The winners of the 2025 PRWeek Healthcare Awards | PR Week

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</div><div class="menu_section menu_group"><div class="menu_col menu_span_1_of_2"><div class="dropdown"><div class="dropbtn">Campaign awards</div><div class="dropdown-content"><a href="#Content">Best Content</a> <a href="#Tech">Best in AI or Health Technology/ Innovation</a> <a href="#Corporate">Best in Corporate</a> <a href="#Employee">Best in Employee Engagement</a> <a href="#Equity">Best in Health Equity</a> <a href="#Services">Best in Hospital or Healthcare Services</a> <a href="#Media">Best in Media Relations</a> <a href="#MentalHealth">Best in Mental Health + Well-Being</a> <a href="#Oncology">Best in Oncology</a> <a href="#Public">Best in Public Affairs</a> <a href="#Awareness">Best in Public Health Awareness</a> <a href="#Rare">Best in Rare Disease</a> <a href="#SocialOTC">Best in Social Media and/or Influencers - OTC</a> <a href="#SocialPharma">Best in Social Media and/or Influencers - Pharma</a> <a href="#Women">Best in Women's Health</a></div></div></div><div class="menu_col menu_span_1_of_2"><div class="dropdown"><div class="dropbtn">Individual awards</div><div class="dropdown-content"><a href="#AgencyPro">Outstanding Agency Professional</a> <a href="#InHouse">Outstanding In-House Professional</a></div></div></div></div><div class="menu_section menu_group"><div class="menu_col menu_span_1_of_2"><div class="dropdown"><div class="dropbtn">Agency awards</div><div class="dropdown-content"><a href="#Practice">Outstanding Agency Practice</a> <a href="#Agency">Outstanding Agency</a></div></div></div><div class="menu_col menu_span_1_of_2"><a href="" target="_blank" style="color: white; text-decoration: none;" rel="noopener"><div class="dropdown"><div class="dropbtn">Last year's awards</div></div></a></div></div><p><p>The celebration of excellence in healthcare communications, branding and strategy comes at a pivotal time, with a new administration in place that has strong ideas about issues including women&rsquo;s rights, drug pricing, regulation, reversing Biden administration policies, market competition and choice.</p><p>The Trump administration is not as focused on repealing the Affordable Care Act (&ldquo;Obamacare&rdquo;) as it was in his first term in office, but he is certainly attempting to put some unconventional candidates into senior positions in the U.S. Department of Health &amp; Human Services. Most notable of these is Trump&rsquo;s controversial pick for health secretary, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.&nbsp;</p><p>Separately, the health insurance sector is still reeling from the murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson, who was fatally shot on a Manhattan street last December. The sector generally didn&rsquo;t attend the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference this January.</p><p>Healthcare is still one of the most important sectors of the PR industry and the rapid rise of AI is transforming some of the mundane aspects of the work and allowing communicators to double down on strategic thinking and creative outcomes.</p><p>Amid all this uncertainty, in-house and agency-side healthcare and pharma communicators continue to produce effective and creative work, and the brands, teams and individuals at the forefront are represented in this year&rsquo;s winning activations.</p><p>Special thanks go out to our excellent judges and our chair of jury, Regeneron&rsquo;s SVP of corporate affairs Christina Chan, who helped oversee and underpin the rigor of the process and the credibility of the winners.</p><p><em>- Steve Barrett, editorial director, PRWeek</em></p><hr><!-- start of category --><div class="section group"><div class="col span_1_of_2"><h2><a name="Content" class="offset"></a>Best Content</h2><h3>Winner</h3><h3>Genentech and Syneos Health</h3><p>Musical Puts Ableism in the Spotlight</p><p>Roughly one-quarter of Americans live with a disability, but you&rsquo;d never know that looking at television shows and movies. Only 4% of characters have a disability and 95% of the time they are played by non-disabled actors.</p><p>Many members of the spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) community have voiced frustration with the lack of portrayals and with the tone of the few that do exist. Too often they could be described as &ldquo;inspiration porn&rdquo; with predictably uplifting storylines.&nbsp;</p><p>Genentech, which views its commitment to the SMA community as going beyond creating a treatment for the neuromuscular disease, saw an opportunity. Working with its agency partner Syneos Health, the company sought to elevate the voices of the SMA community on the national stage with a musical titled <em>Most Likely Not To&hellip;</em> that would grab the attention of families grappling with SMA and other disabilities as well as people who unknowingly contribute to ableism.</p><p>The musical&rsquo;s plot is centered on a disabled character attending her 20-year high-school reunion, and its biting satire and sharp wit were embraced by the audience at its premiere in New York. Streaming services have allowed thousands to hear the cast recording while Genentech&rsquo;s SMA treatment website saw a 60% increase in traffic.</p><h3>Honorable mention</h3><p><strong>Incyte, Real Chemistry and Starpower</strong><br>The Unseen Journey</p></div><div class="col span_2_of_2 sidebar"><img src="" style="width: 100%;"><h2>FINALISTS</h2><p><strong>American Cancer Society and Real Chemistry </strong>The Hopefall: A One-of-a-Kind Visualization of a Life-Changing Sound</p><p><strong>AstraZeneca and Edelman </strong>What Science Can Do</p><p><strong>Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services and Weber Shandwick </strong>Real People. Real Plans</p><p><strong>Genentech and Syneos Health </strong>Musical Puts Ableism in the Spotlight</p><p><strong>Incyte, Real Chemistry and Starpower </strong>The Unseen Journey</p></div></div><hr><!-- end of category --><p><!-- start of category --><div class="section group"><div class="col span_1_of_2"><h2><a name="Tech" class="offset"></a>Best in AI or Health Technology/ Innovation</h2><h3>Winner</h3><h3>Opella Healthcare and Edelman</h3><p>Allegra Airways</p><p>An estimated 81 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies. Pollen seasons are increasing in length and they are often combined with other irritants from industrial pollution to climate-related conditions such as wildfires.&nbsp;</p><p>While Allegra offers relief to users, the brand decided to also pursue its mission of making breathing easier for everyone with a purpose-built app. The goal was not only to treat allergy symptoms but change lives by addressing the external factors that cause them (and, at the same time, raise brand awareness).</p><p>The app would provide relief for allergy sufferers by putting actionable data in their hands &mdash; real-time routes that would allow them to be outdoors while still breathing better in areas with lower pollen counts and less pollution. Launched nationwide in March 2024, the app tracks 12 types of pollen and six types of air pollutants in real time, with an accuracy of five meters. The app also offered geo-targeted coupons based on live pollen counts: the higher the pollen level, the bigger the discounts on Allegra.</p><p>The innovation and the campaign promoting it moved Allegra from third to second in category share of voice and the brand saw a 50% increase in purchase intent with 38% of people saying they&rsquo;d switch to Allegra.</p><h3>Honorable mention</h3><p><strong>Incyte, Real Chemistry and Starpower</strong><br>The Unseen Journey</p></div><div class="col span_2_of_2 sidebar"><img src="" style="width: 100%;"><h2>FINALISTS</h2><p><strong>American Cancer Society and Real Chemistry </strong>The Hopefall: A One-of-a-Kind Visualization of a Life-Changing Sound</p><p><strong>Currax Pharmaceuticals, Real Chemistry and Swoop </strong>Small But Mighty &mdash; Optimizing Omnichannel Precision and Impact with AI/ML</p><p><strong>Incyte, Real Chemistry and Starpower </strong>The Unseen Journey</p><p><strong>Opella Healthcare and Edelman </strong>Allegra Airways</p></div></div><hr><!-- end of category --><p><!-- start of category --><div class="section group"><div class="col span_1_of_2"><h2><a name="Corporate" class="offset"></a>Best in Corporate</h2><h3>Winner</h3><h3>AstraZeneca and Edelman</h3><p>AstraZeneca's What Science Can Do</p><p>Over the past year, Edelman has found, through its Trust Barometer Study, that trust in healthcare companies has declined globally. This trend is especially noticeable in the U.S. and it needs to be addressed for companies to be able to move the reputational needle.</p><p>Before developing a new corporate campaign, AstraZeneca studied its reputation among patients, HCPs, policymakers and investors. While many had generally positive feelings about AstraZeneca, the corporate story was not doing as much as it could to drive trust and improve the company&rsquo;s reputation. There was tremendous potential if more people knew about the company&rsquo;s stories and programs.</p><p>Rather than create a typical pharmaceutical ad, Edelman and AstraZeneca decided to tell two stories. The first focuses on Nico, a student with asthma who can now run thanks to scientific innovation. The second tells the story of Chloe, a cancer survivor who gets a tattoo in commemoration of her cancer journey. The campaign&rsquo;s digital-first approach included a new landing page and social content to showcase the stories along with additional content.</p><p>During the first two weeks of the campaign, the Science and Innovation pages on AstraZeneca&rsquo;s website had almost 41,000 site visits, more than three times the usual daily average visits.</p><h3>Honorable mention</h3><p><strong>Personify Health</strong><br>Personify Health: Because Health is Personal</p></div><div class="col span_2_of_2 sidebar"><img src="" style="width: 100%;"><h2>FINALISTS</h2><p><strong>AstraZeneca and Edelman </strong>What Science Can Do</p><p><strong>Personify Health </strong>Because Health Is Personal</p><p><strong>Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Syneos Health and CMI Media Group </strong>Meant for More: Realizing Our Potential</p></div></div><hr><!-- end of category --><p><!-- start of category --><div class="section group"><div class="col span_1_of_2"><h2><a name="Employee" class="offset"></a>Best in Employee Engagement</h2><h3>Winner</h3><h3>Novartis</h3><p>What's My Why</p><p>When internal surveys at Novartis indicated that only 61% of employees were satisfied with employee engagement events, it was clear there was room for improvement. The company recognized the need for a transformative approach and decided to completely reimagine events and the ways that the company engages with employees during the course of the year.</p><p>The central pillar of the new approach has been the What&rsquo;s My Why campaign, which allowed associates to share their purpose and connection to healthcare. When associates arrived at employee events, What&rsquo;s My Why videos were played on a loop, with images and text from their colleagues on screens. Employees connected with each other and cheered for their coworkers.&nbsp;</p><p>The initiative was created in-house, allowing a small budget to be used efficiently. For the video, the concept, video treatment, video shooting and directing and the post-editing were all done by three associates. While Novartis contracted filming equipment and camera/editing help, the in-house team was responsible for the creative direction and other decisions.</p><p>After What&rsquo;s My Way, 86% of employees said the topics discussed during the global event were relevant, up from 61%; 85% agreed that the event helped them better understand the company&rsquo;s strategy and priorities, up from 55%; and overall satisfaction jumped from 61% to 91%.</p><h3>Honorable mention</h3><p><strong>Nebraska Medicine and Unlock Health</strong><br>Employer Value Proposition Campaign &mdash; Together. Extraordinary.</p></div><div class="col span_2_of_2 sidebar"><img src="" style="width: 100%;"><h2>FINALISTS</h2><p><strong>American Cancer Society and Real Chemistry </strong>The Hopefall: A One-of-a-Kind Visualization of a Life-Changing Sound</p><p><strong>Nebraska Medicine and Unlock Health </strong>Employer Value Proposition Campaign &mdash; Together. Extraordinary.</p><p><strong>Novartis </strong>What&rsquo;s My Why&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Syneos Health and CMI Media Group </strong>Meant for More: Realizing Our Potential</p><p><strong>Vertex Pharmaceuticals </strong>FullstHEMEahead to Engage and Excite Employees</p></div></div><hr><!-- end of category --><p><!-- start of category --><div class="section group"><div class="col span_1_of_2"><h2><a name="Equity" class="offset"></a>Best in Health Equity</h2><h3>Winner</h3><h3>MSI Reproductive Choices and Weber Shandwick</h3><p>Vagina Privacy Network</p><p>In 2022, when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and the constitutional right to abortion, a new era of attacks on women&rsquo;s reproductive freedoms began. Thirteen states adopted full abortion bans while others significantly restricted the procedure.&nbsp;</p><p>States also turned to digital footprints in order to police women&rsquo;s choices. Everything from period tracker data to search histories have been used against women searching for reproductive health information. Many women also need to safeguard their digital privacy from abusive partners and to avoid targeting by anti-choice groups that share medical misinformation designed to block a woman&rsquo;s right to choose.</p><p>MSI Reproductive Choices, working with Weber Shandwick, responded by launching the Vagina Privacy Network (available at that includes access to a free &mdash; and more secure &mdash; web browser. Other aspects of the protocol include using encrypted messaging, avoiding traceable payment methods such as credit cards and disabling location tracking in newer models of cars and through ridesharing services.</p><p>The campaign was covered in <em>USA Today,</em> Pop Sugar and other national outlets. Owned social posts had a 3.84% engagement rate, and the campaign video had a 3% click-through rate. Most importantly, thousands of women have accessed healthcare information via the Vagina Privacy Network.</p><h3>Honorable mention</h3><p><strong>Novartis Pharmaceutical Corporation and Biosector 2</strong><br>More Than Just Words</p></div><div class="col span_2_of_2 sidebar"><img src="" style="width: 100%;"><h2>FINALISTS</h2><p><strong>Exact Sciences and Burson </strong>Box Out Colon Cancer</p><p><strong>MSI Reproductive Choices and Weber Shandwick </strong>Vagina Privacy Network</p><p><strong>Novartis Pharmaceutical Corporation and Biosector 2 </strong>More Than Just Words&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Tigerlily Foundation and Real Chemistry </strong>My Living Legacy Campaign (supported by GSK)</p></div></div><hr><!-- end of category --><p><!-- start of category --><div class="section group"><div class="col span_1_of_2"><h2><a name="Services" class="offset"></a>Best in Hospital or Healthcare Services</h2><h3>Winner</h3><h3>American Cancer Society and Real Chemistry</h3><p>The Hopefall: A One-of-a-Kind Visualization of a Life-Changing Sound</p><p>The American Cancer Society (ACS) runs more than 30 Hope Lodge communities across the country, which provide people with cancer a free place to stay during treatment so they can focus on getting better. When the organization wanted to raise awareness of the Hope Lodge communities and share powerfully encouraging messages with cancer patients and their loved ones during the holidays, it turned to a Hope Lodge tradition.</p><p>The Hope Bell is rung to mark the end of treatment of guests staying at Hope Lodges. It&rsquo;s a celebratory moment that marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next. Patients, staff, family and friends cheer as the bell rings &mdash; but the moment is fleeting. The Hopefall campaign created visual representations, in the form of snowflakes, on the website. Visitors can click on a snowflake, hear a unique ring and learn the name and location of an individual who rang the Hope Bell.</p><p>The campaign successfully reached its target audience: patients staying at Hope Lodges, ACS and Hope Lodge staff and past cancer survivors and their loved ones. From December 18, 2023, to January 9, 2024, the website had more than 1,400 unique users from 25 different countries.</p><h3>Honorable mention</h3><p><strong>Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and Weber Shandwick</strong><br>Real People. Real Plans.</p></div><div class="col span_2_of_2 sidebar"><img src="" style="width: 100%;"><h2>FINALISTS</h2><p><strong>American Cancer Society and Real Chemistry </strong>The Hopefall: A One-of-a-Kind Visualization of a Life-Changing Sound</p><p><strong>Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and Weber Shandwick </strong>Real People. Real Plans.</p></div></div><hr><!-- end of category --><p><!-- start of category --><div class="section group"><div class="col span_1_of_2"><h2><a name="Media" class="offset"></a>Best in Media Relations</h2><h3>Winner</h3><h3>Genentech and Syneos Health</h3><p>Musical Puts Ableism in the Spotlight</p><p>Genentech, which makes a treatment for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), a rare, progressive neuromuscular disease, listened to members of the community regarding their experiences both in real life and their responses to portrayals of disabled people in television and films.&nbsp;</p><p>They learned that many witness ableism in a variety of forms every single day, they encounter tremendous difficulties when traveling and they want to be seen as whole people, not defined by their disabilities or held up as inspirational figures. Working with Syneos Health, the company chose a surprising vehicle to address these issues: a musical titled <em>Most Likely Not To&hellip;</em> that places the experience of its disabled protagonist at the heart of the story. It portrays the challenges she faces when traveling to her high school reunion, and the responses of her classmates to her success in life.</p><p>While more than 300 people attended the show&rsquo;s premiere, media outreach carried its message to many more. Journalists in the audience represented top outlets, including <em>Good Morning America, NBC News NOW</em> and <em>CBS Sunday Morning</em>. More than 140 earned media stories covered the musical. On social media, the show drew a total of more than 6.6 million engagements across 436 social posts.</p><h3>Honorable mention</h3><p><strong>Montefiore Health System and SKDK</strong><br>Montefiore Einstein Major Gift Announcement</p></div><div class="col span_2_of_2 sidebar"><img src="" style="width: 100%;"><h2>FINALISTS</h2><p><strong>Genentech and Syneos Health&nbsp; </strong>Musical Puts Ableism in the Spotlight</p><p><strong>Haleon and Edelman </strong>Tums Prop Bites</p><p><strong>Lilly and Porter Novelli </strong>Launching Challenger Kisunla for Early Symptomatic Alzheimer&rsquo;s Disease</p><p><strong>Montefiore Health System and SKDK </strong>Montefiore Einstein Major Gift Announcement</p><p><strong>OraPharma and Ruder Finn </strong>A-Rod&rsquo;s Personal Health Journey Sparks a Fresh Approach to Gum Disease Awareness</p></div></div><hr><!-- end of category --><p><!-- start of category --><div class="section group"><div class="col span_1_of_2"><h2><a name="MentalHealth" class="offset"></a>Best in Mental Health + Well-Being</h2><h3>Winner</h3><h3>Bristol Myers Squibb and RxMosaic</h3><p>Live Your PosSCZible</p><p>While most Americans have come to recognize that people with mental illnesses can live rich lives when provided with the proper treatment, schizophrenia continues to be stigmatized and sensationalized. Negative stereotypes are common not only among the public and the entertainment industry but even in some healthcare campaigns. Too often people living with schizophrenia are portrayed as unstable at best and dangerous at worst.</p><p>Bristol Myers Squibb and RxMosaic built the Live Your PosSCZible campaign on the pillars of empathy and compassion. The goal was a complete retelling of the experience of living with schizophrenia, representing the spectrum of people living with the condition and bringing to life the value they bring to their families, their communities and society at large. Partnerships with around 15 influencers allowed them to tell their stories and when Broadway star Taye Diggs, whose sister was diagnosed with schizophrenia, joined the effort the campaign was able to reach a broad range of trade, consumer, local and Black-focused publications.</p><p>The campaign propelled awareness of schizophrenia with coverage across outlets including <em>People,</em> CBS News, NBC News, <em>In Touch Weekly,</em> ET, <em>Essence,</em><em>US Weekly, Daily Mail</em> and It had an estimated 5.58 million video views and 86,400 engagements with the content.&nbsp;</p><h3>Honorable mention</h3><p><strong>Supernus Pharmaceuticals and Burson</strong><br>Busy Philipps ADHD Campaign</p></div><div class="col span_2_of_2 sidebar"><img src="" style="width: 100%;"><h2>FINALISTS</h2><p><strong>Bristol Myers Squibb and RxMosaic </strong>Live Your PosSCZible</p><p><strong>The Cigna Group </strong>Vitality in America 2023 Optimism Prevails&nbsp;</p><p><strong>NeuroStar and EvolveMKD </strong>Breaking Barriers with NeuroStar Depression Barometer</p><p><strong>Northwell Health </strong>One South: Portrait of a Psych Unit</p><p><strong>Supernus Pharmaceuticals and Burson </strong>Busy Philipps ADHD Campaign</p></div></div><hr><!-- end of category --><p><!-- start of category --><div class="section group"><div class="col span_1_of_2"><h2><a name="Oncology" class="offset"></a>Best in Oncology</h2><h3>Winner</h3><h3>Johnson &amp; Johnson Innovative Medicine, 21Grams and Real Chemistry</h3><p>Dad Genes</p><p>BRCA gene mutations are primarily associated with women and breast cancer (the BR stands for &ldquo;breast&rdquo; and the CA for &ldquo;cancer&rdquo;) but they can also be indicators among men of an elevated risk of developing certain cancers, including prostate cancer. However, getting men to take the proactive step of being tested for the mutation can be challenging. As was revealed during 21Grams Dinners held with multiple patients, many men are reluctant to talk to their doctors.</p><p>This insight was crucial to the Dad Genes campaign which emphasized that talking to a doctor about testing is not just about protecting yourself, it&rsquo;s also about being a responsible father. The campaign&rsquo;s imagery was a celebration of all-American representations of dads: BBQ cookouts, polo shirts, mini golf and the dad jeans that provided the inspiration for the campaign&rsquo;s name. Jeans were the focus of much of the campaign, a prompt to think more about our genes and what they pass down to our families.</p><p>J&amp;J relied on paid search to drive traffic to which resulted in more than 16,000 unique users with an engagement rate of 24.4% and a conversion rate of 1.3% across unique users. More than 200 people with a possible rare mutation accessed the doctor discussion guide.</p><h3>Honorable mention</h3><p><strong>Exact Sciences and Burson</strong><br>Box Out Colon Cancer Campaign</p></div><div class="col span_2_of_2 sidebar"><img src="" style="width: 100%;"><h2>FINALISTS</h2><p><strong>Exact Sciences and Burson </strong>Box Out Colon Cancer</p><p><strong>Johnson &amp; Johnson Innovative Medicine, 21Grams and Real Chemistry </strong>Dad Genes</p><p><strong>Pfizer, Genmab and GCI Group </strong>CeMe: Making Cervical Cancer Patients&rsquo; Stories Seen and Heard</p></div></div><hr><!-- end of category --><p><!-- start of category --><div class="section group"><div class="col span_1_of_2"><h2><a name="Public" class="offset"></a>Best in Public Affairs</h2><h3>Winner</h3><h3>Sanofi and Ruder Finn</h3><p>Taking the #ScreenForType1 Movement to Washington DC</p><p>Around 1.45 million Americans live with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and the moment when many of them learn they have the disease can be a shock. It&rsquo;s often only in an emergency room setting that the condition is diagnosed even though testing can allow people to learn they are at risk before they experience any symptoms.&nbsp;</p><p>Because very few people are aware that early T1D screening exists, Sanofi and Ruder Finn created the Screen For Type 1 campaign. The year-long initiative urged people to talk to their doctors about screening.</p><p>The campaign launched in New York City in November 2023 and then on June 12, 2024, the Screen For Type 1 movement went to Washington, DC. Celebrity advocates Usher, Adam Schefter and Robin Arz&oacute;n used their personal stories to advance national awareness about T1D early screening while encouraging legislators to expand the use of federal funding for T1D screening and pass the Screen For Type 1 Diabetes Act.&nbsp;</p><p>The Capitol Hill events resulted in 26 national placements in outlets including The Hill, Axios, <em>The Washington Examiner, Good Morning America</em> and <em>People.</em> Earned media reach in June 2024 was 2.08 billion unique visitors per month, the highest yet for the Screen For Type 1 movement.</p></div><div class="col span_2_of_2 sidebar"><img src="" style="width: 100%;"></div></div><hr><!-- end of category --><p><!-- start of category --><div class="section group"><div class="col span_1_of_2"><h2><a name="Awareness" class="offset"></a>Best in Public Health Awareness</h2><h3>Winner</h3><h3>Genentech and Syneos Health</h3><p>Musical Puts Ableism in the Spotlight</p><p>Even though a quarter of American adults live with a disability, representations of members of the community are rare in films and television series. Only 4% of movies and shows feature characters with disabilities and 95% of those parts are portrayed by non-disabled actors.&nbsp;</p><p>Given its long history of working with the spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) community, Genentech decided to partner with Syneos Health to address this issue of representation. The two organizations used an unusual vehicle to shine a light on how disabilities are portrayed in our popular culture, a musical titled <em>Most Likely Not To&hellip;.</em> As it follows the story of a woman with a disability attending her high school reunion, audiences get a glimpse of daily life for people with disabilities, from the challenges of travel to the surprise of classmates at the protagonist&rsquo;s success.&nbsp;</p><p>Among the more than 300 people who attended the premiere were journalists from <em>Good Morning America, NBC News NOW</em> and <em>CBS Sunday Morning,</em> who contributed to the more than 140 earned media stories reaching a potential audience of over 944 million. The official cast album was on every major streaming service allowing listeners across the country to enjoy this musical with a message.&nbsp;</p><h3>Honorable mention</h3><p><strong>American Federation for Aging Reserach and Finn Partners</strong><br>Unlocking the Keys to Healthier Aging</p></div><div class="col span_2_of_2 sidebar"><img src="" style="width: 100%;"><h2>FINALISTS</h2><p><strong>American Federation for Aging Research </strong>Unlocking the Keys to Healthier Aging</p><p><strong>Genentech and Syneos Health </strong>Musical Puts Ableism in the Spotlight</p><p><strong>Madrigal Pharmaceuticals and Real Chemistry </strong>Be Your Liver&rsquo;s #1 Fan</p><p><strong>Merck and Real Chemistry </strong>Outnumber PAH</p><p><strong>Pfizer, Real Chemistry, FCB Health NY and Starpower </strong>Know Plan Go</p></div></div><hr><!-- end of category --><p><!-- start of category --><div class="section group"><div class="col span_1_of_2"><h2><a name="Rare" class="offset"></a>Best in Rare Disease</h2><h3>Winner</h3><h3>Sanofi and Ogilvy Health PR</h3><p>Going &ldquo;Beyond the Bleed&rdquo; in Hemophilia</p><p>An estimated 1 million people globally live with hemophilia and the blood disorder has long shaped every facet of their lives. Because their bodies cannot form blood clots, everyday activities can lead to irreversible joint damage, loss of mobility and reduced quality of life.</p><p>Advances in the treatment of hemophilia, including ones from Sanofi, have changed the reality of living with hemophilia for many. It is now possible not merely to survive, but to thrive. Sanofi&rsquo;s multiyear campaign developed with Ogilvy Health PR looks at the brighter future that the 30% of patients who receive adequate treatment will be able to enjoy as well as the obstacles that face the rest, who remain the majority of people with hemophilia.&nbsp;</p><p>The campaign began with a first-of-its-kind global survey, &ldquo;Hemophilia Life Stages and Changes,&rdquo; with 2,700 participants across 11 countries. It provided invaluable insights for caregivers, healthcare professionals, policymakers and others intended to drive both action and dialogue. Videos profiling people living with hemophilia and a series of events then carried the campaign&rsquo;s message.&nbsp;</p><p>The survey results article received 5,500 organic link clicks and paid social on LinkedIn and Facebook garnered 45,000 article clicks. Changemakers Events included 730 advocates, health care providers, and policy makers from 444 organizations across 99 countries.</p><h3>Honorable mention</h3><p><strong>Genentech and Syneos Health</strong><br>Musical Puts Ableism in the Spotlight</p></div><div class="col span_2_of_2 sidebar"><img src="" style="width: 100%;"><h2>FINALISTS</h2><p><strong>Amgen and WE Communications </strong>Disease Awareness in Full Bloom</p><p><strong>Genentech and Syneos Health </strong>Musical Puts Ableism in the Spotlight</p><p><strong>Incyte and Real Chemistry </strong>The Unseen Journey</p><p><strong>Merck and Real Chemistry </strong>Outnumber PAH</p><p><strong>Sanofi and Ogilvy Health PR </strong>Going &ldquo;Beyond the Bleed&rdquo; in Hemophilia</p></div></div><hr><!-- end of category --><p><!-- start of category --><div class="section group"><div class="col span_1_of_2"><h2><a name="SocialOTC" class="offset"></a>Best in Social Media and/or Influencers - OTC</h2><h3>Winner</h3><h3>CeraVe and Coyne PR</h3><p>CeraVe Embarks on a Multi-City Drama Free Cleansing Tour</p><p>In 2023, CeraVe hosted its first consumer pop-up in New York City to promote its facial cleansers and educate consumers on the importance of proper cleansing. Given the campaign&rsquo;s success, CeraVe and Coyne PR decided to follow it with an even bigger campaign in 2024 with the goals of more engagement, social opportunities, consumer immersion and education around proper cleansing. CeraVe went on the road to bring events to cities across the country and to their Gen-Z populations.</p><p>As part of the annual Cleanse Like a Derm campaign, the brand released a short digital &ldquo;soap opera&rdquo; starring Xochitl Gomez and dermatologist influencer Dr. Dustin Portela, highlighting the drama of poor cleansing habits. CeraVe then provided a live extension of it in the form of an immersive experience for consumers, including its many brand loyalists, with stops in New York City, Chicago, Nashville and Atlanta.</p><p>CeraVe partnered with over 70 content creators in each city, including dermatologists, lifestyle influencers, college athletes and HerCampus ambassadors. Working with both national and local influencers, CeraVe increased its social reach by at least 50% compared to its 2023 cleanser campaign. Over 25,000 products were distributed, and 4,200 consumers, media and influencers attended the events in the four cities.</p><h3>Honorable mention</h3><p><strong>Foundation Consumer Healthcare (Breathe Right) and Zeno Group</strong><br>Like Father, Like Son</p></div><div class="col span_2_of_2 sidebar"><img src="" style="width: 100%;"><h2>FINALISTS</h2><p><strong>CeraVe and Coyne PR </strong>CeraVe Embarks on a Multi-City Drama Free Cleansing Tour</p><p><strong>Foundation Consumer Healthcare (Breathe Right) and Zeno Group&nbsp; </strong>Like Father, Like Son</p></div></div><hr><!-- end of category --><p><!-- start of category --><div class="section group"><div class="col span_1_of_2"><h2><a name="SocialPharma" class="offset"></a>Best in Social Media and/or Influencers - Pharma</h2><h3>Winner</h3><h3>Insulet and Porter Novelli</h3><p>"The Pod Drop&rdquo; (The Omnipod Song)</p><p>Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a chronic genetic condition in which a person&rsquo;s pancreas produces little or no insulin. Without insulin, glucose builds up in the bloodstream and can cause life-threatening complications. Treatment requires careful monitoring of blood sugar levels, and multiple insulin injections every day.</p><p>Insulet&rsquo;s Omnipod has made that process of monitoring insulin levels easier for its users. The wearable, wireless and waterproof device delivers personalized continuous insulin for up to 72 hours eliminating the need for multiple injections during the course of each day.</p><p>In 2024, Insulet worked with Porter Novelli to create a campaign with a clear objective: Make people living with T1D feel represented.</p><p>Engaging with &ldquo;Podders&rdquo; &mdash; T1D patients who use the Omnipod &mdash; in conversation and following their social posts, the campaign&rsquo;s team noticed parallels to the &ldquo;Get Ready With Me&rdquo; trend with users documenting the process of changing an Omnipod site (also known as a Pod change). YouTube sensation Andrew Huang joined the campaign, composing a song inspired by the sounds of a pod change.&nbsp;</p><p>The catchy tune he created has had over 1 million organic music video views across social media channels (more than 930,000 views on Facebook, 62,000 views on Instagram, 17,000 views on YouTube).</p><h3>Honorable mention</h3><p><strong>Genentech, 21Grams and Real Chemistry</strong><br>Tokking Their Language</p></div><div class="col span_2_of_2 sidebar"><img src="" style="width: 100%;"><h2>FINALISTS</h2><p><strong>Candela Medical and WE Communications </strong>Candela Matrix Pro Influencer Program</p><p><strong>Genentech, 21Grams and Real Chemistry </strong>Tokking Their Language</p><p><strong>Incyte and Real Chemistry </strong>Your Fans Are With You</p><p><strong>Insulet and Porter Novelli </strong>&ldquo;The Pod Drop&rdquo; (The Omnipod Song)</p><p><strong>Pfizer, Real Chemistry, FCB Health NY and Starpower </strong>Know Plan Go</p></div></div><hr><!-- end of category --><p><!-- start of category --><div class="section group"><div class="col span_1_of_2"><h2><a name="Women" class="offset"></a>Best in Women's Health</h2><h3>Winner</h3><h3>MSI Reproductive Choices and Weber Shandwick</h3><p>Vagina Privacy Network</p><p>In 2022, the Dobbs decision from the Supreme Court marked the end of a constitutional right to abortion. Women&rsquo;s health in America was radically changed and as 13 states quickly adopted near total bans on abortion, technology became key to policing women and their choices. Digital footprints &mdash; from period trackers to search histories &mdash; have been used by prosecutors in a number of abortion-related cases.&nbsp;</p><p>The most common way of protecting digital privacy on the internet, VPNs or virtual private networks, are used by less than half of Americans. MSI Reproductive Choices and Weber Shandwick set out to provide an accessible alternative and at the same time raise money to further efforts to make reproductive choice available for all.&nbsp;</p><p>The Vagina Privacy Network, a step-by-step protocol (available at, was the result. It includes access to a free &mdash; and more secure &mdash; web browser, encrypted messaging, and other ways to protect one&rsquo;s online privacy.</p><p>The campaign to promote the network included participation in women&rsquo;s rights marches in Tennessee, Indiana and Georgia and collaborations with influencers. Owned social posts received a 3.84% engagement rate, and donations to MSI Reproductive Choices increased by 107%. The Vagina Privacy Network has also helped thousands of women search for reproductive health information anonymously.&nbsp;</p><h3>Honorable mention</h3><p><strong>Wisp and SolComms</strong><br>Democratizing Reproductive and Sexual Health Access for Women</p></div><div class="col span_2_of_2 sidebar"><img src="" style="width: 100%;"><h2>FINALISTS</h2><p><strong>Haleon and Edelman </strong>Hot Conversations: Launching Centrum Menopause Support</p><p><strong>Kenvue and Hunter </strong>Versalie: A One-Stop Digital Destination for Menopause</p><p><strong>MSI Reproductive Choices and Weber Shandwick </strong>Vagina Privacy Network</p><p><strong>Perrigo and Havas Red </strong>The Smart, Sexy and Seriously History-Making Launch of Opill</p><p><strong>Wisp and SolComms </strong>Democratizing Reproductive and Sexual Health Access for Women</p></div></div><hr><!-- end of category --><p><!-- start of category --><div class="section group"><div class="col span_1_of_2"><h2><a name="AgencyPro" class="offset"></a>Outstanding Agency Professional</h2><h3>Winner</h3><h3>Mike Rosich, CEO</h3><p>Current Group / DNA Communications</p><p>In less than four years, Mike Rosich has had a remarkable impact first on DNA Communications and now the Current Group. He joined The Weber Shandwick Collective (TWSC) agency DNA Communications as GM in 2020 and more than tripled the agency&rsquo;s size and revenue in North America. He was then named DNA&rsquo;s global president in early 2024 and set out to achieve the same growth globally. Finally, in June 2024, he was named CEO of Current Group, with responsibility over both DNA and Current Global. In all these roles he has stood out for his ability to optimize specialist strengths and expertise in culture, technology and health and wellness.</p><p>Rosich restructured DNA&rsquo;s portfolio to create a balance between established pharmaceutical clients and smaller biopharmaceutical companies nearing product launches. He has also led the creation of integrated specialty teams, building a roadmap to deliver consistent, high-quality client experiences and work.</p><p>&ldquo;Mike Rosich has transformed DNA Communications, successfully implementing his vision of modern health marketing and science communications. We are excited for him to apply his impressive talents toward accelerating growth for Current Group,&rdquo; says Laura Schoen, chief healthcare officer at TWSC. &ldquo;He is good with clients, great with people and just incredibly thoughtful and inspiring.&rdquo;</p><h3>Honorable mention</h3><p><strong>Courtney Walker, chief growth officer</strong><br>MMC and RxMosaic</p></div><div class="col span_2_of_2 sidebar"><img src="" style="width: 100%;"><h2>FINALISTS</h2><p><strong>Elisia Canna, managing director </strong>Curation Communications</p><p><strong>Rachel Gartner Clark, managing director </strong>Narrative Strategies</p><p><strong>John Digles, founder and CEO </strong>Ascent Strategy Group</p><p><strong>Mike Rosich, CEO </strong>Current Group / DNA Communications</p><p><strong>Courtney Walker, chief growth officer </strong>MMC and RxMosaic</p></div></div><hr><!-- end of category --><p><!-- start of category --><div class="section group"><div class="col span_1_of_2"><h2><a name="InHouse" class="offset"></a>Outstanding In-House Professional</h2><h3>Winner</h3><h3>Robert Murphy, senior director, external communications</h3><p>Otsuka America Pharmaceutical</p><p>Japanese pharmaceutical company Otsuka first established a presence in the U.S. in 1973, and today, its U.S. affiliates include Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development &amp; Commercialization (OPDC) and Otsuka America Pharmaceutical (OAPI). The 2,250 employees in the U.S. develop and commercialize medicines in mental health and nephrology. Robert Murphy, senior director and head of external comms, has been a key player in Otsuka&rsquo;s expanding presence in the U.S. over the past six years.&nbsp;</p><p>Murphy has had the vision and determination to lead more than a dozen &ldquo;communications firsts&rdquo; at Otsuka. These breakthroughs were centered on creating and delivering regulatorily compliant and strategically integrated communications approaches and content for Otsuka&rsquo;s mental health and nephrology stakeholders. Murphy has directly impacted Otsuka&rsquo;s bottom line, including with his role overseeing the successful FDA clearance of Rejoyn, the first prescription digital therapeutic for the treatment of major depressive disorder. The clearance generated 285 national placements resulting in more than one billion impressions.</p><p>Murphy has also been crucial in steering Otsuka&rsquo;s corporate positioning and thought leadership activities, amplifying the company&rsquo;s reputation and share of voice within the competitive pharmaceutical sector. Otsuka is now on pace for a record-breaking year of media coverage, engagement and positive visibility.</p><h3>Honorable mention</h3><p><strong>Jennifer Bagnall, VP of PR and communications</strong><br>Thriveworks</p></div><div class="col span_2_of_2 sidebar"><img src="" style="width: 100%;"><h2>FINALISTS</h2><p><strong>Jennifer Bagnall, VP of PR and communications</strong> Thriveworks</p><p><strong>Gina Czark, system VP and corporate communications</strong> CommonSpirit Health</p><p><strong>Johanna Herrmann, VP, global communications</strong> Merck</p><p><strong>Brendan McEvoy, head of external communications</strong> AstraZeneca</p><p><strong>Robert Murphy, senior director, external communications</strong> Otsuka America Pharmaceutical</p></div></div><hr><!-- end of category --><p><!-- start of category --><div class="section group"><div class="col span_1_of_2"><h2><a name="Practice" class="offset"></a>Outstanding Agency Practice</h2><h3>Winner</h3><h3>WE Communications</h3><p><p>In 2017 WE Global Health was created with one principal mission: to redefine and challenge the traditional ways of working that had long characterized health communications. The new agency would use WE&rsquo;s deep roots in technology communications, including as the AOR for Microsoft for more than 40 years, to introduce progressive approaches to what had long been a reactive industry. WE is also steeped in science, able to interpret complexity and then communicate it in a way that people can understand.</p><p>The practice&rsquo;s strategy worked. WE has been described as &ldquo;a unicorn in health communications.&rdquo; It has been praised for having an unparalleled understanding of the influence of technology and its significance for communications. At the same time, the agency has stood out for its ability to inspire ideas that go beyond traditional PR. Clients say that WE has the ability to break through and help them achieve their media coverage goals.&nbsp;</p><p>The numbers also indicate that WE is doing something right. U.S. health sector revenue grew by an impressive 70.7% versus 9.2% the previous year. Part of this growth was fueled by a formidable 80% new business win rate, with biopharma companies seeking out WE&rsquo;s fresh, innovative thinking.</p><h3>Honorable mention</h3><p><strong>Porter Novelli</strong></p></div><div class="col span_2_of_2 sidebar"><img src="" style="width: 100%;"><h2>FINALISTS</h2><p><strong>Coyne PR</strong></p><p><strong>Golin Health</strong></p><p><strong>Narrative Strategies</strong></p><p><strong>Porter Novelli</strong></p><p><strong>WE Communications</strong></p></div></div><hr><!-- end of category --><p><!-- start of category --><div class="section group"><div class="col span_1_of_2"><h2><a name="Agency" class="offset"></a>Outstanding Agency</h2><h3>Winner</h3><h3>MMC</h3><p><p>While it has its origins in beauty and consumer goods, MMC has grown to be a major player in healthcare. The sector now constitutes 60% of this Omnicom Group agency&rsquo;s work. Its creative offering rivals that of the world&rsquo;s leading advertising agencies. MMC describes its secret as fusing &ldquo;powerful patient insights with rich cultural intelligence to build emotional connections between people and healthcare brands.&rdquo;</p><p>Examples of this approach in action include launching a Dupixent partnership with Olympian and WNBA star Diane Taurasi ahead of the 2024 Olympic Games. The campaign recounted her long journey to find effective treatments for her moderate-to-severe eczema.</p><p>Another MMC initiative has already been recognized with a PRWeek Award for Best Employee Engagement when the agency helped to successfully unify Pfizer&rsquo;s Rare Disease group during a major organizational transformation by fostering collaboration, trust and shared purpose by building a new common culture.&nbsp;</p><p>This past year also saw MMC take major steps in incorporating AI into its operations, transforming client work, agency marketing and new business development, while fueling efficiency and billable time. One successful pilot program was rAIchel2.0. By training an internal AI tool on MMC&rsquo;s branding, the agency automated the creation of on-brand content &mdash; social content, pitch letters, internal emails and more.</p><h3>Honorable mention</h3><p><strong>Real Chemistry</strong></p></div><div class="col span_2_of_2 sidebar"><img src="" style="width: 100%;"><h2>FINALISTS</h2><p><strong>GCI Health</strong></p><p><strong>MMC</strong></p><p><strong>Real Chemistry</strong></p><p><strong>Ruder Finn</strong></p><p><strong>The Weber Shandwick Collective</strong></p></div></div><hr><!-- end of category --><p><a href="#Top" id="go-to-top">Back to Top</a></p> </div> <div id="articleEnd"></div> </div> <br style="clear:both;" /> <div class="conditionalRelatedArticlesPayWall moreOnThisTopic"> <div id="relatedArticles" class="related articleModule altLayout genericModule"> <header> <h2>More...</h2> </header> <ul> <li class="storyContent"> <h3> <a href="/article/1872694/winners-2024-prweek-healthcare-awards" data-url="" data-id="1872694" title="The winners of the 2024 PRWeek Healthcare Awards">The winners of the 2024 PRWeek Healthcare Awards</a> </h3> </li> <li class="storyContent"> <h3> <a href="/article/1822584/winners-2023-prweek-healthcare-awards" data-url="" data-id="1822584" title="The winners of the 2023 PRWeek Healthcare Awards">The winners of the 2023 PRWeek Healthcare Awards</a> </h3> </li> <li class="storyContent"> <h3> <a href="/article/1805195/cignas-melissa-skottegaard-named-chair-prweek-healthcare-awards-2023" data-url="" data-id="1805195" title="Cigna鈥檚 Melissa Skottegaard named chair of PRWeek Healthcare Awards 2023">Cigna鈥檚 Melissa Skottegaard named chair of PRWeek Healthcare Awards 2023</a> </h3> </li> <li class="storyContent"> <h3> <a href="/article/1754892/winners-2022-healthcare-pharma-communications-awards" data-url="" data-id="1754892" title="The winners of the 2022 Healthcare &amp; Pharma Communications Awards">The winners of the 2022 Healthcare &amp; Pharma Communications Awards</a> </h3> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="articleRegMsgMain borderBox"> <h4> Have you registered with us yet? 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