Greening TVET for a greener future
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As industries shift towards eco-friendly operations, TVET adapts its curriculum to focus on eco-friendly technologies and sustainable development. This prepares students for green careers and fosters a deeper understanding of sustainability, promoting environmentally conscious behaviours. By connecting education to the labor market, TVET shapes a capable workforce committed to supporting the green transition.</p> <p><a name="par_2"> </a><h3>Where we are</h3></p> <p>Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) has been undergoing significant changes (UNESCO, 2022). Digitalization, accelerated by remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic and the advent of new tools in data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI), are the most prominent. Additionally, there have been shifts towards competency-based approaches, learner-centred and personalized teaching practices, and greater involvement of TVET institutions in regional development and partnerships.</p> <p><br> <i>Hover your mouse over each icon for a description. Click each icon to be taken to the relevant page.</i></p> <p><iframe src="" width=800 height=600 frameBorder="0"></iframe></p> <p><br \><div class="clearline"></div> <br> <br> </div> <div class="center"> <br> This guide is co-developed with:</p> <p><a href= target=_blank><img src="" style="max-width: 250px; width: 100%" class="uneimgnone"></a></p> <p><h4>Contents</h4> <p></p> <p><ul><li> <!-- debug makelink: | Foreword|1||Foreword| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Foreword</a></br></li> <li> <!-- debug makelink: | Acknowledgements|1||Acknowledgements| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Acknowledgements</a></br></li> <li> <!-- debug makelink: | Overview|1||Overview| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Overview</a> <a href=><img src="" class="uneimgnone"></a></li> </ul> <b>Section 1</b></p> <p><ul><li> <!-- debug makelink: | Introduction|1||Introduction| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Introduction</a></li> <li> <!-- debug makelink: | Structure of the guide|1||Structure of the guide| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Structure of the guide</a></li> <li> <!-- debug makelink: | Who should read this guide|1||Who should read this guide| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Who should read this guide</a></li> <li> <!-- debug makelink: | How to use this guide|1||How to use this guide| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">How to use this guide</a> <a href=><img src="" class="uneimgnone"></a></li> </ul> <b>Section 2</b></p> <p><ul><li> <!-- debug makelink: | Why should TVET go green?|1||Why should TVET go green?| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Why should TVET go green?</a></li> </ul> <b>Section 3</b></p> <p><ul><li> <!-- debug makelink: | Guiding principles|1||Guiding principles| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Guiding principles</a></li> </ul> <b>Section 4 - Six approaches for greening TVET</b></p> <p><ul><li> <!-- debug makelink: | Approach 1: Greening institutional planning and culture|1||Approach 1: Greening institutional planning and culture| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Approach 1: Greening institutional planning and culture</a></li> <li> <!-- debug makelink: | Approach 2: Greening the curriculum and pedagogy|1||Approach 2: Greening the curriculum and pedagogy| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Approach 2: Greening the curriculum and pedagogy</a></li> <li> <!-- debug makelink: | Approach 3: Greening the professional development of teachers and trainers|1||Approach 3: Greening the professional development of teachers and trainers| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Approach 3: Greening the professional development of teachers and trainers</a></li> <li> <!-- debug makelink: | Approach 4: Greening the campus and learning environments|1||Approach 4: Greening the campus and learning environments| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Approach 4: Greening the campus and learning environments</a></li> <li> <!-- debug makelink: | Approach 5: Greening for the community, the workplace and lifelong learning|1||Approach 5: Greening for the community, the workplace and lifelong learning| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Approach 5: Greening for the community, the workplace and lifelong learning</a></li> <li> <!-- debug makelink: | Approach 6: Green research, innovation and enterprise|1||Approach 6: Green research, innovation and enterprise| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Approach 6: Green research, innovation and enterprise</a></li> </ul> <b>Section 5</b></p> <p><ul><li> <!-- debug makelink: | Planning and implementing greening in your institution|1||Planning and implementing greening in your institution| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Planning and implementing greening in your institution</a></li> </ul> <b>Section 6</b></p> <p><ul><li> <!-- debug makelink: | Monitoring and evaluating the greening process|1||Monitoring and evaluating the greening process| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">Monitoring and evaluating the greening process</a></br></li></ul> <ul><li> <!-- debug makelink: | References|1||References| --><a href="" class=line1 title="">References</a></li></ul> <b>Key documents and resources</b></p> <p><ul><li> Forthcoming volume: Meeting skill needs for the green transition: Skills anticipation and VET for a greener future.聽</li> </ul> <div class=clearline></div> <!-- debug: mini_switches=2 --> <script> var hx = window.location.hash; 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