response that covers these bases can keep customers satisfied and patient while your team members work on their follow-up. </p><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Related: How To Measure Net Promoter Score (NPS)</strong></a></p><h3>5) Slow response times might increase your workload</h3><p>Achieving fast response times may seem like a lot of work. Many times, though, slow responses can end up increasing the workload of your customer support team. If you don't respond quickly enough to a customer that needs assistance, they may end up contacting your company multiple times through multiple channels. </p><p>This can lead to numerous support tickets being created for a single issue, bogging down your team and creating unnecessary confusion that could have otherwise been avoided if you had responded to the customer's initial query promptly. This is another reason it’s helpful to keep your average first response time as low as possible. </p><h2>How to reduce customer service response times</h2><p>For all of the reasons listed above, responding to customer service emails in the shortest amount of time possible is ideal. Thankfully, there are many different methods you can use to speed up your response times <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">across all your support channels</a> that don't require huge investments or shifts.</p><h3>1) Make sure you're measuring first response times </h3><p>Before you can test out solutions, determine what your average response time currently is (if you don’t already know). First response time is a crucial customer service metric to evaluate your team's impact because it affects revenue-related metrics like <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">churn</a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">retention rates</a>.</p><p>To calculate the average first response time, all you have to do is add up all of your first response times for a given period then divide that number by the number of resolved tickets during that time.</p><p>Once you've determined what your average first response time is, you can then set goals for improvement and continue to measure your progress. Gorgias provides you with many analytic tools that allow you to track key customer service metrics, including average response time. By leveraging tools such as these, you can easily analyze your customer support team's efforts and set achievable benchmarks for more improvement.</p><p><strong>Related: </strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Customer Service ROI: How to Measure and Improve</strong></a></p><h3>2) Take advantage of customer service software</h3><p>Responding to every customer email manually is a monumental task. If you’re still solely relying on traditional methods of responding to customer queries, achieving fast response times is going to be nearly impossible. Fortunately, there’s a wide variety of customer service software on the market today that can take a lot of the heavy lifting out of your workflows.</p><p>For example, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">help desk software</a> allows your team members to see and reply to customer queries from any channel — like social media, ecommerce stores, WhatsApp, and SMS — from a single centralized dashboard. You can organize them based on factors such as the date and time received, priority, subject matter, and some other categories.</p><p>Customer service software also automates time-consuming tasks, like sending initial responses to customer emails. This is just a snapshot of the ways these platforms can help your team reduce your response times. We highly recommend leveraging software to optimize your customer support process. </p><p>Related: Learn how Gorgias' <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">support performance</a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">live agent performance</a> dashboards can help you measure</p><p>{{lead-magnet-1}}</p><h3>3) Utilize customer service automation for 24/7 service </h3><p>We touched on it briefly, but customer service automation can free up your customer support team significantly during business hours. It provides customers with immediate, automated responses that you can personalize to make sound as friendly as a manual response. These small measures free up your team to focus on more complicated and pressing tasks.</p><p>That’s not all. Setting up an auto-responder allows you to send customers an all-important first response any time you like. There’s no need for a live representative, and a quick response could prevent another ticket or message from piling up to deal with in the morning. Most software lets you automate responses and send them via email, chatbot, app notification, text and more. </p><p><strong>Recommended reading: </strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Ecommerce Customer Support Best Practices</strong></a></p><h3>4) Use scripts and email templates </h3><p>Having your customer service team type out a custom response to every new email they receive from a customer is inefficient. In addition to using an auto-responder to send out an automated first response, one simple way to speed up your reply time is to make use of scripts and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">email templates</a>. </p><p>To build your scripts, start by identifying common questions and issues that your support team encounters most frequently. You can then create helpful boilerplate answers with blank spots to plug in customer details using your software or other tools. </p><p>One pro tip is to look back at positive customer feedback or five-star interactions to get ideas. See which answers made customers feel heard and satisfied while also solving their issues quickly. For live customer support channels such as phone calls or live chat, you can create scripts for each FAQ that representatives can follow. </p><p>Leveraging scripts and email templates ensures that your team members aren't having to type out the same response over and over again to commonly asked questions, enabling them to provide service in a more efficient and timely manner. </p><h3>5) Create a system to categorize and segment priority tickets </h3><p>Some customer support tickets should take higher priority than others. A customer that’s reporting a fraudulent purchase with their debit card needs a quicker response than someone who’s asking if there are any discounts they can use.</p><ul><li>Start by prioritizing tickets that have been open the longest. These are the customers who may be growing impatient, or even angry enough not to shop or work with your business again.</li><li>From there, you’ll want to prioritize the most complicated or resource-intensive tickets. This helps your team get a head start on the tickets that could end up taking a lot of time to resolve. </li></ul><p>Beyond prioritizing tickets, it’s also helpful to categorize them if they share similarities. Grouping similar tickets together boost efficiency. For example, your team can come up with one main solution (create a new discount code because the previous one is buggy) and easily resolve the entire group of tickets in a single pass. </p><p>If you’re making use of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">email templates</a>, a single rep may be able to clear an entire batch of tickets in seconds or minutes. </p><h3>6) Offer multichannel customer support options </h3><p>Every channel where you communicate with customers — from your main phone line and website to messaging platforms like social media and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">live chat support</a> — should include customer support options. Having multichannel customer support options offers a couple of advantages. </p><p>For one, it makes it easy for customers to reach out and engage with your company wherever they are. You may be serving customers across demographics, from Generation Z to baby boomers, all of whom have different communication preferences. The customer’s initial outreach is their first interaction with your customer service experience, and it’s great to start on a note of convenience and ease no matter who the customer is. </p><p>Setting up multichannel customer support options can also give your response teams quicker access to the requests that they receive, allowing them to organize by priority no matter where the request originates.</p><p><strong>Recommended reading: </strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Customer Support Metrics</strong></a></p><h3>7) Leverage self-service to reduce tickets </h3><p>Any time a customer can resolve their issue on their own is a success for your business. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Customer self-service support</a> keeps your team’s hands-free and prevents one more support ticket from entering the queue. Here are some useful resources you can provide customers: </p><ul><li>Company blog</li><li>Product instructions, how-tos, and video tutorials</li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">FAQ page</a></li><li>Community forum </li><li>Dictionaries or glossaries </li><li>Case studies </li><li>Knowledge base or help center</li></ul><p>Equipped with this information, many customers will be able to answer their questions — and perhaps discover or try something new with your product. As you’re putting these resources together, think about how tech-savvy your audience is and how long they want to spend reading about their issue. </p><p>With <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Gorgias Automate</a>, you can improve <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">your live chat widget</a> with a self-service flows that let your customers track and manage their orders without any agent interaction. You can also enable a chatbot. Customers can type in their question or comments and the chatbot will pull up your content that matches those keywords. </p><p>All of these tools combine to reduce the number of tickets your support team receives in the first place, which can ultimately result in faster response times for the tickets that do appear. </p><p><strong>Recommended reading on live chat: </strong></p><ul><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>9 Live Chat Support Metrics You Should Follow to Satisfy More Online Shoppers</strong></a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>The Impact of Live Chat on Sales</strong></a></li></ul><p>{{lead-magnet-2}}</p><h2>Gorgias helps support teams reduce response times</h2><p>We’ve covered a variety of ways to roll back your response times, but that’s not all these best practices accomplish. They also optimize your customer service workflow overall, ensuring your customer service interactions are positive and helpful and your team isn’t overloaded or losing time to repetitive, manual tasks. </p><p>At Gorgias, we’re proud to offer a number of different customer service software solutions, from live-chat solutions to chatbot solutions, to email auto-responders. To learn more about how Gorgias can help you speed up your response times in a way that is affordable and hassle-free, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">book a demo</a> today.</p></div></div><div class="blog10_category-list-wrapper w-dyn-list"><div role="list" class="blog10_category-wrapper w-dyn-items"><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a aria-label="blog-category" href="/blog-category/customer-experience" class="blog10_category-link w-inline-block"><div>Customer Experience</div></a></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a aria-label="blog-category" href="/blog-category/customer-service-measurement" class="blog10_category-link w-inline-block"><div>Customer Service Measurement</div></a></div></div></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="layout306_item w-dyn-item"><div class="layout306_item is-blog-item-readtime"><a aria-label="blog-img" data-w-id="5deeed65-61bd-44e8-5ed6-5e6d1a49075e" href="/blog/customer-service-messaging" class="blog10_link-wrapper w-inline-block"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><div class="layout178_image-wrapper is-alternate-height-photo"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 93vw, (max-width: 991px) 43vw, (max-width: 1919px) 20vw, 342.7778015136719px" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1696w" class="layout306_image"/></div></div><h3 class="text24px text-weight-normal text-height-120 no-margin hover-underline">Customer Service Messaging: Tips and Templates for SMS + Conversational Channels</h3></a><div class="blog10_button-wrapper _18px"><div class="l-text-size-small w-embed"><span dev-read-time-target=customer-service-messaging>0</span> min read . By Ryan Baum</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed">By Ryan Baum</div><div dev-read-time="customer-service-messaging" class="hide w-richtext"><p>Customer service messaging (also known as conversational customer service) is a powerful way to elevate the customer experience and delight customers beyond their expectations. For customers, texting with a support agent feels much more convenient and casual than slower channels like email. And, SMS is a much better channel for “on-the-go” communication, since most people always have their mobile phones and can usually reply to text messages quickly.</p><p>That’s why customer service messaging is one of many recent<a href=""> customer service trends</a> shaking up how ecommerce and D2C businesses offer support.</p><p>In this guide, we’ll discuss how your business can implement or improve this <a href="">type of customer support</a> and other conversational channels in your customer service strategy. </p><p>Let’s get started with why it’s important for businesses to <a href="">offer SMS customer service</a>.</p><h2><strong>What is SMS customer service?</strong></h2><p>SMS customer service is when support teams resolve customer questions and issues via text message. </p><h2><strong>Why SMS text messaging improves the customer service experience</strong></h2><p>Customers love these one-to-one messaging channels for customer service because they’re so quick and convenient. When implemented well, conversational messaging allows customers to reach your CS team and get answers quickly — <a href=",5)%20Most%20problems%20on%20live%20chat%20are%20resolved%20in%2042%20seconds,-Speed%20doesn%E2%80%99t%20mean">within 42 seconds, most of the time</a>. Especially considering that <a href=",6)%2042%25%20of%20customers%20prefer%20real%2Dtime%20online%20chat%20as%20their%20communication%20method,-There%E2%80%99s%20no%20question">42% of customers prefer</a> communicating with customer service on messaging apps over any other channel, introducing a conversational channel may do wonders for your brand’s customer satisfaction.</p><p>Your customer support team can also use these channels to <a href="">proactively reach out to customers</a> with important updates and timely discounts.</p><p>SMS customer service is especially attractive to your customers because they don’t have to stay glued to your website or check a social media app for new DMs. They can get answers to their questions on a device they already check <a href=",by%20Asurion%20two%20years%20ago%C2%B9.">96 times per day</a>. Let’s take a closer look at SMS, a channel that’s quickly gaining ground as a standard support option. </p><figure style="max-width:1462pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Example of SMS in Gorgias helpdesk" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><h2><strong>10 tips to successfully incorporate messaging into your customer service strategy</strong></h2><p>Adding each messaging channel at one time might overwhelm your customer support team. Likewise, a new channel may have low adoption if you don’t announce it to your customers. As you begin offering messaging experiences as a part of your customer care portfolio, use our top 10 techniques to maximize the effectiveness of your workflows on those channels.</p><h3><strong>1) Funnel all interactions to SMS or messaging channels and then move to email or phone if needed</strong></h3><p>For issues with easy solutions, there’s no reason for customers to engage with email or phone. Emails are slow and clunky and phone calls can lead to customer frustrations, especially if your wait times are excessive. Texts are far faster than either option and can provide simple, accurate information that leads to speedier solutions — and happier customers.</p><p>For that reason, we recommend setting up your contact page and information so that text and other live channels are your first line of communication — well, after <a href="">self-service support</a>. You can always move to email or phone if the customer requests it or if the problem you’re trying to solve is better suited to one of those channels.</p><p><strong>Tip: </strong>Speed is an important factor in all customer service interactions, but it’s critical when sending any sort of instant message. First response time (FRT) is a <a href="">key customer service metric</a> you can measure with Gorgias through the <a href="">analytics dashboard</a>. Make sure to track the speed of your responses when you start your support messaging program.</p><figure style="max-width:690pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Fast reply to an SMS conversation" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><p></p><h3><strong>2) Consistently let your customers know that you’re available on quick messaging channels</strong></h3><p>To inform your customers they can now text your brand, we recommend adding “Text us,” plus your phone number, in some or all of these places: </p><ul role="list"><li>The footer of your website</li><li>The “Contact Us” page of your website</li><li>Your Gorgias Help Center</li><li>Transactional emails (order confirmation, return initiated, etc.)</li><li>The signature of your support agents</li></ul><p>You can put your messaging app information in the same spots, and make sure to say you accept support requests via DM in your social media bios so customers know they can shoot you a message.</p><p><strong>Tip: </strong>Because conversational customer service usually takes place on a user’s phone, you need to keep responses short and friendly. The long, detailed macros and <a href="">templates you might use for emails</a> won’t work when communicating through short messages — depending on your platform and your customer’s phone, long messages might not send or might get broken into multiple text messages. Plus, depending on your brand’s tone of voice, conversational channels are a great place to use emojis, images, and GIFs to make the conversation even more friendly and casual. </p><figure style="max-width:1462pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Berkey Filters chat prompting people to use the messaging chanel" src="" loading="lazy"/></div><figcaption>Source:<a href=""> Berkey Filters</a></figcaption></figure><h3><strong>3) Use autoresponders for a lightning-fast first response</strong></h3><p>Start every messaging interaction with an autoresponder. This tactic lets your customer know that you received their request, and it gives your human agents a small buffer of time to finish up their current encounter before starting the new one. You can also include a link to your help center in case they want to look for their answer on their own.</p><p>You can use this tactic whether you’re incorporating <a href="">chatbots</a> for basic query automation, or using your customer service agents for all customer interactions.</p><p><em>See page XX for an example of an autoresponder Rule for messaging.</em></p><h3><strong>4) Create a system to categorize and segment priority tickets </strong></h3><p>Some customer support tickets should take higher priority than others. A customer that’s reporting a fraudulent purchase with their debit card needs a quicker response than someone who’s asking if there are any discounts they can use. </p><p>You can start by prioritizing:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Tickets that have been open the longest</strong>. These are the customers who may be growing impatient, or even angry enough not to shop or work with your business again. This can be set up with a View of tickets that have been open for more than X minutes, where X is an amount of time corresponding to your service-level agreement (SLA).</li><li><strong>Tickets from VIPs and loyal customers</strong>. You can tag these customers and make a View based on that tag to surface their questions and concerns.</li><li><strong>Tickets that fall into certain</strong><a href=""><strong> intents</strong></a>, like “order/damaged,” which Gorgias auto-assigns through our proprietary algorithms. You can auto-assign these tickets with a “priority” tag using a simple automation Rule and set up a View that has all open priority tickets.</li></ul><figure style="max-width:1441pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Gorgias' Intent detection can be auto-tagged for prioritization and organization" src="" loading="lazy"/></div><figcaption>Source:<a href=""> Gorgias</a></figcaption></figure><p>You can even set up dual priority queues for all priority-tagged tickets: One for priority tickets that are about to go past the <a href="">first response time</a> in your SLA and another for all other priority tickets. Then prioritize the former, followed by the latter, followed by other tickets, to keep your first response time and <a href="">resolution time</a> down while giving attention to important tickets.</p><p>Beyond prioritizing tickets, it’s also helpful to categorize them if they share similarities. Grouping similar tickets together boosts efficiency. For example, your team can come up with one main solution (create a new discount code because the previous one is buggy) and easily resolve the entire group of tickets in a single pass.</p><h3><strong>5) Use Macro templates to respond faster to repetitive requests…</strong></h3><p>If you are responding to customer service messages on a platform like Gorgias that supports Macro templates, you need to take advantage of this time-saving feature. But you can’t just take your existing <a href="">email templates</a> and drop them into these conversations.</p><p>You need to create a specific set of Macros for messaging purposes, using the principles we mentioned earlier: short, friendly, personalized, etc. That means you need to use variables like [Customer first name] or [Last order number] to personalize messages. If you set up your Macros strategically for DM and SMS messaging, many can be reused for live chat, as well.</p><p>To prioritize building Macros that will have the highest impact, create Macro templates to respond to the most common questions that have come through your helpdesk. You can also ask your team which responses they end up writing out the most and add those templates too. </p><p>Once you create and launch these Macros, you can automatically add Tags to Macros for reporting to see which Macros are being used the most. This will help you understand where you have gaps (or unhelpful Macros) and can make tweaks to improve your agent workflow and customer experience.</p><h3><strong>6) …Or deflect those repetitive requests altogether with automation Rules</strong></h3><p>If your customer service platform supports automation, as Gorgias does through our <a href="">Automation Add-on</a>, you can deflect up to a third of repetitive, tedious tickets instantly, with no human interaction. Much of this automation can be applied to customer service messaging, as well.</p><p>When we mention automated answers, some support professionals say something like, “We don’t want to send low-quality automated responses to our customers.” We completely agree: For many tickets, automation doesn’t provide the best customer experience. </p><p>However, as you know, most tickets your support team receives are repetitive and low-impact, like questions about order status (<a href="">WISMO</a>) or your <a href="">refund policy</a>. We recommend setting up automatic responses for these tickets, so customers get instant answers and agents have more time to respond to tickets that actually need a human touch.</p><p>Look through your reporting dashboards to see the tickets that are taking up the most time on your support team, and prioritize those requests for automation with Rules, where appropriate.</p><figure style="max-width:1462pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Gorgias automates answers to repetitive questions (like WISMO)" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><h3><strong>7) Go beyond text-only interactions with multimedia messaging</strong></h3><p>WhatsApp Business, Facebook Messenger, and SMS support images, and luckily so does Gorgias. This is a more engaging way to interact with customers, and it also allows you to exchange relevant images like broken parts, malfunctioning equipment, and screenshots for more helpful instructions.</p><p>If you want to go this route, maintain a catalog of fun, topical images that your support team can use in their customer conversations, and give them the freedom to collect their own images to insert. It’s a great way to make your support feel more personal and human, but use common sense: <a href="">Frustrated customers</a> don’t want to receive a picture or meme, they want their problem solved as quickly as possible.</p><figure style="max-width:731pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Gorgias lets you send multimedia text messages" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><h3><strong>8) Provide proactive support at scale on platforms that allow it</strong></h3><p>SMS and other personalized one-to-one support channels can get a little complicated because not everyone wants to interact on the same messaging application. True SMS support goes out over cellular networks and lands in users’ actual text messages, the same way messages from their friends and family do.</p><p>But you may need to be ready to handle other support channels that use similar short, text-based communication. These include <a href="">Facebook Messenger</a>, <a href="">WhatsApp</a>, and <a href="">your website’s web chat</a>. Certain channels may be a better fit for your unique customer base — for example, Instagram attracts a younger audience than Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp is more common outside the US. Likewise, you may have other specialized messaging channels or messaging platforms that you need to support.</p><figure style="max-width:746pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Gorgias has SMS, Messenger, and live chat functionality" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><p>As a rule of thumb, you need to be where most of your customers are, which varies across businesses and industries. But to reach the desired level of customer engagement, most businesses need to be reachable via most, if not all, the major applications and support channels. </p><p>That’s where a unified customer service platform can be really useful. By keeping all of your customer conversations in one feed, you can handle more channels more strategically, through triage and routing to dedicated agents for specific tasks. For example, you could have one agent who just handles messaging and route all messages to that person for a quicker response.</p><p>On platforms like <a href="">WhatsApp</a> Business, you don’t have to wait around to hear from customers. This allows for a wide range of strategic and<a href=""> proactive support</a> interactions. </p><p>For example, you can send out text blasts:</p><ul role="list"><li><strong>When you have an issue affecting all customers</strong> (i.e. website downtime) to let them know what’s going on (and avoid getting excessive tickets about the issue)</li><li><strong>When you have new product launches</strong> or add-ons, driving revenue and customer education</li><li><strong>When you have <em>relevant</em> announcements for customers: </strong>limit these to news that actually affects customers (i.e. shutting down your community or a time-sensitive sale), not company news (i.e. your latest fundraising) </li></ul><p>A proactive approach builds trust with your audience — they will see you going above and beyond with these efforts, and know that you’ll be upfront with potential issues.</p><h3><strong>9) Integrate your SMS support with your marketing efforts</strong></h3><p>SMS marketing is a useful tool for your ecommerce store, but it becomes even more powerful when you integrate your SMS marketing tool into Gorgias. Send out SMS blasts and have support agents on hand to handle any questions you get in response, to help nudge those customers closer to a sale.</p><figure style="max-width:1462pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Gorgias and Klaviyo integration" src="" loading="lazy"/></div><figcaption>Source:<a href=""> Gorgias</a></figcaption></figure><p>With certain integrations — <a href="">Klaviyo</a>, for example — you can even use Gorgias attributes to segment and build campaigns. Use this function for win-back campaigns, or to send a special offer to customers who posted low CSAT scores.</p><h3><strong>10) Conduct surveys using text messages to collect feedback from customers</strong></h3><p>Text messages are an effective method for collecting feedback from existing customers, too. Once customers opt in to SMS communication, you can use this point of contact to launch quick surveys that provide valuable feedback.</p><p>Response rate is always an issue with email surveys, and other channels see higher response rates. Using a multichannel approach will supply you with more responses and help you make more data-driven decisions with the results.</p><p><strong>Note: </strong>In a customer service tool like Gorgias, you would use one of our integrations with <a href="">Klaviyo</a> or <a href="">Attentive</a> to send the survey to entire segmented lists of customers or prospects, all at once.</p><h2><strong>SMS customer service templates for common response types</strong></h2><p>Ready to start implementing an SMS customer service strategy but not sure what to say? We get it: Staying concise yet friendly is tough, and so is conveying all the needed information in such a short space.</p><p>We’ve put together a collection of proven templates you can start using today. Adapt as many of these as you need to fit the contours of your business, and bring them into your customer service platform of choice. In Gorgias, you could auto-populate these responses through our Macros.</p><p>Note: We’re sharing these templates as text messages, but they can easily be adapted to other conversational channels like social media DMs and live chat. </p><h3><strong>Ticket received template</strong></h3><p>As we mentioned earlier, it’s a good idea to set up an autoresponder. This tactic can buy your team time to finish up a previous interaction or send an email, yet it shows you’re on top of the interaction and will be back soon.</p><p>Here’s our template for a ticket received autoresponder:</p><p><em>Thanks for texting {Brand Name}. An agent is reviewing your question now. We’ll get back to you shortly :)</em></p><h3><strong>Introduction message template</strong></h3><p>The introduction message is the point where your autoresponder or chatbot passes off the reins to a human agent. It’s the first point of personalization, and you want to make a solid impression. Still, your agents don’t need to be typing these out every single time. Use a template like this one to break the ice (just with a little less repetitive stress injury):</p><p><em>Hello, {Customer First Name} {Customer Last Name}! I’m {Your Name} from {Brand Name}. Thanks for messaging us. What can I help you with today?</em></p><figure style="max-width:1462pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Agent introduction template for SMS" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><h3><strong>Hours of operation template</strong></h3><p>There are two frequent scenarios where an hours-of-operations text makes sense. One is as an answer for when <a href="">customers message you on social media</a> or elsewhere just to ask when you’re open. In those cases, use this template:</p><p>Hello, {Customer First Name}! I’m {Your Name} from {Brand Name}. Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Best, {Your Name}</p><p>The other scenario is when a customer reaches out via a messaging channel and there’s no one on the other end. If your helpdesk isn’t open 24 hours a day, use a template like this when the team isn’t live:</p><p><em>Hello, {Customer First Name}! Our live chat helpdesk is open {list hours}. You’ve reached us outside those hours. Leave a short message here and we’ll get back to you tomorrow.</em></p><p>By the way, if around-the-clock coverage is a goal of yours, you might be interested in introducing contact forms into your live chat widget. These forms let you keep your live chat on 24/7 and, when nobody’s available to answer, they ask customers for contact information so you can be sure to follow up. Learn more about Gorgias’ <a href="">automation add-on</a> and <a href="">contact forms</a>.</p><h3><strong>Order status template </strong></h3><p>This one’s pretty obvious: You want to let the customer know the status of an order, and there’s no reason to manually type a whole message to do it.</p><p>Use this template when a customer asks for their order status. You can create variations of this one for delays or other order status updates, and even customize it further to include tracking information.</p><p><em>Hey {Customer First Name}, great news: Your order has shipped! It will arrive on {delivery date}. Let me know if I can help you with anything else!</em></p><figure style="max-width:1462pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="SMS template for order status requests" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><h3><strong>Payment reminder template</strong></h3><p>Customers with recurring subscriptions sometimes forget the frequency they sign up for or when their next payment will be. Use this template if customers frequently ask your brand when their next payment is:</p><p><em>Hello, {Customer First Name} {Customer Last Name}! I’m {Your Name} from {Brand Name}. Your next payment of {amount} is coming up. Your card on file will be charged {due date}. Questions? Reply here or call {phone number}.</em></p><p><strong>Pro tip: </strong>While there’s nothing inherently wrong with soliciting payment via SMS, many consumers will view this with suspicion. Text channels may not be the best avenue for inviting bill payments or collecting credit card information. It could also lead to more cancellations, which makes it a balancing act, though customer clarity is important to have. Always track the impact of changes to your process and be mindful of how new touchpoints could affect it.</p><h3><strong>Deals or rewards template</strong></h3><p>If you’re trying to build brand loyalty or win back an upset customer, sometimes a simple discount code can go a long way. At the end of an SMS conversation, there may be times when you can surprise and delight customers by sending over an exclusive deal. Here’s a template (though you’ll certainly need to customize this one further to fit the details of your offer):</p><p><em>{Customer First Name}, thanks for being such a loyal customer. We’d like to give you {details of the offer}! Click to redeem: {short URL}</em></p><h3><strong>Refund issued template</strong></h3><p>Refunds happen, and they don’t always require a massively complicated interaction with your contact center. If you’re able to resolve a ticket and issue a refund with a simpler interaction, this template can finish the one-to-one portion of the encounter. </p><p>Notice the template specifies that the interaction will finish up asynchronously (via email). It’s a great way to tie off the synchronous, real-time interaction and lead the customer right to the next step (check your email.) </p><p>Here’s the template:</p><p><em>Hey {Customer First Name}! We’ve issued a refund for your last order. We’ll send all the details to your email, but feel free to let me know here if you need anything else.</em></p><figure style="max-width:1462pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="SMS template for refund issued" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><p><strong>Pro tip:</strong> You can tie discounts and future order credits into this template, but make sure your entire team is aligned on your official policy as you update the Macros to match it. You may also want to have different tiers of intervention (and offerings) depending on the severity of the issue.</p><h3><strong>Customer check-in template</strong></h3><p>The customer check-in is another asynchronous message that occurs outside of an active conversation. Perhaps the customer walked away from a previous encounter or seems to be stuck on the customer journey based on other CRM data.</p><p>Whatever the reason, a gentle, well-timed message can sometimes get the customer back on track.</p><p>Here’s a model:</p><p><em>Hello, {Customer First Name} {Customer Last Name}! I’m {Your Name} from {Brand Name}. Just checking in to make sure everything is working well for you. If you have any issues with our {products/service} or need anything else, let me know!</em></p><h2><strong>Templates for SMS marketing and relevant integrations </strong></h2><p>Though a <a href="">customer service platform</a> can handle the above templates, you’ll likely want to expand even further through <a href="">additional integrations</a> with the platform. If you take that approach, here are some opportunities that open up:</p><h3><strong>Discount template</strong></h3><p>If you’re running a sale or trying to drive traffic to your site, a great way to do so is by texting a discount code to customers on your SMS list. Because their phone is probably close by, it’s great way to promote your sale and make sure it gets noticed. Here’s a template you can use (but remember to update with your own promotion!): </p><p>Flash sale, this weekend only! Up to 40% off, including our latest collection. Shop now: {insert URL} </p><figure style="max-width:731pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Discount template for SMS" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><h3><strong>Appointment reminder template</strong></h3><p>Medical offices and other organizations that schedule appointments or meetings can bolster attendance and reduce no-shows by providing yet another reminder — one that reaches patients and customers directly via phone.</p><p>If your SMS system supports it, you can invite an auto-reply to confirm or cancel an appointment, too. Use this template:</p><p>Hello, {Customer First Name} {Customer Last Name}! I’m {Your Name} from {Brand Name}. Your appointment is scheduled for tomorrow at {appointment time}. See you then! Reply Y to confirm, N to cancel.</p><h3><strong>Order confirmation template</strong></h3><p>Order confirmation messages simply confirm that your business has received and is processing a customer order. These don’t typically take place during an active one-to-one customer service interaction. Instead, they’re sent automatically and asynchronously, whenever the order confirms.</p><p>Still, you can set them up as personalized messages and enable replying so that, if something happens to be wrong, the customer knows how to reach out.</p><p>Hello, {Customer First Name} {Customer Last Name}! I’m {Your Name} from {Brand Name}. Your order #{order number} has been received, and we’re working on it now! We’ll message you again when it ships. Questions? Reply here.</p><figure style="max-width:731pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Order confirmation template for SMS" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><h3><strong>Pickup notification template</strong></h3><p>If you’re in an industry that offers pickup services (whether curbside pickup, custom goods like eyeglasses, or anything else), a text message is a great way to let someone know their order is ready for pickup. SMS reaches customers when they’re on the go in a way that email frequently doesn’t.</p><p>Here’s an example:</p><p>Hello, {Customer First Name} {Customer Last Name}! I’m {Your Name} from {Brand Name}. Your recent order #{order number} is now available for pickup at {location}. Stop by to grab it anytime today before {closing time}!</p><h3><strong>Survey or poll template</strong></h3><p>This message asks your customers to respond to a survey or poll. It’s a data-gathering tool that can pull in responses from people who ignore your emails or the messages at the bottom of store receipts. Try a script like this:</p><p>Hello, {Customer First Name} {Customer Last Name}! I’m {Your Name} from {Brand Name}. We value your opinion as a customer and we’d love specific feedback on {topic}. Here’s a 5-minute survey: {short URL}</p><h3><strong>Membership renewals template</strong></h3><p>Membership renewals, like payments, ought to be set up as automatic occurrences. Still, it’s helpful to remind a customer that a charge will hit their bank account soon — you don’t want to track down non-payments, and you don’t want angry customers who weren’t prepared for a bill.</p><p>Here’s an example:</p><p>Hi, {Customer First Name} {Customer Last Name}! I’m {Your Name} from {Brand Name}. Your annual membership renewal is coming up on {date}. Your card on file will be charged on that day.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-1}}</p><h2><strong>Is conversational and SMS customer service right for your business?</strong></h2><p>At Gorgias, we believe any industry can find value in <a href="">conversational support</a>, though some industries and brands will get more bang for their buck with these channels. </p><p>For ecommerce brands that deliver physical products, conversational support is a no-brainer. Imagine your customers get shipping updates via SMS and can just respond to the message if the package isn’t delivered correctly to get immediate help. No need to open up a laptop and log into a support portal or compose an email.</p><p>If you’re on the fence about offering conversational customer support, consider whether any of these points are relevant for your business:</p><p>First, consider your primary audience. If you sell to millennials and Gen Z, conversational customer service deserves serious consideration.<a href=",20)%20Millennials%20prefer%20live%20chat%20for%20customer%20service%20over%20every%20other%20communication%20channel,-When%20it%20comes"> These groups value speed and convenience more than anything</a>: Millennials prefer live chat over every other channel, and 71% of people between 16 and 24 agree that faster customer service would drastically improve the shopping experience.</p><p>These two generations grew up texting. It’s a very natural communication style for them, so they’ll feel right at home texting and DMing your brand. They’re also absolutely massive groups — combined, they make up a staggering<a href=""> 42.3% of the U.S. population</a>.</p><p>If you’re targeting an older generation, texting may not feel as natural. They have a higher tendency to prefer email or phone, although that’s changing by the day.</p><h3><strong>Is your marketing team already sending SMS campaigns?</strong></h3><p>One of the biggest hurdles to implementing conversational support is getting the systems, hardware, and staff in place to respond to SMS texts and messaging app requests at scale. If you’re already sending SMS marketing campaigns, then you already have some of that infrastructure in place.</p><p>So, if you’ve already made the investment in SMS for marketing purposes, then integrating messaging with your customer service platform and team requires minimal additional investment.</p><p>Fortunately, your <a href="">helpdesk</a> and <a href="">SMS marketing software</a> may integrate to give you a centralized way to spark conversations if customers reach out via text or respond to SMS campaigns. With <a href="">Gorgias and Klaviyo</a>, for example, customer responses to SMS marketing campaigns get assigned directly to an agent for fast response times.</p><figure style="max-width:731pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Klaviyo Gorgias integration example" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><h3><strong>Are customers abandoning conversations on other channels? </strong></h3><p>One of the benefits of messaging is that customers don’t have to stay on the phone or by their computer — they can easily continue talking even if they have to take the dog out, go to work, or even fall asleep and respond in the morning. Plus, while email conversations often span multiple days which is frustrating for customers with simple requests, requests on messaging channels usually get resolved before customers lose interest or patience. </p><p>If you notice that your brand currently sees lots of unresolved email threads or phone calls, you might need to offer customers a more convenient and flexible channel to talk to your team. This is a perfect use case for SMS and other messaging channels.</p><h3><strong>Are you already active on related channels?</strong></h3><p>It’s important to show up where your customers are. That’s why most brands post and engage with customers on social media pages. But if you’re posting on social media and not providing support to customers who reach out via DM, you’re missing a big opportunity. </p><p>By adding conversational support via Facebook Messenger and Instagram and Twitter DMs, you can maximize your presence on those platforms and provide an<a href=""> omnichannel customer experience</a> for both existing and prospective customers.</p><h3><strong>Are you struggling to gather customer feedback?</strong></h3><p>We often discuss the importance of customer feedback to monitor brand perception and constantly improve the product and customer experience. But as most brands know, getting feedback via email can be a challenge because of low survey open rates and lack of follow-up from customers. </p><p>Business texting lets you ask your customer base for feedback on a channel they are less likely to ignore. Text messages have <a href="">a whopping 98% open rate</a>. Consider sending <a href="">CSAT</a>,<a href=""> NPS surveys</a>, and other requests for customer feedback on this channel to raise your response rate for more accurate <a href="">customer support metrics</a>. Of course, with great power comes great responsibility: Spamming customers will quickly damage customer relationships, so don’t send too many messages to their personal devices.</p><h2><strong>What to look for in text messaging tools</strong></h2><p>SMS customer service is an avenue that customers are growing to expect. But managing yet another communication channel — much less one that demands real-time responses — takes careful planning.</p><p>Implementing a messaging strategy requires using tools built for that purpose. Some customer service messaging platforms offer SMS support natively, while others integrate a third-party SMS integration tool to add this functionality. </p><p>As you consider the available options, make sure the one you choose offers the features you need. Some tools are full-fledged SMS marketing solutions. Others focus specifically on SMS as a support channel.</p><p>It’s easier for most businesses to use an <a href="">all-in-one customer service platform</a> like <a href="">Gorgias</a> to support an <a href="">omnichannel approach</a>. With this kind of helpdesk platform, <a href="">SMS tickets can be handled in the same feed</a> as your other tickets and benefit from the same workflows and automation.</p><figure style="max-width:1462pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Customer service helpdesk with SMS" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><p>Here are some other features your customer service tool needs to have to handle SMS ticket effectively:</p><ul role="list"><li>Conversation history (for SMS and other text-based channels like Facebook Messenger or webchat) so your agents know what this client has asked about or needed support for in the past</li><li>Ability to create and customize macros as replies to SMS questions</li><li>Ability to send and receive images or videos (this is great if your support teams need to see the damaged item to issue a refund, for example)</li><li>Routing or triaging capabilities to make sure SMS conversations don’t get lost in a queue of tickets</li><li>Integration with other ecommerce tools so your agents have all the context they need to reply in a single space (e.g., surfacing <a href="">Shopify customer data</a> or CRM data during a support interaction)</li></ul><figure style="max-width:731pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Logos of Shopify, Recharge, ShipBob, and others to power up your messaging and customer service" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><h2><strong>Ecommerce SMS marketing tools to complement your customer experience</strong></h2><p>As we mentioned earlier, SMS marketing lets brands connect with consumers in a personalized and measurable way, just like with customer service. According to<a href=""> Attentive</a>, average read rates of 97% within 15 minutes make SMS a prime channel for connecting with prospects and customers.</p><p>If you’re looking for the right SMS marketing tool to work in tandem with your new SMS customer service channel, consider these four leading tools. Each one integrates with Gorgias, along with most of the rest of your tech stack.</p><figure style="max-width:1462pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Gorgias, Klaviyo, Attentive, Postscript, and Yotpo SMSBump" src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><p>Each tool offers a slightly different feature set. Revisit the list of features we compiled earlier in this article to help determine which are the most important to you, then vet these four tools against your customized list.</p><ul role="list"><li><a href=""><strong>Klaviyo</strong></a>, a Gorgias preferred partner, is a leading customer data and marketing automation platform that leans heavily on SMS communications. Automatically create tickets in Gorgias if customers reply to Klaviyo SMS messages, and send Gorgias events into Klaviyo to create targeted audience lists based on support experiences. </li><li><a href=""><strong>Attentive</strong></a>, also a Gorgias preferred partner, sends automatic text messages to your subscribers at each step of the customer lifecycle. It collects real-time behavioral data on customers as well, and the Gorgias integration allows you to see that customer data within the Gorgias sidebar. If a customer replies to an Attentive SMS, it’ll automatically create a ticket in Gorgias for agents to reply to. </li><li><a href=""><strong>Postscript</strong></a> is an SMS messaging tool that drives revenue growth and improves the customer experience over SMS. If a customer replies to a Postscript SMS, it’ll automatically create a ticket in Gorgias for agents to reply to.</li><li><a href=""><strong>SMSBump</strong></a><strong> </strong>is a D2C focused SMS customer journey automation tool by Yotpo that boasts powerful results: 45% conversion rate and 25x ROI for D2C brands. By connecting SMSBump with Gorgias, tickets will automatically be created if customers reply to SMSBump campaigns. </li></ul><h3>Integrate your SMS tool with your helpdesk for a seamless customer experience</h3><p>Integrating any of these SMS marketing tools with Gorgias is a great way to unify your marketing and support efforts to improve the overall customer experience.<br/><br/>For example, if customers respond to an SMS marketing blast from a tool integrated with Gorgias, the response gets brought into the helpdesk. The agent can see the initial marketing message and the customers response, so they can answer any follow-up questions. It's like an alley-oop from your marketing to your support team.</p><figure style="max-width:731pxpx" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img src="" loading="lazy" alt=""/></div></figure><p>Also, these integrations help your marketing team be more aware of active support conversations to avoid tone deaf marketing. For example, by integrating Gorgias and your SMS marketing tool, you can pause marketing campaigns on customers awaiting a response from support. (Nobody wants to get marketing messages if they're waiting on a delayed order, or troubleshooting their last purchase).</p><h2><strong>Message your customers in real time with Gorgias</strong></h2><p>Customer service messaging across a wide range of message-based platforms can be a powerful addition to your <a href="">customer service channels</a>. Of these, the SMS channel is one of the most powerful options for businesses that want to reach customers directly where they are.</p><p>The scripts and tools provided in this guide should put you well on your way toward a successful SMS support rollout. But make sure that at the core of your customer service operation, you have a platform robust enough to handle everything you need to do — and whatever functionality you might add in the future. For more examples and tactics to launch a successful rollout of SMS support, check out our<a href=""> playbook of Berkey Filters</a>, an online store that released SMS support to great adoption.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-2}}</p><p>Gorgias is the customer support and helpdesk platform built for ecommerce businesses like yours. Our live chat tools and 150+ integrations equip you to reach your customers — whenever and however you choose.</p><p><a href="">See how Gorgias supercharges customer support and helpdesk via SMS</a>. Alternatively, check out more information about our integrations with:</p><ul role="list"><li><a href="">Instagram messages</a></li><li><a href="">Facebook messenger</a><a href=""></a></li><li><a href="">WhatsApp messaging</a></li></ul></div></div><div class="blog10_category-list-wrapper w-dyn-list"><div role="list" class="blog10_category-wrapper w-dyn-items"><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a aria-label="blog-category" href="/blog-category/sms" class="blog10_category-link w-inline-block"><div>SMS</div></a></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a aria-label="blog-category" href="/blog-category/live-chat" class="blog10_category-link w-inline-block"><div>Live Chat</div></a></div></div></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="layout306_item w-dyn-item"><div class="layout306_item is-blog-item-readtime"><a aria-label="blog-img" data-w-id="5deeed65-61bd-44e8-5ed6-5e6d1a49075e" href="/blog/chatbot-vs-live-chat" class="blog10_link-wrapper w-inline-block"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><div class="layout178_image-wrapper is-alternate-height-photo"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="" class="layout306_image"/></div></div><h3 class="text24px text-weight-normal text-height-120 no-margin hover-underline">Chatbot vs. Live Chat Software: What's the Right Solution?</h3></a><div class="blog10_button-wrapper _18px"><div class="l-text-size-small w-embed"><span dev-read-time-target=chatbot-vs-live-chat>0</span> min read . By Lauren Strapagiel</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed">By Lauren Strapagiel</div><div dev-read-time="chatbot-vs-live-chat" class="hide w-richtext"><p>Imagine leaving your angriest customers to spar with an automated script in your website’s chat window. Now picture your support team reading “Where is my order?” for the hundredth time and glancing at the clock, only to find six hours left in the workday. </p><p>Who do you think is more frustrated?</p><p>Luckily, you won’t have to answer that, because these are completely avoidable problems. Once you learn the important distinctions between chatbot software and live chat software, you’ll understand how to use them both more effectively and lower blood pressures across the board.</p><p>Chatbots rely completely on automation and artificial intelligence (AI) while live chat software connects customers with human agents via a real-time chatbox. A third option, self-service chat, is an appealing alternative.</p><p>To determine which solution(s) is best for your business, let’s compare chatbots and live chat software and go through the top use cases for each.</p><figure style="padding-bottom:56.206088992974244%" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-video"><div><iframe allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="" title="Chat Solutions for eCommerce: Finding the Perfect Fit!"></iframe></div></figure><h2>What is live chat software?</h2><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Live chat support</a> connects customers with human support agents who can answer their questions and assist them with any issues. When a customer opens the chat box on a live chat support solution, they are connected with a real person from the company's customer support department. </p><p>Support agents then use live chat messaging to address customer inquiries and walk customers through the solution to their problem. </p><p>Interested in getting live chat software? Check out one of these lists for tailored recommendations:</p><ul role="list"><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Best live chat software for ecommerce</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Best live chat software for Shopify stores</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Best live chat software for general use</a></li></ul><h3>Pros and cons of live chat</h3><h4>Pros:</h4><ul role="list"><li>Live agents have the knowledge base to answer complex queries and customer issues </li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">73% of customers</a> state that live chat is the most satisfactory form of customer communication with a company</li><li>Enables multitasking for support agents so they can assist multiple customers at the same time</li><li>The personalized touch of a real human can go a long way toward improving your customer satisfaction</li><li>Support agents can find opportunities to convert visitors or turn support interactions into additional sales </li></ul><h4>Cons:</h4><ul role="list"><li>Not available after-hours when your customer team is off the clock</li><li>More expensive to employ agents to respond to chats</li><li>Responses will be slowed down by high volume which impacts resolution times</li><li>Much of your agents’ time will be spent answering the same simple questions over and over</li></ul><p>{{lead-magnet-1}}</p><h2>What is the difference between chatbots vs. live chat?</h2><p>Unlike live chat software, chatbot software doesn’t connect customers with human agents. Instead, chatbot software connects customers with a chatbot that utilizes AI and machine learning to provide natural language answers to common questions. </p><p>Automation assists customers with less complex issues and provides quick answers. Chatbot technology enables companies to reduce their average response time, and frees up support agents to focus on more complex queries. </p><h3>Pros and cons of chat bots</h3><h4>Pros:</h4><ul role="list"><li>The ability to answer questions 24/7 without paying for agents to work around the clock. According to a survey by Drift, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">64% of customers</a> say that 24/7 service is the best feature of chatbots. </li><li>Chatbots offer instant responses to common questions like pricing inquiries, improving customer experience with quick resolutions to common issues</li><li>Chatbot solutions are a highly cost-effective option, as they allow companies to resolve more customer issues without having to hire new customer support reps</li><li>By answering commonly asked questions and resolving simple issues, chatbot solutions can free up support agents to focus on more complex questions</li></ul><h4>Cons:</h4><ul role="list"><li>Chatbots can’t handle complex inquiries requiring human intervention</li><li>Automated responses are a colder, less human form of communication, which can impact customer satisfaction</li><li>No opportunity for agents to elevate an inquiry into an exemplary customer experience, such as offering personalized live chat offers</li><li>Customers will become frustrated if the chatbot can’t properly answer their questions or solve an issue</li></ul><p>{{lead-magnet-2}}</p><h2>Live chat vs. chatbots: Evaluating their strengths to help you choose the right one (or both)</h2><p>When comparing chatbots with live chat solutions, it's important to recognize that each category offers its own unique advantages. Many companies choose to employ both live chat and chatbot apps on their ecommerce websites. </p><p>With that in mind, let's explore the strengths of each solution.</p><h3>Response times and customer expectations </h3><p>One of the biggest advantages of chatbot solutions is the fact that they allow for immediate responses to customer inquiries. Live chat solutions can also help companies reduce their wait times, though not to the same degree. </p><h4>Chatbot advantage: Answers are immediate</h4><p>According to<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> data from HubSpot</a>, 90% of customers rate an "immediate" response as important or very important when contacting customer service, with 60% of customers defining "immediate" as 10 minutes or less. </p><p>With a chatbot app, offering immediate response times to customer queries is a much more attainable goal. Best of all, these immediate response times are a 24/7 offering for customers, whereas live chat agents may not always be on the clock. </p><h4>Live chat advantage: Solve complex issues</h4><p>The problem with relying solely on chatbots to reduce customer wait times is the fact that even the best and most intelligent chatbots are often unable to resolve complex issues. Chatbots are excellent at pulling information from internal databases to answer common questions, such as providing the status of a customer's order or editing it.</p><p>But for uncommon questions or complex issues, a chatbot alone may not be sufficient. Because they can only handle one thing at a time, it can take forever before you get all of your questions resolved.</p><h4>Solution: Use both chatbots and live chat</h4><p>Many companies use chatbots alongside live chat support. This allows businesses to offer both immediate responses, as well as more in-depth support for complex issues. </p><p>For example, a customer may first be connected with a chatbot that provides instant responses to their query and assists with gathering initial information. If the chatbot determines the customer's question or issue is too complex to resolve, the customer is then connected to a support agent via live chat. </p><p>This combination is an ideal solution for many companies, allowing them to quickly resolve common issues without the need for a live chat agent. At the same time, customers have the option to speak with a real person in cases where assistance from a chatbot alone isn’t sufficient. </p><h3>Human touch and personalization needs </h3><p>While chatbot apps can help reduce customer service wait times and the number of customer service reps needed, many customers prefer speaking with a person. </p><h4>Live chat advantage: The human touch</h4><p>A CGS study found that <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">86% of customers</a> would rather interact with a human agent than a chatbot. Further, 71% of customers say that they would be less likely to purchase from a brand that did not have real customer service representatives available. </p><h4>Chatbot advantage: AI learning</h4><p>Chatbots have come a long way toward replicating natural language and determining customer intent for better customer engagement. Today, the best chatbot applications can come quite close to sounding like actual human beings. </p><p>Chatbots leverage AI and machine learning to deliver personalized responses, as opposed to only “canned” responses, and can better serve your customers. </p><h4>Solution: Use both chatbots and live chat</h4><p>Even the most advanced chatbots still fall short of a live representative when it comes to delivering a personalized, human touch. They’re also lacking when it comes to handling more complex questions or customer issues. </p><p>Once again, a combination of automation and<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> live chat support</a> is typically the best approach. </p><figure class="w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Live chat conversion and sales. "/></div><figcaption><br/> </figcaption></figure><h3>Consistency and accuracy</h3><p>Chatbots and live chat applications have unique advantages when it comes to delivering consistent and accurate responses to customer queries. </p><h4>Chatbot advantage: Consistency</h4><p>Chatbots are excellent at delivering consistent, on-brand messaging. They can be programmed to systematically follow templates or scripts to provide a consistent customer service experience. </p><p>When working with human customer support agents, this high degree of consistency can be a little more difficult to achieve. </p><h4>Live chat advantage: Accuracy</h4><p>While live chat support may not offer the same consistency as chatbots, human support agents do tend to be more accurate when determining the intent of the customer they are assisting. </p><p>For example, a simple spelling error can sometimes confuse chatbots, whereas a human customer support agent would be much more likely to look past the error and correctly figure out what the customer needs. </p><p>A human agent is also much more likely than a chatbot to accurately interpret questions that are worded strangely. </p><h4>Solution: Use both chatbots and live chat</h4><p>For companies that are choosing between chatbots and live chat support, it’s a question of whether they’d like to prioritize consistency or accuracy. This is yet another reason why <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">a combination of chatbots and live chat support</a> is often the best solution.</p><p>More chat features to provide self-service support without the bots</p><p>Many of the issues your website visitors have with bad chatbots involve their mimicry of support from real people. It’s easy to tell when you’re chatting with a robot, but it’s not always made clear to you by the chat widget.</p><p>But there’s a third chat option that you should consider in addition to live chat and chatbot software.</p><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Self-service</a> chat options make it clear to your customers that they are receiving automated help. By presenting menus instead of imitating a human conversation, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">self-service customer support</a> empowers customers to find the answers they need on their own.</p><p>It’s a win-win, because the customers get the answers they need in real time, at any hour. And your team can focus on support tickets that are more important to the business.</p><p>Here are a few ways self-service chat options can work.</p><h3>Self-service order management</h3><p>Up to 30% of incoming customer service tickets are shipping status requests. With self-service order management in the chat widget, customers are empowered to make these queries on their own — providing fast answers and reducing your support tickets.</p><p>These automated options are <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">easy to add with Gorgias</a>. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">This self-service</a> adds buttons to the chat widget to automatically:</p><ul role="list"><li>Track an order</li><li>Return an order</li><li>Cancel an order</li></ul><p>Quick service with chat automation provides quick, responsive customer service, which means better customer experience and a positive impact on revenue.</p><p>Barcelona-based shoe brand ALOHAS added self-service order management flows with Gorgias after experiencing a high chat volume. This allowed customers to find information on their own without a human needing to respond.</p><p>Here’s how a “track order” request looks in action:</p><figure class="w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Order management in live chat. "/></div><figcaption>ALOHAS<br/> <br/></figcaption></figure><h3>Quick answer flows</h3><p>When using a chat widget, you’ll notice the same questions come up again and again. You can satisfy those FAQs by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">adding quick answer flows</a> into the chat widget.</p><p>These automations can be set up in the widget for questions like:</p><ul role="list"><li>What is your shipping policy?</li><li>Are there any discounts available?</li><li>Do you have any new products?</li><li>What materials do you use?</li></ul><p>These automations can be customized for whatever FAQs are most relevant to your ecommerce store.</p><p>Here’s how it looks, for example, when an ALOHAS customer wants to find out more about the brand’s shipping policy.</p><figure class="w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Quick Response Flows in chat widget. "/></div><figcaption><br/> <br/></figcaption></figure><p>Luxury jewelry brand Jaxxon has used these self-service quick responses <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">with great success</a>. The customer service team found themselves overwhelmed with customer questions and unable to respond as quickly as desired.</p><p>Jaxxon upgraded their live chat widget with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Gorgias Automate</a> with Quick Responses for customers. The result, combined with using Gorgias’ helpdesk, reduced live chat volume by 17% and lifted the on-site conversion rate by 6%.</p><figure class="w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Self-service in chat. "/></div><figcaption>Jaxxon<br/> <br/></figcaption></figure><h3>Autoresponders</h3><p>Even when a customer chooses to type out a question, automation can be used to provide quick, customized service through the chat widget.</p><p>Gorgias <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">can detect questions</a> that come in through chat and provide automatic answers using <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Rules</a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Macros</a>.</p><p>Here’s how the flow works:</p><ol role="list"><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Intact detection</strong></a> scans the incoming message.</li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Rules</strong></a> is triggered when a relevant message is found (such as some asking about where their order us) is responds to the customer.</li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Macros</strong></a> is where you create the templated response sent to the customer. The Macro can be set up to pull in a customer’s unique information like order number, their name, and their tracking code.</li></ol><p>The best part is this can not only be used for chat, but for responses to tickets coming in through other communication channels like <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">email</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">social media</a>, and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SMS</a>.</p><h3>Keep customer service running 24/7</h3><p>With Gorgias, you can make sure your chat widget isn’t missing a single ticket, even if your customer support team is offline.</p><p>First, you can <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">set up your business hours</a> to correspond with when you have live chat available. This will show up on your site’s chat widget by either showing the current status as online or offline.</p><p>From there, you can create automated responses for whether you’re offline or online. During business hours, this message can tell customers you’ve received their request and give a time by which they can expect a response.</p><p>After business hours, the responder can tell customers that although you’re offline, they can expect a response during the next day’s business hours via email.</p><figure class="w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="Offline mode in live chat for follow-ups. "/></div><figcaption>Absolute Collagen<br/> <br/></figcaption></figure><p>You can also use <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">a contact form</a> which turns a chat into an emailed ticket. This is great to use after-hours and to make sure chat requests don’t get lost overnight. </p><h2>Combine automation and human interaction for the strongest customer experience</h2><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The use of automation within customer service</a> is multifaceted. As we discussed earlier, a human touch is critical for many customers, and speaking with an automated chatbot can be a turn-off. However, automation certainly has its place in the customer service process.</p><p>On the customer’s side, starting with self-service chat helps them receive quicker customer support at scale — a more satisfying experience. On your team’s side, automation allows for sorting, segmenting, and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">prioritizing tickets</a>.</p><p>When self-service chat can’t solve an issue, someone from your support team can easily step into the conversation. You can use Macros — scripts that automatically bring in the customer’s information — to scale the human touch on your support team.</p><p>So in reality, it’s not automation vs human support. These are two complementary tools that work better together. And the result is a stronger and faster customer experience for your website visitors, which can <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">increase your conversion rate</a> by as much as 12%.</p><p>Still not convinced? In 2021, brands using the Gorgias chat widget generated an average of $38,702 from conversations involving chat. We have a whole post on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">live chat statistics</a> that can help illustrate the impact our chat widget can have on your business.</p><h2>Gorgias brings intuitive live chat to your ecommerce business, alongside your other channels</h2><p>If you’re an ecommerce business looking for an all-in-one customer support solution that includes live chat support and AI-powered chatbots, Gorgias is your one-stop shop. </p><p>Our algorithms are trained on hundreds of millions of ecommerce tickets, so you can be sure your customers are getting the right responses every time. </p><p>Plus, you can manage both live chat and chatbot conversations in the same dashboard that you use for all your other channels, including phone, email and major social media platforms. Bring in chat from other channels, including <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Facebook Messenger</a>. We’ll even be <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">supporting Whatsapp</a> in early 2023.</p><p>Our customer support platform is available for <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Magento</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Shopify</a>, and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">BigCommerce</a> users.</p><p>Read more about our chat offerings by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">clicking here</a>.</p></div></div><div class="blog10_category-list-wrapper w-dyn-list"><div role="list" class="blog10_category-wrapper w-dyn-items"><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a aria-label="blog-category" href="/blog-category/live-chat" class="blog10_category-link w-inline-block"><div>Live Chat</div></a></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a aria-label="blog-category" href="/blog-category/automation-and-self-service" class="blog10_category-link w-inline-block"><div>Automation and Self-Service</div></a></div></div></div></div></div><div role="listitem" class="layout306_item w-dyn-item"><div class="layout306_item is-blog-item-readtime"><a aria-label="blog-img" data-w-id="5deeed65-61bd-44e8-5ed6-5e6d1a49075e" href="/blog/track-customer-orders" class="blog10_link-wrapper w-inline-block"><div class="margin-bottom margin-small"><div class="layout178_image-wrapper is-alternate-height-photo"><img loading="lazy" src="" alt="" sizes="(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 93vw, (max-width: 991px) 43vw, (max-width: 1919px) 20vw, 342.7778015136719px" srcset=" 500w, 800w, 1696w" class="layout306_image"/></div></div><h3 class="text24px text-weight-normal text-height-120 no-margin hover-underline">How To Provide Order Tracking for Your Ecommerce Customers</h3></a><div class="blog10_button-wrapper _18px"><div class="l-text-size-small w-embed"><span dev-read-time-target=track-customer-orders>0</span> min read . By Ryan Baum</div><div class="l-text-size-small w-condition-invisible w-embed">By Ryan Baum</div><div dev-read-time="track-customer-orders" class="hide w-richtext"><p><strong>TL;DR:</strong></p><ul role="list"><li><strong>Improve your customer experience with real-time order tracking. </strong>This will benefit your customers and brand by increasing their sense of security, creating customer loyalty, and reducing returns. </li><li><strong>Integrate your order tracking system with your Helpdesk. </strong>Choose a solution like Aftership, ShipBb, ShipStation, or others that integrate with your CX platform. This lets you link shipping data with your customer data for faster response and resolution times. </li><li><strong>Make tracking information accessible with self-service options</strong>. Ensure your shipping information is easy for customers to find through email and SMS notifications. You can also add order management Flows in your chat or Help Center.</li><li><strong>Deflect repetitive WISMO tickets with automation</strong>. Let your AI Agent answer repetitive “Where is my order?” requests so your agents can focus on revenue-generating tickets. </li></ul><p>The competition to provide customer satisfaction in ecommerce today is fierce. Now, shoppers demand <a href="">free shipping</a> on every order and expect lightning-fast order processing and<a href=""> fulfillment</a>. What once were “nice to haves” have become necessary for growth and success. </p><p>Customers expect quick delivery times and no shipping feels, and their order tracking expectations are just as high. Shoppers want to see an order's status and location at any given time, from purchase to doorstep. Even better are real-time alerts like SMS or email notifications at each point in an order’s journey.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-1}}</p><p>Below, discover the benefits of tracking customer orders. Learn why you should consider implementing an order tracking tool for your business. </p><h2>Why your online store should track customer order status</h2><p>Huge ecommerce vendors like Amazon have trained customers to track their online orders thoroughly. From the order processing stage to when a delivery person from FedEx, UPS, or USPS leaves it at their door. In other words, expectations are high. </p><p>Offering real-time tracking data for purchases benefits both your customer and your business in five distinct ways.</p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="The benefits of providing order tracking for customers: provide a sense of security, allow customers to plan, build customer loyalty, free up your customer support from repetitive WISMO questions. " src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><h3>Gives shoppers and business owners a sense of security</h3><p>Once customers place an online order, waiting for it to arrive can be both exciting and stressful. Questions like, “Will it get here on time?” or “Is it ever coming?” become more intense if customers can’t check the delivery status themselves in real time. Plus, as a business, you can follow along to ensure that orders are getting where they need to go. </p><p>DHL's<a href=""> 2024 Delivery and Returns Report</a> shows 43% of shoppers agree that real-time tracking improves their delivery experience. 60% of global shoppers even said that delivery speed was not as important as end-to-end tracking.</p><h3>Allows customers to plan ahead</h3><p>Consumers need to know that an order is on its way and when it will arrive for reasons beyond curiosity. For example, if a product is expensive, customers won’t want it to sit on their front porch all day. If customers have to sign for a package, they might have to work from home to accept it. In these instances, status updates are crucial.</p><p>According to<a href=""> research from Verte</a>, 91% of consumers actively track their packages. 39% track them once a day and 19% track packages multiple times daily. Shoppers also want these updates to be convenient, with 38% preferring package updates via SMS over email. </p><p>Customers can maintain constant contact with their order at home and on the go via a mobile device. This gives them the transparency they need to plan ahead for a fun unboxing or an essential item they can’t live without. </p><h3>Builds customer loyalty </h3><p>The customer experience you provide on your ecommerce platform is essential to business growth. Providing shoppers tracking information, email updates, and delivery dates can help create a positive view of your brand. This builds a better customer experience and encourages loyalty and retention.</p><p>Research from<a href=""> Voxware</a> shows that 69% of customers are less likely to shop with a retailer again if their package didn’t arrive within two days of the promised date. 16% of customers even said they would stop shopping with a brand if they received an incorrect delivery once. </p><p>New customers appreciate seamless experiences and are more likely to make repeat purchases from businesses that offer them. Creating a cycle of repeat purchases will help your business grow. Encouraging loyalty through an easy-to-use order tracking tool gives you a significant advantage.</p><p><strong>Recommended reading:</strong> <a href="">9 Revenue-Driving Ecommerce Shipping Best Practices</a></p><h3>Frees up your customer service team (by deflecting WISMO tickets with automation)</h3><p>Many ecommerce companies are looking for ways to alleviate customer service workloads and reduce time handling simple requests. Providing real-time order tracking is one of those ways since customers no longer need to ask, “Where is my order (WISMO)?” This question accounts for 16% of tickets for the average ecommerce store, according to Gorgias data.</p><p>Instead of reaching out to<a href=""> check their order status</a>, tracking systems proactively send email or SMS notifications or provide access to a portal where customers can see progress in real time. This solution streamlines the process and reduces ticket volumes, increasing productivity. Your support team will have more time to handle complex issues and customers will get a better experience.</p><p>With tools like Gorgias’s AI Agent and Flows, you can automate customer order tracking through SMS, email, or chat. Or, create a<a href=""> self-service portal</a> where customers can use their purchase order number to access their order status. We’ll cover both of these more in a later section. </p><blockquote>“Chat used to be a support tool for repetitive questions and problem-solving, but now Automate takes care of that for us. Within a month of launching, our manual live chat tickets decreased 17%.” <br/><br/>—Caela Castillo, Director of Customer Experience at<a href=""> Jaxxon</a></blockquote><p><strong>Recommended reading:</strong><a href=""><strong> </strong>Offer More Self-Serve Options with Flows: 10 Use Cases & Best Practices</a></p><h3>Lowers the number of returns you can expect </h3><p>People often return items because they arrive late and the customer no longer wants or needs them. With detailed order tracking and a simple<a href=""> returns policy</a>, customers can better expect when their product will arrive. This makes it less likely that they will return the package when it finally gets to them. And, as you might expect,<a href=""> reducing returns</a> positively impacts your business’s revenue.</p><p><strong>Recommended reading:</strong><a href=""> Ecommerce Returns: 10 Best Practices for Taking Your Online Store to the Next Level</a></p><h2>Why ecommerce businesses should think twice before building a custom order tracking system </h2><p>Using a customer order tracking system has many advantages. We recommend using a pre-built solution because maintaining a manual tracking system is time-consuming. Find our recommendations below.</p><p>A custom-built tracking page may require more data entry than necessary. Manual processes open your system up to human error and eat up productivity.</p><h3>Manual systems require extensive set-up</h3><p>If you try to provide order tracking yourself, you’ll save in the short term but spend plenty of time and money building and maintaining a system to send tracking information. </p><p>Once you successfully sync your tracking components, you'll need to create different templates that collect or communicate information to your customers. For example, you might build a form that collects order information like a customer’s name, address, phone number, and credit card details. Or, write a pre-written email that you can use to send out shipment notifications for each step of the order process. </p><p>You can also create<a href=""> template responses</a> for common questions. For example, you can answer, “Where is my order?” and provide tracking information and updates on shipment and delivery. </p><h3>You need seamless integrations to avoid tab-shuffling</h3><p>For an order tracking system to work properly, all of your tools must "talk" to each other. This includes information from your manufacturers, website,<a href=""> helpdesk</a>,<a href=""> social media commerce</a>, SMS,<a href=""> inventory management</a> software, and shipping carriers. If they don't, a bottleneck occurs, or they fail to communicate information at all. The result is that your customer can't access their order status, which causes frustration and has them turning to your customer support team.</p><h2>How to set up order tracking: Let customers see the status of shipments in real time</h2><p>If you manually record and send order tracking information in an Excel document, you probably feel frustrated. </p><p>One of the most common incoming questions customer support teams get is, “Where is my order? (WISMO)”. The best way to mitigate those messages is by implementing a self-service system that automates shipping tracking notifications.</p><ol start="1" role="list"><li>Decide on an order tracking tool</li><li>Integrate your order tracking tool with your ecommerce platform</li><li>Configure your tracking app’s settings</li><li>Let automation do its thing</li><li>Integrate your order tracking software with your helpdesk</li></ol><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Gorgias dashboard showing Aftership integration for seamless customer order tracking information." src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><p>This creates a better overall customer experience by providing transparency and reducing stress or frustration. Customers see exactly where their orders are at any point in time. You’ll also be available for customers when they’re most engaged. </p><p>Here’s how to implement one. </p><h3>1) Decide on an order tracking tool </h3><p>First, you’ll choose an order tracking tool like ShipBob, ShipStation, or AfterShip — we will discuss each in more detail below. These tools take order information like tracking numbers and shipment status and automate customer notifications. Many order tracking apps integrate with different ecommerce systems like<a href=""> Shopify</a>,<a href=""> BigCommerce</a>,<a href=""> Magento</a>, 3DCart, or WooCommerce. So, you’ll need to make sure that the tool you choose integrates well with your ecommerce system. </p><p>As an example, we’ll walk through setting up order tracking with<a href=""> AfterShip</a> on a Shopify store. </p><h3>2) Integrate your order tracking tool with your ecommerce platform </h3><p>This is usually quick and easy, depending on the tool. You can add AfterShip to your Shopify store by visiting the<a href=""> Shopify App Store</a>. You can navigate here from the Apps section on the sidebar of your store’s dashboard. Then, click “Customize your store” and search for the AfterShip app. </p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Set up order tracking with Shopify. " src="" loading="lazy"/></div><figcaption>Source:<a href=""> AfterShip</a> </figcaption></figure><p>Or, you can sign up for an AfterShip account, visit the apps section, search for Shopify, and add it that way. Either way, visit the integrated app section on your Shopify/AfterShip account to make sure that the installation succeeded. </p><h3>3) Configure your tracking app’s settings</h3><p>Now, you’ll want to make sure your courier mapping, import settings, and tracking page settings are good to go. You can access these from your AfterShip account’s app page — here’s<a href=""> AfterShip’s help doc</a> to assist with setup. </p><ul role="list"><li>Courier mapping: Add all the shipping couriers you use so that AfterShip’s automation can pick them up. </li><li>Import settings: Choose your order fulfillment timeframe and select the timeframe you’d like AfterShip to pull orders from. </li><li>Tracking page settings: Choose the tracking page you’d like to use (in the case you had created multiple in AfterShip). </li></ul><h3>4) Let automation do its thing </h3><p>Now that you have AfterShip set up, it will sync every three hours. It pulls shipping information from any new orders via a shopping cart, CSV file, or marketplace. You can also opt for AfterShip to send out automatic notifications via email or SMS at each milestone in the shipping process. </p><h3>5) Integrate your order tracking software with your CX platform</h3><p>Create a seamless experience for your customers and support team by integrating your order tracking tool with your<a href=""> helpdesk</a> and<a href=""> automation tools</a>. By linking all shipping data and tracking information, you can get resolutions to customers faster and access all necessary information in one place. </p><p>Why is this helpful? Well, you give customers multiple opportunities to find their order tracking information within seconds. Whether customers take advantage of your self-service order tracking options or ask your support team about their order status, all the information is readily available. Without the integration, you’ll have to switch tabs and copy/paste order information like tracking number, shipping address, and estimated delivery date. </p><p>With an integration, that information automatically populates. Take a look at the image below.</p><p>On the left is a Macro, or template, sent by a customer service agent. It has variables that automatically pull tracking information from the integration. On the right is the personalized message the shopper receives. </p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="Use Gorgias to provide personalized order tracking to customers without any copy/pasting. " src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><p>Setup is as simple as creating a connection between the two platforms so that they can talk to each other. To understand this better, check out the<a href=""> step-by-step guide</a>. It shows how to set up the integration between AfterShip and Gorgias.</p><blockquote>“With all the Gorgias integrations, my team doesn't need to jump between tools. This has helped us dramatically improve customer satisfaction.” <br/><br/>— Amanda, Director of Operations at<a href=""> Darn Good Yarn</a></blockquote><h2>Make tracking information easily accessible</h2><p>Once you have your automated order tracking system set up, you’re not quite off the hook yet. Many customers choose to receive email and SMS notifications. However, some may ignore these messages or lose the tracking link. This will lead them to still visit your website or support inbox to check the status of their order.</p><p>That’s why we recommend making customer order tracking available in the following places:</p><h3>Order confirmation emails</h3><p>Whenever a customer places an order, they should get an order confirmation message with their receipt. This should also include any additional information they need between that moment and the arrival of their new item. This includes a prominent tracking number and a link to the order tracking portal, whether that’s with a service like AfterShip or directly on your carrier’s website. </p><p>If your fulfillment process doesn’t let you send this information right away, consider adding a shipping confirmation email to your post-purchase experience flow.</p><p>If you don’t currently send order (or shipping) confirmation emails,<a href=""> this guide</a> (for Shopify users) will help you set one up.</p><h3>Embedded in the chat widget</h3><p>While the primary function of the chat widget is to connect with customer support agents in a<a href=""> conversational way</a>, some live chat apps like Gorgias allow you to embed buttons shoppers can click to track their orders. In Gorgias, this is called a<a href=""> self-service order management flow</a>.</p><p><strong>Self-service order tracking in chat is possible natively in Gorgias, no integration required. </strong></p><p>Here’s how order management Flows works for customers:</p><div class="w-embed w-iframe"><div style="position: relative; padding-bottom:calc(50.02608242044862% + 50px); height: 0;"> <iframe id="lpxoejt1pn" src="" width="100%" height="100%" style="overflow:hidden;position:absolute;border:none" scrolling="no" allow="clipboard-read; clipboard-write" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen allowtransparency="true"></iframe> </div></div><p>Self-service order management is convenient for customers. It also serves as a last layer of protection for your customer support inbox. When a customer opens the chat widget to send a question, they can see the status of their order much faster than an agent can tell them.</p><h3>Embedded in your Help Center (or FAQ)</h3><p>If you have an FAQ page or a<a href=""> larger knowledge base</a> (which we call a<a href=""> Help Center</a>), you can also embed order tracking here. </p><p><strong>Standalone self-service order tracking in the Help Center is possible natively in Gorgias, no integration required.</strong></p><p>Much like order tracking in a chat widget, this feature lets customers track their order with just a few clicks. All available right where they’d find other help content:</p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="ALOHAS Help Center with self-service order management Flows to track customer orders. " src="" loading="lazy"/></div><figcaption>Source:<a href=""> ALOHAS</a></figcaption></figure><p>Direct customers here by linking to your Help Center at the bottom of your customer support and<a href=""> automated emails</a>. Or add it in your<a href=""> email signature</a>, for easy clicking.</p><blockquote>“Since launching Automation Add-on (quick response Flows) three months ago, we have doubled the revenue from customer support. We’re on our way to triple the revenue we get from chat.”<br/><br/>— Annalisa Micalizzi, Manager of Global Customer Service at<a href=""> ALOHAS</a> </blockquote><h3>Automated responses through AI Agent </h3><p>If customers bypass all the tracking notifications in their inbox and your self-service order management options, you still have one more automation option at your disposal. Gorgias Automate users can introduce<a href=""> AI Agent to handle those WISMO requests</a> without the need for agent intervention. </p><p>You can set up one comprehensive Guidance to detect a customer’s current order status and give them an update. This gives customers nearly instant response times. Plus, your support agents have more time to handle complex tickets than rather than focusing on repetitive tickets. </p><p>Here is an example of how AI Agent assists a customer with their order tracking inquiry: </p><figure class="w-richtext-align-center w-richtext-figure-type-image"><div><img alt="A conversation between a customer and AI Agent. AI Agent lets the customer know when their order will ship. " src="" loading="lazy"/></div></figure><h2>The best customer order tracking app options for ecommerce stores</h2><p>There are several great choices on the market for customer order tracking systems. Depending on your needs and the ecommerce platform you use, choose from options that are both scalable and flexible.</p><p>Start with customer support software that acts as your central hub.</p><p>A powerful customer service team is the building block of a successful<a href=""> order management</a> system.<a href=""> Helpdesks</a> like Gorgias help centralize the communication of tracking requests via apps in one place. From there, customer service teams can respond/automate responses related to tracking and order statuses. These tools optimize the response time and increase the instances of a positive customer experience.</p><p>Gorgias integrates with a<a href=""> ton of popular ecommerce tools</a>, making it a great single-view hub. A few of the most popular integrations are<a href=""> NetSuite</a>,<a href=""> Reveal</a>,<a href=""> Tolstoy</a>,<a href=""> Magento</a>,<a href=""> ChannelReply</a>, and<a href=""> Shopify</a>.</p><h3>Apps that help automate customer order tracking for Shopify and BigCommerce</h3><p>Choosing the best tools to automate your customer order tracking can be overwhelming. But with so many options, you’ll end up with an order tracking system that works exactly how you need it to. Here are some of the best order tracking providers to create track customer purchases.</p><h4>ShipBob</h4><p><a href="">ShipBob</a> is a global logistics platform that provides online companies with best-in-class<a href=""> order fulfillment</a>. It powers ecommerce brands to ensure customers receive fast and affordable shipping. With reliable fulfillment services and connected technology that powers its fulfillment network, ShipBob improve transit times, shipping costs, and the customer delivery experience.</p><figure style="padding-bottom:56.206088992974244%" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-video"><div><iframe allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe></div></figure><p>Check out this app in the<a href=""> Shopify App Store</a> or the<a href=""> BigCommerce App Store</a>. And if you use Gorgias, check out our<a href=""> integration with ShipBob</a>.</p><h4>AfterShip</h4><p>With its seven notification triggers, easy-to-use email editor, and filter tracking tools,<a href=""> AfterShip</a> helps online businesses communicate transparently with customers. It also helps you monitor delivery issues so you can address them before they become problems that could damage your customer experience.</p><figure style="padding-bottom:56.206088992974244%" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-video"><div><iframe allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe></div></figure><p>Check out this app in the<a href=""> Shopify App Store</a> and the<a href=""> BigCommerce App Store</a>. And if you use Gorgias, check out our<a href=""> integration with AfterShip</a>.</p><h4>ShipStation</h4><p>ShipStation helps you save time and money and sell more, by comparing rates and delivery times for all your carriers in one place. This ensures you offer the fastest, most cost-effective shipping for your customers. The app automates almost every facet of your shipping process. ShipStation offers intuitive dashboards and seamless interfaces for an optimal workflow.</p><figure style="padding-bottom:56.206088992974244%" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-video"><div><iframe allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe></div></figure><p>Review this app's complete offerings in the<a href=""> Shopify App Store</a> and the<a href=""> BigCommerce App Store</a>. </p><h3>Extensions that help automate customer order tracking info for Magento 2</h3><p>Below, check out three recommended order tracking extensions that integrate with Magento 2. </p><h4>ShipStation</h4><p>ShipStation is highly scalable and provides everything you need for order management in one location. It integrates with Magento 2, as well as Shopify and BigCommerce. </p><p>See if ShipStation is right for your ecommerce business in the<a href=""> Magento Marketplace</a>.</p><h4>Easyship</h4><p>Whether you ship 50 or 50,000 orders a month, Easyship can help you lower shipping costs and increase conversion rates. Use this extension to manage your<a href=""> post-purchase process</a> in the most efficient way for your business.</p><figure style="padding-bottom:56.206088992974244%" class="w-richtext-align-fullwidth w-richtext-figure-type-video"><div><iframe allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe></div></figure><p>Read more about Easyship in the<a href=""> Magento Marketplace</a>.</p><p><strong>Recommended reading: </strong>Our list of the<a href=""> best shipping software for ecommerce</a>.</p><h4>Mageworx</h4><p>The Mageworx Order Editor extension lets you edit customer errors. Quickly fix any mistakes customers make during checkout like incorrect street numbers, phone numbers, names, shipping, or billing details. You can also add or remove products, change pricing, and add coupons after an order has been placed. This saves your customer support team from having to cancel the order and start it again from the beginning.</p><p>Learn more about Mageworx in the<a href=""> Magento Marketplace</a>.</p><h2>Centralize your order status tracking and customer support management with Gorgias</h2><p>Leverage automation to facilitate easy order tracking, status updates, and real-time delivery information for your customers. Committing to an end-to-end order tracking system lets you cut costs, increase productivity, and foster customer retention.</p><p>Gorgias is a robust and comprehensive ecommerce help desk and automation solution. It can help you deflect repetitive tickets so your team can spend more time on higher-value conversations. </p><p><a href="">Reach out today</a> to learn how we integrate with your order status tracking system.</p><p>{{lead-magnet-2}}</p></div></div><div class="blog10_category-list-wrapper w-dyn-list"><div role="list" class="blog10_category-wrapper w-dyn-items"><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a aria-label="blog-category" href="/blog-category/fulfillment-and-returns" class="blog10_category-link w-inline-block"><div>Fulfillment and Returns</div></a></div><div role="listitem" class="w-dyn-item"><a aria-label="blog-category" href="/blog-category/customer-experience" class="blog10_category-link w-inline-block"><div>Customer Experience</div></a></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><footer><footer style-enteprise="false" data-sticky="false" data-w-id="cd13549f-e017-3077-19c1-9b8853c8bdf9" class="footer"><div class="padding-global 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