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to see the absolutely bonkers builds everyone is making. With only three episodes left, season three of </i>Ted Lasso<i> continues to deliver on its multiple emotional arcs. It was a surprising election night on </i>Succession<i> this week. </i>Trigun Stampede<i> trended after Twitter user </i><a href=""><i>Bigolas Dickolas Wolfwood</i></a><i> inadvertently turned the 2019 novel </i>This Is How You Lose the Time War<i> into a bestseller. Finally, we got the Tony Hawk x Amaury Guichon collab we didn't know we needed. This is Tumblr's Week in Review.</i></p><ol><li><i><a href="">The Eurovision Song Contest</a></i></li><li><i><a href="">The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom</a></i></li><li><i><a href="">Ted Lasso</a></i></li><li><i><a href="">Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3</a></i></li><li><i><a href="">Succession</a></i></li><li><i><a href="">Trigun Stampede</a></i></li><li><a href="">Käärijä</a></li><li><i><a href="">Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story</a></i></li><li><i><a href="">Yellowjackets</a></i></li><li><a href="">Artists on Tumblr</a></li><li><i><a href="">The Owl House</a></i></li><li><i><a href="">Critical Role</a></i></li><li><a href="">Finland</a></li><li><i><a href="">Stranger Things</a></i></li><li><i><a href="">9-1-1</a></i></li><li><a href="">UK Politics</a></li><li><i><a href="">Dracula Daily</a></i></li><li><a href="">Taylor Swift</a></li><li><a href="">Tony Hawk</a></li><li><a href="">Batman</a> | the DC universe</li></ol><div class="npf_row"><div class="npf_col"><figure class="tmblr-full"><a class="post_media_photo_anchor" data-big-photo="" data-big-photo-height="180" data-big-photo-width="320"><img class="post_media_photo image" src="" srcset=" 75w, 100w, 250w, 320w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px" alt="image"></a><p class="tmblr-attribution"><a href="" target="_blank" data-peepr='{"tumblelog":"netnel","postId":"710789337430867968"}'>Originally posted by netnel</a></p></figure></div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- post footer --> <div class="post-footer"> <span>745 notes</span> <div class="footer-links"> <a href="" class="footer-link"> <span class="footer-icon"> <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.6173 1.07615C12.991 0.921369 13.4211 1.00692 13.7071 1.29292L22.7071 10.2929C23.0832 10.669 23.0991 11.2737 22.7433 11.669L13.7433 21.669C13.4663 21.9768 13.0283 22.082 12.6417 21.9336C12.2552 21.7853 12 21.4141 12 21V16H11.5C7.31775 16 3.92896 18.2486 2.95256 21.3044C2.80256 21.7738 2.33292 22.064 1.84598 21.9881C1.35904 21.9122 1 21.4928 1 21V18.5C1 12.3163 5.88069 7.27248 12 7.0107V2.00003C12 1.59557 12.2436 1.23093 12.6173 1.07615ZM14 4.41424V8.00003C14 8.55231 13.5523 9.00003 13 9.00003H12.5C7.64534 9.00003 3.64117 12.6414 3.06988 17.3419C5.09636 15.2367 8.18218 14 11.5 14H13C13.5523 14 14 14.4477 14 15V18.3941L20.622 11.0363L14 4.41424Z" fill="black" fill-opacity="0.6"/> </svg> </span> </a> <a href="" class="footer-link"> <span class="footer-icon"> <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.7899 1C7.10755 1 2.53696 5.57059 2.53696 11.2529C2.53696 12.7353 2.78402 14.0941 3.40167 15.4529C3.15461 16.1941 2.90755 17.3059 2.53696 18.5412L2.04284 20.5176C1.79579 21.3824 2.66049 22.2471 3.5252 22L5.50167 21.5059L8.46637 20.6412C9.8252 21.2588 11.184 21.5059 12.6664 21.5059C18.3487 21.5059 22.9193 16.9353 22.9193 11.2529C23.0428 5.57059 18.4723 1 12.7899 1ZM20.5723 11.2529C20.5723 15.5765 17.1134 19.0353 12.6664 19.0353C11.184 19.0353 9.8252 18.6647 8.71343 17.9235L4.76049 19.0353L5.87226 15.0824C5.25461 13.9706 4.76049 12.6118 4.76049 11.1294C4.88402 6.92941 8.46637 3.47059 12.7899 3.47059C17.1134 3.47059 20.5723 6.92941 20.5723 11.2529Z" fill="black" fill-opacity="0.6"/> </svg> </span> </a> <a class="footer-link" href=""> <span class="footer-icon"> <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M16.8508 1.24145C16.3867 0.777358 15.9227 1.0094 15.9227 1.70553V4.02598H4.32044C2 4.02598 2 6.34642 2 6.34642V12.1475C2 12.1475 2 13.3077 3.16022 13.3077C4.32044 13.3077 4.32044 12.1475 4.32044 12.1475V7.50664C4.32044 6.34642 4.90055 6.34642 5.48066 6.34642H15.9227V8.66686C15.9227 9.36299 16.2707 9.47902 16.8508 9.13095L21.7238 5.1862L16.8508 1.24145ZM6.87293 21.7774C7.45304 22.2414 7.80111 22.0094 7.80111 21.4293V19.1088H19.4033C21.7238 19.1088 21.7238 16.7884 21.7238 16.7884V10.9873C21.7238 10.9873 21.7238 9.82708 20.5635 9.82708C19.4033 9.82708 19.4033 10.9873 19.4033 10.9873V15.6282C19.4033 16.7884 18.8232 16.7884 18.2431 16.7884H7.80111V14.468C7.80111 13.7718 7.45304 13.6558 6.87293 14.0039L2 17.9486L6.87293 21.7774Z" fill="black" fill-opacity="0.6"/> </svg> </span> </a> <div class="footer-link like-link"> <div class="like_button" data-post-id="717500936168325120" data-blog-name="letsgo" id="like_button_717500936168325120"><iframe id="like_iframe_717500936168325120" src="" scrolling="no" width="20" height="20" frameborder="0" class="like_toggle" allowTransparency="true" name="like_iframe_717500936168325120"></iframe></div> <span class="like-button footer-icon"> <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M17.8567 2C15.9879 2 14.1652 2.88205 12.7242 4.4794C12.6552 4.553 12.5782 4.6381 12.4977 4.73815C12.4126 4.6404 12.3401 4.5553 12.2723 4.4794C10.829 2.8809 9.0109 2 7.1525 2C5.84725 2 4.5811 2.44505 3.4863 3.28455C0.297349 5.73405 0.483649 10.058 2.31675 13.0595C4.79845 17.1248 9.85615 21.3166 10.8451 22.1158C11.3136 22.4927 11.8965 22.6987 12.4977 22.7C13.0945 22.7 13.6799 22.493 14.1491 22.1158C15.1369 21.3166 20.1947 17.1248 22.6775 13.0595C24.5117 10.0511 24.7073 5.72715 21.5275 3.28455C20.4293 2.44505 19.1608 2 17.8555 2H17.8567ZM17.8567 4.4426C18.5984 4.4426 19.3494 4.6818 20.0601 5.22805C22.2485 6.9082 21.7357 9.9419 20.6167 11.7773C18.3477 15.4918 13.5327 19.4823 12.6357 20.208C12.5965 20.2398 12.5476 20.2572 12.4971 20.2572C12.4466 20.2572 12.3977 20.2398 12.3585 20.208C11.4627 19.4823 6.64765 15.4918 4.37755 11.7762C3.25975 9.9419 2.76755 6.9082 4.95255 5.22805C5.6644 4.6818 6.41305 4.4426 7.1502 4.4426C8.3738 4.4426 9.55945 5.1027 10.4829 6.12275C11.0521 6.7541 12.3896 8.51705 12.4988 8.6562C12.6081 8.5182 13.9467 6.7541 14.5136 6.12275C15.4336 5.1027 16.6319 4.4426 17.8578 4.4426H17.8567Z" fill="black" fill-opacity="0.6"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> </div> </article> <!-- post notes --> <aside id="index"> <h3>📚 Table of Contents</h3> </aside> <article class="post post-text" id="717500929710161920"> <!-- post header --> <div class="post-header"> <a class="avatar-link" href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="fandom" class="avatar" /> </a> <a class="reblogged-from" href="" target="_blank">fandom</a> </div> <!-- post content --> <!-- reblog chains --> <div class="post-reblog-list"> <div class="post-reblog-item"> <div class="post-reblog-header"> <div class="reblog-item-avatar"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img src=""></a> </div> <div class="reblog-item-username"> <a target="_blank" class="post-tumblelog-name" href="">fandom</a> </div> </div> <div class="reblog-item-container"> <div class="reblog-item-bar"></div> <div class="reblog-item-body"> <p></p><div class="npf_row"><div class="npf_col"><figure class="tmblr-full"><a class="post_media_photo_anchor" data-big-photo="" data-big-photo-height="1800" data-big-photo-width="1800"><img class="post_media_photo image" src="" srcset=" 75w, 100w, 250w, 400w, 500w, 540w, 640w, 1280w, 1800w" sizes="(max-width: 1280px) 100vw, 1280px" alt="image"></a></figure></div></div><h2>Musical Acts</h2><p><b>Week Ending May 15th, 2023</b></p><ol><li><a href=""><b>Käärijä</b></a></li><li><a href="">Taylor Swift</a><i> </i><i>-1</i></li><li><a href="">My Chemical Romance</a><i> </i><i>+4</i></li><li><a href="">Lana Del Rey</a><i> </i><i>+2</i></li><li><a href="">Stray Kids</a></li><li><a href="">Harry Styles</a><i> </i><i>+3</i></li><li><a href="">BTS</a><i> </i><i>-4</i></li><li><a href=""><b>Joker Out</b></a></li><li><a href=""><b>Loreen</b></a></li><li><a href=""><b>Louis Tomlinson</b></a></li><li><a href=""><b>Beyonce</b></a></li><li><a href="">æspa</a><i> </i><i>+11</i></li><li><a href="">ATEEZ</a><i> </i><i>+1</i></li><li><a href="">SEVENTEEN</a><i> </i><i>-2</i></li><li><a href="">Ghost</a></li><li><a href=""><b>Death Grips</b></a></li><li><a href=""><b>Marilyn Manson</b></a></li><li><a href=""><b>Let 3</b></a></li><li><a href=""><b>Lord Of The Lost</b></a></li><li><a href="">Janelle Monae</a><i> </i><i>-9</i></li><li><a href="">ENHYPEN</a><i> </i><i>-5</i></li><li><a href="">BLΛƆKPIИK</a><i> </i><i>+3</i></li><li><a href=""><b>Måneskin</b></a></li><li><a href=""><b>Hatari</b></a></li><li><a href=""><b>Lovejoy</b></a></li><li><a href="">Le Sserafim</a><i> </i><i>-18</i></li><li><a href="">Tomorrow X Together</a><i> </i><i>+6</i></li><li><a href="">EXO</a></li><li><a href="">Greta Van Fleet</a><i> </i><i>-11</i></li><li><a href="">NCT 127</a><i> </i><i>-4</i></li><li><a href="">NCT Dream</a><i> </i><i>-7</i></li><li><a href=""><b>Fall Out Boy</b></a></li><li><a href="">SHINee</a><i> </i><i>+2</i></li><li><a href="">TWICE</a><i> </i><i>-3</i></li><li><a href="">Queen </a><i>-14</i></li><li><a href=""><b>Tokio Hotel</b></a></li><li><a href=""><b>Kai</b></a></li><li><a href="">The 1975</a></li><li><a href="">Phoebe Bridgers</a><i> </i><i>-22</i></li><li><a href=""><b>The Beatles</b></a></li></ol><p><i>The number in italics indicates how many spots a name moved up or down from the previous week. Bolded names weren’t on the list last week.</i></p><div class="npf_row"><div class="npf_col"><figure class="tmblr-full"><a class="post_media_photo_anchor" data-big-photo="" data-big-photo-height="560" data-big-photo-width="540"><img class="post_media_photo image" src="" srcset=" 75w, 100w, 250w, 400w, 500w, 540w" sizes="(max-width: 540px) 100vw, 540px" alt="image"></a><p class="tmblr-attribution"><a href="" target="_blank" data-peepr='{"tumblelog":"servingsato","postId":"717246317550878720"}'>Originally posted by servingsato</a></p></figure></div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- post footer --> <div class="post-footer"> <span>290 notes</span> <div class="footer-links"> <a href="" class="footer-link"> <span class="footer-icon"> <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.6173 1.07615C12.991 0.921369 13.4211 1.00692 13.7071 1.29292L22.7071 10.2929C23.0832 10.669 23.0991 11.2737 22.7433 11.669L13.7433 21.669C13.4663 21.9768 13.0283 22.082 12.6417 21.9336C12.2552 21.7853 12 21.4141 12 21V16H11.5C7.31775 16 3.92896 18.2486 2.95256 21.3044C2.80256 21.7738 2.33292 22.064 1.84598 21.9881C1.35904 21.9122 1 21.4928 1 21V18.5C1 12.3163 5.88069 7.27248 12 7.0107V2.00003C12 1.59557 12.2436 1.23093 12.6173 1.07615ZM14 4.41424V8.00003C14 8.55231 13.5523 9.00003 13 9.00003H12.5C7.64534 9.00003 3.64117 12.6414 3.06988 17.3419C5.09636 15.2367 8.18218 14 11.5 14H13C13.5523 14 14 14.4477 14 15V18.3941L20.622 11.0363L14 4.41424Z" fill="black" fill-opacity="0.6"/> </svg> </span> </a> <a href="" class="footer-link"> <span class="footer-icon"> <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.7899 1C7.10755 1 2.53696 5.57059 2.53696 11.2529C2.53696 12.7353 2.78402 14.0941 3.40167 15.4529C3.15461 16.1941 2.90755 17.3059 2.53696 18.5412L2.04284 20.5176C1.79579 21.3824 2.66049 22.2471 3.5252 22L5.50167 21.5059L8.46637 20.6412C9.8252 21.2588 11.184 21.5059 12.6664 21.5059C18.3487 21.5059 22.9193 16.9353 22.9193 11.2529C23.0428 5.57059 18.4723 1 12.7899 1ZM20.5723 11.2529C20.5723 15.5765 17.1134 19.0353 12.6664 19.0353C11.184 19.0353 9.8252 18.6647 8.71343 17.9235L4.76049 19.0353L5.87226 15.0824C5.25461 13.9706 4.76049 12.6118 4.76049 11.1294C4.88402 6.92941 8.46637 3.47059 12.7899 3.47059C17.1134 3.47059 20.5723 6.92941 20.5723 11.2529Z" fill="black" fill-opacity="0.6"/> </svg> </span> </a> <a class="footer-link" href=""> <span class="footer-icon"> <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M16.8508 1.24145C16.3867 0.777358 15.9227 1.0094 15.9227 1.70553V4.02598H4.32044C2 4.02598 2 6.34642 2 6.34642V12.1475C2 12.1475 2 13.3077 3.16022 13.3077C4.32044 13.3077 4.32044 12.1475 4.32044 12.1475V7.50664C4.32044 6.34642 4.90055 6.34642 5.48066 6.34642H15.9227V8.66686C15.9227 9.36299 16.2707 9.47902 16.8508 9.13095L21.7238 5.1862L16.8508 1.24145ZM6.87293 21.7774C7.45304 22.2414 7.80111 22.0094 7.80111 21.4293V19.1088H19.4033C21.7238 19.1088 21.7238 16.7884 21.7238 16.7884V10.9873C21.7238 10.9873 21.7238 9.82708 20.5635 9.82708C19.4033 9.82708 19.4033 10.9873 19.4033 10.9873V15.6282C19.4033 16.7884 18.8232 16.7884 18.2431 16.7884H7.80111V14.468C7.80111 13.7718 7.45304 13.6558 6.87293 14.0039L2 17.9486L6.87293 21.7774Z" fill="black" fill-opacity="0.6"/> </svg> </span> </a> <div class="footer-link like-link"> <div class="like_button" data-post-id="717500929710161920" data-blog-name="letsgo" id="like_button_717500929710161920"><iframe id="like_iframe_717500929710161920" src="" scrolling="no" width="20" height="20" frameborder="0" class="like_toggle" allowTransparency="true" name="like_iframe_717500929710161920"></iframe></div> <span class="like-button footer-icon"> <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M17.8567 2C15.9879 2 14.1652 2.88205 12.7242 4.4794C12.6552 4.553 12.5782 4.6381 12.4977 4.73815C12.4126 4.6404 12.3401 4.5553 12.2723 4.4794C10.829 2.8809 9.0109 2 7.1525 2C5.84725 2 4.5811 2.44505 3.4863 3.28455C0.297349 5.73405 0.483649 10.058 2.31675 13.0595C4.79845 17.1248 9.85615 21.3166 10.8451 22.1158C11.3136 22.4927 11.8965 22.6987 12.4977 22.7C13.0945 22.7 13.6799 22.493 14.1491 22.1158C15.1369 21.3166 20.1947 17.1248 22.6775 13.0595C24.5117 10.0511 24.7073 5.72715 21.5275 3.28455C20.4293 2.44505 19.1608 2 17.8555 2H17.8567ZM17.8567 4.4426C18.5984 4.4426 19.3494 4.6818 20.0601 5.22805C22.2485 6.9082 21.7357 9.9419 20.6167 11.7773C18.3477 15.4918 13.5327 19.4823 12.6357 20.208C12.5965 20.2398 12.5476 20.2572 12.4971 20.2572C12.4466 20.2572 12.3977 20.2398 12.3585 20.208C11.4627 19.4823 6.64765 15.4918 4.37755 11.7762C3.25975 9.9419 2.76755 6.9082 4.95255 5.22805C5.6644 4.6818 6.41305 4.4426 7.1502 4.4426C8.3738 4.4426 9.55945 5.1027 10.4829 6.12275C11.0521 6.7541 12.3896 8.51705 12.4988 8.6562C12.6081 8.5182 13.9467 6.7541 14.5136 6.12275C15.4336 5.1027 16.6319 4.4426 17.8578 4.4426H17.8567Z" fill="black" fill-opacity="0.6"/> </svg> </span> </div> </div> </div> </article> <!-- post notes --> <aside id="index"> <h3>📚 Table of Contents</h3> </aside> <article class="post post-text" id="717500924227158016"> <!-- post header --> <div class="post-header"> <a class="avatar-link" href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="fandom" class="avatar" /> </a> <a class="reblogged-from" href="" target="_blank">fandom</a> </div> <!-- post content --> <!-- reblog chains --> <div class="post-reblog-list"> <div class="post-reblog-item"> <div class="post-reblog-header"> <div class="reblog-item-avatar"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img src=""></a> </div> <div class="reblog-item-username"> <a target="_blank" class="post-tumblelog-name" href="">fandom</a> </div> </div> <div class="reblog-item-container"> <div class="reblog-item-bar"></div> <div class="reblog-item-body"> <p></p><div class="npf_row"><div class="npf_col"><figure class="tmblr-full"><a class="post_media_photo_anchor" data-big-photo="" data-big-photo-height="1800" data-big-photo-width="1800"><img class="post_media_photo image" src="" srcset=" 75w, 100w, 250w, 400w, 500w, 540w, 640w, 1280w, 1800w" sizes="(max-width: 1280px) 100vw, 1280px" alt="image"></a></figure></div></div><h2>Celebrities</h2><p><b>Week Ending May 15th, 2023</b></p><ol><li><a href="">Pedro Pascal</a></li><li><a href="">King Charles III</a><i> </i><i>+2</i></li><li><b><a href="">Meghan Markle</a></b></li><li><b><a href="">Joseph Quinn</a></b></li><li><b><a href="">Neil Gaiman</a></b></li><li><b><a href="">Graham Norton</a></b></li><li><b><a href="">Corey Mylchreest</a></b></li><li><b><a href="">David Tennant</a></b></li><li><b><a href="">Adam Conover</a></b></li><li><b><a href="">Jensen Ackles</a></b></li><li><b><a href="">Hannah Waddingham</a></b></li><li><a href="">Jack Champion</a><i> </i><i>+6</i></li><li><b><a href="">Leonardo Dicaprio</a></b></li><li><b><a href="">Karl Jenkins</a></b></li><li><b><a href="">India Amarteifio</a></b></li><li><b><a href="">Sebastian Stan</a></b></li><li><b><a href="">Halle Bailey</a></b></li><li><b><a href="">Finn Wolfhard</a></b></li><li><b><a href="">Oliver Stark</a></b></li><li><b><a href="">Misha Collins</a></b></li></ol><p><i>The number in italics indicates how many spots a name moved up or down from the previous week. Bolded names weren’t on the list last week.</i></p><div class="npf_row"><div class="npf_col"><figure class="tmblr-full"><a class="post_media_photo_anchor" data-big-photo="" data-big-photo-height="451" data-big-photo-width="540"><img class="post_media_photo image" src="" srcset=" 75w, 100w, 250w, 400w, 500w, 540w" sizes="(max-width: 540px) 100vw, 540px" alt="image"></a><p class="tmblr-attribution"><a href="" target="_blank" data-peepr='{"tumblelog":"b0bbynash","postId":"716912263332839424"}'>Originally posted by b0bbynash</a></p></figure></div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- post footer --> <div class="post-footer"> <span>85 notes</span> <div class="footer-links"> <a href="" class="footer-link"> <span class="footer-icon"> <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M12.6173 1.07615C12.991 0.921369 13.4211 1.00692 13.7071 1.29292L22.7071 10.2929C23.0832 10.669 23.0991 11.2737 22.7433 11.669L13.7433 21.669C13.4663 21.9768 13.0283 22.082 12.6417 21.9336C12.2552 21.7853 12 21.4141 12 21V16H11.5C7.31775 16 3.92896 18.2486 2.95256 21.3044C2.80256 21.7738 2.33292 22.064 1.84598 21.9881C1.35904 21.9122 1 21.4928 1 21V18.5C1 12.3163 5.88069 7.27248 12 7.0107V2.00003C12 1.59557 12.2436 1.23093 12.6173 1.07615ZM14 4.41424V8.00003C14 8.55231 13.5523 9.00003 13 9.00003H12.5C7.64534 9.00003 3.64117 12.6414 3.06988 17.3419C5.09636 15.2367 8.18218 14 11.5 14H13C13.5523 14 14 14.4477 14 15V18.3941L20.622 11.0363L14 4.41424Z" fill="black" fill-opacity="0.6"/> </svg> </span> </a> <a href="" class="footer-link"> <span class="footer-icon"> <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.7899 1C7.10755 1 2.53696 5.57059 2.53696 11.2529C2.53696 12.7353 2.78402 14.0941 3.40167 15.4529C3.15461 16.1941 2.90755 17.3059 2.53696 18.5412L2.04284 20.5176C1.79579 21.3824 2.66049 22.2471 3.5252 22L5.50167 21.5059L8.46637 20.6412C9.8252 21.2588 11.184 21.5059 12.6664 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