Mass General Brigham Advantage Secure HMO | Mass General Brigham Health Plan
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class="cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block --white-background --grid-two-column-one-one --align-left "> <div class="cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block__left-column"> <div class="cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block__header"> <h2 class="cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block__title" tabindex="0">2025 Plan information</h2> </div> <div class="cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block__image-container --do-not-show-image"> <img class="cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block__image" src="/content/dam/mgbhp/aep-25-launch/graphic-plancard_secure_hmo-01.jpg" alt="Graphic showing details for the 2025 Advantage Secure HMO plan with $52/mo premium and $3,350 out-of-pocket maximum. "/> </div> <div class="cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block__text-and-buttons"> <div class="cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block__text-area cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block__text-content"> <p tabindex="0"><p>Explore key 2025 benefit information for Mass General Brigham Advantage Secure (HMO-POS).</p> <p> </p> <p>You’ll find a summary of cost sharing for commonly used benefits in the table, or you can explore plan documents for detailed information:</p> <ul><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">2025 Summary of Benefits (PDF)</a> Updated 10/1/24</li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">2025 Evidence of Coverage (PDF)</a> Updated 10/15/24</li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Annual Notice of Changes for 2025</a> Updated 10/1/24</li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">2025 Medicare Star Ratings - H6847 (HMO-POS)</a></li></ul> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block__right-column"> <div class="cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block__image-container"> <img class="cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block__image" src="/content/dam/mgbhp/aep-25-launch/graphic-plancard_secure_hmo-01.jpg" alt="Graphic showing details for the 2025 Advantage Secure HMO plan with $52/mo premium and $3,350 out-of-pocket maximum. "/> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="containerlayout --margin-medium-top --margin-medium-bottom aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cmp-containerlayout --grid-normal-one-column --site-max-width --bg-color-light-teal"> <div class="cmp-containerlayout__content-column "> <div class="text component-heading-typography primary-blue-color"> <div id="text-4b39366e5b" class="cmp-text"> <h2 style=" text-align: left; margin-left: 40.0px; "><br /> Did you know?<br /> </h2> </div> </div> <div class="text component-small-typography"> <div id="text-60dbc44187" class="cmp-text"> <p style=" margin-left: 40.0px; ">Our Medicare Advantage HMO plan doesn't require referrals from your primary care provider.</p> <p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="compareplans contentfragmentlist aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="compare-plans" data-compare-plans-json="{ "advantage-2024": { "CF name": "Advantage 2024", "CF description": "", "CF elements": { "Pre-title": "PPO", "Title": "Advantage", "Title Link": "Advantage Health Plan", "Button Link": "/plans/mass-general-brigham-advantage", "Year": "2024", "Price per month": "0", "Most popular": "false", "Description": "\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003erarely\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e", "List of benefits": [ "No deductible", "Highest out-of-pocket maximums" ], "Categories": { "Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)": { "Primary Care": "$0 / $20 copay", "Specialist": "$45 / $65 copay" }, "Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing": { "Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services": "$1,500 / $0 copay", "Hearing aids / routine hearing exam": "$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay", "Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam": "$200 per year\u2028/ $0 copay", "Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)": "", "Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)": "", "Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$85 every 3 months" }, "Emergency care ": { "Emergency room": "$90 copay", "Urgent care": "$50 copay", "Ambulance": "$275 copay" }, "Hospital, surgery, or rehab": { "Inpatient hospital": "$335 days 1-5; $0 days 6-90 / 40% coinsurance", "Outpatient hospital": "$0-300 copay / 40% coinsurance", "Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy": "$40 / $65 copay", "Cardiac rehabilitation": "$0 / $65 copay" }, "Out-of-pocket maximums each year": { "Out-of-pocket maximum": "$6,400 / $9,700" }, "Prescriptions (same for all plans)": { "Top Value": "Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $3 copay; Tier 3: $37 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance", "Bottom Value": "25% for generic drugs and 25% for contracted brands" } }, "Searching parameters": { "I am turning 65 this year": "Infrequently", "I am turning 65 next year": "null", "I am already 65": "null", "Blank / Not Selected": "null" } } }, "advantage-premier-2024": { "CF name": "Advantage Premier 2024", "CF description": "", "CF elements": { "Pre-title": "PPO", "Title": "Advantage Premier", "Title Link": "Advantage Premier Health Plan", "Button Link": "/plans/advantage-premier-ppo", "Year": "2024", "Price per month": "140", "Most popular": "false", "Description": "\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003eregularly\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n", "List of benefits": [ "No deductible", "Lower out-of-pocket\u2028maximums" ], "Categories": { "Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)": { "Primary Care": "$0 / $10 copay", "Specialist": "$20 / $40 copay" }, "Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing": { "Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services": "$2,500 / $0 copay", "Hearing aids / routine hearing exam": "$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay", "Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam": "$300 per year\u2028/ $0 copay", "Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)": "", "Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)": "", "Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$120 every three months" }, "Emergency care ": { "Emergency room": "$90 copay", "Urgent care": "$30 copay", "Ambulance": "$200 copay" }, "Hospital, surgery, or rehab": { "Inpatient hospital": "$125 days 1-3; $0 days 4 and beyond / 20% coinsurance", "Outpatient hospital": "$0-125 copay / 20% coinsurance", "Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy": "$20 / $40 copay", "Cardiac rehabilitation": "$0 / $0 copay" }, "Out-of-pocket maximums each year": { "Out-of-pocket maximum": "$3,150 / $5,450" }, "Prescriptions (same for all plans)": { "Top Value": "Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $3 copay; Tier 3: $37 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance", "Bottom Value": "25% for generic drugs and 25% for contracted brands" } }, "Searching parameters": { "I am turning 65 this year": [ "Regularly", "Very Often" ], "I am turning 65 next year": "null", "I am already 65": "null", "Blank / Not Selected": "null" } } }, "advantage-secure-2024": { "CF name": "Advantage Secure 2024", "CF description": "", "CF elements": { "Pre-title": "HMO-POS", "Title": "Advantage Secure", "Title Link": "Advantage Secure Health Plan", "Button Link": "/plans/advantage-secure-hmo", "Year": "2024", "Price per month": "52", "Most popular": "false", "Description": "\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003eoccasionally\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n", "List of benefits": [ "No deductible", "Higher out-of-pocket \u2028maximums" ], "Categories": { "Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)": { "Primary Care": "$0 / $20 copay", "Specialist": "$40 / $50 copay" }, "Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing": { "Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services": "$2,000 / $0 copay", "Hearing aids / routine hearing exam": "$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay", "Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam": "$250 per year\u2028/ $0 copay", "Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)": "", "Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)": "", "Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$95 every three months" }, "Emergency care ": { "Emergency room": "$105 copay", "Urgent care": "$50 copay", "Ambulance": "$200 copay" }, "Hospital, surgery, or rehab": { "Inpatient hospital": "$230 days 1-5; $0 days 6-90 / 30% coinsurance", "Outpatient hospital": "$0-200 copay / 30% coinsurance", "Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy": "$15 / $50 copay", "Cardiac rehabilitation": "$0 / $0 copay" }, "Out-of-pocket maximums each year": { "Out-of-pocket maximum": "$3,350 / $7,000" }, "Prescriptions (same for all plans)": { "Top Value": "Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $3 copay; Tier 3: $37 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance", "Bottom Value": "25% for generic drugs and 25% for contracted brands" } }, "Searching parameters": { "I am turning 65 this year": "Occasionally", "I am turning 65 next year": "null", "I am already 65": "null", "Blank / Not Selected": "null" } } }, "advantage-2025": { "CF name": "Advantage 2025", "CF description": "", "CF elements": { "Pre-title": "PPO", "Title": "Advantage", "Title Link": "Advantage Health Plan", "Button Link": "/plans/mass-general-brigham-advantage", "Year": "2025", "Price per month": "0", "Most popular": "false", "Description": "\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003erarely\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e", "List of benefits": [ "No deductible", "Highest out-of-pocket maximums" ], "Categories": { "Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)": { "Primary Care": "$0 / $20 copay", "Specialist": "$50 / $65 copay" }, "Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing": { "Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services": "$1,500 / $0 copay", "Hearing aids / routine hearing exam": "$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay", "Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam": "$200 per year\u2028/ $0 copay", "Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$450 per year", "Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$120 every 3 months", "Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$85 every 3 months" }, "Emergency care ": { "Emergency room": "$90 copay", "Urgent care": "$50 copay", "Ambulance": "$275 copay" }, "Hospital, surgery, or rehab": { "Inpatient hospital": "$350 days 1-5; $0 days 6-90 / 30% coinsurance", "Outpatient hospital": "$0-300 copay / 40% coinsurance", "Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy": "$40 / $65 copay", "Cardiac rehabilitation": "$0 / $65 copay" }, "Out-of-pocket maximums each year": { "Out-of-pocket maximum": "$5,500 / $9,550" }, "Prescriptions (same for all plans)": { "Top Value": "Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $5 copay; Tier 3: $47 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance", "Bottom Value": "" } }, "Searching parameters": { "I am turning 65 this year": "null", "I am turning 65 next year": "Infrequently", "I am already 65": "Infrequently", "Blank / Not Selected": "Infrequently" } } }, "advantage-premier-2025": { "CF name": "Advantage Premier 2025", "CF description": "", "CF elements": { "Pre-title": "PPO", "Title": "Advantage Premier", "Title Link": "Advantage Premier Health Plan", "Button Link": "/plans/advantage-premier-ppo", "Year": "2025", "Price per month": "140", "Most popular": "false", "Description": "\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003eregularly\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e", "List of benefits": [ "No deductible", "Lower out-of-pocket\u2028maximums" ], "Categories": { "Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)": { "Primary Care": "$0 / $10 copay", "Specialist": "$25 / $40 copay" }, "Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing": { "Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services": "$2,500 / $0 copay", "Hearing aids / routine hearing exam": "$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay", "Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam": "$300 per year\u2028/ $0 copay", "Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$450 per year", "Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$120 every 3 months", "Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$120 every 3 months" }, "Emergency care ": { "Emergency room": "$90 copay", "Urgent care": "$30 copay", "Ambulance": "$200 copay" }, "Hospital, surgery, or rehab": { "Inpatient hospital": "$150 days 1-3; $0 days 4-90 / 20% coinsurance", "Outpatient hospital": "$0-125 copay / 20% coinsurance", "Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy": "$20 / $40 copay", "Cardiac rehabilitation": "$0 / $0 copay" }, "Out-of-pocket maximums each year": { "Out-of-pocket maximum": "$3,150 / $5,450" }, "Prescriptions (same for all plans)": { "Top Value": "Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $5 copay; Tier 3: $47 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance", "Bottom Value": "" } }, "Searching parameters": { "I am turning 65 this year": "null", "I am turning 65 next year": "Regularly", "I am already 65": "Regularly", "Blank / Not Selected": "Regularly" } } }, "advantage-secure-2025": { "CF name": "Advantage Secure 2025", "CF description": "", "CF elements": { "Pre-title": "HMO-POS", "Title": "Advantage Secure", "Title Link": "Advantage Secure Health Plan", "Button Link": "/plans/advantage-secure-hmo", "Year": "2025", "Price per month": "52", "Most popular": "false", "Description": "\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003eoccasionally\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e", "List of benefits": [ "No deductible", "Higher out-of-pocket maximums" ], "Categories": { "Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)": { "Primary Care": "$0 / $20 copay", "Specialist": "$45 / $50 copay" }, "Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing": { "Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services": "$2,000 / $0 copay", "Hearing aids / routine hearing exam": "$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay", "Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam": "$250 per year\u2028/ $0 copay", "Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$450 per year", "Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$120 every 3 months", "Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$95 every 3 months" }, "Emergency care ": { "Emergency room": "$105 copay", "Urgent care": "$50 copay", "Ambulance": "$200 copay" }, "Hospital, surgery, or rehab": { "Inpatient hospital": "$250 days 1-5; $0 days 6-90 / 30% coinsurance", "Outpatient hospital": "$0-200 copay / 30% coinsurance", "Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy": "$15 / $50 copay", "Cardiac rehabilitation": "$0 / $0 copay" }, "Out-of-pocket maximums each year": { "Out-of-pocket maximum": "$3,350 / $7,000" }, "Prescriptions (same for all plans)": { "Top Value": "Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $5 copay; Tier 3: $47 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance", "Bottom Value": "" } }, "Searching parameters": { "I am turning 65 this year": "", "I am turning 65 next year": "Occasionally", "I am already 65": "Occasionally", "Blank / Not Selected": "Occasionally" } } }, "advantage-signature-2025": { "CF name": "Advantage Signature 2025", "CF description": "", "CF elements": { "Pre-title": "PPO", "Title": "Advantage Signature", "Title Link": "Advantage Signature Health Plan", "Button Link": "/plans/advantage-signature-ppo", "Year": "2025", "Price per month": "299", "Most popular": "false", "Description": "\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003every often\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n", "List of benefits": [ "No deductible", "Lowest out-of-pocket maximums" ], "Categories": { "Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)": { "Primary Care": "$0 / $0 copay", "Specialist": "$0 / $0 copay" }, "Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing": { "Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services": "$3,000 / $0 copay", "Hearing aids / routine hearing exam": "$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay", "Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam": "$300 per year\u2028/ $0 copay", "Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$450 per year", "Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$120 every 3 months", "Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$130 every 3 months" }, "Emergency care ": { "Emergency room": "$0 copay", "Urgent care": "$0 copay", "Ambulance": "$0 copay" }, "Hospital, surgery, or rehab": { "Inpatient hospital": "$0 copay / $0 copay", "Outpatient hospital": "$0 / $0 copay", "Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy": "$0 / $0 copay", "Cardiac rehabilitation": "$0 / $0 copay" }, "Out-of-pocket maximums each year": { "Out-of-pocket maximum": "$0 / $0" }, "Prescriptions (same for all plans)": { "Top Value": "Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $5 copay; Tier 3: $47 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance", "Bottom Value": "" } }, "Searching parameters": { "I am turning 65 this year": "null", "I am turning 65 next year": "Very Often", "I am already 65": "Very Often", "Blank / Not Selected": "Very Often" } } } }" data-single-plan-json="{ "advantage-secure-2025": { "CF name": "Advantage Secure 2025", "CF description": "", "CF elements": { "Pre-title": "HMO-POS", "Title": "Advantage Secure", "Title Link": "Advantage Secure Health Plan", "Button Link": "/plans/advantage-secure-hmo", "Year": "2025", "Price per month": "52", "Most popular": "false", "Description": "\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003eoccasionally\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e", "List of benefits": [ "No deductible", "Higher out-of-pocket maximums" ], "Categories": { "Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)": { "Primary Care": "$0 / $20 copay", "Specialist": "$45 / $50 copay" }, "Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing": { "Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services": "$2,000 / $0 copay", "Hearing aids / routine hearing exam": "$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay", "Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam": "$250 per year\u2028/ $0 copay", "Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$450 per year", "Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$120 every 3 months", "Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$95 every 3 months" }, "Emergency care ": { "Emergency room": "$105 copay", "Urgent care": "$50 copay", "Ambulance": "$200 copay" }, "Hospital, surgery, or rehab": { "Inpatient hospital": "$250 days 1-5; $0 days 6-90 / 30% coinsurance", "Outpatient hospital": "$0-200 copay / 30% coinsurance", "Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy": "$15 / $50 copay", "Cardiac rehabilitation": "$0 / $0 copay" }, "Out-of-pocket maximums each year": { "Out-of-pocket maximum": "$3,350 / $7,000" }, "Prescriptions (same for all plans)": { "Top Value": "Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $5 copay; Tier 3: $47 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance", "Bottom Value": "" } }, "Searching parameters": { "I am turning 65 this year": "", "I am turning 65 next year": "Occasionally", "I am already 65": "Occasionally", "Blank / Not Selected": "Occasionally" } } } }" id="future-year-plan-table"> <div class="_first-row"> <div class="__title">Compare plans</div> </div> <div class="_second-row"> <!-- Year Toggle Section - years set based on comparePlans model in fe --> <div class="toggle-plans-container"> <div class="_toggle-buttons-wrapper"> <button class="__toggle-first-year"></button> <button class="__toggle-second-year"></button> </div> </div> <div class="__enroll-btn"> <button type="button" id="button-9bc65f7b32" class="cmp-button"> <span class="cmp-button__text"> <span class="--button-text-placeholder"> Placeholder</span> </span> <span class="cmp-button__icon"> <svg width="10" height="16" viewBox="0 0 10 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6.26175 8L0.128418 1.86667L1.53342 0.46167L9.07175 8L1.53342 15.5383L0.128418 14.1333L6.26175 8Z"/> </svg> </span> </button> </div> <!-- Id required to bind click handler. Commented out until a better approach is established --> <div class="__print-btn" id="print-compare-plans-btn"> <button type="button" id="button-49d59f3b40" class="cmp-button"> <span class="cmp-button__text"> <span class="--button-text-placeholder"> Placeholder</span> </span> <span class="cmp-button__icon"> <svg width="10" height="16" viewBox="0 0 10 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6.26175 8L0.128418 1.86667L1.53342 0.46167L9.07175 8L1.53342 15.5383L0.128418 14.1333L6.26175 8Z"/> </svg> </span> </button> </div> </div> <div class="table-cta-container"> <span class="_text">Swipe table to see more</span> <span class="_icon"></span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="containerlayout aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cmp-containerlayout --site-max-width --grid-normal-one-column --bg-color-neutral-white"> <div class="cmp-containerlayout__content-column "> <div class="twocolumntextimageblock"><div class="cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block --white-background --grid-two-column-one-one --align-left "> <div class="cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block__left-column"> <div class="cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block__header"> <h2 class="cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block__title" tabindex="0">2024 Plan information</h2> </div> <div class="cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block__image-container --do-not-show-image"> <img class="cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block__image" src="/content/dam/mgbhp/aep-25-launch/graphic-plancard_secure_hmo-01.jpg" alt="Graphic showing details for the 2024 Advantage Secure HMO plan with $52/mo premium and $3,350 out-of-pocket maximum. "/> </div> <div class="cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block__text-and-buttons"> <div class="cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block__text-area cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block__text-content"> <p tabindex="0"><p>Explore key 2024 benefit information for Mass General Brigham Advantage Secure (HMO-POS). </p> <p> </p> <p>You’ll find a summary of cost sharing for commonly used benefits in the table, or you can explore plan documents for detailed information:</p> <p> </p> <ul><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">2024 Summary of Benefits (PDF)</a> Updated 10/01/2023</li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">2024 Evidence of Coverage (PDF)</a> Updated 10/11/2023</li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Annual Notice of Changes for 2024</a> Updated 10/12/2023</li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">2024 Medicare Star Ratings - H6847 (HMO-POS)</a> </li></ul> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block__right-column"> <div class="cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block__image-container"> <img class="cmp-custom-two-columt-text-image-block__image" src="/content/dam/mgbhp/aep-25-launch/graphic-plancard_secure_hmo-01.jpg" alt="Graphic showing details for the 2024 Advantage Secure HMO plan with $52/mo premium and $3,350 out-of-pocket maximum. "/> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="compareplans contentfragmentlist aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="compare-plans" data-compare-plans-json="{ "advantage-2024": { "CF name": "Advantage 2024", "CF description": "", "CF elements": { "Pre-title": "PPO", "Title": "Advantage", "Title Link": "Advantage Health Plan", "Button Link": "/plans/mass-general-brigham-advantage", "Year": "2024", "Price per month": "0", "Most popular": "false", "Description": "\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003erarely\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e", "List of benefits": [ "No deductible", "Highest out-of-pocket maximums" ], "Categories": { "Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)": { "Primary Care": "$0 / $20 copay", "Specialist": "$45 / $65 copay" }, "Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing": { "Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services": "$1,500 / $0 copay", "Hearing aids / routine hearing exam": "$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay", "Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam": "$200 per year\u2028/ $0 copay", "Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)": "", "Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)": "", "Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$85 every 3 months" }, "Emergency care ": { "Emergency room": "$90 copay", "Urgent care": "$50 copay", "Ambulance": "$275 copay" }, "Hospital, surgery, or rehab": { "Inpatient hospital": "$335 days 1-5; $0 days 6-90 / 40% coinsurance", "Outpatient hospital": "$0-300 copay / 40% coinsurance", "Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy": "$40 / $65 copay", "Cardiac rehabilitation": "$0 / $65 copay" }, "Out-of-pocket maximums each year": { "Out-of-pocket maximum": "$6,400 / $9,700" }, "Prescriptions (same for all plans)": { "Top Value": "Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $3 copay; Tier 3: $37 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance", "Bottom Value": "25% for generic drugs and 25% for contracted brands" } }, "Searching parameters": { "I am turning 65 this year": "Infrequently", "I am turning 65 next year": "null", "I am already 65": "null", "Blank / Not Selected": "null" } } }, "advantage-premier-2024": { "CF name": "Advantage Premier 2024", "CF description": "", "CF elements": { "Pre-title": "PPO", "Title": "Advantage Premier", "Title Link": "Advantage Premier Health Plan", "Button Link": "/plans/advantage-premier-ppo", "Year": "2024", "Price per month": "140", "Most popular": "false", "Description": "\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003eregularly\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n", "List of benefits": [ "No deductible", "Lower out-of-pocket\u2028maximums" ], "Categories": { "Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)": { "Primary Care": "$0 / $10 copay", "Specialist": "$20 / $40 copay" }, "Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing": { "Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services": "$2,500 / $0 copay", "Hearing aids / routine hearing exam": "$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay", "Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam": "$300 per year\u2028/ $0 copay", "Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)": "", "Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)": "", "Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$120 every three months" }, "Emergency care ": { "Emergency room": "$90 copay", "Urgent care": "$30 copay", "Ambulance": "$200 copay" }, "Hospital, surgery, or rehab": { "Inpatient hospital": "$125 days 1-3; $0 days 4 and beyond / 20% coinsurance", "Outpatient hospital": "$0-125 copay / 20% coinsurance", "Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy": "$20 / $40 copay", "Cardiac rehabilitation": "$0 / $0 copay" }, "Out-of-pocket maximums each year": { "Out-of-pocket maximum": "$3,150 / $5,450" }, "Prescriptions (same for all plans)": { "Top Value": "Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $3 copay; Tier 3: $37 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance", "Bottom Value": "25% for generic drugs and 25% for contracted brands" } }, "Searching parameters": { "I am turning 65 this year": [ "Regularly", "Very Often" ], "I am turning 65 next year": "null", "I am already 65": "null", "Blank / Not Selected": "null" } } }, "advantage-secure-2024": { "CF name": "Advantage Secure 2024", "CF description": "", "CF elements": { "Pre-title": "HMO-POS", "Title": "Advantage Secure", "Title Link": "Advantage Secure Health Plan", "Button Link": "/plans/advantage-secure-hmo", "Year": "2024", "Price per month": "52", "Most popular": "false", "Description": "\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003eoccasionally\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n", "List of benefits": [ "No deductible", "Higher out-of-pocket \u2028maximums" ], "Categories": { "Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)": { "Primary Care": "$0 / $20 copay", "Specialist": "$40 / $50 copay" }, "Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing": { "Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services": "$2,000 / $0 copay", "Hearing aids / routine hearing exam": "$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay", "Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam": "$250 per year\u2028/ $0 copay", "Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)": "", "Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)": "", "Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$95 every three months" }, "Emergency care ": { "Emergency room": "$105 copay", "Urgent care": "$50 copay", "Ambulance": "$200 copay" }, "Hospital, surgery, or rehab": { "Inpatient hospital": "$230 days 1-5; $0 days 6-90 / 30% coinsurance", "Outpatient hospital": "$0-200 copay / 30% coinsurance", "Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy": "$15 / $50 copay", "Cardiac rehabilitation": "$0 / $0 copay" }, "Out-of-pocket maximums each year": { "Out-of-pocket maximum": "$3,350 / $7,000" }, "Prescriptions (same for all plans)": { "Top Value": "Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $3 copay; Tier 3: $37 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance", "Bottom Value": "25% for generic drugs and 25% for contracted brands" } }, "Searching parameters": { "I am turning 65 this year": "Occasionally", "I am turning 65 next year": "null", "I am already 65": "null", "Blank / Not Selected": "null" } } }, "advantage-2025": { "CF name": "Advantage 2025", "CF description": "", "CF elements": { "Pre-title": "PPO", "Title": "Advantage", "Title Link": "Advantage Health Plan", "Button Link": "/plans/mass-general-brigham-advantage", "Year": "2025", "Price per month": "0", "Most popular": "false", "Description": "\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003erarely\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e", "List of benefits": [ "No deductible", "Highest out-of-pocket maximums" ], "Categories": { "Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)": { "Primary Care": "$0 / $20 copay", "Specialist": "$50 / $65 copay" }, "Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing": { "Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services": "$1,500 / $0 copay", "Hearing aids / routine hearing exam": "$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay", "Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam": "$200 per year\u2028/ $0 copay", "Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$450 per year", "Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$120 every 3 months", "Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$85 every 3 months" }, "Emergency care ": { "Emergency room": "$90 copay", "Urgent care": "$50 copay", "Ambulance": "$275 copay" }, "Hospital, surgery, or rehab": { "Inpatient hospital": "$350 days 1-5; $0 days 6-90 / 30% coinsurance", "Outpatient hospital": "$0-300 copay / 40% coinsurance", "Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy": "$40 / $65 copay", "Cardiac rehabilitation": "$0 / $65 copay" }, "Out-of-pocket maximums each year": { "Out-of-pocket maximum": "$5,500 / $9,550" }, "Prescriptions (same for all plans)": { "Top Value": "Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $5 copay; Tier 3: $47 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance", "Bottom Value": "" } }, "Searching parameters": { "I am turning 65 this year": "null", "I am turning 65 next year": "Infrequently", "I am already 65": "Infrequently", "Blank / Not Selected": "Infrequently" } } }, "advantage-premier-2025": { "CF name": "Advantage Premier 2025", "CF description": "", "CF elements": { "Pre-title": "PPO", "Title": "Advantage Premier", "Title Link": "Advantage Premier Health Plan", "Button Link": "/plans/advantage-premier-ppo", "Year": "2025", "Price per month": "140", "Most popular": "false", "Description": "\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003eregularly\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e", "List of benefits": [ "No deductible", "Lower out-of-pocket\u2028maximums" ], "Categories": { "Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)": { "Primary Care": "$0 / $10 copay", "Specialist": "$25 / $40 copay" }, "Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing": { "Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services": "$2,500 / $0 copay", "Hearing aids / routine hearing exam": "$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay", "Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam": "$300 per year\u2028/ $0 copay", "Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$450 per year", "Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$120 every 3 months", "Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$120 every 3 months" }, "Emergency care ": { "Emergency room": "$90 copay", "Urgent care": "$30 copay", "Ambulance": "$200 copay" }, "Hospital, surgery, or rehab": { "Inpatient hospital": "$150 days 1-3; $0 days 4-90 / 20% coinsurance", "Outpatient hospital": "$0-125 copay / 20% coinsurance", "Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy": "$20 / $40 copay", "Cardiac rehabilitation": "$0 / $0 copay" }, "Out-of-pocket maximums each year": { "Out-of-pocket maximum": "$3,150 / $5,450" }, "Prescriptions (same for all plans)": { "Top Value": "Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $5 copay; Tier 3: $47 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance", "Bottom Value": "" } }, "Searching parameters": { "I am turning 65 this year": "null", "I am turning 65 next year": "Regularly", "I am already 65": "Regularly", "Blank / Not Selected": "Regularly" } } }, "advantage-secure-2025": { "CF name": "Advantage Secure 2025", "CF description": "", "CF elements": { "Pre-title": "HMO-POS", "Title": "Advantage Secure", "Title Link": "Advantage Secure Health Plan", "Button Link": "/plans/advantage-secure-hmo", "Year": "2025", "Price per month": "52", "Most popular": "false", "Description": "\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003eoccasionally\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e", "List of benefits": [ "No deductible", "Higher out-of-pocket maximums" ], "Categories": { "Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)": { "Primary Care": "$0 / $20 copay", "Specialist": "$45 / $50 copay" }, "Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing": { "Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services": "$2,000 / $0 copay", "Hearing aids / routine hearing exam": "$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay", "Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam": "$250 per year\u2028/ $0 copay", "Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$450 per year", "Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$120 every 3 months", "Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$95 every 3 months" }, "Emergency care ": { "Emergency room": "$105 copay", "Urgent care": "$50 copay", "Ambulance": "$200 copay" }, "Hospital, surgery, or rehab": { "Inpatient hospital": "$250 days 1-5; $0 days 6-90 / 30% coinsurance", "Outpatient hospital": "$0-200 copay / 30% coinsurance", "Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy": "$15 / $50 copay", "Cardiac rehabilitation": "$0 / $0 copay" }, "Out-of-pocket maximums each year": { "Out-of-pocket maximum": "$3,350 / $7,000" }, "Prescriptions (same for all plans)": { "Top Value": "Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $5 copay; Tier 3: $47 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance", "Bottom Value": "" } }, "Searching parameters": { "I am turning 65 this year": "", "I am turning 65 next year": "Occasionally", "I am already 65": "Occasionally", "Blank / Not Selected": "Occasionally" } } }, "advantage-signature-2025": { "CF name": "Advantage Signature 2025", "CF description": "", "CF elements": { "Pre-title": "PPO", "Title": "Advantage Signature", "Title Link": "Advantage Signature Health Plan", "Button Link": "/plans/advantage-signature-ppo", "Year": "2025", "Price per month": "299", "Most popular": "false", "Description": "\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003every often\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n", "List of benefits": [ "No deductible", "Lowest out-of-pocket maximums" ], "Categories": { "Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)": { "Primary Care": "$0 / $0 copay", "Specialist": "$0 / $0 copay" }, "Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing": { "Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services": "$3,000 / $0 copay", "Hearing aids / routine hearing exam": "$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay", "Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam": "$300 per year\u2028/ $0 copay", "Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$450 per year", "Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$120 every 3 months", "Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$130 every 3 months" }, "Emergency care ": { "Emergency room": "$0 copay", "Urgent care": "$0 copay", "Ambulance": "$0 copay" }, "Hospital, surgery, or rehab": { "Inpatient hospital": "$0 copay / $0 copay", "Outpatient hospital": "$0 / $0 copay", "Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy": "$0 / $0 copay", "Cardiac rehabilitation": "$0 / $0 copay" }, "Out-of-pocket maximums each year": { "Out-of-pocket maximum": "$0 / $0" }, "Prescriptions (same for all plans)": { "Top Value": "Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $5 copay; Tier 3: $47 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance", "Bottom Value": "" } }, "Searching parameters": { "I am turning 65 this year": "null", "I am turning 65 next year": "Very Often", "I am already 65": "Very Often", "Blank / Not Selected": "Very Often" } } } }" data-single-plan-json="{ "advantage-secure-2024": { "CF name": "Advantage Secure 2024", "CF description": "", "CF elements": { "Pre-title": "HMO-POS", "Title": "Advantage Secure", "Title Link": "Advantage Secure Health Plan", "Button Link": "/plans/advantage-secure-hmo", "Year": "2024", "Price per month": "52", "Most popular": "false", "Description": "\u003cp\u003eBest if you use healthcare \u003cstrong\u003eoccasionally\u003c/strong\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n", "List of benefits": [ "No deductible", "Higher out-of-pocket \u2028maximums" ], "Categories": { "Visiting your doctor (IN \u003d in-network providers, OUT \u003d out-of-network providers)": { "Primary Care": "$0 / $20 copay", "Specialist": "$40 / $50 copay" }, "Dental, hearing, eyewear, and OTC benefit cost sharing": { "Comprehensive dental services allowance / preventative services": "$2,000 / $0 copay", "Hearing aids / routine hearing exam": "$699-$999 copay per hearing aid per year / $0 copay", "Eyewear allowance / routine eye exam": "$250 per year\u2028/ $0 copay", "Fitness, weight loss, and prescription hearing aid allowance\u2028 (Flexible Benefit Card)": "", "Transportation allowance (Flexible Benefit Card)": "", "Over-the-counter purchases (Flexible Benefit Card)": "$95 every three months" }, "Emergency care ": { "Emergency room": "$105 copay", "Urgent care": "$50 copay", "Ambulance": "$200 copay" }, "Hospital, surgery, or rehab": { "Inpatient hospital": "$230 days 1-5; $0 days 6-90 / 30% coinsurance", "Outpatient hospital": "$0-200 copay / 30% coinsurance", "Outpatient physical, occupational, and speech therapy": "$15 / $50 copay", "Cardiac rehabilitation": "$0 / $0 copay" }, "Out-of-pocket maximums each year": { "Out-of-pocket maximum": "$3,350 / $7,000" }, "Prescriptions (same for all plans)": { "Top Value": "Tier 1: $0 copay; Tier 2: $3 copay; Tier 3: $37 copay; Tier 4: $100 copay; Tier 5: 33% coinsurance", "Bottom Value": "25% for generic drugs and 25% for contracted brands" } }, "Searching parameters": { "I am turning 65 this year": "Occasionally", "I am turning 65 next year": "null", "I am already 65": "null", "Blank / Not Selected": "null" } } } }" id="current-year-plan-table"> <div class="_first-row"> <div class="__title">Compare plans</div> </div> <div class="_second-row"> <!-- Year Toggle Section - years set based on comparePlans model in fe --> <div class="toggle-plans-container"> <div class="_toggle-buttons-wrapper"> <button class="__toggle-first-year"></button> <button class="__toggle-second-year"></button> </div> </div> <div class="__enroll-btn"> <button type="button" id="button-2654814182" class="cmp-button"> <span class="cmp-button__text"> <span class="--button-text-placeholder"> Placeholder</span> </span> <span class="cmp-button__icon"> <svg width="10" height="16" viewBox="0 0 10 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6.26175 8L0.128418 1.86667L1.53342 0.46167L9.07175 8L1.53342 15.5383L0.128418 14.1333L6.26175 8Z"/> </svg> </span> </button> </div> <!-- Id required to bind click handler. Commented out until a better approach is established --> <div class="__print-btn" id="print-compare-plans-btn"> <button type="button" id="button-b9a22d25f6" class="cmp-button"> <span class="cmp-button__text"> <span class="--button-text-placeholder"> Placeholder</span> </span> <span class="cmp-button__icon"> <svg width="10" height="16" viewBox="0 0 10 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6.26175 8L0.128418 1.86667L1.53342 0.46167L9.07175 8L1.53342 15.5383L0.128418 14.1333L6.26175 8Z"/> </svg> </span> </button> </div> </div> <div class="table-cta-container"> <span class="_text">Swipe table to see more</span> <span class="_icon"></span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="spacer aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cmp-custom-spacer --small --neutral-white-bg"> </div> </div> <div class="enrollnow aem-GridColumn--default--none aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--10 aem-GridColumn--offset--default--1"><div class="cmp-custom-enroll-now"> <div class="cmp-custom-enroll-now__image-container"> <svg preserveAspectRatio="none" width="365" height="527" viewBox="0 0 365 527" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g opacity="0.16"> <path d="M49.0348 197.426H0V356.713H49.0348V197.426Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M105.326 197.426V356.713H154.356V197.426H105.326Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M210.644 197.426V356.713H259.674V197.426H210.644Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M0 167.597H364.992V122.73H0V167.597Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M182.499 0L0 61.1195V107.45L182.499 46.3306L364.992 107.45V61.1195L182.499 0Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M364.992 353.17C364.023 355.863 346.333 386.54 229.812 386.54H135.185C15.6675 387.462 2.27599 403.09 0 404.757V450.598C2.27599 448.931 15.6675 433.303 135.185 432.381H229.812C346.333 432.381 364.023 401.704 364.992 399.011V353.17Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M364.992 429.572C364.023 432.271 346.333 462.948 229.812 462.948H135.185C15.6675 463.865 2.27599 479.492 0 481.159V527C2.27599 525.338 15.6675 509.705 135.185 508.789H229.812C346.333 508.789 364.023 478.112 364.992 475.413V429.572Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M315.97 197.426V348.514C356.166 339.231 364.352 324.911 365 323.108V197.426H315.97Z" fill="white"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="cmp-custom-enroll-now__content-container"> <div class="cmp-custom-enroll-now__text-container"> <p class="cmp-custom-enroll-now__title" tabindex="0">Enroll in your new plan</p> <p tabindex="0"><p>Ready to enroll? If you’ve verified your eligibility and are within a qualifying enrollment period, sign up for one of our Medicare Advantage plans now.</p> <p> </p> </p> </div> <div class="cmp-custom-enroll-now__buttons-container"> <div class="button cmp-custom-enroll-now__btn"> <a class="cmp-button" href="/enroll" aria-label="Enroll now" data-message="Enroll now" target="_self" tabindex="0"> <span class="cmp-button__text">Enroll now</span> <span class="cmp-button__icon"> <svg width="10" height="16" viewBox="0 0 10 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6.26175 8L0.128418 1.86667L1.53342 0.46167L9.07175 8L1.53342 15.5383L0.128418 14.1333L6.26175 8Z"></path> </svg> </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="spacer aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cmp-custom-spacer --large "> </div> </div> <div class="sidebyside aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cmp-custom-side-by-side"> <div class="cmp-custom-side-by-side__left --has-image"> <div class="cmp-custom-side-by-side__image-container"> <div class="cmp-custom-side-by-side__cover-container"> <img class="cmp-custom-side-by-side__image" src="/content/dam/mgbhp/aep-25-launch/image-woman_with_clipboard_fullsize-01.jpg" alt="Woman holding a clipboard and laughing. "/> </div> </div> <div class="cmp-custom-side-by-side__content-container --absolute-position"> <h2 class="cmp-custom-side-by-side__title" tabindex="0">Need more information about our plans? Contact a Medicare Advisor </h2> <div class="cmp-custom-side-by-side__actions"> <div class="button cmp-custom-side-by-side__btn"> <a class="cmp-button" href="/contact/request-consultation" aria-label="Set up a consultation" data-message="Set up a consultation" target="_self" tabindex="0"> <span class="cmp-button__text">Set up a consultation</span> <span class="cmp-button__icon"> <svg width="10" height="16" viewBox="0 0 10 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6.26175 8L0.128418 1.86667L1.53342 0.46167L9.07175 8L1.53342 15.5383L0.128418 14.1333L6.26175 8Z"></path> </svg> </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cmp-custom-side-by-side__divider"></div> <div class="cmp-custom-side-by-side__right "> <div class="cmp-custom-side-by-side__content-container "> <h2 class="cmp-custom-side-by-side__title" tabindex="0">Call now</h2> <p tabindex="0"><p>Our dedicated Medicare Advisors are here to help. They can answer any questions about our plans including copays, coverage, and benefits.</p> <p><b>Call 855-486-3097 TTY 711</b><br /> </p> <p><b>Oct 1 - Mar 31</b> <br /> 8 AM-8 PM ET, Mon-Sun<br /> <b><br /> Apr 1 - Sept 30<br /> </b>8 AM-8 PM ET, Mon-Fri</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="prefooter aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cmp-custom-prefooter__container"> <div class="cmp-custom-prefooter__content"> <div class="cmp-custom-prefooter__title"> <p tabindex="0">Search the network and formulary</p> </div> <div class="cmp-custom-prefooter__subtitle"> <p tabindex="0">Check to see if your doctors and prescription medications are covered. If you have questions, we can help you make a smooth transition and continue to get the care you need.</p> </div> <div class="cmp-custom-prefooter__buttons"> <div class="cmp-button--secondary-btn cmp-button--standard-btn-height"> <div class="button"> <a class="cmp-button" href="/plans/find-doctor" aria-label="Check if your doctors are covered" data-message="Check if your doctors are covered" target="_self" tabindex="0"> <span class="cmp-button__text"> <span class="--button-text-content">Check if your doctors are covered</span> </span> <span class="cmp-button__icon"> <svg width="10" height="16" viewBox="0 0 10 16" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M6.26175 8L0.128418 1.86667L1.53342 0.46167L9.07175 8L1.53342 15.5383L0.128418 14.1333L6.26175 8Z"></path> </svg> </span> </a> </div> <div class="button"> <a class="cmp-button" href="/plans/rx-information" aria-label="Check if your prescriptions are covered" data-message="Check if your prescriptions are covered" target="_self" tabindex="0"> <span 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Mass General Brigham Health Plan is an HMO-POS/PPO organization with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Mass General Brigham Health Plan depends on contract renewal. Other providers/pharmacies are included in our network.</p> <p> </p> <p>Y0166_0860MKT_M2025A</p> <p>Last updated: 10/1/2024 - Pending CMS approval</p> </p> </div> <div class="cmp-custom-footer__main-bottom" alert-message="This link takes you away from the Mass General Brigham Health Plan Medicare Advantage website."> <a href="" class="cmp-custom-footer__bottom-bar-item" title="Go to Report a compliance issue page" data-message="Report a compliance issue" target="_blank" tabindex="0" x-cq-linkchecker="skip"><span>Report a compliance issue</span></a> <a href="" class="cmp-custom-footer__bottom-bar-item" title="Go to Medicare complaint website" data-message="Medicare complaint website" target="_blank" tabindex="0" x-cq-linkchecker="skip"><span>Medicare complaint website</span></a> <a href="" class="cmp-custom-footer__bottom-bar-item" title="Open Non-discrimination notice file" data-message="Non-discrimination notice" target="_blank" tabindex="0" x-cq-linkchecker="skip"><span>Non-discrimination notice</span></a> <a href="" class="cmp-custom-footer__bottom-bar-item" title="Go to Disclaimer, privacy, and security page" data-message="Disclaimer, privacy, and security" target="_blank" tabindex="0" x-cq-linkchecker="skip"><span>Disclaimer, privacy, and security</span></a> <a href="" class="cmp-custom-footer__bottom-bar-item" title="Open Notice of privacy practices file" data-message="Notice of privacy practices" target="_blank" tabindex="0" x-cq-linkchecker="skip"><span>Notice of privacy practices</span></a> <a href="" class="cmp-custom-footer__bottom-bar-item" title="Go to Web accessibility statement page" data-message="Web accessibility statement" target="_blank" tabindex="0" x-cq-linkchecker="skip"><span>Web accessibility statement</span></a> <a href="" class="cmp-custom-footer__bottom-bar-item" title="Open Multi-language interpreter services file" data-message="Multi-language interpreter services" target="_blank" tabindex="0" x-cq-linkchecker="skip"><span>Multi-language interpreter services</span></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script async src="/etc.clientlibs/core/wcm/components/commons/site/clientlibs/"></script> <script async src="/etc.clientlibs/mgbhp/clientlibs/"></script> </body> </html>