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"/dhasjkdas/sadsdds/sdda/sdads.html" } </div> <div class="single-page page-template"> <div class="main-container single-page__inner"> <div class="breadcrumbs"> <a href="">Home</a> » Terms of Use </div> <h1>Terms of Use</h1> <blockquote> <h4>Information about the company that manages the website</h4> <p><strong>Company name:</strong> Intercorp Global LTD<br /> <strong>Company address:</strong><br /> Ajeltake Road<br /> Ajeltake Island<br /> Majuro MH96960<br /> Marshall Islands</p></blockquote> <p>Welcome to the FinancesOnline website available at and under the domain name (referred to as the “Site”) and such other or successive domains as may be operated, purchased or used from time to time by FinancesOnline (referred to as “FinancesOnline”, “we”or “us”). This Terms of Use Agreement (referred to as the “Terms of Service”) describes the terms and conditions governing your use of the FinancesOnline Site and your access to and use of the content, information and services provided by FinancesOnline Site (collectively referred to as the “Service”). These Terms of Service apply when you visit, access or use any part of the Service or access any of the Content.</p> <h4>1. ABOUT THE SERVICE</h4> <p>1.1 The primary services and content that the FinancesOnline offers by means of the Site are the following:</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;">(i) Free User tools and services that allow Users to find business and IT applications (“Applications”), read and write user created reviews, compare offers and the communication with chosen Software Providers in accordance to a wide range of criteria.</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;">(ii) For Software Providers, opportunity for listing their Software in our directory and allowing them to be searched (in accordance to the chosen criteria) across our web properties and our network of partners.</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;">(iii) Alert Services: free automatic alerts on offers via e-mail relevant to Software; newsletter Services or informative electronic communications about Software.</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;">(iv) Advertising, promotional opportunities and lead generation (Pay-Per-Click and Pay-Per-Lead) for partners and Software Providers.</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;">(v) Other services that we may be found interesting for Users, including training, forums, advice, access to news, professional contact network, research programs and surveys.</p> <h4>2. ACCEPTING OF THE TERMS OF SERVICE</h4> <p>2.1 When you visit, access or use the Content of the Service or create a FinancesOnline account (as defined below) you accept these Terms of Service and agree to be bound by them. You are advised to consult these Terms of Service carefully because they regulate your access to and use of the Service and the Content and establish legally binding terms that can be applied to your use of the Service and the Content.</p> <p>2.2 Some of the services mentioned above may be subject to specific conditions established at any time. From now on, such conditions, or any other specific conditions for the services provided by the Site at any time, will be referred to as “Specific Conditions”.</p> <h4>3. ELIGIBILITY</h4> <p>3.1 The Service is intended only for professional purposes and exclusively to non-consumers who are 18 or older. Any access to or use of the Site or Service by anyone under 18 is expressly forbidden. By using or accessing the Site or Service you warrant that you are 18 or older.</p> <h4>4. AMENDMENTS</h4> <p>4.1 It is possible that we may amend these Terms of Service from time to time. You may be asked to accept the amended Terms of Service when logging in to your FinancesOnline Account in order to be able to continue using the Service. Alternatively, we may publish information about any significant alterations to these Terms of Service on the Site with a notice informing about the changes in advance of the effective date of the changes. We may also send you an email notification of material changes to these Terms of Service to the email address connected with your FinancesOnline Account (as defined below) before the effective date of the changes. We advise you to keep the email address connected with your FinancesOnline Account up-to-date, and to without delay notify us of any changes to your email address, so that you may receive any notices we send to you relevant to material changes to these Terms of Service.</p> <p>4.2 If you do not want to consent to the new terms, you may cancel your FinancesOnline Account within the applicable thirty (30) day period and you will not be bound by the new terms. In other cases, the new terms will be in effect after thirty (30) days.</p> <h4>5. FINANCESONLINE ACCOUNTS AND REGISTRATION</h4> <p>5.1 It may be possible for you to access specific parts of the Service without creating a FinancesOnline Account, but to get full access to the functionalities of the Service, you are required to set up an account with which your Registration Data (as defined below) or other information will be connected (referred to as a “FinancesOnline Account”). This applies specifically to users who intend to create a review about software they use, comment on the content we create and software providers that want to create a profile and/or start an advertising campaign.</p> <p>5.2 By creating a FinancesOnline Account, you consent to: (i) provide accurate, true, complete and current information about your company, yourself and the software that you register as a listing with one of our categories (referred to as the “Registration Data”); (ii) maintain and without delay update the Registration Data to keep it accurate, current, true and complete; (iii) use only the FinancesOnline Account you created to access the Service; (iv) prevent anyone else from using your FinancesOnline Account to access the Service; and (v) not use the name of another individual with the purpose to impersonate that individual or in a manner that otherwise leads to confusion regarding the origin of your account. If you submit any information that is inaccurate, not current, untrue or incomplete, or that impersonates another individual, or if FinancesOnline has reasonable reasons to suspect that the data you submitted is inaccurate, not current, untrue or incomplete, or impersonates another individual, FinancesOnline may suspend or cancel your FinancesOnline Account and refuse to let you to use the Service at any time. All Registration Data will be used and stored in accordance with the FinancesOnline Privacy Policy. You hereby agree to the use of your activities on the Service by FinancesOnline to optimize the availability and presentation of Content to you or to other users of the Service.</p> <p>5.3 It is possible for you to join the Service directly via the Site or by means of logging into your account with specific third party social networking services (including, but not limited to LinkedIn or Disqus) (referred to as “SNS”) through our Sites. If you decide to register through an SNS, we will use the Registration Data you have submitted to the SNS (including your “real” name, gender, email address, and other details you make publicly available through the SNS) to create your account and display a part of this data; the information we gather may be dependent on the privacy settings you established with the SNS. Other than what we may share with the SNS as described below, the Registration Data an SNS has about you is gathered by the SNS independent of our Service, and FinancesOnline is not responsible for its legality, accuracy or non-infringement.</p> <p>5.4 You may cancel your FinancesOnline Account at any time by sending an email request to support(at)financesonline(dot)com. We will try to delete your account within 2 business days. If you cancel your FinancesOnline Account you may still be able to gain access to some parts of the Service, but you will no longer have access to full functionalities of the Service. We may also cancel your FinancesOnline Account, or establish limits on or restrict access to portions or all of the Service at any time, without notice or liability.</p> <h4>6. AVAILABLE CONTENT AND SERVICE OWNERSHIP; RESTRICTIONS</h4> <p>6.1 Our Site includes a combination of content that we create, that our advertisers or partners create, and that our users create. You agree that FinancesOnline and its licensors, users or partners own all rights, title and interest in the Service, the Content, and all intellectual property rights thereto, including logos, names, related names and symbols (referred to as “Intellectual Property”) that are protected by our intellectual property (copyright) or industrial property rights (including trademarks) or those of our Users or partners.</p> <p>6.2 Neither FinancesOnline nor any of its Users or partners gives you a license nor authorization of use over its intellectual or industrial property rights or over any other right or property related to the Site, its Content or its Services. Therefore you are not allowed to modify, transmit, publish, reproduce, participate in the transfer or sale of, distribute, create derivative works of, publicly communicate, or otherwise exploit any of the resources or content on our Site in whole or in part.</p> <p>6.3 You are solely responsible for all resources, regardless if posted publicly posted or privately transmitted, that you upload, email, post, transmit, or in any other way make available on our Site (referred to as “Your Content”). You confirm that you have all intellectual and industrial property rights in Your Content. You hereby grant us, our partners and our affiliates a worldwide, irrevocable, nonexclusive, royalty-free, sub licensable license to use, reproduce, distribute, publicly communicate, create derivative works of Your Content and subsequent versions of Your Content for the purposes of (i) showing Your Content on our Site, (ii) distributing Your Content, either electronically or through other media, to Users (iii) designing advertising campaigns with your content such as, but not exclusively, advertising or remarketing users on third party sites.</p> <h4>7. CONTENT USAGE</h4> <p>7.1 The Service may allow you to use, obtain, read and/or view (as the case may be) Content that you may obtain in digital form, and you are obliged to do so only for your personal, noncommercial entertainment use. The Content may be owned by FinancesOnline or by third parties. However, in all situations, you acknowledge and understand that your rights relevant to Content will be limited by copyright law. You consent that you will not try to alter any Application or Content obtained by means of the Service for any purpose whatsoever, including for the purpose of hiding or modifying any indications of the ownership or source of the Content.</p> <p>7.2 In order to use the Service, Software Providers grant to FinancesOnline a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license, relevant to all content and Software that publish on our Site, to: (i) use, adapt, recompile, copy, reformat, edit, communicate by telecommunication, truncate, and/or modify any portion of the information for public display, public performance and distribution, (ii) access, cache and index the website(s) to which your ads link, or any part thereof, by any means, including crawlers and/or web spiders (iii) create and display in connection with your ad copies of any text, graphics, images, video or audio on the websites to which your ads link, and (iv) use this Content for advertising on third party networks including but not limited to Google, Bing, DoubleClick or Criteo services.</p> <p>7.3 FinancesOnline do not guarantee that ads from Software Providers will be placed in, or available via, any particular section of our Site, nor do we guarantee that those ads will show in a specific position or rank.</p> <p>7.4 FinancesOnline will not have any liability for those information or ads. We are entitled to refuse, cancel, reject or remove any information, ad or space reservation at its discretion at any time. Ads from Software Providers may be subject to inventory availability, and the final decision regarding ad relevancy is at our discretion.</p> <h4>8. PERSONAL USE ONLY</h4> <p>8.1 You represent, consent and warrant that you are using the Service hereunder for your own personal, noncommercial use and not for transfer or redistribution of any type. You consent not to redistribute, communicate to the public, publicly perform, broadcast, publicly display, or in any other way transfer or exploit any Content obtained via the Service.</p> <h4>9. PROHIBITED USER ACTIONS</h4> <p>9.1 While using the Service, you consent to refrain from any of prohibited activities listed below:</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;">(i) Use, display, frame or mirror the Service, any individual parts within the Service, the FinancesOnline trademarks, logos names or other proprietary information, or the design and layout of any part of the Service, without our explicit consent in writing.</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;">(ii) Access, tamper with, or use non-public areas of the Service, our computer systems, or the technical delivery systems of our providers.</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;">(Iii) Access the Service by any way other than via interfaces supported by FinancesOnline and as otherwise explicitly authorized means under these Terms of Service.</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;">(iv) Forge headers or in any other way manipulate identifiers in order to hide the origin of any Content transmitted through the Service.</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;">(v) Avoid, remove, bypass, impair, deactivate, descramble or otherwise circumvent any technological measure used by FinancesOnline or any of our providers or any other third party (including another user) to protect the Service.</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;">(vi) Attempt to scrape or download Content from the Service or to access or search the Service or in any other way use, upload content to, or create new links, referrals or reposts in the Service by means of any tool, software, engine, device, agent or mechanism (including spiders, automated scripts, crawlers, spiders, robots, data mining tools or similar mechanisms) other than the software and/or search agents supported by FinancesOnline or other universally available third party web browsers.</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;">(vii) Use any hidden text or meta tags or metadata utilizing the Service or an FinancesOnline logos, trademarks or URL’s without FinancesOnline’s explicit consent in writing.</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;">(viii) Try to decompile, decipher disassemble or reverse engineer any of the Software or other applications used to support the Service.</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;">(ix) Send any unauthorized or unsolicited spam, promotional materials, advertising messages, email, chain letters, junk mail or other form of solicitation.</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;">(x) Gather or store any personally identifiable data from other members of the Service without their explicit agreement.</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;">(xi) Interfere with, or try to interfere with, the access of any user, host or network, including, without limitation, sending a virus, flooding, overloading, mail-bombing or spamming the Service.</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;">(xii) Reproduce, copy, duplicate, trade, sell, resell or exploit for any commercial goal any part of the Service (including your FinancesOnline Account) or your access to or use of the Service.</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;">(xiii) Without limiting any other provision of these Terms of Service, enable any other individual or entity to use your FinancesOnline Account.</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;">(xiv) Stalk or otherwise harass another individual or entity.</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;">(xv) Impersonate or misrepresent your affiliation with any individual or entity.</p> <p style="padding-left: 30px;">(xvi) Users will not, and will not authorize any third party to create fraudulent, automated or in any other way invalid impressions, clicks, conversions or inquiries.</p> <h4>10. USER REVIEW SUBMISSION</h4> <p class="p1">When you submit a User Review to our platform you agree to the following:</p> <ul class="ul1"> <li class="li1">Your review cannot be in violation of any of these Terms of Use.</li> <li class="li1">You may not submit any content that you are not entitled to share under any law or legal agreement. You bear sole liability for any content submitted to our Site.</li> <li class="li1">By submitting content to our Site you grant us the irrevocable, royalty-free, nonexclusive right to use, modify, distribute, reproduce, display, and publish submitted content and assign us all right, title and interest in and to such content, including all intellectual property rights.</li> <li class="li1">We may edit or remove any user reviews without consulting the author.</li> <li class="li1">You confirm that your user review represents your actual and accurate experience with the product and was not influenced by the product’s vendor in any way. You indemnify us for all claims resulting from the violation of these terms.</li> </ul> <h4>11. REMOVING CONTENT</h4> <p>11.1 FinancesOnline and/or the owners of the Content may, from time to time, remove Content from the Service without further notice.</p> <h4>12. USER FEEDBACK</h4> <p>12.1 FinancesOnline is happy to accept and encourages your feedback, but please refrain from submitting any confidential or proprietary information, suggestions or materials on our Site or via email, the Service or otherwise. By sending feedback, opinions, suggestions and/or proposals via the Service, or through any other communication with FinancesOnline, you agree that: (i) the feedback or suggestions you offer will not include proprietary or confidential information; (ii) FinancesOnline is not under any obligation of confidentiality, explicit or implied, relevant to the feedback and suggestions you send; (iii) FinancesOnline shall hold the rights to use or disclose (or decide not to use or disclose) the feedback and suggestions you offer for any purpose, in any manner, in any media worldwide; (iv) FinancesOnline may already consider or develop ideas similar to your feedback or suggestions; (v) the feedback and suggestions you send will automatically become the property of FinancesOnline without any obligation of FinancesOnline to you and you hereby assign all of your rights in the feedback and suggestions to FinancesOnline; (vi) you are not entitled to any form of reimbursement or compensation from FinancesOnline under any circumstances, and (vii) you will not submit any materials that you do not own the right to make available under any law or contractual or fiduciary relationships (including inside information, proprietary and confidential information disclosed under nondisclosure agreements or learned as part of employment relationships). You explicitly agree that you will solely bear any liability connected to your submission of such materials via the Service or to FinancesOnline.</p> <h4>13. NO REVERSE ENGINEERING</h4> <p>13.1 You agree that you will not, for any purpose whatsoever, reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile or in any other way tamper with any security elements, usage rules or other protection measures relevant to the Service or Content.</p> <h4>14. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT</h4> <p>14.1 You agree not to make any use of the Service or Content that would infringe the copyright therein.</p> <h4>15. LINKS TO THIRD PARTIES SITES</h4> <p>15.1 The Service includes links to other websites that are managed and owned by third parties (referred to as “Third Party Sites”), with the goal of allowing access to information and advertising campaigns available online. FinancesOnline makes no representation about any Third Party Sites that can be accessed from our Site. Your experience with of each of those sites is subject to the terms of service, if any, that each of those sites has provided. We have no control whatsoever over sites that are not owned by us, and we do not take responsibility for any changes in content on these sites. On our Site any third-party content or links to third-party sites are included solely for informational purposes and they are not intended as an endorsement of that third-party site or content, that there is a commercial or any other kind of relationship between FinancesOnline and the owners of such Third Party Sites or that FinancesOnline takes any responsibility connected with such Third Party Sites.</p> <p>15.2 When we can obtain a special offer for our users, we may provide a coupon allowing our users to purchase a service or product that we advertise, review or list on our Site. We disclaim any responsibility for or liability connected with any of those services and products. Your correspondence or other relevant activities with third parties, including goods-delivery transactions and payment transactions, are exclusively between you and the related third party. You consent to free us from any responsibility or liability for any damage or loss of any kind resulting from any of your transactions with third parties. Any product order, third party warranties, licenses, complaints, questions, or claims connected with any service or product occur between you and the vendor and should be directed to the relevant vendor.</p> <p>15.3 As a regular aspect of our business, FinancesOnline features listings and advertisements from a wide range of companies. FinancesOnline is not eligible to arbitrate any disputes between the owners of rights to intellectual property and companies that list or advertise their products on our Site.</p> <h4>16. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES</h4> <p>16.1 The Content and the Service are offered on an “as available” and “as is” basis. To the full extent allowed by applicable law, FinancesOnline and its parents, partners, officers, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, licensors, agents all owners of the Content (collectively referred to as the “FinancesOnline Parties”) disclaim all warranties, implied or expressed, including, but not limited to, fitness for a specific purpose, non-infringement and the implied warranties of merchantability. The FinancesOnline Parties give no warranty that the use of the Content or the Service will be free of errors or uninterrupted, that the Content, the Service or the servers that make the Content and the Service will be free or harmful elements and viruses, that any problems with the Content or the Service will be corrected, or that the Content are reliable, current, complete or accurate.</p> <p>16.2 You explicitly consent that your use of the Service is at your own risk. We keep the right to terminate or restrict your access to the Service or any element or feature of the Service at any time. FinancesOnline Parties take no responsibility for the misdelivery, removal or failure to transfer or store any personalization settings or content.</p> <h4>17. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY</h4> <p>17.1 You consent to and understand that FinancesOnline will not be liable to you for any incidental, indirect, consequential, special or exemplary damages, including, but not limited to, damages for loss of data, profits, use, goodwill, or other intangible losses (even if FinancesOnline Party has been aware of the possibility of such losses), caused by your use or access, or inability, to access or use, the Content or the Service.</p> <h4>18. SUSPENDING ACCESS</h4> <p>18.1 Please report any policy violations or problems directly to us by sending us an email at support(at)financesonline(dot)com. We keep the right, but are not obliged, to delete any Content from the Service at any time in our discretion. What is more, with no limits to remedies, we may, in our own discretion, suspend, limit or terminate the Service and FinancesOnline Accounts, restrict access to the Content or the Service, and take both legal and technical measures to prevent users from using the Content or the Service, if we believe that they are causing problems or possible legal liabilities, infringing the intellectual property rights of third parties, or behaving against the letter or spirit of our policies (for instance, and without limitation, circumventing permanent or temporary suspensions or harassing our users or employees).</p> <h4>19. INDEMNITY</h4> <p>19.1 You consent to indemnify and hold the FinancesOnline Parties harmless from any demand or claim, including, among others, reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any third party due to or caused by: (A) your violation of these Terms of Service; (B) or your violation of any law or your violation or infringement of any rights of another party. (C) your use of the Service or the Content.</p> <h4>20. CHOICE OF LAW AND FORUM</h4> <p>20.1 The laws of Belize will be applied to your relationship with the FinancesOnline and to these Terms of Service, without regard to any conflict of law principles, and the parties irrevocably consent to bring any action to enforce these Terms of Service in the state or federal courts located in Belize City, Belize. To this end, the parties explicitly renounce their own jurisdiction and consent to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Belize City, Belize.</p> <h4>21. WAIVER AND SEVERABILITY</h4> <p>21.1 Our failure to enforce or exercise any of these Terms of Service or to act in accordance with a breach by you or others will not be considered a waiver and does not in any way waive our entitlement to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches. If any provision of these Terms of Use becomes void, invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, then that provision will be limited, construed, modified or, if necessary, severed to the extent required to eliminate its unenforceability.</p> <h4>22. HEADINGS</h4> <p>22.1 Headings are used only for reference purposes and do not limit the scope or extent of such section.</p> <h4>23. ENTIRE AGREEMENT</h4> <p>23.1 These Terms of Service (including incorporated policies and regulations and, whenever applicable, the Specific Conditions) describe the full understanding and agreement between us relevant to the subject matter hereof.</p> <h4>24. 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