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Cohnen is responsible for amplifying The Trevor Project’s brand through mission-driven storytelling, promoting its life-saving services and sparking conversations around mental health to reach as many LGBTQ+ youth in need as possible.</p><p>Cohnen leads strategic media campaigns that uplift Trevor’s key program areas including its 24/7 crisis services, innovative research, advocacy efforts to combat anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and public education. Extending beyond traditional media, Cohnen forges dynamic activations with Trevor’s corporate partners and celebrity supporters. Notably, she received PR Daily’s <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">Social Media & Digital Award in Brand Awareness</a> for her leadership on The Trevor Project’s Suicide Prevention Advocate of the Year campaign featuring Lil Nas X.  </p><p>Before joining Trevor, Cohnen served as a press manager at Listen Up, a music promotions agency, where she executed multi-pronged publicity campaigns for a diverse roster of both independent artists and major label clients including Sony Music and Universal Music. Prior to that, she worked at entertainment PR agency BHI, providing media relations support for home entertainment releases and consumer products for clients such as DC Comics, CBS, Paramount and Lionsgate.</p><p>Cohnen is proud to be the cofounder of Garment District LA, a mutual aid organization serving the unhoused community of Los Angeles with clothing donation drives and distribution events. She earned her BA in English Language & Literature from UCLA. A native Angeleno, Cohnen lives in Echo Park with her cat, Bash.</p><div id="advertCentre"><div id="c501Ad" class="commercialSlot" data-location-code="C" data-sizes="fluid|300x250"></div> </div><p><strong>Preferred pronouns?</strong></p><p>She/Her</p><p><strong>Sexual orientation?</strong></p><p>Pansexual</p><p><strong>How did you come out at work? What was most challenging about it?</strong></p><p>It wasn’t until joining The Trevor Project that I felt encouraged and secure enough to share that part of my identity in the workplace. In past work environments, I worried about having to explain or defend my sexual orientation, and I often struggled with the fear of my queerness being questioned or invalidated.</p><p>When I decided to apply to Trevor in 2021, I was finally ready to bring all of my intersecting identities to the table and be unapologetically myself. I spoke openly and proudly about being queer during the interview process, and felt an immediate sense of belonging when I joined the team. On my first day, I introduced myself in a virtual staff meeting of over 250 people, describing my identity as encompassing “three B’s: bisexual, biracial and bilingual.” It was so freeing to be able to bring my authentic self to work and connect with so many peers who shared similar experiences and identities.</p><p><strong>How can colleagues be true allies all year round, not just in Pride Month?</strong></p><p>At the organizational level, it is important that those in leadership positions advocate for policies that promote inclusivity, as this so often sets the tone for the company culture as a whole. Implementing policies such as trans-inclusive healthcare plans, gender-neutral bathrooms and establishing the practice of employees sharing their pronouns at the start of meetings and/or in their email signatures can signal to LGBTQIA+ employees that they are seen, valued and supported by their colleagues.</p><p>True allyship means showing up consistently and authentically. It can be difficult for people who hold marginalized identities to bear the burden of educating others about their own lived experiences — make it a priority to invest time and energy into learning about LGBTQIA+ issues from an intersectional lens. </p><p>A good place to start is ensuring a safe environment where your LGBTQIA+ colleagues feel comfortable to be themselves. Actively listen without judgment or assumptions, and prioritize amplifying the voices of LGBTQIA+ colleagues in both internal spaces and public-facing events.</p><p><strong>How should brands engage with LGBTQIA+ issues as part of their communications and marketing?</strong></p><p>The same principles that guide effective allyship can apply to brands when it comes to engaging with LGBTQIA+ issues — authenticity is the key. It has been encouraging to feel the cultural shift in recent years marked by consumers expecting more from corporate leaders and holding brands accountable to be vocal about issues that are important to them.</p><p>However, representation starts from the inside out and must go beyond surface-level efforts. It’s crucial that if brands engage publicly with LGBTQIA+ issues, then these core values must be truly incorporated into the fabric of their company through DEI initiatives and corporate policies. </p><p>Brands can start by ensuring their company culture is one of inclusivity, both internally and in relation to their consumer audience. It’s simply not enough for a company to say it supports LGBTQIA+ rights in a marketing campaign. Brands have enormous reach and influence globally, and a responsibility to use their platforms and resources to advocate for all marginalized communities, including LGBTQIA+ issues. This can take many forms, such as speaking out against discriminatory laws, establishing meaningful partnerships with nonprofit organizations, collaborating with activists and thought leaders or publicly supporting social justice movements. </p><p><strong>In this febrile election year when LGBTQIA+ rights are under attack via legislation, hostile rhetoric and targeted attacks, what role should PR play in countering this?</strong></p><p>As storytellers, we have the power to influence public perception, and it’s imperative that we utilize these opportunities to create a safer, more inclusive world for LGBTQIA+ people to thrive.</p><p>This year alone, more than 500 anti-LGBTQIA+ bills have been introduced across the U.S., many of which specifically target transgender and nonbinary young people. Alarmingly, The Trevor Project’s <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">research</a> found that the overwhelming majority (90%) of LGBTQIA+ young people said their well-being was negatively impacted by recent politics and the ugly rhetoric surrounding it.</p><p>PR and communications professionals can play a crucial role in shifting the dangerous narratives that directly affect the broader conversation around LGBTQIA+ issues and, importantly, public support for equal rights. In my specific role, this includes working with journalists to combat misinformation, dispelling myths about LGBTQIA+ identities and sharing resources on best practices for LGBTQIA+ and mental health reporting. </p><p>PR experts can also work to amplify the voices and experiences of LGBTQIA+ individuals and their allies in the form of op-eds. Turning the mic toward those at the center of these issues and uplifting their perspectives can move audiences at their core and help build bridges. These authors’ stories are often powerful and moving, helping shift hearts and open minds — some of the most critical levers of social change.  </p><style><!--.button-pride24 {background-color: #081154;border: 1px solid Black;color: #ffffff;padding: 15px 32px;text-align: center;text-decoration: none;display: inline-block;font-size: 18px;font-family: Trade-Gothic-Next,Arial,sans-serif;margin: auto;margin-top: 10px;margin-bottom: 10px;cursor: pointer;width: 100%;transition: all 0.2s ease;-webkit-transition-: all 0.2s ease;-moz-transition-: all 0.2s ease;-ms-transition: all 0.2s ease;-o-transition-: all 0.2s ease;} .button-pride24:hover {background-color: #5bc9ea;border: 1px solid #081154;color: white;padding: 15px 32px;text-align: center;text-decoration: none;display: inline-block;font-size: 18px;font-family: Trade-Gothic-Next,Arial,sans-serif;margin: auto;margin-top: 10px;margin-bottom: 10px;cursor: pointer;transition: all 0.2s ease;-webkit-transition-: all 0.2s ease;-moz-transition-: all 0.2s ease;-ms-transition-: all 0.2s ease;-o-transition-: all 0.2s ease;}--></style><div style="text-align: center;"><a style="color: white;" href=""><div style="display: inline-block; width: 100%;"><button class="button-pride24">Return to Pride in PR</button></div></a></div> </div> <div id="articleEnd"></div> </div> <aside id="articleTags" class="related genericModule articleModule"> <header> <h2>Subject Tags:</h2> </header> <ul> <li><a href="/search/articles?KeyWords=%22Marissa+Cohnen%22" title="More Marissa Cohnen articles">Marissa Cohnen</a></li> <li><a href="/search/articles?KeyWords=%22The+Trevor+Project%22" title="More The Trevor Project articles">The Trevor Project</a></li> <li><a href="/search/articles?KeyWords=" title="More articles"></a></li> </ul> </aside> <br style="clear:both;" /> <div class="conditionalRelatedArticlesPayWall moreOnThisTopic"> <div id="relatedArticles" class="related articleModule altLayout genericModule"> <header> <h2>More...</h2> </header> <ul> <li class="storyContent"> <h3> <a href="/article/1907232/influencer-taha-arshad-discusses-creating-social-content-social-change" data-url="" data-id="1907232" title="Taha Arshad is (patiently) posting for progress">Taha Arshad is (patiently) posting for progress</a> </h3> </li> <li class="storyContent"> <h3> <a href="/article/1888984/businesses-mixed-signals-when-speak-esg-issues" data-url="" data-id="1888984" title="Businesses get mixed signals on when to speak out on ESG issues">Businesses get mixed signals on when to speak out on ESG issues</a> </h3> </li> <li class="storyContent"> <h3> <a href="/article/1878931/pride-pr-benjamin-coy" data-url="" data-id="1878931" title="Pride in PR: Benjamin Coy">Pride in PR: Benjamin Coy</a> </h3> </li> <li class="storyContent"> <h3> <a href="/article/1878930/pride-pr-lauren-hare" data-url="" data-id="1878930" title="Pride in PR: Lauren Hare">Pride in PR: Lauren Hare</a> </h3> </li> <li class="storyContent"> <h3> <a href="/article/1878694/pride-pr-family-tree" data-url="" data-id="1878694" title="Pride in PR Family Tree">Pride in PR Family Tree</a> </h3> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="articleRegMsgMain borderBox"> <h4> Have you registered with us yet? 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