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align-center" data-item = "daily_mail_historical_archive&comma;_1896-2004 dmha" data-cat = "primary"> <td>Daily Mail Historical Archive&comma; 1896-2004</td> <td class = "text-center td-sm"><img src = "" alt = "Daily Mail Historical Archive&comma; 1896-2004 Web Icon" title = "Daily Mail Historical Archive&comma; 1896-2004"></td> <td class = "text-center td-sm d-none d-md-table-cell"><a class = "js-modal fs-4 bi bi-arrow-up-right-circle text-primary" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target = "#myModal" data-size="lg" data-link="/web/modal/embed.php?file=dmha&type=resource"></a></td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-center" data-item = "declassified_documents_online&colon;_twentieth-century_british_intelligence tcbi" data-cat = "primary"> <td>Declassified Documents Online&colon; Twentieth-Century British Intelligence</td> <td class = "text-center td-sm"><img src = "" alt = "Declassified Documents Online&colon; Twentieth-Century British Intelligence Web Icon" title = "Declassified 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// GET ASSIGNED var assigned = ""; if ($(".js-filter-assigned").is(":checked")) { assigned = 1; } // GET CATS var cats = []; var cat = ""; $(".js-filter-cat").each(function() { if ($(this).is(":checked")) { cat = $(this).val(); cats.push(cat); } if ($(this).is(":selected")) { cat = $(this).val(); cats.push(cat); } }); // NEW TAG var filternew = ""; $(".js-filter-new").each(function() { if ($(this).is(":checked")) { filternew = $(this).val(); } }); var filterupdated = ""; $(".js-filter-updated").each(function() { if ($(this).is(":checked")) { filterupdated = $(this).val(); } }); // PARENT TAG var filterowner = ""; $(".js-filter-owner").each(function() { if ($(this).is(":checked")) { filterowner = $(this).val(); } }); // MARKET TAG var filtermarket = ""; $(".js-filter-market").each(function() { if ($(this).is(":checked")) { filtermarket = $(this).val(); } }); // GET SEARCH var filter = $(".js-filter").val(); filter = filter.toLowerCase(); filter = filter.replace(/ /g, "_"); filter = filter.replace(/&/g, "_"); // NOW WE DO OUR FILTERING // SHOW ALL $(".js-filter-item").removeClass("d-none"); // 1) assigned filter if (assigned === 1) { $(".js-filter-item").not( "[data-assigned='assigned']").addClass("d-none"); } // 2) filter to only show the cats selected // go through each item that's still not hidden. hide it, then show it if it's in any class if (cats.length > 0) { $(".js-filter-item").each(function() { if ($(this).hasClass("d-none")) { } else { // THEY WEREN'T HIDDEN, SO NOW WE CAN CHECK IF THEY HAVE THIS CAT $(this).addClass("d-none"); for (i=0;i<cats.length;i++) { cat = cats[i]; // THIS IS KIND OF UGLY - BUT IT CHECKS ALL POSSIBLE CATEGORIES if ($(this).attr("data-cat") == cat || $(this).attr("data-family") == cat || $(this).attr("data-phase") == cat || $(this).attr("data-invoice") == cat || $(this).attr("data-date") == cat) { $(this).removeClass("d-none"); } // MARKETS if (this.hasAttribute("data-markets")) { if ($(this).attr("data-markets").includes(cat)) { $(this).removeClass("d-none"); } } } } }); // $(this).attr("data-markets").includes(cat) //$(".js-filter-item").not( "[data-cat" + cats + "]").addClass("d-none"); } // MARC OPTIONS // NEW TAG if (filternew != "") { $(".js-filter-item").not( "[data-new=" + filternew + "]").addClass("d-none"); } if (filterupdated != "") { $(".js-filter-item").not( "[data-updated=" + filterupdated + "]").addClass("d-none"); } // PARENT (consortium) OPTION if (filterowner != "") { $(".js-filter-item").not( "[data-owner=" + filterowner + "]").addClass("d-none"); } // 3) filter search if (filter != "") { $(".js-filter-item").not( "[data-item*=" + filter + "]").addClass("d-none"); } // GROUP HEADER HIDE (ON THEME PAGE ONLY) $(".js-group-header").addClass("d-none"); if (filter === "" && cat.length === 0 && filternew === "" && filterupdated === "") { $(".js-group-header").removeClass("d-none"); } } /* --------------------------------- MARC RECORDS ----------------------------------*/ // INITIATE VALUES var folder = ""; // assets folder (type of marc record) var counter = 0; // # of titles selected var arr_ids = []; // list of titles selected; var message = ""; // message response // DISPLAY INITIAL COUNTER $("#js-marc-counter").html(counter); // (checkbox) SELECT / DESELECT ALL TITLES $(".js-marc-pickall").on("click",function() { $('.js-marc-check:visible').not(this).prop('checked', this.checked); marc_prep(); }); // (checkbox) SELECT / DESELECT ONE TITLE $('.js-marc-check').on('change',marc_prep); // RESET MARC CHECKBOXES AND DOWNLOAD BUTTON function marc_reset() { // uncheck all checks $("input:checkbox").each(function() { this.checked = false; }); // disable andn set counter to 0 $("#js-marc-merge").prop('disabled', true); $("#js-marc-counter").html(0); } // (checkbox) GET ALL SELECTED TITLES. CHANGE COUNTER AND ID LIST function marc_prep() { // reset counter counter = 0; arr_ids = []; $('input:checkbox:checked:not(.js-marc-pickall)').each(function () { arr_ids.push($(this).val); // add to id array counter++; // add to counter }); // TOGGLE SUBMIT BUTTON if (counter > 0) { $("#js-marc-merge").prop('disabled', false); } else { $("#js-marc-merge").prop('disabled', true); } // SHOW NEW COUNTER $("#js-marc-counter").html(counter); }; // MERGE TITLES $("#js-marc-merge").click(function() { var button = $(this); var folder = $(this).attr("data-folder"); button.html("Merging Records <i class = 'my-auto spinner-border spinner-border-sm text-white'></i>"); var records = $("#form-marc").serialize(); var url_merge = "/marc/actions/merge.php?folder=" + folder; $.post(url_merge, records, function(data) { console.log(data); if (data == "success") { button.removeClass("btn-secondary"); button.addClass("btn-green"); button.html("Merge Completed"); } // EXPORT THE DATA TO FILE var url2 = "/marc/actions/export.php"; location.href = url2; }); }); // CUSTOMIZE ONE RECORD $(".js-marc-one").click(function() { var button = $(this); button.removeClass("bi-cloud-arrow-down"); button.html("<i class = 'text-primary spinner-border spinner-border-sm'></i>"); var record = $(this).attr("data-record"); var folder = $(this).attr("data-folder"); var url = "/marc/actions/merge.php?folder=" + folder + "&record=" + record; $.post(url, function(data) { if (data == "success") { button.removeClass("btn-secondary"); button.html("<i class = 'bi bi-cloud-check-fill'></i>"); } // EXPORT THE DATA TO FILE var url2 = "/marc/actions/export.php"; location.href = url2; }); }); // EXPORT BUTTON $(".js-export").click(function() { $(this).removeClass("btn-secondary"); $(this).addClass("btn-green"); var url = "/actions/export.php"; location.href = url; $(this).html("Export Complete"); }); // EXPORT BUTTON $(".js-export2").click(function() { $(this).removeClass("btn-maroon"); $(this).addClass("btn-green"); var url = "/actions/export2.php"; location.href = url; $(this).html("Export Complete"); }); /* WIDGETS */ // COPY HTML // we get the HTML of the widget one CLICK at a time $(".js-widget-tab-html").click(function() { // GET THE ID AND DIVS WE WILL COPY THE HTML TO var id = $(this).attr("data-id"); var copyDiv = "#js-copy-" + id; var viewDiv = "#js-view-" + id; // GET THE HTML var url = $(this).attr("data-link"); url = url+"&from=galepages"; url = encodeURI(url); $.get(url, function(data) { data_view = "<textarea disabled class = 'widget'>" + data + "</textarea>"; // NOW ADD DATA TO THE DOM $(copyDiv).attr("data-clipboard-text",data); $(viewDiv).html(data_view); }); }); }); </script> <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> <script async src=""></script> <script> //window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-45644640-1'); gtag('config', 'G-4EN4GYMTDV'); </script> <div class="modal fade container" id="myModal"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <!-- AJAX MODAL PAGES WILL LOAD HERE --> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>

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