Gliridae, Taxa Only, Exact Match - Plazi TreatmentBank
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The exceptional high biodiversity of dormice in the Early Miocene of the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin (Spain), Geodiversitas 45 (20), pp. 589-641</a> : 614-616 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 614-616</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/C7514B078D53FFFEFF037FAFFD12FDDC" title="Open treatment">Dryomys pictus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/3B68337F8D50FFFDFFA57E59FFC4FFD5" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Gbif. Org, Occdownload, 2022, Biogeography of rodents in Iran: species richness, elevational distribution and their environmental correlates, Mammalia (Warsaw, Poland) 86 (4), pp. 309-320</a> : 312 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 312</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/C7514B078D53FFFEFF037F80FDEBFE39" title="Open treatment">Gliridae</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/3B68337F8D50FFFDFFA57E59FFC4FFD5" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Gbif. Org, Occdownload, 2022, Biogeography of rodents in Iran: species richness, elevational distribution and their environmental correlates, Mammalia (Warsaw, Poland) 86 (4), pp. 309-320</a> : 312 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 312</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/BC4E87DBFFC12E047F6602CE8F8DF091" title="Open treatment">Microdyromys monspeliensis</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/4077FFA3FFC92E0F7C12077A8D51F41F" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Crespo, Vicente Daniel, Ríos, María, Marquina-Blasco, Rafael & Montoya, Plini, 2023, They are all over the place! The exceptional high biodiversity of dormice in the Early Miocene of the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin (Spain), Geodiversitas 45 (20), pp. 589-641</a> : 595-598 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 595-598</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03BC87A9463CFFA023F0FB7454B3F917" title="Open treatment">Graphiurus murinus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FF85FFD1463DFFA12306FFF55074FFFA" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl, 1982, Order Rodentia (Part 6), Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections, pp. 560-594</a> : 561 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 561</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/9B215C43FFD4DD12CC64F484F5F3F951" title="Open treatment">Myomimus roachi</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/6718243BFFC4DD03C903FF95FF88FFC7" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Don E. Wilson, Thomas E. Lacher, Jr & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2016, Gliridae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 6 Lagomorphs and Rodents I, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 838-889</a> : 854-855 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 854-855</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/14295A4B188253CA14F06C0B226B6439" title="Open treatment">Graphiurus (Graphiurus) murinus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/7DACEFD3BC5B8C022ED9C034C96FCB52" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Gliridae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 819-840</a> : 826 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 826</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/72738785FF95FFFCB9ACA930FBE91612" title="Open treatment">Eliomys intermedius</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/8E4AFFFDFFA1FFC8BB49AA61FFAE1315" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Colombero, Simone, Pavia, Giulio & Carnevale, Giorgio, 2014, Messinian rodents from Moncucco Torinese, NW Italy: palaeobiodiversity and biochronology, Geodiversitas 36 (3), pp. 421-475</a> : 473 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 473</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/9B215C43FFD1DD15CCBDF638FF70F4D5" title="Open treatment">Dryomys niethammeri</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/6718243BFFC4DD03C903FF95FF88FFC7" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Don E. Wilson, Thomas E. Lacher, Jr & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2016, Gliridae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 6 Lagomorphs and Rodents I, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 838-889</a> : 859-860 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 859-860</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/BC4E87DBFFC42E1F7FBB04AC89DCF010" title="Open treatment">Peridyromys murinus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/4077FFA3FFC92E0F7C12077A8D51F41F" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Crespo, Vicente Daniel, Ríos, María, Marquina-Blasco, Rafael & Montoya, Plini, 2023, They are all over the place! The exceptional high biodiversity of dormice in the Early Miocene of the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin (Spain), Geodiversitas 45 (20), pp. 589-641</a> : 600-603 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 600-603</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/82AB24CB9F0CBF91B6376436A7688139" title="Open treatment">Dryomys laniger</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/7DACEFD3BC5B8C022ED9C034C96FCB52" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Gliridae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 819-840</a> : 830 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 830</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/AAB2E5F34F14E3A06C6683736F4B05D6" title="Open treatment">Rodentia</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> new species </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/25E9214A8C2043E1A52C32C8C2EBBABA" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Freudenthal, Matthijs & Martín-Suárez, Elvira, 2006, Gliridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the Late Miocene Fissure Filling Biancone 1 (Gargano, Province of Foggia, Italy), Palaeontologia Electronica 9, No. 2, pp. 1-23</a> : p. 3 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> p. 3</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03AF8797FFDFFFA1FC4FFBF5BEF5F978" title="Open treatment">Gliridae</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FF96FFEFFFC3FFBDFF90FFE9BB53FFBD" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Tesakov, Alexey S., Titov, Vadim V., Simakova, Alexandra N., Frolov, Pavel D., Syromyatnikova, Elena V., Kurshakov, Sergey V., Volkova, Natalia V., Trikhunkov, Yaroslav I., Sotnikova, Marina V., Kruskop, Sergey V., Zelenkov, Nikita V., Tesakova, Ekaterina M. & Palatov, Dmitry M., 2017, Late Miocene (Early Turolian) Vertebrate Faunas And Associated Biotic Record Of The Northern Caucasus: Geology, Taxonomy, Palaeoenvironment, Biochronology, Fossil Imprint 73 (3 - 4), pp. 383-444</a> : 411 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 411</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/9B215C43FFD6DD11C96DFC99F9CFF905" title="Open treatment">Myomimus personatus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/6718243BFFC4DD03C903FF95FF88FFC7" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Don E. Wilson, Thomas E. Lacher, Jr & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2016, Gliridae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 6 Lagomorphs and Rodents I, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 838-889</a> : 856 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 856</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/ABBF3BB527F729C2CE8EC19DBE5AE1D1" title="Open treatment">Graphiurus (Claviglis) crassicaudatus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/7DACEFD3BC5B8C022ED9C034C96FCB52" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Gliridae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 819-840</a> : 823 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 823</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/6A7D1E29DC4254E53768D483A46E46BF" title="Open treatment">Rodentia</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> new species </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/0D023E9B768843D09F1E3AB55EF1C9E2" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Lacomba, José Ignacio & Martínez-Salanova, Javier, 1988, Quercomys bijmai gen. nov. sp. nov. (Gliridae, Rodentia, Mammalia) del tránsito Oligoceno-Mioceno español, Estudios Geológicos 44, No. 1, pp. 107-118</a> : 111 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 111</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03D5878B1756AB67FCF861649C551C21" title="Open treatment">Simplomys julii</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FFECFFF31745AB73FF9464629E0B1F6A" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">García-Paredes, Israel, Peláez-Campomanes, Pablo & Álvarez-Sierra, M. Ángeles, 2009, Gliridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) with a simple dental pattern: a new genus and new species from the European Early and Middle Miocene, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 157 (3), pp. 622-652</a> : 641-642 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 641-642</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03BC87A9463CFFA023F3FC825416FB90" title="Open treatment">Graphiurus hueti</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FF85FFD1463DFFA12306FFF55074FFFA" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl, 1982, Order Rodentia (Part 6), Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections, pp. 560-594</a> : 561 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 561</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/F63244CD14F33A36FE024A2DAB697789" title="Open treatment">Eliomys munbyanus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/7DACEFD3BC5B8C022ED9C034C96FCB52" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Gliridae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 819-840</a> : 832 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 832</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/BBE6B4DA31442DF09C8FAD8F6A2954D8" title="Open treatment">Graphiurus (Graphiurus) monardi</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/7DACEFD3BC5B8C022ED9C034C96FCB52" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Gliridae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 819-840</a> : 826 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 826</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/F5E1DDB2EA0F5AE2323C1B4D9EF4369E" title="Open treatment">Graphiurus (Graphiurus) lorraineus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/7DACEFD3BC5B8C022ED9C034C96FCB52" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Gliridae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 819-840</a> : 824 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 824</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/0383D54CFFC86D3CAAC0EAE9FB86FA2E" title="Open treatment">Armantomys parsani</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FFBAAD34FFC36D37AA6EEF22FFC9FFCB" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Ruiz-Sánchez, Francisco J., Murelaga, Xabier, Larrasoaña, Juan C., Freudenthal, Matthijs & Garcés, Miguel, 2012, Hypsodont Myomiminae (Gliridae, Rodentia) from five new localities in the Lower Miocene Tudela Formation (Bardenas Reales, Ebro Basin, Spain) and their bearing on the age of the Agenian-Ramblian boundary, Geodiversitas 34 (3), pp. 645-663</a> : 656 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 656</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03A0878DFFB2F36042A277BCFF67FA79" title="Open treatment">Glis glis</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FF99FFF5FFBAF36B42047119FF81FF83" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Kryštufek, Boris, Naderi, Morteza, Janžekovič, Franc, Hutterer, Rainer, Bombek, Dominik & Mahmoudi, Ahmad, 2021, A taxonomic revision of (Rodentia) fat dormice, genus Glis, Mammalia (Warsaw, Poland) 85 (4), pp. 362-378</a> : 370-373 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 370-373</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/0383D54CFFC96D3CA941EA0FFED6FA4C" title="Open treatment">Armantomys daamsi</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FFBAAD34FFC36D37AA6EEF22FFC9FFCB" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Ruiz-Sánchez, Francisco J., Murelaga, Xabier, Larrasoaña, Juan C., Freudenthal, Matthijs & Garcés, Miguel, 2012, Hypsodont Myomiminae (Gliridae, Rodentia) from five new localities in the Lower Miocene Tudela Formation (Bardenas Reales, Ebro Basin, Spain) and their bearing on the age of the Agenian-Ramblian boundary, Geodiversitas 34 (3), pp. 645-663</a> : 655-656 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 655-656</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03F78791FF95FFBEFECB4DD1FE1DF85D" title="Open treatment">Graphiurus nagtglasii</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FFCEFFE9FF9BFFB0FFCA4902FFF0FFB5" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Decher, Jan, Norris, Ryan W., Abedi-Lartey, Michael, Oppong, James, Hutterer, Rainer, Weinbrenner, Martin, Koch, Martin, Podsiadlowski, Lars & Kilpatrick, C. William, 2021, A survey of small mammals in the Volta Region of Ghana with comments on zoogeography and conservation, Zoosystema 43 (14), pp. 253-281</a> : 265 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 265</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/AF3287A7FFDAFF86FF075FB5FDBE4E84" title="Open treatment">Eogliravus wildi</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/530BFFDFFFDDFF8DFFF85F62FF9F4968" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Vianey-Liaud, Monique, Vidalenc, Dominique, Orliac, Maëva J., Maugoust, Jacob, Lézin, Carine & Pélissié, Thierry, 2022, Rongeurs de la localité éocène de Cos (Tarn-et-Garonne, Quercy, France). Comparaison avec les rongeurs de localités de la transition Éocène inférieur / Éocène moyen, Geodiversitas 44 (26), pp. 753-800</a> : 758-762 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 758-762</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/C5B2645FEA0E45AE533CDFCD37E89CFE" title="Open treatment">Graphiurus (Graphiurus) kelleni</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/7DACEFD3BC5B8C022ED9C034C96FCB52" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Gliridae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 819-840</a> : 824 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 824</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03B287E9FFB9FFBAFF0060C5BD29FA0B" title="Open treatment">Myomimus complicidentatus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> sp. nov. </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FF8BFF91FF97FF8AFFC5650BB968FFA1" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Popov, Vasil V., 2004, Pliocene small mammals (Mammalia, Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Lagomorpha, Rodentia) from Muselievo (North Bulgaria), Geodiversitas 26 (3), pp. 403-491</a> : 449-451 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 449-451</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/E40F8791FFCAFF9AFD7BFBFBFF1ACFAC" title="Open treatment">Miodyromys aegercii</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/1836FFE9FFCFFF9DFFA2FF95FFEDC908" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Aguilar, Jean-Pierre, Michaux, Jacques & Lazzari, Vincent, 2010, Nouvelles faunes de rongeurs (Mammalia, Rodentia) d'âge miocène moyen en Languedoc-Roussillon (Sud de la France); biostratigraphie et corrélations, Geodiversitas 32 (3), pp. 501-513</a> : 506-508 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 506-508</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03BC87A9463DFFA123FEFBD353D7FB0A" title="Open treatment">Dryomys</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FF85FFD1463DFFA12306FFF55074FFFA" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl, 1982, Order Rodentia (Part 6), Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections, pp. 560-594</a> : 560 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 560</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03BC87A9463DFFA123F3F5F253D5F584" title="Open treatment">Glirulus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FF85FFD1463DFFA12306FFF55074FFFA" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl, 1982, Order Rodentia (Part 6), Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections, pp. 560-594</a> : 560 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 560</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03BC87A9463DFFA123F1F89453D7F7F8" title="Open treatment">Eliomys</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FF85FFD1463DFFA12306FFF55074FFFA" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl, 1982, Order Rodentia (Part 6), Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections, pp. 560-594</a> : 560 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 560</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03BC87A9463DFFA123D5FD5853D0FC0F" title="Open treatment">Gliridae</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FF85FFD1463DFFA12306FFF55074FFFA" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl, 1982, Order Rodentia (Part 6), Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections, pp. 560-594</a> : 560 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 560</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/BC4E87DBFFDC2E177F9B06428F3DF1F1" title="Open treatment">Simplomys simplicidens</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/4077FFA3FFC92E0F7C12077A8D51F41F" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Crespo, Vicente Daniel, Ríos, María, Marquina-Blasco, Rafael & Montoya, Plini, 2023, They are all over the place! The exceptional high biodiversity of dormice in the Early Miocene of the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin (Spain), Geodiversitas 45 (20), pp. 589-641</a> : 608-611 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 608-611</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03BC87A9463DFFA12218F7ED54D7F623" title="Open treatment">Eliomys quercinus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FF85FFD1463DFFA12306FFF55074FFFA" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl, 1982, Order Rodentia (Part 6), Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections, pp. 560-594</a> : 560 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 560</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/AF87AECBBCF61B547A7465FB977949AA" title="Open treatment">Selevinia betpakdalaensis</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/7DACEFD3BC5B8C022ED9C034C96FCB52" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Gliridae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 819-840</a> : 838 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 838</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/40C77636C05C886D1F0BBBF5558EE2BE" title="Open treatment">Glis glis</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/7DACEFD3BC5B8C022ED9C034C96FCB52" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Gliridae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 819-840</a> : 840 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 840</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/C7514B078D53FFFEFF037C17FDF1FDB4" title="Open treatment">Myomimus setzeri</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/3B68337F8D50FFFDFFA57E59FFC4FFD5" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Gbif. Org, Occdownload, 2022, Biogeography of rodents in Iran: species richness, elevational distribution and their environmental correlates, Mammalia (Warsaw, Poland) 86 (4), pp. 309-320</a> : 312 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 312</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/72738785FFBFFFE8BBD8A9D1FEA211D8" title="Open treatment">Glirulus lissiensis</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/8E4AFFFDFFA1FFC8BB49AA61FFAE1315" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Colombero, Simone, Pavia, Giulio & Carnevale, Giorgio, 2014, Messinian rodents from Moncucco Torinese, NW Italy: palaeobiodiversity and biochronology, Geodiversitas 36 (3), pp. 421-475</a> : 451-453 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 451-453</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/6BA446ADE5E720E2CB5AD95CD0C7BACB" title="Open treatment">Leithiinae</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/7DACEFD3BC5B8C022ED9C034C96FCB52" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Gliridae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 819-840</a> : 829 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 829</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03D5878B1757AB61FCDE66449D9A19D4" title="Open treatment">Simplomys robustus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FFECFFF31745AB73FF9464629E0B1F6A" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">García-Paredes, Israel, Peláez-Campomanes, Pablo & Álvarez-Sierra, M. Ángeles, 2009, Gliridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) with a simple dental pattern: a new genus and new species from the European Early and Middle Miocene, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 157 (3), pp. 622-652</a> : 640 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 640</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/9B215C43FFC6DD01C961FE68F6DBF937" title="Open treatment">Graphiurus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/6718243BFFC4DD03C903FF95FF88FFC7" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Don E. Wilson, Thomas E. Lacher, Jr & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2016, Gliridae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 6 Lagomorphs and Rodents I, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 838-889</a> : 840 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 840</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/59C11FB0DEB00EBBA1DF323E4AD8A805" title="Open treatment">Eliomys melanurus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/7DACEFD3BC5B8C022ED9C034C96FCB52" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Gliridae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 819-840</a> : 832 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 832</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/8F27DB010D33EC69FC60FEA416D9693E" title="Open treatment">Butseloglis tenuis</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/731EA3790D37EC6FFFB1FF9B147D6C6C" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Lu, Xiaoyu, Costeur, Loïc, Hugueney, Marguerite & Maridet, Olivier, 2021, New data on early Oligocene dormice (Rodentia, Gliridae) from southern Europe: phylogeny and diversification of the family, Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 19 (3), pp. 169-189</a> : 172-174 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 172-174</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/9B215C43FFD1DD16C9C6F9B5F7D3F6A5" title="Open treatment">Dryomys laniger</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/6718243BFFC4DD03C903FF95FF88FFC7" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Don E. Wilson, Thomas E. Lacher, Jr & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2016, Gliridae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 6 Lagomorphs and Rodents I, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 838-889</a> : 859 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 859</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/9B215C43FFC0DD06CC66F76BFC00F840" title="Open treatment">Graphiurus johnstoni</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/6718243BFFC4DD03C903FF95FF88FFC7" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Don E. Wilson, Thomas E. Lacher, Jr & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2016, Gliridae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 6 Lagomorphs and Rodents I, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 838-889</a> : 842-843 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 842-843</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/BC4E87DBFFC52E037CA4052D880DF050" title="Open treatment">Prodryomys remmerti</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/4077FFA3FFC92E0F7C12077A8D51F41F" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Crespo, Vicente Daniel, Ríos, María, Marquina-Blasco, Rafael & Montoya, Plini, 2023, They are all over the place! The exceptional high biodiversity of dormice in the Early Miocene of the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin (Spain), Geodiversitas 45 (20), pp. 589-641</a> : 599 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 599</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/C74B6712FFCD25451E09FB28FEBCFD83" title="Open treatment">Gliravus tenuis</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/3B721F6AFFD5255C1D1EFFC5FF9EFFAE" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Vianey-Liaud, Monique & Schmid, Brigitte, 2009, Diversité, datation et paléoenvironnement de la faune de mammifères oligocène de Cavalé (Quercy, SO France): contribution de l'analyse morphométrique des Theridomyinae (Mammalia, Rodentia), Geodiversitas 31 (4), pp. 909-941</a> : 933-934 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 933-934</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/9B215C43FFC2DD05C96DFE9FF7BEF3E7" title="Open treatment">Graphiurus lorraineus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/6718243BFFC4DD03C903FF95FF88FFC7" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Don E. Wilson, Thomas E. Lacher, Jr & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2016, Gliridae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 6 Lagomorphs and Rodents I, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 838-889</a> : 844 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 844</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03A287C74F0EFFB2D3C71AAD321FFE57" title="Open treatment">Eliomys yevesi</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> sp. nov. </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FF9BFFBF4F0CFFB7D3501C50361DFFB2" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Mansino, Samuel, García-Alix, Antonio, Ruiz-Sánchez, Francisco J. & Montoya, Plinio, 2015, A new Eliomys from the Late Miocene of Spain and its implications for the phylogeny of the genus, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 60 (3), pp. 577-588</a> : 579-582 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 579-582</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/9B215C43FFD6DD10CC68F85FF951FDE6" title="Open treatment">Selevinia betpakdalaensis</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/6718243BFFC4DD03C903FF95FF88FFC7" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Don E. Wilson, Thomas E. Lacher, Jr & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2016, Gliridae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 6 Lagomorphs and Rodents I, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 838-889</a> : 856-857 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 856-857</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03F06B067338FF9F8A7782AB22A9FE5C" title="Open treatment">Vasseuromys cristinae</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> sp. nov. </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FFC9137E733BFF998A3C84572363FFF2" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Ruiz-Sánchez, Francisco J., Murelaga, Xabier, Freudenthal, Matthijs, Larrasoaña, Juan C. & Garcés, Miguel, 2012, A new species of glirid rodent Vasseuromys from the Aragonian (Miocene) of the Ebro Basin (north-eastern Spain), Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 57 (2), pp. 225-239</a> : 228-231 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 228-231</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/AF3287A7FFD6FF9CFC495FB5FF6B4C46" title="Open treatment">Eogliravus hammeli</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/530BFFDFFFDDFF8DFFF85F62FF9F4968" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Vianey-Liaud, Monique, Vidalenc, Dominique, Orliac, Maëva J., Maugoust, Jacob, Lézin, Carine & Pélissié, Thierry, 2022, Rongeurs de la localité éocène de Cos (Tarn-et-Garonne, Quercy, France). Comparaison avec les rongeurs de localités de la transition Éocène inférieur / Éocène moyen, Geodiversitas 44 (26), pp. 753-800</a> : 762-768 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 762-768</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/BC4E87DBFFD92E1D7FB4032C88E1F6AF" title="Open treatment">Peridyromys darocensis</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/4077FFA3FFC92E0F7C12077A8D51F41F" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Crespo, Vicente Daniel, Ríos, María, Marquina-Blasco, Rafael & Montoya, Plini, 2023, They are all over the place! The exceptional high biodiversity of dormice in the Early Miocene of the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin (Spain), Geodiversitas 45 (20), pp. 589-641</a> : 603-605 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 603-605</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03D5878B1741AB76FEE661449C9B1868" title="Open treatment">Simplomys aljaphi</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FFECFFF31745AB73FF9464629E0B1F6A" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">García-Paredes, Israel, Peláez-Campomanes, Pablo & Álvarez-Sierra, M. Ángeles, 2009, Gliridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) with a simple dental pattern: a new genus and new species from the European Early and Middle Miocene, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 157 (3), pp. 622-652</a> : 626-627 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 626-627</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/6502AA63E059FFB91A11FB81FCA74978" title="Open treatment">Graphiurus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/993BD21BE044FFA41914FFCEFFF54C3F" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Denys, Christiane, Missoup, Alain Didier, Nicolas, Violaine, Fülling, Olaf, Delapré, Arnaud, Bilong, Charles Felix Bilong, Taylor, Peter John J. & Hutterer, Rainer, 2014, African highlands as mammal diversity hotspots: new records of Lamottemys okuensis Petter, 1986 (Rodentia: Muridae) and other endemic rodents from Mt Oku, Cameroon, Zoosystema 36 (3), pp. 647-690</a> : 676 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 676</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03E18799FFF9E924EC6BFA199BAC975C" title="Open treatment">Myoglis meini</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FFD8FFE1FFF1E92DEF66FFB29A739254" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Hír, János & Kókay, József, 2010, A systematic study of the middle-late Miocene rodents and lagomorphs (Mammalia) of Felsőtárkány 3 / 8 and 3 / 10 (Northern Hungary) with stratigraphical relations, Geodiversitas 32 (2), pp. 307-329</a> : 315-316 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 315-316</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/BC4E87DBFFEB2E2D7D1F048C8829F090" title="Open treatment">Myoglis antecedens</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/4077FFA3FFC92E0F7C12077A8D51F41F" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Crespo, Vicente Daniel, Ríos, María, Marquina-Blasco, Rafael & Montoya, Plini, 2023, They are all over the place! The exceptional high biodiversity of dormice in the Early Miocene of the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin (Spain), Geodiversitas 45 (20), pp. 589-641</a> : 621 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 621</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/6BE6813CBA8D05289DC3B1BDFB82EECA" title="Open treatment">Dryomys niethammeri</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/7DACEFD3BC5B8C022ED9C034C96FCB52" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Gliridae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 819-840</a> : 830 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 830</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03A287C74F0EFFB5D3C71AD53718F956" title="Open treatment">Eliomys</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FF9BFFBF4F0CFFB7D3501C50361DFFB2" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Mansino, Samuel, García-Alix, Antonio, Ruiz-Sánchez, Francisco J. & Montoya, Plinio, 2015, A new Eliomys from the Late Miocene of Spain and its implications for the phylogeny of the genus, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 60 (3), pp. 577-588</a> : 579 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 579</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/9B215C43FFCCDD0AC97FF719FE54F41C" title="Open treatment">Graphiurus murinus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/6718243BFFC4DD03C903FF95FF88FFC7" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Don E. Wilson, Thomas E. Lacher, Jr & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2016, Gliridae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 6 Lagomorphs and Rodents I, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 838-889</a> : 846-847 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 846-847</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03A01B3B5C33FFF56237FEDFFCC0FCAF" title="Open treatment">Glis glis</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FF9963435C1AFFDC6306FFC8FFC6FF95" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Jackson, Stephen M., Jansen, Justin J. F. J., Baglione, Gabrielle & Callou, Cécile, 2021, Mammals collected and illustrated by the Baudin Expedition to Australia and Timor (1800 - 1804): A review of the current taxonomy of specimens in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle de Paris and the illustrations in the Muséum d’Histoire naturelle du Havre, Zoosystema 43 (21), pp. 387-548</a> : 426 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 426</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/F26CC215922F6901E3E2957C9A776E82" title="Open treatment">Myomimus roachi</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/7DACEFD3BC5B8C022ED9C034C96FCB52" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Gliridae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 819-840</a> : 837 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 837</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/BC4E87DBFFC12E077CC105CD88F2F172" title="Open treatment">Microdyromys koenigswaldi</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/4077FFA3FFC92E0F7C12077A8D51F41F" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Crespo, Vicente Daniel, Ríos, María, Marquina-Blasco, Rafael & Montoya, Plini, 2023, They are all over the place! The exceptional high biodiversity of dormice in the Early Miocene of the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin (Spain), Geodiversitas 45 (20), pp. 589-641</a> : 595 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 595</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03F06B067339FF9A897B831423BFF915" title="Open treatment">Vasseuromys</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FFC9137E733BFF998A3C84572363FFF2" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Ruiz-Sánchez, Francisco J., Murelaga, Xabier, Freudenthal, Matthijs, Larrasoaña, Juan C. & Garcés, Miguel, 2012, A new species of glirid rodent Vasseuromys from the Aragonian (Miocene) of the Ebro Basin (north-eastern Spain), Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 57 (2), pp. 225-239</a> : 227-228 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 227-228</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03D5878B1740AB74FF4263769A951A24" title="Open treatment">Simplomys</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FFECFFF31745AB73FF9464629E0B1F6A" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">García-Paredes, Israel, Peláez-Campomanes, Pablo & Álvarez-Sierra, M. Ángeles, 2009, Gliridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) with a simple dental pattern: a new genus and new species from the European Early and Middle Miocene, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 157 (3), pp. 622-652</a> : 627-629 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 627-629</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/F32B5D01076EFFE31356FEE4FD6BFD8D" title="Open treatment">Gliridae</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/0F1225790768FFE5127DFF8AFFE2FFAB" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Flynn, Lawrence J., Jacobs, Louis L., Kimura, Yuri & Lindsay, Everett H., 2019, Rodent Suborders, Fossil Imprint 75 (3 - 4), pp. 292-298</a> : 298 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 298</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/BC4E87DBFFD12E157D0E014C8833F292" title="Open treatment">Simplomys julii</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/4077FFA3FFC92E0F7C12077A8D51F41F" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Crespo, Vicente Daniel, Ríos, María, Marquina-Blasco, Rafael & Montoya, Plini, 2023, They are all over the place! The exceptional high biodiversity of dormice in the Early Miocene of the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin (Spain), Geodiversitas 45 (20), pp. 589-641</a> : 611-613 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 611-613</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/0383D54CFFC46D3EAA91ED76FE8CFB03" title="Open treatment">Armantomys bijmai</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FFBAAD34FFC36D37AA6EEF22FFC9FFCB" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Ruiz-Sánchez, Francisco J., Murelaga, Xabier, Larrasoaña, Juan C., Freudenthal, Matthijs & Garcés, Miguel, 2012, Hypsodont Myomiminae (Gliridae, Rodentia) from five new localities in the Lower Miocene Tudela Formation (Bardenas Reales, Ebro Basin, Spain) and their bearing on the age of the Agenian-Ramblian boundary, Geodiversitas 34 (3), pp. 645-663</a> : 652-654 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 652-654</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/9B215C43FFC6DD00CC58F8A3FD18F606" title="Open treatment">Graphiurus crassicaudatus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/6718243BFFC4DD03C903FF95FF88FFC7" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Don E. Wilson, Thomas E. Lacher, Jr & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2016, Gliridae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 6 Lagomorphs and Rodents I, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 838-889</a> : 840-841 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 840-841</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/8F27DB010D31EC65FC35FA88178D6A0C" title="Open treatment">Microdyromys misonnei</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/731EA3790D37EC6FFFB1FF9B147D6C6C" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Lu, Xiaoyu, Costeur, Loïc, Hugueney, Marguerite & Maridet, Olivier, 2021, New data on early Oligocene dormice (Rodentia, Gliridae) from southern Europe: phylogeny and diversification of the family, Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 19 (3), pp. 169-189</a> : 174-176 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 174-176</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03D5878B1752AB64FF62602C9A131D80" title="Open treatment">Pseudodryomys</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FFECFFF31745AB73FF9464629E0B1F6A" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">García-Paredes, Israel, Peláez-Campomanes, Pablo & Álvarez-Sierra, M. Ángeles, 2009, Gliridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) with a simple dental pattern: a new genus and new species from the European Early and Middle Miocene, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 157 (3), pp. 622-652</a> : 645 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 645</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/8F27DB010D3CEC64FC7BFEC4111E6DDA" title="Open treatment">Oligodyromys</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/731EA3790D37EC6FFFB1FF9B147D6C6C" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Lu, Xiaoyu, Costeur, Loïc, Hugueney, Marguerite & Maridet, Olivier, 2021, New data on early Oligocene dormice (Rodentia, Gliridae) from southern Europe: phylogeny and diversification of the family, Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 19 (3), pp. 169-189</a> : 179 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 179</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/9B215C43FFC7DD00C9D1F59FF67EF606" title="Open treatment">Graphiurus walterverheyeni</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/6718243BFFC4DD03C903FF95FF88FFC7" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Don E. Wilson, Thomas E. Lacher, Jr & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2016, Gliridae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 6 Lagomorphs and Rodents I, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 838-889</a> : 841 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 841</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/BC4797EBFB94F011EB051465653A1C3A" title="Open treatment">Selevinia</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/7DACEFD3BC5B8C022ED9C034C96FCB52" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Gliridae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 819-840</a> : 838 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 838</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03BC87A9463DFFA12218FA1F53D7F8CA" title="Open treatment">Dryomys nitedula</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FF85FFD1463DFFA12306FFF55074FFFA" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl, 1982, Order Rodentia (Part 6), Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections, pp. 560-594</a> : 560 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 560</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/3452DC36733BFFC9FF5AEC47FC4AF69A" title="Open treatment">Glis glis subsp. petruccii</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> subsp. nov. </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/C86BA44E733BFFC9FFCFE814FFD8FFA2" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Goodwin, George G., 1939, Five Newrodents From The Eastern Elburz Moitntains And A New Race Of Hare From Teheran, American Museum Novitates 1050, pp. 1-6</a> : 1 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 1</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/6AFA285BA08B0DB73616B72822E94FBF" title="Open treatment">Eliomys</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/7DACEFD3BC5B8C022ED9C034C96FCB52" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Gliridae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 819-840</a> : 830 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 830</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/E40F8791FFCAFF98FD71FF42FCCDC856" title="Open treatment">Pseudodryomys ibericus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/1836FFE9FFCFFF9DFFA2FF95FFEDC908" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Aguilar, Jean-Pierre, Michaux, Jacques & Lazzari, Vincent, 2010, Nouvelles faunes de rongeurs (Mammalia, Rodentia) d'âge miocène moyen en Languedoc-Roussillon (Sud de la France); biostratigraphie et corrélations, Geodiversitas 32 (3), pp. 501-513</a> : 506 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 506</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/E40F8791FFCAFF98FCA7FD06FCACCD23" title="Open treatment">Microdyromys</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/1836FFE9FFCFFF9DFFA2FF95FFEDC908" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Aguilar, Jean-Pierre, Michaux, Jacques & Lazzari, Vincent, 2010, Nouvelles faunes de rongeurs (Mammalia, Rodentia) d'âge miocène moyen en Languedoc-Roussillon (Sud de la France); biostratigraphie et corrélations, Geodiversitas 32 (3), pp. 501-513</a> : 506 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 506</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03BC87A9463FFFA32233FE0053CEFD13" title="Open treatment">Muscardinus avellanarius</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FF85FFD1463DFFA12306FFF55074FFFA" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl, 1982, Order Rodentia (Part 6), Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections, pp. 560-594</a> : 562 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 562</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03BC87A9463FFFA32230FC0E53CFFB0A" title="Open treatment">Myomimus personatus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FF85FFD1463DFFA12306FFF55074FFFA" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl, 1982, Order Rodentia (Part 6), Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections, pp. 560-594</a> : 562 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 562</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03BC87A9463FFFA32230F9E752D6F973" title="Open treatment">Myomimus setzeri</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FF85FFD1463DFFA12306FFF55074FFFA" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl, 1982, Order Rodentia (Part 6), Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections, pp. 560-594</a> : 562 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 562</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03BC87A9463FFFA32230FAF252DBFA06" title="Open treatment">Myomimus roachi</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FF85FFD1463DFFA12306FFF55074FFFA" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl, 1982, Order Rodentia (Part 6), Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections, pp. 560-594</a> : 562 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 562</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03BC87A9463FFFA32216F94C545AF879" title="Open treatment">Myoxus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FF85FFD1463DFFA12306FFF55074FFFA" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl, 1982, Order Rodentia (Part 6), Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections, pp. 560-594</a> : 562 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 562</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/E40F8791FFCAFF98FCAAFE20FBA2CB49" title="Open treatment">Pseudodryomys</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/1836FFE9FFCFFF9DFFA2FF95FFEDC908" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Aguilar, Jean-Pierre, Michaux, Jacques & Lazzari, Vincent, 2010, Nouvelles faunes de rongeurs (Mammalia, Rodentia) d'âge miocène moyen en Languedoc-Roussillon (Sud de la France); biostratigraphie et corrélations, Geodiversitas 32 (3), pp. 501-513</a> : 506 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 506</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03BC87A9463FFFA32209FCEC53CEFC1E" title="Open treatment">Myomimus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FF85FFD1463DFFA12306FFF55074FFFA" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl, 1982, Order Rodentia (Part 6), Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections, pp. 560-594</a> : 562 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 562</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/BC4E87DBFFCC2E077CE502AE8F7BF66F" title="Open treatment">Microdyromys legidensis</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/4077FFA3FFC92E0F7C12077A8D51F41F" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Crespo, Vicente Daniel, Ríos, María, Marquina-Blasco, Rafael & Montoya, Plini, 2023, They are all over the place! The exceptional high biodiversity of dormice in the Early Miocene of the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin (Spain), Geodiversitas 45 (20), pp. 589-641</a> : 592-595 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 592-595</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/C32887CBFF9ABA68FF3DFF29FDA7EB3E" title="Open treatment">Eliomys melanurus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/3F11FFB3FF90BA63FFAAFFF7FFEDEA22" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Amr, Zuhair S., Abu, Mohammad A., Qumsiyeh, Mazin & Eid, Ehab, 2018, Systematics, distribution and ecological analysis of rodents in Jordan, Zootaxa 4397 (1), pp. 1-94</a> : 11 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 11</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/C7514B078D53FFFEFF037C4DFD12FDF2" title="Open treatment">Glis persicus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/3B68337F8D50FFFDFFA57E59FFC4FFD5" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Gbif. Org, Occdownload, 2022, Biogeography of rodents in Iran: species richness, elevational distribution and their environmental correlates, Mammalia (Warsaw, Poland) 86 (4), pp. 309-320</a> : 312 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 312</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/88423AF4A3777D429C2FDBD8E5564350" title="Open treatment">Rodentia</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> new species </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/336A32CC80E94BFAAC63A133CC00A799" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Freudenthal, Matthijs & Martín-Suárez, Elvira, 2006, Gliridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the Late Miocene Fissure Filling Biancone 1 (Gargano, Province of Foggia, Italy), Palaeontologia Electronica 9, No. 2, pp. 1-23</a> : p. 12 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> p. 12</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/9B215C43FFC1DD06C9CEF845F9FBF24E" title="Open treatment">Graphiurus kelleni</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/6718243BFFC4DD03C903FF95FF88FFC7" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Don E. Wilson, Thomas E. Lacher, Jr & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2016, Gliridae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 6 Lagomorphs and Rodents I, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 838-889</a> : 843 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 843</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/9B215C43FFC2DD04CC76F3F9F8A0F837" title="Open treatment">Graphiurus microtis</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/6718243BFFC4DD03C903FF95FF88FFC7" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Don E. Wilson, Thomas E. Lacher, Jr & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2016, Gliridae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 6 Lagomorphs and Rodents I, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 838-889</a> : 844-845 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 844-845</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/72738785FFB8FFD3BBFBAE0FFBEC15B6" title="Open treatment">Eliomys intermedius</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/8E4AFFFDFFA1FFC8BB49AA61FFAE1315" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Colombero, Simone, Pavia, Giulio & Carnevale, Giorgio, 2014, Messinian rodents from Moncucco Torinese, NW Italy: palaeobiodiversity and biochronology, Geodiversitas 36 (3), pp. 421-475</a> : 446-447 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 446-447</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/03D5878B1753AB64FCDE67409CD11B7F" title="Open treatment">Simplomys meulenorum</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> sp. nov. </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/FFECFFF31745AB73FF9464629E0B1F6A" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">García-Paredes, Israel, Peláez-Campomanes, Pablo & Álvarez-Sierra, M. Ángeles, 2009, Gliridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) with a simple dental pattern: a new genus and new species from the European Early and Middle Miocene, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 157 (3), pp. 622-652</a> : 644-645 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 644-645</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/ACACCE22A29F195AAAC8950E27BBE147" title="Open treatment">Rodentia</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> new species </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/D3E81137B70B487DA84DE25A1F78578F" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Ruiz-Sánchez, F. L., Murelaga, X., Freudenthal, Matthijs, Larrasoaña, Juan C. & Garcés, Miguel, 2012, Vasseuromys rambliensis sp. nov. (Gliridae, Mammalia) from the Ramblian (Lower Miocene) of the Tudela Formationv (Ebro basin, Spain), Palaeontologia Electronica 15, No. 1, pp. 1-16</a> : p. 4 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> p. 4</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/BC4E87DBFFC22E037D03026F8F17F60E" title="Open treatment">Prodryomys satus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/4077FFA3FFC92E0F7C12077A8D51F41F" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Crespo, Vicente Daniel, Ríos, María, Marquina-Blasco, Rafael & Montoya, Plini, 2023, They are all over the place! The exceptional high biodiversity of dormice in the Early Miocene of the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin (Spain), Geodiversitas 45 (20), pp. 589-641</a> : 598-599 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 598-599</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/A778C0D6BE5E0D4962E9A3A275BC1655" title="Open treatment">Chaetocauda sichuanensis</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/7DACEFD3BC5B8C022ED9C034C96FCB52" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Gliridae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 819-840</a> : 830 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 830</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/A4D44197BFE0CDE8E2ACE468B80D498D" title="Open treatment">Gliridae</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/7DACEFD3BC5B8C022ED9C034C96FCB52" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Gliridae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 819-840</a> : 819 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 819</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/html/BC4E87DBFFD42E117D0A028E89DCF3F3" title="Open treatment">Glirudinus undosus</a> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> </td> <td class="documentResultTableBody"> <a href="/GgServer/summary/4077FFA3FFC92E0F7C12077A8D51F41F" robots="nofollow" title="Go to article overview">Crespo, Vicente Daniel, Ríos, María, Marquina-Blasco, Rafael & Montoya, Plini, 2023, They are all over the place! The exceptional high biodiversity of dormice in the Early Miocene of the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin (Spain), Geodiversitas 45 (20), pp. 589-641</a> : 616-617 </td> <td align="center" class="documentResultTableBody"> 616-617</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="lead-section row"> <p> [ <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Gliridae&resultPivot=100">more</a> ] [ <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Gliridae" title="Short Link to this Search Result for you to Copy">link</a> ] </p> </section> </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-5 colRight"> <div class="panel-group accordion-panel" id="accordion-paneled"> <div class="panel panel-default specimen-charts"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title" data-toggle="collapse"> <a class="accordion-toggle" data-parent="#accordion-paneled" data-toggle="collapse" href="/GgServer/#collapseRight3"> Specimens </a> </h4> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse" id="collapseRight3" style="height: auto;"> <div class="panel-body" id="chartContainer"> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript">google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages': ['corechart', 'geochart']});</script> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var resData = new Object(); resData.query = "taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Gliridae"; resData.treatments = [{checkinTime: "1699519410964", checkinUser: "plazi", docAuthor: "Crespo, Vicente Daniel, Ríos, María, Marquina-Blasco, Rafael & Montoya, Plini", docDate: "2023", docId: "BC4E87DBFFD22E127F9801488C4FF151", docNumber: "-9165121699122697452", docOrigin: "Geodiversitas 45 (20)", docSource: "", docTitle: "Armantomys aragonensis De Bruijn 1966", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "616", masterDocId: "4077FFA3FFC92E0F7C12077A8D51F41F", masterDocTitle: "They are all over the place! 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William", docDate: "2021", docId: "03F78791FF95FFBEFECB4DD1FE1DF85D", docNumber: "-7072395487061409483", docOrigin: "Zoosystema 43 (14)", docTitle: "Graphiurus nagtglasii Jentink 1888", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "265", masterDocId: "FFCEFFE9FF9BFFB0FFCA4902FFF0FFB5", masterDocTitle: "A survey of small mammals in the Volta Region of Ghana with comments on zoogeography and conservation", masterLastPageNumber: "281", masterPageNumber: "253", pageNumber: "265", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1732592231311", updateUser: "ExternalLinkService", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "Jentink", authorityYear: "1888", docNumber: "-7072395487061409483", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Graphiurus", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "species", species: "nagtglasii", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Graphiurus nagtglasii"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1662387703617", checkinUser: "felipe", docAuthor: "Vianey-Liaud, Monique, Vidalenc, Dominique, Orliac, Maëva J., Maugoust, Jacob, Lézin, Carine & Pélissié, Thierry", docDate: "2022", docId: "AF3287A7FFDAFF86FF075FB5FDBE4E84", docNumber: "-6991833706018161730", docOrigin: "Geodiversitas 44 (26)", docTitle: "Eogliravus wildi Hartenberger 1971", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "762", masterDocId: "530BFFDFFFDDFF8DFFF85F62FF9F4968", masterDocTitle: "Rongeurs de la localité éocène de Cos (Tarn-et-Garonne, Quercy, France). 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Org, Occdownload", docDate: "2022", docId: "C7514B078D53FFFEFF037C17FDF1FDB4", docNumber: "-6147016557884593741", docOrigin: "Mammalia (Warsaw, Poland) 86 (4)", docSource: "", docTitle: "Myomimus setzeri Rossolimo 1976", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "312", masterDocId: "3B68337F8D50FFFDFFA57E59FFC4FFD5", masterDocTitle: "Biogeography of rodents in Iran: species richness, elevational distribution and their environmental correlates", masterLastPageNumber: "320", masterPageNumber: "309", pageNumber: "312", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1706913497555", updateUser: "felipe", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "Rossolimo", authorityYear: "1976", docNumber: "-6147016557884593741", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Myomimus", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "species", species: "setzeri", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Myomimus setzeri"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1613150662339", checkinUser: "felipe", docAuthor: "Colombero, Simone, Pavia, Giulio & Carnevale, Giorgio", docDate: "2014", docId: "72738785FFBFFFE8BBD8A9D1FEA211D8", docNumber: "-6041767817053010307", docOrigin: "Geodiversitas 36 (3)", docSource: "", docTitle: "Glirulus lissiensis Hugueney & Mein 1965", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "453", masterDocId: "8E4AFFFDFFA1FFC8BB49AA61FFAE1315", masterDocTitle: "Messinian rodents from Moncucco Torinese, NW Italy: palaeobiodiversity and biochronology", masterLastPageNumber: "475", masterPageNumber: "421", pageNumber: "451", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1698929471688", updateUser: "ExternalLinkService", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "Hugueney", authorityYear: "1965", docNumber: "-6041767817053010307", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Glirulus", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "species", species: "lissiensis", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Glirulus lissiensis"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1670905168744", checkinUser: "guido", docAuthor: "Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn", docDate: "2005", docId: "6BA446ADE5E720E2CB5AD95CD0C7BACB", docNumber: "-6019756650079131814", docOrigin: "Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press", docTitle: "Leithiinae Lydekker 1895", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "829", masterDocId: "7DACEFD3BC5B8C022ED9C034C96FCB52", masterDocTitle: "Order Rodentia - Family Gliridae", masterLastPageNumber: "840", masterPageNumber: "819", pageNumber: "829", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1732587461690", updateUser: "ExternalLinkService", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "Lydekker", authorityYear: "1895", docNumber: "-6019756650079131814", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "subFamily", subFamily: "Leithiinae", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Leithiinae"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1630454762105", checkinUser: "felipe", docAuthor: "García-Paredes, Israel, Peláez-Campomanes, Pablo & Álvarez-Sierra, M. 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Mittermeier", docDate: "2016", docId: "9B215C43FFD1DD16C9C6F9B5F7D3F6A5", docNumber: "-5142790935539801322", docOrigin: "Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 6 Lagomorphs and Rodents I, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions", docTitle: "Dryomys laniger Felten & Storch 1968", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "859", masterDocId: "6718243BFFC4DD03C903FF95FF88FFC7", masterDocTitle: "Gliridae", masterLastPageNumber: "889", masterPageNumber: "838", pageNumber: "859", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1732566047736", updateUser: "ExternalLinkService", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "Felten", authorityYear: "1968", docNumber: "-5142790935539801322", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Dryomys", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "species", species: "laniger", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Dryomys laniger"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1654110738051", checkinUser: "carolina", docAuthor: "Don E. Wilson, Thomas E. 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Mittermeier", docDate: "2016", docId: "9B215C43FFD6DD10CC68F85FF951FDE6", docNumber: "-4263902107844120376", docOrigin: "Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 6 Lagomorphs and Rodents I, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions", docTitle: "Selevinia betpakdalaensis Belosludov & Bazhanov 1938", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "857", masterDocId: "6718243BFFC4DD03C903FF95FF88FFC7", masterDocTitle: "Gliridae", masterLastPageNumber: "889", masterPageNumber: "838", pageNumber: "856", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1732566047736", updateUser: "ExternalLinkService", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "Belosludov", authorityYear: "1938", docNumber: "-4263902107844120376", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Selevinia", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "species", species: "betpakdalaensis", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Selevinia betpakdalaensis"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1723153299411", checkinUser: "felipe", docAuthor: "Ruiz-Sánchez, Francisco J., Murelaga, Xabier, Freudenthal, Matthijs, Larrasoaña, Juan C. & Garcés, Miguel", docDate: "2012", docId: "03F06B067338FF9F8A7782AB22A9FE5C", docNumber: "-4212961202298429102", docOrigin: "Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 57 (2)", docSource: "", docTitle: "Vasseuromys cristinae Ruiz-Sánchez, Murelaga, Freudenthal, Larrasoaña & Garcés, 2012, sp. nov.", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "231", masterDocId: "FFC9137E733BFF998A3C84572363FFF2", masterDocTitle: "A new species of glirid rodent Vasseuromys from the Aragonian (Miocene) of the Ebro Basin (north-eastern Spain)", masterLastPageNumber: "239", masterPageNumber: "225", pageNumber: "228", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1723161426716", updateUser: "ExternalLinkService", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "Ruiz-Sánchez", authorityYear: "2012", docNumber: "-4212961202298429102", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Vasseuromys", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "species", species: "cristinae", status: "sp. nov.", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Vasseuromys cristinae"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1662387703617", checkinUser: "felipe", docAuthor: "Vianey-Liaud, Monique, Vidalenc, Dominique, Orliac, Maëva J., Maugoust, Jacob, Lézin, Carine & Pélissié, Thierry", docDate: "2022", docId: "AF3287A7FFD6FF9CFC495FB5FF6B4C46", docNumber: "-4200112110429222165", docOrigin: "Geodiversitas 44 (26)", docTitle: "Eogliravus hammeli", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "768", masterDocId: "530BFFDFFFDDFF8DFFF85F62FF9F4968", masterDocTitle: "Rongeurs de la localité éocène de Cos (Tarn-et-Garonne, Quercy, France). 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Ángeles", docDate: "2009", docId: "03D5878B1741AB76FEE661449C9B1868", docNumber: "-3989156194824848497", docOrigin: "Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 157 (3)", docSource: "", docTitle: "Simplomys aljaphi García-Paredes, Peláez-Campomanes & Álvarez-Sierra, 2009, sp. nov.", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "627", masterDocId: "FFECFFF31745AB73FF9464629E0B1F6A", masterDocTitle: "Gliridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) with a simple dental pattern: a new genus and new species from the European Early and Middle Miocene", masterLastPageNumber: "652", masterPageNumber: "622", pageNumber: "626", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1699276861509", updateUser: "plazi", str: "", taxon: {docNumber: "-3989156194824848497", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Simplomys", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "species", species: "aljaphi", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Simplomys aljaphi"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1613161274913", checkinUser: "felipe", docAuthor: "Denys, Christiane, Missoup, Alain Didier, Nicolas, Violaine, Fülling, Olaf, Delapré, Arnaud, Bilong, Charles Felix Bilong, Taylor, Peter John J. & Hutterer, Rainer", docDate: "2014", docId: "6502AA63E059FFB91A11FB81FCA74978", docNumber: "-3972556365437448864", docOrigin: "Zoosystema 36 (3)", docSource: "", docTitle: "Graphiurus Smuts 1832", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "676", masterDocId: "993BD21BE044FFA41914FFCEFFF54C3F", masterDocTitle: "African highlands as mammal diversity hotspots: new records of Lamottemys okuensis Petter, 1986 (Rodentia: Muridae) and other endemic rodents from Mt Oku, Cameroon", masterLastPageNumber: "690", masterPageNumber: "647", pageNumber: "676", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1698872132627", updateUser: "plazi", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "Smuts", authorityYear: "1832", docNumber: "-3972556365437448864", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Graphiurus", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "genus", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Graphiurus"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1618425546450", checkinUser: "felipe", docAuthor: "Hír, János & Kókay, József", docDate: "2010", docId: "03E18799FFF9E924EC6BFA199BAC975C", docNumber: "-3964181534475077897", docOrigin: "Geodiversitas 32 (2)", docSource: "", docTitle: "Myoglis meini Baudelot 1965", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "316", masterDocId: "FFD8FFE1FFF1E92DEF66FFB29A739254", masterDocTitle: "A systematic study of the middle-late Miocene rodents and lagomorphs (Mammalia) of Felsőtárkány 3 / 8 and 3 / 10 (Northern Hungary) with stratigraphical relations", masterLastPageNumber: "329", masterPageNumber: "307", pageNumber: "315", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1698906402444", updateUser: "plazi", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "Baudelot", authorityYear: "1965", docNumber: "-3964181534475077897", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Myoglis", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "species", species: "meini", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Myoglis meini"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1699519410964", checkinUser: "plazi", docAuthor: "Crespo, Vicente Daniel, Ríos, María, Marquina-Blasco, Rafael & Montoya, Plini", docDate: "2023", docId: "BC4E87DBFFEB2E2D7D1F048C8829F090", docNumber: "-3932817357452860233", docOrigin: "Geodiversitas 45 (20)", docSource: "", docTitle: "Myoglis antecedens Mayr 1979", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "621", masterDocId: "4077FFA3FFC92E0F7C12077A8D51F41F", masterDocTitle: "They are all over the place! The exceptional high biodiversity of dormice in the Early Miocene of the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin (Spain)", masterLastPageNumber: "641", masterPageNumber: "589", pageNumber: "621", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1732610184665", updateUser: "ExternalLinkService", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "Mayr", authorityYear: "1979", docNumber: "-3932817357452860233", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Myoglis", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "species", species: "antecedens", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Myoglis antecedens"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1670905168744", checkinUser: "guido", docAuthor: "Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn", docDate: "2005", docId: "6BE6813CBA8D05289DC3B1BDFB82EECA", docNumber: "-3872489174189559848", docOrigin: "Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press", docTitle: "Dryomys niethammeri Holden 1996", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "830", masterDocId: "7DACEFD3BC5B8C022ED9C034C96FCB52", masterDocTitle: "Order Rodentia - Family Gliridae", masterLastPageNumber: "840", masterPageNumber: "819", pageNumber: "830", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1732587461690", updateUser: "ExternalLinkService", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "Holden", authorityYear: "1996", docNumber: "-3872489174189559848", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Dryomys", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "species", species: "niethammeri", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Dryomys niethammeri"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1723159491374", checkinUser: "felipe", docAuthor: "Mansino, Samuel, García-Alix, Antonio, Ruiz-Sánchez, Francisco J. & Montoya, Plinio", docDate: "2015", docId: "03A287C74F0EFFB5D3C71AD53718F956", docNumber: "-3831159841635283238", docOrigin: "Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 60 (3)", docSource: "", docTitle: "Eliomys Wagner 1840", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "579", masterDocId: "FF9BFFBF4F0CFFB7D3501C50361DFFB2", masterDocTitle: "A new Eliomys from the Late Miocene of Spain and its implications for the phylogeny of the genus", masterLastPageNumber: "588", masterPageNumber: "577", pageNumber: "579", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1723167625987", updateUser: "ExternalLinkService", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "Wagner", authorityYear: "1840", docNumber: "-3831159841635283238", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Eliomys", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "genus", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Eliomys"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1654110738051", checkinUser: "carolina", docAuthor: "Don E. 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Ángeles", docDate: "2009", docId: "03D5878B1740AB74FF4263769A951A24", docNumber: "-3344096866081454831", docOrigin: "Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 157 (3)", docSource: "", docTitle: "Simplomys García-Paredes, Peláez-Campomanes & Álvarez-Sierra, 2009, GEN. 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Koeppl", docDate: "1982", docId: "03BC87A9463FFFA32233FE0053CEFD13", docNumber: "-1744016333801736460", docOrigin: "Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections", docTitle: "Muscardinus avellanarius", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "562", masterDocId: "FF85FFD1463DFFA12306FFF55074FFFA", masterDocTitle: "Order Rodentia (Part 6)", masterLastPageNumber: "594", masterPageNumber: "560", pageNumber: "562", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1699407525737", updateUser: "ExternalLinkService", str: "", taxon: {docNumber: "-1744016333801736460", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Muscardinus", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "species", species: "avellanarius", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Muscardinus avellanarius"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1665792792562", checkinUser: "GgServerImporter", docAuthor: "James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. 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Koeppl", docDate: "1982", docId: "03BC87A9463FFFA32230F9E752D6F973", docNumber: "-1743168459498607851", docOrigin: "Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections", docTitle: "Myomimus setzeri Rossolimo 1976", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "562", masterDocId: "FF85FFD1463DFFA12306FFF55074FFFA", masterDocTitle: "Order Rodentia (Part 6)", masterLastPageNumber: "594", masterPageNumber: "560", pageNumber: "562", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1699407525737", updateUser: "ExternalLinkService", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "Rossolimo", authorityYear: "1976", docNumber: "-1743168459498607851", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Myomimus", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "species", species: "setzeri", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Myomimus setzeri"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1665792792562", checkinUser: "GgServerImporter", docAuthor: "James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl", docDate: "1982", docId: "03BC87A9463FFFA32230FAF252DBFA06", docNumber: "-1743167313970937464", docOrigin: "Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections", docTitle: "Myomimus roachi", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "562", masterDocId: "FF85FFD1463DFFA12306FFF55074FFFA", masterDocTitle: "Order Rodentia (Part 6)", masterLastPageNumber: "594", masterPageNumber: "560", pageNumber: "562", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1699407525737", updateUser: "ExternalLinkService", str: "", taxon: {docNumber: "-1743167313970937464", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Myomimus", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "species", species: "roachi", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Myomimus roachi"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1665792792562", checkinUser: "GgServerImporter", docAuthor: "James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl", docDate: "1982", docId: "03BC87A9463FFFA32216F94C545AF879", docNumber: "-1735850484420725535", docOrigin: "Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections", docTitle: "Myoxus Zimmermann 1780", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "562", masterDocId: "FF85FFD1463DFFA12306FFF55074FFFA", masterDocTitle: "Order Rodentia (Part 6)", masterLastPageNumber: "594", masterPageNumber: "560", pageNumber: "562", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1699407525737", updateUser: "ExternalLinkService", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "Zimmermann", authorityYear: "1780", docNumber: "-1735850484420725535", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Myoxus", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "genus", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Myoxus"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1630281380577", checkinUser: "marcus", docAuthor: "Aguilar, Jean-Pierre, Michaux, Jacques & Lazzari, Vincent", docDate: "2010", docId: "E40F8791FFCAFF98FCAAFE20FBA2CB49", docNumber: "-1734361517910139662", docOrigin: "Geodiversitas 32 (3)", docSource: "", docTitle: "Pseudodryomys De Bruijn 1966", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "506", masterDocId: "1836FFE9FFCFFF9DFFA2FF95FFEDC908", masterDocTitle: "Nouvelles faunes de rongeurs (Mammalia, Rodentia) d'âge miocène moyen en Languedoc-Roussillon (Sud de la France); biostratigraphie et corrélations", masterLastPageNumber: "513", masterPageNumber: "501", pageNumber: "506", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1699212013810", updateUser: "plazi", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "De", authorityYear: "1966", docNumber: "-1734361517910139662", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Pseudodryomys", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "genus", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Pseudodryomys"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1665792792562", checkinUser: "GgServerImporter", docAuthor: "James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl", docDate: "1982", docId: "03BC87A9463FFFA32209FCEC53CEFC1E", docNumber: "-1732196395583103595", docOrigin: "Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections", docTitle: "Myomimus Ognev 1924", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "562", masterDocId: "FF85FFD1463DFFA12306FFF55074FFFA", masterDocTitle: "Order Rodentia (Part 6)", masterLastPageNumber: "594", masterPageNumber: "560", pageNumber: "562", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1699407525737", updateUser: "ExternalLinkService", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "Ognev", authorityYear: "1924", docNumber: "-1732196395583103595", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Myomimus", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "genus", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Myomimus"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1699519410964", checkinUser: "plazi", docAuthor: "Crespo, Vicente Daniel, Ríos, María, Marquina-Blasco, Rafael & Montoya, Plini", docDate: "2023", docId: "BC4E87DBFFCC2E077CE502AE8F7BF66F", docNumber: "-1670265959277176586", docOrigin: "Geodiversitas 45 (20)", docSource: "", docTitle: "Microdyromys legidensis Daams 1981", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "595", masterDocId: "4077FFA3FFC92E0F7C12077A8D51F41F", masterDocTitle: "They are all over the place! The exceptional high biodiversity of dormice in the Early Miocene of the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin (Spain)", masterLastPageNumber: "641", masterPageNumber: "589", pageNumber: "592", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1732610184665", updateUser: "ExternalLinkService", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "Daams", authorityYear: "1981", docNumber: "-1670265959277176586", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Microdyromys", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "species", species: "legidensis", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Microdyromys legidensis"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1521441517859", checkinUser: "plazi", docAuthor: "Amr, Zuhair S., Abu, Mohammad A., Qumsiyeh, Mazin & Eid, Ehab", docDate: "2018", docId: "C32887CBFF9ABA68FF3DFF29FDA7EB3E", docNumber: "-1630119626403474123", docOrigin: "Zootaxa 4397 (1)", docTitle: "Eliomys melanurus", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "11", masterDocId: "3F11FFB3FF90BA63FFAAFFF7FFEDEA22", masterDocTitle: "Systematics, distribution and ecological analysis of rodents in Jordan", masterLastPageNumber: "94", masterPageNumber: "1", pageNumber: "11", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1698532151927", updateUser: "ExternalLinkService", str: "", taxon: {docNumber: "-1630119626403474123", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Eliomys", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "species", species: "melanurus", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Eliomys melanurus"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1702524504991", checkinUser: "felipe", docAuthor: "Gbif. Org, Occdownload", docDate: "2022", docId: "C7514B078D53FFFEFF037C4DFD12FDF2", docNumber: "-1495280071407865145", docOrigin: "Mammalia (Warsaw, Poland) 86 (4)", docSource: "", docTitle: "Glis persicus Anderson, 1872: 382 (Non Agama Persicus Blanford 1881; Fide Smith 1935", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "312", masterDocId: "3B68337F8D50FFFDFFA57E59FFC4FFD5", masterDocTitle: "Biogeography of rodents in Iran: species richness, elevational distribution and their environmental correlates", masterLastPageNumber: "320", masterPageNumber: "309", pageNumber: "312", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1706913497555", updateUser: "felipe", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "Anderson", authorityYear: "1935", docNumber: "-1495280071407865145", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Glis", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "species", species: "persicus", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Glis persicus"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1423149180371", checkinUser: "ZooBank", docAuthor: "Freudenthal, Matthijs & Martín-Suárez, Elvira", docDate: "2006", docId: "88423AF4A3777D429C2FDBD8E5564350", docNumber: "-1482299661008593805", docOrigin: "Palaeontologia Electronica 9, No. 2", docTitle: "Stertomys daunius Freudenthal & Martín-Suárez, 2006, new species", docUuid: "336A32CC-80E9-4BFA-AC63-A133CC00A799", docUuidSource: "ZooBank", lastPageNumber: "p. 12", masterDocId: "336A32CC80E94BFAAC63A133CC00A799", masterDocTitle: "Gliridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the Late Miocene Fissure Filling Biancone 1 (Gargano, Province of Foggia, Italy)", masterLastPageNumber: "23", masterPageNumber: "1", pageNumber: "p. 12", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1423149180371", updateUser: "ZooBank", str: "", taxon: {LSID: "", LSID_ZBK: "", authorityName: "Daams", authorityYear: "1985", catalogNumber: "336A32CC80E94BFAAC63A133CC00A799", collectionCode: "act", docNumber: "-1482299661008593805", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", infraTribe: "Stertomys", institutionCode: "", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "speciesAggregate", speciesAggregate: "daunius", status: "new species", superFamily: "Gliridae", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Stertomys daunius"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1654110738051", checkinUser: "carolina", docAuthor: "Don E. Wilson, Thomas E. Lacher, Jr & Russell A. Mittermeier", docDate: "2016", docId: "9B215C43FFC1DD06C9CEF845F9FBF24E", docNumber: "-1418767496930164393", docOrigin: "Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 6 Lagomorphs and Rodents I, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions", docTitle: "Graphiurus kelleni", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "843", masterDocId: "6718243BFFC4DD03C903FF95FF88FFC7", masterDocTitle: "Gliridae", masterLastPageNumber: "889", masterPageNumber: "838", pageNumber: "843", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1732566047736", updateUser: "ExternalLinkService", str: "", taxon: {docNumber: "-1418767496930164393", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Graphiurus", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "species", species: "kelleni", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Graphiurus kelleni"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1654110738051", checkinUser: "carolina", docAuthor: "Don E. Wilson, Thomas E. Lacher, Jr & Russell A. Mittermeier", docDate: "2016", docId: "9B215C43FFC2DD04CC76F3F9F8A0F837", docNumber: "-1383255969868202484", docOrigin: "Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 6 Lagomorphs and Rodents I, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions", docTitle: "Graphiurus microtis", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "845", masterDocId: "6718243BFFC4DD03C903FF95FF88FFC7", masterDocTitle: "Gliridae", masterLastPageNumber: "889", masterPageNumber: "838", pageNumber: "844", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1732566047736", updateUser: "ExternalLinkService", str: "", taxon: {docNumber: "-1383255969868202484", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Graphiurus", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "species", species: "microtis", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Graphiurus microtis"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1613150662339", checkinUser: "felipe", docAuthor: "Colombero, Simone, Pavia, Giulio & Carnevale, Giorgio", docDate: "2014", docId: "72738785FFB8FFD3BBFBAE0FFBEC15B6", docNumber: "-1284090283235531080", docOrigin: "Geodiversitas 36 (3)", docSource: "", docTitle: "Eliomys intermedius Friant 1953", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "447", masterDocId: "8E4AFFFDFFA1FFC8BB49AA61FFAE1315", masterDocTitle: "Messinian rodents from Moncucco Torinese, NW Italy: palaeobiodiversity and biochronology", masterLastPageNumber: "475", masterPageNumber: "421", pageNumber: "446", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1698929471688", updateUser: "ExternalLinkService", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "Friant", authorityYear: "1953", docNumber: "-1284090283235531080", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Eliomys", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "species", species: "intermedius", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Eliomys intermedius"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1630454762105", checkinUser: "felipe", docAuthor: "García-Paredes, Israel, Peláez-Campomanes, Pablo & Álvarez-Sierra, M. Ángeles", docDate: "2009", docId: "03D5878B1753AB64FCDE67409CD11B7F", docNumber: "-1259149745143964399", docOrigin: "Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 157 (3)", docSource: "", docTitle: "Simplomys meulenorum García-Paredes & Peláez-Campomanes & Álvarez-Sierra 2009, SP. NOV.", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "645", masterDocId: "FFECFFF31745AB73FF9464629E0B1F6A", masterDocTitle: "Gliridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) with a simple dental pattern: a new genus and new species from the European Early and Middle Miocene", masterLastPageNumber: "652", masterPageNumber: "622", pageNumber: "644", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1699276861509", updateUser: "plazi", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "García-Paredes", authorityYear: "2009", docNumber: "-1259149745143964399", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Simplomys", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "species", species: "meulenorum", status: "sp. nov.", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Simplomys meulenorum"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1423148712845", checkinUser: "ZooBank", docAuthor: "Ruiz-Sánchez, F. L., Murelaga, X., Freudenthal, Matthijs, Larrasoaña, Juan C. & Garcés, Miguel", docDate: "2012", docId: "ACACCE22A29F195AAAC8950E27BBE147", docNumber: "-1130284436882364892", docOrigin: "Palaeontologia Electronica 15, No. 1", docTitle: "Vasseuromys rambliensis Ruiz-Sánchez, Murelaga, Freudenthal, Larrasoaña & Garcés, 2012, new species", docUuid: "D3E81137-B70B-487D-A84D-E25A1F78578F", docUuidSource: "ZooBank", lastPageNumber: "p. 4", masterDocId: "D3E81137B70B487DA84DE25A1F78578F", masterDocTitle: "Vasseuromys rambliensis sp. nov. (Gliridae, Mammalia) from the Ramblian (Lower Miocene) of the Tudela Formationv (Ebro basin, Spain)", masterLastPageNumber: "16", masterPageNumber: "1", pageNumber: "p. 4", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1423148712845", updateUser: "ZooBank", str: "", taxon: {LSID: "", LSID_ZBK: "", authorityName: "Baudelot", authorityYear: "1966", catalogNumber: "D3E81137B70B487DA84DE25A1F78578F", collectionCode: "act", docNumber: "-1130284436882364892", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", infraTribe: "Vasseuromys", institutionCode: "", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "speciesAggregate", speciesAggregate: "rambliensis", status: "new species", superFamily: "Gliridae", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Vasseuromys rambliensis"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1699519410964", checkinUser: "plazi", docAuthor: "Crespo, Vicente Daniel, Ríos, María, Marquina-Blasco, Rafael & Montoya, Plini", docDate: "2023", docId: "BC4E87DBFFC22E037D03026F8F17F60E", docNumber: "-1094199339354430942", docOrigin: "Geodiversitas 45 (20)", docSource: "", docTitle: "Prodryomys satus Mayr 1979", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "599", masterDocId: "4077FFA3FFC92E0F7C12077A8D51F41F", masterDocTitle: "They are all over the place! The exceptional high biodiversity of dormice in the Early Miocene of the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin (Spain)", masterLastPageNumber: "641", masterPageNumber: "589", pageNumber: "598", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1732610184665", updateUser: "ExternalLinkService", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "Mayr", authorityYear: "1979", docNumber: "-1094199339354430942", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Prodryomys", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "species", species: "satus", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Prodryomys satus"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1670905168744", checkinUser: "guido", docAuthor: "Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn", docDate: "2005", docId: "A778C0D6BE5E0D4962E9A3A275BC1655", docNumber: "-1048450066729642231", docOrigin: "Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press", docTitle: "Chaetocauda sichuanensis Wang 1985", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "830", masterDocId: "7DACEFD3BC5B8C022ED9C034C96FCB52", masterDocTitle: "Order Rodentia - Family Gliridae", masterLastPageNumber: "840", masterPageNumber: "819", pageNumber: "830", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1732587461690", updateUser: "ExternalLinkService", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "Wang", authorityYear: "1985", docNumber: "-1048450066729642231", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Chaetocauda", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "species", species: "sichuanensis", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Chaetocauda sichuanensis"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1670905168744", checkinUser: "guido", docAuthor: "Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn", docDate: "2005", docId: "A4D44197BFE0CDE8E2ACE468B80D498D", docNumber: "-783657579934773788", docOrigin: "Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press", docTitle: "Gliridae Muirhead 1819", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "819", masterDocId: "7DACEFD3BC5B8C022ED9C034C96FCB52", masterDocTitle: "Order Rodentia - Family Gliridae", masterLastPageNumber: "840", masterPageNumber: "819", pageNumber: "819", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1732587461690", updateUser: "ExternalLinkService", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "Muirhead", authorityYear: "1819", docNumber: "-783657579934773788", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "family", str: "Rodentia Gliridae"}, locations: [{}] },{checkinTime: "1699519410964", checkinUser: "plazi", docAuthor: "Crespo, Vicente Daniel, Ríos, María, Marquina-Blasco, Rafael & Montoya, Plini", docDate: "2023", docId: "BC4E87DBFFD42E117D0A028E89DCF3F3", docNumber: "-757122121617269593", docOrigin: "Geodiversitas 45 (20)", docSource: "", docTitle: "Glirudinus undosus Mayr, MN 1979", docType: "treatment", lastPageNumber: "617", masterDocId: "4077FFA3FFC92E0F7C12077A8D51F41F", masterDocTitle: "They are all over the place! The exceptional high biodiversity of dormice in the Early Miocene of the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin (Spain)", masterLastPageNumber: "641", masterPageNumber: "589", pageNumber: "616", relevance: "1.0", updateTime: "1732610184665", updateUser: "ExternalLinkService", str: "", taxon: {authorityName: "Mayr", authorityYear: "1979", docNumber: "-757122121617269593", documentPosition: "0", entryValueLabel: "Scientific Name", family: "Gliridae", genus: "Glirudinus", isNomenclature: "true", order: "Rodentia", rank: "species", species: "undosus", str: "Rodentia Gliridae Glirudinus undosus"}, locations: [{}] },{}]; buildCharts('search', resData, 'chartContainer'); </script> <!-- include tag 'includeBody' not understood --> </div> </div> <!--footer class="footer"> <div class="container"> <p class="pull-left"> © 2015 Plazi - taking care of freedom</p> </div> </footer--> <!--includeUrl url="./htmlRes?"/--> <!--includeUrl url="./htmlRes/footer.main.html"/--> <!--includeUrl url="./htmlRes?"/--> <!--includeUrl url="./htmlRes/footer.meta.html"/--> <!--p align="center"> The <a href="">GoldenGATE</a> document markup, storage & retrieval system is being developed since 2006 by Guido Sautter <br> at the <a href="">Database Group</a>, <a href="">Department of Computer Science</a> of the <a href="">Universität Karlsruhe (TH)</a>. </p--> <footer class="footer"> <div class="container footer__container flex"> <div class="footer__links"> <a class="footer__link" href="" target="_blank">Supported in part by The Arcadia Fund</a> | <a class="footer__link" href="" target="_blank">Privacy</a> | <a class="footer__link" href="" target="_blank">Legal Disclaimer</a> </div> <div class="footer__copyright"> <span class="footer__copyright-credits">© 2021 Plazi. 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