Welcome home. — Welcome Guide
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We recommend that you start with <a href="#basics">the basics</a>. There’s some important housekeeping stuff that you’ll need to get out of the way, regardless of your familiarity with Tumblr.</p><div class="pill"><span class="bulb">💡</span>You can also check out <a href=""></a> for more handy and nuanced... you guessed it... tips!</div> </div> </section> <!-- post / header container --> <section id="posts" class="content"> <!-- posts --> <aside id="index"> <h3>📚 Table of Contents</h3> </aside> <article class="post post-text" id=""> <!-- post header --> <!-- post content --> <h2 class="post-title"><a href="">Welcome Guide</a></h2> <div class="reblog-item-body"> <h2 id="faq">Frequently Asked Questions</h2><p><strong>Q: What exactly is Tumblr?</strong></p><p>A: That’s a good question to start with. Tumblr is a website. We have Android and iOS apps too. It’s where your interests connect you to your people.</p><p><strong>Q: What does that mean?</strong></p><p>A: It means you’ll find some posts that make you chuckle; maybe some that make you think; posts that make you feel something, and posts that make you feel nothing. You’ll make friends. You’ll make enemies. You’ll fall in love (sometimes with your enemies). You’ll become unrecognizable to your friends and family. They’ll worry about you. You’ll be okay. You’re on Tumblr.</p><p><strong>Q: Didn’t I hear something about y'all banning porn?</strong></p><p>A: Probably. That was a few years ago. Catch up on our current adult content policy <a href="">here</a>.</p><p><strong>Q: How do I know if a setting is enabled or disabled?</strong></p><p>A: Across all of Tumblr, when a toggle is slid to the left and gray, that option is disabled. When it’s slid to the right and blue, it’s enabled.</p><p><img alt="" class="border" src=""></p><p><strong>Q: Are y'all working on stuff? Fixing bugs and building new features?</strong></p><p>A: We are indeed. We post updates twice a week over on our <a href="">Changes blog</a>, and regularly answer questions from the community on <a href="">Work In Progress</a>. Give those a follow and submit your own ask to WIP if you like!</p><p><strong>Q: Any advice for people who are new to Tumblr?</strong></p><p>A: Yeah. Relax, it’s Tumblr. You don’t have to think about it too much, just let go and have fun. Remember: <a href="">Tumblr is what you make of it</a>.</p><hr><h2 id="basics">The Basics</h2><h3>Creating Your Account</h3><div class="callout"><p><strong>Already done this part?</strong> Great! Skip ahead to the <a href="#verifying-and-protecting">“Verifying and Protecting Your Account”</a> section for a few more housekeeping items.</p></div><p>To sign up for Tumblr, head to <a href=""></a> in a web browser, or install the iOS or Android app and tap “Get Started.” You can create your account with your email address and a password, or use your Apple ID or Google account.</p><div class="gray-section"><h3>Signing Up With an Email Address and Password</h3><p>Click or tap “Sign up with email” and enter the email address you’d like to use. Remember:</p><ul><li><strong>Use a real email address that you can access.</strong> If you lose access to your email address, you will lose access to your Tumblr account. We discourage the use of temporary, school, university, or work emails (for personal accounts) for this reason.</li><li>Use a strong, unique password for your account.</li></ul><p>More tips on how to protect your Tumblr account can be found <a href="">here.</a></p><h3>Signing Up With an Apple ID*</h3><p>On web, click “Continue with Apple.” You’ll be redirected to Apple, where you will finish signing up. On iOS, tap “Sign up with Apple.” This will open an in-app browser window where you will be prompted to enter your Apple ID credentials.</p><p>*It’s not possible to sign up using Apple ID in the Android app.</p><h3>Signing Up With a Google Account</h3><p>Click “Continue with Google” (web) or tap “Sign up with Google” (mobile apps). You’ll be redirected to Google (web) or see an in-app browser window open (mobile apps) where you will be prompted to enter your Google account credentials.</p></div><p>On the sign up page, you’ll also create the username for your primary blog. If you can’t think of one, don’t worry—<a href="">you can change it later.</a></p><p>Next, enter your age and agree to our <a href="">Terms of Service.</a></p><p>Once you’ve done that, you’ll have the option to select some topics you’re interested in seeing on your Tumblr dashboard. These topics get converted to <a href="">followed tags</a>, so you’ll be able to edit them later on. You can also hit “Skip” to skip this step.</p><p>Next, you’ll land in your Tumblr dashboard. On a new account, it’ll be full of recommendations based on the topics you selected during sign up. Follow some blogs you like the look of to see fewer recommendations. You can learn more about adjusting your dashboard preferences in <a href="">this article.</a></p><h3 id="verifying-and-protecting">Verifying and Protecting Your Account</h3><h4>Verify Your Email</h4><p><strong>Note:</strong> If you used a Google account or Apple ID to sign up for Tumblr, you’ll skip this step.</p><p>Verifying your email helps us know that you’re a real person. Until you’ve completed this step, you’ll be basically invisible on Tumblr and won’t have access to everything. Make sure you do it!</p><p>Having trouble? <a href="">Contact Support</a> and we’ll help you out.</p><p>A quick word about new accounts and visibility:</p><p>Blogs that have been recently created won’t show up in search results, even if the registered email address has been verified.</p><h4>Enable Two-Factor Authentication</h4><p>Two-factor authentication (TFA) is an added layer of security, and we strongly recommend it. After enabling TFA, you will need to enter a specially generated one-time code whenever you log in to your Tumblr account.</p><p>You can learn how to enable TFA <a href="">here</a>. Make sure you also download your backup codes!</p><p>Check out additional steps you can take to protect your Tumblr account <a href="">here</a>.</p><div class="action-buttons"><p>Okay, what do you want to do next?</p><p><a href="#curate-your-dashboard">Curate my dashboard</a> <a href="#customizing-your-tumblr">Customize my Tumblr</a> <a href="#posting">Make some posts</a> <a href="">See what’s trending on Tumblr</a></p></div><h2 id="curate-your-dashboard">Curating Your Dashboard</h2><p>But first: What is the dashboard? 🤔</p><p>The dashboard is a feed of posts from blogs you follow. It’s what you see when you log into Tumblr. Nobody else sees your dashboard, and it’s unique to you.</p><h3>Following Tags and Blogs</h3><h4>Following Tags</h4><p>Remember when you were creating your Tumblr account and you had to select a bunch of topics that interest you? Those topics get converted to <a href="">followed tags</a>.</p><p>If you’ve forgotten which topics you selected, or if you simply want to revisit them, click the search bar on web:</p><p><img alt="" src="" style="border-radius: 10px; display: block; margin: auto;"></p><p>In the app, tap the magnifying glass to open Explore. Your followed tags are listed in the “Tags you follow” carousel:</p><p><img alt="" src="" style="border-radius: 10px; display: block; margin: auto; width: 400px;"></p><p>You can learn more about followed tags and how to manage them in our <a href="">“Followed Tags” article</a>.</p><p>You can follow a new tag by typing the tag into the search bar. The type-ahead results will show a tag page and a search page. Click the tag page option.</p><p><img alt="" src="" style="border-radius: 10px; display: block; margin: auto; width: 700px;"></p><p>Once you’re on the tag page, click “Follow.”</p><p><img alt="" src="" style="border-radius: 10px; display: block; margin: auto;"></p><p>If you have the “Include followed tag posts” option enabled in your <a href="">Dashboard Preferences</a>, you’ll see posts from your followed tags right in your dashboard. This option can be especially helpful when you’re just starting out. It’s an easy way to discover blogs that regularly post about stuff you’re interested in.</p><div class="purple-section"><p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Scenario Time!</strong></p><p>I’m new around here. I’m scrolling my dashboard. I like <em>Star Trek: Deep Space Nine</em> so I followed the <a href="">“deep space nine” tag</a>. I see this:</p><p><img alt="" src="" style="border-radius: 10px; display: block; margin: auto;"></p><p>Wow wow wow that is some cool fan art of <a href="">Lwaxana Troi</a>. Who is this <a href="">@grouper</a>? I’m going to check out their blog. It’s cool. I’m going to follow them. Nice. Now I’m going to dive into the notes on <a href="">this post</a>.</p><p><img alt="" src="" style="border-radius: 10px; display: block; margin: auto;"></p><p>Hey, cool. There are all these people who also think this fan art is dope. I’m going to check ‘em all out. They’re my friends now. I love them.</p><p>Make sense? Now you do the same thing with something you’re interested in. You’ll find some good stuff, I promise.</p></div><h4>Following Blogs</h4><p>Tumblr isn’t just about following tags. When you find a blog that posts a lot of stuff that you like, hit that follow button!</p><div class="callout"><p><strong>Is it weird to follow someone you don’t know?</strong> Not at all. Tumblr is a pretty anonymous (or pseudonymous) space. It’s not uncommon to have deep connections and only know each other by your Tumblr usernames. Just be respectful and it won’t be weird.</p></div><h3>Adjusting Your Dashboard Settings</h3><p>Once you’ve followed some tags and blogs, head to your settings and customize your dashboard. If you’re the kind of person who prefers a chronological dashboard and very few recommendations, this is where you’ll find the options to accomplish that.</p><p>Options for “Based on your likes,” colorized tags, timestamps, shortened posts, and followed tag post injections are all found in your dashboard settings.</p><p><img alt="" class="shadow-purple" src=""></p><p>On web, you can find your Dashboard Preferences at <a href=""></a>. On mobile, tap the account icon, then tap “General settings” (iOS) or “Account settings” (Android) then tap “Dashboard preferences.”</p><p>You can read about every option found here in <a href="">this Help Center article</a>.</p><p>A word of advice: If you’re just starting out and you’re having a hard time finding folks to follow, the “Include followed tag posts” option can help you find some great blogs that post about stuff you’re into. Even if you disable everything else, we suggest leaving that one turned on.</p><p>Beyond those settings, you can also select a different color palette for your dashboard. “True Blue” is the default palette, but there are many more to choose from. On web, click the account icon, then click “Change palette” to cycle through the options. In the app, tap the account icon, then tap “General settings” (iOS) or “Account settings” (Android). Tap “Color palette,” then select the palette you’d like to use. This applies to your dashboard only and won’t affect your blog appearance—more on customizing your blog below.</p><hr><h2 id="customizing-your-tumblr">Customing Your Tumblr</h2><p>Before we get into the <em>vast</em> customization options, let’s break down the two main areas of Tumblr: Bluespace and the blog network.</p><p>The <strong>blog network</strong> is basically It’s the web-facing version of Tumblr blogs.</p><p><strong>Bluespace</strong> is just about everything else. It’s your dashboard, Explore, the mobile apps, settings, even the Support form. Your blog exists in bluespace at <a href=""></a></p><p>Why differentiate the two? Well, customization options are different for the blog network and bluespace. There is some overlap, but for simplicity, you can think of them as separate.</p><p>You’ll want to customize your blog’s appearance pretty early on, since it can help other people on Tumblr recognize you as a real person who isn’t just lurking with their blog.</p><p><img alt="" class="shadow-orange" src=""></p><p>Take a minute to show folks who you are!</p><h3>Bluespace</h3><p>If you want to cover the basics of blog customization, start here. Head to your blog’s “Edit appearance” options on web, or tap the palette icon while viewing your blog in the mobile app. Here you’ll be able to:</p><ul><li>Change or hide your avatar.</li><li>Change or hide your header image.</li><li>Customize the colors used on your blog.</li><li>Update your blog title and/or hide it.</li><li>Update your blog’s description and/or hide it.</li><li>Change the font used for your blog title.</li></ul><p>Collectively, these are referred to as your blog’s <strong>appearance options</strong> and they apply to your blog anywhere within bluespace:</p><p><img alt="" src="" style="border-radius: 10px; display: block; margin: auto;"></p><ul style="list-style: none;"><li><strong>a</strong>: Blog view in a web browser.</li><li><strong>b</strong>: Blog card in a web browser (these show up in recommendations, search, and when hovering over an avatar).</li><li><strong>c</strong>: Blog view in the mobile app.</li></ul><div class="tips"><p><strong>Need help finding a good avatar?</strong> Your avatar is what people will associate with your Tumblr, so there can be a lot of pressure to pick one that suits you. You can always make your own (like b0i-ng0 here did) or commission another user to make one for you. If you see an image on Tumblr that you’d like to use, always get permission first! Most folks are happy to give you permission, but it’s not cool to just snag someone’s art without asking.</p></div><h3>The Blog Network</h3><p>Like we said earlier, Tumblr is a website. It’s also a collection of websites, because we give you a website (well, basically) when you create a blog—and you can make as many blogs as you like!). You can customize that website (your blog) as much or as little as you’d like. The sky is the limit, and people have done some pretty neat things with their blogs. There is a whole world of customization for you to explore. You can dive in by visiting the customize page: <a href=""></a>. You can also get to this page from your blog’s “Edit appearance” options.</p><p>Every Tumblr starts out with the Tumblr Official theme. It’s designed to use your blog’s appearance options, which makes it easy to have a consistent appearance everywhere.</p><p><img alt="" src="" style="border-radius: 10px; display: block; margin: auto;"></p><p>However there are hundreds of other themes available in our <a href="">theme garden</a>. While we recommend sticking to themes from the theme garden to ensure you’re using a theme that is safe to use, there are some other reliable third-party sources for themes. Check out these makers on Tumblr, for example! <a href="">@codingcabin</a>, <a href="">@glenthemes</a>, and <a href="">@rachaelthemes</a> are all great resources.</p><div class="callout"><div class="title">💡 <h2>Missing that Twitter vibe? Install the <a href="" title="Twitter theme">Twitter theme</a> by <a href="" title="Rachael Themes">@rachaelthemes</a> on your Tumblr!</h2></div><a href="" title="Twitter theme"><img src=""></a></div><hr><h2 id="finding-connections">Finding Your Community and Making Connections</h2><p>“Finding your community.” That’s a kind of nebulous concept. What we mean is: Making friends. Finding those other people on Tumblr who are the same kind of weird as you. In this section, we’re going to cover:</p><ul><li>How to find blogs you’ll like.</li><li>The joy of mutuals.</li><li>Sending and receiving asks.</li><li>Anonymous asks.</li><li>Tags.</li></ul><h3>How to Find Good Content™</h3><p>You can rely on our recommendations to serve you up fresh blogs and posts, but you’ll probably want to seek out your own stuff too. A good place to start is the <strong>tag page</strong> for a topic you’re interested in. It can be general, or very specific. Whatever you want. For example, say that you’re a big fan of <em>Star Trek: Deep Space Nine</em>* and you want see if there’s a corner of Tumblr where the <em>Deep Space Nine</em> fans hang out.</p><p><small>*Seriously if you have not seen it you should watch it. Honestly if you write into Support and want to talk about DS9 I’m here.</small></p><p>So you head to your Tumblr dashboard and you type “deep space nine” into the search field. If you’re using the app, just tap the magnifying glass icon, then you’ll see the search field.</p><p>You’ll see some suggestions auto-populate as you type. To open the <strong>tag</strong> page, click or tap “go to #deep space nine.”</p><p><img alt="" class="shadow-yellow" src=""><img alt="" class="shadow-green" src=""></p><p>The tag page will give you all of the latest and top posts with that tag, along with the blogs that use that tag most often. You can also find related tags to check out. Find a blog you like? Nice, hit follow. Reblog some stuff. Make a post of your own with the tag.</p><p>You can learn more over in our <a href="">Search and Filtering Basics article</a>.</p><p>While you’re checking out a tag page, make sure you don’t skip over the notes. As we mentioned earlier, the notes of a post are a great place to find other blogs and reblogs can sometimes be even better than the original post. Take your time and look around.</p><h4>Where to Start When You Don’t Know Where to Start</h4><p>Maybe you don’t have a niche interest that you want to build your Tumblr around, or maybe you do but you want to see what else is out there. Or maybe you’ve exhausted all of the “related tags” connected to your niche. Instead of heading to an individual tag page, check out Explore:</p><p><img alt="" class="shadow-blue" src=""></p><p>There’s a lot to…well, <em>explore</em> here, so again, take your time and look around.</p><h3>Mutuals</h3><p>They follow you and you follow them. You’re all sitting at the same lunch table with your sandwiches and maybe you’re peeling an orange and sharing slices with them. You’ve probably never met each other and you may not even know each others’ names. They’re your mutuals 💖</p><p>You might be wondering how one goes about gaining mutuals. One easy thing you can do is simply follow back those blogs that start following you (if you like their blog, of course). Any new follower is an opportunity for a mutual.</p><p>Want to check to see if you’ve got any mutuals? Head to your <a href="">Following page</a> and look for this little symbol:</p><p><img alt="" class="shadow-pink" src=""></p><div class="tips"><p><strong>Did you know?</strong> On web, you can hover over this icon to see exactly how long you’ve been mutuals for.</p></div><h3>How to Use Asks</h3><p>Some blogs on Tumblr allow asks, others don’t. They’re used in a wide variety of ways: To ask a question, send a compliment, play a game, submit a request, roleplay, the list goes on.</p><p>On web, you can get to someone’s ask page by adding /ask to the end of their URL, like this: <a href=""></a>. On mobile, you can just tap the “Ask me anything” button when viewing the blog*.</p><p><small>*The exact text on this button can vary since it’s customizable. Also if the blog has Post+ enabled, you’ll see a “Support” button there instead. In that case, tap the plus-sign icon in the top right corner of the blog, then tap “Ask me anything.”</small></p><h4>What About Anonymous Asks?</h4><p>Only a portion of those who allow asks also allow anonymous asks. You won’t see the option to send your ask anonymously if the recipient doesn’t allow it.</p><p>If you do see the option and you’d like to send your ask anonymously, here are a couple of things to keep in mind:</p><ul><li>Anonymous asks can’t be answered privately. If the recipient is going to answer your ask, they’ll need to do so publicly.</li><li>Don’t be a jerk.</li></ul><p>And if you’re thinking about enabling anonymous asks on your blog, here are a few things to consider:</p><ul><li>Anons can be fun, especially for if you enjoy ask games and secret admirers. However, enabling anonymous asks gives you less control over who can interact with your blog.</li><li>Blocking an anon only blocks the sender’s IP address, and this action can’t be undone.</li><li>We (staff) don’t know who sent you that anonymous ask. It’s anonymous.</li></ul><p>To learn more about asks, check out <a href="">this Help Center article</a>.</p><h3>Using Tags</h3><p>#tags are not a #newconcept for most people nowadays. Many #social #platforms have them. But of course, Tumblr is a bit different. To illustrate, let’s take a look at four different posts:</p><p><img alt="" src="" style="border-radius: 10px; display: block; margin: auto;"></p><p><strong>Post 1</strong> has the tag in the body of the post. They’ve typed out the hashtag and removed spaces from the multi-word tag. Pretty common, works on other platforms like Twitter and Instagram, but doesn’t work on Tumblr.</p><p><strong>Post 2</strong> has the tag in the correct spot rather than in the body of the post. That means that it’ll show up in the “guyfieri” tag (as long as the blog isn’t hidden from search results). However since tags on Tumblr can contain spaces, there’s no need to combine multiple words into a single word for your tags. Which brings us to…</p><p><strong>Post 3</strong>. This is the sort of “tagging best practice” example. The tag is in the right spot and it separates the two words using a space.</p><p>Okay, so what’s going on with <strong>post 4</strong>? Our fourth example is the same as the third post, but it contains what basically looks like a completely unrelated sentence within the tags: #seriously though please send ‘em my way. This kind of thing is generally referred to as “talking in the tags,” and it’s pretty common on Tumblr. Talking in the tags is like a faint whisper; less noticeable than adding your comment in the body of a post.</p><div class="purple-section callout"><p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Learning Moment: Tags, Replies, and Reblog Captions</strong></p><p>Leaving a reply, adding a comment when reblogging, or adding your comment in the tags</p><table><tbody><tr><td> </td><td><strong>Reply</strong></td><td><strong>Reblog caption</strong></td><td><strong>Tag</strong></td></tr><tr><td>Visible in a post’s notes</td><td>✅</td><td>✅</td><td>✅</td></tr><tr><td>Shows up on your blog</td><td>❌</td><td>✅</td><td>✅</td></tr><tr><td>Retained in subsequent reblogs</td><td>❌</td><td>✅</td><td>❌</td></tr></tbody></table><p>Learn more (and practice!) with <a href="">this post</a>.</p></div><hr><h2 id="posting">Posting</h2><p>There are two different types of posts on Tumblr: <strong>Reblogs</strong> and <strong>original posts</strong>. We’ll break down what those are below, but first let’s address something that can be a bit of an obstacle.</p><div class="purple-section"><p style="text-align: center;"><strong>What Exactly Am I Supposed to Post on Tumblr?</strong></p><p>Some folks get blocked when it comes to posting. That’s normal! On lots of other social platforms, you’re posting for an “audience.” Now, that “audience” may just be your IRL friends and family, but there’s still that notion that your posts are being perceived, and are thus a reflection of who you are as a person.</p><p>Not to get <em>too</em> deep here in the Tumblr Help Center but…Tumblr isn’t really like that.* Your Tumblr is for you. Imagine that your Tumblr is a garden. Plant some veggies. Or some flowers. Or both. Or just put a bunch of piles of dirt in there. Tend to it. Let weeds grow, cut them back, let them grow again. Whatever.</p><p><small>*Okay, obviously if you want to make a Tumblr that you share with your IRL friends, family, boss, or neighbors, you totally can. Lots of people do just that. Tumblr can be whatever you want.</small></p></div><h3>Reblogs</h3><p>See a post you like? Hit that reblog icon. Really, don’t think about it too much. When you reblog a post, you’re posting it to your blog and retaining attribution to the OP (original poster) and anyone else who contributed to the reblog chain. You can reblog and add whatever, or you can add nothing at all.</p><p>This <a href="">“What Are Reblogs” post</a> is the best place to learn all about this feature. Study up, it’s a core aspect of Tumblr!</p><h3>Original Posts</h3><p>Create your own original posts to share your thoughts, art, jokes, writing, or anything else. Add some relevant tags to help folks discover your posts, and add <a href="">Community Labels</a> to your posts if you think they need ‘em. Be aware of what’s allowed on Tumblr by checking out our <a href="">Community Guidelines</a>.</p><p>Our tips site has some lessons on creating different types of posts. You should check those out!</p><ul><li><a href="">Shitposting 101</a>.</li><li><a href="">How to make a GIFset</a>.</li><li><a href="">Making GIFs in the app</a>.</li><li>And lastly, <a href="">an overview of the different post types</a>.</li></ul> </div> <!-- reblog chains --> <!-- post footer --> </article> <!-- post notes --> <!-- pagination --> </section> <!-- end main content --> </main> <footer> <svg width="121" height="24" viewBox="0 0 121 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_3502_25924)"> <path d="M9.76571 24C6.08053 24 3.34736 22.1481 3.34736 17.7064V10.5997H0V6.7453C3.68517 5.81179 5.22066 2.71016 5.38956 0.0150565H9.21293V6.12798H13.6658V10.5997H9.21293V16.788C9.21293 18.6399 10.1649 19.2873 11.6851 19.2873H13.8501V24H9.76571ZM23.4469 24.2108C25.5352 24.2108 27.9459 23.3225 29.2511 21.7415V24H36.13V20.1606H34.3796V6.11292H26.0572V10.0125H28.4219V16.7729C28.4219 17.3149 27.9612 19.5885 24.8442 19.5885C22.8481 19.5885 22.4795 18.4141 22.4795 16.9235V6.11292H16.353V17.1644C16.3683 19.9197 17.6428 24.2108 23.4469 24.2108ZM38.3258 24H48.3986V20.1606H46.341V13.4755C46.341 12.4969 47.1856 10.5094 49.7805 10.5094C51.8688 10.5094 52.2987 11.7591 52.2987 13.2346V20.1606H50.2719V24H60.2679V20.1606H58.1489V13.4755C58.1489 12.4969 58.9167 10.5094 61.5117 10.5094C63.6153 10.5094 64.1374 11.7591 64.1374 13.2346V20.1606H62.1412V24H72.0912V20.1606H70.049V13.9122C70.049 10.2384 68.6363 5.90213 63.0472 5.90213C60.2833 5.90213 58.0261 7.18193 57.0741 8.76286C55.8764 6.97114 54.0492 5.90213 51.3314 5.90213C49.1663 5.90213 46.8017 6.80552 45.5272 8.52196V6.11292H37.9726V10.0125H40.4141V20.1606H38.3411V24H38.3258ZM84.8511 24.2108C89.9489 24.2108 92.6821 20.4617 92.6821 14.8457C92.6821 9.45546 90.1332 5.91719 84.9586 5.91719C83.1313 5.91719 81.3195 6.59473 80.2139 7.42284V0.0150565H71.7994V3.88457H74.2409V24H79.8454V22.4191C81.2423 23.5832 83.0179 24.2187 84.8511 24.2108V24.2108ZM83.5766 19.8444C81.7955 19.8444 80.045 18.7302 80.045 15.2371C80.045 11.0213 82.1179 10.2685 83.5459 10.2685C85.2042 10.2685 86.6783 11.5935 86.6783 14.8607C86.663 19.5885 84.5133 19.739 83.5766 19.8444V19.8444ZM93.7876 24H103.922V20.1606H101.757V0H93.4038V3.86951H95.8452V20.1606H93.7723V24H93.7876ZM106.133 24H116.098V20.1606H114.056V15.1619C114.056 11.7591 116.498 11.0213 118.355 11.0213H120.828V5.90213H118.831C116.574 5.90213 114.486 6.97114 113.549 8.68758V6.09787H105.949V9.99749H108.144V20.1455H106.133V24Z" fill="white"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_3502_25924"> <rect width="120.828" height="24" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> <p>Welcome home!</p> </footer> <iframe scrolling="no" width="1" height="1" frameborder="0" style="background-color:transparent; overflow:hidden; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; z-index:9999;" id="ga_target"></iframe><script type="text/javascript"> (function(){ var analytics_frame = document.getElementById('ga_target'); var analytics_iframe_loaded; var user_logged_in; var blog_is_nsfw = 'No'; var eventMethod = window.addEventListener ? 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