Eliomys yevesi Mansino, García-Alix, Ruiz-Sánchez & Montoya, 2015, sp. nov. - Plazi TreatmentBank
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width: 100%;"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> persistent identifier</p> </td> <td> <p> <u></u> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> treatment provided by</p> </td> <td> <p> Felipe <span id="provenanceInfo" style="font-size: 83%;"></span> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> scientific name</p> </td> <td> <span style="display: inline-block; width: 100%;"> Eliomys yevesi </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> status</td> <td> <p> sp. nov.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="species-accordion row"> <button class="btn btn-primary" id="collapse-init"> Show all</button> <div class="panel-group accordion-panel" id="accordion-paneled"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title" data-toggle="collapse"> <a class="accordion-toggle collapsed" data-parent="#accordion-paneled" data-toggle="collapse" href="/GgServer/#collapse1" onclick="return false;"> Treatment </a> </h4> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse in" id="collapse1" style="height-gone: 0px;"> <div class="panel-body" ondragenter="cancelDragDefault(event);" ondragover="cancelDragDefault(event);" ondrop="cancelDragDefault(event);" onmouseup="endSelection(event, null, null, null, null);"> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB5D3C71AAD37A2F8A8');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB5D3C71AAD37A2F8A8');"> <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+yevesi" title="Search 'Eliomys yevesi'"> Eliomys yevesi</a> sp. nov. </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB5D3C71B7B371FF8F2');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB5D3C71B7B371FF8F2');"> Fig. 2A–L <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.">View Fig</a> </span> . </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB5D3C71B0234E7F836');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB5D3C71B0234E7F836');"> 1953 <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+intermedius" title="Search 'Eliomys intermedius'"> Eliomys aff. intermedius</a> ; Friant 1953: pl. 4: 9–19. 2008 <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+intermedius" title="Search 'Eliomys intermedius'"> Eliomys aff. intermedius</a> ; García-Alix et al. 2008a: 24–25. </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB5D3C71BC13313FF63');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB5D3C71BC13313FF63');"> Etymology: Dedicated to José María Yeves and his family, owners of the “Hostal Ventamorino”, for their friendly hospitality during the many summer campaigns in Venta del Moro.</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB5D00E1C8D3287FF41');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB5D00E1C8D3287FF41');"> Holotype: Right M1, VVmA-25.</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB5D00E1D503294FE83');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB5D00E1D503294FE83');"> Type locality: <span id="3B633C8C4F0EFFB5D0B31D503298FE83" style="display: inline;"> <a href="/GgServer/search?materialsCitation.longitude=-1.34455&materialsCitation.latitude=39.474754" title="Search for locations around (long -1.34455 / lat 39.474754)"> Venta del Moro </a> A, Cabriel Basin, Spain; coordinates: 39º 28’ 29.12’’ N, 1º 20’ 40.38’’ W </span> <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="showLocationOnMap(-1.34455, 39.474754, 'Venta del Moro', '', '', 'document', 1); return false;" onmousedown="event.stopPropagation();" onmouseup="event.stopPropagation();" target="_blank" title="Plot this collecting location in a Google Map">GoogleMaps</a> </span> . </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB5D00E1D6E3262FEDD');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB5D00E1D6E3262FEDD');"> Type horizon: Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, MN13, late Turolian (Late Miocene, 6.23 Ma).</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB5D00E1DD132DEFCF0');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB5D00E1DD132DEFCF0');"> Material.—Venta del Moro: 2 p4 (VVmA-42, 43), 12 m 1, m2 (VVmA-1–11, 32), 6 m 3 (VVmA-33–38), 1 dP4 (VVmA- 44), 3 P4 (VVmA-39–41), 12 M1, M2 (VVmA-16, 21–31), 8 M3 (VVmA-12–15, 17–20); 1 m 1, m2 (VVmB-1). VVmBC: 2 m 1, m2 (VVmBC-1, 2), 1 m 3 (VVmBC-5), 1 M1, M2 (VVmBC-3), 1 M3 (VVmBC-4); 1 m 3 (VVmC-1); 2 M1, M2 (VVmD-1, 2). Alcoi Barranc Sud 3A, MN14: 1 m 1, m2 (ABS3A-38).Alcoi Forn, MN13-MN14: 1 m 1, m2 (AF1’06- 190), 1 m 3 (AF1’06-187); 1 M1, M2 (AF1’07-36). Purcal 4, MN14: 1 p4 (PUR-4 871), 12 m 1, m2 (PUR-4 872–883), 3 m 3 (PUR-4 884–886), 1 dP4 (PUR-4 887), 1 P4 (PUR-4 888), 2 M1, M2 (PUR-4 889, 890), 3 M3 (PUR-4 891–893). Calicasas 3B, MN14: 1 m 3 (CLC-3B 67), 2 M1, M2 (CLC- 3B 68, 69), 1 M3 (CLC-3B 70).</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB5D00E1F0435CAFBA2');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB5D00E1F0435CAFBA2');"> Diagnosis.— Size intermediate between <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+truci" title="Search 'Eliomys truci'"> Eliomys truci</a> and the youngest <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+intermedius" title="Search 'Eliomys intermedius'"> E. intermedius</a> ; sub-quadrangular m1, m2, usually with a posterotropid and a well-developed centrolophid; no posterotropid on m3; common presence of both centrolophs in the upper molars; posteroloph and endoloph usually connected. </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB5D00E187033E2FA8D');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB5D00E187033E2FA8D');"> Differential diagnosis.— <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+yevesi" title="Search 'Eliomys yevesi'"> Eliomys yevesi</a> differs from <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+assimilis" title="Search 'Eliomys assimilis'"> E. assimilis</a> in the more quadrangular shape of m1, m2, less reduced m3, and the absence of any accessory crests in the upper molars; from <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+reductus" title="Search 'Eliomys reductus'"> E. reductus</a> in its bigger size, more quadrangular shape of the lower molars, discontinuous endolophid, and common presence of posterotropid; and from <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+lafarguei" title="Search 'Eliomys lafarguei'"> E. lafarguei</a> in its bigger size, long centrolophid on m1, m2, discontinuous endolophid, the presence of a centrolophid on many m3, and the common presence of postcentrolophs in the upper molars. </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB5D0D419153366F8D5');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB5D0D419153366F8D5');"> <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+yevesi" title="Search 'Eliomys yevesi'"> Eliomys yevesi</a> ranges in size from the biggest specimens of <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+truci" title="Search 'Eliomys truci'"> E. truci</a> to the smallest ones of <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+intermedius" title="Search 'Eliomys intermedius'"> E. intermedius</a> . It differs from <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+truci" title="Search 'Eliomys truci'"> E. truci</a> in more frequently showing centrolophs in the upper molars, as well as the presence of well-developed postcentrolophs, reaching half the width of the tooth or more, in some specimens ( Fig. 2G <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.">View Fig</a> </span> ). <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+yevesi" title="Search 'Eliomys yevesi'"> E. yevesi</a> further differs from <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+intermedius" title="Search 'Eliomys intermedius'"> E. intermedius</a> in the subquadrangular shape ( Fig. 2B, C, N, R <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.">View Fig</a> </span> ) and lower and narrower lingual wall of the upper molars ( Fig. 2F, G <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.">View Fig</a> </span> ). A long centrolophid connected to the metalophid is present in all but one m1, m2 of <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+yevesi" title="Search 'Eliomys yevesi'"> E. yevesi</a> , whereas in <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+intermedius" title="Search 'Eliomys intermedius'"> E. intermedius</a> it is short in 27 out of 106 specimens. In addition, the posterotropid is more frequent and usually longer in <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+yevesi" title="Search 'Eliomys yevesi'"> E. yevesi</a> than in <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+intermedius" title="Search 'Eliomys intermedius'"> E. intermedius</a> (27 out of 29 m 1, m2 of <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+yevesi" title="Search 'Eliomys yevesi'"> E. yevesi</a> ; 80 out of 107 of <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+intermedius" title="Search 'Eliomys intermedius'"> E. intermedius</a> ). In the upper molars, the two centrolophs are usually slightly longer and occur somewhat more frequently in <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+intermedius" title="Search 'Eliomys intermedius'"> E. intermedius</a> (97 out of 165, 58.78%, compared to 17 out of 36, 47.22%, in <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+yevesi" title="Search 'Eliomys yevesi'"> E. yevesi</a> ). </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB4D0D41B3D36EAFE0F');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0EFFB4D0D41B3D36EAFE0F');"> <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+yevesi" title="Search 'Eliomys yevesi'"> Eliomys yevesi</a> differs from the extant <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+quercinus" title="Search 'Eliomys quercinus'"> E. quercinus</a> in its smaller size, but resembles the latter in the absence of accessory crests in the upper molars and an anteroloph-protoloph connection, as well as the frequent presence of two centrolophs. Two subspecies of <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+quercinus" title="Search 'Eliomys quercinus'"> E. quercinus</a> with distinct m1, m2 morphologies occur in the Iberian Peninsula: E. q. lusitanicus, which differs from <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+yevesi" title="Search 'Eliomys yevesi'"> E. yevesi</a> in the absence of a centrolophid; and E. q. <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+quercinus" title="Search 'Eliomys quercinus'"> quercinus</a> , which differs from <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+yevesi" title="Search 'Eliomys yevesi'"> E. yevesi</a> in the absence of accessory crests in the lower molars, a continuous endolophid on m1, m2 and in having a small centrolophid. </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0FFFB4D3321D9E37B2FE5A');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0FFFB4D3321D9E37B2FE5A');"> Measurements. —See Table 2.</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0FFFB4D3321DA937FCFC85');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0FFFB4D3321DA937FCFC85');"> Description.— Material from Venta del Moro: p4: The occlusal outline of this tooth is subtriangular. The protoconid and the large anterolophid create a high, triangular anterior complex, which is separated from the metaconid by a narrow furrow. One specimen (VVmA-42; Fig. 2A <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.">View Fig</a> </span> ) has a short centrolophid. The mesoconid and entoconid are connected by the mesolophid, and separated from the anterior complex by deep valley. The mesoconid and hypoconid are separated. There is no posterotropid. The posterolophid is high and curved. There are two fused roots. </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0FFFB4D3D71F6D34E2FB6F');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0FFFB4D3D71F6D34E2FB6F');"> m1, m2: The occlusal outlines of these teeth are sub-quadrangular. The anterolophid is connected to the protoconid in 6 out of 14 specimens (4 out of 12 from VVm-A, the only specimen from VVm-B and 1 out of 2 from VVm-BC). One specimen ( Fig. 2C <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.">View Fig</a> </span> ) has a vestigial anterotropid. Most molars show a connection between the metalophid and the metaconid, whereas the metaconid and entoconid are separated. The centrolophid is usually long and sometimes connected to the metalophid. The posterotropid is long in 10 specimens (9 out of 12 from VVm-A, 1 out of 2 from VVm-BC), short in three one specimen from VVm-A, the only specimen from VVm-B and 1 of 2 from VVm-BC) and absent in another two (both from VVm-A). The hypoconid is large. There are three roots. </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0FFFB4D3D718B33782FA73');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0FFFB4D3D718B33782FA73');"> m3: The occlusal outline of this tooth is sub-trapezoidal. The anterolophid is usually separated from the protoconid. The metalophid is sometimes connected to the metaconid. There are no accessory crests. Where present, the centrolophid is not connected to the metalophid. In 1 out of 13 m 3, the mesolophid does not reach the entoconid ( Fig. 2D <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.">View Fig</a> </span> ). The posterolophid is continuous. </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0FFFB4D3D7199734B4F9B0');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0FFFB4D3D7199734B4F9B0');"> dP4: Known only from a single, extremely worn molar. No features of the occlusal surface can be observed.</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0FFFB4D3D71A58371AF81A');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F0FFFB4D3D71A58371AF81A');"> P4: The occlusal outline of this tooth is triangular. The paracone and metacone are higher than the protocone. The anteroloph is short, low and connected, at a low level, to the paracone. The protoloph is clearly discontinuous in 1 out of 4 specimens, whereas the remainder shows just a constriction in the central part of this crest. Two specimens present a well-developed precentroloph, and a further one a postcentroloph, which is not connected to the metacone ( Fig. 2E <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.">View Fig</a> </span> ). The metaloph is high and continuous. The posteroloph is low and lingually connected to the protocone; discontinuous in two specimens, and not connected to the endoloph in another one ( Fig. 2E <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.">View Fig</a> </span> ). The roots are not preserved in any of the specimens. </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F08FFB3D3ED1A3C3218F914');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F08FFB3D3ED1A3C3218F914');"> M1, M2: The occlusal outlines of these teeth are trapezoidal or subrectangular. The anteroloph is separated from the paracone and the protoloph. The paracone and metacone are high and separated. The protoloph and metaloph are continuous, and occasionally sinuous. There is a well-developed precentroloph, which is not connected to the paracone in one of the specimens and reaches the metaloph in another one. Where present, the postcentroloph is short, except in VVmA- 29, which has a well-developed crest, and VVmA-25, in which both centrolophs are fused into a central crest ( Fig. 2G <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.">View Fig</a> </span> ). The posteroloph is connected to the endoloph. There are three roots. </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F08FFB2D0D41AFC374FFF6B');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F08FFB2D0D41AFC374FFF6B');"> M3: The occlusal outline of this tooth is trapezoidal. The anteroloph is connected to the protocone. In some specimens, the protoloph and metaloph are sinuous. Both centrolophs are present in 5 out of 8 specimens from VVm-A, and the single tooth from VVm-BC. Two of the specimens from VVm-A bear a long postcentroloph ( Fig. 2H <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.">View Fig</a> </span> ). Where present, the precentroloph is usually attached to the paracone, whereas the postcentroloph is connected to the metacone. The endoloph is continuous, except for the single specimen from VVm-BC. There are three roots. </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F09FFB2D3D71C8E3732FE6B');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F09FFB2D3D71C8E3732FE6B');"> Material from Alcoy: These specimens from the Alcoy Basin resemble the specimens from Venta del Moro, with the exception of having an anterolophid connected basally with the protoconid, and a metalophid that does not reach the metaconid (both on m1, m2). In the m1, m2 from ABS-3A Fig. 2J <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.">View Fig</a> </span> ), the centrolophid is not continuous. In the M1, M2 from AF-1’07 ( Fig. 2L <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.">View Fig</a> </span> ), the anteroloph and the paracone are connected basally. </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F09FFB2D3321DBA37ECFC97');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F09FFB2D3321DBA37ECFC97');"> Remarks.— <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+yevesi" title="Search 'Eliomys yevesi'"> Eliomys yevesi</a> is a relatively small-sized species, being smaller than Plio-Pleistocene <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+intermedius" title="Search 'Eliomys intermedius'"> E. intermedius</a> and <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+quercinus" title="Search 'Eliomys quercinus'"> E. quercinus</a> , and only slightly larger than the Miocene representatives of the genus ( <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+lafarguei" title="Search 'Eliomys lafarguei'"> E. lafarguei</a> , <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+reductus" title="Search 'Eliomys reductus'"> E. reductus</a> , and <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+assimilis" title="Search 'Eliomys assimilis'"> E. assimilis</a> ) ( Fig. 3 <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="Fig. 3. Comparison of length and width measurements (in mm) of p4 (A), P4 (B), m1, m2 (C), M1, M2 (D), m3 (E), and M3 (F) of Eliomys truci from Aljezar B, Hautimagne, Los Mansuetos, Orrios, Sarrión, Sete, Villalba Alta (Adrover 1986), Concud 2 and 3, Concud Barranco de los Calaveros, Los Mansuetos, Masada del Valle 2, 5 and 7, Tortojada A and C (Weerd 1976), DHS-1 and 16, PUR-23, 24, and 25A, OTU-1, TCH-1B and 13 (García-Alix et al. 2008a), Negratín-1 (Minwer-Barakat et al. 2009); Moreda 1A, 1B, Rambla Seca 1 (Castillo 1990) and Puente Minero (Alcalá et al. 1991); Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. from VVm-A, B, BC, C, and D, ABS-3A, AF-1’06, AF-1’07, CLC-3B, and PUR-4; Eliomys intermedius from Arquillo 3, Sete, Orrios 3, Villalba Alta (Adrover 1986), Escorihuela, Orrios (Weerd 1976), PUR-13, TCH-1 and 1B, TCH3, TCH-13 (García-Alix et al. 2008), Moreda 1A, 1B, Bélmez 1 and Rambla Seca A1 and A2 (Castillo 1990) and Alozaina (Aguilar et al. 1993); Eliomys quercinus from Vallparadís and Cal Guardiola (Minwer-Barakat et al. 2011, Baños de Mula (Agustí et al. 1990), Peña de Estebanvela (Sesé 2006b), Valdocarros (Sesé et al. 2011), Sima de los Huesos (Cuenca-Bescós et al. 1997), Bois Roche (Sesé and Villa 2008), Santenay (Chaline 1972); and Eliomys aff. quercinus from Huétor Tájar 1 and 8.">View Fig</a> </span> ). The molars from Venta del Moro and AF- ’07 fall within the range of variation of <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+truci" title="Search 'Eliomys truci'"> E. truci</a> . However, the specimens from the early Ruscinian localities of PUR-4 and CLC-3B ( Granada Basin), and AF-1’06 and ABS-3A Alcoy Basin), are slightly larger, and intermediate between <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+truci" title="Search 'Eliomys truci'"> E. truci</a> and <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+intermedius" title="Search 'Eliomys intermedius'"> E. intermedius</a> ( Fig. 3 <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="Fig. 3. Comparison of length and width measurements (in mm) of p4 (A), P4 (B), m1, m2 (C), M1, M2 (D), m3 (E), and M3 (F) of Eliomys truci from Aljezar B, Hautimagne, Los Mansuetos, Orrios, Sarrión, Sete, Villalba Alta (Adrover 1986), Concud 2 and 3, Concud Barranco de los Calaveros, Los Mansuetos, Masada del Valle 2, 5 and 7, Tortojada A and C (Weerd 1976), DHS-1 and 16, PUR-23, 24, and 25A, OTU-1, TCH-1B and 13 (García-Alix et al. 2008a), Negratín-1 (Minwer-Barakat et al. 2009); Moreda 1A, 1B, Rambla Seca 1 (Castillo 1990) and Puente Minero (Alcalá et al. 1991); Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. from VVm-A, B, BC, C, and D, ABS-3A, AF-1’06, AF-1’07, CLC-3B, and PUR-4; Eliomys intermedius from Arquillo 3, Sete, Orrios 3, Villalba Alta (Adrover 1986), Escorihuela, Orrios (Weerd 1976), PUR-13, TCH-1 and 1B, TCH3, TCH-13 (García-Alix et al. 2008), Moreda 1A, 1B, Bélmez 1 and Rambla Seca A1 and A2 (Castillo 1990) and Alozaina (Aguilar et al. 1993); Eliomys quercinus from Vallparadís and Cal Guardiola (Minwer-Barakat et al. 2011, Baños de Mula (Agustí et al. 1990), Peña de Estebanvela (Sesé 2006b), Valdocarros (Sesé et al. 2011), Sima de los Huesos (Cuenca-Bescós et al. 1997), Bois Roche (Sesé and Villa 2008), Santenay (Chaline 1972); and Eliomys aff. quercinus from Huétor Tájar 1 and 8.">View Fig</a> </span> ). </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F09FFB2D3D71F7C37E3FAB4');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F09FFB2D3D71F7C37E3FAB4');"> Morphologically, the present material resembles <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+truci" title="Search 'Eliomys truci'"> E. truci</a> , but differs in the development of the centrolophs on M1, M2, while the presence of both centrolophs is rare in <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+truci" title="Search 'Eliomys truci'"> E. truci</a> (5 out of a total of 41 specimens, 12.90%; two specimens from Concud 3 and one each from OTU-1, PUR-23, and Orrios 3), 4 out of 12 specimens <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+yevesi" title="Search 'Eliomys yevesi'"> E. yevesi</a> from VVm-A and VVm-BC 33.33%), and all of the M1, M2 from VVm-D, AF-1’07, CLC-3B, and PUR-4 (except one) have both centrolophs. Moreover, when present, the postcentroloph is usually reduced in <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+truci" title="Search 'Eliomys truci'"> E. truci</a> , whereas in some M1, M2 of <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+yevesi" title="Search 'Eliomys yevesi'"> E. yevesi</a> from VVm-A it is very well developed, reaching half the width of the molar or more ( Fig. 2G <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.">View Fig</a> </span> ). Similarly, <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+truci" title="Search 'Eliomys truci'"> E. truci</a> never bears two centrolophs on M3, whereas they do occur in 5 out of 8 molars (62.50%) of <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+yevesi" title="Search 'Eliomys yevesi'"> E. yevesi</a> from VVm-A, as well as the only M3 from VVm-C and CLC-3B. </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F09FFB2D3D7195D3467F9F5');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F09FFB2D3D7195D3467F9F5');"> In the upper molars of <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+intermedius" title="Search 'Eliomys intermedius'"> E. intermedius</a> , 79 out of 130 60.77%) M1, M2 and 18 out of 35 (51.42%) M3 have two centrolophs ( Weerd 1976; Adrover 1986; Castillo 1990; García-Alix et al. 2008a). Specimens from both the extant Castillo 1990) and relatively young fossil (e.g., Casablanca B; García-Alix et al. 2008a) populations of <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+quercinus" title="Search 'Eliomys quercinus'"> E. quercinus</a> generally have two centrolophs, with the anterior one often being longer. Together, these observations support a trend towards better-developed centrolophs within a lineage comprising <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+truci" title="Search 'Eliomys truci'"> E. truci</a> – <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+yevesi" title="Search 'Eliomys yevesi'"> E. yevesi</a> – <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+intermedius" title="Search 'Eliomys intermedius'"> E. intermedius</a> – <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+quercinus" title="Search 'Eliomys quercinus'"> E. quercinus</a> . </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F09FFB2D3D71A1E33DCFEC8');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F09FFB2D3D71A1E33DCFEC8');"> Besides the change in development of the centrolophs, <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys" title="Search 'Eliomys'"> Eliomys</a> also shows a trend towards the reduction of the centrolophid and the accessory crests in the lower molars Castillo 1990; García-Alix et al. 2008a). This observation is borne out by the present data, m1, m2 of <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+yevesi" title="Search 'Eliomys yevesi'"> E. yevesi</a> resemble those of <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+truci" title="Search 'Eliomys truci'"> E. truci</a> in having a long centrolophid and a well-developed posterotropid. In <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+intermedius" title="Search 'Eliomys intermedius'"> E. intermedius</a> , the centrolophid is still present in 104 out of 106 (98.11%) m1, m2, but in 26 of these specimens (24.53%) it is less than half the width of the molar—with the exception of the material from Sète (n = 30), which always displays a long centrolophid. The centrolophid is even more reduced in <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+quercinus" title="Search 'Eliomys quercinus'"> E. quercinus</a> , where it is short in 8 (61.54%) and absent in 5 (38.46%) out of the 13 studied specimens. A posterotropid is present in 29 out of 30 m 1, m2 of <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+truci" title="Search 'Eliomys truci'"> E. truci</a> (96.67%), 27 out of 29 m 1, m2 of <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+yevesi" title="Search 'Eliomys yevesi'"> E. yevesi</a> (93.10%), 80 out of 107 m 1, m2 of <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+intermedius" title="Search 'Eliomys intermedius'"> E. intermedius</a> (74.76%), and 1 out of 11 m 1, m2 (9.09%) of <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Eliomys+quercinus" title="Search 'Eliomys quercinus'"> E. quercinus</a> (2 of the 13 specimens studied here are too damaged or worn to observe this character). </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F09FFB2D0781DDA321FFE57');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '8BB436D14F09FFB2D0781DDA321FFE57');"> Stratigraphic and geographic range.— MN13–14, Late Miocene–Early Pliocene; Cabriel, Granada, and Alcoy basins of southeastern Spain.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title" data-toggle="collapse"> <a class="accordion-toggle collapsed" data-parent="#accordion-paneled" data-toggle="collapse" href="/GgServer/#collapse2" onclick="return false;"> References </a> </h4> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse" id="collapse2" style="height: 0px;"> <div class="panel-body" id="bibRefContainer"> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var bibRefCitations = [{id: "EF9A4B204F0EFFB5D2931B02342BF8D5", author: "Friant, M.", box: "[451,566,1874,1895]", pageId: "2", pageNumber: "579", pagination: "161 - 170", refId: "ref9788", refString: "Friant, M. 1953. Une faune du Quaternaire ancien en France mediterraneenne (Sete, Herault). Annales de la Societe Geologique du Nord 73: 161 - 170.", type: "journal article", year: "1953", str: "Friant 1953"}, {id: "EF9A4B204F0EFFB5D2931B3F34EBF836", author: "Garcia-Alix, A. & Minwer-Barakat, R. & Martin-Suarez, E. & Freudenthal, M.", box: "[451,758,1903,1924]", pageId: "2", pageNumber: "579", pagination: "1 - 37", refId: "ref9821", refString: "Garcia-Alix, A., Minwer-Barakat, R., Martin-Suarez, E., and Freudenthal, M. 2008 a. Cricetidae and Gliridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the Miocene and Pliocene of southern Spain. Scripta Geologica 136: 1 - 37.", type: "journal article", year: "2008", str: "García-Alix et al. 2008a: 24–25"}, {id: "EF9A4B204F08FFB3D0D8192C35EBFA22", author: "Friant, M.", box: "[904,1014,1404,1424]", pageId: "4", pageNumber: "581", pagination: "161 - 170", refId: "ref9788", refString: "Friant, M. 1953. Une faune du Quaternaire ancien en France mediterraneenne (Sete, Herault). Annales de la Societe Geologique du Nord 73: 161 - 170.", type: "journal article", year: "1953", str: "Friant, 1953"}, {id: "EF9A4B204F09FFB2D3AA191E3792FAD5", author: "Weerd, A. van de", box: "[250,399,1358,1383]", pageId: "5", pageNumber: "582", pagination: "1 - 217", refId: "ref10935", refString: "Weerd, A. van de 1976. Rodent faunas of the Mio-Pliocene continental sediments of the Teruel-Alfambra region, Spain. Utrech Micropaleontological Bulletins, Special Publication 2: 1 - 217.", type: "journal article", year: "1976", str: "Weerd 1976"}, {id: "EF9A4B204F09FFB2D2F1191E3454FAD5", author: "Adrover, R.", box: "[417,585,1358,1383]", pageId: "5", pageNumber: "582", refId: "ref8938", refString: "Adrover, R. 1986. Nuevas faunas de roedores en el Mio-Plioceno continental de la region de Teruel (Espana). Interes bioestratigrafico y paleoecologico. 423 pp. Ph. D. Thesis, Publicaciones del Instituto de Estudios Turolenses, Teruel.", type: "book", year: "1986", str: "Adrover 1986"}, {id: "EF9A4B204F09FFB2D10C191E34E3FAD5", author: "Castillo, C.", box: "[604,766,1358,1383]", pageId: "5", pageNumber: "582", refId: "ref9346", refString: "Castillo, C. 1990. Paleocomunidades de Micromamiferos de los Yacimientos karsticos del Neogeno Superior de Andalucia Oriental. 255 pp. Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, University of Granada, Granada.", type: "book", year: "1990", str: "Castillo 1990"}, {id: "EF9A4B204F09FFB2D332193E3763FA35", author: "Garcia-Alix, A. & Minwer-Barakat, R. & Martin-Suarez, E. & Freudenthal, M.", box: "[98,382,1390,1415]", pageId: "5", pageNumber: "582", pagination: "1 - 37", refId: "ref9821", refString: "Garcia-Alix, A., Minwer-Barakat, R., Martin-Suarez, E., and Freudenthal, M. 2008 a. Cricetidae and Gliridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the Miocene and Pliocene of southern Spain. Scripta Geologica 136: 1 - 37.", type: "journal article", year: "2008", str: "García-Alix et al. 2008a"}, {id: "EF9A4B204F09FFB2D33919DE371FFA15", author: "Castillo, C.", box: "[105,258,1422,1447]", pageId: "5", pageNumber: "582", refId: "ref9346", refString: "Castillo, C. 1990. Paleocomunidades de Micromamiferos de los Yacimientos karsticos del Neogeno Superior de Andalucia Oriental. 255 pp. Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, University of Granada, Granada.", type: "book", year: "1990", str: "Castillo 1990"}, {id: "EF9A4B204F09FFB2D3D219FE3790FA75", author: "Garcia-Alix, A. & Minwer-Barakat, R. & Martin-Suarez, E. & Freudenthal, M.", box: "[130,397,1454,1479]", pageId: "5", pageNumber: "582", pagination: "1 - 37", refId: "ref9821", refString: "Garcia-Alix, A., Minwer-Barakat, R., Martin-Suarez, E., and Freudenthal, M. 2008 a. Cricetidae and Gliridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the Miocene and Pliocene of southern Spain. Scripta Geologica 136: 1 - 37.", type: "journal article", year: "2008", str: "García-Alix et al. 2008a"}, {id: "EF9A4B204F09FFB2D3391AFF371EF97A", author: "Castillo, C.", box: "[105,259,1711,1736]", pageId: "5", pageNumber: "582", refId: "ref9346", refString: "Castillo, C. 1990. Paleocomunidades de Micromamiferos de los Yacimientos karsticos del Neogeno Superior de Andalucia Oriental. 255 pp. Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, University of Granada, Granada.", type: "book", year: "1990", str: "Castillo 1990"}, {id: "EF9A4B204F09FFB2D25E1AFF3403F97A", author: "Garcia-Alix, A. & Minwer-Barakat, R. & Martin-Suarez, E. & Freudenthal, M.", box: "[270,542,1711,1736]", pageId: "5", pageNumber: "582", pagination: "1 - 37", refId: "ref9821", refString: "Garcia-Alix, A., Minwer-Barakat, R., Martin-Suarez, E., and Freudenthal, M. 2008 a. Cricetidae and Gliridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the Miocene and Pliocene of southern Spain. Scripta Geologica 136: 1 - 37.", type: "journal article", year: "2008", str: "García-Alix et al. 2008a"}, {}]; for (var c = 0; c < bibRefCitations.length; c++) { if (bibRefCitations[c].author && bibRefCitations[c].year) { var author = bibRefCitations[c].author; if (author.indexOf(' ') != -1) author = author.substring(0, author.indexOf(' ')); bibRefCitations[c].sortKey = (author + ' ' + bibRefCitations[c].year); } else bibRefCitations[c].sortKey = ''; } bibRefCitations.sort(function(brc1, brc2) { return brc1.sortKey.localeCompare(brc2.sortKey); }); var bibRefCitationDoneIDs = new Object(); for (var c = 0; c < bibRefCitations.length; c++) { if (bibRefCitations[c].refString) { var refId = getRefStringId(bibRefCitations[c].refString); if (refId == null) continue; if (bibRefCitationDoneIDs[refId]) continue; showReferenceFor(bibRefCitations[c]); bibRefCitationDoneIDs[refId] = 'done'; } } function showReferenceFor(bibRefCitation) { // console.log('show preview for reference'); var brParent = getById('bibRefContainer'); var brDoi = null; if (bibRefCitation.DOI) brDoi = bibRefCitation.DOI; else if (bibRefCitation.doi) brDoi = bibRefCitation.doi; else if (bibRefCitation.ID_DOI) brDoi = bibRefCitation.ID_DOI; if (brDoi != null) { if (brDoi.indexOf('/10.') == -1) brDoi = ('https://dx.doi,org/' + brDoi); else if (brDoi.indexOf('://') == -1) brDoi = ('https://' + brDoi); } var brUrl = null; if (bibRefCitation.URL) brUrl = bibRefCitation.URL; else if (bibRefCitation.url) brUrl = bibRefCitation.url; else if (bibRefCitation.ID_URL) brUrl = bibRefCitation.ID_URL; else if (bibRefCitation.publicationUrl) brUrl = bibRefCitation.publicationUrl; if ((brUrl != null) && (brUrl.indexOf('://') == -1)) brUrl = ('https://' + brUrl); var brHttpUri = bibRefCitation.httpUri; var brLink = null; if (brDoi != null) brLink = brDoi; else if (brUrl != null) brLink = brUrl; else if (brHttpUri != null) brLink = brHttpUri; if (brLink != null) { var brAnchor = newElement('a', null, null, null); brAnchor.href = brLink; = '_blank'; brParent.appendChild(brAnchor); brParent = brAnchor; } var brPara = newElement('p', 'reference', null, bibRefCitation.refString); brParent.appendChild(brPara); } function getRefStringId(refString) { if (refString.length == 0) return null; var hash = 0; for (var c = 0; c < refString.length; c++) { var ch = refString.charCodeAt(c); hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + ch; hash = hash & hash; } return ('ref_' + hash); } </script> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title" data-toggle="collapse"> <a class="accordion-toggle collapsed" data-parent="#accordion-paneled" data-toggle="collapse" href="/GgServer/#collapse3" onclick="return false;"> Figures </a> </h4> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse" id="collapse3" style="height: 0px;"> <div class="panel-body" id="citedFigureBox"> <div class="col-md-4 thumbwrap" id="figurePreview" style="display: none;"> <div class="thumbnail"> <div class="thumbnail-view"> <a class="thumbnail-view-hover ui-lightbox" href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" rel="group"></a> <img alt="Gallery Image" src="" style="width: 100%"> </div> </div> <div class="caption figure-caption"> <p citationStartId="4.[152,185,1404,1424]" citationText="Fig. 2A–L"> Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 thumbwrap" id="figurePreview" style="display: none;"> <div class="thumbnail"> <div class="thumbnail-view"> <a class="thumbnail-view-hover ui-lightbox" href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" rel="group"></a> <img alt="Gallery Image" src="" style="width: 100%"> </div> </div> <div class="caption figure-caption"> <p citationStartId="4.[152,185,1404,1424]" citationText="Fig. 2G"> Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 thumbwrap" id="figurePreview" style="display: none;"> <div class="thumbnail"> <div class="thumbnail-view"> <a class="thumbnail-view-hover ui-lightbox" href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" rel="group"></a> <img alt="Gallery Image" src="" style="width: 100%"> </div> </div> <div class="caption figure-caption"> <p citationStartId="6.[152,185,1596,1616]" citationText="Fig. 3"> Fig. 3. Comparison of length and width measurements (in mm) of p4 (A), P4 (B), m1, m2 (C), M1, M2 (D), m3 (E), and M3 (F) of Eliomys truci from Aljezar B, Hautimagne, Los Mansuetos, Orrios, Sarrión, Sete, Villalba Alta (Adrover 1986), Concud 2 and 3, Concud Barranco de los Calaveros, Los Mansuetos, Masada del Valle 2, 5 and 7, Tortojada A and C (Weerd 1976), DHS-1 and 16, PUR-23, 24, and 25A, OTU-1, TCH-1B and 13 (García-Alix et al. 2008a), Negratín-1 (Minwer-Barakat et al. 2009); Moreda 1A, 1B, Rambla Seca 1 (Castillo 1990) and Puente Minero (Alcalá et al. 1991); Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. from VVm-A, B, BC, C, and D, ABS-3A, AF-1’06, AF-1’07, CLC-3B, and PUR-4; Eliomys intermedius from Arquillo 3, Sete, Orrios 3, Villalba Alta (Adrover 1986), Escorihuela, Orrios (Weerd 1976), PUR-13, TCH-1 and 1B, TCH3, TCH-13 (García-Alix et al. 2008), Moreda 1A, 1B, Bélmez 1 and Rambla Seca A1 and A2 (Castillo 1990) and Alozaina (Aguilar et al. 1993); Eliomys quercinus from Vallparadís and Cal Guardiola (Minwer-Barakat et al. 2011, Baños de Mula (Agustí et al. 1990), Peña de Estebanvela (Sesé 2006b), Valdocarros (Sesé et al. 2011), Sima de los Huesos (Cuenca-Bescós et al. 1997), Bois Roche (Sesé and Villa 2008), Santenay (Chaline 1972); and Eliomys aff. quercinus from Huétor Tájar 1 and 8.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var figureCitations = [{id: "13302A544F0EFFB5D3C71B7B36E2F8F2", box: "[151,255,1835,1856]", captionStart: "Fig", captionStartId: "4.[152,185,1404,1424]", captionTargetBox: "[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetId: "figure-363@4.[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetPageId: "4", captionText: "Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.", figureDoi: "", httpUri: "", pageId: "2", pageNumber: "579", str: "Fig. 2A–L"}, {id: "13302A544F0EFFB5D77619B9329FF9B0", box: "[1062,1154,1513,1538]", captionStart: "Fig", captionStartId: "4.[152,185,1404,1424]", captionTargetBox: "[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetId: "figure-363@4.[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetPageId: "4", captionText: "Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.", figureDoi: "", httpUri: "", pageId: "2", pageNumber: "579", str: "Fig. 2G"}, {id: "13302A544F0EFFB5D66E1A5933EAF990", box: "[1342,1527,1545,1570]", captionStart: "Fig", captionStartId: "4.[152,185,1404,1424]", captionTargetBox: "[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetId: "figure-363@4.[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetPageId: "4", captionText: "Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.", figureDoi: "", httpUri: "", pageId: "2", pageNumber: "579", str: "Fig. 2B, C, N, R"}, {id: "13302A544F0EFFB5D6811A7A35BCF9D1", captionStart: "Fig", captionStartId: "4.[152,185,1404,1424]", captionTargetBox: "[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetId: "figure-363@4.[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetPageId: "4", captionText: "Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.", figureDoi: "", httpUri: "", pageId: "2", pageNumber: "579", str: "Fig. 2F, G"}, {id: "13302A544F0FFFB4D2BF1E2C345BFD27", box: "[495,582,636,661]", captionStart: "Fig", captionStartId: "4.[152,185,1404,1424]", captionTargetBox: "[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetId: "figure-363@4.[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetPageId: "4", captionText: "Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.", figureDoi: "", httpUri: "", pageId: "3", pageNumber: "580", str: "Fig. 2A"}, {id: "13302A544F0FFFB4D3891F913733FC68", box: "[217,302,961,986]", captionStart: "Fig", captionStartId: "4.[152,185,1404,1424]", captionTargetBox: "[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetId: "figure-363@4.[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetPageId: "4", captionText: "Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.", figureDoi: "", httpUri: "", pageId: "3", pageNumber: "580", str: "Fig. 2C"}, {id: "13302A544F0FFFB4D13819D734DEFA12", box: "[616,707,1415,1440]", captionStart: "Fig", captionStartId: "4.[152,185,1404,1424]", captionTargetBox: "[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetId: "figure-363@4.[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetPageId: "4", captionText: "Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.", figureDoi: "", httpUri: "", pageId: "3", pageNumber: "580", str: "Fig. 2D"}, {id: "13302A544F0FFFB4D1CC1ABD34EBF8B4", box: "[668,758,1773,1798]", captionStart: "Fig", captionStartId: "4.[152,185,1404,1424]", captionTargetBox: "[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetId: "figure-363@4.[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetPageId: "4", captionText: "Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.", figureDoi: "", httpUri: "", pageId: "3", pageNumber: "580", str: "Fig. 2E"}, {id: "13302A544F0FFFB4D3A51B3E3753F835", box: "[245,334,1902,1927]", captionStart: "Fig", captionStartId: "4.[152,185,1404,1424]", captionTargetBox: "[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetId: "figure-363@4.[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetPageId: "4", captionText: "Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.", figureDoi: "", httpUri: "", pageId: "3", pageNumber: "580", str: "Fig. 2E"}, {id: "13302A544F08FFB3D05B1BDF3599F934", box: "[779,900,1645,1960]", captionStart: "Fig", captionStartId: "4.[152,185,1404,1424]", captionTargetBox: "[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetId: "figure-363@4.[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetPageId: "4", captionText: "Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.", figureDoi: "", httpUri: "", pageId: "4", pageNumber: "581", str: "Fig. 2G"}, {id: "13302A544F08FFB3D7C11B1F32F7F8DA", box: "[1169,1258,1871,1896]", captionStart: "Fig", captionStartId: "4.[152,185,1404,1424]", captionTargetBox: "[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetId: "figure-363@4.[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetPageId: "4", captionText: "Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.", figureDoi: "", httpUri: "", pageId: "4", pageNumber: "581", str: "Fig. 2H"}, {id: "13302A544F09FFB2D33A1DD036A7FE2B", box: "[106,186,384,409]", captionStart: "Fig", captionStartId: "4.[152,185,1404,1424]", captionTargetBox: "[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetId: "figure-363@4.[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetPageId: "4", captionText: "Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.", figureDoi: "", httpUri: "", pageId: "5", pageNumber: "582", str: "Fig. 2J"}, {id: "13302A544F09FFB2D25C1DF0377FFE0B", box: "[268,354,416,441]", captionStart: "Fig", captionStartId: "4.[152,185,1404,1424]", captionTargetBox: "[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetId: "figure-363@4.[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetPageId: "4", captionText: "Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.", figureDoi: "", httpUri: "", pageId: "5", pageNumber: "582", str: "Fig. 2L"}, {id: "13302A544F09FFB2D38C1E3C3702FD37", box: "[220,287,620,645]", captionStart: "Fig", captionStartId: "6.[152,185,1596,1616]", captionTargetBox: "[163,1527,163,1572]", captionTargetId: "figure-302@6.[212,1449,160,1572]", captionTargetPageId: "6", captionText: "Fig. 3. Comparison of length and width measurements (in mm) of p4 (A), P4 (B), m1, m2 (C), M1, M2 (D), m3 (E), and M3 (F) of Eliomys truci from Aljezar B, Hautimagne, Los Mansuetos, Orrios, Sarrión, Sete, Villalba Alta (Adrover 1986), Concud 2 and 3, Concud Barranco de los Calaveros, Los Mansuetos, Masada del Valle 2, 5 and 7, Tortojada A and C (Weerd 1976), DHS-1 and 16, PUR-23, 24, and 25A, OTU-1, TCH-1B and 13 (García-Alix et al. 2008a), Negratín-1 (Minwer-Barakat et al. 2009); Moreda 1A, 1B, Rambla Seca 1 (Castillo 1990) and Puente Minero (Alcalá et al. 1991); Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. from VVm-A, B, BC, C, and D, ABS-3A, AF-1’06, AF-1’07, CLC-3B, and PUR-4; Eliomys intermedius from Arquillo 3, Sete, Orrios 3, Villalba Alta (Adrover 1986), Escorihuela, Orrios (Weerd 1976), PUR-13, TCH-1 and 1B, TCH3, TCH-13 (García-Alix et al. 2008), Moreda 1A, 1B, Bélmez 1 and Rambla Seca A1 and A2 (Castillo 1990) and Alozaina (Aguilar et al. 1993); Eliomys quercinus from Vallparadís and Cal Guardiola (Minwer-Barakat et al. 2011, Baños de Mula (Agustí et al. 1990), Peña de Estebanvela (Sesé 2006b), Valdocarros (Sesé et al. 2011), Sima de los Huesos (Cuenca-Bescós et al. 1997), Bois Roche (Sesé and Villa 2008), Santenay (Chaline 1972); and Eliomys aff. quercinus from Huétor Tájar 1 and 8.", figureDoi: "", httpUri: "", pageId: "5", pageNumber: "582", str: "Fig. 3"}, {id: "13302A544F09FFB2D2CF1F5C37FEFC97", box: "[415,483,780,805]", captionStart: "Fig", captionStartId: "6.[152,185,1596,1616]", captionTargetBox: "[163,1527,163,1572]", captionTargetId: "figure-302@6.[212,1449,160,1572]", captionTargetPageId: "6", captionText: "Fig. 3. Comparison of length and width measurements (in mm) of p4 (A), P4 (B), m1, m2 (C), M1, M2 (D), m3 (E), and M3 (F) of Eliomys truci from Aljezar B, Hautimagne, Los Mansuetos, Orrios, Sarrión, Sete, Villalba Alta (Adrover 1986), Concud 2 and 3, Concud Barranco de los Calaveros, Los Mansuetos, Masada del Valle 2, 5 and 7, Tortojada A and C (Weerd 1976), DHS-1 and 16, PUR-23, 24, and 25A, OTU-1, TCH-1B and 13 (García-Alix et al. 2008a), Negratín-1 (Minwer-Barakat et al. 2009); Moreda 1A, 1B, Rambla Seca 1 (Castillo 1990) and Puente Minero (Alcalá et al. 1991); Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. from VVm-A, B, BC, C, and D, ABS-3A, AF-1’06, AF-1’07, CLC-3B, and PUR-4; Eliomys intermedius from Arquillo 3, Sete, Orrios 3, Villalba Alta (Adrover 1986), Escorihuela, Orrios (Weerd 1976), PUR-13, TCH-1 and 1B, TCH3, TCH-13 (García-Alix et al. 2008), Moreda 1A, 1B, Bélmez 1 and Rambla Seca A1 and A2 (Castillo 1990) and Alozaina (Aguilar et al. 1993); Eliomys quercinus from Vallparadís and Cal Guardiola (Minwer-Barakat et al. 2011, Baños de Mula (Agustí et al. 1990), Peña de Estebanvela (Sesé 2006b), Valdocarros (Sesé et al. 2011), Sima de los Huesos (Cuenca-Bescós et al. 1997), Bois Roche (Sesé and Villa 2008), Santenay (Chaline 1972); and Eliomys aff. quercinus from Huétor Tájar 1 and 8.", figureDoi: "", httpUri: "", pageId: "5", pageNumber: "582", str: "Fig. 3"}, {id: "13302A544F09FFB2D26E18DD3787FB14", box: "[318,410,1165,1190]", captionStart: "Fig", captionStartId: "4.[152,185,1404,1424]", captionTargetBox: "[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetId: "figure-363@4.[151,1534,161,1378]", captionTargetPageId: "4", captionText: "Fig. 2. The glirid mammals Eliomys yevesi sp. nov. (A–L) and Eliomys intermedius Friant, 1953 (M–U) from Spain, Villatoya-Venta del Moro Formation, Miocene (see Table 1 for locality name abbreviations). A. VVmA-42 (MGUV-27256), right p4. B. VVmA-1 (MGUV-27215), right m1, m2. C. VVmA- 6 (MGUV-27220), right m1, m2. D. VVmBC-5 (MGUV-27490), right m3. E. VVmA-40 (MGUV-27254), left P4. F. VVmA-16 (MGUV-27230), right M1, M2. G. VVmA-25 (MGUV-27239), right M1, M2. H. VVmA-13 (MGUV-27227), left M3. I. VVmA-14 (MGUV-27228), left M3. J. ABS3A-38 (MGUV-23529), right m1, m2. K. AF1’06-190 (MGUV-28334), right m1, m2. L. AF1’07-36 (MGUV-28427), left M1, M2. M. AC0-88 (MGUV-28551), right m3. N. LB2B-176 (MGUV-28727), right m1, m2. O. LB2B-241 (MGUV-28727), left M1, M2. P. LB2B-177 (MGUV-28728), left M3. Q. LB2B- 178 (MGUV-28729), left P4. R. AL2D-290 (MGUV-28063), left m1, m2. S. AL2D-356 (MGUV-28129), left m3. T. AL2D-291 (MGUV-28064), right M1, M2. U. AL2D-293 (MGUV-28066), left M1, M2.", figureDoi: "", httpUri: "", pageId: "5", pageNumber: "582", str: "Fig. 2G"}, {}]; var figureCitationDoneURIs = new Object(); for (var c = 0; c < figureCitations.length; c++) { if (figureCitations[c]['httpUri']) showPreviewFor(figureCitations[c], null, figureCitationDoneURIs); else if (figureCitations[c]['httpUri_0']) showPreviewFor(figureCitations[c], 0, figureCitationDoneURIs); } function showPreviewFor(figureCitation, attributeSuffix, figureCitationDoneURIs) { if (!figureCitation['httpUri' + ((attributeSuffix != null) ? ('_' + attributeSuffix) : '')]) return; if (!figureCitationDoneURIs[figureCitation['httpUri' + ((attributeSuffix != null) ? ('_' + attributeSuffix) : '')]]) { var fp = getById('figurePreview' + figureCitation['httpUri' + ((attributeSuffix != null) ? ('_' + attributeSuffix) : '')]); if (fp != null) = null; figureCitationDoneURIs[figureCitation['httpUri' + ((attributeSuffix != null) ? 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width: 100%;"> Eliomys yevesi </span> </h2> <table> <tr> <td class="cd-timeline-citation"> Mansino, Samuel, García-Alix, Antonio, Ruiz-Sánchez, Francisco J. & Montoya, Plinio 2015</td> </tr> </table> <span class="cd-date">2015</span> </div> </div> <div class="cd-timeline-block"> <div class="cd-timeline-img cd-location"> <img alt="Loc" src="/GgServer/resources/srsWebPortalData/Layouts/XsltSearchPortalLayoutData/cd-icon-location.svg" /> </div> <div class="cd-timeline-content"> <h2> Eliomys aff. intermedius</h2> <table> <tr> <td class="cd-timeline-citation"> Garcia-Alix, A. & Minwer-Barakat, R. & Martin-Suarez, E. & Freudenthal, M. 2008: 24</td> </tr> </table> <span class="cd-date">2008</span> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default specimen-map"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title" data-toggle="collapse"> <a class="accordion-toggle collapsed" data-parent="#accordion-paneled" data-toggle="collapse" href="/GgServer/#collapseRight2" onclick="return false;"> Distribution Map </a> </h4> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse" id="collapseRight2" style="height: 0px;"> <div class="panel-body"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="showDocumentLocationsOnMap(); 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