Glirudinus undosus Mayr, MN 1979 - Plazi TreatmentBank

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The exceptional high biodiversity of dormice in the Early Miocene of the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin (Spain), Geodiversitas 45 (20), pp. 589-641</a> : 616-617 </p> </section> <section class="detail-section row" ondragenter="cancelDragDefault(event);" ondragover="cancelDragDefault(event);" ondrop="cancelDragDefault(event);"> <table class="table species-information"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p> publication ID</p> </td> <td> <span style="display: inline-block; width: 100%;"> <a href=" 10.5252/geodiversitas2023v45a20 " target="_blank"> 10.5252/geodiversitas2023v45a20 </a> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> publication LSID</p> </td> <td> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> DOI</p> </td> <td> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> persistent identifier</p> </td> <td> <p> <u></u> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> treatment provided by</p> </td> <td> <p> Plazi <span id="provenanceInfo" style="font-size: 83%;"></span> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> scientific name</p> </td> <td> <span style="display: inline-block; width: 100%;"> Glirudinus undosus Mayr, 1979 </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> status</td> <td> <p> &nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section class="species-accordion row"> <button class="btn btn-primary" id="collapse-init"> Show all</button> <div class="panel-group accordion-panel" id="accordion-paneled"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title" data-toggle="collapse"> <a class="accordion-toggle collapsed" data-parent="#accordion-paneled" data-toggle="collapse" href="/GgServer/#collapse1" onclick="return false;"> Treatment </a> </h4> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse in" id="collapse1" style="height-gone: 0px;"> <div class="panel-body" ondragenter="cancelDragDefault(event);" ondragover="cancelDragDefault(event);" ondrop="cancelDragDefault(event);" onmouseup="endSelection(event, null, null, null, null);"> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127D0A028E8F22F212');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127D0A028E8F22F212');"> <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Glirudinus+undosus" title="Search 'Glirudinus undosus'"> Glirudinus undosus Mayr, 1979</a> </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127D6501698F45F232');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127D6501698F45F232');"> ( Fig. 10 <span class="externalLinkInLine"> <a href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" title="FIG. 10. &mdash; Gliridae from the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin. Simplomys meulenorum: A, right p4 (MAB3-389); B, left p4 (MAB11-10); C, left m2 (MAB3-450); D, left m3 (MAB5-860); E, left p4 (MAB3-269); F, right p4 (MAB3-270); G, right M1 (MAB3-298); H, right M1 (MAB3-299); I, left M1 (MAB3-300); J, left M2 (MAB3-302); K, left M2 (MAB3-287); L, left M2 (BC1-97). Armantomys aragonensis: M, left m1 (CBR0B-36); N, right m2 (CBR0B-37). Glirudinus undosus: O, left p4 (BC1-115); P, left m1 (MAB3-397); Q, right m1 (MAB3-400); R, right m1 (MAB3-403); S, left m1 (MAB5-20); T, rigth m2 (MAB3-395); U, left m2 (MAB3-396); V, right m3 (MAB3- 482); W, right M3 (MAB3-484); X, right P4 (MAB3-262); Y, left P4 (MAB3-236); Z, left P4 (MAB5-128); AA, left M1 (MAB3-272); AB, right M1 (MAB3-292); AC, right M1 (MAB5-109); AD, left M2 (MAB3-274); AE, left M3 (MAB3-366); AF, right M3 (MAB3-368). Scale bar: 1 mm.">View FIG</a> </span> O-AF) </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127C9601368FAEF27B');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127C9601368FAEF27B');"> LOCALITIES. — MTR2, BC1, FS1, MAB3, MAB5, and MAB11.</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127C9601068C54F2D7');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127C9601068C54F2D7');"> MATERIAL. — <span id="848F3C90FFD42E127D0601018CC9F28C" style="display: inline;"> MTR2: 1 p4;</span> <span id="848F3C90FFD42E127D8C01018F5BF28C" style="display: inline;"> BC1: 1 p4;</span> <span id="848F3C90FFD42E127E0301018F29F28C" style="display: inline;"> FS1: 1m3; <span id="848F3C90FFD42E127E6C01018CAEF2B1" style="display: inline;"> <span style="display: inline;"> MAB3</span> : 7 m1, 4 m2, 3 m3, 6 P4, 6 M1, 2 M2, 4 M3; </span> <span id="848F3C90FFD42E127E1701EF8C54F2D7" style="display: inline;"> <span style="display: inline;"> MAB5</span> : 2 m1, 2 m2, 2 P4, 2 M1, 2 M2. </span> </span> </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127C96019A8C9CF2E7');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127C96019A8C9CF2E7');"> MEASUREMENTS. — Appendix 15</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127C9600488C44F355');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127C9600488C44F355');"> DESCRIPTION</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127C9600288DB9F373');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127C9600288DB9F373');"> p4 (BC1)</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127C96000B88FEF58E');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127C96000B88FEF58E');"> Tooth subrectangular in outline. The anterolophid is short. The endolophid is complete. There is an anterotropid. The metalophid is connected to the endolophid and to the anterolophid by the protoconid in the labial side. The centrolophid is long and it is joined to the endolophid. The mesolophid and the posterolophid are long and interconnected. The posterotropid is well developed and it is isolated. The labial cuspids are better developed than the lingual ones. This tooth has 2 extra crestids, making a total of 7 crestids. In the tooth from MTR2 the centrolophid is not connected to the endolophid.</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127F3F06CD8EFEF5CE');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127F3F06CD8EFEF5CE');"> m1 ( MAB 3)</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127F3F06AC88E1F091');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127F3F06AC88E1F091');"> The tooth is subrectangular in occlusal view, with narrow crestids and valleys. The anterolophid is short and narrow. The endolophid may be divided in two parts in front of the metalophid (1 out of 5) or complete (4 out of 5). There are three anterotropids, two of which connected to the endolophid. The metalophid is complete and it may be joined in both sides (3 out of 5) or separated from the anterolophid in the lingual side and joined to the labial one (2 out of 5). The centroloph is long, almost covering the entire tooth, and it may be isolated (1 out of 6), in contact with the lingual side (4 out of 6), or joined in both sides, connecting the mesolophid with the mesoconid (1 out of 6). The centrotropids may be absent (4 out of 5) but one may be present (1 out of 5). The mesolophid and the posterolophid are long and connected. It may have one (4 out of 6) or two (2 out of 6) posterotropids. The most developed central crestids connect with the posterotropid forming an ellipse. The labial cuspids are more developed than the lingual ones. There may be four extra crestids making nine in total (3 out of 5), five extra crestids with a total of ten (1 out of 5), or six extra crestids thus totaling eleven (1 out of 5). In the material from MAB 5 the centrolophid may be isolated, and there are two posterotropids.</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127F3F03CE8EFEF0D1');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127F3F03CE8EFEF0D1');"> m2 ( MAB 3)</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127F3F03AE88FFF374');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127F3F03AE88FFF374');"> The tooth is subrectangular in occlusal view with narrow crestids and valleys. The anterolophid is long and straight. The endolophid is divided in several parts, almost all the crestids show a free ending in the lingual side. There are three anterotropids, but only the anterior one connects with the anterolophid, the other two may be connected (1 out of 3), disconnected (1 out of 3) or show a low connection with the endolophid (1 out of 3). The metalophid is complete and it may be separated from the anterolophid in the lingual side (2 out of 3) or connected to it (1 out of 3). The centrolophid is long, almost covering the entire tooth, and it may be in contact with the mesoconid (1 out of 3), or not (2 out of 3). There may be two centrotopids (1 out of 3), one (1 out of 3), or none (1 out of 3). The mesolophid and the posterolophid are long and connected to each other. The posterotropid may be connected with the posterolophid forming an ellipse (2 out of 4), or disconnected (2 out of 4). The labial cuspids are more developed than the lingual ones. The tooth may have four extra crestids totaling nine (1 out of 3), five extra crestids totaling ten (1 out of 3), or six extra crestids with eleven in total (1 out of 3). The material from MAB 5 fits in this description.</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127F3F00EB8EFEF3B4');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E127F3F00EB8EFEF3B4');"> m3 ( MAB 3)</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E117F3F00CB8E59F6AF');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD42E117F3F00CB8E59F6AF');"> The tooth is elongated and D-shaped. The endolophid may be undivided (1 out of 3) or be divided in two (1 out of 3) or three (1 out of 3) parts. There are three anterotropids, the medial one is the longest, and the two posterior crestids may be connected to the endolophid (2 out of 3), or the three may be connected to the endolohid (1 out of 3). The metalophid is long and connected in both sides. The centrolophid may be continuous, narrow and independent (2 out of 3) or connected to the endolophid and divided in two (1 out of 3). There may be a centrotropid (1 out of 3), or not (2 out of 3). The mesolophid and the posterolophid are long and connected lingually. The posterotropid may be connected to both sides of the posteroloph, forming an ellipse (2 out of 3) or isolated from the posterolophid (1 out of 3). The labial cuspids are more developed than the lingual ones. The tooth may show five extra crestids, totaling ten (1 out of 3) or four extra crestids, with nine in total (2 out of 3). The m3 from FS1 has an extra crestid before the centrolophid.</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD72E117C9605AC8DAEF6EF');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD72E117C9605AC8DAEF6EF');"> P4 ( MAB 3)</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD72E117C96058F8CC5F132');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD72E117C96058F8CC5F132');"> The outline of the tooth is subelliptical. The anterolophid may be long (4 out of 5) or short (1 out of 5), and it is isolated. The protoloph is long and connected to the endoloph. There may be one (2 out of 6) or two (1 out of 6) low extra crests in the central valley in each side of the centroloph, or they may be absent (3 out of 6). A long centrolophid may be isolated (4 out of 5), or in contact with the protoloph (1 out of 5). The metaloph is long and connected to the protoloph, in a Y-shape. A posterotrope may be present (2 out of 5) or not (3 out of 5). The posteroloph may be long, isolated and divided in two (1 out of 5), or long and connected to the endoloph (4 out of 5). The tooth may have three extra crests, thus totaling eight (1 out of 5), only one extra crest with a total of six (3 out of 5), or no extra crests, with five in total (1 out of 5). In the material from MAB 5, the anteroloph may be connected to the protoloph in the labial side, the centroloph is connected to the labial side, and there is a metaloph that in some specimens is connected to both sides of the tooth.</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD72E117C9602298C59F172');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD72E117C9602298C59F172');"> M1 ( MAB 3)</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD72E117C960209885AF50E');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD72E117C960209885AF50E');"> The tooth is subrectangular in outline. The anteroloph is long and connected to the protoloph in the labial side. An anterotrope may be present (3 out of 6) or not (3 out of 6). The protoloph is long and developed until the posterior side of the tooth. There may be only a prototrope (5 out of 6) or three of them (1 out of 6), connected in the labial side; in the specimen with three prototropes, the medial one is the largest one. The precentroloph is long, and it may be connected with the postcentroloph in a Y-shape (3 out of 6), or isolated (3 out of 6). A centrotrope and a postcentroloph are present. There may be three (2 out of 6), two (1 out of 6) or only one metatrope (3 out of 6); when three metatropes are present, the medial one is the most developed, when there is only one metatrope, it is not the medial one. The metaloph is long and it is connected to the endoloph and to the ectoloph. The metatrope may be absent (1 out of 6) or present (5 out of 6). The posteroloph is short. The lingual ornamentation is poorly developed. The tooth may have four extra crests, ten in total (2 out of 6), five extra crests, eleven in total (1 out of 6), six extra crests, twelve in total (1 out of 6), or seven extra crests with a total of thirteen (2 out of 6). In the material from MAB 5 the anteroloph is shorter, and in one specimen the precentroloph is divided.</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD72E117F3F064D8EE0F54E');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD72E117F3F064D8EE0F54E');"> M2 ( MAB 3)</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD72E117F3F062D8E80F72F');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD72E117F3F062D8E80F72F');"> The tooth is sub-quadrangular in outline. The anteroloph and the protoloph are long and isolated labially. The endoloph is complete. There is an isolated anterotrope. There are two prototropes, the anterior one is more developed than the posterior one. The precentroloph is long and they are connected to the metaloph and labially isolated.There is a centrotope connected to the ectoloph.The postcentroloph is long, but shorter than the precentroloph, and connected to the ectoloph. The metatrope is divided in two parts. The metaloph and the posteroloph are long and connected in the lingual and labial sides. There is a small metatrope. The lingual ornamentation is poorly developed. The tooth has six extra crests making a total of twelve. In the material from MAB 5 the endoloph is divided in two, the protoloph is connected to the endoloph, and there is only one prototrope.</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD72E117F3F042F8EE0F770');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD72E117F3F042F8EE0F770');"> M3 ( MAB 3)</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD72E117F3F040F88FFF031');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD72E117F3F040F88FFF031');"> The tooth is broken. The anteroloph is long and it is connected to a long protoloph. The anterotrope is connected to the ectoloph. A prototrope is present. The precentroloph and the postcentroloph are long. There are three metatropes, and the medial one is the largest.The metaloph and the posteroloph are short. The tooth has six extra crests with a total of thirteen.</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD72E117F3F032F8EDEF072');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD72E117F3F032F8EDEF072');"> REMARKS</p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD72E117F3F030E89C4F152');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD72E117F3F030E89C4F152');"> The genus <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Glirudinus" title="Search 'Glirudinus'"> Glirudinus</a> is very common in the fossil record of Europe. It ranges from the upper Oligocene (MP28) until the Middle Miocene (MN7+8) from Europe and Turkey (e.g. Engesser 1972; Daams &amp; De Bruijn 1995; Ünay et al. 2003; Azanza et al. 2004). This genus differs from other glirids in its high number of extra crests, its flat occlusal surface and its narrow and straight crests and valleys. </p> <p onmousedown="return startSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD72E117F51022989DCF3F3');" onmouseup="return endSelection(event, 'paragraph', '345836CDFFD72E117F51022989DCF3F3');"> Particularly, the species <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Glirudinus+undosus" title="Search 'Glirudinus undosus'"> Glirudinus undosus</a> has a wide stratigraphic range that spans from the upper Ramblian of Hintersteinbruch and Goldinger Tobel ( Switzerland, MN3) to the upper Aragonian of Barranc de Can Vila 1 ( Spain, MN7+8) ( Kälin 1997; Casanovas-Vilar et al. 2010). It is the largest species of this genus described in the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin and is clearly distinct from the other occurring species <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Glirudinus+modestus" title="Search 'Glirudinus modestus'"> Glirudinus modestus</a> . Many of the remains of this species described in the literature were initially attributed to <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Glirudinus+gracilis" title="Search 'Glirudinus gracilis'"> Glirudinus gracilis Dehm, 1950</a> , as in the locality of Buñol ( Adrover et al. 1987) but were later ascribed to <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Glirudinus+undosus" title="Search 'Glirudinus undosus'"> G. undosus</a> by Mayr (1979). <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Glirudinus+gracilis" title="Search 'Glirudinus gracilis'"> Glirudinus gracilis</a> is characterized by more complex and wider crests than <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Glirudinus+undosus" title="Search 'Glirudinus undosus'"> G. undosus ( Mayr, 1979)</a> . The latter differs from <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Glirudinus+euryodon" title="Search 'Glirudinus euryodon'"> Glirudinus euryodon Van der Meulen and De Bruijn, 1982</a> from Aliveri ( Greece) in the absence of a complete endoloph in the M1 characteristic of the greek specimens ( Van der Meulen &amp; De Bruijn 1982). The species <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Glirudinus+magnus" title="Search 'Glirudinus magnus'"> Glirudinus magnus Aguilar &amp; Lazzari, 2006</a> , differs from <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Glirudinus+undosus" title="Search 'Glirudinus undosus'"> G. undosus</a> in its simpler dental patttern ( Aguilar &amp; Lazzari 2006). Both the morphology and the biometrical data of the material from the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin allows us to assign it to the species <a href="/GgServer/search?taxonomicName.isNomenclature=true&taxonomicName.exactMatch=true&taxonomicName.taxonomicName=Glirudinus+undosus" title="Search 'Glirudinus undosus'"> G. undosus</a> . </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title" data-toggle="collapse"> <a class="accordion-toggle collapsed" data-parent="#accordion-paneled" data-toggle="collapse" href="/GgServer/#collapse2" onclick="return false;"> References </a> </h4> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse" id="collapse2" style="height: 0px;"> <div class="panel-body" id="bibRefContainer"> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var bibRefCitations = [{id: "50764B3CFFD42E127DE602898F22F212", author: "Mayr", box: "[500,627,1523,1549]", firstAuthor: "Mayr", pageId: "29", pageNumber: "616", refId: "ref40426", refString: "MAYR H. 1979. - Gebissmorphologische Untersuchungen an miozanen Gliriden (Mammalia, Rodentia) Suddeutschlands. Doctoral Thesis, Ludwig-Maximiliens University, Munich, Germany, 380 p.", type: "book", year: "1979", str: "Mayr, 1979"}, {id: "50764B3CFFD72E117F3E03AE8E94F0F1", author: "Engesser", box: "[812,965,1236,1262]", firstAuthor: "Engesser", pageId: "30", pageNumber: "617", pagination: "37", refId: "ref38802", refString: "ENGESSER B. 1972. - Die obermiozane Saugetier Faune von Anwil (Baselland). Tatigkeitsbericht der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Baselland 28: 37 363.", type: "journal article", year: "1972", str: "Engesser 1972"}, {id: "50764B3CFFD72E117FC103AE89BAF0F1", author: "Daams & De Bruijn", box: "[979,1259,1235,1262]", firstAuthor: "Daams", pageId: "30", pageNumber: "617", pagination: "3 - 50", refId: "ref37922", refString: "DAAMS R. & DE BRUIJN H. 1995. - A classification of the Gliridae (Rodentia) on the basis of dental morphology. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 6: 3 - 50. https: // doi. org / 10.4404 / hystrix- 6.1 - 2 - 4015", type: "journal article", year: "1995", str: "Daams & De Bruijn 1995"}, {id: "50764B3CFFD72E1178EA03AF88F8F0F1", author: "Unay", box: "[1272,1449,1236,1265]", etAl: "et al.", firstAuthor: "Unay", pageId: "30", pageNumber: "617", pagination: "539 - 547", refId: "ref41060", refString: "UNAY E., DE BRUIJN H. & SARAC G. 2003. - A preliminary zonation of the continental Neogene of Anatolia based on rodents, in REUMER J. W. F. & WESSELS W. (eds), Distribution and migration of tertiary mammals in Eurasia. A volume in honour of Hans De Bruijn. Deinsea 10: 539 - 547. https: // natuurtijdschriften. nl / pub / 538736", type: "journal article", year: "2003", str: "Ünay et al. 2003"}, {id: "50764B3CFFD72E117F3F038E8EBDF111", author: "Azanza", box: "[813,1004,1267,1294]", etAl: "et al.", firstAuthor: "Azanza", pageId: "30", pageNumber: "617", pagination: "271 - 274", refId: "ref36151", refString: "AZANZA B., ALONSO-ZARZA M. A., ALVAREZ-SIERRA M. A., CALVO J. P., FRAILE S., GARCIA- PAREDES I., GOMEZ E., HERNANDEZ-FERNANDEZ M., VAN DER MEULEN A. J., DEMIGUEL D., MONTOYA P., MORALES J., MURELAGA X., PELAEZ-CAMPOMANES P., PEREZ B., QUIRALTE V., SALESA M. J., SANCHEZ I. M., SANCHEZ-MARCO A. & SORIA D. 2004. - Los yacimientos de vertebrados continentales del Aragoniense superior (Mioceno Medio) de Toril, Cuenca de Calatayud-Daroca. Geo-Temas 6: 271 - 274.", type: "journal article", year: "2004", str: "Azanza et al. 2004"}, {id: "50764B3CFFD72E117F2702A98EFDF1F2", author: "Kalin", box: "[821,940,1491,1517]", firstAuthor: "Kalin", pageId: "30", pageNumber: "617", pagination: "515 - 535", refId: "ref40028", refString: "KALIN D. 1997. - The mammal zonation of the Upper Marine Molasse of Switzerland reconsidered a local biozonation of MN 2 - MN 5, in AGUILAR J. P., LEGENDRE S. & MICHAUX J. (eds), Actes du Congres BiochroM' 97. Memoires et Travaux de l'Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes, Institut Montpellier 21: 515 - 535. http: // pascal-francis. inist. fr / vibad / index. php? actio n = getRecordDetail & idt = 1267965", type: "journal article", year: "1997", str: "Kälin 1997"}, {id: "50764B3CFFD72E117FAA02A98984F1F2", author: "Casanovas-Vilar", box: "[952,1237,1491,1517]", etAl: "et al.", firstAuthor: "Casanovas-Vilar", pageId: "30", pageNumber: "617", pagination: "297 - 315", refId: "ref36458", refString: "CASANOVAS-VILAR I., ANGELONE C., ALBA D. M., MOYA-SOLA S., KOHLER M. & GALINDO J. 2010. - Rodents and lagomorphs from the Middle Miocene hominoid-bearing site of Barranc de Can Vila 1 (els Hostalets de Pierola, Catalonia, Spain). Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie-Abhandlungen 257: 297 - 315. https: // doi. org / 10.1127 / 0077 - 7749 / 2010 / 0077", type: "journal article", year: "2010", str: "Casanovas-Vilar et al. 2010"}, {id: "50764B3CFFD72E11789101088818F293", author: "Adrover", box: "[1155,1353,1650,1676]", etAl: "et al.", firstAuthor: "Adrover", pageId: "30", pageNumber: "617", pagination: "43 - 61", refId: "ref35224", refString: "ADROVER R., MEIN P. & BELINCHON M. 1987. - La fauna de roedores en el Aragoniense medio del Barranco del Candel, Bunol (provincia de Valencia, Espana). Paleontologia i evolucio 21: 43 - 61.", type: "journal article", year: "1987", str: "Adrover et al. 1987"}, {id: "50764B3CFFD72E11787601E989BBF2B3", author: "Mayr", box: "[1124,1258,1682,1709]", firstAuthor: "Mayr", pageId: "30", pageNumber: "617", refId: "ref40426", refString: "MAYR H. 1979. - Gebissmorphologische Untersuchungen an miozanen Gliriden (Mammalia, Rodentia) Suddeutschlands. Doctoral Thesis, Ludwig-Maximiliens University, Munich, Germany, 380 p.", type: "book", year: "1979", str: "Mayr (1979)"}, {id: "50764B3CFFD72E117F4501A88E88F2F3", author: "Mayr", box: "[855,985,1746,1772]", firstAuthor: "Mayr", pageId: "30", pageNumber: "617", refId: "ref40426", refString: "MAYR H. 1979. - Gebissmorphologische Untersuchungen an miozanen Gliriden (Mammalia, Rodentia) Suddeutschlands. Doctoral Thesis, Ludwig-Maximiliens University, Munich, Germany, 380 p.", type: "book", year: "1979", str: "Mayr, 1979"}, {id: "50764B3CFFD72E117F3C018889E5F313", author: "Van der Meulen and De Bruijn", box: "[814,1204,1778,1804]", firstAuthor: "Van der Meulen", pageId: "30", pageNumber: "617", pagination: "485 - 524", refId: "ref41139", refString: "VAN DER MEULEN A. J. & DE BRUIJN H. 1982. - The mammals from the Lower Miocene of Aliveri (Island of Evia, Greece). Part 2. The Gliridae. Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen, Serie B 85: 485 - 524.", type: "journal article", year: "1982", str: "Van der Meulen and De Bruijn, 1982"}, {id: "50764B3CFFD72E11783B004888F1F353", author: "Van der Meulen & De Bruijn", box: "[1065,1440,1841,1868]", firstAuthor: "Van der Meulen", pageId: "30", pageNumber: "617", pagination: "485 - 524", refId: "ref41139", refString: "VAN DER MEULEN A. J. & DE BRUIJN H. 1982. - The mammals from the Lower Miocene of Aliveri (Island of Evia, Greece). Part 2. The Gliridae. Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen, Serie B 85: 485 - 524.", type: "journal article", year: "1982", str: "Van der Meulen & De Bruijn 1982"}, {id: "50764B3CFFD72E11786B002B882FF374", author: "Aguilar & Lazzari", box: "[1145,1406,1873,1900]", firstAuthor: "Aguilar", pageId: "30", pageNumber: "617", pagination: "277 - 295", refId: "ref35527", refString: "AGUILAR J. P. & LAZZARI V. 2006. - Nouvelles especes de glirides du gisement karstique de Blanquatere 1 (Miocene Moyen, sud de la France). Geodiversitas 28: 277 - 295.", type: "journal article", year: "2006", str: "Aguilar & Lazzari, 2006"}, {id: "50764B3CFFD72E117957000B8EE5F3B4", author: "Aguilar & Lazzari", firstAuthor: "Aguilar", pageId: "30", pageNumber: "617", pagination: "277 - 295", refId: "ref35527", refString: "AGUILAR J. P. & LAZZARI V. 2006. - Nouvelles especes de glirides du gisement karstique de Blanquatere 1 (Miocene Moyen, sud de la France). Geodiversitas 28: 277 - 295.", type: "journal article", year: "2006", str: "Aguilar & Lazzari 2006"}, {}]; for (var c = 0; c < bibRefCitations.length; c++) { if (bibRefCitations[c].author && bibRefCitations[c].year) { var author = bibRefCitations[c].author; if (author.indexOf(' ') != -1) author = author.substring(0, author.indexOf(' ')); bibRefCitations[c].sortKey = (author + ' ' + bibRefCitations[c].year); } else bibRefCitations[c].sortKey = ''; } bibRefCitations.sort(function(brc1, brc2) { return brc1.sortKey.localeCompare(brc2.sortKey); }); var bibRefCitationDoneIDs = new Object(); for (var c = 0; c < bibRefCitations.length; c++) { if (bibRefCitations[c].refString) { var refId = getRefStringId(bibRefCitations[c].refString); if (refId == null) continue; if (bibRefCitationDoneIDs[refId]) continue; showReferenceFor(bibRefCitations[c]); bibRefCitationDoneIDs[refId] = 'done'; } } function showReferenceFor(bibRefCitation) { // console.log('show preview for reference'); var brParent = getById('bibRefContainer'); var brDoi = null; if (bibRefCitation.DOI) brDoi = bibRefCitation.DOI; else if (bibRefCitation.doi) brDoi = bibRefCitation.doi; else if (bibRefCitation.ID_DOI) brDoi = bibRefCitation.ID_DOI; if (brDoi != null) { if (brDoi.indexOf('/10.') == -1) brDoi = ('https://dx.doi,org/' + brDoi); else if (brDoi.indexOf('://') == -1) brDoi = ('https://' + brDoi); } var brUrl = null; if (bibRefCitation.URL) brUrl = bibRefCitation.URL; else if (bibRefCitation.url) brUrl = bibRefCitation.url; else if (bibRefCitation.ID_URL) brUrl = bibRefCitation.ID_URL; else if (bibRefCitation.publicationUrl) brUrl = bibRefCitation.publicationUrl; if ((brUrl != null) && (brUrl.indexOf('://') == -1)) brUrl = ('https://' + brUrl); var brHttpUri = bibRefCitation.httpUri; var brLink = null; if (brDoi != null) brLink = brDoi; else if (brUrl != null) brLink = brUrl; else if (brHttpUri != null) brLink = brHttpUri; if (brLink != null) { var brAnchor = newElement('a', null, null, null); brAnchor.href = brLink; = '_blank'; brParent.appendChild(brAnchor); brParent = brAnchor; } var brPara = newElement('p', 'reference', null, bibRefCitation.refString); brParent.appendChild(brPara); } function getRefStringId(refString) { if (refString.length == 0) return null; var hash = 0; for (var c = 0; c < refString.length; c++) { var ch = refString.charCodeAt(c); hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + ch; hash = hash & hash; } return ('ref_' + hash); } </script> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title" data-toggle="collapse"> <a class="accordion-toggle collapsed" data-parent="#accordion-paneled" data-toggle="collapse" href="/GgServer/#collapse3" onclick="return false;"> Figures </a> </h4> </div> <div class="panel-collapse collapse" id="collapse3" style="height: 0px;"> <div class="panel-body" id="citedFigureBox"> <div class="col-md-4 thumbwrap" id="figurePreview" style="display: none;"> <div class="thumbnail"> <div class="thumbnail-view"> <a class="thumbnail-view-hover ui-lightbox" href="/GgServer/#" onclick="return displayFigure('');" rel="group"></a> <img alt="Gallery Image" src="" style="width: 100%"> </div> </div> <div class="caption figure-caption"> <p citationStartId="28.[132,143,1895,1912]" citationText="Fig. 10"> FIG. 10. — Gliridae from the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin. Simplomys meulenorum: A, right p4 (MAB3-389); B, left p4 (MAB11-10); C, left m2 (MAB3-450); D, left m3 (MAB5-860); E, left p4 (MAB3-269); F, right p4 (MAB3-270); G, right M1 (MAB3-298); H, right M1 (MAB3-299); I, left M1 (MAB3-300); J, left M2 (MAB3-302); K, left M2 (MAB3-287); L, left M2 (BC1-97). Armantomys aragonensis: M, left m1 (CBR0B-36); N, right m2 (CBR0B-37). Glirudinus undosus: O, left p4 (BC1-115); P, left m1 (MAB3-397); Q, right m1 (MAB3-400); R, right m1 (MAB3-403); S, left m1 (MAB5-20); T, rigth m2 (MAB3-395); U, left m2 (MAB3-396); V, right m3 (MAB3- 482); W, right M3 (MAB3-484); X, right P4 (MAB3-262); Y, left P4 (MAB3-236); Z, left P4 (MAB5-128); AA, left M1 (MAB3-272); AB, right M1 (MAB3-292); AC, right M1 (MAB5-109); AD, left M2 (MAB3-274); AE, left M3 (MAB3-366); AF, right M3 (MAB3-368). Scale bar: 1 mm.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var figureCitations = [{id: "ACDC2A48FFD42E127D9201688C9DF232", box: "[384,460,1554,1581]", captionStart: "FIG", captionStartId: "28.[132,143,1895,1912]", captionTargetBox: "[161,1426,216,1858]", captionTargetId: "figure-15@28.[149,1439,205,1868]", captionTargetPageId: "28", captionText: "FIG. 10. — Gliridae from the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin. Simplomys meulenorum: A, right p4 (MAB3-389); B, left p4 (MAB11-10); C, left m2 (MAB3-450); D, left m3 (MAB5-860); E, left p4 (MAB3-269); F, right p4 (MAB3-270); G, right M1 (MAB3-298); H, right M1 (MAB3-299); I, left M1 (MAB3-300); J, left M2 (MAB3-302); K, left M2 (MAB3-287); L, left M2 (BC1-97). Armantomys aragonensis: M, left m1 (CBR0B-36); N, right m2 (CBR0B-37). Glirudinus undosus: O, left p4 (BC1-115); P, left m1 (MAB3-397); Q, right m1 (MAB3-400); R, right m1 (MAB3-403); S, left m1 (MAB5-20); T, rigth m2 (MAB3-395); U, left m2 (MAB3-396); V, right m3 (MAB3- 482); W, right M3 (MAB3-484); X, right P4 (MAB3-262); Y, left P4 (MAB3-236); Z, left P4 (MAB5-128); AA, left M1 (MAB3-272); AB, right M1 (MAB3-292); AC, right M1 (MAB5-109); AD, left M2 (MAB3-274); AE, left M3 (MAB3-366); AF, right M3 (MAB3-368). Scale bar: 1 mm.", figureDoi: "", httpUri: "", pageId: "29", pageNumber: "616", str: "Fig. 10"}, {id: "ACDC2A48FFD42E127D5D019A8C9CF2E7", box: "[335,461,1760,1784]", captionStart: "APPENDIX", captionStartId: "54.[132,144,1210,1227]", captionTargetId: "graphics-333@54.[132,775,1369,1962]", captionTargetPageId: "54", captionText: "APPENDIX 15. — Measurements of Glirudinus undosus Mayr, 1979 from the Ribesalbes-Alcora Basin (in mm.). 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