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order-first order-md-last"> <div id = "filter" class = "bg-light p-3 border-15 border mb-4 "> <div class = "h6 fw-bold">Filters</div> <div class="form-floating mb-3"> <input type = "input" class="form-control js-filter" id="filter-search" placeholder="Enter Product Name"> <label for="filter-search"><i class = "bi bi-search"></i> Title Search</label> </div> </div> <div id = "options" class = "bg-light p-3 border-15 border"> <div class = "h6 fw-bold">Options</div> <div class = "d-grid mt-2"> <button disabled type = "button" class = "btn btn-secondary" id = "js-marc-merge" data-folder = "thorndike" aria-label = "Download">Download <span id = "js-marc-counter"></span> Records</button> </div> <div class = "mt-2 small"> *Click checkbox(es) next to each title to merge records </div> <div class = "mt-2 small border-top pt-2 fw-bold text-orange"> *Merging over 100 records may take several minutes to process. </div> </div> </div> <!-- col --> <div class = "col"> <form id = "form-marc" name = "form-marc"> <table class = "sortable table"> <thead> <tr> <th class = "sorttable_nosort"></th> <th>TITLE</th> <th style = "width:1%;">ISBN</th> <th>Downlaod</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9780316572811 #1_lawyer."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9780316572811"> </td> <td>#1 Lawyer.</td> <td>9780316572811</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9780316572811" data-id = "9780316572811" data-name = "#1 Lawyer." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781410495297 éclair_and_present_danger."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781410495297"> </td> <td>Éclair and Present Danger.</td> <td>9781410495297</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781410495297" data-id = "9781410495297" data-name = "Éclair and Present Danger." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432841720 'round_midnight."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432841720"> </td> <td>'Round Midnight.</td> <td>9781432841720</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432841720" data-id = "9781432841720" data-name = "'Round Midnight." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432839949 'til_death_do_us_part."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432839949"> </td> <td>'Til Death Do Us Part.</td> <td>9781432839949</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432839949" data-id = "9781432839949" data-name = "'Til Death Do Us Part." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9798885794053 'twas_the_bite_before_christmas."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9798885794053"> </td> <td>'Twas the Bite Before Christmas.</td> <td>9798885794053</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9798885794053" data-id = "9798885794053" data-name = "'Twas the Bite Before Christmas." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781410496140 .45-caliber."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781410496140"> </td> <td>.45-CALIBER.</td> <td>9781410496140</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781410496140" data-id = "9781410496140" data-name = ".45-CALIBER." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432837082 .45-caliber."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432837082"> </td> <td>.45-CALIBER.</td> <td>9781432837082</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432837082" data-id = "9781432837082" data-name = ".45-CALIBER." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432837099 .45-caliber."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432837099"> </td> <td>.45-CALIBER.</td> <td>9781432837099</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432837099" data-id = "9781432837099" data-name = ".45-CALIBER." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432837310 .45-caliber."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432837310"> </td> <td>.45-CALIBER.</td> <td>9781432837310</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432837310" data-id = "9781432837310" data-name = ".45-CALIBER." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9798885786379 1,000_coils_of_fear:_a_novel"> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9798885786379"> </td> <td>1,000 Coils of Fear: A Novel</td> <td>9798885786379</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9798885786379" data-id = "9798885786379" data-name = "1,000 Coils of Fear: A Novel" data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432858131 100_days_of_real_food:_on_a_budget."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432858131"> </td> <td>100 Days of Real Food: On a Budget.</td> <td>9781432858131</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432858131" data-id = "9781432858131" data-name = "100 Days of Real Food: On a Budget." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9798885795456 100_places_to_see_after_you_die."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9798885795456"> </td> <td>100 Places to See After You Die.</td> <td>9798885795456</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9798885795456" data-id = "9798885795456" data-name = "100 Places to See After You Die." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432842154 12_days_at_bleakly_manor."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432842154"> </td> <td>12 Days at Bleakly Manor.</td> <td>9781432842154</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432842154" data-id = "9781432842154" data-name = "12 Days at Bleakly Manor." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9780316570640 12_months_to_live."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9780316570640"> </td> <td>12 Months to Live.</td> <td>9780316570640</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9780316570640" data-id = "9780316570640" data-name = "12 Months to Live." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432877279 142_ostriches."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432877279"> </td> <td>142 Ostriches.</td> <td>9781432877279</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432877279" data-id = "9781432877279" data-name = "142 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"js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432861025 conspiracy."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432861025"> </td> <td>Conspiracy.</td> <td>9781432861025</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432861025" data-id = "9781432861025" data-name = "Conspiracy." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432861889 consumed_(also_includes_wedding_from_hell_parts_1,_2,_3)."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432861889"> </td> <td>Consumed (also includes Wedding From Hell parts 1, 2, 3).</td> <td>9781432861889</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432861889" data-id = "9781432861889" data-name = "Consumed (also includes Wedding From Hell parts 1, 2, 3)." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432861476 consuming_fire."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432861476"> </td> <td>Consuming Fire.</td> <td>9781432861476</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432861476" data-id = "9781432861476" data-name = "Consuming Fire." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432854669 contention_and_other_frontier_stories."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432854669"> </td> <td>Contention and Other Frontier Stories.</td> <td>9781432854669</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432854669" data-id = "9781432854669" data-name = "Contention and Other Frontier Stories." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432854676 contention_and_other_frontier_stories."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432854676"> </td> <td>Contention and Other Frontier Stories.</td> <td>9781432854676</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432854676" data-id = "9781432854676" data-name = "Contention and Other Frontier Stories." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432854683 contention_and_other_frontier_stories."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432854683"> </td> <td>Contention and Other Frontier Stories.</td> <td>9781432854683</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432854683" data-id = "9781432854683" data-name = "Contention and Other Frontier Stories." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432854690 contention_and_other_frontier_stories."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432854690"> </td> <td>Contention and Other Frontier Stories.</td> <td>9781432854690</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432854690" data-id = "9781432854690" data-name = "Contention and Other Frontier Stories." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9798885794251 continental_affair."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9798885794251"> </td> <td>Continental Affair.</td> <td>9798885794251</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9798885794251" data-id = "9798885794251" data-name = "Continental Affair." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432867140 contraband."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432867140"> </td> <td>Contraband.</td> <td>9781432867140</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432867140" data-id = "9781432867140" data-name = "Contraband." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9780263082500 contracted_for_the_spaniard's_heir."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9780263082500"> </td> <td>Contracted For The Spaniard's Heir.</td> <td>9780263082500</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9780263082500" data-id = "9780263082500" data-name = "Contracted For The Spaniard's Heir." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432839345 contractor."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432839345"> </td> <td>Contractor.</td> <td>9781432839345</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432839345" data-id = "9781432839345" data-name = "Contractor." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781420517101 control."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781420517101"> </td> <td>Control.</td> <td>9781420517101</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781420517101" data-id = "9781420517101" data-name = "Control." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432844325 convenient_christmas_wedding."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432844325"> </td> <td>Convenient Christmas Wedding.</td> <td>9781432844325</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432844325" data-id = "9781432844325" data-name = "Convenient Christmas Wedding." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432863449 convergence."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432863449"> </td> <td>Convergence.</td> <td>9781432863449</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432863449" data-id = "9781432863449" data-name = "Convergence." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432878283 conversations_with_rbg."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432878283"> </td> <td>Conversations with RBG.</td> <td>9781432878283</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432878283" data-id = "9781432878283" data-name = "Conversations with RBG." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432850579 cookie_cure."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432850579"> </td> <td>Cookie Cure.</td> <td>9781432850579</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432850579" data-id = "9781432850579" data-name = "Cookie Cure." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432855864 cooper's_charm."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432855864"> </td> <td>Cooper's Charm.</td> <td>9781432855864</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432855864" data-id = "9781432855864" data-name = "Cooper's Charm." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781410499240 copycat."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781410499240"> </td> <td>Copycat.</td> <td>9781410499240</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781410499240" data-id = "9781410499240" data-name = "Copycat." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432844257 cork_dork."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432844257"> </td> <td>Cork Dork.</td> <td>9781432844257</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432844257" data-id = "9781432844257" data-name = "Cork Dork." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9780263083972 cornered_at_christmas."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9780263083972"> </td> <td>Cornered At Christmas.</td> <td>9780263083972</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9780263083972" data-id = "9780263083972" data-name = "Cornered At Christmas." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9780063297159 coronation_year:_a_novel"> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9780063297159"> </td> <td>Coronation Year: A Novel</td> <td>9780063297159</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9780063297159" data-id = "9780063297159" data-name = "Coronation Year: A Novel" data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432856656 cost_of_betrayal."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432856656"> </td> <td>Cost of Betrayal.</td> <td>9781432856656</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432856656" data-id = "9781432856656" data-name = "Cost of Betrayal." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432872175 cost_of_dying."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432872175"> </td> <td>Cost of Dying.</td> <td>9781432872175</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432872175" data-id = "9781432872175" data-name = "Cost of Dying." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432888169 cost_of_knowing."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432888169"> </td> <td>Cost of Knowing.</td> <td>9781432888169</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432888169" data-id = "9781432888169" data-name = "Cost of Knowing." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432879853 cottage_at_the_beach."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432879853"> </td> <td>Cottage at the Beach.</td> <td>9781432879853</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432879853" data-id = "9781432879853" data-name = "Cottage at the Beach." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9780525631774 cottage_by_the_sea."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9780525631774"> </td> <td>Cottage by the Sea.</td> <td>9780525631774</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9780525631774" data-id = "9780525631774" data-name = "Cottage by the Sea." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432847586 cottingley_secret."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432847586"> </td> <td>Cottingley Secret.</td> <td>9781432847586</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432847586" data-id = "9781432847586" data-name = "Cottingley Secret." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781538760277 count_to_ten."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781538760277"> </td> <td>Count to Ten.</td> <td>9781538760277</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781538760277" data-id = "9781538760277" data-name = "Count to Ten." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432880385 countdown_1945."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432880385"> </td> <td>Countdown 1945.</td> <td>9781432880385</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432880385" data-id = "9781432880385" data-name = "Countdown 1945." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9798217016457 countdown_1960_the_behind-the-scenes_story_of_the_311_days_that_changed_america's_politics_forever."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9798217016457"> </td> <td>Countdown 1960 The Behind-The-Scenes Story of the 311 Days That Changed America's Politics Forever.</td> <td>9798217016457</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9798217016457" data-id = "9798217016457" data-name = "Countdown 1960 The Behind-The-Scenes Story of the 311 Days That Changed America's Politics Forever." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432891930 countdown_bin_laden:_the_untold_story_of_the_247-day_hunt_to_bring_the_mastermind_of_9'11_to_justice."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432891930"> </td> <td>Countdown Bin Laden: The Untold Story of the 247-Day Hunt to Bring the Mastermind of 9'11 to Justice.</td> <td>9781432891930</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432891930" data-id = "9781432891930" data-name = "Countdown Bin Laden: The Untold Story of the 247-Day Hunt to Bring the Mastermind of 9'11 to Justice." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9780063241824 countdown_to_midnight."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9780063241824"> </td> <td>Countdown to Midnight.</td> <td>9780063241824</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9780063241824" data-id = "9780063241824" data-name = "Countdown to Midnight." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9780316457385 countdown."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9780316457385"> </td> <td>Countdown.</td> <td>9780316457385</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9780316457385" data-id = "9780316457385" data-name = "Countdown." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9798885791281 countdown."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" 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"records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432885120"> </td> <td>Memorial.</td> <td>9781432885120</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432885120" data-id = "9781432885120" data-name = "Memorial." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432887483 memory_collectors."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432887483"> </td> <td>Memory Collectors.</td> <td>9781432887483</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432887483" data-id = "9781432887483" data-name = "Memory Collectors." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432862459 memory_house."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432862459"> </td> <td>Memory House.</td> <td>9781432862459</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432862459" data-id = "9781432862459" data-name = "Memory House." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9780593862308 memory_piece."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9780593862308"> </td> <td>Memory Piece.</td> <td>9780593862308</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9780593862308" data-id = "9780593862308" data-name = "Memory Piece." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781410495211 memory_of_muskets."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781410495211"> </td> <td>Memory of Muskets.</td> <td>9781410495211</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781410495211" data-id = "9781410495211" data-name = "Memory of Muskets." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9780593558737 memphis."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9780593558737"> </td> <td>Memphis.</td> <td>9780593558737</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9780593558737" data-id = "9780593558737" data-name = "Memphis." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432861704 mending_fences."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432861704"> </td> <td>Mending Fences.</td> <td>9781432861704</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432861704" data-id = "9781432861704" data-name = "Mending Fences." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432865535 mending_places."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432865535"> </td> <td>Mending Places.</td> <td>9781432865535</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432865535" data-id = "9781432865535" data-name = "Mending Places." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432864835 meow_matrimony."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432864835"> </td> <td>Meow Matrimony.</td> <td>9781432864835</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432864835" data-id = "9781432864835" data-name = "Meow Matrimony." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432862503 meow_mayhem."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432862503"> </td> <td>Meow Mayhem.</td> <td>9781432862503</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432862503" data-id = "9781432862503" data-name = "Meow Mayhem." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432886905 merci_suárez_can't_dance."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432886905"> </td> <td>Merci Suárez Can't Dance.</td> <td>9781432886905</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432886905" data-id = "9781432886905" data-name = "Merci Suárez Can't Dance." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432860363 merci_suárez_changes_gears."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432860363"> </td> <td>Merci Suárez Changes Gears.</td> <td>9781432860363</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432860363" data-id = "9781432860363" data-name = "Merci Suárez 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name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9780593583777"> </td> <td>Mercury Pictures Presents.</td> <td>9780593583777</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9780593583777" data-id = "9780593583777" data-name = "Mercury Pictures Presents." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9798885799294 mercury."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9798885799294"> </td> <td>Mercury.</td> <td>9798885799294</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9798885799294" data-id = "9798885799294" data-name = "Mercury." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432878849 mercy_house."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432878849"> </td> <td>Mercy House.</td> <td>9781432878849</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432878849" data-id = "9781432878849" data-name = "Mercy House." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9780062887412 mercy_river."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9780062887412"> </td> <td>Mercy River.</td> <td>9780062887412</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9780062887412" data-id = "9780062887412" data-name = "Mercy River." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432856090 mercy_seat."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432856090"> </td> <td>Mercy Seat.</td> <td>9781432856090</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432856090" data-id = "9781432856090" data-name = "Mercy Seat." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9780063211070 mercy_street."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9780063211070"> </td> <td>Mercy Street.</td> <td>9780063211070</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9780063211070" data-id = "9780063211070" data-name = "Mercy Street." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781538719701 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"js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432870591 merry_and_bright."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432870591"> </td> <td>Merry and Bright.</td> <td>9781432870591</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432870591" data-id = "9781432870591" data-name = "Merry and Bright." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781420514667 messy_life_of_jane_tanner."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781420514667"> </td> <td>Messy Life of Jane Tanner.</td> <td>9781420514667</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781420514667" data-id = "9781420514667" data-name = "Messy Life of Jane Tanner." data-type = 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"js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432885335 paradise_peak."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432885335"> </td> <td>Paradise Peak.</td> <td>9781432885335</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432885335" data-id = "9781432885335" data-name = "Paradise Peak." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432840907 paradise_valley."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432840907"> </td> <td>Paradise Valley.</td> <td>9781432840907</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432840907" data-id = "9781432840907" data-name = "Paradise Valley." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> 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"js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432895150 ralph_compton_guns_of_the_greenhorn."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432895150"> </td> <td>Ralph Compton Guns of the Greenhorn.</td> <td>9781432895150</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432895150" data-id = "9781432895150" data-name = "Ralph Compton Guns of the Greenhorn." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432880255 ralph_compton_lost_banshee_mine."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432880255"> </td> <td>Ralph Compton Lost Banshee Mine.</td> <td>9781432880255</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432880255" data-id = 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"9798885790901 snow."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9798885790901"> </td> <td>Snow.</td> <td>9798885790901</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9798885790901" data-id = "9798885790901" data-name = "Snow." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432884239 snowball's_christmas."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432884239"> </td> <td>Snowball's Christmas.</td> <td>9781432884239</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432884239" data-id = "9781432884239" data-name = "Snowball's Christmas." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" 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"records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781420516357"> </td> <td>Swamp Story.</td> <td>9781420516357</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781420516357" data-id = "9781420516357" data-name = "Swamp Story." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9798885787758 swamp_story:_a_novel"> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9798885787758"> </td> <td>Swamp Story: A Novel</td> <td>9798885787758</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9798885787758" data-id = "9798885787758" data-name = "Swamp Story: A Novel" data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9780316577854 swan_song."> 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"9781432871529 sweet_taste_of_revenge."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432871529"> </td> <td>Sweet Taste of Revenge.</td> <td>9781432871529</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432871529" data-id = "9781432871529" data-name = "Sweet Taste of Revenge." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432846152 sweet_tea_and_sympathy."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432846152"> </td> <td>Sweet Tea and Sympathy.</td> <td>9781432846152</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432846152" data-id = "9781432846152" data-name = "Sweet Tea and Sympathy." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> 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"records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9780593149096"> </td> <td>Testaments.</td> <td>9780593149096</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9780593149096" data-id = "9780593149096" data-name = "Testaments." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781455571185 testimony."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781455571185"> </td> <td>Testimony.</td> <td>9781455571185</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781455571185" data-id = "9781455571185" data-name = "Testimony." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9798885787543 texarkana"> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9798885787543"> </td> <td>Texarkana</td> <td>9798885787543</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9798885787543" data-id = "9798885787543" data-name = "Texarkana" data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432879075 texas_baby_pursuit."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432879075"> </td> <td>Texas Baby Pursuit.</td> <td>9781432879075</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432879075" data-id = "9781432879075" data-name = "Texas Baby Pursuit." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432849641 texas_badge."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432849641"> </td> <td>Texas Badge.</td> <td>9781432849641</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432849641" data-id = "9781432849641" data-name = "Texas Badge." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432846558 texas_bluff."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432846558"> </td> <td>Texas Bluff.</td> <td>9781432846558</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432846558" data-id = "9781432846558" data-name = "Texas Bluff." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432899660 texas_bound."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432899660"> </td> <td>Texas Bound.</td> <td>9781432899660</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432899660" data-id = "9781432899660" data-name = "Texas Bound." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9780263077766 texas_cowboy's_baby_rescue."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9780263077766"> </td> <td>Texas Cowboy's Baby Rescue.</td> <td>9780263077766</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9780263077766" data-id = "9780263077766" data-name = "Texas Cowboy's Baby Rescue." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9780263066210 texas_cowboy's_christmas."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9780263066210"> </td> <td>Texas Cowboy's Christmas.</td> <td>9780263066210</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9780263066210" data-id = "9780263066210" data-name = "Texas Cowboy's Christmas." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432840914 texas_fierce."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432840914"> </td> <td>Texas Fierce.</td> <td>9781432840914</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432840914" data-id = "9781432840914" data-name = "Texas Fierce." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = 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</tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9798885780179 thank_you,_mr._nixon:_stories."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9798885780179"> </td> <td>Thank You, Mr. Nixon: Stories.</td> <td>9798885780179</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9798885780179" data-id = "9798885780179" data-name = "Thank You, Mr. Nixon: Stories." data-type = "marc" aria-label = "Download"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = "js-filter-item align-middle" data-item = "9781432863302 that_churchill_woman."> <td> <input name = "records[]" type = "checkbox" class = "js-marc-check me-2" aria-label = "marc record" value = "9781432863302"> </td> <td>That Churchill Woman.</td> <td>9781432863302</td> <td class = "text-center"> <a class = "gtm-item bi bi-cloud-arrow-down fs-4 text-primary" href = "" id = "9781432863302" data-id = "9781432863302" data-name = 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